HomeMy Public PortalAbout20200602 - Historical Commission - Meeting Minutes1 Minutes June 2, 2020 Hopkinton Historical Commission Meeting Minutes, June 2, 2020, Remote Meeting 7:00 pm Attending: Mike Roughan, Nancy Stevenson, Beth Watson, Eric Sonnett, Nanda Barker-Hook, James Haskins, Christine Remby Absent: John Pavlov Also attending: Claire Wright TOWN POUND A brochure is in the mail from Jeff Barnes. Eric-The people who are interested in rebuilding the Town Pound have gone to CPC for funding. We voted to endorse it, so if supported by CPC, it will come from our funds. Mike-They have a representation of what they want to do for the plaque. 83 EAST MAIN STREET Mike-Several of you are concerned about the condition. Mike read the letter from Claire Wright referencing allowing the Chesmore barn to be torn down. Beth-My thoughts right now are that people are upset with Legacy Farms and things that are not being honored. If we say, “OK, tear it down,” it sends a very bad precedent. It will add to the anger. Eric-People are mad at the town because they can’t get school busses. Nanda-I have read angry comments about Legacy Farms not following through with items in the contract with the town. Mike-I want to discuss contacting Roy McDowell. There is a lot of decay at the house. House can be restored. Bldg is iconic. If McDowell were to submit drawings to allow a replica I think it would be a win win. What is our criteria? Beth-Who is to say if he tears the house down and builds a reproduction that is not what we agreed upon. Nanda-Why would we go lenient on McDowell when he is clearly not going with the agreement to town? Mike-I would like to hear Claire’s thoughts. I would consider this, once you have paid your debt to the town. Eric-I haven’t heard anything. Nanda-I could send this info to you. Eric-I am not sure who the agreement is with. Claire-There is no indication that Legacy Farms hasn’t been making payments. Jim-On E Hop, May 6, 2020 letter to Roy from the town on line. Not paying what he owes, which is $2 Million plus. Eric-Do we know that the person who owes money has agreed with student increase, etc? Nanda-We need to go to Norman for answers. Mike-What is the relevance to our situation? Agreement neglect? We need to state in 2 actual language that he cannot demolish this structure but I am not sure what the details are. There are other towns that are using demo bylaw for demo by neglect. I would like to get this validated by Ray Miyares. A lot of towns indicate that the state bylaw is enough. That’s an option. As I discussed with Claire, I am open to a mtg with Roy. Here are our options. (Our bylaw.) When we allowed the demo of the garage we deemed the house historically preferred. Eric-He came to us and hired an architect to show us a replacement. The property is wasting away. Nancy-We told Roy we have no voice, because it is in the agreement with the town. It does not fall under our purview. Eric-It says only if HHC gives permission. Claire-Eric is correct. The HHC has jurisdiction. Nanda- Claire, why do you feel that tearing it down is good? Claire-The structure is unremarkable, most of the exterior is modern, very little of historic value. The alternative of building an historically accurate replacement will keep the historic streetscape and town character. Town of Hopkinton is becoming associated with a string of vacant buildings. We are in danger that the public thinks this is an example of what we do. This can set a new standard for us in the public eye that will accomplish what we want. We don’t want a black eye. Eric-I agree. Mike-Any other comments? Eric-I happened to visit the house when Fitzpatrick lived there. It was yucky even then. I would sign up if Roy could make this more historically accurate than it is now. Claire-I worry we will lose our chance. Eric-He will move on to the next project. He has been flexible with the Upper Charles Committee. Everything I have ever done with him indicates he is a stand up guy. Nanda-I hear you Eric. I haven’t worked with him for a long time. I am frustrated that he owes the town so much money. I think he needs to pay his debt for me to trust him. Eric-I’m sure there is a dispute about the number of students. Mike-I want a dialog with Roy. Mike-We still have the ability to approve or deny any replica. Maybe we don’t need to restore the original structure. Scale and proportion needs to be the same, and he can build something behind it. I want to try to maintain a structure like that. If we fine him every day, then we might own it in the end. We could take further action. Claire-At the time the HHC gave permission to tear down the garage, the understanding was that there was a structure that added wheelchair access. Nancy-Are we asking him if he has a preference or are we supporting the town’s original agreement? Eric-We are just asking him what is up. Christine-This could set a precedent for 76 Main Street. Mike-You need to determine in your own minds what we should do. Eric-Was Roy invited to this mtg? 3 Mike-Maybe I should have called him. Eric-I make a motion that we ask Roy to submit plans for a replacement. Mike-I’ll second motion. Claire-I have the host agreement. Section D, item 20 of the Host Agreement gives the Historic Commission power. Mike-The motion to allow reps of HHC to advise Roy about a replica and a emplacement would be allowed. Any other comments? Eric-Would it be appropriate to have Claire be part of our negotiating team. Mike-I have no objection to that. Nanda-It seems awkward knowing our town manager is in negotiations and for us to be negotiating on the side. It seems like an awkward time to give him a favor. Mike-Do you want to amend motion that mike only has approval, when debt is reconciled? Eric-I am amending my motion to include that. Christine-So the demo by neglect is off the table? Mike-If you allow me to meet with him, I can force his hand. At some point the bldg inspector will have it torn down. Mike-We are not allowing the demo of this property without drawings approved by us. Christine-And he has to pay the debt first? Eric-With my amendment, we would not authorize until debt is paid. Mike-Is everyone clear we will not take formal action until other things are reconciled. I want a vote on the motion. Christine-Can you talk with him about demo by neglect too? Mike-yes. Christine-And we won’t take action until other debts are resolved. Not quid pro quo. Claire-It is not uncommon for the town to do this. Nancy-Should he have a deadline? Nanda-I would like to see it in writing when we vote on it, because I am not exactly sure what I am voting on. Mike-The motion is to direct the chairman to discuss directly with the owner, Roy McDowell, his plans for the building and to offer the compromise of replicate in place option as with Chesmore and their barn at the funeral home. Mike-Because we are on this format roll call, each of you must voice your vote as I say your name: Jim-yes Beth-yes Nanda-yes Nancy-yes Christine-yes Eric-yes Mike-yes Mike will draft email and send out and individual responses accepted. TOWN COMMON-DOUGHBOY Beth-We had a HDC meeting. Something made it look like the refurbishment of the Doughboy is off the list for CPC funding. 4 Eric-If it changed, I know nothing about it. AIKENS PARK Mike-Mike Whalen has started moving granite up to the bridge. Then, we will work with him to get the proposal to put granite back where it originally was. With approval of CPC, we will restore the bridge. Eric-Great progress. McFARLAND SANGER HOUSE Mike-Town Council initially discussed taking this property to Town Meeting for permission to be sold. I will follow up. SECRETARY’S REPORT Minutes from March 10, 2020 presented. Eric motioned approval with one change. Mike seconded Nanda-yes Beth-yes Nancy-yes Jim-yes Christine-yes Mike-yes Beth motioned to adjourn Eric seconded Unanimous approval 8:22 pm Documents presented: Letter from Claire Wright Minutes from March 10, 2020