HomeMy Public PortalAboutFOURTEENTH ST_502.pdfB011 DING CITY PRC)PF F3;I Y DE Ir 81111 DING1. (e --Reside-AT,' - - � - AT - l ITODEA.O- Gli t1DE (OPTIOM (##" MW ## ##" or #######") FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL_ FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Iniportant: Read the instructions on Pages 1 - 7. SECTION A - PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Apt Unil, Suite, and/or Bldg No.) OR P O POLITE AND BOX NO tic) aomme� Comments area, if Feoessary. O.M.B. No. 3067 0017 Exl)ires July 3 1, 2002 For Insurance Company use Company - HORIZONTAL DATUM:-� SOURCE: Lj GPS (Type): 1_ .1 NAD 1927 [_j NAD 1983 L.] USGS Quad Map L1 Other:— -. SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION ( Tl- WIMI JNITY NAME �OM� NUMBER B2 COUNTY NAME _� I rl .cam' ��.IIJJ � - G ' 4�/��� Bi MAP ANIT -PANEL-- 5-90THIK- E36 FIRFutTfD�X 7. FIRM . TLO-0L rrl lMt)Ef2 Dgg1 E EFFEC 1 iVE/R�ISE DA1 E ZON (S) 1,4-9404- o� G 6, ; 6 X- 7 E110 Indicate the source of the se Flood Elevation (BFE) data or base flood deDIrl entered In 69. 611 B12 G (Zone AO, use I 1 1 -IS prufile 1_1 FIRM 1-._I Community Del er tried 1-1 Other (Describe): _ Indicate the elavalion datum used for the BFE in B9: 1.__ GVD 1929 1_1 NAVD 1988 1_1 Other (Describe): _ Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) area or Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? Uesigrralion Date: � t=f EVATIi)hl(S) h of flooding) 1-1 Yes --I I No SECTION C - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION {SURVEY REQUIRED) C 1. Bidi(ling elevations are based on: 1___ -Construction Drawings' 1__18uilding Under Construction' 1— hrished Construction 'A new Elevation Certificate will be requi+ed when construction of the building is complete. C2 Budding Diagram Number ____J (Select the building diagram most similar to the building for which thig certificate is being completed see pages 6 and 7. If no diagram accurately represents the building, provide a sketch or photograph.) C3 Elevalious . Zones Al -A30, AE, All, A (with BFE), VE, VI -V30, V (with BFE), AR, ARIA, ARIAE, AR/A1-A30, AR/A114, AR/AO Comltlt,le Items C3.a-I below according to the building diagram specified in Item C2. State the dalum used. If the datum is different hour Ihi datum used for the BFE in Section B, convert the datum to that used for the BFE. Show field measurements and datum conversion (:,jIc:nlation Use the space provided or the Comments area of Section D or Section G, as appropriate, to document the dalurn conversion 1lalunr /N��U`��� Conversion/Conunents �--�-- _T __ _ Hl :vt,uon reference mark used the elevation reference mark used appear on the FIRM? 1_1 Yes l r(IJo 11 a,) I op of bollorn floor (inducting basement or enclosure) It.onj- ---- - L1 It) I op of next higher flour U (;) Bottom of lowest horizontal structural member (V zones only) L.1 d) Attached garage (lot) of slab) .1 c) I uwest elevation of machinery and/or equipment bulvicing the building (Describe in a Comments area.) _ _ ft.(r }- d i 9 U 1) I uwest adjacent (finished) grade (I AG) _� ft.(7nj �( �' 4 LI g) I lighesl adjacent (finished) grade (I IAG)(�� � U h) Ido- of permanent openings (flood vents) within 1 fl- above adjacent grade _ �' 8U U i) I uta{ area of all permanent openings (flood vents) in C3-li sq. in. (sq�sM7�11L � SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This cerlificalion is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevatlon information 1 cefirly rhirl 1ho i!)forf)ralio!) in Soclions A, B, and C on this certificate represents my bast effods to interpr9( the data available 1 iln(lursiand 11)d1 any f is sl 19lNOf)l7NtlY be pnnlshable by fro orimp!Lsufunent under 18 U.S. Coria, Section 100 f. ZRl If ItR`S`NAME LICEN E UIJfBE1-2— ---- - - ti F�rc.r .�U..%%--------- - -- - 1 I COMPANY NAME A[1t1R2 %S SIf;tIATI(a 0 ZT-1 T AP fiOD PfONE" -- -- f-r-fAA r. ,­ 1111 nn Ct v: Pf­wr-gCF czinp FILA r.nNiTIN11IATIMI PrPI Ar'FC At I PPP%A(]I M FI)iyfflM1IC IMPORTANT: h, these 1301 11lflc3 STRFFi ADDF+ the corresponding Info►rnatior► Froin Section A. SECTION D -SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) - Copy hnfil sines of this Elevation Certificate for (1) community official, (2) insuranre agent/company, and (3) building owner. Check here If atlachrrrents SECTION E - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT erF)� For lone AO and Zone A (without BFE), complete Items E1. through E4. if the Elevation Certificale Is intended for use as supporting — infonnalion for a LOMA or LOMB -F, Section C must be completed. E 1. Building rNagrarn Number (Select the building diagram most similar to the building for whlrh this certificate is being completed see pages 6 and 7. if no diagram accurately represents the building, provide a sketch or photograph.) E2. T he top of the bottom floor (including basement or enclosure) of the building is I—i_i fl.(m) I__I__Iln.(cm) I—I above or ( I hPlow (check one) the highest adjacent grade. (Use natural grade, if available.) F3. For Building Diagrams 6-8 with openings (see page 7), the next higher floor or elevated floor (elevation h) of the building is I__ I__ 11`1 (in) I_ I_Iin.(cm) above the highest adjacent grade. Complete Items C3.h and C3.1 on front of form F4 For 7one AO only. If no flood depth number Is available, is the top of the bottom floor elevated In accordance will) the comrnunily's floodplain management ordinance? I -I Yes I I Nod j Unknown. The local official must certify this Information In Section G. SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Sectlons A. B, C (Items C3.1) and C3.1 only), and E for Zone A (wilhoul a FEMA Issued or community -Issued BFE) or Zone AO must sign here. Tire statements in Sections A, 8, C, acrd E are cofrect rn the best ofm knowled e. �T,rnTv6MJ t z£6 REPRESENTAT u — ---_- - CI I y 9TT.TE___^_7I r C013E­._- -,MMATl IFS£ -- - -__MTF TF1Fr RF -__ �ZSi�TF�JfFf1T�-- --- JJ Check here if attac(nments SECTION G - COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local official who Is authorized by law or ordinance to administer the community's floodplain management ordinance can complete Sections A, R. C (o► F), and G of this Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable Item(s) and sign below. G 1 I I T he information In Section C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and embossed by a licensers surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by state or local law to certify elevation information. (Indicate the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) G2 I _ J A communily official completed Section E for a building located In Zone A (without a FEMA -issued or cornrnunity-Issued BFE) or Zone AO. G3. i F Fite following information (Items (34-G9) is provided for community floodplain management purposes. -?74 PFPiUTTTlflG1IT£Ti— G5 DATE PERMI I ISSUED GRTFCF TTrITATEUrUDTJRFAf7Z`EKS�. JrATTI;Y ISSUED J G7 This pennil has been issued for: I_i New Construction I—I Substantial Improvement G8. Elevation of as built lowest floor (Including basement) of the building Is: _ ft.(rn)Datum: G9. BfF or (in Zone AO) depth of flooding at the building site Is: _ _-_ ft.(rn)Daturn: _TM,AI TsrrMr'>; � --------- - -- COMMUNiTY NAME TEI-EPHONE SIc�NniifRF -Z`t�lUlN1FF11� -- -- TE Check here if altacti meats nrnr Arrc nr I Pr7G111r11 IC r'r,l 1 ri ,r �C