HomeMy Public PortalAbout2017-03-21 Plan Commission Agenda packet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3ODQ&RPPLVVLRQ0LQXWHVSGI 3 Plan Commission Minutes March 7, 2017 Chairman Kiefer called the Plan Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge to the flag. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Minnis, Renzi, Heinen, Green, Womack and Chairman Kiefer were present. The Fire and Library Districts were present. Commissioner Seggebruch was absent. The Park and School Districts were absent. The Plan Commission minutes dated February 21, 2017 were approved as amended. PUBLIC COMMENTS:There was no response. DEVELOPMENT REPORT Mr. Proulx stated the Village Board approved the ordinance for the special use for Primrose School; approved the change to the annexation agreement and development for Vista Pointe; directed preparation of the ordinance for Jimmy John’s at Plainfield Plaza and for redevelopment of the old Fire Station downtown; and approved three Certificates of Appropriateness which are reviewed by the Historic Preservation Commission, this included the revised project for DNA Athletics, and two which are also façade projects in the downtown, the former Gourmet Junction and for a single story building which was formerly the Prudential Financial office. OLD BUSINESS Case No. 1751-011717.SU R R Tire and Auto Repair Mr. Bogda indicated this was a continued public hearing for a special use for automotive repair at 15924 W. Lincoln Highway. There were a number of issues noted previously; the number of buildings and number of different uses on the site; and the challenges this presented regarding parking; also there were some cars parked illegally on an unpaved area at the south end of the site. The property owner was directed to remove these cars. It is staff understands that this issue has been addressed. Another issue was parking and noise from this business affecting the church services being held on Thursday evenings and on Sundays in the building to the north. The applicant has addressed this issue by operating his business from 8:30 am to 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Saturday only. The applicant has provided an updated parking plan which shows a total of ten (10) parking spaces, seven (7) at the rear of the lot, 2 in front of his business and one (1) handicap parking space. The property owner will be required to pave and stripe the parking spaces in accordance with the zoning ordinance and indicated a stipulation has been added to the proposed motion as noted in the staff report dated March 3, 2017. This proposal was reviewed by the traffic committee and Fire Protection District. The Fire Department indicated they will not be able to access the rear buildings with the large vehicles due to the narrow width and inability of turning vehicles around. Staff believes the findings of fact can be made to support approval of this special use.4 Plan Commission Minutes March 7, 2017 Page 2 of 4 Chairman Kiefer suggested adding the normal stipulations regarding compliance with the village engineer and the Fire Department. Chairman Kiefer stated Richard Ramirez, proposed tenant, remained under oath. Mr. Ramirez described the proposed parking and stated the property owner agrees to paving and striping the parking spaces. Chairman Kiefer asked for public comments. Mr. Breeding, representing the church, also remained under oath. Mr. Breeding asked for clarification of the location of the handicap parking space. Mr. Ramirez indicated the handicap space was available to the church also and indicated it was located to the right of the Pastor’s parking space. There were no other comments. Commissioner Renzi asked about the shaded area in front of the church building. Mr. Ramirez indicated this was area is 12 feet by 26 feet wide, is paved with concrete blocks, and is passable by vehicles. Mr. Breeding indicated this area is also the apron behind the church. Commissioner Renzi expressed concern with the first two parking spaces south of the building; felt the space was too narrow for movement of vehicles due to the location of the storage facility. Mr. Bogda stated occupancy would not be issued until the parking meets the requirements of the village engineer. Commissioner Heinen felt there was flexibility and the parking may be worked out when it goes to engineering. Mr. Ramirez stated a previous tenant operated a small trucking/semi repair business at this facility without any issues. Commissioner Renzi asked where the employees would park. Mr. Ramirez indicated they would park in the spaces south of the building. Commissioner Renzi asked if there would be signage for the handicap space and other parking spaces. Mr. Ramirez indicated signage would not be a problem. Commissioner Green expressed concern for cars possibly hitting pedestrians in that 12 foot concrete area by the church. Mr. Ramirez thought the only time there was foot traffic was when there was church services. Commissioner Green asked if this door was a fire exit. Mr. Breeding indicated this was a secondary access door for the church; the parishioners use the front door which faces Lincoln Highway. Commissioner Green asked if there was a door for the garage at the south end of the building. Mr. Bogda indicated all the doors face west. Commissioner Green asked if the handicap space and the other 2 spaces could be moved north to obtain maybe 18 feet instead of the 12 feet. Mr. Bogda suggested this could be reviewed during the review by the engineer. Mr. Ramirez agreed the handicap space could be relocated. Chairman Kiefer indicated several of these issues will be taken care of by the landlord. Commissioner Heinen mentioned a lot of the issues have been solved by the applicant closing the business on Sundays. Commissioner Renzi felt there are still some problems but is willing to agree with this use as long as the lot is paved, striped, signage added and complies with the requirements of the village engineer. 5 Plan Commission Minutes March 7, 2017 Page 3 of 4 Commissioner Heinen made a motion to adopt the findings of fact of staff as the findings of fact of the Plan Commission and, furthermore, moved to recommend approval of the special use for the auto body and/or repair service known as R.R. Tire & Auto Repair at 15924 S. Lincoln Highway, subject to the following stipulation and the additional two stipulations added by this commission: 1. The unpaved area on the south end of the property slated for additional parking must be paved to a condition deemed acceptable to Village staff and properly engineered, maintained and screened in accordance in accordance with all Village regulations. 2. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer. 3. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District. Seconded by Commissioner Minnis. Vote by roll call: Green, yes; Womack, yes; Minnis, yes; Renzi, yes; Heinen, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 6-0. NEW BUSINESS Case No. 1752-013117.REZ/SU 15908 S Lincoln Highway Commissioner Renzi made a motion to continue the public hearing for Case No. 1752-013117.REZ/SU to March 21, 2017. Seconded by Commissioner Heinen. Vote by roll call: Minnis, yes; Womack, yes; Green, yes; Renzi, yes; Heinen, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 6-0. Case No. 1756-030317.FP King’s Bridge Estates Mr. Bogda stated the applicant is seeking approval of the final plat for Unit 2 of King’s Bridge Estates. The original concept plan for the entire site was approved in June 2005. Mr. Bogda described the location of the site, adjacent land uses with a correction of the property to the east as being zoned R-1, reviewed the number of acres and units proposed as noted in the staff report dated March 3, 2017. Mr. Bogda mentioned the plat needs to be corrected to represent Outlot Q is 0.32 acres. Mr. Bogda indicated maintenance of all landscaped islands within the right of way will be maintained by the homeowners’ association and that Unit 2 is included in the original Special Service Area No. 35 which is currently dormant. Staff suggests a favorable recommendation. Chairman Kiefer swore in Dan O’Donnell, owner. Chairman Kiefer asked for public comments. There was no response. Commissioner Renzi asked for clarification on the correction of Outlot Q. Mr. Bogda indicated the square footage of Outlot Q is correct but the acreage shown is incorrect. Commissioner Renzi asked what other changes were made from the concept plan. Mr. Bogda explained the landscaped island will be removed and the street will be wider. Commissioner Heinen asked if the architectural review needed to be re-approved. Mr. Bogda indicated the architectural review was previously approved with the annexation agreement and is not changing. Commissioner Green asked if the smallest lot was 10,350 square foot. Mr. O’Donnell replied yes. Commissioner Renzi asked if a stipulation was needed for adjustment of Outlot Q on the plat. Mr. Bogda felt a stipulation was not needed. 6 Plan Commission Minutes March 7, 2017 Page 4 of 4 Commissioner Green made a motion to recommend approval of the Final Plat for Unit 2 of the King’s Bridge Estates subdivision, subject to the following stipulations: 1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer. 2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District. Seconded by Commissioner Minnis. Vote by roll call: Womack, yes; Minnis, yes; Renzi, yes; Heinen, yes; Green, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 6-0. DISCUSSION Commissioner Renzi asked if Staff had looked at the parking code requirements. Mr. Proulx indicated he has not advanced any proposal for a text amendment to the zoning code; stated if we adhere to the strict application of the code, it would result in more variance requests. The findings of fact in terms of evaluating the impact on the adjacent properties are similar to the variance findings. Mr. Proulx stated he would continue to evaluate this issue. Commissioner Renzi felt the standard should be built into the text of the code. Meeting Adjourned at 7:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Merrilee Trotz Merrilee Trotz Recording Secretary 7 3ODQ&RPPLVVLRQ$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\0HUULOHH7URW] 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ODQQLQJ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0DUFK 68%-(&7 &DVH1R5(=686356/LQFROQ+LJKZD\ 5HTXHVW5H]RQLQJDQG6SHFLDO8VH 3XEOLF+HDULQJ /RFDWLRQ1HDU6RXWKZHVWFRUQHURI86DQG5HQZLFN5RDG $SSOLFDQW7DULT.KDQ/RFDO&RPPXQLW\6LJQV6HULHV 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 6/LQFROQ+Z\3ODQ&RPPLVVLRQ6WDII5HSRUWSGI /HWWHUIURP$SSOLFDQWSGI $HULDOPDSSGI 6XUYH\SGI 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 3ODQ&RPPLVVLRQ$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\0HUULOHH7URW] 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ODQQLQJ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0DUFK 68%-(&7 &DVH1R6350HQDUGV 5HTXHVW6LWH3ODQ5HYLHZ /RFDWLRQ(DVWRI5RXWHDQG1RUWKRIWK6WUHHW $SSOLFDQW5RGQH\:HNNLQIRU0HQDUGV 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 0HQDUGV([SDQVLRQ3ODQ&RPPLVVLRQ6WDII5HSRUWSGI 0HQDUGV6LWH3ODQSGI 0HQDUGV:DUHKRXVHSGI 18 19 20 21 22 23 24