HomeMy Public PortalAboutTBM 2002-03-20DATE: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 MEETING: Board of Trustees Regular Meeting PLACE: Town Hall Board Room PRESENT Board: Mayor Dennis Soles, Mayor Pro Tem Mike Rantz; Trustees: Eric Hoyhtya, Donn Manly, Ken Spawn and Steve Sumrall Staff: Others: Pat Howlett FRASER BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES Town Manager Chuck Reid, Finance Manager Nat Havens, Community Development Director Jeff Durbin, Planner Drew Nelson, Public Works Director Allen Nordin and Town Clerk Molly McCandless Mayor Soles called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Trustee Spawn moved and Trustee Manly seconded the motion approving the Minutes of the 03/06/02 regular meeting as corrected to reflect the specific compensation of election judges in item 6.a). Motion carried: 7 -0. Trustee Shapiro arrived. 3. Open Forum Hearing nothing for Open Forum, the Mayor moved on to the next item. 4. Public Hearings None 5. Action Items a) Motion to approve IGA with Fraser Sanitation District Following discussion, Trustee Manly moved, and Trustee Hoyhtya seconded the motion to approve the IGA with the following specified changes: 1) 1.2.A. FM Havens will investigate the viability of changing paid within 25 days to paid within 30 days; 2) 1.2.B. indicate a 50/50 split of the annual Caselle support service fee; 3) 4.0 indicate reciprocity; 4) 8.0 Delete entire text except It is the express intent of the Parties that any person receiving services or benefits under this contract, other than the Parties, shall be deemed an incidental beneficiary only; and 5) 9.0 indicate reciprocity. The Mayor will review the final document for these changes prior to signing. Motion carried: 7 -0. 6. Discussion Items None 7. Staff Choice a) Transmitted Items 1) Invitation to Community Meeting with Congressman Mark Udall 2) Letter from Church of the Eternal Hills 3) Meet the Candidates Forum Announcement 4) Invitation to Grand Beginnings Caregivers Appreciation Banquet 5) February 2002 Sheriff's Department Report Board of Trustees Minutes 03/20/02 Page 2 b) Manager Reid stated that paperwork had been submitted to the State to change Fraser's Operator in Responsible Charge for Water to Allen Nordin. c) FM Havens reported the sales tax for January was up 8 As this is a big increase, he will review it for late payments, etc. Audits of both the Town and FSD should be completed tomorrow. d) CDD Durbin distributed a final version of a Building Permit application packet. e) Manager Reid briefly revisited water projects which had been previously proposed by staff. Application for a low interest loan available for water projects must be submitted by March 31. Trustee Shapiro inquired if the Board should reconsider their previous water project priorities with health issues in mind. Trustee Spawn and Mayor Pro Tem Rantz both stated they do not want to borrow money. Manager Reid said information on applying for loan money for next year will probably be received in the next few months. Discussion followed regarding water and water projects. The Board directed staff to RFP water engineers. 9. Board Choice Board of Trustees Minutes 03/20/02 Page 3 a) Trustee Spawn updated the Board on the East Grand Water Quality Board. The EGWQB will be interviewing for an erosion control specialist whose primary responsibilities will be education and prevention. That person will work closely with local building officials. b) In advance of the April 2 election, Trustee Manly thanked the Board for their work and allowing him to participate as an appointee the last two years. c) At Mayor Soles' request, TC McCandless will submit a letter to the Editor of the Manifest correcting the number of registered voters in Town. Mayor Pro Tem Rantz moved, and Trustee Shapiro seconded the motion to adjourn. Motion carried: 7 -0. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Molly M andless, Town Clerk TOWN OF FRASER "Icebox of the Nation" P.O. Box 120 153 Fraser Avenue Fraser, Colorado 80442 (970) 726-5491 FAX Line: (970) 726 -5518 E -Mail: fraser@rkymtnhi.com 7 V Town of Fraser ot Town Board Meeting sign -in sheet e Address (physical post office) °6 65‘(.901 j P fat se