HomeMy Public PortalAbout19680221CCMeeting1 Savannah Beach, Ga., February 21, 1965. The regular meeting of Town Council was held today in the Council Room and was attneded by Mayor Brown, who press ed, and Councilmen Fleetwood, Counihan, Cary, Hohenstein, Davis, D niels, Town Attorney Solms, Supt Reed, Chief Price and Henr Glisten, Laurance Barroll, Joseph Hutton, Edwin Maner. Mr. Hutton explained a report made several year ago b}g his firm as preliminary to obtaining a federal grant to improve its saintary sewerage system T the Town must raise $b00.000.00, as its share, to get a $360.000.00 grant from the federal government - the Town did not have the money but was bidding for time - the Mayor have a let per from H &UD Administration - they may be Able to help - it was suggested that revenue certificates be issued and a service charge of $3.00 per month be made, it is costing $12,000.00 annually to repair the sewer lines - Mr. Hutton sated that the preliminary report does not include several other lines - also that the water and sewer system should be combined. Mr. Burrell stated that the Town could raise money by increasing . tax rates or issueing revenue or general tax bonds, - any outstanding bonds would have to be retired. 67, Mr. Maner the 19+5 bonds tre complicated, andt hat Council should forget the old 19+5 Ordinance - if have funds7 e Sinking and Renewal Funds and net revenue from water and sewerage systems - Town would need from these a net revenue of, at least, $60,000.00, if any less than this, General Obligation Bonds would have to be issued - the Mayor asked if a federal loan could be gotten fob a lesser rate of interest that ttsueing bonds. They were excused. Supt Reed reported that the road grader needs repairs, cost approximately ,j500.00 - Councilman Davis stated that these are first repairs needed in 5 years - Councilman Counihan moved that repiars be made - Councilman Davis seconded and the motion passed - the Mayor asked about the garbage dump - Supt Reed informed him that it is in the same location. Chief Price asked for the use of Military Police from Hunter Field - the Mayor stated that he would write a letter to General Mazor, requesting them. A letter from the Ambulance gervice was read offering to contract with the Town for their services - Councilman Daniels moved that it be received as information - Councilman Counlhhmsweconded the motion passed.- Councilman Daniels stated that the Town should have its own Ambulance - Councilman Davis stated that it would give the residents of the idland peace of minds.- the Mayor stated that 2 men go in ambulance on call - Councilman Cary-believed -he could get ab +ie of the members of the Fire Dept to co- operate. Councilman Cary reported that he was getting complaints about dogs, one bit a man - Chief Price do of have a dog catcher - Councilman Daniels asked Chief Pricida�ea dog running loose does he go to the owners about it, if necessary subpoena him. 16 Mr. Lovell requested th. °t he be given a refund for his water meter - he also stated that nothing was in the Towns Budget to take care of groins and the seawall. Mr. Carl Thompson stated that for all of the years that he has been here, he would like to compliment the Board for the fine job that they are doing and. offered his help if needed. Councilman Fleetwood read the financial ststement and stated. that sooner or later the Town will have float bond issue - moved that the, Tapping fee be increased to $100.00 and also that the Stubbing fee be increased to $100.00, effective February 22, 1968 Councilman Counihan seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Counihan suggested that the parsing meters be put up on the 16th street parking lot - the Mayor stated they will be put in early spring. Councilman Counihan informed Council;that a new building permit and and card form had been adopted - also that S.R.Kent has not been paid as Building Inspector for January-February - Councilman Fleetwood moved that he be paid - Councilman Counihan seconded and the motion passed. Councilman Cary called attention to the use of wooden shingles on some of the buildings - he was informed there is an Ordinance prohibiting the use of them - he met with htba Committee regarding a new fiietruck, they are getting estimates. Mr. Solms Reported that the amendment to the License Ordinance covering insurance companies will have be corrected - Coucilman Counihan moved that this be done - Councilman Fleetwood seconded the motion passed. Councilman Hohenstein informed Council that Mrs. Mildred Burke offered to handle collections at the Camp Site in connection with Museum - and moved that Mrs. Burke and Mrs. Snells' salaries be $50.00 each, per week, during the summer months and $37.50,each, per week, during the off season months, effective May 1,, 168 - Councilman Counihan seconded and the motion passed. The Mayor reported the crew of one of the garbage trucks, removed several boxes of toys, fishing rods and other items from the porch of Mrs. Joe Lee on Lewis Avenue, she recovered some of them but not all and filed a claim against the Town - Councilman Counihan moved that bhe be offered $18.00 to cover the loss - Councilman Cary seconded, the motion passed. Refer. to Councilman Davis. Mir. and Mrs. Joe Pelli requested that a street light be placed in the vicinity of their home at Estill Station and also Mr. Jack Knauz requested a light in the area of thei home on South Campbell Avenue - Councilman Counihan moved that the Requesta be granted - Councilman Daniels seconded , the motion passed. 1 1 169 : ouncilman Davis informed Council that an engineer from the, S.E.& P.Co., checked Campbell Avenue and drew a plan - that 21 street lights are needed - there are too many old type on Island that should be replaced with the new type lights. Bills for the various departments were approved for payment. There being no ther business Council adjourned subject to the 1 of the I The regular meeting Room and attende by Fleetwood, Counihan, Town Attorney Solms, Mrs. Evelyn Butler, Mayor. Savannah Beach, Ga., March 20, 1968. of Town Council was held today in the Council Mayor Brown, who presided, and Councilmen Clary, Daniels, Davis and Hohenstein, Chief Price, Robert Harpaer, Richard Grosse, Mrs. Pearl Black, Hubert Ellzey. The minutes of the meeting February 21st were rep „d and adopted. Councilman Davis reported that Supt. Reed had an accident and was injured on March llth, at 3 :30 A.M., during a heavy fog, his truck hit the car of Mrs. John Owens parked near the curb on First Street near Andersons Service Station, damaging it slightly the truch was also damaged, Supt Reed was checking on a motor that had stopped operating. The Mayor reported that the old burned piling on the beach that stipported Tybrisa Pavilion are being removed by Mr. Thompson without cost to the Town - also that L.G.Towers, bends, steps, ect., are being repaired and painted - that a 1962 truck shoulbe replaced with a new one - Ramps along the seawall will be checked and replaced. Councilman Davis reported that Coincilman Cary and Mr. Gillian of the SE&PCo, had checked street lights and recommended that 6 to 10 could be eliminated by installing new type lights, putting 21 lights on the east side of Butler Avenue will eliminate 6 to 10 lights - Councilman Counihan recommended that this be held in abeyance until Funds are available a number of electric motors need to be repaired, they burn ou'8 low voltage - The Mayor suggested waiting until next special meeting of Council. Chief Price reported that the traffic lanes need repainting, also signs - Hunter Field will furnish 2 LP. s for the summer season, they will down in April. Mrs. Black informed Council t_iat a Surfers Convention was being held at Savannah Beach on April 20th -21st and requested the use of the Council Room to register them - Councilman Davis suggested that they be permitted to use the corridor in the Town Hall for this purpose.