HomeMy Public PortalAbout19680117CCMeetingSavannah Beach, Ga., January 17, 1968. The regular meeting 62 Council was held to-day at 3:00 P.M., in the Council Room,and was attended by Mayor Brown, who presided, and Councilmen Fleetwood, Counihan, Cary, Daniels, Davis, Hohenstein, Town Attorney Solms, Chief Price, Supt Reed and George Peters, Henry Glisson, Mrs. Evelyn Butner, Mrs. Helen Cooper, Hubert Exley. Councilman Caryinformed Council that 20 young men wanted to use the Camp Site for 2 nights, Feb. 10th and llth, that if one group is permitted to use it, then will have to let others use it - Councilman Daniels stated that he did not feel that way about it- Councilman Hohenstein agreed to let them have it on the 10th and llth and thereafter only on odf season months and only to island groups. Mayor Brown reported that there is a sgrplus of sand on the 16th• street parking lot and that persons could have it if they hauled it assay. Supt Reed reported that some of the eleoZric service on the island it faulty - 4 motors burned out last month due to bad service - Counci ;man Counihan stated that the motors should be protectedte: . as it is too costly to repair them. Councilman Davis statedthat he had received complaints about no warning lights lights being on the water tower, this dangerous to airplanes - Councilman Cary stated that the Fire Dept have arranged a meeting with representatives from Hunter Field regarding this- lights should be on the tearer. Councilman Counihan made a motion that a 50 HP motor'be installed at the tower to cost Approximately $1+78.00 - Councilman Daniels seconded, the motion passed. Supt Reed reported that the Clakiifier at the Disposal Plant had been repair - Coumilman Fleetwood stated that Mr. Harbison of the Health Dept informed him that the disposal systemis inadequate and that signs should be placed at the Treatment Plant.- the Mayor state that signs will be put in the spying - Councilman Daniels stated that the Health Dept his not taken a count since last summer. The I4 yor informed Council treat the owners of Little Tybee Island requested permission to use the Public Dock on Tybee Inlet to tie up their boats, ect., during temporary operations - Councilman Fleetwood moved that permission be granted provided they agree to protect the dock against any damages that may occur - Councilman Counihan seconded a:,d the motion passed. The Mayor recomiawnded that a sign should be placed near the entrance to the Camp Site, so that people can find it. 1 1 1 Chief Price reported that the ponce cars are operating but need repabrs - the Ambulance is 5 years old hasbbeen in a wreck and needs repirs - The Mayor suggested tyat a private Ambulance Co., be contacted to handle the service, 2 polce officers are needed on a run - Councilman Daniels stated the should operate the service - Councilman Fleetwood stated that Mr. Ed Towns had an ambulance that the Town could probably get - Councilman Cary will talk to members of the Fire Dept they might work out something - Councilmen.Daniels and Cary will also get together - Chief Price reprted that the C hvrolet has 90000 miles on it - and. is pumping oil - the Rambler has 53000 miles on it - the Mayor asked if a motorcycle could be used during the1 ummer months in place of a police car - Chief Price stated that :L he believed that it could. Councilman Hohenstein made a motion that Council go on record approving the merger of Chatham County and the City of Savannah, not metropolitan, just merging police dept of Savannah Beach with Chatham County - Councilman Fleetwood amended motion to wait - Councilman Daniels stated that the proposed merger is between the County and City of Savannah - there was no second. Councilman Fleetwood read a letter regarding purchase of land in Fort Screven - appraisers called David Meddin of Ft.$.Dev.Co., who informed them that if the Town did not want to purchase he dad another party who would, they arrived at values - Councilman Fleetwood recommended that the Town go through`-with the purchase - Meddins directors want an answer before Jan. 18, 1968 - Cpuncilman Daniels eed,at last meeting buyl/property at price agreed upon but he felt that the Town was paying too much or the assessed value was too low - he talked to the Tax Assessor for the County - he made a motion that he Town withdraw from the purchase, there was no second - he wrote a letter - to negotiate with the present owners, if they refuse to sell then Town should institute condemnation proceedings, appraisers stated it was worth $4,000.00 and suitable for purpose intended, the value must decided on - Councilman Counihan stated that he with first prospective buyer, they were buying 10 lots for $2$9.00 or $290.00 each - Councilman Daniels asked if ads decided the price is not a fair price can Town proceed with condemnation proceedings for remaining property - Councilman Davis it could be condemned for public use - Councilman Daniels asked its this is the only way to handle it - Mr. Solms stated that the proper way is to condemn it.- the Mayor stated that if there is no motion to rescind contract it should stand as it - Councilman Daniels moved that the agreement to purchase the land for $7,500.00 be rescinded -and condemnation proceedi jgs be started - there was no second. Councilman Fleetwood informed Council that $15,000.00 was borrowed from the B.B.& 1'.C6., this week. Councilman Cary stated that he knew of no requirement to have a light on the Water Tower - Councilman Counihan stated that the Town should be notified authority - Councilman Davis said for our own protection there should be a light on the tower - Councilman Counihan will handle with Hunter Field. 1.66 A petition from a group of residents in the area of 6th to 8th streets and from Lovell to Jones Avenues protesting against the overgrown condition of some of t.ie lots in this area - the Mayor stated that the Town should have them cleaned and bill the property owners - Councilman Daniels suggested allowing 15 days, then if not deaned issue subpoena. Councilman Daniels recommended increasing Mrs. Mildred Burkes salary to $1.25 per hour - the Mayor suggested waiting until May 1, 1968 - Councilman Daniels stated that something should be done now - Councilman Hohenstein will check on it. Councilman Daniels asked about ingress and egress rights of property owners through the Golf. Course pro erty recently purchased by Mr. Fleetwood - Councilman Fleetwood stated it does not affect the property owners they can use it there are no plans to close it to property owners, the deed follows the lease - Councilman Daniels agrees there is a flaw in title - Mr. Fleetwood stated that he hopes that business will be permitted to remain there. Councilman Davis recommended that Council get to4ether as to future needs, such as: Dispos.l System - Qtroins - pollution - street repairs - police cars - ambulance, ect., Councilman Daniels recommended keeping the Registration Book open to 7:GO P3M., Monday through Friday Feb. 5th to 9th and on Saturday until 12: noon, Feb, 3rd and 10th for the convenience of those working late, Council agreed to do this. The Mayor called attention to the annual meeting of the GMA in Atlanta and asked if any of the Councilmen wished to attend - Councilmen Daniels - Davis - Fleetwood informed him that they would go. Council allowed travel expenses for the trip. The Sqvannah Beach Chamber of Commerce requested permission to sponsor a horse show in the old Go -Cart tract on June 15th 4 16th, Councilman Daniels moved that permission be granted - Councilman Davis secon(e, the motion passed. Councilman } vv7 s Loved that the following Ordinance regulating animals, be adopted - Councilman Fleetwood seconded, the motion passed: Voting YES- Davis, Fleetwod, Daniels, Eohenstein, Davis - NO - Cary. ORDINANCE (See page Councilman Cary stated that he objects to it as there is anOrdinance in the books now which had not been enforced - Councilman Counihan asked if this one is going to be a nforCed. Councilman Cary !:oved that the following Ordinace regulating Dogs be adopted - Councilman Daniels seconded, those voting YES -Cary, Daniels, Hohenstein, Counkhhan, Davis - voting NO - Fleetwood: ORDINANCE (See page Bills for the various departments were approved for payment. Councilman Fleetwood moved that the Ordinance kilmr.trtftgg insurance companies to y a license be placed on second reading.- Councilman Daniels seconded, the motion passed. ORDINANCE (See page