HomeMy Public PortalAbout20200923 - Hopkinton Historic District Commission - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON HOPKINTON HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION Wednesday, September 23, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Remote Meeting on Zoom MEETING MINUTES Commission Members Present: ​Amy Ritterbusch, Beth Watson, Jeanette Thomson, Beth Kelly, Stacy Spies Commission Members Absent: ​Melanie Smith, Muneeza Nasrullah, Also Present: ​None 7:04 PM: ​Amy Ritterbusch called the meeting to order. As a preliminary matter, ​the chair confirmed members’ and the public’s access to the remote meeting and read an Introduction to Remote Meeting prior to the opening of the meeting. Annual Committee Reorganization​ - Select a Chair, Vice-Chair and Clerk After a brief discussion, Amy Ritterbusch nominated Beth Watson as Chair seconded by Jeanette Thomson. Roll Call Vote: YES ​Amy Ritterbusch, Beth Watson, Jeanette Thomson, Beth Kelly, Stacy Spies Jeanette Thomson nominated Stacy Spies for Vice Chair, seconded by Beth Kelly. Roll Call Vote: YES ​Amy Ritterbusch, Beth Watson, Jeanette Thomson, Beth Kelly, Stacy Spies Beth Watson nominated Amy Ritterbusch for Clerk/Secretary, seconded by Stacy Spies. Roll Call Vote: YES ​Amy Ritterbusch, Beth Watson, Jeanette Thomson, Beth Kelly, Stacy Spies 6 Park Street​ - Back Porch Urgent Replacement - September 3, 2020 Amy Ritterbusch explained that the property owner and tenant had contacted her about the back porch, which was badly in need of repairs. The tenant’s wife has MS and was getting out of rehab soon and the porch steps were unsafe for her as is. Amy walked by the house and took a look and saw that the back porch was only barely visible from the street. The back porch was of a modern pressure treated decking material, and not likely historically significant. The proposal was to replace it with a similar deck in the same footprint. It would not be larger or more visible from the street. Amy told the owner that a Certificate of Appropriateness would not be needed. Amy showed the commission the photographs of the house and the back porch that she had taken from the street, and the board agreed that Amy made the right call in this case. The group discussed that any changes to the front porch, front of the house or even the side bay window would definitely require the owner to come before the board. 17 Main Street​ - Significant fire on 9/20/20 - not much information was available at the time of the agenda posting, but we may have more by the meeting time. If an application for a certificate is received before Thursday we will review it. -The Applicant could not attend tonight -It appears from news reports and quotes from the owner that the building can hopefully be saved, but we waiting for the owner to contact us. Center School​ - Do Not Enter / Enter Signs - Ideas and Next Steps Beth Kelly brought forward some ideas, perhaps something like the Center School sign, wood with raised lettering. We think it may have been done by Marc Pillsbury - Jeanette will get a price quote. If it is too expensive we can possibly apply for a grant, such as the Marathon Fund. Or alternatively a cheaper option could be a plain sign, white with black writing, and a simple, smooth post. It was noted that a port a potty was moved out toward the Center School driveway, and is being used more like a public toilet. - Beth Watson will contact Board of Health, as it is their jurisdiction. Creation of a ​Main Street Historic District​ - Next Steps ○CPC Grant Application to study the properties was approved at the 2020 Town Meeting. ○In order to be considered for Town Meeting 2021, then a Study Report will need to be submitted to the Mass. Historical Commission 60 days prior to the Public Hearing, so it should be submitted by February 2021. ○Petition for 76 Main Street Historic District including list of neighbors wishing to be in a Historic District ○Consultant Recs, (2016) creation of Main Street Historic District (see page 61) ○CPC Grant Application for a Study of the Main Street / Summer Street Properties ○1989 Study of the Main Street Properties ●Stacy will work with Ben Sweeney at Town Hall to create the RFQ to find a consultant. ●Stacy mentioned we should let people know about the consultant studying the properties, so they won’t be concerned about folks with clipboards looking at their houses. Topics that may be discussed at any time during the meeting: ●Common - Holiday Lights (update) - Have finally been removed from the tree. ●Common - Hopkinton Lights Up for Diwali (November 2020) - Beth Watson with check with Meena Kaushik ○Beth Kelly expressed that the Select Board or Parks & Rec needs to publicize better goings on at the Common, including Diwali, and tree removal, so people aren’t surprised, maybe feature in the paper. ○Multiple members noted that some trees need to be removed from Common, one or two are clearly dying and should be replaced. ○Amy & Stacy will try to talk to Parks & Rec. ●76 Main St - Repainting (update) - Painting is done and it looks nice, shutters are back in place. ●Claflin Fountain - Garden Plantings (update, next steps, if any) - Wait for spring, apply for grants. ●Temporary Town Hall Package Collection Drop Box (update, if any) - Still in place ●Center School Re-Use & Facility Maintenance in the interim (update, if any) - None ●Bobbi Gibb statue update (update, if any) - None ●Doughboy Statue & WWII Monument - Discussion of condition and maintenance and CPC Grants - Amy is trying to get paperwork from CPC, see if we could get other grants. Beth Watson will ask Eric Sonnett for more details. ●Virtual “Hopkinton 101” (update, if any) - None ●Identify future agenda items - Parks & Rec. ●Confirm next meeting dates and/or community outreach dates ○Wed. Oct 7 at 7pm ●Approve meeting Minutes from 5-28-20 - Motion Amy Ritterbusch, Seconded by Beth Kelly Roll Call Vote: YES 4 ​Amy Ritterbusch, Beth Watson, Jeanette Thomson, Beth Kelly ABSTAIN​ 1 Stacy Spies ●6-17-20 Minutes - Not ready yet Adjournment 7:49 PM A motion was made by Stacy Spies, seconded by Amy Ritterbusch to adjourn. Roll Call Vote: YES ​Amy Ritterbusch, Beth Watson, Jeanette Thomson, Beth Kelly, Stacy Spies Respectfully submitted, Amy Ritterbusch, Secretary Approved on December 17, 2020