HomeMy Public PortalAboutTBM 1972-02-07FORM M C. F. HOECKEL B. B. L. CO. Warrants presented for payment were: Mountin Bell Telenhone Public Service Co. of Colo. heat Mountain Parks Electric Llectricity Ernest Johnson Snow .Plowing Ski Hi News Office Supplies State Compensation Ins. Fraser Garage Gas, Oil and Maint. Sun. T.J.S. Post office Postage Lloyd Frye Salary leas taxes alt: Gesellman Salary less taxes RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves February 7, 1972 The regular meeting of the town council of Fraser Colorado was held February 7, 1972 at the town hall. Meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Mayor Leonard and found the following members present: James Winter, Lloyd Frye, Charles Bridge and clerk Alta Gesellman. Guest Present were Monte Rogers and Robert Florquist. Minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read. 7.20 11.56 114.80 10.00 10.20 79.00 21.35 8.00 37.92 86.11 Moved by Charles Bridge, Second by James Winter and carried that the warrants be allowed. Nomination °petitions were given out by clerk to all interested parties. These to be circulated and returned to clerk for the forth coming election to be held April 4, 1972. Bob Florquist questioned the method of receiving bids for the purchase of the snow plow. Mayor explained that we had received cost estimates from Jamei& ns in Kremmling and Middle Park Auto in Gr< nby but that they were not sealed bids. We had dmexmd decided at earlier meeting that for servieereasons it was decided to purchase from Middle Park since there was only about 20.00 difference in the two prices. Mayor ex-lained that the financing of the new truck and plow had been very difficult.. Anlan from lst. Municipal Leasing Corporation was presented.: After discussion it was moved by James Winter, 2nd by Lloyd Frye and carried that we take the plan where we would pay 1294.00 per year for five years. This is to he considered a lease but at the end of the five years the truck would be turned over to the town. First payment due and nayable now. Total cost of truck is 7470.00 plus 5% interest. Agreed that payment be made. Warrant issued. Mrs. Salazar called to tell us that John had nut in 60 hours on the town snow Mow in Jan. Warrant issued to ?ay this bill at S 3.00 nor our as agreed at earlier meeting in Jan. 180.00. Mayor re or. ted that he had talked to Donald Baker about finishing remaining term of Donald Tucker on the town council. Mr. Baker declined. Notice to be published asking for bids for selling of the old snow plow and truck. Bids to be o)ened at next regular meeting M 1 3. 7 2: Moved by Charles, 2nd by Jim and carried that meeting adjourn at 9:10 p.m. Clerk� 205 mayor