HomeMy Public PortalAboutTBM 1986-03-19Bills presented for payment: MARCH 19, 1986 Town Board Jensen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Board present were Finlay, Klancke, Buchheister, Clayton,and Schauner. Attorney Hartlaub, V. Winter. Buchheister made a motion to pay these bills, 2nd Klancke. carried. Officer Bock gave his report from the Sherrif's Dept. Mayor Jensen asked if he would write down and signage needed as it was observed on his rounds. Klancke asked for a comparison from previous year monthly stats to these monthly stats to use as a planning tool. Bock relayed that the Judge is asking that the town post some sign that alerts individuals that during snow removal times the streets may not be parked on regardless of the posted allowed parking times. Thereby allowing resident the knowlege of the parking requirements needed in the winter. Representives of the Winter Park Manifest'discussed the Town approving an ad that reviewed the goals, gains, etc. for the annual Progress insert. Board recommended the Town do this and board members that can will meet next Monday with the Manifest'to devise an ad. Ordinance No. 144 presented for approval. The Bonding Co. asked that the Board approve this Ordinance which will give the re- funding bonds a rating as requested by clients Ordinance preparation and publishing expense at the cost of the Bonding Co. Hartlaub reviewed that the included language did not in any way change the previous Ordinance approving the re- funding. Klancke made a motion approving Ordinance 144, 2nd Schauner, carried. Board reviewed dates for a continued Hearing for Rogers. Hartlaub stated there had not been an attorney file an appearance within the time allow by Rogers therefore we would set a date a proceed without regards to any additional time for a new attorney. Board set April 14, 1986 at 8:00 a.m. for hearing. Rogers to be so notified. C.B. reviewed what he knew of the release of the escrow funds on Parcel "C Wickliff does not feel they want to release any funds until complete project done. More discussion needs to be done with them. Opitz will be asked questions with regards to the 2nd access design work to date as well as need to re- desigh the access from county rd. 72 into the center. Needs to be wider. Opitz to review needs on Lot S -25 for easments etc. Board reviewed plans presented by Mt. Parks Elec. to route the new transmission line. Board review the routing for a new transmission line that will be needed for the expected growth. The routeing map shows 4 location for the line. Route Route Route A. B. C. Route D. Resolution 1986 -3 -1 County rd. 5 to hyw. 40 down to Maryvale. High visual impact. Follows the railroad. High visual impact Cuts across the middle of Byers Ranch and Johns property, all within private property. High visual impact Is within Water Board land and Forest Service lands. Limited visual impact as well as good implementation. Klancke made a motion to approve Resolution No. 1986 -3 -1 stating that Alternate D should be choosen as this has the least impact to the Town visually as well as easy construction without impeding on development property and easy placement. 2nd motion made by Buchheister. carried. March 19, 1986 Town Board page 2 ORDINANCE 145. Ordinance would increase payment for Board and Mayor per meeting up $20.00 per meeting. Schab.ner made a motion approving this Ordinance with the increase to begin starting the first meeting of April 1988. 2nd Finlay, carried. Proposed Ordinance 146- Burn Control Ordinance. Board review this ordinance and asked for several changes, tabled. Klancke reviewed the need for the Trustees to participate as they had time in the Maryvale PDD discussions as their input would be of help on the planning and decissions being made. Klancke reviewed the Dec. issue of the Colo. Municipal League magazine as urged the Board to read it. Also would like to the To at the April meeting to appoint a personall committee Klancke also would like for the workshops on Maryvale to be published. Klancke asked that during some of the workshops conducted on roads etc. if there could be some memo written up so the board could keep up on them. Reported that Thursday at 1:30 p.m. at Hartlaubs office would be some discussion on the water related issues for the Drake annexation if any of the Board could attend. Vicky asked to attend. C.B. stated that on April 4th at 10:00 a.m. there would be a meeting to discuss water and sewer issues and get some planning attitudes set in motion to secure water rights, sewer treatment long range planning, stream quality etc. Board reviewed an interested party wanting to develope the subdivision. Road, water and sewer need to be in place by owners. Board would consider a re- capture arrangement and parties interested should present a plan. C.B. has reciv3ed a letter from Saint Ann's church in support of an ecumencial center. Custom Cuts has a sigh that does not conform. Need to take care of this. No futher business board ajourned at 10:30 p.m. Byers Vista the the