HomeMy Public PortalAbout5/22/1996City of Greencastle ® City Hall Four East Walnut Street Greencastle, Indiana 46135 Pamela S. Jones Clerk- Treasurer GREENCASTLE BOARD OF WORKS REGULAR SESSION MAY 22, 1996 4:00 P.M. STREET DEPARTMENT Call to Order; Roil Call The Greencastle Board of Works met in Regular Session May 22, 1996 at 4:00 p.m. at the City Street Department. Mayor Michael called the meeting to order. On the Roll Call. the following were found to be present: Sue Murray and George Murphey. Attorney john Zemer was also present. Approval of Minutes Sue Murrav made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 8, 1996 special session, seconded by George Murphey. Vote was unanimous. General Business Motion to approve claims for the City, Water and Sewage Departments was made bv_ Sue Murrav and seconded by George ivlurphev. Vote was unanimous. Resolution 1 ,996 -2, A Resolution Amending The General Rules For Sizing Detention Ponds, was presented to the Board for signatures. This Resolution was approved and voted on at the May 8th meeting. An Agreement with David and Eleanor Ferrand to rent land for Sludge application was presented to the Board for approval. Motion to approve was made by George Murphey, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote was unanimous. Engineer Barnes presented the Board with the contract for the Sidewalk Project and reported that the Council approved an Additional Appropriation on May 21 st. Motion to approve was made by Sue Murray, seconded by George Murphey. Vote was unanimous. Engineer Barnes presented Change Order =I for the Greater Eastside Storm Sewer Project, Phase III to the Board. Engineer Barnes told the Board that the sewer laterals were assumed to lie 4 inches. The contractor has ran into 6 inch laterals and has had to change from 4 inch to 6 inch sewer lines. The total will not be known until the adjustments have been made. George ® Murphey made a motion to accept the change order, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote was unanimous. Engineer Barnes requested the Board allow him to pursue a contract with Hydrophase regarding wellhead protection plans at the Water Plant and City wells. Sue Murray made the motion to allow Engineer Barnes to pursue the possibility of a contact with Hydrophase, seconded by George Murphey. Vote was unanimous. Engineer Barnes will bring the contact for approval at a later date. Engineer Barnes told the Board that he is working on a Change Order for the Water Plant which will consist of approximately 20 items. A Special meeting was set for June 4th at 12:30 p.m. at the Street Department for Engineer Barnes to present the change order to the Board. Police Chief.lack Hanlon requested the Board approve the hiring of Mark Smith as a Dispatch Trainee pending approval ofPERF. Mark Smith was hired May 20th as a Police Officer, but cannot serve as an Officer until approval by PERF. Mr. Smith's physical and psychological evaluation is set for June 5th. By hiring him as a Dispatcher now, he will be able to ride with Officers and familiarize himself with the City. Mr. Smith will also serve as a Reserve Officer. George Murphey made a motion to accept Mr. Smith's hiring as Dispatcher Trainee, seconded by Sue Murray. Vote was unanimous. Being no further business, Sue Murray made a motion to adjourn, seconded by George Murphey. Vote was unanimous. 'IL, 1 l ' 4 1 1 .L1 Nancy A. MiC ael, MavoToT ATTEST: Pamela S. Jones, Clerk -Tray rer