HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd 027 Pub Health & Sanitation First Published in the Daily Reperter the 2nd. Day ef April, 1982. THE CITY OF BEL AIRE, KANSAS ORDINANCE NO. 27 AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO PUBLIC HEALTH AND SANITATION; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; ESTABLISHING THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HEALTH OFFICER; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF VIOLATIONS: DECLARING CERTAIN ACTS OR CONDITIONS TO BE A NUISANCE: PROVIDING FOR STORAGE OF SALVAGE AND JUNK MATERIALS: PROVIDING FOR INSECT CONTROL: PROVIDING FOR REMOVAL OF WEEDS AND VEGETATION, PROVIDING FOR REGULATION OF SALVAGE YARDS AND PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION HEREOF. Be it Ordained by the Geverning Bedy ef Bel Aire, Kansas: SECTION 1. Definitiens. Unless etherwise specified the fellewing terms as used in this Ordinance shall mean as fellews: "Abandened Vehicle" last registered ewner ef deminien and centrel. shall mean any meter vehicle to' which the recerd thereef has relinquished all further "Agriculture" shall mean the use ef a tract ef land ef net less than 20 acres fer grewing creps in the epen, dairying, pasturage, herticulture, flericulture, and necessary accessery uses, including the structure necessary fer carrying eut farming eperatiens and the residence ef the persen whO' ewns er eperates the farm, and the family thereef, previded, hewever, agriculture shall nat include the fellewing uses: (1) the maintenance and eperatien ef cemmercial greenheuses er hydrepenic farms, (2) whelesale er retail sales, (3) the feeding ef garbage to' animals, (4) the raising ef peultry er fur bearing animals as a principal use, and (5)the eperatien er maintenance ef a feed let. "Bulky Waste" shall mean discarded er stered ineperative heuseheld appliances, disused furniture, disused equipment, junk lumber and ether building demelitien debris, parts ef machinery and equipment, and similar waste net erdinarily cellected with cempacter equipment; previded that this definitien shall net mean abandened er ineperable vehicles in whele er in part. "Centrel measures" shall mean any chemical, structural er physical precedures er precesses designed to' eradicate, minimize prevent er etherwise limit the repreductien and jer infestatien ef insects and redents detrimental to' cemmunity health. "Excessive neise" shall mean any seund which, by nature ef its intensity duratien er ether characteristics, may be deterimental to' the health ef an individual, er may be deemed anneying er ebjectienable to' the majeriny ef individuals expesed to' it sO' as to' interfere with the cemfertable enjeyment ef life er preperty, net withstanding the degree ef such aNneyance er ebjectienableness may be unequal. "Health Officer" shall mean the persen designated as Health Officer by the Mayer, with the appreval ef the City Ceuncil, er his autherized representatives such as but net ~imited to' physicians, Cemmunity Health Engineers, Cemmunity Health Nurses er Cemmunity Health Envire- mentalists (Sanitarians). "Human excreta" shall mean the bedy discharge (beth feces and urine) ef humans. "Ineperable vehicle" shall mean any meter vehicle which because ef mechanical defects, a wrecked er partially wrecked frame er bedy, er dismantled parts cannet be eperated in a nermal and safe manner. Any vehicle which has been ineperative fer a peried ef twenty ene (21) days shall in such case censtitute a prima facie presumptien that such vehicle is ineperable. "Insects" shall mean the classes Insecta and Archnida ef the Phylum Arthrepeda including but net limited to' flies, mesquitees, fleas, lice, ceckreaches, bed bugs, plant bugs, mites, ticks, spiders and scerpiens. "Manure" shall mean th~ bedy discharge ef all animals except humans. "Nuisance" shall mean any cenditien which is injurieus to' health, er is a petential health hazard er is indecent, er effensive to' senses, er an obstructien to' the free use ef preperty sO' as to' interfere with the cemfertable enjeyment ef life er preperty by an entire cemmunity er by a majerity ef persens subjected to' the cenditien being nO' less a nuisance because the extent ef the anneyance er damage inflicted is unequal. "Offensive eders" shall mean any eder deemed anneying, nauseeus, disagreeable, unwheleseme er ebjectienable by a majerity ef individuals sO' expesed as to' interfere with the cemfertable enjeyment ef life er preperty net withstanding the fact that the degree ef such anneyance, disagreeableness,nausea, unwhelesemeness er ebjectienableness may be unequal. "Owner" shall mean any persen whO', alene er jeintly er severally with ethers: a. shall have recerd legal title to' any preperty er structure thereen with er witheut accemapanying actual pessessien thereef; er b. shall have charge, care er centre 1 ef any preperty er structure thereen as ewner, er as executer, executrix, administrater, administratrix, trustee er guardian ef the estate ef the ewner. "persen" shall mean a natural persen er a legal entity such as but net limited to' an individual, firm asseciatien, jeint steck cempany, syndicate, partnership er cerperatien. "Premises" shall mean a let, plet, er parcel ef land including structures lecated thereen. "Preperty" shall mean any preperty within the C~ty ef Bel Aire which is net a street er highway. "Refuse" shall mean all putrescrible and nenputrescrible waste materials such as trash, debris, garbage, tree trimmings, grass cuttings, dead animals and selid industrial waste but shall net include human er animal excrements. "Redents" shall mean the sO' called demestic rats, Rattus nervegicus, and Rattus rattus, and semestic mice, Mus musculus and wild native redents asseciated with the transmissien ef disease er causing nuisance to' man er ether animals. "Salvage material" shall mean materials ef seme value bhat are ebtained frem the disassembly ef varieus kinds ef machinery, er mechanical appliances andjer the demelitien ef buildings er structures. "Salvage yards" shall mean any premises used fer: a. Sterag.e andjer sale er resale ef used' merchandise; er b. The disassembly ef wrecked er used autemebiles fer the andjer sale ef autemebile parts; er c. The sterage andjer sale ef varieus kinds ef metal andjer used building materials. "Site screening" shall mean decerative fencing, evergreen vegetatien er landscaped earth berms maintained fer the purpese ef cencealing frem view the area behind such fence, evergreen vegetatien er berms. When fencing is used fer screening, it shall neit be less than six ner mere than eight feet in height. 2 "Vehicle" shall mean a machine prepelled by pewer ether than human pewer that is designed to' travel aleng the greund by use ef wheels, treads, runners er slides er ether devices, and that transperts persens er preperty er pulls machinery and shall include witheut limitatien an autemebile, truck, trailer, mebile heme, metercycle, tracter, buggy and wagen. "Waste water" shall mean any water that is used fer any purpese and then discharged ebvieusly net existing fer any benefit, but net including a natural water ceurse, artificial pend, er lake. "Water Impeundments" shall mean situatiens created by impreper drainage er discharge ebvieusly net existing fer any benefit, but net including a natural water ceurse, artificial pend, er lake. "Weeds" shall mean ebnexieus grewth ef vegatien including bread leaf plants and grasses. SECTION 2. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HEALTH OFFICER The Health Officer shall be respensible fer the enfercemen~ ef all previsiens centained in this Health and Sanitiatien Ordinance and is hereby autherized to' make investigatiens, to' issue netices and erders to' held hearings, to' bring legal actien in ceurts ef cempentent jurisdictien and to' take ether measures as are necessary fer the enfercement ef said previsiens. SECTION 3. NOTICE OF VIOLATIONS Whenever the Health Officer determines that there has been a vielatien ef any previsiens ef this Health and Sanitatien Ordinance he shall give netice ef such alleged vielatien to' the person er persens respensible therefere, as hereinafter previded, such netice shall: 1. Be in writing. 2. Particularize the vielatien alleged to' exist er have been cemmitted: 3. Previded a reasenable time fer cerrectien ef the vielatien particularized; 4. Be addressed to' and served upen the ewner andjer eccupant ef the premises. Such netice shall be deemed preperly served upen the ewner er eccupant if a cepy thereef is served upen him persenally er if a cepy thereef is sent by certified mail to' his last knewn address. Prier to' nuisance abatement actien, netice will additienally be made at least ence in the efficial newspaper ef the City ef Bel Aire, such publicatien centaining cenditiens and reasens fer such netice 5. Netice requiring the remeval ef abandened er ineperative vehicles frem private preperty is to' be made to' the land ewner er persens in lawful pessessien upen which such vehicle is lecated, and to' the registered ewner ef any vehicle which is in vielatien ef this erdinance. Such net ice will advise that the meter vehicle vielates previsiens ef this Health and Sanitatien Ordinance and will direct that within ten (10) days the vehicle be meved to' a place ef lawful sterage er be heused within a building. Written netice will be sent by certified mail to' the registered ewner ef the vehicle addressed to' said ewner at his last knewn address ef recerd as determined by the Department ef Meter Vehicles and to' the land ewner ef recerd upen which such vehicle is lecated. Cepies fer such netice shall additienally be censpicueusly pested upen the premises. Such netice shall be deemed preperly served upen such ewner, eperater er eccupant if a cepy thereef is served upen him persenally er if a cepy thereef is sent by certified mail to' his last knewn address; previded further, netice may additienally be made upen such persen er persens by publicatien at least ence in the efficial newspaper ef the City ef Bel Aire, Such publicatien centaining cenditiens and reasens fer such netice. 6. Each persen whO' has been cited fer vielatienef any previsien ef this Ordinance may request a hearing befere the Health Officer to' medify er shew cause why cerrectien ef such vielatiens sheuld net be made. Failure to' request such a hearing within ten (10) days ef netificatien censtitutes a waiver ef the hearing precedure. 3 SECTION 4. NOTICE TO REMOVE WEEDS AND VEGETATION. The Health Officer shall give netice each year en the first day ef April, June, August, and Octeber, ef the previsien ef this chapter to' the ewners, eccupants, er persens in charge ef lets er pieces ef land in the city ef Bel Aire, by publicatien in the efficial newspaper ef the fellewing weed cutting netice. "Netice to' preperty ewners and persens in charge ef preperty. All eWDers and persen in charge ef possessien ef any tracts, lets er pieces ef land in the City ef Bel Aire, Kansas, are hereby netified that all weeds and ebnexieus grewth ef vegetatien ever eighteen (18) inches high en lets and pieces ef land and in the streets, reads, and alleys in frent ef and abutting upon any let er piece ef land in the City ef Bel Aire, Kansas has been declared to' be a nuisance, and that unless the eWDer er agent ef any such preperty shall immediately abate the same by cutting er causing to' be cut said weeds and ebnexieus vegetatien er by preventing such weeds and ebnexieus vegetatien threugh the use ef seil sterilants and herbicides, the City ef Bel Aire may preceed to' abate the nuisance and levy assessment against the preperty fer the ces.t ef such abatement". SECTION 5. NUISANCES It is unlawful fer any persen to' maintain er to' permit to' exist any nuisance as herein described. The fellewing cenditiens er materials are declared to' be injurieus to' the health and well being ef citizens ef the City ef Bel Aire er detrimental to' preperty lecated in said City and are hereby decal red to' be nuisance tegether with these cenditiens net herein enumerated by ceming under the definitien ef nuisance as described in Sectien 1 ef this Ordinance. 1. Discharged er accumulated waste water that ceuld result in direct human centact with sanibany sewage er human er animal exvreta, er that ceuld create erganic er inerganic pellutien ef greund er surfe waten, er that ceuld previde fer breeding, harbering er attractien ef insects and redents, er that ceuld result in emissien ef effensive eders. 2. Dead animals except these at slaughter heuses and these censidered industrial refuse that are preperly maintained fer precessing er disposal. 3. The discharge intO' the atmesphere ef any gaseeus er particulate matter resulting frem the cembustien, reduttien, precessing, er manufact- uring ef materials which cause er may cause significant injury to' human health er welfare, animal er plant life, er preperty er which may reasenably interfere with the enjeyment ef 11fe and preperty, er which may be censidered an ebjectienable eder; er excessive centaminate emissiens frem a single seurce fer a peried er perieds aggregating mere than three minutes in any ene heur which is ef such epacity as to' ebscure any ebserver's view to' a degree equal to' er greater than dees smeke ef 40% opacity. 4. Open basement structures, excavatiens, sterm cellars, industrial tanks, er ether exaavatiens er structures tJhat cellect water er preduce mesquite infestatien er that create health er safety hazards to' children er ether persens. 5. Weeds that are ever eighteen inches high as previded fer in Sectien 4 ef this Ordinance. 6. Water impoundments, as defined in Sectien 1 ef this Ordinance that are capable ef causing mesquite infestatien. 7. Refuse net stered er preperly cenfined and regularly disposed ef in a manner approved by the Health Officer. Preper sterage ef refuse shall censist ef water-tight, fly-tight centainers with fly-tight cevers. Dispesal ef such refuse will be made en a weekly basis er as eften as required in erder to' prevent the creatien ef a nuisance.. 4 8. Sanitary sewage er waste water including septic tank cleaning that is net managed er dispesed ef in a sanitary and healthful manner as determined by the Health Officer. 9. Salvage material, premise er vacant lets in ordinance. junk, bulky waste er ether material en residential residential areas, except as previded in this 10. Section Excessive 1 of this noise resulting ordinance. from any use of occupancy as defined in II. Minor auxiliary or accessory buildings or structures such as privies, sheds, barns, garages, tool heuses, vacant houses, or commerical structures which have become so dilapidated and deteriorated as to result in a potential accident hazard, to provide rat harborage, to create an attractive nuisance for childrerl or to' be effensive to' the senses. 12. Inoperable er abandoned vehicles permitted, parked, stored, or left en any private property in the City ef Bel Aire unl~ssuch vehicle is cempletelY_ enclosed within a building er unless the vehicle is so stored er parked en ,private preperty in cennectien with a duly licensed business or commeridal enterprise eperated and conducted pursuant to' law when such parking er storing of a vehicle is necessary to the eper- ation of said business er cemmercial enterprise. 13. Domestic animals which are maintained so as to cause discomfort to occupants of other premises by reason of offensive oders, insects or infestations, rodents, noise, noncenfinement, or safety hazards. Maint- aining large domestic animals, including but not limited to' bovine cattle, horses, hogs, sheep and goats in accordance with each of the following standards shall be deemed to net be a nuisnace: a. Providing at least 10,000 square feet of fenced open space per animal if the animal shelter er enclosure is within 300 feet ef any dwelling on adjoining premises, previded that this distance shall be 500 feet fer heys. b. Maintaining the animals within a fenced enclosure. as often however, c. Cleaning the demestic animal shelters at least as necessary to' prevent er centrel eders and fly that this shall net apply to grazing areas. . once a week er breeding provided d. Dispesing ef cellected fecal material and ether selid organic waster at a sanitary landfill, fertilizer precessing plant~ or by proper disposal on land used fer agriculture purpeses and garde~~g areas. e. Storing grain er protein foed in tightly cevered, redent- proof, metal containers er redent-proef bins. f. Maintaining the premises free ef redent harberage. g. Using anti-coagulant redenticides fer the centrel ef redents and ergane-phospherus insecticides fer the centrol of flies, er providing other effective chemical means fer the control ef rodents and flies. h. Using soil sterilants and herbicides or other effective means for the control of weeds and grass areund structures and buildings. 1. Constructing and maintain.ing animal shelters and enclosures, Includlflg rel"ICeS, Ly the ~se of dimension ro~terlal~ or other ef~ecti'7e means so as to preven~ domestic animals from breakirlg out or causing hazard to persons or property. j. Storing refuse in preper centainers or in a manner approved by ~ne Health Officer, and disposing of such refuse at least once each week or as frequently as may be required by the Health Officer. -5.. fI k. Stering selid waste accululated frem the cleaning of domestic animal shelters in metal centainers with tight-fitting metal lids and dispesing ef such selid waste at least once each week. 1. Providing preper drainage sO' that there is nO' accumulatien ef rainfall or liquid waste. 14. Abandoned ice bexes a. Abandened, unattended er discarded icebexes, refrigeraters and ether cenatiners having airtight deors which, when clesed cannet be epened frem the inside are hereby declared to' be an attractive nuisance to' children and a menace to' their health and safety when accessible to' them eut ef deors. b. It is unlawful fer any person to' leave eutside in a place accessible to children, any abandoned, unattended er discarded icebex, refrigerater er ether container of any kind which has an airtight doer or an airtight snap leck which when clesed cannet be epened frem the inside; previded, hewever, that this sectien shall net apply if the airtight snap leck er airtight deers have first been remeved from the icebox, refrigerater or centainer. SECTION 6. STORAGE OF SALVAGE AND JUNK MATERIALS. NO' ewner ef occupant ef any dwelling shall stere er dispose ef salvage material, bulky waste, junk or discarded materials en any residential premises or en vacant lets in residential areas. Ther ewner andjer occupant shall keep premises free ef litter, refuse, salvage material, and junk; provided that building materials to' be used within ene hundred ,eighty (180) days for constructien en the premises, if properly autherized may be en premises. SECTION 7. EXTERMINATION OF INSECTS, RODENTS AND OTHER VERMIN. Every occupant ef a single establishment shall be responsible for the exterminatien ef any insects, rodents er ether vermin there in er upon the premises. Wherever twO' er mere eccupants are in the same building the ewner er eperater ef the building shall be responsible fer such exterminatiens. SECTION 8. REMOVAL OF WEEDS AND VEGETATION The ewners, eccupants er persens in charge ef any let er piece ef land in the City ef Bel Aire are hereby required to' cut, destrey and remeve all weeds and obnexious grewths ef vegetatien ever eighteen (18) inches high upon any let er piece of land er upon the streets, roads and alleys in frent and abutting upen any such lot or piece ef land. SECTION 9. SALVAGE YARDS All salvage yards shall be lecated in accerdance with the City zoning regulatiens All rackable salvage materials shall be stered en racks er in bins with at least eighteen (18) inches of clearance between the bettem ef the rack er bin 'and the ground and a width ef forty-eight (48) inches er less. NO' rack or bin shall be closer than ferty-eight (48) inches to a wall, fence or adjacent bin er rack. Nen rackable materials shall be stored with an exposed perimeter or in a manner specified by the Health Officer to' prevent redent harborage and breeding. All ground surface except lawn areas shall be kept free ef all grasses and weeds using seil sterilants, herbicides, andjor ether effective metheds. An effective, continueus redent poisoning using aticeagulants redenticides er other effective metheds shall be maintained at all salvage yards. Each salvage yards in operation upen enactment ef this Ordinanoe shall previde a site screening plan to' the Health Officer and shll implement said appreved plan within twO' (2) years ef the effective date of this Ordinance. Salvage yards that initiate eperatiens subsequent to' passage of the Health and Sanitatien Ordinance shall subnit a site screening plan to' the Health Officer for appreval and shall implement said appreved plan prier to occupancy. 6 .,.----~~-_.._.----~_.__._'----_.__.._- SECTION 10. Penalties fer Violatien Any person feund tc be permitti~g er maintaining a nuisance as herein provided cr is feund to' be in vielption of any sectien ef this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeaner and may be sentenced to a term of confinement not to' exceed ene (1) month er may be sentenced to' pay a fine not exceeding Five Hundred Dellars ($500.00), er both. SECTION 11. Effective date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official ity publication. Passed and approved by the City Council the 1982. 16th day of March Approved by the Mayor the 1.aJ- day of ~L:P , 1982. " ':' ". ......,-:; ".,~~< , :' /". ~i <:--.r. . . f...7~'i,r1f.'..J5.>'.:GX\... "~..'\. .--: ':'::'. ~'I'-'. C lit 1 r) ~1... ,,--, ",~- I. I . ~1"-" ';, ~.;lTi. " '.1 ',I,'. ~..' . J\ "'t:"c , I 1 ~ " ~ ~ r ,_ _' ." ~.;:" <,,;} - f r "'.1\\1.- ATTEST: ~d- ~ CITY CLERK -7-