HomeMy Public PortalAbout04-24-2017 COW Agenda and Packet&RPPLWWHHRIWKH:KROH:RUNVKRSRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV 0RQGD\$SULO 30 :/RFNSRUW6WUHHW 3ODLQILHOG,/ ,QWKH%RDUGURRP $JHQGD $ &$//7225'(552//&$//3/('*( % $33529$/2)7+(0,187(6 %$SSURYDORIWKH0LQXWHV&RPPLWWHHRIWKH:KROH:RUNVKRSKHOGRQ$SULO &2:0LQXWHV & 35(6,'(17,$/&200(176 ' 75867((6&200(176 ( 38%/,&&200(176 PLQXWHV ) :25.6+23 )&21&(373/$15(9,(:±5,9(56721($1'%5800(/352326(' 5(6,'(17,$/'(9(/230(176 6WDIIDQGWKHDSSOLFDQWVDUHVHHNLQJLQSXWDQGGLUHFWLRQIURPWKH9LOODJH%RDU GRQWZR SURSRVHGUHVLGHQWLDOGHYHORSPHQWVLQWKHDUHDRIWK6WUHHWZHVWRI 1DSHUYLOOH3ODLQILHOG5RD G7KHFRQFHSWSODQVKDYHEHHQUHYLVHGWRLQFRUSRUDWH FRPPHQWVIURPWKH3ODQ&RPPLVVLRQDQG7UDIILF&RPPLWWHHDQGWKHDSSOLFDQWVDUH VHHNLQJLQSXWIURPWKH9LOODJH%RDU GSULRUWRSXUVXLQJIRUPDO]RQLQJDSSURYDOV 5LYHUVWRQHDQG%UXPPHO6WDII5HSRUW 5LYHUVWRQHDQG%UXPPHO6LWH3ODQV 5(0,1'(56 ‡ 0D\ 9LOODJH%RDUG0HHWLQJ±SP ‡ 0D\ 3ODQ&RPPLVVLRQ±SP ‡ 0D\ &RIIHHZLWKWKH0D\RU±DP 127('$7(&+$1*( ‡ 0D\ 1H[W&RPPLWWHHRIWKH:KROH:RUNVKRS±SP 1 &RPPLWWHHRIWKH:KROH:RUNVKRSRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI7UXVWHHV 3DJH 2 &RPPLWWHHRIWKH:KROH:RUNVKRSRIWKH 3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI7UXVWHHV $JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\0LFKHOOH*LEDV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH$SULO 68%-(&7 $SSURYDORIWKH0LQXWHV&RPPLWWHHRIWKH:KROH:RUNVKRSKHOGRQ$SULO 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 &2:0LQXWHV 3 Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Workshop of the President and the Board of Trustees Held on April 10, 2017 At Village Hall Mayor Collins called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Board Present: Trustee Bonuchi, Trustee Lamb, Trustee O’Rourke, Trustee Peck, Trustee Ruane, and Trustee Wojowski. Others present: Brian Murphy, Administrator; Michelle Gibas, Village Clerk; Allen Persons, Public Works Director; Jon Proulx, Planning Director; Ken Goska, Building Official; Traci Pleckham, Management Services Director; and Anthony Novak, Police Commander There were approximately 6 persons in the audience. Trustee Lamb moved to approve the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Workshop held on March 27, 2017. Second by Trustee Peck. Voice Vote. All in favor, 0 opposed. Motion carried. PRESIDENTIAL COMMENTS Mayor Collins congratulated the winners of the Consolidated Election. TRUSTEE COMMENTS Trustee Peck congratulated the winners of the Consolidated Election and stated that it was a pleasure to serve the past 8 years. Trustee Bonuchi thanked the Plainfield Junior Woman’s Club for placing the pinwheels by the Lincoln Highway Gazebo for Prevent Child Abuse Awareness Month. PUBLIC COMMENTS No Comments. WORKSHOP #1 SPRINGBANK/RIVERFRONT TRAIL Mr. Jon Proulx gave a presentation regarding a proposed plan to construct a regional trail extension from the downtown and Riverfront area to the southwest quadrant of the Village including the Springbank development. Mr. Proulx stated that staff has been coordinating with the Springbank developer, the Plainfield Park District, and other stakeholders to promote the trail project. The improvements would be constructed by the Springbank developer and would ultimately be maintained by the Plainfield Park District. The trail would be constructed on property owned by the Village of Plainfield, the Plainfield Park District, Plainfield Township, and within the Springbank development. Mr. Proulx reviewed the overall plan. Trustee Ruane stated that he is excited about the plan, but expressed some concerns regarding implementation, lighting, security measures, and storm retention. Trustee Ruane suggested including call centers for emergencies and also suggested incorporating the one-lane bridge into the plan. Trustee Ruane also suggested doing something, perhaps parking, at the end of Van Dyke Road so it is not a road that leads nowhere. Trustee O’Rourke expressed concern regarding congestion in the area and inquired about building a road as well as a path. There was some general discussion regarding the previous plan for the extension of Van Dyke Road. Mr. Carlo Capalbo, Executive Director for Plainfield Park District, addressed the restrictions regarding the Mathers Woods property. Trustee O’Rourke requested that staff provide the original plan for the extension. 4 Village of Plainfield Meeting Minutes – April 10, 2017 Page 2 Trustee Wojowski requested that the staff look at the costs for construction of the trail and make sure that it is in line with the original terms of the annexation agreement. Mr. Dean Edmeier, Springbank/North Branch Land Co. stated that the ballpark estimate for construction costs are $1.6 million and the developer will contribute 100% of the construction costs. Trustee Lamb stated that he is excited about the project and also agreed with Trustee Wojowski about the costs. Trustee Bonuchi stated that this is an important project and she supports it. Mayor Collins read the reminders. Trustee Lamb moved to adjourn. Second by Trustee O’Rourke. Voice Vote. All in favor, 0 opposed. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Michelle Gibas, Village Clerk 5 &RPPLWWHHRIWKH:KROH:RUNVKRSRIWKH 3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI7UXVWHHV $JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\-RQ3URXO[ 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ODQQLQJ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH$SULO 68%-(&7 &21&(373/$15(9,(:±5,9(56721($1'%5800(/352326('5(6,'(17,$/ '(9(/230(176 6WDIIDQGWKHDSSOLFDQWVDUHVHHNLQJLQSXWDQGGLUHFWLRQIURPWKH9LOODJH%RDU GRQWZRSURSRVHGUHVLGHQWLDO GHYHORSPHQWVLQWKHDUHDRIWK6WUHHWZHVWRI1DSHUYLOOH3ODLQILHOG5RD G7KHFRQFHSWSODQVKDYHEHHQUHYLVHGWR LQFRUSRUDWHFRPPHQWVIURPWKH3ODQ&RPPLVVLRQDQG7UDIILF&RPPLWWHHDQGWKHDSSOLFDQWVDUHVHHNLQJLQSXWIURPWKH 9LOODJH%RDU GSULRUWRSXUVXLQJIRUPDO]RQLQJDSSURYDOV 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 5LYHUVWRQHDQG%UXPPHO6WDII5HSRUW 5LYHUVWRQHDQG%UXPPHO6LWH3ODQV 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14