HomeMy Public PortalAbout19660817CCMeeting3 Savannah Beach Tybee Island, Ga. August 17, 1966.. The regular meeting of Town Council was held today at 8 P.M. in the Council Room in the Town Hall and was attended by Mayor Brown, who presided, Councilmen Hohenstein, Davis, Daniels, Cary, Counihan, Fleetwood, Town Attorney Solms, Supt. Reed, Chief Davis, Mrs. Jane Lyons, Mrs. Edwin Feller, Jr.,Mrs. Evelyn Butler, Mrs. Joe Petty, John Mock and Harold Murray. Councilman Counihan called attention to the proposed new charter and stated that it should be.ready for the next meeting of the Georgia Legislature. Counci]m- Hohenstein stated that there are several houses in the Fort Screven Area which should be repaired or condemned. Councilman Fleetwood suggested that the matter be turned over to Ctdncilman Cary for handling. Superintendent Reed reported that the steel for the groins in the area of Sixth Street. has been received. The Mayor stated that plans of Thomas & Hutton called for three (3) 150 foot groins from Sixth Street.North. Councilman Counihan moved that work be started at the Sixth Street groin and North of it. Councilman Daniels seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Counihan reported that the Town had some water meters which are worn but that they could be rebuilt for $19.95 each and moved that the work be done. Councilman Daniels seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Counihan recommended that instead of paying the Town employees as is now done that they be paid off weekly, effective September 1, 1966. Council agreed to this recommendation. The Mayor reported that the packer garbage truck has been badly damaged by fire. Super - intendent Reed reported that Mr. Logan, Insurances Company Adjuster, allowed$1200.00 towards a new chassis and $107.00 to transfer the fittings to the packer body. Mr. Reed stated that he did not know what the cost of a new chassis would be but he felt that the amount allowed was inadequate and informed Mr. Logan of this. Mr. Logan asked for more time to check the matter. The Mayor instructed Mr. Reed to get a price on a new chassis. Council- man Fleetwood suggested the the Public Works Committee get prices on a new chassis and report back. Mr. Reed reported that the painting at the Museum has been finished also the flag poles. Chidf Da s reported that one of the motor scooters will be back in Commission in a few days ads that two tires are needed for one of the police cars. The Mayor commended Mr. Solms an the Police Department for the fine income for the department. Counci� Daniels moved that he be authorized to make necessary repairs to the jail, Counc Cary seconded and the motion passed. Counc Counihan called attention to the Police Department getting a $25.00 increase in sal previously and that Cris S (Buddy) Blair did not. He felt that Mr. Blair should given the increase also. The Mayor informed him that Mt, Blair handles the parking tern and is not a member of the Police Department. Councilman Counihan moved that the matter be handled by the Police Committee. Councilman Cary seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Cary stated that in July 1962 the Police Department were instructed to serve as firemen. He felt that they should get more instructions at the. fire station as during the day time they are needed to operate the fire engines. Also a fire extinguisher shaild be carried in the police cars to be ready for any emergency. 94 Councilman Daniels informed Council that Mr. Sheffield of the Savannah Fire Department give the department a refresher course in the use of the resuscitator and he found one resuscitator in bad condition and the cost to repair it was $175.00 that a new resuscitator be purchased for $450.00. He had talked with the Committee III and placed an order for a new resuscitator. Captain Sheffield would be dawn after the new equipment arrives and instruct the Police Department in its use. Chief Davis stated that on ambulance calls to Savannah where exygen is used that the oxygen supply usually gives out due to the use of the smaller bottles. The Georgia Supply Company has oxygen in large bottles which could be used with the equip- ment and would provide sufficient oxygen to get the patient to the hospital and if it was agreeable to get the larger bottles. Councilman Counihan stated that the appointment of officers was not read at the last meeting. stated that Councilman Counihan informed Council regarding the Fire Deprtment and he Mayor asked him to talk to members of the Fire Department. The Mayor stated tha the thought was to get the old members to come back in the present organization. -stated that the Mayor wanted anothor Fire Chief and that tho mcoting was held in tho Mater! s office..., Councilman Cary informed Council that a certa3 rter should be removed /that the water user is getting his supply from another source. Councilman Counihan stated that the meter should be removed. Councilman Cary reported that members of the old Fire De- partment have regular meetings getting instructions and the members felt that the property should not be charged for taxes, water rent, etc. He made. motion that all taxes, water charges and any other charges against the old fire station be can - celled. Alderman Counihan seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Hohenstein asked why should a private organization be exempted.from taxes and other charges. Councilman Cary stated that they are still volunteer firemen.known as the Savannah Beach Fire Department, Inc. Councilman Fleetwood, Chairman of the Finance Committee, informed Council that he had written a letter to Town Clerk Buckley regard4ng the operation of the Town's office, that each Chairman of a Committee must approve bills for payment after the Department Head also approves them, that bills be paid on time so that any discounts be taken whereever possible and purchase orders must be issued by each Department Head. He moved that bills for various ddpartments amounting to $13,592.39 be paid. Councilman Daniels seconded and the motion passed. Council also authorized subscribing to the Water & Sewer Magazine for use in the Water and Sewer Department for three years for $10.00. Councilman Counihan called attention to the number of cottages at Tybee Terrace which are not on water meters and stated that they should be made to install water meters at each place or pay the Town a minimum of $5.00 per month for water. Mr. So].ms stated that this would require some handling as the Tybee Terrace Corporation is a co-op. Councilman Counihan asked what was the status of Mr. U . L. Harley's property in Fart Screven. Councilman Hohenstein stated that he had talked to Mr. Harley and tried to explain the matter to him, Councilman Cary had also talked to him, Councilman Fleetwood had written him a letter and Councilman Davis stated that the Town did not accept the road. Councilman Counihan stated that under instructions from Council his Committee awarded a bid to John Mock Plg, Company for $7,756.00 to remove and replace sewer mains in Fort Screven and recommended that it be accepted. Councilman Daniels seconded and the motion passed. 1 1 1 1 Councilman Davis stated that the contract allows for one new add tional manhole and that this work is to replace the line which was already there and tiME the present operation will not be disturbed while the new work is being done. The Mayor stated that both companLes bidding for the job should be -given consideration,that Mock was not the low bidders that Hugh Jacksonls bid of $'7800.00 included buying the material in the Townes name which would have made a saving on the sales tax. Councilman Daniels made a point of order that the matter was closed and should not be discussed. Councilman Fleetwood stated that there should be harmony concerning the matter. Councilman Daniels informed Council that Mr. Charles R. Peterson informed him that the Townib fire plug is on his property and is partially blocking the entrance to his garage. The Mayor stated that Superintendent Reed had been instructed to remove it. Councilman Davis stated that to do this it will be necessary to cut off the entire water dircuit in the area and suggested waiting until the season is over. co ended Councilman Carythe Fire Chief and Mr. Solms in having arrangements made so that the fire works display wad set off. They did a good job. He also stated that the tail gate on the new fire engine was bent due to its being pushed and suggested that no wrecker be permitted to pull the new fire engine. He also stated that he would like to have folders calling attention to fire prevention week be printed. Councilman Fleetwood asked if the Insurance Agents •- . of ., th= ��,out free. Councilman Cary stated that the folders must be gott en i5' ''' 1: :.. "not more than 500 be g by parched at a cost of approxi- mately 00.00. Councilman Davis seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Cary called attention to the vacant lots that need cleaning and asked if letters had been sent to property owners regarding this. The Mayor stated that property owners could be put on the docket for not cleaning their lots and Councilman Daniels showed a copy of the Ordinance of the City of Savannah covering this to Councilman Cary. Councilman Daniels asked . about the proposbd traffic lights which were to be placed an Butler Avenue at 6th, 14th and 16th Streets. He was informed that the State Highway Department does not recommend putting these lights up at this time. He also stated that a report from the State Highway Department recommended that 16th Street from Butler Avenue to the Strand be made a two —way street — that parking be permitted on the south side only. Councilman Cary suggested that strips be painted across Butler Avenue at the street intersections. The Mayor suggested that we wait as the season is about over. Councilman Daniels recommended that the Committee go over the matter before the start of next season. Councilman Daniels recommended that the Police Station at 16th Street be repaired and improved after the season is over astthe facilities now are inadequate and that the Committee be appointed to plan for this by next season. Councilman Cary stated that the Community House needs a new commode and that it also � .��tt needs repainting. This building is used by the various groups. Porch. h eed5 M trio . /d4 Councilman Counihan recommended that the Town buy the old Theatre Building in Fort Screven. Councilman Cary stated he understood that it had been sold. Councilman Daniels asked if the water meter had been installed at the Ocean Vu Restaurant. The Mayor stated he would check with Superintendent Reed. Qovne a C a hag recommended that the flag poles at the Tybee Museums be removed to the ite$. t$e also stated that various groups including beer parties, etc.,usually use the beach area up there and that the place should be lighted. Councilman Hohenstein stated that regarding repairs to the Museum he would have to check the budget. He also mentioned that new things coming from the Museum in Savannah should increase attendance at the Tybee Museum. Councilman Counihan moved that the name of Pirates Park be changed to General George P. Marshall Park. Councilman Daniels stated that he wanted to amend the motion and also place a plaque to General Marshall which vas seconded and the motion passed. gotincilman Daniels called attention to the salary now paid to Mrs. Sarah DeBordd of $219.00 per month and stated that this was inadequate and should be raised and moved that her salary be increased to $3,000.00 per year payable monthly, effective August 16, 1966. Councilman Counihan seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Daniels reported that he had checked the records regarding the collection of taxes on alcoholic beverages and found that they were not up to date. A report goes out monthly and reports should be made back by the 10th of the following month. He found that some of the forms are not being signed or returned in some` cases, that some way should be developed to check on the distributors to ascertain if the Town is receivq all taxes. The reports should be checked each month and those whom have not paid the Town should have their license revoked. He stated that the wholesalers should be checked. He suggested that an employee in the City of Savannah could do this work and be paid for it. • The Mayor informed Council that the Metropolitan Planning Commission requested the Town to participate in a survey to explore the possibilities of a county-wide-sewerage disposal system, that all of the Municipalities in the County are going into it, that the Town's cost would be $548.00 and requested that Council authorize the Town joining with the M.P.C. Councilman Fleeted moved that $548.00 be appropriated and that the Town join in this survey with the M.P.C. Councilman Hohenstein seconded and the motion passed. Permission was requested by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey ShiOeirce "to con- tinue maintaining their station in Fort Screven near the Tybee Museum. Permission granted. Councilman Daniels stated that the Gentlehaven Home had spent more funds than they had anticipated and suggested that the check for $50.00, sent to pay two months rent on property they leased from the Town, be returned to them and made a motion that in- stead of charging $25.00 per month rent that acl of $1.00 per year be assessed, effective September 1, 1966. They are to provide adequate insurance to.cover the property. Also that water service be granted free of charge. Councilman Fleetwood suggested that the arrangements be drawn up in writing. Councilman Cary seconded and the motion passed. A plat was presented by Msgr. P.J.O'Connor requesting that some property he owns on E$tihth Street be re- subdivided. Referred to Mr.J.J.Hutton, Chairman of the Town's Planning Board. Mr. J. W. Petit representing Mrs. Hattie Denmark requested that the water bill for $35.00 against her property be cancelled as she had to repossess the property. petition denied. Mrs. Bessie Morgan petitioned for a refund of $25.00 which was a duplicate payment on her business license for the Morgan Apts. Petition granted. 1 1 1 91 Councilman Daniels moved that $100.00 be appropriated to pay the premium an the liability insurance for the fire works display held on August 13th. Councilman Davis seconded and the motion passed. There being no further business the meeting adjournedtsubject to the call of the Mayor. Henry M. Buckl; -y, Clerk of Council James A. Brown, Mayor