HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 97:039 97-39 I)me o1' Adoplio. ,]mrnmr~v_2t0, 1997 No. RESOLUTION TO GO INTO CI,OSEI) SESSION WIIEREAS, Section 8 oflhe Open I'ublic Meeti,gs Jcl, Chapler 231 P.L. 1975. pel mils lite exchlsion of Ihe Imblic fi om a meeli.g iii cel lain circumstances; ami WlIEREAS, this public body is of the opt.ion Ihal such circumstances presently exists; NOW, TllEREFORE, BE IT RESOI.VED bythe Mayor a.d Council ofllle Borough of Carleret, County of Middlesex, Slale of New Jersey, as lbllows: 1. The public shall be excluded fi'om atlendi.g, discussing or participating in the hereinafter specified subject .tatters. 2. The general nature of the subject mailer to be discussed is as Follows: discuss insurance and contract negotiations. 3. It is anticipated at Ihis lime that lite above staled subject matter will be made public: upon conclusion of the matters. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately. iHr~COI~.I) ()lr COUNCIl, VOTE FAILACE GUIO}/SKI _ X - hldlcate Vole All - AI)sc.I NV - Not Vofi.g XOR - hidicalcs Vote Io Over:ule Velo sj Adopted tit a mecii.g o1' tile Municil',nl Cotulcil January 30, 1997