HomeMy Public PortalAbout12-19-2016 Village Board Agenda and Packet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¶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‡ 'HFHPEHU 3ODQ&RPPLVVLRQ±SP ‡ 'HFHPEHU 9LOODJH2IILFHV&ORVHG ‡ -DQXDU\ 9LOODJH2IILFHV&ORVHG ‡ -DQXDU\ 3ODQ&RPPLVVLRQ±SP ‡ -DQXDU\ 1H[W9LOODJH%RDUG0HHWLQJ±SP 3 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\0LFKHOOH*LEDV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH'HFHPEHU 68%-(&7 3URFODLP'HFHPEHUDWSPWKURXJK-DQXDU\DWDPDV8QLYHUVDO+RXURI3HDFH 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 8QLYHUVDO+RXURI3HDFH3URFODPDWLRQ 4 5 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\0LFKHOOH*LEDV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH'HFHPEHU 68%-(&7 0LQXWHVRIWKH%RDUG0HHWLQJKHOGRQ'HFHPEHU 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 9LOODJH%RDUG0LQXWHV 6 VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 5, 2016 AT: VILLAGE HALL BOARD PRESENT: M.COLLINS, M.BONUCHI, B.LAMB, E.O’ROURKE, G.PECK, J.RACICH, AND B.WOJOWSKI. OTHERS PRESENT: B.MURPHY, ADMINISTRATOR; J.HARVEY, ATTORNEY; M.GIBAS, VILLAGE CLERK; D.WOLD, ENGINEER; A.PERSONS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR; J.PROULX, PLANNING DIRECTOR; K.GOSKA, BUILDING OFFICIAL; T.PLECKHAM, MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR; AND K.GRECO, POLICE COMMANDER. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL, PLEDGE Mayor Collins called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken, all Trustees were present. Mayor Collins led the Pledge of Allegiance. There were approximately 35 persons in the audience. PRESIDENTIAL COMMENTS Trustee Lamb moved to reappoint Debra Olsen, David Schmidt, George Rapp, and David Hagen to the Historic Preservation Commission for a three (3) year term, expiring on October 18, 2019. Second by Trustee Peck. Vote by roll call. Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Peck, yes; Racich, yes; Wojowski, yes; 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. Mayor Collins commented on the recent snow removal efforts. TRUSTEES COMMENTS Trustee O’Rourke commented on the decorations downtown. Trustee Bonuchi congratulated Ed Arter for the Volunteer of the Year recognition from the Plainfield Riverfront Foundation. Trustee Peck commented on keeping the same rate for the 2016 Tax Levy and lowering the Capital Improvement Charge on the water bill. There were some general comments regarding the capital improvement charge. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 – 5 Minutes) No Comments. BUSINESS MEETING 1) APPROVAL OF AGENDA Trustee Lamb moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Trustee Peck. Vote by roll call. Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Peck, yes; Racich, yes; Wojowski, yes; 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 2) CONSENT AGENDA Trustee Bonuchi moved to approve the Consent Agenda to include: a) Minutes of the Board Meeting held on November 21, 2016. b) Bills Paid and Bills Payable Reports for December 5, 2016. c) Approval of the 2017 Meeting Schedules for the Village Board, Committee of the Whole Workshop, Coffee with the Mayor, Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals, Historic Preservation Commission, Historic Preservation Commission Subcommittees, Police Pension Board, Police Commission, and the Advisory Task Force on Economic Development.7 Village of Plainfield Meeting Minutes – December 5, 2016 Page 2 Second by Trustee Wojowski. Vote by roll call. Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Peck, yes; Racich, yes; Wojowski, yes; 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 3) 2016 TAX LEVY PUBLIC HEARING Trustee Lamb moved to open a Public Hearing on the 2016 tax levy. Second by Trustee Peck. Voice Vote. All in favor, 0 opposed. Motion carried. Trustee Lamb moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3286, for the levying and collecting of taxes for the Village of Plainfield, Will and Kendall Counties, Illinois for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of May, 2016. Second by Trustee Peck. Vote by roll call. Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Peck, yes; Racich, yes; Wojowski, yes; 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 4) 2016 TAX LEVY ABATEMENTS Trustee Bonuchi moved to adopt the 2016 Abatement Resolutions by Omnibus vote. Second by Trustee Racich. Vote by roll call. Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Peck, yes; Racich, yes; Wojowski, yes; 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. Trustee Lamb moved to adopt: x Resolution Number 1733, Abating the 2016 Tax Levies for the General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007. x Resolution Number 1734, Abating the 2016 Tax Levies for the General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2010. x Resolution Number 1735, Abating the 2016 Tax Levies for the General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012. x Resolution Number 1736, Abating the 2016 Tax Levies for the General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2013. x Resolution Number 1737, Abating the 2016 Tax Levies for the General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2014. Second by Trustee Peck. Vote by roll call. Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Peck, yes; Racich, yes; Wojowski, yes; 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 5) 14918 S. EASTERN AVENUE RE-ZONING (PC CASE # 1737-092616.REZ) Trustee Bonuchi moved to adopt Ordinance No.3287, granting approval of the map amendment (re- zoning) from R-1 to I-1, for the property commonly known as 14918 S. Eastern Avenue. Second by Trustee Lamb. Vote by roll call. Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Peck, yes; Racich, yes; Wojowski, yes; 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 6) WAREHOUSE DISTRICT PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PC CASE # 1738- 092616.SU) Trustee Bonuchi moved to adopt Ordinance No.3288, granting approval of a Special Use for a planned development to regulate uses in the I-1 zoning district for the properties at 14903 S. Center Street and 14912 and 14918 S. Eastern Avenue. Second by Trustee Racich. Vote by roll call. Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Peck, yes; Racich, yes; Wojowski, yes; 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 8 Village of Plainfield Meeting Minutes – December 5, 2016 Page 3 7) RIVERFRONT PARK USAGE POLICY Trustee Bonuchi moved to adopt Resolution No. 1738, a Resolution adopting the Plainfield Riverfront Park Usage Policy and to add Ballot Initiative Committees under Prohibited uses. Second by Trustee Racich. Vote by roll call. Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Peck, yes; Racich, yes; Wojowski, yes; 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT No Report. MANAGEMENT SERVICES REPORT Trustee Lamb moved to approve a cleaning service agreement with Cosmopolitan Building Services, the contractor providing the lowest proposal, in the amount of $2,275.00 per month. Second by Trustee Bonuchi. Vote by roll call. Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Peck, yes; Racich, yes; Wojowski, yes; 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. ENGINEER’S REPORT No Report. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT No Report. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT No Report. PUBLIC WORKS REPORT No Report. POLICE CHIEF’S REPORT Commander Greco announced that the Plainfield Police Department has been recertified by CALEA and certified by EMA. ATTORNEY’S REPORT No Report. Mayor Collins read the reminders. Trustee Peck moved to adjourn. Second by Trustee Racich. Voice Vote. All in favor, 0 opposed. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m. Michelle Gibas, Village Clerk 9 Village of Plainfield Meeting Minutes – December 5, 2016 Page 4 VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD PUBLIC HEARING DECEMBER 5, 2016 AT: VILLAGE HALL BOARD PRESENT: M.COLLINS, M.BONUCHI, B.LAMB, E.O’ROURKE, G.PECK, J.RACICH, AND B.WOJOWSKI. OTHERS PRESENT: B.MURPHY, ADMINISTRATOR; J.HARVEY, ATTORNEY; M.GIBAS, VILLAGE CLERK; D.WOLD, ENGINEER; A.PERSONS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR; J.PROULX, PLANNING DIRECTOR; K.GOSKA, BUILDING OFFICIAL; T.PLECKHAM, MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR; AND K.GRECO, POLICE COMMANDER. 2016 TAX LEVY PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Collins called the meeting to order at 7:13 p.m. Present roll call stands. Traci Pleckham, Management Services Director, stated that based on the preliminary EAV estimates, the ordinance reflects a total property tax request of $6,139,600.00 however the actual dollar amount the Village will received is anticipated to be less. At the November 14, 2016 Village Board Workshop, the discussion included the option of maintaining the 2015 overall levy rate of .4669 and an option of maintaining a dollar amount similar to the 2015 extension. Staff will formally notify both Will and Kendall Counties of the Village’s intention prior to the levy being finalized in March of 2017. There were no public comments. Trustee Bonuchi moved to close the Public Hearing and return to the regular business meeting. Second by Trustee Racich. Voice Vote. All in favor, 0 opposed. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:14 p.m. Michelle Gibas, Village Clerk 10 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\7UDFL3OHFNKDP 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW0DQDJHPHQW6HUYLFHV'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH'HFHPEHU 68%-(&7 %LOOV3DLGDQG%LOOV3D\DEOH5HSRUWVIRU'HFHPEHU 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 %LOOV3DLGDQG%LOOV3D\DEOH5HSRUWVIRU'HFHPEHU 11 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice Amount10131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0189092 Edit 11/17/2016 12/19/2016 1,020.0010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0189106 Edit 11/17/2016 12/19/2016 42.5010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0189107 Edit 11/17/2016 12/19/2016 1,978.753 $3,041.2510578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2017-00000855 Paid by Check # 112175 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 45,225.611 $45,225.6110578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2017-00000855 Paid by Check # 112175 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 21,335.331 $21,335.3310578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2017-00000855 Paid by Check # 112175 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 5,403.511 $5,403.5110949 - PLAINFIELD POLICE PEN ACCT#4236-2308 2017-00000859 Paid by Check # 112179 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 19,612.281 $19,612.2810315 - DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENT ADVISORS 2017-00000852 Paid by Check # 112172 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 15,783.3010774 - METLIFE 2017-00000856 Paid by Check # 112176 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 1,073.1811758 - VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS-306593 2017-00000862 Paid by Check # 112182 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 8,001.563 $24,858.0410778 - METROPOLITAN ALLIANCE OF POLICE 2017-00000857 Paid by Check # 112177 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 1,394.001 $1,394.0011244 - UNITED WAY OF WILL COUNTY 2017-00000861 Paid by Check # 112181 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 67.981 $67.9810030 - AFLAC 2017-00000851 Paid by Check # 112171 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 867.32Account 0210.243 - United Way DonationsUNITED WAY - United Way of Will CountyAccount 0210.243 - United Way Donations Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-TaxAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*Account 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0210.242 - Union DuesMAP - Metropolitan Alliance of PoliceAccount 0210.242 - Union Dues Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0210.238 - Police Pension W/H Payable Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan457-IPPFA-PCT - Deferred Comp IPPFA*457-METLIFE-PCT - Deferred Comp Metlife*457-ICMA-FLAT - Deferred Comp ICMA*Account 0210.223 - Medicare W/H PayableFICA - FICA*Account 0210.223 - Medicare W/H Payable Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0210.238 - Police Pension W/H PayablePOL PEN - Police Pension AnnualAccount 0210.220 - Federal W/H Payable Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0210.222 - FICA PayableFICA - FICA*Account 0210.222 - FICA Payable Totals Invoice TransactionsLenny's Gas-N-WashLenny's Gas-N-WashAccount 0121.110 - Unbilled Receivable-Developer Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0210.220 - Federal W/H PayableFICA - FICA*Accounts Payable by G/L Distribution ReportInvoice Due Date Range 12/06/16 - 12/19/16Invoice DescriptionFund 01 - General FundAccount 0121.110 - Unbilled Receivable-DeveloperCrash Champion Construction Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 1 of 21 12 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description1 $867.3210030 - AFLAC 2017-00000851 Paid by Check # 112171 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 386.021 $386.0211124 - STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 2017-00000860 Paid by Check # 112180 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 3,957.831 $3,957.8310427 - GLENN STREARNS, CHAPTER 13 TRUSTEE 2017-00000853 Paid by Check # 112173 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 313.851 $313.8511266 - VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD 2017-00000863 Paid by Check # 112183 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 2,034.461 $2,034.4610854 - NCPERS - IL IMRF 2017-00000858 Paid by Check # 112178 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 37.281 $37.2810174 - CAR CARE CENTER OF PLAINFIELD/NPVL 2017-00000848 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 125.0010209 - CHOBAR'S TOWING 2017-00000850 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 250.0011204 - TODD'S BODY SHOP & TOWING 2017-00000849 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 250.003 $625.0011262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722519 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 323.901 $323.9010951 - PLAINFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY 2017-00000845 Edit 12/07/2016 12/19/2016 704.661 $704.6611280 - WASTE MANAGEMENT 5505322-2007-0 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 288,957.0811280 - WASTE MANAGEMENT 2712504-2009-5 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 14,568.202 $303,525.282 $303,525.2810188 - CATHY'S SWEET CREATIONS 540919-1 Edit 11/19/2016 12/19/2016 48.60Division 00 - Non-Divisional Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 01 - Legislative ProgramAccount 8070 - Public Relations11/9/16 CWMUnit 04 - Administration/FinanceDivision 00 - Non-DivisionalAccount 8100 - Fees to Refuse HaulerNovember 2016November 2016 AYDAccount 8100 - Fees to Refuse Hauler Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0220.280 - Cell Phone Replacement Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0450.454 - Replacement Tax-LibraryReplacement TaxAccount 0450.454 - Replacement Tax-Library Totals Invoice Transactions2 Tows- 11/1/16-11/30/162 Tows- 11/1/16-11/30/16Account 0220.250 - Police Tow Fee Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0220.280 - Cell Phone ReplacementAcct # 485081837-00002Account 0210.301 - Employee Life InsuranceSUP LIFE INS - NCPERSAccount 0210.301 - Employee Life Insurance Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0220.250 - Police Tow Fee1 Tow- 11/1/16-11/30/16Account 0210.248 - Wage Assignment Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSAFSA MED PT - Discovery Benefits Medical*Account 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSA Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance AssignmentCHILD SUPPORT - Child Support Wage Assignment*Account 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance Assignment Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0210.248 - Wage AssignmentWAGE ASSIGN - Wage AssignmentsAccount 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-Tax Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-TaxAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*Account 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-Tax Totals Invoice Transactions Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 2 of 21 13 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10237 - COMCAST 2017-00000833 Edit 12/02/2016 12/19/2016 119.772 $168.372 $168.3710312 - DISCOVERY BENEFITS 0000702561-IN Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 224.001 $224.0011262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722519 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 20.0411262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722518 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 159.282 $179.3211613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2017-00000842 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 187.9812601 - TYLER BUSINESS FORMS 275570 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 11.1311278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3283942-0 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 17.943 $217.0512383 - GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSN 2017-00000844 Edit 11/29/2016 12/19/2016 190.0011748 - THE HERALD-NEWS 2017-00000843 Edit 12/10/2016 12/19/2016 130.002 $320.0010955 - TRACI PLECKHAM 2017-00000846 Edit 12/12/2016 12/19/2016 151.291 $151.2910752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2017-00000831 Edit 12/10/2016 12/19/2016 659.001 $659.0011318 - WILL COUNTY RECORDER 2017-00000832 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 38.751 $38.7512510 - GOVHR USA 2-11-16-253 Edit 11/28/2016 12/19/2016 6,176.3311192 - THIRD MILLENNIUM ASSOCIATES, INC. 20127 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 1,618.3912548 - UPLAND DESIGN LTD 16-519-04 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 4,200.003 $11,994.7214 $13,784.1310437 - GRAINGER 92819772985 Edit 11/16/2016 12/19/2016 225.2910767 - MENARDS, INC. 98255 Edit 12/05/2016 12/19/2016 15.96Division 02 - Administration Program Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 04 - Facility Management ProgramAccount 5000 - Building Maintenance SuppliesBuilding Maintenance SuppliesBuilding Maintenance SuppliesAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesRecruitment: HR ManagerDecember 2016Contractual ServicesAccount 8135 - Contractual Services Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8045 - Recording Fees11/17/16-11/21/16Account 8045 - Recording Fees Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashIPBC/IGFOAAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 12/10/16-01/10/17Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions02/01/17-1/31/18Acct # 303972Account 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageNovember 2016Office SuppliesOffice SuppliesNovember 2016Account 2020 - Employee Insurance Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct # 485081837-00002Acct # 485081837-00001Account 8070 - Public Relations Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 01 - Legislative Program Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 2020 - Employee InsuranceAcct # 8771010010001526 Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 3 of 21 14 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3290088-0 Edit 12/05/2016 12/19/2016 89.2111278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3290088-1 Edit 12/07/2016 12/19/2016 8.474 $338.934 $338.9311613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2017-00000842 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 136.241 $136.2410194 - CERTIF-A-GIFT COMPANY 1713854 Edit 11/23/2016 12/19/2016 9.7510194 - CERTIF-A-GIFT COMPANY 1713710 Edit 11/22/2016 12/19/2016 318.7510222 - CITYTECH USA, INC 2848 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 390.003 $718.504 $854.7411262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722519 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 48.0311262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722518 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 124.642 $172.6711613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2017-00000842 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 183.781 $183.7812338 - IPSAN 00041248 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 300.0010119 - ITSAVVY 00921075 Edit 12/07/2016 12/19/2016 2,071.5512535 - TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC 030-5262 Edit 10/19/2016 12/19/2016 24,156.0012598 - VICTOROPS, INC INV00006279 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 456.004 $26,983.557 $27,340.0033 $346,011.4510924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7684 Paid by Check # 112169 12/01/2016 12/09/2016 12/09/2016 20.0010649 - KENDALL COUNTY CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSOCIATION274 Edit 11/29/2016 12/19/2016 16.002 $36.0010237 - COMCAST 2017-00000822 Edit 11/27/2016 12/19/2016 15.411 $15.4111262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722518 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 186.67Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct # 485081837-00001November MeetingAccount 3000 - Travel/Training Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetAcct # 8771201600576080Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet Totals Invoice TransactionsUnit 04 - Administration/Finance Totals Invoice TransactionsUnit 05 - Police DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/Training12/1/16 Wll County Chiefs MtngAdobe Acrobat DC cc renewalsmyCommunity ServerVictorOps Alerting StandardAccount 8031 - Software Licensing/Renewals Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 08 - IT Program Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageNovember 2016Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8031 - Software Licensing/RenewalsSoftware RenewalDivision 08 - IT ProgramAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct # 485081837-00002Acct # 485081837-00001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers Totals Invoice TransactionsContractual ServicesContractual ServicesAcct # 45FC2D31Account 8135 - Contractual Services Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 06 - Human Resources Program Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 06 - Human Resources ProgramAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageNovember 2016Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesOffice SuppliesBuilding Maintenance SuppliesAccount 5000 - Building Maintenance Supplies Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 04 - Facility Management Program Totals Invoice Transactions Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 4 of 21 15 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description1 $186.6711613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2017-00000842 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 300.3110891 - OFF THE PRESS 20741 Edit 11/16/2016 12/19/2016 34.8212601 - TYLER BUSINESS FORMS 275570 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 11.153 $346.2811689 - FMP 53-226296 Edit 11/07/2016 12/19/2016 285.5011262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722519 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 10.022 $295.5210226 - CLEAN IMAGE CAR WASH 5148 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 5.151 $5.1510608 - JCM UNIFORMS 725394 Edit 12/05/2016 12/19/2016 194.9510608 - JCM UNIFORMS 726357 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 40.0010690 - LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS SIN4437730 Edit 11/16/2016 12/19/2016 79.953 $314.9010275 - CUMMINS-ALLISON CORP. 1279311 Edit 11/17/2016 12/19/2016 372.0010752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2017-00000831 Edit 12/10/2016 12/19/2016 380.002 $752.0012115 - COLLEY ELEVATOR COMPANY 156504 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 205.0010237 - COMCAST 2017-00000833 Edit 12/02/2016 12/19/2016 4.2211450 - FACILITY SUPPLY SYSTEMS, INC 40008 Edit 11/16/2016 12/19/2016 498.1912181 - HARMONIC DESIGN 7026 Edit 11/28/2016 12/19/2016 258.7510767 - MENARDS, INC. 97062 Edit 11/16/2016 12/19/2016 18.6610767 - MENARDS, INC. 97347 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 42.2712324 - TERMINIX PROCESSING CENTER 360009436 Edit 11/28/2016 12/19/2016 120.007 $1,147.0922 $3,099.0210924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7684 Paid by Check # 112169 12/01/2016 12/09/2016 12/09/2016 20.0010649 - KENDALL COUNTY CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSOCIATION274 Edit 11/29/2016 12/19/2016 16.002 $36.0010237 - COMCAST 2017-00000822 Edit 11/27/2016 12/19/2016 15.4010241 - COMMUNICATIONS REVOLVING FUND T1714100 Edit 11/14/2016 12/19/2016 1,302.58Acct # 8771201600576080PhonesAccount 3000 - Travel/Training12/1/16 Wll County Chiefs MtngNovember MeetingAccount 3000 - Travel/Training Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetCustodianAccount 8040 - Custodian Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 02 - Administration Program Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 51 - Police OperationsCustodianAcct # 8771010010001526CustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease Maintenance Contracts/Lease12/10/16-01/10/17Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8040 - CustodianAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsUniformsUniformsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing Totals Invoice TransactionsAcct # 485081837-00002Account 5010 - Replacement Supplies Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash Totals Invoice TransactionsOffice SuppliesOffice SuppliesAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5010 - Replacement SuppliesMFF3Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageNovember 2016 Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 5 of 21 16 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description2 $1,317.9811262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722519 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 30.0411262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722518 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 404.702 $434.7411613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2017-00000842 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 309.6010891 - OFF THE PRESS 20741 Edit 11/16/2016 12/19/2016 34.8210891 - OFF THE PRESS 20742 Edit 11/18/2016 12/19/2016 48.0010905 - P.F. PETTIBONE & CO. 171123 Edit 11/16/2016 12/19/2016 1,768.1512601 - TYLER BUSINESS FORMS 275570 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 11.155 $2,171.7210226 - CLEAN IMAGE CAR WASH 5148 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 241.681 $241.6810413 - GALLS INC. 006432140 Edit 11/16/2016 12/19/2016 58.9510413 - GALLS INC. 006243974 Edit 10/14/2016 12/19/2016 (9.95)10413 - GALLS INC. 006409894 Edit 12/13/2016 12/19/2016 203.8510608 - JCM UNIFORMS 726355 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 15.0010997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1666476-IN Edit 11/28/2016 12/19/2016 46.0010997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1666477-IN Edit 11/28/2016 12/19/2016 299.0010997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1664784-IN Edit 11/18/2016 12/19/2016 31.2810997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1665914-IN Edit 11/23/2016 12/19/2016 409.008 $1,053.1310018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 630947/6 Edit 11/28/2016 12/19/2016 5.591 $5.5912048 - MUNICIPAL ELECTRONICS, INC 064116 Edit 11/18/2016 12/19/2016 930.001 $930.0010752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2017-00000831 Edit 12/10/2016 12/19/2016 496.001 $496.0012536 - ILLINOIS SECRETARY OF STATE 2017-00000824 Paid by Check # 112166 11/28/2016 12/09/2016 12/09/2016 103.0010487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535631347160 Edit 11/08/2016 12/19/2016 29.8611689 - FMP 53-227474 Edit 01/17/2016 12/19/2016 41.9010666 - K-M TIRE 421295306 Edit 11/08/2016 12/19/2016 638.8412189 - NICK'S EMERGENCY LIGHTING & MORE 582 Edit 11/27/2016 12/19/2016 438.00M-11Vehicle MaintenanceAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceTrailer Plate/TitleM-11Vehicle MaintenanceAccount 5115.001 - Traffic ProgramsTraffic ProgramsAccount 5115.001 - Traffic Programs Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 12/10/16-01/10/17Account 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5100 - Ammunition/WeaponsFirearms/AmmunitionAccount 5100 - Ammunition/Weapons Totals Invoice TransactionsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsUniformsOffice SuppliesP-TicketsOffice SuppliesAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashAcct # 485081837-00001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageNovember 2016Office SuppliesAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct # 485081837-00002 Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 6 of 21 17 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description12151 - WATCH GUARD VIDEO ACCINV0009431 Edit 11/18/2016 12/19/2016 1,050.0010139 - WEBB CHEVROLET PLAINFIELD 45002583 Edit 11/28/2016 12/19/2016 117.6710139 - WEBB CHEVROLET PLAINFIELD 45002361 Edit 11/09/2016 12/19/2016 105.048 $2,524.3112197 - EDWARD HEART HOSPITAL 2017-00000837 Edit 09/09/2016 12/19/2016 898.0012197 - EDWARD HEART HOSPITAL 2017-00000838 Edit 09/09/2016 12/19/2016 226.0012197 - EDWARD HEART HOSPITAL 2017-00000839 Edit 09/16/2016 12/19/2016 213.0012197 - EDWARD HEART HOSPITAL 2017-00000840 Edit 09/13/2016 12/19/2016 80.004 $1,417.0011291 - WESCOM 012017-15 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 47,070.131 $47,070.1336 $57,698.2810924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7682 Paid by Check # 112169 12/01/2016 12/09/2016 12/09/2016 15.0010924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7684 Paid by Check # 112169 12/01/2016 12/09/2016 12/09/2016 20.0010649 - KENDALL COUNTY CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSOCIATION274 Edit 11/29/2016 12/19/2016 16.003 $51.0010237 - COMCAST 2017-00000822 Edit 11/27/2016 12/19/2016 15.401 $15.4011262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722519 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 38.0111262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722518 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 633.862 $671.8711613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2017-00000842 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 373.4210891 - OFF THE PRESS 20741 Edit 11/16/2016 12/19/2016 34.8212601 - TYLER BUSINESS FORMS 275570 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 11.153 $419.3910226 - CLEAN IMAGE CAR WASH 5148 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 36.001 $36.0011361 - BOOMER T'S 20694 Edit 09/28/2016 12/19/2016 160.00Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5115.004 - Community Programs-Explorer ProgramCommunity ProgramsNovember 2016Office SuppliesOffice SuppliesAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct # 485081837-00002Acct # 485081837-00001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageNovember MeetingAccount 3000 - Travel/Training Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetAcct # 8771201600576080Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 51 - Police Operations Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 52 - Police AdministrationAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingComputer Crime Training12/1/16 Wll County Chiefs MtngAccount 8135 - Contractual Services Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8265 - Contractual Services-WescomJanuary 2017 DispatchingAccount 8265 - Contractual Services-Wescom Totals Invoice TransactionsInvoice TransactionsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesPatient # 343709555Patient # 343709555Patient # 343709555Patient # 343709555Vehicle MaintenanceM-44M-12Account 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance Totals Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 7 of 21 18 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description1 $160.0010752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2017-00000831 Edit 12/10/2016 12/19/2016 275.001 $275.0010487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535633447664 Edit 11/29/2016 12/19/2016 303.7611689 - FMP 53-227474 Edit 01/17/2016 12/19/2016 8.3810666 - K-M TIRE 12358860 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 305.5010139 - WEBB CHEVROLET PLAINFIELD 45002582 Edit 11/28/2016 12/19/2016 60.824 $678.4610657 - KEVIN GRECO 2017-00000825 Paid by Check # 112165 12/01/2016 12/09/2016 12/09/2016 1,939.7110880 - JENNIFER MYERS 2017-00000826 Paid by Check # 112168 12/05/2016 12/09/2016 12/09/2016 60.002 $1,999.7118 $4,306.8310237 - COMCAST 2017-00000822 Edit 11/27/2016 12/19/2016 15.401 $15.4011613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2017-00000842 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 389.3410891 - OFF THE PRESS 20741 Edit 11/16/2016 12/19/2016 34.8211741 - PROSHRED 100081974 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 220.0012601 - TYLER BUSINESS FORMS 275570 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 11.154 $655.3110752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2017-00000831 Edit 12/10/2016 12/19/2016 180.001 $180.006 $850.7112501 - SMITH MEDICAL PARTNERS 9006541057-0 Paid by Check # 1735 11/15/2016 12/09/2016 12/09/2016 3,015.001 $3,015.001 $3,015.0010924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7685 Paid by Check # 112169 12/06/2016 12/09/2016 12/09/2016 15.001 $15.00Division 56 - Community ServicesAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingIncident Bombing TrainingAccount 3000 - Travel/Training Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetDivision 54 - Seizure/ForfeitureAccount 5012 - Asset Seizure/Forfeiture ExpenseNarcan Nasal SprayAccount 5012 - Asset Seizure/Forfeiture Expense Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 54 - Seizure/Forfeiture Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 12/10/16-01/10/17Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 53 - Police Records Totals Invoice TransactionsNovember 2016Office SuppliesOffice SuppliesOffice SuppliesAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 53 - Police RecordsAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetAcct # 8771201600576080Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageCALEA ConferenceCALEA ConferenceAccount 8268 - Accreditation Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 52 - Police Administration Totals Invoice TransactionsVehicle MaintenanceM-195M-190Account 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8268 - AccreditationAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 12/10/16-01/10/17Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceM-195Account 5115.004 - Community Programs-Explorer Program Totals Invoice Transactions Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 8 of 21 19 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10237 - COMCAST 2017-00000822 Edit 11/27/2016 12/19/2016 15.401 $15.4011262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722519 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 38.0311262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722518 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 173.362 $211.3911613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2017-00000842 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 248.3910891 - OFF THE PRESS 20741 Edit 11/16/2016 12/19/2016 34.8212601 - TYLER BUSINESS FORMS 275570 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 11.153 $294.3610532 - ILLINOIS ASSOCIATION CODE ENFORCEMENT 2017-00000820 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 25.0010532 - ILLINOIS ASSOCIATION CODE ENFORCEMENT 2017-00000821 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 25.002 $50.0010226 - CLEAN IMAGE CAR WASH 5148 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 30.851 $30.8512212 - ALL ECO CLEANERS 213113 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 108.001 $108.0010652 - KENDALL COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS 2017-00000823 Paid by Check # 112167 12/07/2016 12/09/2016 12/09/2016 147.001 $147.0010487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535632715814 Edit 11/22/2016 12/19/2016 121.6512247 - ROCKDALE AUTOMOTIVE 36861 Edit 11/16/2016 12/19/2016 2,308.3411020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 149228 Edit 11/29/2016 12/19/2016 153.4711020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 149265 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 489.3710139 - WEBB CHEVROLET PLAINFIELD 45002349 Edit 11/08/2016 12/19/2016 38.785 $3,111.6117 $3,983.6110237 - COMCAST 2017-00000822 Edit 11/27/2016 12/19/2016 15.391 $15.3911613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2017-00000842 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 338.0010891 - OFF THE PRESS 20741 Edit 11/16/2016 12/19/2016 34.90Acct # 8771201600576080Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageNovember 2016Office SuppliesAccount 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 56 - Community Services Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 57 - Court ServicesAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceM-31M-30M-31M-31M-36Account 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 3 Weed LiensAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions2017 Dues-Weyer2017 Dues-GregoryAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageNovember 2016Office SuppliesOffice SuppliesAcct # 8771201600576080Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct # 485081837-00002Acct # 485081837-00001 Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 9 of 21 20 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description12601 - TYLER BUSINESS FORMS 275570 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 11.153 $384.0510752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2017-00000831 Edit 12/10/2016 12/19/2016 160.001 $160.0011353 - PUSCAS, VICTOR 144 Edit 11/17/2016 12/19/2016 300.001 $300.006 $859.4410190 - CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. FZZ8364 Edit 11/17/2016 12/19/2016 1,564.2110190 - CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. FZS0184 Edit 11/16/2016 12/19/2016 201.6310190 - CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. GCV2868 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 323.933 $2,089.773 $2,089.7710924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7679 Paid by Check # 112169 11/28/2016 12/09/2016 12/09/2016 42.2310924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7680 Paid by Check # 112169 11/28/2016 12/09/2016 12/09/2016 48.8310924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7683 Paid by Check # 112169 12/01/2016 12/09/2016 12/09/2016 16.0010209 - CHOBAR'S TOWING 10921 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 150.0010209 - CHOBAR'S TOWING 10911 Edit 11/27/2016 12/19/2016 125.005 $382.065 $382.06114 $76,284.7210237 - COMCAST 2017-00000833 Edit 12/02/2016 12/19/2016 149.851 $149.8511262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722519 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 40.0411262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722518 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 94.172 $134.2110226 - CLEAN IMAGE CAR WASH 5148 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 46.281 $46.2810767 - MENARDS, INC. 98083 Edit 12/02/2016 12/19/2016 29.821 $29.82Account 5040 - Supplies/Hardware Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwareSuppliesAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct # 485081837-00002Acct # 485081837-00001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers Totals Invoice TransactionsUnit 05 - Police Department Totals Invoice TransactionsUnit 07 - PEMADivision 07 - PEMA ProgramAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetAcct # 8771010010001526Christmas DecorationTow-ContingenciesTow-ContingenciesAccount 9300 - Contingencies Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 93 - Contingencies Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 91 - Capital Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 93 - ContingenciesAccount 9300 - ContingenciesFuneral luncheonChristmas CardsDivision 91 - CapitalAccount 9120 - Machinery and EquipmentMachinery & EquipmentMachinery & EquipmentMachinery & EquipmentAccount 9120 - Machinery and Equipment Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8065 - Legal FeesLegal FeesAccount 8065 - Legal Fees Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 57 - Court Services Totals Invoice TransactionsOffice SuppliesAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 12/10/16-01/10/17Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease Totals Invoice Transactions Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 10 of 21 21 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2017-00000831 Edit 12/10/2016 12/19/2016 100.001 $100.0010408 - FULTON TECHNOLOGIES, INC 2211 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 279.181 $279.187 $739.347 $739.3411262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722519 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 60.1211262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722518 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 714.582 $774.7011613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2017-00000842 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 267.7212601 - TYLER BUSINESS FORMS 275570 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 11.152 $278.8710094 - ARCO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SALES 15677 Edit 12/02/2016 12/19/2016 240.4812219 - HIGH PSI LTD 53326 Edit 11/15/2016 12/19/2016 179.6312219 - HIGH PSI LTD 53327 Edit 11/15/2016 12/19/2016 51.7510767 - MENARDS, INC. 97219 Edit 11/18/2016 12/19/2016 6.0010767 - MENARDS, INC. 98071 Edit 12/02/2016 12/19/2016 18.895 $496.759 $1,550.3212477 - DYNEGY ENERGY SERVICES 149429516111 Edit 11/28/2016 12/19/2016 11,426.7612202 - ENERGY.ME 2017-00000835 Edit 10/25/2016 12/19/2016 987.532 $12,414.2910066 - AMERIGAS 803121876 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 29.5411166 - TEXOR PETROLEUM CO. 4571480-41501 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 9,910.972 $9,940.5110018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 630969/6 Edit 12/02/2016 12/19/2016 35.9410185 - CASE LOTS INC. 016962 Edit 11/07/2016 12/19/2016 182.3010767 - MENARDS, INC. 97530 Edit 11/23/2016 12/19/2016 25.9610767 - MENARDS, INC. 97804 Edit 11/28/2016 12/19/2016 39.1910767 - MENARDS, INC. 97950 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 3.64SuppliesSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwareDivision 60 - Street Maintenance ProgramAccount 4015 - Electricity/GasNovember 2016Acct # 35675970Account 4015 - Electricity/Gas Totals Invoice TransactionsBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 8020 - Building Maintenance Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 02 - Administration Program Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8020 - Building MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAcct # 485081837-00001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageNovember 2016Office SuppliesUnit 07 - PEMA Totals Invoice TransactionsUnit 08 - Street DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct # 485081837-00002Account 8125 - Siren MaintenanceSiren MaintenanceAccount 8125 - Siren Maintenance Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 07 - PEMA Program Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 12/10/16-01/10/17Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease Totals Invoice Transactions Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 11 of 21 22 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11003 - REINDERS, INC. 4045222-00 Edit 11/29/2016 12/19/2016 162.296 $449.3212597 - COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA INC 71561458 Edit 12/02/2016 12/19/2016 22,240.3012597 - COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA INC 71560788 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 23,591.772 $45,832.0710003 - 3M PCX8383 SS39572 Edit 11/22/2016 12/19/2016 621.0010003 - 3M PCX8383 SS39571 Edit 11/23/2016 12/19/2016 721.0510373 - FASTENAL COMPANY ILPLA19141 Edit 11/18/2016 12/19/2016 8.3510767 - MENARDS, INC. 97891 Edit 11/29/2016 12/19/2016 51.9611207 - TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC 88392 Edit 11/28/2016 12/19/2016 2,294.9511207 - TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC 88393 Edit 11/22/2016 12/19/2016 375.5511207 - TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC 88321 Edit 11/16/2016 12/19/2016 1,133.257 $5,206.1110218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344491911 Edit 12/08/2016 12/19/2016 51.4210218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344461421 Edit 10/06/2016 12/19/2016 51.4210218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344464763 Edit 10/13/2016 12/19/2016 51.4210218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344468091 Edit 10/20/2016 12/19/2016 51.4210218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344488436 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 51.4210218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344484962 Edit 11/24/2016 12/19/2016 51.4210288 - DAVID COUNTRYMAN 2017-00000829 Edit 12/02/2016 12/19/2016 150.007 $458.5212493 - HD TRUCK EQUIPMENT 5701 Edit 12/02/2016 12/19/2016 7.4012493 - HD TRUCK EQUIPMENT 5698 Edit 12/02/2016 12/19/2016 15.862 $23.2610265 - CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. S502871701.001 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 1,794.2210760 - MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY 674275 Edit 08/29/2016 12/19/2016 2,111.7510760 - MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY 677061 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 750.003 $4,655.9712005 - BOUGHTON MATERIALS, INC 248276 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 1,515.9010412 - GALLAGHER MATERIALS 118534MB Edit 11/28/2016 12/19/2016 1,558.3810767 - MENARDS, INC. 96997 Edit 11/15/2016 12/19/2016 24.983 $3,099.2610881 - NORWALK TANK CO. 154961 Edit 11/22/2016 12/19/2016 313.001 $313.00Account 8132 - Storm Sewer ImprovementsStorm Sewer ImprovementsAccount 8132 - Storm Sewer Improvements Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesAccount 8131 - Street MaintenanceStreet MaintenanceStreet MaintenanceStreet MaintenanceAccount 8131 - Street Maintenance Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8130 - Street Light MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceAccount 8130 - Street Light Maintenance Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceUnit #1009Unit # 1009Account 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance Totals Invoice TransactionsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsWork Boot ReimbursementStreet Sign MaintenanceStreet Sign MaintenanceAccount 5055 - Street Sign Maintenance Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsAccount 5055 - Street Sign MaintenanceStreet Sign MaintenanceStreet Sign MaintenanceStreet Sign MaintenanceStreet Sign MaintenanceStreet Sign MaintenanceAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5040.003 - Supplies/Hardware-Salt PurchaseSaltSaltAccount 5040.003 - Supplies/Hardware-Salt Purchase Totals Invoice TransactionsSupplies Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 12 of 21 23 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10252 - CONTINENTAL WEATHER SERVICE 15708 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 150.0010376 - FAZIO LANDSCAPING 11204 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 8,477.1410633 - K&D ENTERPRISE LANDSCAPE MGT., INC 6348 Edit 12/05/2016 12/19/2016 7,920.003 $16,547.1412602 - WINNINGER EXCAVATING INC 15-2913 Edit 12/09/2016 12/19/2016 2,444.501 $2,444.5010038 - ALEXANDER EQUIPMENT COMPANY INC. 129247 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 53.9510820 - MONROE TRUCK EQUIPMENT, INC. 314539 Edit 11/23/2016 12/19/2016 122.722 $176.6741 $101,560.6210018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 630952/6 Edit 11/29/2016 12/19/2016 69.981 $69.981 $69.9851 $103,180.9211262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722518 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 72.981 $72.9810953 - PLAINFIELD SIGNS, INC. 15374B Edit 11/28/2016 12/19/2016 227.0010953 - PLAINFIELD SIGNS, INC. 15450B Edit 12/06/2016 12/19/2016 215.0012300 - SHAW MEDIA 1116100849211 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 226.0411278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3291414-0 Edit 12/06/2016 12/19/2016 119.824 $787.8611748 - THE HERALD-NEWS 2017-00000843 Edit 12/10/2016 12/19/2016 130.001 $130.0010752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2017-00000831 Edit 12/10/2016 12/19/2016 50.001 $50.007 $1,040.8411262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722519 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 60.1211262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722518 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 270.882 $331.00Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageDivision 20 - Planning Program Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 21 - Building ProgramAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct # 485081837-00002Acct # 485081837-00001Acct # 303972Account 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 12/10/16-01/10/17Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease Totals Invoice TransactionsOffice SuppliesOffice SuppliesOffice SuppliesAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct # 485081837-00001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageOffice SuppliesDivision 62 - Forestry Program Totals Invoice TransactionsUnit 08 - Street Department Totals Invoice TransactionsUnit 09 - Community DevelopmentDivision 20 - Planning ProgramDivision 60 - Street Maintenance Program Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 62 - Forestry ProgramAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwareSuppliesAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8135.004 - Snow Removal Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8160 - Equipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceAccount 8160 - Equipment Maintenance Totals Invoice TransactionsContractual ServicesContractual ServicesAccount 8135 - Contractual Services Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8135.004 - Snow RemovalSnow RemovalDecember 2016 Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 13 of 21 24 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2017-00000842 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 35.491 $35.4912535 - TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC 030-5264 Edit 10/19/2016 12/19/2016 5,036.001 $5,036.004 $5,402.4911 $6,443.33239 $662,848.0810578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2017-00000855 Paid by Check # 112175 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 6,273.461 $6,273.4610578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2017-00000855 Paid by Check # 112175 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 2,880.791 $2,880.7910578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2017-00000855 Paid by Check # 112175 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 726.121 $726.1210315 - DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENT ADVISORS 2017-00000852 Paid by Check # 112172 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 654.6610774 - METLIFE 2017-00000856 Paid by Check # 112176 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 707.9411758 - VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS-306593 2017-00000862 Paid by Check # 112182 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 300.183 $1,662.7811244 - UNITED WAY OF WILL COUNTY 2017-00000861 Paid by Check # 112181 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 10.021 $10.0210030 - AFLAC 2017-00000851 Paid by Check # 112171 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 90.341 $90.3410030 - AFLAC 2017-00000851 Paid by Check # 112171 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 64.451 $64.4511124 - STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 2017-00000860 Paid by Check # 112180 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 852.531 $852.53Account 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance Assignment Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSAAccount 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-TaxAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*Account 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-Tax Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance AssignmentCHILD SUPPORT - Child Support Wage Assignment*Account 0210.243 - United Way Donations Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-TaxAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*Account 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-Tax Totals Invoice Transactions457-METLIFE-PCT - Deferred Comp Metlife*457-ICMA-FLAT - Deferred Comp ICMA*Account 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0210.243 - United Way DonationsUNITED WAY - United Way of Will CountyAccount 0210.223 - Medicare W/H PayableFICA - FICA*Account 0210.223 - Medicare W/H Payable Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan457-IPPFA-PCT - Deferred Comp IPPFA*FICA - FICA*Account 0210.220 - Federal W/H Payable Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 0210.222 - FICA PayableFICA - FICA*Account 0210.222 - FICA Payable Totals Invoice TransactionsUnit 09 - Community Development Totals Invoice TransactionsFund 01 - General Fund Totals Invoice TransactionsFund 02 - Water and Sewer FundAccount 0210.220 - Federal W/H PayableAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesContractual ServicesAccount 8135 - Contractual Services Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 21 - Building Program Totals Invoice TransactionsNovember 2016Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage Totals Invoice Transactions Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 14 of 21 25 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11266 - VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD 2017-00000863 Paid by Check # 112183 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 240.031 $240.0310854 - NCPERS - IL IMRF 2017-00000858 Paid by Check # 112178 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 12/16/2016 42.721 $42.7211262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722519 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 116.1011262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722518 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 371.922 $488.0211613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2017-00000842 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 250.2310379 - FEDERAL EXPRESS 2017-00000847 Edit 12/05/2016 12/19/2016 16.6811222 - TRIPLE S VENDING D1291 Edit 12/05/2016 12/19/2016 39.4011222 - TRIPLE S VENDING D1306 Edit 12/14/2016 12/19/2016 66.9112601 - TYLER BUSINESS FORMS 275570 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 22.2811278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3290088-0 Edit 12/05/2016 12/19/2016 7.4311278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3283942-0 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 9.8711318 - WILL COUNTY RECORDER 2017-00000832 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 37.758 $450.5510089 - APWA - SOUTHWEST BRANCH 2016-29 Edit 09/07/2016 12/19/2016 15.0010089 - APWA - SOUTHWEST BRANCH 2016-35 Edit 12/05/2016 12/19/2016 45.002 $60.0010463 - HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD. G488291 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 1,942.4010463 - HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD. G479454 Edit 11/23/2016 12/19/2016 1,409.732 $3,352.1310094 - ARCO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SALES 15677 Edit 12/02/2016 12/19/2016 239.7612219 - HIGH PSI LTD 53327 Edit 11/15/2016 12/19/2016 51.602 $291.3610098 - ARRO LABORATORIES, INC. 50611 Edit 11/23/2016 12/19/2016 54.4510098 - ARRO LABORATORIES, INC. 50582 Edit 11/18/2016 12/19/2016 54.4511192 - THIRD MILLENNIUM ASSOCIATES, INC. 20127 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 1,613.553 $1,722.4519 $6,364.51Division 02 - Administration Program Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 30 - Water Distribution ProgramAccount 4015 - Electricity/GasAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesContractual ServicesContractual ServicesDecember 2016Account 8135 - Contractual Services Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5080 - Water Meters Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8020 - Building MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 8020 - Building Maintenance Totals Invoice TransactionsNovember 2016Account 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5080 - Water MetersWater MetersWater MetersOffice Supplies11/17/16-11/21/16Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsSeptember 2016November 2016IEPA PermitOffice SuppliesOffice SuppliesOffice SuppliesOffice SuppliesAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct # 485081837-00002Acct # 485081837-00001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageAccount 0210.301 - Employee Life InsuranceSUP LIFE INS - NCPERSAccount 0210.301 - Employee Life Insurance Totals Invoice TransactionsUnit 10 - Water DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration ProgramFSA MED PT - Discovery Benefits Medical*Account 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSA Totals Invoice Transactions Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 15 of 21 26 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description12202 - ENERGY.ME 2017-00000835 Edit 10/25/2016 12/19/2016 19,382.0610868 - NICOR 2017-00000841 Edit 11/28/2016 12/19/2016 94.142 $19,476.2010018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 630986/6 Edit 12/07/2016 12/19/2016 11.3710185 - CASE LOTS INC. 016962 Edit 11/07/2016 12/19/2016 181.752 $193.1212515 - ADLER ROOFING & SHEET METAL, INC SD16-395 Edit 11/29/2016 12/19/2016 400.0012219 - HIGH PSI LTD 53326 Edit 11/15/2016 12/19/2016 179.0812585 - NEUCO INC 2199917 Edit 11/29/2016 12/19/2016 143.883 $722.9610752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2017-00000831 Edit 12/10/2016 12/19/2016 265.001 $265.0010063 - AMERICAN WATER 4000109586 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 605,112.3610063 - AMERICAN WATER 4000109584 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 20,771.012 $625,883.3710437 - GRAINGER 9292345809 Edit 11/29/2016 12/19/2016 2,338.0010437 - GRAINGER 9288383384 Edit 11/22/2016 12/19/2016 374.2510565 - INDICOM ELECTRIC COMPANY 37317 Edit 11/10/2016 12/19/2016 3,232.4011576 - LAI LTD 16-14210 Edit 12/06/2016 12/19/2016 623.7811240 - UNDERGROUND PIPE & VALVE CO 019390 Edit 12/08/2016 12/19/2016 49.0011240 - UNDERGROUND PIPE & VALVE CO 019143 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 838.0011240 - UNDERGROUND PIPE & VALVE CO 018755 Edit 11/03/2016 12/19/2016 1,970.0011240 - UNDERGROUND PIPE & VALVE CO 019386 Edit 12/02/2016 12/19/2016 (1,970.00)11253 - USABLUEBOOK 115696 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 742.419 $8,197.8410272 - CRYDER ENTERPRISES, INC 2141 Edit 10/11/2016 12/19/2016 2,400.0010272 - CRYDER ENTERPRISES, INC 2148 Edit 11/02/2016 12/19/2016 1,920.0011240 - UNDERGROUND PIPE & VALVE CO 019390 Edit 12/08/2016 12/19/2016 171.003 $4,491.0022 $659,229.4941 $665,594.0011262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722519 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 10.0211262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9775722518 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 271.93Unit 11 - Sewer DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct # 485081837-00002Acct # 485081837-00001Hydrant RepairAccount 8194 - Water/Fire Hydrant Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 30 - Water Distribution Program Totals Invoice TransactionsUnit 10 - Water Department Totals Invoice TransactionsSystem MaintenanceAccount 8185 - System Maintenance Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8194 - Water/Fire HydrantWater/Fire HydrantWater/Fire HydrantNew drive for high service low System MaintenanceHydrant RepairSystem MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceCustomer # 300160Account 8135.003 - Lake Michigan Water Purchase Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8185 - System MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceAccount 8135 - Contractual Services12/10/16-01/10/17Account 8135 - Contractual Services Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8135.003 - Lake Michigan Water PurchaseLake Michigan WaterAccount 8020 - Building MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 8020 - Building Maintenance Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 4015 - Electricity/Gas Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwareSuppliesSuppliesAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware Totals Invoice TransactionsAcct # 35675970Acct # 84403020005 Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 16 of 21 27 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description2 $281.9511613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2017-00000842 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 232.2910379 - FEDERAL EXPRESS 2017-00000847 Edit 12/05/2016 12/19/2016 16.6811222 - TRIPLE S VENDING D1291 Edit 12/05/2016 12/19/2016 39.4011222 - TRIPLE S VENDING D1306 Edit 12/14/2016 12/19/2016 66.9212601 - TYLER BUSINESS FORMS 275570 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 22.2811278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3290088-0 Edit 12/05/2016 12/19/2016 7.4211278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3283942-0 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 9.8611318 - WILL COUNTY RECORDER 2017-00000832 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 37.758 $432.6010089 - APWA - SOUTHWEST BRANCH 2016-29 Edit 09/07/2016 12/19/2016 15.0010089 - APWA - SOUTHWEST BRANCH 2016-35 Edit 12/05/2016 12/19/2016 45.002 $60.0010094 - ARCO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SALES 15677 Edit 12/02/2016 12/19/2016 239.7612219 - HIGH PSI LTD 53326 Edit 11/15/2016 12/19/2016 179.0812219 - HIGH PSI LTD 53327 Edit 11/15/2016 12/19/2016 51.603 $470.4411192 - THIRD MILLENNIUM ASSOCIATES, INC. 20127 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 1,613.551 $1,613.5510131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0189113 Edit 11/17/2016 12/19/2016 3,525.731 $3,525.7317 $6,384.2712202 - ENERGY.ME 2017-00000835 Edit 10/25/2016 12/19/2016 50,401.561 $50,401.5610018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 630922/6 Edit 11/19/2016 12/19/2016 12.5710018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 630993/6 Edit 12/08/2016 12/19/2016 23.9810185 - CASE LOTS INC. 016962 Edit 11/07/2016 12/19/2016 181.7510373 - FASTENAL COMPANY ILPLA19165 Edit 11/22/2016 12/19/2016 30.0110373 - FASTENAL COMPANY ILPLA19166 Edit 11/22/2016 12/19/2016 15.4610373 - FASTENAL COMPANY ILPLA19233 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 2.1810767 - MENARDS, INC. 97340 Edit 11/21/2016 12/19/2016 647.9910767 - MENARDS, INC. 98011 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 38.938 $952.87SuppliesSuppliesSuppliesAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwareSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesDivision 02 - Administration Program Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 40 - Sewer Treatment ProgramAccount 4015 - Electricity/GasAcct # 35675970Account 4015 - Electricity/Gas Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8135 - Contractual Services Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8225 - Engineering FeesWWTP NPDESAccount 8225 - Engineering Fees Totals Invoice TransactionsBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 8020 - Building Maintenance Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesDecember 2016September 2016November 2016Account 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8020 - Building MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceOffice SuppliesOffice Supplies11/17/16-11/21/16Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageNovember 2016IEPA PermitOffice SuppliesOffice SuppliesOffice SuppliesAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers Totals Invoice Transactions Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 17 of 21 28 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10961 - POLYDYNE INC 1095041 Edit 11/29/2016 12/19/2016 1,962.0011253 - USABLUEBOOK 104563 Edit 11/07/2016 12/19/2016 383.0712582 - USALCO MICHIGAN CITY PLANT LLC 1223400 Edit 01/11/2016 12/19/2016 4,063.243 $6,408.3110386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 131881 Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 36.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 131647 Edit 11/15/2016 12/19/2016 36.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 131794 Edit 11/23/2016 12/19/2016 36.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 131994 Edit 12/05/2016 12/19/2016 36.004 $144.0010218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344491911 Edit 12/08/2016 12/19/2016 51.4210218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344461421 Edit 10/06/2016 12/19/2016 51.4210218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344464763 Edit 10/13/2016 12/19/2016 51.4210218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344468091 Edit 10/20/2016 12/19/2016 51.4210218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344488436 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 51.4210218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344484962 Edit 11/24/2016 12/19/2016 51.4211036 - JASON SAMS 2017-00000830 Edit 11/18/2016 12/19/2016 150.007 $458.5210585 - INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER 1915201015902 Edit 11/14/2016 12/19/2016 284.851 $284.8510136 - BERRYMAN EQUIPMENT CO.,INC. 16-1119 Edit 11/28/2016 12/19/2016 1,200.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 131729 Edit 11/18/2016 12/19/2016 40.5010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 131646 Edit 11/15/2016 12/19/2016 40.5010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 131842 Edit 11/29/2016 12/19/2016 40.5010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 131963 Edit 12/02/2016 12/19/2016 40.5010752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2017-00000831 Edit 12/10/2016 12/19/2016 265.0011671 - STEWART SPREADING 11499 Edit 11/17/2016 12/19/2016 39,041.637 $40,668.6310018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 630909/6 Edit 11/16/2016 12/19/2016 3.5010373 - FASTENAL COMPANY ILPLA19052 Edit 11/10/2016 12/19/2016 432.3610373 - FASTENAL COMPANY ILPLA19137 Edit 11/18/2016 12/19/2016 23.22Account 8160 - Equipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceContractual ServicesContractual Services12/10/16-01/10/17Contractual ServicesAccount 8135 - Contractual Services Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesContractual ServicesContractual ServicesContractual ServicesUniformsWork Boot ReimbursementAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsIndustrialsIndustrialsIndustrialsIndustrialsAccount 5085 - Industrial Flow Monitor Totals Invoice TransactionsChemicalsChemicalsChemicalsAccount 5070 - Chemicals Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 5085 - Industrial Flow MonitorAccount 5070 - Chemicals Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 18 of 21 29 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description3 $459.0810986 - R&R SEPTIC AND SEWER SERVICE 15-16302 Edit 11/18/2016 12/19/2016 600.001 $600.0035 $100,377.8252 $106,762.0910131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0189104 Edit 11/17/2016 12/19/2016 592.081 $592.081 $592.081 $592.08106 $785,791.4110131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0188528 Edit 10/20/2016 12/19/2016 1,050.001 $1,050.001 $1,050.001 $1,050.001 $1,050.0011080 - SIKICH LLP 273248 Edit 11/18/2016 12/19/2016 9,142.001 $9,142.001 $9,142.001 $9,142.001 $9,142.0011429 - AZAVAR AUDIT SOLUTIONS, INC 12538 Edit 11/29/2016 12/19/2016 2,326.2411429 - AZAVAR AUDIT SOLUTIONS, INC 12613 Edit 12/01/2016 12/19/2016 8,622.102 $10,948.3412202 - ENERGY.ME 2017-00000835 Edit 10/25/2016 12/19/2016 75.911 $75.911 $75.91Account 8135 - Contractual Services Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 00 - Non-Divisional Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 91 - CapitalAccount 8135.006 - Emerald Ash BorerAccount 0500.502 - Utility Tax Totals Invoice TransactionsUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 00 - Non-DivisionalAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesAcct # 35675970Fund 08 - Audit Fund Totals Invoice TransactionsFund 11 - Capital Improvement FundAccount 0500.502 - Utility Tax November 2016December 2016Client # 0171003.0Account 8315 - Audit Village Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 00 - Non-Divisional Totals Invoice TransactionsUnit 00 - Non-Departmental Totals Invoice TransactionsFund 04 - Motor Fuel Tax Totals Invoice TransactionsFund 08 - Audit FundUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 00 - Non-DivisionalAccount 8315 - Audit VillageMFT Audit Asst.Account 9150 - Street Improvements Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 91 - Capital Totals Invoice TransactionsUnit 00 - Non-Departmental Totals Invoice TransactionsFund 02 - Water and Sewer Fund Totals Invoice TransactionsFund 04 - Motor Fuel TaxUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 91 - CapitalAccount 9150 - Street ImprovementsAccount 8225 - Engineering Fees Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 91 - Capital Totals Invoice TransactionsUnit 12 - Utility Expansion Totals Invoice TransactionsUnit 11 - Sewer Department Totals Invoice TransactionsUnit 12 - Utility Expansion Division 91 - CapitalAccount 8225 - Engineering FeesRAS/WAS Pump ReplacementAccount 8185 - System MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceAccount 8185 - System Maintenance Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 40 - Sewer Treatment Program Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8160 - Equipment Maintenance Totals Invoice Transactions Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 19 of 21 30 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11141 - SUBURBAN TREE CONSORTIUM 0006429-IN Edit 11/30/2016 12/19/2016 104,889.001 $104,889.0010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0188529 Edit 10/20/2016 12/19/2016 4,892.7010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0189110 Edit 11/17/2016 12/19/2016 9,746.772 $14,639.4712189 - NICK'S EMERGENCY LIGHTING & MORE 578 Edit 11/16/2016 12/19/2016 3,721.331 $3,721.3312020 - IMS INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT SERVICES14216-1 Edit 10/17/2016 12/19/2016 11,015.0012020 - IMS INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT SERVICES14216-2 Edit 11/15/2016 12/19/2016 43,710.002 $54,725.0010211 - CHRISTOPHER B. BURKE ENG. LTD. 131767 Edit 09/28/2016 12/19/2016 5,263.471 $5,263.4710131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0189114 Edit 11/17/2016 12/19/2016 205.001 $205.008 $183,443.279 $183,519.1811 $194,467.5210924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7681 Paid by Check # 1663 12/01/2016 12/09/2016 12/09/2016 10.8411361 - BOOMER T'S 20694-1 Edit 09/28/2016 12/19/2016 125.0012496 - T&G SPORTSWEAR 1336 Edit 10/24/2016 12/19/2016 1,612.503 $1,748.343 $1,748.343 $1,748.343 $1,748.3410131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0188523 Edit 10/20/2016 12/19/2016 12,282.5010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0188529 Edit 10/20/2016 12/19/2016 543.6310131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0188533 Edit 10/20/2016 12/19/2016 3,010.0010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0189110 Edit 11/17/2016 12/19/2016 1,082.9810373 - FASTENAL COMPANY ILPLA19130 Edit 11/17/2016 12/19/2016 434.765 $17,353.87Invoice TransactionsContractual ServicesVillage Green Project2016 Lockport St TIFVilage Green ProjectContractual ServicesAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsFund 14 - D.A.R.E. Fund Totals Invoice TransactionsFund 17 - Tax Increment Financing FundUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 91 - CapitalAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesD.A.R.E.Account 8245 - D.A.R.E. Program Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 00 - Non-Divisional Totals Invoice TransactionsUnit 00 - Non-Departmental Totals Invoice TransactionsFund 14 - D.A.R.E. FundUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 00 - Non-DivisionalAccount 8245 - D.A.R.E. ProgramD.A.R.E.D.A.R.E.Division 91 - Capital Totals Invoice TransactionsUnit 00 - Non-Departmental Totals Invoice TransactionsFund 11 - Capital Improvement Fund Totals Invoice TransactionsJames St/River Rd St LightingAccount 9152.005 - Ft. Beggs Street Lighting Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 9165 - Roadway Improvements135th St RR Account 9165 - Roadway Improvements Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 9152.003 - PCI Pavement Inspection2016 Pavement Update2016 Pavement UpdateAccount 9152.003 - PCI Pavement Inspection Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 9152.005 - Ft. Beggs Street LightingAccount 8225 - Engineering Fees Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 9120.005 - Machinery and Equipment-PoliceMachinery & EquipmentAccount 9120.005 - Machinery and Equipment-Police Totals Invoice TransactionsEmerald Ash BorerAccount 8135.006 - Emerald Ash Borer Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 8225 - Engineering FeesVillage Green ProjectVilage Green Project Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 20 of 21 31 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Received DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description12490 - 24216 W LOCKPORT LLC 2017-00000828 Edit 12/09/2016 12/19/2016 115,403.001 $115,403.006 $132,756.876 $132,756.876 $132,756.87367 $1,787,804.22Unit 00 - Non-Departmental Totals Invoice TransactionsFund 17 - Tax Increment Financing Fund Totals Invoice TransactionsGrand Totals Invoice TransactionsAccount 9199 - Facade ImprovementsFinal Facade Grant ReimbursementAccount 9199 - Facade Improvements Totals Invoice TransactionsDivision 91 - Capital Totals Invoice Transactions Run by Judy Bitterman on 12/14/2016 12:24:20 PM Page 21 of 21 32 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\7UDFL3OHFNKDP 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW0DQDJHPHQW6HUYLFHV'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH'HFHPEHU 68%-(&7 &DVK ,QYHVWPHQWV5HYHQXHDQG([SHQGLWXUH5HSRUWVIRU1RYHPEHU 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 &DVKDQG,QYHVWPHQW5HSRUW %XGJHW3HUIRUPDQFH5HSRUW 1RYHPEHU%XGJHW5HSRUWV 33 General Ledger Bank or Current MaturityAccount # Account Name Savings & Loan Yield Balance Type DateGeneral Fund01-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.408% 448,511.25 CK N/A01-0100.002 Public Checking First Midwest 0.000% 423.74 CK N/A01-0100.005 Drug Forfeiture Harris 0.408% 476,146.46 CK N/A01-0102.001 Saving Deposit Account PMA 0.450% 42,189.92 OT N/A01-0102.003 Money Market Account Fifth Third 0.260% 10,027.98 OT N/A01-0103.022 General Fund Illinois Funds 0.444% 3,554,919.84 OT N/A01-0103.024 General-Convenience Fund IMET 0.500% 2,101,002.83 OT N/A01-0103.025 General-1-3 Year Fund IMET Various 1,482,082.80 OT N/A01-0104.009 General Fund-CDs PMA-Goldman Sachs Back USA 0.710% 249,064.99 CD 12/19/2016PMA-First Community Financial Bank 0.783% 250,000.00 CD 1/31/2017PMA-Ally Bank 0.910% 248,307.52 CD 2/27/2017PMA-Discover Bank 1.300% 249,226.36 CD 8/28/2017PMA-Compass Bank 1.250% 249,324.32 CD 8/31/2017PMA-Citi Bank/Onewest Bank, NA 0.933% 247,600.00 CD 11/2/2017PMA-Kansas State Bank 0.901% 247,700.00 CD 11/2/2017PMA-First Community Financial Bank 1.161% 250,000.00 CD 2/5/2018PMA-First Community Financial Bank 1.118% 250,000.00 CD 2/5/2018PMA-First Community Financial Bank 0.921% 500,000.00 CD 5/7/2018PMA-Pacific Western Bank 1.111% 244,400.00 CD 8/16/2018PMA-First National Bank 1.083% 244,600.00 CD 8/31/201801-0106.003 Bond-PLFD SD 202 Fifth Third 4.000% 503,586.20 BD 1/1/2017Total General Fund11,849,114.21 Water & Sewer Fund02-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.408% (47,235.95) CK N/A02-0100.002 Public Checking First Midwest 0.000% 2,107.63 CK N/A02-0102.001 Saving Deposit Account PMA 0.450% 19,821.07 OT N/A02-0102.003 Money Market Account Fifth Third 0.260% - OT N/A02-0103.022 General Fund Illinois Funds 0.444% 3,511,467.78 OT N/A02-0103.024 General-Convenience Fund IMET 0.500% 547,485.10 OT N/A02-0103.025 General-1-3 Year Fund IMET Various 2,517,547.86 OT N/A02-0103.026 Water & Sewer Series 2008-1-3 Year Fund IMET Various 1,431,269.93 OT N/A02-0104.005 Water Sewer-CDs PMA-First Community Financial Bank 0.783% 250,000.00 CD 1/31/2017PMA-Cathay Bank 0.800% 249,317.72 CD 2/28/2017PMA-Capital One Bank 1.300% 249,124.68 CD 8/28/2017PMA-BMW Bank of North America 1.250% 249,096.90 CD 9/18/2017PMA-First Community Financial Bank 1.161% 250,000.00 CD 2/5/2018PMA-First Community Financial Bank 1.118% 250,000.00 CD 2/5/2018PMA-First Community Financial Bank 1.022% 250,000.00 CD 8/31/2018PMA-Enerbank USA 1.050% 249,601.83 CD 8/31/2018Total Water & Sewer Fund9,979,604.55 Village Of PlainfieldCash & Investment ListAs Of November 30, 201634 General Ledger Bank or Current MaturityAccount # Account Name Savings & Loan Yield Balance Type DateVillage Of PlainfieldCash & Investment ListAs Of November 30, 2016Capital Replacement Fund03-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.408% 1,952,710.71 CK N/A03-0102.003 Money Market Account Fifth Third 0.260% 7,487.67 OT N/A03-0104.005 Capital Replacement-CDs PMA-Sonabank 0.999% 245,000.00 CD 5/7/2018PMA-First Community Financial Bank 0.921% 175,000.00 CD 5/7/2018PMA-Bank of the West 1.321% 240,000.00 CD 5/20/2019PMA-Wells Fargo Bank, NA 1.150% 250,722.33 CD 5/20/201903-0106.003 Bond-PLFD SD 202 Fifth Third 4.000% 376,016.30 BD 1/1/2017Total Capital Replacement Fund 3,246,937.01 Motor Fuel Tax Fund04-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.408% 90,982.25 CK N/A04-0103.002 Motor Fuel Tax Fund Illinois Funds 0.444% 3,349,346.16 OT N/ATotal Motor Fuel Tax Fund3,440,328.41 Bond And Interest Fund05-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.408% - CK N/A05-0103.022 IL Funds Illinois Funds 0.444% - OT N/ATotal Bond And Interest Fund- Tort Immunity Fund07-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.408% 44,140.98 CK N/AAudit Fund08-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.408% 18,081.84 CK N/ACapital Improvement Fund11-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.408% 872,562.04 CK N/A11-0102.015 Public Checking US Bank 0.000% 6,800.00 CK N/A11-0103.022 IL Funds Illinois Funds 0.444% 6,771,133.81 OT N/ATotal Capital Improvements Fund 7,650,495.85 D.A.R.E. Fund14-0100.004 D.A.R.E. Account Harris 0.408% 10,269.25 CK N/ATIF Fund17-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.408% 1,430,671.07 CK N/ASex Offenders Registration Fund26-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.408% 1,842.40 CK N/A35 General Ledger Bank or Current MaturityAccount # Account Name Savings & Loan Yield Balance Type DateVillage Of PlainfieldCash & Investment ListAs Of November 30, 2016Alcohol Enforcement Fund27-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.408% 45,663.03 CK N/ADrug Enforcement Fund28-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.408% 37,267.83 CK N/APolice Vehicle Replacement Fund29-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.408% 143,115.23 CK N/APEMA Fund40-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.408% 18,731.80 CK N/ATotal Cash & Investments37,916,263.46 36 $GRSWHG %XGJHW $PHQGHG &XUUHQW0RQWK <7' <7' %XGJHW<7' XVHG$FFRXQW$FFRXQW'HVFULSWLRQ %XGJHW $PHQGPHQWV %XGJHW 7UDQVDFWLRQV (QFXPEUDQFHV 7UDQVDFWLRQV 7UDQVDFWLRQV 5HF G 3ULRU<HDU7RWDO)XQG*HQHUDO)XQG5(9(18( 3URSHUW\7D[5HYHQXH          3URSHUW\7D[5HY5RDG %ULGJH         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'LYLVLRQ6HL]XUH)RUIHLWXUH$VVHW6HL]XUH)RUIHLWXUH([SHQVH         'LYLVLRQ6HL]XUH)RUIHLWXUH7RWDOV        'LYLVLRQ3ROLFH6SHFLDO$FWLYLWLHV 6DODULHV6SHFLDO$FWLYLWLHV          ),&$          0HGLFDUH          0RELOH)LHOG)RUFH         'LYLVLRQ3ROLFH6SHFLDO$FWLYLWLHV7RWDOV        'LYLVLRQ&RPPXQLW\6HUYLFHV 6DODULHV)XOO7LPH          6DODULHV3DUW7LPH          6DODULHV2YHUWLPH          ),&$          0HGLFDUH          ,05)          (PSOR\HH,QVXUDQFH          'HIHUUHG&RPS&RQWULEXWLRQ         5XQE\&ROOHHQ7KRUQWRQRQ$03DJHRI%XGJHW3HUIRUPDQFH5HSRUW)LVFDO<HDUWR'DWH([FOXGH5ROOXS$FFRXQW44 $GRSWHG %XGJHW $PHQGHG &XUUHQW0RQWK <7' <7' %XGJHW<7' XVHG$FFRXQW$FFRXQW'HVFULSWLRQ %XGJHW $PHQGPHQWV %XGJHW 7UDQVDFWLRQV (QFXPEUDQFHV 7UDQVDFWLRQV 7UDQVDFWLRQV 5HF G 3ULRU<HDU7RWDO)XQG*HQHUDO)XQG(;3(16(8QLW3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQW'LYLVLRQ&RPPXQLW\6HUYLFHV 7UDYHO7UDLQLQJ          7HOHSKRQH,QWHUQHW          &HOOXODU3KRQHV3DJHUV          2IILFH6XSSOLHV3RVWDJH          5HSODFHPHQW6XSSOLHV          'XHV 6XEVFULSWLRQV          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7UDQVDFWLRQV 5HF G 3ULRU<HDU7RWDO)XQG3(0$)XQG(;3(16(8QLW1RQ'HSDUWPHQWDO'LYLVLRQ1RQ'LYLVLRQDO 3(0$)XQGUDLVLQJ         'LYLVLRQ1RQ'LYLVLRQDO7RWDOV        8QLW1RQ'HSDUWPHQWDO7RWDOV        (;3(16(727$/6        )XQG3(0$)XQG7RWDOV5(9(18(727$/6        (;3(16(727$/6        )XQG3(0$)XQG7RWDOV       *UDQG7RWDOV5(9(18(727$/6        (;3(16(727$/6        *UDQG7RWDOV       5XQE\&ROOHHQ7KRUQWRQRQ$03DJHRI%XGJHW3HUIRUPDQFH5HSRUW)LVFDO<HDUWR'DWH([FOXGH5ROOXS$FFRXQW63 Run by Traci Pleckham on 12/14/2016 11:00:40 AM Page 1 of 1 Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % used/Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year YTD$1,758,525.18 $0.00 $17,062,085.68 $6,512,886.32 72% $16,463,616.60.00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00495,198.69 42,230.31 3,298,342.80 3,245,899.89 51 3,016,378.56825,286.93 123,780.27 6,809,980.49 4,929,271.24 58 6,503,551.3622,168.65 (2,818.00) 124,522.75 165,926.25 42 139,495.50275,894.29 .00 1,602,188.16 1,877,319.84 46 1,698,645.4477,307.55 7,036.00 585,254.67 745,516.33 44 593,386.32465.25 .00 503.05 20,017.95 2 5,449.21$1,696,321.36 $170,228.58 $12,420,791.92 $10,983,951.50 53% $11,956,906.391,758,525.18 .00 17,062,085.68 6,512,886.32 72 16,463,616.601,696,321.36 170,228.58 12,420,791.92 10,983,951.50 53 11,956,906.39$62,203.82 ($170,228.58) $4,641,293.76 ($4,471,065.18) $4,506,710.21Grand Totals1,758,525.18 .00 17,062,085.68 6,512,886.32 72 16,463,616.601,696,321.36 170,228.58 12,420,791.92 10,983,951.50 53 11,956,906.39Grand Totals$62,203.82 ($170,228.58) $4,641,293.76 ($4,471,065.18) $4,506,710.21Budget by Organization ReportThrough 11/30/16Prior Fiscal Year Activity IncludedSummary ListingAdoptedOrganization BudgetFund01 - General FundREVENUEREVENUE TOTALS$23,574,972.00EXPENSEUnit00 - Non-Departmental.00Unit04 - Administration/Finance6,586,473.00Unit05 - Police Department11,863,032.00Unit07 - PEMA287,631.00Unit08 - Street Department3,479,508.00Unit09 - Community Development1,337,807.00Unit50 - Police Commission20,521.00EXPENSE TOTALS$23,574,972.00Fund01 - General Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS23,574,972.00REVENUE TOTALS23,574,972.00EXPENSE TOTALS23,574,972.00$0.00EXPENSE TOTALS23,574,972.00Fund01 - General Fund Totals$0.0064 Run by Traci Pleckham on 12/14/2016 10:59:19 AM Page 1 of 1 Current Month YTD Budget - YTD % used/Transactions Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year YTD 2106 Actual 2015 Actual 2014 Actual 2013 Actual29,383.36 5,174,753.61 37,746.39 99 5,100,931.73 5,164,559.08 5,189,002.46 5,107,137.07 5,112,468.77818,546.89 6,336,467.95 3,601,832.05 64 6,286,930.7410,465,500.75 9,772,504.90 9,498,263.99 9,000,882.9875,211.21 541,127.93 313,872.07 63 505,465.70 904,985.67 821,970.14 795,124.26 844,223.6266,208.70 793,269.28 226,230.72 78 656,184.20 1,177,055.23 976,464.00 862,914.45 735,754.20152,633.92 474,893.18 182,706.82 72 355,907.95 631,973.92 775,891.74 773,465.66 825,835.06362,542.79 2,820,858.99 1,508,613.01 65 2,681,977.064,161,916.59 4,060,292.88 3,982,659.21 3,865,440.36.00 25,483.99 10,116.01 72 18,949.60 40,343.03 50,753.66 112,612.12 89,530.70134,970.12 562,595.71 137,404.29 80 550,081.58 751,351.65 705,592.52 638,697.43 622,783.233,777.11 34,617.75 (19,617.75) 231 12,890.48 41,902.57 (122,985.57) 26,120.71 18,601.0912,582.44 71,293.35 68,706.65 51 76,561.66 325,962.55 162,218.49 139,402.05 245,740.48102,668.64 226,723.94 183,276.06 55 217,735.90 424,869.28 405,705.35 389,939.29 430,826.80.00 .00 262,000.00 0 .00 62,000.00 60,000.00 9,000.00 58,000.00$1,758,525.18 $17,062,085.68 $6,512,886.32 72% $16,463,616.60$24,152,420.32 $22,857,410.57 $22,335,336.24 $21,850,087.29$1,758,525.18 $17,062,085.68 $6,512,886.32 $16,463,616.60$24,152,420.32 $22,857,410.57 $22,335,336.24 $21,850,087.29Grand Totals$1,758,525.18 $17,062,085.68 $6,512,886.32 $16,463,616.60$24,152,420.32 $22,857,410.57 $22,335,336.24 $21,850,087.29AdoptedClassification BudgetFund01 - General FundREVENUEProperty Taxes 5,212,500.00State of Illinois Taxes 9,938,300.00Other Taxes 855,000.00Licenses and Permits 1,019,500.00Fines and Forfeits 657,600.00Charges for Services 4,329,472.00140,000.00Intergovernmental 410,000.00Grants 35,600.00Franchise Fees 700,000.00Investment Income 15,000.00$23,574,972.00Revenue Budget by Organization ReportThrough 11/30/16Prior Fiscal Year Activity IncludedDetail ListingInterfund Transfers 262,000.00REVENUE TOTALS$23,574,972.00Fund01 - General Fund Totals$23,574,972.00Miscellaneous65 Run by Traci Pleckham on 12/14/2016 11:03:36 AM Page 1 of 3 Current Month YTD Budget - YTD % used/Account Description Transactions Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year YTDProperty Tax Revenue 18,074.62 3,158,965.76 3,534.24 100 3,215,985.54Property Tax Rev-Road & Bridge 1,804.03 353,712.07 21,287.93 94 379,139.94Property Tax Rev-Police Pension 6,239.73 1,091,473.68 8,526.32 99 937,177.56Property Tax Revenue-IMRF 3,264.98 570,602.10 4,397.90 99 568,628.69$29,383.36 $5,174,753.61 $37,746.39 99% $5,100,931.73Home Rule Sales Tax 65,323.90 449,051.19 50,948.81 90 432,442.85Municipal Sales Tax 447,459.68 3,084,382.53 2,213,917.47 58 3,004,934.83Illinois Income Tax234,272.25 2,245,582.14 1,074,417.86 68 2,529,658.92Replacement Tax.00 28,261.15 16,738.85 63 31,931.38Replacement Tax-Library (2,648.02) .00 .00 +++ .00Local Use Tax74,139.08 529,190.94 245,809.06 68 287,962.76$818,546.89 $6,336,467.95 $3,601,832.05 64% $6,286,930.74Amusement Tax589.50 4,572.49 427.51 91 2,878.49Local Motor Fuel Tax 74,621.71 536,555.44 313,444.56 63 502,587.21$75,211.21 $541,127.93 $313,872.07 63% $505,465.70Liquor License1,410.20 99,510.95 (9,510.95) 111 86,877.63Contractors License2,650.00 28,650.00 6,350.00 82 29,650.00Cigarette License750.00 7,000.00 (2,000.00) 140 6,250.00Scavenger License.00 100.00 100.00 50 100.00Business License11,400.00 18,663.00 11,337.00 62 15,037.50Building Permit48,116.50 629,644.33 220,355.67 74 510,032.07Sign Permit1,267.00 4,061.00 939.00 81 2,967.00Special Movement Permit 615.00 4,835.00 (1,835.00) 161 4,150.00Solicitors Permit.00 805.00 495.00 62 1,120.00$66,208.70 $793,269.28 $226,230.72 78% $656,184.20Revenue Budget by Account Classification ReportThrough 11/30/16Prior Fiscal Year Activity IncludedDetail ListingAdoptedAccountBudgetFund01 - General FundREVENUEProperty Taxes0400.4013,162,500.000400.402375,000.000400.4031,100,000.000400.404575,000.00Property Taxes Totals$5,212,500.00State of Illinois Taxes0450.450500,000.000450.4515,298,300.000450.4523,320,000.000450.45345,000.00Other Taxes0500.5015,000.000450.454.000450.455775,000.00State of Illinois Taxes Totals$9,938,300.000500.503850,000.00Other Taxes Totals$855,000.00Licenses and Permits0550.55190,000.000550.55235,000.000550.5535,000.000550.554200.000550.55830,000.000570.555850,000.000570.5601,300.000570.5565,000.000570.5573,000.00Licenses and Permits Totals$1,019,500.0066 Run by Traci Pleckham on 12/14/2016 11:03:36 AM Page 2 of 3 Current Month YTD Budget - YTD % used/Account Description Transactions Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year YTDRevenue Budget by Account Classification ReportThrough 11/30/16Prior Fiscal Year Activity IncludedDetail ListingAdoptedAccountBudgetWill County Court Fines 58,964.61 250,030.23 59,969.77 81 185,949.13Administrative Fines(P-Tickets) 14,270.00 81,765.05 68,234.95 55 88,861.01Asset Seizure-Non Federal 65,016.58 94,171.49 85,828.51 52 39,510.18Alarm Fees.00 2,100.00 4,900.00 30 5,050.00Kendall County Court Fines 104.57 594.29 (94.29) 119 388.90Administrative Fines- Late Fee 650.00 5,270.00 4,730.00 53 8,655.00Alcohol Fines.00 .00 100.00 0 .00Asset Seizure-Federal (Dept of Justice Equitable Share) 13,628.16 40,962.12 (40,962.12) +++ 27,493.73Asset Seizure-Federal (U.S. Treasury Equitable Share) .00 .00 .00 +++ .00$152,633.92 $474,893.18 $182,706.82 72% $355,907.95Garbage Fee329,960.52 2,636,466.96 1,203,533.04 69 2,495,508.60Garbage Penalties4,536.41 32,540.28 12,459.72 72 31,024.16Engineering Services 12,679.81 18,254.50 (3,254.50) 122 22,487.35Child Safety Seats.00 .00 100.00 0 .00Zoning Applications1,280.00 7,115.00 2,885.00 71 8,983.00Accident Report Fees335.00 2,385.00 1,615.00 60 2,810.00Copies-Maps & Ordinances 132.50 1,346.40 1,653.60 45 1,913.10Impound Fee750.00 14,352.50 15,647.50 48 20,975.00Parking Lot Revenue.00 1,732.00 (732.00) 173 1,050.00Tower Rent3,308.31 23,158.17 16,013.83 59 22,850.52Rental Income6,100.00 28,700.00 20,500.00 58 28,800.00Rental-Community/Multi Room 248.00 2,016.75 983.25 67 2,897.50Special Detail/OT Reimbursement 3,212.24 52,791.43 (12,791.43) 132 42,677.83Water & Sewer Service Charge .00 .00 250,000.00 0 .00$362,542.79 $2,820,858.99 $1,508,613.01 65% $2,681,977.06Bulletproof Vest Grant.00 .00 3,000.00 0 4,592.53Tobacco Grant.00 5,500.00 (2,900.00) 212 .00Traffic Grant.00 19,983.99 10,016.01 67 14,357.07$0.00 $25,483.99 $10,116.01 72% $18,949.60Fines and Forfeits0600.601310,000.000600.602150,000.000600.603180,000.000600.6047,000.000600.605500.000600.60710,000.000600.610100.000600.630.000600.632.00Fines and Forfeits Totals$657,600.000640.50015,000.000650.580100.00Charges for Services0620.6553,840,000.000620.65645,000.000650.6543,000.000650.67030,000.000650.65110,000.000650.6534,000.000650.8303,000.000650.8151,000.000650.81839,172.000650.82549,200.00Grants0650.90440,000.000690.902250,000.00Charges for Services Totals$4,329,472.000700.71730,000.000700.7043,000.000700.7102,600.00Grants Totals$35,600.0067 Run by Traci Pleckham on 12/14/2016 11:03:36 AM Page 3 of 3 Current Month YTD Budget - YTD % used/Account Description Transactions Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year YTDRevenue Budget by Account Classification ReportThrough 11/30/16Prior Fiscal Year Activity IncludedDetail ListingAdoptedAccountBudgetAT&T Franchise Fees803.32 167,358.71 82,641.29 67 197,193.36Cable TV-Franchise Fees 134,166.80 395,237.00 54,763.00 88 352,888.22$134,970.12 $562,595.71 $137,404.29 80% $550,081.58Interest Income3,777.11 38,911.53 (23,911.53) 259 11,979.83Unrealized Gain/Loss .00 (7,441.56) 7,441.56 +++ 1,822.60Unrealized Gain/Loss IMET.00 3,147.78 (3,147.78) +++ (911.95)$3,777.11 $34,617.75 ($19,617.75) 231% $12,890.48Event Sponsorship Program .00 3,096.76 903.24 77 3,911.00Reimbursement Police Training .00 .00 .00 +++ .00Amphitheater Rent.00 (100.00) 600.00 -20 450.00Restitution Program.00 .00 .00 +++ 500.00Step-Basset Program.00 .00 500.00 0 .00Donation/Contribution.00 707.00 9,293.00 7 650.00Sales-Fixed Assets2,694.00 2,694.00 2,306.00 54 .00Other Reimbursements 9,871.75 58,200.80 36,799.20 61 50,443.51Other Receipts16.69 6,694.79 18,305.21 27 20,607.15$12,582.44 $71,293.35 $68,706.65 51% $76,561.66School Liaison Reimbursement 101,640.69 218,177.67 181,822.33 55 210,470.60HIDTA/Organized Crime Reimb 1,027.95 8,546.27 1,453.73 85 7,265.30$102,668.64 $226,723.94 $183,276.06 55% $217,735.90Transfer From MFT.00 .00 200,000.00 0 .00Transfer From TIF.00 .00 50,000.00 0 .00Transfer From Alcohol Enforc. .00 .00 12,000.00 0 .00$0.00 $0.00 $262,000.00 0% $0.00$1,758,525.18 $17,062,085.68 $6,512,886.32 72% $16,463,616.60$1,758,525.18 $17,062,085.68 $6,512,886.32 $16,463,616.60Grand Totals$1,758,525.18 $17,062,085.68 $6,512,886.32 $16,463,616.60Franchise Fees0750.750250,000.000800.80015,000.000800.827.000750.751450,000.00Franchise Fees Totals$700,000.00Investment Income0800.830.00Investment Income Totals$15,000.00Miscellaneous0801.807.000801.812500.000801.2004,000.000801.801.000801.802500.000803.0005,000.000805.00095,000.000801.82210,000.00Intergovernmental0860.804400,000.000806.00025,000.00Miscellaneous Totals$140,000.00Interfund Transfers0860.81910,000.00Intergovernmental Totals$410,000.000999.92712,000.00Interfund Transfers Totals$262,000.000999.904200,000.000999.91750,000.00REVENUE TOTALS$23,574,972.00Fund01 - General Fund Totals$23,574,972.00$23,574,972.0068 Run by Traci Pleckham on 12/14/2016 11:02:01 AM Page 1 of 2 Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % used/Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year YTD.00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 +++ $0.00302,817.80 .00 1,812,572.90 1,639,619.10 53 1,648,731.3314,029.95 13,055.00 109,433.85 484,211.15 20 46,501.6695,048.66 .00 686,618.66 591,227.34 54 660,646.2910,778.78 .00 84,379.23 97,233.77 46 85,694.258,097.73 .00 49,554.59 99,048.41 33 52,328.328,660.40 .00 131,517.67 165,499.33 44 147,282.6355,765.37 29,175.31 424,265.90 169,060.79 73 375,194.08.00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00.00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00$495,198.69 $42,230.31 $3,298,342.80 $3,245,899.89 51% $3,016,378.5636,220.75 .00 290,277.02 323,968.98 47 309,169.93466,163.93 7,422.50 4,171,718.33 2,672,408.17 61 3,963,302.67138,852.12 .00 1,060,662.27 893,622.73 54 1,038,280.3346,349.49 .00 350,050.46 287,721.54 55 342,020.757,847.50 114,268.00 80,025.21 (14,293.21) 108 15,486.883,116.01 .00 33,808.22 2,191.78 94 32,874.95103,345.51 .00 668,086.09 570,025.91 54 635,820.3520,365.29 .00 145,913.01 143,674.99 50 141,931.03379.30 2,089.77 1,909.83 44,780.40 8 21,899.192,647.03 .00 7,530.05 5,169.95 59 2,765.28$825,286.93 $123,780.27 $6,809,980.49 $4,929,271.24 58% $6,503,551.3622,168.65 (2,818.00) 124,522.75 165,926.25 42 139,495.50$22,168.65 ($2,818.00) $124,522.75 $165,926.25 42% $139,495.50Expense Budget by Organization ReportThrough 11/30/16Prior Fiscal Year Activity IncludedSummary ListingAdoptedOrganization BudgetFund01 - General FundEXPENSEUnit00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision94 - Contra.00Unit00 - Non-Departmental Totals$0.00Unit04 - Administration/FinanceDivision00 - Non-Divisional3,452,192.00Division01 - Legislative Program606,700.00Division02 - Administration Program1,277,846.00Division03 - Community Relations Program181,613.00Division04 - Facility Management Program148,603.00Division06 - Human Resources Program297,017.00Division08 - IT Program622,502.00Division93 - Contingencies.00Division99 - Transfers.00Unit04 - Administration/Finance Totals$6,586,473.00Unit05 - Police DepartmentDivision02 - Administration Program614,246.00Division51 - Police Operations6,851,549.00Division52 - Police Administration1,954,285.00Division53 - Police Records637,772.00Division54 - Seizure/Forfeiture180,000.00Division55 - Police Special Activities36,000.00Division56 - Community Services1,238,112.00Division57 - Court Services289,588.00Division91 - Capital48,780.00Division93 - Contingencies12,700.00Unit05 - Police Department Totals$11,863,032.00Unit07 - PEMADivision07 - PEMA Program287,631.00Unit07 - PEMA Totals$287,631.0069 Run by Traci Pleckham on 12/14/2016 11:02:01 AM Page 2 of 2 Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % used/Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year YTDExpense Budget by Organization ReportThrough 11/30/16Prior Fiscal Year Activity IncludedSummary ListingAdoptedOrganization Budget35,653.53 .00 249,796.24 203,620.76 55 237,638.24208,193.32 .00 1,139,197.12 1,440,129.88 44 1,242,119.55.00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .0012,534.73 .00 63,631.93 108,316.07 37 68,178.5019,512.71 .00 149,562.87 125,253.13 54 150,709.15$275,894.29 $0.00 $1,602,188.16 $1,877,319.84 46% $1,698,645.4434,155.79 .00 221,307.88 404,566.12 35 224,763.1243,151.76 7,036.00 363,946.79 340,950.21 52 368,623.20.00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00$77,307.55 $7,036.00 $585,254.67 $745,516.33 44% $593,386.32465.25 .00 503.05 20,017.95 2 5,449.21$465.25 $0.00 $503.05 $20,017.95 2% $5,449.21$1,696,321.36 $170,228.58 $12,420,791.92 $10,983,951.50 53% $11,956,906.39$1,696,321.36 $170,228.58 $12,420,791.92 $10,983,951.50 $11,956,906.39Grand Totals$1,696,321.36 $170,228.58 $12,420,791.92 $10,983,951.50 $11,956,906.39Unit08 - Street DepartmentDivision02 - Administration Program453,417.00Division60 - Street Maintenance Program2,579,327.00Division61 - Snow and Ice Removal Program.00Division62 - Forestry Program171,948.00Division63 - Vehicle Maintenance Program274,816.00Unit08 - Street Department Totals$3,479,508.00Unit09 - Community DevelopmentDivision20 - Planning Program625,874.00Division21 - Building Program711,933.00Division24 - Historic Preservation Program.00Unit09 - Community Development Totals$1,337,807.00Unit50 - Police CommissionDivision02 - Administration Program20,521.00Unit50 - Police Commission Totals$20,521.00EXPENSE TOTALS$23,574,972.00Fund01 - General Fund Totals$23,574,972.00$23,574,972.0070 Run by Traci Pleckham on 12/14/2016 11:04:24 AM Page 1 of 2 Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % used/Organization Description Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year YTD General Fund,Non-Departmental .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00 General Fund,Administration/Finance 92,320.17 .00 739,737.18 579,761.82 56 739,396.82 General Fund,Police Department 518,629.30 .00 3,880,919.32 3,173,413.68 55 3,802,101.41 General Fund,PEMA 9,287.64 .00 73,317.18 51,682.82 59 71,540.51 General Fund,Street Department 102,725.88 .00 831,132.98 593,580.02 58 807,529.52 General Fund,Community Development 52,161.58 .00 392,547.75 423,952.25 48 392,469.75 General Fund,Police Commission 232.88 .00 232.88 5,267.12 4 1,565.92$775,357.45 $0.00 $5,917,887.29 $4,827,657.71 55% $5,814,603.93 General Fund,Administration/Finance 31,687.60 13,760.00 267,889.78 306,482.22 48 264,126.54 General Fund,Police Department 142,455.62 .00 2,132,649.29 1,058,087.71 67 1,935,809.04 General Fund,PEMA 2,200.67 .00 16,641.71 21,909.29 43 15,602.86 General Fund,Street Department 42,500.70 .00 324,192.00 276,703.00 54 306,191.93 General Fund,Community Development 21,844.58 .00 168,813.41 195,643.59 46 150,957.41 General Fund,Police Commission 17.82 .00 17.82 1,403.18 1 119.79$240,706.99 $13,760.00 $2,910,204.01 $1,860,228.99 61% $2,672,807.57 General Fund,Administration/Finance 1,330.19 .00 5,605.93 5,594.07 50 5,013.12 General Fund,Police Department 4,962.23 .00 25,391.12 35,168.88 42 24,705.27 General Fund,PEMA 811.47 .00 4,518.71 1,461.29 76 4,739.74 General Fund,Street Department 14,845.56 .00 101,179.40 210,820.60 32 158,745.98 General Fund,Community Development 603.36 .00 3,597.03 7,902.97 31 3,723.82$22,552.81 $0.00 $140,292.19 $260,947.81 35% $196,927.93 General Fund,Administration/Finance 4,257.58 .00 42,728.14 58,221.86 42 35,871.54 General Fund,Police Department 18,983.92 1,672.50 136,393.06 239,604.44 37 165,479.30 General Fund,PEMA 599.81 .00 6,999.39 29,800.61 19 11,636.63 General Fund,Street Department 63,860.08 .00 104,245.04 241,554.96 30 84,361.64 General Fund,Community Development 1,256.03 .00 10,152.44 17,697.56 36 12,348.59 General Fund,Police Commission 95.00 .00 132.80 2,467.20 5 1,240.00$89,052.42 $1,672.50 $300,650.87 $589,346.63 34% $310,937.70Expense Budget Cross Organization Reportby Account ClassificationThrough 11/30/16Prior Fiscal Year Activity IncludedAdoptedOrganizationBudgetEXPENSESalaries and Wages01-00.0001-041,319,499.0001-057,054,333.0001-07125,000.0001-081,424,713.0001-09816,500.0001-505,500.00Salaries and Wages Totals$10,745,545.00Benefits01-04588,132.0001-053,190,737.0001-0738,551.0001-08600,895.0001-09364,457.0001-501,421.00Benefits Totals$4,784,193.00Utilities01-0411,200.0001-0560,560.0001-075,980.0001-08312,000.0001-0911,500.00Utilities Totals$401,240.00Supplies and Commodities01-04100,950.0001-05377,670.0001-0736,800.0001-08345,800.0001-0927,850.0001-502,600.00Supplies and Commodities Totals$891,670.0071 Run by Traci Pleckham on 12/14/2016 11:04:24 AM Page 2 of 2 Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % used/Organization Description Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year YTDExpense Budget Cross Organization Reportby Account ClassificationThrough 11/30/16Prior Fiscal Year Activity IncludedAdoptedOrganizationBudget General Fund,Administration/Finance 341,456.46 28,298.31 2,171,960.79 1,885,082.90 54 1,948,066.43 General Fund,Police Department 127,729.53 120,018.00 615,687.82 378,546.18 66 549,614.87 General Fund,PEMA 9,269.06 (2,818.00) 21,868.16 52,249.84 27 35,495.83 General Fund,Street Department 51,962.07 .00 241,438.74 554,661.26 30 341,816.37 General Fund,Community Development 1,442.00 7,036.00 10,144.04 100,319.96 15 33,886.75 General Fund,Police Commission 119.55 .00 119.55 10,880.45 1 2,523.50$531,978.67 $152,534.31 $3,061,219.10 $2,981,740.59 52% $2,911,403.75 General Fund,Administration/Finance 24,146.69 172.00 70,420.98 410,757.02 15 23,904.11 General Fund,Police Department 12,526.33 2,089.77 18,939.88 44,450.35 32 25,841.47 General Fund,PEMA .00 .00 1,177.60 8,822.40 12 479.93 General Fund,Street Department .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00 General Fund,Community Development .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00 General Fund,Police Commission .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00$36,673.02 $2,261.77 $90,538.46 $464,029.77 17% $50,225.51$1,696,321.36 $170,228.58 $12,420,791.92 $10,983,951.50 53% $11,956,906.39Grand Totals$1,696,321.36 $170,228.58 $12,420,791.92 $10,983,951.50 $11,956,906.39Contractual Services01-044,085,342.0001-051,114,252.0001-0771,300.0001-08796,100.0001-09117,500.0001-5011,000.00Contractual Services Totals$6,195,494.00Other01-04481,350.0001-0565,480.0001-0710,000.0001-08.00EXPENSE TOTALS$23,574,972.00$23,574,972.0001-09.0001-50.00Other Totals$556,830.0072 Run by Traci Pleckham on 12/14/2016 10:58:36 AM Page 1 of 1 Current Month YTD Budget - YTD % used/Transactions Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year YTD 2016 Actual 2015 Actual 2014 Actual 2013 Actual145,149.71 997,791.77 667,208.23 60 960,888.04 1,701,328.21 1,677,023.57 1,630,710.32 1,415,261.5119,526.00 630,881.00 (80,881.00) 115 437,252.00 817,168.50 817,168.50 589,954.21 1,191,997.291,150,044.80 9,430,550.80 5,109,449.20 65 8,820,607.0814,194,011.55 14,194,011.55 13,319,896.51 14,042,146.05398.72 26,896.23 (16,896.23) 269 3,805.20 45,688.13 45,688.13 10,335.69 7,010.98.00 28,001.33 (10,001.33) 156 19,402.95 35,549.88 35,049.88 1,909.77 2,480.00.00 .00 .00 +++ .00 .00 .00 .00 117,333.00$1,315,119.23 $11,114,121.13 $5,668,878.87 66% $10,241,955.27$16,793,746.27 $16,768,941.63 $15,552,806.50 $16,776,228.83$1,315,119.23 $11,114,121.13 $5,668,878.87 $10,241,955.27$16,793,746.27 $16,768,941.63 $15,552,806.50 $16,776,228.83AdoptedClassification BudgetFund02 - Water and Sewer FundMiscellaneous 18,000.00REVENUEState of Illinois Taxes 1,665,000.00Licenses and Permits 550,000.00Charges for Services 14,540,000.00Revenue Budget by Organization ReportThrough 11/30/16Prior Fiscal Year Activity IncludedDetail ListingInterfund Transfers .00REVENUE TOTALS$16,783,000.00Fund02 - Water and Sewer Fund Totals$16,783,000.00Investment Income 10,000.0073 Run by Traci Pleckham on 12/14/2016 11:02:50 AM Page 1 of 1 Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % used/Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year YTD 2016 Actual 2015 Actual 2014 Actual221,521.71 .00 530,281.65 413,448.35 56 431,174.21 858,563.24 827,884.00 839,483.911,689,449.73 (462.63) 5,450,566.89 3,834,065.74 59 5,192,110.28 8,763,919.74 8,607,733.43 8,166,077.23.00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00 .00 .00 .00.00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00 3,102,437.89 3,083,661.83 3,072,337.31$1,910,971.44 ($462.63) $5,980,848.54 $4,247,514.09 58%$5,623,284.49 $12,724,920.87 $12,519,279.26 $12,077,898.45606,434.34 .00 957,500.58 338,331.42 74 825,744.08 847,718.11 791,337.58 1,159,259.45259,743.36 .00 1,091,502.75 770,332.25 59 1,064,701.77 1,624,391.62 1,487,111.65 1,627,505.97.00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00 .00 .00 .00.00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00 .00 .00 .00$866,177.70 $0.00 $2,049,003.33 $1,108,663.67 65% $1,890,445.85 $2,472,109.73 $2,278,449.23 $2,786,765.422,713.42 .00 233,007.87 444,992.13 34 377,518.46 463,391.33 56,010.42 597,510.241,402,260.30 .00 1,864,726.35 854,706.65 69 1,873,472.10 813,874.53 1,149,862.61 2,887,170.12.00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00 .00 .00 .00$1,404,973.72 $0.00 $2,097,734.22 $1,299,698.78 62% $2,250,990.56 $1,277,265.86 $1,205,873.03 $3,484,680.36$4,182,122.86 ($462.63) $10,127,586.09 $6,655,876.54 60%$9,764,720.90 $16,474,296.46 $16,003,601.52 $18,349,344.23$4,182,122.86 ($462.63) $10,127,586.09 $6,655,876.54 $9,764,720.90 $16,474,296.46 $16,003,601.52 $18,349,344.23AdoptedOrganization BudgetFund02 - Water and Sewer FundExpense Budget by Organization ReportThrough 11/30/16Prior Fiscal Year Activity IncludedSummary ListingEXPENSEUnit10 - Water DepartmentDivision02 - Administration Program943,730.00Division30 - Water Distribution Program9,284,170.00Division91 - Capital.00Division93 - Contingencies.00Unit10 - Water Department Totals$10,227,900.00Unit11 - Sewer DepartmentDivision02 - Administration Program1,295,832.00Division40 - Sewer Treatment Program1,861,835.00Division91 - Capital.00$3,397,433.00Division93 - Contingencies.00Unit11 - Sewer Department Totals$3,157,667.00Unit12 - Utility Expansion Division91 - Capital678,000.00EXPENSE TOTALS$16,783,000.00Fund02 - Water and Sewer Fund Totals$16,783,000.00Division92 - Bonds2,719,433.00Division99 - Transfers.00Unit12 - Utility Expansion Totals74 Run by Traci Pleckham on 12/14/2016 11:05:09 AM Page 1 of 2 Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % used/Organization DescriptionTransactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year YTD Water and Sewer Fund,Water Department,Administration Program 17,816.37 .00 133,421.16 97,578.84 58 129,999.00 Water and Sewer Fund,Water Department,Water Distribution Program 34,654.35 .00 258,148.69 189,851.31 58 249,727.97 Water and Sewer Fund,Sewer Department,Administration Program 17,848.28 .00 134,008.62 97,991.38 58 130,472.62 Water and Sewer Fund,Sewer Department,Sewer Treatment Program 34,347.79 .00 264,650.40 183,349.60 59 257,106.01$104,666.79 $0.00 $790,228.87 $568,771.13 58% $767,305.60 Water and Sewer Fund,Water Department,Administration Program 6,527.84 .00 49,471.17 60,233.83 45 50,303.55 Water and Sewer Fund,Water Department,Water Distribution Program 11,399.46 .00 84,147.44 78,797.56 52 81,741.14 Water and Sewer Fund,Sewer Department,Administration Program 6,900.95 .00 50,847.42 59,747.58 46 54,816.35 Water and Sewer Fund,Sewer Department,Sewer Treatment Program 10,978.42 .00 83,905.85 81,904.15 51 88,748.87$35,806.67 $0.00 $268,371.88 $280,683.12 49% $275,609.91 Water and Sewer Fund,Water Department,Administration Program 689.36 .00 3,973.97 2,526.03 61 3,211.01 Water and Sewer Fund,Water Department,Water Distribution Program 849.13 .00 70,770.71 77,229.29 48 87,351.71 Water and Sewer Fund,Sewer Department,Administration Program 1,157.35 .00 6,780.45 5,719.55 54 5,774.12 Water and Sewer Fund,Sewer Department,Sewer Treatment Program 1,865.32 .00 294,065.61 245,934.39 54 312,598.73$4,561.16 $0.00 $375,590.74 $331,409.26 53% $408,935.57 Water and Sewer Fund,Water Department,Administration Program 12,797.40 .00 86,387.36 95,412.64 48 108,289.78 Water and Sewer Fund,Water Department,Water Distribution Program 2,722.17 .00 20,867.29 19,132.71 52 22,235.35 Water and Sewer Fund,Sewer Department,Administration Program 2,431.49 .00 76,822.33 18,877.67 80 75,843.87 Water and Sewer Fund,Sewer Department,Sewer Treatment Program 15,557.36 .00 76,197.16 91,102.84 46 91,981.75$33,508.42 $0.00 $260,274.14 $224,525.86 54% $298,350.75 Water and Sewer Fund,Water Department,Administration Program 1,646.99 .00 14,302.99 32,697.01 30 14,845.87 Water and Sewer Fund,Water Department,Water Distribution Program 1,457,780.87 (462.63) 4,773,907.76 3,469,054.87 58 4,626,529.11 Water and Sewer Fund,Sewer Department,Administration Program 1,646.77 .00 28,004.76 30,995.24 47 18,039.62 Water and Sewer Fund,Sewer Department,Sewer Treatment Program 14,950.72 .00 129,958.73 168,041.27 44 189,741.41 Water and Sewer Fund,Utility Expansion ,Capital .00 .00192,138.11 (12,138.11) 107 84,474.00$1,476,025.35 ($462.63) $5,138,312.35 $3,688,650.28 58% $4,933,630.01Expense Budget Cross Organization Reportby Account ClassificationThrough 11/30/16Prior Fiscal Year Activity IncludedAdoptedOrganizationBudgetEXPENSESalaries and Wages02-10-02231,000.0002-10-30448,000.0002-11-02232,000.0002-11-40448,000.00Salaries and Wages Totals$1,359,000.00Benefits02-10-02109,705.0002-10-30162,945.0002-11-02110,595.0002-11-40165,810.00Benefits Totals$549,055.00Utilities02-10-026,500.0002-10-30148,000.0002-11-0212,500.0002-11-40540,000.00Utilities Totals$707,000.00Supplies and Commodities02-10-02181,800.0002-10-3040,000.0002-11-0295,700.0002-11-40167,300.00Supplies and Commodities Totals$484,800.00Contractual Services02-10-0247,000.0002-10-308,242,500.0002-11-0259,000.0002-11-40298,000.0002-12-91180,000.00Contractual Services Totals$8,826,500.0075 Run by Traci Pleckham on 12/14/2016 11:05:09 AM Page 2 of 2 Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % used/Organization DescriptionTransactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year YTDExpense Budget Cross Organization Reportby Account ClassificationThrough 11/30/16Prior Fiscal Year Activity IncludedAdoptedOrganizationBudget Water and Sewer Fund,Water Department,Administration Program 182,043.75 .00 242,725.00 125,000.00 66 124,525.00 Water and Sewer Fund,Water Department,Water Distribution Program 182,043.75 .00 242,725.00 .00 100 124,525.00 Water and Sewer Fund,Water Department,Capital .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00 Water and Sewer Fund,Water Department,Contingencies .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00 Water and Sewer Fund,Sewer Department,Administration Program 576,449.50 .00 661,037.00 125,000.00 84 540,797.50 Water and Sewer Fund,Sewer Department,Sewer Treatment Program 182,043.75 .00 242,725.00 .00 100 124,525.00 Water and Sewer Fund,Sewer Department,Capital .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00 Water and Sewer Fund,Sewer Department,Contingencies .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00 Water and Sewer Fund,Utility Expansion ,Capital 2,713.42 .00 40,869.76 457,130.24 8 293,044.46 Water and Sewer Fund,Utility Expansion ,Bonds 1,402,260.30 .00 1,864,726.35 854,706.65 69 1,873,472.10 Water and Sewer Fund,Utility Expansion ,Transfers .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00$2,527,554.47 $0.00 $3,294,808.11 $1,561,836.89 68% $3,080,889.06$4,182,122.86 ($462.63) $10,127,586.09 $6,655,876.54 60% $9,764,720.90Grand Totals$4,182,122.86 ($462.63) $10,127,586.09 $6,655,876.54 $9,764,720.90Other02-10-02367,725.0002-10-30242,725.0002-10-91.0002-10-93.0002-11-02786,037.0002-11-40242,725.0002-11-91.0002-11-93.0002-12-91498,000.0002-12-922,719,433.00$16,783,000.0002-12-99.00Other Totals$4,856,645.00EXPENSE TOTALS$16,783,000.0076 Run by Traci Pleckham on 12/14/2016 11:00:05 AM Page 1 of 1 Current Month YTD Budget - YTD % used/Transactions Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year YTD 2016 Actual 2015 Actual 2014 Actual 2013 Actual225,019.06 1,546,831.69 1,153,168.31 57 1,489,621.483,403,166.81 3,286,980.19 3,261,909.86 3,110,892.52207,742.08 1,625,136.37 1,374,863.63 54 1,609,659.152,816,908.09 3,107,995.34 3,198,840.47 2,981,462.37310.84 7,557.58 (2,057.58) 137 7,103.02 11,635.00 9,193.30 125,262.00 152,285.7438,100.00 230,200.75 (80,200.75) 153 102,535.41 211,035.41 216,400.00 227,048.00 211,100.00750.00 15,377.50 42,622.50 27 25,385.00 37,432.50 196,470.00 104,237.50 122,937.00.00 .00 3,500,000.00 0 .00 206,943.58 34,408.91 108,930.94 987,559.90.00 12,587.94 (10,087.94) 504 1,453.03 5,403.63 266.75 39.19 224.21.00 250.00 9,750.00 2 99,401.39 184,743.53 9,857.50 14,215.72 31,079.14.00 .00 .00 +++ .00 .00 .00 .00 .00.00 .00 .00 +++ .00 .00 .00 .00 .00.00 .00 500,000.00 0 .00 2,878,289.00 3,700,000.00 3,063,025.08 20,000.00$471,921.98 $3,437,941.83 $6,488,058.17 35% $3,335,158.48$9,755,557.55 $10,561,571.99 $10,103,508.76 $7,617,540.88$471,921.98 $3,437,941.83 $6,488,058.17 $3,335,158.48 $9,755,557.55 $10,561,571.99 $10,103,508.76 $7,617,540.88Grand Totals$471,921.98 $3,437,941.83 $6,488,058.17 $3,335,158.48 $9,755,557.55 $10,561,571.99 $10,103,508.76 $7,617,540.88Fund11 - Capital Improvement Fund Totals$9,926,000.00$9,926,000.00Revenue Budget by Organization ReportThrough 11/30/16Prior Fiscal Year Activity IncludedDetail ListingDebt Proceeds .00Interfund Transfers 500,000.00REVENUE TOTALS$9,926,000.00Investment Income 2,500.00Miscellaneous 10,000.00Intergovernmental .00Fines and Forfeits 150,000.00Charges for Services 58,000.00Grants 3,500,000.00State of Illinois Taxes 2,700,000.00Other Taxes 3,000,000.00Licenses and Permits 5,500.00AdoptedClassification BudgetFund11 - Capital Improvement FundREVENUE77 Run by Traci Pleckham on 12/14/2016 11:01:18 AM Page 1 of 4 Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % used/Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year YTD$1,315,119.23 $0.00 $11,114,121.13 $5,668,878.87 66% $10,241,955.271,910,971.44 (462.63) 5,980,848.54 4,247,514.09 58 5,623,284.49866,177.70 .00 2,049,003.33 1,108,663.67 65 1,890,445.851,404,973.72 .00 2,097,734.22 1,299,698.78 62 2,250,990.56$4,182,122.86 ($462.63) $10,127,586.09 $6,655,876.54 60% $9,764,720.901,315,119.23 .00 11,114,121.13 5,668,878.87 66 10,241,955.274,182,122.86 (462.63) 10,127,586.09 6,655,876.54 60 9,764,720.90($2,867,003.63) $462.63 $986,535.04 ($986,997.67) $477,234.37$264.35 $0.00 $10,543.92 ($10,543.92) +++ $5,900.11.00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 +++ $0.00264.35 .00 10,543.92 (10,543.92) +++ 5,900.11.00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00$264.35 $0.00 $10,543.92 ($10,543.92) $5,900.11$87,876.54 $0.00 $684,362.20 $565,937.80 55% $337,756.129,821.02 .00 25,011.67 1,174,988.33 2 771,025.50$9,821.02 $0.00 $25,011.67 $1,174,988.33 2% $771,025.5087,876.54 .00 684,362.20 565,937.80 55 337,756.129,821.02 .00 25,011.67 1,174,988.33 2 771,025.50$78,055.52 $0.00 $659,350.53 ($609,050.53) ($433,269.38)Budget by Organization ReportThrough 11/30/16Prior Fiscal Year Activity IncludedSummary ListingAdoptedOrganization BudgetFund02 - Water and Sewer FundREVENUEREVENUE TOTALS$16,783,000.00EXPENSEUnit10 - Water Department10,227,900.00Unit11 - Sewer Department3,157,667.00Unit12 - Utility Expansion 3,397,433.00EXPENSE TOTALS$16,783,000.00Fund02 - Water and Sewer Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS16,783,000.00EXPENSE TOTALS16,783,000.00Fund02 - Water and Sewer Fund Totals$0.00Fund03 - Capital Replacement FundREVENUEREVENUE TOTALS$0.00EXPENSEUnit00 - Non-Departmental.00EXPENSE TOTALS$0.00Fund03 - Capital Replacement Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS.00EXPENSE TOTALS.00Fund03 - Capital Replacement Fund Totals$0.00Fund04 - Motor Fuel TaxREVENUEREVENUE TOTALS$1,250,300.00EXPENSEUnit00 - Non-Departmental1,200,000.00EXPENSE TOTALS$1,200,000.00Fund04 - Motor Fuel Tax TotalsREVENUE TOTALS1,250,300.00EXPENSE TOTALS1,200,000.00Fund04 - Motor Fuel Tax Totals$50,300.0078 Run by Traci Pleckham on 12/14/2016 11:01:18 AM Page 2 of 4 Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % used/Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year YTDBudget by Organization ReportThrough 11/30/16Prior Fiscal Year Activity IncludedSummary ListingAdoptedOrganization Budget$2,251,566.33 $0.00 $3,119,016.89 $2,183.11 100% $3,104,932.272,718,075.00 .00 3,121,150.00 .00 100 3,105,875.00$2,718,075.00 $0.00 $3,121,150.00 $0.00 100% $3,105,875.002,251,566.33 .00 3,119,016.89 2,183.11 100 3,104,932.272,718,075.00 .00 3,121,150.00 .00 100 3,105,875.00($466,508.67) $0.00 ($2,133.11) $2,183.11 ($942.73)$3,525.24 $0.00 $616,163.41 $3,936.59 99% $535,903.84.00 .00 593,148.00 26,952.00 96 587,664.00$0.00 $0.00 $593,148.00 $26,952.00 96% $587,664.003,525.24 .00 616,163.41 3,936.59 99 535,903.84.00 .00 593,148.00 26,952.00 96 587,664.00$3,525.24 $0.00 $23,015.41 ($23,015.41) ($51,760.16)$239.65 $0.00 $41,921.20 $88.80 100% $38,365.01.00 .00 30,000.00 12,000.00 71 36,645.00$0.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 $12,000.00 71% $36,645.00239.65 .00 41,921.20 88.80 100 38,365.01.00 .00 30,000.00 12,000.00 71 36,645.00$239.65 $0.00 $11,921.20 ($11,911.20) $1,720.01Fund05 - Bond and Interest FundREVENUEREVENUE TOTALS$3,121,200.00EXPENSEUnit00 - Non-Departmental3,121,150.00EXPENSE TOTALS$3,121,150.00Fund05 - Bond and Interest Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS3,121,200.00EXPENSE TOTALS3,121,150.00Fund05 - Bond and Interest Fund Totals$50.00Fund07 - Tort Immunity FundREVENUEREVENUE TOTALS$620,100.00EXPENSEUnit00 - Non-Departmental620,100.00EXPENSE TOTALS$620,100.00Fund07 - Tort Immunity Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS620,100.00EXPENSE TOTALS620,100.00Fund07 - Tort Immunity Fund Totals$0.00Fund08 - Audit FundREVENUEREVENUE TOTALS$42,010.00EXPENSEUnit00 - Non-Departmental42,000.00EXPENSE TOTALS$42,000.00Fund08 - Audit Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS42,010.00EXPENSE TOTALS42,000.00Fund08 - Audit Fund Totals$10.0079 Run by Traci Pleckham on 12/14/2016 11:01:18 AM Page 3 of 4 Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % used/Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year YTDBudget by Organization ReportThrough 11/30/16Prior Fiscal Year Activity IncludedSummary ListingAdoptedOrganization Budget$6,239.73 $0.00 $1,939,380.57 $610,619.43 76% $1,110,739.9337,386.09 .00 323,253.81 199,746.19 62 306,027.78$37,386.09 $0.00 $323,253.81 $199,746.19 62% $306,027.786,239.73 .00 1,939,380.57 610,619.43 76 1,110,739.9337,386.09 .00 323,253.81 199,746.19 62 306,027.78($31,146.36) $0.00 $1,616,126.76 $410,873.24 $804,712.15$471,921.98 $0.00 $3,437,941.83 $6,488,058.17 35% $3,335,158.481,843,921.80 145,454.70 3,880,038.29 5,489,657.01 42 3,937,961.17$1,843,921.80 $145,454.70 $3,880,038.29 $5,489,657.01 42% $3,937,961.17471,921.98 .00 3,437,941.83 6,488,058.17 35 3,335,158.481,843,921.80 145,454.70 3,880,038.29 5,489,657.01 42 3,937,961.17($1,371,999.82) ($145,454.70) ($442,096.46) $998,401.16 ($602,802.69)$150.00 $0.00 $10,164.15 $4,855.85 68% $8,066.20380.00 .00 2,650.26 12,369.74 18 6,703.42$380.00 $0.00 $2,650.26 $12,369.74 18% $6,703.42150.00 .00 10,164.15 4,855.85 68 8,066.20380.00 .00 2,650.26 12,369.74 18 6,703.42($230.00) $0.00 $7,513.89 ($7,513.89) $1,362.78Fund10 - Police Pension FundREVENUEREVENUE TOTALS$2,550,000.00EXPENSEUnit00 - Non-Departmental523,000.00EXPENSE TOTALS$523,000.00Fund10 - Police Pension Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS2,550,000.00EXPENSE TOTALS523,000.00Fund10 - Police Pension Fund Totals$2,027,000.00Fund11 - Capital Improvement FundREVENUEREVENUE TOTALS$9,926,000.00EXPENSEUnit00 - Non-Departmental9,515,150.00EXPENSE TOTALS$9,515,150.00Fund11 - Capital Improvement Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS9,926,000.00EXPENSE TOTALS9,515,150.00Fund11 - Capital Improvement Fund Totals$410,850.00Fund14 - D.A.R.E. FundREVENUEREVENUE TOTALS$15,020.00EXPENSEUnit00 - Non-Departmental15,020.00EXPENSE TOTALS$15,020.00Fund14 - D.A.R.E. Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS15,020.00EXPENSE TOTALS15,020.00Fund14 - D.A.R.E. Fund Totals$0.0080 Run by Traci Pleckham on 12/14/2016 11:01:18 AM Page 4 of 4 Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % used/Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year YTDBudget by Organization ReportThrough 11/30/16Prior Fiscal Year Activity IncludedSummary ListingAdoptedOrganization Budget$0.00 $0.00 $700,617.89 $44,882.11 94% $703,999.7876,733.90 .00 161,993.48 1,058,006.52 13 73,437.50$76,733.90 $0.00 $161,993.48 $1,058,006.52 13% $73,437.50.00 .00 700,617.89 44,882.11 94 703,999.7876,733.90 .00 161,993.48 1,058,006.52 13 73,437.50($76,733.90) $0.00 $538,624.41 ($1,013,124.41) $630,562.28$2,217.00 $0.00 $9,346.66 $683.34 93% $10,338.30.00 .00 .00 12,000.00 0 .00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,000.00 0% $0.002,217.00 .00 9,346.66 683.34 93 10,338.30.00 .00 .00 12,000.00 0 .00$2,217.00 $0.00 $9,346.66 ($11,316.66) $10,338.30Fund17 - Tax Increment Financing FundREVENUEREVENUE TOTALS$745,500.00EXPENSEUnit00 - Non-Departmental1,220,000.00EXPENSE TOTALS$1,220,000.00Fund17 - Tax Increment Financing Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS745,500.00EXPENSE TOTALS1,220,000.00Fund17 - Tax Increment Financing Fund Totals($474,500.00)Fund27 - Alcohol Enforcement FundREVENUEREVENUE TOTALS$10,030.00EXPENSEUnit00 - Non-Departmental12,000.00EXPENSE TOTALS$12,000.00Fund27 - Alcohol Enforcement Fund Totals($1,970.00)Fund27 - Alcohol Enforcement Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS10,030.00EXPENSE TOTALS12,000.0081 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\0LFKHOOH*LEDV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH'HFHPEHU 68%-(&7 2UGLQDQFH1RBBBBBLQFUHDVLQJWKH&ODVV%/LTXRU/LFHQVHVWRWZR  IRU/HQQ\¶V*DV :DVKWREHORFDWHGDW :/RFNSRUW6WUHHW 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 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6-ROLHW5G6WDII5HSRUW 6-ROLHW5RDG(OHYDWLRQV 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 /^>EϯΖdžϲΖ0$7(5,$/352'8&775$'(1$0(02'(/180%(5 02' (/180% (575$ '(1 $0(352'8&70$7(5,$/ϭϳZEdK^Dd͘ϴΖͲϬΗhWdKϮŶĚ&>͘</d,EϭϮΖͲϱΗdžϭϮΖͲϬΗd,͘ϮϴΖͲϬΗdžϳΖͲϬΗ&KzZϴΖͲϴΗdžϴΖͲϮΗ>K͘tͬ^,KtZϰϮΗdžϲϬΗ/E/E'ZKKDͬK&&/ϭϯΖͲϵ͘ϱΗdžϴΖͲϮΗ&D/>zZKKDϭϲΖͲϳ͘ϱΗdžϭϯΖͲϵ͘ϱΗ>/s/E'ZKKDϭϱΖͲϮΗdžϭϮΖͲϵ͘ϱΗEϭϮΖͲϬΗdžϭϭΖͲϭϭΗϮϲΖͲϭΗϯϯΖͲϭϬΗϭϲΖͲϬΗϴΖͲϬΗϰϵΖͲϭϬΗtZWͲZKhEWKZ,ϲΖ&ZKKZ^>K͘WE͘ϰΖͲϰΗϯΖͲϯϭͬϮΗϱΖͲϬΗϯΖͲϲΗϯΖͲϲΗϭϮΖͲϲΗϳΖͲϲΗϯΖͲϰΗ$+RXVH2IILFH$GDSWLYH5HXVHϭϱϮϯϯ^:ŽůŝĞƚZŽĂĚ),567)/2253/$1  6&+0,'7$5&+,7(&76//&&21&(3793 <ϯΖͲϯΗϮϲΖͲϭΗϭϲΖͲϬΗEdKϭƐƚ&>͘0$7(5,$/75$'(1$0(352'8&702'(/180%(5 >K͘d,͘ϭϴΖͲϵ͘ϱΗdžϱΖͲϲΗ^dKZ';>KtͲ,/',dͿZKKDϭϱΖͲϮΗdžϭϬΖͲϳΗϭϬΖͲϳΗϯΖͲϳΗϴΖͲϭϭϭͬϮΗϴΖͲϬΗ&KzZϴΖͲϴΗdžϴΖͲϮΗ/E/E'ZKKDͬK&&/ϭϯΖͲϵ͘ϱΗdžϴΖͲϮΗϮϲΖͲϭΗϱΖͲϬΗ^^/>ZDWϭ͗ϭϮ^>KWDy͘ϭϯΖͲϬΗϭϯΖͲϬϭͬϮΗϯΖͲϱΗϯΖͲϱΗϴΖͲϴΗϭϯZEdK^DdϭϮΖͲϲΗϳΖͲϲΗϯΖͲϬΗϯΖͲϰΗϰΖͲϴΗϯΖͲϰΗZ>^͗y/^d/E',Kh^͗ϭƐƚ&>͗͘ ϯϴϰ^͘&͘ϮŶĚ&>͗͘ ϯϴϰ^͘&͘/d/KE͗ϴϯϳ^͘&͘dKd>͗ ϭ͕ϲϬϱ^͘&͘y/^d/E't>>y/^d/E'KKZEtt>>EtKKZ>'E͗$+RXVH2IILFH$GDSWLYH5HXVHϭϱϮϯϯ^:ŽůŝĞƚZŽĂĚ6(&21')/2253/$1  6&+0,'7$5&+,7(&76//&&21&(37$&&(66,%/(5$033/$1  %$6(0(1767$,53/$1  94 KE͘^/t><ϰϮΗdžϰϴKE͘^dKKWϭϵΖͲϳϭͬϮΗϰΖͲϬΗϴΖͲϬΗϰΖͲϬΗϴΖͲϬΗϰΖͲϬΗϴΖͲϬΗϰΖͲϬΗϰϬΖͲϬΗϮϱΖͲϰΗϯϵΖͲϯΗϲΖͲϱϭͬϮΗϮϲΖͲϭΗϭϰΖͲϬΗϲΖͲϬΗϭϬΖͲϬΗhDW^dZ;zKtEZͿKE͘^/t><ϭϮΖͲϬΗϭϮΖͲϬΗϭϮΖͲϬΗϰΖͲϬΗϮΖͲϴΗϭΖͲϰΗϮΖͲϬΗ$+RXVH2IILFH$GDSWLYH5HXVHϭϱϮϯϯ^:ŽůŝĞƚZŽĂĚ*$5$*(3/$1  6&+0,'7$5&+,7(&76//&&21&(3795 0$7(5,$/75$'(1$0(352'8&702'(/180%(5d,͘ϯϴΖͲϲΗdžϱΖͲϬΗZKKDϭϱΖͲϬΗdžϭϭΖͲϲΗϱΖͲϭΗϱΖͲϮΗϮΖͲϬΗ^,KtZϯϲΗdžϰϴΗEϮϬΖͲϱΗdžϭϮΖͲϯΗWE͘>K͘>K͘hd/>/dzͬ^dKZ'ϮϰΖͲϵΗdžϭϱΖͲϭΗϭϮΖͲϯΗϮϬΖͲϰϭͬϮΗϴΖͲϵΗhE&/E/^,< 0$7(5,$/352'8&775$'(1$0(02'(/180%(5 02'(/180%(575$ ' ( 1 $ 0 ( 352'8&70$7(5,$/ϭϮΖͲϱΗϲΖͲϬΗϭϭΖͲϱϭͬϮΗϭϳZhWdKϭ^d&>͘^DEdhE/dϳϳϬ^͘&͘ϭϯZhWdK'Zhd/>/dzϭϮΖͲϯΗdžϲΖͲKΗ</d,EϭϮΖͲϱΗdžϭϮΖͲϯΗϰΖͲϬΗϯΖͲϲΗϳΖͲϲΗϵΖͲϮΗϰΖͲϴΗ$+RXVH2IILFH$GDSWLYH5HXVHϭϱϮϯϯ^:ŽůŝĞƚZŽĂĚ),1,6+('%$6(0(17 )8785( 3/$1  6&+0,'7$5&+,7(&76//&&21&(3796 �W�����K, ���K, ���K,$+RXVH2IILFH$GDSWLYH5HXVH�����^:}o]�Z}(/(9$7,21',//0$1676,'(  6&+0,'7$5&+,7(&76//&&21&(3797 �W���W��$+RXVH2IILFH$GDSWLYH5HXVH�����^:}o]�Z}(/(9$7,213$5.,1*/276,'(  6&+0,'7$5&+,7(&76//&&21&(3798 �W��$+RXVH2IILFH$GDSWLYH5HXVH�����^:}o]�Z}(/(9$7,21)81(5$/+20(6,'(  6&+0,'7$5&+,7(&76//&&21&(3799 �W��$+RXVH2IILFH$GDSWLYH5HXVH�����^:}o]�Z}(/(9$7,21-2/,(752$'6,'(  6&+0,'7$5&+,7(&76//&&21&(37100 ��r�����r���r>/d^Zs/ZX�W���W�����K, ���K, ���K,��r�����r���r>/d^Zs/ZX�W���W��$+RXVH2IILFH$GDSWLYH5HXVH�����^:}o]�Z}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:3DVWRUDO'ULYH6WDII5HSRUW 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\$OOHQ3HUVRQV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3XEOLF:RUNV'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH'HFHPEHU 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRDGRSW2UGLQDQFH1RBBBBBUHGXFLQJWKH&DSLWDO,PSURYHPHQW&KDUJH IURPSHUPRQWKWRSHUPRQWK 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 &DSLWDO,PSURYHPHQW&KDUJH6WDII0HPRDQG2UGLQDQFH 115 116 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SERVICE CHARGES FOR THE WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM OF THE VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD, WILL AND KENDALL COUNTIES, ILLINOIS THAT SUBPARAGRAPH (3) OF PARAGRAPH 1 OF CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-51 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: 1. Sec. 8-51. Rates; charges. (3) The capital improvement charge shall be reduced to from seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) per month to seven dollars ($7.00) per month, per account, effective February 1, 2017. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED THIS ______ DAY OF ____________, 2016. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: APPROVED THIS ______ DAY OF ____________, 2016. VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK 117 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\$OOHQ3HUVRQV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3XEOLF:RUNV'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH'HFHPEHU 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRDXWKRUL]HWKH9LOODJH3UHVLGHQWWRH[HFXWHDFRQWUDFWZLWK%D[WHUDQG :RRGPDQWRSURYLGHRQFDOOHQJLQHHULQJVHUYLFHVIRUWKHHVWDEOLVKPHQWRIDKRXU)5$4XLHW=RQHDORQJWKH :LVFRQVLQ&HQWUDO/WG5DLOURDGEDVHGXSRQWKHVWDQGDUGKRXUO\ELOOLQJUDWHQRWWRH[FHH G 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 4XLHW=RQH$VVLVWDQFH3URSRVDO 118 December 5, 2016 Mr. Randy Jessen Superintendent of Public Improvements Village of Plainfield 14400 Coil Plus Drive Plainfield, IL 60544 Subject: Village of Plainfield – FRA Quiet Zone Assistance Dear Mr. Jessen: Thank you for this opportunity to submit a proposal to provide Engineering Services for the establishment of a 24-hour FRA Quiet Zone along the Wisconsin Central Ltd. Railroad, within the Village limits. There are three public crossings within the Village limits: Lockport Street (IL Route 126), Renwick Road and Drauden Road. The crossing at Renwick Road is under the jurisdiction of Plainfield Township and we understand that the township is supportive of Renwick Road to be included in the Quiet Zone. We understand that each of these crossings has the required infrastructure needed to establish a New Quiet Zone and are equipped with basic active warning devices, which includes flashing lights, gates, Constant Warning Time (CWT) Circuitry and Power Out Indicators. The Lockport Street crossing will likely require additional infrastructure due to the high traffic volume, however. The purpose of this study is to update the crossing inventory forms to reflect the upgraded railroad system infrastructure, update the quiet zone calculations, and determine additional requirements at the crossings to establish the quiet zone. Design of the additional infrastructure improvements are not included in this scope and would be included as part of a separate work proposal. The Project will include coordination with the Village, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC), the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), the Illinois Department of Transportation, Plainfield Township and the Wisconsin Central Ltd. Railroad. Scope of Services Baxter & Woodman, Inc. will provide the following scope of services to the Village for the research, engineering studies, and coordination to seek implementation of the Quiet Zone railroad corridor within the Village limits. The requested services will occur in steps, and each activity may result in more effort not anticipated in this list. The work is anticipated to include: x Meet with Village staff to clarify and define the work. x Review previous studies by Village or consultants x Confirm Quiet Zones in the corridor or in other applicable communities x Update Crossing Inventory Forms based on current traffic data (FRA requires within 1 year ) 119 Mr. Randy Jessen December 5, 2016 Village of Plainfield 161192.30 yy Page 2 x Verify existing traffic control, geometric conditions, Supplemental Safety Measures (SSM), railroad equipment, and warning devices x Utilize FRA’s online Quiet Zone Calculator to determine the risk index for each crossing in the proposed quiet zone and compare the Quiet Zone Risk Index to the Nationwide Significant Risk Threshold. x Provide Notice of Intent to establish a quiet zone. Notice must be distributed to (a) all railroads operating over the proposed quiet zone, and (b) all state agencies responsible for road safety and grade crossing safety (e.g. IDOT). The Notice of Intent provides each party 60 days to offer comments to the municipality concerning the proposed quiet zone. x Establish and convene a diagnostic team to review all pedestrian crossings and private crossings that allow public access. The diagnostic team, which is typically comprised of municipal, state and railroad employees, must make recommendations on how to reduce risk at pedestrian crossings and private crossings with public access. x Develop alternative Quiet Zone strategies which strive to obtain approval from the FRA and ICC within a minimum amount of time x Develop cost estimates x Assist with education and educational materials about this work or the Quiet Zone(s) x Submit necessary Quiet Zone establishment notifications and forms to the appropriate agencies in order to assist the Village in establishing the Quiet Zone. x Prepare and submit monthly project progress reports. Schedule The above tasks may take six months, but could take up to two years, dependent upon agency responses. We will strive to meet the Village’s schedule and will update Village staff on current and upcoming tasks. Engineering Fee Our engineering fee for on-call Quiet Zone assistance will be based upon our standard hourly billing rates for actual work time performed plus reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses including travel which in total will not exceed $12,000 without prior approval from the Village, which is based on a maximum of 90 hours. If you find this proposal acceptable, please sign below and return a copy of this document to our office. The attached Standard Terms and Conditions apply to this proposal. 120 Mr. Randy Jessen December 5, 2016 Village of Plainfield 161192.30 yy Page 3 If you have any questions or require additional information, please fell free to contact me. Sincerely, BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Lou Haussmann, PE Executive Vice President/COO Attachment VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD, IL AUTHORIZED BY: ________________________________ TITLE: ________________________________ DATE: ________________________________ I:\Crystal Lake\PFLDV\161192-Quiet Zone\Contract\161192.30 Proposal Quiet Zone Assistance.doc 121 STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS Agreement - These Standard Terms and Conditions, together with the letter proposal, constitute the entire integrated agreement between the Owner and Baxter & Woodman, Inc. (BW) and take precedence over any other provisions between the Parties. These terms may be amended, but only if both parties consent in writing. Owner’s Responsibility – Provide BW with all criteria and full information for the Project. BW will rely, without liability, on the accuracy and completeness of all information provided by the Owner including its consultants, contractor, specialty contractors, manufacturers, suppliers and publishers of technical standards without independently verifying that information. The Owner warrants that all known hazardous materials on or beneath the site have been identified to BW. BW and their consultants shall have no responsibility for the discovery, presence, handling, removal or disposal of, or exposure of persons to, unidentified or undisclosed hazardous materials unless this service is set forth in the proposal. Schedule for Rendering Services - The agreed upon services shall be completed within a reasonable amount of time. If BW is hindered, delayed or prevented from performing the services as a result of any act or neglect of the Owner or force majeure, BW’s work shall be extended and the rates and amounts of BW’s compensation shall be equitably adjusted in writing executed by all Parties. Invoices and Payments - The fees to perform the proposed scope of services constitute BW’s estimate to perform the agreed upon scope of services. Circumstances may dictate a change in scope, and if this occurs, an equitable adjustment in compensation and time shall be made by all parties. No service for which added compensation will be charged will be provided without first obtaining written authorization from the Owner. BW invoices shall be due and owing by Owner in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Local Government Prompt Payment Act. Opinion of Probable Construction Costs - BW’s opinion of probable construction costs represents its reasonable judgment as a professional engineer. Owner acknowledges that BW has no control over construction costs of contractor’s methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding, of market conditions. BW cannot and does not guarantee that proposals, bids, or actual construction costs will not vary from BW’s opinion of probable construction costs. Standards of Performance – (1) The standard of care for all services performed or furnished by BW, will be completed with the same care and skill ordinarily used by professionals practicing under similar circumstances, at the same time and in the same locality on similar projects. BW makes no guarantees or warranties, express or implied, in connection with its services; (2) BW shall be responsible for the technical accuracy of its services and documents; (3) BW shall use reasonable care to comply with all applicable laws and regulations and Owner-mandated standards; (4) BW may employ such sub-consultants as BW deems necessary to assist in the performance or furnishing of the services, subject to reasonable, timely, and substantive objection by Owner; (5)BW shall not supervise, direct, control, or have authority over any contractor work, nor have authority over or be responsible for the means, methods, techniques sequences, or procedures of construction selected or used by any contractor, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, for security or safety of the site, nor for any failure of a contractor to comply with laws and regulations applicable to such contractor’s furnishing and performing of its work; (6) BW neither guarantees the performance of any contractor nor assumes responsibility for contractor’s failure to furnish and perform the work in accordance with the contract documents; (7) Engineer is not acting as a municipal advisor as defined by the Dodd-Frank Act. Engineer shall not provide advice or have any responsibility for municipal financial products or securities. (8)BW is not responsible for the acts or omissions of any contractor, subcontractor, or supplier, or any of their agents or employees or any other person at the site or otherwise furnishing or performing any work; (9) Shop drawing and submittal review by BW shall apply to only the items in the submissions and only for the purpose of assessing if upon installation or incorporation in the Project work they are generally consistent with the construction documents. Owner agrees that the contractor is solely responsible for the submissions (regardless of the format in which provided, i.e. hard copy or electronic transmission) and for compliance with the construction documents. Owner further agrees that BW’s review and action in relation to these submissions shall not constitute the provision of means, methods, techniques, sequencing or procedures of construction or extend to safety programs or precautions. BW’s consideration of a component does not constitute acceptance of the assembled item; (10) BW’s site observation during construction shall be at the times agreed upon in the Project scope. Through standard, reasonable means, BW will become generally familiar with observable completed work. If BW observes completed work that is inconsistent with the construction documents, that information shall be communicated to the contractor and Owner for them to address. Insurance - BW will maintain insurance coverage with the following limits and Certificates of Insurance will be provided to the Owner upon written request: Worker’s Compensation: Statutory Limits Excess Umbrella Liability: $5 million per claim and aggregate General Liability: $1 million per claim Professional Liability: $5 million per claim $2 million aggregate $5 million aggregate Automobile Liability: $1 million combined single limit 122 BW’s liability under this Agreement, based on any theory of liability or for any cause of action, shall not exceed the total amount of BW’s contract amount for the project. Any claim against BW arising out of this Agreement may be asserted by the Owner, but only against the entity and not against BW’s directors, officers, shareholders or employees, none of whom shall bear any liability and may not be subject to any claim. Indemnification and Mutual Waiver – (1) To the fullest extent permitted by law, BW shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and its officers and employees from claims, costs, losses, and damages arising out of or relating to the Project, provided that such claim, cost, loss, or damage is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property, including the loss of use resulting therefrom, but only to the extent caused by any negligent act or omission of BW or its officers, directors, employees, agents, or consultants; (2) Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless BW and its officers, directors, employees, agents and consultants from and against any and all claims, costs, loses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals, and all court, arbitration, or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to the Project provided that any such claim, cost, loss, or damage is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death of to injury or destruction of tangible property, including the loss of use resulting therefrom, but only to the extent caused by any negligent act or omission of Owner or its officers, directors, employees, consultants, or others retained by or under contract to the Owner with respect to this Agreement or to the Project; (3) To the fullest extent permitted by law, Owner and BW waive against each other, and the other’s employees, officers, directors, insurers, and consultants, any and all claims for or entitlement to special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages arising out of, resulting from, or in any way related to the Project; (4) In the event claims, losses, damages or expenses are caused by the joint or concurrent negligence of the ENGINEER and OWNER, they shall be borne by each party in proportion to its negligence; (5) The Owner acknowledges that BW is a business corporation and not a professional service corporation, and further acknowledges that the corporate entity, as the party to this contract, expressly avoids contracting for individual responsibility of its officers, directors, or employees. The Owner and BW agree that any claim made by either party arising out of any act of the other party, or any officer, director, or employee of the other party in the execution or performance of the Agreement, shall be made solely against the other party and not individually or jointly against such officer, director, or employees. Termination - Either party may terminate this Agreement upon ten (10) business days’ written notice to the other party in the event of failure by the other party to perform with the terms of the Agreement through no fault of the terminating party. A condition precedent to termination shall be an opportunity for the Parties to meet. If this Agreement is terminated, Owner shall receive reproducible copies of drawings, developed applications and other completed documents. Owner shall be liable for, and promptly pay for all services and reimbursable expenses rendered to the date of suspension/termination of services. Use of Documents - BW documents are instruments of service and BW retains ownership and property interest (including copyright and right of reuse). Client shall not rely on such documents unless in printed form, signed or sealed by BW or its consultant. Electronic format of BW’s design documents may differ from the printed version and BW bears no liability for errors, omissions or discrepancies. Reuse of BW’s design documents is prohibited and Client shall defend and indemnify BW from all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorney’s fees, consultant/expert fees, and costs arising out of or resulting from said reuse. BW’s document retention policy will be followed upon Project closeout, and project documents will be kept for a period of 14 years after Project closeout. Successors, Assigns, and Beneficiaries – Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create, impose, or give rise to any duty owed by Client or BW to any third party, including any lender, Contractor, Contractor’s subcontractor, supplier, manufacturer, other individual, entity or public body, or to any surety for or employee of any of them. All duties and responsibilities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement are for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Client and BW and not for the benefit (intended, unintended, direct or indirect) of any other entity or person. Dispute Resolution - All disputes between the Parties shall first be negotiated between them for a period of thirty (30) days. If unresolved, disputes shall be then submitted to mediation as a condition precedent to litigation. If mediation is unsuccessful, litigation in the county where the Project is pending shall be pursued. Miscellaneous Provisions – (1) This Agreement is to be governed by the law of the state or jurisdiction in which the Project is located. (2) All notices must be in writing and shall be deemed effectively served upon the other party when sent by certified mail, return receipt requested; (3) All express representations, waivers, indemnifications, and limitations of liability included in this Agreement will survive its completion or termination for any reason; (4) Any provision or part of the Agreement held to be void or unenforceable under any Laws or Regulations shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon the Owner and BW, which agree that the Agreement shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close to expressing the intention of the stricken provision; (5) A party’s non-enforcement of any provision shall not constitute a waiver of the provision, nor shall if affect the enforceability of that provision or of the remainder of this Agreement; (6) To the fullest extent permitted by law, all causes of action arising under this Agreement shall be deemed to have accrued, and all statutory periods of limitation shall commence, no later than the date of substantial completion, which is the point where the Project can be utilized for the purposes for which it was intended. 123 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\0LFKHOOH*LEDV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW%XLOGLQJ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH'HFHPEHU 68%-(&7 %XLOGLQJ'HSDUWPHQW&RGH(QIRUFHPHQW5HSRUWIRU1RYHPEHU 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 %XLOGLQJ'HSDUWPHQW&RGH(QIRUFHPHQW5HSRUWIRU1RYHPEHU 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\-RKQ.RQRSHN 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH'HFHPEHU 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRDGRSW5HVROXWLRQ1RBBBBBDXWKRUL]LQJWKHH[HFXWLRQRIDQ ,QWHUJRYHUQPHQWDO$JUHHPHQWZLWK:LOO&RXQW\(PHUJHQF\7H OHSKRQH6\VWHP%RDUGIRUIXQGLQJRID 6XUFKDUJH5HDOORFDWLRQDVLGHQWLILHGLQWKH,QWHUJRYHUQPHQWDO$JUHHPHQW 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 6XUFKDUJH5HDOORFDWLRQ6WDII5HSRUW 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\-RKQ.RQRSHN 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH'HFHPEHU 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRDGRSW5HVROXWLRQ1RBBBBBDXWKRUL]LQJWKHH[HFXWLRQRIDQ$JUHHPHQWIRU WKHHQIRUFHPHQWRISDUNLQJDQGWUDIILFUHJXODWLRQVRQSULYDWHVWUHHWVDWWKH9LOODVRI)R[5XQ 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 9LOODVDW)R[5XQ(QIRUFHPHQW$JUHHPHQW6WDII5HSRUW 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\0LFKHOOH*LEDV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH'HFHPEHU 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRUHOHDVHWKH([HFXWLYH6HVVLRQ0LQXWHVDVLGHQWLILHGE\WKH9LOODJH$WWRUQH\ DQGWRNHHSWKHUHPDLQLQJ0LQXWHVFRQILGHQWLDO 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176  163