HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 03:041No. 03-4-1 Date of Adoplion January 16~ 2003 APPROVING DESIGNATION OF BOUNDARIES OF REDEVELOPMENT AREA MAP - CHROME WATERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Carteret Planuing Board considered a preliminary designation of' boundaries of a proposed redevelopment area which is coterminous with a certain map, designated Appendix B, thc Study Area Map, dated June 2002, (the "Map") and depicting those properties listed in Appendix F, the Study Arca Property List, contained in thc Chrome Waterfrout Redevelopment Investigation Report prepared by the enginecring firm o£ Schoor DePalma, datcd November 18, 2002; and WHEREAS, thc Borough of Carteret Plmming Board in accordance with thc provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-6, conducted a public heariug on January 8, 2002, for the purposes of (a) reviewing its preliminary designation of the boundarics of the proposed redevclopment area, and (b) determining whether the preliminarily delincated area, or any part thereof, meets the criteria to be designated as an area in need of redcvclopment as set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:12A- 5; and WHEREAS, at the public hcaring, the Planning Board considered the testimony of and exhibits furnished by David Roberts, a licensed professional planncr from Schoor DePalma, the author of the Chromc Waterfront Redevelopment Investigation Report, and affordcd all interested members of the public an opportunity to makc inquiry into and give tcstimony concerning the boundaries of the proposed redevelopmcnt area and whethcr said area should be dctcrmined to be a rcdcvelopment area; and WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the Planning Bdard recommended that the preliminary map of the boundarics of the proposed rcdevelopment area should be finalized and adopted, with thc sole exception and excIusion of Block 5.1, Lot 5 (residential unit),I finding said area to be in need of redevelopment due to the existcnce of one or morc of the conditions sct forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-5 within said arca; and WHEREAS, the Governing Body agrees with thc findings and recommendations of the Carterct Planning Board in its determination that the delineated arca is in need of redevelopment; and thc Govemiug Body further finds that said determination is supported by substantial evi~lencc; and WHEREAS, the Govcrning Body furthcr concludes that there exists within the delincated area sufficicnt criteria for thc designation of a redevelopment area as set forth iu N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-5(c), (d), (e), as more fully described and delinCated in the Chrome Waterfront Redevelopment Investigation Rcport, and as found by the Carteret Planning Board. NO _ 03-41 PAGE 2 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret, County of Middlcsex, State of New Jersey, that the Chrome Waterfront Redevelopment District as depicted on the Study Area Map, containing those properties listed in thc Study Arca Property List, with the sole exception and exclusion of' Block 5.1, Lot 5, a copy of which is attached bercto and madc a part hcreof, is a redevelopmcnt area as so defined by N.J.S.A. 40A:l 2A-3. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of this dctcmfination shall be servcd, within tcn (10) days, upon each person who has filcd a writtcn objection thereto and statcd, in or upon the xvritten submission, an address to which notice of thc termination may be sent, if any. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of the Chrome Waterfront Redevclopment Investigation Report shall bc kept on file in thc Office of the Borough Clerk for public inspection. Adopted this 16th day o£ January, 2003 and ccrtified as a true copy of thc original on January 17, 2003. KATHLEEN M. BARNEY Municipal Clerk RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE X Indicate Vote AB - Absent NV Not Voting XOR - Indicates Vote to Overrule Veto Adopted at a meeting of the Municipal Council CLERK