HomeMy Public PortalAbout19670823CCMeeting150 Aavannah Beach, Ga., ugust 23, 1967. The regular meeting of Council was held today in the Council Room, in the Town Hall, and was attended by Mayor Brown, who presided, and Councilmen Hohenstein, Davis, Daniels, Cary, Counihan, Fleetwood, Town Attorney Solms, Supt Reed, Chief Price and Jack Brady, Mrs Kay Carson, Henry Glisson, J. Stetler and Evans, Magune. Mrs Carson reported that the sanitary sewer line had backed up in her house on Second Avenue,. near 9th street, and she wanted it. corrected - Councilman Counihan and Supt Reed will check on it. Mr. Evans of JCs requested that the parking meters in Memorial Park be removed - Councilman Fleetwood stated that having the meters has not stopped cars going to the Park - Councilman Counihan suggested removing posts from entrance - Councilman Hohenstein stated it would be better to leave posts in place - Councilman Davis stated the idea was to narrow road but leave it open - Councilman Counihan moved that the posts be reoved from the entrance - Councilman Davis seconded, those voting YES - Daniels, Davis; Counihan, those voting NO- Cary, Fleetwood, Hohenstein - Mayor voted NO - motion defeated. Jack Brady requested. .that 4th Avenue, from 6th to 7th streets be opened by the Town and that sanitary sewerage and water services be installed, he had sold lot 180, Ward 2, and was informed that he could not get sewerage services there unlee a lift station was installed, he asked if he Naf going to get the services - Councilman Davis stated that he coulthemif he pays for them - referred to Councilman Counihan to handle. Mr. Magune operator of the Nancy Hanks, Jr., requested space on the Strand (2 parking meters) for next seasons operations - he was informed that the request could not be granted at this time. Minutes of themeeting held July 24th and August 4th were read and adopted. ' Councilman Davis stated. that lots in the Fort Screven area and also north of lat street and west of Jones Aveflue should be cleaned. Cluncilman Hohenstein reported that the boat loading ramp at alley #4 is in bad.condition, oyster shells are all over it and should be removed - Councilman Daniels stated that oyster shells could be purchased from Dickeys'. Chief Price had nothing to report- Councilman Hohenstein stated that dogs were running loose on the beach and that the life guards are not on the job - Chief Price stated that the life guards do not have a station, they patrol beach - Councilman Daniels repo/led b business license have not been paid, he turned list over to the Chief to put them on the docket. 1 Councilman Davis has program planned for the Labor Day weekend such as street dance, band concert,pie eating contest, greasey pole, and others and wants Council to approve it - Councilman Hohenstein moved that approval be granted - Councilman Fleetwood seconded and the motion passed. -. Councilman Hohenstein reported that the Camp Site is progressing nicely - the Comfort Station isaabout compelted, it is planned to open the weekend of the 9th -loth . Councilman Cary atstaed that the savannah Glass Co., wants to put a (POOR FLOOR) type of flooring in the Comfort Statio n,=with a 4 inch sidewall, for advertising purposes, would cost cost about about $800.00. Councilman Hohenstein wants a sigh of Tybee Road directing visitors to camp site - also that the official name of the Damp site be known as Savannah Beach Family Camp Grounds. A.L. Post #154, through Commander Bert Barrett, requested permission to sponsor a circus on Sptember 26th, in the area between the Legion Hall anf the Stadium - Councilman Daniels moved thatbthe request be granted - C »,• ilman Fleetwood seconded and the motion passed - he stated that s6uld carry insurance. Councilman Daniels moved that the License Ordinance be amended to charge a fee of $50.00 to sell used and new cars - Councilman Cary seconded the motion passed - placed on 1st reading. A petition was presented by residents and property owners on 18th street that the noise and speed of cars going west on 18th street from the parking lot be stopped.- Police dept will handle. Councilman Hohenstein moved that the regular meetings of Council be changed to the 3rd Wednesday of the month starting at 7:30 p.m., and mat: commencing with the October meeting meet at 3 :00 p.m.,- Councilman Fleetwood seconded, the motion passed. Mrs. Madelain Walker requested permission to use the auditorium in the Town Hall 2 days a week to conduct her dancing class for pupils of hers on the island. Her request was denied. Bills for the several depattzients were approved for payment • Councilman Cary wants estimate of cost of cleaning the Haar property, wants written report - Councilman Davis stated that Supt Reed made it - He also wanted lists of costs of Camp Site - Councilman Hohenstein stated that it is<in the report - Councilman Cary stated that the Haar property had not been cleaned, wants a copy of letter to them. Councilman Daniels ed about bids on gasoline, oils, ect., stated that he wil aids. 152 uncilman Davis reported that bill for $800.00 of the Caterpiller co ompany for tractor rent had been adjusted - The Mayor asked what the cost of rep .ring the Towns' tractor was going to be - Councilman Davis - stated that the bill had not come in. Councilman Counihan reported Stone (Byers0 Street is in bad condition and should be repaired. Councilman Fleetwood stated that delinquent taxes should be advertised in September for sale in October. Councilman Cary stated that he and Chief trice were notified by Frank Mathews that he would cooperate regarding having his electric system corrected and cleaning up the aria. The Mayor stated that the tape recorder method of recording the minutes was working allright. 1 1 1 Savannah Beach, Ga. September 10, 1967 A special meeting :of council was held today at 3 :15 p. m6 and was attended by Mayor Brown, who presided, and Councilmen Counihan, Cary, Hohenstein, Davis and Daniels. The meeting was called to discuss ways and means of increasing salaries in the Police Department. Councilmen Daniels suggested using a portion of the salary of one officer (laid off) and applying it to the officers remaining on duty. Councilman Counihan asked what the increase would be. Councilman Daniels stated that it would be about $10.00 per man, per week. Councilman Davis stated that the Department does not work hard during the off season months, the Mayor stated that the Police Department budget does not provide for the increase, as their budget is over the limit now. Councilman Davis stated that if the increase is not granted, two more men will resign. Councilman Daniels made a motion that $40.00 per man, per month be granted for a six man department during the off season months, effective September 1, 1967. Councilman Davis amended the motion to include $20.00 per month for Supt. Reed. Councilman Counihan seconded and the motioning passed. Councilman Davis stated that it should be made plain to them, that Council has gone the limit. There being no fUrther business, Council adjourned, subject to the call of the Mayor. Clerk of Council, Mayor.