HomeMy Public PortalAboutTBM 1988-03-17C.B. Jensen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Board present were Schauner, Muhlabuer, Buchheister, Klancke, and Johnston. Bills presented for payment: March 17, 1988 Town Board Schauner made a motion to approve these bills, 2nd Muhlbauer. Sherrif's Dept. gave the monthly report. Dick Braun, Arby's again wanted to discuss the 2nd access into his property as he is again trying to market the portion that the Chili's place was to be located. After review, board told Braun that there eariler discussions concerning the engineering of a right in right out lane would work, as well as the other considerations of improvements to the lot, landscaping, signs etc. would still need to be addressed but nothing had changed. Doug Freed of the Manifest asked that the Town participate in the progress report Klancke reviewed different ideas she had for this issue. Board asked that Klancke and Snippi carry this through as place ad the paper. C.B. reported that the workshop on a town manager would take place March 30th at 7:00 p.m. Winter asked for a special meeting to be held at 7:00 p.m. to determine if the board should cancel the election. Board gave approval of this meeting. Clerk to advertize for this. Kit Klancke turned in a resume for the Town manager position. Kit reviewed his thoughts about the position and where he believed the real needs of the Town were. C.B. discussed that the manager might need water experience. Klancke stated he would get whatever experience additionally was needed in this area. Board thanked Klancke for his interest and will place the resume along with others recieved. The position has not gone to advertizement as yet, and we have yet to determine the needs of the manager. Design of the Pin were reviewed. Clerk to order 1000 pins. Johnston reported on the Chamber meeting he attended. No futher business, Muhlbauer made a motion to go into executive session, 2nd Schauner, carried. Meeting ajourned at 11:00 p.m.