HomeMy Public PortalAboutORD 58/1164 (HFLtvB 1 -5 4- 14 -58) ORDINANCE NO. ...LL...... AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF GULF ,STR:Ext ", 14VWING Al EXCISE OR PRIVILEGE Ta UPON TIM ULE RECEIPT PUR- AND ME OF CIC4Wr= 3OLD OR �O BE 3OLD AT RETAIL WITHIN ME TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF MJLF STK&%: 11 UNDER THE PI'%DVI'SIQNS OF 3F=ION 210,03 FIDRIDA 3Tta1'LrTE3# AND MERE RELATING 'SERE±. BE IT DINED BY THE =0 Ci%'CCI SSJOji OF TyS Tudg. OF GULF STRUIT, FLCRIDm: Section 1. An excise or privilege t4m, in addition to all other taxes of every kind imposed by law, is hereby levied and imposed upon the sale, receipt, purchase, possession, con - sumption, handling, distribution and use of cigarettes in the territorial limits of the flown of Gulf Stream for cigarettes of standard dimensions as defined by the general law of the State of Florida, in the following amounts: (a) ( 1) Upon all cigarettes, three and one -half inches long or less, two and five tenths mills on each cigarette, ( 2) Upon all cigarettes betty m three and one-half and six inches long, five mills on each cigarette; and (9) Upon all cigarettes six inches long or longer, ten mills on each cigarette. (b) The description of cigarettes contained in paragraphs (1). ( 2) and (3) of subsection (a) are hereby declared to be standard as to dimensions for taking purposes; as provided in this ordinance and should any cigarette be received, purchased, sold,, offered for sale, given away or used of a size other than of standard dimensions, the same shadl be tared at the rate of one cent on each such cigarette. (c) Where cigarettes as desaribeed in subsection (a.) ( 1) above area packed in varying quantities of twenty cigarettes or less, the following rates shall govern: i 1) Packages containing ten cigarettes or Less require a two and rive- tenths► cent tax; and (2) Packages containing more than ton but rot more than twenty cigarettes require a, five cent tax. U (d) Where cigarettes, as described in subsection (a) (2 ) above, are packed in varying quantities of twenty cigarettes or leas, the following rates shall govern: (1) Pa to geese containing tart cigarettes or leas require a five cent tax; and (2) Paclwon containing more than ten but not more than twenty cigarettes require a ten cent tax. (e) Where cigarettes, au described in subsection (a) (3) above are packed in varying quantities of twenty cigarettes or less, the following rates shall govern: (1) Packages containing ten cigarettes or leases require a ton cent tax; and (2) Packages containing sore than ton but net more than twenty csi.ga,retteo require a twenty cent tax. Section 2. "Ile tax levied and iaponed herein shall be oollectod by the Beverage D"rtment of the Stater of Florida in tits manner prescribed by Chapter 210 Floridan Statutes 1957. eection 3. All funds received by the toga by virtue of this ordinance :shall be paid into a separate fund to be designatesad. "Cigarette 'Tax Fund." and shall bo appropriated and expended by the town commission for they following purposes only: Far the future cost, purchase„ building, designing, en. VtAo*rinq, planning, repairing, reconditioning, altering, ex- panding, m&intaini.ng, servicing and otherwise operating any of the followings Streets, bridges, stagy. aterrwn, curb*, drains, gutters, water supplies* sanitary facilities and service for the pres*rva• tion;, protection or improvement of the public health and safety, inaludi.ng hospitals, fire stations and fire fighting equipment, sanitary s+ew*rs, nowerage disposal systems, sewerage disposal plants and facilities, garbage and refuse collection and dixposal service*, facilities and equipse t, incinerators and other facilities and services, including stront +slosuiK# inspections E n V J and servic" for the PrOtoastion of public health including the enforcemirnt Of Ordinances d0sign+e►d to maintain safe health standards with retspect to food#,, mosquito, insect and rodent eradication a d control,, and the removal end abatement of nuisances which na3r be or taonsti.tu.t• dangers to public health and that ox*rcise of controls for public safet -,r, facilities for the pr#v"t- ion of beech erosion,, the, enforcement of the laws of the ftate of Florida, and aae micipa.l ordinances teeth r eat to public Travel, health and safety, and such other state functions which acre performed by municipal governments within their boundaries, and are otherwise performed by the *tact* Amd county govornmants outside of the limits of incor- porated municipalities,, or as Otherwise, provided by the terms and provisions of Chapter 210 Florida Jtatutes 1957. Section 4. The town cl*rk Nall trUSKit a► certified C*Py of this ord.irtance to tha Diz*dtor of tb* State BeverV* D+partaftt, zall.ahas r r Florida* L010 idiatOlY aft*r this ordin- ance! beoca" offeati"* FIR" READING IN' FULL fty SECOND FINAL RrADING AND ADMVM 1958. r A TTM s A As and o mstitutlw the 'Down caskm mission of the To of Gulf Stets o ;� ar : Tow Florida. i Posted at the Thwu Hall f /� . 6 ..3, lu El if J. J ALEIGH FOUNTAI- - 0 Town Clark of the Town of Gulf Strom,, Florida, DO HERESY CERTIFY, that the for/ inq ja a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. adopted by the 'Ibwn C400da vion of the Town Of calf Strews, Florida# which ordinance became effective on the � day of � 195$. WITTIM- my hand and the official seal of the Town of Gulf 3treem, Florida, this ......,...,, day of 195$0 .SEAL TOWN CLERK