HomeMy Public PortalAboutForm 490 (Jan 1 - Jan 16, 1999)Officeholder, Candidate, Type DrpTlntlnlnk. and Controlled Committee Campaign Statement -Long Form (Government Code Sections 84200-84216.5) SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE CMck one of the following boxes to Indlute the type of statement being flied: Pre-election Statement Supplemental Pre-election Ststement (Attech a completed Form 495 to this statement.) Special Odd-Year Campaign Report Semi-annual Statement Termination Statement (Attach a completed Form 415 to this statement.) uded in this Statement c. / LICE SOUGM Oil HELD (aN1UDt LOCATION AND OryTRICT NUMaUI / APKKAttE) / RESIDENTLAI OR aufrNESS ADDRESS (NO. AND STREE7) CRY STATE A- CODE AREA CODE/DAYTIME PHONE clLrPi~/lon ~ ~G. ~(7/I ~?c~~c-~{d'~~_D~IC~ COMMITTEE NAME I.D. NUMSER r;.r~~ l~e ADDRESS CRY STATE ER CODE AREA CCIDE/DAYTIME -FLONE c ~~_,~~ v~-on -~ ~~~ ~~ ~r r ~~ro ~> ~,r~ -~~6 ~, NAME OF TREASURER ~5~.[~~r~ ~~I.A~~i c ~ PEMEAMEM A SS Or TREASURER r INO. AMD STREET) ~Y STATE EIP CODE AREA COOEAAYTIME PFEONE Statement covers period from (' ( - C~ C~ through "^ ~ - ~ ~ - C~ C, Date of election M applicable: (Month, Day, Year) Date Stamp COVER PAGE -LONG FORM Page 1 of for Official Use Onlv utner c.ommlttees Not Included in this Statement: L/st.ny oche. committees not included/n this consolidated statement that are controlled by you and any committees of which you have knowledge that a-e primarily /ormed to receive contrlbuUoru or to make expenditures on behaHofyour cand/dacy. COMMRTEE NAMf I.O. NUMaEA NAME OE TREASURER CONTROIIED COMMITTEE T ^ r[S ^ No COMMRIEE ADDRESS (NO. AND STREET) CITY STATE 21-COOE AREA CODE1DAr/1ME .HONE COMMITTEE NAME I.D. NUMlER NAMI01 TREASURER CONTROIIED COMMIIT[ET ^ rrs ^ ND COMMITTEE ADDRESS (NO. AHD STREET) CRY STATE 7:IP CODE AREA CODE/DAYTIM[ .HONE Attach addltlonalln/ormatlon on appropriately labeled contlnuatlon sheets. er) ice ion I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I have reviewed the statement and to the best of my knowledge t Infor contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the Statedoi California that the foregoing Is true an ' Executed on ~ <C' "_J~ At C ~C-/YGv~ 6 /1 •>L C/-7 By -~ DATE CRY AND STA ATURE OE TREASURER An ofllceholder or uTTdldate who controls a commhtee mutt also verify the campaign statement. I have used all reasonable diligence a to the best of my knowledge the treasurer has used ell reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I have reviewed the statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and Corr Executed on ~~ Z r.~ - ~ ~~ At I lc=.~-C vvw ~+ f (C~ By Z- s ~, OATI CRYA DSTATE SIGNAIJ/ EOfCANDIDATE/O--ICFHOIDER Executed on At By ~,~ DATE CRY AND STATE SIGNATURE Or CANDIDATE/OIrIC[NDI OfR Executed on At By OAIE CRY AND STATE SIGNAL URE OE CANDIDATE /OI I ICI IIOI DF R TOR INr011MATKIN RIQUIRED 10 aI PROVIDED i0 YOU -URSUANi i0 THE INIORMATKMI PMCTKES ACl OE 197), SEE IN/ORMATION MAHUAI ON CAMPAI H DI ClOS1111E PIIOVIS~ONS Oi I11F PQI IIICAI RF iORM ~C] State of California Falr PollTlESI PlartlreE CDmmIELIDn I ~r Ci t-~i CC?~lnc( I (l10. AR Allocation Page -Part I Contributions and Independent Expenditures IVlade from Campaign Funds SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND COONTROLLED COMMITTEE I.D. NUMBER 'N'l ~ Ic ~.c..i. -~ r C ~ Y- ~ ~OU n c I list each contribution and independent expenditure of s 100 or more made from campaign /ands to other committees or to support or oppose other candidates or ballot measures. DATE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE, COMMITTEE, OR MEASURE CHECK ONE Support O IND~ EXP AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE (LAN NU DEC. 31) CUMULATIVE TO DATE (IF APPLICABLE) •See reverse regarding independent expenditures. SUBTOTAL s Attach additional i nforrnatien nn anmm~riatn/v lahplar~ rnn-:nu~~:nn chance ..~wa.n.wn - rrn~ ~ wmmr~n~ 1. Contributions and independent expenditures of 5100 or more made this period from campaign funds. (Include all Allocation Page - Part I subtotals.) ......................................................................................... . 2. Contributions and independent expenditures under S 100 made this period from campaign funds. (Do not itemise.) ........................... . 3. Total contributions and independent expenditures made this period from campaign funds. (Do not carry this total to the Summary Page.) .................................. , , , , , . , , .... TOTAL ....................................... ,~ ,~ ,~_ Allocation Page -Part II Contributions and Independent Expenditures Made From Personal Funds SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Typa or print In Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. NAME Of OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE cr k l~ a ~; Statement covers ALLOCATION - PART II through ~ - ~~ ' ~(~ I Pepe ~- of ~L- Oun t [ l list each contribution and independent expenditure of f 100 or more made /rom the officeholder or candidate's personal funds to support or oppose other officeholders, candidates and committees. DATE NAME OF OFFKEHOLDER, CANDIDATE, COMMITTEE, OR MEASURE CHECK ONE Support O e IND. Exp• AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR JAN. 1 - DEC. 31 CUMULATIVE TO GATE OTHE R IF APPLICABLE 'See reverse rcyardiny independent expenditures. SUBTOTAL s ALLOCATION - PART II SUMMARY Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. 1. Contributions and independent expenditures of S 100 or more made this period from personal funds. (Include all Allocation Page - Part II subtotals.) ............................................................................................ S ~' 2. Contributions and independent expenditures under S 100 made this period from personal funds. (Do not itemi:e.) ...................................................................................................................... .... ... S 3. Total contributions and independent expenditures made this period from personal funds. l (Do not carry this total to the Summary Page.) ................................................................. .. ...... ....... TOTAL S Campaign Disclosure Statement Type orprlntlnlnk. SUMMARY PAGE Summary Page Amounts may be rounded towhokdollars. Statement covers perbd from 1- ~ ~i ti SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through 1- ~ ~ - ~y Page ~ of NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE I.D. NUMBER p1 i+I/ / Contributions Re ived Column A Column B* Column C TOTAL TMS rEIUOD TOTAL MEVIOUS -E1110D iOTAI TO DATE FROM ATTACHED fCHEDUIES) (SEE MOT[ aElOV1~ (ADD COLUMNS A ~ !) 1. Monetary Contributions ............................... schedule A, une 3 S ~Z.sU cc~ s s Loans Received ......................................... ScheohrM s, une ~ SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS ...................... Addunes / t 2 f ._ .zS~ t~~ s t 4. Non-monetary Contributions ......................... schedule c, une 3 ~ ~U ~~~ S. SUBTOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (Exdede Enfiorreabk PromJses) Addunes3 f ~ s S~C~O G' f S 6. Enforceable Promises (Exclude Loan Gwrantees, Une /d below) ................... ScheduN D, Une 7 ~ ~,; 7. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED ..................... Addunets + 6 s S-K~ J f S Expenditures Made 8. Cash Payments (Other than Loans Made) ............ ~ ScheduN E, une s s ZD ~/ ~ s s 9. Loans Made ............................................. schedule H, une ~ 10. SUBTOTALCASHPAYMENTS ............................ Addunes6 + 9 S ZC~t/ 2~ s S 11. Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) ........................ ScheduN F, une s ~ 12. TOTAL EXPENDITURES MADE .......... ............... Addur-es 10 t 1 f f z~ ZOO-( S s rent Cash Statement 13. Beyinniny Cash Balance .................. Ierevloussumm.ryPaye, tine 17 s ~? Z- ~ Z • From previous Statement Summary Page, Column C. However, it ...................................... 14. Cash Receipts Column A, une 3 above ~ `~~ z. ~ ~ this Ls the first report filed for the calendar year, Column B should be ... 15. Miscellaneous Increases to Cash schedule l,t~ne t blank except for Loaru Received (Line 2), Enforceable Promises (Line ~ ~~n~ Z~ Z?,~ 6), Loans Made (Line 9), and Aurued EMpenses (Line 11). -2So"~ 37 .s 16. Cash Payments .................................... cdumn A, Une f 0 shove ZOO( Z-=L 17. ENDING CASH 9ALANCE ..... Addt-nes f3 ~ f~ ~ rs, thensubhacf Une l6 s 'ZSS , 5 ~ Summary for Candidates in Both tune and ffthlsbaterminatlonstatement tine 17 must be:em. ENarwusHSAUNCESf1ouLD November Elections NOT aE A NEGATIVE AMOUNT VED ~ 1/1 through 6130 7/1 to Date 21 i ib .............. Schedule a, Part 1, Column (b) 18. LOAN GUARANTEES RECEI s . ~ont~ Ut ons ecelve .... s Cash Equivalents and Outstsndin~ Debts (`^~ 22. Ex enditures ~ ~ 19. Cash Equivalen4 ............. ... .............. see IrssVUCtbns on reverse s M c e ....... S ~% 20. Outstanding Debts .......... • ~ • • • • ~ Addtln.? + tine 111nColumnCabove s Schedule A TyPeorprl"tlnlnlc. scHl:ouLE A Monetar Contributions Received am°""tsmayber°und.d y to whole dollars. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Statement coversperlod from , ^' ~ _ CI 1 through i ~ ~ 6 " ~ ~ ~ Pape ~ of ~ I NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE ~~ ~~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~-~ . ~ , ~ r I.D. NUMBER DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME ANO ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR (ircOMMmEE,p1ADpIT1pMT000MMRTEE'fNAMEANDADOREfS,ENTERI.D.NUMIER OI~iNOI.D.NUM/ERHASaEIMAffIGNED,ENrERTR[AfUR[R'SNAMEANDADDRESf) OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (IfSfEF-[MMOYED,ENTER NAMEOi/UfN1EfS) AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS PERIOD CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR (lAN.1-DEC.31) CUMULATIVE TO DATE OTHER (IF APPLICABLE) ~o s -eve UV`cr k. ~Y ~~~ w. I2w`~~~- C' 1~;.~c~...~.a ,• ~J Cam.. ~' /7 I ( ~j ~C ~, el S~~~I c~~~"~~ .,~ ~ 1~ ~ s ~r , ~ 4- boo I S o~ I ~~ - I ~D Jch~ deer"`-/ ~ ter. G<-~eru I ~~„+,~...~~..;~ 04 I Duo SUBTOTAL S Monetary Contributions Summary 1. Amount received this period - contributions of S 100 or more. o ~ (Include all Schedule Asubtotals.) .................................................................................................... s z 2. Amount received this period - contributions of less than S 100. ~ , (Do not itemize.) ....................................................................................................................... s ~ 3. Total monetary contributions received this period. ~,c~ (Add Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 1.) ........ ................................. TOTAL S 2 SC' - Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary Contributions Received Type or print In Ink. Amounts may tN! rounded to whole dollars. Statement cover: from ~-~ ' ~~ SCHEDULE A (cont.) through ~ ~ ~ ^ r % I Page ~_ of Z ~ NAME OFnO,~FFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE~A`ND CONTRO/L'LED COMMITTEE I.D. NUMBER • DATE RECEIVED ~ FUII NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR MCDMMmIE.INADDRIONTOCOMMITTEE'SN11MlANDADDIIESS,ENTERI.D.NUMIEII o~pND~,D.NUM~EIIHAS~EENASfIGNED,[NT[IITAEASUIIEII'SNAMEANDADDRESS) OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (1FSNAMEOr~USINESS)TE~ AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS PERIOD CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR (IAN. 1 - DEC. 31) CUMULATIVE TO DATE OTHER (IF APPLICABLE) SUBTOTAL s Schedule e - Part I Type orprlntlnlnk. Loans Received Amounts maybe rounded to wholt dollars. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONIITROLLED COMMITTEE V" \G.f' . l..C ~ ~ I t ~ aKnc l ' DATE LENDER OR GUARANTOR'S FULL NAME AND ADDRESS LENDER /GUARANTOR'S RECEIVED EY COMMfIIEE, INTER iUll NAME, ADDRESS AND I.D. NUM(ER. M NO1.0. OCCUPATION ANO EM-IOTER (lf SEIf• MUMalRNAftfIMAfSNirRD,ENlI8111ETRUfU11ER'fNAMEANDADDIIESS) EMKOYED,INTER~USINIfSNAME) • _ SCHEDULE B -Part I naTemenTlcoversGptr Lod from ~ - I r ~ 1 through (- ~ 6"~/~/ page ~ of Z.. I.D. NUMBER LENDER INFORMATION GUARANTOR INFORMATION DUf DATEi AMCRINT CUMUTATNE AMOUNT CUMULATNE INTERESTMIE 0-IOAN TODAiE GUAMNT[[0 IODAI! DUI DATE ULtNDAR YEAR Ul[NDAR YEAR f f INTEREST MTf OTHER OTNER ^ Ltnder ^ Guarantor ~ t x_ s DUf DATE UIENDAR YUR CALENDAR YEAR INiEREfT MTE { f OTHER OTHER ^ lender ^ Guarantor' x t f DUE OATS UIENDAR YEAR UIENDAR YEAR INTEREST MTE f s OTHER OIHIR ^ lender ^ Guarantor ~ x f s ee important imtructions on reverse. SUBTOTAL s a) s rol Enl1i ro, o~ fumm~ry -~pt. Loans Received - Part I Summary lIM 11 OnIT. 1. Loans of S 100 or more received this period. (Include all Loans Received - Part I (a) subtotals.) .......... i 2. loans under 6100 received this period. (Do not itemize ) . ................. . ................ ......... s 3. Total loans received this period. (Add Lines 1 and 2.) .......... ........................... • • TOTAL S Loans Received - Part II Summary 4. loans of 1100 or more repaid, forgiven, or paid by a third party this period. (Include all Part II (c) subtotals. If forgiven or paid by a third party, also itemise the transaction on Schedule A.) ..... ......... S 5. loans under f 100 repaid, forgiven, or paid by a third party. (Do no itemize.) If forgiven or paid by a third party, include this amount on Schedule A Summary, Line 2 . .............. S _ ..... 6. Total loans repaid, forgiven, or paid by a third party.this period. ........ (Add Lines 4 + 5.) ................................ TOTAL S ~ ) ... ................................... 7. Net change this period. (Subtract Line 6 from Line 3.) . Enter the net here and on the Summary Paye, Column A, Line 2 . ............................. .. NET s Schedule B - Part I (Continuation Sheet) Type or printlnink. SCHEDULE B - Part I (cont.) Amounts maybe rounded Loans Received Statement covers period tOwhDledDllars. from ~ - ~ -C! y through ~- ~G -~/~/ 1 Z ~ page _ 0 NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CON TROLLED COMMITTEE I.D. NUMBER . / LL ! Y-L U ~ DATE LENDER OR GUARANTOR'S FULL NAME AND ADDRESS LENDER /GUARANTOR'S LENDER INFORMATION GUARANTOR INFORMATION RECEIVED pf COMMInEE, ENTER /Ull NAME, ADOIIESS AND 1.0. NUMBER. IF NO I.D. OCCUPATION AND EMPlOYf11(Ir SELf• NUM,ER NAS SEEN ASSIGNED, ENTla 111E TREASURER'S NAME AND ADDRESS) EMPLOYED, ENTER BUSINESS NAME) DUE OAIE/ AMOUHi CUMULATIVE AMOUNT CUMUUIiNE INTEREST RATE O[ LOAN 10 DATE GUARANTEED TO DATE DUE DATE CALENDAR YCAR CALENDAR YEAR i INTERF Si MTE OTH[R ~ OTHER ^ Lender ^ Guaranto~~ x s t DUE DATE CAl[NDAR TEAR EAIFHDAR YEAR MrT[11EST MTE S S OTHER OTHER ^ Under ^ Gwrantov a x s t DUE DATE CALENDAR YEAR CAl[NDAR rf AR f IMEREST MTE t OTHER OTHER ^ Lender ^ Guarantors x s s • DUE DATE CALENDAR YEAR CAI[NOAR r[AR f f INTf REST RATE OTHER OTHER ^ lender ^ Guarantor x s t DUE GATE CAIINDAR YEAR CAL! NDAR rF AR S S INTFR[Sl RAZE OTHER OIHfA ^ Lander ^ Guarantors x s s •- •See important instructions on reverse o/page 1 o/Schedule B, Part 1. SUBTOTAL S m) Inie~ rol o~ s Summ.~~ P.y~. I Ine le unl~ Schedule B -Pelt II Type or print in ink. - SCHEDULER-Partll Amounts may he rounded Repayments Made on Loans Received, Loans to whole dollars. Forgiven, and Loans Repaid by a Third Party SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Statement covers perbd from (- (- G ~( through ~ ~ ~G -~~ age ~ of Z NAME OF OFFICEHOLfDEROR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE I.D. NUMBER DATE OF REPAYMENT OR FORGIVENESS DATE OF ORIGINAL LOAN fULL NAME OF LENDER INTEREST RATE (ir cw-uGEOI AMOUNT REPAID OR ~ FORGIVEN ON PRINCIPAL (ExCIUDE ~ArMEM Or ItliEllESr1 OUTSTANDING PRINCIPAL INTEREST pAlp Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL S (o ~ TOTAL INTEREST PAID THIS PERIOD Idj S °IMPOIiTANT: Nanypart ofa loan K forpitren or repaid by a third party, also itemize the transaction on Schedule A, indudinp th+ nanN and address o/ t11~ ptr'son forgiving the loan or the third party making the payment, and the amount /Or9lven Or paid. Enter the amountln column (d) in the summary section of Schedule E, l ine 3. Do not carry this total to the summary section o! Schedule B. Schedule B -Part III Type or print intnk. SCHEDULER-Partlll Amounts may tre rounded Annual Report of Outstanding Loans Received ~ to wholedoltars. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Statement covert period from I-(- ~( through ~ ~ / ~ - 4 C~ sge (0 0{ Z-- NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE ~~ c~~~ ,~ I.D. NUMBER FULL NAME OF LENDER ORIGINAL DATE OF LOAN AMOUNT OF ORIGINAL LOAN UNPAID PRINCIPAL UNPAID INTEREST • Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. TOTAL S NOTE: This total should be the same amount as entered on the Summary Page, Column C, Llne ?. Schedule C Typo orprlntlnlnk. SCHEDULE C Amounts may be rounded Non-Monetary Contributions Received. towhof.dD))ar/. ststement covers period from ~ ~ ~ -~~~ SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through I - ~b "- 7 % PeQa ~ of NAME OF O FFI CEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE I.D. NUMBER n / / V 1 CJ~ /~ ~- ~. [~i. r l ~l r ~. DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR III COMMITTEE. IN ADDr110N TO COMMrrtEE'S NAME ANO ADDRESS, ENTER I.D. NUM/ERCII~ U NOI.D. NUM/[R HAS •EENASSIGMED, ENTER TRIASURlR'S NAME AND ADDRESS) OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER III SEII•EMVLOYED, ENTER NAME Or /USINESS) DESCRIPTION OF GOODS OR SERVICES FAIR MARKET VALUE CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) CUMULATIVE TO DATE OTHER (IF APPLICABLE) (Zc Cl«.~a~l uti`c~r ~ ~~..~ ~?oZ C.Je L les (c~ cis-ems„ ~- ~~.. ~~ ~ (~ ~~vlJi~-.e ci / ~~ ~ s~.~~,«~ ~z b Vic. e, ~ o0 33 Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL S Non•Monetary Contributions Summary Amount received this period- non-monetary contributions of 5100 or more. °`' (Include all Schedule C subtotals.) .................................................................................... s - 3 ~~ 2. Amount received this period -non-monetary contributions of less than S 100. ~ (Do not itemize.) ......................................................................................................... s 3. Total non-monetary contributions received this period. ~ o (Add lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 4.) ........................ TOTAL S ~ ~o Schedule D Type orprlntlnlnk. SCHEDULE D Enforceable Promises Received (Other than Loan Amounts may be rounded to whole dollart. Guarantees, Loan Endorsements, and Loan Security) Statement covers period /' from (-/ - ~7 I I be reported on Sched le 0 a NOT ScheduletDas~ INSTRUCTIONSON REVERSErceable promises' that must through ~ - /~' - ~ ~ Page 12 of ~ ~ NAME Of OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE M.G~/ ~~ ~' ~ ~ r ~~ • ~~ r~ n I.D. NUMBER • DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR M COMMITT[E,INADDrT10NT000MMRT!['f NAME AND ADDRESS, ENT[RI.D.NUMtEROI~MNDI.D.NlR11tERHASaE[NASSNiNED, ENTER TRIASUIIER'f NAME AND ADDRESS) , OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER hr sEU-EmrrtortD, ENTER NAME Of aus~NESSI AMOUNT PROMISED THIS PERIOD AMOUNT PAID THIS PERIOD U-tSOENTERON SCHEDULE A) CUMULATIVE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR (IAN.t-DEC.31) CUMULATIVE TO DATE OTHER (IFAPPLICABIE) ~tach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation SUBTOTALS s eels. Enforceable Promises Received Summary 1. Promises received of S 100 or more this period (Column (a)) . ..................... . 2. Promises received under 5100 this period. (Do notitemi:e.) ............................................................ 3. Total promises received this period. (Add Lines 1 and 2.) .................................................. TOTAL S S ~- 4. Payments received on promises of s 100 or more this period. (Column (b)) . ................................................................................... s 5. Payments received on promises under 5100 this period. (Do not itemise. Also Include on Schedule A Summary, Line 2.) ...................................... s 6. Total payments received. (Add Lines 4 and 5.) ..................................................................... TOTAL s 1 _~ f 7. Net change this period. (Subtract Line 6 from line 3. Enter the difference here and on ~f the Summary Page, Column A, Line 6.) ......................................................NET s ~" Schedule E Payments and Contributions (Other Than Loans) Made SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE Type orprlntlnlnk. SCHEDULE E Amounts maybe rounded Statement covers period to whole dollsrs. from ~-~-CCU through f -" ~6 `" t1 ~~ Pege ~_ of Z' t I.D. NUMBER CODES FOR CLASSIFYING EXPENDITURES If one of the following codes accurately describes the expenditure, you may enter the code and leave the "Description of Payment' column blank. Refer to the back of Schedule E-Continuation Sheet for detailed explanations of each category. 'C' - MONETARYANDIN-KIND(NON-MONETARY) 'B' _ BROADCAST ADVERTISING 'G' - GENERAL OPERATIONS AND OVERHEAD • CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER CANDIDATES 'N' - NEWSPAPER AND PERIODICAL ADVERTISING 'T' - TRAVEL, ACCOMMODATIONS AND MEALS AND COMMITTEES 'O' - OUTSIDE ADVERTISING (MUST BE DESCRIBED) 'I' - INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES 'S' - SURVEYS, SIGNATURE GATHERING, DOOR-TO-DOOR SOLICITATIONS ~P' - PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTING 'L' - LITERATURE 'F' - FUNDRAISING EVENTS SERVICES NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE, CREDITOR, OR RECIPIENT OF CONTRIBUTION IM cowwrrTSe, w AoortioN To couwmt[•s NAMt ANO Aoouss, trots i.o. NuMlte or<r No ~.o. IMPORTANT: DO NOT ITEMIZE THE PAYMENT OF ACCRUED EXPENSES ON SCHEDULE E. REPORT ONLY THE LUMP SUM OF SUCH PAYMENTS ON LINE 4 Of THE SUMMARY SECTION BELOW. MNA!!II rrAS et[N ASSrGMto, tMTl11 TIItAfUR[Q's NAMt ANO AOprltsS) CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID I tmporiant: Contributions arw exPenurtures made out of campaign funds to or on behal/o/other SUBTOTAL S officeholders, candidates, committees, or ballot measures must also be entered on the Allocation Page, Part 1. Payments and Contributions Made Summary ~~ 1. Payments made this period of 5100 or more. (Include all Schedule E subtotals.) ............................:......................... S Z~~ .~ 2. Payments made this period of under S 100. (Do not itemize.) ....................................................................... s 2~ ~~ 3. Total interest paid this period on outstanding loans. (Enter amount from Schedule B, Part II, Column (d).) .............................. s ~ 4. Total accrued expenses paid this period. (Do not itemize. Enter amount from Schedule F, Line 4.) ..............................•........ s 5. Total payments made this period. (Add Lines 1, 2, 3, and 4. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 8. Z9 ........... TOTAL s Z O y -- Schedule E Type or printlnink. SCHEDULE E (cont.) Amounts maybe rounded Statement covers riod (COntlnuatlOn Sheet) towhokdollars. w Payments and Contributions from ~ - I -~ y (Other Than Loans) Made (lam SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through ' - I ~ r ~ Page (~ l of Z NAME OIIFnnO,,~~FFICEHOLDERORCANDIDATEAND/CONTROLIEDCOMMITTEE I.D.NUMBER ~ U ~/ l c,.r (C fir. ~ ~ .~, _ (, ~ ~, ~ ~ ~~, , .. ,. ,' CODES FOR CLASSIFYING EXPENDITURES "C' - MONETARYANDIN-KIND(NON-MONETARY) •B' - BROADCAST ADVERTISING "G' - GENERAL OPERATIONS AND OVERHEAD CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER CANDIDATES •N" - NEVNSPAPERANDPERIODICAL ADVERTISING "T" - TRAVEL, ACCOMMODATIONS AND MEALS AND COMMITTEES •O" - OUTSIDE ADVERTISING (MUST BE DESCRIeEO) I" - INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES "S" - SURVEYS, SIGNATURE GATHERING, DOOR-TO-DOOR SOLICITATIONS "P' - PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTING ~ ~' - LITERATURE 'F" - FUNDRAISING EVENTS SERVICES tI NAME AND ADDRESS Of PAYEE, CREDITOR, OR RECIPIENT OF CONTRIBUTION IM COMMnTEE, M AOOnNkI TO COMMRTE['S NAME AND ADOAESS, ENTEa I.D. MUMeEa Oa, N NO I.D. NUMaE~NASaIENASSIG11E0,lIrTEaTaEASUREII'SMAMEANDADDAESS) ` ~ ~ ~ ~' - ~ ~ CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAI~MENT 1 I ~) 1 ~ ~~ AMOUNT PAID WIC • 1 , i~ I, 7J '. SUBTOTAL S „' Schedule F Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE n Type or print In Ink. SCHEDULE F Amounts may be rounded Statement covers period to whole dollars. from ~- ~-~~ through ~ - /6 "• `7 % Pape ~_ of 2- ~ I.D. NUMBER CODES FOR CLASSIFYING EXPENDITURES If one of the following codes accurately describes the expenditure, you may enter the code and leave the "Description of Payment' column blank. Refer to the back of Schedule E-Continuation Sheet for detailed explanations of each category. ~C" - MONETARYANDIN•KIND(NON-MONETARY) 'B" - BROADCAST ADVERTISING 'G' - GENERAL OPERATIONS AND OVERHEAD CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER CANDIDATES "N" - NEWSPAPER AND PERIODICAL ADVERTISING 'T" - TRAVEL, ACCOMMODATIONS AND MEALS AND COMMITTEES "O" - OUTSIDE ADVERTISING (MUST OE DESCRIBED) "1" - INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES 'S" - SURVEYS, SIGNATURE GATHERING, DOOR-TO-DOOR SOLICITATIONS "P - PROfESSIONAI MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTING 'L' - LITERATURE "F" - FUNDRAISING EVENTS SERVICES NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE, CREDITOR, ~ RECIPIENT OF CONTRIBUTION Qr COMMITTIE, al ADDITION 10 COMMITTEE'S NAM[ AND ADDRESS, ENTER I.D. NUMaER OR, N NO I.O. IMrO11TAMf: DO NOT rtEMILE THE ~A1IMENT Or ACCRUED Ex-ENSES ON SCH[DUEES E OR f. RE -ORT ONIV THE lUM- fUM OI -Ar MENTs ON SCHEDUII f, lWE ~ AND ON SCHIOUIE !, l1NE 1. DO NOT RE•REMIZE ACCRUED Ill-ENSES REPORTED IN A iRE V10US PERIOD. NUMalRHAS1EEMASSIGNED,ENTIRTR[ASURER'SNAMEANDAODRfSf) CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF OUTSTANDING PAYMENT AMOUNT ACCRUED I Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL S Accrued Expenses Summary 1. Accrued expenses this period of S 100 or more. (Include all Schedule F subtotals.) ..................................................... S 2. Accrued expenses this period of under 5100. (Do not itemlze.) ..................................................................... S 3. Total accrued expenses incurred this period. (Add Lines 1 and 2.) . . . . . .... . . . . . ... . .. INCURRED TOTAL 5 ............................. 4. Total accrued expenses paid this period. (Do not itemize. Enter here and on Schedule E Summary, Line 4.) ..............:.. PAID TOTAL S ~ ~ ~ S. Net change this period. (Subtract Line 4 from Line 3. Enter the difference here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 1 1.) ...... NET S ~~ Mir b. ~ n~q~n.• nomM. SChedu~e ~7 Type orprlntlnlnk. SCHEDULE G Amounts maybe rounded Statement covers rl Payments Made by an Agent or Independent to whole dollars. ~ ~ Contractor (on Behalf of an Officeholder or ~ from (-I-G t I Ii I Candidate SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through ~ - ~ 6 -`1 ~l Paye ~ of Z NAMEiOAFAOFFI'CEHOLDER ORCANrDIDATE AN/D C/ONTROLLE/D~COMMITTEE I.D. NUMBER NAME OF AGENT OR INDEPENDENT CODES FOR CLASSIFYING EXPENDITURES If one of the following codes accurately describes the expenditure, you may enter the code and leave the "Description of Payment' column blank. Refer to the back of Schedule E-Continuation Sheet for detailed explanations of each category. 'L' - LITERATURE 'S' - SURVEYS, SIGNATURE GATHERING,DOOR-TO-DOOR SOLICITATIONS 'B' - BROADCAST ADVERTISING 'F' - FUNDRAISING EVENTS 'N' - NEViISPAPER AND PERIODICAL ADVERTISING 'T' - TRAVEL, ACCOMMODATIONS AND MEALS 'O' - OUTSIDE ADVERTISING (MUST BE DESCRIBED) NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE OR CREDITOR (K COMMRTEE,111 ADORIOl1 TO COMMn7E['S NAME AND ADOIIEfS, ENTEA I.D. NUM~EII OR IF NOI.D.NUNI~EIIIIAS~EENAfS1GNE0,[NTEIITIIEASUIIEII'fNAMEANDADDIIESS) CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID Attach additional in/ormation on appropriately labeled continua ion sheets. TOTAL* S ~ Do not trans/er to any otMr schedule or to the Summary Pape. Thls total may not eQual the amount paid to the spent or independent contactor as reported on Schedule E by the olliceholder[c andida to Schedule H -Part I Type orprlntlnlnk. SCHEDULE H-Partl roans mane to utners ~~~~~°~"'~~~°r"`~°°~~°C° to whole dollar. Ststementcoversperiod //II from I-~ -~`T SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through ~ - ~~~" ~ ~ Page ` ( of Z NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE I.D. NUMBER r 1, ~~ [ C~ ~t~ l DATE OF LOAN fUIL NAME AND ADDRESS OF RECIPIENT (IrCOMMITT[I,MADDIiIONTOCOMMITiEf'SNAMEANDADDAESS,ENTEIII.D.NUMSEII INTEREST RATE DUE DATE AMOUNT 011, B NOI.D. NUMaEII HAS a[EN ASSIGNED, ENi[II iREASURF0.'S NAME AHD ADDIIESS) SUBTOTAL s ~ns Made to Others -Part t Summary 1. owns of S 100 or more made this period. (Include all Loans Made - Part I subtotals.) ...................................... ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S 2. Loans underi100madethisperiod. (Do notitemize.) ........................................................... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S 3. Total loans made this period. (Add Li l d 2 nes an .) .......................................................................... TOTAL s Loans Repayments Received - Part II Summary 4. Payments received on loans of S 100 or more. (Include all loan payments received and all loans of S 100 or more which have been forgiven by this officeholder, candidate, or committee -Part II (a) subtotals. If forgiven, also itemize on Schedule E.) ......................................... s ....................... S. Payments received on loans under S 100. (Including a forgiveness. Do not itemize.) .............................................................. 3 6. Total loan payments received this period. . (Add Lines 4 and 5.) .. ... .... ... ........ ............................................... TOTAL , s ~ ! 7. Net change this period. (Subtract Line 6 from Line 3. Enter the net here and on the Summary Page, Column A, line 9.) ................................... . NET S Schedule H - Part I Type orprlritlnlnk. SCHEDULE H - Part I (cont.) YII{>t 111' Yt I VYIIYtY Loans a e to t ers to wholedollan. (Continuation Sheet) Statement coversperlod from r - ~ -G through ~ - ~ ~ '(1~~ 2 Pe9e ~ of Z l NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE / C c (~ ~ ~ ~- t_ O V, ~ I I.D. NUMBER DATE OF LOAN FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF RECIPIENT (IiCOMMnTEE.wAOOlTIOwTOCOMMn1[E'SNAMEANDADDpESS.fN1EI11.D.NUMlER OIL Y NO I.D. MUM~EII NAS BEEN ASSIGNED, ENi[II TIIEASUIIEII'S NAME AND ADDRESS) INTERESTRATE DUE DATE AMOUNT SUBTOTAL S /~~ Schedule H -Part II Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE H - Part II nmouncs may oe rounaaa oan epa ments eceive on Loans Mae to whole dollar:. to Others ~ncluding Payments Received fromThird Parties) and Loans Forgiven SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Statement covers r ~ IOd from - // ` through ~ -~U - ~ % Page _L1_ of Z NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE 1.0: NUMBER ~- -~~ r C~ o ~~ DATE Of REPAYMENT OR FORGIVENESS DATE F ORIGINAL LOAN FULL NAME OF RECIPIENT OF LOAN INTEREST RATE pFCHANGEO) AMOUNT REPAID OR FORGIVEN ON PRINCIPAL* (fzClUDE11ECEIVTOfINTENEST) OUTSTANDING PRINCIPAL INTEREST RECEIVED Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL S ~ TOTAL INTEREST s ~ro- RECEIVED THIS PERIOD 'IMPORTANT: If any part of a loan is forgiven, also itemize the forgiveness on Schedule E. If a repayment is received from a third a p rty, Inter the name and address of third party in the ~FULI NAME OF RECIPIENT OF LOAN' column above, along with the nam! O/ th! rlClpllAt Of th! loan. Enter the amount In column (b) In the summary section oI Schedule 1, Line 3. Do not tarry this total to the summary section o/Schedule H. Schedule H -Part III Type orprlntinink. SCHEDULER-Partlll ~{~~~VYII{) ~IIO' uc ~ VYIIYCY nnua eport o utstan ing Loans Made towholedollart. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Statement covers period p from ~ ~ ~ -t through ~ ~ ~6J ~/ l ape ~~ of Z NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER-- OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE l~ ~ l~i~ 1. / i ~ / I.D. NUMBER FULL NAME OF RECIPIENT OF LOAN ORIGINAL DATE OF LOAN AMOUNT OF ORIGINAL LOAN UNPAID PRINCIPAL UNPAID INTEREST Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. TOTAL S NOTE: ThlstotalshouldHe the same smount as entered on the Summary Paye, Column C, Llne 9. Schedule I Type orprlntlnlnk. SCHEDULE I Miscellaneous Increases to Cash Amountsmeyberounded to whole dollars. Stattementcoversperlod I iron T_~'~/ ~I SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through ~r ~b '~ ~ GJ Pew •Z( ~ Z NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE I.D. NUMBER • DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF SOURCE (IF COMMITTEE, M ADOIT1011 TOCDMMRTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS, ENTER I.D. NUMlER DESCRIPTION OF RECEIPT AMOUNT Of INCREASE TO CASH U NO I.D. NUMBER IfAS SEEN ASSIGNED ENTER TREASURER'S NAME AND ADDR[SS 5~-e~lnr~r ~ ~~-°-' ye ~ s-o ~ c ~2,s s ~ ~ ~ cal ~ ~~.~c. ~; o.. ~ s ~ l DD G~ i6 ~Y o.~ ~ . l " {~ t~c'to ~ -{~ t ~ I ~4~ ~ C ~e;ti..~~ i-, C~.. 4 l 7 L c . ~ Z~^ s ~ P S f ~D°v ~Z~~~~~~ , I . ~(~S ~~~~~~~ +~ 1~11~~ C(~~~~~.,,1 (~ i~~~I Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL S Miscellaneous Increases to Cash Summary 1. Increases to cash of s 100 or more this period . .................................................... s ~ ~ o0 2. Increases to cash under S 100 this period. (Do not itemize.) ................................................. s ,~D ~ 3. Total of all interest received this period on loans made to others. (Schedule H, Part II (b).) .................... s 4. Total miscellaneous increases to cash this period. (Add Lines 1, 2, and 3. Enter here and on the Summary Paye, Line 15.) .............................................................:.......... TOTAL S