HomeMy Public PortalAbout1998-03-03 Town of Truckee TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES March 3, 1998, 3:00 P.M. Truckee Donner Public Utility District Board Room 11570 Donner Pass Road, Truckee, CA CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Florian called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Council Members Drake, McCormack, Schneider, Susman, and Mayor Florian ALSO PRESENT: Stephen L. Wright, Town Manager; Tony Lashbrook, Community Development Director; Tom Covey; Public Works Director; Jon Lander, Town Engineer; and Vicki Soderquist, Deputy Town Clerk PUBLIC COMMENT - None WORKSHOP 4.1 Review of 5-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Recommendation: Council review the CIP and provide direction as desired. Mr. Wright stated the CIP was the first for the Town and was not an operating budget, but a planning tool. Projects or activities included were $15,000 or more. After review Council would ultimately adopt the CIP annually, but it was important to note that it was not an implementation tool. If Measure A passed the document would be refined to identify specific road projects (segments). Staff utilized past history and general plan expectations for revenue projections which he felt were conservative. Each department had identified their needs, i.e. staffing and operations. The program utilized assumptions, but tried to identify where increased maintenance costs would result. Summary of Revenues and Expenditures Councilmember McCormack complimented staff on the preparation of the CIP. He then noted that the figures did not match his prior budget figures. Mr. Wright stated that the figures had been adjusted throughout the year to reflect actions taken by Council. Councilmember Susman questioned the revenue increase between FY 97/98 and FY 98/99. Mr. Wright replied that it was assumed the Holiday Inn Express would be built and the revenues reflected the anticipated TOT. Councilmember McCormack questioned if the 3 Times Voter Rule was included in the anticipated revenues. Mr. Wright replied that they had been included for two years. He noted that there would also be a census conducted in 2000, but it would take approximately 1 '/2 years before those figures were incorporated by the CA Department of Finance. Councilmember McCormack questioned ifTSSA monies were included in the revenues. Mr. Lander replied that they were non-general fund revenues and were treated like grant funds, but were shown as expenditures. Councilmember Schneider questioned why a 3% COLA had been included only in FY 97/98. Mr. Wright explained that the 3% COLA was an approved expenditure, but the CIP did not assume any other payroll operating costs. Mayor Florian questioned anticipated legal fees. Mr. Wright replied that the Town was beginning to see an increase in legal costs as the Town was maturing. Councilmember McCormack questioned if all the reserves were paid up in FY 97/98. Mr. Wright replied that was correct, unless the Council changed their policy. Councilmember McCormack also noted that with the exception of the trail project, all of the remaining unfunded projects were roads. Mr. Wright informed the Council that the Equipment Plan assumptions, based upon the last Council workshop, were built into the CIP. The Equipment Plan would be brought to Council with the CIP for adoption. Permit Tracking Automation Councilmember Susman noted that the Town was presently conducting a cost of service study and questioned if the permit tracking program would present a conflict in those assumptions. Mr. Wright stated that he did not feel there would be a conflict as they were two different issues. He anticipated that the study would be presented to Council for review within the next 30 days. Due to the current analysis he expected a recommendation to reduce the building permit fees. The tracking system would take the permit forward in greater detail and it was possible that the findings of the two could be merged in the future. Reconstruct Grade Crossing - Bridge StFUPRR Councilmember Susman stated he was unaware of the proposed project. Mr. Lander stated that it was the Town's desire to widen the crossing and add a lane. Union Pacific and Caltrans were working on the crossing first and had stated that a widening would delay their project. Staff would continue to work with Caltrans and Union Pacific. 1-80 Off Ramns/SR 89 Sienals Councilmember Drake stated it was his understanding that signals were not allowed on freeways. Mr. Lander responded that the signals would be placed on the ramps onto the other roads. Councilmember Susman questioned why the Town would be responsible for maintenance if the signals were a Caltrans responsibility, Mr. Lander stated that Councilmember Susman was correct and maintenance costs would not be included. Councilmember Susman further questioned why the project was included if it was a State project. Mr. Lander responded that the project would deal with increased traffic on Hwy 89S, of which Truckee had a component. He also noted that Caltrans responded in a more timely manner when local matching funds were involved. Mr. Covey stated the project was an attempt to transfer the heavy truck traffic off Donner Pass Road. Mr. Lashbrook added that it was not unusual to utilize local funds for a State project. FY 97/98 Annual Overlay Councilmember McCormack asked whether the cumulative prior funding of $I million was from the Tahoe Donner TSSA and, if the project sheet should reflect that the funds would be spent in FY 97/98. Mr. Wright stated that was correct and that the project sheet would be changed to reflect the expenditures. Town of Truckee March 3, 1998 Special Page 2 Initial Downtown Parking Improvements Mayor Florian questioned if the project sheet reflected a payback of the initial $100,000. Mr. Lashbrook responded that there had been no commitment for a repayment. The initial funding came from a 1996/97 budget surplus and had been utilized as seed money. He pointed out that an additional $100,000 of General Fund revenues had been projected for 1999/2000. Councilmember Drake stated it was his understanding that the initial $100,000 was to be seed money and then the PBID would be on their own. Mr. Lashbrook stated that future General Fund expenditures were included, but as a staff proposal only at the present time. Mr. Wright felt the General Fund allocation would be a policy decision by the Council as to whether it was appropriate. Councilmember Schneider questioned the maintenance costs for the project. Mr. Lashbrook replied that it would be snow plowing and landscape maintenance. He felt the Town would make it clear that there would be no long-term maintenance liability for the Town. Councilmember Drake questioned who would own the facility if it was built with PBID funds. Mr. Lashbrook stated that it was assumed the Town would own the facility. He also assumed that the Town would be asked to do snow removal. Mr. Wright stated that the PBID maintenance would have to be calculated into their costs. Councilmember McCormack felt staff had made good assumptions for the project. Deerfleld Connector Alignment Study It was the consensus of the Council to amend the graphic as it was misleading regarding a connector location. Glenshire Drive and SR 267 Capacity Improvements Councilmember McCormack questioned the signalization of the intersection. Mr. Wright noted that the signal was identified in the General Plan for FY 2000/2001. Glenshire Brid~,e Reolacement Councilmember McCormack questioned if the costs for removal of the old bridge was included in the project. Mr. Lander replied that removal would be in FY 98/99 with the qualification that the revised budget would be approved. Councilmember Drake expressed his concern that assumptions would be made that the CIP included approved projects and funding. Mr. Wright replied that it was a planning tool, but noted that someone could make those assumptions. Mr. Lashbrook stated that there was a possible risk that someone would not like a project and want to see the CEQA documents. The CIP was a fiscal planning document only and that it was not subject to CEQA. He anticipated that there would be Council discussion regarding all individual projects. Councilmember McCormack felt the Council needed to have such a document in order to view the "bottom line". Mr. Wright stated the program showed the money available based on current projections and guidelines that could be focused on capital expenditures. If Measure A did not pass, Council and staff would have to regroup and identify projects for future years. The only other option would be to eliminate the 5-year CIP and budget projects year to year. Redevelopment Plan Councilmember Susman noted the staff time required and questioned if it had been included in the project. Mr. Lashbrook replied that the Plan would require significant stafftime and that it had not been calculated into the project. Town of Truckee March 3, 1998 Special Page 3 Additional Maintenance Equipment FY 98/99 Mr. Covey stated that he had taken the recommendations from Council and spread the costs for new equipment over 10 years, versus 5 years, which lowered acquisition costs and deferred maintenance costs over a longer period. Replacement equipment was reduced by the amount of trade-in value which had not been done in the past. Costs were averaged over a 20 year period for equipment replacement which would result in a pay-as-you-go program which would be funded the year before utilization. Equipment being replaced was beyond the expected life, but staff tried to balance the replacement over the years. Priorities were difficult to identify due to actual needs. Councilmember McCormack questioned if the CIP dealt with the reserves. Mr. Wright noted that a reserve account would not be created, it was a modified pay-as-you-go program. Animal Shelter Construction Councilmember McCormack questioned the expenditures for the project. Mr. Wright noted that there was a prior cumulative fund set aside. Mr. Lashbrook stated that the project sheet could change depending upon action taken by the Council at their next meeting regarding a temporary facility. Councilmember McCormack requested that the project sheet he amended to show the expenditure of the $450,000. Building Records Automation (Digitizing) Councilmember Schneider expressed her concern that all systems be compatible. Ms. Soderquist explained that Building funds would be utilized to microfiche old Nevada County Building documents. An optical disk system for the Building Department would be integrated into the Town system in FY 99/00 for records storage of Town documents. Facilit~ Construction Revenue Fund Councilmember McCormack noted that the fund had been established in addition to a Town Hall Reserve Fund. Mr. Wright stated the Construction Fund could be utilized for any of the three major CIP projects, i.e. animal shelter, town hall, or corporation yard. It was a set aside to be used by Council as they desired. The Town Hall Reserve Fund was to be utilized toward COP payments and/or construction of a Town Hall. Councilmember McCormack suggested that "Revenue" be changed to "Reserve" or "Set Aside". Glenshire Drive Shoulder Extension Councilmember McCormack questioned the need for the project. Mr. Covey replied that there had been several accidents. A HES grant had been applied for but had not yet been funded. The project had been addressed in the Vail Report. Mr. Lashbrook stated the project was also included in the AB 1600 Fee Program inherited from the County. Tahoe Donner Connector Alignment Study Councilmember McCormack noted that funding was only included for the alignment study and questioned if the project should be moved up. Mr. Lashbrook replied that the project was scheduled for FY 98/99 because the Nevada County Transportation Commission would be incorporating it into their work plan for funding. Therefore, no construction program was included at the present time. Mr. Wright stated that if Council felt there was an urgency, General Fund monies could be utilized to move it up. Councilmember Susman did not feel there was an urgency. Councilmember McCormack stated that it would offer traffic relief prior to PC2. Mr. Lashbrook questioned if the Council wanted PC2 to drive the alignment and noted that FY 98/99 was only four months away. It was the consensus of the Council to leave the project as presented. Town of Truckee March 3, 1998 Special Page 4 Downtown Streetscape Councilmember Schneider questioned the PBID funding for the project. Mr. Lashbrook stated that there were no General Fund revenues included, and if there was no PBID funding the projects would be eliminated. Town Hall Reserve Fund Councilmember McCormack questioned the cumulative pr/or funding. Mr. Wright stated there was $1 I0,300 in the Gifts Fund that was dedicated to the reserve. Project funding was based on a I0,000 sq.ft, building (5,000 sq.ft, of office space, boardroom, conference room, foyer, and restrooms) with the Building Department paying their prorated share of the facility. Corporation Yard Councilmember Drake questioned the availability of the Caltrans yard. Mr. Covey stated that Caltrans had not made a decision regarding the facility, that was one of the reasons the project had been extended to FY 01/02. Coldstream and Donner Pass Road Signal Councilmember Susman felt there was a perception of a nexus between the project and PC1 due to the listing of PCI Project Fees, i.e. that there would be a Deerfield Drive connector. Mr. Lashbrook stated that an assumption had been made that PC1 would pay impact fees to pay for the signal or build it as part of the intersection realignment based upon traffic generation. Mr. Covey stated that there was not enough additional impact to drive the signal other than the Deerfield Connector or PC 1. Councilmember Drake questioned if there was an assumption that PC 1 would pay for the Deerfield Connector. Mr. Lashbrook replied that PC1 would not pay for it if there was a Town-wide benefit, they would only pay for a portion within their project limits. Mr. Lander stated that it was not obvious that either the Tahoe Donner Connector or the Deerfield Connector was eminent within the five years of the CIP. He also felt that both projects would require General Fund revenues or Road Mitigation Fees. Councilmember Susman reiterated his concern regarding the perception. Mr. Wright stated the project was not in the General Plan and could be removed from the CIP. Councilmember Schneider agreed with Councilmember Susman and felt it was inconsistent as development of other PC's could also require signals. It was the consensus of the Council to pull the project from the CIP. Increase Capacity at Donner Pass Road and Highway 89 South Councilmember Susman questioned the utilization of a roundabout and whether it would be evaluated after construction of the first roundabout. Councilmember McCormack questioned what would be another reasonable traffic solution. Mr. Wright responded that it would be four lanes which was not allowed in the General Plan. It was the consensus of the Council to change the description to "improvements including consideration of a roundabout." Councilmember McCormack questioned if there was a plan for a signal at Bridge Street and Commercial Row. Mr. Wright responded that there was no plan for a signal at the present time. Councilmember Susman complimented staff and felt the CIP reflected the priorities set by Council at their last workshop. Mr. Wright stated that staff would make the necessary corrections and then forward the CIP to the Planning Commission to review for consistency with the General Plan. Once reviewed by the Commission it would be brought back to Council, along with the Equipment Plan, for adoption. Town of Truckee March 3, 1998 Special Page 5 COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS: None ADJOURNMENT. Mayor Florian adjourned the meeting at 4:38 p.m. by: Respectfully submitted, STEPHEN L. WRIGHT, Town Manager Vicki C. Soderquist, C~ty Town Clerk Town of Truckee March 3, 1998 Special Page 6