HomeMy Public PortalAbout4/24/1996City of Greencastle e City Hall Four East Walnut Street Greencastle, Indiana 46135 Pamela S. Jones Clerk- Treasurer GREENCASTLE BOARD OF WORKS REGULAR SESSION APRIL 24,1996,4:00 P.M. CITY STREET DEPARTNIENT "The Greencastle Board of Works met in regular session April 24, 1996 at 4:00 p.m. at the City Street Department. Mayor Michael called the meeting to order. On the 12oll Call. the `iol';owing were found to be present: Sue Murray and George Murphey. Attorney John Zemer was also present. Public Petitions and Comments Street Commissioner Jim Wright reported to the Board that he has submitted his paperwork to FEMA and the City should receive approximately 510,000.00 for the January snow storm. He also told the Board that he will be filing paperwork for the March snow storm. Mayor Michael asked the Board to set an Executive Session next week to interview candidates for Police Officer. This meeting is set for Friday, May 3, 1996 at 2:30 p.m. at City Hall. Police Chief Jack Hanlon told the Board that he started with 17 applicants and has narrowed it down to four for the Board to interview. Approval of Minutes Motion to approve minutes from the March 22, 1996 meeting was made by Sue Murray, seconded by George Murphey. Vote was unanimous. General Business Motion to approve claims as submitted by City, Water and Sewage was made by George Murphey, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote was unanimous. Mainstreet Director Bill Dory explained to the Board that the Airport Lease actually expires on June 26, 2009. It was the desire of all involved to extend the Lease until May 1, 2095. This is a 99 year lease at one dollar per year. All terms and conditions remain the same as the old lease. The Council has already approved the Lease. Sue Murray made the motion to approve the Airport Lease, seconded by George Murphey. Vote was unanimous. Bill Dory told the Board that a tentative date of May 3, 1996 around lunch time has been set for g=round breaking at the Airport. Clerk - Treasurer Jones told the Board that the Sewage Department ordered a Field Gymmy last May. The truck was delivered in April, 1996, but no financing arrangements had been made. CT Jones spoke with Charlie Pride at State Board of Accounts. Mr. Pride told CT Jones that normally bids would have to be taken, but since the truck had been delivered she needs to make immediate arrangements for financing. CT Jones requested that the three local banks give quotes for a four year lease - purchase with 525,000.00 down and annual payments on the remaining $78,447.00. American Financial Network also sent a quote, as they were one company that was consulted before. The quotes received are as follows: American Financial Network 6346 1 ,'0 522,818.95 annual payments First National Bank of Clvd. 6.75% 523,029.19 annual payments National City 5.83% 522,551.07 annual payments First Citizens Bank 4.94% 522,092.16 annual payments Sue Murrav made the motion to authorize the Clerk- Treasurer to make the $25.000.00 down payment with that claim to be placed on the May Claim Docket and to accept the quote from First Citizens Bank at 4.94% with annual payments of 522,092.16. Mayor Michael seconded the motion. George Murphey abstained. Vote was unanimous. Citv Engineer Chris Barnes and Wastewater Superintendent Charlene Nichols requested the Board to approve a Revised Sewage Permit. Basically, two changes have been made one being that the Sewage Permit would not be approved unless a building permit was on file and the second being that the permit expires in six months. George Murphey made the motion to approve the Revised Sewage Permit as written, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote was unanimous. Sue Murray questioned where the permits would be on file. Charlene Nichols stated that they would be on rile at the Sewage Department. Sue Murray requested that Charlene make sure that a copy is given to the Building Commissioner to keep in the file at City Hall. Charlene stated that they do give the Building Commissioner a copy. Chapter 340 - Sewer Service Rates and Charges Amending Ordinance 1979 -4 was presented to the Board by Engineer Chris Barnes. Engineer Barnes told the Board that the only section that was changed is Section 9 -28 regarding the connection fees and these fees are based on water meter size. After some discussion, George Murphey made a motion to send Chapter 340 - Sewer Service Rates and Charges Amending Ordinance 1979 -4 to the Council as prepared by Engineer Barnes. Sue Murray seconded the motion, vote was unanimous. Public and Private Sewer and Drain regulations was brought before the Board by Engineer Barnes. Engineer Barnes stated that he has brought this up to current code and requested that the Board review. This item will be brought back before the Board as an Amendment for approval. Review and Recommendation of Proposal for Construction Engineer for ISTEA - Sidewalk Project was the next item to be discussed. Engineer Barnes explained to the Board that since Federal Funds are used for this project, an Engineer must be approved by INDOT. INDOT pays O 80% and the City is responsible for 20% of the project. Engineer Barnes received three proposals and prepared a grading sheet for the Board to review. The three responses were from: Beam, Longest and Neff Farrar, Garvey and Associates Bemardin- Lochmuller and Associates Engineer Barnes recommended Beam, Longest and Neff statine that they were the natural choice since they designed the project. George Murphey made a motion to accept Beam. Longest and Neff as the Construction Engineering Consultant on the tSTEA Project, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote was unanimous. Engineer Barnes presented the INDOT Agreement for Sidewalk Reconstruction to the Board stating that this is a standard agreement. The City's share of the project will amount to approximately S90,120.00 and this will include construction. inspections, etc. The City has approximately 560,000.00 earmarked for this project, but will need to appropriate approximately 530,000.00 to $40,000.00 to reach their match. The bidding process is set for June 18th. After some discussion regarding where the 530,000.00 to $40,000.00 will come from, Sue Murray made a motion to table this item until the Council decides where the money will come from. George Murphey seconded this motion and vote was unanimous. Certificate of Completion of Bretland Ridge was presented to the Board by Engineer Barnes. Engineer Barnes reported to the Board that Bretland Ridge has been inspected according to the punch list and is not complete. A 3 -,year maintenance bond must be maintained by the City. Motion made by Sue Murrav to table, seconded by George Murphey. Vote was unanimous. • Ordinance 1996 -7, An Ordinance of The Common Council of The City of Greencastle, Indiana, Amending Title V, Chapter 51 of the Code of Ordinance Of The City of Greencastle, Indiana, Wastewater Treatment was presented to the Board by Engineer Barnes. Sue Murray made a motion to table Ordinance 1996 -7 until after a Special Meeting set for May S. 1996 at 3:00 p.m. for industries to have input, seconded by George Murphey. Vote was unanimous. Engineer Barnes presented 1.5 City of Greencastle, Indiana General Rules for Sizing Detention Ponds to the Board. Engineer Barnes told the Board that he has asked for proposals for delineation from .lames Carr of the Wellhead Protection Pros ram. Attorney Zeiner told Engineer Barnes that this would have to be an amendment to the City Ordinance. Engineer Barnes presented a Memorandum regarding 5th Street Stonn Sewer and College Avenue Lift Station and Storm Sewer explaining to the Board that these are projects from 1989 that have never been finalized. Change Orders were never brought before the board and therefore they were not executed. Engineer Barnes stated that pending review and clarification he expects claims to be submitted for Board approval at the next meeting. Attomev Zeiner presented the Board with a Contract for Services for Attorney Lam Wilson stating that Res -Care has sued the City and he has engaged Attorney Wilson to represent the City in this litigation. Mr. Wilson's contract calls for $85.00 per hour and Mr. Wilson stated that by • Friday he will have spent approximately $4,000.00 to 55,000.00. Sue Murrav asked if this would come out of the regular legal services appropriation and Attorney Zeiner responded that it " would. Clerk - Treasurer Jones questioned if this should be an agenda item since it involves spending money and Attorney Zeiner responded that this is an emergency. Sue Murray made the motion to approve the contact, seconded by George Murphey. Vote was unanimous. Mayor Michael requested the regular meeting scheduled May 15th be rescheduled to May 22nd at 4:00 pm as she will be out of town on the 15th. This request was approved by consensus of the Board. Truck bids for the Water Department were opened at 6:05 p.m. The Bids were as follows: Andy Mohr Chevrolet - 2 -1996 Chevrolet trucks - S32,294.62 York Pontiac -2 trucks - $32.000.00 Robertson -2 trucks at S 16,02324 ea - 532.056.43 The bids were given to Water Superintendent Leon Phillips to review and make a recommendation to the Board of Works. Being no further business Sue Murrav made a motion to adjourn, seconded by George Murphey. Vote was unanimous. Nancy Micha 1, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela S. Jones. Cler " reasurer ID