HomeMy Public PortalAbout20201102 - Planning Board - Agenda PacketHOPKINTON PLANNING BOARD Monday, November 2, 2020 7:00 P.M. REMOTE MEETING Link to Join:​ ​https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81043511599 Meeting ID: ​810 4351 1599 Passcode: ​961315 Call-in Phone Number: ​(646) 876-9923 AGENDA Zoom Details:To access the meeting click the link above.If you have technical issues with accessing the meeting,send an email to ​jgelcich@hopkintonma.gov​.​Your microphone will be muted upon entry and can only be unmuted by the Host​.If you have a question or comment,use the “Raise Hand”function. The Chat function will only allow communication between you and the Host and should only be used to communicate technical issues.All other questions or comments should be directed to the Planning Board through the “Raise Hand”function.Telephone-only participants can use the “Raise Hand”function by pressing ​*9​. For additional information and Zoom support, visit the general support page: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us For telephone-only support information visit: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362663-Joining-a-meeting-by-phone **Times showing the anticipated length of discussion for each item below are approximate** 1.Administrative Items (±30 min) a.Fox Hollow (203 Pond Street) Bond Release b.Minutes of September 14, 2020; September 28, 2020; October 19, 2020 2.Continued Public Hearings – Bucklin St. & Leonard St. – 1) Stormwater Management Permit; 2) Petition to Construct a Paper Street – Wall Street Development Corp. (±1 min) Proposal to construct a paper street entitled “Bucklin Street”;Proposal to construct four (4) single-family homes with driveways,utilities and associated grading.A stormwater management permit is required because the project will result in land disturbance of one acre or more and it is not a “subdivision.” 3.Continued Public Hearing - Leonard Street - Petition to Construct Leonard Street - Wall Street Development Corp (±60 min) Proposal to build out Leonard Street in order to accommodate three proposed building lots. 4.Continued Public Hearing - Deer Ridge Estates / Lincoln St. & Cedar St. Ext. - OSLPD Concept Plan/Special Permit - Courtney Derderian, CS2K (±15 min) Proposed Open Space and Landscape Preservation subdivision with eight (8) new building lots, two (2) cul-de-sacs​. 5.Continued Public Hearing - Scenic Road Application (Joint Meeting with Acting Tree Warden) - 173-207 Fruit St. - MassDOT - Highway Division (±30 min) Removal of 83 trees and alteration (removal and resetting) of 290 linear feet of stonewall as part of the Fruit Street Bridge reconstruction project. The Applicant has proposed post-work planting of 68 trees and 102 deciduous shrubs. 6.New Public Hearing - OSLPD Special Permit - 0 Hayden Rowe - Ravenwood LLC (±30 min) Proposed Open Space and Landscape Preservation subdivision with nine (9) new building lots and one new road (cul-de-sac)​. The listed matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair to be discussed at the meeting.Not all items may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law. Town of Hopkinton  Department of Land Use, Planning, and Permitting  18 Main Street, Hopkinton MA 01748  (508) 497-9745      DATE:  October 29, 2020     TO:  Planning Board     FROM: John Gelcich, Principal Planner     RE: Items on Planning Board Agenda, November 2, 2020      Link to Join:​ ​https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81043511599  Meeting ID: ​810 4351 1599  Passcode: ​961315  Call-in Phone Number: ​(646) 876-9923    Zoom Details:To access the meeting click the link above.If you have technical issues with accessing                   the meeting,send an email to ​jgelcich@hopkintonma.gov​.​Your microphone will be muted upon              entry and can only be unmuted by the Host​.If you have a question or comment,use the “Raise                    Hand”function.The Chat function will only allow communication between you and the Host and                should only be used to communicate technical issues.All other questions or comments should be                directed to the Planning Board through the “Raise Hand”function.Telephone-only participants can              use the “Raise Hand” function by pressing ​*9​.     For additional information and Zoom support, visit the general support page:  https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us   For telephone-only support information visit:  https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362663-Joining-a-meeting-by-phone      Contents:  1.Administrative Items (Files online at: ​11-02-20 Meeting Administrative Files​)    1.1.Fox Hollow (203 Pond Street) Bond Release Request    1.2.Minutes of September 14, 2020; September 28, 2020; and October 19, 2020    2.Bucklin St.&Leonard St.–1)Stormwater Management Permit;2)Petition to              Construct a Paper Street – Wall Street Development Corp.    3.Leonard Street -Petition to Construct Leonard Street -Wall Street Development             Corp (Files online at: ​Leonard Street Petition Files​)  1   4.Deer Ridge Estates /Lincoln St.&Cedar St.Ext.-OSLPD Concept Plan/Special Permit                - Courtney Derderian, CS2K (Files online at: ​Deer Ridge Estates Files​)    5.Scenic Road Application (Joint Meeting with Acting Tree Warden)-173-207 Fruit St.-               MassDOT - Highway Division (Files online at: ​173-207 Fruit Street Files​)    6.#0 Hayden Rowe -OSLPD Concept Plan Special Permit -Ravenwood LLC (Files online               at: ​#0 Hayden Rowe Files​)    7.Zoning Board of Appeals Notices (Files online at:​11-02-20 Meeting Administrative            Files​)    8.Next Meetings    1.0 Administrative Items  Files for Administrative items can be found online at:​11-02-20 Meeting Administrative             Files    1.1.Fox Hollow (203 Pond Street) Bond Release Request  The Developer has requested a reduction of the amount of the bond that the               Planning Board holds for the construction of the roadway as part of the Fox               Hollow/203 Pond Street development.BETA is currently reviewing the roadway           and will return a letter outlining the work that needs to be done.     The original bond estimate and the revised estimate submitted by the            Developer’s agent are in the administrative items folder located here:​11-02-20            Meeting Administrative Files​.     1.2.Minutes of September 14, 2020; September 28, 2020; October 19, 2020    2.0 Bucklin St.&Leonard St.–1)Stormwater Management Permit;2)Petition to              Construct a Paper Street – Wall Street Development Corp.    This project is a placeholder and may likely be continued to a future meeting.     3.0 Leonard Street -Petition to Construct Leonard Street -Wall Street Development             Corp    3.1.Background   The petition to construct Leonard Street stems from the advice of the Board to               the Applicant,that an ANR would not be endorsed without the build-out of              Leonard Street to provide adequate access for the proposed lots.Therefore,the             Applicant has submitted this petition as a first step in moving the ANR approval               forward.       2  3.2.Regulatory Review  Petitions such as this are to be reviewed pursuant to the standards as set forth                in the Subdivision Regulations for roadways.These standards can be found in             Section 8.2 of the Subdivision Regulations and items such as sidewalks and             utilities are found elsewhere in Section 8 of the Regulations.      3.3.Relevant Materials  ●Petition to Construct a Private Way, dated 08/11/20  ●Three-lot Development Plan (Revised 05/13/20 for ConCom review),dated          08/12/20  ●Letter from Hopkinton DPW, dated July 2020  ●Memo from Attorney Timson, Way in Existence - dated, 08/04/20  ●Rackemann Legal Opinion, dated 1998  ●Stormwater Management Report, revised through 03/25/20  ●Stormwater O+M Plan, Revised through 05/20/20  ●Letter from P. Paradis to D. MacAdam, dated 03/31/20  ●Long Term Stormwater Maintenance Plan, Revised through 05/20/20  ●Email from J. Westerling (DPW), dated 08/14/20  ●Email from D. MacAdam, dated 09/02/20  ●BETA Peer Review Letter, dated 09/11/20  ●Video sent by Chief Slaman, dated 05/10/20  ●Email exchange between Chief Slaman and L.Petrozzi re:Truck Turning            Analysis, dated 09/21/20  ●Email from L. Petrozzi re: ANR Endorsement, dated 09/17/20  ●Letter from J. Hilvert (Abutter Attorney), dated 09/22/20  ●Email from R. Lacey, Town Counsel, dated 09/25/20  ●Construction Plan, dated 10/10/20  ●Three-lot Colored Plan, dated 10/10/20  ●Revised Waiver List with Narratives, dated 10/10/20  ●Email from Chief Slaman, dated 10/19/20  ●Email from Chief Slaman, dated 10/28/20  ●Link to shared folder is here: ​Leonard Street Petition Files    3.4.Comments Received  Department of Public Works Comments:   ●The DPW has no jurisdiction over private land;however,I recommend            that the standards for road construction detailed in the Subdivision           Control Law be implemented to the greatest extent practicable.    3.5.Public Hearing Outline  1.Project introduction and review - Applicant  2.Staff Report  3.Consultant Review  3  4.Planning Board members and Public – Add to Detailed Discussion items  5.Detailed Discussion, with Public Comment for each topic  5.1.Vehicular and pedestrian traffic flow; truck traffic flow;  emergency vehicle access   5.2.Stormwater management  5.3.Utilities; Water/Sewer use  5.4.Sidewalks  5.5.Impacts on: 1) schools; 2) other municipal services; 3)  neighboring residential properties  5.6.Snow Removal  5.7.Street Construction/Curbing/Side Slopes  5.8.Legal Access  5.9.Town Department and Board/Committee Comments not  covered above  6.Additional or New Comments and Information  7.Standards/Findings  7.1.Discuss findings and standards for other approvals (if applicable)  8.Discuss/Vote on waivers (if applicable)  9.Discuss conditions of approval   10.Final public comment  11.Vote to close public hearing  12.Vote on Permits being requested    3.6.Board Actions  The Board’s vote on the submitted materials consists of the following:  ●For the Petition to Construct a Paper Street:A majority vote is             required for approval. All members are eligible to vote.    3.7.Decision Criteria   The standard for approving the paper street design and construction details is             that the Board must apply the current Subdivision Regulations to the greatest             extent practicable.     3.8.Motions  3.8.1.Findings  I move that the Board finds that the proposed Petition to Construct a Private               Road conforms to the Hopkinton Subdivision Regulations to the greatest           extent practicable,with the exception of the ​following waivers (List the            waivers granted)​.     3.8.2.Approval/Denial with Conditions  4  I move that the Board approve the Petition to Construct a Private             Road for the Leonard Street petition ​with the following          conditions/with the conditions as they were previously read aloud          by the Chair​.  I move that the Board denies the Petition to Construction a Private             Road as the proposed roadway does not meet the Hopkinton           Subdivision Regulations to the greatest extent practicable,        specifically with regard to the following standards and/or         requirements: ​List relevant standards/requirements​.  3.9.Other  3.9.1.Requested Waivers  1.Section 5.4 - Environmental Analysis - No Environmental Analysis  2.Section 5.4 - Traffic Impact Report - No Traffic Report  3.Section 8.2.1.G.-Property Lines/Pavement Rounding at street         intersections  4.Section 8.2.2.A. - Granite Curbing - No Granite Curbing  5.Section 8.2.2.C. - Modified Cape Cod Berm - No Cape Cod Berm  6.Section 8.2.3.A.-Width of Street Right of Way -Less than 40'/Existing              Variable Width Right-of-Way  7.Section 8.2.3.C.-Type of Street/Pavement Width -Rura1120'feet           Pavement Width  8.Section 8.2.5.A,B,&C.-Dead End Streets/Turnaround -           Hammer-head Turnaround  9.Section 8.2.6.A. - Side Slopes - Inside Layout  10.Section 8.3.1,8.3.2,8.3.3,and 8.3.4 -Sidewalks,Driveways,etc.-No             Sidewalks  11.Section 8.7.2 - Street Lights - No Street Lights  12.Section 9.11 - Bounds - 4" x 4" x 3' Concrete Bounds as Required  13.Section 9.12.4 - Street Trees  14.No Existing Trees to be retained in Right of Way  15.No Shade Trees to be planted within Right of Way  16.All improvements and utilities to be constructed as shown on the            Plan.  17.Above ground electrical service.    3.9.2.Proposed Conditions  1.A Town Clerk-certified version of this Decision shall be recorded at the             Middlesex County Registry of Deeds prior to the issuance of a building             permit for the work that is subject to this Decision.     5  2.The Director of Municipal Inspections inspects projects under         construction for compliance with the approved Decision.This includes          the driveway/roadway and infrastructure construction shown on the         Plan.If the Director of Municipal Inspections determines at any time            before or during construction that a registered professional engineer          or other such outside professional is required to assist with the            inspections of the storm water management system or any other           component of the Special Permit,the Applicant shall be responsible           for the cost of those inspections.    3.All construction activities shall adhere to applicable local,State and           Federal laws and regulations regarding noise,vibration,dust,         sedimentation,and the use of,interference with or blocking of Town            roads.    4.The Applicant shall be responsible for mitigating all         construction-related impacts,including erosion,siltation and dust        control.The Applicant shall maintain all portions of any public way            used for construction access free of soil,mud or debris deposited due             to use by construction vehicles associated with the project,and shall            regularly sweep such areas as directed by the Director of Municipal            Inspections in consultation with the DPW Director.    5.The Applicant shall regularly remove construction trash and debris          from the site in accordance with good construction practice and the            Construction Management Plan.No tree stumps,demolition material,         trash or debris shall be burned or buried on the site.    6.A completed,signed Construction Management Plan shall be         submitted to the Planning Board prior to the commencement of any            site work.The Applicant shall also submit a revised full Site Plan Set              which incorporates all of the modifications made during the public           hearing process and any required in this Decision.    7.Erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be implemented         during the construction period,in accordance with the approved Plan           and the Construction Management Plan.If they are found to be            inadequate, the Applicant shall immediately correct any deficiencies.    8.The Planning Board shall receive a sign off confirming that the site             contractor and any major subcontractors have received the         Construction Management Plan prior to the commencement of any          site work.  6    9.Construction may occur only between the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00             PM Monday through Friday and Saturdays between 8:00 AM and 4:00            PM pursuant to Chapter 141 Article I of the Town of Hopkinton             General Bylaws.    4.0 Deer Ridge Estates /Lincoln St.&Cedar St.Ext.-OSLPD Concept Plan/Special               Permit - Courtney Derderian, CS2K - PB-SPPT-2020-03    4.1.Background   The proposed development is an eight (8)lot OSLPD subdivision with two             roadways proposed,both being cul-de-sacs,off of Cedar Street Extension and            Lincoln Street.One road would be a continuation of Lincoln Street (±2,130 lf)              and the second road would be a new roadway named Deer Ridge Run (±821 lf).                The subject property contains two existing parcels (ID R3-8-0 and ID R3-14-0),             one with frontage on Cedar Street Extension,the other with frontage on Lincoln              Street.The total area of the subject property is ±18.7 acres and the parcels are                generally wooded and undeveloped.The Applicant has stated that there are            wetlands on-site.The entirety of the subject property is zoned Agricultural (A).             The Applicant proposes 9.36 acres of the site to be preserved as open space,               which is approximately 50%of the subject property.The open space would be              owned by the HOA.Per the Applicant’s conventional subdivision plan,they            assert that they would be able to construct nine (9)new lots.The proposal does                not include any shared driveways.A 16-foot fireland is proposed to connect the              two cul-de-sacs. Each lot is proposed to have its own septic system.     4.2.Regulatory Review  OSLPDs are regulated under Article XVII of the Zoning Bylaws.The Bylaws allow              for OSLPDs in the Agricultural Zoning District.The proposed project conforms            with the minimum requirements as set forth in §210-110,namely lot size and              density.It is unclear what the proposed dimensions of each lot in the OSLPD are                as they are not shown on the submitted plan,therefore,conformance to the              required lot dimensions is unable to be confirmed.     4.3.Decision Criteria  Pursuant to §210-115 of the Zoning Bylaws:​The application process for an open              space and landscape preservation development is comprised of two steps.In the first              step,the applicant submits a concept plan...which describes the overall development            plan.The Planning Board shall grant or deny a special permit based upon the               information contained in the concept plan.    §210-115.A.(3):Special permit criteria.The special permit shall be granted only if             the Planning Board finds each of the following:  (a)The development meets the purpose of an open space and landscape            preservation development as described in § 210-106.  7  (b)The development standards contained in §210-112A(1)through (4)have           been met.  (c)The common open space is designed in accordance with the standards            set forth in § 210-113B.  (d)The common open space is designed in accordance with the standards            set forth in § 210-113C.  (e)The parcel could be developed as a conventional subdivision under           existing local, state and federal land use regulations.  The open space and landscape preservation development provides for efficient           use and delivery of municipal and other services and infrastructure.    4.4.Conformance with Decision Criteria  §210-115.A.(3):Special permit criteria.The special permit shall be granted only if             the Planning Board finds each of the following:  (a)The development meets the purpose of an open space and landscape            preservation development as described in § 210-106.  ●Principal Planner Comment:The proposed development is an         alternative to the conventional-style subdivision,provides for the         public interest by preserving open space in perpetuity,promotes a           variety of single-family housing patterns by being designed so as           to accommodate the site’s physical characteristics.The proposed         development does not propose development of otherwise        undevelopable land.Therefore,it appears that the application         meets this criterion.     (b)The development standards contained in §210-112A(1)through (4)have           been met.  ●Principal Planner Comment:Regarding ​Item (1)​,it appears that          the proposed development will not cause unreasonable traffic         congestion or unsafe conditions within or outside the         development,however,the proposed dead end associated with         Lincoln Street is longer than allowed by the Bylaw and a waiver             would need to be granted.Regarding ​Item (2)​,it is unclear as to              whether the development will provide for convenient and safe          emergency vehicle access to all buildings and structures at all           times as the Fire Department has brought concerns forward          related to access to the development as proposed.Regarding          Item (3)​,it appears that the proposed development will preserve           historic and natural features of the property by minimizing the           amount of soil removal,tree cutting,and general disturbance to           the site.Regarding ​Item (4)​,the proposed development appears          to identify/ensure preservation of significant and special        8  historic/natural features.No historic features have been identified         on the site.     (c)The common open space is designed in accordance with the standards            set forth in § 210-113B.  ●Principal Planner Comment:​The proposed open space appears         to conform to the standards set forth in the above-reference           section.     (d)The common open space is designed in accordance with the standards            set forth in § 210-113C.  ●Principal Planner Comment:A waiver for the buffer width has           been requested by the Applicant.     (e)The parcel could be developed as a conventional subdivision under           existing local, state and federal land use regulations.  ●Principal Planner Comment:​The Applicant has submitted a plan          showing the site developed conventionally,and therefore it         appears that this criterion is met.     The open space and landscape preservation development provides for efficient           use and delivery of municipal and other services and infrastructure.    4.5.Relevant Materials Received  ●BETA Review Letter, dated 09/10/20  ●Email from X. Dong, dated 10/04/20  ●Email from D. Jackson, dated 10/04/20   ●Email from M. Marr, dated 10/05/20  ●Email from K. Moxham, dated 10/07/20  ●Email from S. Labrecque, dated 10/06/20  ●Email from M. Myers, dated 10/07/20  ●Revised Traditional Lotting Plan, dated 10/13/20  ●Revised Open Space Layout Plan, dated 10/13/20  ●Deer Ridge Concept Plan A, dated 10/28/20  ●Deer Ridge Concept Plan B, dated 10/28/20  ●Link to shared folder is here: ​Deer Ridge Estates Files    4.6.Comments Received  Principal Planner Comments:  ●Provide dimensions of each lot to confirm conformance with §210-111.   ●Lincoln Street is proposed to be longer than 1,000 feet in length,which is               not allowed per §210-111.B.,however,the Board can waive this           requirement if the Board “...​finds that such reduction will result in better             9  design,improved protection of historic,natural and scenic resources,and will            otherwise comply with these regulations…​”The Applicant has not officially           requested a waiver from this requirement.   ●The proposal shows a similar design to Chamberlain-Whalen,with two           cul-de-sacs connected by a fire road.This type of development is not             ideal and a through road,while counterintuitive,may be more beneficial            to the Town, specifically with respect to access for emergency services.   ●It should be noted that this decision before the Board is ​only ​for the               Special Permit which establishes the concept plan.The Board will have a             chance to review and discuss the Definitive Subdivision Plan after the            issuance of the Special Permit.Items required as part of the Subdivision             Regulations will be reviewed at that time.     Health Department Comments:  ●The proposed project under review is submitted as an Open Space And             Landscape Preservation Development (OSHPD)located between Cedar        Street Extension and the end of Lincoln Street.The land area is 18.71              Acres and is proposing 8 new homes to be accessed by long common              driveways.The Developer also proposes to provide on-site septic systems           and private individual wells for each of the 8 lots.Complete plans for the               septic systems under 310 CMR 15.00 and properly prepared well location            plans must be submitted for future approvals.To date,no applications            for soil testing have been received by this office.  ●The submission does not include soil testing to determine suitability for            septic system construction/design and as such may necessitate lot line           adjustment should suitable soils for septic design be located outside           regulatory offsets.In addition,well locations may shift to meet required            offsets.No information has been provided to determine the offsets to            both private and municipal drinking water wells in the area.No Zone 2 of               public water supplies delineation have been provided which may impact           septic and well location in the development.All of this will be evaluated in               future submission  ●No information is provided to address drainage patterns over septic           system locations and this should be fully addressed in future submissions            for septic design.No information is provided to evaluate storm water            recharge methods and,it should be noted,that the Health Department            does not support the creation of open detention basins that lead to             increased insect populations.These concerns will be addressed in future           submissions.  ●Given the land area of the proposed development it appears that            nitrogen loading of ten thousand square feet of lot size per bedroom can              be provided.However no Nitrogen Loading calculations for the          10  development have been provided and no square footage for the           individual lots is provided.          Hopkinton Fire Department Comments:  ●Risk Assessment Considerations:  ○Name is to close to already existing developments:  ■Deerfield Estates - (Off Lumber Street)  ■Deer Run at Hopkinton (Fawnridge Road)  ■Deer Run (Off of Granite Street)  ○Access to the lots are on a dead end road presently longer than 1000               feet. Lincoln Street is approximately 1,670 feet.  ■Unsure of length of roadway off Cedar St. Ext.  ■§210-111.Intensity regulations of the Zoning Bylaws state:B.           Dead-end streets may be permitted in an open space and           landscape preservation development but shall not exceed        1,000 feet in length.No dead-end street shall provide access to            more than 10 building lots.  ○Neither road has hydrants,fire operations would require water supply           lines on the single access road.  ○The width of Lincoln Street is less than 20 feet,and in multiple places               less than 15 feet. Examples here:  ■Cedar at Lincoln Street - 30’ width  ■In front of 2 Lincoln Street - 12’5”  ■In front of 8 Lincoln Street - 17’  ■In front of 7 Lincoln Street - 16’  ■In front of 12 Lincoln Street - 17’  ■In front of 13 Lincoln Street - 14’5”  ■In front of 30 Lincoln Street - 10’  ■In front of 31 Lincoln Street - 11’5”  ■End of Lincoln Street at deadend - 15’  ○Distance from a fire station:3 miles with 7 minutes response time to              32 Lincoln Street.  ■Although we’re within the ISO recommendation of being within          5 miles,we are not meeting NFPA 1710,a nationally recognized            standard with reference to response time for first apparatus          within 4 minutes or second apparatus within 6 minutes.  ●Questions based upon current submittal:  ○Emergency access road currently proposed from cul de sac to cul de             sac.  ○What type of gates will be there?  11  ○Locking system proposed?  ○Who will maintain them and the roadway?  ○What will the road surface be constructed of?  ○What are the proposed driveway lengths?  ○What is the gallonage of the 4 cisterns locations proposed?  ■8.6 Fire Prevention and Protection Measures of the Subdivision          Regulations adopted in 2014 speak to cistern requirements         and can be found here.  ●Recommendations:  ○Change name of development so that it does not coincide with other             already existing developments.  ○Residential sprinklers to reduce the potential of needing to establish a            water supply and eliminate the proposed cisterns  ○Widen Lincoln Street in the areas where less than 20 feet wide  ○Connect the two roads creating one roadway which meets town           requirements  ●Closing Comments:  ○§210-106.Purpose of an Open Space and Landscape Preservation           Development  ■Quote taken from the above reference section,“It is not the            intent of this article to make undevelopable land developable”  ○§ 210-112. Development standards.  ■(2)The development will provide for and maintain convenient          and safe emergency vehicle access to all buildings and          structures at all times.  ■Example of how one vehicle parked in the roadway significantly           affects access on an already reduced roadway width near the           end of Lincoln Street.    4.7.Public Hearing Outline  1.Project introduction and review - Applicant  2.Staff Report  3.Consultant Review  4.Site Walk (10/03/20 @9:00AM)  5.Review of Decision Criteria  6.Planning Board members and Public – Add to Detailed Discussion items  7.Detailed Discussion, with Public Comment for each topic  7.1.Vehicular and pedestrian traffic flow;truck traffic flow;         emergency vehicle access   7.2.Stormwater management  7.3.Site lighting   7.4.Utilities; Water/Sewer use  7.5.Snow storage/snow removal  12  7.6.Noise; HVAC/exhaust systems; Screening of HVAC (if applicable)  7.7.Crosswalk location; Sidewalks  7.8.Landscaping  7.9.Historic Resources (if applicable)  7.10.Signage  7.11.Solar Panels/alternative energy  7.12.Impacts on:1)schools;2)other municipal services;3)          neighboring residential properties  7.13.Open Space Preservation/Conservation Restriction  7.14.Comments not covered above  8.Discuss/Vote on waivers (if applicable)  9.Discuss conditions of approval   10.Standards/Findings  10.1.Review Decision Criteria   10.2.Discuss Site Plan standards and plan revisions to be made (if            applicable)  10.3.Discuss Special Permit findings (if applicable)  10.4.Discuss findings and standards for other approvals (if applicable)  11.Final public comment  12.Vote to close public hearing  13.Vote on Permits being requested  13.1.Vote on Approval of Permit  13.1.1.Vote on Findings  13.1.2.Vote on Conditions    4.8.Board Actions  The Board’s vote on the submitted materials will consist of:    ●For approval of the OSLPD Special Permit -Decision due 90 days after the               close of the public hearing.A ⅔vote is required to approve the Special               Permit (6 members).All members are eligible to vote.Muriel Kramer has             recused herself from this hearing.     ●It should be noted that this decision is solely for the Special Permit for an                OSLPD,based on the Decision Criteria listed above in Section 4.3 of this              memo.If approved,the Applicant is required to follow up with a             Definitive Subdivision Plan which will be reviewed under the Subdivision           Regulations.At that time,the overall concept plan (the OSLPD Special            Permit Plan)shall only be reconsidered if there is a substantial variation             between the definitive plan and the concept plan.Section 210-115.B.(1)           lists “substantial variation”as “​an increase in the number of lots,a decrease              in the open space acreage,a change in the layout which causes dwelling units               or roadways to be placed closer to a dwelling unit within 500 feet of the                project and/or a change in the development pattern which adversely affects            natural landscape features and open space​.”I advise the Board to review             13  the Special Permit based only on the Decision Criteria detailed above,and             review the Definitive Subdivision Plan,if the Special Permit is approved,            based on Subdivision Regulations at the appropriate time.       4.9.Motions  4.9.1.Findings Permit  I move that the Board finds that the proposed Open Space and             Landscape Preservation Development conforms to the provisions of         Article XVII;that all applicable criteria and standards set forth in the             Zoning Bylaws (Chapter 210)have been satisfied,and the granting of            the Special Permit will be in harmony with the general purpose and             intent of the Zoning Bylaws (Chapter 210).     Note,if any intensity regulations are reduced,the Board          should also find the following:Additionally,that the Board finds            that the following intensity regulations are reduced as allowed in           Section 210-111,​LIST REDUCED REGULATIONS​,as this reduction will          result in better design and/or improved protection for natural          resources on-site.     4.9.2.Approval/Denials Permit with conditions  I move that the Board grant a Special Permit under Article XVII             of the Zoning Bylaws,granting the following waivers ​(insert          waivers that have been granted)​,and subject to the following           conditions/conditions that were previously read aloud by the         Chair.  I move that the Board deny the application for Special Permit            under Article XVII of the Zoning Bylaws,as it does not meet the              following criteria for approval,as set forth in Article XVII:​(list            criteria that are not met)​.     4.10.Other  4.10.1.Requested Waivers  1.§210-223.C.(1)(Zoning Bylaws):To provide a buffer width of less than            100 feet.    14  2.§8.2.1.C (Subdivision Regs):Allowing for street centerline jogs of less           than 125 feet.         4.10.2.Proposed Conditions  1.A Town Clerk-certified version of this Special Permit shall be recorded at             the Middlesex County Registry of Deeds prior to the issuance of a             building permit for the work that is subject to this Decision.     2.The Director of Municipal Inspections inspects projects under         construction for compliance with the approved Special Permit Decision.          This includes the driveway/roadway and infrastructure construction        shown on the Plan.If the Director of Municipal Inspections determines            at any time before or during construction that a registered professional            engineer or other such outside professional is required to assist with            the inspections of the storm water management system or any other            component of the Special Permit,the Applicant shall be responsible for            the cost of those inspections.    3.All construction activities shall adhere to applicable local,State and           Federal laws and regulations regarding noise,vibration,dust,         sedimentation,and the use of,interference with or blocking of Town            roads.    4.The Applicant shall be responsible for mitigating all construction-related          impacts,including erosion,siltation and dust control.The Applicant          shall maintain all portions of any public way used for construction            access free of soil,mud or debris deposited due to use by construction              vehicles associated with the project,and shall regularly sweep such           areas as directed by the Director of Municipal Inspections in           consultation with the DPW Director.    5.The Applicant shall regularly remove construction trash and debris from           the site in accordance with good construction practice and the           Construction Management Plan.No tree stumps,demolition material,         trash or debris shall be burned or buried on the site.    6.All exterior lighting within the Development Project,whether shown on           the approved Plan or required by the Massachusetts State Building           Code,shall be shielded,directed downward and not upward or           outward, and shall not spill onto adjacent property.    15  7.All fixed mechanical equipment on the Site shall be screened from view             from the ground.Such screening shall be sufficient in the opinion of the              Director of Municipal Inspections.    8.A completed,signed Construction Management Plan shall be submitted          to the Planning Board prior to the commencement of any site work.The              Applicant shall also submit a revised full Site Plan Set which            incorporates all of the modifications made during the public hearing           process and any required in this Decision.    9.Erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be implemented         during the construction period,in accordance with the approved Site           Plan and the Construction Management Plan.If they are found to be             inadequate, the Applicant shall immediately correct any deficiencies.    10.The Planning Board shall receive a sign off confirming that the site             contractor and any major subcontractors have received the         Construction Management Plan prior to the commencement of any site           work.    11.Construction may occur only between the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00             PM Monday through Friday and Saturdays between 8:00 AM and 4:00            PM pursuant to Chapter 141 Article I of the Town of Hopkinton General              Bylaws.    12.The Applicant shall submit final as-built plans to the Planning Board            prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.     13.A completed,signed SWPPP shall be provided to the Planning Board            prior to issuance of a building permit.     14.The Applicant/Developer shall provide the Principal Planner with a          project point-of-contact and contact information prior to the issuance of           a Building Permit.This point-of-contact information shall be kept          current through correspondence to the Principal Planner until the final           Certificate of Occupancy is issued or construction is otherwise          considered complete.               16        5.0 173-207 Fruit Street -Scenic Road Application -MassDOT -Highway Division -              PB-SCRD-2020-02    5.1.Background   The Scenic Road Permit application is in relation to the Fruit Street Bridge              replacement.MassDOT is replacing the bridge as part of the I-90/I-495            reconstruction,and this is the first step in the process.The Applicant proposes              cutting of 83 trees within the ROW as well as alteration (removing and resetting)               approximately 290 linear feet of stonewall.As mitigation,the Applicant is            proposing planting 68 new trees and 102 deciduous shrubs,such as gray             dogwood and serviceberry.     5.2.Regulatory Review  Scenic Roads are regulated under Chapter 160 of the Hopkinton General Bylaws.             The Applicant has submitted the application in conformance with the Chapter,            and has provided a plan showing the trees within the right-of-way proposed to              be cut as well as the stone wall location.      5.3.Decision Criteria  The Planning Board’s decision on any application for proposed work affecting            scenic roads shall be based on consideration of the following criteria (§160-6):  ●The degree to which the proposed work would adversely affect the scenic  and aesthetic values upon which the scenic road designation was  originally based.  ●The necessity for the proposed work in terms of public safety, welfare, or  convenience.  ●Compensatory action proposed, such as replacement of trees or walls.  ●Availability of reasonable alternatives to the proposed work which could  reduce or eliminate anticipated damage to trees or stone walls.  ●Whether the proposed work would compromise or harm other  environmental or historical values.  Consistency of the proposed work with previously adopted Town plans and            policies.    5.4.Conformance with Decision Criteria  The Planning Board’s decision on any application for proposed work affecting            scenic roads shall be based on consideration of the following criteria (§160-6):  ●The degree to which the proposed work would adversely affect the scenic  and aesthetic values upon which the scenic road designation was  originally based.   17  ○Principal Planner Comment: ​The work would adversely impact  the scenic and aesthetic value of the proposed work area,  however, the Applicant proposes to replant the area with  significantly more plants than what currently exists, therefore  mitigating the anticipated impacts of the work. The Applicant is  proposing to replace the stonewalls that are to be altered and  plant 68 new trees and 102 new shrubs to mitigate for the trees to  be removed.    ●The necessity for the proposed work in terms of public safety, welfare, or  convenience.   ○Principal Planner Comment:​ The work is associated with the  larger scope of work being undertaken for the I-495/I-90  improvements and is necessary for this larger project to continue.  Therefore the work is necessary for improving public safety,  welfare, and convenience.     ●Compensatory action proposed, such as replacement of trees or walls.   ○Principal Planner Comment:​ The Applicant is proposing to  replace the stonewalls that are to be altered and plant 68 new  trees and 102 new shrubs to mitigate for the trees to be removed.      ●Availability of reasonable alternatives to the proposed work which could  reduce or eliminate anticipated damage to trees or stone walls.   ○Principal Planner Comment: ​There appears to be no reasonable  alternative to the proposed work as it is necessary for the larger  I-495/I-90 work to move forward. Alternatives to the proposed  work are possible, however, they do not propose the anticipated  benefits currently proposed as part of this scope, and trees would  likely need to be cut and stonewalls altered as part of these  alternatives as well.     ●Whether the proposed work would compromise or harm other  environmental or historical values.   ○Principal Planner Comment: ​No other environmental or  historical resources are anticipated to be harmed by this work,  aside from the proposed cutting of trees and alteration of  stonewalls as noted above. Mitigation for these adverse impacts  are proposed.      Consistency of the proposed work with previously adopted Town plans and            policies.    18     19  5.6.Relevant Materials  ●Scenic Road Application, dated 08/31/20  ●Scenic Road Construction Plan, dated 08/24/20  ●Scenic Road Landscape Plans and Sections, dated 08/24/20  ●Planning Board Presentation, dated 09/18/20  ●Link to shared folder is here: ​173-207 Fruit Street Files    5.7.Comments Received  Principal Planner Comments:  ●Provide photographs prior to and after work is performed.Photographs           prior to work should be provided to the Planning Board before issuance             of a building permit or driveway access permit.   ●The large amount of plantings brings up the concern that some will not              survive long-term.A bond may be appropriate to ensure that plantings            that do not become established can be replaced.     5.8.Public Hearing Outline  1.Project introduction and review - Applicant  2.Staff Report  3.Consultant Review  4.Planning Board members and Public – Add to Detailed Discussion items  5.Detailed Discussion, with Public Comment for each topic  5.1.Vehicular and pedestrian traffic flow; truck traffic flow;  emergency vehicle access   5.2.Noise; HVAC/exhaust systems; Screening of HVAC (if applicable)  5.3.Crosswalk location; Sidewalks  5.4.Building design and landscaping  5.5.Town Department and Board/Committee Comments not  covered above  6.Additional or New Comments and Information  7.Standards/Findings  7.1.Discuss findings and standards for other approvals (if applicable)  8.Discuss/Vote on waivers (if applicable)  9.Discuss conditions of approval   10.Final public comment  11.Vote to close public hearing  12.Vote on Permits being requested    5.9.Board Actions  The Board’s vote on the submitted materials will consist of:  ●For the Scenic Road Application -Decision is due 21 days after the close               of the public hearing and a simple majority vote is required for approval.              All members are eligible to vote  20  5.10.Motions  5.10.1.Findings  I move that the Board finds that the proposed work relative to the submitted               Scenic Road Permit application conforms to the provisions of Chapter 160 and             that all applicable criteria and standards set forth in Section 160-6 have been              satisfied.    5.10.2.Approval/Denial with Conditions  I move that the Board grant a permit for work within a Scenic Road               under Chapter 160 of the General Bylaws,subject to the ​following            conditions​/conditions that were previously read aloud by the Chair.  I move that the Board deny the application for a Scenic Road Permit              under Chapter 160 of the General Bylaws,as it does not meet the              following criteria for approval,as set forth in Section 160-6:​(list            criteria that are not met)​.     5.11.Other  5.11.1.Requested Waivers  None.     5.11.2.Proposed Conditions  1.The Applicant shall provide photographs of the proposed area of           alteration prior to and after work.These photographs shall be           submitted to the Principal Planner for review and approval.    2.Prior to any construction or preparation for construction,the          Applicant shall provide a performance guarantee in the amount of           $DOLLARS​,to secure future maintenance of the required screening for           up to five (5)years,such period to commence on the date on which               the first plantings are installed.The performance guarantee shall be in            the form of a surety bond or deposit of money.In the event that the                Owner does not maintain screening plantings in accordance with          appropriate procedures or that screening plantings die within the          five-year performance guarantee period,the Board shall have the          authority to expend any portion of the performance guarantee for           this purpose,without consent of the Applicant,if the Applicant does            not take corrective action within a reasonable period of time.         21  6.0 0 Hayden Rowe - OSLPD Special Permit - Ravenwood - PB-SPPT-2020-04    6.1.Background   The proposed development is a nine (9)lot OSLPD subdivision with one new              roadway proposed (cul-de-sac),off of Hayden Rowe.The proposed dead end            road is ±977 feet in length.The subject property contains one existing parcel (ID               U25-22-A).The total area of the subject property is ±32.97 acres and the parcels               are generally wooded and undeveloped with wetlands located on-site.The           entirety of the subject property is zoned Residence B (RB)and is located within               the Water Resources Protection Overlay District (WRPOD).The Applicant          proposes ±22.4 acres of the site to be preserved as open space,which is               approximately 67%of the subject property.The open space would be owned by              the HOA.Per the Applicant’s conventional subdivision plan,they assert that they             would be able to construct ten (10)new lots.The proposal does not include any                shared driveways.     6.2.Regulatory Review  OSLPDs are regulated under Article XVII of the Zoning Bylaws.The Bylaws allow              for OSLPDs in the Agricultural Zoning District.The proposed project conforms            with the minimum requirements as set forth in §210-110,namely lot size and              density.It is unclear what the proposed dimensions of each lot in the OSLPD are                as they are not shown on the submitted plan,therefore,conformance to the              required lot dimensions is unable to be confirmed.      6.3.Decision Criteria  Pursuant to §210-115 of the Zoning Bylaws:​The application process for an open              space and landscape preservation development is comprised of two steps.In the first              step,the applicant submits a concept plan...which describes the overall development            plan.The Planning Board shall grant or deny a special permit based upon the               information contained in the concept plan.    §210-115.A.(3):Special permit criteria.The special permit shall be granted only if             the Planning Board finds each of the following:  (f)The development meets the purpose of an open space and landscape            preservation development as described in § 210-106.  (g)The development standards contained in §210-112A(1)through (4)have           been met.  (h)The common open space is designed in accordance with the standards            set forth in § 210-113B.  (i)The common open space is designed in accordance with the standards            set forth in § 210-113C.  (j)The parcel could be developed as a conventional subdivision under           existing local, state and federal land use regulations.  22  The open space and landscape preservation development provides for efficient           use and delivery of municipal and other services and infrastructure.    6.4.Conformance with Decision Criteria  §210-115.A.(3):Special permit criteria.The special permit shall be granted only if             the Planning Board finds each of the following:  (f)The development meets the purpose of an open space and landscape            preservation development as described in § 210-106.  ●Principal Planner Comment:The proposed development is an         alternative to the conventional-style subdivision,provides for the         public interest by preserving open space in perpetuity,promotes a           variety of single-family housing patterns by being designed so as           to accommodate the site’s physical characteristics.The proposed         development does not propose development of otherwise        undevelopable land.Therefore,it appears that the application         meets this criterion.     (g)The development standards contained in §210-112A(1)through (4)have           been met.  ●Principal Planner Comment:Regarding ​Item (1)​,it appears that          the proposed development will not cause unreasonable traffic         congestion or unsafe conditions within or outside the         development,however a waiver is requested to reduce the width           of the roadway to 18 feet.Regarding ​Item (2)​,it appears that the              proposed development would allow for convenient and safe         emergency vehicle access to all buildings and structures.         Regarding ​Item (3)​,it appears that the proposed development will           preserve historic and natural features of the property by          minimizing the amount of soil removal,tree cutting,and general           disturbance to the site.Regarding ​Item (4)​,the proposed          development appears to identify/ensure preservation of       significant and special historic/natural features.No historic        features have been identified on the site.     (h)The common open space is designed in accordance with the standards            set forth in § 210-113B.  ●Principal Planner Comment:​The proposed open space appears         to conform to the standards set forth in the above-reference           section.         23  (i)The common open space is designed in accordance with the standards            set forth in § 210-113C.  ●Principal Planner Comment:A waiver for the buffer width has           been requested by the Applicant.     (j)The parcel could be developed as a conventional subdivision under           existing local, state and federal land use regulations.  ●Principal Planner Comment:​The Applicant has submitted a plan          showing the site developed conventionally,however,the        conventional plan shows two wetland crossings,which is different          than the one proposed as part of the OSLPD,meaning it may not              be constructable and therefore may not meet this criterion.     The open space and landscape preservation development provides for efficient           use and delivery of municipal and other services and infrastructure.     It should be noted that the proposed open space does not appear to              conform to Section 210-113.A.,in that the proposed open space contains            more than 50%of its area as wetlands.The proposed open space acreage              is listed on the application form as 22.4 acres with ±13.15 acres of wetlands               within the open space, or 58.7% of the open space area.     6.5.Relevant Materials  ●OSLPD Application, dated 10/02/20  ●Density Calculation, dated 10/13/20  ●BETA Review Letter, dated 10/14/20  ●Email from Chief Slaman, dated 10/07/20  ●Link to shared folder is here: ​#0 Hayden Rowe Files    6.6.Comments Received  Principal Planner Comments:  ●The required open space contains more wetland area than allowed           pursuant to the Bylaw.Section 210-113.A.allows for up to 50%of the              designated open space to contain wetlands.The proposed development          designates ±22.4 acres of open space,with ±13.15 acres consisting of            wetlands,or ±58.7%of the open space.However,the Applicant states            there is ±12.53 acres of wetlands on-site,different than stated for            wetlands within the open space parcel,however,this would account for            ±55.9% of the open space, which is still higher than allowed.   ●Provide information on a plan (a zoning conformance table would be            sufficient)showing how each lot conforms to the intensity regulations as            set forth in Section 210-111.  ●Provide a conventional plan that does not require two wetland crossings.   24    6.7.Public Hearing Outline  1.Project introduction and review - Applicant  2.Staff Report  2.1.Review of Decision Criteria  3.Consultant Review  4.Site Walk  5.Planning Board members and Public – Add to Detailed Discussion items  6.Detailed Discussion, with Public Comment for each topic  6.1.Vehicular and pedestrian traffic flow;truck traffic flow;         emergency vehicle access   6.2.Stormwater management  6.3.Utilities; Water/Sewer use  6.4.Snow storage/snow removal  6.5.Noise  6.6.Crosswalk location; Sidewalks  6.7.Landscaping  6.8.Historic Resources (if applicable)  6.9.Solar Panels/alternative energy  6.10.Impacts on:1)schools;2)other municipal services;3)          neighboring residential properties  6.11.Open Space Preservation/Conservation Restriction  6.12.Comments not covered above  7.Discuss/Vote on waivers  8.Discuss conditions of approval   9.Standards/Findings  9.1.Review Decision Criteria   9.2.Discuss Site Plan standards and plan revisions to be made (if            applicable)  9.3.Discuss Special Permit findings (if applicable)  9.4.Discuss findings and standards for other approvals (if applicable)  10.Final public comment  11.Vote to close public hearing  12.Vote on Permits being requested  12.1.Vote on Approval of Permit  12.1.1.Vote on Findings  12.1.2.Vote on Conditions     25  6.8.Board Actions  The Board’s vote on the submitted materials will consist of:    ●For approval of the OSLPD Special Permit -Decision due 90 days after the               close of the public hearing.A ⅔vote is required to approve the Special               Permit (6 members).All members are eligible to vote.Muriel Kramer has             recused herself from this hearing.     ●It should be noted that this decision is solely for the Special Permit for an                OSLPD,based on the Decision Criteria listed above in Section 4.3 of this              memo.If approved,the Applicant is required to follow up with a             Definitive Subdivision Plan which will be reviewed under the Subdivision           Regulations.At that time,the overall concept plan (the OSLPD Special            Permit Plan)shall only be reconsidered if there is a substantial variation             between the definitive plan and the concept plan.     Section 210-115.B.(1)lists “substantial variation”as “​an increase in the           number of lots,a decrease in the open space acreage,a change in the layout                which causes dwelling units or roadways to be placed closer to a dwelling unit               within 500 feet of the project and/or a change in the development pattern              which adversely affects natural landscape features and open space​.”I advise            the Board to review the Special Permit based only on the Decision Criteria              detailed above,and review the Definitive Subdivision Plan,if the Special            Permit is approved,based on Subdivision Regulations at the appropriate           time.     6.9.Motions  6.9.1.Findings Permit  I move that the Board finds that the proposed Open Space and             Landscape Preservation Development conforms to the provisions of         Article XVII;that all applicable criteria and standards set forth in the             Zoning Bylaws (Chapter 210)have been satisfied,and the granting of            the Special Permit will be in harmony with the general purpose and             intent of the Zoning Bylaws (Chapter 210).     Note,if any intensity regulations are reduced,the Board          should also find the following:Additionally,that the Board finds            that the following intensity regulations are reduced as allowed in           Section 210-111,​LIST REDUCED REGULATIONS​,as this reduction will          result in better design and/or improved protection for natural          resources on-site.        26  6.9.3.Approval/Denials Permit with conditions  I move that the Board grant a Special Permit under Article XVII             of the Zoning Bylaws,granting the following waivers ​(insert          waivers that have been granted)​,and subject to the following           conditions/conditions that were previously read aloud by the         Chair.  I move that the Board deny the application for Special Permit            under Article XVII of the Zoning Bylaws,as it does not meet the              following criteria for approval,as set forth in Article XVII:​(list            criteria that are not met)​.     6.10.Other  6.10.1.Requested Waivers  ●Section 210-223.C.(1): Buffer Width  ●Section 8.3.1. Sidewalk adjacent to pavement, no shoulder  ●Section 8.2.3.C. Traveled way width less than 20 feet    6.10.2.Proposed Conditions  1.A Town Clerk-certified version of this Special Permit shall be recorded            at the Middlesex County Registry of Deeds prior to the issuance of a              building permit for the work that is subject to this Decision.     2.The Director of Municipal Inspections inspects projects under         construction for compliance with the approved Special Permit         Decision.This includes the driveway/roadway and infrastructure        construction shown on the Plan.If the Director of Municipal           Inspections determines at any time before or during construction that           a registered professional engineer or other such outside professional          is required to assist with the inspections of the storm water            management system or any other component of the Special Permit,           the Applicant shall be responsible for the cost of those inspections.    3.All construction activities shall adhere to applicable local,State and           Federal laws and regulations regarding noise,vibration,dust,         sedimentation,and the use of,interference with or blocking of Town            roads.    27  4.The Applicant shall be responsible for mitigating all         construction-related impacts,including erosion,siltation and dust        control.The Applicant shall maintain all portions of any public way            used for construction access free of soil,mud or debris deposited due             to use by construction vehicles associated with the project,and shall            regularly sweep such areas as directed by the Director of Municipal            Inspections in consultation with the DPW Director.    5.The Applicant shall regularly remove construction trash and debris          from the site in accordance with good construction practice and the            Construction Management Plan.No tree stumps,demolition material,         trash or debris shall be burned or buried on the site.    6.All exterior lighting within the Development Project,whether shown          on the approved Plan or required by the Massachusetts State Building            Code,shall be shielded,directed downward and not upward or           outward, and shall not spill onto adjacent property.    7.All fixed mechanical equipment on the Site shall be screened from            view from the ground.Such screening shall be sufficient in the opinion             of the Director of Municipal Inspections.    8.A completed,signed Construction Management Plan shall be         submitted to the Planning Board prior to the commencement of any            site work.The Applicant shall also submit a revised full Site Plan Set              which incorporates all of the modifications made during the public           hearing process and any required in this Decision.    9.Erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be implemented         during the construction period,in accordance with the approved Site           Plan and the Construction Management Plan.If they are found to be             inadequate, the Applicant shall immediately correct any deficiencies.    10.The Planning Board shall receive a sign off confirming that the site             contractor and any major subcontractors have received the         Construction Management Plan prior to the commencement of any          site work.    11.Construction may occur only between the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00             PM Monday through Friday and Saturdays between 8:00 AM and 4:00            PM pursuant to Chapter 141 Article I of the Town of Hopkinton             General Bylaws.    28  12.The Applicant shall submit final as-built plans to the Planning Board            prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.     13.A completed,signed SWPPP shall be provided to the Planning Board            prior to issuance of a building permit.     14.The Applicant/Developer shall provide the Principal Planner with a          project point-of-contact and contact information prior to the issuance          of a Building Permit.This point-of-contact information shall be kept           current through correspondence to the Principal Planner until the          final Certificate of Occupancy is issued or construction is otherwise           considered complete.     7.0 Zoning Board of Appeals Notices   ●Notices of Decisions (​11-02-20 Meeting Administrative Files​)  ○25-35 Main Street - LFJ Development Corp    ●Public Hearing Notices (​11-02-20 Meeting Administrative Files​)  ○23 Hayden Rowe - Toussaint    8.0 Other  ●The Annual Town Meeting Warrant will open on January 4,2021 and close on               February 1, 2021.      9.0 Next Meetings    ●November 16  ○Chester Street Extension  ●November 30  ○Master Plan Updates  ●December 7  ●December 21  29