HomeMy Public PortalAbout1/17/1996City of Greencastle City Hall Four East Walnut Street Greencastle, Indiana 46135 GREENCASTLE BOARD OF WORKS Regular Meeting, January 17, 1996 Pamela S. Jones Clerk- Treasurer The Greencastle Board of Works met in regular session January 17, 1996, at 4:00 p.m. at the City Street Department. On the Roll Call the following were found to be present: Sue Murray and George Murphey. Also in attendance was Mayor Nancy Michael and Attorney John Zeiner. Mayor Michael called the meeting to order. Public Petitions and Comments There were no public petitions or comments. General Business Motion to approve minutes from the December 14, 1995 Special Session and December 21, 1995 Regular Session was made by Sue Murray and seconded by George Murphey. Motion passed unanimously. Sewage budget was discussed and tabled on a motion by Sue Murray, seconded by George Murphey. Motion was passed with a unanimous vote. City Engineer Chris Barnes submitted Bid tabulations for the Greater East Side Storm Sewer Phase ITIA project. This is a continuation of the construction of lateral sewers on Avenue D and will provide the drainage for the Enhancement Sidewalk Project. Mr. Barnes explained that there were many variables that can be reduced without compromising the project and that will be done by a change order at a later date. Poindexter was the low bidder with everything in order and Mr. Barnes recommended the Board accept the bid. Bid for Poindexter was accepted on a motion by George Murphey, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote to accept bid was unanimous. City Engineer Barnes submitted a Final Change Order for the Greater East Side Storm Sewer Project Phase 11. Mr. Barnes explained that a substitution in pipe material was used and there was a price reduction of $40.26. Motion to approve Change Order made by George Murphey and seconded by Sue Murray. Motion passed unanimously. City Engineer Barnes told the Board that the structure for the Maintenance Building at the Water O L Plant is up, there is heat and some electricity and the crew was there to paint today. ® Division C is complete as far as the water lines go. Division B on Depot Street - have found rock and will bring a change order to go to Frazier Street. It will be 550 feet longer to go that way, but it will be more productive than trying to break through rock and hauling rock away. Otherwise, the project is on schedule and within budget. Attorney John Zeiner advised the board that a settlement has been reached on the Morrison eminent domain suit. It has been settled out of court for a tentative amount of 5112,000.00 for 15.83 acres. Attorney Zeiner also told the board that the City will provide landscaping along the property line to provide screening, and the City will not oppose a 60 foot right -of -way into the remaining property as a public way once this is improved to city standards. An 800 foot water line will also be provided if and when the property is developed. Sue Murray asked if this meant that the City would not oppose zoning. Attorney Zeiner stated that the City would not oppose the dedication of the street once it meets improvements standards. George Murphey asked who Mr. Morrison would go to for approval. Attorney Zeiner stated that Mr. Morrison would still have to go before the Plan Commission if he builds on the property. Attorney Zeiner recommended that the Board approve the $112,000.00 settlement. Sue Murray made a motion to accept the settlement, George Murphey seconded. Vote to accept was unanimous. The 1996 Legal Contract was the next item to be discussed. Attorney Zeiner explained to the ® Board that the was a 51,000.00 raise in his basic retainer and a $1,000.00 raise in both water and sewer. These raises are to compensate for additional hours that will be expected with extra projects such as bond issues, development, redevelopment, etc. Attorney Zeiner told the board that this will allow an additional one to one and one -half hours extra a week to work on City projects. George Murphey made a motion to accept the Legal Contract as presented, Sue Murray seconded. Vote to accept was unanimous. Claims for the Sewage Department in the amount of $172,477.54 were submitted and approved on a motion by Sue Murray. This motion was seconded by George Murphey. Vote to approve was unanimous. Water Department claims in the amount of 5219,182.57 were submitted and approved on a motion by George Murphey, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote to approve was unanimous. Mayor Michael announced that there would be a special meeting January 22, 1996 at 3:30 at the Street Department to approve City Claims. Sue Murray requested that the Board of Works members receive a Fund Report. Clerk- Treasurer Jones agreed to get the Board Fund Reports for the February meeting. Attorney Zeiner suggested that the Board, Mayor, Clerk - Treasurer and himself have a worksession to explain what the numbers are and where the come from so that the Board members understand how to read the reports. It was agreed that Mayor Michael and Clerk- S Treasurer Jones will coordinate a date and time. With no further business, George Murphey made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote was unanimous. Nancy A. ichael, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela S. Jones, Cler � Treasurer LJ e