HomeMy Public PortalAboutRostan Disaster Monitoring 2017.pdfAGREEMENT FOR PRCYESSIC) NAL SERVICES BE1WEEN TY BEE ISLAND, GA AND RO&1ANSOLUTIONS, LLC TASK ORDER NO -1 This Task Order hen mewedin accordance with the MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES betweenRoq Solutions.LLC(CONSUL ANp and the Cit of Tybee WNERKdated August 24,2042 ScoPE� of Services See q% mcmA Schedule CONSUL ANT A61 completeiw work by December 31. 1f F CONSUL ANT% Total Competeaon Authorized under $& Task Ogg which shall not be exceeded without prior wf ittnauthorization s OWNER: isS] . 000. OWN ERa nd CONSUL ANT have cau dhi6 sk0mD to be aubo rized asp the effective date & September 7, 1» CONSULTANT Dams Stankunas President Date September« 2017 � OWNE a e Title Date Septqm r2j: Ata6mmlA 1«.0 ATTACHMENT A Debris Management & Monitoring Scope of Services 1, General A. CON S U LTANT shall provide disastef management and debris rnonitoring services to assist the OINNrzR with disaster recovery operations. inc Iudin_q monitoring the opefations of the disaster debris removal and disposal contractors). The debris monitoring services to be provided are debris contrai;tor cornpliance monitonng and oversight, not professional engineering services, 'The OWNER shall provide a Debris Manager to work directly with the Debris Removal Contractor and the CON S U LTANT, The OWNER and?or its debris removal and disposal contractor shall provide debris management site(s) (DMS) for temporary storage and l:rocessin9 of storm debris. B. The CON SULTANT is knowledgeable in Federal Emergency Man agon7ent Agency (FF MA) and other applicable regulations, guidelines and operating policies. The C0NSULTANT shall sLip port the OWNER daring a disaster recovery effort and sha11 be responsible for all aspects of the debris monitoring process. The C 0NSULTANI shall coordinate with the disaster debris removal Contractors) and the UNNER to ensure a CUM piiant. well-managed and organized appcoech to debris collection and disposal that conform to FEMA guidelines. G. The C 0N5ULYANT shall oversee the debris removal and monitoring processes utilizing the folEovving rules and regL Iation9 as guidance: The Stafford Act. Section 407 The Stafford Act, Section 406 44 OFR § 206.224 PLrblic Assistance Program and Policy Guide FP 104-009-0 ; January 2016 FEMA 321, Public Assistance Policy Digest FEMA 322, Public Assistance Guide FEMA 325, Debris Management Guide FEMA 327, Debris Monitoring Guide - FLMA Disaster Assistance Policy 9523.4, Demolition; of Private Structures FEMA Disaster recovery Policy 9523,11, Hazardous Stump EWaction and Removal EIigibiNY FEMA Disaster Rer;overy Policy 9523.12, Debris 0pefation5 - Hand Loaded Trucks and Trailers FEMA Disaster Assistance Policy 9523,13, Debris Removal from Private Property FEIVIA Disaster Assistance Policy 9526.1, Hazard Mitigation Under Section 4Q6 of the Stafford Act - FBMA Disa,s`er Specific Guidance - as Published specififally for this disaster declaration Attachment A Page 2 of 10 D. At the request of the OUVNER. CONSULTANT shall provide pre -event assistance in preparation for disasters through participation in meetings and workshops and the establishment of data management and other inLeg rated systems. If requested by U)e OWNER, CONSULTANT shall: - Provide a last of key personnel and subcontractors khat may be involved in the disaster debris man itoring activities to include facsimile, cell phone numbef f, and c -mail addresses. Participate in annual workshop or planning meetings with OWNER representatives and debris rem ova I contractor(s) to establish/review applicable policies and procedures, E. The scope of services to be provided includes Debris Monitaring and Administration, Debris Assessrrient, Collection Mofiitori ng. Load Ticker Processing, DMS monitoring, Debris Vehicle and Equipment Certifiration, Damage Complaint Tracking, Data Cow pillation and Reporting_ Debris Contractor Payment Monitoring and Reconciliation Processing, Rcporting and Coordinating with the OWNER Debris Manager, Public Assistance and FE IA KIVIGP support and other related services as outlined in this Scope of Services. and as directed by the OWNER. 2. t)ebris Monitoring and Administration A Tire CONSULTANT shall appoirtt a qualified and experienced Project Manager for overall coordination and communication with the OWNER. The Project Manager shall remain on the job and available to the OWNER at 8 1 times during the operational phases of the debns collection and disposal project. CONSU LTA NT shall supply sufFcient number of trained debris monitors and trained field supervisors to a000r'nmodate the volume of debris to be removed at loading sites, debns management sites and/or final disposal sites. CONSULTANT shall ro{nove and replace employees immediately Upon notice from the OWNER Debris Manager for con duok or actions not in keeping with the Agreemont. B. Examples of project management and administrative responsibilities include but are not limited to: 1. Coordinate daily briefings with key operational staff OWNER staff and debris removal contractor(s) to review_ forrTtulate and update debris assessment and removal operations and strategies. Schedule, manage 2nd conduct periodic meetings with field staff and corrtractofs. Meetings shall be scheduled so that they shall not impede, hinder nor delay 01e debris rcwir )val contractors) or debris removal operations, . Pfovide a daily report of debris removal contractor total loads, cubic yards collected by debris type, a map of streets where debris has been collected, and other key operational statistics to the OWNER Debris Manager or designee. 3_ Coordinate daily scheduling, dispatching and logistical operations of the Field collection monitors. 4. Hire, train, dep'oy and supervise all field collect;crn monitors and .staff. 5. Conduct debris surveys and perform debris estimation by debris types as requested by the OWNER. Maintain accurate records of alt debfis collection vehicles. incIudirg the measurements of the inside of the useable bed space, photographs, license info.;r n, -It cn, vehide identification decal issuance and regular monitoring for vehicle mod iFications. Attachment Page 3 of 111 Track and coordinate responses to problems identified ire the field_ citizen complaints related to debris removal, including commercial andlor residential property damage claims as a result of debris rerrrova 1. CONSULTANT shall maintain. and make available to the OWNER, a detailed €S database of Customer complaints and resolutions. S. flake al reasonable efforts to ensure that DMS have access Con [(o1 and security, Conduct end of the day duties and vernfy that all veli icles 11 ave left the t}I1h S at the specified tune established by the OWNER. 9. Make all reasonable efforts to ensure the field collection monitors are accurately recording the streets and locations where debris was collected. 10. Schedule work for all team members and sub -contractors ort a daily+ basis. it. Conduct iTispections. on a regular, predetermined and random basis_ Make all reasonable efforts to ensure the appropriate frequency of oversight is performed for a[[ work crews, vehicles and locations, 12. Mori itor the debris removal contractors) and DMS(s} for corn p€iance with their contract with the OWNER. 3. Provide trarning to OWNER staff in essential debris management and collection functions to ensure appropriate and responsive iriLerface with disaster debris removal contractor(s), County, state and federal agencies, 14. Develop forms. databases, etc, for tracking field activities. and subrriiLiing invoices for reinibLosement. 15. Set up schedules for rnonitors each day and coordinate cleanup crow assignments. SUFVey and maintain IisL of areas with special needs, including but not limited to, hazardo4r3 stumps, trees. hangerslleancrs and debris types, 16. Prepare daily tracking reports to document debris removal_ DMS operations and final debris disposal for audit purposes, Maintain. a database of debr€s managed. costs incurred and reconcile debris removal contractor invoices. 17. Compile record& and assist the OWNER with the preparation of required farms for reimbursement. 1$. If requested by the OWNED, provide call center aper .tors to receive and process. calls from customers with disaster debris coIlection concerns w;Lhin the OWNER. 3. Collection Monitoring A. In order to obtain maximum reimbursement, all debris loads shall be monitored in the field by collection monitors to assure debris eligibility_ The CONSULTAN'r shall provide fully trained colleiAion monitors to assure proper and corripliant documentation protocols are instituted and followed B The C0N5ULTANT shall provide a field quality control team consisting of one field collection monitor per debris rernovnI crew and at least ane field supervisor for every five man itors unless otherwise approvod by rhe OVNER This team shall monitor the debris Gontractors for contract compliance_ efficiency and regulatory compliance_ The team shall provide daily f00 iback to the OWNER through their Project Manager. All field team members shall be equipped by 'he Attachment A Pagc 4 of 1 C1 CONSULTANT with the state-of-the-art technology which sh8ll include cameras. cornputors, communication devices with G PS. and other equipment as deemed necessary andfor appropriate. O The CON S U LTANT shall establish a Quality Control Program_ Examples of collection monitoring quality control t8sks Include, but are not limited to, the following - 'I. Verifying that all debris picked up is a direct result of the disaster 2_ Accurately recording the addresses, streets and locations where debris was collected, 3 Verifying that the debris rcr ioval contractor(s) are working in their assigned uollertiori areas and roads. 4. CONSULTANT shall stop work in progress irnmediately for improper r urMoring dGCLirnentation or work not being performed in the approved rnanner. The CONSULTANT shat immediately no;if the OWNER Debris Manager to review the rnatter and provide final roscalOtion. 5. Inspecting work in progress to assure that rernovaI eFForts include dehris of the proper type in the proper areas. 6. Assuring compliance with OWNER contracts by all debris removal contractors and subcontractors. 7. Identifying eligible stumps. hangers and leaners_ Coordinating whin the OWNER and federallstate representatives for elic9ibiIity determination and assure documentation (forms, photos, etc.) is oomploted for reirnburscment purposes - 8 Making all reasonable efforts to erasure that its employees and its subcontractor(s) are working in compliance with al federal, state, local safety regulations appropriate for the task being performed 9. C oordinating with the OWNER to res porld to problems in the field, such as property damage complaints, debris removal crew issues, other citizen complaints, etc. 10_ Neither the services performed by the CONSULTANT under this Agreement nor the prose n of CONSUt_7ANT nor its employees acrd subcontractors at any site in perform anrre of its services shall relieve debris removal contractor or their subcontractors, the OWNER or an5y other entity of their ot)Iigations duties and responsibilities with respect to jab site safety. ON S UI.TANT has no authority to a eroise any control over the ri�bris removal contractor or their subcantrarctors_ the OVVN F H or any other entity in con nectiof1 with any health or safety precautions. OWNER shaII have no responsibility for, advice on, or to issue directions regarding or assume control over safety precautions and programs in connection with the services performed by debris removal contractor or their subcontractors or any other entity except to the extent relating to C ON SU1-rANT's employees. 4, Autotnated Debris Management System (ARMS) A. Tho electronic debris rnanagernent system shall at a minimum create load tickets e€ectronicaIly eiliminating the need for hand written and scanned tickets. The system Features shall include the ,o€lowing: 1. Paperless electronic (handheld device) data collection , Database shall be internet accessible to subcontractors, OWNER, state, and other public, entities on a meed to know basis. AttachmentA Pa -ye 5 of 111 3. Minimal manual, entry of load ticket data fields. 4, Automation of debris pickup location through use of satellite I G PS technologies, 5. Evaluation of daily event status using web -based reporting and GIS tools. 6 Facilitation of contractor invoice reconciliation. FEMA documentation and applicant payment process enabled thru an integrated database management system. 5, Debris Management Site Monitoring A. The CONSULTANT shall be capable of conducting pre- and past -use environment'al monitoring of the temporary Debris Management Site (DMS) locations to detect environmental contamination of the DMS, present before use or after closeout of DMS operations_ if requested by the OWNER_ (Note= This is a service typically performed by the debris removal contractor.) B_ All debris collected and disposed of, and certifications of col Icotion vehicles shall be docurnented and nlorF to red by the CON SLJ LTA N'1'. The GONSU L 1 ANT shall assure that DMS and field collection monitors are deployed and operational commcrrsurate with the beginning of debris coIlection and the ostabIishment of debris site(s). . The CONSU LTANT shall provide DMS M0nitor.s to observe debris unloading oparntions at the OVV NER's designated DM S (s). CONSULTANT Evill provide DMS monitors avaitabie 24 flours per day. save days per week_ The OWNER will deterr nine hours of operation. A rninimum of two DMS monitors are required per debris site. These staff members, in conjunction w ith the project management team and the debris contractor, shall coordinatc the logistics of the DMS to ass ufe efficient traffic flaw and proper handling of load tickets that document data for FEMA reimbursement (such as vchicle volume: type of debris, etc.). The QDN S ULTANT shall observe vehicles entering and exiting the DVI S, and make reasonable efforts to ensuro that vehicles are in compliance With their trunk certifications (e. q., side boards in place, full tailgate, etc_). DMS monitors are expected to provide load quantifications consistent with FEMA monitors that may frequent the srte. D. The i3ONSULTANT's Project Manager or dosignee shall conduct field quality inspections to check and verify information on debris removal and at I AS locations throughout the OWNER. E. Examples of DMS monitoring tasks include but shall not be limited to: 1 Keeping accurate records of debris vehicles, cubic yard volume quantifications, time in and out, number of loads per day and other data as requestcd by OWNER. 2. Coordinating with local, state and federal agencios as needed for OM S on issues such as notification, obtaining permits_ determining reimbursement, etc. 3. providing preliminary assessment and documentation of DMS and assist in return of site to Anginal Conditions. 4. Providing personnel to supervise the operation or DMS including monitoring incoming loads of debris, processing of debris and outgoing loads of processed dcbflS. 5. Conducting end of day activities, such as verifying cornpletion of debris crew assignments, completing al record keeping, .and assuring that all vehicles have left the DMS_ Attachment A Page 6 of 10 6, Debris Vehicle & Equipment Certification A. All debris hauling vehicles and equipment shall be rneasured and certified prior to performing debris removal. The CONSULTANT sh211 complete a certification on each vehicle deemed appropriate for collection. In addition to completing vehicle certification forms, photo -graphs must be takers of each vehicle showing the vehicle number and type of vehicle. These photograpbs shall be attached with the certific�aticn. Original copies of these cer#ificaLions, iricluding photographs, shall be retained by the CON S U LTANT on behalf of the OWNER and provided to the OWNER upon their request or project completion. Additional copies shall be provided to the del3ris removal contractor and the vehicle driver. Once these vehicles are certified, random verificatians shall be perform(, -[i at each DMS to assure that no vehicle iY1odifications have been made and to confirm data accuracy. B. The CON SU LTANT shall measure the volume to the nearest cut)ic yard of usable space for each debris collection vehicle. The CONSULTANT shall corn piete a Vch idle Certification Form for each vehicle, The original Vehicle Certification Form shall bo delivered to the OWN I=R's Debris Manager or designee. T he Vehicle Certification Farm shall have the foIlwding information: 1 Vehicle inane, model 2. Length 3. idlh 4. Height 5. Volume in cubic yards 6. Weight in tans, if applicable 7. Tag number of vehicle 8. VIN number of vehicle 9. Vehicle type 10. Driver name 11. Sub -Contractor representative name 12. Certification monitor name certifying vehicle 13. Date 14. Vehicle certification nrtrnber C. When a certification rnortitor signs a vehicle certifica iurl. he or she is certifying that to the best of his or her knowledge and belief. the information is complete and correct. The certification monitor shall not sign or accept any partially completed information. The CG N5ULTANT's Project Manager or designee shall review all truck certification forms with the debr is contractor to assure cornpleteness and accuracy of each form before forwarding to the OVVNER's Project Manager or designee_ 7. Private Property Debris Removal and Demolition (if required) A. Authority - Sections 403(a)(3)(A) and 4 07 of the Stafford Act_ 42 U.S. C _ 5170(b) and 5173, respectively, provide FEMA authority to fund debris removal from private property provided that the State or local government arranges an unconditional authorization for removal of the debris, and agrees to indemnify tha Federal government against any claims arising from the removal. Arry State Mtachmcnt A Rage 7 of 10 or local government that intends to seek reimbursement to remove debris from private property within a designated area shall, prior to tyle Commerioernent of the work. submit a written request for reimbursement to, and receive approval from, the Federal Coordinating Officer (FC0). Specifics related to the request may be found in FEMA Disaster Assistance Policy 9523.13. The PCO rflust make the determination that such work is in the public interest (44 CFR 206.224). After receivinrg approval from the FCO, t17e State or local government may begin identifying properties and site- specific scopes of work for private properly debris removal, B. Private Property Deb rus Removal -- The GON S IJLTA N'r shall makce every reasonable effort to ensure that the debris removal contractor shall adhere to the -documentation requirements of FEMA 325, Debris Management Guide, Chapter 4. The CONSU LTANT shall assist the OWN ER in obtairiing a signed Bight-af-Entry and bold harmless (ROEJHH) agreemerit from each property owner where debris removal shall occur. Thi: ROE/Fl I -i agreement shall also include notification and acknowledgement related to potential dr:plivatinn of benefits related to insurance. 'rhe C 0 N S ULTANI shall take PhDtos of each prOperty to docurT)ent its condition prior to the- vrork and conduct a property -specific assessment to establish eligible items of work that pfesert an immediate threat to public health and safety. The GGN S ULTA NT shall take an additional photo to document the property's condition after conclusion or the debris removal process. Debris shall be quantified and monitored in the same manner as ricght-of -way debris once it (caves the private property loco#ion C. Demolition of Private Structures - The UON S U LTANT shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that the debris removal contractor shall adhere to the documentation req u i roM Cri ts of FEMA 325, Debris Management GLiide, Chapter 4_ The CONSULTANT shall assist the OW NER's faunal condemnation process as req LIired. The CONSULTANT shall assist the OWNER in getting �i signed R0ElHH agreement from each property owner where demolition shall occur. The C 0 NS ULTANT shall take photos of each property prior to demolition to doctiir.ent the condition of the property prior to comrnence+Hent of the work. The CONSULTANT shall take an additional photo to document the property's condition after the conclusion of the demolition and debris removal processes_ The OON S €1LTANT shall assist the OWNER -frith assessi,lents or athcr certifications that the structures are determined to be unsafe or pose an immediate threat to the public, based on local ordinances or building codes. The GO S ULTANT may 43ssist the OWNER with delivery of Natices of Demolition to available property owners, The C 0 N S U I TANT shall assist the OWNER with Notices of Intent io Demolish to be placed on each prol)crty to be demaIished. At ttic OWNr--R's request, the CCN 5 U LTANT shall conduct an environmental xeview for designated properties to assess potcnlial hazardous waste streams 8. Public Information Assistance A. rhe CON SU LTANT shall provide regular status updates, frequency determined by the OWNER, to the OWN ER's Debris Man,)ger for public information use_ B. The C0NSULTANT shall provide approlanate steff to assist with damage complaints resulting From the debris removal. Complaints shall be tracked and forwarded to the project managernent team to Attachment A page 8 Or 10 be resolved with the debris contractorfs). Upon request of the OWNER. the C Q N S ULTA NT may also be called upon to provide appropriate staffing of a customer call center to assist with public tele phonc inquirias, concorn� and complaints regarding debris removal operations. C. The CON S ULTANT shall provide* the OWNER's Debris Managcr and the debris ca n tracto r(s) with daily Disaster Debris Status Reports, in a forrnat to be approved by the OWNER. Each daily report shall contain the following: t, Overview of daily activities imludin9 status of damage complaints Cumulative debris totals by day Summary of mulch removal efforts (cumulative and by debris site) Summary of mixediconstruction & demolition removal efforts (curnulative and by debris site) turnp volume by site. if applicable This reporting is due no later than 12: 00 noon the following business day or as requcsted by the OWNER. Additional debris streams may be added on ori as -needed basis_ D. The ON UI -TAINT shall track overall collection status and include with the Daily Reports. 9, Database Reporting A. The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for collecting, Iuditing for completeness and accuracy, tabulating and organizing debris disposal data into electronic formats to support federal, state and local reimbufser'nents. and subsequent audits. li_ A single database shall be created by the CONSULTANT. This database shall include all information on debris removal and disposal includsrg but not limited to: t. Complete load ticket information, 2. Veh ic le certif ication infOIMatron, 3. Sturnp removal information, 4. Hanger removal data, 5_ Leaner removal information. 6. Other debris removal information as required 10, Payment Monitoring and Reconciliation Process The CONSULTANT shaJJ review, validate and reconcile debris removal contractor(s) invoices prior to submission to the OWNER for processing. Tyre CONSULTANT shall conduct a meeting at the beginning of the debris management operation to fully explain the process to the OWNER and debris removal contractors) representatives. All invoices from the debris rernoval contra( for(s) shall Ue directed to the CONSULTANT- Within sever,• {7) calorrdar days of receipt, the invoices shall be reviewed by the CON5ULTANT to be accepted or rejected. Tha CON S ULTA NT shall notify the OWNER and the debris contractor, the acceptance or rejection of the invoices. Once accepted invoices are reconciled the CoM';ULTA NT shall submit a payment recornmendatiori to the OWN E R. At€achrneiltA PagC 9 of 10 If the invoice is rejected, the monitoring CON S ULTANT shell clearly stake the reasons for rojec1ion and work with the debris contractor to resolve immediately. '17_ Other Related Services A Eve nF C losure: The C 0 NS ULTANT shaII assist the OWNER in preparing final reports necessary for reimbursement by FEMA and other applicable agencies. for disaster recovery efforts by OWNER staff and designated debris rnanagement contractors. The C10NSULTANT shall assis€ in rev ievring and processing regijests for payment by the debris rem�: ry al cowractor(s), B. Federal Funding: C C)NS JLTANT shall work on behalf of the QVVNER to provide applic8ble documentation, technical assistance, and rregotiaticns required TD eilaximize the eligible activities to be funded by the Pubic Assistance and 406 and 404 Grant Programs awarded to the State. If authorized by the OWN EH. CONSULTANT shall provide consultation and federal program expertise to identify all eligible activities for FEMA ,' FedcraI Funding to repair, restore, and mitigate the local public infrastructure impacted and vulnerable to the hazards of a current and future incidents. CONSULTANT shall work with the State Level Grantee and F EMA to maximize the eligible recovery and mitigation activities and shall assist in identifying other federal or state level funding sources that may a so be ubhzed such as the NRCS, HUD and U EFA. To ensure that processing of federal funding is ace wired as quickly as possible, the following information and its accuracy is the respo-isibility of the CONSULTANT: 1. Rev iowlreconciliation of du°ter.:.xxitractor invoices 2_ Monitoring information 3_ Completed !,road tickets 4_ CONSULTANT invoices 5_ Review of debris contractor equipment 110LIrs of operatio•i ; `or T&M work eNyj 6. Vehicle certifications C. C ompiiance: The CONSULTANT shall provide professional oversight to monitor compliance with local, state and fedora! regulations. The C 0NSLJL1 ANT shall stay current with FEMA policies and procedures and notify the OWN ER's Debris Manager immediately if changes occur during the recovery procoss. Al,aGhrn(<N A Pale 10 of 10