HomeMy Public PortalAboutTBM 2001-03-215:00 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION TOWN BOARD MARCH 21, 2001 Mayor Soles called the special meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. March 21, 2001. Board present along with the Mayor was Rantz, Wirsing, Klancke, Manly, Shapiro and Larson. Staff present were Reid, Havens, Winter, Durbin and Attorney Dahl. Rantz made a motion to go into executive session to receive instructions regarding negotiations facing the Town in the pending wastewater plant consolidation discussions, participants included in the meeting are the Fraser Sanitation District and staff, and Maryvale LLC representatives. Motion 2nd Shapiro, carried. Rantz moved to come out of executive session at 7:30 p.m., 2 Shapiro, carried. Mayor Soles called the regular meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. Wirsing made a motion to approve the minutes of March 7 meeting subject to adding, "Soles abstaining from the vote regarding the 45 day extension on permit 52 r Manly, carried. OPEN FORUM Mike LaPorte handed out a memo from the Winter Park West Board stating that their Board supports the consolidation efforts and approved in principle the memo dated March 14, 2001 written by Nick Teverbaugh. UPDATES None ACTION ITEMS BYERS BUNGALOWS Durbin reviewed the final plat submittal and discussed the memo he had written for 4 units called Byers Bungalows. Durbin stated that some of the items in the memo have been addressed. After full discussion of the issues Manly made a motion to approve the final plat of Byers Bungalows subject to compliance with outstanding issues as addressed in the memo from Durbin dated March 19, 2001, r Wirsing, carried. Art Olson developer of the Byers Bungalows asked questions regarding the affordable housing fee. What would he do to help solve a problem of housing rather than pay fees? Reid commented that there might be various ways to accomplish this. Reid and Olson will get together to discuss this. The Ordinance is written to allow a solution rather than fees. PLANT INVESTMENT FEE INCREASE RESOLUTION 3 -1 -01 Reid advised that he has had further discussion with Ron Mclaughlin and would recommend to the Board that a $6,000 PIF would be appropriate to charge without having a split definition of what the fee covers. Klancke is not convinced that the $6000 does not still include a cost for acquiring additional water rights in the future and does not want to be charging customers that we presently have water right for this fee. Wirsing would like to look at this fee again in the future to make sure that the fee is appropriate, but understands that the increase is necessary for current and system growth needs with our present water rights. Manly made a motion to adopt Resolution 3 -1 -01 setting $6000 Plant Investment Fee for a SFE, Rantz, carried. Vote 4 -2, Mayor abstaining. CHURCH PURCHASE Reid asked that this discussion be postponed as the Town Board has not visited the property yet. ENGINEERING SERVICE CONTRACT FOR THE WHOLESALE WATER SYSTEM DESIGN AT MARYVALE. Reid presented a proposed contract from McLaughlin Water Engineers for the design of the wholesale water system. Reid stated that the contract will be paid by pre -paid tap fees already collected from Maryvale. Klancke made a motion to approve the contract, 2° Shapiro, carried. RESOLUTION 3 -2 -01 APPROVING AN AGREEMENT REGARDING GOCO GRANT MONEY. Reid submitted the proposed resolution. Wirsing made a motion approving Resolution 3- 2-01, 2° Shapiro, carried. DISCUSSION ITEMS Durbin discussed a proposal for a Fraser Valley watershed mapping for wildlife and endangered species. The plan would be a good tool that Fraser could use for future decisions with regards to growth issues. Costs for the mapping would need to be shared with the other benefiting parties. A cost of $2500 to initiate the proposal has been estimated. Board would like Durbin to go to the next Mayor, Managers meeting to see if parties would cost share before spending any funds on the process. STAFF CHOICE A letter from the Planning Commission was received regarding the recommendation on development Permit #52. Havens reported that sales tax collection for January was up 12 Havens also reported that the auditors are here going over the town books. Board and staff discussed correspondence that will be sent to Nick Teverbaugh regarding WWTP consolidation discussions. BOARD CHOICE Klancke discussed what issues the Water Quality Board is working on. No further business, meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.