HomeMy Public PortalAbout19671220CCMeeting1 161 Savannah Beach, Ga., December 20, 1967. The regular meeting of Council was held today at 3:00 P.N. in the Council Room in the Town Hall and was at vended by Mayor Brown, who presided, and Councilman Counihan, Daniels, Davis, Cary, Hohenstein, Fleetwood, Town Attorney Solms, Supt Reed, Chief Price and Jane Kohel, Mrs. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman, Jack Brady, Langdon Cooper, Henry Glisson, Hubert Ellzey. Mr. Kaufman read aletter from the Golden Age Club, thanking Council for the repairs made to the Community House and alsorequesting that safe and acIquate heat be provided, they have located a 50,000 BTU vented heater with automatic control, in good condition that can be purch >sed for X55.00. The Garden Club will purchase necessary paint for tables, chtrs, refrigerator and the Golden Agers will supply the labor, they suggested that the large back room be set up as a game room and be cleaned and painted - they have a pool table and several other donations available for this room - the rule requiring those using the Community House to clew it up after using it should be enforced - the Mayor stated that a heater had been installed - Mr. Kaufman informed him that it had been taken out as it was defective - Councilman Hohenstein stated that the building should be repaired Where needed - the Mayor will check on it. A petition containing 14 names of persons not objecting to having horses stabled in their neighborhood was read - Councilman Cary stated that the present Ordinance covering horse, dogs, ect., is a good one, Tybee is. growing and there is not enough room on island to house horses - permit those.: din island to remain, but amend Ordinance - Councilman Davis moved that the following Ordinate be placed on first reading and adopted - Councilman Counihan seconded the motion passed. Councilman baniels reported some vicious dogs on island, the Chief should notif$$ dog owners to keep dogs off of streets - Councilman Counihan n i t the Ordinance regulating dogs, ect., be amended and placed on'first reading - Councilman Cary seconded - those voting YES - Counihan, Daniels, Davis, Cary, Hohenstein - Voting NO - Fleetwood. Supt Reed reported that the old cell block -in the Community House has beed reoved, the floor needs to be worked over - Councilman Davis moved that any work to be done there be postponed until after 5 -1 -68 - CsOneilman Cary seconded, the motion passed. Supt Reed reported that repairs finished next week - Councilman had placed their mobile unit on Supt Reed will show the C & G S to the Disposal Plant will be Hohenstein stated that the C & G S the old mark near the Camp Site - where to put its Councilman Counihan repotted that the sewer main to Jack Brady' s sub- dividion will 'cost approximately g}} g0.00 - the Mayor asked if there was any question about the Tot 9- Councilman Counihan Moved that the work be deferred until after 1 -1 -68 - Councilman Cary seconded and the motion.passed. 162 Chief (rice reported that the Police Dept is functioning allright - the Court Room and Jail need some repairs - Chief Price asked what was Council's thoughts regarding the proposed New Years Eve bon -fire - Council agreed that if permission was granted by the owner of the property on which the fire was to be held, that permission be granted. Councilman Fleetwood stated that on the proposed annexation of Garden Ward, that the Town furnishes fire protection to.this area now - Mr. Solms is to advise as to the legal aspects of annexation - Mr. Solms stated that 60 percent of the property owners in the area would have to approve - Councilman Dahiels moved that the matter be handled by the Finance Committee - Councilman Hohenstain seconded and tae motion' passed. Councilman Counihan recommended that the part time building inspector be allowed 5 gallons of gasoline per week in connection with his duties, request granted - the Mayor asked if he would collect fees - Councilman Counihan he will be satisfied to take action later. Councilman Counihan reported that 19th street, east of Butler Avenue, was blocked off by a hurrican fence - Councilman Davis stated that it should be removed - Mr. Solms will contact the Adams family regarding this, Councilman Cary stated thatisarequest had been made by a group thf young people for permission to have a bon -fire New Years Eve - he was informed that permission had already been granted. Councilman Cary informed Council that some progress had been made on the lot cleaning program. Fire Chief Solomon informed Council that a new fire engine is needed, the Underwriters want something done about it now, one of the present pieces of equipmentris 30 years old and is worn out - Councilman Fleetwood asked the cost of new equipment - Chief Solomon stated approximatly 23,200.00 - Councilman Cary and his committee will check on it. Edmond Solomon stated that he has paid $1200.00 to the Town for sewer and water mains in 4th Avenue, north of 1st Street and that the installer gpa have not been made by Town - Councilman Counihan will see Supt/ garding this. Councilman Daniels stated that the Town had agreed to purchase from the Ft. Screven Dev.,Co., certain lands - he reququested Roy McCabe of the County Assessors office, to send someone to check the values placed on this property by Hunnicut Associates, the lots were fairly assessed as reported to him by Mr. McCabe - the Town is purchasing this property, 21 lots, for $7500.00 - the lots are not worth it - he went along tninking the figures were correct - Councilman Fleetwood stated that the area as a whole should be handled - Councilman Davis stated that a sales contract had been signed Z11 xxxxicxxx to purchase this property - Councilman Daniels statd that the Town is either paying too much or the assessed values are too low - Councilman Davis stated that Mr. McCabe came down and rechecked the lots - Councilman Daniels moved that the offer of the Ft. Screven Dev., Co.,to sell the lots to the Town for $7500.00 be withdrawn - there was no second, the motion was defeated - Councilman Hohenstein stated that there was more to it than :.meets the eye.- The Mayor stateithat the sales contract had been signed by the Town Councilman Hohenstein stated that his committee looked at the property and decided that it was needed - Councilman Dat els stated that he could not see ms spending the tk ,i.' Isere .(money for it. Councilman Daniels asked about the Golf Course area and building - Councilman Fleetwood stated that he was not answering - personal interest ws involved - in 1961 J.H.Dendy contracted a lease option to purchase the proerty - he applied for a building permit in 1962 - put in Driving Range at request of Mr. Dendy - assigrment o May 26 lease from Ft. Screven Dev., Co., - agreed to let Mr. Dendy have the money - Town in 1961- got seawall quit claim deed from from Mr. Dendy - went to property owners to see if any objections to Golf Course - he agreed to buy building - the Town owns Dutton Parr - Councilman Daniels stated that the Town owns 107.56 feet, the group is buying what it does not own, they must be stopped now, the Town Attorney should check on the legality of it. The minutes of the meeting of Nevember 15th were approved. Councilman Fleetwood informed Council that insurance companies should be charge) a license to do business in the Town and taved that the 1967 license Ordinance be amended to charge of fee of X25.00 plus 1 percent of the premium - Councilman Counihan seconded and the motion passed. Petition of Erwin Freidman, attorney for Mrs. Nydia Steele, to reconvey to her lot 165 -A, Ward 1, which was sold for taxes on July 2, 1963, all taxes and costs having been paid - Councilman Daniels moved that petition be granted - Councilman Fleetwood seconded and the motion passed, Councilman Fleetwood moved that Mrs. Sue (John T.) Elliott be refunded $151.99, due her as a years support granted a widow, for 196- taxes and costs - also that a 51.36, one half of 1967 taxes, as a years support granted a widow, Mrs Zach Arnold, be allowed - Councilman Davis seconded and the motion passed. Hills for the various departments were approved for payment. 1 63