HomeMy Public PortalAboutTBM 1999-02-03The regular meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was held in the meeting room of the New Library. Board present were Mayor Johnston, Swatzell, McIntyre, Soles, Rantz and Klancke. Staff present were Reid, Winter, Trotter and Stone. McIntyre moved that the minutes of 1 -20 -99 be approved with an amendment: Safeway is required to place a road bond with the Town good to Oct, 21, 2000 to cover repairs to County Rd. 804, the Town will draw on this bond or it may be extended should it be necessary to perform repairs in 2001, 2nd Soles, carried. CHAMBER UPDATE Catherine Ross gave an update on the chamber activities. HOUSING AUTHORITY Catherine Ross and Jon DeVos representing the authority discussed the lease of the Town's property at 200 Eisenhower Dr. The Authority is also asking for title to the property that the Town owns with the Town of Winter Park located on County Road 8. The Authority would like to start a project and have a March 31st deadline to apply for funding. Board advised that the property is not in the Town limits and may need to annexed. Water is an issue as the property does not have any water rights associated with it. Klancke made a motion to transfer the Town's interest in the Property to the Grand County Housing Authority, 2nd Soles, carried. ACTION ITEMS TOWN BOARD FEB. 3, 1999 An Ordinance was presented that prohibits conduct which disturbs the peace. Swatzell made a motion to approve Ordinance 260, Klancke 2nd motion. Motion failed 3 -3 vote. DISCUSSION ITEMS Reid discussed the cost of approx. S80,000 to place under ground conduit for the eventual placement of the utilities. Mt. Parks will only pay for the conduit. Reid was directed to look at the town crew installing the conduit and report back to the Board. Reid asked for direction on the wellhead protection areas as to how the Board would like regulations set up for any development. Reid gave an update on the safewav project. McIntyre made a motion to set a hearing date of March 17th for consideration of the proposed Grand County #1 waste water treatment plant site plan approval, 2nd Swatzell, carried. The Fraser Parkway is back on the County list of projects. BOARD CHOICE Rantz brought to the attention of the Board the Cole property aka Minnie and Hazels) which are fallen down and dangerous. Reid will work on the problem. No further business, meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.