HomeMy Public PortalAbout3/22/1996City of Greencastle M City Hall Four East Walnut Street Greencastle, Indiana 46135 Pamela S. Jones Clerk- Treasurer GREENCASTLE BOARD OF WORKS REGULAR SESSION March 22, 1996 3:00 p.m. City Street Department The Greencastle Board of Works met in Regular Session on March 22, 1996 at 3:00 p.m. at the City Street Department. This meeting was originatly set for Wednesday, March 20, 1996 at 4:00 p.m. but was postponed due to a Snow Emergency. Mayor Michael called the meeting to order. On the Roll Call, the following were found to be present: Sue Murray and George Murphey. Attorney John Zeiner was not present. e Public Petitions and Comments There were no public petitions or comments. Approval of Minutes Sue Murray made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 21, 1996, Regular Session and the February 28, 1996 Special Session as distributed. This motion was seconded by George Murphey and vote was unanimous. General Business George Murphey made a motion to approve claims from the Water, Sewage and City. Motion was seconded by Sue Murray with vote being unanimous. Fire Chief Mike O'Hair was present to request permission of the Board to trade the 1968 Ford Pumper truck to MidWest for $10,000.00 in equipment needed by the Fire Department. Chief O'Hair will give a copy of the final list of equipment received in trade to the Clerk- Treasurer. George Murphey made the motion to approve, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote was unanimous. City Engineer Chris Barnes presented Change Order 71, Division B. Water Improvements to the • Board. This change is made to avoid rock on Depot Street, moving the line to Frazier Street. An increase of approximately 529,000.00 will be incurred, but after adjustments are made at the " completion of the project the cost could be less. Motion to approve Change Order 91, Division B, Water Improvements was made by George Murphey, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote was unanimous. Change Order #1, Greater Eastside Storm Sewer was presented by Engineer Barnes. Mr. Ron Smith was also present. This Change Order is for a local developer, Russ Hessler, to connect into the Avenue D Storm Sewer for a project he is working on. By doing the storm sewer in this manner the City can be assured that it is done according to specifications of the GESSP. Engineer Barnes stated that Mr. Hessler has submitted a check for $5385.00 which is the total amount of the change order. George Murphey made the motion to accept the Change Order once a letter of Legal Opinion from Attorney Zeiner has been submitted, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote was unanimous. A Right -of -Way Agreement between the City and Joe and Peggy Fogle was presented to the Board by Engineer Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. Fogle are building a house in Deerfield Estates - Phase I and would like to put a driveway on Shadowlawn until the streets are developed in the subdivision. It is understood that once the streets are developed their driveway must conform. Motion to approve the Right -of -Way Agreement was made by Sue Murray, seconded by George Murphey. Vote was unanimous. A Right -of -Way Agreement for TCI to relocate all wires for the sidewalk project on Avenue D, Shadowlawn and Wood Street was approved with a motion by Sue Murray, seconded by George " Murphey. Vote was unanimous. An Ordinance regarding Pretreatment of Sewage was discussed and tabled on a motion by Sue Murray, seconded by George Murphey. Vote to table was unanimous. Engineer Barnes reported to the Board that he has met with the residents of Longcastle Drive regarding the street lighting. He informed the residents that the Board agreed to standard lighting. Any decorative lighting would have to be paid for by residents. The residents agreed to standard lighting. An easement will be needed for PSI and the approximate cost will be $1,900.00. John Seever from H.J. Umbaugh was present to update the numbers from last month on the cost of Fillmore coming into the Treatment Plant. Mr. Seever stated that debt service should be fixed at $14,075.00 per year to help pay for existing bonds and/or future expansion. The additional monthly fee was figured at $1.44 per 1,000 gallons of flow. Discussion ensued and it was decided that Fillmore residents should be charged at least the same as City residents which is $2.22 per loc eu&j, ��r Water Superintendent Leon Phillips requested approval by the Board to advertise for bids for two new trucks for the water department. Superintendent Phillips stated that he had to park another truck this week and has one more on its "last leg". By consensus the Board approved " Superintendent Phillips to advertise for bids for two new trucks. Superintendent Phillips advised the Board that a meter reader has quit to take another job and he will be pursuing applications. Being no further business, George Murphey made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote was unanimous. Nancy A. Mich ael, Mayor ATTEST: 4al" Pamela S. Jones, C erk� reasurer 0 0