HomeMy Public PortalAboutPRR 14-1592From: William Bendix [mailto:bbendixcompanies @gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 5:50 PM To: Bill Thrasher Subject: FOLLOW UP PUBLIC RECORD REQUESTS - Fwd: GS #1415 (Thrasher text)- correction Dear Custodian of the Records, On September 16, 2014, I requested of your agency the following public record: Any text messages that are public records located on Bill Thrasher's cell phone. Your latest response to this request was a corrective email sent to me on October 2nd, 2014 in which you partially replied: Be advised that no such records exist. There was a similar request that in the responses, Mr. Thrasher was a recipient of the text messages that he no longer has the records of. Those responses are located at the following link: hitp: / /www2.rulf- stream. orQ/WebLink8/0/docl206l7/PaQel. aspx. Your complete response and my original request are forwarded to you herein for your reference. If you will examine the records located at the link you provided to me, ham: / /www2.eulf- stream.org /WebLink8 /0 /doc /20617 /Pazel. you will find that Mr. Thrasher was more than just a recipient of text messages as you claim in your recent response. The text messages on Mr. Morgan's phone include text messages that were apparently originally written by Mr. Thrasher. You claim Mr. Thrasher was a recipient of the text messages that he no longer has the records of. Were these records destroyed? If they were destroyed, please provide the record of their disposition as per State Law and the Town's Public Record Policy. Were these records moved from Mr. Thrasher's phone? If they were moved, please provide the records from their new location. You also claim ...no such records exist. I do not understand this response and seek clarification from you. I wish to know if the records that I seek once existed and were subsequently moved or destroyed. Or do you contend the records never existed. Some of these records I seek are found on Mr. Morgan's phone therefore they must have existed on Mr. Thrasher's phone at some time in the past. If the records were moved, I request you find the records and provide them to me as per the terms of my original request. If the records were destroyed, I request you provide the disposition record for these destroyed records.I make this request as per the terms of my original record request. Sincerely, bbendixcomoanies(@,,email.com TOWN OF GULF STREAM PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA Delivered via e-mail October 24, 2014 William Bendix [mail to: bbendixcompanies @gmail.com] Re: GS #1592 (Fwd: GS #1418 (Thrasher text) - correction) ...If the records were destroyed, I request you provide the disposition record for these destroyed records. I make this request as per the terms of my original record request. Dear William Bendix [mail to: bbendixcompaniesna,gmail.coml, Mr. Thrasher no longer has these text messages you are seeking. However, those messages can be found at the following link: http: / /www2.gulf- stream. org/ WebLink8 /0 /doc /20617/Pagel.aspx. No further records exist. Please be advised as follows: The records you requested are considered transitory records. Transitory messages are not intended to formalize or perpetuate knowledge and do not set policy, establish guidelines or procedures, certify a transaction, or become a receipt. Examples of transitory messages include, but are not limited to, reminders to employees about scheduled meetings or appointments; most telephone messages (whether in paper, voice mail, or other electronic form); announcements of office events such as holiday parties or group lunches; and recipient copies of announcements of agency sponsored events such as exhibits, lectures, workshops, etc. These documents are retained until obsolete, superseded, or administrative value is lost. These various types of transitory records do not require record retention or documentation of their destruction. We consider this matter closed. Sincerely, Town Clerk Custodian of the Records