HomeMy Public PortalAbout05-01-2017 Village Board Agenda and Packet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±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¶V*DV1:DVKORFDWHGDW :/RFNSRUW 6W /HQQ\ V7HPSRUDU\2XW GRRU6DOHV %8,/',1*'(3$570(175(3257 %XLOGLQJDQG&RGH&RPSOLDQFH5HSRUWIRU0DUFK %XLOGLQJDQG&RGH&RPSOLDQFH5HSRUWIRU0DUFK 38%/,&:25.65(3257 32/,&(&+,() 65(3257 $77251(< 65(3257 5(0,1'(56 ‡ 0D\ 3ODQ&RPPLVVLRQ±SP ‡ 0D\ &RIIHHZLWKWKH0D\RU±DP 1RWHFKDQJHLQGDWH ‡ 0D\ &RPPLWWHHRIWKH:KROH:RUNVKRS±SP ‡ 0D\ +LVWRULF3UHVHUYDWLRQ&RPPLVVLRQ±SP ‡ 0D\ 1H[W9LOODJH%RDUG0HHWLQJ±SP 3/($6(-2,10$<25&2//,16$1'7+(%2$5'2)75867((6)25 5()5(6+(0(176 3 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\0LFKHOOH*LEDV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0D\ 68%-(&7 3UHVHQWDWLRQWRRXWJRLQJ%RDUG0HPEHU7RP5XDQH 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176  4 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\0LFKHOOH*LEDV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0D\ 68%-(&7 0LQXWHVRIWKH%RDUG0HHWLQJKHOGRQ$SULO 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 9LOODJH%RDUG0LQXWHV 5 VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD MEETING MINUTES APRIL 17, 2017 AT: VILLAGE HALL BOARD PRESENT: M.COLLINS, B.LAMB, E.O’ROURKE, G.PECK, T.RUANE, B.WOJOWSKI, AND M.BONUCHI. OTHERS PRESENT: B.MURPHY, ADMINISTRATOR; J.HARVEY, ATTORNEY; D.WOLD, ENGINEER; A.PERSONS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR; J.PROULX, PLANNING DIRECTOR; K.GOSKA, BUILDING OFFICIAL; T.PLECKHAM, MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR; AND J.KONOPEK, CHIEF OF POLICE. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL, PLEDGE Mayor Collins called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken, all Trustees were present. Mayor Collins led the Pledge of Allegiance. There were approximately 20 persons in the audience. PRESIDENTIAL COMMENTS Mayor Collins recognized Mark Stofko for his 31 years of service to the Village of Plainfield. TRUSTEES COMMENTS Trustee Lamb congratulated Mark Stofko on his retirement and thanked him for his service. Trustee Lamb also thanked Tom Ruane for his service to the Village. Trustee Bonuchi thanked Mark Stofko for his service. Trustee Wojowski thanked Mark Stofko for his service. Trustee Peck thanked Mark Stofko for his service. Trustee O’Rourke thanked Mark Stofko for his service. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 – 5 Minutes) No Comments. BUSINESS MEETING 1) APPROVAL OF AGENDA Trustee Lamb moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Trustee Peck. Vote by roll call. Lamb, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Peck, yes; Racich, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 2) CONSENT AGENDA Trustee Ruane moved to approve the Consent Agenda to include: a) Minutes of the Board Meeting held on April 3, 2017. b) Bills Paid and Bills Payable Reports for April 17, 2017. c) Cash & Investments, Revenue, and Expenditure Reports for March, 2017.6 Village of Plainfield Meeting Minutes – April 17, 2017 Page 2 d) Release of Subdivision Performance Bond No. 106526842, in the amount of $43,075.00, provided by G& H Developers to secure construction of public improvements on Lot 3 of the Meijer Plainfield Subdivision. Second by Trustee Lamb. Vote by roll call. Lamb, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Peck, yes; Racich, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 3) 15908 S LINCOLN HIGHWAY (PC CASE # 1752-013117.REZ/SU) Trustee Bonuchi moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3307, granting approval of the map amendment (re- zoning) of the parcel known of as 15908 S Lincoln Highway from B-1 to B-3. Second by Trustee Lamb. Vote by roll call. Lamb, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Peck, yes; Racich, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. Trustee Lamb moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3308, granting approval of the special use for an auto repair facility in the B-3 zoning district, for the property commonly known as 15908 S. Lincoln Highway. Second by Trustee Peck. Vote by roll call. Lamb, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Peck, yes; Racich, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 4) WILL KANKAKEE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Trustee Lamb moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3309, authorizing the ceding of private activity bonding authority to the Will Kankakee Regional Development Authority. Second by Trustee Peck. Mrs. Traci Pleckham stated that each year the Village, based on its Home Rule status and in accordance with the IRS Code, receives an allocation of private activity bonding cap (Volume Cap) from the State of Illinois. The Volume Cap can be used to issue tax exempt private activity bonds for certain qualifying low income housing and industrial projects. Consistent with past years, staff is recommending the allocation of the 2017 Volume Cap to the Will Kankakee Regional Development Authority (WRKDA) to support Plainfield and regional housing projects. Vote by roll call. Lamb, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Peck, yes; Racich, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT No Report. MANAGEMENT SERVICES REPORT No Report. ENGINEER’S REPORT No Report. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT No Report. 7 Village of Plainfield Meeting Minutes – April 17, 2017 Page 3 BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT No Report. PUBLIC WORKS REPORT Trustee Bonuchi moved to authorize the Village President to award the 2017 Landscape Maintenance Contract-IL Route 59 to Local Lawn Care and Landscaping, the low bidder, in the amount of $46,750.00. Second by Trustee Ruane. Vote by roll call. Lamb, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Peck, yes; Racich, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. POLICE CHIEF’S REPORT Trustee Lamb moved to authorize the Village President to execute a three-year service and license agreement with the Police Law Institute in the amount of $5,035.00 per year. Second by Trustee O’Rourke. Vote by roll call. Lamb, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Peck, yes; Racich, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. ATTORNEY’S REPORT No Report. Mayor Collins read the reminders. Trustee Peck moved to adjourn. Second by Trustee O’Rourke. Voice Vote. All in favor, 0 opposed. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m. Michelle Gibas, Village Clerk 8 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\7UDFL3OHFNKDP 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW0DQDJHPHQW6HUYLFHV'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0D\ 68%-(&7 %LOOV3DLGDQG%LOOV3D\DEOH5HSRUWVIRU0D\ 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 %LOOV3DLGDQG%LOO3D\DEOH5HSRUWVIRU0D\ 9 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice Amount10131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0191211 Edit 03/23/2017 04/30/2017 5,866.0810131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0191112 Edit 03/08/2017 04/30/2017 4,647.9312433 - HR GREEN, INC. 110543 Edit 03/16/2017 04/30/2017 4,185.5012254 - TRACY, JOHNSON & WILSON 7560-096L Edit 03/29/2017 04/30/2017 448.50Invoice Transactions4 $15,148.0110387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001355 Paid by EFT # 488 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 322.00Invoice Transactions1 $322.0010578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2017-00001342 Paid by Check # 113334 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 45,672.44Invoice Transactions1 $45,672.4410578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2017-00001342 Paid by Check # 113334 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 29,771.84Invoice Transactions1 $29,771.8410578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2017-00001342 Paid by Check # 113334 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 6,962.70Invoice Transactions1 $6,962.7010527 - ILL MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT REGULAR 2017-00001340 Paid by Check # 113332 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 60,311.47Invoice Transactions1 $60,311.4710949 - PLAINFIELD POLICE PEN ACCT#4236-2308 2017-00001346 Paid by Check # 113338 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 19,649.58Invoice Transactions1 $19,649.5810315 - DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENT ADVISORS 2017-00001338 Paid by Check # 113330 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 171,216.2010774 - METLIFE 2017-00001343 Paid by Check # 113335 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 18,505.7611758 - VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS-306593 2017-00001349 Paid by Check # 113341 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 81,927.20Invoice Transactions3 $271,649.16Primrose SchoolPrimrose SchoolPlaya VistaPrimrose SchoolAccount 0121.110 - Unbilled Receivable-Developer TotalsAccount 0201.999 - Miscellaneous Accounts PayableAccounts Payable by G/L Distribution ReportInvoice Due Date Range 04/18/17 - 05/01/17Invoice DescriptionFund 01 - General FundAccount 0121.110 - Unbilled Receivable-DeveloperAccount 0210.222 - FICA PayableFICA - FICA*Account 0210.222 - FICA Payable TotalsAccount 0210.223 - Medicare W/H PayableFICA - FICA*KaczankoAccount 0201.999 - Miscellaneous Accounts Payable TotalsAccount 0210.220 - Federal W/H PayableFICA - FICA*Account 0210.220 - Federal W/H Payable TotalsAccount 0210.238 - Police Pension W/H PayablePOL PEN - Police Pension AnnualAccount 0210.238 - Police Pension W/H Payable TotalsAccount 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan457-IPPFA-PCT - Deferred Comp IPPFA*Account 0210.223 - Medicare W/H Payable TotalsAccount 0210.237 - IMRF PayableIMRF - Illinois Municipal Retirement *Account 0210.237 - IMRF Payable Totals457-METLIFE-PCT - Deferred Comp Metlife*457-ICMA-FLAT - Deferred Comp ICMA*Account 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan TotalsAccount 0210.242 - Union Dues Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 1 of 20 10 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10778 - METROPOLITAN ALLIANCE OF POLICE 2017-00001344 Paid by Check # 113336 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 1,394.00Invoice Transactions1 $1,394.0011244 - UNITED WAY OF WILL COUNTY 2017-00001348 Paid by Check # 113340 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 69.98Invoice Transactions1 $69.9810030 - AFLAC 2017-00001337 Paid by Check # 113329 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 853.72Invoice Transactions1 $853.7210030 - AFLAC 2017-00001337 Paid by Check # 113329 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 386.02Invoice Transactions1 $386.0211124 - STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 2017-00001347 Paid by Check # 113339 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 3,957.83Invoice Transactions1 $3,957.8311272 - VSP 2017-00001351 Paid by Check # 113343 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 1,979.2211154 - SWAHM-KIM AUCHSTETTER 2017-00001375 Paid by EFT # 493 04/27/2017 04/27/2017 04/27/2017 153,664.17Invoice Transactions2 $155,643.3910427 - GLENN STREARNS, CHAPTER 13 TRUSTEE 2017-00001339 Paid by Check # 113331 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 313.85Invoice Transactions1 $313.8511266 - VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD 2017-00001350 Paid by Check # 113342 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 2,516.15Invoice Transactions1 $2,516.1511272 - VSP 2017-00001351 Paid by Check # 113343 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 359.8811154 - SWAHM-KIM AUCHSTETTER 2017-00001375 Paid by EFT # 493 04/27/2017 04/27/2017 04/27/2017 44,310.91Invoice Transactions2 $44,670.7910854 - NCPERS - IL IMRF 2017-00001345 Paid by Check # 113337 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 45.28Invoice Transactions1 $45.2810209 - CHOBAR'S TOWING 2017-00001395 Edit 03/31/2017 04/30/2017 250.0011204 - TODD'S BODY SHOP & TOWING 17-02913 Edit 02/11/2017 04/30/2017 125.0011204 - TODD'S BODY SHOP & TOWING 2017-00001396 Edit 03/31/2017 04/30/2017 250.00Account 0210.242 - Union Dues TotalsAccount 0210.243 - United Way DonationsUNITED WAY - United Way of Will CountyAccount 0210.243 - United Way Donations TotalsMAP - Metropolitan Alliance of PoliceAccount 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-Tax TotalsAccount 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance AssignmentCHILD SUPPORT - Child Support Wage Account 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance Assignment TotalsAccount 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-TaxAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*Account 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-Tax TotalsAccount 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-TaxAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*WAGE ASSIGN - Wage AssignmentsAccount 0210.248 - Wage Assignment TotalsAccount 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSAFSA MED PT - Discovery Benefits Medical*Account 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSA TotalsAccount 0210.247 - Employee Insurance BenefitVISION - Vision Insurance*May 2017 InsuranceAccount 0210.247 - Employee Insurance Benefit TotalsAccount 0210.248 - Wage AssignmentSUP LIFE INS - NCPERSAccount 0210.301 - Employee Life Insurance TotalsAccount 0220.250 - Police Tow Fee2 Tows- 3/1/17-3/31/17TowAccount 0210.299 - Payroll Insurance AdjustmentVISION - Vision Insurance*May 2017 InsuranceAccount 0210.299 - Payroll Insurance Adjustment TotalsAccount 0210.301 - Employee Life Insurance2 Tows- 3/1/17-3/31/17 Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 2 of 20 11 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions3 $625.0010923 - PETTY CASH 7756 Edit 08/10/2016 04/30/2017 20.00Invoice Transactions1 $20.0010188 - CATHY'S SWEET CREATIONS 41217 Edit 04/12/2017 04/30/2017 51.8412534 - CHAMBERS, CONLON & HARTWELL, LLC 1989 Edit 03/31/2017 04/30/2017 7,500.0011860 - KENDALL AREA TRANSIT 17-8 Edit 04/17/2017 04/30/2017 738.0010937 - PLAINFIELD AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2018-00000001 Edit 05/01/2017 05/01/2017 90.00Invoice Transactions4 $8,379.8410387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001355 Paid by EFT # 488 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 185.25Invoice Transactions1 $185.2512634 - GRUNDY BANK 2017-00001365 Paid by Check # 113353 04/20/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 16,463.68Invoice Transactions1 $16,463.68Invoice Transactions7 $25,048.7710387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001359 Paid by EFT # 491 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 246.90Invoice Transactions1 $246.9010923 - PETTY CASH 7751 Edit 05/25/2016 04/30/2017 2.41Invoice Transactions1 $2.4110387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001352 Paid by EFT # 485 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 70.5810891 - OFF THE PRESS 20932 Edit 04/06/2017 04/30/2017 55.6010923 - PETTY CASH 7755 Edit 08/02/2016 04/30/2017 13.9811938 - PITNEY BOWES, INC 2017-00001376 Edit 04/11/2017 04/30/2017 500.0012300 - SHAW MEDIA 0317100849203 Edit 03/31/2017 04/30/2017 43.8011278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3446111-0 Edit 04/13/2017 04/30/2017 2.3111278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3456735-0 Edit 04/24/2017 04/30/2017 6.21Invoice Transactions7 $692.4810387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001359 Paid by EFT # 491 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 88.74Invoice Transactions1 $88.74Gibas-Will-Grundy MtngAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 8070 - Public Relations4/12/17 CWMMarch 2017Account 0220.250 - Police Tow Fee TotalsUnit 04 - Administration/FinanceDivision 01 - Legislative ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingAccount 8074 - Cable TV TotalsAccount 8078 - Economic Incentive RebateBenson Family Development (1st Qtr Account 8078 - Economic Incentive Rebate TotalsPublic Relations5/17/17 -2016 Annual Awards DinnerAccount 8070 - Public Relations TotalsAccount 8074 - Cable TVKaczankoAccount 5000 - Building Maintenance SuppliesPlastic WrapAccount 5000 - Building Maintenance Supplies TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageDeboniDivision 01 - Legislative Program TotalsDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingMurphyAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 8070 - Public RelationsMurphyAccount 8070 - Public Relations TotalsOffice SuppliesGreeting CardsPostage Purchase 4/11/17Misc.Misc.Misc.Account 8135 - Contractual Services Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 3 of 20 12 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11838 - COMCAST - ACCOUNT #901868063 52105773 Edit 04/15/2017 04/30/2017 593.04Invoice Transactions1 $593.04Invoice Transactions11 $1,623.5710937 - PLAINFIELD AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2018-00000001 Edit 05/01/2017 05/01/2017 45.00Invoice Transactions1 $45.0010923 - PETTY CASH 7758 Edit 10/19/2016 04/30/2017 12.48Invoice Transactions1 $12.4810387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001352 Paid by EFT # 485 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 42.50Invoice Transactions1 $42.5010387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001352 Paid by EFT # 485 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 550.00Invoice Transactions1 $550.00Invoice Transactions4 $649.9810623 - CINTAS FIRE PROTECTION OF94506153 Edit 04/05/2017 04/30/2017 90.3010441 - GRAYBAR 990517195 Edit 03/24/2017 04/30/2017 522.9910923 - PETTY CASH 7398 Edit 05/02/2016 04/30/2017 1.5710923 - PETTY CASH 7761 Edit 02/17/2017 04/30/2017 5.4311278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3446111-0 Edit 04/13/2017 04/30/2017 60.5811278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3455197-0 Edit 04/21/2017 04/30/2017 31.0811278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3456735-0 Edit 04/24/2017 04/30/2017 149.81Invoice Transactions7 $861.7611195 - THOMPSON ELEVATOR INSPECTION 17-1181 Edit 04/15/2017 04/30/2017 100.00Invoice Transactions1 $100.00Invoice Transactions8 $961.7610387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001353 Paid by EFT # 486 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 55.4111278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT C3433466-1 Edit 04/21/2017 04/30/2017 (18.05)Invoice Transactions2 $37.3610923 - PETTY CASH 7752 Edit 06/02/2016 04/30/2017 28.3810923 - PETTY CASH 7753 Edit 06/02/2016 04/30/2017 23.00Invoice Transactions2 $51.3810194 - CERTIF-A-GIFT COMPANY 1729671 Edit 04/18/2017 04/30/2017 230.76Division 03 - Community Relations ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/Training5/17/17 -2016 Annual Awards DinnerAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageMisc.Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsDivision 02 - Administration Program TotalsGlass CleanerAccount 8072 - Settler's ParkDeboniAccount 8072 - Settler's Park TotalsDivision 03 - Community Relations Program TotalsEarly VotingAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 8070 - Public RelationsDeboniAccount 8070 - Public Relations TotalsMisc.Building Maintenance Misc.Account 5000 - Building Maintenance Supplies TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesDivision 04 - Facility Management ProgramAccount 5000 - Building Maintenance SuppliesBuilding Maintenance Settler's Park FountainBaking SodaAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostagePleckhamOffice SuppliesAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 8070 - Public RelationsContractual ServicesAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsDivision 04 - Facility Management Program TotalsDivision 06 - Human Resources ProgramWellness Kick-OffWellness Kick-OffAccount 8070 - Public Relations TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesContractual Services Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 4 of 20 13 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11054 - SELECTION.COM 298690 Edit 04/13/2017 04/30/2017 72.00Invoice Transactions2 $302.76Invoice Transactions6 $391.5012633 - MICHAEL YOCIUS 2017-00001363 Paid by Check # 113351 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 1,668.66Invoice Transactions1 $1,668.6610387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001355 Paid by EFT # 488 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 350.7710923 - PETTY CASH 7759 Edit 11/17/2016 04/30/2017 3.24Invoice Transactions2 $354.0110387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001355 Paid by EFT # 488 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 47.67Invoice Transactions1 $47.6710387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001355 Paid by EFT # 488 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 249.5010119 - ITSAVVY 00948295 Edit 04/17/2017 04/30/2017 125.05Invoice Transactions2 $374.5510387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001355 Paid by EFT # 488 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 270.61Invoice Transactions1 $270.61Invoice Transactions7 $2,715.50Invoice Transactions43 $31,391.0810387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001354 Paid by EFT # 487 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 714.1110924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7733 Paid by Check # 113349 04/11/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 19.7110924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7734 Paid by Check # 113349 04/12/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 43.78Invoice Transactions3 $777.6010858 - NEOPOST USA 2017-00001386 Edit 04/17/2017 04/30/2017 72.0010891 - OFF THE PRESS 20926 Edit 04/06/2017 04/30/2017 12.00Invoice Transactions2 $84.0010226 - CLEAN IMAGE CAR WASH 5254 Edit 04/04/2017 04/30/2017 3.09Invoice Transactions1 $3.0911982 - MAILFINANCE N6483975 Edit 04/05/2017 04/30/2017 346.35Invoice Transactions1 $346.35Contractual ServicesAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsDivision 06 - Human Resources Program TotalsDivision 08 - IT ProgramNeedle-Nose PliersAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 8030 - Server/Network SuppliesKaczankoAccount 8030 - Server/Network Supplies TotalsAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingGIS User's ConferenceAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageKaczankoKaczankoAccount 9111 - Computers TotalsDivision 08 - IT Program TotalsUnit 04 - Administration/Finance TotalsAccount 8031 - Software Licensing/RenewalsKaczankoAdobe Acrobat Pro CC Account 8031 - Software Licensing/Renewals TotalsAccount 9111 - ComputersUnit 05 - Police DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingKonopekTele Comm WeekAnnual Awards Account 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwasAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease Customer # 00318348Account 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageAcct # 77900 0443 9408 6510Buonamici BCAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease Totals Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 5 of 20 14 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001354 Paid by EFT # 487 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 254.3610924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7735 Paid by Check # 113349 04/12/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 96.1110018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 631389/6 Edit 04/14/2017 04/30/2017 4.5910092 - ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES 541757 Edit 04/11/2017 04/30/2017 165.8610093 - ARBOR TEK SERVICES, INC. 2017-00001397 Edit 04/11/2017 04/30/2017 2,043.0010093 - ARBOR TEK SERVICES, INC. 2017-00001398 Edit 04/11/2017 04/30/2017 1,557.0010623 - CINTAS FIRE PROTECTION OF94506068 Edit 04/04/2017 04/30/2017 587.5811450 - FACILITY SUPPLY SYSTEMS, INC 40561 Edit 04/05/2017 04/30/2017 549.8510449 - H & N PLUMBING & HEATING 14167 Edit 04/10/2017 04/30/2017 4,600.0010767 - MENARDS, INC. 05349 Edit 04/07/2017 04/30/2017 69.84Invoice Transactions10 $9,928.19Invoice Transactions17 $11,139.2310387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001354 Paid by EFT # 487 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 1,735.0710924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7728 Paid by Check # 113349 03/27/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 32.5210924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7729 Paid by Check # 113349 03/28/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 32.5210924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7732 Paid by Check # 113349 04/07/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 15.00 WHICH WICH 2017-00001360 Paid by Check # 113352 04/12/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 85.5012545 - SAFE KIDS WORLDWIDE 2017-00001391 Edit 04/20/2017 04/30/2017 50.00Invoice Transactions6 $1,950.6111838 - COMCAST - ACCOUNT #901868063 52105773 Edit 04/15/2017 04/30/2017 593.03Invoice Transactions1 $593.0310858 - NEOPOST USA 2017-00001386 Edit 04/17/2017 04/30/2017 3.89Invoice Transactions1 $3.8910010 - A.T. KULOVITZ & ASSOCIATES, INC 17-106 Edit 04/10/2017 04/30/2017 1,155.00Invoice Transactions1 $1,155.0010226 - CLEAN IMAGE CAR WASH 5254 Edit 04/04/2017 04/30/2017 127.0012264 - WEX BANK 49269915 Edit 03/31/2017 04/30/2017 79.37Invoice Transactions2 $206.3712212 - ALL ECO CLEANERS 219007 Edit 04/07/2017 04/30/2017 12.0012212 - ALL ECO CLEANERS 218103 Edit 03/17/2017 04/30/2017 3.0010413 - GALLS INC. 007276219 Edit 03/31/2017 04/30/2017 127.09HP PumpAccount 8040 - CustodianKonopekKitchen Re-StockCustodianNorthern IL Critical Incident DebriefingCustodianAccount 8040 - Custodian TotalsDivision 02 - Administration Program TotalsDivision 51 - Police OperationsCustomer # 422192017 Turf Care Program2017 Plant Healthcare ProgramCustodianCustodianRecertification-Brian HeathAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetMisc.Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingKonopekALICE TrainingALICE TrainingMental Health Account 5010 - Replacement Supplies TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwasAcct # 0496-00-189710-Account 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageAcct # 77900 0443 9408 6510Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5010 - Replacement SuppliesReplacement SuppliesAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsUniformsUniforms Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 6 of 20 15 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10608 - JCM UNIFORMS 730005 Edit 04/07/2017 04/30/2017 294.0010608 - JCM UNIFORMS 730445 Edit 04/07/2017 04/30/2017 10.0010997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1718766-IN Edit 04/04/2017 04/30/2017 309.0010997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1718464-IN Edit 04/03/2017 04/30/2017 299.0010997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1718462-IN Edit 04/03/2017 04/30/2017 110.0010997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1719501-IN Edit 04/07/2017 04/30/2017 32.9910997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1719499-IN Edit 04/07/2017 04/30/2017 254.5510997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1719246-IN Edit 04/06/2017 04/30/2017 199.00Invoice Transactions11 $1,650.6310924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7731 Paid by Check # 113349 04/03/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 32.99Invoice Transactions1 $32.9910894 - OHIO CALIBRATION LABORATORIES 22645 Edit 04/03/2017 04/30/2017 103.0010894 - OHIO CALIBRATION LABORATORIES 22646 Edit 04/03/2017 04/30/2017 60.00Invoice Transactions2 $163.0011689 - FMP 53-242787 Edit 03/30/2017 04/30/2017 100.2012181 - HARMONIC DESIGN 7314 Edit 03/31/2017 04/30/2017 190.0010666 - K-M TIRE 421342025 Edit 03/22/2017 04/30/2017 256.0011872 - MERLIN 200,000 MILE SHOPS 46105 Edit 03/21/2017 04/30/2017 49.0011872 - MERLIN 200,000 MILE SHOPS 46262 Edit 03/29/2017 04/30/2017 49.9911204 - TODD'S BODY SHOP & TOWING 14771 Edit 03/17/2017 04/30/2017 5,000.00Invoice Transactions6 $5,645.19Invoice Transactions31 $11,400.7112336 - LEADS ONLINE 238929 Edit 05/01/2017 05/01/2017 418.00Invoice Transactions1 $418.0010858 - NEOPOST USA 2017-00001386 Edit 04/17/2017 04/30/2017 11.27Invoice Transactions1 $11.2710226 - CLEAN IMAGE CAR WASH 5254 Edit 04/04/2017 04/30/2017 21.6012264 - WEX BANK 49269915 Edit 03/31/2017 04/30/2017 38.32Invoice Transactions2 $59.9211085 - SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LABORATORIES 0295459-IN Edit 03/30/2017 04/30/2017 1,512.2411238 - ULINE 85610679 Edit 03/29/2017 04/30/2017 1,355.33Invoice Transactions2 $2,867.5710387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001354 Paid by EFT # 487 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 45.80UniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsAccount 5115.001 - Traffic ProgramsAnnual CertificationAnnual CertificationAccount 5115.001 - Traffic Programs TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 5100 - Ammunition/WeaponsLess Lethal SuppliesAccount 5100 - Ammunition/Weapons TotalsVehicle MaintenanceM-17M-45M-45M-10Repairs for M-10Leadership Conference-Account 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageAcct # 77900 0443 9408 6510Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsDivision 51 - Police Operations TotalsDivision 52 - Police AdministrationAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingSuppliesSuppliesAccount 5040.002 - Crime Scene/Evidence Tech Supply TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease KonopekAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwasAcct # 0496-00-189710-Account 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5040.002 - Crime Scene/Evidence Tech Supply Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 7 of 20 16 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions1 $45.8010487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535708681149 Edit 03/27/2017 04/30/2017 31.3210487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535708640858 Edit 03/27/2017 04/30/2017 271.3010487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535708760600 Edit 03/28/2017 04/30/2017 78.1810487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535708858770 Edit 03/29/2017 04/30/2017 24.4610487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535709381494 Edit 04/03/2017 04/30/2017 446.5211689 - FMP 53-242787 Edit 03/30/2017 04/30/2017 23.3810666 - K-M TIRE 421343177 Edit 03/27/2017 04/30/2017 880.00Invoice Transactions7 $1,755.1610387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001354 Paid by EFT # 487 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 78.00Invoice Transactions1 $78.00Invoice Transactions15 $5,235.7210858 - NEOPOST USA 2017-00001386 Edit 04/17/2017 04/30/2017 194.27Invoice Transactions1 $194.2710608 - JCM UNIFORMS 730448 Edit 04/07/2017 04/30/2017 20.0010608 - JCM UNIFORMS 730447 Edit 04/07/2017 04/30/2017 30.00Invoice Transactions2 $50.00Invoice Transactions3 $244.2710387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001354 Paid by EFT # 487 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 227.69Invoice Transactions1 $227.6910858 - NEOPOST USA 2017-00001386 Edit 04/17/2017 04/30/2017 .9811938 - PITNEY BOWES, INC 3101170607 Edit 04/09/2017 04/30/2017 61.71Invoice Transactions2 $62.6910226 - CLEAN IMAGE CAR WASH 5254 Edit 04/04/2017 04/30/2017 18.50Invoice Transactions1 $18.5011689 - FMP 53-242787 Edit 03/30/2017 04/30/2017 16.7012247 - ROCKDALE AUTOMOTIVE 37481 Edit 03/29/2017 04/30/2017 1,357.51Invoice Transactions2 $1,374.21M-190M-199Vehicle MaintenanceM-190Account 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceM-190M-190Division 53 - Police RecordsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageAcct # 77900 0443 9408 6510Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingAccount 8250 - Background Check ServicesKonopekAccount 8250 - Background Check Services TotalsDivision 52 - Police Administration TotalsDivision 56 - Community ServicesAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingKonopekAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageUniformsUniformsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsDivision 53 - Police Records TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceM-31Account 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsAcct # 77900 0443 9408 6510Acct # 0018132288Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/Carwas Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 8 of 20 17 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description12024 - AURELIOS PIZZA 2017-00001361 Paid by Check # 113344 04/13/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 495.00Invoice Transactions1 $495.00Invoice Transactions7 $2,178.0910858 - NEOPOST USA 2017-00001386 Edit 04/17/2017 04/30/2017 317.59Invoice Transactions1 $317.5911297 - THOMSON REUTERS-WEST PUBLISHING CO 835954665 Edit 04/04/2017 04/30/2017 343.0011297 - THOMSON REUTERS-WEST PUBLISHING CO 835869538 Edit 03/31/2017 04/30/2017 457.93Invoice Transactions2 $800.93DAWN FENNER 2017-00001335 Paid by Check # 113327 04/18/2017 04/18/2017 04/18/2017 189.00TRACY HOYT 2017-00001336 Paid by Check # 113328 04/18/2017 04/18/2017 04/18/2017 368.5510924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7730 Paid by Check # 113349 03/28/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 25.00Invoice Transactions3 $582.55Invoice Transactions6 $1,701.0710387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001354 Paid by EFT # 487 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 109.1110924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7727 Paid by Check # 113349 03/23/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 34.5911204 - TODD'S BODY SHOP & TOWING 2017-00001394 Edit 04/16/2017 04/30/2017 797.50 UIC 2017-00001400 Edit 04/11/2017 04/30/2017 150.00Invoice Transactions4 $1,091.20Invoice Transactions4 $1,091.20Invoice Transactions83 $32,990.2910937 - PLAINFIELD AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 28851 Edit 04/24/2017 04/30/2017 90.00Invoice Transactions1 $90.0010058 - AMERICAN MESSAGING U1165213RD Edit 04/15/2017 04/30/2017 164.38Invoice Transactions1 $164.3810387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001354 Paid by EFT # 487 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 147.76Division 57 - Court ServicesAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageAcct # 77900 0443 9408 6510Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsAccount 8266 - Chaplaincy ProgramChaplins Police WeekAccount 8266 - Chaplaincy Program TotalsDivision 56 - Community Services TotalsHearing TranscriptSubpoena-Case # 17-Account 8065 - Legal Fees TotalsDivision 57 - Court Services TotalsDuesDuesAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsAccount 8065 - Legal FeesHearing TranscriptDivision 93 - ContingenciesAccount 9300 - ContingenciesKonopekSommerfeld Farewell Incident Report # 17-2581Invoice # H0045Unit 07 - PEMADivision 07 - PEMA ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingAnnual Awards DinnerAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 9300 - Contingencies TotalsDivision 93 - Contingencies TotalsUnit 05 - Police Department TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersCell PhonesAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5010 - Replacement SuppliesKonopek Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 9 of 20 18 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10623 - CINTAS FIRE PROTECTION OF94506152 Edit 04/05/2017 04/30/2017 259.7410767 - MENARDS, INC. 05390 Edit 04/08/2017 04/30/2017 40.94Invoice Transactions3 $448.4410387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001354 Paid by EFT # 487 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 202.30Invoice Transactions1 $202.3010226 - CLEAN IMAGE CAR WASH 5254 Edit 04/04/2017 04/30/2017 27.77Invoice Transactions1 $27.7710413 - GALLS INC. 007248563 Edit 03/28/2017 04/30/2017 420.0010997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1719247-IN Edit 04/06/2017 04/30/2017 310.00Invoice Transactions2 $730.0012536 - ILLINOIS SECRETARY OF STATE 2017-00001362 Paid by Check # 113347 04/18/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 101.0010487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535708258459 Edit 03/23/2017 04/30/2017 182.2310209 - CHOBAR'S TOWING 11123 Edit 03/24/2017 04/30/2017 100.0011689 - FMP 53-242787 Edit 03/30/2017 04/30/2017 20.0410666 - K-M TIRE 421343175 Edit 03/27/2017 04/30/2017 203.8610700 - LEACH ENTERPRISES, INC 907172 Edit 03/27/2017 04/30/2017 11.8611273 - W.S. DARLEY & CO. 17261691 Edit 04/07/2017 04/30/2017 1,866.8511273 - W.S. DARLEY & CO. 17280494 Edit 03/31/2017 04/30/2017 62.9010139 - WEBB CHEVROLET PLAINFIELD 46006126/1 Edit 12/29/2016 04/30/2017 125.00Invoice Transactions9 $2,673.7410387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001354 Paid by EFT # 487 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 2,471.6011238 - ULINE 85908642 Edit 04/07/2017 04/30/2017 1,244.71Invoice Transactions2 $3,716.31Invoice Transactions20 $8,052.94Invoice Transactions20 $8,052.9410387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001356 Paid by EFT # 489 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 1,181.25Invoice Transactions1 $1,181.2511838 - COMCAST - ACCOUNT #901868063 52105773 Edit 04/15/2017 04/30/2017 593.03Invoice Transactions1 $593.0310013 - A-BEEP 73314 Edit 04/14/2017 04/30/2017 151.30Invoice Transactions1 $151.30Customer # 16424Replacement SuppliesAccount 5010 - Replacement Supplies TotalsAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsKonopekAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsUniformsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwasAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsRenewal P-1P-11P-2Vehicle MaintenanceP-14Vehicle MaintenanceKonopekMachinery & EquipmentAccount 9120 - Machinery and Equipment TotalsDivision 07 - PEMA Program TotalsP-88 & P-63P-88P-2Account 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsAccount 9120 - Machinery and EquipmentAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetMisc.Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsUnit 07 - PEMA TotalsUnit 08 - Street DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingPersonsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersCell PhonesAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers Totals Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 10 of 20 19 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11938 - PITNEY BOWES, INC 3101170607 Edit 04/09/2017 04/30/2017 61.71Invoice Transactions1 $61.7110387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001356 Paid by EFT # 489 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 40.00Invoice Transactions1 $40.00Invoice Transactions5 $2,027.2912202 - ENERGY.ME 2017-00001364 Paid by Check # 113345 01/31/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 477.0410238 - COMED 2017-00001371 Edit 04/18/2017 04/30/2017 20.9810238 - COMED 2017-00001379 Edit 04/19/2017 04/30/2017 477.81Invoice Transactions3 $975.8310767 - MENARDS, INC. 05319 Edit 04/07/2017 04/30/2017 42.9010767 - MENARDS, INC. 01065 Edit 01/23/2017 04/30/2017 30.6910767 - MENARDS, INC. 02879 Edit 02/24/2017 04/30/2017 10.4510767 - MENARDS, INC. 00065 Edit 01/06/2017 04/30/2017 21.51Invoice Transactions4 $105.5510003 - 3M PCX8383 SS56450 Edit 04/06/2017 04/30/2017 247.5010767 - MENARDS, INC. 05495 Edit 04/10/2017 04/30/2017 30.7110767 - MENARDS, INC. 05608 Edit 04/12/2017 04/30/2017 3.4811207 - TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC 89353 Edit 04/05/2017 04/30/2017 1,135.9511207 - TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC 89354 Edit 04/05/2017 04/30/2017 508.00Invoice Transactions5 $1,925.6410218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344555994 Edit 04/20/2017 04/30/2017 51.4210218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344552581 Edit 04/13/2017 04/30/2017 51.42Invoice Transactions2 $102.8410487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535710182132 Edit 04/11/2017 04/30/2017 46.9111020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 153065 Edit 04/11/2017 04/30/2017 22.5011020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 153094 Edit 04/11/2017 04/30/2017 77.97Invoice Transactions3 $147.3812493 - HD TRUCK EQUIPMENT 5832 Edit 02/08/2017 04/30/2017 23.3610760 - MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY 678858 Edit 03/31/2017 04/30/2017 750.0010760 - MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY 676928 Edit 03/29/2017 04/30/2017 405.6210760 - MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY 676929 Edit 03/29/2017 04/30/2017 543.62Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashPersonsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageAcct # 0018132288Acct # 0768154178Account 4015 - Electricity/Gas TotalsAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwareSuppliesSuppliesDivision 02 - Administration Program TotalsDivision 60 - Street Maintenance ProgramAccount 4015 - Electricity/GasCustomer # 35675970Acct # 9201675004Street Sign MaintenanceStreet Sign MaintenanceStreet Sign MaintenanceStreet Sign MaintenanceAccount 5055 - Street Sign Maintenance TotalsSuppliesSuppliesAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware TotalsAccount 5055 - Street Sign MaintenanceStreet Sign MaintenanceUnit # 1031Vehicle MaintenanceUnit # 1031Account 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsAccount 8130 - Street Light MaintenanceAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsUniformsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceStreet Light Maintenance Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 11 of 20 20 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10760 - MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY 676930 Edit 03/29/2017 04/30/2017 225.7910767 - MENARDS, INC. 05265 Edit 04/06/2017 04/30/2017 24.9010767 - MENARDS, INC. 05563 Edit 04/11/2017 04/30/2017 77.68Invoice Transactions7 $2,050.9710381 - FERRO ASPHALT CORPORATION 31491 Edit 04/10/2017 04/30/2017 700.00Invoice Transactions1 $700.0010623 - CINTAS FIRE PROTECTION OF94506069 Edit 04/04/2017 04/30/2017 395.4010886 - NUISANCE WILDLIFE CONTROL 2017-23 Edit 04/12/2017 04/30/2017 400.0012300 - SHAW MEDIA 0317100849203 Edit 03/31/2017 04/30/2017 168.79Invoice Transactions3 $964.1910018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 631374/6 Edit 04/12/2017 04/30/2017 9.4810018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 631361/6 Edit 04/10/2017 04/30/2017 11.8310018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 631365/6 Edit 04/11/2017 04/30/2017 9.1810018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 631366/6 Edit 04/11/2017 04/30/2017 2.4910487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535710159411 Edit 04/11/2017 04/30/2017 4.6011995 - FLEETPRIDE 84167547 Edit 04/11/2017 04/30/2017 97.7211399 - FUNK'S MORRIS TRAILER SALES INC 635133 Edit 04/17/2017 04/30/2017 15.8010421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 833852 Edit 04/14/2017 04/30/2017 40.1010441 - GRAYBAR 990406162 Edit 03/20/2017 04/30/2017 3,710.2510613 - JIM'S TRUCK INSPECTION & REPAIR 166247 Edit 04/13/2017 04/30/2017 30.0010613 - JIM'S TRUCK INSPECTION & REPAIR 166248 Edit 04/13/2017 04/30/2017 30.0010700 - LEACH ENTERPRISES, INC 907804 Edit 04/06/2017 04/30/2017 30.6610700 - LEACH ENTERPRISES, INC 908036 Edit 04/11/2017 04/30/2017 18.7910700 - LEACH ENTERPRISES, INC 908089 Edit 04/12/2017 04/30/2017 30.6410700 - LEACH ENTERPRISES, INC 908246 Edit 04/14/2017 04/30/2017 40.7011307 - WHOLESALE DIRECT INC. 000226971 Edit 04/04/2017 04/30/2017 430.6311307 - WHOLESALE DIRECT INC. 000227044 Edit 04/07/2017 04/30/2017 9.36Invoice Transactions17 $4,522.23Invoice Transactions45 $11,494.6310018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 631382/6 Edit 04/13/2017 04/30/2017 15.75Invoice Transactions1 $15.7510093 - ARBOR TEK SERVICES, INC. 14684 Edit 04/07/2017 04/30/2017 740.00Invoice Transactions1 $740.00Invoice Transactions2 $755.75Invoice Transactions52 $14,277.67Street Light MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesContractual ServicesContractual ServicesMisc.Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsStreet Light MaintenanceAccount 8130 - Street Light Maintenance TotalsAccount 8131 - Street MaintenanceStreet MaintenanceAccount 8131 - Street Maintenance TotalsAccount 8160 - Equipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceUnit #1065Equipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceSettlers Park Fountain Equipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceSuppliesAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware TotalsAccount 8135.002 - Tree RemovalHazard RemovalAccount 8135.002 - Tree Removal TotalsAccount 8160 - Equipment Maintenance TotalsDivision 60 - Street Maintenance Program TotalsDivision 62 - Forestry ProgramAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwareDivision 62 - Forestry Program TotalsUnit 08 - Street Department TotalsUnit 09 - Community Development Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 12 of 20 21 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001358 Paid by EFT # 490 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 80.0010937 - PLAINFIELD AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2018-00000001 Edit 05/01/2017 05/01/2017 45.00Invoice Transactions2 $125.0010891 - OFF THE PRESS 20932 Edit 04/06/2017 04/30/2017 55.6010953 - PLAINFIELD SIGNS, INC. 15662B Edit 04/07/2017 04/30/2017 215.0012300 - SHAW MEDIA 0317100849203 Edit 03/31/2017 04/30/2017 214.2111278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3421876-0 Edit 03/24/2017 04/30/2017 90.5911278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3457496-0 Edit 04/25/2017 04/30/2017 160.33Invoice Transactions5 $735.7310514 - ICSC 2018-00000002 Edit 05/01/2017 05/01/2017 135.0010547 - ILLINOIS NOTARY DISCOUNT BONDING CO. 2017-00001383 Edit 04/24/2017 04/30/2017 5.95Invoice Transactions2 $140.9510131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0191212 Edit 03/25/2017 04/30/2017 52.14Invoice Transactions1 $52.14Invoice Transactions10 $1,053.8212628 - ROBERT MITCHELL 2017-00001388 Edit 04/20/2017 04/30/2017 20.0011108 - LONNIE SPIRES 2017-00001387 Edit 04/20/2017 04/30/2017 20.00Invoice Transactions2 $40.0010891 - OFF THE PRESS 20932 Edit 04/06/2017 04/30/2017 55.6010891 - OFF THE PRESS 20933 Edit 04/06/2017 04/30/2017 45.0010923 - PETTY CASH 7760 Edit 12/19/2016 04/30/2017 2.3811938 - PITNEY BOWES, INC 3101170607 Edit 04/09/2017 04/30/2017 61.71Invoice Transactions4 $164.6910268 - CROSSROADS AUTO SPA, INC. 2017-00001392 Edit 02/02/2017 04/30/2017 11.00Invoice Transactions1 $11.00Invoice Transactions7 $215.69Invoice Transactions17 $1,269.51Invoice Transactions243 $747,944.70Account 3000 - Travel/TrainingProulx5/17/17 -2016 Annual Awards DinnerAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageDivision 20 - Planning ProgramAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsRenewal 5/31/17-5/31/20Balance Due-Tracey EricksonAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsOffice SuppliesOffice SuppliesMisc.Office SuppliesOffice SuppliesAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsDivision 21 - Building ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingSBOC ConferenceSBOC ConferenceAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 8225 - Engineering FeesPlaya Vista FPRAccount 8225 - Engineering Fees TotalsDivision 20 - Planning Program TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashSale ID 41284743936Account 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsDivision 21 - Building Program TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageOffice SuppliesMcGregor BCPostage Due Acct # 0018132288Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsUnit 09 - Community Development TotalsFund 01 - General Fund TotalsFund 02 - Water and Sewer FundAccount 0210.220 - Federal W/H Payable Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 13 of 20 22 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2017-00001342 Paid by Check # 113334 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 6,031.96Invoice Transactions1 $6,031.9610578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2017-00001342 Paid by Check # 113334 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 4,259.57Invoice Transactions1 $4,259.5710578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2017-00001342 Paid by Check # 113334 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 996.20Invoice Transactions1 $996.2010527 - ILL MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT REGULAR 2017-00001340 Paid by Check # 113332 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 19,285.63Invoice Transactions1 $19,285.6310315 - DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENT ADVISORS 2017-00001338 Paid by Check # 113330 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 20,480.7210774 - METLIFE 2017-00001343 Paid by Check # 113335 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 12,195.7211758 - VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS-306593 2017-00001349 Paid by Check # 113341 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 10,923.42Invoice Transactions3 $43,599.8611244 - UNITED WAY OF WILL COUNTY 2017-00001348 Paid by Check # 113340 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 10.02Invoice Transactions1 $10.0210030 - AFLAC 2017-00001337 Paid by Check # 113329 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 90.34Invoice Transactions1 $90.3410030 - AFLAC 2017-00001337 Paid by Check # 113329 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 64.45Invoice Transactions1 $64.4511124 - STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 2017-00001347 Paid by Check # 113339 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 852.53Invoice Transactions1 $852.5311272 - VSP 2017-00001351 Paid by Check # 113343 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 268.6811154 - SWAHM-KIM AUCHSTETTER 2017-00001375 Paid by EFT # 493 04/27/2017 04/27/2017 04/27/2017 17,024.92Invoice Transactions2 $17,293.6011266 - VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD 2017-00001350 Paid by Check # 113342 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 218.35Invoice Transactions1 $218.35FICA - FICA*Account 0210.220 - Federal W/H Payable TotalsAccount 0210.222 - FICA PayableFICA - FICA*Account 0210.222 - FICA Payable TotalsAccount 0210.237 - IMRF Payable TotalsAccount 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan457-IPPFA-PCT - Deferred Comp IPPFA*457-METLIFE-PCT - Deferred Comp Metlife*457-ICMA-FLAT - Deferred Comp ICMA*Account 0210.223 - Medicare W/H PayableFICA - FICA*Account 0210.223 - Medicare W/H Payable TotalsAccount 0210.237 - IMRF PayableIMRF - Illinois Municipal Retirement *Account 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-TaxAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*Account 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-Tax TotalsAccount 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-TaxAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*Account 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan TotalsAccount 0210.243 - United Way DonationsUNITED WAY - United Way of Will CountyAccount 0210.243 - United Way Donations TotalsAccount 0210.247 - Employee Insurance BenefitVISION - Vision Insurance*May 2017 InsuranceAccount 0210.247 - Employee Insurance Benefit TotalsAccount 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSAAccount 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-Tax TotalsAccount 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance AssignmentCHILD SUPPORT - Child Support Wage Account 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance Assignment TotalsFSA MED PT - Discovery Benefits Medical*Account 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSA Totals Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 14 of 20 23 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10854 - NCPERS - IL IMRF 2017-00001345 Paid by Check # 113337 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 42.72Invoice Transactions1 $42.7210387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001356 Paid by EFT # 489 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 461.62Invoice Transactions1 $461.6210058 - AMERICAN MESSAGING U1165213RD Edit 04/15/2017 04/30/2017 35.23Invoice Transactions1 $35.2310387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001356 Paid by EFT # 489 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 16.1110891 - OFF THE PRESS 20932 Edit 04/06/2017 04/30/2017 55.6011938 - PITNEY BOWES, INC 3101170607 Edit 04/09/2017 04/30/2017 61.71Invoice Transactions3 $133.4210923 - PETTY CASH 7397 Edit 04/22/2016 04/30/2017 3.26Invoice Transactions1 $3.2610623 - CINTAS FIRE PROTECTION OF94506069 Edit 04/04/2017 04/30/2017 394.2210628 - JULIE, INC. 2017-00001382 Edit 03/31/2017 04/30/2017 1,558.41Invoice Transactions2 $1,952.63Invoice Transactions8 $2,586.1610013 - A-BEEP 73314 Edit 04/14/2017 04/30/2017 151.74Invoice Transactions1 $151.7412202 - ENERGY.ME 2017-00001364 Paid by Check # 113345 01/31/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 7,556.0210238 - COMED 2017-00001380 Edit 04/20/2017 04/30/2017 98.8910868 - NICOR 2017-00001373 Edit 03/30/2017 04/30/2017 95.2310868 - NICOR 2017-00001384 Edit 04/20/2017 04/30/2017 94.20Invoice Transactions4 $7,844.3411278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3446111-0 Edit 04/13/2017 04/30/2017 5.58Invoice Transactions1 $5.5810923 - PETTY CASH 7399 Edit 05/18/2016 04/30/2017 9.00Unit 10 - Water DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingPersonsAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 0210.301 - Employee Life InsuranceSUP LIFE INS - NCPERSAccount 0210.301 - Employee Life Insurance TotalsOffice SuppliesAcct # 0018132288Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwareRAID for drop boxAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersCell PhonesAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostagePersonsDivision 02 - Administration Program TotalsDivision 30 - Water Distribution ProgramAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersCell PhonesAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesContractual ServicesCustomer # PFLDOAAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsAccount 4015 - Electricity/GasCustomer # 35675970Acct # 1101143016Acct # 84403020005Acct # 82178910004Account 4015 - Electricity/Gas TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageMisc.Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashTolls- Davis Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 15 of 20 24 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10923 - PETTY CASH 7400 Edit 05/24/2016 04/30/2017 7.6010923 - PETTY CASH 7754 Edit 06/07/2016 04/30/2017 3.80Invoice Transactions3 $20.4010767 - MENARDS, INC. 05692 Edit 04/13/2017 04/30/2017 56.75Invoice Transactions1 $56.7510487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535710741387 Edit 04/17/2017 04/30/2017 11.95Invoice Transactions1 $11.9511838 - COMCAST - ACCOUNT #901868063 52105773 Edit 04/15/2017 04/30/2017 593.03Invoice Transactions1 $593.0312396 - WESCO RECEIVABLES CORP 971305 Edit 04/07/2017 04/30/2017 565.72Invoice Transactions1 $565.7211576 - LAI LTD 17-14584 Edit 04/13/2017 04/30/2017 576.9711576 - LAI LTD 17-14612 Edit 04/12/2017 04/30/2017 1,929.35Invoice Transactions2 $2,506.3210098 - ARRO LABORATORIES, INC. 51056 Edit 04/10/2017 04/30/2017 120.0010530 - ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 2018-00000003 Edit 05/01/2017 05/01/2017 9,594.72Invoice Transactions2 $9,714.72Invoice Transactions17 $21,470.55Invoice Transactions25 $24,056.7110662 - DOUGLAS KISSEL 2017-00001389 Edit 04/14/2017 04/30/2017 193.39Invoice Transactions1 $193.3910058 - AMERICAN MESSAGING U1165213RD Edit 04/15/2017 04/30/2017 35.23Invoice Transactions1 $35.2310387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2017-00001356 Paid by EFT # 489 03/29/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 16.1010891 - OFF THE PRESS 20932 Edit 04/06/2017 04/30/2017 55.6010923 - PETTY CASH 7757 Edit 10/04/2016 04/30/2017 7.8411938 - PITNEY BOWES, INC 3101170607 Edit 04/09/2017 04/30/2017 61.71Invoice Transactions4 $141.2510923 - PETTY CASH 7397 Edit 04/22/2016 04/30/2017 3.25Invoice Transactions1 $3.25Tolls-DoyleTolls-ChaykaAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 8020 - Building MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesMisc.Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsAccount 8160 - Equipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceAccount 8020 - Building Maintenance TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceUnit # 1005Account 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsAccount 8200 - EPA AnalyticalEPA AnalyticalCWSTP CertificationAccount 8200 - EPA Analytical TotalsDivision 30 - Water Distribution Program TotalsAccount 8160 - Equipment Maintenance TotalsAccount 8185 - System MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceAccount 8185 - System Maintenance TotalsAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersCell PhonesAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsUnit 10 - Water Department TotalsUnit 11 - Sewer DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingMAPSI/IEPA MeetingsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostagePersonsOffice SuppliesReimbursement-BruceAcct # 0018132288Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwareRAID for drop boxAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware Totals Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 16 of 20 25 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10767 - MENARDS, INC. 05610 Edit 04/12/2017 04/30/2017 149.9810767 - MENARDS, INC. 05257 Edit 04/06/2017 04/30/2017 248.9610767 - MENARDS, INC. 05093 Edit 04/03/2017 04/30/2017 62.2410767 - MENARDS, INC. 05326 Edit 04/07/2017 04/30/2017 95.4310767 - MENARDS, INC. 22711 Edit 04/13/2017 04/30/2017 74.9910767 - MENARDS, INC. 05862 Edit 04/16/2017 04/30/2017 49.87Invoice Transactions6 $681.4710623 - CINTAS FIRE PROTECTION OF94506151 Edit 04/05/2017 04/30/2017 256.4810623 - CINTAS FIRE PROTECTION OF94506069 Edit 04/04/2017 04/30/2017 394.2210628 - JULIE, INC. 2017-00001382 Edit 03/31/2017 04/30/2017 1,558.41Invoice Transactions3 $2,209.11Invoice Transactions16 $3,263.7010013 - A-BEEP 73314 Edit 04/14/2017 04/30/2017 151.30Invoice Transactions1 $151.3012202 - ENERGY.ME 2017-00001364 Paid by Check # 113345 01/31/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 41,487.1810238 - COMED 2017-00001372 Edit 04/17/2017 04/30/2017 53.4010238 - COMED 2017-00001381 Edit 04/20/2017 04/30/2017 77.1012202 - ENERGY.ME 2017-00001390 Edit 04/19/2017 04/30/2017 58.4710868 - NICOR 2017-00001374 Edit 04/12/2017 04/30/2017 909.0710868 - NICOR 2017-00001385 Edit 04/18/2017 04/30/2017 100.17Invoice Transactions6 $42,685.3911278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3446111-0 Edit 04/13/2017 04/30/2017 5.57Invoice Transactions1 $5.5712582 - USALCO MICHIGAN CITY PLANT LLC 1235174 Edit 02/01/2017 04/30/2017 3,934.7912582 - USALCO MICHIGAN CITY PLANT LLC 1235169 Edit 04/10/2017 04/30/2017 4,113.95Invoice Transactions2 $8,048.7410386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 133851 Edit 04/10/2017 04/30/2017 36.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 133749 Edit 04/04/2017 04/30/2017 36.00Invoice Transactions2 $72.00Account 8020 - Building Maintenance TotalsAccount 8020 - Building MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesContractual ServicesContractual ServicesCustomer # PFLDOAAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAcct # 39188020000Division 02 - Administration Program TotalsDivision 40 - Sewer Treatment ProgramAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersCell PhonesAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAcct # 05663020005Account 4015 - Electricity/Gas TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageMisc.Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 4015 - Electricity/GasCustomer # 35675970Acct # 1459002013Acct # 0195025060Customer # 356785970IndustrialsIndustrialsAccount 5085 - Industrial Flow Monitor TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingAccount 5070 - Chemicals7/18/16 Board Approved7/18/16 Board ApprovedAccount 5070 - Chemicals TotalsAccount 5085 - Industrial Flow Monitor Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 17 of 20 26 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344555994 Edit 04/20/2017 04/30/2017 51.4210218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344552581 Edit 04/13/2017 04/30/2017 51.42Invoice Transactions2 $102.8411838 - COMCAST - ACCOUNT #901868063 52105773 Edit 04/15/2017 04/30/2017 593.0310386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 133877 Edit 04/11/2017 04/30/2017 108.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 133815 Edit 04/07/2017 04/30/2017 18.00Invoice Transactions3 $719.0310767 - MENARDS, INC. 05684 Edit 04/13/2017 04/30/2017 36.39Invoice Transactions1 $36.3910437 - GRAINGER 9410182662 Edit 04/07/2017 04/30/2017 53.4512396 - WESCO RECEIVABLES CORP 974632 Edit 04/10/2017 04/30/2017 55.7812396 - WESCO RECEIVABLES CORP 978130 Edit 04/11/2017 04/30/2017 192.01Invoice Transactions3 $301.24Invoice Transactions21 $52,122.50Invoice Transactions37 $55,386.2012389 - UMB BANK 2017-00001366 Paid by Check # 113350 03/17/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 240,000.0012389 - UMB BANK 2017-00001367 Paid by Check # 113350 03/17/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 235,000.00Invoice Transactions2 $475,000.0012389 - UMB BANK 2017-00001366 Paid by Check # 113350 03/17/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 12,099.9912389 - UMB BANK 2017-00001367 Paid by Check # 113350 03/17/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 11,831.25Invoice Transactions2 $23,931.2412389 - UMB BANK 2017-00001368 Paid by Check # 113350 03/17/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 90,000.00Invoice Transactions1 $90,000.0012389 - UMB BANK 2017-00001368 Paid by Check # 113350 03/17/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 265,775.00Invoice Transactions1 $265,775.00Invoice Transactions6 $854,706.24Invoice Transactions6 $854,706.24Invoice Transactions83 $1,026,894.38UniformsContractual ServicesAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsAccount 8160 - Equipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceAccount 8160 - Equipment Maintenance TotalsUniformsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesMisc.Contractual ServicesDivision 40 - Sewer Treatment Program TotalsUnit 11 - Sewer Department TotalsUnit 12 - Utility Expansion Division 92 - BondsAccount 8185 - System MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceAccount 8185 - System Maintenance TotalsPL82PL81Account 9200.023 - 2008 Bond (Interest) TotalsAccount 9200.032 - 2015 Refunding-2008 Bond (Principal)PL15Account 9200.022 - 2008 Bond (Principal)PL82PL81Account 9200.022 - 2008 Bond (Principal) TotalsAccount 9200.023 - 2008 Bond (Interest)Division 92 - Bonds TotalsUnit 12 - Utility Expansion TotalsFund 02 - Water and Sewer Fund TotalsAccount 9200.032 - 2015 Refunding-2008 Bond (Principal) TotalsAccount 9200.033 - 2015 Refunding-2008 Bond (Interest)PL15Account 9200.033 - 2015 Refunding-2008 Bond (Interest) TotalsFund 07 - Tort Immunity FundUnit 00 - Non-Departmental Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 18 of 20 27 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10770 - MESIROW INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. 964460 Edit 05/01/2017 05/01/2017 5,006.0010770 - MESIROW INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. 964462 Edit 05/01/2017 05/01/2017 3,000.0011103 - SOUTHWEST AGENCY FOR RISK MANAGEMENT 430404 Edit 05/01/2017 05/01/2017 147,919.0012445 - TRAVELERS CL REMITTANCE CENTER 2017-00001393 Edit 04/11/2017 04/30/2017 580.00Invoice Transactions4 $156,505.0011103 - SOUTHWEST AGENCY FOR RISK MANAGEMENT 430404 Edit 05/01/2017 05/01/2017 221,340.00Invoice Transactions1 $221,340.00Invoice Transactions5 $377,845.00Invoice Transactions5 $377,845.00Invoice Transactions5 $377,845.0012202 - ENERGY.ME 2017-00001364 Paid by Check # 113345 01/31/2017 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 13.13Invoice Transactions1 $13.13Invoice Transactions1 $13.1312493 - HD TRUCK EQUIPMENT 5873 Edit 04/18/2017 04/30/2017 1,791.10Invoice Transactions1 $1,791.1012020 - IMS INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT SERVICES14216-3 Paid by Check # 113348 12/15/2016 04/21/2017 04/21/2017 8,675.00Invoice Transactions1 $8,675.0010904 - P. T. FERRO CONSTRUCTION CO. 45456 Edit 04/10/2017 04/30/2017 71,172.50Invoice Transactions1 $71,172.50Invoice Transactions3 $81,638.60Invoice Transactions4 $81,651.73Invoice Transactions4 $81,651.7311796 - ILLINOIS JUVENILE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 2017-00001370 Edit 04/18/2017 04/30/2017 325.00Invoice Transactions1 $325.00Invoice Transactions1 $325.00Invoice Transactions1 $325.005/1/17-5/1/185/1/17-4/30/18Account # 7480M7185Account 8300 - Commercial Umbrella Liability TotalsAccount 8310 - Workman's Compensation Ins.5/1/17-4/30/18Division 00 - Non-DivisionalAccount 8300 - Commercial Umbrella Liability5/1/17-5/1/18Fund 07 - Tort Immunity Fund TotalsFund 11 - Capital Improvement FundUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 00 - Non-DivisionalAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesAccount 8310 - Workman's Compensation Ins. TotalsDivision 00 - Non-Divisional TotalsUnit 00 - Non-Departmental TotalsAccount 9120.008 - Machinery and Equipment-Public WorksMachinery & EquipmentAccount 9120.008 - Machinery and Equipment-Public Works TotalsAccount 9152.003 - PCI Pavement Inspection2016 Pavement ManagementCustomer # 35675970Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsDivision 00 - Non-Divisional TotalsDivision 91 - CapitalDivision 91 - Capital TotalsUnit 00 - Non-Departmental TotalsFund 11 - Capital Improvement Fund TotalsAccount 9152.003 - PCI Pavement Inspection TotalsAccount 9164 - Pavement Patching2017 Spring Patching Account 9164 - Pavement Patching TotalsDivision 00 - Non-Divisional TotalsUnit 00 - Non-Departmental TotalsFund 14 - D.A.R.E. FundUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 00 - Non-DivisionalAccount 8245 - D.A.R.E. ProgramIJOA Conference : Cook & ShervinoAccount 8245 - D.A.R.E. Program Totals Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 19 of 20 28 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions1 $325.00Invoice Transactions336 $2,234,660.81Grand TotalsFund 14 - D.A.R.E. Fund Totals Run by Judy Bitterman on 04/26/2017 02:15:19 PM Page 20 of 20 29 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\-RKQ.RQRSHN 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0D\ 68%-(&7 3URFODLP0D\DV3HDFH2IILFHU0HPRULDO'D\ 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 1DWLRQDO3ROLFH:HHN3URFODPDWLRQ 30 31 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\0LFKHOOH*LEDV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0D\ 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRDSSURYHWKH3UHVLGHQWLDO$SSRLQWPHQWVDVLGHQWLILHG 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 3UHVLGHQWLDO$SSRLQWPHQWV 32 33 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\5LFN.DF]DQNR 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW,7'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0D\ 68%-(&7 $SSURYDORIWKHDQQXDOVRIWZDUHPDLQWHQDQFHUHQHZDOIURP(65,LQWKHDPRXQWRI 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 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ubject: Renewal Quotation Date:03/02/2017 To:Rick Kaczanko Organization:Village of Plainfield Information Technology Dept Fax #:815-436-1950 Phone #: 815-230-2053 From:Shannon Robertson Fax #:909-307-3083 Phone #: 909-793-2853 Ext. 1533 Email:srobertson@esri.com Number of pages transmitted Quotation #25779274 (including this cover sheet): 4 Document Date: 03/02/2017 Please find the attached quotation for your forthcoming term. Keeping your term current may entitle you to exclusive benefits, and if you choose to discontinue your coverage, you will become ineligible for these valuable benefits and services. If your quote is regarding software maintenance renewal, visit the following website for details regarding the maintenance program benefits at your licensing level http://www.esri.com/apps/products/maintenance/qualifying.cfm All maintenance fees from the date of discontinuation will be due and payable if you decide to reactivate your coverage at a later date. Please note: Certain programs and license types may have varying benefits. Complimentary User Conference registrations, software support, and software and data updates are not included in all programs. Customers who have multiple copies of certain Esri licenses may have the option of supporting some of their licenses with secondary maintenance. For information about the terms of use for Esri products as well as purchase order terms and conditions, please visit http://www.esri.com/legal/licensing/software-license.html If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Customer Service at 888-377-4575 option 5. Esri Inc 380 New York Street Redlands CA 92373 36 10 1 93306 2,100.00 2,100.00 ArcGIS Desktop Standard with Extensions Single Use Primary Maintenance Start Date: 06/01/2017 End Date: 05/31/2018 1010 1 150538 500.00 500.00 Esri Business Analyst Online Level 1 Plan (for use with ArcGIS Online); Includes Up to 5 Named Users Term License Start Date: 06/01/2017 End Date: 05/31/2018 2010 5 153148 500.00 2,500.00 ArcGIS Online Named User Level 2 Term License Start Date: 06/01/2017 End Date: 05/31/2018 3010 1 115680 5,000.00 5,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard Up to Four Cores from ArcIMS 9.1 Migrated Maintenance Includes Enterprise Basic Up to Four Cores from ArcSDE 9.1 Migrated Maintenance Bundle Start Date: 06/01/2017 Village of Plainfield Information Technology Dept 24401 W Lockport St Plainfield IL 60544-2313 Attn:Rick Kaczanko [CSBATCHDOM] _______________________________________________________________________ Quotation is valid for 90 days from document date. Any estimated sales and/or use tax has been calculated as of the date of this quotation and is merely provided as a convenience for your organization's budgetary purposes. Esri reserves the right to adjust and collect sales and/or use tax at the actual date of invoicing. If your organization is tax exempt or pays state taxes directly, then prior to invoicing, your organization must provide Esri with a copy of a current tax exemption certificate issued by your state's taxing authority for the given jurisdiction. Esri may charge a fee to cover expenses related to any customer requirement to use a proprietary vendor management, procurement , or invoice program. Issued By: Shannon Robertson Ext:1533 To expedite your order, please reference your customer number and this quotation number on your purchase order. Send Purchase Orders To: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. 380 New York Street Redlands, CA 92373-8100 Attn: Shannon Robertson Please include the following remittance address on your Purchase Order: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. File #54630 Los Angeles, CA 90074-4630 Item Qty Material# Unit Price Extended Price _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Date:03/02/2017 Quotation Number: 25779274 Contract Number: 2011MPA3795 380 New York Street Redlands, CA 92373 Phone: 909-793-28531533 Fax #: 909-307-3083 Customer Number: 147140 For questions regarding this document, please contact Customer Service at 888-377-4575. Quotation _______________________________________________________________________________ 37 End Date: 05/31/2018 3020 1 109839 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard Up to Four Cores Migrated Maintenance Item equals $2,000.00 of the bundled price. Start Date: 06/01/2017 End Date: 05/31/2018 3030 1 109840 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic Up to Four Cores Migrated Maintenance Item equals $3,000.00 of the bundled price. Start Date: 06/01/2017 End Date: 05/31/2018 Item Subtotal 10,100.00 Estimated Tax 0.00 Total USD 10,100.00 DUNS/CEC: 06-313-4175 CAGE: 0AMS3 [CSBATCHDOM] Item Qty Material# Unit Price Extended Price _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 Date:03/02/2017 Quotation Number: 25779274 Contract Number: 2011MPA3795 380 New York Street Redlands, CA 92373 Phone: 909-793-28531533 Fax #: 909-307-3083 Quotation 38 IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE AN INVOICE FOR THIS MAINTENANCE QUOTE YOU MAY DO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL WITH YOUR AUTHORIZATION TO INVOICE SIGN BELOW AND FAX TO 909-307-3083 FAX YOUR PURCHASE ORDER TO 909-307-3083 EMAIL YOUR PURCHASE ORDER TO Service@esri.com REQUESTS VIA EMAIL OR SIGNED QUOTE INDICATE THAT YOU ARE AUTHORIZED TO OBLIGATE FUNDS FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION AND THAT YOUR ORGANIZATION DOES NOT REQUIRE A PURCHASE ORDER. If there are any changes required to your quotation, please respond to this email and indicate any changes in your invoice authorization. If you choose to discontinue your support, you will become ineligible for support benefits and services. All maintenance fees from the date of discontinuation will be due and payable if you decide to reactivate your support coverage at a later date. This transaction is governed exclusively by the terms of your signed agreement with Esri, if any, or, where applicable, Esri's standard terms and conditions at www.esri.com/legal; such terms are incorporated in this quotation by reference. Acceptance is limited to the terms of this quotation. Federal government entities and government prime contractors authorized under FAR 51.1 may purchase under the terms of Esri's GSA Federal Supply Schedule. State of California government entities may purchase under the terms of http://www.esri.com/~ /media/Files/Pdfs/ legal/pdfs/addendums/california.pdf, titled Addendum to State of California Purchases. Esri objects to and expressly rejects any different or additional terms contained in any purchase order, offer or confirmation sent or to be sent by buyer. In order to expedite processing, please reference the quotation number and any/all applicable Esri contract number(s) (e.g. MPA, ELA, SmartBuy, GSA, BPA) on your ordering document. By signing below, you are authorizing Esri to issue a software support invoice in the amount of USD__________________ plus sales tax, if applicable. Please check one of the following: _____ I agree to pay any applicable sales tax. _____ I am tax exempt. Please contact me if Esri does not have my current exempt information on file. ________________________________________ _________________________ Signature of Authorized Representative Date ________________________________________ _________________________ Name (Please Print) Title [CSBATCHDOM] Item Qty Material# Unit Price Extended Price _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Page 3 Date:03/02/2017 Quotation No: 25779274 Customer No: 147140 Contract No: 2011MPA3795 380 New York Street Redlands, CA 92373 Phone: 909-793-28531533 Fax #: 909-307-3083 Quotation 39 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\5LFN.DF]DQNR 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW,7'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0D\ 68%-(&7 $SSURYDORIWKHDQQXDOPDLQWHQDQFHDJUHHPHQWIRUWKH/LYHVFDQILQJHUSULQWLQJV\VWHPIURP0RUSKR7UXVW86$LQWKH DPRXQWRI 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 /LYHVFDQ$QQXDO0DLQWHQDQFH$JUHHPHQW 40       *!$! % $'%&%  + !, !$&!  !!*$&!$ $  '$"*, %&$&!$    ;.7.867=             !"$& &"!*% (% & $"$ & %*%&&!"$!%% ('%'$ !! -% &%%$&%*%&,  ' &  $ &)% &$ &!) &%*%&)%"'$%  866>-% ' &  $ &%'"!$$ )-  ' &  $ &$ )#'!&%&&-    !$ &!&! 8/:90<1!&!! $  %,& %&$&!$% $! &! &!& $% & !$!$'%&%! 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Old Shakopee Road Suite 100 Bloomington, MN 55437-3107 USA Phone (800) 932-0890 FAX (952) 932-7181MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ADDENDUMQUOTATIONQUOTE ID:13629QUOTE DATE: 03/07/17CUSTOMER ID: BD-1802PRICE LIST: SL-LAWENFBILL TO:VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD-IT24401 W LOCKPORT STREETPLAINFIELD, IL 60544United StatesCOVERAGESTART DATE: 07/01/17END DATE: 06/30/18COVERAGE TYPE DESCRIPTION SERIAL NUMBER QTYPRICEEQUIPMENT LOCATION:PLAINFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT - 14300 SOUTH COIL PLUS DRIVE PLAINFIELD, IL 605445900-TPE-ED-M95ANNUAL 9/5 MAINTENANCETPE-5938-EDMAD246001253 1 $5,700.00PRT- DUP- M95ANNUAL 9/5 MAINTENANCETPE-PRT-DUP55284-002 1 $330.05TOTAL: $6,030.05PLEASE CHECK PREFERRED BILLING:†† ANNUAL INVOICE OR† QUARTERLY INVOICE OR† MONTHLY INVOICENAME: DEBRA BLANCHARD PO NUMBER:TITLE: Maintenance Contract Admin SIGNATURE BY:PHONE:(952) 945-3302 Ext 5547 NAME(Print) / DATEFAX:(952) 852-8747 TITLE:EMAIL: DBlanchard@morphotrust.com PHONE / FAX:EMAIL:The terms and conditions of MORPHOTRUST USA maintenance services agreement are hereby incorporated into this Addendum by reference. Please sign and date this Maintenance Agreement Addendum. If a purchase order is required, please attach or include the purchase order number on this addendum. Some of the terms set out herein may differ from those in the buyer's purchase order and some may be new. Acceptance is conditional on the buyer's assent to the terms set out herein in lieu of those in the buyer's purchase order. Seller's failure to object to provisions contained in any communication from the buyer shall not be deemed a waiver of the provisions of this acceptance. Any changes in the terms contained herein must be specifically agreed to in writing by an officer of the seller before becoming binding on either seller or buyer.AN INVOICE WILL BE ISSUED UPON RECEIPT OF A SIGNED MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ADDENDUMPage: 1 of 1Quote ID: 1362942 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\0LFKHOOH*LEDV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0D\ 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRDXWKRUL]HWKH9LOODJH3UHVLGHQWWRH[HFXWHDQHPSOR\PHQWFRQWUDFWZLWK %ULDQ30XUSK\IRUWKH9LOODJH$GPLQLVWUDWRU SRVLWLRQ 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 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'XQNLQ'RQXWV/RW+HULWDJH0HDGRZV6XPPDU\6WDII5HSRUW 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\-RQ3URXO[ 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ODQQLQJ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0D\ 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRDSSURYHWKH'XQNLQ'RQXWVVLWHSODQIRUWKHSURSHUW\ORFDWHGDW6 ,/5RXWH+HULWDJH0HDGRZV9LOODJH&HQWHU 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 'XQNLQ'RQXWV(OHYDWLRQVDQG6LWH3ODQV 57 +(5,7$*(0($'2:9,//$*(&(17(53/$,1),(/',/5(9,6,21'$7(352326('1257+(/(9$7,216&$/(  $5&+,7(&76,1&58 +(5,7$*(0($'2:9,//$*(&(17(53/$,1),(/',/5(9,6,21'$7(352326('($67(/(9$7,216&$/(  $5&+,7(&76,1&59 +(5,7$*(0($'2:9,//$*(&(17(53/$,1),(/',/5(9,6,21'$7(352326('6287+(/(9$7,216&$/(  $5&+,7(&76,1&60 +(5,7$*(0($'2:9,//$*(&(17(53/$,1),(/',/5(9,6,21'$7(352326(':(67(/(9$7,216&$/(  $5&+,7(&76,1&61 SP-1'5$:15287($1'7+675((7+(5,7$*(0($'2:9,//$*(&(17(53/$,1),(/',/3&7%'5(9,6,21'(6&5,37,21,668('$7(609&+(&.('09'$7(352-(&71R $//'5$:,1*663(&,),&$7,216$1' 3/$16$5(,167580(1762)6(59,&( 7+(5()25($5(3523(57<2)059 $5&+,7(&76,1&7+(<0$<127%(5(86('&23,('255(352'8&(':,7+2873(50,66,21$1'(;35(66 :5,77(1&216(172)059$5&+,7(&76 $5&+,7(&76,1&62 63 64 65 66 67 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\5LFN.DF]DQNR 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW,7'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0D\ 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRGLUHFWWKH9LOODJH3UHVLGHQWWRHQWHULQWRDWKUHH\HDU(QWHUSULVH$JUHHPHQW ZLWK0LFURVRIWYLD&':*IRU2IILFH([FKDQJH3ODQ([FKDQJH2QOLQH$UFKLYLQJDQG0LFURVRIW2IILFH3UR3OXV VXEVFULSWLRQVDWWKHDQQXDOFRVWRI 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 2IILFH(PDLODQG6RIWZDUH$JUHHPHQW 68       -#&# "'"&)'('   ."#/ "#&!(#""# #-&(#& &" )&$-/ !"'(&(#&    >2:2;9:@    !                 )'' &#'#(1' <?>#*&"!"(#!!)"(- #)$ (#&!#&('! 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