HomeMy Public PortalAbout20160106 - Zoning Advisory Committee - Meeting Minutes 1 ZONING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Wednesday, January 6, 2015 7:00 PM Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton MA MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: John Coutinho, Chair, Jim Ciriello, Mike King, Mavis O’Leary, Michael Peirce, Paul Pilotte, Scott Richardson, John Savignano, Matthew Wade MEMBERS ABSENT: Sandy Altamura, Bryan Brown, David Hamacher, Brian Karp, Ted Barker-Hook 1. Rt. 495/Elmwood Park Area – Proposed Zoning Changes Ria McNamara, 39 Oakhurst Rd., appeared before the Committee. The Committee discussed the list of uses in the draft 495/Elmwood Park bylaw, including conference centers and whether they should be by right or by special permit. The Committee discussed special permit and by right uses and the approval process for each, including site plan review. Mr. Pilotte referred to discussion at previous meetings about requiring an access road to Wood St. before the area is further developed. The Committee discussed traffic issues and concerns and the connecting road, noting that the Town could not likely require that someone build a road on land that they don’t own. Mr. Richardson stated he is not sure if a master plan special permit process makes sense now, or if it would be best to adopt a new zoning district covering the area. He noted that with no master developer to do an area-wide plan, he is not sure it makes sense to have that process in the bylaw. He stated it seems very complicated, and it could be simplified by adopting a new Elmwood Park zoning district and identifying the allowed uses within it. Mr. Peirce agreed, stating that it may not be realistic because there isn’t one developer. Mr. Ciriello asked Ms. McNamara if there someone who is interested in developing or moving into this area. Ms. McNamara stated that in order to attract high quality uses, there needs to be redevelopment. She stated she has had conversations with Distinctive Hospitality who said they wanted to do something here, but with uncertainty over EMC Corp. right now, she is not so sure. She noted that Distinctive Hospitality has the Crowne Plaza and other brands, and Hyatt was also interested at one time. She stated that neither company wanted to be the only business there. She stated that looking at the industrial buildings and the way they are laid out there now, they won’t attract the type of users that have been discussed. Mr. Richardson noted that office redevelopment will likely have to happen before hotels will come. Ms. McNamara stated the Town should be thinking about attracting other companies to fill space now or formerly occupied by EMC. She noted that if the Town could get a college campus with dormitories or medical office uses, that would be good, but those uses need vertical building layouts, not horizontal. She stated that she didn’t support the 10 story height that was proposed before, and she thinks 6 to 7 is more reasonable and would allow for green space and enough building space to pay for the infrastructure. She stated that a developer will look for dimensional and parking frameworks that will support the infrastructure they will have to pay for. She stated the development should also be sustainable. The Committee discussed the issues. 2 The Committee discussed private, nonprofit and public educational uses and parking requirements. Mr. Coutinho stated the bylaw should encourage educational uses in this area. It was decided that Ms. Lazarus will draft new zoning district language for the area that addresses the issues and comments discussed. 2. Sign Bylaw The Committee discussed the recommendations received from the Design Review Board (DRB). It was the consensus that the language clarifying the intent of the current sign lighting regulations should be incorporated into the revised bylaw. The Committee discussed the DRB’s recommendation to require signs in the Downtown Business district to be carved with gold leaf lettering. Mr. Peirce stated he is opposed, and this is something that could be encouraged but not mandated. Mr. Coutinho agreed. Mr. Pilotte asked what the Town wants in this regard, and if people would appreciate it. The Committee discussed the issue. Ms. McNamara noted she is on the DRB, and this came up with the CVS sign review. She noted that the Board has strongly suggested things to the Planning Board, which it has said are too subjective and can’t be enforced. She noted that putting it in the bylaw means that it can be enforced. She stated that DRB members are selected because of their expertise as design professionals. Mr. Ciriello moved to adopt the suggestions of the DRB in the draft bylaw, requiring carved signs with gold leaf lettering in the Downtown Business district. Mr. Pilotte seconded the motion. The vote was 4 in favor (Ciriello, Pilotte, O’Leary, Wade) to 5 opposed (Coutinho, Richardson, Peirce, King, Savignano). The Committee discussed temporary Boston Marathon signage and how to address this in the bylaw. Ms. Lazarus will draft provisions for the Committee’s review. 3. Administrative Business It was noted that at the next meeting the Committee would continue discussing Elmwood Park and signs, and would also discuss the garden apartment bylaw changes proposed by the Planning Board. Mr. Pilotte moved to approve the Minutes of the December 14, 2015 meeting. Ms. O’Leary seconded the motion and the vote was 6 in favor with 3 abstentions (Ciriello, Peirce, King). Ms. Lazarus noted that the Planning Board will need to advertise for the Feb. 22 public hearing on zoning bylaw changes on Feb. 4. The Committee decided to meet on January 20 and January 26. Mr. Coutinho read the Overarching Vision from the Hopkinton Vision Statement adopted by the Board of Selectmen on Jan. 20, 2015. He noted that the Town’s vision is quantified in this document and should be considered by the Committee. Adjourned: 9:00 PM Approved: January 26, 2016 3 Documents used at the meeting:  Document entitled “495/Parkwood Area Overlay District Draft Rev. 3 – 10/27/15”  Document entitled “Article XXVII, Signs” Draft, Dec. 22, 2015  Memo to Zoning Advisory Committee from Elaine Lazarus dated 12/24/15 re: Jan. 6, 2015 Zoning Advisory Committee Meeting  Draft Minutes of the Dec. 14, 2015 ZAC meeting