HomeMy Public PortalAboutTBM 1981-04-01BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO., DENVER RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS APRIL I, 1981 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Leonard 7:30 p.m. Board present were Klancke, Clayton, Johnston, Tucker, Rensberry, Fred Fox, Attorney Hartlaub. Clerk Winter not present being on vacation. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Bills will be presented at the April 20th meeting. Huck endersen was present at Hartlaub's request to give the board an update on police contract. yenderson reported that a certified man had been hired. The car expected to serve Fraser had not been released as yet but hopes to have every thing ready by the 15 of April. Hendersen told board that pay should be as before until service is full time at which point Town would pay bile full contract price. Mt. Parks service contract was approved by the Board. Lease agreement reviewed with Maxine Leonard. Leonard to provide Town with notice of Ins. and change lights and gas into name of the business, Maxine Leoanrd approved and signed agreement, Mr. Lenard will sign at the Clerks office latter. Board will finish up on this at next meeting. Weifillifting club lease. Club not present to sign agreement. Seor Citzens lease, not present to sign. Will finish up on these at next meeting. Lee Ann Marray- not present- Board is in reciept of Liquor Licence renewal with a- defeating of one name on licence. Police report reviewed. Mrs. Murray not present Rensberry made a motion to table this until she is present, and instructed Clerk to notify Murray of this, 2nd Johnston. carried. Letter not available on the releif valve situation. Rensberry made a motion to have Mayor Leonard review this letter as soon as it is availble and approve it for mailing with return reciepts if it looks ok. 2nd Tucker, carried. Minor subdivisions Lot MH 50- Clayton made a motion to approve this contingent on kr,,,.( 4 0, Lot MH 79- Clayton made a motion to approve the development contingent on installing a culvert on the condition that should the road not be done by the time a CO is needed the owner will complete this. 2nd Klancke, carried. Glenn Lester- Johnstonde a motion to approve the development contingent on cribbing designated, 2nd Klancke, carried. Lot John Westerlund- asking for Sketch plan approval. Klancke reviewed with the Board conditional approval from the PC and the Zoning problem with the development. Conditions being, Westerlund must obtain the proper zoneing before final plat, parking problem, soils report needed, homeowners assoc. papers and plan for revegetation. Board discussed the zoning problem. Rensberry made a motion directing Fox, and artlaub to adress solution on this .problem and report back to the board. 2nd Klancke. carried. Clayton made a motion to approve sketch plan for Westerlund and directing Westerlund to follow through on obtaining the proper zone, 2nd Johnston. carried. Ed Smith- representing large development containing 12 units under one roof, same zoning violation as Westerlund, is asking for varience. Smith was told by the board that work has started to find a solution to this prob lem and to keep in touch with the Board concerning this. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO., DENVER No futher business meeting adjourned. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS April 1, 1981 page 2 Bill Edwards- Clayton invited Mr. Edwards to this meeting to explain rec. district not able to give monies to the youth ball field. Edwards explained that land owned by the school was beeing leveled for the ball field, and Edwards would administer this for youth activities. Edwards had approached the Rec. Dist asking for monies to work on the field and was told by them that there was not money available for this. Rec. Dist. said he should have presented a budget last Sept. for the money. Rec. Dist. also told Edwards that unless a grant could be recieved that probley no money would be availble next yr. either. Board to get Rec. Dist. Budget, and try to attend meetings to see why Town needs are not being fulfilled and monies are not used for youth ball field. Edwards said that he has planned serveral fund raising events, included is the house numbers for the Town residents. Letter has been sent to the Corp. of Engineers. Board to get copies. RPC- no futher dction. Babey Access- Hartlaub to check on the progress Randall is making in ligation. Roberts have stated to Trustee that condemenation by Town was possible and maybe for a trade of zoning. Workshop concerning azgexation- Notice to Public for input. Jane Hansberry- Womens Resource- presented idea for Community GreenHouse. Grant may be available for this. Hartlaub instructed to write a letter of support for the grant process.