HomeMy Public PortalAbout19680918CCMeeting'Savannah Beach, Ga., September 18, 1968. • The regular meeting of Council was held today at 3 P.M., in;the Council Room and was attended by Mayor Counihan, who presided, and Councilmen Schwarz, Jones, Daniels, Cary, Hohenstein, Jung,Town 01torney Shea, Chief Price, U.L.Harl ey, Mr. Atkinson, R.L.Waters and Mr, Bunger. • The minutes of the meeting of August 21,st were read and adopted. Mr. Waters informed Council that he was holding $167.30 that were donations to a fund sponsored by the Optimist Club for recreational purposes, he wanted to turn this money over to the Town, he was thanked for his interest, the fund was turned over to the Recreation Committee. Mr. Hunger petitioned for permission to erect multiple apartments the ocean side of Butler Ivenue and 12th street. Referred to Committee. Mr. Harley asked if Town accepted part of Rosewood street, he was informed that it had not - he also stated that water runs off:>'of Van Horn Drive onto his road and wanted it corrected - Councilman Jones informed him that the Town is not responsible for this - will have Mr. Reed check it. Councilman Schwarz moved that all of tne Ordinances of the Town be assembled and indexed - Councilman Jone, seconded, the motion passed. Several bids for furnishing gasoline, fuel oil and lubricating oils were submitted, the Standard Oil Co. being the low bidders were awarded the business on motion made by Councilman Daniels - seconded by Councilman Jones - the motionpetssed. Councilman Schwarz moved that the offer of the Calgon Company to supply their product for treatment of the water suppiy,be accepted Councilman Daniels - seconded, the motion passed. Councilman Schwarz discussing the new fire engine stated that there should be some way to get it financed. Councilman Schwarz stated that the water cherge for the Golf Course has not been paid - it should be cut off - Councilman Jones will handle. Councilman Jones stated that Brewer's Trailer Camp was.eharged Y ?36.00 for water - this should increased to 050.00 per year ,Councilman Jones stated that there were some complaints about the garbage dump - received as information - he also mentioned that garbage cans should be put in the Park. Councilman Hohenstein recommended a charge of X50.00 for use of Memorial Park to groups other than churches, schools and pavvrmah Beach organizations - ho also recommended enclosing the cemetary in the Park with a heavy wire fence, with a 3 foot gate, cost about $340.00 - he was asked to get some more estimates. 188 Councilman Hohenstein informed Council that Councilman Cary and himself tamed to W. C. Fleetwood regarding erosion, Mr. Fleetwood requested letter stating what was wanted of him - assure him that Town will build jetty - Councilman /lohenstcin and Supt Reed will get costs - Councilman Cary -have plans made ahowing erosion at Camp Site, then approach Fleetwood - get MPC to come down rand f, check it - Councilman Jones suggested that the U.S.Engrs., also be contacted. Councilman Hohensteih moved that the 167.30 turned over to Council by Mr. Waters be contributedT.to the little Football League - Councilman Jones seconded, the motion passed. Councilman Hohenstein informed Council that at the recent meeting meeting is Atlanta regarding the mining for phosphate situation, the majority was against it - we have not taken a stand - he moved that the Town go on record as being against it, and so wire the Governor of Georgia to that effect, stressing its dangers to the seafood indu.3try and also the dangers of pollution - Councilman Jones suggested that Councilman Daniels and himself attend meeting - Councilman Daniels felt that the seconded meeting was the,most important, he needs more information and asked if Councilman Hohenstein would oppose waiting for result of next meeting - Councilman Hohenstein withdrew his motion - Councilman Cary suggested attending meeting next meeting, then take stand. Councilman Hohenstein mentioned the bars being allowed to remain open until'-` 1l- A.M., which creates problems, the bars in Savannah and in the County close at 2 A.M., - oould get more conformity if cooperated with Savannah and the County - Councilman Hohenstein move to amend the Ordnance to require bars bars to be closed at 2 A.M., - Councilman Schwarz stated that Ordinance be left as is - there was no second: Councilman Daniels moved that Council authorize Chief J.W.Price to attend P.O. meeting in Macon on Oct. 5 -6 -7 at Town expense - Councilman Schwarz seconded, the motion passed - Finance Committee. Councilman Daniels informed Council of complaints about dogs running loose on beach front - he instructed Chief Price to keep a check on this - arother dog catcher is needed. Councilman Daniels informed Council that the Ropertyeowners on 6th street have not paid for the speed breeekers placed there - and made a motiion that they be notified to pay for the work - Councilman Jones seconded and the ;iotioerpassed. Council Daniels called attention of loud speakers at night in some places on the streets - Councilman Cary recommended cutting them off at 11 Pain.,- Chief Price stated that music boxes be cut off at 12 M., Councilman Daniels read several letters complimentkng the Police Dept for its courtesies extended the public. " . 189 Councilman Jung stated that no purchases should be made over $50.00 without getting at le`stbids, also that on purchases(- the bills should be discounted. Councilman Jung discussing the financial condition of the Town requested the Committee Chairmen to hold down on expenditures for the re:sj of the fiscal _ year. Letters were sent to George Remetta of the old SBVFD, Inc., and to Edmund J.Solomon, Chief of SBFD reuesting the 2 organizations to get together and settle their differences. Councilman Cary moved that 0125.00 be contributed to the Fire Dept for their supper held annually - Councilman Daniels - seconded the motion passed. Councilman Cary informed Council that the heating gystem in the Town Hall should be replaced with gas heaters and made a motion that this be done - CouncilraaaJhnes - seconded, the motion passed. Councilman Cary reported that one of the fire engines needs repairs badly, now, the electric system on the International ahould be changed to 12 volts - The Mayor instructed that the necessary work be done - Councilmen Cagey any Schwarz will handle. Councilman Jung informed Council that a meeting will be held in the Auditorium on the 23rd at 7 :30 P.M., to act on hospital insurance benefits. I" Ir. Shea informed Council that a claim had been filed by Mr. Sol Clark, attorney for, a Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley, for injuries received by her - Councilman Schwarz suggested that Mr. Shea contact Mr. Clark to see what he would settle the clai mid Councilman Jones asked if the Town had liability insurance, Councilman Jung moved that a bill from A. F. Solms, Jr., for 0750.00 for legal work done for the Town be approved - Councilman Schwarz seconded, the motion passed. Councilman Daniels reported that the house of Est. Louis Cohen,bocupied by tenants and asked Mr. Shea if it could be padlocked - Mr. Shea stated it could - Councilman D niele moved that Mr. Shea file a claim against the estate $884.44 - Councilman Jung seconded, the motion passed. 1 Mr. Humphreys petitioned for permission build a mult1rle apartment building on ocean side of Butler Avenue. Refined fo Committee. Councilman Hohenstein asked if anything had developed regarding acquiring land fro ui Mrs Evelyn Haar (IuIullens) . Isaac Jenko ad John Harrison wanted to buy two of the old forts next to the Tybee Museum, owned by the Town..Request denied. Councilman Schwarz asked who turns off water on delinquent accounts, property owners should be held responsible unless in tenants name - Councilman Schwarz will handle. 1 1 1 1 ORDINANCE 190 Councilman Jones moved that item # 1 of the decal Ordinance be changed so a to place decal on right side of windshield - be placed on second reading - Councilman Cary - seconded, the motion passed. RESOLUTION Councilman Daniels moved that a suitable Resolution be drawn in respect to John Gordon Miller, who passed away recently - and also that Fourth Avenue be renamed Miller Avenue in memory of him - Councilman Cary - seconded, the motion passed. ORDINANCE Councilman Sary moved that an Ordinance be adopted to allow free parking to property owners whom have paid their personal property taxes, dm streets on which there are parking meters, but except on the parking lots - Councilman Jones - seconded, the motion passed. ORDINANCE Councilman Jun@ moved that License Ordinance be amended as follows: pool tables $25.00 each; Real Estate Brokers $35.00; General Contractors 050.00; Seafood, wholesale $50.00 - retail $25.00; Florists Oholesale $15.00 - retail $ 20.00 - Councilman Jonas- seednded, the motion passed. Councilman Jones moved that property of Morris Cthen, lot of 43, McLeod S.D., Ward 5, he quit claimed to him as all taxes and costs have been paid - Councilman Daniels - seconded, the motion passed. Bills for the various departments wore approved for payment.