HomeMy Public PortalAbout20160111 - Planning Board - Meeting Minutes 1 HOPKINTON PLANNING BOARD Monday, January 11, 2016 7:30 P.M. Town Hall, 18 Main St., Hopkinton, MA MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: Kenneth Weismantel, Chairman, John Ferrari, Claire Wright, Frank D’Urso, Fran DeYoung, Brian Karp, Matthew Wade MEMBERS ABSENT: Frank Sivo, Patrick Mahon Present: Elaine Lazarus, Director of Land Use, Planning & Permitting; Cobi Wallace, Permitting Assistant Mr. Weismantel opened the meeting, thanked HCAM for recording, and summarized the agenda. 1. Continued Public Hearing – Subdivision off Leonard Street – Rick Barbieri Rick Barbieri, applicant, Doug Resnick, attorney, and David Marquedant, J.D. Marquedant & Assoc., Inc., surveyor, appeared before the Board. Scott Ridder and Andrew Ogilvie, BETA Group, Inc., the Board's peer review consultants, were also in attendance. Mr. Weismantel noted that the hearing is continued from December 7, 2015, and Board members have walked the site since then. Mr. Resnick stated they are not expecting a vote on the application tonight and asked the Chairman to review the members’ voting status. It was determined there will be enough members eligible to vote, although some have to watch the video of a missed meeting. Mr. Marquedant explained the changes they propose to make to the plans, which have been provided to the Board for review. He noted cape cod berm will be used for most of the roadway and street trees have been added. He noted they discussed the hammerhead vs. cul-de-sac turnaround design with the Fire Chief, who indicated that a circular layout is preferred. He noted one of the detention basins has been modified in response to BETA’s comments, and Mr. Barbieri will convey 3 parcels to abutters as previously indicated. He noted the culvert underneath the road has been moved a little to the south and will have a few more inches of cover. He noted they initially planned on Town water, but the proposal has been changed to utilize private wells. He noted the driveway and house locations remain unchanged. He noted they hav e entered into an agreement with an abutter with respect to the east side of the intersection, and it will be finalized tomorrow. He noted with respect to the west side of the intersection, the survey indicates that the existing pavement is on part of the abutter's driveway, but they will leave it the way it is. Mr. Marquedant noted they have not had a chance to fully review BETA's latest comments received today, but they talked to Mr. Ogilvie and it appears a lot of the concerns have been addressed. Mr. Ogilvie referred to the lack of a permanent easement for the intersection rounding. Mr. Barbieri stated it will work out. Alex Papanicholas, 5 Leonard St., noted the corner where his driveway is has always been this way and he sees no benefits in making a change. Reference was made to BETA’s recommendation regarding granite curbing at the Leonard St. intersection. Ms. Wright stated leaving out granite curb would help preserve the country look, and she asked if this can be done while still meeting the needs. Mr. Barbieri stated they propose cape cod berm for the full length of the road. Mr. Weismantel asked about construction easements and 2 it was stated Ms. Shambo of 3 Leonard St. is the only one who has entered into an agreement. Mr. Barbieri asked for an update regarding discussions with the School Committee, and Mr. Weismantel stated nothing has occurred. Mr. Weismantel stated Town Counsel has advised that any off-site easements have to be in writing before the Board can approve the plan, and as of now nothing has been submitted. Mr. Weismantel referred to the change from hammerhead turnaround to a circular design. He asked if a cul-de-sac results in less pavement, and Mr. Marquedant stated it is about the same. It was determined that the Fire Chief is satisfied with the change, and this issue is resolved as far as the Board is concerned. Mr. Weismantel noted that the street name is still an open item, and Ms. Lazarus noted that the name can be approved by the Board of Selectmen later, but it needs to be on the plan before it is recorded. Nanda Barker-Hook, 75 Grove St., asked about the gravel driveway off the cul-de-sac into the wetlands. Mr. Marquedant stated it provides access to the detention basin. Ms. Barker-Hook asked whether the adjacent parcel owned by Thomas Terry can be developed or if it is too wet. Mr. Marquedant stated that when the Conservation Commission reviewed a previous layout for this area, it was determined that Mr. Terry's property is high and dry. Ms. Barker-Hook noted it appears that Mr. Barbieri's proposal would create perfect access for the Terry parcel and an opportunity for further development. Mr. Weismantel stated from a Planning Board perspective there would be a serious problem with a dead end street off another dead end street, and it would be a different application compared to the one under discussion now. Ms. Barker-Hook noted it sounds like it is possible to develop Mr. Terry’s land as long as there is a secondary access, and Mr. Barbieri noted his plan would not benefit Mr. Terry. There was further discussion regarding this issue. Mr. Barbieri suggested alleviating neighbors’ concerns through a condition of approval. Mr. Barbieri asked if it is possible to get approval tonight subject to submittal of a signed easement. Mr. Weismantel stated the plan is not ready for a vote tonight. Ms. Lazarus noted the Board cannot approve the plan without a written agreement with Ms. Shambo. Mr. DeYoung referred to BETA comments regarding stormwater basin #36. He noted he understands the plans have been changed to provide the correct offset, but would like to know if there is any recourse if the basin does not perform as designed. Mr. Marquedant noted the design can be adjusted. Ms. Wright stated she just read BETA’s letter and noted it appears they are looking for additional information regarding recharge to groundwater. Mr. Marquedant noted that a mounding analysis has been done. Mr. Ogilvie explained the reason for the comment regarding the mounding analysis, and stated they have not seen the data. Mr. Barbieri stated the agreement with Ms. Shambo also includes the conveyance of Parcel A and questioned whether those details can be withheld. Mr. Weismantel noted whatever is submitted to the Board will be public record. In response to a question, Ms. Lazarus noted the easement will be accepted when the Town accepts the road as a public way. Ms. Wright referred to BETA’s question regarding the amount of cover provided over the HDPE pipes. She noted it appears the developer has only provided a little more than the manufacturer-recommended amount, and the Town’s engineer recommends more. Mr. Marquedant stated they can only provide 12 to 14 inches, and Mr. Ogilvie stated it is not ideal but meets manufacturer’s specifications. Mr. 3 Weismantel asked if BETA’s verbal ok is good enough for the Board. Mr. Ogilvie noted the amount of cover should be ok, but he has not discussed it with the DPW Director and it may be a maintenance issue later on. Ms. Wright referred to the landscape plan, and stated that BETA recommends planting more than just one species of street trees. She noted the Planning Board typically also looks for a mix, and Mr. Barbieri stated they will make the change. Mr. DeYoung asked about the switch from Town water to private wells. Denise Mayer, 56 Hayden Rowe, stated it would have been nice to see Town water there, because the pipe upgrade would improve water pressure for the neighborhood. Mr. DeYoung stated it appears everyone would benefit and asked why it fell through. Mr. Barbieri stated it was too expensive to run the pipe down the street even though he offered $25,000 to help pay for it. Ms. Shambo asked if there is any recourse, and Mr. Weismantel suggested contacting the DPW with a complaint about low water pressure. Mr. D’Urso stated this is a recurring theme and was mentioned at the site walk, and now a couple of weeks later they still don't have any specific answers from anybody. He stated he does not know where the gap in communication is but the neighbors have needs, the developer has needs, and they are trying to piece things together. Mr. Weismantel noted the authority is with DPW and the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Barbieri stated he has a good relationship with the DPW, and Mr. Weismantel stated they are not here to criticize other Town departments. Mr. DeYoung noted it sounds as if it was a business decision, but suggested the neighbors reach out to the Board of Selectmen and see if something can be done about it. Mr. Resnick noted that the time for the Board to make a decision is about to run out, and he has prepared a request for extension. Mr. DeYoung moved to grant an extension of the time to file the decision with the Town Clerk to February 8, 2016. The motion was seconded and the Board voted unanimously in favor. Mr. D’Urso asked if there is anyone present who would like to comment tonight before the Board continues the hearing. Ted Barker-Hook, 75 Grove St., stated he has weighed the pros and cons of additional homes in the center of Town, and feels the balance leans heavily to the con side. He stated he realizes that full compliance with construction standards may not be legally required but this will be a narrow road, and parking especially when people have parties or other gatherings is a concern. He noted single family homes of this size would have the potential of adding 9 to 10 more children to the school system which is already under pressure as a result of other ongoing development. He noted the Leonard St./Grove St./Pleasant St. intersection is not very safe, and adding 9 to 10 more cars increases the potential of an accident. He stated he is concerned about the amount of additional runoff and whether the catch basins will be able to handle it. He noted he fails to see how this proposal benefits the neighborhood or the Town in general. Jennifer Andrews, 74 Grove St., stated she agrees with Mr. Barker-Hook and is also opposed to the development. Mr. Ferrari moved to continue the public hearing to January 25, 2016 at 8:30 P.M. Mr. DeYoung seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor. 2. Hayden Place (McDermott Lane) – Request for Release of Performance Guarantee The Board discussed Mr. Barbieri’s request for release of the performance guarantee held for the Hayden Place subdivision off Hayden Rowe. Mr. Karp moved to release the amount held for the completion of the Hayden Place subdivision, as it has been completed in accordance with the approved plan. Mr. DeYoung seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor. 4 3. Public Hearing – Northeast, Northwest and North Club Villages at Legacy Farms – 1) OSMUD Site Plan Review; 2) Proposed Amendment to Master Plan Special Permit – Pulte Homes of New England, LLC and Legacy Farms, LLC Mark Mastroianni and Reid Blute, Pulte Homes of New England, applicant, and John Kusich, Nathan Mahonen, engineers, and Matthew Mrva, landscape architect, Bohler Engineering, appeared before the Board. Mr. Weismantel opened the public hearing. He noted this concerns an application for site plan review for the construction of 425 housing units as well as an amendment to the Legacy Farms Master Plan Special Permit with respect to buildable area and restricted land. He noted he hopes to finalize the public hearing outline prepared for this application tonight and anticipates that the review process will take multiple meetings. Ms. Lazarus provided a general overview of the Legacy Farms development and associated regulatory framework. She referred to the design of the original Master Plan approved by the Board in 2010. She noted the Master Plan Special Permit (MPSP) included as attachments a negotiated Host Community Agreement, Design Guidelines, Restricted Land covenants, and infrastructure improvements, which established the conceptual framework for the development that would be built out over 10 to 15 years. She stated since then, the Board has approved subdivision plans for the north and south roads and development project site plans. She stated the current application is the 5th such site plan, the first one on the north side of East Main St. She stated the OSMUD Design Principles focus on both buildable and preserved areas, and as part of the overall plan 500 acres are to be preserved as open land. She noted the OSMUD bylaw talks about development confined to small areas designed to fit with the land and respecting existing neighborhood settings, as well as a trail network. She noted the open/restricted land has to be provided along with each development projects in increments as the project moves along. Mr. Mastroianni noted they have worked on the Legacy Farms development for years and are very excited to be back before the Board to present their proposal for the north side. He noted they have worked closely with Roy MacDowell, master developer, on this plan. Mr. Kusich described the plan for the Legacy Farms north villages. He noted they have applied for site plan approval and to amend the MPSP to modify the buildable areas on the property. He stated the plan originally had 89.1 buildable area acres within their development project area, but the proposed plan will reduce it to 74.5 acres. He noted they have filed a Notice of Intent with the Conservation Commission for work in the buffer zone and the public hearing is scheduled for January 25. He noted they also need input from the Design Review Board and will meet with them on January 19. Mr. Kusich stated the overall design is in full compliance with the Design Guidelines. He noted they propose 425 units, consisting of 224 attached duplexes and 201 simplexes. He noted they will all be for-sale units in 3 separate, distinct villages (Northeast Village, North Club Village, and Northwest Village) to be connected via Legacy Farms North in 6 or 7 distinct locations to provide a better buffer and neighborhood feel. Mr. Kusich noted the goal is to pull the work away from the spine road and the resource areas as much as possible. He noted roadway width is 18 to 20 ft., which is consistent with the MPSP, however the Fire Chief has asked for 20 ft. so they will revise the plan accordingly. He noted roadway systems are looped, or dead end with an adequate turnaround radius. He noted roadways will have a sidewalk on one side of the street and the intent is to create walkable communities including an extensive trail network. Mr. Kusich stated simplex 5 units will not be more than 20 ft. apart to push development together and allow as much contiguous open space as possible. He stated the north parcel is different than the south with respect to topography, and it is more challenging but may be more beneficial with respect to buffering. Mr. Kusich referred to comments made by Town officials at a departmental staff meeting, including the request to make sure the use of the spine road for construction related activities is kept to a minimum. He noted from a stormwater standpoint the plan complies with all state and local regulations, using bioretention and infiltration basins scattered throughout the site. He noted from a utilities standpoint, the project will have Town water and private sewer, connecting to the Legacy Farms wastewater treatment facility on Clinton St. He stated that gas, electric, telephone and cable connections will be extended into the development. He noted there are provisions for connection to additional development in the form of 180 age-restricted units, which is not part of this proposal. He noted snow removal and trash pickup will be private. Mr. Mrva stated reviewed overall concept for the landscape plan. He noted the plan intends to create 3 separate, identifiable neighborhoods within the overall development. He stated they will apply a varied street tree pattern within each village for seasonal interest, using a different entry treatment at each location along the spine road. Mr. Mrva noted they have attempted to save existing plantings and provide new plantings. He noted in addition to proposed tree planting along the spine road, they plan to increase the buffer to the rear of units facing Legacy Farms North to create some visual separation, and to buffer the individual neighborhoods from each other. Mr. Mrva indicated the location of wetlands and the 50 ft./100 ft. buffer zones, and identified areas to be used as bioretention basins. He noted they will be landscaped to look nice while performing stormwater management functions. He stated the individual village walkways will connect to the overall trail network to create a walkable environment. Ms. Wright noted the Town’s decision to adopt the OSMUD zoning and the Legacy Farms development was based on things including future amenities, in the form of 500 acres of open space, trails and pedestrian connectivity. She stated this plan only shows paved roads and individual neighborhoods, and no provision for general public access or parking areas to enable the Town's residents to enjoy the open space they agreed to. Mr. Weismantel asked the Board and members of the public for additional input on the public hearing outline prepared for this application. Mr. D’Urso suggested adding “density” to the list. Mr. DeYoung asked to include lessons to be learned from the development on the south side. The Board discussed the first detailed item on the outline, who can make commitments on behalf of Pulte Homes. Mr. Mastroianni noted he is the Land Entitlement Manager in charge of the project, but they all work for Pulte Homes. Mr. Weismantel noted it appears Pulte's construction people don’t always follow the commitments made by people at meetings on behalf of the organization, and he feels this is critical considering the potential impact of this type of development on area residents. Mr. Mastroianni noted he expects the entire Pulte organization to back any commitments made during the application process. Mr. Blute stated he is the Vice President of Land Entitlement at Pulte Homes. He stated he is sure that Mr. Mastroianni as a seasoned professional will take any discussion, comments and decisions very seriously, but everyone is human and the process is complicated especially when Mother Nature does not cooperate. He assured the Board that he will be at every meeting and is willing to back up any 6 commitments made. He noted the Board has all their contact information, and their office is right next door to the construction arm of Pulte Homes. Mr. Karp asked whether should they invite Pulte's construction people to a meeting, and Mr. Weismantel stated it would be a good idea. Mr. Weismantel asked about trail connections and referred to comments made earlier by Ms. Wright regarding parking areas for public access. He asked how the trail network and MPSP fit together, noting that except for a few locations one cannot walk through the north side development as proposed. He noted this is an important item, purposely scheduled for discussion in the public hearing outline early on. Ms. Wright stated there should be some parking areas and visitors should not have to park in front of people's homes. Roy MacDowell Jr., Legacy Farms, LLC, noted it is Legacy Farms' intent to work with Pulte Homes and Hopkinton’s Trails Committee on the creation of more definitive trails, and he agrees with Ms. Wright on the need for parking areas. In response to a question, Mr. MacDowell noted Legacy Farms is in charge of the majority of the restricted land, and he has given Ms. Lazarus a draft color-coded plan of the restricted land on the north parcel to be finalized for the Board at the next meeting. Mr. Weismantel stated they will talk about this more at the next meeting, but there appear to be a lot of small strips of restricted land and he is not sure about their value. Mr. MacDowell noted some of these may be for private use. Deb Thomas, 18 Fawn Ridge Rd., asked whether Legacy Farms trails will be connected to trails outside the development. Mr. Weismantel replied yes. Mr. Weismantel stated he would like to start thinking about a site walk of the property, and it was decided to schedule one during a weekend, weather permitting, and the public is invited. It was noted the site walk will be posted on the town web site. Mr. Mastroianni offered stated his team could help Board members navigate through the site. Mr. D’Urso moved to continue the public hearing to January 25, 2016 at 9:00 PM, and Mr. DeYoung seconded the motion. Mr. DeYoung moved to amend the motion to change the time to 8:45 PM, and Ms. Wright seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the amended motion. Ms. Wright stepped off the Board at this time. 4. Continued Public Hearing – 34-40 Hayden Rowe – Site Plan Review Application – RPI Hopkinton LLC Brett Levy, RPI Hopkinton LLC, applicant, Jerry Effren, attorney, Joe Marquedant, J.D. Marquedant & Associates, Inc., surveyor, and Michael Radner, landscape architect, appeared before the Board. Mr. Effren stated they reviewed screening to the abutting property at 28 Hayden Rowe, following up on the discussion at the last meeting. He noted they gave the Wrights two options to choose from: 1) a combination of vegetation and a fence, and 2) a double vegetative screen consisting of rows of arborvitae and yews. He stated that Ms. Wright informed them in writing that they prefer option #2. He stated it appears this is now the only outstanding item, and hopefully the Board has enough information to make a decision, approve the application and close the hearing. Claire Wright, 28 Hayden Rowe, stated she would like to bring up one more issue regarding the potential impact on her property as a result of the change from a Monday-Friday daytime only 7 business use to a 24/7 mixed residential/business use next door, especially with respect to site lighting. She noted when leaving her house tonight she noticed a couple of cars with headlights shining in her direction from the upper parking area. She stated she is concerned this will end up being a problem, and wishes she had brought this up before. She noted she appreciates Mr. Ferrari's suggestion at the last meeting resulting in an acceptable solution for screening along her property line, and would like the applicant to address this through a similar approach. Mr. Weismantel asked for clarification, and Ms. Wright stated it concerns an existing elevated parking area across from the driveway. Mr. Levy stated the residential spaces are isolated against the building and near the Kidsborough childcare center. He noted that the spaces referred to are reserved for the business center, which uses them now. Ms. Wright asked how they can make sure they won’t be used by others. It was noted that the arborvitae height at planting will be about 5 ft., and with the difference in elevation additional screening may be needed. Mr. Karp asked if the change in use would make the current situation worse. Mr. D'Urso noted the change in use from commercial to mixed commercial/residential with some parking at a higher elevation could be perceived as making it worse. He asked about the possibility of using signage to mark the spaces as reserved for the business center, and Mr. Levy stated that would be fine. Mr. DeYoung stated the plan appears to meet what was initially requested, and eventually the plantings will grow to adequate height. Mr. Effren stated screening has to be adequate, not totally impervious, and a requirement for additional screening could be seen potentially as asking too much. He noted he has no objection against a condition requiring signage to prevent the residential occupants from parking in those particular spaces. Ms. Wright asked about an unshielded floodlight installed at the Kidsborough side of the property. She stated she realizes this is not part of the current proposal, but it would be in conflict with the lighting plan that shows a 0 light level at the property line. Mr. Weismantel noted that should be corrected, and Jim Callery, 4 Maple St., agreed the light in question is very bright. Mr. Levy stated he is pretty sure they had it fixed after a recent complaint, but they do need some light for safety. Ms. Wright stated this is a light for the playground, and there is no need for it when the center is closed. Mr. Weismantel suggested a condition requiring a reduction in light level at the playground area after the children have been picked up, and hopefully the fixture will be modified. Mr. Callery asked for clarification regarding trash pickup, and Mr. Weismantel stated a draft condition limits trash pickup to between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM but does not specify days of the week. Mr. Weismantel asked if trash is ever emptied before 8:00 AM, and Mr. Callery stated occasionally. Ms. Wright noted she hopes the floodlight is fixed and turned off when required, because otherwise it would not be in compliance with the plan. Mr. Karp stated the light should be removed if not depicted on the plan, and Mr. Weismantel noted if that is the case the Building Inspector will have it taken out. Mr. Karp moved to waive the requirement for a sidewalk (Site Plan Standard M) along the east side of Church St. Mr. DeYoung seconded the motion, and the Board voted 5 in favor with one opposed (D'Urso). Mr. D'Urso clarified his "no" vote by stating that he is disappointed to see a missed opportunity for an additional sidewalk. 8 Mr. Karp moved to find that the plan complies with the Site Plan Standards with the conditions of approval as drafted with additional conditions for business center reserved parking signs and reduction of lighting at the Kidsborough playground, Mr. DeYoung seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously in favor. Mr. Weismantel reviewed the draft conditions of approval. He asked if the applicant agrees with the conditions, and Mr. Levy stated yes. Mr. Karp moved to approve the site plan with the following conditions: 1. In order to reduce the likelihood of headlights shining on abutting residential property to the north after business hours, the 9 compact car parking spaces reserved for the business center contained in the upper parking lot adjacent to the building, shall be designated as reserved for business center use by appropriate signage. 2. Dumpsters on the property shall not be emptied before 8:00 AM or after 5:00 PM. 3. The applicant shall be responsible for mitigating all construction related impacts, including erosion, siltation and dust control in a timely manner. 4. The applicant shall regularly remove construction trash and debris from the site in accordance with good construction practice. No tree stumps, demolition material, trash or debris shall be burned or buried on the site. 5. Exterior lighting of the site shall be as depicted on the plans. No light bulbs or lenses shall protrude below the bottom of the light fixture. Lighting of the child care facility playground area shall be turned off at the conclusion of child pick-up in the evening. 6. Mechanical equipment or other utility hardware on the roof, grounds or buildings shall be screened from view from the ground. 7. The Director of Municipal Inspections inspects Site Plans under construction for compliance with the approved Decision of Site Plan Review. If the Director of Municipal Inspections determines at any time before or during construction that a registered professional engineer or other such outside professional is required to assist with the inspections of the stormwater management system or any other component of the Site Plan, the applicant shall be responsible for the cost of those inspections. 8. In accordance with § 210-138 of the Zoning Bylaw, the applicant shall provide a performance guarantee in the amount of $5,000 to the Town prior to the commencement of construction pursuant to this decision. The guarantee shall consist of a deposit of money or negotiable securities in a form selected by the Planning Board to guarantee that any unforeseen problems which arise, such as erosion and sedimentation and the correction of site lighting problems, are addressed. The funds will be held by the Town and returned to the applicant upon completion of the project. Mr. DeYoung seconded the motion. Mr. D’Urso noted he realizes this was a lengthy process and a lot of work but it involves a decision made by another Board which he disagrees with. He stated neighbors contacted him regarding this proposal and came out to express their concerns which are mostly related to density. He noted he means no disrespect for another Board's decision, but he understands the neighbors' concerns and is voting against approval even though it is mostly symbolic. The Board voted 5 in favor of the motion with one opposed (D'Urso). A motion was made and seconded to close the public hearing. The Board voted unanimously in favor. 9 Ms. Wright returned to the Board at this time. 5. Marathon Solar LLC – Request to Amend Special Permit and Stormwater Management Permit Mr. Weismantel stated the Board issued a Special Permit and Stormwater Management Permit for the solar installation off East Main St. in 2015, and the discussion tonight concerns a proposed minor modification to the plan. Eric Las, Beals and Thomas, Inc., engineer, appeared before the Board. Mr. Las noted the Conservation Commission voted unanimously last week to approve the project change. He noted the name of the applicant has been changed and is now Marathon Solar, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, and the previously approved project has been reduced in scope from +3.0 MW to +2.6MW (DC) nameplate capacity and a reduction in overall footprint. Mr. Weismantel asked why the project was scaled down. Mr. Las stated the applicant wants to use single panel racks and therefore has to revise the original array design, resulting in an overall reduction of the facility. He noted the Conservation Commission was pleased with the change in terms of impact on the buffer zone and the ability to move the fence further away from the wetlands. Mr. Las detailed the proposed changes to the design. He noted they are still proposing the same type of gravel drip edges, and there will be no changes from a stormwater management perspective. Mr. Weismantel noted that approval of the modification will not mean a change to the conditions of the original approvals. He asked if there will be a change to visibility, and Mr. Las noted additional plantings will be as originally planned. In response to a question, Mr. Las noted they are proposing a 7 ft. tall fence, higher than the 6 ft. fence on the original plan, to make sure they can keep deer out of the area. It was the consensus of the Board that the changes are minor in nature. Mr. DeYoung moved to approve the amendment to the Special Permit and the Stormwater Management Permit to reference the revised plan, with no changes to the original conditions of approval. Mr. Ferrari seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor. Mr. Las noted that construction will begin in early spring. 6. 2015 Planning Board Annual Report The Board reviewed the draft Annual Report for 2015. Mr. Weismantel suggested using the report to thank members of the public for participating at Planning Board meetings and let them know that their input is very valuable for the members in reaching their decisions. Ms. Wright moved to submit the annual report to be amended as discussed tonight. Mr. Wade seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor. 7. Administrative Business The Board reviewed the draft minutes of December 21, 2015. Mr. D'Urso moved to approve the Minutes of December 21, 2015, as written, the motion was seconded and the Board voted unanimously in favor. Ms. Lazarus referred to the Boroughs+ Economic Development Summit event which will be held in Westborough on January 26, 2016 at 7:00 AM, geared to the 'Boroughs' area communities along Rt. 495. She stated this should be very informative, and Planning Board members are invited to attend. She noted Jennifer Burke, Principal Planner, is involved in the planning of the event. Mr. Weismantel referred to an upcoming lighting workshop in Brockton, and Ms. Wright noted she plans to attend with Ms. Burke. 10 Mr. Weismantel asked members to let him know if they have any ideas for the agenda for the next meeting. He noted the Zoning Advisory Committee is about ready finish up their work items for the annual town meeting. Ms. Wright referred to her earlier comment regarding a floodlight fixture at the 34-40 Hayden Rowe building installed after the previous site plan had been approved, and noted this seems to happen a lot. Mr. Weismantel stated he agrees and referred to the Town Hall light at the back of the building near the entrance ramp. Ms. Lazarus stated violations can be brought to the attention of zoning enforcement personnel. Mr. Weismantel noted he drove by 35 Hayden Rowe the other day and felt that the arborvitae planted in front of the building were not as tall as required. He noted he asked Ms. Lazarus to look into this, and she found that the plantings are too short. Adjourned: 10:15 P.M. Submitted by: Cobi Wallace, Permitting Assistant, Dept. of Land Use, Planning & Permitting Approved: February 22, 2016 Documents Used at the Meeting:  Agenda for January 11, 2016 Planning Board meeting  Memorandum to Planning Board from Elaine Lazarus, Director of Land Use, Planning & Permitting , dated January 7, 2016, re: Items on January 11, 2016 Planning Board Agenda  Draft Planning Board Minutes for December 21, 2015  Email from Mirick O’Connell to Elaine Lazarus – Announcement of Boroughs+ Economic Development Summit, January 26, 2016  Draft 2015 Planning Board Annual Report  Plans for Subdivision off Leonard St., dated 1/14/05 revised through 12/30/15, prepared by J.D. Marquedant & Assoc. Inc.  Letter to Town of Hopkinton Planning Board, attn.: Elaine Lazarus, Director, from BETA Group, Inc., dated January 11, 2016, re: Leonard Street Subdivision Review  Subdivision off Leonard Street – Request for Extension, dated January 11, 2016, submitted by Douglas W. Resnick, Atty. for Richard Barbieri  Public Hearing Outline – Northeast, Northwest & North Club Villages, Legacy Farms (Pulte Homes of New England & Legacy Farms, LLC) – Site Plan Review & Amendment to MPSP Buildable Area, Jan. 11, 2016  PowerPoint Presentation (Planning Board) – Legacy Farms Master Plan – General Overview of Permitting Process and Design Principals  Legacy Farms North – Applicant Presentation Slides, prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin/Bohler Engineering  Plans – Marathon Solar – Revised Array Overlay Plan, prepared by Beals and Thomas, Inc., dated 01/04/16 (First Issue w/Revised Site Plans)  Landscape and Lighting Plans for Hayden Rowe Lofts, 34 Hayden Rowe, Hopkinton, MA, dated 9/30/15 revised through 1/7/16, prepared by Radner Design Associates, Inc.