HomeMy Public PortalAboutTBM 1995-01-04The regular meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 4, 1995. Board present were Mayor Jensen, Klancke, Havens and Wirsing. Also present were Brown and Winter. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as written. ORDINANCE 213 AMEND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO INCLUDE MASTER TRAIL PLAN. Proposed Ordinance 213 was reviewed. After discussion Wirsing moved to adopt Ordinance 213 amending the Comp. Plan to include the Master Trail Plan, 2nd Havens, carried. ORDINANCE 214 AMEND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS /TRAILS Proposed Ordinance for amending the subdivision regulation addressing trail specification was reviewed. After discussion Klancke moved to adopt Ordinance 214, Wirsing 2nd, carried. RETIREMENT PLAN Resolution 1 -1 -95 Resolution joining the retirement plan CCOERA for the town employees, and designating Virginia Winter as the representative was so moved by Havens, 2nd Wirsing, carried. RESOLUTION 1 -2 -95 Resolution electing participation at a rate of 3% by the Town for participating employees was so moved by Wirsing, 2nd Klancke, carried. RESOLUTION 1 -3 -95 TOWN BOARD JANUARY 4, 1995 Resolution 1 -3 -95 electing a 5 year vesting program for the employees was so moved by Havens, 2nd Wirsing, carried. CROOKED CREEK LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL All documents in order for this renewal. Sheriff's Dept. copied the incident file on this establishment for the Board's review. Havens moved to approve this renewal, 2nd Klancke, carried. OFFICIAL POSTING PLACE Klancke moved to designate the bulletin board at the entry way of the Town Hall as the official posting place, 2nd Havens, carried. INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WP /FRASER ISTEA GRANT FUNDS Board reviewed intergovernmental agreement with the Town of Winter Park to share grant funds awarded towns to pave the Fraser Highway path. Wirsing moved to approve this agreement 2nd Klancke, carried. OTHER Brown reviewed that the County has asked for help with securing the ROW for the connection from county Rd. 5 to the new Parkway. Jensen will work on this. TOWN MANAGER REPORT Brown is working on the growth planning project. Flood Plain proposed Ordinance has passed the Planning Commission and Brown is sending it to FEMA for review. Planning Commission has passed a Resolution to recommend vacation of a portion of Doc Susie Ave. This will be at Town Board for public hearing at the Jan. 18th meeting. Brown gave an update of the Mercy Housing project. Discussion took place on the need to increase fees with regards to plant investment fees, subdivision fees and building permit fees. Board asked for more information so that these can be analyzed. Brown would like discussion on Banner permit requirements. Klancke would like to review the regulations on private drives as specified in the Sub. Regs. No further business, meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.