HomeMy Public PortalAbout19670809CCMeeting146. SECTION 11 The owner and operator of each such place of business shall be responsible for the compliance withithis Ordinance. SECTION III Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction ro before the Recorder's Court of said Town, be subject t� be fined in the sum of .noj, more than $100.00 or be imprisoned not more than 30 days, either or both, or any portion of either or both, in the discretion of the Court and /or revocation of license. SECTION IV All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. The Mayor suggested that the places be ldtt alone until the Courts decide. There being no further business Council adjourned subject to the call of the Mayor. Jerk o ouneil. Mayor. Savannah Beach, Ga., August 9, 1967. The regular meeting of Council was held today at 7 :30 p.m., in the Council Room and was attended by Mayor Brown, who presided, and Councilmen Hohensteih, Davis, Daniels, Cary, Counihan, Fleetwood, Town Attorney Solms, Supt Reed, Chief Priceand Anthony Simon,Hubert Ellzey, Howell Tilton, Henry Glitson Bert Barrett, Mrs. Louise Sasser. Mr. Tilton representing Harmon's Inc., who furnished the pant for painting the water tower, stated that he had heard reports that the paint used, supplied by his company was of inferior quality and he wanted to inform Council that such reports were untrue - The Mayor informed Mr. Tilton that he had not heard of anything regrading this - Councilman Counihan stated that the paint used was of excellent quality. Mayor Brown.informed Supt Reed that the roof on the comfort sstation looks cheap - Mr. Reed stated that he did not it looked bad, he was trying to save costs - Councilman Davis reported that the area around the "Phillips 66" Station should be cleaned up, also an old auto on Butler Avenue, and on 2nd Avenue - and also at Freddie Anderson's Station, they should be hauled away - The Police Committee will handle. Councilman Davis reported that the bill Hugh Jackson for $15,0113.00 should be held up until an adjustment is made on their borrowing the the Town's grader in return for their doing some extra work - there were several manholes to be raided. 1 Councilman Davis reported that he had a letter from the Carlton Company quoting an estimate of not over $500.00 to repair the engine in the Caterpillar, -after repairs, the Town was billed $656.42.- the bill was held up. Supt Redd stated that te rent on another tractor is $400.00. per ' week. Councilman Counihan reported. that the rods in the water tower have corroded out and should be replaced, the. _cost would be $2,200.00 submitted by Romine Co., - Councilman Fleetwood wanted another bid - Councilman Counihan stated that he had ordered a battery dharger for the water department, cost $49.00. Councilman Counihan commenting on articles in the newspapers regarding Sunday elasing of bar rooms stated that the Mayor had a different viewpoint from tic of Council - that Council should accept blame for its actions - the Mayor stated that he•was -sorry that Councilman Counihan did not like his remarks to the newspapers - Councilman Counihan stated that the Mayor should resign. The Mayor informed Council that Homer Jenkins came down Saturday night and ordered the places closed. Chief Price reported that 2 of his men were resigning from the department to join County forces for more pay - Councilman Daniels informed Council that several years ago he reommened adopting a merir system for department - the Mayor asked the Chief if he had any replacements - the Chief ststaed that good men are hard to find. Referred to the Police Committee. Mrs. Sasser and Mr. Barrett informed Council the Legion Post 154 had started Friday night dances at the Legion Hall for teen -agers ;dhad hoped to keep them going the Fall months or longer - but 14st Friday night another band had a dance at the Town Hall - they felt that 2 dances on Friday nights would not be well patronized and since the Ladies Auxilliary were hiving their dance to provide funds for their work and the other group were operating for profit, they wanted the cooperation of the Town - Councilman Carey moved that no action be taken at this time - Councilman Hohenstein seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Fleetwood stated that the dates on the notices sent to proerty owners showing a change in their assessments by the County Board of Assessors do not agree. Dont send the refund checks. Councilna Davis stated that the Town had purchased some property from the Ft. Screven Dev. Co., and were charging them taxes for it - Councilman Daniels commented that the Ft. S.DBI.Co. pay taxes of 12¢ a lot, the Hunnicutt Appraisers report show that they are worth 10 :00 a lot, average.- Mr. Solms suggested sending a committee to see Mr. McCabe regarding this.- Councilman Counihan moved that the County Assessors revalue the properties of the Ft. S.Dev. Co.- Councilman Daniels seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Daniels moved that eck for tax refunds be sent out - Councilman Carey seconded and thte motion passe 148 r Councilman Fleetwood moved that the License Ordinance to charge a fee of $50.00, per day, for auctioneers - Dfvia seconded and the,motion passed. Councilman Counihan moved that the nett water schedule Councilman Daniels seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Daniels moved that to bring Officer David A. MoUtchen' s pease offciers due to date that he be paid $35.00 - Councilman Davis seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Daniels knformed Council that the Ambulance was in a recent accident which was not Town's fault, damage amounted to approximately $500.00 - the Town should file suit. Councilman Daniels wanted to know the ststus of the land west of the seawall conveyed to'the Town by the Fort Screven Dev. Co., - Councilman Fleetwood stated that it was conveyed subject WA lease with J.H.Dendy - Mr. Solms stated that he did not draw up deed. Councilman Davis moved that.Raymond Bess pay be raised 25¢ per hour effective August 1st, 1967,- Councilman Counihan seconded and the motion passed - Councilman Davis stated that some lots in Ft. Screven and also on Butler Avenue be cleaned. be amended Councilman be adopted - Councilman Davis reported that at the Tybee Terrace Cottages 6 meters should be installed and be billed $2.50 per month, minimum - Councilman Counihan stated that they also have 31 units that should be charged $2.50 per month or put in meters - Councilman Davis moved that the Tybee Terrace Cottages be charged $2.50 per unit, per month, for 31 units or they put in meters - Councilman Counihan seconded and the motion passed. The Mayor reported that the Giles cottage on Butler Avenue does not have a- water meter as the main is under the concrete under t house. ouncilman Davis moved the adoption of Minimum Housing-Ordinance Councilman Daniels seconded and the motion gassed. Councilman Hohenstein moved that the Ordinate recently iieenta to prd►vide decals to broperty owners for $1.00 be repealed - Councilman Fleetwood seconded, those voting YES - Hohenstein and Fleetwood - those. voting NO - Counihan, Carey, Daniels and Davis. The Mayor recommended using a tape recorder to record then minutes of the meetings - Councilman Daniels suggesting trying e the next meeting. Councilman Daniels moved that the Town Councilmen be paid $10.00 per month instead of being. paid for attendance at regular meetings of Council.-Councilman Fleetwood seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Daniels informed Council of the recent dent ref former Councilman John A.Peters and moved that a Resolution be adopted extending of the Board - Councilman Fleetwood seconded and the motion passed. 1 - Councilman Davis moved that the Ordinance previously adopted on August 4, 1967, providing rules and regulations for the operation businessess selling alcoholic beverages be amended, as follows - Councilman Counihan seconded and the motion passed unanamously: ORDINANCE. 149'