HomeMy Public PortalAboutMIN-CC-10/04/1995 to 10/12/19991 MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 4, 1995 The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Pro-Tem Mick called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. Others in attendance were City Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto, and Terry Warner; County Councilmembers Dale Mosher, Ken Ballantyne, Bart Leavitt, and Peter Haney; City Manager Donna Metzler; County Administrator Earl Sires; Recorder John W. West; Police Chief Alan West; Grand County Sheriff Jim Nyland; Chief Deputy Doug Squires; County Attorney Bill Benge; County Clerk Fran Townsend; Mike Navarre and Scott Mallon of the Moab City Police Department; and 6 members of the audience including the media. Earl Sires led a capital projects discussion in regards to potential projects that may be funded through the Permanent Community Impact Board. Maris Allen stated that the senior citizens need a food -service delivery van at an approximate cost of $45,000. There was a discussion on the anti -drug strike force and proposed agreement between Moab City and Grand County. Councilmember Warner moved to send a draft of the proposed anti -drug strike force agreement to City Attorney David Church for legal review and schedule a special meeting for next Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. for a decision. Councilmember Seibert seconded and the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:53 p.m. Councilmember Veteto seconded and the motion carried 5-0. Mayor Pro-Tem Mick then adjourned the meeting. ATTEST: Joh Ci W ,l1*- West: rder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 5, 1995 APPROVED: SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE CAPITAL PROJECTS DISCUSSION SMNIOR CITIZENS REQUESTED FOOD DELIVERY VAN ANTI -DRUG STRIKE FORCE DISCUSSION SPECIAL MEETING SCHLMULED ADJOURNbffiNIT homas A. Stocks Mayor The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember McDougald led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Councilmembers Dan Mick, Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto, and Terry Warner; Manager Donna Metzler; Recorder John W. West; Planning Director Robert Katzenson; Code Compliance Officer Debbie Gilger; Community Development Director David Olsen; and 2 members of the audience. REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE 2 PUBLIC SEARING FOR POTENTIAL PROJECTS FOR CDBG PROGRAM ORD. 95-22-- ANNEEATION OF PROPERTY OWNED BY BOB is MARY DOWNARD ON 500 WEST HOLIDAY HAVEN S ETBACKS DISCUSSION S ETBACK RECOMMENDATIONS FROM PLANNING COMMISSION MILLCREEK PROJECT DISCUSSION BREAK MEETING RECONVENED CANVASS OP PRIMARY ELECTION VOTES ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT STUNTMAN'S HaT.T, OF FAME TO BE ON NEAT AGENDA Councilmember Mick moved to go to public hearing to solicit potential projects for the HUD 1996-97 Community Development Block Grant program. Councilmember McDougald eeconded and the motion parried 5-0. Councilmember McDougald moved to adopt Ordinance 95-22--Adopting an annexation policy declaration and annexation of territory to the City of Moab for property owned by Bob & Mary Downard at approximately 549 North 500 West with the designation of an R-3 zone. Councilmember Mick seconded and the motion carried 5-0 by roll -call vote. There was a lengthy diecuenion with Joe Kingsley regarding setbacks for Holiday Haven mobile home park. Councilmember Seibert moved to direct the Planning Commission to come up with setback recommendations at their Thursday meeting. Councilmember Veteto seconded and the motion carried 5-0. There was a discussion of land and easement acquisitions along the north aide of Mill Creek from Rotary Park to the Mill Creek Drive road bridge. It was the coneenous of Council to concentrate on the completion of the pathway from Rotary Park to 500 West. Councilmember Warner moved to take a break at 7:58 p.m. Mayor Stocks reconvened the meeting at 8:04 p.m. The Council conducted the canvass of the primary election votes. Councilmember Veteto moved to accept the canvass of primary election votes as follows: Donald Scott Coekayne Richard Cooke Art Grusensky Kent E. Johnson Ned Kirk William D. McDougald Daniel W. Mick Terry W. Warner 97 190 96 114 66 415 258 426 Councilmember Seibert seconded and the motion carried 5-0. Manager Donna Metzler gave the following administrative reports 1) she attendw.' '1e CIB meeting this morning in which they passed an administrative rule for all CIB projects which states that they have retroactive jurisdiction for 10 years for a change of use or change of ownership; 2) approximately 40 members of the Citizens Assistance Team met last week; 3) the Rotary Club has volunteered to Olean up the trails; and 4) a donation has been received towards the cost of a radio for the Citizens Assistance team. CouncilmaMber Veteto moved to put the Stuntman's Hall of Fame and the direction the City wants to go with the building on the next agenda. Counoilmember McDougald ■eaonded and the motion carried 5-0. 3 Mayor Stocks reported on the recent sewer rate committee meetings. They are looking at fixed rates and impact fees. He also reported that Dixie Barksdale stated that there might be left- over money through an EDA grant. Councilmember Mick questioned the hole in front of Royce's Electronics. Councilmember McDougald stated that we should support grant funding for a food delivery van for the senior citizens. Councilmember McDougald moved to have the task force agreement placed on the agenda of a special meeting to be scheduled for Thursday, October 12th at 5:00 p.m. Councilmember Veteto seconded and the motion carried 5-0. Counoilmember Seibert moved to pay the bills in the amount of $91,612.18. Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion carried 5-0 by roll -call vote. Mayor Stocks adjourned the meeting at 8:49 p.m. ATTEST: John Cit t der CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 12, 1995 MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORTS TASK FORCE AGREEMENT TO BE ON AGENDA OF SPECIAL MEETING BILLS AGAINST THE CITY ADJOURNMENT APPROVED: / homas A: Stocks Mayor The Moab City Council scheduled a special meeting on the above date at 5:00 p.m. in the council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. In attendance was City Recorder John W. West. The purpose of the meeting was approval of the Narcotics Task Force agreement. However, due to the lack of a quorum, no business was conducted. ATTEST: John Cit est der AB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 24, 1995 APPROVED: SPECIAL MEETING AT WHICH NO BUSINESS WAS CONDUCTED DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM Thom A. Stocks Mayor The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember McDougald led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Councilmembera Dan Mick, Paul Seibert, and Terry Warner; Manager Donna Metzler; Recorder John W. West; Planning Director Robert Katzenson; Code Compliance Officer Debbie Gilger; Community Development Director David Olsen; and 37 members of the audience including the media. REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE 4 APPROVAL MINUTES OF Councilmember Mick moved to approve the following minutes: 1) the regular meeting of September 26th with the correction that Councilmember Mick (not Councilmember Veteto) stated that all councilmembers should fill out conflict of interest disclosure forms; 2) the regular meeting of October 12th; and 3) the special meetings of September 19th, September 20th, September 22nd, October 4th, & October 12th. Councilmember Warner seconded and the motion carried 4-0. PLANNING UPDATE PRESENTATION OF 1994/1995 FISCAL YEAR FINANCIAL AUDIT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE COALITION PRESENTATION DRUG ABUSE BOOKLET PRESENTATION OVERVIEW OF PROPOSED ORDINANCES PUBLIC BEARING ON ORD. 95-18-- ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR PLANNING COO ISSIONERS PUBLIC HEARING ON ORD. 95-19-- ATTENDANCE REQUIRREMENTS FOR BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEMBERS PUBLIC BEARINGS CLOSRp PUBLIC HEARING ON ORD. 95-20--STORK WATER DRAINAGE Robert Katzeneon gave the following planning update: 1) the City has received a "draft" noise study from Paoletti & Associates with findings which are generally favorable, with construction mitigation techniques being recommended; 2) the City has received an initial review of the affordable housing needs assessment- study and a preliminary draft should be available by the end of the week (to be sent to the County before findings are released); and 3) the City is in the process of finalizing Phase I of the north corridor study. Kim Peterson, of Peterson & Associates, Certified Public Accountants, presented the 1994-1995 fiscal year financial audit. He went over all funds and presented the management letter. He stated that overall the City is in good financial shape. Connie Blaine, Stephanie Dahlstrom, and Nancy Van Damblin made presentations regarding the Domestic Violence Coalition. They talked about the "Week Without Violence" and stated that Grand County has 5 times more domestic violence than the State average. The Coalition is applying for a state grant. Ron Dunn made a presentation regarding a drug abuse booklet to be distributed throughout the Grand County Schools. The book will also be distributed to parents and is funded through advertising from local merchants. Rob Katzeneon gave an overview on proposed Ordinances 95-18 and 95-7.9. Mayor Stocks opened the public hearing on proposed Ordinance 95-18--Minimum attendance requirement° for Planning Commission members, at 8:07 p.m. No comments were received from the public. Mayor Stocks opened the public hearing on proposed Ordinance 95-19--Minimum attendance requirement° for Board of Adjustments members, at 8:08 p.m. No comments were received from the public. Mayor Stocks closed the public hearings on proposed Ordinances 95-18 & 95-19 at 8:09 p.m. Mayor Stocks opened the public hearing on proposed Ordinance 95-20--Amending Moab Code regarding storm water drainage to allow applicants to underwrite the costs associated with project - specific storm water drainage studies, at 8:09 p.m. - Mayor Stocks spoke against having approval of the stormwater drainage plans by the public works director and City planner instead of the City engineer. ,5 Ken Davey asked how much money would be saved by not having to send out small projects to the engineer? David Olsen said that the ordinance puts the burden on the developer to pay for the costa of development. Jim Siemens said that you need to look at a system -wide approach to mitigate the impacts. Mayor Stocks closed the public hearing on proposed Ordinance 95-20 at 8:13 p.m. Mayor Stocks opened the public hearing on potential projects for the CDBG Small Cities Program for fiscal year 1996-1997, at 8:15 p.m.. David Olsen defined the community development block grant eligible applicants, the three national objectives of the CDBG program, and federal compliance requirements and eligible activities. He then distributed information packets explaining the above listed items. David stated that the amount of CDBG funds expected to be available for allocation this coming year is $55,000 for any eligible activity and up to $77,000 that is set aside for housing. However, the $77,000 may be shared with other communities in Southeastern Utah. He said that Some of the projects to consider are: Mill Creek path lighting, park furniture, and amenities; Power House Lane trailhead parking lot; acquisition of easements or property and blazing of nature paths west of 100 West; curb & gutter for Kane Creek Blvd; road widening and improvements/storm drainage/boulevard true planters at 400 East & Kane Creek; storm drainage master plan; storm drainage projects; injet color plotter; FEMA map revision north of City limits; sewer plant upgrade and land acquisition; pavilion cover; pool cover, multipurpose sports court; home delivery van for Senior Citizens; and Citizens Assistance Team equipment and supplies. For housing, some of the projects to consider. are Canyonlands Field Institute housing project or restoration project to convert an historic home into a nature center; upgrade existing housing stock for low income families; and housing and capital improvement studies. David stated that the City seeks citizen input regarding these projects or other eligible projects. He said that in determining projects, the City should take into consideration projects that are prioritized in the 1992 Moab City Community Development and Housing Needs Policy Plan which prioritized the following capital improvement projects: 1) Mill Creek flood control and parkway project; 2) infrastructure projects, such as water, sewer, streets, curba, gutters, and sidewalks; 3) City offices and police department; 4) downtown parking; and 5) watershed improvements for the golf course and surrounding area. That plan also includes a comprehensive housing affordability strategy, a housing survey, the number and conditions of existing and new dwelling units, income levels, housing needs and goals, etc. Harris Allen spoke in behalf of the Senior Citizens and their need for a home meal delivery. van at an approximate cost of $29,000. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING ON POTENTIAL PROTECTS FOR THE CDBG SMALL CITIES PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 1996- 1997 6 PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED BREAK MEETING RECONVENED STUNTMAN'S HALL OF FAME BUILDING & C I B REQUIREMENTS CIB TO BB CONTACTED REGARDING STUNTMAN'S HALL OF FAME BUILDING PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD ON USE OF STUNTMAN S HALL OF FAME BUILDING PRESENTATION REGARDING WATER, SEWER, & GARBAGE A T MOAB INFORMATION CENTER COSTS FOR MIC UTILITIES TO BE ADDRESSED WHEN BUDGET I S REOPENED PUBLIC HEARING ON ORD. 95-21- -MH- RV - 1 MOBILE HOME/RV PARRS ZONE PUBLIC HEARING ON ORD. 95-23-- MOBILE HONES Ed DeFrancia of Canyonlands Field Institute and spoke in favor of their housing/restoration project to convert an historic home into a nature center. Middle School Principal Margaret Hopkins stated that the house on 400 East is a great old house and should be restored. Mayor Stocks closed the public hearing at 8:25 p.m. Councilmember Seibert moved to take a break at 8:25 p.m. Councilmember Mick seconded and the motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks reconvened the meeting at 8:32 p.m. Manager Donna Metzler led in a discussion regarding the Stuntman's Hall of Fame building. She gave a brief explanation of CIB requirements and that any agency that received CIB funds must go back to the CIB in order to change the use or change ownership within 10 years of the receipt of funds. The City of Moab will be under the stipulation for another 2 years. There was a lengthy discussion regarding ADA requirements; repairs of building including electrical, roof repair, etc.; other organizations should being able to submit proposals; and possible use of building by Film Commission & Tributary Theater. Councilmember Mick moved to direct the City Manager to contact the CIB with regard to the use of the property (for Tributary Theater/Moab Film Commission) and whether or not the City can sell the building. Councilmember Seibert seconded and the motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Warner moved to have a public hearing on November 14th on the use of the Stuntman's Hall of Fame building and to include any other interested parties. Councilmember Mick seconded and the motion carried 4-0. Bob Jones, Pete Parry, Walt Dabney, Brad Wallace, Lori Winston, and Larry Frederick appeared on behalf of the Moab Information Center. Pete Parry and Bob Jones made a presentation regarding a contribution of the water/sewer/garbage bill. Pete said that there were 131,800 visitors who stopped at the Information Center last year. Councilmember McDougald moved to direct staff to come up with the costs of water/sewer/garbage/snow removal at the Moab Information Center and consider a donation to them when the budget is reopened. Councilmember Mick seconded and the motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Warner moved to go to public hearing on proposed Ordinance 95-21--Amending Moab Municipal Code Chapter 17.35--MH/RV-1 mobile home/recreational vehicle parks zone. Councilmember Seibert seconded and the motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to go to public hearing on proposed Ordinance 95-23--Amending Moab Municipal Code Chapter 15.36.080 regarding mobile homes. Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion carried 4-0. 7 Councilmember Seibert moved to go to public hearing on a zone change request by Diana & Ron Carroll at 745 Kane Creek Blvd. from R-2 to I-1. Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion carried 4-0. One bid was received on curb, gutter, & sidewalk at 392 South Main from High Caliber Construction in the amount of $12,747.00. Councilmember McDougald moved to award the bid to High Caliber Construction in the amount of $12,747.00. Councilmember Mick seconded and the motion carried 4-0 by roll -call vote. One bid was received on curb, gutter, & sidewalk at 100 South/100 East from High Caliber Construction in the amount of $4,500.00. Councilmember Mick moved to award the bid to High Caliber Construction in the amount of $4,500.00. Councilmember Warner seconded and the motion carried 4-0 by roll -call vote. One bid was received on the paving of the parking lot at the Sunset Motel from LeGrand Johnson Construction in the amount of $7,500.00. Councilmember Warner moved to award the bid to LeGrand Johnson Construction in the amount of $7,500.00. Councilmember Mick seconded and the motion carried 4-0 by roll -call vote. Dr. Wrenn, owner of the Sunset Motel, stated that the project is agreeable with him. The following bids were received on the one-half ton truck for the water department: 1) Ken Garff: $15,385.50; 2) Gus Paulos: $13,869.00; 3) Salt Lake City GMC: $13,972.00; 4) Columbine Ford: $14,530.00; 5) Certified Ford: $15,195.00; and 6) Rick Warner Super Ford Store: $13,644.00. Councilmember Warner moved to award the bid on the one-half ton truck for the water department to Rick Warner Super Ford Store in the amount of $13,644.00. Councilmember Seibert seconded and the motion carried 4-0 by roll -call vote. The following bide were received on the unow plow blade: 1) Tesco-Williamson: $6,056.00; 2) Semi - Service, Inc.: $3,992.00; 3) H & K Truck Equipment: $4,352.00; and 4) Holland Equipment: $3,500.00. Councilmember McDougald moved to award the bid on the snow plow blade to Semi -Service, Inc. in the amount of $3,992.00. Councilmember Mick seconded and the motion carried 4-0 by roll -call vote. Manager Donna Metzler gave the following administrative report: 1) the Citizen's Assistance Team held their first training meeting on October 19 and seventeen members of the public attended. Team members will distribute flyers on October 26th and will attend the high school dance on October 27th; 2) she is working on an alternative sewer rate schedule; 3) the general fund payback of enterprise fund revenues was brought up; 4) Bill Hoffman, who is working with Lee Nellie on the Capital Improvement Planning study will be in town this week gathering information; 5) we have not yet received a revised drug task force agreement from the County; 6) the City should consider requesting CDBG or other grant funds for a storm drainage study, or allocating funds in the next budget for the study; 7) a staff report regarding the North Corridor PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONE CHANGE REQUEST AT 745 KANE CREEK BLVD. CURB, UU1--rER, & SIDEWALK BID AT 392 SOUTH MAIN AWARDED TO HIGH CALIBER CONSTRUCTION CURB, GUTTER, & SIDEWALK BID AT 100 SOUTH/100 EAST AWARDED TO HIGH CALIBER CONSTRUCTION SUNSET MOTEL PARKING LOT PAVING BID AWARDED TO LE GRAND JOHNSON BIDS RECEIVED ON 1/2 TON TRUCK FOR WATER DEPARTMENT WATER DEPARTMENT TRUCK BID AWARDED TO RICK WARNER BIDS RECEIVED ON SNOW PLOW BLADE SNOW PLOW BLADE BID AWARDED TO SEMI -SERVICE, INC. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Study was distributed; 8) Dan Mick has requested another impact fee meeting; 9) the After -School program will begin on October 30th; 10) a draft information packet for Old City Hall was distributed. The City will be advertising in local and regional newspapers, an well as with all local realtors; 11) the City will participate in the CFI spook alley this weekend; 12) direction was requested on whether or not we should draft a resolution for federal grants for the treatment plant; 13) the Slickrock Development Project is scheduled for discussion at the Planning Commission meeting Thursday. The City has sent a letter to the County regarding the City's position on the project; 14) Donna met with representatives from Juvenile Corrections regarding the use of the old Group Home. They have agreed to hold a public hearing on the issue; 15) a draft noise study has been completed and a final report should be available by October 30th; 16) the affordable housing study is underway; and 17) we have received the closing papers for the new City Ha11 building. However, the papers have some major discrepancies which need to be addressed. MAYOR & COUNCIL Mayor Stocks gave an update on the sewer rate REPORTS committee. He said that sewer rates should be flat rates and emphasized that the rates should encourage people to keep up their places. He believes there are HUD/EDA grants to help fund tho wastewater treatment plant upgrade. HILLS AGAINST THE CITY ADJOURNMENT Councilmember McDougald announced that he will be attending the AOG meeting tomorrow. Councilmember Seibert said that he would like to use CMG funds for housing. Councilmember Seibert moved to pay the bills in the amount of $83,173.53. Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion carried 4-0 by roll -call vote. Councilmember Mick moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m. Councilmember Seibert seconded and the motion carried 4-0. MOAN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 14, 1995 APPROVED: Qt homas A. Stocks Mayor REGULAR MEETING & The Moab City Council held their regular meeting ATTENDANCE on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Councilmember Seibert led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Councilmembera William D. McDougald and Terry Warner; Manager Donna Metzler; Recorder John W. West; Planning Director Robert Ratzenson; Code Compliance Officer Debbie Gilger; Planning Commissioner Richard Cooke; and 19 members of the audience including the media. 9 Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 24th with the corrections that 1) Dr. Wrenn, owner of the Sunset Motel, stated that the paving of his parking is agreeable with him= and 2) Mayor Stocks stated that sewer rates should be flat rates. Councilmember Seibert seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Joseph Lekarczyk questioned who runs the Golf Course? He also brought up the idea of imposing separate resident/non-resident fees. Councilmember Warner motioned to move the agenda to old business. Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to adopt Ordinance 95- 18--Minimum attendance requirements for Planning Commission members. Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion carried 3-0 by roll -call vote. l 4kMNNJCE 95-IN A'.I INUI\A'A:I I.Ai1I:UOG 6k1A0 MUNI, WA! L I VI Sltllcx:I I! 910 1101ILNLAt Jv 4+nw 1 o-J1 r riamgtw.wv.won J...n. Yu.. u.w. I .n,r., ... .fuw. 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DONSlNOTINLYNNN W`IOD.T A 0.1111 Ma, d MWCYI APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZRNS TO DE HEARD AGEENDA MOVED ORD. 95-18-- ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR PLANNING COMMISSION I(EMBERS ADOPTED ORD. 05-10-- ATTBNDANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEMBERS ADOPTED 10 ORD. 95-20--STORM WATER DRAINAGE STUDIES ADOPTED ORD. 95-24--1994 BUILDING, MECHANICAL, & ADMINISTRATIVE CODES ADOPTED Councilmember Seibert moved to adopt Ordinance 95- 20--Amending Moab Code regarding storm water drainage to allow applicants to underwrite the costs associated with project -specific storm water drainage studies. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. Councilmember Warner moved to amend the motion to include a "review by the City Engineer.11 Councilmember McDougald seconded and the amendment carried 3-0. The main motion, as amended, carried 3-0 by roll -call vote. JNUINANCL Tf :J AN.ININNnwt nmim IN4 thtlt . N o >It IntN ft :: Ct: M,pt1. Al. 1.1 t:.clod Ote iO. n_ ka cLut L..lc .ti tel.que., u.,. V non.. J J,1. 0000l Lt,L .... J L. ,L ny...J.W, J no Y. r.. ry ,note,.. In. J„Jj•w�trr, TW.chL..... d.O .J, et,. ......o.<.. VON/ Morro (1411,11.Lu_J„J_•u<.+ C. coot — Councilmember Seibert moved to adopt Ordinance 95- 24--Adopting 1994 building code, mechanical codo, and administrative code. Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion carried 3-0 by roll -call vote. Ot»INATCN Te'11. AY OTOINANC[ ANION. ION• lt..1• t.,1, 11•. ot. Oyu 11.0t.•t•, 11.11.010ONO 1t.1>.•10, . YI TNC X NONICIIAL OLOt NANCCI. OC 1T MOWED OY INC NOLO CITY COUNCIL NI FOLLOW. •e.t •. 10n1 11.11.•1•,Nlle t.•11, II..I..l•, Ie.lt.•le end II.VT.•It, Tlll• IL of 11• e• wne•d w T••a •• to WII.INO COOL 1<.91.919—d9O11I00^ Coo. • toblishl.q rules ant regulations for regulation •a control of the design. •Ifu<t 10n, tomtit of seta!1•IO` woo end o<cuyyuy. Ixetlon tnt 1/40° t 1n11Jrrgs •el Tr •''''''J •O Ifan WItOIn, 1 1.1 1 Conn Prim od o •cafe In icie lit olopta 4Y tr. taTtilan•l an e. cii on1 tOVn1. rog' IL,".at�tpl of �nls sllen t er the oprby o' p 11 eC. MIL," ee 'city of . ,u termination Dr the pteilc In m. oft ls• of tin• air •<oeJef. 1LYl.II1JN�LLu-hilthill Ntnit 1 ri:1•p1LLP-4MiL4 r�:°:nrii:lr. .q col• ,• n•.•br •aavt.d n 11.eo.yi.hO.IL1 • pe nl / 0 e •ppin ebl ^ In t • C115 f'r gUbll,ned ty the U,llor. LOothI,U.ilo. Code. 'MI Leiden. Other d.o.loseent.l foes Omit be ••t.bllowd by t.LOlottfn. NCOLANI<AL CODC 11.1LW9.dd0Ntlo0. c rt.inhaxuunts, throe • t ohtch •t• on siteIn ttice et t e< . f the Cityy.�being tatted eel designated . niter• Motet. I Cod, frond oohs.. F lnlol Sods Ap�pp..a tb•1. 1Nl Ldlllon, •na the •Onllor. Mechanical Cal• te,Wrds,•Iltl tdltlon, published by the IntOrn•llmel <0' et building 01cfeler•1• eJ0pt•J rthe nod` ....... of the citytor yvil lty rot • ,.kilo lttttittlon, yol•s. • alon.ttnd ..t nt•n•ntt o In.•rn•. terof ° •nd ethertl%<ellan•uuss et•produetrq elyrl•ne ui nln this pro WWII..., ', gelding 1 rl•s„tore of Wnit• at/ .eta •t. onart end teen a e Of f °.11., l ' at IOm .t lri 'eegalln•, I revi•loott penult its, coedit lens ea turd.. of such cods. RE • 15-95-- SUPPORTING APPLICATIONS FOR FEDERAL FUNDING OF WWTP ADOPTED 'J. oleo cooled Losoln Io toll Ilteo tooe l •,d 1 .,, y_ t�. ,.._. .,. ,. 01 thecity rec..rar. T1110 0..lo...e ete11 tete •.root lu.J..t . ....... OON. 1. of[Y COO.0 IL lilt tar •t ____ _____. to' Councilmember McDougald moved to adopt Resolution 15-95--Supporting applications for federal funding for wastewater treatment plant and north area trunk sewer upgrades. Councilmember Warner seconded and the motion carried 3-0. " liolw[Ll A " L[01f:r10v 1VY10" T1 1 " IIL1U110." TO{ t[V111L U ,ttt .G- vA" 1lvnTl{ 1[[AlvlvT IIIJeT WO tl0)ttl A" fl T" VY{ rlv[l UK[AO[f. f, " 1M t.wth A..M vlll Conti.. to Il a" ce fe.. Mec wc voaY " rare sot -ripe ''''' standard. POP MOWS aaaaa spot.. oda( to tncrearae to ac[casoeate, both resent aM " foctrJ orwan, at, aaaaa Sint Platt .ind b Area Tcuolo twee Lino 1n ord.. tu co ttttt er'f c,rrrc cafac ��t Y" aM " " atf a" .lac [�� a ate lon.la i 1. Yf l,Ooef COMAS. the total eort nl the ... eaa reeve t a of t" r- ace ey onrrtwt7 IrVo7Soo aroara an. tear 1rcla ..crt. thillotASo eaal0 a nt tnT t {opal atlo. """ n-t to t_rn ..tact" t r. Vaiwlaf lcnc aM vllttttt 1.y.tol Mated e t {o{ulatttottcfct era costa ct rr...t" r" i" t" J to accnoorc ear " I cc ae r.a. " .aunt of 11,111,0eo. 1s1a..t.0 " act " - t ." " ��" Tote te" .laa .n to tear t ,Aa:le T" fl !s ~ LAt T r \P�� 11/ . r,al) Planner Katzenson explained proposed Ordinances 95-21 and 95-23. Mayor Stocks opened the public hearing on proposed Ordinance 95-21--Amending Moab Municipal Code Chapter 17.35--MH/RV-1 Mobile Home/Recreational Vehicle Parks zone, at 7:30 p.m. Joe Kingsley is asking for the code to be amended to strike the recreational vehicle use in Holiday Haven because it is inconsistent with the residential character of the mobile home park. A11 tenants in the RV section have been notified. Councilmember Mct)ougald stated that the original reason for the MH-RV1 zone was that Holiday Haven wasn't full and we didn't have all the RV spaces that we do now. Mayor Stocks opened the public hearing on proposed Ordinance 95-23--Amending Moab Municipal Code Chapter 15.36.080--Mobile Homes, at 7:38 p.m. Mayor Stocks asked why the height for the sight - obscuring fence is between 6-8 feet, when other sections of the code are 7 feet? Joe Kingsley stated that the amendments to the ordinance are designed to conform with the current platted layout of Holiday Haven so that affordable housing can be made available in Moab. Judy Carmichael said that she has property on the west side of Holiday Haven and that the utilities that come down the west side of Holiday Haven will not be accessible from Holiday Haven. There needs to be some way to access the utilities through Holiday Haven. Mayor Stocks questioned who is responsible for access to utilities? Joe Kingsley stated that the new owners would not have a problem in modifying or fixing the utilities so that they are accessible through the park. Mayor Stocks stated that we don't change ordinances to make sales. Mayor Stocks closed the public hearings on proposed Ordinance 95-21 and 95-23 at 7:46 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING ON ORD. 95-21-- lIOBILII HOME - RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARKS ZONR OPENED PUBLIC HEARING ON ORD. 95-23-- MOBILE HOMES OPENED PUBLIC BEARINGS CLOSED 12 PUBLIC HEARING ON DIANA & RON CARROLL ZONE CHANGE REQUEST AT 745 SANE CREEK BLVD. PUBLIC HEARING ON STUNTMAN'S HALL OF FALSE BUILDING Mayor Stocks opened the public hearing on the zone change request by Diana & Ron Carroll for property at 745 Kane Creek Blvd. from R-2 to I-1, at 7:48 p.m. Mayor Stocks opened the public hearing on the Stuntman's Hall of Fame building at 7:49 p.m. Kari Murphy stated that she was representing the Film Commission. Joe Kingsley stated that he has made a proposal to purchase the building for $140,000 and to lease it for 3 years to the Film Commission and Tributary Theater. Lucy Wallingford read a proposal to the Council. She said "I am a local artist, a children's art instructor, and member of Moab Community Theater. One of our disadvantages is our ability to participate in the arts. There is no community apace in which the people of Moab can go to participate in various art activities. I have long had the dream of helping Moab create a Community Center for the Performing and Visual Arts. As an art instructor, I have searched in vain for 15 years for an adequate space in which to teach art classes. When the School District raised their fees, I had to discontinue classes. Rehearsal space is always a problem and the need for rehearsal space cannot be over -emphasized. I am aware of dance groups that need studio apace for classes, musical groups that have no place to play, people who want to start a local film series with nowhere to show their films, and other art instructors who have people who want to take their classes but nowhere to teach them. I would like the Council to consider forming a committee of community members that represent ae many as possible of the following groups: Moab Community Chorus, Moab Community Theater, Tributary Theater, Moab Arts Council, local dancers, musicians, visual artists, film artiste, youth of the community, Grand County Schools, and representatives from the legal and construction fields. ]: am asking the Council to direct this committee to study the feasibility of a Moab Center for the Performing and Visual Arts. This committee would look at many issues including available grants, mission statement of the center, costs of bringing the building up to coda, fee structure for use of the building, and how to bring the arts to the community at large." She asked several questions regarding the building. She continued that "it is evident that what we need is a true Community Arts Center. We need a place for our community members to enrich their lives through the arts." She urged the Council to look at an Arts Center that is run by a board appointed by the Council so that we can truly serve all the people who live here. Joseph Lekarczyk said that we have nothing now. There is a lot of room in the building. He said we don't need an entire building dedicated to a museum for the Film Commission. The building can be utilized in a lot of different ways for many different entities. He would like to see the building turned into a "community arts, center." Kirk Defond said that we need to form a committee to look at all the possibilities. There is a definite need from all of the different groups in the community. 13 Kari Murphy stated that the Film Commission has always been willing to share the building. Judy Powers said that the building can be ideal for a lot of different things. She doesn't see the Film Commission as "community oriented". Franklin Seal stated hie support of Lucy'e proposal and said he belongs to 3 different groups who would directly benefit from such an arrangement. A building being shared by a number of different groups would benefit the entire community. Joseph Lekarczyk said we need someone willing to take the reins and since Robert & Paula have already stepped forward, then they should be involved with the Board. Randy Evans said he has participated with the Moab Mueic Festival and that this building would allow for rehearsal. He said that some of the apace could be ideal in giving kids something to do. Judy Powers said that Moab needs to have something for the kids to do. Tributary Theater has been working with the kids. Don Kiffmeyer questioned what the City will do with the building after two years? Councilmember McDougald stated that he would like to keep the building as City property. Kari Murphy stated that it will cost approximately $120,000 to bring the building up to code. Don Kiffmeyer questioned whether or not the building has to be brought up to code before people can use it? Councilmember Warner said the Council has a concern on the use of the building and liability concerns. He has a pregerence for the City to be in the position of having no liability or expense. He Bays the roof and electrical system needs to be repaired and the building needs to meet ADA standards. Don Kiffmeyer questioned whose responsibility it is to pay for ADA? Ken Davey said we need to really look at the costs of the building including the costs of buying the building, upgrading to ADA, maintenance, the running of the building, etc. What we really need is someone who can drive this and make it happen. Everyone here should take into account the role of Tributary Theater and they should play an important role. Robert Burns with Tributary Theater stated that they can't share the building with the Film Commission because their plane call for a 450-seat theater with up to 50% of the building dedicated to community outreach. There will be room in the building for a professional theater company and for rehearsal space. They are interested in coming up with a viable plan to make this thing economically feasible. Grant writers have been hired and the Board of Directors has been selected. They think there's a way to contribute to the community in a very active and viable way including the social and cultural aspects, to expand educational outreach, conflict resolution classes, drama therapy, and the DARE and FACT 14 PUBLIC BEARING ON CARROLL ZONE CHANGE AT 745 KANE CREEK BLVD. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING ON STUNTMAN'S CLOSED BREAK MEETING RECONVENED PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD ON SILVER SAGE MOTEL ANNEXATION CANVASS OF GENERAL ELECTION VOTES APPROVED programs. There is an economic reality to this, too. A "professional theater company" can make significant positive contributions to the social, cultural, educational and economic welfare of the community. It would create at least 20 full-time jobs. A letter from the founder of the Utah Shakespeare Festival said they started out with $1,000 and last year had an $18-$20 million impact on Cedar City. They are prepared to pay for the costs of liability and property insurance and are prepared to take full financial responsibility for this building, so the taxpayers are not burdened for one nickel. Mayor Stocks introduced newly elected City Councilmember Richard Cooke. Lucy Wallingford questioned what the rent would be to Tributary Theater? Have you decidod whether or not you are going to charge rent? Mayor Stocks said that the original plan was to sell the building because we have $270,000 in revenue budgeted from the sale of buildings Councilmember McDougald stated that he didn't want to get into the rental business. Bill Osborn stated that the Tributary Theater has already studied options to ascertain that it is feasible with no costs to the City. It is their goal to purchase the building. Terry Warner stated that the Council had received a letter from the Grand County Historical Preservation Commission in which they state their support for the use of the building by the Film Commission. Mayor Stocks said he was disappointed when the University of Utah received a $300,000 grant for fine arts in Moab and used it as a playground. Robert Burns stated that Tributary Theater is a Utah Non -Profit Corporation and are awaiting their Federal Non -Profit status. Mayor Stocks closed the public hearing on the zone change request by Diana & Ron Carroll for property at 745 Kane Creek Blvd. from R-2 to I-1, at 8:44 p.m. Mayor Stocks closed the public hearing on the Stuntman's Hull of Fame building at 8:47 p.m. There was a break at 8:47 p.m. Mayor Stocks reconvened the meeting at 8:54 p.m. Councilmember Warner moved to go to public hearing on the Silver Sage Motel annexation request at 840 South Main Street. Councilmember Seibert seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the canvass of general election votes as follows: 1) Donald Scott Cockayne: 246; 2) Richard Cooke: 736; 3) Kent E. Johnson: 411; 4) William D. McDougald: 834; 5) Daniel W. Mick: 584; 6) Terry W. Warner: 859; 7) Nate Knight: 5; 8) Rocky Erb: 4; 9) Leo Dutilly: 1; 10) Randy Day: 3; and 11) Tom Stocks: 1. Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion carried 3-0. 15 Councilmember Seibert moved to review and approve SOLID WASTE with no objections the Grand County Solid Waste BUDGET Management Special Service District #1 1996 budget. Councilmember Warner seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Mayor Stocks reported that the SEUAOG will have a CORRESPONDENCE meeting on November 21st for a local government platform pertaining to the growth conference. He also said that he has received a letter from Martha (Shields) Thayer and wants to dedicate their private sewer line to the City. The Mayor attended a meeting today which was presented by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality on used oil. Manager Donna Metzler presented the following ADMINISTRATIVE written administrative report: 1) she is meeting REPORT with representatives from Prime Capital to close on New City Hall; 2) she will begin advert.eing tomorrow for Old City Hall; 3) a summary of the noise study findings in regards to Portal Recreation was presented; 4) staff will explain the findings and further progress on the North Corridor Planning study; 5) she is still working on the sewer rate options report; 6) she will be responsible for putting together the initial EDA Capital Facilities funding request application if Council approves the funding request resolution; 7) the first annual Turkey Trot will be this Saturday at 10:00 a.m.; 8) the Christmas party has been scheduled for December 16th; and 9) the Police Department will be establishing Drug -Free Zones, which will increase the seriousness by one degree of any drug -related crime committed in the zone. There was a presentation and discussion on the North Corridor Questionnaire Summary Table. A copy of the questionnaire has been sent to Montgomery Watson in order for them to submit a cost quotation for both the sewer capacity and etormwater management plan preparation. The Planning Department has also spoken with the Grand County Roads Department in regards to their preparing the initial stormwater flow estimates for each parcel within the study area. There was a discussion on potential CDBG projects for regular projects (road, storm drainage, & path) and housing projects. The Council can decide on neither, one, or both projects. Mayor Stocks stated that he has some information MAYOR & COUNCIL regarding flat sewer rates that he needs to get to REPORTS Donna and the Council. Councilmember Warner questioned the statue of pending legislation regarding gross business license fees? He also stated for the record that "I don't owe Joe Kingsley anything. I'm not obligated to him for anything." Councilmember Seibert said Holiday Haven should be rezoned R-4 (eliminating the MH-RV1 zone) and adjusting trailer &iota for the size of trailers being manufactured today. Councilmember Seibert moved to pay the bills in BILLS AGAINST TEE the amount of $132,675.47. Councilmember Warner CITY seconded and the motion carried 3-0 by roll -call vote. 16 ADJOURNMENT Mayor Stocks adjourned the meeting at 10:31 p.m. ATTES SPECIAL/REGULAR MEETINGS & ATTENDANCE DRUG TASK FORCE DISCUSSION COUNCILMEMBER WARNER ARRIVED DRUG TASK FORCE AGREEMENT APPROVED CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL MINUTES APPROVED: Thomas A. Stocks Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL/REGULAR MEETING NOVEIIBER 20, 1995 The Moab City Council held their special/regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Pro-Tem Daniel W. Mick called the special meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Councilmember Seibert led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Counci3.members William D. McDougald and Terry Warner; Manager Donna Metzler; Recorder John W. West; Planning Director Robert Katzenson; Code Compliance Officer Debbie Gilger; Community Development Director David Olsen; County Commissioners John Maynard, Bart Leavitt, Ray Pene, Dale Mosher, and Ken Ballantyne; County Chief -Deputy Doug Squire; County Attorney William L. Benge; and 19 members of the audience including the media. There was a discussion on the Drug Task Force agreement. Manager Metzler stated that the new interlocal agreement does not create a separate legal entity as the old agreement did. She also stated that San Juan County is now included along with Moab City and Grand County. Councilmember Warner arrived at 6:36 p.m. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the old agreement and then meet later with the County to discuss adding item #21 of the new interlocal agreement, stating that "this interlocal agreement does not create a separate legal entity, and no provision herein shall be construed to mean that a separate legal entity has been created." Councilmember McDougald seconded and the me carried 4-0. Mayor Pro-Tem Mick called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. OF Councilmember Warner moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of November 14th with the correction that the canvass of general election votes carried 3-0. Councilmember Seibert seconded and the motion carried 4-0. PLANNING UPDATE Robert Katzenson gave the following planning update: the draft affordable housing needs assessment phase I is in and is included in the Council packet. There is a meeting scheduled for Tuesday, December 5th at 2:00 in the City Council Chambers to discuss the findings. 17 David Olsen gave a report on the Americorps program. This ,year the program will focus on community improvements such as landscaping, cleanup of graffiti, etc. They will also provide a grant writer who can assist us with funding research. Councilmember Warner motioned to move the agenda to old business. Councilmember Seibert seconded and the motion carried 4-0. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve Ordinance 95-21--Amending Moab Municipal Code Chapter 17.35- -MH/RV-1 Mobile Home/Recreational Vehicle Parks zone. Councilmember Seibert seconded and the motion was defeated 4-0 by roll -call vote. Mayor Pro-Tem Mick opened the public hearing on the Silver Sage Motel annexation request at 840 South Main Street, at 7:27 p.m. No comments were received. Councilmember Seibert moved to adopt Ordinance 95- 23--Amending Mobile Homes, with the changes that 15.36.080(H) reads "...Also a strip of land at least ten feet wide surrounding the mobile home park shall be left unoccupied by mobile homes and shall be enclosed with a sight -obscuring fence of not less than six feet and more than eight feet in height..." and that 15.36.080(L)(1) reads "For one-way with no parking, twenty feet in width, plus extra width as necesuary for maneuvering mobile homes." Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion carried 4-0 by roll -call vote. tlKIII4At:r 1 vt1I .\\..AI.INAN, I. ttllnlll,l, A1.,AM A11 .?I.'ll'11 •,.14 •lo l l A.!J II y t1: LI, IMI 1111..t11 YI II Al tt..l. .on.., IIJ. • w,L rn.,n..o1., a .1.L 11 d, u. .nr. l••n. unJolv.tal, Li Anu Jr4tmpu4uv, Lod. .f1'J.tl„J 4•J. II h:1e NOW loll(AfIOIIt.11 If IMAM OAO.AItt U A11, l I.,.I 11 " AO f4,d.pn.. ,.Judo 10 J...4y,an a ..J.I. L.o rot J.M •a•rn•. •r de I.III..,l nphon -J,.JvL A IN uaddh u oau.rn,l.p,.J.htow J.JI.•r1,..Id.,JJ a lud( ihM..»4utfJ-.-.l.pr,.•J tr u,M.an, I.M,.,.r.•....Ln. y. ✓. p.r.r...1l..er,ur l4. ...am tor off Iota anL41. ono .Ld 1. r...... 0 Al. 1.41.JM 1r.1.u..N.J..4.4.. .Jalb L.....n., Io 14..1 ht 1a. ,..N.+..J1...Y41IJ1 J.olloyo Jau do .. .LA Aorlopooloin4. Jpo.N •V,k goo. J.. •Jool-A 4.o a.,...1., Lo J. b.•I,eJv.. ot.o.1 woo woo 01 on M•dy.rN.J 000 a polo owl Oa,.. M.r+.+ too J ol0000poon A./0. 4.o•J ... .r ..AA rot wl JA,•d Al• Ao•Jo Iwl unae1...Wto• pat. n•A.4 tunt a•. tool a•.Ldo pul•ryyy hd IW.yl. 4.,.,.w.u..0 a.J no, ra n d •h .a1pw• J t,. L Lv rul I TM W AI w..nI •al•.J,roJ•,J., W..J4. JI ono pot,.11.1..•J rN,M•a. : t L...J.4.aM Jn1,dk,u Y I.J.4 dd ha rW nh.ry pula '1•b .nt..u.J4au . pu\. uJ II••4,oula 1 Aaun..I.Log .r. L.L.l y.,. I,.•4,..L ..J.41.....,.. ey4 4n - Ly10 t. Nu0,J•4A..,-JJoAwns. u.tl...IJl lel n.,J.l....L-.n M, I.....L mono A.n...J a• nL...,Jd Ae.... a4 A 11 .t(a.LJ• 4..uw rdJ, loon d .I1 of..Jdl.., I.l . I,a on L,• I..., JI...J.n. AU. . o.q011.1 . tw ..0 kn ..l .u..w4y d -.•4 L.o rook ,AJ 1. LA n...,j..1In ...A L... J.4I1• tool .loot •,,halo..... AGENDA MOVED ORD 95-21--MH/RV- 1 ZONE DEFEATED PUBLIC HEARING ON SILVER SAGE MOTEL ANNEXATION ORD. 95-23-- AHENDING IMOBILE HOMES ADOPTED Il. a JL t a. wool.... k J•J.n.J.• ..L..v ...r.,J n.l..I• L tgrlJ. LowJ..A ....JL..o.. ...,-•..y ly..J..u.. lal.aa..n• J.y J I• J•...L14..... y,. ..J 1. .4 w.. Il ♦L •I..Wo.......1•k -o• nyon... W.W.w�o{ 0n,do.ebA..44.r.J-md,..ty4a.• yloot• CaonIIrJ• aAnon Ewa-, lrA.lo... olyJ,,. I AL.lA v.rI4J.1.W0IL COW. vAre-n.bOr% ooln. m.,..4nJ.Lart tl.dool J• time otl.•J ak•.l Jot for o1Jdo p.Il...J.(r.rd:ay..�J-J...w.•..•.J•Mv Ato*. 1. i also d 14..L.pn J td, •. WA tna. h IL• nor .J -t.•rd.• M.... •.\ 00W.... •o nd. W ati •ta.n,,4 •Lyon a4011.d• t•n•J.»• JIJ•LLa.• NLamoos ..J u Ina du IA l .alota .d.L• I.o.lrn.• 40 •,...... of Jo o up.., d.4 p.l 1.4 r lo,S A.eJ tool*. l Mlra,y.J arm AA k pa,.tl..I prim., »J4. c. ..vrn, . y{maJ 4.4 I,I...sty-ma V la,.yv t.md.0 �. pa+•nar J.a- .L.4,q eat ay. , .AJlktlr.J lM aY aa q.o�na dv. d dos do,. .Loll ItomploJ ..L .d•.o..L...d,MLary• N.1.J eald Jo odd aye di•wlud-... am 1,:..•K L.,u J•Ifl Q Pi) L.ttttf. A0,0.ei�...r,:71..lr dY CowlsI,W .. .•p. •n,.I. (S.* •, lq d N`till ^�41x1,1ti hJury dill ,a4 &ea iminiadt e..11Iff_r(r) 18 ZONE CHANGE APPROVED FOR DIANA & RON CARROLL AT 745 KANE CREEK BLVD. PROJECTS ACCEPTED FOR CDBG SMALL CITIES PROGRAM FOR 1996-1997 SEEKHAVEN CHOSEN AS CDBG HOUSING PROJECT SEEKHAVEN TRANSITIONAL HOUSING PROJECT DISCUSSION STUNTMAN'S HALL OF FAME BUILDING DISCUSSION RES. 16-95--CITY HALL DECLARED AS SURPLUS ADOPTED Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the zone change request by Diana & Ron Carroll for property at 745 Kane Creek Blvd, from R-2 to I-1. Councilmember Seibert seconded and the motion carried 4-0 by roll -call vote. Councilmember Warner moved to accept the following projects for the CDBG Small Cities Program for fiscal year 1996-1997 in the following order: 1) 400 East and Kane Creek Boulevard road and landscaping improvements; 2) storm drainage on 400 East; and 3) path projects along Mill Creek. Councilmember Seibert seconded and the motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to apply for the $77,000 CDBG Housing Project for the "Seekhaven Shelter." Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion carried 4-0. There was a discussion on the Seekhaven Transitional Housing project. David Olsen stated that we could take control of these funds and apply for the money to go to Stuntman's Hall of Fame. There was a discussion on the Stuntman's Hall of Fame building. David Olsen said that there could be a multiple use of the building and gave the following examples: film school, recreation, film commission, museum, performing arts area, classrooms, offices, storage areas, living quarters (Seekhaven), etc. Joe Kinglsey said that if he were allowed to purchase the building that he would pledge first position notes and the underlying properties as collateral. He would allow both the Film Commission and Tributary Theater to use the building. John Dinsmore said the building should be used as a recreational center for our children. Councilmember Warner moved to adopt Resolution 16- 95--Declaration of Old City Hall as surplus property. Councilmember Seibert seconded and the motion carried 4-0. .I.SOIMI1011 OF 00..104 WV( G,„...CITY .0$Vt, WK. .. n, CITY O, w.; II'MI . MUTT., Moab t. has in.. li.t.a,tt,t. to...t.t ,t,•itt ., w Out p....11 II. It'n.. Ad vn M,........ Iat uli nwp.n.• c,,, Igi, tx,.t,o,,. n It .,a0t.tI, n tv, on.m.0 ,xt t, tu.. pn t. y "' .aml�a <itr x.0 lot.t.i a ul .. a.'MI. t..a.atlna at.. .tt.n �. 1, p...., 411.0Vatt In .pas Council lay . ul0t .lty • et anti Illn.nl.pPaoli,al, al .a.city Coo.ttl t\l. _llt\ . y al tat PUBLIC HEARING ON Mayor Pro-Tem Mick closed the public hearing on CARROLL ZONE the zone change request by Diana & Ron Carroll, at CHANGE CLOSED 8:25 p.m. 19 Manager Donna Metzler gave the following administrative report: 1) we closed on the New City Hall building last week; 2) we are proceeding with the sale of Old City Hall; 3) there will be a CIB meeting on January 6th to discuss the Stuntman's Hall of Fame building; and 4) Donna will be out of town on December 7th & 8th to have her wisdom teeth out. Councilmember Seibert stated that we should get Holiday Haven in the R-4 zone and rescind the MH/RV-1 zone as quickly as possible. Councilmember Warner said that we need to get street lights on the north end of town as soon as possible. Councilmembers Mick and McDougald requested that the City Manager's contract be placed as an executive session item on the next agenda. Councilmember McDougald left on personal privilege at 8:28 p.m. Councilmember Seibert moved to pay the bills in the amount of $30,348.31. Councilmember Warner seconded and the motion carried 3-0 by roll -call vote. Councilmember McDougald returned to the meeting. Councilmember Warner moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Councilmember Seibert seconded and the motion carried 4-0. Mayor Pro-Tem Mick then adjourned the meeting. ATFE John C A- s er APPROV MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 12, 1995 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambere of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Mick led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Councilmembere William D. McDougald, Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto, and Terry Warner; Manager Donna Metzler; Recorder John W. West; Planning Director Robert Ratzenson; Public Works Director Brent Williams; County Councilmembers Bart Leavitt, Peter Haney, and John Maynard; and 11 members of the audience including the media. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the 1996 City Council meeting schedule, 1996 holiday schedule, and 1996 Redevelopment Agency meeting schedule. Councilmember Mick seconded and the motion carried 5-0. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORTS PERSONAL PRIVILEGE BILLS AGAINST T}IE CITY COUNCILZIEMBER IS C D O U G A L D RETURNED ADJOURNPinNT REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE 1996 MEETING, HOLIDAY, & REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SCHEDULES APPROVED 20 ORD. 95-25-- ANNEEATION OF SILVER SAGE MOTEL. APPROVED QAQINANLEl174 Councilmember McDougald moved to adopt Ordinance 95-25--Annexation of Silver Sage Motel at 840 South Main Street. Councilmember Seibert seconded and the motion carried 5-0 by roll -call vote. AN OIiIIM Alfel�No raorILLL TOMon: uiiloA.Gtt letWul;^Y IiiiJ.Ma/44 &.rile/ 4[ U. A•Lo<..1 ANEW p'f•^I " fING3, d..^.n741.1/ Lr 1.W..1...1tie ..Ir -..eq.-.sew l* warm:. el pe,eety. NO",111MlfW AL, L. A *Aire., 14 pewee, Sell •1I..A 6r A- 1. Ill Pope/ Mf4.1 F Lahti 'A' to Ind" wON ir. MA or. A T. *Omar m ly .em M.S.A, rpm ray Park AOOMOD AND AMMO MA+ D°.A4 obi* Coy el Meal is DON[ IN onto COUNCIL MLR&A. D. INL A.Wyse..SDie LIIIL: PETITION FOR ANNEXATION we. .i (the p.. lie`. «• aelerl.r . . bf mil rlfe.^e LIn,,al.YL `el`c ill/11'l nlee of l ie...n :u ' n.l.N.^I (it/ co.�il rf n ci i� a '•�It•aeri • MA et Seed lie. <let cc.. teat V• e 1 C11 I 1,s....0 1.�..L rlMnli _A• A.11'L:117/OY 111P A/OAO an: CNLIO COLTTY, !71// i; rS:YA3T. r' HALF -MILE RULE & SLICRROCR DEVELOPMENT DISCUSSION There was a lengthy discussion with Grand County Councilmembers Bart Leavitt, Peter Haney, and John Maynard regarding the half mile rule. Peter Haney stated that Slickrock Development, Inc. has a development in progress. Representatives from Slickrock have asked the County to process their PUD for development, but there is a problem because they are clearly within the half mile. The developers feel that they are not urban development. Peter stated that he does not want a problem between the City and County. He continued that both City and County Attorneys have defined the project as "urban development." Mayor Stocks stated that this situation should not cause any conflict between the governing bodies. It might be a conflict between the developers and the governing bodies, but the rule is clear cut as far as what constitutes "urban development." This project would have to abide by City rules and requires annexation. 21 Manager Donna Metzler said we have had several meetings with the developer including a joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting. The City has indicated their willingness to work with the developers through the development and annexation processes. She stated that City Attorney David Church stated that they did meet the criteria for urban development. We have not received an annexation petition at this point. State law states it is the burden of the developer to petition for annexation, and not the burden of the City. Mayor Stocks questioned the difference between County and City development requirements? City - like services should be provided by the City. Ken Davey questioned why the County Council did not follow the advice of the Deputy County Attorney and refer this matter to the City? Peter Haney stated that no decision has yet been made. Randy Day said that the problem with annexation is the sewage that is required with this development. He stated that the City can't provide services because they don't have access for the sewer. Randy said that Mr. Cozzens will not grant the City an easement for the sewer. However, Mr. Cozzens is willing to grant an easement to Spanish Valley Water & Sewer. Randy stated that the City does not want a pump station or lift station. Manager Metzler stated she never said "no" to lift stations; what was said was that we want to make sure they pay for themselves, including maintenance and operation, and not to obligate the general taxpayer for the financial burden of it. Randy Day stated there is no way for either the developer or the homeowners association to afford to pay for the costs of the two pump stations which would be required. Manager Metzler said that State Law says that "legal and factual barriers" do not include financial barriers, and so all the things being outlined here do not qualify. The other thing we have tried to make clear is that perhaps the best way to go on providing sewer to the development would be through Spanish Valley Water & Sewer. However, the City needs to be involved in making that determination. Councilmember Seibert said that in the July meeting we had with Slickrock Development, they pointed out that our PUD isn't as negotiable ae the County's. Currently,, the City is rewriting the PUD ordinance so that we'll have some negotiating room. Large-scale urban development is City business. Councilmember Warner said that in 5 documents (copies of which were sent to the County Council), every one indicated the City's position as far ae annexation of Slickrock Properties is concerned. Councilmember Seibert moved to allow Susan Kittler of Physical Therapy Resources to place a bike rack on the sidewalk in front of the business at 25 West 100 South. Councilmember Veteto seconded and the motion carried 5-0. PHYSICAL THERAPY RESOURCES GRANTED PERMISSION TO PLACE BIKE RACK AT 25 W. 100 S. 22 CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORTS BILLS AGAINST THE CITY BREAK MEETING RECONVENED EXECUTIVE SESSION REGULAR SESSION ADJOURNMENT REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE Mayor Stocks announced that Legislature Day will be on January 19th. Manager Donna Metzler gave the following administrative report: 1) the advertisements for sale of Old City Hall have been placed; 2) a meeting between the City/County regarding Capital Improvement Projects needs to be scheduled; 3) the CIB will address uses of the Stuntman's Hall of Fame at their meeting to be held on January 4th; 4) the public hearing on the Wastewater Treatment Plant and North Area Trunk Sewer is scheduled for January 9th, 5) all easement descriptions for the project will be available on Friday; 6) a Drug Task Force meeting will be held in January; 7) an Affordable Housing meeting needs to be scheduled; 8) Donna will be on vacation between December 21st and 31st and John West will be in charge while she's gone. Councilmember Veteto said that she is glad to be back and announced the birth of her son. Councilmember. Seibert moved to pay the bills in the amount of $117,545.89. Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion carried 5-0 by roll -call vole. There was a break at 8:00 p.m. Mayor Stocks called the meeting back to order at 8:13 p.m. Councilmember McDougald moved to go into Executive Session at 8:18 p.m. to discuss the City Manager contract with the following persons in attendance: Mayor Tom Stocks and Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Dan Mick, Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto, and Terry Warner. Councilmember Warner seconded and the motion carried 4-1 with Councilmember Seibert voting against the motion. Manager Donna Metzler went into the Executive Session at 8:38 p.m. Councilmember Mick moved to go into regular session at 8:48 p.m. Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Warner moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:49 p.m. Councilmember Mick seconded and the motion carried 5-0. ATTEST: APPROVED: Jo West corder AB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 19, 1995 Thomas A. Stocks Mayor The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Councilmember Mick led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance 23 were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto, and Terry Warner/ Manager Donna Metzler; Recorder John W. West; Community Development Director David Olsen; and 3 members of the audience. Whitney Rearick introduced herself as the new Americorpa/RC & D worker. She will be working for Moab, Green River, and western Emery County through September 30, 1996. She will focus on "image enhancement projects." Some things she has been working on so far include the After -School program, playground equipment for Rotary Park, and getting trees planted along the north side of Turner Lumber. Mayor Stocks presented a plaque of appreciation to Dan Mick for hie four years of service to Moab City. The Mayor thanked him for the time and effort he put forth. Councilmember McDougald moved to grant approval for Seekhaven to use the 1995-96 Community Development Block Grant and Rural Community Assessment and Demonstration Program Grant to buy the Seekhaven Shelter instead of using the funds to provide transitional housing. Councilmembor. Veteto seconded and the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Mick moved to grant a home occupation license to Cathy and Patrick Neff DBA: Marcept International to conduct a mail order and book publishing business at 582 Sundial. Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to pay the bills in the amount of 888,991.35. Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion carried 5-0 by roll -call vote. Councilmember Mick moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:14 p.m. Councilmember Veteto seconded and the motion carried 5-0. ATTEST: John City APPROVED: AMERICORPS/RC & D PRESENTATION PLAQUE O F APPRECIATION PRESENTED TO DAN HICK SEEKHAVEN GRANTED APPROVAL TO USE GRANTS TO BUY SEEP,HAVBN SHELTER INSTEAD OF TRANSITIONAL HOUSING HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE GRANTED TO MARCEPT INTERNATIONAL BILLS AGAINST THE CITY ADJOURNMENT homes A. Stocks Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 9, 1996 Moab City Council held its Regular Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Acting Mayor Pro-tem Terry Warner called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Paul Seibert led in the Pledge of Allegiance. In attendance were Councilmembers Richard Cooke, William McDougald and Jeanne Veteto; Mayor Thomas A. Stocks was not present due to being out-of-town; City Manager Donna Metzler; City Recorder John West; City Planner Robert Katzenson; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator Emil Schocknmyer; eighteen members of the audience and the media. REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE 24 CITIZENS REQUEST TO BE HEARD NO PLANNING UPDATE GRAND COUNTY PRESENTATION FOR SHARED COST OF MEAL DELIVERY VAN MONTGOMERY WATSON FIRM PRESENTATION ON WWTP UPGRADE & N. AREA TRUNK SEWER PROJECTS PUBLIC HEARING OPENED ON WWTP UPGRADE & N. AREA TRUNK SEWER PROJ. PUBLIC HHEARING LEFT OPEN & AGENDA MOVED TEMPORARY CLASS III BEER LIC. GRANTED TO AGNES M. EVANS DBA: CANYONLANDS CAMPGROUND RESOLUTION 01-96--ADOPTING UNIFORM BLDG CODE FEES, ETC. ADOPTED Under citizens request to be heard Marc Horwitz spoke on going before the Board of Adjustments on January 25th. John Dinsmore inquired about when the decision on the Stuntmen's Hall of Fame Building would be made. He also stated that he would like to have a Youth Center and/or Multiple -Use Community Center in the building and that he had taken a survey. There were no City Planning updates Under presentations County Administrator Earl Sires discussed with Council the request for funding for the cost of the home meal delivery van for the Grand County Senior Citizens The request was made for the City to pay for half of the cost for the delivery van. Al Anderson of Montgomery Watson Engineering made a presentation to Council on the Wastewater Treat- ment Plant Upgrade and the North Area Trunk Sewer Projects. Acting Mayor Pro-tem Warner opened the public hearing for public comment at 7 30 p m on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade and the North Area Trunk Sewer Projects City Manager Metzler spoke on the funding of the projects. Robert Tangren asked where the new would be installed. Councilmember McDougald inquired on connections Spanish Valley Water 4 have. sewer pipe how many Sewer would Ken Davey asked if septic waste was going into the plant and who pays for that. He also asked if there was a permit process for this and if the costs would be passed onto the individuals solici- ting the dumping service Another member of the audience asked how those of us on Social Security were supposed to pay for this project. Counci.lmembers Cooke and McDougald also commented on the projects. Al Anderson of Montgomery Watson, the engineering firm, responded to questions and concerns from the audience and Council. Acting Mayor Pro-tem Warner left the hearing open for further comments and proceeded with the next agenda item. Councilmemebr Seibert moved to grant a temporary Class III Beer License to Agnes M. Evans of Gecko Enterprises DBA: Canyonlands Campground; Council - member McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by 5-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to adopt Resolution 01-96-- Adopting Uniform Building Code fees and setting fee structures for building permit fees, plan review fees, investigative fees, sign fees, etc.; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote. REfOW11ON NO 91]S 2S 011 1 cnnctwla AND Au A fI301UI10N AD0111N0 Titt 10010IJI INtgNG COOL ft. SI11UCTUIU UTAIU1IMIG AND ATTMG 101.11 TM MM. OTT fa STROCINtt FOR IU11.131N0 11110T Atf, KAN IIW'/ fttf, INVOSNGATION MS, SIGN Ulf, ITC I IILILAf,.b 4•..w, fJ/ 4 t 4, a lO.. G.6+r.w..t ....l. W n bn\.b IaGrirl IIII • eJ1J+J 1/.b I»I UnLv. Aleune. e... CeJ. [1M .nMII1t1 MEALY-EAU/MN ELL stommem Illm I1tlm»NAmm f11m W.b L.. NOOm,I.. Nn Nlm{wb Le NGGGU,I. 111m1n ..\ ..f[a.uJ fl.®m fOfAmm N11 Ier, ..1NmOX0. 1 of L.sw .b.•J .,. W .J.S•J f n}m m IMMUt JOPX ma n6.a**L.adu1e.S SIX®m fI1C CI Y uJ q 1 W,.uw .nwA elwaJ L rw an. Wna.a .Svl. •.0 \e.,J 1 a. Ln .e..l nJ•• • 1,4.1.44 le, r1.1. L. Councilmember McDougald moved to nominate Council - member Seibert for Mayor Pro-tem for 1996; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to nominate Council - member Veteto to be responsible for approval of bills against Moab City for 1996; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to advertise to hold a public hearing to re -open and amend Fiscal Year 1995/1996 Budget, on February 13th 1996; Council - member McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0. There was no reading of correspondence. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler reported: 1) She would like to schedule a budget workshop for January 24th at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the opening of the current year budget, as well as, priorities for next year's budget. 2) That a joint City/County Meeting has been scheduled for January 30th at 4:00 p.m. at City Hall. The items to be discussed would include the Affordable Housing Study, the Drug Task Force Interlocal Agreement, and the Senior Housing Project. 3) City Manager Metzler also reported that a mediation conference between the City and Becky White was held on January 8th at the Antidiscrimination Division of the Utah State Industrial Commission. Becky White and her attorney presented a settlement offer and this item will appear on the next agenda as an Executive Session. City Manager Metzler noted that no lawsuit on this matter has been filed. Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Veteto welcomed new Councilmember Cooke and requested to be the Chamber of Commerce represen- tative. Councilmember McDougald spoke on exporting Utfh water to California. The water would come form the Colorado River and was told that the state probably won't sell any water. He also defended the Gross Business License Fees and the combining of state agencies. lum ». L.n• INm t . Ir• IIIC ». le..• OG .*( t. COUNCILMEMBER SEIBERT MAYOR PRO-TEM FOR 1996 COUNCILMEMBER VETETO RESPONSIBLE FOR BILLS AGAINST CITY FOR 1996 APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE FOR PUBLIC HEARING TO RE -OPEN & AMEND FY 1995/96 BUDGET NO CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORTS 26 APPROVAL OF BILLS FURTHER PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: Councilmember Cooke told Council that he looked forward to participating as Councilmember for the next four years. He stated that he would like to help keep the community affordable and stable; and that he would give this his personal attention. Councilmember Seibert stated he would like to split with Councilmember Cooke the Planning Commission liaison. Councilmember/Acting Mayor Pro-tem Warner stated that City Manager Metzler would be attending the Community Inpact Board Meeting on Thursday Councilmember Seibert moved to pay the bills against Moab City in the amount of $133,373 98; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote Acting Mayor Pro-tem Warner asked if there were any more comments on the public hearing Marc Horwitz wanted to know why his ground up uneaten food had to go into the garbage and not down the drain. Councilmember Cooke informed Mr Horwitz chat grease traps are required for disposal require- ments to not clog the sewer lines Acting Mayor Pro-Tem Warner with no further comments on the public hearing closed the hearing at 8:10 p.m. Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0. Acting Mayor Pro-tem Warner adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m. APPROVED: A l/P9ACC San•ra E. :eaure "rd,,CMC/ AE Acting Temp. Cit Recorder omas A. Stocks Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 23, 1996 REGULAR MEETING & The Moab City Council held their regular meeting ATTENDANCE on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember McDougald led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Councilmembers Richard Cooke, Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto, and Terry Warner; Manager Donna Metzler; Recorder John W. West; Planning Director Robert Katzenson; Administrative Secretary Karla Hancock; and 24 members of the audience including the media. PLANNING UPDATE Robert Katzenson gavet the following planning update: 1) the consultants who prepared the City/County Affordable Housing Needs Assessment are scheduled to be at the joint City/County meeting on January 30th to give a presentation; and 2) staff is completing a "draft" Request For Proposal for garbage collection which will be available by February lst. 27 David Olsen announced that Moab City has received the Utah Community Forest Council Award of Merit for having an outstanding community forestry program. Mayor Stocks stated that only one award is presented for the entire State of Utah, and St. George received the award last year Councilmember McDougald moved to go to public hearing over the City Council's decision to approve Seekhaven's request to use the 1995-96 Community Development Block Grant and Rural Community Assessment and Demonstration Program Grant to buy the Seekhaven Shelter. Councilmember Cooke seconded and the motion carried 5-0. There was a discussion on the use or disposition of the Stuntman's Hall of Fame building. Manager Metzler talked about the recent CIB action and what constitutes "public entity." She said that non -profits would qualify. Councilmember Veteto stated that everyone wants a multi -arts center for the City of Moab but questioned how we are going to pay for it? She doesn't want it to be a burden to the taxpayer. She would like to schedule a meeting between City Council and staff as to what should be done with the building. She believes we should set up an RFP so that everyone gets a fair chance. Terry Warner moved to sell the Stuntman's Ha11 of Fame building but the motion died due to a lack of a second. Councilmember Veteto moved to set up a meeting for February 6th at 5:00 p.m. between the City Council and City staff to discuss the Stuntman's Hall of Fame building. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. Councilmember Seibert moved to amend the motion to state that no more ideas for use of the Stuntman's Ha11 of Fame building would be accepted after 5:00 p.m. on February 1st. Councilmember Veteto seconded the amended motion. The amendment carried 3-2 with Councilmembers Veteto and Warner voting against the motion. The main motion, as amended, carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a home occupation license to Lewette Dorsey for a cleaning service business at 43 1/2 South 300 East. Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Warner moved to table the Seekhaven Pre -School request for waiver of pay -in -lieu of parking fees in the amount of $10,000.00. Councilmember Veteto seconded and the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to state that the City is agreeable to consideration of abandonment of a piece of property at a size not to exceed 24" x 16' for Marc Horwitz on Kane Creek Blvd. upon variance approval by the Moab City Board of Adjustments. Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion carried 3-2 with Councilmembers Veteto and Warner voting against the motion. Councilmember Warner moved to approve the Grand County Solid Waste Management Special Service District request of waiving City building permit fees in the amount of $352.33. Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion was defeated 4-1 with Councilmember McDougald voting in favor of the motion. M O A B CITY RECEIVED UTAH COMMUNITY FOREST COUNCIL AWARD OF MERIT PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING SEERHAVEN'S REQUEST TO USE CDBG & RCAD GRANTS TO BUY SEHRIIAVEN STUNTMAN'S HALL OF FAME BUILDING DISCUSSION MEETING ON STUNTMAN'S HALL OF FAME BUILDING SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 6TH LEWETTE DORSEY GRANTED HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE FOR CLEANING BUSINESS SEEKHAVEN REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF PAY -IN -LIE[' OF PARKING FEES TABLED CITY WILL CONSIDER ABANDONMENT OF PROPERTY FOR MARC HORWITZ UPON VARIANCE APPROVAL BY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS BUILDING PERMIT FEE WAIVER FOR SOLID WASTE DISTRICT DEFEATED 28 RES. 02-96--JOINT AROUND WATER STUDY TABLED BIDS RECEIVED ON CRACK SEALING PROJECT BID ON CRACK SEALING PROJECT AWARDED TO BONNEVILLE ASPHALT RES. 03 - 96 - - DEPOSITORIES FOR CITY FUNDS ADOPTED Councilmember Warner moved to table Resolution 02- 96--Adopting an interlocal agreement as to a joint ground water study. Councilmember Veteto seconded and the motion carried 5-0. The following bids were received on the crack sealing project: 1) Bonneville Asphalt: $9,784.00; 2) Asphalt Specialists & Supply: $20,000.00; 3) M & M Asphalt: $13,000.00; and 4) Superior Asphalt (received after bid deadline): $8,620.00. Councilmember McDougald moved to award the bid on the crack sealing project to Bonneville Asphalt in the amount of $9,784.00. Councilmember Cooke seconded and the motion carried 3-2 with Councilmembers Seibert and Warner voting against the motion. Councilmember Seibert moved to adopt Resolution 03-96--Designating depositories for City funds. Councilmember Warner seconded and the motion carried 5-0. e160WTIGl w. 11.1a • 1uel ullw d..lyn.11nl a.Oe. Moll.. let City lend. 11on4 rll.t o.tlonel •.n\ rll.l I.curlll •,it of Utah P.O. W. Jn r1...t Owl. Molt*MT me., p.., 111)1 )141. 1.a.IC.pllul hind CI.T• ut.b 11114 . n.yy I.r W.U.y el 1M h 0111 Cwnc ll H .M ay of Wb Iw^J un h. llyd d.Y .1 ).n uY Itl{, t hleb a gonlu.. o.. 1.Ilwlq el ur... r 1: Ip InNd lo. . gllr nlW loll! .b.lr uw..en tNll N i 00 b C lM .bell brve gw1111.J1 lu here Ugrt.Inwnnn e.11e..Utl f.. 4 CII Ce. p.nll.. at tb. .pure r.uw.eJ /l...rl.l .bins be)s e�tr l..hllel mw.. Nitwit h. -a1lO1LL.Ai Deputy l..r1. 11 Met..d., Jelin DWeal Cltyl• foelu110.14 0111f. D.....Pl. I . /14f14. iDu ToCREICMC. D1 IT hlalaele• 41144 nd.r l o t.11 . .Y pu'1 sir IuLd.rdlpoU ln.ti Uair 4:a.1� I\O rI y"W 'l iial u i4' ; sub!n.J •lo.,t,le. 01 one 111�\.Corder et heart! e.aula.r ..W un 111e �rn) ur Dupuly.ila .urer who ate aulnorlled . endo� a and vigil ul 1r1. alr ial e. ae t WWry`t o 1, to .eco. c ...Ith . 9na c.apenyinyulbl. bwl.el lone le the ebeende 1 «leis. re h b. elect td..gd p>>Iet•a dC .t hot\ the't..6o t end e�tt!ted for wile... enhe d aloe Check,l......rband ...... IGO luxe l ....' . • rei 1 i.'u.l.i ...,ley .�W e u 11 f1�Y Cw n11 wlnl. 111 T....ut.r of u. Y• w e... 1t• CI11 fw•IIrW.� .o.II•l d1. llo• ae..11lD 1.e ftYCfr.Y, .hl. jyf ..1 1eqNtx. Ina I• nose reunelt .l W.b, lees. / •DPt seed. u.e �. o 6 , ul....1 :fain lJ r .:'•�.r•I,//.�♦ a.Yur' li ...Y h..,..J�. MAYOR STOCKS STATED TERMS OF P LANNING COMMISSIONERS DAVID SAI(RISON CONFIRMED TO P LANNING COMMISSION DAVID TITE NOT CONFIRMED TO P LANNING COMMISSION BILLS AGAINST THE CITY Security Clank. 1..wdJ .111atl �_ _ ... 1. ..._. 1 n. +.. «.. ..........+. .� Mayor Stocks stated that he thinks the terms of the current Planning Commission members expire as follows: 1) Will Petty--12/31/96; 2) Kyle Bailey--12/31/97; and 3) Rex Holman--12/31/98. Councilmember Seibert moved to confirm the Mayor's appointment of David Sakrison to the Planning Commission, with a term ending 12/31/1999. Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember McDougald moved to confirm the Mayor's appointment of David Tite to the Planning Commission, .with a term ending 12/31/2000. Councilmember Cooke seconded and the motion was defeated 3-2 with Councilmembers Cooke and McDougald voting in favor of the motion. Councilmember Veteto moved to pay the bills in the amount of $29,950.32. Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion carried 5-0 by roll -call vote. 29 Councilmember Seibert moved to adjourn at 8:46 ADJOURNMENT p.m. Councilmember Cooke seconded and the motion carried 5-0. ATTEST: APPROVED: [� homas A. Stocks 2E4� /� L►nn� �tCM CA //W or Sandra E. Be urega , CMG AE Acting Temp. City ecorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 24, 1996 The Moab City Council held a special joint meeting SPECIAL JOINT with the Grand County Council on the above date in CITY/COUNTY the Council Chambers of the Grand County MEETING Courthouse, located at 125 East Center, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 1:07 p.m. Others in attendance were City Councilmembers Richard Cooke, William D. McDougald, Paul Seibert, and Jeanne Veteto; County Councilmembers Bill Hedden, Frank Nelson, Ray Pene, Peter Haney, and Bart Leavitt; Manager Donna Metzler; Recorder John W. West; Planning Director Robert Katzenson; County Administrator Earl Sires; and 24 members of the audience including the media. Lee Nellie and Bill Hofman gave a presentation on CAPITAL Capital Improvements Plan service levels. The IMPROVEMENTS PLAN items discussed included build out projections, PRESENTATION administrative facilities, library facilities, law enforcement, fire protection, park facilities, sewer and wastewater treatment facilities, roads, and financing mechanisms. The meeting adjourned at 2:54 p.m. ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: APPROVED: ,�,ewst4 t homas A. Stoc s 6/4/1 y�y?�/yI Mayor and a E. Beaureg d, CmC/AA"'�� Acting Temp. City ecorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING January 30, 1996 Moab City Council held a Special Meeting on the SPECIAL MEETING & above date in the City Council Chambers of the Moab ATTENDANCE City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. In attendance were City Councilmem- bers William McDougald, Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto, Richard Cooke, and Councilmember Terry Warner was not present; City Manager Donna Metzler; City Recorder John West; City Planner Robert Katzenson; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; County Councilmembers Peter Haney, Bart Leavitt, William Hedden, and Frank Nelson; County Adminis- trator Earl Sires; nineteen members of the audience and the media. 30 ATTENDANCE ABANDONMENT OF 33' TO MARC HORWITZ DEFEATED NO ACTION TAKEN ON PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT BUDGET WORKSHOP MAYOR RECESSES MEETING UNTIL 4:00 P.M, MAYOR CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER JOINT CITY/COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: Sandra Acting No action was taken on the Moab City Planning Commission appointment. Mayor Stocks reviewed the agenda with Council and audience. Mayor, Council and staff held a Budget Workshop with City Manager Metzler presenting staff recommendations for changes in the Fiscal Year 1995/1996 Budget. Councilmember Seibert moved to hold a public hearing on re -opening and amending the Fiscal Year 1995/1996 Budget on February 13th 1996; Council - member Veteto seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks recessed the meeting at 3 37 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. at which time the City would hold a joint City/County Meeting. Mayor Stocks called the meeting back to order at 4:08 p.m. with the joint City/County Councilmembers present. Councilmember Seibert led in the pledge of allegiance. During the joint City/County Meeting the Council - members were presented with an Affordable Housing Presentation; Senior Citizen Housing Project; Presentation by Affordable Residential Communities (Holiday Haven) and there was no Landfill update. Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the Special Meeting; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m. APPROVED: A ecorder /Thomas Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL METING FEBRUARY 6, 1996 A. Stocks SPECIAL MEETING A The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Others in attendance were Councilmembers Richard Cooke, William D. McDougald, Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto, and Terry Warner; Manager Donna Metzler; Recorder John W. West; Planning Director Robert Katzenson; Code Compliance Officer Debbie Gilger; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Community Development Director David Olsen; Recreation Director Catherine Hansen; After School Coordinator Kelly Thornton; Americorps Representative Whitney Rearick; and 9 members of the audience including the media. Councilmember Cooke moved to grant an abandonment of approximately 33 square feet to Marc Horwitz based on a survey dated 1-23-96. Councilmember Veteto seconded and the motion was defeated 4-1 by roll -call vote with Councilmember Cooke voting in favor of the motion. 31 Councilmember Seibert moved to abandon 2.0' x 8.2' on Kane Creek Blvd. to Marc Horwitz at the time Marc paye the City $100.00 for the approximately 8 square feet. Councilmember Veteto seconded and the motion carried 5-0 by roll -call vote. Donna Metzler, Whitney Rearick, Catherine Hansen, and David Olsen made a joint presentation on the Moab Arts and Recreation Center, which would be a city -run facility under the Recreation Department. Some of the items addressed included classes, rental space, financing, grants, and the benefit of recreation programs and arts centers. Several Councilmembers made comments including Richard Cooke, Bill McDougald, and Terry Warner. Mayor Stocks, Bette Stanton, Lucy Wallingford, and Paula Gerhardt also spoke. Councilmember Seibert moved to go in the direction of the MARC proposal for the Stuntman's Hall of Fame building. Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion was defeated 3-2 with Councilmembere Seibert and McDougald voting in favor of the motion. Councilmember Seibert moved to take a break at 6:37 p.m. Councilmember Warner seconded and the motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks reconvened the meeting at 6:47 p.m. Councilmember Warner moved to sell the Stuntman's Hall of Fame building. Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. Councilmember Veteto made a first amended motion to have a two-year lease with an option to buy. Councilmember Seibert seconded the first amended :notion. Councilmember Cooke made a second amended motion to have a two-year lease but only to one of the entities that have already submitted proposals. Councilmember McDougald seconded the second amended motion. The second amended motion passed 3-2 with Councilmembers Seibert and Warner voting against the motion. The first amended motion was defeated 5-0. The main motion was defeated 3-2 with Councilmembers Seibert and Warner voting in favor the motion. Mayor Stocks left the meeting at 7:02 p.m. and Mayor Pro-Tem Seibert took over the running of the meeting. Councilmember Cooke moved to have a meeting (which he will facilitate) along with City staff and 2 representatives from each of the 4 groups which have presented proposals. Richard will return to Council with the :results of that meeting on February 27th. Councilmember McDougald seconded and the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Warner moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:14 p.m. Councilmember Veteto seconded and the motion carried 5-0. ATTEST: APPROVED: ABANDONMENT OF APPROXIMATELY 8' TO MARC HORWITZ APPROVED MOAB ARTS R RECREATION CENTER PRESENTATION MOAB ARTS & RECREATION DEFEATED AS THE DIRECTION FOR STUNTMAN'S HALL OF FAME BUILDING BREAK MEETING RECONVENED MOTION TO SELL STUNTMAN'S HALL OF FAME DEFEATED MAYOR STOCKS LEAVES COUNCILMEMBER COOKS MEET WITH CITY STAFF AND GROUPS SUBMITTING PROPOSALS ADJOURNMENT Thomas A. Stocks cm ,/,:yor ndra E. Bereg.r., C CAAA& Acting Temp. City ecorder 32 SPECIAL MEETING ATTENDANCE MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING February 7, 1996 & Moab City Council held a Special Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers Terry Warner, Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto, Richard Cooke and William McDougald; City Manager Donna Metzler; City Recorder John West and City Attorney David Church. EXECUTIVE SESSION IS PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING EXECUTIVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNED ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold an Executive Session --Discussion on the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of employees. Councilmember Warner moved to go into Executive Session; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks adjourned the Special Meeting into an Executive Session at 6:05 p m. Councilmember McDougald moved to adjourn the Executive Session; Councilmember Warner seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks adjourned the Executive Session and adjourned the Special Meeting at 7:55 p.m. APPROVED: E. B aureg. d, C C A Acting Temp. City Recorder REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES „...,thomas A. Stocks Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 13, 1996 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Pro-tem Paul Seibert called the meeting t.. order at 7:02 p.m. Councilmember Jeanne Veteto led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Councilmembers Richard Cooke, William McDoug- ald and Terry Warner; City Manager Donna Metzler; Deputy -Recorder Sandra Beauregard; City Planner Rob Katzenson; Planning Aide Debra Gilger; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; thirteen members of the audience and the media. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the minutes of January 23rd, January 24th and February 6th- 1996 as corrected; Councilmember Warner seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 33 Mayor Thomas A. Stocks then opened the meeting to any citizens requesting to be heard. Bob Pattison representing the Lions Club inquired about a waiver of the connection fee for water hook-up to the new restrooms at the Lions Club Park on the North end of town, the moratorium on water connections on the North end of town and about the state application. City Manager Metzler responded stating that the state application had been given back to the Lions Club and the waiver for the water connection has been budgeted in the contribution section of the current city budget. Councilmember McDougald said that something would be worked out for the water connection. It was requested that the Lions Club be put on the next City Council Agenda Ken Davey of Channel 6 News asked the Mayor and Council about rumors of the misuse of city credit cards. Councilmember McDougald responded by stating that a card was used by an individual but not paid by the city; and that the card had been paid by the individual. Councilmember McDougald also stated that no city funds were used or lost in this incident and that the matter was being looked into. City Planner Katzenson gave the following planning update: 1) the solid waste bid document should be ready for Council's approval by February 27th and ready to bid by March 1st, with a bid award by April 15th; 2) talked about the City/County joint meeting on Capital Improvements Plan service levels; 3) about updating Section 5 of the City Master Plan on Housing. Councilmember Seibert moved to move the agenda to the consent agenda; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then moved the agenda to the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Seibert moved to adopt: 1) Resolution 05-96--City/Seekhaven CDBG Agreement; adopt: 2) Resolution 06-96--Drug Task Force Interlocal Agreement; approve: 3) Request to go to a public hearing for the 1996/1997 Regular CDBG Project; approve: 4) Paul Joseph McCarroll DBA: Center Cafe at 92 E. Center Street: requesting a Class II Beer License with the background investigation completed with no derogatory information discovered. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion and it carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. Under old business Mayor Stocks entertained a motion on the Moab City Planning Commission appointment. Mayor Stocks asked Councilmembers Seibert and Veteto if they had reviewed all applicants; they responded no. llletttlll rt.11 Yrl•7101 O1 lit t. Y 1l4pbt.1tl U VYWVY, lot. aa1 Well CITY. MP Pali Tea 1hen11TYTIO11 Of 1 WWn1R ea.anralT 01. WYttl. Mot slay Mite) a•.TheV... ls. 1eepo clal• heo a luvt•ltt. qN.ratqq . n r W r pma1e11I [lua ng M n. Ptt n N. •e11.1.1 rally of W Y11-rt •d 1111•ll Mousing Mini ent WYCY. le. •1a.e Clt l/Ce.Wru. lac. her.... W to. euhelttW 1e the Mete City Council. MOM. T.WtTMt. 11 IT ILSOLVCO IT TUNAS Cl. CYMCIL teals 1. The roueoll her.ruthorin..M appro.. th• runt In .ubtentlllly Lee ten pr.lant.a to Wl.bootie, of the Ilea! City Cowell. O. The tlletap1Ytt Witte. • he r tleriten and direot.O to 11 .1 arllnr r.ara Y.e shirr thhe ten Y1. r., f iiMil. 1. Thle COtl b •rf•.t l.• Ira .Roe Ita • P Ya. elm ar..wm WIN 13t1, p0r a1 i 6r ^� Yn •IVrrar % r fyt▪ TGMT, t �11'r•�y• ,•!•.. Y . GerciATE (k:y tr l.rat••r Y CITIZENS REQUEST TO BE HEARD - BOB PATTISON ON LIONS PARK KEN DAVEY - CHANNEL 6 ON MISUSE OF CITY CREDIT CARD PLANNING UPDATE AGENDA MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA RES. 05-96--CITY/ SEEKHAVEN CDBG AGREEMENT ADOPTED; RES. 06-96--DRUG TASK FORCE INTER - LOCAL AGREEMENT ADOPTED; PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST APPROVED/CDBG PROJ.; CENTER CAFE CLASS II BEER LIC. APPROVED OLD BUSINESS PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTML; ' ..OT REVIEWED Yreterte* tat,. LW0.Y t [ iVl flacorn. Tretirt •OO 1 C ay 1. tty Y11...160 U MP, RY, ttY Morn. rya. •nn aY J1Y irRr, WM...11ea Count?. G�t.hro•O,lld Cwntr•1, f 1 Jr. e••I' ty, dl�ier•1.1�• wino •lie. renal. et • (*Cite) `ruq O rtoriiaer U. • •t Cerra. /arctuna.• lour rin .secs t.O e/Y e• aletl.L0W tr too Tt.l ryarc• Jua b G fer.•O tOrwllr••l Ianrleul rpr•.s•etr rr Ong ....at e• ra Y ieru ein.rnt e s to tern., • cooperative tire Moab City Connell. Y. Gr.. County Coocl ll and l thea 1.O Juan Ginty mrleatea. VP. Tlfr/[Ipl[. RC 11 MOW. at T1t IIGY CITY COV•CIL tn•tl 1. The Cantu heresy vYerlrll end en.oro the Olr•lret in inn•.. ltl ten n tell r•tinp et M the M. City Cornell. The� ltliYl•ta el`lttot. an bl.Dy • thr orl..O • tlally tree tare pnnet.a to enll ... In. of W Ceunoll. T.Ia r•rletlr ..•I1 he •fnnlr• Leallllly upon it* satale hue Ur1wm nn /aft nor .t FL 1. OIF+Ol 1r� 34 AGENDA MOVED TO NEW BUSINESS ON PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDS: PUBLIC HEARING REQUESTS FOR ORD. 96-02; ORD. 96-03; MULTIPLE ZONE CHANGE; ORD. 96-05; & ORD. 96-06 APPROVED MAYOR OPENS PUBLIC HEARING ON OPENING & AMENDING FY 1995-96 BUDGET Mayor Stocks then moved the agenda to new business under Planning Commission favorably recommends. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the requests to go to a public hearing on: 1) Proposed Ordinance 96-02--Amending Section 12.08.060 of Chapter 12.08, Title 12, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Construction of Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters, on February 27th; 2) Proposed Ordinance 96-03--Amending Section 17 09 230 (B) of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Supplementary Requirements and Procedures Applicable Within Zones, on February 27th; 3) Multiple Zone Change on the Rear Portions of Adjacent Parcels Fronting on the Eastern Side of State Highway 191 from the R-3 to the C-3 Zone, on February 27th; 4) Proposed Ordinance 96-05--Adopt- ing an Annexation Policy Declaration and Annexing Property to Moab City with Petition for Annexation submitted by Randy Day DBA Slickrock Properties LLC with a R-3 Zone Designation Along the Western Portion of the Upper Sand Flats Road, on March 12th; 5) Proposed Ordinance 96-06--Annexing Property to Moab City. Moab City property owned by Dennis A Johnson and Alma Y. Erickson at 1051 South State Highway 191 with a C-4 Zone Designation on March 12th 1996. Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion and the motion carried 5-0 Mayor Stocks then moved the agenda back to the scheduled public hearings at 7:35 p.m Mayor Stocks then opened the public hearing on the re -opening and amending the fiscal year 1995/1996 budget for public continent. City Manager Metzler read to the Mayor, Council and audience the proposed changes in the Fiscal Year. 1995/1996 Budget by departments and by funds. City Manager Metzler also recommended the contribution of $15,000 to the Senior Citizens for half of the purchase of a new van needed to deliver meals to the elderly shut-ins with the other half to be paid by the County. Bob Jones representing the Moab Information Center (MIC) requested a relief from Council in the amount of $1,240 for water/sewer and garbage fees for the remainder of this fiscal year and also requested $3,000 for the next fiscal year. Mayor Stocks informed Mr. Jones that the public hearing was only on the re -opening of the Fiscal Year 1995/1996 Budget and that his request for next year should be made at the proper time. Brad Wallis representing the Canyonlands Natural History Association also requested the City join in the MIC partnership and grant the contribution of the water/sewer and garbage fees. Councilmember Seibert stated that the MIC is a good organization but that he could not support the City contributing $1,240 for water/sewer and garbage fees. He stated that every business and organization needs to stand on their own; that if the agencies were still housed in other locations, as in the past they still would have to budget for these fees no matter where they are located. Mayor Stocks stated that the MIC is a good organization and that it provides a service to the community and that the Council should consider their request. 3 5 With no further comments Mayor Stocks closed the public hearing on re -opening and amending the Fiscal Year 1995/1996 Budget. Mayor Stocks then opened the public hearing on the City Council's decision to approve Seekhaven's request to use the 1995/1996 Community Development Block Grant and Rural Community Assessment and Demonstration Program Grant to buy the Seekhaven Shelter for public comment. Sheri Griffith, President of Seekhaven, spoke in support of Seekhaven's request and said she was here along with Gayle Williams to answer any questions on Seekhaven's request if needed With no further comments Mayor Stocks then closed the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. on Seekhaven's request to use the 1995-1996 Community Development Block Grant and Rural Community Assessment and Demonstration Program Grant to buy the Seekhaven Shelter. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Conditional Use -Zone Extension from R-3 to C-3 according to the Moab Municipal Code, Chapter 17.09.610 to Grand Tire on State Highway 191 and Nob Hill; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion The motion carried by roll -call -vote 5-0. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve a home occupation license for a property maintenance business for Clark Minson at 650 West 400 North; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a Conditional Use Permit for Wylie and Terri Gerrard for a Bed and Breakfast at 900 Kane Creek Blvd.; Councilmem- ber Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve Rose Fryer, DBA Second Chances at 130 E. Center Street permission to display their merchandise in front of the store on the 6of private property facing the street; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember McDougald moved to adopt Resolution 04-96--Re-Open and amend the fiscal year 1995/1996 budget as presented by the City Manager and to include $1,240 for MIC for water/sewer and garbage fees; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. Councilmember Seibert then moved to amend the motion to exclude the $1,240 to MIC; Councilmember Cooke seconded the amended motion. The amended motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 3-2 with Councilmembers McDougald and Warner voting against the motion. The main motion, as amended, carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. ALSMATIO• 04-1i """ TMOIL:11117114'"'"'" IA. City el Moab ..**tall tb. 1111/1116 t.*t 37;1`4111. ................... It: Mt la ...MCA DM..MAI. Mt.. Me morn Tv 11111.111f MOM. MM. unatatrairs Gorioramat 1. roll 4. Firil,tx tunic 0•:". =Matte... ..... toe. - • - - • - - • - *MOO MOD 41E1 MAYOR CLOSES PUBLIC HEARING ON AMENDING FY 1995-96 BUDGET MAYOR OPENS PUBLIC HEARING ON SEEKAHVEN'S REQUEST TO US 1995-96 CDBG & RURAL COMM. ASS. & DEM. PROG. GRANT TO BUY SHELTER MAYOR CLOSES PUBLIC HEARING ON SEEKHAVEN'S REQUEST CONDITIONAL USE -ZONE EXTENSION FROM R-3 TO C-3 APPROVED FOR GRAND TIRE HOME OCCUPATION LIC FOR PROPERTY MAINTENANCE AT 650 W. 400 N. APPROVED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR BED & BREAKFAST AT 900 KANE CREEK BLVD. APPROVED ROSE FRYER DBA SECOND CHANCES AT 130 E. CENTER GRANTED PERMISSION TO DISPLAY WARES IN FRONT OF STORE RES. 04-96 AMENDING FY 1995/96 BUDGET ADOPTED women ram TM% 1111/11/t DUAC41 IMMO Arzsters 14•1•IIIIVRI 1, 0...”1 raid • /.111 $ 9,111 Z. Pratliattea 1,04 i$ S.,•00; id S11,000) I, latstp.I•• read ii.vorl $Jes,peci $1.10100 MOM VIKA/ YLII ..... AMC.. MMus Carman. I. same Salad p.a... raa. MAIM .r.o. ratan., Ir usoss114 that Ow 0,1••••• et taro .•••.!= trt. 14. tb• owe •[•. awe ha adio.t et Ow aaoadod dapattoast bade" mil /Rub ler eke flew* yr. roll, Am. 200, loclorlel izo.esa Y•ad pm...tad se otayor aad •F••• Goo.. by • am .ty vot• [Mums. •••!:1•;•.'"' ••• err er 36 BIDS RECEIVED ON (2) RADAR SYSTEMS FOR POLICE DEPT. BID ON (2) RADAR SYSTEMS AWARDED TO APPLIED CONCEPTS, INC. BIDS RECEIVED ON SEWER CAMERA SYSTEM FOR SEWER DEPT. BID ON SEWER CAMERA SYSTEM AWARDED TO A-G BODY, INC. BIDS RECEIVED ON HOIST FOR STREETS DEPT. BIDS ON HOIST OVER BUDGETED AMOUNT ; REJECTED AND WILL REBID WITH NEW SPECS ; BIDS RECEIVED FOR METAL BLDG. FOR WATER DEPT. BID FOR METAL BLDG. AWARDED TO KBR SYSTEMS TEMPORARY CLASS II BEER LIC. & LOCAL CONSENT GRANTED TO JB'S OF MOAB TEMPORARY CLASS I II BEER LIC. & LOCAL CONSENT GRANTED TO MOAB BREWERS L.L.C. The following bids were received on (2) Radar Systems for the Police Department: 1) MHP Indus- tries, Inc. for $3,700.00; 2) Applied Concepts, Inc. for $3,790.00; 3) Kustom Signal, Inc. for $3,820.00 and 4) Skaggs Telecommunications for $6,070.00. Councilmember Warner moved Co award the bid for (2) Radar Systems for the Police Department to Applied Concepts, Inc. for $3,790.00 due to the extra year warranty and extras included along with meeting all bid specs; seconded by Councilmember McDougald. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. The following bids were received on a Sewer Camera System for the Sewer Department: 1) Pacific Utility Equipment for $15,686 00; 2) A-G Body, Inc. for $14,154.00 an 3) H & K Truck Equipment submitted a no bid. Councilmember Seibert moved to award the Sewer Camera System bid for the Sewer Department to A-G Body, Inc. for $14,154.00 as they were low bid and met all bid epees; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. The following bids were received on a Hoist for the Streets Department: 1) ICM submitted a no bid; 2) Petroleum Maint. & Equip. for $18,475 00; 3) Pro- fessional Automotive Equip. for $12,035 00 and 3) American Equipment submitted a no bid. Councilmember Veteto moved to reject all bids for a Hoist for the Street Department and to rebid with new specs; due to the prices submitted exceeding the budgeted amount; Councilmember Warner seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. The following bids were received for a Building for the Water Department: 1) for $11,155.00 and 2) Boettcher & Sons $15,097.00. Metal KBR Systems for Councilmember McDougald moved to award the bid for the Metal Building for the Water Department to KBR Systems for $11,155.00 as they were low bid and met all bid specs; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. Councilmember McDougald moved to grant a Temporary Class II Beer License and Local Consent to Tom D. Niederhauser DBA: T & S Restaurants Inc., DBA: JB's of Moab at 811 South Main; Councilmember Warner seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. & Councilmember Seibert moved to grant a Temporary Class I & II Beer License and Local Consent to John Borkoski DBA: Moab Brewers L.L.C. at 670 South Main; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. 37 Mayor Stocks submitted and read his statutory appointments to Council for their confirmation: Recorder Sandy Beauregard Treasurer Marget Snyder City Manager Note (1) City Attorney David Church Public Works Director Brent Williams Chief of Police Alan West (1) I decline to appoint Donna Metzler at this time Councilmember Warner moved to confirm the statutory appointments that the Mayor submitted and read, as listed above; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. Mayor Stocks stated that Deputy -Recorder Sandy Beauregard had turned down the Recorder position at this time and suggested that a contract be offered to add to the security of the individual in the Recorder position; as is with the City Mana- ger. Deputy -Recorder Beauregard informed Mayor and Council that she would accept the position of Act- ing Temporary Recorder until the position could be filled. Mayor Stocks stated that this was accept- able to him. Councilmember Warner moved to amend his motion to accept Sandy Beauregard as Acting Temporary Recorder and also questioned the Mayor's authority to appoint the City Manager, as she was appointed by the Council and is currently under a three year contract, which won't expire until 1997; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Under correspondence Mayor Stocks stated he had received a Legislative Update from the Utah League of Cities and Towns; letters of support for the proposal for a Moab Art Center in the City owned old Stuntmen Hall of Fame Building at 100 E 100 North and letters commenting on the "Police Blotter" carried by the Times -Independent. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler reported on: 1) That bids for the Old City Hall building will be received until February 21st; 2) Sewer project property easements/acquisitions; 3) Robertson Well Easement; 4) Gross Business License Fees addressing the expected revenue shortfall created by the anticipated legislative action to remove cities' gross receipts -based business license fee authority and 5) the Mayor and Council were asked to contact our legislators by phone on this legislative issue. Under Mayor and Council Reports Mayor Stocks also commented on the expected revenue shortfall created if the legislative action goes through as antici- pated. Councilmember McDougald encouraged all Councilmem- bers to contact the legislators about the business license fee authority. Councilmembers Seibert, Warner, Cooke and Veteto had nothing to report to Council. Councilmember Veteto moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $204,240.31; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m. MAYOR SUBMITS & READS STATUTORY APPOINTMENTS TO COUNCIL COUNCIL CONFIRMS MAYOR'S STATUTORY APPOINTMENTS CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURNMENT 38 ATTEST: APPROVED: 7 CC/nC// i Sandra E. Beaureard, CMC/ AE Acting Temp. Recorder REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS REQUEST TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE FLOOD PLAIN MAP REVISION PROCESS PRESENTATION PUBLIC HEARING ON CDBG FUNDS TO INSTALL UNDERPASS, PLANTERS, PATHS & IMPROVEMENTS rhomas A. Stocks Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 27, 1996 Moab City Council held their Regular Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, t.loab, Utah Mayor Tom Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Jeanne Veteto led in the Pledge of Allegiance. In attendance were Council - members Richard Cooke, Terry Warner, Paul Seibert and William McDougald; City Manager Donna Metzler; Acting Temp. Recorder Sandra Beauregard, Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; City Plan- ner Rob Katzenson; twnety-four members of the audience and the media. Councilmember Warner moved to approve the minutes of January 9th, January 30th, February 7th as cor- rected, and to correct and bring back the minutes of February 13th; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 Under Citizens Request to be Heard Bill Osborn representing the Tributary Theatre addressed Council, and informed them, that they wished to pull ail offers, at this time, to lease/purchase the Stuntmen's Hall of Fame Building Robert Davis of the Westerner Grill informed Council that he was present requesting a Temporary Class II Beer License and Local Consent City Planner Katzenson gave a Planning Update on receiving a letter from the Slickrock Development LLC stating their intention to end the annexation process according to the half mile rule. Under presentations Engineer Gerald Williams gave a Flood Plain Map Revision process presentation. He explained the boundaries, changes and answered questions on different flood zones. Mayor Stocks read the public hearing agenda and opened the public hearing on Moab City Council's decision to use 1996/1997 Community Development Block Grant funds to install a 400 East underpass, to extend paths and to install road median planters and landscaping improvements along 400 East for public comment. Bruce Louthan, spoke in favor of the project, as he lives in the flood zone area, and thinks this is a good start to flood control. Norm Shrewsbury, asked about road median planters? Community Development Coordinator Olsen, responded that the road median planters are for appearances only. Norm Shrewsbury, replied that they are nice. Annette Greenberg, asked where the underpass would be. 39 Engineer Williams, explained that it would be on the south side of Millcreek. Councilmember McDougald, asked what materials would be used for the underpasses? Engineer Williams, stated that corregated metal with a concrete bottom would be used. Mayor Stocks opened the public hearing on a Multiple Zone Change on the Rear Portions of Adjacent Parcels Fronting on the Eastern Side of State Highway 191 from the R-3'to the C-3 Zone for public comment. Lucy Wallingford, stated that she didn't under- stand where the boundaries were. City Planner Katzenson, answered her questions Charlie Peterson, stated that he was opposed to this zone change and asked is his land would become an island or is there a plan? City Planner Katzenson, responded stating that commercial property that abuts to residental can be extended 300 feet into that zone. Charlie Peterson, said that would cut his house in half by zones. Councilmember Veteto, asked Charlie Peterson what he would like? Charlie Peterson, said he wants to know the intentions of the Council. Councilmember Cooke, explained it was the obliga- tion of the Council to consider the zone change request. Lucy Wallingford, asked about the C-3 Zone and that she would like this changed to a RA-1 Zone as a community buffer zone. Diane Walker, asked about the C-1 Zone. Mayor Stocks then opened the public hearing on proposed Ordinance 96-02--Amending Section 12.08.060 of Chapter 12.08, Title 12, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Construction of Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters for public comment. City Planner Katzenson explained the sidewalk to nowhere on Williams Way, that this Ordinance amendment would allow the Public Works Director to allow property owners to put up a bond to put the required sidewalk, curb and gutter in at a later time. Nick Eason, said he lives past the hospital and wants to know when the City commitment for curb, gutter and sidewalk would be fulfilled and extended past the medical facilities. Marc Horowitz, asked if they would only be required to post bond upon improvements? Mayor Stocks, replied yes. Councilmember McDougald, said that by bonding, the money is there; when it's needed for the project. PUBLIC HEARING ON MULTIPLE ZONE CHANGE PROM R-3 TO C-3 ZONE PUBLIC HEARING ON ORD. 96-02--AMENDING 12.08.060 OF CHAPTER 12.08, TITLE 12, CURBS, GUTTERS & SIDEWALKS 40 PUBLIC HEARING ON ORD.96-03--AMENDING 17.09.230 (B) OF CHAPTER 17.09, TITLE 17, SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS & PROCEDURES WITHIN ZONES RES. 07-96--DESIGNA- TING DEPOSITITORIES FOR CITY FUNDS; RES. 08-96—AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND STATE OF UTAH FOR CHILD CARE PROVIS- IONS; RES. 09-96-- ADOPTING PAY -IN -LIEU 0710N NO rui Mayor Stocks then opened the public hearing on proposed Ordinance 96-03--Amending Section 17.09.230 (B) of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, of the moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Supplementary Requirements and Procedures Applicable Within Zones for public comment. City Planner Katzenson, stated that this is paying in lieu of parking. Councilmember McDougall asked where this would be allowed? City Planner Katzenson, replied, that this is in the C-3 zone, the central business district, and three blocks on each side. With no further comments on the public hearings Mayor Stocks closed all hearings at 8 00 p m. Mayor Stocks read the consent agenda. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the consent agenda on the following items: 1) Resolu- tion 07-96--Designating Depositories for City Funds. 2) Resolution 08-96--Agreement between the City and Utah State Department of Human Services for the provision of child care services. 3) Resolution 09-96—Adopting Pay -In -Lieu of Parking Fee Rates. 4) Moved -on Structure Permit requested by City Market, Inc. at 425 South Main for a A MES0111110N ADDOING lAY.IN LIU, Of PAAFING KAI (1 tattEate. toroar000s folyet al.. of akoadataat llamas to WaLlah eN IA lallorms Papa. taw ralel tee Ran u. (mania. Meat alonalol CAI* Ctorac11.01 2311 WIIICR(AS, IN Sist.ily Illowosfoaa.Ooo ofttot...... ..,=======:"- laau el PM., 1n...1.10000(1.11.....f.. 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Polito Creatures.* .....laves teal /IS Siete Capitol Sett Citti UtiA Vale2ASi at theyeleMettle, of the City Cemseil 411-1,• City at ao.. held ea Seth day of atroarr left. at *Ate * soar. vas tie tellemity officer* veto ilaly set...Salsa ter tar mei., stet eoe Seel. ...Stepauthority appalat. a. *heti bete qualified! tro here eigtitate mom. City Corporeal.. at the eberre 116.11lINNI libeheiel laotitotioet Mete eity ipebtici tee.. Ts..., M.o. a. Sa,do oopoty...... Louie a. Itasetetesi Attie, ...or, $.4ra Z. boiteretare City Coetociloweboti millles O. Me hooyeli MOM Thastreft. tt. AMMO. ThAT .40 0,4 tole 0 the City el Nish eh, tomb. depoetteo i* cedit mitthe tme, Sleet Isatioaal atak of ...a or the firsts Seevritytrbeat et! Mo. asyibe eithdrawa by the ...Iasi strut.. et owe ill Me order or heysty-Seetweei tad nee ill • ▪ ay erMr+ to VO***AV:sr"."1=too. :tag" • I goo.. cards acteispanylog tale astheritetios. la the ebeesee of aitatf bath the hetet., ••• Ovbetraseerdef es both the treaaoxer eami aaraty.Or ...... the abate se141,2Nd City Cm osellember 0411 be ...at. to *ogee one alga chactei dealt. moil weer* tot Veto.. et mosey is occatotaa. mit. elgeetere aa. avalteriattlee by the evableoil slyest.. ef moo litsocorik. ee trymts-beeorder wet eme lit City ramactiaaaaor eme ill Iteaseter li) City Ceemellasehet. YASUO. D.0011114 althOtett AMO MPREYIot tale alth eey of fahrotlX. Iles la epee ...mil et moat. V. tf:=7.144P ..... . 0,144 • taaporary aoaarOor 41 Nursery Structure. 5) Robert G. Davis DBA: The Westerner Grill at 331 N. Main Street requesting a temporary Class II Beer License and Local Consent, 6) Toni Kay McKinnon DBA: Catarina's at 51 N, Main Street requesting a temporary Claw II Beer License and Local Consent; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. Mayor Stocks informed Council that he had no one to present at this time for the Planning Commission vacancy appointment. Councilmember Seibert moved to table the Moab City Planning Commission appointment; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to go with the MARC concept creating a 5-7 member MARC Board with one City Councilmember on the board; and to have the MARC Beard return to Council with the upfront cost; then after We know the General Fund money cost; go to a public hearing; and try this for a two year trial period; COuncilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 with Councilmember Warner voting no. Mayor Stocks then appointed Councilmember Cooke as the City Councilmember on the MARC Board. Councilmember Seibert moved to have a five minute break; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting for a five minute break at 8:27 p.m. Mayor Stocks called the meeting back to order at 8:35 p.m. Councilmember Seibert moved to grant the Lion's Club's request of a water connection to the new restrooms at the Lion'a Club Park on the North end of town when the recommended Critertia as listed on drainage and sewage is completed; Councilmember Warner seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Warner moved to approve the request for a public hearing for a Zone Change request by Leo R. ALger at 637 North 500 West from R-2 to R-3 for March 26th; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion, The motion carried 5-0. The following bids were received on the Mountain View Water Tank Materials from the following: 1) Mountainland Supply Company: $14,269.80; 2) Waterworks Sales Company: $14,575.80; 3) Grand Junction Pipe & Supply: $17,702.57; and 4) W.R. White Company: $16,640.56. Councilmember Veteto moved to award the Mountain View Water Tank Materials for the Water Department to MoUntainland Supply Company in the amount of $14,269.80; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 The following bids were received for the Chipper: 1) Western Implement Co., inc.: $18,016.00; 2) Altec Industries, Inc.: $17,846.00; 3) Rocky Mountain Turf Equipment: $17,873.00; 4) Pacific Utility Equipment Co.; $15,622,00; and 5) Bandit Industries, Inc.: No Bid. OF PARKING FEB RATES; MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT FOR CITY MARKET; WESTERNER GRILL CLASS II & LOCAL CONSENT TEMP. LIC.; CATARTNA'S CLASS II & LOCAL CONSENT TEMP. LIC, APPROVED PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT TABLED MARC CONCEPT FOR STUNTMEN'S HALL OF FAME BUILDING APPROVED COUNCILMEMBER COOKE APPOINTED TO MARC BOARD BREAK MEETING CALLED BACK TO ORDER LION'S CLUB WATER CONNECTION TO NEW RESTROOMS APPROVED WHEN CRITERIA FOR DRAINAGE AND SEWAGE IS COMPLETED REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR ZONE CHANGE FROM R-2 TO R-3 (ALGER) APPROVED BIDS RECEIVED ON MOUNTAIN VIEW WA... - TANK MATERIALS MOUNTAIN VIEW WATER TANK MATERIALS BID AWARDED TO MOUNTAINLAND SUPPLY COMPANY BIDS RECEIVED ON CHIPPER 42 CHIPPER BID AWARDED TO WESTERN IMPLEMENT COMPANY NO BIDS RECEIVED FOR OLD CITY HALL BUILDING NO ACTION ON REQUEST TO ADVERTISE FOR CITY ATTORNEY ROBERTSON WELL EASEMENT DISCUSSED PRESENTATION MADE & DIRECTION GIVEN TO STAFF ON ISTEA PROJECTS SEVERANCE GIVEN TO JOHN WEST PER POLICY AND RESOLUTION TO COME BACK AT NEXT MEETING FOR STATUA- TORY APPOINTMENTS READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORTS MAYOR HAD TO LEAVE MEETING Councilmember McDougald moved to award the Chipper bid to Western Implement Co., Inc. in the amount of $18,016.00, due to the 30-day delivery time; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. There were no bids received for the Old City Hall Building at 150 E. Center Street The request to advertise for City Attorney (s) was discussed and no action was taken. The Governing Body discussed the Robertson Well Easement. Community Development Coordinator Olsen made a presentation, to Mayor, Council and audience, of a video of the proposed path areas and explained each; regarding ISTEA Funds Mayor and Council discussed each project Councilmember Seibert moved to pursue project 41, to apply for additional funds to complete the Highway 191 path underpass and the connecting 100 West to 100 Fast downtown portion of the Millcreek Parkway Project; and to also pursue project #5, for the possibility of purchasing the property near the Rotary Park to extend the path and trail system, with both projects 01 & 05 to be done in the budget year 1997/1998; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 Councilmember Warner moved to pay severance in the amount of two weeks to John West; as the Policy and Procedures Manual states in Section 3 12 and to bring back a resolution to discuss at the next meeting for consideration of severance pay for statutory appointments; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Under Reading of Correspondence Mayor Stocks read a letter. the Motel Association had sent to call their Respresentatives concerning taxes Mayor Stocks also stated that in addition to Moab qualifying as a resort community Price and Kanab also qualified. City Manager Metzler presented the following administrative report to the Governing Body: 1) Gross Business License Fee Legislation Status. 2) Service Level Meeting for Capital Improvements Plan Workshop scheduled for Thursday, February 29th at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. 3) Draft of the Solid Waste Collection Franchise RFP. 4) Evaluation of my job performance. 5) Chamber Building windows; regarding replacement of windows. 6) Property acquisition and easements for the Treatment Plant ,and sewer projects City Council/Department Head Joint Budget Workshop scheduled for March 21st at 4:00 p.m. 8) Mill - creek Drive street improvement project. Under Mayor and Council Reports Mayor Stocks passed the gavel to Mayor Pro-tem Seibert; as he had to leave, due to expecting a conference call at his home at 10:05 p.m. Councilmember Warner had nothing to report. Councilmember McDougald reported that staff is working with Seekhaven. Councilmember Cooke commented on the MARC Board Committee. Councilmember Veteto had nothing to report. Councilmember Seibert invited everyone to attend the RITZ Seekhaven Fund Raiser Saturday, at 6:30, p.m. 4 3 Councilmember Veteto moved to pay the bills APPROVAL OF BILLS against the City in the amount of $99,516.30; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0, Councilmember Veteto excused herself from the meeting at 10:10 p.m. Council felt it was not necessary to go into an Executive Session at this time to discuss the sale and/or purchase of real property. The Council discussed rebidding the Old City Hall Building and Property with an asking price based on the appraised value. Councilmember McDougald moved to rebid the Old City Hall Building and Property with a asking price based on the appraised value; Councilmember Warner seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 Mayor Pro-tem Seibert adjourned the meeting at 10:20 p.m. ATTEST: andra Acting APPROVED: CnV/q/7t- E. Beaureg d, MC/A E Temp. City Recorder COUNCILMEMBER VETETO HAD TO LEAVE MEETING NOT NECESSARY TO HAVE EXECUTIVE SESSION CITY TO REBID OLD CITY HALL BUILDING & PROPERTY ADJOURN Thomas A. Stocks Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING February 29, 1996 Moab City Council held a Special Meeting on the above date in the City Council Chambers of the Moab City Offices at 115 Weut 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Pro-tem Paul Seibert called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. In attendance were City Councilmembers William McDougald, Richard Cooke, and Terry Warner ; Councilmember Jeanne Veteto was not present; City Manager Donna Metzler; Acting Temporary Recorder Sandra Beauregard; no members of the audience and no media present. Councilmember Warner moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m.; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks Arrived at 5:33 p.m. The purpose of this Special Meeting was to discuss the Capital Improvements Plan Service Level in detail as outlined by City Manager Metzler. Included in the discussion were recommendations by the City Manager to take back to the consultant for further review on: 1) Administrative Facilities, 2) Law Enforcement, 3) Park Facilities, 4) Wastewater Facilities and 5) Circulation. Councilmember Warner moved to adjourn the Special Meeting; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE MOTION FOR MEETING TO ADJOURN AT 6:30 P.M. MAYOR ARRIVES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN SERVICE Tf REVIEW ADJOURNMENT Thomas A. Stocks Mayor ndra E. Beaurega d, CMC/ANE Acting Temp. City Recorder 4 4 REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS REQUEST TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE PRESENTATIONS AGENDA MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA COUNCILMEMBER McDOUGALD ARRIVED COUNCIL APPROVES CLASS III BEER LIC. FOR CANYONLANDS CAMPGROUND; PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED FOR ORDINANCE 96-01 ON AMENDING THE TREE STEWARDSHIP ORDINANCE; RE -ADVER- TISE FOR PLANNING COMMISSION VACANCY MULTIPLE ZONE CHANGE REQUEST APPROVED ORDINANCE 96-01 SENT BACK TO PLANNING COMMISSION FOR FURTHER REVIEW MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 12, 1996 Moab City Council held their Regular Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of city Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Jeanne Veteto led in the Pledge of Allegiance. In attendance were Councilmembers Terry Warner, Paul Seibert and Richard Cooke; City Manager Donna Metzler; Acting Temp Recorder Sandra Beauregard; City Planner Robert Katzenson; one member of the audience and the media. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the minutes of February 29th; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 Under Citizens to be Heard no one wished to speak. City Planner Katzenson gave a planning update on 1) the possibility of updating the Master Plan section on Housing; and insert an affordable Housing Plan. He stated, that, he would like to do this by con- ducting a survey on housing needs like the city did with the garbage. City Planner Katzenson stated, that, he would need about $750 in the budget to cover the survey expense. Surveys on other issues could also be included in the housing survey. Under presentations there were none. Councilmember Veteto moved to move the agenda to the Consent Agenda; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Councilmember William McDougald arrived at 7:10 p.m. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve: 1) Agnes Mae Evans of Gecko Enterprises, DBA: Canyonlands Campground at 555 S. Main Street requesting a Class III Beer License; with background investigation completed, with no derogatory information discov- ered. 2) The request for a public hearing for proposed Ordinance 96-01--Amending Sections 12.24.120 A.1. and A.2„ 12.24.180 and 12.24.210 of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Changes To The Tree Stewardship Ordinance. 3) To re -adver- tise for the Planning Commission vacancy.; Council - member Warner seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the Multiple Zone Change on the Rear Portions of Adjacent Parcels Fronting on the Eastern Side of State Highway 191 from the R-3 to the C-3 Zone; Council - member Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. Councilmember Warner moved to accept the city Manager Metzler's memo to send Ordinance 96-01-- Amending Section 12.08.060 of Chapter 12.08, Title 12, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Construction of Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters back to the Planning Commission for further review; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 4 5 Councilmember McDougald moved to approve Ordinance 96-03--Amending Section 17.09.230 (B) of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Supplementary Requirements and Procedures Applicable Within Zones with City Manager Metzler's recommendation that the word "reasonably" be remov- ed from Condition 4 on page 1 of the proposed ord- inance; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. OSMAN OKI tm,01 AN•010014WIAtit/MINGSICII(3117113113101 CliArild I? et 11313 it Of 111[110AS elledeleAl. 014d4 0.111310C.A•01)140 1011111.014 I • IllIJUIXIAttellANI1111001met IS Aril 1.111 VA 11 0 M0,1, Wiligt/33, de Cod Ca.{ es d• meeeueeedeamCro, **. * ***gym, vs • *on! do IA, 11mmem.ee C.. -.1 Sendeneemmy IOwo.e.eem ani adders Am•mem Alt sm... 1,1v, IOC IT adtMOMM13103 aC AOC1M Keeelt ns l.Y tdmes 17.3”.301-110130111.1040.12.W.11,1-eed0,34311r .13= 01 • 1mm e•met eel de teem Aide... Meaner. Owed emee me.3• dmeme seemonel, pos.1.41 In maddeem wAeO t rider. el Cs 411. Kelm wmmuy pal* • mermemr• eeteemendttemem I A tobveastelpneemly rem ere II m melee .3 le+ Ord. mle10dd *erne. Mt me m."dr/y mnmdulmat I Tie WA MOW,' Canmestun mummer..., '4, ern. s• Unr mg..... re •An. NAM., tulle Neon& snoy mere. me One,,.. me% nee,. 3 no estAieltel melee Inlay tee eel et esuble1r167 nude+. end en wed eusememAt• ler eel A4.M stele1•01mmtedemen %odd. eel le deem.. memm • pram, taelemem demeleeneme Mend •nd •11 op...deeds beetle I•eA eel le 414.. emeemmenteedeeMy Met de demeneme p}om, Insmeemamemm ••.3.-tmememeeee ,mmt mee em weed twee. 114 Int emmd le due m• Om.; d 31.1.e...33.de1mdd",^3 elmedule 301 me de Ime dello red peem t we es.u. PA • pro. do wed 101 fledie pee p.m Is du rem. mm. re/ • meidee• me step... • pet em TT. Cr. deleneemdi Amu. de pmeeney Uwe meme.emeemme1 I Telreeremertemln deed, w de Aneemoestlesmnows doe, •-eed melee em temsemoseeme de1.13retardrenrememd tan *ay. ee *pea, me re gemmed e lee me pet me .40......sroaml• rot r1,..n .ufro memesedde,m e ee meb ledJmee u. mae.m.eby metope me mon ..enel w r• It•wg Yr Ye 44 le • Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the request to advertise for a City Attorney; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve Resolution 10-96--Establishing Severance Pay Benefit for Statutorily Appointed Employees Who Are Not Reappointed; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. Much discussion followed. Councilmember Warner moved to amend the above motion, and to table Resolution 10-96, until City Manager Metzler can check out other such policies in other cities, for severance for statutorily appointed employees; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks said he would like Councilmembers Warner and Seibert to assist City Manager Metzler on Resolution 10-96. Mayor Stocks then moved the agenda back to the public hearings at 7:34 p.m. Mayor Stocks opened the public hearing on proposed Ordinance 96-05--Adopting an Annexation Policy Declaration and Annexing Property to Moab. City Manager Metzler informed the Governing Body that the petition for annexation (the Slickrock Development) on this Ordinance had been withdrawn. Mayor Stocks then stated that since the petition was withdrawn he would close the public hearing. Mayor Stocks then opened the public hearing on proposed Ordinance 96-06--Annexing Property to Moab City. ORDINANCE 96-03-- AMENDING SECTION 17.09.230 (B) OF CHAPTER 17.09, TITLE 17, ADOPTED REQUEST TO ADVERTISE FOR CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED RESOLUTION 10-96-- ESTABLISHING SEVERANCE PAY FOR STATUTORILY APPOINTED EMPLOYEES TABLED COUNCILMEMBERS WARNER & SEIBERT TO ASSIST ON RES. 10-96 AGENDA MOVED TO PUBLIC HEARING:, PUBLIC HEARING ON ORDINANCE 96-05-- ADOPTING ANNEXATION POLICY PETITION FOR ANNEXATION WITHDRAWN ON ORD. 96-05 PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED ON ORD. 96-05 PUBLIC HEARING ON ORD. 96-06--ANNEXING PROPERTY TO MOAB CITY OPENDED 46 AGENDA MOVED TO With no comments from the audience Mayor Stocks READING OF CORRES- then moved the agenda to the reading of correspon- PONDENCE dence ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS Mayor Stocks commented on correspondence on the public carrying concealed weapons City Manager Metzler presented the following administrative report to the Governing Body: 1) A Landfill/Solid Waste meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, March 14th, at 5 00 p m at the County Chambers. 2) A Budget Workshop has been scheduled for Thursday, March 21st, at 4 00 p m 3) A committee will meet on March 18th to put together a final proposal for the public hearing regarding the MARC proposal 4) There has been no ::ord yet from the State regarding a special session to reconsider the business license fee legislation 5) City staff prepared a letter t. all septage waste haulers to ascertain if the haulers ..ould be agreeable to a permit in the WWTP Upgrade The BLM was agreeable with the charge, while Mer_'Loo was not. Since Meri'Loo handles the majority of septage material in the County, Mon tgomery;,atson Engineering has determined that the septage dumping station should be excluded from "he WW-P Upgrade design. This will reduce the total project cost by approximately $80,000, and will reduce maintenance and operation costs as well Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Veteto wished Councilmember McDougald a harpy birthday. Councilmember McDougall also reported on the Landfill Meeting on March 14th with the County. He also informed the Governing Bod: that the Landfill Board was very unhappy about the negative publicity and would like it to stop Councilmember McDougald also stated that the permits for the Landfill were near completion, and that he would not be attending the meeting, on March 14th, as he has scheduled surgery on his arm on Price, Utah on that date; but hoped everyone else could attend Councilmember Cooke discussed tipping fees with Councilmember McDougald to see if they could be reduced. City Planner Katzenson informed the Governing Body that a bill passed by Senator Dmitrich was on the desk of the President on landfills. This would allow landfills in the state to go under the regulation of the State instead of the Federal Government for smaller rural communities. Councilmember Seibert reported that he talked t:. Representative Keele Johnson at the Seekhaven function last week and asked for his support if the business license fee issue comes back to the floor in the State Legislature. Councilmember Warner asked about the traffic light on South Main and Kane Creek Blvd. He was informed that it was still on Utah Department of Transpor- tation's list for installation this year. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the bills against the City in the amount of $111, 139.43; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. 47 Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the meeting; ADJOURN Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 7:54 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: uandra Acting E. Beauregar<, CMC/AA$ Temp. City RecuLoer MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING March 14, 1996 a Thomas A. Stocks Mayor Moab City Council held a City/County joint Special PE 'T:,i. JOINT CITY/ Meeting on the above date in the Grand Cou:t., 0=1 SPECIAL Council Chambers at 125 E Center Street, M oah, rEET::'& ATTENDANCE Utah. Grand County Council Chairman Bart Lea..:t• called the meeting to order at 5:00 p m In attendance were Moab City Councilmembers Pau: Seibert, Terry Warner, Richard Cooke and Jeanne- Veteto; Mayor Thomas A. Stocks; City Manager Donna Metzler; Acting Temp. Recorder Sandra Beauregard, Councilmember Bill McDougald was absent due to having surgery; Grand County Councilmembers Ray Pene, Dale Mosher, Peter Haney, Frank Nelsen, William Hedden and Ken Uallantyne; County Clerk Fran Townsend; County Administrator Earl Sires; eight members of the audience and the media The pupose of this joint meeting was to discuss PURPOSE OF MEETING - Solid Waste Management Issues with the City and TO DISCUSS SOLID County. Penny Jones of the Landfill District gave PASTE LANDFILL both City and County an update of landfill issues; MANAGEMENT ISSUES and explained tipping fees;, drop sites, transfer stations, recycling and management of the landfill Both City and County discussed the issues Mayor Stocks had to leave the meeting at 5 50 p m MAYOR STOCKS LEFT due to another commitment. DUE TO COMMITMENT County Council Chairman Leavitt adjourned the ADJOURN meeting at 6:12 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: ,8andra E. Beauregai; 1, dmcAAE Acting Temp. City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 26, 1996 Thomas A. Stocks Mayor Moab City Council held their Regular Meeting on the REGULAR MEETING & above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City ATTENDANCE Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Tom Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Seibert led in the Pledge of Allegi- ance. In attendance were Councilmembers Richard Cooke, Jeanne Veteto, William McDougald and Terry Warner; City Manager Donna Metzler; Acting Temp. Recorder Sandra Beauregard; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Planning Aide Debra Gilger; Comm- unity Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; twenty-two members of the audience and the media. 48 APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS REQUEST TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE NO PRESENTATIONS AGENDA MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS TAKEN INDIVIDUALLY MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT FOR RED ROCK SHIRTS, INC. APPROVED MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT FOR MOAB ESPRESSO COMPANY APPROVED MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT FOR BO'S HACIENDA APPROVED NO OLD BUSINESS NICHOLAS BROWN HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE APPROVED BARBARA MORRA HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE APPROVED JANIS ATKIINS HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE APPROVED JERRY HUFF HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE APPROVED DEANNA FAINELLI HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE APPROVED Councilmember Warner moved to approve the minutes of March 12th and March 14th as corrected; Council - member Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0. Under Citizens to be Heard, no one came forward to speak to the Governing Body Under Planning updates City Manager Metzler and Councilmember McDougald both commented on the proposed tipping fees for the landfill There were no presentations Councilmember Veteto moved to more the agenda to the consent agenda; Councilmembe/ }r seconded the motion The motion carried S-C Mayor Stocks then moved the aocnd, consent agenda. Councilmember Warner moved tlo take agenda items individually; counc.imcml - seconded the motion The :ram sa .,sent 'eteto red 5-0 Councilmember Seibert moved to appro e 1-e Moved - on Structure Permit request by Red Roc,: Snirts, Inc. for alternating locations at 115 n Main Street and 600 N Main Street; 2ou• cli -;mter Cooke seconded the motion The motion _arried 5-0 Councilmember Veteto moved ,_o approve :1'-e Moved -on Structure Permit request by Susan H Ulery DBA Moab Espresso Company at 94 P. 100 Nortn, Council - member. McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the Moved - on Structure Permit request by Billy and Jo Shupe DBA: Bo's Hacienda at 105 N Main Street; Coun- cilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0. There war no old business to be discussed Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a Home Occupation License to Nicholas Brown at 400 N 500 West #8, for a Film Festival Coordination Business; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion The moiton carried 5-0. Councilmember Seibert: moved to approve a dome Occupation License to Barbara Morra at 600 N. 500 West for a Telemarketing Sales and Service Busi- ness; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a Home Occupation License to Janis Atkins at 160 N. 300 East for a Landscape Gardening Business; Council - member Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve a Home Occupation Business License to Jerry Huff for a Contracting Business at 492 Park Drive; Council - member Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve a Home Occupation License to Deanna Fainelli for a Araphic Design Business at 393 E. 100 South; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. ��9 Councilmember Seibert moved to approve a Home Occupation License to Rick McElhaney for a Contracting Business at 766 Huntridge; Council - member Warner seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a Home Occu- pation License to Donald J. Kauhi for a Bottled Water Distribution Business at 339 E. 100 South; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Warner moved to table the a public hearing for a Zone Change of a the Property at 749 W. Bartlett, from a R-2 Zone; Councilmember Veteto seconded The motion carried 5-0. request fol Portion of RA-1 LD a the mcllicr Mayor Stocks then moved the agenda to the scheduled public hearings at 7 30 p m Mayor Stocks then read a Zone Change request by Leo R. Alger at 637 North 500 West from a R- a R-3 Zone and opened the hearing for public comment. Ellen Alger informed the Governing Body and the audience that they wished to have the propert," rezoned to a R-3 Zone so houses could be built there. She also commented that they had a bu!er for the property to build condominiums if it ::as rezoned. Whitney Rearick asked what the difference ::as between a R-2 and a R-3 Zone. Planning Aide Gilger explained the difereace between the two zones. Ellen Alger stated that they plan to build afford- able housing on the land. Doug Fix, asked if the Planning Commission reviewed this zone request? Mayor Stocks replied, yes. Ellen Alger commented that the Planning Commission held a Public Hearing, and, that no one came. Doug Fix, asked if this change would change the set -back, density, etc. requirements? Planning Aide Gilger replied, no. Ray Alger explained that this condominium plan has a lot of open space and would be a nice addition to the neighborhood. Robin Guyman said that he lives on 5th West and was opposed to the zone change. Doug Fix, asked what was the controversy at the Planning Commission Meeting on this zone change? Councilmember Cooke explained that it was about having site development plans accompanying a zone change request. City Manager Metzler explained that a site plan can not be attached to a zone change request. She fur- ther explained that you cannot make a zone change contingent on site development plans as it was not legal to do so. RICK McELHANEY HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE APPROVED DONALD J. KAUHI HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE APPROVED PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST FOR ZONE CHANGE FROM RA-1 TO P-; TABLED :tILA MOVED TO '131.,:C HEARINGS M::oR RENDS ZONE GE REQUEST BY S FOR A R-2 TO - :ONE CHANGE _ _N D CHA:;C-F - HEARING .ON ZONE REQUEST Mayor Stocks explained to the audience that the public hearing is on the zone change itself; not any site development plans intended for the zone. 50 PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONE CHANGE CLOSED PROPOSED ORD. 96-01 AMENDING SEC. 12.24.120 A.1. & A.2 12.24.180 & 12.24.210 REGARDING CHANGES TO TREE STEWARDSHIP ORDINANCE EXPLAINED PUBLIC HEARING FOR ORD. 96-01 OPENED Doug Fix inquired if this was a piece meal zone change, or, if this was part of the Master Plan Ray Alger said, he doesn't want to sell off a lot at a time. He said that this is a nice develop- ment plan for the nieghborhood and would look nicer than selling off lots at a time and having everything looking a lot like it does now. Rainey Guyman inquired about tri-level buildings in this zone. Planning Aide Gilger gave her a list of allowable uses within a R-3 Zone Bruce Dissel, said he lives or Tailsale, and opposed to the zone change; ce-aus= fle Is not favor of spot zoning, and the t_af - l,_ l___-ms would cause, etc is in it Ellen Alger, explained that _ _ ,.ou]d allow them to plan a better silt; l _sir- , ray: the Palisade Subdivision She, also, ._,_i tt,a- _ :r11 end up looking like the Palisade '•..hd- -.-_cn if they don't get the zone change a• 'l ha-. - - _: off lots one at a time Culley Erdman, said he was orpc eri change because it would change rt e i,ns of the neighborhood He also said he was spe.:•:-_-ia for Lynn Carpenter, the owner of the neighbor'_;:: lot of the intended zone change, of :ahicl, he als.- i es Mayor Stocks informed the Go• -err = ;o Sod; and the audience that this would be cn t'.e ,•aril a:h City Council Agenda. He also informed e,'er\one that if they had further comments they cJuld make them in writing and send them to the Moab City council in care of the City Recorder to be considered on April 9th. Mayor Stocks then closed the public hearing on the Zone Change request from a R-2 to a R-3 Zone at 7:52 p.m. Mayor Stocks then had Community Development Coord- inator Olsen explain proposed Ordinance 96-01-- Amending Sections 12.24.120 A.1. and A.2, 12.24.180 and 12.24.210 of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Changes to The Tree Stewardship Ordinance. Olsen, explained that there would not be any pruning without permission on City right- of-ways. That this ordinance would be adopting the Utah Shade Tree Pruning Standards along with the National Standards. Mayor Stocks then opened the public hearing for public comment: at 7:55 p.m William Johnston, asked is this ordinance was about public or private property? Community Development Coordinator Olsen, answered that this was for public property and right-of- ways. Monte Hall of Utah Power and Light Company, asked if this ordinance covers replacement trees and the types allowed that grow into utilities. He would like trees that grow around and not up into the utility lines. Olsen, answered no. 51 Monte Hall, asked if they would consider replace- ment trees around utility lines to be the type that grows around opposed to up into the lines. Olsen, explained that Urban Forestry would have to make those decisions. Whitney Rearick, said she thinks this is a good amendment to the Tree Stewardship Ordinance and that it will eliminate tree problems She said this is an important step to make Moab a better place to live. Mayor Stocks then closed the hearing at 8 00 p m again informing the audience if they had further comment to put it in writing and send it to the Moab City Council in care of the City Recorder be considered at the April 9th meeting on this Ordinance amendment. Mayor Stocks informed the Governing Body and the audience that the City Recorder had received applications from seven Moab Citizens requesting initiative petitions and signature sheets to set before the people of Moab at a special election e following issue: Shall Moab City, Utah adopt the Council/Mayor form of municipal government Mayor Stocks informed Council that they could Resolution put this issue on a ballot at a special election or they could allow the citizens request- ing initiative petitions and signature lists to proceed with the process of an initiative ballot He advised Council that there are many things t be considered here and that they should speak tc Attorney David Church for a legal explaination Councilmember Cooke moved to table this issue until Council could discuss this with Attorney Church next week, and, then bring it back to the table; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion The motion carried 3-2 with Councilmembers warner and Veteto opposed. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn for a five minute break; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting for a five minute break at 8:25 p.m. Mayor Stocks called the meeting back to order at 8:30 p.m. The following bids were received on the 12,000 lbs. Hoist: 1) Petroleum Maint. & Equip.: $8,650.00, one year warranty; 2) American Equipment: No Bid; 3) Robert Taylor & Sons: $8,555.00, one year warranty; and 4) Professional Auto. Equip.: $8,795.00, five year warranty. Councilmember Cooke moved to award the bid for the 12,000 lbs. Hoist for the Streets Department to Professional Auto Equipment in the amount of $8,795; Councilmember Warner seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. The following bids were received on the Asphalt bid: 1) Southern Paving Company: $6,842.52; no other bids were received; although six were sent out. PUBLIC HEARING ON OPD ',6-01 CLOSED =:E PETITIONS '_ ";NATUR.E SHEETS PEQUP: 1: BY SEVEN ,I;'I=S FOR SPECIAL ELI=I N CN CHANGING R ; GCVERNMENT _ -- MAYOR INITIATIVE ISSUE TABLED UNTIL COUNCIL CAN DISCUSS WITH ATTORNEY BREAD MAYOR CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER BIDS RECEIVED ON 12,000 LBS. HOIS— BID ON 12,000 LBS. HOIST AWARDED TO PROFESSIONAL AUTO EQUIPMENT BIDS RECEIVED ON ASPHALT 5 2 BID ON ASPHALT BID AWARDED TO SOUTHERN PAVING COMPANY AMENDING PHASE I OF ORCHARD VILLA TOWNHOMES SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVED MAYOR LEFT MEETING TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE FOR RED ROCK SHIRTS, INC. APPROVED TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE FOR MOAB ROD BENDERS AND WAIVER OF LICENSE FEES APPROVED TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE FOR CANYON - LANDS RODEO CLUB AND WAVIER OF LICENSE FEES APPROVED MAYOR STOCKS RETURNED TO MEETING TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE FOR RED ROCK 4-WHEELERS APPROVED TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE FOR CANYON - LANDS ARTS COUNCIL AND WAIVER OF LICENSE FEES APPROVED TRANSIENT LOCAL VENDOR LICENSE FOR BO'S HACIENDA APPROVED Councilmember McDougald moved to award the Asphalt Bid for the Streets Department to Southern Paving Company in the amount of $6,842.52; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by aroll-call-vote of 5-0. Mayor Stocks explained the amendment of Phase I of the Orchard Villa Townhomes Subdivision Plat Mayor Stocks then asked if anyone was opposed to this amendment. There was no response from the audience. Councilmember McDougald moved to appi-e the amendment of Phase I of Orchard Townhomes Subdivision Plat providing for c.ile aid:t2onal unit, changing it from four to fi-e units member Cooke seconded the motIsu motion caried 5-0. Mayor Stocks left the meeting briefl, b m passing the gavel to Mayor. Prc-fem Councilmember Veteto moved to app;:me c i "p-r Shirts, Inc. request for a Transi,,n: Merchai- License at alternating locations at 1.7 N Ma; - Street and 600 N. Main Street to sel ippalcl., accessories, beverages and prepackzii7ei ssad,s during the jeep Safari Week, CoLncilmemter seconded the motion. The mctior, Councilmember Warner moved tc„ applc-, ria-d 'al.ey Racing Asso. DBA: Moab Rod Benders r idesrs for a Transient Merchant License at tl-e Park for the Annual Car Show on April 2-2th 1996, and to waive the Transient Merchant License fees for the non-profit organization; except: f r the Sales Tax Deposit in the amount of $40; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve Canyon- lands Rodeo Club's requests for a Transient Merchant License for the (Butch Cassidy) Rodeo Days on June 7th and 8th 1996 at the New City Park, and to waive the Transient Merchant License fees for the non-profit organization; except for the Sales Tax Deposit in the amount of $40; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. Mayor Stocks returned to the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Councilmember Warner moved to approve Red Rock 4-Wheelers request for a Transient Merchant License at the Senior/Civic Center during Jeep Safari Week; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve Canyonlands Arts Council's requests for a Transient Merchant License at the New City Park for the annual "Moab Arts Festival" on May 25, 26 and 27, 1996 and, to waive the Transient Merchant License fees for the non-profit organization; except for the Sales Tax Deposit in the amount of $40; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Transient Local Vendor request of Bo Shupe, DBA: Bo's Hacienda at 105 N. Main Street for a Condiment Trailer (selling beverages and food); Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 53 Under Reading of correspondence Mayor Stocks read from a Utah League of Cities and Towns Update Newsletter on local taxing authority. City Manager Metzler presented the following adminstrative report to the Governing Body: 1) Council Budget Workshop scheduled for March 28th at 7:00 p.m. 2) Attorney David Church said he would be in attendance at one or more meetings to discuss with Council the following items Mayor and Council relationships; City Manager contract, and a personnel matter. 3) Annie Tueller, a political science major at USU, is now working at City Hall as an unpaid intern She will be performing research and other administrati-e activities. 4) Annie Tueller is conducting a survey of municipalities to gather informat_-,r regarding severance policies 5) Unless fult1=: suggestions for changes to the Solid Waste RFF, ,-';e City will begin the RFP advertising process re--t Monday. 6) Moab Day will be held on Saturday April 13th, starting at 8:30 a.m. at the baseball field Any participation from public officials is welcor.e and encouraged. 7) The MARC Steering Commit-ee will submit a request to go to public hearing on the next agenda. The public hearing would be scheduled for April 23rd. Mayor Stocks asked when Attorney David Church would be coming down. City Manager Metzler replied, the first part of next week Mayor Stocks stated that he opposes severance pay for non -political issues. Councilmember Warner asked if anyone had attended the San Juan and Spanish Valley Water & Sewer District meetings about connecting into our system. City Manager Metzler stated that she had attended these meetings and that she had discussed this with Engineer Al Anderson of Montgomery Watson Engineering and had talked about Spanish Valley Water & Sewer needing to re -negotiate their contract if they pursue this avenue. Councilmember Warner also inquired about the filling of the Recorder posiiton. Mayor Stocks stated that he had a prospect but that his family was not willing to move at this time. Councilmember McDougald commented on the South- eastern Association of Governments project of transplanting birds into the Marble Canyon area Councilmember Cooke commented on his meeting with the MARC Steering Committee. READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 1.AY01, :CUNCIL REPOR' Councilmemebr Veteto had nothing to report. Mayor Stocks commented about the Councils ad in the newspaper in support of the City Manager and about sewer rates being higher in the City than in Spanish Valley. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the bills APPROVAL OF BILLS against the City in the amount of $483,815.52, including Keogh Land Surveying in the amount of $5,194.00; Councilmember Warner seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the meeting; ADJOURN Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 54 ATTEST: Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 9:38 p.m. andra E. Beaurega Acting Temp. City APPROVED: OT C/hia CMC/AAE ecorder Thomas A. Stocks Mayor MOAB C=T', 7 1:M "1 SPECIAL '1EF7-1_11r. Marc`. _"" SPECIAL BUDGET WORK- Moab City Council held a Spec ,_. _.__lncr on the SHOP MEETING & above date in the Council=_,,nbel. ` M.ab City ATTENDANCE Offices at 115 West 200 S a, Mn at .3tah Mayor Pro-tem Paul Seibert calla: ee to order at 7•07 p m In attendanc,- •c.•_ ,tilmembers Terry Warner and Richard 7.,7,r:e, _ Manager Donna Metzler; Acting Temp Peccader iandra Beauregard; Public Works Director Brent t,i__.ams, Recreation Superintendent Catherine Hansen, 7:LT,,unity Develop- ment Coordinator M. David Olse:, Police Sergeant Kent Lindquist; and the media Councilmember William McDougald arrived at 7 37 p m and Mayor Tom Stocks arrived at " •_6 i; m Councilmember Jeanne veteto was not an attendance JOINT COUNCIL/DEPART- MENT FY 1996/1997 BUDGET WORKSHOP ADJOURN ATTEST: The purpose of this Special meeting was to have a joint Council/Department Fiscal Year 19g6/1997 Budget Workshop City Manager Metzler reviewed the Administrative Recommendations a4ith Council and Department Treads Covered in this budget: workshop were the General Fund; Recreation Fund; After School Club Fund, Millcreek Fund; Community Devel- opment Fund; Class C Road Fund; Redevelopment Fund; Youth City Council Fund; and the Enterprise Fund The Capital Projects Fund and the Community and Economic Development portion of the budget will be discussed at the next budget workshop scheduled for April 17th 1996, at 7 00 p m Councilmember Warner moved to adjourn the Special Budget Workshop Meeting; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 9:46 p.m. APPROVED: .a.Au0,44,(VnVW andra E. Beaure rd, CMC AAE omas A. Stocks Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING April 4, 1996 SPECIAL MEETING & Moab City Council held a Special Meeting on the ATTENDANCE above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers Terry 55 Warner, William McDougald, Paul Seibert, Richard Cooke and Jeanne Veteto; City Manager Donna Metzler; Acting Temp. Recorder Sandra Beauregard; Police Chief Alan West; Attorney David Church and the media. Mayor Stocks read the agenda for the Special Meeting to include: 1) Discussion with Attorney David Church regarding various City issues; 2) City Manager contract; 3) Executive Session for A) Strategy session with respect to litigation; and B) Discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual. Mayor, Council and Attorney Church discussed their differences both on a personal and professional level. Councilmember Veteto moved to have placed back _ the next City Council agenda the decision and direction for applications for initiative petitions and signature sheets to set before the people cf Moab at a special election the following iss._e Shall Moab City, Utah adopt the Council/Mayor ft,rm of government; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 Mayor, Council, City Manager and Attorney Church discussed the City Manager contract. Councilmember Veteto moved to have Attorney Church draw up a Resolution of support for City Manager Metzler from all the Governing Body; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Warner moved to have a five minute break before adourning into the Executive Session; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting for a five minute break at 6:43 p.m. Mayor Stocks called the meeting back to order at 6:50 p.m. Councilmember Veteto moved to go into Executive Session for the following: 1) Strategy session with respect to litigation; 2) Discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Special Meeting into an Executive Session at 6:51 p.m. Councilmember Veteto moved to ajourn the Executive Session back to the Special Meeting; Councilmember Warner seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Executive Session and called the Special Meeting back to order at 7:18 p.m. Attorney Church gave the governing Body an update on litigation in respect to Woody's Bar. Councilmember Warner moved to support Attorney Church's direction on the Woody's Bar litigation; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. MAYOR READS SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA MAY )R COUNCIL I I FFER ENnES PT SCI's" 1NIT= I:E ISSUE TO -i , '7- ON NEXT .VENDA FOR CIT', MANAGER CONTRACT DISCUSSED ATTORNEY CHURCH TO DRAW UP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR CITY MANAGER BREAK MAYOR CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER EXECUTIVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNS BACK TO SPECIAL MEETING ATTORNEY CHURCH GAVE UPDATE ON LITIGATION ON WOODY'S BAR COUNCIL SUPPORTS ATTORNEY'S DIRECTION ON WOODY'S BAR LITI- GATION 56 ADJOURN ATTEST: Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Special Meeting at 7:35 p.m. APPROVED: andra E. eaur ard, CMC Acting Temp. Ci Recorder REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS REQUEST TO BE HEARD DOROTHY MARKLE APPOINTED TO MOAB CITY PLANNING COMMISSION COUNCILMEMBER WARNER ARRIVED REQUEST TO CHANGE FORM OF GOVERNMENT REJECTED Thomas A. Stocks Mayor AAE MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING APRIL 9, 1996 The Moab City Council held their Regular Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember William McDougald led in the Pledge of Allegiance In attendance were Councilmembers Richard Cooke, Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto; Acting Temporary Recorder Sandra Beauregard; Planning Aide Debbie Gilger; Community Development Director David Olsen; 19 members of the audience and the media Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the minutes of the February 13, February 27, March 26, March 20, and April 4th an presented; Council - member Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Under Citizens to be heard, no one came forward to speak to the Governing Body. Under Old Business Mayor Stocks read the following names of citizens wishing to be appointed to the Moab City Planning Commission: 1) Dorothy Markle; 2) Daniel Mick; 3) David Tito; 4) Marc Horwitz; 5) David Wood; 6) Linda Hite; and 7) Annette Green- berg. Mayor Stocke then informed Council that he wished to appoint Dorothy Markle to the Moab City Planning Commission. Councilmember McDougald informed Council that he had a conflict of interest as Dorothy Markle was his sister, and stated that he would abstain from voting. Councilmember Veteto moved to confirm Mayor Stocks appointment of Dorothy Markle to the Moab City Planning Commission; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. Councilmember Terry Warner arrived at 7:10 p.m. The motion carried-4-0 with Councilmember McDoug- ald abstaining from voting. Councilmember Warner moved to reject the request to change the form of government at a special election; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 with Councilmember McDougald voting no. 57 Councilmember Seibert moved to adopt Resolution 10-96--Establishing Severance Pay Benefit for Statutorily Appointed Employees Who Are Not Reappointed; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion was defeated 5-0. Mayor Stocks read the names of Darren Vaughan, James Walker, D. Bliesmer, Kent Ross, Dennis E. Byrd Jr. and Patricia B. Byrd as responding in writing in favor of the proposed zone change from R-2 to R-3. Mayor Stocks also read the names of: Doug Fix, Jane Roberts, Jessica Stabrylla, Brett Taylor, Laurie and James Hopkins, Michael M O'Donnell, Catharine C. O'Donnell, Lynn Carpenter and Cully Erdman as responding in writing opposed to the zone change from R-2 to R-3. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the zone change request by Leo R. Alger at 637 North 500 West from R-2 to R-3; Councilmember Seibert -- seconded the motion. The motion was defeated by a vote of 1-4 with Councilmember McDougald voting no. Councilmember Warner moved to table proposed Ordinance 96-01--Amending Sections 12.24.120 A.1 and A.2, 12.24.180 and 12.24.210 of the Moab Municipal Ordinances regarding Changes to The Tree Stewardship Ordinance; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 Councilmember Veteto moved to take a five minute break; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks adjourned the meeting for a five minute break at 8:50 p.m. Mayor Stocks called the meeting back to order at 8:55 p.m. Mayor Stocks left the meeting at 8:55 p.m. due another commitment. to Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request for a Subdivision at 860 Kane Creek Blvd., by owner Wayne Bowers; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request for a Subdivision at 811 E. Bittle Lane, by owner Lucile Carlisle; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Warner moved to approve the request to go to a public hearing for proposed Ordinance 96-07--Amending Section 17.09.230 (B) 7. of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Supplementary Requirements and Procedures Applicable within Zones; Council - member Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to adopt Resolution 11- 96--Changing Pay -In -Lieu of Parking Fee Rates; Councilmember Warner seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. 1U501IIII0N Nn 1 LY3 A RISOLUIION /MP MC PAY-D.1E11tY PARKING FUR/al. WIIERdEFASY..Gm..., laid NG,.I5.14.61.1.P weft Er 1..4, to M.P.......a.va ..1. ea re. d N%n'N�wwte.u4 MI[E[A£R.. £bubCA C®mrstn ..F.. se..e... az O� RESOLUTION 10-96 ESTABLISHING SEVERANCE PAY DEFEATED ZONE CHANGE FROM R-2 TO R-3 FOR LEO R. ALGER DEFEATED ORDINANCE 96-01 AMENDING TREE STEWARDSHIP ORD. TABLED BREAK MAYOR CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER MAYOR STOCKS LEFT MEETING SUBDIVISION REQUEST AT 860 KANII CREEK BLVD. APPROVED SUBDIVISION REQUEST AT 011 E. BITTLE LANE APPROVED REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING FC- �. 96-07 APPROVED RESOLUTION 11-96 CHANGING PAY -IN - LIEU OF PARKING FEE RATES ADOPTED MS! U ANO',MOVED In ergo Ca...iP ; n.pr.,.A de., Wtdb Lamm R1e-Cary. Gong P.�.Lt., U A iWbGy .,Pm n 1 [REPORE EE R IMAM REsaV'ED b, P. Rl..b Cc/Canna. Pa 4,h-t o%INPar. lit d P..IIn,..te. Are mteNd../ In Pe Cre, el Mrb The rgInland drub,. rate a tiDD10(R.m Thw.W 140.n1 M .Pus Ant,.�1!�� Sards mg../ d Ate.., li-b£L, Rwer.L. .rA LdS ..Q 58 ORDINANCE 96-06 ANNEXING PROPERTY TO MOAB CITY ADOPTED RESOLUTION 12-96 DESIGNATING REP. TO UT DIVISION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY ADOPTED Councilmember Warner moved to adopt Ordinance 96- 06--Annexing Property to Moab City, Moab City property owned by Dennis A. Johnson and Alma Y. Erickson at 1051 South State Highway 191 with a C- 4 Zone Designation; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call - vote of 5-0. MMNAtaM9605 Mi010,00.1 Of M OVW0.0, a 4, of •• M A.V.lsnatM:. 11 a, IMAM .1 M popo4ystaceilleletia...1.1"."4 "Oultetatiew.a. WIMEAS. 4. wean, Way as J•anal • n • an, ,,,,, . annesosaa, unt 1.12NIAS.J•pazunglaft;:1•,/a .ru.r &dm.. lane, 111LRI10•1. 14 0 0.J.pre. ll 114,0,,,,ing . nomaanny 4,1.14 a 2 Jai a, • i•dal aa•••,•,a, N.1.;42:0C=ITT"'''' '''—'""--. .""— 2 lannaJaaangettan tat..., va•inval, •,• 'any. 1,56[1.11040nall:011111103 „j_n_ 1 001 .4101( Tno• • a a sl • ,• • A][tat. /41.44:1. Dsg.01• 4. acts. city 0v, Councilmember. Warner moved to adopt Resolution 12- 96--Designating a representative of Moab City Corporation to secure the transfer to said Applicant of surplus Federal property through the Utah Division of Surplus Property, under the provisions of Section 203 (j) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1919, as amended; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. assoivrIo..12,14. at It tttaaVta Mt' to Is 1. r.by dailoaat. tati /op ,.salvo,,of 14"1+ City COI..." to to.. tlai "soot" to ...pit." et sot." Yeaocal ..orty Ureepf. ta• VIM PtetltpNiltnrun aistor I. agora ttttt of lamina 2e, flap." • Atalal tttttt vo raclto. as Of MS. a "toot", to obilsot• t. opplIcitat ue It. tea. to tao "to. a.ta..ty to coo., ". tor. ..itioao 1N Nt ..• ******* tills tom. la It reale. "Maw MT • c.rtlM.e toil of STIO "cola". "oil Vt. ***** Aco", tot Serpi" "op". ate atiaa ano ye" "at% coat, is 001 lara• •na 'Moat until "lit" ooti.. tho s.ttoty Is 11.11.1. to 0" Wel Ot. Nato ea". for tot.. two.", NEPTUNE ARB METER BID AWARDED TO GRAND JUNCTION PIPE & SUPPLY COMPANY WM.," • S. Tao." • at.... 1•••1, .4 ,,,Y .• ,'• ..,•, ty • et" •es tl• ****** •'.•• ". fot "it" st.-- 2 t'rLeztr. S•o0I• V Iorantyirt act", roy s•ci it" Bids for the Neptune ARB Meters for the Water Department were received from the following; 1) Joy and Cox Inc. for $27,300.75; 2) Control Equipment Company submitted a no bid; 3) Mountain - land Pipe and Supply for $29,935.00; 4) Grand Junction Pipe and Supply for $25,606.15; 5) Waterwork Sales Company for $25,818.75. Councilmember Warner moved to award the bid for the Neptune ARB Meters to Grand Junction Pipe & Supply in the amount of $25,806.15 as they were the low bid; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. 59 Councilmember Veteto moved to acquire an 88' x 10' easement from Gail Leavitt, 25 yards East of the expanded portion of Rotary Park; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. Community Development Coordinator Olsen explained the Utah Riverway Enhancement Project to Mayor Pro-tem, Council and audience; to extend the Mill Creek path 500' east of Rotary Park playground (includes removing concrete debris and widening the creek), to install trailhead parking at: Rotary Park; and to help pay for the 400 East underpass Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the ntal. Riverway Enhancement Project as outlined above by Community Development Coordinator oluen; .ouncil- member McDougall seconded the motion. The mo t:oh carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0, No action wee taken on the requeat for approval a Utah Trails Project. Councilmember McDougald moved to tahle t.lic appointment of a Moab City Attorney; Councilmembor Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried ley a vote of 5-0. There was no reading of correspondence Under Administrative Reporta Mayor Rrn-tour, Council and audience were informed of 1) The next Budget Workshop scheduled for Wednesday, April 17th at 7 p.m. to review Capital Projects and Special Requests; 2) Everyone was invited to Moab Day on Saturday, April 13th at 0:30 a.m. at the ball field; 3) Mayor and Council were referred to a memo and survey regarding severance pay policies; 4) That City Manager Donna Metzler would be at the Utah City Management Association Meeting from April 8th until April loth, that. her Administrative Secretary Karla Hancock has the number where she can be reached. Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Warner commented on the work UDOT in doing on the North end of town. Councilmember Cooke asked if the City Manager could ask Community Development Coordinator Olsen if there were any grant funds available to help with the funding of dead end emergency roads. Councilmember McDougald also would like to know about funds for the road corridor around Moab. Councilmembers Veteto and Seibert had nothing to report. Councilmember Veteto moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $118,522.16; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Warner seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert then adjourned the meeting at 9:30 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: G f, Sandra E. Beaurecird,� CMC/ AE Acting Temp. City Recorder z s ayor PERMISSION TO ACQUIRE 88'X100 EASEMENT FROM GAIL LEAVITT APPROVED UTAH RIVERWAY ENHANCEMENT PROJECT APPROVED NO ACTION TAKEN ON UT TRAILS PROJECT MOAD CITY ATTORNEY APPOINTMENT TABLED READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMTNISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS AGAINST THE CITY ADJOURNMENT Stocks 60 SPECIAL BUDGET WORK- SHOP MEETING & ATTENDANCE FY 1996/1997 BUDGET WORKSHOP ADJOURN ATTEST: REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES NO CITIZENS REQUEST TO BE HEARD MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING April 17, 1996 Moab City Council held a Special Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Paul Seibert led in the Pledge of Allegiance In attendance were Council - members Terry Warner, Jeanne weteto, and Richard Cooke; City Manager Donna Metzlei, Acting Temp Recorder Sandra Beauregard, Public Wor);:, Director Brent Williams; Police Chief Elan anci '_wncil- member William McDougald arri df „ p The purpose of this Special Meetibo ;,a Budget Workshop for Fiscal Yea- ing review of Capital Proj c,s Requests. City Manager Me-zier Administrative Recommendations wi and staff m Councilmember Veteto moved to ad curr Budget Workshop Meeting, Counc..lmr_mbel seconded the motion The moLic Mayor Stocks then adjourned t'le me,_ S 30 p.m. Sandra Acting NO PLANNING UPDATE & NO PRESENTATIONS AGENDA MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA MAYOR READS CONSENT AGENDA 7 Thomas A Stock, wx Gf/iC�/Il,';ayor E. 9eaur urd CMC/AAE Temp. City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 23, 1996 Moab City Council held their Regular Meeting on the above date in he City Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 W. 200 South, Moab, Utah Mayor Thomas Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember William McDougald led in the Pledge of Allegiance. In attendance were Council - members Jeanne Veteto, Paul Seibert, Richard Cooke and Terry Warner; City Manager Donna Metzler; Act- ing Temp. City Recorder Sandra Beauregard; Planning Aide Debra Gilger; three members of the audience and the media. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the minutes of April 9th and 17th as corrected; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 Under Citizens Request to be Heard no one came forward. There was no Planning Update and no Presentations. Councilmember Veteto moved to move the agenda to the consent agenda; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then read the consent agenda to the audience. 61 Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the entire consent agenda consisting of: 1) John S. Boroski, DBA Moab Brewers LLC at 670 South Main Street requesting both Class I & II Beer Licenses; with background investigation completed, with no derog- atory information discovered; 2) Toni K. McKinnon, DBA Catarina's Restaurant at 51 North Main Street requesting a Class II Beer License; with backgound investigation completed, with no derogatory infor- mation discovered; 3) Robert G. Davis, DBA West- erner Grill at 331 North Main Street requesting a Class II Beer License; with background investiga- tion completed, with no derogatory information discovered; 4) Tom D. Niederhauser, DBA T&S Rest- aurants Inc., JB's of Moab at 811 South Main Street requesting a Class II Beer License; with background investigation completed, with no derogatory information discovered; 5) Request tc go to a public hearing for the Moab Arts and Rec- reation Center (MARC) proposal for May 14th, 6) Request to go to a public hearing to h,.ar public input on proposed Fiscal Year budget 1996/1997 for May 28th; 7) USA V011eyball Association and Inter- mountain Volleyball Association requesting permis- sion to use the New City Park for an outdoor Volleyball Doubles Tournament on May 18th, r Angel Rock Fellowship requesting permission to use the New City Park for a Youth Rally on July 12-20, Councilmember Warner seconded the motion The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the Utah Trails Project to acquire easements from Stewart and Toninelli (old Sportsman Club Property), and extend nature paths to the west of 100 West with City funds to match the project (50/50); Council - member McDougald seconded the motion. After much discussion Councilmember. Cooke moved to amend the motion to include the acquistion of easements or land; Councilmember Warner seconded the motion The amendment to the motion carried by a roll -call vote of 3-2 with Councilmembers Warner and McDoug- ald voting no. Mayor Stocks then restated the motion by Council - member Seibert to approve the Utah Trails Project to acquire easements or land from Stewart and Toninelli (old Sportsman Club property) and extend the nature paths to the West of 100 West with City funds to match the project (50/50); with Council- memeber McDougald seconding the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 3-2 with Councilmembers Warner and McDougald voting no Mayor Stocks then moved the agenda back to the public hearing and read the proposed Ordinance 96-07--Amending Section 17.09.230 (B) 7. of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Supplementary Requirement and Procedures Applicable within Zones to the audience. Mayor Stocks then opened the public hearing for public comment at 7:36 p.m. With no comments from the audience Mayor Stocks moved the agenda to New Business. He informed the audience that he would close the public hearing at 8:00 p.m., if there were no further comments. Councilmember Warner moved to approve the request to go to a public hearing on proposed Ordinance 96-08--Revising Chapter 2.04 of the Moab Municipal Code Establishing the Time and Place of the Moab City Council Meetings for May 14th; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. ENTIRE CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED: JOHN BOROSKI, DBA MOAB BREWERS CLASS I & II BEER LIC ; TONI McKINNON, DBA CATARINA'S CLASS II BEER LIC ROBERT DAVIS, WESTERNER GRILL CLASS II BEER LIC , TOM NIEDERHAUSER CEPS`; II BEER LIC ; MAPC PUBLIC HEARING FOP MAY 14TH; PUBLIC HEAPING FOR FY ET2D ,ET - _ 96 1997 FOR F'ri', USA VOLLEY- BALL ',SS'- c, INTER ;S - --SL CITY F 0P ::: `LBLES 'Ii'RNAMENT MAY 18TH, AN , :_. FELLOWSHIP -'::,L'i JULY - ._ APPEC- AL 7,2 PURSUE IITAH TRAI: S PROJECT 0 ACQU:RE EASEMENTS OF LAND AND EXTEND NATURE PATHS TO THE WEST cF ill WEST MAYOR MOVES AGENDA BACK TO PUBLIC HEARING ON ORD. 96-07 AMENDING SUPPLEMEN- TARY REQUIREMENT & PROCEDURES APPLICABLE WITHIN ZONES MAYOR MOVES AGENDA TO NEW BUSINESS WITH PUBLIC HEARING TO CLOSE AT 8:00 P.M. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON ORD. 96-08 REVISING CHAPTER 2.04 ESTABLISHING TIME AND PLACE OF COUNCIL MEETINGS APPROVED 6 2 MAYOR READS PROPOSED CITY MANAGER CONTRACT CITY MANAGER CONTRACT TABLED WITH NO COMMENTS MAYOR CLOSES HEARING ON ORD. 96-07 MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT FOR GREGORY KENNEDY, DBA LIQUID STATION AT 497 NORTH MAIN APPROVED TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE FOR GREGORY KENNEDY, DBA LIQUID STATION AT 497 NORTH MAIN APPROVED MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT FOR GORDON HUNTSMAN, DBA CUDDLE CULTURE AT 100 NORTH MAIN DENIED TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE FOR GORDON HUNTSMAN, DBA CUDDLE CULTURE AT 100 NORTH MAIN DENIED READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING SET FOR MAY 6TH AT 5:00 P.M. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS Mayor Stocks then read the proposed contract for the City Manager to the audience. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the proposed City Manager contract; Councilmember Warner seconded the motion. After much discussion Councilmember McDougald moved to tabJe the proposed City Manager contract; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks asked if there were an -omments for the public hearing on proposed 'i—linanne With no comments Mayor Stocks •,,s-ler s ed he public hearing at 8:02 p m Councilmember Veteto moved tr al_pr • Kennedy, DBA Liquid Station ture Permit at 497 North Maic m-• ,-sc Expeditions); Councilmember '1e.ber e cm: ,he motion. Councilmember Veteto rm'd - and Council of a conflict of ::1111.;,t the Nichols being close friends -' me ion carried 5-0 Councilmember Veteto moved tc .-dcsm•nt Merchant License at 497 North Mem-. f,-.1 an Espresso Cart to sell hot and c-,id baked goods and ice cream; "-),Inci]m,:r.-,F-1 seconded the motion The ms'i'd- Councilmember Warner moved to apurn—e 1ozdon Huntsman, DBA Cuddle Culture for a r4cved-nn Stucture Permit at 100 North Mair ,Famil Drug Parking Lot); Councilmember McDcmcjald seconded the motion. The motion was defeateU 1-4 with Council- memebr McDougald voting aye Councilmember Veteto moved to approve a Transient Merchant License for Gordon Huntsman, DBA Cuddle Culture at 100 North Main (Family Drug Parking Lot) to sell handcrafted wood games, hats and blown glass art; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion was defeated 0-5 Under Reading of Correspondence Mayor Stocks informed Council about the General Plan referred to at the last zone request. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler informed Mayor and Council on the following: 1) That Mayor and Council should have a short budget workshop on FY 1996/1997 to do a final document review before May 13th; 2) That City Manager Metzler would be out of town on May 7th & 8th t- attend an Aquifer Source Protection Conference and 3) That the garbage contract will be presented for a six-month extension at the next Council Meeting; that this time period would give the City more time to better prepare for the bidding and bid award processes. Mayor and Council said Monday, May 6th at 5:00 p.m. would be acceptable for a Budget Workshop Meeting. Under Mayor and Council Reports Mayor Stocks informed Council on the new sewer rates he obtained from City Treasurer Marget Snyder. Councilmember Cooke commented on the cover for the stage at the New City Park and about fence set -backs. 63 Thomas ATTEST: ,�% Q - �` r� (/l�/ajstG'yG/%/C.//mayor E . (S� Acting Temp. City Councilmember McDougald reports on the Association of Governments upcoming meeting on Thursday, April 25th. He also reported that the Condors trans- planted to the cliffs were doing well. Councilmember Warner requested that Resolution 13-96--Expressing Support of the City Manager have signature lines added for all of the Governing Body to sign; for the next agenda. Councilmembers Veteto and Seibert had nothing to report. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the bills against the City in the amount of $148,831 r, including the bill addendums for Sandra Starle.. for $275.00 and Keys Construction for $1,89C Cr, Councilmember Warner seconded the motion P}- motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5 ' Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the meetir3, Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 8 p.m. i andra teaure_ rd, CMC/KAE Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING May 6, 1996 Moab City Council held a Special Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 W. 200 South, Moab, Utah 84532 Mayor Thomas Stocks called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Councilmember Jeanne Veteto led in the Pledge of Allegiance. In attendance were Council - members Richard Cooke, William McDougald, Paul Seibert and Terry Warner; City Manager Donna Metzler; Acting Temp. Recorder Sandra Beauregard; Police Chief Alan West; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen and the media. City Manager Metzler reviewed budget changes for Fiscal Year 1996/1997 with the Governing Body. Council discussed various budget- items and changes to FY Budget 1996/1997. The Governing Body was in agreement on presenting the proposed FY Budget 1996/1997 to the public for inspection as presented by City Manager Metzler. The Governing Body was reminded that the Public Hearing will be on May 28th, at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Stocks read Resolution 13-96--A Resolution of the Governing Body of Moab City Expressing Its Support of Donna Metzler as City Manager of Moab City. Mayor Stocks informed Council that he could not sign this resolution as written, but would sign it if the word conduct was removed from the resolution. Mayor Stocks informed Council that he had to leave, and signed a copy of Resolution 13-96 with the words conduct removed. He then passed the gavel to Mayor Pro-tem Seibert and left the meeting at 5:25 p.m. AFPPVIAL OF BILLS SC�c•.= SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE FY 1996/1997 BUDGET WORKSHOP MAYOR READS RES. 13-96--EXPRESSING SUPPORT OF CITY MANAGER MAYOR SIGNS CHANGED RES. 13-96 AND LEAVES MEETING, PASSING GAVEL TO MAYOR PRO-TEM SEIBERT 64 MOTION TO ADOPT RES. 13-96 WITHDRAWN AFTER MUCH DISCUSSION MOTION DEFEATED TO ADOPT RES. 13-96 WITH CHANGES AS MAYOR PROPOSED RES. 13-96 EXPRESS- ING SUPPORT OF CITY MANAGER DONNA METZLER ADOPTED MAYOR PRO-TEM OPENS DISCUSSION ON CITY MANAGER CONTRACT COUNCILMEMBER WARNER PRESENT CITY MANAGER SALARY PROPOSAL Councilmember Warner moved to adopt Resolution 13-96--A Resolution of the Governing Body of Moab City Expressing its Support of Donna Metzler as City Manager of Moab City as originally written; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. After much discussion on the resolution and the Mayor's comments on the resolution, before he left the meeting Councilmember Warner withdrew his motion and Councilmember Veteto seconded. Councilmember Veteto moved to adopt Resolution 13-96 with the changes of removing the words conduct and the phases preceeding; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. After much more discussion on the proposed changed Resolution 13-96 Councilmember Veteto withdrew her motion Due to a lack of a second from Councilmember McDougald the motion stood. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert then called for a roll -call -vote. The motion was defeated 2-3 with Councilmembers Cooke and McDougall voting aye. Councilmember Veteto then moved to adopt Resolution 13-96--A Resolution of the Governing Body of Moab City Expressing its Support of Donna Metzler as City Manager of Moab City as originally written; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion After still more discussion Mayor Pro-tem Seibert called for a roll -call -vote. The motion carried 4-1 with Councilmember Cooke voting no. MMEAtAS. at A molt or the con JJJJJ Pity*. puyor 1.24 City Council or hoot City, 'ANN coomonto ohl olvortisoorts ley. bOth &OM AMA 004 *poor to woollen the NA 'NA Poriorsormo of 00AI4 itottler 60 city hNNOoti Ns, bath MT:',!MAVV:VI:tf.Voil!tft.P4L=Itt'in$3 .1111,141 =f0.1. 14 2.01.V. *V COVEPA/O. Of NSA* CiTr ::Mi.17 I. No bocy at ;Nob City aoos boron, purl MY oxpiON MO oopport et P011. 11411)11! cl City reneger ot,cos7. bll ttraltValtog71.4.. "4:72!:=9"arhlr'ary%.14: Ito coetInee4 puppets to hor Ohl with thio Obto :OEM 1: gigrait*r=1:1CITMn=t7ZotAt7 OATtO this Alt_ My irll fiCr[01 A•yor ATTMT1 rood. Or. rrrrr 4 Roc or itisbor0 CooRltttaarr A, Countilootg: -"-AMIt- gtavi-aLtk'cto eLactc ^,--- Torritbrearo rocr.$11saetr Mayor Pro-tem Seibert opened the City Manager Contract that was tabled April 23rd for discussion. Councilmember Warner presented the Governing Body and City Manager with a City Manager Salary Proposal for Council's consideration as follows: CITY MANAGER SALARY PROPOSAL. COPIPM125005 1. ox5oioal Proposal . Crone Increase - Storting at grade and step 124-9. $39.905) torrent., to grade 29 with tocreaental StOp NM... reaching (24-12. $51.210 at Cho end et tho three year c011trOCt. 24-9. 4/94. $11.903 20.10. 5/94. S47.142, 10.111, 20.11. 7/97, Ste.4414. TA% 29-12. 1/SI $S1.210. 1.51, SICI.51$ This proposal would amnunt to an up [root 11.St iacrrasa tollouod by tuo 3.51, among.) ino ****** a le.ok sno ***** at the and ol the throe year contract over eh* ***** $1. Optional 000►orol - - Storting et osado end ste► S7f,f05) lncreealng to grade 2f with increeentel grade and step lorr00000 reaching (2f-12. $11.210) st the end of the three peer eootraet 65 26-f. aige. Elf AOf 27.10. f/fe, Se1967, $ 74, 21.11, 6/17. $47.12f. $.76 26-12, 7/90 $61.211, 8.2% $141,71e TM. proposal would amount to three 0 7t *rowel incruoea ruching the oe 2e et inrrooee at the end of the three rear contrect period. The difference would he 6 $6,002 overall savings S/t/9t —ON, .t +w .tt. "r Jl l.l. -11-. d.•te_a♦ at, Or \rreta ,e+ -il.. Maa tent 0'161 t .Da+Qu ,teat Gaa\ FA. .10, .._Id. 1,1" A.S a..a) �A-n4lta 0 Council discussed the proposal subbmitted by Coun- cilmember Warner. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the City Manager Contract with a lateral increase starting at grade and step (26-9, $39,905) increasing to grade 29 with incremental grade and step increases reaching (29-12, $51,218) at the end of the three year contract as follows: 26-9, 4/96, $39,905 27-10, 5/96, $43,367, 8.7% 28-11, 6/97, $47,129, 8.7% 29-12, 7/98, $51,218, 8.7% Councilmember Warner seconded the motion City Manager Metzler was asked if this salary proposal was acceptable to her. City Manager Metzler, replied, yes. Some discussion followed. Councilmember Cooke moved to table the City Manager Contract.. The motion died due to lack of a second. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert called for the vote The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the meeting; Councimember Warner seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert then adjourned the meeting at 6:18 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: andra E. :eau V ard, CM AAE Actiny Temp. Ci y Recorder CITY MANAGER CONTRACT APPROVED WITH LATERAL SALARY INCREASES STARTING 5/96 ADJOURN P-''' mas A. Stocks Mayor MOk►B CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 14, 1996 Moab City Council held its Regular Meeting on the REGULAR MEETING & above date in the Council Chambers of the Moab City ATTENDANCE Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember' McDougald led in the: Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance Were Councilmembers Jeanne Veteto,t Richard Cooke and Paul Seibert; Councilmember Terry Warner was 66 APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS REQUEST TOBE HEARD - PETE PARRY ON DOWNTOWN PARKING PLANNING - ON OLD SPORTSMAN PROPERTY MEETING WITH OWNERS PLANNED AGENDA MOVED TO NEW BUSINESS RED ROCK SHIRTS, INC GRANTED PERMISSION TO CHANGE CURRENT MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT PUBLIC HEARING FOR ORD. 96-09--AMENDING SECTION ON DEFINI- TIONS; PUBLIC HEARING FOR ZONE CHANGE FROM R-3 TO C-2; HOME OCCUPATION LIC. FOR WEB -PAGE DESIGN SOFTWARE PROG; HOME OCCUPA- TION FOR LOCKSMITH BUS. ALL APPROVED ORDINANCE 96-07-- AMENDING SEC. 17.09. 230 (B) 7. CHAPTER 17.09, TITLE 17 ON REQUIREMENTS & PROC IN ZONES ADOPTED ORDINANCE IIIN absent from the meeting; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; Planning Aide Debra Gilger; twenty- two members of the audience and the media. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the minutes of April 23rd and May 6th; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Under Citizens Request to be Heard Pete Parry came forward to address the Governing Body about a letter sent to Moab City on the parking situation in downtown Moab. He stated that they would like the City to do something about the parking situa- tion or that the businesses with parking lots would be forced to post and restrict parking or they'll have to have vehicles towed away. Under Planning Community Development Coordinator Olsen asked Council about the non -motorized trail grant for the Old Sportsman Property. He requested that a couple of the Councilmembers meet at City Hall to talk with him to property owners Mike Toninelli and William Johnston on Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. Councilmember Veteto moved to move the agenda to New Business; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Lene' Balster DBA Red Rock Shirts, Inc. request to change her current Moved -on Structure Permit at the lot north of 115 N. Main Street; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-1 with Councilmember Veteto voting no. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve: A) Request to go to a Public Hearing for proposed Ordinance 96-09--Amending Section 17.06.020 (21) of Chapter 17.06, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Definitions; B) Request to go to a Public Hearing for a Zone Change from a R-3 to a C-2 Zone at 450 Emma Blvd. by Rodney Taylor; C) Request for a Home Occupation License for Joseph C. Lema to do a Web -Page Design Software Programming Business at 712 Bartlett; D) Request for a Home Occupation License for Dewey Gines to do a Locksmith Business at 421 E. 200 South; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to adopt Ordinance 96-07--Amending Section 17.09.230 (B) 7. of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Supplementary Requirements and ProcF't s Applicable within Zones; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 by a roll -call -vote. AN 011044114I AI40101,10 iFRpNIIIiiM nil OI a ill 1)A{.14a. Oi TI I1 NMI in W KVAI MOINAMU /iCAR001G iV it W RRAI T R W OY BI/M I ANO ROCID01G AMJCAI It Minn ZONES. WILLW( to CS., Cary as Fa rra.nolaer of MEW Cog !Loan CMnwa doom alma On roma., is anon M Nan N.Nr.I Colo wi annaa Oa r yu RMM aann .00 ilrw AlirYY wiRY Zaw1ypM Ena d Y IT ORDAINED IYn11 WAI CITECOONGI AS r011diS. 6�4I.1Hma 11►ray annanlW(II of Cluddlod �anal nod as( Jams TIM of On WA lanai,, lialidialleatnaddnundionn,-Insannenalleanslonsk.A. l k hanon lan na bong AI.H.nnralandarlon pal•.anal poring sown Won*, paorkl ana¢wle.atithe paw. of.I n.aasorrW nano., erol..�.naa.a..s*a r.r.all.ioa ofnnyho W1..•rne, owr,a• I. 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Oy Zoo, anew boron �ihair. so ad Fool odmI rYp.KfWWWmoan winner a el co rrkdZ.+rW raraarrl rkwar foam. a k.a.. aneydidi,nls/.I. dirdifr W• air1ia, ones rpilradir Yo a.pr IAMII ACOI EDANO AHROVEDy Ian Cowan. Yr l no Gni of Mon horn ardlis_t e,1_11,4_.n91T1n6araa LIa.1••D.e I..wnl, and,w.r OWaW0nB1001.1Epei Nigr Ply iA' AIEEIII u./mr AOf�,aaaN.IdiW ar Wre,•Ilka Ol 67 Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the request to offer free swim passes to full-time classified and year-round part-time employees only; Council - member Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 by a roll -call -vote. Under Presentations members of the MARC Steering Committee were present to give reports on the following: A) Catherine Hansen on the history of the use of the building known as the Old Stuntmens Hall of Fame Building; B) David Olsen on parking and the C-2 Zone uses; C) Lucy Wallingford on programs to be offered; D) Donna Metzler on budget and budget needs, tentative opening date of August 1st 1996 and the need for the creation of a board by Council by June lath. Mayor Stocks then moved the agenda back to the scheduled Public Hearing on the Moab Arts and Recreation Center (MARC) proposal at 7:50 p m and opened the hearing for public: comment. Janet Lowe expressed her concern on finances and how much this project would cost the City. She stated that she didn't think this project would generate the needed revenue to operate. Eve Passeltiner who was with the Arts Center talked about surveys that were done in the community and thought this project would be quite successful. Whitney Rearick spoke on the funding issue and thought that Americorps could help out. She said she also spoke with Milt Greene with Economic Development upstate about grant funding and Cindy Fobert with the Utah Arts Council about funding. Holly Dinsmore stated that she wanted this for the youth to get them off the street. Nick Eason stated that he thought this would be a strong recretional and youth benefit. Annie Tueller stated that it was not the City's job to rent the building out, but thought it: was great to offer the use of the building to the public. Kathy Bondi said that in comparing Moab to a town in Idaho where she lived, that they had a similar center and it worked very well for the community. Nadine Stephens stated that she was in support for the Youth Center and has talked to ten churches and they all said that they would help. Janet Lowe said she was A strong supporter of the arts as she is an artist herself. She wanted the Governing Body to give great thought and consider- ation about this project before spending a dime on it. That it would take a lot of money and time to bring the building up to code and to be careful with our City funds. Catherine Hansen stated that programs have failed in the past, but that you now have a full-time Recreation Director. The current classes being offered to the public are sucessful. Theresa King spoke on behalf of the Canyonlands Arts Council and Moab Music Festival and stated that it is time to move forward and now is this time. FREE SWIM PASSES TO CITY EMPLOYEES OFFERED TO CLASS. FULL-TIME AND YEAR- ROUND PARTIME EMP. MARC STEERING COMMITTEE PRESENTATION AGENDA MOVED BACK TO PUBLIC HEARING ON MARC PROPOSAL & PUBLIC HEARING OPENED '68 PUBLIC HEARING ON MARC PROPOSAL CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING ON ORD. 96-08--REVISING CHAPTER 2.04 ON MEETING TIME AND PLACE OPENED PUBLIC HEARING ON ORD. 96-08 CLOSED ORDINANCE 96-08-- REVISING CHAPTER 2.04 ON MEETING TIME AND PLACE ADOPTED CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Mayor Stocks asked if anyone in the audience was from the school district and would like to speak. There was no response. Mayor Stocks then stated that he thought the Middle School would be a better location for this project because of the parking. He also stated that he hopes the money comes in to finance it. Kelly Thornton said that the option is to either sell or rent to a non-profit- organization. City Manager Metzler stated that the rental would be for public use only. Mayor Stocks stated that with no further comments he would close the public hearing on the MARL Proposal at 8:10 p.m. Mayor Stocks then read the proposed Ordinance 96-08--Revising Chapter 2.04 of the Moab Municipal Code Establishing the Time and Place of the Moab City Council Meetings, and opened the public hearing for public comment at 8:12 p.m. With no comments from the audience Mayor Stocks closed the public hearing at 8:15 p m Councilmember McDougald moved to adopt Ordinance 96-08--Revising Chapter 2.04 of the Moab Municipal Code Establishing the Time and Place of. the Moab City Council Meetings; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 oap1.A.<. juL_ 1. 0101YAUCa AM01td Cant,. 1.01 pr Set WSJ .tgci Ht coca 1.• fee n.d .0 Luce or r...ou c:Y( m<w.m .rr.t. t. BC 1p 0h.0.1.00 by the Mott. City Cowcil •• follow., re td. chapter 1.01.0)0 of the Moab Mwlcipel Cods atoll L..•e..d.1 tp t.3Lplo .•ttlhla_IlstaOG !lass. A. The tttttd a..elino• of the cit cnoncll 4 fplate designated ly the city c ncll a th. e.cen0 and iau.0 .•tdey f ch looh.., gilded that M.n :nn `.•:17ed oc on . 8tn 1 holiday, • ling shall be held o M .. t .uccr•tine ey.` Welniie urirw�ii.�gtro. Gwg o it'el +siy twii'ti :.:1: t :� p f'fll 12,iZinC� • t1)or Ituate of the City Co..ncll thle AM.. /r.�'diw, J,c MtA14W Under correspondence Mayor Stocks reported on letters from the Southeastern Association of Governments, Fire Coordination from the State of Utah and Moab Parking. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler reported: 1) Garbage Contract - that the proposed amendment to the contract with Bob Hawk's Sanita- tion is not ready, but that she would be meeting with him this week. 2) Youth Garden Project - that Council has received copies of a letter from Sarah Heffron, project coordinator for the Garden Project asking for City contributions for funding the water system; for water usage and meter for the project. This will be on the May 28th agenda for considera- tion. 3) Interact Club House - Four Corners Mental Health requests a contribution to cover the'cost of City fees associated with the new Clubhouse project. This will be on the May 28th agenda for consideration. 4) Joint Planning Commission/City Council Meeting - discussion of a'date in June for a joint Planning Commission and City Council Meeting. 69 Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Seibert had nothing to report. Councilmember McDougald reported on attending the D.A.R.E. presentation this morning along with the City Manager. He stated that there was good community support. He also reported on the Governor's, Workshop on Workforce on Friday in Salt Lake City. Councilmembers Cooke and Veteto had nothing to report. Councilmember Veteto move to approve payment of the bills in the amount of $240,605 23, Council - member Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Veteto moved to have a five minute break; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting for a five minute break at 8:28 p.m. 1 Mayor Stocks then called pie meeting back to order after the bfealt+ ap 8: 34 p.m. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting into Executive Session for a strategy session to discuss the sale:of real property, Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Regular Meeting into Executive Session at 6:35 p.m. Councilmember McDougald moved to return to the Regular Meeting from the Executive Session, Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Executive Session back to the Regular Meeting al. 8:45 p.m. Councilmember McDougald moved to propose 'to DMA International, Inc. for $159,000 for the Old City Hall Property at 150 E. Center Street and for -the City not to exceed $4,000 in closing costs;'Coun- cilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m. ATTEST: MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS FIVE-MINUTE BREAK MAYOR ADJOURNS FOR FIVE-MINUTE BREAK MAYOR CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING ADJOURNED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION STRATEGY FOR SALE OF REAL PROPERTY MAYOR ADJOURNS REGULAR MEETING INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNS TO REGULAR SESSION MAYOR ADJOURNS EXECUTIVE SESSION TO REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL PROPOSES TO DMA INT'L. INC. FOR $159,000 FOR OLD CITY HALL PROPERTY NOT TO EXCEED $4,000 IN CLOSING COSTS FOR CITY ADJOURN P APPROVED: homes A. Stocks or Sandra E. Beaure•CT d, MC E Acting Temp. City Recorder " 70 REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE NO MINUTES; NO CITIZENS TO BE HEARD; NO PLAN UPDATE TREE CITY USA AWARD & GROWTH AWARD AGENDA MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA CERTIFICATION OF RETIREMENT RATES; CONFIRMATION OF OLSEN AS ENV. CERTIFYING OFFICER FOR GRANTS ALL APPROVED CITY ATTORNEY APPOINTMENTS CONFIRMED-JERRY GRIST CITY ATTORNEY & WILLIAM SCHULTZ AS PUBLIC DEFENDER FIRE CHIEF ADDRESSES GOVERNING BODY ON FIREWORKS YOUTH GARDEN PROJECT REQUEST TABLED UNTIL SOMEONE PRESENT TO ADDRESS COUNCIL FOUR CORNERS MENTAL HEALTH REQUEST TABLED UNTIL SOMEONE PRESENT TO ADDRESS COUNCIL YOUTH GARDEN PROJECT REQUEST FOR $450 TO BE CONSIDERED IN FY 1996-1997 BUDGET ON JUNE 11TH MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 28, 1996 Moab City Council held its Regular Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Paul Seibert led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Richard Cooke, Terry Warner, Jeanne Veteto and William McDougald; City Manager Donna Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; Planning Aide Debra Giler; Police Chief Alan West; Public Works Director Brent Williams; thirty-two members of the audience and the media. There were no minutes for approval; no Citizens to be Heard and no Planning Update Under Presentations Moab City was presented with the Tree City USA Award and the Growth Award. Councilmember Cooke moved to move the agenda to the Consent Agenda; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Warner moved to approve the Consent Agenda for: 1) Certification of the Moab Unit Retirement Contribution Rates for Fiscal Year 199G -1997. 2) Confirmation of David Olsen as Environ- mental Certifying Officer for 1996-97 Community Development Block Grants; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember McDougald moved to confirm the appointments of Jerry W. Crist as City Attorney along with the firm he repesents consisting of C. Joseph Croker and Christopher G. McAnany insuring back-up of a City Attorney at all times and William L. Schultz as Public Defender; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Under Presentations Moab City Fire Chief Wesley "Corky" Brewer addressed the Governing Body on the sale of Fireworks and the present restrictions on State, School and BIM Lands. He suggested a sign be posted where Fireworks are sold stating that although it may be legal to buy Fireworks that it may not be legal to discharge them. Councilmember Seibert moved to table the Youth Garden Project request of a contribution from Moab City for water usage and meter at 697 S. Mulberry Lane until someone arrived to address Council; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to table Four Corners Mental Health's request of a contribution to cover the cost of City fees associated with the new Clubhouse Project until someone arrives Vo address Council; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Sarah Heffron, Project Coordinator for the Youth Garden Project addressed the Governing Body and explained the request for funds for their project. Councilmember Seibert moved to grant a one-time contribution of $450 to be added to the FY 1996- 71 1997 Budget under the Community and Economic Development Department, to be adopted on June 11th; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. After some discussion Councilmember Warner moved to amend the motion to include the stipulation of the Youth Garden Project showing proof they are a non-profit organization or 501(c)3 status as a tax exempt organization; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The amendment to the main motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then called for the vote on the main motion including the amendment as listed above. The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote.. Mayor Stocks moved the agenda back to the scheduled MAYOR MOVES AGENDA Public Hearings: 1) Proposed Ordinance 96-09-- BACK TO PUBLIC Amending Section 17.06.020 (21) of Chapter 17.06, HEARINGS Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regard- ing Definitions; 2) Zone Change request by Rodney Taylor at 450 Emma Blvd. from R-3 to C-2; 3) Budget for Fiscal Year 1996-1997 for Moab City Funds and Redevelopment Agency. Planning Aide Gilger explained to the Governing ORDINANCE 96-09 Body and audience Ordinance 96-09. EXPLAINED Mayor Stocks then opened the Public Hearing on Ordinance 96-09 at 7:44 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED ON ORD 96-09 With no comments from the audience Mayor Stocks PUBLIC HEARING moved on to the next Public Hearing on the Zone OPENED ON ZONE Change request from a R-3 to a C-2 zone and opened CHANGE FROM R-3 TO it for public comment. C-2 Planning Aide Gilger explained the requested zone change to the Governing Body and the audience. With no comments from the audience Mayor Stocks moved on to the final Public Hearing on the FY 1996-1997 Budgets. City Manager Metzler provided an overview of the budget for the Governing Body and the audience. Mayor Stocks then opened the hearing for public comment at 7:50 p.m. Bob Greenberg requested a contribution from the City in the amount of $4,857.03 for Four Corners Mental Health for the new Clubhouse Project. Sheri Griffith spoke on behalf of Seekhaven to show appreciation for the City's support and their contribution of funds for both past and present years. Ken Davey asked about the discussion item on the agenda of a proposal regarding salary survey and cost of living adjustments for City employees. City Manager Metzler responded stating that the dollar amount of the budget would not be increased just the distribution. Dan Mick asked what the contribution requests were. Councilmember Veteto informed the audience of the different organizations and programs and the dollar amounts attached to each. Councilmember McDougald added that the Film Commission generates money in the community and that their request for funds would be used for office space rent only. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED ON FY 1996- 1997 BUDGETS 72 Councilmember Warner went through the budget process of workshops and prioritizing the contributions. PUBLIC HEARING ON ORD. 96-09 CLOSED PUBLIC HEARINGS ON ZONE CHANGE AND FY 1996-1997 BUDGETS CLOSED FOUR CORNERS MENTAL HEALTH REQUEST FOR FUNDS TO BE CONSIDERED IN FY 1996-1997 BUDGET ON JUNK 11TH AND FY 1995-1996 BUDGET ON JUNE 25TH Mayor Stocks then read the list of contributions set to be approved June 11th to the audience. Sheri Griffith stated that in support of the Film Commission that the $6,000 should not be considered a donation but an investment in your future. Bob Greenberg asked if it wasn't going to be too late for the Youth Garden Project if they didn't receive any funds until July 1st. Janet Lowe asked where the MARC operating expenses were in the budget. City Manager Metzler informed the Governing Body and the audience that the MARC Project has not yet been approved. With no further comments Mayor Stocks closed the Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance 96-09 at 8 09 p.m. Mayor Stocks asked if there were any further comments on the zone change. Dan Mick asked why they wanted to change the residental zone and what was the vote from the Planning Commission. Councilmember Cooke stated that the recommendation from the Planning Commission was favorable and that this change would be consistent with the property on both sides of the requested zone change. Bob Greenberg asked if this zone change wouldn't increase traffic on the street if the zone is changed. With no further comments from the audience on the zone change and the proposed FY 1996-1997 Budget, Mayor Stocka closed both Public Hearings at 8:12 p.m. Bob Greenberg representing Four Corners Mental Health requested a contribution to cover the cost of the City fees associated with the new Clubhouse in the amount of $4,857.03. Mr. Greenberg explain- ed the program to the Governing Body and the audience. Lori Wright a Clubhouse Member explained to the Governing Body that the reason this request was late was not their fault, as the approval of the project was delayed due to property owner concerns. She stated that this is a worthwhile project and gives its members someplace to go and to learn skills needed for employment in the community. Councilmember Veteto pointed out that the City does not have the entire amount left in the budget to shift and pay Four Corners the entire amount. Mayor Stocks stated that the plan check fees is not a City fee and would not be considered as such. Mayor Stocks informed Council that there was $1,454 from the budgeted amount for the shared cost of the Senior Citizens Delivery Van that would be a surplus in the current year budget. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve that the request of Four Corners Mental Health for the new Clubhouse City fees be distributed accordingly: 1) To address- paying the $1,454 from the current 73 FY 1995-1996 Budget when the budget is opened on June 25th; 2) That the remaining amount of $3,104 would be taken out of FY 1996-1997 Budget if funds are available for adoption on June llth; Council - member Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve Grand Valley Racing Asso., DBA Moab Rodbenders requests for the use of the New City Park on April 26, 1997 for the Annual Car Show and a waiver of the Trans- ient Merchant License fees, except for the Sales Tax Deposit ($40) as non-profit status has been confirmed; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. There was some discussion and concerns expressed about the size, noise, traffic and overall impact of the event. The motion carried 4-1 by a roll -call -vote with Councilmember Cooke voting no. Councilmember Seibert moved to table the Local Interagency Council request of a waiver of pool pass fees for the Respite Care Program until someone was available to address the Council; Councilmember Warner seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to direct the Planning Commission to review Ordinance 95-11 for parcels under five acres for there recommendations of fees, Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 Councilmember Cooke moved to give Todd Campbell consideration on his waiver request of annexation fees, for Powerhouse Lane annexation petition, based on,the recommendation from the Planning Commission; The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to take a five minute break; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting for a five minute break at 8:46 p.m. Mayor Stocks called the meeting back to order after the break at 8:51 p.m. Public Works Director Williams explained Newell and Betty Dalton's request for abandonment of a water main easement near East Bench Road. Councilmember Warner moved•to abandon the water main easement for Newell and Betty Dalton near East Bench Road; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call - vote. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve Hugh Baumgarten and Jeannine Wait, DBA Fun Finger Foods request for a Moved -on Structure Permit at 352 North Main (property owned by Julie Fox and Ken Davey); Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0, Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Hugh Baumgar- ten and Jeannine Wait, DBA Fun Finger Foods request for a Transient Merchant License for a food and non-alcoholic beverage business at 352 North Main; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. MOAB RODBENDERS USE OF CITY PARK ON APRIL 26, 1997 APPROVED AND WAIVER OF TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENCE FEES EXCEPT FOR SALES TAX DEPOSIT ($40) NON-PROFIT STATUS CONFIRMED LOCAL INTERAGENCY COUNCIL'S REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF POOL FEES TABLED UNTIL PRESENT TO ADDRESS COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION DIRECTED TO REVIEW ORD 95-11 FOR PARCELS UNDER 5 ACRES FOR FEES TODD CAMPBELL TO BE GIVEN CONSIDERATION OF WAIVER OF FEES BASED ON PLANN COMM RECOMMENDATION BREAK MEETING CALLED BACK .TO ORDER AFTER BREAK CITY TO ABANDON EASEMENT OF WATER MAIN NEAR EAST BENCH ROAD FOR NEWELL AND BETTY DALTON FUN FINGER FOODS REQUEST FOR MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT APPROVED AT 352 N. MAIN FUN FINGER FOODS REQUEST FOR TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE APPROVED 74 JULIE FOX REQUEST FOR MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT APPROVED FOR 352 N. MAIN CITY MANAGER EXPLAINS 8 1/2% SALARY SURVEY ADJUSTMENTS, COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENT AND STEP INCREASE TO GOVERNING BODY 200 EAST PROJECT FOR CURB, GUTTER, RAMPS & SIDEWALK TABLED FIRE STATION PROJECT FOR CURB, GUTTER, APRON & SIDEWALK TABLED BIDS RECEIVED ON PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT & PARK FURNITURE FOR CITY PARKS PLAYGROUND EQUIP. & SURFACE MATERIAL PLUS INSTALLATION BID AWARDED TO PLAYSPACE DESIGN PARK FURNITURE BID AWARDED TO BOYCE RECREATION Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the request of Julie Fox for a Moved -on Structure Permit at 352 North Main for an Arts and Collectables Mart (property owned by Julie Fox and Ken Davey); Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. City Manager Metzler explained her proposal to the Governing Body regarding salary survey and cost of living adjustments for City employees. She explained that an 8 1/2% increase in the salary line item in the proposed FY 1996-1997 Budget was to be used for a 3 1/2% step increase for employ- ees and the other 5% was to be used for salary adjustments according to the salary survey when it was finished. After meeting with the City employees a compromise was made to give City employees a 3% cost of living increase July 1st and a 3 1/21 step increase for a total of 6 1/2%. The remaining 2% is to be used for the Salary survey adjustments according to the recommenda- tions when they come in and for further adjust- ments to be made in future years as necessary. Councilmember McDougald moved to table the bid award for the 200 East Project for Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk and Ramps for the Streets Department as recommended by Public Works Director Williams; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember McDougald moved to table the bid award to the Fire Station Project for Curb, Gutter, Apron & Sidewalk for the Streets Depart- ment as recommended by Public Works Director Williams; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. The following bids were received on the Playground Equipment and Park Furniture for the City Parks bid: 1) Sontag Asso.-Items 1-5, 8, 11-13 no bid, Item 6-$7296, Item 7-$360, Item 9-$215, Item 10- $239; 2) R.J. Thomas -no bids; 3) Alpine Recreation Item 1-$23263, Item 2-$17988, Item 3-$5275, Item 4-$3245, Item 5-$1950, Item 6-$8375, Item 7-$493, Item 8-$290, Item 9-$218, Item 10-$215, Item 11- $3100, Item 12-$318, Item 13-$95; 4) Boyce Recrea- tion -Item 1-$27600, Item 2-$20000, Item 3-$7600, Item 4-$3795, Item 5-$3860, Item 6-$8953, Item 7- $456, Item 8-$324, Item 9-$198, Item 10-$196, Item 11-$3600, Item 12-$211, Item 13-$233; 5) Garrett & Co. -Item 1-no bid, Item 2-$18995, Item 3-5 no bid, Item 6-$11000, Item 7-$520, Item 8-$385, Item 9- $235, Item 10-$325, Item it -no bid, Item 12-$320, Item 13-$180; 6) Playspace Design -Item 1-$235�'; Item 2-$18600, Item 3-$4995, Item 4-$1895, Item 5-$1795, Items 5-13 no bids; 7) KIWT Const.-Item 1-2 no bids, Item 3-$4745, Item 4-$2813, Item 5- $1950, Items 6-10 no bids, Item 11-$3675, Items 12-13 no bids. Councilmember Veteto moved to award the Playground Equipment to Playspace Design including installa- tion in the amount of $23,595 and to award the surface material and installation to Playspace Design in,the amount of $1,895; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember McDougald moved to award the Park Furniture bid to Boyce Recreation in the amount of $7,764; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote. 75 Under Correspondence City Manager Metzler read a letter from Councilmember Terry Warner advising the City of his resignation as Councilman due to job relocation out-of-state. Mayor Stocks read a letter from Southeastern Asso. of Governments on the 1996-97 grant funding of $61,739. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler informed the Governing Body of: 1) Maybe charging a deposit for the New City Park in the amount of $200 for damages; 2) Recommendation to schedule a workshop meeting with the Governing Body before the next regular meeting to address: A) Garbage Contract and RFP; B) Wastewater Treatment Plant easements, costs and ordinances, C) North Area Trunk Sewer Project and D) Millcreek Drive Street Improvement Project Bid. Councilmember Seibert moved t0 hold a Special City Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 4th, at 5 00 p m. to address the issues Outlined by the City Manager, Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 Under Mayor and Council reports Councilmembers Warner, Seibert and Veteto had nothing to report Councilmember McDougald informed the Governing Body that he liked getting the $61,739 grant money from the Asso. of Governments. He also informed everyone of the next A.O.G. Meeting on May 30th Councilmember Cooke talked about the noise Decibel Meter and would like to discuss it at the Special Meeting scheduled for June 4th. He stated that it was an embarassment to not be able to enforce an ordinance. Councilmember Veteto moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $31,169.31; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Seibert moved to adjourn from the Regular Meeting into the Executive Session to hold a Strategy Session to discuss the sale of real property; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. ;The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Regular Meeting into the Executive Session at 9,:48 p.m. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the Executive Session back to the Regular Meeting; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 with Councilmember Cooke voting no. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Executive Session back to the Regular Meeting at 10:35 p.m. Mayor Stocks asked Dr. Patrick Scherer about his bid of $164,000 if that included him paying the closing costs? Dr. Patrick Scherer replied, yes it does. Mayor Stocks then asked Joe Kingsley of DNA Inter- national, Inc. if he would meet that bid of $164,000 including paying the closing costs? Joe Kingsley replied, yes. Councilmember warner chain of events this Church to make sure Stated that he would like the evening run by Attorney David everything is okay and legal CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURN FROM REGULAR MEETING INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR STRATEGY SESSION ON SALE OF REAL PROPERTY ADJOURN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO REGULAR SESSION DR. SCHERER ASKED TO CLARIFY OLD CITY HALL PROPERTY BID DNA INTERNATIONAL, INC. MEETS DR. SCHERER'S BID OFFER 7 6 BID OFFER FROM DNA INTERNATIONAL, INC. FOR OLD CITY HALL PROPERTY ACCEPTED BY COUNCIL; CLOSING TO BE WITHIN 90 DAYS ADJOURN Councilmember Seibert moved to have Attorney David Church review the chain of events this evening with Joe Kingsley paying $164,000 and all closing costs for the Old City Hall Property at 150 E. Center Street and to finalize the agreement with Mr. Kingsley within a 90 day period of time; Council - member McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote Councilmember Seibert moved to adjourn the meet- ing; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at p.m. SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE MAYOR STOCKS READS AGENDA TO AUDIENCE MEETING TO ADJOURN NO LATER THAN 7:00 P.M. BIDS RECEIVED ON MILLCREEK DR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT MILLCREEK DR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BID AWARDED TO LE GRAND JOHNSON CONST. COMPANY BIDS RECEIVED ON 200 EAST PROJECT OF CURB GUTTER, SIDEWALK & RAMPS ATTEST.; APPROVED: 10 29 /Thomas A. Stocks Mayor W'.4( (41(//,'c.5 ndra E. Be uregapd, CMC/AAE Acting Temp. City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING June 4, 1996 Moab City Council held a Special Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Councilmember Richard Cooke led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Jeanne Veteto, William McDougald and Terry Warner; Councilmember Paul Seibert arrived at 5:37 p.m.; City Manager Donna Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Robert and Yvonne Hawks of Hawks Sanitation; one member of the audience and the media. Mayor Stocks read the agenda for the Special Meeting to the audience_ Councilmember Cooke moved to have the adjiurnment of the Special Meeting not to exceed 7:00 p.m.; Councilmember Warner seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Bids on the Millcreek Drive Street Improvements Project were received from the following: 1) Le Grand Johnson Construction Co. in the amount of $325,329.52; and 2) Herm Hughes & Sons Inc. in the amount of $440,231.94. Councilmember Warner moved to award the Millcreek Drive Street Improvements bid to the low bidder LeGrand Johnson Construction Co. in the amount of $325,329.52; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 by a roll -call - vote. Bids were received on the 200 East Project of Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk & Ramps for the Streets Department from the foll4wing: 1) Canyonlands Concrete in the amount of $6695; 2) High Caliber Construction in the amount of $8140. 77 Councilmember Cooke moved to award the 200 East Project bid to the low bidder of Canyonlands Concrete in the amount of $6695; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 by a roll -call -vote. Bids were received on the Fire Station Project of Curb, Gutter,.Apron & Sidewalk for the Streets Department from the following: 1) Canyonlands Concrete in the amount of $8337; 2) High Caliber Construction in the amount of $7200. Councilmember Cooke moved to award the Fire Station Project bid to the low bidder High Caliber Construction in the amount of $7200; Councilmember Warner seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 by a roll -call -vote. In the discussion of the Decibel Meter City Manager Metzler informed the Governing Body that she had checked with the Utah Local Governments Trust, the City's Liabilty Insurance Company, and was assured by them that the model the City wishes to purchase meets with their approval. City Manager Metzler informed the Governing Body of the new cost projections and an update on easements for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade. Councilmember Paul Seibert arrived at the meeting at 5:37 p.m. City Manager Metzler informed the Governing Body of the problems and possible elimination of the North Area Trunk Sewer Upgrade due to problems with property owners. Councilmember Cooke moved to accept the City Manager's recommendation, as their memo from her outlines in detail, the postponement of the North Area Trunk Sewer Project contingent on Project Engineer Al Anderson's recommendation; Council - member Warner seconded the motion. Councilmember. Veteto moved to table the elimination of the North Area Trunk Sewer until the June filth meeting; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion was defeated 2-3 with Councilmembers Veteto and McDougald voting yes. Mayor Stocks then called for the vote on the motion. The motion carried 4-1 with Councilmember Seibert voting no. City Manager Metzler informed the Governing Body of the possible revisions to the sewer ordinances. City Manager Metzler informed the Governing Body of her meetings with Robert and Yvonne Hawks of Hawks Sanitation on the extention of the Solid Waste Contract for one year. City Manager Metzler also informed the governing Body of the problems with the current Solid Waste RFP and the need for revisions. Councilmember Warner moved to put the Solid Waste Contract extention on the June 11th agenda; Coun- cilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. After some discussion on the Solid Waste RFP Councilmember veteto moved to direct the City 200 EAST PROJECT BID AWARDED TO CANYONLANDS CONCRETE BIDS RECEIVED ON FIRE STATION PROJECT OF CURB, GUTTER, APRON & SIDEWALK FIRE STATION PROJECT BID AWARDED TO HIGH CALIBER CONSTRUCTION DISCUSSION OF DECIBEL METER NEW COST PROJECTIONS & UPDATE ON EASEMENTS FOR WWTP COUNCILMEMBER SEIBERT ARRIVED GOVERNING BODY INFORMED OF PROBLEMS WITH N. AREA TRUNK SEWER UPGRADE NORTH AREA TRUNK SEWER UPGRADE TO BE POSTPONED GOVERNING BODY INFORMED OF POSSIBLE SEWER ORD. REVISIONS GOVERNING BODY INFORMED OF MEETINGS WITH HAWKS SANITATION ON SOLID WASTE CONTRACT EXTENTION OF ONE YEAR SOLID WASTE CONTRACT EXTENTION TO BE ON JUNE 11TH AGENDA CITY MANAGER DIRECTED TO REDRAFT 78 THS SOLID WASTE RFP AND CONTINUE THE PROCESS ADJOURN REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES REPRESENTATIVE KEELE JOHNSON ADDRESSES GOVERNING BODY NO PLANNING UPDATE OR PRESENTATIONS Manager to redraft the RFP and continue the process; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember McDougall seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 6.59 p.m. ATTEST: LOCAL INTERAGENCY COUNCIL'S REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF POOL PASS FEES FOR RESPITE CARE PROGRAM APPROVED MAYOR READS RESOLU- TION 15-96--EXTEND- ING SOLID WASTE CONTRACT RESOLUTION 15-96-- EXTENDING TERM OF SOLID WASTE CONTRACT ADOPTED Sandra Acting APPROVE E. regard, cnc/ AE Temp. ciey Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 11, 1996 Thomas A. Stocks Mayor Moab City Council held their Regular fleeting in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A Stocks called the meeting to order at 7 00 p.m. Council - member Paul Seibert led the Pledge of allegiance In attendance were Councilmembers Terry Warner, Jeanne Veteto, Richard Cooke and William McDougald; City Manager Donna J Metzler, Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard, City attorney Chris MCAnany; thirty-six members of the audience and the media. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the minutes of May 14th, May 28th and June 4th as corrected; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Under Citizens to be Heard Representative Keele Johnson addressed the Governing Body about match- ing scholarship endowments by using higher educa- tion grant money. Under Planning and Presentations there was nothing to present to the Governing Body. Under old business Councilmember McDougald moved approve the Local Interagency Council's request a waiver of pool pass fees for the Respite Care Program, 'with the Family Pass having the name of the Respite Care Program with a list of those using the pass at the Swim Center; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. Under new business Mayor Stocks read Resolution 15-96--Extending the term of the Solid Waste Contract to the audience. Councilmember Warner moved to adopt Resolution 15-96--Extending the term of the Solid Waste Contract; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Ytolurtolt JL•1L 79 pb••beµ �a oM p6 0A, b0e 11Iep114 %%%%.0fl,Loe Co.lYtt 0ttt „1y Cortnrr. tl on ca. ppfOc- 4yo the M•ab City b�CCouncil wa Jo.�Mtt, l..w to • on gone 10, 11/Il and Yto.1, L ItYY Council ba• a•t.r.bN t n le In the but Inl.ra t of the olun. of Moab to al•r.l the ... of the Cert•ye Nntract for one ar ba od the ...gnat •aplr..lo.� to t..date adegual•wpr•paration f • begaeat .r rr oye ••I• fat eelta N11 cll . 1e•n iw vri.u!, tabart a. Mott 1• ag....... to an erurulun of the contract, and WOGS, e copy of the pottage Contract le all atLel te..to, Mpg, TNMtrobb, bf I1 ALeaLgto by tte Gorernlog baty Dr b• l:e:u �•.nt loam rIn°full fort. •rat •..... la . 10. clty et UV" par.rfingLEaJbyinl��j llII_tti nday of � .,Cooncil eYM t. et lty vat• or .a• Tltfir Clly � pia �i'�Cdnl�•/E Mayor Stocks then read Ordinance �96-09--Amending Section 17.06.020 (21) of Chapter 17.06, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Defini- tions to the audience. Councilmember Seibert moved to adopt Ordinance 96-09--Amending Section 17.06.020 (21) of Chapter 17.06, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Definitions; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.,40 Aw ULptMnNcwttNbWc MOa• orvmciraa cove YCI10w na pm pry WII[ItlAf. e• Cav Comm; oo rA w Ca••-nL o, ft..ai d10.0,2 11 va wnu wow... 1 NV'IMAM%If 15 OMUAINIDAO fUllthva 17Y196111111inisae rb, J+I •a •. rwd,wWW.yW leo w/ l000t J.•...Ingle Lou: w Iwo 4a•I.,....t.n.l •.o+/.0 J d+1N'o..nwu aw tort a 11. Hlw al tut, n.aly Lnl d 4wwa• ai • d•J•,W polio fa. at •n• 1. 4..04p not o rat •aly a/ fw ad,.r M orwol 411•bolleta.4•.•WII.Mtaelloot oonylnl 1. oatyt.,.l .aa o—•u.,. ... M1..44..1 NI, Ld �n 4.Y0v allot tl. Daly dYw la, mota Col/Ca,. aulY.ata, nlu ea..a •• a..pl;. Aar SAWA 1,5500, CIVI•11U /.•aU f.rrwUvmy NCe.•nwy 0..e/ d m G, w rn..d ..t.. warts Yw Ilt Nr, of Jan1 I Pk Iti. Odw.udap l.L 01•.• IwJW.I�•Ia•e•. be MM IN M W t11UI RP.1,6.11gb—,v •r JY Nayr W M.4 Cs, AMU! rr n V .•godA.uy Moo,. J•a el Ideat a COI Councilmember Seibert moved to approve a Zone Change request by Rodney Taylor at 450 Emma Blvd. from R-3 to C-2; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion was defeated 0-5. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the request of Don Tevini, DBA D & J Motels - Restau- rants at 540 S. Main Street for a Temporary Class II Beer License and Local Consent; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks read Resolution 16-96--Creating the Moab Arts and Recreation Center poard to the audience. MAYOR READS ORDINANCE 96-09--AMENDING CHAP, 17 06, TITLE 17 REGARDING DEFINITIONS ORDINANCE 96-09-- AMENDING CHAPTER 17 06, TITLE 17 REGARDING DEFINITIONS ADOPTED Councilmember McDougald moved to adopt Resolution 16-96--Creating the Moab Arts and Recreation Center Board; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 with Councilmember Warner voting no. ZONE CHANGE REQUEST FROM R-3 TO C-2 BY RODNEY TAYLOR DENIED TEMP. CLASS II BL_'_. & LOCAL CONSENT APPROVED FOR DON TEVINI, DBA D&J MOTELS - RESTAURANTS MAYOR READS RES. 16-96--CREATING MARC BOARD RESOLUTION 16-96-- CREATING MARC BOARD ADOPTED 80 0be01b110h J;Jdt CataT3W Teb MO. YTP WO 0I01Y130W C[te[P AbTIMa[ MaeP at 1Ytn hM1re•b ar♦wcntealitb/ousted Woab, bunt a.d 1 .7""{It•• titt.rls and hrrnarion C,Mer Nil l=t1 a ioliellla•i•oWrre o wttlrlwlr In e1 • N t rta ian pabiRletared hythe was tire W. Citlys teal et ion<boplaatt center lee rGip to Ca>M:Prdriroly eatlall wt tart• by t4a Mosb Att< end Recwtiion NOW, 1111f1/0at, tf IT PLOOLVtG by the Governing etd) of the City of W~4 to of aala th• throb art• and a ion Contor advlaorr bw rJ •• fo/lave, Lowatiim.Ot-0•atd t SoaMe. a f wNNro he eatian Center advisory ard awl 1 I. WD t0 four ...ere of the W�td shell 4e robret� tatives Reoreellon Center'elidin. 1.1.1 ins Wee t e R1 ,n 1t one feertartaate d ft. ity I. /no oeaabeer.lp or the heard shell Ot drove tree a ode stituiwy of lid aoawnily .00111Ih01_LLOGtaa 1 andl roneits. f tho by theaCi yacow.II he appointor Ig tie r The Ww4 Arlo elve Naarasllon Cantor stead. rotor... viti r ire obbikat tone ,nJ ante oaaw+aMottona to the trayor foe the fires Web Arts eM xatr latian Cr.. Adelseryy Wad TM .sis Atte seat 1.030et1on n r Ward t10111 .e ~t• ndatlone r,a„dlrg the t11111gi or < on tl.a WardWILSG.Offfu ror t•a that Ward a lwintwnta, 1wetota a3.t11 i., spyeinta} for tva east tatas .d stole h• a a rot ro.-ye.r ter.. all ...pant appoint~nia w.fs he far one retyt•res 7+ f. 5% COST OF LIVING ADJ. AND 3 1/2% STEP INCREASE APPROVED FOR EMPLOYEES FOR FY 1996/1997 EFFECTIVE JULY 1ST 1996 COUNCILMEMBER McDOUG- ALD LEFT MEETING FY 1996/3997 CONTRI- BUTION TO MIC CHANG- ED TO $500 AND INTER- ACT CLUBHOUSE CHANG- ED TO $2,650 RESOLUTION 14-96-- ADOPTION OF FY 1996/ 1997 BUDGETS ADOPTED WOljGalCILI11dd.Of in, xntp.dI13J43_muution Cwt. A74.. w�+�}p•<IYMdo.4 t,l, , „D .4tiw rents whs., ea.. In an olvinery <awrur ear, .u, r tdaDt •rrsve a •iaeim riN .seM. ! later ldrlrer y{{wwawtJr t4. Nu.b trtr I Yru,u.t ian wni.r ~ vl i,y 3 Wept Val •,,,,.rear ut•<Uau v.xl ; Nwatu~nm • ter the toilet` i ....Ian at 1 r r tMt a t' a i b e..rni ao.fy i..uroi.H't ter a,, n L :.etty St�iiratlan�,n •tf�w ii: ,t to�ii.au ..l;�iii.�.„ `., ` f t•[tor r�t epic Die fe•I�r1.11. C. i.. “3, it Y�StO APD AC4i^tibn In v nc}S i s it. ,ar I ll lining h Y e v r�vb r++_ c., errs• llt4 r l 1.� Councilmember McDougald moved to approve a 5% cost of living adjustment for the full-time and part- time yearly City Employees for Fiscal Year 1996/ 1997 along with the 3 1/2k step increase for the full-time classified employees for a total of 8 1/25k effective July 1st 1996; Councilmembei Seibert seconded the moiton. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote Of 4-1 with Councilmember Cooke voting no. Councilmember McDougald left the meeting to attend another meeting at 8:05 p m Councilmember Seibert moved to change the contri- bution to the Moab Information Center to $500 and to change the contribution to the Interact Club- house to $2,650 for the Fiscal Year Budget of 1996/1997; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 3-1 with Councilmember Warner voting no. Councilmember Seibert moved to adopt Resolution 14-96--Adoption of 199641997 Fiscal Year Budgets for Moab City Funds and Redevelopment Agency Fund; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0, suOLWiIOW af-T; 00.1 teat 011/311T P,JJUS�+tr+di6licv. Cuy of Iwo Wtpbe {M .1“1HT Vitc,t 14o1 ivlwf 1 0CtIWE1114C. oo110 1.0 3 1411.11W It 11b 1 MOS AV�t. 0011010.0WA11.1111. 1100'W t 1411.1.07.11001. limb •A 40. ft altOrbNr MOOO /LMb 11 f CAI ITa4 74110.11 11ept 1'�c� IS: I1oruroz1t 11 WIG City NMC11. 11110 fytter. Gerttslttras WO, 1141.P.14 •t tT 1VW M tap iL Aroma lr+tee of OM meeting betel _.➢1bt..ii,.—Wi_—are etry ...artd .* the adoption of tba prow.. {te for the liar+ year 11/4/111/, u preeaoted to the Mayor + y TASItyI : AtYtO'+C0 rn ego N,nci1"arny sots of t4 oatetRfig POJY 0/ pWD City tAlt .-11LE— daT of �dWM� A b 1!!t Atta•t, 81 The following bids were received on the Remote Terminal Unit for the Water Department bid: 1) Total System Resources (TSR) for $6,464; 2) Risun Technology for $10,000; and 3) Remote Operating Systems for $6,835. Councilmember Seibert moved to award the bid for the Remote Terminal Unit for the Water Department to Total System Resources in the amount of $6,462 as they were the low bid and met all bid spec requirements; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0 Councilmember Warner moved to approve C.A.S.A.'s (Community Action for Student Activities), requests for a Moved -on Structure Permit at 300 E. Center Street (Ballpark) and a Transient Merchant License at 300 E. Center Street for a Food Concession; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Councilmember McDougald returned to the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Mayor Stocks asked that the selection of two members of the Governing Body to serve on the Employee Appeals Board be put on the next agenda on June 25th; as he was not ready at this time to make that selection. Mayor Stocks read Montgomery Watson's Professional Agreement Amendment No. 4 - For Additions to the Wastewater Treatment Facility to the audience. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve Montgomery Watson's Professional Agreement Amendment No. 4 - For Additions to the Wastewater Treatment Facility increasing the project total by $36,300; Council - member Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. City Manager Metzler informed the Governing Body that the letter on the easement for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Project she had sent the property owner was just received by them today. 'City Mana- ger Metzler stated that she would have to bring this agenda item back to the next meeting on June 25th. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve Seekhav- en's request for a waiver of fees for a Family to Pass the Moab Swim Center for the 1996 Summer. The motion died for lack of a second. BIDS RECEIVED ON $EMOTE TERMINAL UNIT FOR WATER DEPARTMENT REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT FOR WATER DEPT. AWARDED TO TSR FOR $6,462 CASA GRANTED MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT AND TRANSIENP MERCHANT LICENSE FOR FOOD CONCESSION AT BALLPARK COUNCILMEMBER McDOUG- ALD RETURNED SELECTION OF TWO APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS TO BE ON JUNE 25TH AGENDA MAYOR READS MONTGOM- ERY WATSON'S AGREE- MENT AMENDMENT NO. 4 MONTGOMERY WATSON'S AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO. 4 APPROVED EASEMENT FOR WWTP PROJECT TO BE ON JUNE 25TH AGENDA MOTION FOR SEEKHAVEN WAIVER OF POOL FEES DIES FOR LACK OF SECOND Under Correspondence Mayor Stocks rported on a CORRESPONDENCE letter on the Community Impact Meeting and the Sports Oversight Committee. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler ADMINISTRATIVE reported on the following: A) A joint Planning REPORTS Commission/Shade Tree Commission and City Council Meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 27th, at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers; B) On Hofman Planning Associates presenting a seminar on impact fees on Tuesday, July 16th, with the time to be announced soon; C) That she had received from Personnel Systems and Services the complete compensation study. She stated that she would be providing recommendations regarding the study within the next month; and D) The Governing Body 82 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURN REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES NO REQUESTS TO BE HEARD was asked to mark their calendars for Saturday, July 20th, for the City -Sponsored Pioneer Day at the City Park. She also informed the Councilmem- bers that if any of them volunteer for the dunk tank they would receive a special prize. Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Cooke reported that the trucks going through town are running the signal lights and suggested that the lights be synchronized to have them stop at each light. Councilmember meeting with an attempt to easement on Councilmember the City to Sewer Line. McDougald reported on a luncheon Mayor Stocks and the Byrd Family; in open the lines of negotiations for an the North Area Trunk sewer Project Seibert reported that he mould like pursue repairing the North Area Trunk Councilmembers Veteto and Warner had nothing to report. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve payment of the bills against the City in the amount of $100,581.22; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. Councilmember Warner moved to adjourn the meeting, Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 8.58 p.m. ATTEST: Thomas A. Stocks Mayor Sandra E. Beaure 4 d, CMC/AA AcLing Temp. City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 25, 1996 Moab City Council held their Regular Meeting on th,. above date in the Council Chambers of the Moab Clt, Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Pro-tem Paul Seibert called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Jeanne Veteto led in the Pledge of Allegiance. In attendance were Council - members Terry Warner, Richard Cooke and William McDougald; City Manager Donna Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra Beauregard; City Attorney Chris McAnany; Public Works Director Brent Willi- ams; Planning Aide Debra Gilger; sixteen members of the audience and the media. Mayor Thomas Stocks was not in attendance due to being out of town. Councilmember Warner moved to approve the minutes of June llth as corrected; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. There were no citizens requesting to be heard. 8 3 Under Planning Update City Manager Metzler PLANNING UPDATE reminded Council of a Joint Council/City Planning Commission Meeting on Thursday, June 27th, at 4 p.m. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert presented Councilmember Warner with a Plaque of Appreciation for his years of dedication and service to Moab City as a Councilmember. Councilmember Warner is leaving the end of June for employment in Wyoming. He served on the City Council from January 1984 through June of 1996. Rod Petty of the Moab Rodbenders presented a Clock Plaque to Moab City in appreciation for their support for the Moab Rodbenders and their annual car show held annually at the New City Park. Councilmember Cooke moved to move the agenda to the consent agenda; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 Councilmember Warner moved to approve the consent agenda as follows: 1) Request to go to a public hearing for proposed Ordinance 96-10--Setting the Salary for Exempt Positions of the City of Moab; 2) Request to advertise for Midterm Vacancy for Moab City Councilmember, as of July 1st 1996; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert then read Mayor Stocks appointments to the Employee Appeals Board for COUNCILMEMBER WARNER PRESENTED WITH PLAQUE OF APPRECIA- TION FROM 1/84 THRU 6/96 DUE TO LEAVING DUE TO JOB TRANSFER MOAB RODBENDERS PRESENT CLOCK PLAQUE TO MOAB CITY IN APPRECIATION AGENDA MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST FOR ORD. 96-10--SETTING SALARY FOR EXEMPT POSITIONS & REQUEST TO ADVERTISE FOR MIDTERM COUNCIL VACANCY APPROVED MAYOR PRO-TEM READS MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS Council's confirmation as follows: 1) As an TO EMPLOYEE APPEALS Employee Appeals Board Member, Mayor Thomas Stocks BOARD to fulfill the remainder of Councilmember Terry Warner's term ending December 31st 1996; 2) As alternates, A. Counoiimember Jeanne Veteto, B. Councilmember Richard Cooke. Councilmember McDougald moved to confirm Mayor MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS Stocks appointments to the Employee Appeals Board TO EMPLOYEE APPEALS as read by Mayor Pro-tem Seibert; Councilmember BOARD NOT CONFIRMED Cooke seconded the motion. The motion was defeated 2-3 with Councilmembers Cooke and McDougald voting aye. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert asked City Manager Metzler to inform the Mayor upon his return to ,town of the Council's decision. Councilmember Warner moved to table the Easements for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Project until after the Executive Session; Councilmember Veteto seconded the'motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Warner moved to approve the requests of the First Assembly of God Youth Group, DBA Golden Dragon for the following: A) Waiver of the Moved -On Structure Permit fee and Fireworks Sales Business License Fee for a Church sponsored youth group fund raiser for missions; and B) Moved -On Structure Permit at 446 S. Main for a Fireworks Stand; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 3-2 with Councilmembers Cooke and Veteto voting no. CITY MANAGER TO INFORM MAYOR OF COUNCIL'S DECISION EASEMENTS FOR THE WWTP PROJECT TABLED UNTIL AFTER T'w EXECUTIVE FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD, DBA GOLDEN DRAGON'S REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF MOVED -ON STRUCTURE AND FIRE- WORKS BUSINESS LIC. FEES APPROVED Councilmember COoke moved to approve Shari L. Beck CABARET LIC. FOR and Bruce L. 'Beck, DBA World Famous Woody's Tavern WORLD FAMOUS WOODY'S L.C. request of a Cabaret License at 221 S. Main TAVERN APPROVED Street; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 84 TRANSIENT MERCHANT & PEDDLER'S LIC. FOR PETER W. FROMBGEN APPROVED MAYOR PRO-TEM READS PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION REQUEST; PREMISE OCCUPATION LIC. REQUEST; BED & BREAK- FAST LIC. REQUEST; HOME OCCUPATION LIC. REQUESTS; FINAL PLAT REVIEW OF ORCHARD VILLA TOWN HOUSES PHASE II; ALL APPROVED MAYOR PRO-TEM MOVES AGENDA BACK TO PUBLIC HEARING CITY MANAGER GOES OVER RECOMMENDED CHANGES IN BUDGET MAYOR PRO-TEM OPENS PUBLIC HEARING ON FY 1995/1996 BUDGET MAYOR PRO-TEM MOVES AGENDA LEAVING OPEN PUBLIC HEARING C.A.S.A. GRANTED REFUND OF MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT AND TRANSIENT MERCHANT BUSINESS LIC. FEES Councilmember Veteto moved to approve Peter W. Frombgen requests of a Transient Merchant License and a Peddler's License to sell ice cream, frozen confections, candy, soda and packaged cookies for the Moab City limits area; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert read the Planning Commis- sion's favorable recommendations on the following: A) Request to go to a public hearing for an Annex- ation request from Todd Campbell at 1339 Power- house Lane; the request is for a R-2 Zone designa- tion; B) Approval for a Premise Occupation License to Nicholas J. and Marian E. Eason at 698 W. 400 North for an Art Studio; C) Approval of a Bed & Breakfast License to Bill and Betty white at 573 E. Nichols Lane for a Bed & Bath; D) Approval of a Home Occupation License to Mark L. Ross at #89 Holiday Haven for a TV & VCR Repair; E) Approval of Final Plat Review of Orchard Villa Towne Houses Phase II for development along 500 west; and F) Approval of a Home Occupation License to Sheryl Gurtner and David Bagley at 127 Birch for an Internet Retail Sales. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Planning Commission's favorable recommendations as follows: A) Request to go to a public hearing for an Annexation request from Todd Campbell at 1339 Powerhouse Lane; the request is for a R-2 Zone designation; B) Approval for a Premise Occupation License to Nicholas J. and Marian E. Eason at 698 W. 400 North for an Art Studio; C) Approval of a Bed & Breakfast License to Bill and Betty white at 573 E. Nichols Lane for a Bed & Bath; D) Approval of a Home Occupation License to Mark L, Ross at #89 holiday Haven for a TV & VCR Repair; E) Approval of Final Plat Review of Orchard Villa Towne Houses Phase II for development along 500 West; F) Approval of a Home Occupation License to Sheryl Gurtner and David Bagley at 127 Birch for an Internet Retail Sales; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 with Councilmember Warner voting no. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert moved the agenda back to the scheduled public hearing to Re -open and Amend Fiscal Year 1995/1996 pudget for all necessary funds. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert then asked City Manager Metzler to go over the recommended changes in the Fiscal Year 1995/1996 Budget. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert then opened the hearing for public comment on the proposed amendments to the Fiscal Year 1995/1996 Budget at 7:35 p.m. With no comments Mayor Pro-tem Seibert then moved the agenda to the next agenda item leaving the hearing open for public comments at this time. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert read the request of Angela M. Riley, DBA C.A.S.A. (Community Action for Student Activities), request for a refund of the Moved -On Structure Permit fee approved on June 11th and their Transient Merchant License fee also approved on June 11th by Council; license and moved -on structure permit had been issued. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request of Angela M. Riley, DBA C.A.S.A. (Community Action for Student Activities), request for a refund of the Moved -On Structure Permit fee approved on June 85 lath and their Transient Merchant License fee also approved on June iith by Council; license and moved -on structure permit had been issued; Council - member McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. William Johnston asked to speak on the Fiscal Year 1995/1996 Budget. He asked why the City is re -opening the budget, and if there were any new projects included in this? Mayor Pro-tem Seibert explained that this was merely an end of the year adjustment of funds to bring the budget into balance. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert then asked if there were any further comments on the Fiscal Year 1995/1996 Budget. With no response he then closed the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. Councilmember Warner moved to adopt Resolution 17-96--Amendment of Fiscal Year 1995/1996 Budget and approval of departmental and fund transfers, Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 SIIt tD710. 1, )( aw.mm )DOOR oI..01100.01 TUMIKLI I11CAL VGA 111)/11t Dude.�pptO.`ollthe dey uect!tr. ofw vi)tli l �iil Tellwly fund. ter Il..l Tear .R//1111 to uotooeo end Aseeo•.. fellows. 4aeuun Felice Oo'•re..el )add Teepee'''/Oeopll.el. Oft Tote' Co.tsel cw .'Ibut `felts lnD+e .p`t= t.'e AAA.. DCIABfImItAL DORM Ism MGR. IT 1)I1/1e.1 AMMO= ARK. SSroms 0000110..0 I flO 11 II ) l i 11 Tee I11 leo 11 /,11e1 % 11 too i el Itl 1A0o10 T1SC J. T4A 1111/ R1 .ODOR ommo )Roll 1 `! hied 11111,111) • 1 ...sties rued ) After School Club rued 11 1. N eeepr/ee hied 1 ruse / I1.011 Rrl a. se ISew') 111)e lee) 111ti see) OM, MATTO., `C IT A ON= lb.t ue ol.wbe of he rrta Au.. tot the deal).' u{ Time ppee .['''''. the N•Tor ud Cur C'ao`s/1 d11/ Juee 10 u, '''Twee poeebd u IOIm Alm AMORD to epn Cwee/l by a ...le, .eta of the Gererelel Body of .b.b City .0[11 le .11 'y of • thee.. )., Mayer'. Rloolmse Actley T.. Ci ty ule�AAs 11111 e.tl I • elt 11 S.Tl el Councilmember Veteto requested a joint City/County Council Meeting to discuss the Building Inspector and Recreation Department Funds. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a contribu- tion to Four Corners mental Health's (InterAct Club House) of $246.73 for Fiscal Year 1996/1997 and for the contribution to come from the Executive Department Budget; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll - call -vote of 5-0, Under the discussion of City Attorney, City Attorney McAnany requested that the Council appoint the firm of C. Joseph Croker, P.C. of Grand Junction, CO; as appointed City Attorney Jerry Crist had left their firm. There was also some discussion of the appointment of the defense attorney. COMMENTS ON PUBLIC HEARING ON FY 1995/ 1996 BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED ON FY 1995/ 1996 BUDGET RESOLUTION 17-96-- AMENDMENT OF FY 1995/ 1996 BUDGET & APPRO- CAL OF DEPT & FUND TRANSFERS ADOPTED JOINT CITY/COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING REQUESTED CONTRIBUTION Tu INTERACT CLUB HOUSE APPROVED FOR FY 1996/1997 CITY ATTORNEY DISCUSSION 86 DSCUSSION OF CITY ATTORNEY TABLED MAYOR PRO-TEM ASKS CITY MANAGER TO INFORM MAYOR OF CHANGES IN ATTORNEY STATUS & PUT ON NEXT AGENDA DISCUSSION ON MATCHING SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENTS WITH HIGHER-ED. MONEY FROM GRANTS TABLED APPOINTMENT OF MARC BOARD WITHIN 90 DAYS OF RES. 16-96-- CREATING THE MARC BOARD APPROVED DESIGNATION OF MARC STEERING COMMITTEE AS INTERIM MARC ADV. BOARD APPROVED CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WITHDRAWS REQUEST TO USE NEW CITY PARK ON AUG. 13TH NO CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember McDougald moved to table the discussion of City Attorney; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 with Councilmember Cooke voting no. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert requested City Manager Metzler inform Mayor Stocks of these changes and put the City Attorney appointment and discussion of City Defense Attorney on the next City Council Agenda. Councilmember Warner moved to table the discussion on matching scholarship endowments with high -educa- tion money from grants; as follow-up from Keele Johnson presentation on June llth; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to appoint a MARC Board within 90 days of Resolution 16-96--Creating the Moab Arts and Recreation Center Board on June llth; Councilmember McDoougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 with Councilmember Warner voting no. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the des- ignation of the MARC Steering Committee as Interim MARC Advisory Board; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. Councilmember Cooke moved to amend the motion to include adding of board members up to nine members; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion was defeated 2-3 with Councilmembers Cooke and McDougald voting aye Mayor Pro-tem Seibert then called for the vote on the motion. The motion carried 4-1 with Council - member Warner voting no. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert informed the Governing Body and audience that the Chamber of Commerce had with- drawn their request for use of the New City Park on August 13th, from 2 p.m. until 8 p.m., for the Solar Rocky Mountain Association on their Sun Sprint of the Rockies. Usage was to be for dis- playing their vehicles and to hold their awards ceremony. There was no reading of correspondence. Under Adminsitrative Reports City Manager Metzler reminded the Governing Body of the joint meeting scheduled for June 27th, Thursday. Counciln, rs McDougald, Seibert and Warner informed the City Manager that they would be unable to attend the meeting due to being out-of-town. Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Warner read his letter to the Mayor and thanked everyone for their support during his term of office and wished everyone well. Councilmember McDougald wished Councilmember Warner his best on his new job. He also informed the Governing Body of a scheduled meeting for July 87 2nd at noon at Denney's with the Byrd Family to discuss the North Trunk Sewer Project. He also invited Mayor Stocks, City Manager Metzler and Public Works Director Williams to attend. Councilmembers Cooke, Veteto and Seibert also wished Councilmember Warner good luck on his job and; that they would miss him and appreciated his work and dedication to Moab City. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the bills against the City in the amount of $145,547.31; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 Councilmember Veteto moved to take a five minute break before adjourning into the Executive Sess- ion; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert then adjourned the meeting for a five minute break at 8:45 p.m. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert called the meeting back to order at 8:50 p.m. Councilmember Veteto then moved to adjourn the Regular City Council Meeting into an Executive Session to hold a Stategy Session with respect to collective bargaining, litigation, or purchase of real property; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert then adjourned the Regular City Council Meeting into an Executive Session to hold a Strategy Session with respect to collective bargaining, litigation, or purchase of real property at 8:51 p.m. Councilmember McDougald moved to adjourn the Executive Session back to the Regular City Council Meeting; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert then adjourned the Executive Session back to the Regular City Council Meeting at 9:25 p.m. Under old business Councilmember McDougald moved to offer Mrs. Shumway a ceiling price of $22,000 for .41 acres, including fees for three'connec- tions, easements to adjoining lands, and to accept the City Council's offer by 5 p.m. on Friday, June 28th; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. Councilmember Veteto had to leave the meeting at 9:35 p.m. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Easement Grant for the North Area Trunk Sewer Project for the Higgins Family with clarification of tap fees and connection fees included in the easement grant; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. Councilmember Warner abstained from voting due to a conflict of interest as the Higgins Family are his in-laws. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0 with the abstaining vote going with the majority. APPROVAL OF BILLS FIVE MINUTE BREAK MAYOR PRO-TEM ADJOURNS FOR BREAK MAYOR PRO-TEM CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR STRATEGY SESSION ADJOURN TO REGULAR SESSION FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION OLD BUSINESS -COUNCIL MAKES MRS. SHUMWAY OFFER FOR EASEMENT COUNCILMEMBER VETETO LEFT MEETING HIGGINS FAMILY EASEMENT GRANT FOR N. AREA TRUNK SEWER PROJECT APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the meeting; ADJOURN Councilmember Warner seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. 0 8 Mayor Pro-tem Seibert then adjourned the meeting at 9:42 p.m. ATTEST: REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES NO CITIZENS TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE CHIEF WEST PRESENTS OFFICERS GUERRERO & CASTLEBERRY WITH CERTIFICATES FOR THEIR EFFORTS ABOVE AND BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY ON POSSIBLE DROWNINGS INCIDENT AT SUNSET MOTEL AGENDA MOVED TO OLD BUSINESS MAYOR READS ORDINANCE ON THE EMPLOYEE APPEALS BOARD MAYOR STOCKS AND COUNCILMEMBER COOKE CONFIRMED TO REPRESENT GOVERNING BODY ON EMPLOYEE Cfil V/ /6- andra E. Be ureg d, &c/PAE Acting Temp. City ecorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 9, 1996 Mayor Moab City Council held its Regular Meeting on the above date in the City Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember William D McDougald led in the Pledge of Allegiance Also in attend- ance were Councilmembers Richard Cooke, Jeanne Veteto and Paul Seibert; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; Chief of Police Alan R. West; Public Works Director Brent Williams; City Attorney Chris McAnany; twelve members of the audience and the media. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the minutes of June 25th; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. There were no citizens to be heard. City Manager Metzler, under City Planning, informed the Governing Body of the Joint City/Council Work- shop Meeting on July 16th, at 7:00 p.m., in the County Building for an Impact Fee presentation. Chief of Police West cattle forward for the presenta- tion of Police Officers Edward Guerrero and Janeca Castleberry a mounted certificate for their efforts above and beyond the call of duty; on the Sunset Motel possible drowning call. Both victims were sucessfully pulled from the pool, resuscitated and are now recovering in St. Mary's Hospital in Grand Junction, CO. The response time was one and a half minutes. Mayor and Councilmembers congradu- lated the officers. Councilmember Cooke moved to move the agenda to Old Business; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks read the ordinance on the Employee Appeals Board to the Council and audience. Mayor Stocks then appointed himself and Councilmember Cooke as the Governing Body representatives on the Employee Appeals Board, with their terms on the board to expire on June 30th 1997. Councilmember Seibert moved to confirm Mayor Stocks appointment of himself and Councilmember Cooke to the Employee Appeals Board, with terms on the board expiring on June 30th 1997; Councilmem- ber McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. 89 APPEALS BOARD Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request for use of the Old City Park on Tuesday, July 16th, for a gathering of friends with a Bluegrass Band, with donations to be accepted to defray the cost of the band, the event scheduled to run from noon until 9:00 p.m.; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. The following bids were received for the Rotary Park Lower Parking Lot Project with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds paying for this project from: 1) High Caliber Construction in the amount of $24,951 with bonding and $23,751 with bonding; and 2) Keys Construction in the amount of $24,507 with bonding and $22,007 without bonding. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the the bid award for Keys Construction in the amount of $22,007 without bonding; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. After some discussion Councilmember Cooke moved to table the bid award until the next meeting for the City Attorney to review the bonding requirements for CDBG Funds; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the transfer of $70,000 from the Millereek Project Fund to the Community Development Fund as a Temporary Loan, to allow the release fo funds to Seekhaven for their Shelter Acquisition with the Loan to be repaid with the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. Councilmember Cooke left the meeting for personal reasons at 7:20 p.m. After some discussion on the transfer of funds the motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 3-0. Councilmember Cooke returned to the meeting at 7:25 p.m. Jason Burningham addressed the Governing Body on proposed Resolution 18-96--Authorizing the issuance and confirming the sale of $1,821,000 Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1996 of the City of Moab, Grand County, Utah. Councilmember McDougald moved to adopt Resolution 18-96--Authorizing the issuance and confirming the sale of $1,821,000 Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1996 of the City of Moab, Grand County, Utah; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The u.r AAA leb 9. 1996 To ny Camel at r Cb et Web, Onal gee% IAA rl r Near *doer r NON 00.00 P004 Ili Wee 1NS0011.Slid►, lark N ICOla el r 96, Ne9 day. 1996, w ea lbe•s maann p•ma Tao Saab Maya libel Cell Qarirr Yam Dn� CoNeVN Pea Ceasbenlet �� abbibblosa • Neet• 144144 AwpeC tart%Dowd ri.I Ir Ala Ale r may be is w sled to re.er r oleo bat ammo r pealm eboa �Wdr `lot ab Drrlmard male O.wama le• lw.Y tear be Ay 1611M mats, • r9, r aw A ead• Samar et be SAM. v Areas w mar r.drel le *maim. be tea dvrk W parr 6416 ese babe t b els bib y ixsrW' •leery 1 ale TEA: N NAY: 0 REQUEST OF USE OF OLD CITY PARK ON JULY 16TH APPROVED BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE ROTARY PARK LOWER PARKING LOT PROJECT BIDS FOR ROTARY PARK LOWER PARKING LOT PROJECT TABLED UNTIL ATTORNEY CAN REVIEW BOND REQUIREMENTS FOR CDBG FUNDS TRANSFER OF $70,000 FROM MILLCREEK PROJ. FUND TO COMM. DEV. FUND APPROVED AS TEMP. LOAN TO ALLOW SEEKHAVEN SHELTER ACQUISITION PAYMENT COUNCILMEMBER COOKE EXCUSED COUNCILMEMBER COOKE RETURNS TO MEETING JASON BURNINGHAM ADDRESSES GOVERNING BODY ON RES. 18-96 AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF SEWER REV. BONDS RESOLUTION 18-96-- AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF $1,821,000 OF SEWER REVENUE Berm ADOPTED Tas eAmble. be W ripNh Na%A9a Ile wawa, e•ww g ot Cy Imam be tmd tnolda b ee male.[ IESOW910e1 N0. A ► so n1oN Nimble le bate r mare* r mat ., 419111A061Sn t leas lab Sob 1996 et at 199 et Wel, Do.ICaq,Uel, r devote. eib6cies I petard r twat 4{ae rr yr bpo.mrel rmarl bereaarN4 abode* le pdaame d e Nob d lea* er M bask preerrbAl be Ss d Sr► le ema eed roles d Ysv W osiers r be I0001, 1r1Aq 1e011000 le le taerdaa Wr+i r Ababa Ole arson le le bawl bon r CA,Y sett corm ebaleb ie bid et el wee rare rwtymar sammeeie d le aroYa temempAel b, die lea Weldor W abed _Wmut, lb Op r bobUad Cary. 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Mayor Stocks then opened the public hearing for public comment at 7 35 p m Ken Davey asked about the pay, if it included the 5% cost of living adjustment Mayor Stocks replied, yes it does Ken Davey then asked about the City Manager, if the position was a statutory appointment- or not Mayor Stocks deferred Ken Davey to the City Attorney for clarification, that the issue tonight was the setting of exempt position salaries. Mayor Storks then read proposed Ordinance 96-12-- Annexing Property to Moab City The request is from Todd Campbell at 1339 Powerhouse Lane and is for a R-2 Zone designation. Mayor Stocks then opened the public hearing for public comments at 7:40 p.m. Dan Mick asked if it wouldn't be prudent to annex City owned property and the Andrew Riley property into the City at the same time Public Works Director Williams stated that he was concerned on the road issue right now. Whitney Rearick said, that Todd Campbell had put up a fence and doesn't understand why he wants annexed into the City. Councilmember Cooke stated that access and parking could better be coordinated more effectively by being in the City. That Mr. Campbell already had City water and sewer. Dan Mick stated that the City should include the Riley property and not create an island. Sandra Starley asked if the Riley property was partially in the City already and the other part in the County. Mayor Stocks stated, yes it is. With no further questions or comments on Ordinances 96-10 and 96-12 Mayor Stocks then closed the public hearings at 7:45 p.m. 95 Councilmember Veteto moved to adopt Ordinance 96-10--Setting the Salary for Exempt positions of the City of Moab; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0. ofDAMOC1 111i AL o16111111Cr StTallld Tit SIMI' TOR Ulan rOl IIIDit CO flit <irt CO Yaatlf, LL.'ratio'tad' ai aby <<ar of ua� to Lu.trad v ut PLrbr oT •aayl t•alUesr oI . aq at +pt of t[fnau, la• .a.ipl agiey,• .. e.tuw a tl. D.t.r.--•=t . Ia�•t•LL�•tUlaw4rf pri tta�t rafts tuff; ao. vtil tackW. at tits Ia1t yittTMat ty DUaamr9 by U. <1ty of Mee. tear tea ieode be 1•t tomb as aollwst fettles 1. :est!:twlti sears for Us t.Ilwtey otetetcn • tl i ee• •*rado Oald eerie fo]ra.1a...2,.. ....../1u1lala..rllf711t-•-Iil.1ual... relatl4 �e.Oerfa Ie.... ...rt1,1A hesror•Dted. .tr1.111.11.11]l • currrbtly users tout raft st3U oarrrtto try elan. Iavates a. eof ib rmomtl N1t�lu u! M1tu9 t >.roa/ sa3 o. ils be la et.. y3f Casa to etzet uttw. Soffit* 1. marl; salary rs r for Ike tollorlrr rlecttt cttttiai pe.ia lots. t1 t'•Cowotllraabo t. ...t footles r. Osdfasae• trlit betas* otfeett•e vµ azawsl q teo City Couaclt e4 Dulllestics_ It 1. arosattrr to *a1y 1. Iaa, uayo woe a r.r srl [y I1. Ut• ILL QY ot f rofY. 1.*.by, vete e[ boa 1. tee <w.c ItTrlTa G {tbi. ttetr•[tld. OICl{lt utW yee, city ae.oaeer ORDINANCE 96-10-- SETTING SALARIES FOR EXEMPT POSITIONS ADOPTED Councilmember McDougald moved to table the EASEMENTS/LAND ACQ. Easements/Land Acquisition for the Wastewater FOR THE WWTP PROJ. Treatment Plant Project until after the Executive TABLED UNTIL AFTER Session, concerning this issue; Councilmember Cooke EXECUTIVE SESSION seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. The Governing Body discussed the City Attorney appointment and discussed the Public Defender appointment. Councilmember Cooke moved to table the City Attorney appointment and discussion of the Public Defender until after the City Attorney could come back with a recommendation for the Governing Body; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. CITY ATTORNEY APPOINTMENT AND DISCUSSION OF PUBLIC DEFENDER APPOINTMENT TABLED Councilmember Cooke was excused for a personal COUNCILMEMEBR COOKE privilege at 8:04 p.m. EXCUSED There was no reading of correspondence. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler ADMINISTRATIVE reported: 1) That the Impact Fee Meeting is REPORTS scheduled for Tuesday, July 16th, at 7:00 p.m. in the County Council Chambers. The meeting will be conducted by Bill Holman of Holfman Planning and Associates. That Mr. Holman is the consultant performing the Capital Facilities Planning Study; 2) The Governing Body was invited to the City Manager's Office to see the new "Development Impact Fees for the State of Utah"; and 3) The City's Pioneer Day Celebration on Saturday, July 20th, from 4-9 p.m. in the New City Park. Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Seibert reported on the selection committee for REPORTS the renaming of the "New City Park." Councilmember Cooke returned to the meeting at COUNCILMEMBER COOKE 8:06 p.m. RETURNS TO MEETING MAYOR AND COUNCIL 9 6 APPROVAL OF BILLS BREAK MAYOR ADJOURNS FOR FIVE MINUTE BREAK MAYOR CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION MAYOR ADJOURN REGULAR MEETING INTO AN EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO REGULAR MEETING MAYOR ADJOURNS EXECUTIVE SESSION TO REGULAR MEETING Councilmember Veteto asked why we were changing the name of the City Park? Councilmember Seibert explained that it was all in fun for the Centennial Day celebration; and that the name would be brought before the Governing Body for their vote, before it would be finalized. Councilmember McDougald stated that he would like a right -a -way meeting with the Governing Body, City Manager Metzler, Public Works Director Williams and the Byrd Family to discuss the North Area Trunk Sewer Easement. Councilmember Cooke inquired about the Community Theatre production for the Centennial Day Celebration. City Manager Metlzer explained that the Community Theatre was given guidelines to follow for their production and that they would have to follow those guidelines if they wanted to do a public performance at the park. Councilmember Cooke also commented about the Library Board letter to the City and about the letter from Michael Crist concerning the tennis courts. City Manager Metzler stated that the tennis court issue had been referred to the school board. Mayor Stocks commented about the Centennial Day celebration and the contributions from the local businesses. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve payment of the bills against the City in the amount of $255,991.85; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0. COUncilmember Veteto moved for a five minute break; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting for a five minute break at 8:25 p.m. Mayor Stocks then called the meeting back to order at 8:35 p.m. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting into an Executive Session to conduct a strategy session with respect to collective bargaining, litigation, or purchase of real property; Councilmember Seibert seconded *1 motion. The motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Regular Meeting into a Executive Session for the purpose of conducting a strategy session with respect to collective bargaining, litigation, or purchase of real property at 8:36 p.m. Councilmember Seibert moved to adjourn the Executive Session and return to the Regular City Council Meeting; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Executive Session back to the Regular City Council Meeting at 8:40 97 Councilmember McDougall moved to approve the recommendation of City Manager Metzler for a total of $22,000; $17,440 and a contribution of $4,560 toward three sewer connections for the property and easements, providing for the following conditions: 1) No additional land acquisitton greater than the .41 acres originally discussed will be granted; 2) The trunk sewer line will be moved ten feet to the south. The additional cost of approximately $2,700 would be needed to move the line; according to Al Anderson of Montgomery Watson Engineering; and 3) The property acquisition and easement agreement will each be accomplished in a separate document; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 8:42 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: • //•Sandra E. Beaureg d, I9C E Acting Temp. City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING July 16, 1996 APPROVAL OF EASEMENT/LAND ACQUISITION FOR WWTP PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $22,000 ADJOURN Thomas A. Mayor Moab City Council held a Special Meeting on the above date in the Grand County Council Chambers of Grand County at 125 E. Center Street, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. In attendance were City Councilmem- bers Paul Seibert and William D. McDougald; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; City Public Works Director Brent Williams; Grand County Councilmem- bers Frank Nelson and Peter Haney; Grand County Administrator Earl Sires; eight members of the audience and the media. Due to lack of a quorum for both the City and the County no business was conducted. The purpose of the meeting was to hold a Special Joint City/County Meeting for an Impact Fee Work- shop. Bill Hofman of Hofman Planning and Associates conducted the workshop presentation on Impact Fees to those in attendance. Mr. Hofman went over: 1) What Impact Fees can and can't be used for; 2) ,Legislature on Impact Fees, with emphasis on Senate Bill 4; and 3) The basic steps needed to implement Impact Fees. Mr. Hofman answered any questions the audience had. Mayor Stocks adjourned the meeting at 8:37 p.m. ATTEST: Sandra E. Beauregard Acting Temp. City Re APPROVED: C CMdCfrl 7A E order Stocks SPECIAL MEETING k ATTENDANCE JOINT CITY/COUNTY WORKSHOP MEETING ON IMPACT FEES IMPACT FEE WORKSHOP PRESENTATION ADJOURN Thomas A. Mayor Stocks *9 8 SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE WORKSHOP FOR CITY COUNCIL PLANNING SESSION AND COUNCIL CANDIDATE INTERVIEWS CITY COUNCILMEMBER CANDIDATE INTERVIEWS CITY COUNCIL:MEMBER CANDIDATE LIST NARROWED TO JUST ONE CANDIDATE ADJOURN MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING July 17, 1996 Moab City COuncil held a Special Meeting on the above date in the City Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Pro-tem Paul Seibert called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. In attendance were Councilmem- bers Jeanne Veteto, William D. McDougald and Richard Cooke; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; eight candidates for the City Councilmember vacancy and the media. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to conduct a workshop; to conduct a City Council Planning Session for questions to ask the Council Candidates to be interviewed by the Governing Body and to conduct the interviews. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks arrived at 6 55 p m. Mayor Stocks conducted the interviews with the following City Councilmember Candidates 1) Joseph Lekarczyk; 2) Lucy Wallingford; 3) Kyle Bailey; 4) Cathy Sonde; 5) Reva Webber; 6) Dee Tranter; 7) Dan Mick; and 8) Judy Powers. Each candidate was asked the same four questions and then the City Councilmembers had the opportunity to ask them further. questions. After all City Councilmember candidates had been interviewed, the City Council narrowed the list down to first three candidates and then to just one, The official appointment and oath of office of the City COunCilmeMber candidate will take place at the Regular City Council Meeting on Tuesday, July 23rd, at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember McDougald moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 9: p.m. ATTEST: ndra E. Be ega Acting Temp. City MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 23, 1996 Thomas A. Stocks Mayor REGULAR MEETING & Moab City Council held its Regular Meeting on the ATTENDANCE above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember William D. McDougald led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Richard Cooke, Paul Seibert and Jeanne Veteto; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; City Attorney Chris McAnany; Public Works Director Brent Williams; and fifteen members of the audience. 99 Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the minutes of July 9th, 16th & 17th 1996 as presented; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. There were no citizens present yishing to be heard by the Governing Body. Under Planning City Manager Metzler informed the Governing Body of: 1) Receiving a Storm Water Master Plan; and 2) Rescheduling a joint City/ Planning Commission Meeting for August 22nd. Planning Commission Member David Sakrison informed the Governing Body of: 1) A Public Hearing scheduled for the new Mortuary on 4th East; and 2) That he would like a joint City/Planning Commission Meeting, as soon as possible. Mayor Stocks also commented on the construction on the North end of town. Councilmember Veteto moved to move the agenda to New Business; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Concilmember McDougald moved for the acceptance and approval of T. Dee Tranter to fill the midterm City Councilmember Vacancy created by Councilmember Terry Warner's resignation at the end of June 1996 and to have the oath of office administered follow- ing the motion; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0 aye. Acting Temp. City Recorder Beauregard then administered the oath of office to T. Dee Tranter. Councilmember Tranter then took his seat among the Governing Body. Under presentations Lloyd Pierson came forward on behalf of the Grand County Historical Preservation Commission and Centennial Committee. Mr. Pierson addressed the Governing Body about the rennovation of Star Hall. Theresa King, Chairperson of .the Centennial Commission also spoke in favor of the rennovation of Star Hall. Councilmember Veteto stated that she would like the Star Hall rennovation put on the next agenda; for the Governing Body to establish a direction for the City's participation in the Star Hall rennovation project. Councilmember McDougald moved to table the bid award for the Rotary Park Lower Parking Lot Project and to refer the bid and bonding papers required back to City Manager Metzler; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. City Manager Metzler went over the Easement Grant and Warranty Deed for the Shumway Property for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Project with the Governing Body. Councilmember McDougald moved to accept the Easement Grant and Acquisition of land which includes $22,000 (including three connections to the sewer line); Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. APPROVAL OF MINUTES NO CITIZENS REQUESTING TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE AGENDA MOVED TO NEW BUSINESS T DEE TRANTER SELECTED TO FILL MIDTERN COUNCILMEMBER VACANCY OATH OF OFFICE ADMINISTERED TO T. DEE TRANTER AS COUNCILMEMBER PRESENTATION ON RENNOVATION OF STAR HALL BY GCHPC AND CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE BID AWARD FOR ROTARY PARK LOWER PARKING LOT PROJECT TABLED CITY MANAGER GOES OVER EASEMENT GRANT & WARRANTY DEED FOR SHUMWAY PROPERTY EASEMENT GRANT FOR SHUMWAY PROPERTY APPROVED FOR WWTP PROJECT 100 WARRANTY DEED FOR SHUMWAY PROPERTY APPROVED FOR WWTP PROJECT HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE TO RALPH HERRICK FOR VACUUM REPAIR BUS. APPROVED HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE TO DAVE HUTCHINSON FOR COMPUTER & BEAUTY SUPPLY BUS. APPROVED HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE TO MARTHA FRIDLEY FOR DARKROOM BUSINESS APPROVED RENAMING OF NEW CITY PARK TO "SWANNY CITY PARK" APPROVED N. AREA TRUNKLINE AND WATER CONNECTION DISCUSSED CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Warranty Deed in the amount of $17,440 in exchange for .41 acres of land for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Project; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve a Home Occupation License to Ralph Herrick at 402 Mountain View for a Vacuum Repair Business; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve a Home Occupation License to Dave Hutchinson at 281 Tusher for a Computer Solutions and Beauty Supply Business; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve a Home Occupation License to Martha Fridley at 400 N. 500 West #326 for a Darkroom Business; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye Councilmember Seibert commented to the Governing Body on the process the committee of eighteen members went through in selecting a name for the renaming of New City Park. He stated that the committee first selected five names out of fifty, and then two names, and finally came up with the name of "Swanny Pioneer Park " Councilmember Veteto moved to table the renaming of New City Park until they could see what "Swanny" intended to do with the land that is now the New City Park as she wasn't- familiar with the person; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion was defeated 2-3 no; with Council.members Veteto and Cooke voting aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to rename the New City Park, "Swanny City Park," Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye; with Councilmembers Cooke and Veteto voting no. The Governing Body discussed the North Area Trunkline and water connections. Under Correspondence Mayor Stocks informed the Governing Body of a letter from the Utah State Department of Transportation inviting the City to meeting scheduled for August 15th at 1:30 p.m., a, the Utah State University Office here in Moab on transportation. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler informed the Governing Body of the following: 1) That advertising to the Wastewater Treatment Plant Project has begun, and bids will be accepted until August 22nd, with the bid scheduled to be awarded August 27th; 2) That the State of Utah is doing an affordable housing plan, and that David Olsen will attend the meeting on July 29th in Salt Lake City; 3) The Storm Water Drainage Report will be ready at the next meeting; 4) That the Centennial Celebration at the City Park on Saturday, July 20th, was well attended and very sucessful. 1 0 1 Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Veteto thanked the staff for the Pioneer Day Celebration and welcomed new Councilmember Tranter. Councilmember Cooke expressed his thanks to those who participated in the Pioneer Day Celebration and also welcomed Councilmember Tranter Councilmember McDougald welcomed Councilmember Tranter and talked about the old "Holyoak Home" by the new high school. He would like to see the school sell that land to the LDS Church to construct a Seminary Building there for the high school students. Councilmember McDougald also commented on the City Employee Picnic scheduled for August 3rd, at the Old City Park. Councilmember Seibert welcomed Councilmember Tranter and commented on refurbishing old adobe structures. He stated that it is both hard work and costly, and doesn't recommend it for the "Holyoak Home." Councilmember Tranter thanked the Governing Body for their support and hopes he can contribute to the City what is needed. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the bills against the City in the amount of $75,729 95, Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 Councilmember Veteto Councilmember Cooke motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then p.m. ATTEST: MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS moved to adjourn the meeting, ADJOURN seconded the motion The adjourned the meeting at 9 14 ndra E. Beau Acting tEMP. C MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING August 6, 1996 InCAK AAE APPROVED: 'Thomas A. Stocks Mayor Moab City Council held a Special Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City ATTENDANCE Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p m. Councilmember William D. McDougald led in the Pledge of Allegiance. In attendance were Councilmembers Richard Cooke, Jeanne Veteto, T. Dee Tranter and Paul Seibert; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; two members of the audience and the media. Mayor Stocks then read the agenda as follows to the audience: 1) Reconsideration of North Area Trunk Sewer Project; and 2) Easements and Right- of-ways for the North Area Trunk sewer Project. SPECIAL MEETING & MAYOR READS AGENDA ON NORTH AREA TRUNK SEWER PROJECT TO AUDIENCE 102 COUNCILMEMBER McDOUG- ALD INFORMS GOVERNING BODY THAT DENNIS E. BYRD (PETE SR.) IS UNABLE TO ATTEND MEETING MOTION TO RECONSIDER N. AREA SEWER PROJECT DIES MAYOR OPENS FOR DISCUSSION RECONSID- ERATION OF N, AREA TRUNK SEWER PROJECT N. AREA TRUNK SEWER PROJECT, EASEMENTS & RIGHT-OF-WAYS TAKEN UNDER ADVISEMENT ADJOURN ATTEST: Councilmember McDougald presented the Governing Body with a letter he had just received from Dennis E. Byrd (Pete Sr.) informing him that he would be unable to attend the meeting to discuss easements and right-of-ways across the Byrd Family Trust Property, as he would be out-of-state. Councilmember McDougald also acknowledged that Dennis E. Byrd (Pete Jr.) and his wife Patricia were in attendance. Councilmember McDougald moved to reconsider the North Area Trunk Sewer Project. The motion died for lack of a second. Mayor Stocks then opened for discussion the North Area Trunk Sewer Project, and the Easements and Right-of-ways needed; for the North Area Trunk Sewer Project. Councilmember McDougald then moved to take the issues of the North Area Trunk Sewer Project and the Easement and Right-of-ways needed, under advis- ement; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. Sandra E. Beaureg Acting Temp. City Recorder SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING & ATTENDANCE MAYOR READ AGENDA FOR SPECIAL MEETING APPROVED: 'Thomas A. Stoc 46--/VW rd,'CMC/ AE Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING August 13, 1996 Moab City Council held a Special Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 4:08 p.m after a quorum was present. Councilmember Seibert led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Richard Cooke, Jeanne Veteto and T. Dee Tranter; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; Public Work Director Brent Williams; Planning Aide Debra Gilger; City Planning Commission members Kyle Bailey, David Sakrison, Dorothy Markle, Will Petty and Rex Holman; two members of the audience and the media. Mayor Stocks read the agenda as follows: I) General Plan; 2) Capital Improvements Plan Process; 3) Impact Fees; 4) Annexation - Half Mile Rule; 5) Parking and Transportation; 6) Public Facilities Plan Overview; and 7) Housing Plan. 103 Planning Commission Chairmain Bailey went over several of the agenda items with the Governing Body. Much discussion followed on the agenda items. City Manager Metzler suggested creating a Capital Improvements Plan Committee first in order to get plan together to follow. Councilmember Cooke moved to create a Capital Improvements Plan Committee to get the process started; Councilmember McDougall seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to do a Housing Study with the RFP process and to refer it to the Planning Commission for implementation; Council - member Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned p.m. ATTEST: the meeting at 5:35 APPROVED: ra E. Beaur ar CM AA Acting Temp. City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 13, 1996 Mayor PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN GOES OVER AGENDA WITH GOVERNING BODY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS a PLAN COMMITTEE CREATION SUGGESTED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN COMMITTEE TO BE CREATED HOUSING STUDY WITH RFP PROCESS APPROVED TO GET UNDERWAY ADJOURN A. Stocks Moab City Council held their Regular Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember McDougald led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Jeanne Veteto, Richard Cooke, T. Dee Tranter and Paul Seibert; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; Planning Aide Debra Gilger; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; Public Works Director Brent Williams; City Attorney Chris McAnany; ten members of the audience and the media. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the minutes of July 23rd and August 6th 1996; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Under Citizens To Be Heard Nate Knight addressed the Governing Body about the moratoreum on the North end of town. He wanted to know what happened to the survey that was to be done, and what the City is doing if anything. He also commented on his attempt to get water connections with the City. Preston Paxman also asked if anything had been done with his water connection application yet? Under Planning Community Development Coordinator Olsen addressed the Governing Body about coming up with next year's projects for Community Development Block Grant Funds. He stated that he needed the Governing Body's input for projects. It was suggested that this be on the next City Council agenda for August 27th for discussion of projects for CDBG Funds. REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES NATE KNIGHT ADDRESS GOVERNING BODY ABOUT MORATOREUM AND WATER CONNECTIONS PRESTON PAXMAN ABOUT WATER CONNECTION CDBG PROJECT FOR UPCOMING YEAR ADDRESSED UNDER PLANNING 104 SLIDE PRESENTATION ON TREES AROUND MOAB DOWNTOWN AREA ORDINANCE 96-01-- AMENDING TREE STEWARDSHIP ORDINANCE TO BE PUT ON AUG. 27TH AGENDA UNDER OLD BUSINESS N. AREA TRUNK SEWER PROJECT DISCUSSED MOTION DEFEATED TO LIFT RESOLUTION PROHIBITING CONNECTIONS ON N. END OF TOWN TEMP. CLASS II BEER LICENSE AND LOCAL CONSENT APPROVED FOR MACKE'S DBA HONEST OZZIE'S CAFE' & DESERT OASIS CONTRIBUTION GRANTED SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR STAR HALL FOR $10,000 IF FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST FOR WALSTON'S ON UTEX SUBDIVISION AMENDMENT GRANTED GR COUNTY WATER CONSERVANCY DIST. REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF WATER CHARGES TO COUNTRY CLUB TABLED CANYONLANDS FAT TIRE FESTIVAL REQUEST OF USE OF SWANKY PARK TABLED UNTIL 8-27-96 UNTIL ORGANIZERS ARE PRESENT REQUEST FOR DAMAGES TO PARK POLICY GREG KENNEDY DBA LIQUID STATION GRANTED RELOCATION OF MOVED -ON Under Presentations Community Development Coordin- ator Olsen conducted a slide presentation on trees around the Moab downtown area. Councilmember Veteto moved to have proposed Ordinance 96-01--Amending Sections 12.24.120 A.1. and A.2, 12.24.180 and 12 24 210 of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Changes To The Tree Stewardship Ordinance that was tabled April 9th put on the August 27th agenda under Old Business; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye Councilmember McDougald discussed reconsideration of the North Area Trunk Sewer Project Councilmember Tranter moved to lift the resolution prohibiting connections on the North End of Town, so we can get it back on the table to look at the whole picture; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. There was much discussion before the vote. The motion was defeated 2-3 with Councilmembers Cooke, Seibert and Veteto voting against the motion. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the Temporary Class II Beer License and Local Consent to Sarah C. Macke/Michael J Macke DBA Honest Ozzie's Cafe' and Desert Oasis at 60 N. 100 West; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to make a contribu- tion in the amount of $10,000 to the School District for Star Hall if funds are available, if not, then to reopen the budget; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote oE 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to go to a public hearing on the request of Milton and Barbara Walston to amend Utex Subdivision, Plat A, located on the corner of McGill and 500 West; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to table the request of Grand County Water Conservancy District's request for a temporary waiver of water charges for Moab Country Club until the August 27th meeting in order to allow time for some dollar figures be put together for the Governing Body; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to table the requL Jf Canyonlands Fat Tire Festival Organizing Committee to use the Swanny City Park for October 21st-26th 1996, until August 27th agenda when they can be present to address the Governing Body; Councilmem- ber Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 with Councilmember Seibert voting no. Councilmember Seibert stated that he would like a deposit for damages to the Park policy put into place. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the request of Greg Kennedy DBA Liquid Station to relocate his moved -on structure from+Poison Spider Bike Shop to 425 S. Main (City Markel*); Councilmember Cooke 105 seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve KZMU Moab Public Radio's request for a Local Vendors License at 90 West Center Street for fund raising events, including admission to special events ans possible concessions; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. There was no reading of correspondence. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler reported: 1) That Engineer Al Anderson of Montgomery Watson Engineering met today with City staff and pre -bid contractors to go over the bid procedures and to conduct a site walk through; 2) That the Millcreek Drive Project is due to start next week; and 3) The permit to UDOT for the Canyonlands By Night waterline over the Colorado River Bridge is being worked on. The City would be responsible for maintenance of the line over the bridge and that there were concerns during the winter months. The cost for the permit would be $150 per year and that there would also be a cost based on the different size of the lines put across the bridge. Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Veteto stated that she wants to work with the Governing Body but, that she wants to be informed and that she does have respect for Mayor Stocks. She stated that she would also like to know the status on the Grand County Recreation money due to the City for the City Recreation Programs. Councilmembers Seibert, Cooke, Tranter and McDougald had nothing to report. Councilmember Veteto moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $115,171.59; Councilmem- ber Cooke seconded the moiton. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then read the Executive Session agenda item as follows: Strategy session with respect to collective bargaining, litigation, or purchase of real property to the audience. Councilmember McDougald moved to have a five minute break before the Executive Session; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting for a five minute break at 9:25 p.m. Mayor Stocks called the meeting back to order at 9:30 p.m. Councilmember McDougald moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting into Executive Session for the purpose of a strategy session with respect to collective bargaining, litigation, or purchase of real property as addresse in the agenda; Council - member Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Regular Meeting into Executive Session at 9:30 p.m. STRUCTURE PERMIT KZMU MOAB PUBLIC RADIO LOCAL VENDORS LICENSE APPROVED NO CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS MAYOR READS EXECUTIVE SESSION AGENDA FIVE MINUTE BREAK MAYOR CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING ADJOURNED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION 106 EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNS BACK TO REGULAR MEETING MAYOR STOCKS REPLACED WITH COUNCILMEMBER TRANTER ON EMPLOYEE APPEALS BOARD ADJOURN REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OP MINUTES CITIZENS REQUEST BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE Councilmember McDougald moved to adjourn out of Executive Session back to the Regular Meeting; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Executive Session back to the Regular Meeting at 9 50 p m Councilmember McDougald moved to remove Mayor Stocks from the Employee Appeals Board and to replace him with Councilmember Tranter, Council - member Seibert seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn Lhe meeting, Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 9 52 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: Andra E. e� ardrCMCAE ftI- Acting Temp. City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 27, 1996 homas A. Stocks Mayor Moab City Council held their Regular Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Also in attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Richard Cooke, Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto and T. Dee Tranter; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; City Attorney Chris McAnany; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Planning Aide Debra K. Gilger; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; Planning Commission Member Dorothy Markle; fourteen members oL the audience and the media. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the minutes of the Special Joint City Council/Plann- ing Commission Meeting and the Regular Council Meeting on August 13th 1996 as presented; Council - member Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. TO Mayor Stocks asked if there were any citizens in the audience that were not on the agenda tonight that wished to address the Governing Body? With no response from the audience the Mayor moved on to the next agenda item. Under City Planning, City Planning Commission Mem- ber Markle reported on the last Planning Commission Meeting; and pointed out to the Governing Body that the request to go to a public hearing for a zone change request from John McDonald from a R-3 and RA-1 to a C-3 Zone did not have a favorable recommendation from the Planning Commission. Planning Commission Member Markle also asked the Governing Body for some direction for the Planning Commission on Hillside and Skyline Development. 107 Community Development Coordinator Olsen reported on the City's participation with the Bureau of Land Management on the Power Dam Project. Under citizens regest to be heard Mayor Stocks CITIZENS REQUEST TO allowed the following citizens who came in late to BE HEARD be heard: Anita King asked the Governing Body about the decision to remove Mayor Stocks from the Employee Appeals Board and to replace him with Councilmem- ber Tranter. She wanted to know who requested the removal of Mayor Stocks from the Employee Appeals Board? Mayor Stocks replied, that I requested to be removed from the board due to his article in the paper. She then asked if the City Attorney was present during this Executive Session? Mayor Stocks replied, yes. City Attorney McAnany interrupted any further discussion and advised that there should be no further discussion of this matter due to the personnel issue involved. Dwight Johnston also addressed the Governing Body about a meeting with the City Manager and stated that he was treated rudely and was kicked out of her office and the hall. He stated that he thinks this action was extremely inappropriate. Council - member Cooke told him that he would be glad t0 discuss this matter with him over the phone if he would like. Mr. Johnston said that the City is becoming like the School Board with a strong Superintendent that is out of line. Mayor Stocks then commented on the Millcreek Drive Project and his attempt to obtain a copy of the blueprints that showed ownership boundary lines Mayor Stocks then read Milton and Barbara Walstons MAYOR OPENS PUBLIC request to amend Utex Subdivision, Plat A, located HEARING ON PROPOSED on the corner of McGill and 500 West to the AMENDMENT TO UTEX audience before opening the public hearing at 7:35 SUBDIVISION p.m. I D. Nightingale stated his objection to the pro- posed change due to the lot size. That this would take away from the openness of the area. He also commented that this would make the lots small. he also stated that he is building a new home and that he would not be living in the neighborhood much longer, but that he would like to protect the openness for the betterment of the community. Barbara Walston stated that she thinks Mr. Knight- ingale's property is about the same size as the proposed lot size. I.D. Knightingale stated that his lot was larger. Seine Lekarcyk stated that she also objected to 'the small size of the lots. Debra Hren said that she would like the area developed, but that the lot size looks small. Dwight Johnston said he would like to support the project. That he does not live in that area, but said that the lot size is a decent lot size. I.D. Knightingale asked why would you try to get a higher density in a nice area. Why take open space and make high density? Mayor Stocks asked that the agenda be moved as there were no further comments on the public hearing at this time. 1 \0 8. AGENDA MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA CLASS II BEER LICENSE FOR DON TEVINI DBA T&J MOTELS RESTAURANT APPROVED ORDINANCE 96-01-- AMENDING TREE STEWARDSHIP ORDINANCE ADOPTED Councilmember Cooke moved to move the agenda to the Consent Agenda; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the request of Don Tevini, DBA D & J Motels Restaurant at 540 S. Main for a Class II Beer License as the back- ground investigation was complete with no derogatory information found; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye, Councilmember Tranter moved to adopt proposed Ordinance 96-01--Amending Sections 12.24.120 A 1 and A.2, 12.24.180 and 12.24.210 of the Moab Muni- cipal Ordinances Regarding Changes To The Tree Stewardship Ordinance; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 with Council - member McDougald voting no. OMDIMANCC MII AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 111A11. A.1. ANO A.1., ILIUM AND IMAM UI711C IIOA1 MUNICIPAL OROINANCI'S RCOARDING CIIAMGCL TO TIIETREE bTCWAROt111P ORDINANCE. W I ICAIT.AT, l CY, burn es do Jake of l Ilab Shah TIP Comdtdoe deess le ale meows to mess( on tut serials as pads, d mJrt W y more, r/ WIILETAll.I Cies Cowell doss V 4 k noway is adage o sa& fat da nplacemosdaaio.J at dotard bee,sed WIIrr , hew to mud Cara Sable maws d its cog.. solo gpJ. me pp4 ball taco dr akt6Wir balm. 1C IT OROAINIO NV TIIE II0A1 LTCY COUNCIL Ad IOLLOWdt llufaw..11.11d16MaiM W,al0./6arr.1a1WsmtJedOwlo. (Amu WMMUsoliaaNabdfm.daxamka_ tatbak brddc oleos A. I. M ei es avowed wpm/ or pblk elabldtboy, sµ part. tmowa ottodre&cob oar use Olub booed. drycam/ papmty es pA1k MW a f a v. nape Ow Weswills. ea aul beoolnint paNWlsown a(rawlyaQranl lathpomael Wrafbiedbrlbty rood alas fuulWy WA.* padlay see, or *we P! roper/ es p.Alkdpttebwra 1.Ikmsr,aul,IgL lap wn.se Ysaybstu/Yaw etmblamed as thy...ad savory se pi&atretaey. The Mel Shaft Tau hales Sodaade Gal pWi tadW IIW Ca.madg Vona hart Is IP»sad IAsia. Kdma/au/ead We Teo Cs. Op oka WIV1 A100199$1wan 6 alitOf puNy sal.uWas41 Yoe. 11111ib Mrdr.mwdnmMtAaeYldsttilta T/esenabOtaru tnraJbm any p l& ea to, ow.apladap soy,tpw Viso! ...WWII* nw by the warm Oros pendlaO f eattmOdass dw.odtePlatr/ slab be elsrmlavd y l uaW fawer, antis eauLlessYu afpuaJolr woomw Gab ates, 1pdtr sb.n ape asWm. to *al of poi fed .14 Om* dwatertateasou All pawl le amowa drates bees Wand. eby oalle4 paps, at pbbs Vai efam, Mlr tvdula bar Oa labia Soaks Nan pi l CO, feel eglicen+s cal dam YOssalleplwa au% ViaettaUymdt 4114.44 bud am teem&iLe bad ens (Rave Wbse Ms mu eetllssaa aaaud el M lathes Nowl roaaObOka4W W 0444414die wvdvWiaiNUM &mod» WeD W e dOln/ AR wok( bi ).1/. LUs, adsstrtal IrWat iM 17A e4aamua& ewl.otra aN the bezei ens of Os oploontee wee dMImYaYmaay.he. det aamraall isos lb be 1 Wadi aaeeeeJ a 11 Whes Nowt taaoA CANYONLANDS FAT TIRE FESTIVAL GRANTED USE OF SWANKY CITY PARK FOR OCT. 21-26TH WITH $500 DAMAGE DEPOSIT FOR PARK TO BE PAID AND TO FINISH BY 7:30 P.M. ON WEEKDAYS MORE PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS ON AMENDMENT TO UTEX SUBDIVISION /MITI .a�M..% I.yKu Ppw, .asordtee M1nbt R.OtGrtlMOb lv, tv mama lrmalo eel bob W es obis furrrs,emo, Q e.l z-9rc<. 4,4u:rrm 1m:a te,.eaA d. siu Laste n.a I.K e4v..1 a<v:ee,..<.. Icealoc.. dtMd' , JahoUl po.it atamw Va. lam.calo, .2.4, a. a.+...:1.11 dllAalbws Cat Iwle tic A..s , "...ad. U tau fan<a s.lf..:,...[.,.�l..: a. a NJt oar samba sambl To6 e'6-. mr;q..J u.a terlav. 4,:., r< Ad.ke d do M. Fume. Tl<gy.lel.. It 6'r_n, a.f 0, le f'.I a,a e.l al-. !arum a plumes wl COrOn..,.. ape.,. Da 1, 010 z_Se a. aablel •burin, ball osot../taebvL, p. int toee,..,.• 4 4, aNA SLY be F. W Boa t yr:vv. r opus' is do bid olotpr. m.m..l<aa..6..1 r,. wa er.v,. fa we .��.1luau be Ned Able tea errs Ja emi< al wa tma.• at a<re tl'Ybal. T+/1.1sa d b lout d aywiv.. J+Y b fe..l DONEINOMICOLRIClLelbe`":eafQ�NY� . ) Tlaam A a. IIgu MIhIIN Csf Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the request for. the Canyonlands Fat Tire Festival Organizing Committee's request to use the Swanny City Park from October 22st-26th 1996. Councilmember Seibert moved to amend the motion to add a $500 deposit for damages to the park and to have all activities shutdown by 7:30 p.m. on weekdays to give them enought time to get out of there by dark;tCouncilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then called for the vote on the motion to approve the request for the Canyonlands Fat Tire Festival Orgainizing Committee's request to use the Swanny City park from October 21st-26th 1996 and to add $500 deposit for damages to the park and to have all activities shutdown by 7:30 p.m. on weekdays to give them enough time to get out of there by dark. The motion carried by a roll -call - vote of 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then asked the audience if there were any more comments on the public hearing of Milton and Barbara Walston's request to amend Utex Subdi- vision, Plat A, located on the corner of McGill and 500 West. 109 I.D. Knightingale asked if there was anyone present that would profit from this change? The only response was from the Walston's. Barbara Walston asked everyone to please look at the map, that they would like to keep the area nice. Saina Lekarcyke stated that people like larger lots for nicer homes. Mayor Stocks stated that that area was designed for four homes due to the fact that a shop was once there. I.D, Knightingale stated that the proposed lots are to small. Milton and Barbara Walston stated that they are not to small. Mayor Stocks then closed the Public Hearing with no further comments at 8:35 p.m. Community Development Coordinator Olsen asked the Governing Body if they wanted to come up with their own projects, or if they would like staff recomendations of projects for the Community Development Block Grant Funds (CDBG). Councilmember McDougall responded that he would like funding for the MARC Building. Councilmember Veteto stated that she would like to see staff recommenlations. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve Ron Lindley DBA, Canyonlands Fat Tire Festival's request for a Transient Merchant License for Swanny City Park for October 22-26, 1996; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve Dell M. Newbold, DBA Over The Hill Tours request of a Transient Merchant License to do Carriage Tours in the Moab Area; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks asked the City Council to confirm the following appointments to the Capital Improvements Committee with himself as the Chairperson; Kyle Bailey from the Planning Commission; City Manager Metzler; Community Development Coordinator Olsen; and Public Works Director Williams to make up the committee of five members. Councilmember Seibert moved to confirm the Mayor's appointments to the Capital Improvements Committee with Mayor Stocks as Chairperson, Planning Commission Chairman Kyle Bailey, City Manager Metzler, Community Development Coordinator Olsen, and the Public Works Director Williams to make up the committee of five members; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED DISCUSSION OF PROJECTS FOR CDBG FUNDS CANYONLANDS FAT TIRE FESTIVAL GRANTED TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE FOR OCT. 22-26TH OVER THE HILL TOURS FOR CARRIAGE TOURS GRANTED TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS CONFIRMED Councilmember McDougald moved to adopt Resolution RESOLUTION 19-96-- 19-96--Amending Bond Resolution 18-96, adopted on AMENDING BOND RES. July 9th 1996; Councilmember Seibert seconded the 18-96 ADOPTED motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. 110 etaatursoto >r Amo biry Rewt•las was dos sired y a tuna bap. moue, sol .wrdol by At Cb Rotor.. Tr AmrdrrF Re1dmw b u Moos: A IIISOU NON emells, de Bm/&soM4a •04u1.)rice P. WA oub.le43 she hate, of 11.141.005 Leer Remus Kerb, Lew I90d4noarry lot barbs t de.dme'baol poxadt by Or Sue of MA, Domes of leebrntul QWy, Was QWbl Bout eol MAW mous. WOW, ea Idy 9, 1996. W h)' Cauca of de Cb of Nab. Owl Com,, UW (de •law'1 d.Fml • toot um.. 1. lb. RsaY.b••1 eatett bW Oa hose of 1t1 11.1110:03 Saar Pm. Pala, snln 199d (AS quint 19W 110d11e01 Sou of MIA Depudmu of Farboememl Qudtl. Wss Q•tla/BuW(Ile•Wes%ed•F bald" fr she wpm Nimwdb{*Ans. s w N weer sm. (As • steal: WIIFRPAS, She Muss Oulu 10 voted da Boot ReloYde• It mob butoo.1 d•.sp ,tow preob bl w Wes Q alb Bose& NOW THEREFORE. a h IbWeed N Oa City Cowl ordo CO, er rrb, Ono Cooly. MA r Marc &W.A. T. Pee RmdubaY Wbp *madam oil. hAnhu we Sedo•1 S so Forms Oe Wm (hdb Bawd to d.ase tod prsds le be esseuul •C11mr1: Salvo 1 S. Adman d Dsrb. Os r Wort Mr• 11 dap Floc writ MI door gad Webb. gums tes4ales plotot w Co permed by tla bwu Ow. drarw<.Y• of d. Bojwt• or r mb Wu flee r shatl to .peel. by As Wm Q.Wy Seed. the boar •batl perre w d1 Water Quality board bo• ter.. moles forth• Ia by of Ow web of wear*. o11eb Y burr ram es rl tem. dos ud meths by do bore OuH As rodnkeb, pun.. MUM* We toy do Wsur QrJb Pond o• d, buts of rob Nfiu, dub is demi.lade Fa. Ara.. Al sub due.. Ibtl br Y des sums OHS. or to bawd .11..not Up• lutist ofniko d depute' emb door A Or Awe Mom.. 1.11eer1l of rid lure sWtl pin Ube.* srb.rWJa IdYot1 ty ire whom. so she Wuu Quality posed wnugr wrist As be se' umsar of fuel doer rats hy Its Woes Wdy Bowl la N appgaWe per u dr G,Jhue of Due e' flour aol Am.• swains a she tam Pool Cub Wm. sal by As Webs Cloth A hl N de Sum Pod dup twlYrt pared. d ds Sur Pad ud RESOLUTION 20-96-- AUTHORIZING COMPLE- TION OF SALE OF PEOPERTY AT 150 E. CENTER ADOPTED MAYOR DECLINES TO SIGN RES. 20-96 sbatl b deeded w stook. N da puham p4. of...new.s priuspd raem of Oa Yam Bad now/ o• Ue C nfom e' DM el y Oaw eat Mesa aTm rbs so.Sue.PN m At arums male d Wart Quin Baud. do .bad M duard se moues pineal pone. Y. ceder of M4 maturity. N bu tdr 71.d11.000 4 dumN o b bobs 19•6 asap, m nprma pope Orb be ttarrtd wa or rvmMs et ems',mope ImuMrra dab Y solaced la Inner wrier of pawl. Ord m eboum ofCs Ilml snob., t. eul lu•ar.ee dr01. tared, J mde4d) w aenrpool u lid mmbn.m Istr.nl .c..ua a Ca Sets 19)0 B.u1 Lad. O. To lea son. e' Sallee dew 6n11rulArtio.o.1 The Co ox6a b bury .i xbw r .h.0 u de war, Q-a'rr laud tit Sun IVA Bub tjc• SQr.v r Cr byre d Or f.s ker1stmal o: test Puma Sala C. Ts 1•sa d Cr Sum 11:e0 1-aGW u Ce P:d lemiou u I.was 'Sr is trey n.lw la ..tr.a.,_, d. Ian a�,1 le.ew S^•:mD. a sub Oen. ef lec. f..e e.lN re...of Cb Ameade• Rs s.a u? C r . re,,a SeiaE The Crp C.x_il t< r u _a Ca tcl ur�mi y c, Arra:�:.�rr w.trta Sa1aF Tti A -+i P )lac oJq.rs y At co Cu. r .,.. .01.7E0 r✓ P.• roc d d.o.d :0/4��- Councilmember Seibert moved to adopt Resolution 20-96--Authorizing completion of the sale of property at 150 E. Center Street; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye ereOUP. . MIS t er•ottnl9d &spool. rt. ccattn.. or sea etas or owners er Ira [tor mum. terAS, the Neal City Coos al properly .odwrd.dd the •.le or the old City Nall building Itasled t Its last Center street puoeuont to • Nlls. Onto,* No Coo.11 on Nay 1e, ad thISIIW, tl.• oourWil 1IN Hind • meld to n1A Int o Poet lwdl for • pre<o of t1N,odo ulth ll• buyer Far/ol ell C1m1n9 <e.re, Fnd b.tre.etin eouy :nei:u i .V:1imati a :7 I,no •nterod taw 21, 1 Nab iMt Mel con KtOMi N seep• et ai Ml to :ut=4::: eb ll2jb, Iq or pep .e�rbsii; •pyyp p[Y prop pep f 1,04. opyy 9o9•rdgle •tro NW a:; rmmll lie e•tlforlh h.r•le lb• Mrs,. re, t. Na Mtlsq clay eae:9Nrr 1xcY [ MAYOR LEAVES MEETING MAYOR PRO-TEM SEIBERT CONDUCT MEETING BIDS RECEIVED FOR 2 POLICE VEHICLES FOR LEASE/PURCHASE BID AWARDED TO CERTIFIED FORD FOR 2 POLICE VEHICLES FOR LEASE/PURCHASE Sr r•r. o Mayor Stocks stated that he declines to sign Resolution 20-96 and will pass that to Mayor Pro-tem Seibert. Mayor Stocks then passed the gavel to Mayor Pro-tem Seibert and left the meeting at 8:58 p.:... Mayor Pro-tem Seibert then conducted the remainder of the meeting. Bids for two Police Vehicles for a lease/purchase were received from the following: 1) Western Slope Auto in the amount of $22,144.69 each with a 36 month warranty; 2) Certified Ford & Mercury Sales in the amount of $21,776.77 each with a 36 month warranty; and 3) Warner Super Ford Store/Truckland in the amount of $21,205.84 each with a 36 month warranty. All bids met bid specs. Councilmember Tranter moved to award the bid of two Police Vehicles for a lease/purchase to Certified Ford of Moab in the amount of $21,776.77 per vehicle with a 36 month warranty as there bid was less than 3$ higher than the out of town bid; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. 111' Councilmember Veteto moved to table approval of Downa.rd's Final Plat, of their proposed subdivis- ion, at Downard's Orchard until the next regular meeting; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 with Councilmember Seibert voting no. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request for a public hearing for a Zone Change from John McDonald on the east side of the property located at 448 N. Main, the proposed zone change request is from a R-3 and RA-1 to a C-3; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 with Councilmember Seibert voting no. Councilmember Cooke moved to move the next Regular Meeting date from Tuesday, September loth at 7:00 p.m. to Monday, September 9th at 7:00 p.m. due to the Utah League of Cities and Towns Convention in Salt Lake City; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. There was no correspondence to be read. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler reported on the following: 1) Waste Water Treat- ment Bid scheduled to be awarded on August 28th at 7:30 p.m.; 2) .The scheduled September 13th bond closing will be in Salt Lake City; 3) That she would be out of town on vacation from September 1st-7th and that the Recorder and the Mayor would put together the agenda; 4) That Grand Avenue potholes were fixed this afternoon; and 5) That she would write Mr. Johnston a letter of appology, that she did not intend to offend him. Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Veteto had nothing to report. Councilmember Cooke reported on the following: 1) That he would like to hire a temporary planner; 2) That he can't make the meeting scheduled for August 28th; and 3) He wanted to know if the City has gone out to bid on the pavilion for the Swanny City Park. City Manager Metzler responded that she would like to hire a permanent planner and that no we had not yet gone out to bid on a pavilion. Councilmember McDougald asked if everyone had visited the sewer line on the Byrd property. Councilmember Seibert commented on the grading taking place on Holyoak Lane; and is glad that the Housing Project is finally underway. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the bills against the City in the amount of $52,041.84; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to adjourn the ADJOURN meeting; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert then adjourned the meeting at 9:23 p.m. DOWNARD'S FINAL PLAT TABLED UNTIL NEXT REGULAR MEETING PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM R-3 & RA-1 TO A C-3 GRANTED TO JOHN McDONALD AT 448 N MAIN REGULAR CHANGED 9-09-96 MEETING DATE FROM 9-10 TO AT 7 P M. NO CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORTS ATTEST: APPROVAL OF BILLS APPROVED: Fi 2.oca 0 Thomas A. Mayor q Stocks Sandra E. :eaureg d, OMC/A Acting Temp. City Recorder 1 12 SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE NO QUORUM PRESENT CALL MEETING TO ORDER MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING August 28, 1996 Moab City Council was to hold a Special City Council Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 TO South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks did not call the meeting to order as there was not a quorum present. Those who were in attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald and Paul Seibert; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E Beauregard and Al Anderson of Montgomery Watson Engineering. The purpose of this meeting was to award the bid for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Addition. The meeting had been scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. BID AWARD TO BE PUT ON NEXT REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE PRE -COUNCIL WORKSHOP APPROVAL OF MINUTES NO CITIZENS REQUESTING TO BE HEARD Mayor Stocks asked that this bid award be put on the September 9th Regular Meeting agenda. APPROVED: ATTEST: ��'"` Cfi)(//r andra E. eaure rd, CMC AAE Acting Temp. City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 9, 1996 Thomas A. Stocks Mayor Moab City Council held their Regular Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. for a Pre -Council Workshop. In attend- ance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto, Richard Cooke and T. Dee Tranter; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; City Attorney Chris McAnany; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Planning Aide Debra K. Gilger; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; Planning Commission Chairman Kyle Bailey; and eleven members of the audience. Al Anderson of Montgomery Watson Engineering was present to review the Wastewater Treatment Facili- ties Additions Bids with the Governing Body during the Pre -Council Workshop. Mayor Stocks called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.; after the Pre -Council Workshop ended. Councilmember McDougald led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the minutes of August 27th and 28th as presented; Councilmem- ber McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks asked if there were any citizens in the audience wishing to be heard that were not on the agenda. With no response Mayor Stocks moved onto the Planning Update. 113 Planning Commission Chairman Bailey addressed the Governing Body on Hillside Development. He stated that he would like a moratorium on such develop- ment until an ordinance on Hillside Development could be created. Chairman Bailey said that he thought all current projects that are now under construction were okay to proceed with their projects. City Manager Metzler stated that the City needs to get going on the Capital Improvements Project; now that a committee has been formed. She stated that she would like to hold a meeting next week. Under Presentations Mayor Stocks stated that he would like to clarify his leaving the meeting on August 27th; due to the media report. He stated that he left due to the Council supporting the retroactive resolution on the sale of the property at 150 E. Center Street; not due to him being mad at the City Attorney. Councilmember McDougald moved to move the agenda Old Business; Councilmember. Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve Downard's Final Plat, of their proposed subdivision, at Downard's Orchard; Councilmember McDougald second- ed the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call - vote of 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks read the proposed zone change request of John McDonald from a R-3 and RA-1 to a C-3 zone on the east side of the property at 448 N. Main. Mayor Stocks then opened the public hearing for public comment at 7:35 p.m. Planning Commissioh Chairman Bailey stated that the Planning Commission gave an unfavorable recommend- ation on this zone change request due to no site plans for future development. With no further comments Mayor Stocks then closed the public hearing. Bids were received from thq following on the Wasterwater Treatment Facility Additions Bid: 1) Bodell Construction Company - Salt Lake City, UT in the amount of $2,627,600; 2) Ellsworth Peck Construction Company - American Fork, UT in the amount of $2,721,663; 3) Nelson Brothers Construc- tion Company - Salt Lake City, UT in the amount of $2,184,678; 4) Spindler Construction Corporation - Logan, UT in the amount; of $3,667,600; and 5) S-West General Contracting, Inc. - Cortez, CO in the amount of $2,805,300. Councilmember Cooke moved to award the Wastewater Treatment Facility Additions Bid to Nelson Bros. Construction Company of Salt Lake City, UT in the amount of $2,184,678, as they were the low bid and had met all bid spec requirements per Project Eng- ineer Anderson of Montgomery Watson Engineering, and also contingent upon the approval of the Division of Water Quality and bond closure on September 13th; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve Milton and Barbara Walston's request to amend Utex Subdivis- ion, Plat A, located on the corner of McGill and 500 West; Councilmember Tranter seconded the PLANNING UPDATE MAYOR CLARIFIES HIS REASON FOR LEAVING MEETING 8-27-96 to AGENDA MOVED TO BUSINESS OLD DOWNARD'S FINAL PLAT APPROVED PUBLIC HEARING OPENDED FOR McDONALD 'LONE CHANGE REQUEST FROM R-3 & RA-1 TO C-3 ZONE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED BIDS RECEIVED ON WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY ADDITIONS BID AWARDED TO NELSON BROS. CONST. CO. FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY ADDITIONS BID WALSTON'S REQUEST TO AMEND UTEX SUBDIVI- SION APPROVED 114 FRANKLIN HENRY'S REQUEST TO USE SWANNY PARK OCT. 7TH APPROVED WITH REFUND- ABLE DEPOSIT OF $500 EVELYN M. SMITH'S REQUEST TO USE SWANKY PARK ON SEPT. 29TH FOR "PRAISE FEST" APPROVED KZMU MOAB PUBLIC RADIO'S REQUEST TO USE WATER TANK ON N. END OF TOWN APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR 1997-98 CDBG PROJECT APPROVED FOR OCT. MEETING REQUEST TO APPLY FOR FUNDS TO REMODEL MARC CENTER APPROVED COUNCIL CONFIRMS MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS TO MARC BOARD MARC BOARD TO DETERMINE TERMS AND CHOOSE OWN CHAIRMAN motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve Franklin Henry's request for use of Swanny City Park on October 7th from 9 a.m. to noon to conduct a Dirt Camp (bicycle skills); Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. Councilmember Tranter moved to amend the motion to include a refundable damage deposit for the park in the amount of $500; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then restated the motton of Councilmember McDougald to approve Franklin Henry's request for use of Swanny City Park on October 7th from 9 a.m. to noon to conduct a Dirt Camp (bicycle skills) including a refundable damage deposit for the park in the amount of $500 The motion was seconded by Councilmember Veteto The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the request of Evelyn M. Smith to use Swanny City Park to allow a musical program called "Praise Fest" to perform on Sunday, September 29th, from 4 p m to 8 p m, Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye Councilmember Seibert moved to approve KZMU Moab Public Radio 89.7 request for use of the Moab City Water Tank on the North end of town October 12th thru the 14th, for a Fall Radio-Thon, for the publicity to raise funds for the radio station, with the conditions 1) They meet the City's liability insurance carrier, Utah Local Governments Trust, condition to sign a Hold Harmless Agreement, 2) Provide a port -a -potty for the person on the Lank; 3) Provide a refundable damage deposit or bond in the amount of $500, 4) Obtain the approval of Safe Drinking Water to use the water tank; and 5) That only one person be allowed on the tank; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the request for a public hearing for the 1997-98 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project for the first regular meeting in October; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request for Moab City to apply for a Rural Business Enterprise Grant to remodel the Moab Arts and Recreation Center at 111 East 100 North; Council member McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks asked the Council to confirm his appointments of the following nine members to the Moab Arts and Recreation Board: 1) Cathy Sonde; 2) Carolyn Dunn; 3) Audrey Graham; 4) T. Kister; 5) Tammy Moon; 6) Eve Passeltiner; 7) Joanne Savoie; 8) Kelly Thornton; and 9) Lucy Wallingford. Councilmember Cooke moved to confirm the Mayor's appointments to the Moab Arts and Recreation Board as presented by Mayor Stocks; Councilmember McDoug- ald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to allow the Moab Arts and Recreation Board Members to determine their terms of office and to choose their own chairman; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. 115 Councilmember Tranter moved to approve Chris and Kathryn Quinn McBee's request for a Home Occupa- tion License for 400 North 500 West, #107 Holiday Haven to conduct the Alternative Care Services/ McBee Watch Repair Business; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The moiton carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Tranter moved to approve Kathryn Quinn McBee, DBA Alternative Care Services request of a Local Vendors License to do Grief Counseling, Consultations, Reiki, Workshops,•Clown and Crafts around the Moab Area; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. CHRIS & KATHRYN McBEE'S HOME OCCUPATION REQUEST APPROVED FOR ALTER. CARE SERV/WATCH REPAIR BUSINESS LOCAL VENDORS LICENSE APPROVED FOR ALTERNATIVE CARE SERVICES IN MOAB AREA Under Reading of Correspondence Mayor Stocks CORRESPONDENCE informed the Governing Body of a UDOT Meeting in Monticello on Friday, September 13th at 9 a m Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler gave the following report: 1) The Bond Closure is set for Firday, September 13th at 2 p.m. in Salt Lake City; 2) That she has been asked to do a short presentation at the Utah League of Cities and Towns Conference on Municipal Finance for Resort Communities; 3) About setting up some guidelines for approval for the use of Swanny City Park; and 4) That she will be attending the ULCT Conf in Salt Lake City on Sept. llth thru the 13th and that she will be in contact with City staff. Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Veteto reported that the potholes on Grand Avenue REPORTS by City Market still aren't fixed. She also reported that the Western Spirit Bicycle Shop was calling her daily about the Millcreek Project in respect to access to their business. Councilmember Cooke wanted a report from the Capital Improvements Project Committee on the next agenda. Councilmember McDougald and Seibert had nothing to report. Councilmember Tranter stated that he would like the background information on the Kim Loveridge problem on Millcreek Drive. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL Councilmember Veteto moved to approve payment of APPROVAL OF BILLS the bills in the amount of $115,493.73; Council - member Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to adjourn the ADJOURN meeting; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned p.m. ATTEST: the meeting at 8:55 APPROVED: . / hom�a� A. Mayor ?:...../.41/. •,J,c,/,00 andra E. Beaure• rd, CMC E Acting Temp. City Recorder Stocks 11;6 REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES MAYOR ARRIVES CITIZENS REQUEST TO BE HEARD MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 24, 1996 Moab City Council held its Regular Council Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Pro-tem Paul Seibert called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember T Dee Tranter led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Jeanne Veteto, William D. McDougald and Richard Cooke; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; City Attorney Chris McAnany; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Planning Aide Debra Gilger; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; City Planning Commission Board Member David Sakrison; three members of the audience and the media. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the minutes of September 9th as presented; Councilmem- ber Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks arrived at 7:02 p m. Under Citizens Requesting To Be Heard Helen Tranter came forward to address the Governing Body. She told them of her concern over the new sharp curve on the Mill Creek Project; as a result of widening of the road. Mrs. Tranter informed the Governing Body of her positive meeting with City Manager Metzler on her concerns; and of the response and actions taken. She stated that by widening the curve that it will make it safer for all traveling on that road, especially the buses as the original design was to sharp. She stated that she appreciated the changes that have been made on the Mill Creek curve. Public Works Director Williams stated that the problem was addressed when it was pointed out. He said that he believes the widening of the curve will accomodate traffic more safely and will allow buses to make the turn safely. He stated that Sunrise Engineering, the project firm, was not happy about the changes he made to allow the traffic to flow more safely. He informed the Governing Body that Sunrise Engineering informed him that they would not take responsibility for this change; as they did not agree with it. Mayor Stocks asked who was responsible for setting the starting date of the Mill Creek Dr. Project? Public Works Director Williams said, that he was. Both the Public Works Director Williams and the City Manager Metzler said, that the redesigns were the holdup on the project start date. Mayor Stocks then said, well, the blunt question asked of him was why couldn't you have waited until next June to start the project? Public Works Director Williams said, that because of my little bite the bullet and get the job done. Le Grande Johnson Construction also, couldn't start any sooner. The main reason for the delay was the redesigns that put us back to the drawing board, stated Public Works Director Williams. 117 Under Planning Update, City Planning Board Member PLANNING UPDATE Sakrison informed the Governing Body of his attendance to the Utah League of Cities and Towns Conference. He stated that the sessions were very informative and worthwhile. He said he especially enjoyed the sessions on impact fees and traffic calming. He said that he appreciated going to the Conference and that the knowledge learned there made the trip worthwhile. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request of Michael and Sarah Macke, DBA Honest Ozzie's Cafe' & Desert Oasis at 60 N. 100 West for a Class II Beer License as the background investigation is complete with no derogatory information found; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to table John McDonald's request for a Zone Change on the east side of the property located at 448 N. Main, the proposed Zone Change request is from a R-3 and RA-1 to a C-3 Zone as Mr. McDonald had car trouble in Salt Lake City and would not be able to attend the meeting tonight, until the next meeting; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye, with Councilmembers Veteto and Seibert voting no. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request for Moab City to apply for Community Economic Development Project Funds to remodel the Moab Arts and Recreation Center; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. After much discussion the motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the request of Lou Ann Johnson.for a Moved -on Structure Permit at 115 N. Main Street to serve food and drinks; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye, with Councilmember Veteto voting no. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the request to go to a Public Hearing for an Annexation request from Todd Campbell and Andrew Riley on Powerhouse Lane, the request is for a R-2 Zone designation for proposed Ordinance 96-13--Annexing Property to Moab City; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Tha was no Reading of Correspondence. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler had the following to report: 1) That the Bond closing on the WWTP Project was on September 13th; 2) Public Works Director Williams had given an update on the Millcreek Project; 3) That the fence in front of the Kim Loveridge property was down with no incidents; and 4) That the Utah League of Cities and Towns Conference was very informative and that the City needs to make some changes on the Personnel Policy on Fair Labor Standards. Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Veteto said that she would like: 1) Copies of the information on impact fees and traffic calming; 2) An update on the Poison Spider Espresso Cart location; and 3) The condition of the Park Equipment and grounds. HONEST OZZIE'S CAFE' & bESERT OASIS CLASS II BEER LICENSE APPROVED JOHN McDONALD'S ZONE CHANGE REQUEST TABLED REQUEST TO APPLY FOR COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEV. PROJECT FUNDS TO REMODEL MARC BLDG. APPROVED MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT FOR LOU ANN JOHNSON AT 115 N. MAIN APPROVED PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION ON POWERHOUSE LANE ORD. 96-13 APPROVED NO CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS 118 Mayor Stocks congradulated Councilmember Cooke on his program last Saturday and told of the write up in the Salt Lake Tribune. He also commented on the Utah League of Cities and Towns Conference. Councilmember Cooke commented about his concerns on the distance the school kids will have to walk from Holyoak Lane to the new high school; when it is completed. • Councilmember McDougald stated that: 1) He would like sidewalks put into place along South Highway 191 for the Safety of the school kids that will have to walk along the highway to school next year; and 2) The Southeastern Association of Governments will have a meeting on Wednesday September 25th, and that the Mineral Lease Money Meeting will begin at 11 a.m. and the Regular Meeting will begin at 1 p.m. Councilmembers Seibert and Tranter had nothing to report. APPROVAL OF BILLS Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the bills against the City in the amount of $104,853.57; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0. ADJOURN REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: CAC/44 E. Beaureg d, CMC AAE Acting Temp. City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 8, 1996 Thomas A. S 'T mayor Moab City Council held their Regular Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember William D. McDougald led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. In attendance were Councilmembers Jeanne Veteto, Richard Cooke, Paul Seibert and T. Dee Tranter; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; City Attorney Chris McAnany; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Planning Aide Debra Gilger; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; and ten members of the audience. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the minutes of September 24th as presented; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. NO CITIZENS REQUEST- There were no Citizens Requesting to be Heard from ING TO BE HEARD the audience. NO PLANNING UPDATE There was no Planning Update. 119 Mayor Stocks presented the American Planning Association 1996 Outstanding Achievement Award for Plan Implementation, to Public Works Director Williams, for the Public Works and Parks Department for Moab park improvements. Mayor Stocks also announced that Community Devel- opment Coordinator Olsen received his Arborist Certification. Mayor Stocks asked for a motion to move the agenda until the time for the Public Hearings at approxi- imately 7:30 p.m. Councilmember McDougald moved to move the agenda to Old Business; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Bids were received from the following for the Rotary Park Parking Lot Project: 1) High Caliber Construction in the amount of $24,951.00; 2) Keys Construction in the amount of $24,507.00 Councilmember McDougald moved to award the bid for the Rotary Park Parking Lot Project to Keys Construction in the amount of $24,507.00; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the request by Ken Shoulders for a Public Hearing for a Planned Unit Development, to be located at Mill Creek and 400 East; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the request for a Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance 96-15-- Amending Moab Municipal Code Section 17.12.150; with respect to the administrative costs of the annexation process; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. There was some discussion of Moab City trading a strip of the 100 South and 100 East right-of-way for J.J. Wang and Golden Finger Investment Company for the property along Mill Creek. Mayor Stocks then moved the agenda back to the scheduled public hearings at 7:35 p.m. Mayor Stocks then read Todd Campbell and Andrew Riley's request for Annexation into Moab City for their properties on Powerhouse Lane; the request is for a R-2 Zone designation for proposed Ordinance 96-13--Annexing Property to Moab City. Mayor Stocks then opened the public hearing for . public comment at 7:36 p.m. With no comments from the audience Councilmember Cooke asked if this annexation was approved what conditions would Powerhouse Lane road have? Public Works Director Williams answered that he didn't know. Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that there is a prescriptive easement and that no one owns the road. Councilmember Cooke stated that he though that Todd Campbell would like traffic calming on Power- house Lane. MAYOR PRESENTS AWARD TO PUBLIC WORKS & PARKS DEPT. FOR PARK IMPROVEMENT ARBORIST CERTIFICA- TION OBTAINED BY M. DAVID OLSEN MAYOR ASKS FOR MOTION TO MOVE AGENDA AGENDA MOVED TO OLD BUSINESS BIDS RECEIVED FOR ROTARY PARK PARKING LOT PROJECT ROTARY PARK PARKING LOT BID AWARDED TO KEYS CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC HEARING FOR KEN SHOULDERS PLANN- ED UNIT DEVELOPMENT APPROVED PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ORD. 96-15 AMENDING ADMIN. COST OF ANNEXATION PROCESS APPROVED DISCUSSION ON TRADING STRIP OF LAND OF THE 100 S. AND 100 E. AGENDA MOVED BACK TO PUBLIC HEARING MAYOR READS ANNEXA- TION REQUEST OF TODD CAMPBELL & ANDREW RILEY ON POWERHOUSE LANE; R-2 ZONE MAYOR OPENS PUBLIC BEARING 120 MAYOR HAS COMMUNITY DEV COORD. OLSEN READ THE DIFFERENT PROPOSALS FOR 1997- 98 CDBG PROJECTS MAYOR OPENS PUBLIC HEARING MAYOR CLOSES PUBLIC HEARINGS MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT FOR RON LINDLEY, DBA Councilmember McDougald stated that he would like definite righ-of-ways across the Powerhouse Lane property before annexing into the City. Mayor Stocks then had Community Development Coordinator Olsen read the different proposals for the 1997-98 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project He explained that the attached information in the Governing Body's packets explains community development block grant eligible applicants, the three national objectives of the CDBG program, federal compliance requirements and eligible activities CDBG projects the City has administered in the past include the Mill Creek Flood Control and Parkway Project, Seekhaven Shelter, Grand County Housing Authority Affordable Housing Project, Rotary Park playground, 400 East improvements and City mapping Projects submitted by the City can compete with other projects submitted by Grand County Projects are approved by the Southeastern Utah Association of Governments (SUAOG) on a competitive basis The City can apply for approximately $60,000 for any eligible activity, and apply for an additional $70,000 for a housing project However, housing funds may be shared with other communities in Southeastern Utah. Community development needs and projects to consider include the following * Swanny Park Improvements Install playground equipment, soft surface landing material, park furniture, etc * Provide additional downtown parking and a sidewalk along the west side of 100 West Street. * Finish hard -surfacing the Rotary Park parking lot• and driveway * Remodel the Moab Arts and Recreation Center. * Acquire property for the Mill Creek Flood Control and parkway Project. Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that the City seeks citizen input regarding the above listed projects. Citizens may also request other eligible projects. He stated that no activity will displace low to moderate income individuals. Mayor Stocks then opened the Public Hearing for the 1997-98 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project at 7:45 p.m. With no input from the audience Councilmember McDougald said that he recommends that Seekhaven apply for housing through the County. With no further comments on either public hearing Mayor Stocks then closed both hearings at 7:50 p m Councilmember Seibert moved to approve Ron Lindley, DBA Canyonlands Fat Tire Festival request for a Moved -On Structure Permit for Swanny 121 City Park for Canyonlands Fat Tire Festival Head- quarters, expo and food pavilion; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Bids were received for the Pick-up Truck for the Water Department from the following: 1) Mike Young, Inc. in the amount of $13,892.00; 2) Certified Ford & Mercury Sales in the amount of $14,449.40; 3) Ken Garff in the amount of $13,114.65 -. doesn't meet specs; 4) Super Ford Truckland in the amount of $14,298.00; 5) Salt Lake Valley GMC in the amount of $13,2/5 00 Councilmember Tranter moved to award the Pick-up Truck bid for the Water Department to Mike Young, Inc. in the amount of $13,892.00 due to the less than 5% cost difference between the local and the vendor from out of town, and that for warranty and maintenance this would be more convenient and cost effective; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the Moab Rod Benders request for permission to hold a Street Dance at West 300 South between Zions Bank and Big A Auto on April 25th and 26th 1997 as part of the Annual Car Show activities; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Agreement for Engineering Services for the City of Moab Stormwater Management Master Plan, between Williams Engineering and Moab City with the project not to exceed $23,800; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Construction Contract on Wastewater Treatment Facility Additions, between Nelson Brothers Construction Company and Moab City in the amount of $2,184,678; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Tranter moved to move the agenda back to Old Business to address the John McDonald Zone Change Request; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request from John McDonald for a zone change on the east side of the property located at 448 N. Main, the proposed zone change request is from a R-3 and RA-1 to a C-3 Zone; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion was defeated by a roll - call -vote of 0-5 no. There was discussion by the Governing Body of Moab City Personnel Policies and Procedures. Mayor Stocks commented on widening of sidewalks and alternative routes from Holyoak Lane to the new high school. Councilmember Tranter read a letter from a citizen on the Millcreek Drive Project curve. Under Correspondence Mayor Stocks informed the Governing Body and audience of a Citizens Planner Conference at the Moab Valley Inn October ilth and 12th and of a training session at Moab City Hall on October llth sponsored by Utah Local Governments Trust. Mayor Stocks also informed everyone of a letter received in August from Val Rob. CANYONLANDS FAT TIRE FESTIVAL FOR SWANNY CITY PARK APPROVED BIDS RECEIVED FOR PICK-UP TRUCK FOR WATER DEPARTMENT PICK-UP TRUCK BID FOR WATER DEPT AWARDED TO MIKE YOUNG, INC MOAB ROD BENDERS REQUEST FOR PERMISSION TO HOLD STREET DANCE APPROVED FOR APRIL 25TH & 26TH 1997 AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MASTER PLAN APPROVED CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR WWTP FACILITIES ADDITIONS WITH NELSON BROTHERS CONST. CO. APPROVED AGENDA MOVED TO OLD BUSINESS JOHN McDONALD ZONE CHANGE REQUEST FOR 448 N. MAIN DEFEA—i DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL POLICIES & PROCEDURES CORRESPONDENCE 122 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURN Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler reported on the following: 1) The anticipated completion date for the Millcreek Drive Project is October 16th; 2) That there has been some concern about possible illegal/undesirable activities occurring at the Park. That she will be meeting with Police Chief Alan West in order to come up with an enforcement/patrol effort for the park area. She would also strongly recommend applying for CDBG funding for park improvements for Swanny City Park; 3) That the City staff have come up with bid specs for the pavilion cover and that this would be going out to bid soon; 4) A meeting has been scheduled for October 15th at 4 p m. in the City hall Council Chambers for the first CIP Committee meeting; 5) That she recently met with Rich Averett of the School District and Earl Sires with the County regarding disposition of school owned property, including the ball fields, the Middle School, the tennis courts, the Middle School Gym and Star Hall. They all agreed that a joint meeting among the City, the County and the School District to discuss public facilities would be in order; 6) Reminder of the Economic Develop- ment Coalition Reception scheduled for Wednesday, October 23rd, at 6:30 p.m.; 7) City Manager Metzler asked for direction on Building Inspection Servic- es; and 8) To stick to the advertised agenda items only at the meetings, that she wanted to caution everyone on this. Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Veteto asked Mayor Stocks about filling the Recorder position. Councilmember Cooke congradulated City Staff for the bid preparation on the pavilion. Councilmember McDougald reported on the landfill and that they were close to getting the final permit. Councilmember Seibert commented about the memo from City Manager Metzler on the Building Inspection Services. Councilmember Tranter asked if the weeds and debris could be cleaned off the bike path between 4th East and Rotary Park. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve payment of of the bills against the City in the amount of $301,943.08; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 9:14 p.m. ATTEST: Thomas A. Stocks Mayor Cinc/X andra E. Beaureg: d, CMCAAAE Acting Temp. City Recorder 123 MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 22, 1996 Moab City Council held its Regular Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah 84532. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember T. Dee Tranter led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Richard Cooke and Paul Seibert; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; City Attorney Chris McAnany; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; Planning Commission Chairman Kyle Bailey; City Auditor Kim Peterson; eleven members of the audience and the media. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the minutes of October 8th 1996 as corrected; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0 aye. Councilmembers Jeanne Vet-eto and William D. McDougald arrived at 7:05 p.m. Under Citizens Requesting To Be Heard John Fogg and Tim Keogh addressed the Governing Body. They were concerned about not being able to obtain their Certificate of Occupancy. They both stated that due to a local paving contractor's conflicts with other jobs that they were not able to get their parking lots paved. Both stated that they had contracts with this contractor and were committed. They asked the Governing Body for some considera- tion due to the situation being out of their control. Under Planning Update, Planning Commission Chairman Bailey informed the Governing Body of Bob Nichol- son, from the City of St. George, who will address the Moab City Planning Commission on October 24th. Mr. Nicholson will do a presentation on Hillside Development. Planning Commission Chairman Bailey asked the Governing Body to attend if they could. Under Presentations, Heather D. Holt of the image Department for the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the Olympic Winter Games of 2002 rude a presentation to the Governing Body. She informed the Governing Body of a Community Participation Activity regarding the general theme of the 2002 Olympic Winter Games. She passed out a handout sheet containing additional information, as well as a list of questions pertaining to the general theme of the Games. Moab City Auditor Kim Peterson of Peterson & Associates, CPA's P.C. of Spanish Fork, Utah started his presentation on the Moab City Fiscal Year Audit for 1995/1996. Mayor Stocks interrupted the audit presentation to move the agenda to the scheduled Public Hearings at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Stocks allowed Tom Shellenberger and Jim Farrell to explain the request by Ken Shoulder for a Planned Unit Development, to be located at Mill Creek and 400 East. REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES COUNCILMEMBERS VETETO & McDOUGALD ARRIVED CITIZENS REQUESTING TO BE HEARD - JOHN FOGG & TIM KEOGH PLANNING UPDATE PRESENTATIONS - SLOC FOR OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES OF 2002 & MOAB CITY FISCAL YEAR AUDIT 1995/1996 AUDIT PRESENTATION INTERRUPTED FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS TEN SHOULDER PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT EXPLAINED FOR PUBLIC HEARING 124 MAYOR OPENS PUBLIC HEARING ON PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT MAYOR READ PROPOSED ORDINANCE 96-15-- AMENDING MOAB CODE SECTION 17.12 150; ADMIN. COSTS OF ANNEXATION PROCESS Mayor Stocks then opened the public hearing on the Planned Unit Development to be located at Mill Creek and 400 East at 7.38 p m. for public comment. Councilmember Cooke asked when the construction would start? Mr. Shellenberger responded that they would like to start in mid -December and to finish in March with Phase I of the planned IV Phases Councilmember McDougald asked what the price range of this affordable housing project would be? Mr. Shellenberger responded that the one or two bedroom units would be affordable, but that they weren't asking for any concessions Ile aren't saying that we will hold those prices, that's the market that we feel is sellable Jim Farrell stated that, we are not saying that we are building affordable housing This is strickly a private development David Wood asked if the units w units? Mr. Shellenberger resonded, yes, 4-plex units. Mr. Wood asked the acreage of Mr. Shellenberger resonded, six the official plat, if you would that. ere multi -family they will be the site? acres We have like to look at Mr. Wood asked if the part along the stream is common open space? MAYOR OPENS PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ORDINANCE 96-15 NO COMMENTS ON ORD. 96-15 MAYOR CLOSES PUBLIC HEARING ON PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Mr. Shellenberger responded, that it's flood plain, yes it would be common open space. Mr. Wood asked xs this would be fenced off from the general public? Mr. Shellenberger resonded, no unless it becomes a problem of people coming onto their private property. Mr. Wood stated that he liked the idea of keeping the existing trees in the area. Mayor Stocks asked for any further comments, T' no response he moved on to the next scheduled hearing. He read proposed Ordinance 96-15--Amend- ing Moab Municipal Code Section 17.12.150, with respect to the administrative costs of the annexa- tion process. Mayor Stocks then opened the Public Hearing on proposed ordinance 96-15 at 7:47 p.m. for public comment. There were no comments on proposed Ordinance 96-15. Mayor Stocks then closed the public hearing on the request by Ken Shoulders for a Planned Unit Devel- opment, to be located at Mill Creek and 400 East at 7:48 p.m 125 Mayor Stocks then closed the public hearing on proposed Ordinance 96-15 at 7:49 p.m. Mayor Stocks then allowed Moab City Auditor Kim Peterson to continue with his Moab City Fiscal Year 1995/1996 audit presentation. Mr. Peterson then continued with the audit presentation and answered any question the Governing Body had on the audit and procedures used. Mr. Peterson thanked the City Staff for their help and cooperation in the audit process He informed the Governing Body that the results of the City's operations and the cash flows for the proprietary fund types for the year ended, June 30, 1996, is in conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles. Mayor Stocks thanked Mr. Peterson and his firm for presenting a timely audit to the Governing Body Councilmember Seibert moved to approve Ordinance 96-13--Annexing Property to Moab City on the Todd Campbell and Andrew Riley request for Annexation into Moab City for their properties on Powerhouse Lane; the request is for a R-2 Zone designation; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. Councilmember Veteto moved to table Ordinance 96-13--Annexing Property to Moab City on the Todd Campbell and Andrew Riley request for Annexation into Moab City for their properties on Powerhouse Land; requesting a R-2 Zone designation; until the details can be worked out between the property owners, the City Attorney and the City Manager; and for them to bring back a recommendation to the Governing Body on the development of this area; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 3-2, with Councilmembers Seibert and Tranter voting no. Mayor Stocks asked Community Development Coordina- tor Olsen to go over the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Projects, to be considered for prioritization for 1997-98, with the Governing Body. Community Development Coordinator Olsen then reviewed the following projects with the Governing Body for possible consideration: 1) Inst,al.lation of playground equipment, park furniture and land- scaping for the Swanny City Park; 2) Provide additional downtown parking and a sidewalk along the west side of 100 West Street; 3) Finish hard -surfacing the Rotary Park parking lot and driveway; 4) Remodel the Moab Arts & Recreation Center; and 5) Acquire property for the Mill Creek Flood Control & Parkway Project. Community Devel- opment Coordinator Olsen recommended to the Gover- ning Body that the installation of playground equipment, park furniture and landscaping for the Swanny City Park be prioritized as the project for CDBG Funds for 1997-98 as the other projects could be funded another way. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the 1997-98 Community Development Block Grant Project for Moab City for the installation of playground equipment, park furniture and landscaping at Swanny City Park; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1, with Councilmember McDougald voting no. MAYOR CLOSES PUBLIC HEARING ON ORDINANCE 96-15 MAYOR ALLOWS AUDIT PRESENTATION TO CONTINUE FOR FY 1995/1996 ORDINANCE 96-13-- ANNEXING CAMPBELL & RILEY PROPERTY TO BE ZONED R-2 TABLED COMM. DEV. COORD. OLSEN EXPLAINS CDBG PROJECTS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR 1997-98 1997-98 CDBG PROJECT APPROVED FOR PLAY- GROUND EQUIP., PARK FURNITURE & LANDSCA- PING FOR SWANNY CITY PARK 12 BREAK MAYOR CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER CONTRACT APPROVED FOR ROTARY PARK PARKING LOT PROJECT BETWEEN CITY & KEY CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL OF: 1) PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST FOR ZONE CHANGE FROM GRAND COUNTY FOR R-2 TO R-3 ZONE AT 450 E. 100 NORTH; 2) CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST FROM SENIOR HOUSING DEV. FOR PRIVATE EASEMENT AS FRONTAGE; & 3) PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST FOR ZONE CHANGE FROM R-2 TO C-1 ZONE ON N HWY PAR CONSTRUCTION GRANTED FIRE HYDRANT FOR KNIGHT CONST. SITE FOR CONSTRUCTION PERIOD ONLY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GRANTED PERMISSION TO PAINT EXTERIOR OF BUILDING ON N. HWY 191 NO CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Councilmember Veteto moved to take a five minute break; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks adjourned the meeting for a five minute break at 9:15 p.m. Mayor Stocks called the meeting back to order after the break at 9:23 p.m. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the contract for Rotary Park Lower Parking Lot Project, between Key Construction and Moab City; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the following: A) Request to go to a Public Hearing for a Zone Change request from Grand County at 450 E. 100 North from a R-2 to a R-3 Zone, 13) Condi- tional Use request from the Senior Housing Devel- opment to use a private easement as frontage; and C) Request to go to a Public Hearing for a Zone Change request from Moab City, Bennet Lin, Randy Day, and David MacKay from a R-2 to a C-1 Zone along North Highway 191 (the Chamber of Commerce property to the lot north of Mivida Drive); Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request of Par Construction Inc. for placement of a Fire Hydrant at the Nate Knight Construction Site on North Highway 191 for construction only, and for the fire hydrant to be removed upon Certificate of Occupancy; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember. Seibert moved to approve the Moab Chamber of Commerce request for permission to paint the exterior of the building on North High- way 191; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. There was no Reading of Correspondence. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler reported that: 1) That there would be a Welcome Reception held on October 23rd, at 6:30 p.m., at the Winery for the representatives from outdoor gear manufacturing companies, sponsored by the Economic Development Coalition. That there has been much discussion about bringing manufacturing and other companies that pay higher wages to Moab. That a strong effort by local officials is necess- ary to make this happen; 2) That Sunrise Engineer- ing has re-evaluated the intersection at Sandflats and Millcreek, and has determined the new design to be safer than the old design. Also, that we would be receiving a letter to this effect within the next day or so. Horrocks Engineering has also been asked to evaluate the intersection as a backup; 3) A Budget Workshop has been tentatively scheduled for Monday, November 18th at 7:00 p.m. She asked that everyone please let her know, as soon as possible, regarding possible scheduling conflicts; 4) The Governing Body was asked to attend a Public 127 Facilities Meeting on Tuesday, October 29th, at 7:00 p m. with the County and the School District, that the location of the meeting had not yet been determined; 5) The MARC Board has been meeting every Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. at the MARC (Old Stuntmen's Hall of Fame) building, to attend sometime if they could; 6) That the new Recreation Coordinator is Beth Hoffineister and she encouraged everyone to stop by and meet her; and 7) The CIP Committee met for the first time on Tuesday, October 15th. Good progress was made in organizing the overall process. That the CIP Committee will be meeting every Tuesday afternoon from 4.00 to 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Veteto had nothing to report Councilmember Cooke said he would like to see the report brought to Council on Sunrise Engineering He also reported that an Economic Development Meet- ing would be held on Wednesday evening Councilmember McDougald reported on the old sewer plant cleanup request; of the old city plant that was abandoned during the period of 1953-1956 Councilmembers Seibert and Tranter had nothing to report. Councilmember Veteto moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $32,990 55, Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the meeting, Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 9:42 p.m. ATTEST: Sandra E. Beaureg i d, CMC Acting Temp. City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING October 29, 1996 APPROVED: Moab City Council was to hold a Special Meeting on the above date in the County Council Chambers of the Grand County Courthouse, at 125 E. Center Street, Moab, Utah at 7:00 p.m. This was to be a Special Joint Meeting with Grand County, Grand County School District and Moab City to discuss Cooperative Use of Property and Public Facilities. Due to a lack of a quorum able to attend; the meeting was rescheduled for Thursday, November 7th 1996, at 4:30 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURN homes A. Stocks Mayor SPECIAL JOINT MEETING RESCHEDULED TO NOVEMBER 7TH; DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM FOR DISCUSSION OF COOPERATIVE USE OF PROPERTY & PUBLIC FACILITIES .t%/41111P% omas A. tocks Mayor andra E. Beaureg d, CMC]AA Acting Temp. City Recorder 128 SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE PURPOSE OF MEETING TO DISCUSS COOP. USE OF PROPERTY & FACILITIES AGENCY ADMINSTRATORS DISCUSSED THEIR PROPERTY, FACILITIES AND NEEDS TASK FORCE TO BE CREATED TO COMPILE DATA AND RECOMMEND USE OF PROPERTY AND FACILITIES ADJOURN ATTEST: MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING November 7, 1996 Moab City Council held a Special Meeting on the above date in the County Council Chambers of the Grand County Courthouse, at 125 E. Center Street, Moab, Utah. Grand County Councilmember Bart Leavitt called the meeting to order at 4:33 p.m. In attendance were Moab City Mayor Thomas A. Stocks; City Councilmembers Jeanne Veteto, William D. McDougald and Paul Seibert; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; and Recreation Coordinator Beth Hoff- meister; Grand County Councilmembers Bill Hedden, Frank Nelson, Peter Haney, Ken Ballantyne and Dale Mosher; County Adminstrator Earl Sires; and Mana- ger of the Equestrian Center Doug Jones; Grand County School Board Members Carrie Bailey, Bruce Louthan and Cynthia Smith; School Superintendent Rich Everett; Library Board Member Bill Osborn; Six members of the audience; and the media The purpose of this joint meeting with Grand County, Grand County School District and Moab City was to discuss Cooperative Use of Property and Public Facilities. Grand County Administrator Sires, City Manager Metzler and Grand County School District Superin- tendent Everett each pointed out on a map and discussed the different properties and facilities to be considered for cooperative use All present agreed that a Task Force was needed to compile the future needs and availability of the different agencies properties and facilities. The Task Force is to consist of three members from each agency to be selected, by November 30th 1996. The Task Force is to bring back to the agencies a plan for future use of property and facilities of all agencies. County Councilmember Leavitt then adjourned the meeting at 5:40 p.m. APPROVED: Cfi andra E. d,MC AKE�iY� Acting Temp. City Recorder. REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE Thomas A. Stocks Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 12, 1996 Moab City Council held its Regular Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Pro-tem Paul Seibert called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in order to hold a Pre -Council Workshop with Engineer Al Anderson of Montgomery Watson Engineering on the Wastewater Treatment Plant. In attendance were Councilmembers Jeanne Veteto, T. Dee Tranter, William D. M,-Dougald, and Richard 129 Cooke; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; Public Works Director Brent Williams; City Attorney Chris McAnany; Planning Aide Debra Gilger; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; Mayor Thomas A. Stocks arrived at 6:40 p.m.; Planning Commission Chairman Kyle Bailey; Twenty-four members of the audience and the media. Engineer Anderson of Montgomery Watson Engineering went over the following items with the Governing Body in the Pre -Council Workshop: 1) Sludge Bed Change Order for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Project; 2) Due to time restrains City Manager Metzler said she and Public Works Director Williams could discuss this later with the Governing Body; and 3) Professional Services Agreement - Amendment No. 5; defines the scope and budget for an amend- ment to the Construction Phase services and comple- completion of the Design Phase services. Mayor Stocks called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and Councilmember Veteto led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. There were no minutes presented for approval at this meeting. There were no Citizens Requesting To Be Heard at this meeting. Under Planning Update Planning Commission Chairman Bailey informed the Governing Body that the Plann- ing Commission was working on a Hillside Develop- ment Ordinance. There were no Presentations at this meeting. Mayor Stocks moved the agenda to New Business until the time for the scheduled Public Hearings at TO NEW BUSINESS 7:30 p.m. PRE -COUNCIL WORKSHOP WITH AL ANDERSON OF MONTGOMERY ENGINEERING ON WWTP REGULAR MEETING CALLED TO ORDER NO MINUTES FOR APPROVAL NO CITIZENS TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE Councilmember Cooke moved to approve: 1) To abandon a portion of the 100 East right-of-way near the Greenwell Motel; 2) To abandon a portion of the 100 South right-of-way near 50 West; and 3) To trade lands and agreements with J.J. Wang and Golden Finger Investment Corporation; Councilmem- ber McDougald seconded the motion. City Attorney McAnany explained the proper proce- dure to the Governing Body to abandon a road; that they need to notify adjacent landowners. That they may approve this motion with approval contingent to landowners agreement and consent. Councilmember Cooke then restated his motion to approve the following contingent to landowners agreement and consent: 1) To abandon a portion of the 100 East right-of-way and the 100 South right- of-way near the Greenwell Motel; 2) To abandon a portion of the 100 South right-of-way near 50 West; and 3) To land trades and agreements with J.J. Wang and Golden Finger Investment Corporation; Council - member McDougald seconded the restatement of the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye, with Council - member Veteto voting no. NO PRESENTATIONS MAYOR MOVES AGENDA APPROVAL OF ABANDON- MENT OF RIGHT -OF -FLAY NEAR GREENWELL MOTEL & 100 SOUTH NEAR 50 WEST & LAND TRADE & AGREEMENTS WITH JJ WANG & GOLDEN FINGER CITY ATTORNEY EXPLAINS PROCEDURE TO ABANDON ROAD ABANDONMENT OF RIGHT OF WAYS & LAND TRADES CONTINGENT TO LANDOWNERS AGREEMENT & CONSENT Community Development Coordinator Olsen explained EASEMENT ACQUISITION the easement acquisition from Ken Shoulders to FROM KEN SHOULDERS install a path on the west side of 400 East (near EXPLAINED FOR the Mill Creek road bridge) on the site plan. Mr. INSTALLATION OF PATH Olsen then explained the easement acquisitions from the Grand County School District to install 400 East underpass and connecting paths, due to the flood plain. 130 SECREST'S REQUEST $5,000 FOR LAND AQUISITION FOR STRIP OF LAND FOR PATH BALLARD REQUESTS METER FOR LAND ACQUISITION FOR PATH APPROVAL OF $5,000 FOR SECREST'S AS FIRM OFFER FOR LAND ACQUISITION FOR PATH ORDINANCE 96-15-- AMENDING ADMIN. COST OF ANNEXATION PROCESS ADOPTED Mr. Olsen then explained the land acquisition request from Art and Wanda Secrest to install the 400 East underpass and connecting path; that they wanted $5,000 for this strip of land. Mr. Olsen then explained an easement acquisition from Brian Ballard to install a path near Mulberry Lane and 400 East; that Mr. Ballard would like a meter for this easement. Councilmember McDougald moved to make Art and Wanda Secrest a firm offer of $5,000 for the land aquis- ition to install the 400 East underpass and con- necting paths; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve proposed Ordinance 96-15--Amending Moab Municipal Code Section 17.12.150; with respect to the administra- tive costs of the annexation process; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye .IRLIINA C1.5.11 AN CIAON A%CC AMINVING!10AD ?II:Yl:O'AI COM SECTION I' 1: ISC 1.111F1 AS W Co, Cowell N W eewe el N sleep Cm. Mr., C u.Nw mdnw Wlutt Noe., te wvrel IN lWD N�e.N. ^ml Cato .rM m W eJ Cm e wll.ul 1,1MINCNm I.N I: ISC...'eueo N tar ameedNent- IraNw NOW TNCWOFL a a HERM OFOAI1,10 AS'O.WwS I: 1' ISp O.dewer N eete.1N epteNdN Md iNweNW, uneNew.ol YW INN Ndeune p Np Y IN 'wpm el WeeNly pm/Ng N Ng W emy Wet NNW In Won Dumb... ann. noOan dee.ptaNg N<INN dne.d NdW nuen Nnlar. ud Non moo Wpremart N eNN, Nw Nw,I.ew 0,4..M Ad F., •Ide., IN OW WI... dd..le N Cm. nu,: IN Wet AN No NU N. wy r N.m eNe /AN 1N PINNs Cuwwe.Nn.I Wl.uud.t ** Nue,. NO Wall .s..reameetewNe le the en Cowed teN° eo IaW NNW NIINdur.y Nye Nen NNIp N w.egw.t S W un r N pen dies Plunen,CeNwer.amen .o n.aoardwon a No C.p CNN/ Net tetNe e. W Ng... .NY N deemed a.wuowm Ng., al urint. bn,N prod u penal In W On'Cowed 1N N...quwd Note OYU rot N n.urnda*wa,plew'IN MN.; Coawewon NCa" Ce YN. We NNW wo mwu le We IN (Pew Nee 5Nuetrdf lit MAYOR MOVES AGENDA BACK TO HEARINGS MAYOR READS ZONE CHANGE REQUEST FROM GRAND COUNTY FROM R-2 TO R-3 ZONE FOR SENIOR HOUSING PROJECT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR EXPLAINS ZONE CHANGE REQUEST MAYOR OPENS PUBLIC HEARING I ASSLC AwYi[n P.: Ar]l -•. iL e, .. • W e.d,nolS epee pwrp UOni Iw Oltw Cot�.cdl u..�e..N p . • AO, S r.adr. i S1w1 CO. Mayor Stocks then moved the agenda back to the scheduled Public Hearings at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Stocks then read the request for a Zone Change by Grand County at 450 E. 100 North from a R-2 to a R-3 Zone. Mayor Stocks then asked Grand County Administrator Earl Sires to speak to the Governing Body and audience on Grand County's request to change the zone for the Senior Housing Project adjacent to the Senior Center. County Administrator Sires explained the project and zone change request and asked the Governing Body for a favorable decision on their zone change request. Mayor Stocks then opened the Public Hearing for public comment at 7:31 p.m. David Bodner spoke about the letter he had sent on the project, (see below) and would like the current zoning upheld and this zone change tabled for 30 days. He also stated that he still hadn't received a response from his letter of concerns. 131 ar�n�tt.0aan:, Wtta 1w /M,ra,t.t e•/•yv Spt 1. to a ••`ems'_ s !1't59 JU115)] fe. lu !twa cllY Ifullnu 0.M119.111144.11 c11r OPAPI , kAt M(Ta ri.s•1.11%grtn..; Sot tltBxY111561211415.1/J11IIJN111) Ik.t lain y�v G:l tat luihtltu NJ 1.11.1 IN Into pao lukl it t..,t1le1�a t%L...1ii : <'Itlt:� � Etel;,,�. ; IntrXtrY wlrlrar 1,Pu,n, htu,el< /.t ca J ♦ re, I ltr ptycrry St eft E lku4r 6nvet apl w<ly :riw tM Clvle center Ta i of tla allarlyll (var.Y,O WII[ IIa IeE. ,f, ii.Alu3 o °V; ptf ciy 1u IJ1J� f' 1!' luw< NJ tlulul AKA pot....1 to to 11•41e ill slut Wv a.aktii.n aged Is Ita.latau • •mWa.l1t11.V Y111., ail. Ir IUJ1• n.. ` life u.Iflgl anif au�' 4110111 r :r nll t w`u211 ttii..t Natald It1( 111Pd In le.. to le atslaultn w tlmt Ity toulA W •Itt..J n11t J1.11l, 14 ttttlrl Ilev o Pea Iv ION:let, td o.tllto Nalfoll ttirIttla Yliu Ilyo 1 I.a J.r) 4 bon lU lu Ito o.nl. 1 o5.. 111. ] RII t!U'0.trrJ I�Wt bttrahW +,d at 11<Irfl�enct n. t ti. :nit: i.nr:ra nv akwlvn.HmilaTl.iullrq val4tllr, urptP 1 A t, .1 Itt.rts INNS du.nka.r4 r.l tt.tar•.I, I•.� tar lti..r d W.,PrJ t]ulil.IU to CseOtu• lu.'LIl «4•ny 11q tlleu d, In .+lt lr ), ing.urutJUe slut View le,u lu PI „darer er era tot 1 11 1 l lie r'rilatlJ' atl melt r u11 Yu JPIn11 'v..�ll It<�Na 11.c t/1.1Ctv1.Nos t ` i'.-rl~ l`a' .. Ns da ltad L N stall • r19. 11. 1.a t•i Ir e rulSt T r ion 1. a<, 9:t.t f this t 1"lilt.:. l t< tettly • ly eq old YY•ttly tllt.t tr. �,ultty of Ills 1n� 11 11.u11. 1"+ tY s ate act .f lC•.alrrn• ra ..• r u ,. WVY <IaJ.•Ilvetk ei.l to 1. tarn ed a-' It au• 1•1„I'hte'11. ' • egarua of cutY ul� y of life as ve clay t Ic .. •l• r rtlnf� n to ::i�<11r rvlytct.t.ntd tli le 1.4t t 1. aautt w-.r `y= 4/4'f-7; s 1 aJ)-11Ihy tln4ly pttyl / e Ila Clvle e4nl er J 1. ; 1 aY, •'1•ut.u,t•u 1 t l.11.1Ltl?,'1h I r1.)t t III IIIS Maris Allen said that even on the busiest days there are only about seventy-five cars that come up to the Senior Center. She said, she didn't think that the impact on the area would be any different then what we have now. Listed below is a copy of the letter and the list of names that each person on the list turned in in favor of the zone change; there were 109 total letters presented. r•11ar In M Jln.tw.J ION Av5 IA,t I144.111) IS. t.It 1 w•J I lu Au I I I. rwun t,w J,n I ar. r t4(t.1.1 J. Nu 1 t two II ut1./ tr I• A•tr J 11 J. 1 n•J., 11.tnt.l. alawlatt AN tlla. ... apart ..apart alar4 1 eua toe well e. sera ar 11111.014A IA., attn. 14 a....Nryt l‘../. 111u l a P, .11e,1 P .Ile1, Molt ` r, b_ .InuJIv I.IItua .Yll. P all Nora. . 11 a try oil Jails 1.1 n•Il,at Wan. . rP alaral.11• n•n, rart Not. w4 r• tw.1n rnl.. alln. allot Cr. molten J` a:N anon mar n•vlt ,JoP r'• Dlclertwlfus Sag.. 1 Ivan [Jwntan P (Jwnlen P114•ly ttP:1. 1•M A:. tray tan.. T. tot •' 1• Ft J11I.4 lurIlla'a .11 P11a nJ < 1.111,• 1 Philip Carroll who represents Community Housing on this project responded to Mr. BodnerJs letter of concerns. 1) That there would be no dumpsters visible near the south property line; 2) That the lighting would be at a cut-off angle and not visible; 3) That there would be fencing as a visible barrier, and that they would continue the treeline to the west; and 4) That the noise from the air conditioner/heating units would be minimal and probably no different then they now have with the Senior Center. ftu..a1a.11 Imo.. ONI NIMulalloann wn Icon Sent 1.1.51.ASOlt IN 1,0..1, ..... I1.v..al•m14• 0.14 ..n4. Iran l IIMAIMNl11 •""'_ II0LISINf, ..l,r..•... SLRVICLS •.- MttIPI(1PA1111 v.,v IW 1w4r!•.rnniknal.t...Ylh P.a.1..**rnlAme.4e,1(• Nt.c vsaal4alr.ntu are /w.tY tits Iv,. W ,okSlrwrl.vlwt.r..brltmre n ap lvlut wa. u,i., a.µW.SW h 1uha.w vpanw<e.a r11n1, lumma tatawn Naufa tat, IN NEN pup.. a.l. pan., ..6 aapal la J. 1 4anc0.4..l C.11 Nat. .a t..lr • haa<v.1. n, y.•v. • .a.ae,..latf.\ln.N r,..11 ken w. pemsla `4JL+q 1 tiJ+.pSa.krR4xJ�r �cva,v5vya war+.. salak.xJau 6, 1.6,4 pant b.a ` ...amt. J.W.Jr.a.l aka.... V •A.. tbvwav n•lotr r N. 4 ANS:Nur Nag Nam. bate It.y..a Iht.S,v baba'. P.� P.a..,.10 Ants ha a elf task Saba es tap.\yxa.bJ ede.ad u=.abase W.xk b..va k(Wa nn I lu �,.1P9vt! cseccos - sra"q NU; as Panxmd n I Aa...NNWkvaa�d B..Ye vvcu.l.p.Jgv.taa .mown Puma. ...Ik.t,r.....h,.r. ammo r.INS r�ia Warta Ihalbl..as1r. a.an.aea.W.I.. wwa, tars m.o.... J�w Ird , ...a,r.k• No peas Jaya, l.}-.yi 14.ney aWYva ,ts}w.Jn.d•nrty.rM 6. wa.as.,lloa.k a.e rMt a AJ.v�.k.Ik•Sa.A 132 a Yt orJr.M purprs#rlA wrwa kes+.. r.W new a., x..m..r I,. rvJ wrd lie p.ynr Hm wk.ln Jy 1) in ....0 low, wl, rr w.Y rr .Ixo lroll..•nr.lr Ikur ulrrwnl, or)nwuW n+rJ.rr.y l..a Jn .n Corn Jwvr Mr do aJ nor rook tk pwnW unrr awmwo+rn nsr Jdi.ins rllnrJ.wtnY,, rJ w.W prol, rlird dr solo .J lk wr .unroll nen.. Hop..n to ton.r,.aaurr rLo,.n..q Lr w....Jr nor do ror urrJ.or Bonn,io sodaunrrh nrr, tnwrolJe Jl.n olsJ. t J. I.o1.41 re, lee doodt Jr..AI IIVAt. any Ww<uJnvrnp wr,wM l ss k.r p porJ lr yl"n mUwylor arrw, nt )J JaJ.y.r tla rots Asa r dn.{ n wh n ord r 40.k.dri. Ilror Ad nor dad..J, • roll t...try... Us undo oll h undos o.m pd.., Jr L. d.r krL Ato. r w AA.... • J. Wont or. moues nw r...... h.in is} rrl yr Jul do error oil mor n moo how.) to toms. J..r rL l..,n. u, wore, Mims do. Loldo,1011v w.r.r...k...os, WI.. ydxladJp uyd.v nrgOlovollb•apvntr p,.r rir rer n....ra...d...0 yw lu.r alio., yrd..n..r oroonooddr, Jut pt.y Grand County Administrator Sires stated that county Councilmember Dale Mosher said that he had met with Mr. Bodner on his concerns listed in his letter on the housing project. David Bodner said that he didn't consider it a meeting with Mr. Mosher, whom he spoke briefly with in the parking lot, and that his concerns were not addressed and that he was not satisfied Philip Carroll of Community Housing, said that his organization is non-profit and would like to ratify Mr. Bodner's concerns. He stated that they will need an irrigation line along the ridge to get the trees going, that they would be good neighbors and that they intend to do a good job on the project David Lyle asked if this was subsidized housing? Philip Carroll responded that the subsidy would be based on the tenants and that this would be very affordable housing. He also stated that this subsidy by the government would only be good for maybe five years. Meeche Bodner asked who is responsible for the repairs on the project for the next thirty years? Philip Carroll responded that N.U.D. is giving a grant on the project not a loan. Meeche Bodner asked if there was only going to be one elevator for thirty-five units, and asked what it's capacity would be7 Philip Carroll responded that he didn't know. Meeche Bodner asked what will these people do in case of a fire? Philip Carroll responded that there would be a sprinkling system for fire and that everyone would have to use the stairs to exit, and that others would have to help those that needed help. Meeche Bodner asked if there would be enough water pressure. Philip Carroll responded, yes. Maris Allen asked if there have been any other complaints on the project from any of the other neighbors? Mayor Stocks replied, that's why we are here tonight to address any concerns anyone may have. Couneilmember McDougald stated that the gypsum in the soil will make it impossible to grow anything without conditioning the ground for planting trees. 1 3 3' Mayor Stocks then closed the hearing on the zone change for the Senior Housing Project at 7:55 p.m. Mayor Stocks then read the request for a Zone Change from Moab City, Bennet Lin, Randy Day, and David MacKay from a R-2 to a C-1 Zone along Highway 191 (Chamber of Commerce property to the lot north of Mivida Drive). Mayor Stocks then opened the Public Hearing on the above zone change at 7:56 p.m. Randy Day who is requesting the zone change, said that he has attempted two different times in the past to change this zone. He said that he has hired a Drainage Engineer to address any drainage problems from his property; from his proposed development. He said that he would take the sewer line thru his property, which is on Hobbs, right behind the proposed zone change for development. Rick York stated that he would like height restric- tions placed on any development or no windows in the back to keep the residential quality. He would also like to keep a buffer between the two zones. He also stated that flooding is a problem, as well as, drainage. Kathryn Jackson stated that she has lived behind the proposed zone change for the past 13 years and that no one has ever come and cleaned out the ditch except the residents who live there. She said that they built their home tiered to avoid the flood effect. She said that building above the fence line is a big issue and also would create a glare. Paul Cox stated that he lives in the subdivision behind the proposed zone change and that he is in favor of the C-1 Zone Change but, he also has concerns on the privacy of the residential homes directly behind. Ray Tibbetts stated that he has sold the property many times over the years. That the property has become a wetlands area, and that he is in favor of the zone change to a C-1 Zone. Randy Day stated that the C-1 'Lose calls for a 6' fence, shrubs and trees. Rick York asked who takes care of these changes after the zone change? Randy Day said that he would take care of the changes on his property. Mayor Stocks said that the City has hired an Engineering Firm for flood control problems. He also told the audience that funds are not secured to do anything about the flooding problems at this time. The Engineering Firm is doing the study only. MAYOR CLOSES PUBLIC HEARING MAYOR READS ZONE CHANGE REQUEST FROM R-2 TO C-1 ALONG HWY 191 BY CHAMBER BLDG, MAYOR OPENS PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Stocks said that letters from: A. Lynn and MAYOR ENTERS LETTERS Kathryn Jackson, Bob and BeBee Doherty, Louise INTO HEARING ON ZONE Sims, Eloise Lloyd, Larry and Linda Carlson, and CHANGE FOR MINUTES June Davis concerning the zone change had been received. (see below) 134 1•••••1.• h 1.44. "'"onfAms., •(1. A.. Y... 1,401. • iiii.1•41 Pr W Iiiik is,.ligoi• at, Or u (•••• ii(rai. w.a oho. rue*. • ii••• 61..0 0.1.1•1.A. Aim iiii(n.11.11.4imii ••••••iiii.....”...0 Mt rm.... ..... mi(irolly. w.r ego 1. .1 ....Li. ....I mu. .Ms V t. mote. ly ir • • 11 1 . 144, trlin •1c y • 27, noOla.A. teL .0ala • ...L. VA. oe 12.1';;,7%. 61.01,1 Ilan Iv NI yo‘l •• 11,11 ••• ..... n) An. tmlan. 11.1. roma C.I omfotol.l. IA trovla in Atn, Ms Jolla" IMO O. .1 ty 11e81,11, 1188 ..... tot J. AA. .11 Jr. tr A M. ms. SI Oil tatty &any MAWS Soto 0,11 M.3.1e. .•(.... thre, A.m... M. os sm. ge•s. Yit. i.131(• -16,1 , 1..• ymo • am. to. ouch irgIlearr. or.. Ito. ra, or ty 0. Mo. ion. MI ••YI MmL. as Mal Ala. (1.81 11 al an1 Mol stoy al. totrn1). so. mold [ha. 1.$ Mao If look.. 1.• t h. •fesint. I thlo •411 I w Ct tt.t V.tvit of M. ant,. 11.10 coMislAhor. MI • if • itily rs MA cue pt 14,4 stn. 4. wt.) • O.* tten 1.ty, SA, i.e. 04 In itneutiam aft.. FM. 110.3 WM/ InIO s.r Im. IAI.t Y..11 loan.. Os n. Iehbrt Inu s.rr 1 Ay of t 1.001.1 la.lny . allrwa 1.. ....sty. 1, I Inla Cat loon, 11.0 to AM fol M1r and ms 41rat . ..14.1• Im nu... 41 movrov•AIons orm to, 1.11.(1.ifi in Mt in .1 11• to olynt Ammo onl mar 11. mom. : 'at; "ri'' art the fitY's rIr mot 0, Wr. '4= Irrat Inn Iv r L7t.fr .:111,11:1.°44,2%!"." afro', ‘u 4,1 a as MA* 'Am an. o'gas,".1, arel• . As yea. Is 10 minIrto has Com 0... M do 1.1 City 1. itaMmIl.41. Int a timrina thlt Om, tv Lr MIA n v MemuonJ rrt nStrom0•1ra 1 Mist AA41I. A ly0.1.1 • 11,1s lmma11y .0 A •t list my amituL 110n 10 .1)01• 01.1.... Ir.41. kli215 1.1.3 I. Oa Ir.. nl Me Mon 0. .1 .> A. Mee if vasOw at ▪ 1 M.s on. .lory too 1,u ...hat,' , len th. MMe .111 A. To. a iht t r a i.r•I. • 0 1..• (AO .4i 101, /IA 44...ra.1(,,C•11:" *44 tt.t. Se In ....Am loolleso a•Matin ts.Enton•.r.h.a sn.o..MYAa,. hviva.11M,MA mM.s..••e••.••• ic• ..... .1.•••••• .a .1 h••• 11, • ...h.., salt r<I. warts...J. .4•14 IA. alrkraq.uJJrk u nom noan• one 4.14 ••,••••••••• nmo kk.e mon, op.. sr mai...0Mo lam. (..(10..1.141,,IiLltiiii • ,ryki.reoi.,•...04., tAri oil Imaiir ntny(8.1(.1(e1i liratio ....1.101.•.1••••••.• L1o(oLLsono uuLn 4,141.. Vial .4 Or. tee ttayM14....01. *mem Moroymniks mu *Mum An. no Anol• ttttt 4,11.1.1% Vicki. .J1 •••••4 ',al...as...4 Sem. 4.04i Ilov 12 1926 .00to,on Moab CO/C...1 HSI% t.f.61 Deas Cour.. Wont,. aro onAng yo.cont...nlyytho ptopo107 tone snangs llo 110. y 1211,onLog Hobbs Sob Mown I sns °flaw. to *new ma oneet,g ion...14 so I oceutJ ANOVA. yotr 4araa daring my .4 e,11.1, loque4144..Inol Y. 1'I01,01.1 !Ono LOAN. ha,2 iya3 mei itA2C tea non reel Jon a Vas A.O.leor, and .t. racero a 1,113, uy 11.1i pan aCisplat.o t"+we.erl any CC,(t,,,C.i 1.0.,,Af L1 Aule.ros XJ1 co...1 'lotto At. 0 ...on TM oVa ,Irt,f An 0 70 14. 30 A.A.. Man Vs Manna, 1,0M4y. moistly se. ..or.ns art, Sm. 03 Mat *MAI Ls 7 Corso Ian ...Asset oe, tat, .1,a. rrysct on irate U us Ammo on ACAS. tamo Us ',Array It of oat/. CISt ••m twoip e Ltflo,ones ma, s• Corn my 1,5.1 pL.Ui a04 Mo. *4,4. nna'.1 ty lhat a t, ‘.1 tr. chl ••,,h • •• oral I ton tflog As • toe et IX. a3col 1 ans mue. LI les .sy owes of a,e A.Aem A. J rope., n Me air mos', psis. riy .s. I on. tea. I am to,. ei trs C 1 tone ler an 4 ee, A a (K.:, it:ry v.', I I, -uoi J• Aran, Il me so-. anon,' I; • vc",e, L'oe ".Aero,, On Ya . Aoti, Sorfi of.t oo, Os- Iv^ .34 -vs ....mon, Very S..fey Yours 337 ife.,C31 Orr. e hlo•t• VI. oh Lolso,1 _Ls...L.. • L. ,•tlu ,44 1, • 0, a tn.. ••• foes, v.r• k•oit tHwh Man. Ms, 4•4 ma' omew. Oa as nem.% •Aa ma.14. • A lanamelf tam voesSA• hoe c.c.s • • • sv hch. I. I I.o.M.. A or. ow, ...a omm A ...Ow, Yk ••••4 Avos rom •Aoh.• mem •• • Amason av mom.. mosso AM nan A 141.• 4,41.4. ra aro,. •IE seilwl 01{ ..- .me**. • ahe NO,. imamm ... SI.4.10015[4111.{.14.40.1..affmr49.411.1*.r.. tolittig Des....org w ut.....(1, iv( WY gaup...A •••••ii(trio iluri A A ro.....ao ayr,atH 91,,kame 46( anomemase,.... 1mA. AA mom. 11.1...1,wNk Coma ve....eAro no MnIm. 4,*. rk tea A Iyam.11.10.... A,. 135 Illt I i (715 d, 4.A.1 u.t....t 1.. 1•J• .l... Ita.b : CrySli Lot IT' ,yyL •._ to •t1 It.�l,.-._� • ry• 1. t....., k.. Mayor Stocks then closed the public hearing at 8:24 p.m. Brad Palmer addressed the Governing Body on behalf of the Bureau of Land Management to request a con- tribution from Moab City for a connection to the the waterline and irrigation water for a Powerdam Project. City Manager Metzler stated that the contribution request for water was on the agenda for tonight, not a connection. Dale Pierson, Manager of Grand Sewer District, said that they connection for the project. Councilmember cost of the Councilmember Cooke then moved water for the BLM Seibert seconded County Water & would supply the to contribute the Powerdam Project; the motion. Councilmember McDougald moved to amend the motion to not exceed $200; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion was defeated 2-3 no, with Councilmembers McDougald and Veteto voting in favor of the motion. Mayor Stocks then called for the vot6 on the original motion to contribute the cost of the water for the BLM Powerdam Project. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the follow- ing easements to Spanish Valley Water and Sewer District for their sewer expansion project: MAW M tlfWet MO ILL UN pt ppttl tietainot �»L �� L.mar� l♦ 11.41 Me CITI Or MAP, betel.tltet tnlwtb to ae 4era4Y ettnla ant conveys to • PPP... Alit/ 4ttttrrtttlot. Ia111.01lM 41TMIR. MteMallet ttlett*0 a • MOM..ptfta pletOewtIMG. ar.'nenC�1I9Id�ratl0n ley ewneof•t t.emery-= itttett JI he Menlo, the tee/ \•peg whetp, ...es. to ct teaa M 11:e amt•Vh ale pleetnllY wheat p •tpt le�l rl•s sway\ Oitposal. Phu patl{tt alto anttwnlNp, receipt el Utllar a. o1MrYysel'4. taewwattai. M er el Miai le tttttThe totat•ont h toly COOtttlt 01 • I1rrtptaal • wain pe m , tecnlet . •p•ttt t repair. t o. enint•In the I°sm e wr•1rl •u .a r.mol to the tot. a.aerte.a •set rttl.-r mat uMM.,. et • t *vet 11, .lai hear �M Isr't11••n t/20.a It. troy n• 10 Cant yi{ti i t a^.i It. iw aMtrl I`l. ., tn.,n.rso Sr t r•t M /1.11,[Vwa.4 It.,t p Ma II•tme to 1110111 ! .1 1 IM Iw1 e` btu ee.lt..,rlp... J.•'.tt a rain. wow n t1.14, It. r.... t em ore•1 Steel. It. MSS. \l![. pIIIM. e' MAYOR CLOSES PUBLIC HEARING BLM GETS APPROVAL FOR CONTRIBUTION OF WATER FOR POWERDAM PROJECT SANISH VALLEY WA.% & SEWER EASEMENTS APPROVED FOR SEWER EXPANSION PROJECT 1t;ail reeata•ts.t.lnllle Le.e s....tll..a.t..,r'4y174: supply., pllenrp . rt101 \my' COntue1.11.. s anlen �I.oe4Y ass a I dmlt. .w�r.� rc . .747;9 of n y1 pea tips to seem. theta Is m slisch fg more teelees•,af unl I1ttttt let• a or < tttM non col the pipelten all Ye at IMmsole t *of elptneo e( e. lot the Grote•Il of 1 lt a wit.*I.set lot ow ttt's hell cttt rsplYle ter /entailing pip11. ilea WY.et•olatewC100, rltts /00 tea Ires•ets for wC pip. 11e��pYwllr 1 nitola I,ato feet I hell ooat. at w0 parKsio lore\ rttart inert. or wotetltat t+sstotelly with LeThe st ..o eeet ra test a. • a Inwlnat•to of a0rta rgml•altnt er uem ••a practises eteo..•oaclenl..•41• 101 inn Omralian of this . sel Le eeepms'4be Ieea toeplie ,e with * all tttitf ettproton"... Dr..., Pater hrt.',vial. l•Orral tttttOm.litYe-au,. pwl. rat• • aM aeY a.wl•tlon. 136t :417117':+1 trve**1•101;$$:117r.$4,:7:17rty'tt:::::!""• .$ttl1.,oyta"...47"41:44:1 Y3na:4117..°.tlyr ' ''''''''' of flu is Walt, the ..tor otot* All F•tt •Ol,OttOttot '''' . tOtOftV Ot ,WttUt4fttO on) ton.... tt,$, of 0.1::*u1=A17 pay.140., and 0.1$ ....tall, •itI no of 1,utt, pats.. et •IY�rLY ...... on•Oy not.une ty tho C "."' "7: .. .. Tao Crontor ..... ant 4nYon * mt., Art t6, CitYJLyi 'MSn o$ /44 Milt Of V? .01 O.., of Gard : " tin it. thry of it any., t•foro .11.05 a: alijecTir4-5.:4 .4 114 no Istot auly snot.. P. sty. e•-• tcr .4% •r ta, :;4g:tin t:• " ''“"" '.* " • " it•I„ to..i••%•=1*:•Vf:•,•'s ?•.tt%I: Clty ley autho(Ity of tha City to4•40. sat •ihr to 0.1 .14 It4. City •oocy.y tt• tn. [44) h 01$4. 0/ nen.. an. ..... ...... fire i.0 I'll( t$1 cl••".0h011. 1",..o11111441n001"Y. a1.0 n.01the.. nfWvoytot vrt ad , =r t tranosant tet corset *0 °tomtit, tO Oty. .0 lot ..... tl ""1. . hsptynt, ....0:11::11=1"1:Ws'YVry :t.hva ty .7 qAvyoarroont ImrsOy Atant. cons.. 0 a 4.14tual ...At t '''' 11...';?,.tir4,::',=:.'"• "lruA Inrnu 41.*, t 4. tt... • 1., t.tt'.' GI toottl7 7.",;"pLi-r"rin ..... LY 1. Mont.. 4.P:tot...a': In aunt Arthott J. f:d •"1$14:•Alt•il.1.$711 tt• illolte/ 47, riMr" • " 't; .... ''''' .41,1 $7411.4$1114.1.011vioncy 41 %bleb Y..... nt •t•nt. tOnst•ts et • pitalatt.1 ...... ttwa thti 1yr...oat. otol., l•pa., Itplare, anl $14141ra .01 411% 74741:111:::41:741:11. "" .41nnino. • point Mira... a1.4.1 f $. 1. ihyth 11.11. Ili TY., "ft, .I.414, shl otora010 all, It. 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Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting for a five minute break at 8:58 p.m. Mayor Stocks called the meeting back to order after the break at 9:07 p.m. Councilmember Seibert moved to advertise for the position of City Recorder; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to move the agenda to New Business 8-21 & 8-25 next to accomodate the members of the audience who have been patiently waiting; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request of Steven R. Allison, DBA MAC Tools, a Transient Merchant License to conduct a hand and power tool (auto. mechanic) business in the Moab area; Coun- cilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the request by Ken Shoulder for a Planned Unit Development, to be located at Mill Creek and 400 East; Councilmem- ber McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. 1Councilmember Cooke moved to adopt Resolution 11-96--Declaring the 1990 Taurus VIN 1FACP5045LA1- 82842, as Surplus Property; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. u WWIlu1 a .6 Ctitibiioruo.ilir o+Y+o .r`COO Ct. Oi Pouli. i.isa+e wlu not 11.14 btw: =City h•• lb• tight •M lltl• to 66666 to ltq.ttly VbtY4i, [h 4ovta�ry WJY of t 11 .olrlwb N.Ivt+• th •i th6 yt+••nt tlu, !l w » vn•t •,.6 t w 6• . pry.tt t,t fill I 10Y, liYtlttOAt, it ii 1450010 it Tut.t4Y114.4 A.. 8t t:{i nt 1. n• lollo.tM +•utIWJ Ytq+tly t•'"" t.. urYluti Ivso tout u•, v1Y IIACI�6N T. Snt• tttaltatioat that. t•t+ Otto, tauttatalt op. ytt.gb, bttoJ tnlo of 1ttaYytvt.__.. n t. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the transfer of title of 1990 Taurus VIN 1FACP5045LA182842, to Moab Fire District in exchange for title of 1988 Mustang, VIN 1FABP4DE8JF235564; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Moab Country Club request for approval of the 1997 Golf Green Fees as follows: BREAK MAYOR CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE FOR CITY RECORDER AGENDA MOVED TO NEW BUSINESS 8-21 Es 8-25 TO ACCOMODATE AUDIENCE TRANSIENT MERCHANT LIC FOR STEVEN R. ALLISON, DBA MAC TOOLS APPROVED KEPI SHOULDER REQUEST FOR PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT MILL CREEK & 400 EAST APPROVED RESOLUTION 21-96-- DECLARING 1990 TAURUS SURPLUS PROPERTY ADOPTED TRANSFER OF TITLE OF 1990 TAURUS IN EXCHANGE OF TITLE OF 1988 MUSTANG TO MOAB FIRE DISTRICT APPROVED 1997 GREENS FEES APPROVED WITH LESSER AMOUNT FOR LOCALS 138 Green Fees Proposed Fees 1996 Fees BUILDING INSPECTION SERVICES DISCUSSED BIDS RECEIVED FOR TESTING SERVICES FOR SEWER DEPARTMENT SOUTHWEST TESTING INC AWARDED BID FOR TESTING SERVICES FOR SEWER DEPARTMENT BIDS RECEIVED FOR SIGNS, POSTS, ANCHORS & RIVETS FOR STREETS DEPT. VULCAN SIGN AWARDED BID FOR SIGNS, POSTS ANCHORS & RIVETS FOR STREETS DEPARTMENT SLUDGE BED CHANGE ORDER FOR WWTP PROJECT APPROVED Regular $18.00 Regular $9.00 Locals w/card $15.00 Locals w/card $8.00 Locals Card $25.00 18 Holes $15.00 9 Holes $8,00 18 Holes $15.00 9 holes $8.00 (to prove residency) Annuals (before Feb. 1st after Feb, 1st add $50.00) Regular Seniors $375.00 $275.00 Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. Councilmember Veteto moved to amend the above motion for Green Fees as presented with the exception of the locals card to cost $5.00; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 3-2 aye, with Councilmembers Tranter and McDougald voting no. Mayor Stocks then motion for the 1997 the locals card to by a roll -call -vote called for the vote on the main Green Fees as listed above with cost. $5.00. The motion carried of 5-0 aye Building Inspection Services was discussed. Councilmember Tranter asked that a meeting be scheduled with the County to discuss Building Inspection Services. City Manager Metzler said that she would schedule a meeting with the County to discuss Building Inspection Services. Bid were received for Testing Services for the Wastewater Treatment Project EQU the Sewer Depart- ment from the following: 1) Western Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $16,148.00; 2) Quality Test- ing & Inspection in the amount of $12,722.00; 3) Keogh Land Surveying in the amount of $3,652.00; 4) Ford/Chemtech Laboratory submitted a No Bid; 5) Southwest Testing, Inc. in the amount of $2,846.00; and 6) Lincoln DeVore, Inc. submitted a No Bid. Councilmember Cooke moved to award the bid for Testing Services for the Wastewater Treatment Project for the Sewer Department to Southwest Testing, Inc. in the amount of $2,846.00; Council - member Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Bids were received for Signs, Posts, Anchors & Rivets for the Streets Department from the following: 1) Safety Sign & Supply in the rw of $10,509.33; 2) Vulcan Sign in the amount $8,389.60; 3) Peck Striping, Inc. in the amount of $9,702.54; 4) Champion America submitted a No Bid; and 5) Zumar Industries, Inc. in the amount of $11,758.00. Councilmember McDougald moved to award the Signs, Posts, Anchors & Rivets for the Streets Department to Vulcan Sign in the amount of $8,389.60; Council - member Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Sludge Bed Change Order for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Project in the amount of $222,200, ($250,300 less credit amount of $28,100); Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a 139 roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. The rescheduling of the November 26th 1996 City Council Meeting was discussed. Councilmember Veteto stated that she would be out of town the week of Thanksgiving. Councilmember Tranter moved to appoint David Olsen, Dr. James Hoffmeister and the Planning Commission Chairman Kyle Bailey or his designee to the Public Facilities Task Force; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to advertise for an opening on the Mosquito Abatement Board and to advertise for an opening on the Grand County Special Recreation District Board; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Professional Services Agreement - Amendment No. 5, that defines the scope and budget for an amendment to the Construction Phase services and completion of the Design Phase services in the amount of $18,500; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. There was no Reading of Correspondence. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler reported on the following: 1) That she would like REPORTS to reschedule the Budget Meeting tentatively scheduled for November 19th, as information on the Salary Survey has not yet arrived from, Mr. Swallow the consultant regarding the Salary Survey; 2) That City Staff have met with Todd Campbell and the City Attorney regarding the issue of the road easement and are putting together a legal description for a 50 foot• right-of-way conveyance and other language for an annexation agreement; 3) That City Staff have met with the Balsleys regarding their request for the City to abandon the right-of-way near their property. That the City is currently working with Spanish Valley Water and Sewer regarding possible placement of the sewer line on the City right-of- way instead of the Balsley property. The City has also requested that• the Balsleys provide us with a surveyed map and legal description for the reques- ted easement; 4) The City is in the midst of dis- cussions with the Byrds regarding their claim. The City is also doing some research on the sewer easements for their property; 5) Please mark your calendars for Friday, December 20th, at 6:30 p.m. at the Moab Brewery for the City Christmas Party. Invitations will be forthcoming; 6) That City Staff and the City Attorney are reviewing a draft temp- orary ordinance regarding Hillside Development; and 7) That the City is still waiting for Horrocks Engineering to provide a secondary evaluation of the Sand Flats/Millcreek Drive Intersection. RESCHEDULING 11-26 MEETING DISCUSSED APPOINTMENTS MADE TO PUBLIC FACILITIES TASK FORCE APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE FOR MOSQUITO ABATEMENT & GRAND CO SPEC RECREATION DISTRICT BOARD OPENINGS Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Seibert said he would like an ordinance on jake breaking. Councilmember Veteto commented on the appeal hearing request of Robert Katzenson as to when it would be. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT -AMENDMENT NO. 5 APPROVED City Attorney McAnany stated that he would arrange a meeting date on this issue. NO CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORTS 140 APPROVAL OF BILLS UNNECESSARY TO HOLD EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURN ATTEST: Councilmembers Tranter, McDougald and Cooke had nothing to report. Mayor Stocks stated that he wanted the City Recorder position posted internally for three days. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve payment Of the bills against Moab City in the amount of $251,634.96, which includes the amendment to the bills in the amount of $5,000 for Seekhaven; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. It was deemed unnecessary to hold an Executive Session at this time for the purpose of conducting a Strategy session with respect to collective bargaining, litigation, or purchase of real property. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 10 17 p.m. APPROVED: thomas A. Stocks Mayor andra E. Beaureg 'Acting Temp. City recorder SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE , cmC/AA MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING November 20, 1996 Moab City Council held a Special Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers Paul Seibert, Richard Cooke, Jeanne Veteto, T. Dee Tranter and William D. McDougald; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; City Attorneys C. Joseph Croker and Chris McAnany; Robert and Anita Katzenson; and their Attorney Erik Strindberg. Mayor Stocks stated that the purpose of the PURPOSE OF THE Special Meeting was to hold an Executive Session MEETING IS TO HOLD for the purpose of discussion of the character, AN EXECUTIVE SESSION professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual. SPECIAL MEETING ADJOURNED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the Special Meeting into the Executive Session to discuss the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Special Meeting into an Executive Session at 4:31 p.m. MAYOR CALLS Mayor Stocks then called the Executive session to EXECUTIVE SESSION TO order at 4:31 p.m. ORDER 141 Mayor Stocks stated that this Executive Session was called at the request of ex -employee Robert Katzenson. The request is to appeal before the Governing Body the decision of the Employee Appeals Board to uphold his termination of employment with Moab City as City Planner. Robert Katzenson's Attorney Erik Strindberg then presented Mr. Katzenson's case before the Govern- ing Body. At 5:45 p.m. Robert Katzenson made a brief statement to the Governing Body on his own behalf Councilmember Veteto moved to take a ten minute break; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting for a ten minute break at 5.52 p m Mayor Stocks called the Executive Session Meeting back to order at 6:02 p.m Attorney Erik Strindberg reminded the Governing Body that only the evidence heard at the Employee Appeals Board Hearing should be considered At 6:03 p.m Attorney Chris McAnany presented the City's side of the hearing based on evidence Attorney McAnany reminded the Governing Body that the credibility of the City is at stake That, the Employee Appeals Board had already heard the case and that the City should uphold their decision Attorney McAnany continued his presentation to the Governing Body on the City's behalf At 6:58 p.m. City Manager Donna Metzler presented her statement to the Governing Body on the thought process she used and the procedures she followed At 7:14 p.m. City Manager comments and Attorney Erik Strindberg responded to Metzler and City Attorney McAnany's presentations to the Governing Body. At 7:25 p.m. City Attorney Chris McAnany made his closing comments to the Governing Body. Mayor Stocks then asked if there were any further comments. Both Attorney's responded, no. At 7:28 p.m. Robert and Anita Katzenson, their Attorney Erik Strindberg; City Manager Donna Metzler and City Attorneys Chris McAnany and C. Joseph Croker left the meeting room; so the Governing Body could deliberate their decision on the appeal request of Robert Katzenson. At 7:35 p.m. Councilmember McDougald left the meeting for a few minutes to dismiss his college class in the building next door; in order that he may return to the meeting. At 7:45 p.m. Councilmember McDougald returned to the Executive Session to deliberate with the Governing Body. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the Executive Session and return to the Special Meeting; Council - member Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Executive Sesison at 8:37 p.m. MAYOR STATES EXECU- TIVE SESSION CALLED AT REQUEST OF EX-EMP- ROBERT KATZENSON TO APPEAL EMPLOYEE APPEALS BOARD DECISION KATZENSON'S ATTORNEY PRESENTS HIS CASE TO THE GOVERNING BODY ROBERT KATZENSON MAKES BRIEF STATEMENT BREAK MAYOR ADJOURNS EXEC. SESSION FOR BREAK MAYOR CALLS EXEC. SESSION BACK TO ORDER ATTORNEY STRINDBERG REMINDS GOV BODY WHAT EVIDENCE TO CONSIDER CITY ATTORNEY McANANY PRESENTS CITY'S SIDE OF HEARING CITY MANAGER METZLER MAKES STATEMENT TO GOV BODY ON PROCESS & PROCEDURES FOLLOWED ATTORNEY STRINDBERG RESPONDS TO CITY MGR & CITY ATTY COMMENTS ATTORNEY MCANANY MAKES CLOSING COMMENTS MAYOR ASKS IF ANY FURTHER COMMENTS MEETING ROOM CLEARED FOR GOV. BODY TO DELIBERATE THEIR DECISION COUNCILMEMBER MCDOU- GALD LEFT MEETING TO DISMISS HIS COLLEGE CLASS COUNCILMEMBER MCDOU- GALD RETURNS TO MEETING EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNS TO SPECIAL MEETING MAYOR ADJOURNS EXEC. SESSION 142 MAYOR CALLS SPECIAL MEETING TO ORDER CITY MANAGER & CITY ATTORNEY RETURN TO MEETING MOTION TO UPHOLD EMPLOYEE APPEALS BOARD DECISION ON TERM. OF KATZENSON CITY ATTORNEY ASKED IF SECRET BALLOT IS ALLOWED MOTION TO AMEND MOTION TO USE SECRET BALLOT DEFEATED MAYOR CALLS FOR VOTE ON MOTION; EMPLOYEE APPEALS BOARD'S DECISION UPHELD ON TERM. OF KATZENSON ADJOURN ATTEST: Mayor Stocks then asked that the doors be opened and that the Special Meeting be called back to order at 8:38 p.m. City Manager Metzler and City Attorney McAnany then returned to the Special Meeting. Councilmember McDougald moved to uphold the Employee Appeals Board's decision to uphold the termination of Robert Katzenson; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion City Attorney McAnany was asked if they were allowed to use a secret ballot for voting on the motion. He responded, you may if you like. Councilmember Cooke moved to amend the motion to include the using of a secret ballot for voting purposes; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion was defeated 2-3 with Council - members McDougald and Cooke voting aye. Mayor Stocks then called for the vote on the motion to uphold the Employee Appeals Board's decision to uphold the termination of Robert Katzenson. The motion carried 3-2 aye with Councilmembers Cooke and Veteto voting no Councilmember Veteto then moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m. andra E. Beaureg Acting Temp. City SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE JOINT MEETING WITH COUNTY AND CITY TO DISCUSS ECON. DEV., BLDG. INSP., DISPATCH & PRISONER CARE APPROVED: MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING November 21, 1996 Moab City Council held a Special Meeting on the above date in the County Council Chambers of the Grand County Courthouse at 125 E. Center Et-,1t, Moab, Utah. Moab City Mayor Thomas A. L,.ocks called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. In attendance were City Councilmembers Paul Seibert, T. Dee Tranter and Richard Cooke; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; and Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; Grand County Councilmembers Bart Leavitt, Frank Nelson, Bill Hedden, Ray Pene and Councilmembers Elect Harvey Merrell and Al McLeod; County Administrator Earl Sires; County Clerk Fran Townsend; and Building Inspection Secretary Mary Hofhine; and the media. Mayor Stocks stated that the purpose of this joint meeting with Grand County and Moab City was to discuss Economic Delvelopment, Building Inspection Services, Dispatch Services and Prisoner Care. 143 County Administrator Sires stated that he and City Manager Metzler had met earlier that day to discuss the issues. Both talked with everyone present about Economic Development and the action needed to be taken. City Manager Metzler suggested an Inter - local Agreement between the City and the County for Economic Delvelopment. Due to prior commitments Mayor Stocks had to leave the meeting early and turned the meeting over to Mayor Pro-tem Seibert. City Manager Metzler and County Administrator Sires both spoke on Building Inspection Services, Dispatch Services and Prisoner Care. All present agreed that the short falls on the different services as a whole balanced out and that they would leave them as is for now. County Councilmember Leavitt asked the City if they would be interested in sitting down with the devel- opers on the North end of town to work out the problems of services. City Manager Metzler stated that she, along with the Engineer and Public works Director would be willing to meet next week. County Councilmember Leavitt stated that he would try to set up a meeting for noon on Tuesday. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT SUGGESTED FOR ECON. DEVELOPMENT MAYOR STOCKS LEFT MEETING DUE TO PRIOR COMMITMENTS CITY, COUNTY AND DEVELOPERS ON NORTH END OF TOWN TO MEET TO DISCUSS PROBLEMS OF SERVICES County Councilmember Leavitt adjourned the meeting ADJOURN at 5:10 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: G/hc - andra E. Beaureg: d, C A Acting Temp. City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 26, 1996 Moab City Council held their Regular Council Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Stooks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember T. Dee Tranter led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. In attend- ance were Councilmembers Richard Cooke, William D. McDougald, and Paul Seibert; Councilmember Jeanne Veteto was out-of-town and not in attendance; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recor- er Sandra E. Beauregard; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; Planning Aide Debra Gilger; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Planning Commission Boardmember Dave Sakrison; City Attorney Chris McAnany was not present for the meeting; twenty-one members of the audience and the media. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the minutes of October 22nd & 29th, November 7th, 12th, 20th, & 21st 1996 as presented; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Mayor Stocks recognized Grand County Councilmember Bart Leavitt and County Administrator Earl Sires as being present. He also recognized City Plann- ing Commission Boardmember Sakrison as being present to the audience. Thomas A. Stocks Mayor REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES COUNTY OFFICIALS & CITY PLANNING COMMISSION BOARD MEMBER RECOGNIZED AS BEING PRESENT 144 MAYOR RECOGNIZES PETITION ALONG WITH LETTERS RECEIVED ON ZONE CHANGE REQUEST FROM COUNTY FROM R-2 TO R-3 ZONE )6 ketlmele Iff. mole Mt [no[11 Under Citizens To Be Heard Mayor Stocks recognized the following petition with one -hundred thirty- four signatures regarding the zone change request from Grand County from R-2 to R-3 at 450 E. 100 North, along with letters received from Dave and Meeche Bodner and Clifford V. Dunn, Attorney for Dave and Meeche Bodner: I n.l«oe I. o e,llllsn Il.. [f111.1I el o«. ono ir.n0 [ainii on..tt ..eon. r ... , t1..1.1I nn..n .....e,.. m l ,o Inn..Ipn.n. ..................... 400f$00 .t... •nend ..... ...0. la .n. on. it, n e.e e 1 t. I44 t le tett ltti.t ln� si.lolol..mij itA�11 i, :vlllilolt .. Atk4(1! m..,n....... ii PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OPPOSING THREE STORY IIION•DINSITY RIus1DE Drimmt our 1: It sl•• 11 u11/• oeimvt OW the MW. r:lty vtlr'll dory the ti• elwgo t :tnl l ltxtl•ty Ill ant) rlr. ut n Fate, on he igrao O[ l llidln0 . N« cloy .ry[IsmI 111 t. lu to Ur wIN« yell I.oi.l'q ,Ir • III'• d n •.y 1Icit ,a lull ln•1 n111415• •heeulni hi lr - wl.kte.l rvM 11 Ilw rill' •OTV. otduxlre. qvDI IIr IJ. "q'%iv!!1�-7L�SP.__ 2qe-bY dsFz7ei_3_.,11.'f.r.51_ ill)-� _'/lftf.a4.l� fSAJ. --- a�+ *k.....ehrtcp LP • XI Ik'lii'c._-_____ 't ,iu PEIITIOti TO THE CITY COUNCIL OPPOSIN3 ri1neE SIOAY HIQi Du:sIN III IIS IDF Lt: JiJ l,,Y]R me rerlv-=dully tryst,. t ono Qira” to Grs:0 CL . ,. i.r• tl=n1ra t < (tmrnt)_11'1nr1m 1. 1^' cr Ir+tl�lr� e t ry .1+[tm+1 [ar l r �•t�l ll1lty �Yirl •I 11. .f , 1 fii„• rr •.•. I•••1 deci'1 r _.r PEfITICIi TO TIM CITY COUI 'IL OPPos1N] rider STOPY RICI•L/)[SITY',lustre re.11oT0]rr tune Mwet ",Y'll, r.'.e*t r'I +•'� +. Iit U «•� .Y�i.r�r•tlWl; dl.y m"tI� All Ia e1.i:t.t• .'. • al , ril l r 1•.ne. 111, - 1 • I.1^�' .• illy. 6.r[nt1111✓ nil .nllte e.11,••e,_e q••,•vq' .141T Ir a: u[sf, non,. ___ ili Le. IA_/,.tt 11•• �' 11 .[ i. f.i.' _ — - — -- - �4`1'—TT i_ ?� � -- -- Fay -- --- to{ 1t_ ,L --- r _kr_ /La4 --_— _.1 t. _ +colt _ .------ . 24,._ I _--y_ _I':C.._.__._..a__.—____— r. •1-.-e. ,. . 145 1 J PETITION TD 1103 CITY COUNCIL tE:- OPPOSING 71PII STORY HIOI•DINEITY HILLSIDE DEVEIAPHENI. pW elWgty In O�laM eNp'�ytfemtM`=,mfClmtylirb• ptct dly w a:w'wltery sP.r .. t iwlwn uefw n4iiiide weeri�tha c1ty d learmerd Owl lq�elhillside &eec nt ansidoel imil the cityordinances 1 hlllelde riavelirote NtMAy 43 .G•r..,.t �t(cC•• 1.4 %r,3 • 'Lis" • =� 'rw ft .rl..tl.cit�tL — �v • _IV • L._''- — i'P`r-'. ... • SIP %r,ilr t..Pz.�lzlr,tt� 8-1JArdiH Lisp NI1g,a It- art l..,>i_•. '-•y _ r..l:i -tFS,r -- /�_�1srt 17.- Ilrn,l'y l v1 v tom, 7-70. A•,• i . ri:.L t r 7, . l n.rr 1,W • .l _L---•- - -----'I:------' -- PETITION TO TUE CITY COUNCIL ORION/KG THREE STORY HICH.DDISITY HILLSIDE DEVEIAfIffiR W tes ectlully request that the Hash City msrll deny the wltheme to Orend assay Ion R.l to P-1 m lie pttcrty tolr0`l the ttinnnitCenter ter theet Wilding • wis Ie J nail tler City ragas wdinerr. gwendry hillory verdant building on the hillside averlookinq the side Om!._I%!!_Nl' N-1"7%)/iLtafeF lL f 1_? 1z (tikAiy„ r, IH— Po.(ia'• �erei!_l4Eit,N1 _— _f !! at1'L_111N1,eP+ 1.1)7Z • — j_(rir — r 13 E _Cli XGI./.K1S,f t"b'ts7a_ :L2'. (•,. E% trr_Ir.s._,ia fin. 'Y•';''7 4,4 t� !ll„rix _.I o• dnri)! dld.c }1_Iirv) r 1 PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OPPOSING THREE STONY 11101.DITISITY HILLSIDE D►YD4RQNT Bane rlot6tl� CoeurtweeIrlmta., to 7,3 Con tM gitltlre Y w sone y the amenity Center for the [ bu o.IA three pion/ vestment building on the 11 I �rrr..••Ss lootsM tM city. W retonnerd that no loather hillside dew lcf..cot W thteldeiea until Oa city biog. ordinances ow<intly Mllalde qn,n: Mg. MOMS 011e1.S1,h.,k_ _Pa.8.14_3S_/tatel,11La ^ earnthc.U)sit _-__ !As fotoincirauloab01.12ti531 7ma.,ayp1.y+t..._ . .PO Hon 561.04ua0, a-I:HUI— L . ectit___ofwkn.c._�hL/_� �it TYSy MAN N_boet—.1.11LL�Ln_ktktiUr PIS33 1mu_MYIN/r� $S�QAKA,a nrnni Vtia _`z�, �3_ NiaSti_EQ id —it, cocea. eq. D`.t� � r tc- �14� r dlJutu':�( i4�an r✓ 14. In-dySTG 9.lioNtnlml_ t35._ftia,m=LQJ1lal U'f .%ryILkvot> _16,ANt t.t_1N.k_ PETITIOI TO THE CITY COUNCIL OPP091110 TIVIEE STORY 111011.DEHSITY HILLSIDE DEVDAVINrt ste q'etfulll, 6M..et teat tin H>pr city cos, st day n t' R,t tn tie "'nchange ar ' �I� tin" 1 r4 IaI atlClrpl• Cite ' J : 'P"an, tluilmo�.1.r hii:iede de.eiryne :'7 tie dlde.el He 1111 ties city alit. r.drran-ee 9 m.nlr� h.I1erN •wlresers fr, f PETITIOU TO TUE CITY COU'liZIL OPPOGDY. 111512 S7OnY H,GI•DCSITY I,II15t GE CITSAC'10.Nc ste Iha.ge toRD: ae GYYuaY`rIN. t fat ah. throe sway rrrn t Wiliil .or Uaily, yt. e,, city. ., , v...e't r. It �" I,,�rs. ;de,,el u.nt r.,., d.. ...�.- a ...r, rmlryf . LO C'. _hlfb_ ._rAte,f 11 -i t'i!-1Nrr- �,e.s t' I 0'53)- _(Ea1_.iFr•r. . G-Y�•. ilura- I .I - - ._ f:.:.)___h L L: PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OPPDi1N1 MORN STORY NICH.DE SM HI WSID[ ccmontDrt dap �tiril �rsY frvtli 1 yeah a ntyelw Ttge� N' .,JOrntry tiH rrr. 1 y fa tM f tadld4y lhrpe stun/ ."± W,�d/ng m w llelde v 1:""u9 tha yr Wen f that lutwt wllCf• amine hi M ttmmss derN trail the city eiP:e wfrra,eee gMmtm hillside detelgec„t. I•• 4,) 7 r. J- 4.44L11,.,,f/Y 146 not...W.141M eleseCeyCww) 11$‘14.1NOSemA sr** trr 441,2 e. WonedteetqapetwfwoorCew.S.W.detativew, OVUCCvotgemobeTT. Nut le Wwe Thel I ttpweto Ow/ WT.. &Wet TM OwteTIT ow Few', pee oI44 wpolld ms lot the Sows Cmits Sub.lued II.stsg (Amp. WOWITIWilWIDWOtelITTOWWWItTeopm4Wwtieeeil 1Ww.T.,01, OwpreasevotwanwhArebtt.totwietteotustalmomew itVX44()1400u4A04 WfV00,44.00,M0104,(001.4y1.4.10IIh. .04AgletAI.fttyttlY4C0401..1) Clmed a...WA/wee ust 041...siettAT tow, el og 1st! Oalitt Cwv.w. 114elthe1appoeTIAWapperyptuttlsotositta.1100.410. vt. turn rem.. Wow. e ow tWww oPs. setwawIpe...4,.......w. rowarrittraortruortatOnanorttteturththrlialitritOrdAtrtrprrut.onet 4....trr urn* awe.. ea owe, we powt,o. Twee.. for .14 Hew two. $01WttliwtmitTOOINOTWITATWovedgylltiViirottqWvstretw,TWwwda w.t0 ww. I aw We eseeenved ewtWes W tw wwew ow...we w tat Cr, trtternet at, tut. wren:tut. under 14 MO II Os otts. n onto". V, Oe Ply corm.. a, gIststa .01,44 st1 *sop.. miss M O. taunt CVO. MAYOR ALLOWS CITIZENS TO BE HEARD ON ZONE CHANGES PLANNING UPDATE NO PRESENTATIONS CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED: 1) LOCAL VENDORS LICENSE; 2) SPECIAL EVENT LICENSE FOR MOAB VALLEY INN; AND 3) SPECIAL EVENT LICENSE FOR HMK CwsW 1i 00000000 TO Tpt x0.8 tie tOwttl. 00000 ow e.ewse et 0000000000 ...... ... Et* vow.. ...................... "j"tot t" (eat..." ..... " "tt"" I" "" s,* to""", 2 Nam posit Int ant ............. t. ter ow .......... ... . ♦ 11" WITOes'Mew twe:::'t tvlst lt V:! "."**-'"."'''' :;,. *"' " " "";, 7;;: 7:7;," . 1")01( *•.• iti it.tsk".4 ..... It ........ . . ;:: . ...... ,,..,,. • !•_2:7fi'..1-- A,tt 044 f i Mayor Stocks then allowed the follwing citizens to speak to the Governing Body: Loren Johnson said that he thinks the Senior Housing is being put in a poor area. He stated that he was opposed to the fact that this is being built from taxpayer money to benefit a few. He said that we have no respect for the unborn by putting them into debt. Mr. Johnson said that the streets are to narrow and that this housing unit will create a lot of noise. He stated that there are a lot better places to build this housing unit and that this is not an attractive place for it. He stated that he is against the zone change for the housing project. Norma Stocks then spoke to the Governing Body, that Loren is against any progress in the County. She Stated that this is a good place for this Senior Housing, and that she wouldn't care if it was being put in next to her place. Lily Mae Noorlander stated that the people are eager to have this senior Housing built, as they would like to rent there. Dave Bodner stated that the rumor being spread around that they are opposed to Senior Housing is not so, just that they think it should be put at the Middle School location. This would be in close walking distance to the post office and town. On Planning Update, Planning Commission Boardmember Sakrison informed the Governing Body that the Hillside Ordinance will be available for them to look over at their next Council Meeting. There were no presentations. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: 1) Kevin Swinehart, DBA Arch Aikido, requesting a Local Vendors License to conduct a martial and asthetic arts instruction business with the conditions that all business be conducted in a commercial zone, school or church and that all business be conducted indoors; 2) Beth Wilcox and Kim Olson, DBA Just Among Friends, requesting a Special Events License for a Boutique Business of craft items at the Moab Valley Inn; and 3) Kathryn Quinn McBee, DBA Alternative Care Services, requesting a Special Events License for a craft fair of handmade items at Helen M. Knight School; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. 147 Mayor Stocks allowed Grand County Administrator Earl Sires to speak to the Governing Body as the property owner on the request for a zone change by Grand County from a R-2 to a R-3 Zone at 450 E. 100 North. County Administrator Sires spoke about the concerns some citizens had on the zone change and Senior Housing Project. He stated that the concerns everyone has can be addressed after the property zone is changed. He said that the con- cerns can be addressed by them with the developers after the zone is changed. Mayor Stocks then read the petition presented to the Governing Body with 134 signatures. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the request for a Zone Change by Grand County at 450 E. 100 North from a R-2 to a R-3 Zone; Councilmem- ber Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember Tranter moved to approve the request for a Zone Change from Moab City, Bennet Lin, Randy Day, and David MacKay from a R-2 to a C-1 Zone along North Highway 191 (Chamber of Commerce Property to the lot north of Mivida Drive); Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. Some discussion followed. Councilmember Seibert moved to table the request for a Zone Change from Moab City, Bennet Lin, Randy Day, and David MacKay from a R-2 to a C-1 Zone along North Highway 191 (Chamber of Commerce Property to the lot north of Mivida Drive) until a recommendation on the C-1 Zone on height restric- tions is received from the City Planning Commiss- ion; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request from Youth Garden Project, for a release of the $450 contribution for FY 1996/1997; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to table the LDS Church Educational System request for a Conditional Use to use a private road as frontage for the Seminary Building until the City Planning,Gommiss- ion has a chance to hear the request and make a recommendation to the Governing Body; Councilmem- ber McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-1 aye, with Councilmember Tranter voting no. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Change Order Approval Policy for the Wastewater Treatment Plant to limit the aggregate amount of no more than $20,000, within a two -week period, without Council approval; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to table proposed Resolution 22-96--Approving Annexation Agreement with Todd Campbell until the December loth meeting, when Todd Campbell can be present; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-1 aye, with Councilmember Cooke voting no. Councilmember Seibert moved to table proposed COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR SIRES SPEAKS ON PROPOSED ZONE CHANGE FROM R-2 TO R-3 ZONE MAYOR READS PETITION WITH 134 SIGNATURES ZONE CHANGE AT 450 E. 100 NORTH FOR A R-2 TO A R-3 ZONE APPROVED ZONE CHANGE REQUEST ALONG NORTH HWY 191 FROM A R-2 TO A C-1 ZONE TABLED UNTIL PLANNING COMMISSION GIVES RECOMMENDATION ON HEIGHT RESTRICT- IONS YOUTH GARDEN PROJECT GETS RELEASE OF $450 ON CONTRIBUTION FUNDS FOR FY 1996/97 APPROVED CONDITIONAL USE FOR LDS CHURCH ED. SYSTEM TABLED UNTIL PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEWS AND GIVES RECOMMENDATION TO GOVERNING BODY CHANGE ORDER APPROVAL POLICY FOR WWTP WITH $20,000 LIMIT FOR A TWO -WEEK PERIOD APPROVED RESOLUTION 22-96-- APPROVING ANNEXATION AGREEMENT WITH TODD CAMPBELL TABLED UNTIL DEC. LOTH MEETING ORDINANCE 96-13-- 148 ANNEXING PROPERTY TO MOAB CITY TABLED UNTIL DEC. LOTH MEETING APPROVAL OF GRAND COUNTY SOLID WASTE MGR. SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO. 1 TABLED UNTIL DEC. LOTH MEETING BIDS RECEIVED FOR CRACK SEALANT FOR. THE STREETS DEPARTMENT CRACK SEALANT BID AWARDED TO MAXWELL ASPHALT, INC. BIDS RECEIVED FOR ENG. SERVICES FOR EMERGENCY ACTION PLANS & OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR DEBRIS DAMS DEBRIS DAM ENG. SERVICES AWARDED TO WALL ENGINEERING CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Ordinance 96-13--Annexing Property to Moab City. (Todd Campbell & Andrew Riley property on Power- house Lane; request is for R-2 Zone designation) until the December loth meeting; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-1 aye, with Councilmember Cooke voting no. Councilmember McDougald moved to table the approval of Grand County Solid Waste Management Special Service District No 1 tentative 1997 Budget until the December loth meeting, as that will allow time to get the sanction from Grand County Council, as they control the Mineral Lease Money; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0 aye. Bids were received from the following for Crack Sealant for the Streets Department 1) Bidwell Maintenance Engineering in the amount of $83,880; 2) Asphalt Specialist & Supply, Inc in the amount of $83,400; 3) Intermountain Slurry Seal in the amount of $99,000; 4) Superior Asphalt in the amount of $70,062; 5) Hales Sand & Gravel, Inc. in the amount of $87,000; 6) Morgan Pavement Maint. King in the amount of $85,680; 7) Maxwell Asphalt, Inc. in the amount of $56,880; 8) Bonneville Asphalt in the amount of $77,440; and 9) M & M Asphalt Service, Inc. in the amount of $66,900. Councilmember McDougald moved to award the bid for the Crack Sealant for the Streets Department to the low bidder, Maxwell Asphalt, Inc in the amount of $56,880; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0 aye. Bids were received for Engineering Services for Emergency Action Plans and Operating Procedures for Tusher and White Canyon Debris Dams for the Storm Drainage Department from the following: 1) J-U-B Engineer's Inc. in the amount of $9,940; and 2) Wall Engineering in the amount of $3,900. Councilmember McDougald moved to award the bid for Engineering Services for Emergency Action Plans and Operating Procedures for Tusher and White Canyon Debris Dams for the Storm Drainage Depart- ment to the low -bidder, Wall Engineering in the amount of $3,900; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0 aye. Under Reading of Correspondence Mayor Stocks informed the Governing Body and audience �. letter from the State of Utah, Department of Natural Resources, announcing the award of $50,000 in matching grant funds; for Mill Creek Parkway from the River Enhancement fiscal assistant program. The letter stated that these funds will be administered by the Utah Division of Parks and Recreation. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler reported on the following: 1) That the CIP Commi- ttee held their meeting on Tuesday, November 19th, and that she would be distributing copies of the meeting minutes to keep Council informed as to the Committee's progress; 2) That staff has advertised the City Recorder position in Jobs Available and a Recorder's newsletter, as well as in the local paper. That the City has also sent announcements 149 to numerous Utah cities; 3) That staff has adver- tised the City Planner position as well; 4) That County Administrator Earl Sires and she would prepare an Interlocal Agreement for joint Economic Development Services, as was discussed at the joint City/County meeting; 5) That the agenda was out late this time due to the rushing to get the Todd Campbell Agreement ready and then you tabled it; and 6) She then announced to the Governing Body that she is 3 1/2 months pregnant, to put an end to any rumors they may have heard. Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmembers MAYOR & COUNCIL Tranter and Seibert had nothing to report and REPORTS wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving Councilmember McDougald congradulated City Manager Metzler on her pregnancy and wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. He also talked briefly about the A.O.G. agenda and the Landfill Budget Mayor Stocks talked on recycling and garbage pick-up. Councilmember Cooke commented on the Planning Commission, and the possibility of them tabling the zone change and conditional use that has been sent to them for recommendation. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve payment of APPROVAL OF BILLS the bills against the City in the amount of $55,075.02, which includes the $450 for the Youth Garden Project; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to adjourn the meeting, ADJOURN Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried by a vote of 4-0 aye Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 8 45 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: ndy�Ka E 'Beaux ardl CMC.CAAEf Acting Temp. City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 10, 1996 y homes A. Stocks Mayor Moab City Council held their Regular Meeting on the REGULAR MEETING & above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City ATTENDANCE Offices, at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember William D. McDougald led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. In attendance were Councilmembers Paul Seibert, T. Dee Tranter and Richard Cooke; Councilmember Jeanne Veteto was not in attendance due to being out of town; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; City Attorney Chris McAnany; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; Planning Aide Debra Gilger; City Planning Commission Chairman Kyle Bailey; Planning Commission Board Member Will Petty; eight members of the audience and the media. 150 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the minutes of November 26th as presented; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. NO CITIZENS REQUEST- Mayor Stocks asked if there were any Citizens ING TO BE HEARD Requesting To Be Heard in the audience. There were none. PLANNING UPDATE Under Planning Update Planning Commission Chairman Bailey presented the Governing Body with the following memo he prepared on the Temporary Hillside Ordinance: Wohe J imm Mawr and C it, Cuumil Afler the Moa s Council an urgent lfocus andcompelling needlto addicts the problems associated nwith hillsidehzc dcrc is des elopmenl the Moab Cn) Planning Cumnussmn acommends smplcmenrmg a temporan tuning ordinance in place of a moratonum on hillside des clopmem A temporan ordinance (1 U p J(N Ihuh Sum (1.10 could roman in place for up to srs months and still allow hillside des elopment The Planning C omnussron has incorporated many of the provisions of the St Georye Hillside Ordinance and feel that there are other p ins of thus ordinance than mieht also be Development ( would onininte` belplthat could to ass s ase Jhe Phoes ning, Commtssmn wnh hllodeorm a lsrde development and design We also reeuntmend that budding height restrictions should remain in place in the ordinance w that We can dee Lipp guide Imes for NO windows routing maaoab stdw. ere We behest that by rmplementmg pros rtons of the Geneul Plan the cn) wt I e protecting the health oasts and welfare of our eomraumte Moab General Plan . Section ] 03 Auorttl ( anuruurs 7nJrrclup.uuklards a. hr apple)nt are a. daa pitst for nonnnl lnnardsltt Mumps ltfe'tualMMtottt M Nlut It 1h L,h can determWe uppropnate J. veLgomenl A In halt nrdmmHr shall h. alum n, ensure dud Nave uvurr alyntull trnsant Jrauta);t all laz_arJutts r..t /all/nuhtrm. m. Mitigated and 1lnlIaL•mao}wden'hyomeull4 miming Inc 0u11 he tmplemenrrd furem uautut nluryt 101111,14. urezp ntrialums/w tn.aucat ifs Mcd». at ••. t Will Will steep hill Nile .inns pndMhn ant .kw h /uu, al Moab Cn) Planning Commission Isade. clap man IC) SANDFLATS/AMERICORPS PRESENTATION CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED: 1) LOCAL VENDOR'S LICENSE; 2) 1997 COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE; 3) 1997 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE; 4) 1997 RDAM SCHEDULE; AND 5) LOCAL VENDOR SPECIAL EVENT LICENCE RESOLUTION 22-96-- APPROVING ANNEXATION AGREEMENT TABLED Under Presentations Audrey Graham and Craig Bigler addressed the Governing Body on behalf of Ameri- corps and the Sandflats area. They informed the Governing Body that funding for this Americorps Project will end in September of 1997 They stressed that they hope the County continues to use fee collections from the Sandflats area for maintenance, improvements and education. Councilmember Tranter moved to approve the follow- ing Consent Agenda Items: A) Annalee Zivkovich, DBA Annie's Greens, requesting a Local Vendors License to conduct the sale of seasonal fresh greens decorations (such as wreaths and arrange- ments) inside the buildings of such businesses in the Downtown Commercial District of Moab City; B) Approval of the 1997 City Council Meeting Schedule; C) Approval of the 1997 Holiday Schedule; D) Approval of the 1997 Redevelopment Agency Meeting Schedule; and F) Robyn Johnson - Country Hearts, DBA Christmas Craft Fair, requesting a Local Vendor Special Event License to hold a Christmas Craft Fair at HMK School to sell various arts and crafts; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried by a vote of 4-0 aye. Councilmember Tranter moved to table Resolution 22-96--Approving Annexation Agreement with Todd Campbell; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. 151 Councilmember Tranter moved to table proposed ORDINANCE 96-13-- Ordinance 96-13--Annexing Property to Moab City. ANNEXING PROPERTY TO (Todd Campbell & Andrew Riley property on Power- MOAB CITY TABLED house Land; request is for R-2 Zone designation); Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the Grand County Solid Waste Management Special Service District No. 1 Tentative 1997 Budget with the following four concerns: 1) That the District develop and operate the Moab Landfill and the Klondike Landfill in a cost effective manner; 2) That the City Council is opposed to a Convenience Center being built at this time and the City would go with charging by the volume on a year's trail basis and to go back to the scale method if the volume method is not cost effiective; 3) That the District hold down recycling operations to the point that they are not losing money; and 4) That the City agrees also with the concerns from the County as per the following letter: coOMVXMCIL ragows.a"9.eram. I rr sou+ oras Pt." rostZ""" .11;07.0o 001•11,1/0 GRAND COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO 1 TENTATIVE BUDGET APPROVED WITH FOUR CONCERNS FOR 1997 r otev—tt,�•te� 11-1 •4 GilitiNb . COUNTY' '.. � i .a-1 COUNTY AOITnSTAATOd Tiakr b1t31 roe{ Imr a0I.23a I31{ Docanba 2. 1996 Ms Penny Jones, Chair OW County Solid Waste Special Service District GO Tory Neon. District Operations Monger P.O. Box 9g0 Moab. Vt. 14532 . Dear Penny: Aa dialer bond members, Couodtrnan Hedden end t have discussed We Dislrice s FY 1997 budget end proposed operating Out with our fellow County Council members. As you requened at the ncenl Joint meeting of the Didlld board and Counry Courrd, we ere forwarding the COendl'a comments fot consideration by the Dint Id board We recpeciklly request that the Moo Wind in ibis Idler be discussed et the next ultoduted District laud rneetilyi Tlw County Council hu the Mellowing tomanw 1. District efforts should kens solely can developing and optnwet the Mob Itn061 and the Klondike landfill in a tarsi elledive MENU 2. The Council questions the need fa a Convenience Center and does not support the constnsaion of the facility. Consider charging on the basis of volume for the Immediate future Ma a yeu or to of AMM opuuion, scales and a change to wdght Wed fat could be eunddued. ). The Council is concerned that District recysiing operations Caniaue to Wla TOM. Consider elindrwting of greatly reducing this fundiou until she landfills art operating successfully. We look forward to discussing these issues in person. to the meantime, if you hsve any gOOtkOa. plca/a give me a call. Sincerely, canto itt a. Moab City Council County Attorney 125Eon Cents/Wow/ • Moot% Utian 8tSJ7 • fox001459795p Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Glen Richeson of Moab Country Club made a request RECONSIDERATION OF to the Governing Body for reconsideration of the LOCAL'S CARD FEE FOR local's card fee of $5.00 that was approved at the THE GOLF COURSE November 26th meeting. He stated that the $25.00 DENIED for a Local's Card for Golf is needed and would be more effective. 152 TEMPORARY ORDINANCE 96-18--TEMP. ORD. AMENDING SEC. 17.55 & RELATING TO HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT ADOPTED Councilmember Tranter moved to approve the a new rate for the Local's Card for the Moab Country Club in the amount of $15.00; Councilmember McDou- gald seconded the motion. The motion was defeated by a roll -call -vote of 2-2 with Councilmembers Veteto and Seibert voting no. Mayor Stocks then cast the tie breaking vote of 2-3 no. Councilmember McDougald moved to adopt proposed Temporary Ordinance 96-18--A Temporary Ordinance Amending Moab Municipal.Code Section 17.55 And Relating To Hillside Developments; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0 aye. CITY OF MOAB. UTAH TEMPORARY ORDINANCE NUMBER 96-1A A TEMPORARY ORDINANCE AMENDING MOAB MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 17.55 AND RELATING TO HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENTS WHEREAS, the City Council has directed the Moab City Planning Commieelon to study hillside development issues for the purpose of Implementing a hillside development ordinance for the City of Moab WHEREAS, uncontrolled development on hillside lards can lead to detrimental effects including, but not limited to: severe erosion; storm -water runoff; rock fall; visual scarring; and difficulties in construction and vehicular access. WHEREAS, the City of Moab has an interest in protecting the public welfare by ..curing thet housing and commercial construction is not located in zones of geologic hazard. WHEREAS, it is anticipated that development pressure on hillside lands will increase in the near future and the city presently does not have adequate statutory provisions to control such development. WHEREAS, Utah Code Annotated S 10-9-406 permits municipalities to enact temporary zoning regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF MOAB FINDS AND ENACTS AS FOLLOWS 1. There is a compelling public interest requiring the enactment of the following temporary ordinance 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage by the Governing Body and shall expire no later than six (6) months from the date of passage, unless re-enacted as a permanent ordinance by tho Governing Body. Passed, adopted, and approved by the Governing Body of the City of Moab in open session this Ay. day of -November, 1996 Ltc<..,V. r L� :yor Thomas A. Stocks Attest: Qihrsel'fi .tandra E. Beauregard Acting City Recorder ' BIDS RECEIVED FOR 6" Bids were received from the following on the 6" PVC DATER PIPE PVC Water Pipe for the Water Department: 1) W.R. White in the amount of $3,514.00; 2) Grand Junction Pipe & Supply in the amount of $3,290.00; 3) Waterworks Sales Company in the amount of $3,248.00; 4) U.S. Filter/Davis Inc. in the amount of $3,949.97; 5) Rim Supply in the amount of $4,186.00; 6) Conely Company in the amount of $3,668.00; 7) Plumbers Supply in the amount of $3,608.46; and 8) Riverside Plumbing in the amount of $3,598.00. 6" PVC WATER PIPE Councilmember McDougald moved to award the 6" PVC BID AWARDED TO Water Pipe for the Water Department to the low WATERWORKS SALES CO. bidder, Waterworks Sales Company, in the amount of $3,248.00; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0 aye. i CORRESPONDENCE ; Under Correspondence Mayor Stocks informed the Governing Body of the Grand County Special Service District No. 1 Budget Hearing on Thursday, December 19th. 153 Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler had the following to report: 1) That Horrocks Engineering has assessed the Millcreek/Sandflats intersection and has determined that the current configuration and design is safer and more suitable than the previous design; 2) That the deadline for applications for the City Planner position has passed and that interviews will be scheduled in the near future; 3) That she has received the awaited information from our personnel consultant regarding Ithe Salary Survey, and that: she expects to have a budget meeting in early January; 4) That you need to RSVP for the Christmas Party by December 13th and that the meals will cost $19.50; and 5) That she will be out of town from December 23rd until December 27th. Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Tranter stated that he wished that_ Horrocks Engineering had addressed the East bound stop sign situation, that vehicles are inconvenienced because of the bikers. Councilmember Seibert stated that the next Council meeting is December 17th due to December 24th being Christmas Eve. Councilmember McDougald informed the Governing Body that on December 20th a screening committee will select a Workforce Department Regional Director. Mayor Stocks stated that the sale of his Bed 6 Breakfast had not yet closed. Councilmember Veteto had nothing to report. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the bills against the City in the amount of $248,086.82; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to have a five minute break; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting for a five minute break at 8:38 p.m. Mayor Stocks then called the meeting back to order at 8:47 p.m. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting into an Executive Session for the purpose of discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Regular Meeting into an Executive Session at 8:48 p.m. Mayor Stocks called the Executive Session to order at 8:49 p.m. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the Executive Session back to the Regular Meeting; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Executive Session back to the Regular Session at 9:05 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OP BILLS BREAK MAYOR CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER ADJOURN INTO EXECUTIVE SESSIOI, DISCUSS CHARACTEk, PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE, OR PHYSICAL OR MENTAL HEALTH OF AN INDIV. REGULAR MEETING ADJOURNS TO EXEC. SESSION EXEC. SESSION ADJOURNS TO REGULAR SESSION 154 MAYOR CALLS REGULAR MEETING BACK TO ORDER ATTORNEY GOES OVER FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAW UP CHANGE TO CITY MANAGER'S CONTRACT TO INCLUDE FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ADJOURN ATTEST: Mayor Stocks then called the Regular Meeting back to order at 9:06 p.m. City Attorney McAnany went over the Family Medical Leave Act with the Governing Body. Councilmember Seibert moved to have City Attorney McAnany draw up a change for the City Manager's contract to include a total of twelve weeks of Family Medical Leave to include the use of paid sick and annual leave with the balance to be unpaid and the remaining four weeks to work a limited schedule with full pay, for a grand total of sixteen weeks; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion, The motion carried by a vote of 4-0 aye Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 9.10 p.m. APPROVED: J,440— cryie- andra E. eaure rd/ CMC/ AE Acting Temp. City Recorder REGULAR MEEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS REQUEST TO BE HEARD R.D. CARROLL REPRE- SENTING WILLIAM T. BROWDER CONCERNING THE HILLSIDE ORDINANCE /��iomas A. Stocks / Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 17, 1996 Moab City Council held their Regular Meeting on the above date in the City Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Pro-tem Paul Seibert called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Jeanne Veteto led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. In attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, T. Dee Tranter and Richard Cook; City Manager Donna Metzler; Acting Temp. Recorder Pro-tem Debra Gilger; City Attorney Chris McAnany; Public Works Director Brent Williams; City Planning Commission Chairman Kyle Bailey; and twenty-three members of the audience. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks was absent flue to being out of town. Acting Temp. Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard was also absent due to being out of town. The media was not present. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the minutes of December 10th with corrections; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert asked if there were any citizens requesting to be heard from the audience? R.D. Carroll came forward and addressed the Governing Body representing William T. Browder, concerning the Hillside Ordinance. R.D. Carroll asked Randy Day if he would read the memo faxed from William T. Browder to the Governing Body. Randy Day came forward to read the memo. Since all of the Governing Body had copies of the memo Mayor Pro-tem Seibert stated that it would not be necessary to read the memo to them, that it would be placed into the minutes as presented. 155 Relemma Moab Nmslde Ordinance 96.18 ItsInOMMYl Re!pence eneCltnefte 1 Only omen feleren6e per wraith records reQuesl by William T latewdet any ann all PMNWIo COtn.m416,34 leCht.n, Of City Council tscads dealing with sad 'Oldtnance' tMludlnj all moon 01 Public input, Studies of avadato 1141499 pewits,. etc On 12rf2r96 .e :r ram tech pataeraPhe Width new business on Sept 26. 1996. patagraphs number a and 5 containing bits than 100 wads 2 Mitnemately ells, Yob Ntcnouon from St Gouge spoke in Moab a 'w: and c: ' Of°inane, was passed on of about Dec 10, 1996 wen though il appears to have :Wall peeled together Meng NOv 01 1996 i Purse ;We dwi ng Ins, paned 01 1992 IO present, nol One person has mentioned to wdw k1 of around Moab of UM posSeadny of any new hillside figurations a The April 1992 Moab General Plan udder policies which are Ant laws. mentions 'a hillside Winona, shall us adopted' why no memlon since tom the city nu had 1992 93, 94. 95 end most of 96, why now just Iwo weeks after I buy ale cannily A'-u please note Said General Plan under Implemenlalwn is not up to dale as mowed by sad section. which calls Id an uPdate event Iwo yogis 5 William T Browder purchased on Soptemoer 12. 1996. 29.32 acres oaouring Saod Flats Road, wlleh 4 some of the most highly visible hillside to tourist n Moao for the 'sprees purpose to units said land to a Oualt6ed developer for e2.292,000oo. see OIOChwee lot'Menet 01 SWIM 6 About 1 day prier to Bob Neherson speaking in Moab on 191114110 legealan eet Ytewder and Kevin Cool In potion met wen the Moab City Admuusualei ova. Brewder't amount Mat Mr Nicholson would pane me Moab Planning Commission tiro Me Coy COunca into irnmedtale unneceStary actions The City Administrator assured both Mr lkowdet and Mr Cartell Mal it would be at toast 6 months befcu any kind or plan wood come up eon al Nast soother 8 months to enact sane. She also saved mat any paten 1hal had MO peltmihery plan and or PUD auwnaled would not lad undOt situ totem moWtnn She alto Slated Thal n would ale° be mite of a ldgelme' megt.ia' : dealing On setbacks we out not to wiry Somehow as w0 spoke Nis new legulalion was akady In planning 7 Please note mat the Wee cafes the new teguiatron t cal and paste Iron are Si George, wove and Cedar City, all of which haw) Nheldes Mat the totally privately owned and are made up of geology Mal d Iderly ddlerem Men Moabs and in addition r one seeks out the total I —^urn Of private hlsde mopeny that within Ile 140 Cny Imes and or may be POPO., annexed Into the city. 4 presents voy lithe POMOR to Moab puma or due nest view properties lett to 'Magical Moab Country' All properties are within 1 10 15 miles 01 Moab OP 6 Ugly empaeypas pules ins nas buuh at Ufa 4.55 nun tut al least 6 months' swam 11S1 May why nil the City 401 holly Interested lane nodws and teat .Gets ownpatnes mat Inn was III the y50,55 se a person nku myyen would nel Oecome a VKlaii 10 now own lard than nas tort es aevetepmeniet worm lust we.as ant. pe0nase 9 Some noon. say In,s eves not enecl Mt erowow as no Un0 if n Ilia County alas I was also witamod by Inn Cll. Manage, mat as iron as t append to the County wen a PUO 10/ the sae of development Ina, 1 would oe 3uote<i 10 Moab annexation involve lne Odm.no tneay a m ettm and once again the °vet tegulalon S in elect and nas sines, mo veto. of the popeny i 10 To preve°I a oulrgM 'lasing oy I,t° Gay °I Moab immediate audit ,s costa lot wnch wJl guarantee the non annexation 01 this properly ,nt0 Ile City el ROM 11 All panes Mond note oven on TV eecre vru•e Staling 'lays new tegutattol was nol gang to harm anSene' Please note an n.Nee Condemnation amps wJ e°SI the Panes A Judge nzs won, rwce 'the rtnr Amendment is 510,5150 when laro.use regulattOn does not Sobstdnta1, davanfe Is,^,err, d:E state 1v010111 Of dines an ownet econom.tase na°.e 1.e11 Of n3 tend' Develop Moab's hmhesl profile ridgeline prior to enactment of any -rldgeline' ordinances. This outstanding view location is located on the lamous Sand Flats Road which is the main entry• way to the'S6ckrock Than. This 29.3 acres in Grand County is wuently zoned A 111 dwelling per acre) however this property may be submitted under a PUD with annexation to the City of Moab which may allow up to 8 dwellings per ace with a 5 acre open space set aside. Current average PUD ptocess time is eight to ten weeks hem submittal of basic plans. A government water lank lease site comes with possession 01 this property. This would make an peal slle for 'high end' condos. up to 36 condo 6 plea units spun a probable SO.< open space left to good v Dual erects. t t pace per acre. S78.172. I in the last lematning 101 o11310wder Estates. 3 miles south of Moab on the hei side in C' n Valley Amazing views, road is haid unlaced, all Jtilittes available. great Protective .uvunants this lol 15 9:10 of an acre. Current pace: See.l7e. Note 1 All pieces subject to change ithhout neuce. Note 2. All listed properties subject to poor sale ,n pan of white. Majestic 8 Magical Moab Country' MI R D Cant' has ,n2 e,g'e Ip rcptetent m` a,: cr eser, Ina pace: at the milvirM ne}d be the Cey Ot mon On Decem.oe• la 1996 Dy W m,am T larowdet 116 rl ned e^e Fun Co,tr,s CO b0524 970 484 3603 ./ fJ 156 R.D. Carroll asked when Mr. Browder could expect a response to his memo? PLANNING UPDATE NO PRESENTATIONS OR OLD BUSINESS MAYOR PRO-TEM READS PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS CONDITIONAL USE APPROVED FOR SCHOOL DISTRICT - FOR THE PROPOSED SEMINARY BUILDING HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE APPROVED FOR JOHN LIPPERTSHAUSER FOR 565 W. BARTLETT PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST APPROVED FOR DUANE WIMMER'S ANNEXATION AT 230 N. 500 WEST PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST FOR PROPOSED ORD. 96-16--REGARD- ING HEIGHT RESTRICT- IONS OF BUILDINGS APPROVED PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST FOR PROPOSED ORD. 96-18--REGARD- ING CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS APPROVED REQUEST TO AMEND JOHNSON SUBDIVISION BY COMBINING LOTS 6 & 7 APPROVED RESOLUTION 23-96-- ADOPTING INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR FUND- ING ECONOMIC DEV. BETWEEN MOAB CITY AND COUNTY ADOPTED Mayor Pro-tem Seibert stated that the next scheduled City Council Meeting would not be until January 14th. R.D. Carroll requested that anything concerning this issue be sent to Mr. Browder, at the address on the last page of the memo. Planning Commission Chairman Bailey informed the Governing Body that the second half of the second meeting of each month for the Planning Commission is for work on the Hillside Ordinance, and, that it would be for the next four months. He also stated that public input is welcome at that time; as has been advertised. There was no Presentations or Old Business to be addressed. Mayor Pro-tem Seibert read the Planning Commission recommedation on the School District's Conditional Use request. Councilmember Tranter moved to approve the School District's Conditional Use request to be allowed to use Grand County High School's private road as Frontage for the proposed Seminary Building; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request of John Lippertshauser for a home Occupation License to do a Paint and Wallpaper business at 565 W. Bartlett; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carred 5-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve Duane Wimmer's request for a public hearing for annexation at 230 N. 500 West; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request to go to a public hearing on proposed Ordinance 96-16--An Ordinance Amending Section 17.12.180 A., Of Chapter 17.12, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Height Restictions Of Build- ings; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried'/by a vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the request to go to a public hearing on proposed Ordinance 96-18--An Ordinance Amending Section 12.08.060 Of Chapter 12.08, Title 12, Of The Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Construction Of Sidewalks, Curbs And Gutters; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve Bruce Dissel's request to amend Johnson Subdivision by combining lots 6 & 7; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to adopt Resolution 23-96--Adopting An Interlocal Agreement As To The Funding Of The Moab Area Economic Development Office By And Between Moab City, Utah And Grand County, Utah; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. RESOLUTION 23-96 157 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT AS TO THE MIDI= OF TEE MOAB AREA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICE BY AND BETWEEN MOAE CITY, UTAH AND GRAND COUNTY, UTAH. WHEREAS, Grand County, Utah ("Grand County") and Moab City, Utah ("City") have had discussions regarding the funding of the Moab Area Economic Development Office; and WHEREAS, Grand County and the City have determined that the funding of the office can best be accomplished through an interlocal agreement; and WHEREAS, the Interlocal Agreement as to the funding of the Moab Area Economic Development Office has been submitted to the Grand County Council and the Moab City Council, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MOAB CITY COUNCIL that: 1. The Council hereby authorizes and approves the Agreement in substantially the form presented to this meeting of the Moab city Council. 2. The appropriate officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Agreement in substantially the form presented to this meeting of the Council. 3. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ATTEST: ty 9-6 u�' Gm�4 Recorder U day of 1:)`�emiif r 1996 / i/ Signedf Hayor - YiCC iC;a4:l Bids were received on a Front End Loader for the Streets Department from the following: 1) Cate Equipment, a No Bid; 2) Hanson Equipment, Inc., a No Bid; 3) Western Road Machinery Company, a No Bid; 4) Arnold Machinery Company, in the amount of $69,778.00 for a Volvo with a 3 year warranty; 5) Western Implement Co., Inc., a No Bid; 6) Century Equipment Company, in the amount of $83,210.00 for a Case with a 2 year warranty; 7) Scott Machinery Company, in the amount of $82.500.00 for a John Deere - 444G 4WD with a 2 year warranty; 8) Scott Machinery Company, in the amount of $83,265.00 for a John Deere - 544G 4WD with a 2 year warranty; 9) Scott Machinery Company, in the amount of $66,000.00 for a used loader - 1991 John Deere - 544E 4WD with no warranty; and 10) Rasmussen Equipment Company, in the amount of $80,014.00 for a Kawasaki with a 2 year warranty. Councilmember Veteto moved to award the bid for the Front End Loader to Scott Machinery Company in the amount of $83,265.00 for a John Deere - 5440 4WD with a two year warranty; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the contract for the Crack Sealant Project, between Maxwell Asphalt, Inc. and Moab City in the amount of $56,880; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. There was no Reading of Correspondence. There was no Administrative Report. BIDS RECEIVED FOR FRONT END LOADER FOR THE STREETS DEPARTMENT FRONT END LOADER Sir. AWARDED TO SCOTT MACHINERY FOR 5440 4WD JOHN DEERE CONTRACT BETWEEN MOAB CITY AND MAXWELL ASPHALT, INC FOR CRACK SEALANT PROJECT APPROVED NO CORRESPONDENCE NO ADMIN. REPORT 158 MAYOR AND COUNCIL Under Mayor and Council Reports Mayor Pro-tem REPORTS Seibert wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Councilmember Tranter also wished everyone a Merry Christmas. APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURN ATTEST: Councilmember McDougald wished everyone a Merry Christmas and reminded everyone of the Christmas Dinner at the Moab Brewery on Friday, Dec. 20th. Councilmember McDougald also commented on the Grand County Solid Waste Management District Budget, including the recycling portion of the budget. He stated that he agreed with the Grand County Council on this issue. Councilmember Cooke inquired about the Golf Club's request; in reference to the amount of the locals card. Councilmember Veteto inquired about paying for the Christmas Dinner. She said that in the past they were billed for their dinners. Councilmember Veteto moved to pay the bills in the amount of $5,507.43; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call - vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye Mayor Pro-tem Seibert then adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m. APPROVED: Sandra E.=eaurard) CMC/ AE Acting Temp. City Recorder REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES d� Thomas A. Stocks Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January, p4, 1997 Moab City Council held their Regular Council Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember William D. McDougald led the audience in the Peldge of Alleg- iance. In attendance were Councilmembers, Paul Seibert, T. Dee Tranter, Richard Cooke and Jeanne Veteto; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; City Attorney Chris McAnany; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Planning Aide Debra K. Gilger; Forty-four members of the audience and the media. Councilmember Tranter moved to approve the minutes of December 17th 1996; Councilmember Cooke second- ed the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. 159 Under Citizens Requesting To Be Heard, it was acknowledged that the Boy Scout Troop Number 805 was present for the meeting, working on a Communi- cations Badge. There was no Planning Update. Under Presentations, Gerald Williams came forward and did a presentation to the Governing Body and the audience, on the Floodplain in the Moab valley Mr. Williams also talked about the Storm Drainage Masterplan that he was working on for Moab City Katherine Corson, representing the Powerhouse PRESENTATION BY POWER - Homeowners Association, asked the Governing Body HOUSE HOMEOWNERS for moral support. She explained that the associ- ASSOCIATION ation stood for: 1) Low income people trying to buy and maintain their property; 2) They are investing in ways to insure low cost housing; 3) They are a cooperative ownership association; 4) That they have the ability to organize and main- tain the association; and 5) That they are a diverse community of individuals. CITIZENS REQUEST TO BE HEARD - SCOUT TROOP 0805 PRESENT NO PLANNING UPDATE Mayor Stocks then read the request from Duane Wimmer for Annexation at 230 N. 500 West for a R-2 designation; as proposed in Ordinance 97-07--Adop- ting An Annexation Policy Declaration And Annexing Property To Moab City. Mayor Stocks then opened the hearing on the proposed annexation of the Duane Wimmer property to Moab City for public input at 7:33 p.m. Councilmember McDougald asked if the sewer and water on this property was already connected to the City? Planning Aide Gilger responded that the sewer is already connected, but that the water isn't; that the Wimmer's have a well for water. With no input from the audience on this hearing Mayor Stocks moved on to the next hearing. Mayor Stocks then read proposed Ordinance 97-01-- An Ordinance Amending Section 17.12.180 A., Of Chapter 17.12, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Height Restrictions of Buildings. Mayor Stocks opened the hearing for public input on Ordinance 97-01 at 7:36 p.m. Randy Day stated that he was concerned about changing the zone, especially for low-income and affordable housing. He stated that he thought the Governing Body should think about putting a cap on the height of 25 feet; that this would effect any future low income housing for Moab. &eke Francis said that he thinks the building code is already regulated by the Fire Department, according to the equipment they have to use. Mayor Stocks questioned the code being regulated by the Fire Department. City Manager Metzler stated that the insurance rating is definitely effected by the code and the ability of the Fire Department to use its equip- ment on a multiple height stucture. PRESENTATION BY GERALD WILLIAMS ON FLOODPLAIN & STORMDRAINAGE MASTERPLAN MAYOR READS WIMMER ANNEXATION REQUEST AT 230 N 500 WEST FOR A R-2 ZONE MAYOR OPENS PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION REQUEST BY WIMMER'S MAYOR MOVES AGENDA TO NEXT PUBLIC HEARING MAYOR READS PROPOSED ORD. 97-01--AMENDING CODE REGARDING HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS OF BUILDINGS MAYOR OPENS PUBLIC HEARING ON ORD. 97-01 160 MAYOR READS PROPOSED ORD. 97-02—AMENDING CODE REGARDING CONST. OF SIDEWALKS, CURBS & GUTTERS MAYOR OPENS PUBLIC HEARING ON ORD. 97-02 MAYOR CLOSES ALL PUBLIC HEARINGS MAYOR READS CONSENT AGENDA ENTIRE CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED: 1) OLSEN APPOINTED AS ENV. CERT. OFFICER FOR 1996-97 CDBG; 2) APPROVAL TO RECORD EASEMENT ALONG 100 EAST STREET FOR CITIZENS TELECOM.; 3) KEN'S HANDYMAN SERV GRANTED HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE AT 460 HUNTRIDGE; 4) HEARING REQUEST GRANTED FOR PROPOSED ORD. 97-03; 5) HEARING REQUEST GRANTED FOR PROPOSED ORD. 97-04; 6) HEARING REQUEST GRANTED FOR PROPOSED ORD. 97-05; 7) HEARING REQUEST GRANTED FOR PROPOSED ORD. 97-06 Mayor Stocks then read proposed Ordinance 97-02-- An Ordinance Amending Section 12.08.060 Of Chapter 12.08, Title 12, Of The Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Construction Of Sidewalks, Curbs And Gutters to the Governing Body and the audience. Mayor StockS then opened the hearing for input on Ordinance 97-02, at 7:38 p.m. City Manager Metzler explained the problems that the existing code had, and that the change in the ordinance would allow administration to deal with any situations that came up. Todd Campbell asked about the restrictions. City Manager Metzler explained that now the Governing Body handled all decisions regarding the construction of sidewalks, curbs and gutter That the change would allow the Public Works Director to make that decision Nate Knight asked about remodeling restrictions of less than 20 percent and questioned the authority being given to the Public Works Director Lucy Wallingford stated that she approves of low- ering height restrictions proposed in Ordinance 97 -01. Councilmember Cooke asked if Randy Day was referring to the 33 foot height of the Senior Housing Project. Randy Day, stated yes he was referring to projects such as the Senior Housing Project. Councilmember McDougald questioned waiving the right of the Governing Body; to have the say on curb and gutter. With no further comments, Mayor Stocks then closed ,the public hearings on proposed Ordinance 97-07, 97-01 and 97-02 at 7;47 p.m. Mayor Stocks then read the consent agenda to the Governing Body and audience. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the entire consent agenda consisting of: 1) Appointment of David Olsen as the Environmental Certifying Offi- cer for the 1996-97 Community Development Block Grant; 2) Approval to record an Easement along 100 East Street for Citizens Telecommunications Com- pany; 3) Kenneth A. Mitchell, DBA Ken's Handyman Services requesting a Home Occupation License to conduct a Handyman Business from his 460 Huntridge Drive address; 4) The request to go to a public hearing on proposed Ordinance 97-03--An Ordinance Amending Section 17.045.030, Of Chapter 17.45, Title 17, Of The Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Area Requirements; 5) The request to go to a public hearing on proposed Ordinance 97-04--Amending Section 17.48.030, Of Chapter 17.48, Title 17, Of The Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Area Requir- ements; 6) The request to go to a public hearing on proposed Ordinance 97-05—An Ordinance Amending Section 17.51.030, Of Chapter 17.51, Title 17, Of The Moab Municipal Ordinances Reagarding Area Requirements; and 7) The request to go to a public hearing on proposed Ordinance 97-06—An Ordinance Amending Section 17.09.230 (A), Of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, Of the moab Municipal Ordinance Regard- ing Off -Street Parking and Loading; Councilmember 161 Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT Improvements Agreement between Moab City and BETWEEN DOWNARD'S AND Joseph Robert and Mary Lee Downard for the Downard MOAB CITY APPROVED Subdivision; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve a Trust Deed between Joseph Robert and Mary Lee Downard, as Trustors and the Grand Title Insurance Agency, Inc., as Trustee, and Moab City Corporation, as Beneficiary; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote 5-0 aye. TRUST DEED BETWEEN DOWNARD'S AND GRAND TITLE INS AGENCY INC. WITH MOAB CITY AS BENEFICIARY APPROVED of The Governing Body, along with some input from the MOAB CITY COUNCIL audience, discussed at length the water and sewer DISCUSSES NORTH AREA situation on the North end of town, as well as, theOF TOWN; NO POSITION formation of a Special Service District for that TAKEN BY CITY EITHER area. No conclusion one way or the other was FOR OR AGAINST reached on obtaining Moab City's position; on FORMATION OF SPECIAL formation of a Special Service District in the SERVICE DISTRICT North Area of town. Councilmember Tranter moved to have a five minute BREAK break; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the minute break at 8:47 p.m. Mayor Stocks called the meeting back to order after the break at 8:54 p.m. meeting for a five MAYOR ADJOURNS FOR BREAK MAYOR CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Lance LANCE CHRISTIE GRANTED Christie's request for permission to plant trees PERMISSION TO PLANT on City owned property near Old City Park; Council -TREES ON CITY OWNED member McDougald seconded the motion. After some PROPERTY NEAR OLD CITY discussion Councilmember Cooke restated his motion PARK; AFTER AGREEMENT to approve Lance Christie's request to plant trees SIGNED WITH CITY THAT on City owned property near Old City Park to IF NECESSARY FOR include an agreement between Lance Christie and FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS Moab City to allow removal of the trees if deemed THE TREES MAY BE necessary by the City for future improvements in REMOVED the area; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye, with Councilmember Seibert voting no. Councilmember Cooke asked for a presentation from Moab Public Radio (KZMU) on their request for funding from Moab City for Phase III of their building project, in the amount of $25,000. Bon Kelly, Station Manager for KZMU, came forward and explained the building project of the radio station to the Governing Body. rouncilmember Veteto explained the budgeting process to Moab Public Radio and asked that their request for a contribution from Moab City be discussed at the February 4th Budget Workshop. MOAB PUBLIC RADIO (KZMU) MAKES PRESENTATION REQUEST FOR CONTRIBUTION CONTRIBUTION REQUEST TO BE DISCUSSED AT BUDGET WORKSHOP IN FEBRUARY Bids were received for a One Ton Service Truck BIDS RECEIVED FOR ONE with a Knapheide Plus 50 flip top service body TON SERVICE TRUCK WITH or equivalent for the Streets Department from the KNAPHEIDE PLUS 50 FLIP following: 1) Young Chevrolet of Layton, Utah in TOP SERVICE BODY FOR the amount of $23,938.00, with a 3 year or 36,000 THE STREETS DEPARTMENT mile warranty; 2) Certified Ford/Mercury of Moab, Utah in the amount of $25,155.00, with a 3 year or 36,000 mile warranty; 3) Warner Super Ford 162 SALT LAKE VALLEY GMC & UD TRUCKS AWARDED BID FOR ONE TON SERVICE TRUCK WITH KNAPHEIDE PLUS 50 FLIP TOP SERVICE BODY FOR THE STREETS DEPARTMENT CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST BY PEPSI FOR PEPSI WAREHOUSE BUILDING RULED OUT OF ORDER; AS IT IS A NON -CONFORMING USE CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 FOR NELSON BROS. CONST CO. FOR WWTP ADDITIONS APPROVED READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Store/Truckland of Salt Lake City, Utah in the amount of $24,467.00, with a 3 year or 36,000 mile warranty; 4) Gus Paulos Chevrolet of West Valley City, Utah in the amount of $24,315.08, with a 3 year or 36,000 mile warranty; 5) Salt Lake Valley GMC & UD Trucks of Salt Lake City, Utah in the amount of $22,690.00, with a Stahl SVC Body and a 3 year or 36,000 mile warranty; 6) Salt- Lake Valley GMC & UD Trucks in the amount of $23,459.00, with a 3 year or 36,000 mile warranty; and 7) Salt Lake Valley GMC & UD Trucks in the amount of $28,419.00, this truck did not meet the bid specs Councilmember Veteto moved to award the one Ton Service Truck with the Knapheide Plus 50 flip top service body for the Streets Department to Salt Lake Valley GMC & UD Trucks in the amount of $23,459.00, with a 3 year or 36,000 mile warranty, as they were the low bidder that met the bid specs; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the request for a Conditional Use to use the Pepsi Building as a warehouse along with the recommendations from the Planning Commission on the following conditions: 1) No storage of hazardous or toxic chemicals; 2) No explosives on the lot; and 3) The hours of traffic are to be between 6 a.m and 8 p.m.; as the Pepsi Building has become a non-confor ming use through various zone changes; Councilmem- ber Tranter seconded the motion. Much discussion followed on this issue. Councilmember Tranter moved to cease further debate on this issue; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye, with Councilmembers Cooke and Veteto voting no. It• was requested by Councilmember Cooke that the City Attorney McAnany read from the Moab City Code, sections 17.09.590 and 17.21.030. City Attorney McAnany then read each of the sections and stated that this is a non -conforming use for the Pepsi Building. Mayor Stocks then called the motion out -of -order, stating that the Governing Body can't break its own law, that it canonly go through the process to change an existing law. He then continued on to the next agenda item. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve Change Order No. 2 for Nelson Brothers Construction Company for the Moab Wastewater Plant Additions in the amount of $8,751.00; approved by Senior Engine- er Al Anderson of Montgomery Watson Engineering; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Under Reading of Correspondence Mayor Stocks informed the Governing Body of the Legislature Session at the State Capitol was due to open for Public Officials on Wednesday, January 22nd 1997. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler reported that: 1) A tentatively scheduled budget workshop would be held on Tuesday, February 4th, at 7:00 p.m.; 2) That she had revised the Solid Waste RFP and would like the Council to review the RFP at the next Regular City Council Meeting; 3) That the next joint City/County Meeting had been scheduled for Monday, January 27th, at 4:00 p.m. in the County Council Chambers. The items to be 163 discussed should be the North Area Planning, Recreation and Solid Waste; 4) That the RFP for Auditing Services is going out this week; 5) That the RFP for Engineering Services is also going out this week; 6) That she will be out of town, at a City Manager's Conference the latter part of Thurs- day, January 16th and all day on Friday, January 17th. That the meeting will be held in Park City, Utah; 7) The Moab Arts and Rereation Center will sponsor its first rent of the building on Monday, January loth at 7:00 p.m. KZMU and Kopopelli Productions will feature James Keelaghan and Larry Pattis, who are acoustic musicians; and 8) That she would like the Legislation for Municipal Finance to allow us to calculate our own figures before they tell us that the Legislation won't effect Moab City. She also informed the Governing Body that they are also talking about taking away territorial jurisdiction, which effects the one-half mile rule; which will effect Urban Development. Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmemebr Tranter and Seibert had nothing to report MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember McDougald said he had two items to report on: 1) That the Moab Country Club would like to use Barbara Hicks, CPA for their audit; and 2) That he'll be in Salt Lake City for an exam and won't be able to attend the next Landfill Meeting and would like someone to attend in his absence. He said the meeting is, Thursday, at 7:00 p.m. at the Recycling Center on Sandflats Road. He said that he has the minutes of the last meeting for the person to read who attends for him. Councilmember Seibert said that he could attend the Landfill Meeting in Councilmember McDougald's absence. Councilmember Cooke asked for clarification on the event to take place on Monday, January 20th, at the MARC Building in regards to insurance and liability. City Manager Metzler stated that she and City Attorney McAnany were working on an agreement for the rental of the building and liability insurance for the City's protection. Councilmember Veteto inquired about shredding dates for members of the community to bring their items for shredding. City Manager Metzler stated that they should call the City Shop to arrange a time and date for shredding. Councilmember Veteto stated that she would like to pass the review of the bills to be paid against Moab City on to Councilmember Cooke for the year 1997. Councilmember Veteto moved to pay the bills APPROVAL OF BILLS against the City in the amount of $341,141.52, which includes the Scott Machinery bill in the amount of $2,165.37; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. 16 4 ADJOURN SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE JOINT CITY/COUNTY MEETING TO DISCUSS PLANNING/RECREATION & SOLID WASTE MGR MAYOR LEAVES MEETING ADJOURN REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 10:33 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: FjyIt�j omas A. Stocks h1 yor p Lifie Sandra E. Bea ru ega , CAC/A E Acting Temp. City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING January 27, 1997 Moab City Council held a Special Joint Meeting with Grand County on the above date in the County Council Chambers of Grand County at 125 E. Center Street, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks and County Council Chairman Bart Leavitt called the meeting to order at 4:08 p.m. In attendance were City Councilmembers Jeanne Veteto, Richard Cooke, William D. McDougald, and T. Dee Tranter; County Councilmembers Ray Pene, Ken Ballantyne, Al McLeod, Dale Mosher, Frank Nelson and Harvey Merrell; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; County Administrator Earl Sires; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beau - regard; County Clerk Fran Townsend; City Public Works Director Brent Williams; City Planning Aide Debra K. Gilger; City Recreation Director Beth Hoffineister; City Planning Commission Chairman Kyle Bailey; five members of the audience and the media. The purpose of this joint City/County Meeting was to discuss: 1) North Area Planning; 2) Recreation; and 3) Solid Waste Management. Mayor Stocks had to leave the meeting at 5:20 p.m. County Council Chairman Leavitt adjourned the meeting at 5:35 p.m. ATTEST: andra E. B aure APPROVED: Thomas A. Stocks Mayor .� (Arab - CMCIAAE Acting Acting Temp. City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 28, 1997 Moab City Council held their Regular Meeting on the above date in the City Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Pro-tem Paul Seibert called the Pre -Council Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers Jeanne Veteto, Richard Cooke, William D. McDougald and T. Dee Tranter; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City 165 Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; City Attorney Chris McAnany; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Planning Aide Debra K. Gilger; City Planning Commission Members Kyle Bailey and Dave Sakrison; Fourteen members of the audience and the media. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks arrived at 6:35 p m. Moab City Council held a Pre -Council Workshop with David Ariotti of Environmental Quality, Jay Pitkin of Water Quality; and Walter Baker and Kevin Brown of Drinking Water regarding water and sewer serv- ices in the North Area of town. Nate and Jacque Night who have property in the North Area of town were also present and took part in the discussion between the City and the State Officials Due to the Pre -Council Workshop session lasting longer than expected; Mayor Stocks didn't call the Regular Council Meeting to order until 7 23 p m Councilmember Veteto led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the minutes of January 14th as presented, Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. There were no Citizens present requesting to be heard by the Governing Body. Under Planning Update, Planning Commission Chairman Bailey informed the Governing Body that the Planning Commission is working on the Hillside Ordinance. City Manager Metzler informed the Governing Body that they had interviewed for a City Planner and that none of those interviewed were suitable for the position. Planning Commission Member Sakrison informed the Governing Body that the Improvements Agreement between Moab City and Roger Knight for the Millcreek Pueblos had an error on page 2, G He stated that it should read north and west side of the property; according to the site plan. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the consent agenda of: 1) The Improvements Agreement between Moab City and Roger Knight for the Millcreek Pueblos, with the changes on page 2, G, to have it read both north and west side; and 2) Parts Store, Inc. request for permission to put merchandise on the sidewalk area at 356 South Main to sell for the duration of the Jeep Safari; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye with Councilmember Cooke voting no. PRE -COUNCIL WORKSHOP WITH FOUR STATE OFF- ICIALS ON NORTH END OF TOWN WATER & SEWER SERVICES MAYOR CALLS REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES NO CITIZENS REQUEST TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED: 1) IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT FOR MILL - CREEK PUEBLOS & 2) PARTS STORE TO SELL ON SIDEWALK DURING JEEP SAFARI Mayor Stocks then read the Public Hearing agenda PUBLIC HEARING ON for proposed Ordinance 97-03--Amending Section ORDINANCE 97-03-- 17.45.030, Of Chapter 17.45, Title 17, of the Moab AREA REQUIREMENTS Municipal Ordinance Regarding Area Requirements to AMENDMMENT the audience. Mayor Stocks then opened the Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance 97-03 at 7:40 p.m. for public comment. City Planning Commission Chairman Bailey read the area requirments for this zone to the audience. 166 PUBLIC HEARING ON ORDINANCE 97-04-- AREA REQUIREMENTS AMENDMENT PUBLIC HEARING ON ORDINANCE 97-05-- AREA REQUIREMENTS AMENDMENT PUBLIC CLOSED 97-03, HEARINGS ON ORD. 04 & 05 PUBLIC HEARING ON ORDINANCE 97-06-- REGARDING OFF-STREET PARKING & LOADING PUBLIC HEARING ON ORD. 97-06 CLOSED BREAK MAYOR CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER With no comments from the audience Mayor Stocks then read the next Public Hearing agenda on proposed Ordinance 97-04--Amending Section 17.48.030, Of Chapter 17.48, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Area Requirements to the audience. Mayor Stocks then opened the Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance 97-04 at 7:42 p.m for public comment. Planning Commission Chairman Bailey asked the Governing Body if they were familiar with the lemon test for governments? He said that is doing things for one and not for the other With no further comments from the audience Mayor Stocks then read the next Public Hearing agenda on proposed Ordinance 97-05--Amending Section 17.51.030, Of Chapter 17.51, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Area Requirements. Mayor Stocks then opened the Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance 97-05 at 7 44 p m for public comment. Nate Knight stated that he thinks this is a good change. With no further comments Mayor Stocks then closed the Public Hearings on proposed Ordinances 97-03, 97-04 and 97-05 at 7:46 p.m Mayor Stocks then read the Public Hearing agenda on proposed Ordinance 97-06--Amending Section 17.09.230 (A), Of Chapter 17 09, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Off -Street Parking and Loading to the audience. Mayor Stocks then opened the Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance 97-06 at 7:48 p.m. for public comment. Councilmember McDougald questioned the City controlling parking on lots in section 3. Both Planning Commission Members Bailey and Sakrison explained that this change will allow for valet parking for guests at motels. Nate Knight stated that he thought this should also include restaurants. David Storey of the Moab Valley Inn questioned the parking space requirements for a conference facility, when the majority of the conferer; guests were staying at the motel. With no further comments on proposed Ordinance 97-06 Mayor Stocks closed the Public Hearing at 7:57 p.m. Councilmember Veteto moved to take a five minute break; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting for a break at 7:58 p.m. Mayor Stocks called the meeting back to order at 8:12 p.m. 167 Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Duane Wimmer's DUANE WIMMER'S request for annexation at 230 N. 500 West, for a ANNEXATION REQUEST R-2 Zone designation and to adopt Ordinance FOR 230 N. 500 WEST 97-07--Adopting An Annexation Policy Declaration ORD. 97-07 ADOPTED And Annexing Property To Moab City; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. ORDNANCE 47d7 s�CAM .. z Or :-0“01sx,«.10.1 A.1+T NCIROPLIn :07100 OTT a:1111As1w•,..1. ➢•.>..0•004000,, 00..0 r>P•'^ 0.10:00 v 1.00.• I. 1000 uJ I ,.. v.a., 1a4111- o..t........•dua- .Co. t. a.ul1e.01 uT. w:00.a, C..f.0 p01' IS, itu 040vd. v.I W •11n.0-c..u0. ..n,..u,• I lS11D C'.T1 aPIID['[D:r6,22 WO « S•_ 15, .1011 a aj.51 I ) L. rP Councilmember Veteto moved to adopt Ordinance 97-01--Amending Section 17.12.180 A., Of Chapter 17.12, Title 17, of,the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Height Restrictions of Buildings; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion was defeated 3-2 with Councilmembers Cooke and McDougald voting in favor of the motion. Councilmember Veteto moved to adopt Ordinance 97-02--Amending Section 12.08.060, Of Chapter 12.08, Title 12, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Construction of Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. Councilmember Seibert moved to table Ordinance 97-02 to have it rewritten; Councilmem- ber Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye with Councilmember Cooke voting no. The Governing Body held a discussion with Nate Knight about water connection service. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve Lene' Balster, DBA ked Rock Shirts, Inc. requesting a Moved -On Structure Permit for retail sales of family apparel at 90 North Main after she provided a letter from the property owner allowing them use of the Poplar Place restrooms; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye with Councilmember Veteto and Tranter voting no. The review/approval of the Solidwaste Collection Service RFP was postponed until the February llth meeting; to allow the Governing Body more time to review the RFP. Bids were received on the Meter Reader Hand Held Computerized Unit for the Water Department from the following: 1) W.R. White Company, in the amount of $3,965.00; 2) Waterworks Sales Company, in the amount of $3,937.50; and 3) Grand Junction Pipe and Supply, in the amount of $4,336.50. ORDINANCE 97-01-- REGARDING HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS ON BLDGS DEFEATED ORDINANCE 97-02-- REGARDING CONST. OF SIDEWALKS, CURBS & GUTTERS TABLED DISCUSSION ON WATER CONNECTION SERVICE MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT FOR RED ROCK SHIRTS, INC. AT 90 N. MAIN APPROVED SOLIDWASTE COLLECT- ION SERVICE RFP POSTPONED UNTIL FEB. 11TH MEETING BIDS RECEIVED ON HAND HELD METER READER COMPUTERIZED UNIT FOR WATER DEPT. 168 BID AWARDED TO WATERWORKS SALES CO ON HAND HELD METER READER COMPUTERIZED UNIT FOR WATER DEPT. COUNCILMEMBER VETETO APPOINTED AS MAYOR PRO-TEM FOR 1997 CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURN ATTEST: Councilmember McDougall moved to award the Meter Reader Hand Held Computerized Unit for the Water Department to Waterworks Sales Company in the amount of $3,937.50; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to appoint Councilmem- ber Veteto to be Mayor Pro-tem for 1997; Council - member McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. Under Correspondence Mayor Stocks discussed the letter from David Bodner on the Senior Housing Project. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler reported on the following 1) Budget Workshop Meeting for Tuesday, February 4th at 7 00 p m , 2) David Olsen's Memo on the Flood Control Bridge on 5th West, and 3) The letters that the City has received on the recent TCI basic rate increases, and that she will answer all of them and explain that TCI is not exceeding the allowable rate by ordinance Under Mayor and Council Reports Mayor Stocks stated that he would like a Pre -Council Workshop on Febru- ary lit:h to discuss the possible North End of town annexation. He also inquired about a fire hydrant being placed on his property on East Center Street and stated that he would like it moved Councilmember Veteto asked if Councilmember Tranter could be the City representative to the Chamber of Commerce Executive Meetings He replied, yes. Councilmember Cooke stated that he would like a brief presentation from Community Development Coordinator David Olsen on his memo regarding the 5th West Bridge. He also would like to see a meeting scheduled with the landowners on the North End of Lown to discuss annexation Councilmember McDouglad stated that he would be attending the Association of Governments Meeting on funding for City Playground Equipment Councilmember request from Highway 191 was tabled on Seibert asked that the Zone Change a R-2 to a C-1 Zone along North be put back on the next agenda; that November 26th 1996. Councilmember Tranter appologized for his comments at the last meeting on the North End of l+ , stating that he now has more information explaining the situation better. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the bills against the City in the amount of $32,464.95; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 10:02 p m. cJ�G' AE ecorder APPROVED: Thomas A. Stocks Mayor andra E. Beaurega Acting Temp. City 169 MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING February 4, 1997 The Special Budget Workshop Meeting scheduled for the above date in the City Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah, for 7:00 p.m., was cancelled. This meeting will be rescheduled at a later date. ATTEST: APPROVED: ��� andra E. Bead, MC/AA Acting Temp. City Recorder SPECIAL BUDGET WORKSIOP MEETING CANCELLED, TO BE RESCHEDULED AT LATER DATE homas Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 11, 1997 Moab City Council held their Regular Council Meeting on the above date in the City Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Pro-tem Jeanne Veteto called the meeting to order at 6:37 p m for a Pre -Council Workshop. In attendance were Council - members Paul Seibert, T. Dee Tranter, William D McDougald and Richard Cooke; City Manager Donna J Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E Beauregard; City Attorney Chris McAnany; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Planning Aide Debra K. Gilger; Community Development Coordinator M David Olsen; Planning Commission Chairman Kyle Bailey, twelve members of the audience and the media. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks arrived at 6.40 p.m. A Pre -Council Workshop was held for the discussion of possible annexation of service extention to the North Area of town. Nancy Hess, Grant and Loan Coordinator, for the Division of Water Quality was in attendance to discuss the different grants and loans available to the City. She also informed the Governing Body of the Division of Water Quality Board Meeting dates; and of the boards interest in helping to eliminate small individual water and sewer plants throughout the state. Mayor Stocks called the Regular City Council, Meeting to order at 7:13 p.m. Councilmember McDougald led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Councilmembr Cooke moved to approve the minutes of January 27th and January 28th 1997 as presented; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. There were no citizens from the audience requesting to be heard by the Governing Body. Under Planning Update Planning Commission Chairman Bailey had nothing new to report. Under Presentations Mary McGann, of the Division of Children and Family, made a presentation on the need for Foster, Respite or Shelter Care Providers and the need for 20 more Youth Advocates for the Moab Area. A Stocks REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE PRE -COUNCIL WORKSHOP POSSIBLE ANNEXATION OF SERVICE EXTENTION TO NORTH AREA OF TOWN MAYOR CALLS REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES NO CITIZENS REQUEST- ING TO BE HEARD NO PLANNING UPDATE PRESENTATION - MARY McGANN--DIVISION OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY Councilmember Tranter moved to approve the consent LENS' BALASER, DBA agenda item of Lene' Balaster, DBA Red Rock Shirts, RED ROCK SHIRTS, INC Inc, request that the Moved -On Structure Permit GRANTED MOVED -ON 170 STRUCTURE PERMIT TERM START DATE OF MARCH 1ST ZONE CHANGE REQUEST TABLED AND C-1 ZONE AMENDMENT SENT BACK TO PLANNING COMMISS- ION FOR RESTIRCTION OF HEIGHT OF BLDGS. TO 25 FEET; REQUEST WAS FROM A R-2 TO A C-1 ZONE SOLIDWASTE COLL. SERV. RFP DISCUSSED COMMITTEE CREATED TO LOOK AT PROS AND CONS OF RFP OR PRIVITIZATION OF SOLIDWASTE COLLECT- ION SERVICE PROPOSED ORDINANCES 97-03, 97-04, 97-05 AND 97-06 TO BE ALL IN ONE MOTION ADOPTION OF ORDINANCES 97-03, 97-04, 97-05 AND 97-06; AMENDMENTS TO AREAS REQUIREMENTS AND OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING Term start March 1st, instead of the January 2Bth approval date; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye, with Council - member Veteto voting no. Councilmember Cooke moved to table the request for a Zone Change from Moab City, Bennet Lin, Randy Day, and David MacKay from a R-2 to a C-1 Zone along North Highway 191 (Chamber of Commerce property to the lot north of mivida Drive) and to send back to the Planning Commission the request for an amendment to the C-1 Zone to restrict the heights of buildings within this zone to twenty- five feet; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. The Solidwaste Collection Service RFP was discuss- ed by the Governing Body. Councilmember Seibert moved to create a committee for the Solidwaste Collection Service to consist of City Manager Metzler, Councilmembers Tranter and Veteto; to look at the pros and cons of doing a RPF or to privitize the Solidwaste Collection Service; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to include Proposed Ordinances 97-03, 97-04, 97-05 and 97-06 all in one motion; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to adopt Proposed Ordinance 97-03--Amending Section 17 45.030 of Chapter 17.45, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance regarding Area Requirements; Proposed Ordinance 97-04--Amending Section 17.48.030 of Chapter 17.48, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Area Requirements; Proposed Ordinance 97-05--Amending Section 17.51.030 of Chapter 17.51, Title 17. of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Area Requirements; and Proposed Ordinance 97-06--Amending Section 17.09.230 (A), of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Off -Street Parking and Loading; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. MI ION %kat Oai 011100M 1 .11,0111, ala 1141,1711$00 11111.111111,11.111111`, 111 1111 a10111)11 Al. 11,1, .11411sA., 1111.aklelMi all 11010. .11,1, An a 4,11MAI1t At 11141Alka tka.tb 1.1114$111,11 t Shlkail It 0010 tm ,,,,,, lo om..111,1wkakamtralt mku . Au toaummalas m Y. t M.11.10,A111.M.01t,f.040Ma1.111.11, is is •tt:...3111 NITSIAtalla tka,kAkaa1kaaaaa.,..,A.1 kioak 1,01,11k, ova, at 1 Aloa.k J..IWy Aklmas .4k...4,41..0,A ma ...ka .1.4111, rka anImmozuml 1 a .4.1. iamA.,“AA.L.I.,Akni akall ..... a.k.a. 1Aakom.kAt,tak,..1.ar....-1.Amakt aAktAl.ralmukko.11.• ro.1.3*A.1.1,k11, taki tadaa.,A.t tom...pato, to alma Aaka..14AAllstnalkd .* Aka :A pottluk aka lk,Arookkoralase.v1 sam...am,f mataawlmj.,Ameakal.A1aealy taakk.to Ae.atkklum/ta,,A3A.m. AA rAkka 11.ats V1111 41k011111,11krikr,....A.A1. Cm 4. -ht 1.17 1.1•Oakkoka alslItata 01.11 1Amr,1111, •,1,14taa‘1 IAIAL1141111N11101a1111kottJay el IL, A IIIM,. " /slow M tlwkfa, A1115,1 a',,t1•Af ta . koklaa 1 Ikavargua Ll Ay MM10,11,14..alal.k174M.1.".0.111111,14 MIalt,tal,M11,1tm10,A.Mak1OW011.A.AN torilVit!Aat IMWWI t11.1.k11A1 (At{ UtIA.1,100U IAA, 11111410ta tatt,111.1‘ at it .1.4, ts.!.....1,14301304.1 ta..a.1 atookaaktteJaakaat Ana that I. 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A 44.44.4 »n aloof, fume., 1,44.44o........10.4.K.141.4.,1C.I. 4.544,44.444.4.4. x YvR.lvv 1111141,1P1.11 hill 101111.111111V1110101101,S Ira e!...-3.E.1.111ol, An AumorAu.....1 J...4.4 ...a 1.1.4,44414. on.1.4 ... 1.4444 An 444•44.4,,..41.411...m41,34m3.4......11,....t. ria loan .4AormJ ....14.44.o. Aer••••.4.44.-1A.i•...noo,.1.411.• czttt====t7fxnv.,=,..;7:::., ..41....tuner.A......1 a 44.44,14, 1,...11dw,4A1.01110A1414Arronilta: 14. t.11......t tt A ,.4"4. t mr. root. 11(181 IN 1111,11.0M1e —(1 _ Tomo A 6141. /anat. .ado 1 o. ...tw n.11so 164.14. d /.14441 nr M10.1M I VI o ASO...," I 011•IAINC, %It 110W Cni !VIM III 41101.1,6. 1.114 ...a oil at.. SOO. al ./....111111.•...ist.a. too I t t• Vit, OVA," ARK.... kt,iIr t .1.1 5141341(1 ono 2.0 1,10,, •4, .4.. n.t • • a it ! O.. Councilmember Cooke moved to table the Bid Award -- Pavilion (Octagon Shelter) at the Swanny City Park until the February 25th meeting; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye, with CoUncilmemberS Seibert and Tranter voting no. Mayor Stocks stated that he would like to appoint Beth Hoffmeister as the Moab City Representative on the Grand County Special Recreation District Board Councilmember Cooke moved to confirm the Mayor's appointment of Beth Hoofmeister as the Moab City Representative on the Grand County Special Recrea- tion District Board; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn for a five minute break; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting for a five minute break at 8:55 p.m. Mayor Stocks called the meeting back to order after the break at 9:05 p.m. Councilmember Tranter moved to approve the Archway, Inc. Water Connection on North Highway 191; Coun- cilmember McDougald seconded the motion. Mayor Stocks then called the motion out of order due to no application being submitted prior to the meeting. The Governing Body then discussed with Nate Knight the requirements for a water connection; and stated that they would be happy to call a Special Meeting if necessary when his application is complete and submitted; to help expedite the process. There was no Reading of Correspondence. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler stated that: 1) She would like to reschedule the Budget Workshop for Tuesday, march 4th, at 7:00 p.m.; and 2) She also commented on her memo to the — PAVILION BID AWARD TABLED UNTIL FEBRUARY 2.5TH MEETING MAYOR APPOINTS BETH HOFFMEISTER TO GCSRD BOARD AS CITY REP. COUNCIL CONFIRMS MAYOR APOINTMENT TO GCSRD BOARD AS CITY REP. OF BETH HOFFMEISTER BREAK MAYOR CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER MOTION TO APPROVE ARCHWAY, INC. WATFF CONNECTION ON N. 191 CALLED OUT OF ORDER BY MAYOR AS NO APPLICATION SUBMITTED PRIOR TO MEETING REQUIREMENTS FOR WATER CONNECTION DISCUSSED WITH NATE KNIGHT NO READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 1 72 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS MAYOR HAD TO MEETING Governing Body on H.B. 98, which is the proposed legislation that would limit cities' authority to collect a gross receipts -based business license fee. City Manager Metzler suggested that the Governing Body submitt a Resolution --Opposing H.B. 98, Unless Amendments Are Made. Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Tranter reported that he had been appointed as liaison to the City for the Chamber of Commerce. He then asked on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce if the City could pay for the water to keep up the grounds and building; and that the Chamber of Commerce would do the upkeep of the buildings and grounds. Councilmembers Seibert, Cooke and Veteto had nothing to report. Councilmember McDougald commented on the letters received from the TCI customers, and that Mike Oswald is now the Manager; and he is out of Provo, Utah. He also said, that Mr. Oswald would be here during the first week in March and would be glad to answer any questions. He can also be reached at 800-248-4705. Councilmember McDougald stated that a decision would be made on the CDBG Funds for the Playground Equipment on February 12th, and that it looks good thus far, for Moab. LEAVE Mayor Stocks had to leave the meeting at 10 12 p.m. He then passed the gavel to Mayor Pro-tem Veteto. APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURN ATTEST: Councilmember Cooke moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $251,185.82; Councilmem- ber Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto then adjourned the meeting at 10:14 p.m. 2E„, andra E. Beaure r•7 CMC/ AE Acting Temp. City Recorder REGULAR MEETING ATTENDANCE APPROVED: MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 25, 1997 6: Moab City Council held their Regular Council Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Jeanne Veteto led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. In attendance were Councilmembers T. Dee Tranter, William D. McDougald and Richard Cooke; Councilmem- ber Paul Seibert was absent due to an illness; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; City Attorney Chris McAnany; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; Planning Aide Debra K. Gilger; City Planning Commission Chairman Kyle Bailey; twelve members of the audience and the media. 173 Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the minutes of February 4th and llth as presented; Councilmem- ber Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Mayor Stocks asked if there were any citizens in the audience that were not on the agenda; that were wanting to be heard by the Governing Body With no response Mayor Stocks moved on to the Planning Update. Planning Commission Chairman Bailey informed the Governing Body that the Planning Commission had been working on the Hillside Ordinance. That they would like a Hillside Review Board set up and will present that at the next Regular Meeting for Council review and to see who the Governing Body would like on that board. There were no presentations brought before the Governing Body. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the consent agenda on the following items. 1) Resolu- tion 01-97--A Resolution Opposing H.B 98 Unless Amendments Are Made; as approved by the signatures of the Governing Body on February 20th 1997, 2) KZMU requesting use of Mountain View Watertank for Spring 97' Radio -Thou; and 3) John Boroski, DBA Moab Brewery - Requesting a Cabaret License for the Moab Brewery at 686 S. Main Street, Council - member Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Bids were received from the following on the Pavilion (Octagon Sheller), including installa- tion, at the Swanny City Park: 1) Rich Boyce Recreation submitted a No Bid; 2) Alpine Recreation & Sports submitted a bid in the amount of $27,122, on a 46' Oregon Octagon w/Cupola, this was with square posts, not round, as bid specs asked; Alpine Recreation & Sports also submitted a bid in the amount of $33,376, on a 52' Oregon Octagon w/Cupola, this was with square posts, not round, as bid specs asked, and Playspace Design submitted a bid in the amount of $39,990, with a $600 option for a clerestory roof ornament installed, this bid was for round posts as bid specs. Councilmember Cooke moved to award the Pavilion (Octagon Shelter Bid) for the Swanny City Park to Playspace Design in the amount of $39,990, plus the option for a clerestory roof ornament installed for an additional $600 for a total of $40,590; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request of Copper Gillispie, DBA Family Health Matters - Requesting a Home Occupation License to conduct a Support and Education for the Childbearing Family (Prenatal, Childbirth and Breastfeeding) Business at 305 East 200 North; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember Tranter moved to approve the request of Brad Boyle, DBA Walkabout Travel Gear - Request- ing a Home Occupation License to conduct a retail Mail Order Business at 732 Millcreek Drive; Coun- cilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. APPROVAL OF MINUTES NO CITIZENS REQUESTING TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE NO PRESENTATIONS CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED 1) RES 01-97 ADOPTED OPPOSING H B 98, 2) KZMU REQUEST TO USE MOUNTAIN VIEW WATERTANK FOR RADIO-THON, 3) CABARET LICENSE FOR MOAB BREWERY BIDS RECEIVED FOR PAVILION (OCTAGON SHELTER) FOR SWANNY CITY PARK PLAYSPACE DESIGN AWARDED PAVILION (OCTAGON SHELTER) FOR SWANNY CITY PARK WITH CLERESTORv PnOF ORNAMENT AND INSTALLATION HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE APPROVED FOR COPPER GILLISPIE FOR 305 EAST 200 NORTH FOR FAMILY HEALTH MATTERS BUSINESS HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE APPROVED FOR BRAD BOYLE FOR 732 MILLCREEK DR FOR RETAIL MAIL ORDER BUSINESS 174 HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE APPROVED FOR TERESA PETITTI AT 160 NORTH 300 EAST FOR CHILD CARE/PRE- SCHOOL BUSINESS CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST FOR RANDY DAY AT 53 EAST 100 NORTH APPROVED FOR TRANSISTIONAL USE EXTENTION OF USES ALLOWED IN C-3 ZONE HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE APPROVED FOR KELLY TOLLEY AT 400 NORTH 500 WEST, ##109 FOR ANSWERING SERVICE BUSINF3S REQUEST TO GO TO A PUBLIC HEARING ON 3-11-97 FOR PROPOSED ORDINANCE 97-08-- AMENDING HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS IN A C-1 ZONE BREAK MAYOR CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT APPROVED FOR MARJORIE WAGNER AT 352 NORTH MAIN FOR SMALL CAFE BUSINESS OUT OF A TRAILER BIDS RECEIVED ON CONCRETE PROJECTS FOR THE STREETS DEPARTMENT HIGH CALIBER CONSTRUCTION AWARDED CONCRETE PROJECTS BID BIDS RECEIVED FOR ASPHALT PAVING OF GRAND AVENUE FOR STREETS DEPARTMENT LE GRAND JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION AWARDED Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the request of Teresa Petitti, DBA Learning Train Child Care - Requesting a Home Occupation License to conduct a Child Care/Some Pre -School Business at 160 North 300 East; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the Conditional Use Request from Randy Day for a Transitional Use Extention of the Uses Allowed in the C-3 Zone at 53 East 100 North, Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 3-1 aye, with Councilmember Cooke voting no. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request of Kelly Tolley, DBA Call One Communications - Requesting a Home Occupation License to conduct an Answering Service Business at 400 North 500 West, ##109, Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request to go to a Public Hearing for Proposed Ordinance 97-08--Amending Height Restrictions in a C-1 Zone for March 11, 1997; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion After a lengthy discussion on height restrictions the motion was carried by a vote of 3-2 aye, with Mayor Stocks voting aye to break the tie, Councllmembers Veteto and Tranter voted no Councilmember Tranter moved to take a five-minute break; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting for a break at 6.12 p.m. Mayor Stocks called the meeting back to order after the break at 8.18 p m Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request of Marjorie Wagner - Requesting a Moved -On Structure Permit to conduct a Small Cafe Business from a Trailer at 352 North Main, with the term date to start on March 15th, Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-1 aye, with Councilmember Veteto voting no Bids were received for the Concrete Projects for the Streets Department from the following; 1) High Caliber Construction in the amount of $27,787, with a one year warranty with bid bond in place; 2) L.R Shippen Construction in the amount of $32,923, with bid bond in place; 3) Laws•, Construction in the amount of $31,932, with a five year warranty and no bid bond; 4) Bliss Construc- tion in the amount of $40,412, with a one year warranty with bid bond in place; and 5) Workman Construction in the amount of $41,368, with a one year warranty with bid bond in place. Councilmember Tranter moved to award the Concrete Projects Bid to the low bidder in the amount of $27,787, to High Caliber Construction; Councilmem- ber Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0 aye. Bids were received for Asphalt Paving of Grand Avenue for the Streets Department from the following• 1) Le Grand Johnson Construction in the amount of $26,320, with bid bond in place; and 2) Valley Asphalt, Inc. in the amount of $31,740, with a one year warranty with bid bond in place. Councilmember Cooke moved to award the Asphalt Paving of Grand Avenue in the amount of $26,320, 175 to Le Grand Johnson Construction; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0 aye. Bids were received on the Asphalt Paving of Uranium Avenue for the Streets Department from the following: 1) Le Grand Johnson Construction in the amount of $18,540, with bid bond in place; and 2) Valley Asphalt, Inc. in the amount of $22,356, with a one year warranty and bid bond in place. Councilmember McDougald moved to award the Asphalt Paving of Uranium Avenue to Le Grand Johnson in the amount of $22,356; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the following contracts between Moab City and the following companies awarded bids: 1) High Caliber Construction in the amount of $27,787, for the Concrete Projects; 2) Le Grand Johnson Construc- tion in the amount of $26,320, for the Asphalt Paving of Grand Avenue; 3) Le Grand Johnson Con- struction in the amount of $18,540, for the Asphalt Paving of Uranium Avenue; and 4) Playspace Designs in the amount of $40,590, for the Pavilion (Octagon Shelter) including a clerestory roof ornament and installation; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. Councilmember Cooke moved to amend the motion to include the following corrected wording under Article 5, to read: Upon completion of the Work under the Contract and before the Contractor shall receive or be paid for the final estimate, the City shall publish in a newspaper published in the City a notice that the City has accepted such Work as completed according to the Contract Documents and that the Contractor is entitled to final settlement therefor, and that upon thirty days after the first publication, specifying the exact date, the City will pay the full balance due under the Contract, and that persons having claims for labor or material furnished the Contractor shall present the same to the City prior to said date specified for such payment; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then called for the vote on the four contracts as amended in the above motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to table the request of Community Housing Services; requesting payment of fees for Rock Ridge Senior Housing Project on the following: 1) Building Permit Fees; 2) Water and Sewer Connection Fees; and 3) Plan Check Fees; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. City Manager Metzler discussed with the Governing RECREATION Body the Recreation Facilities that the School District will have no further use for once they move into the new high school and the middle school moves into the present high school build- ing. She asked the Governing Body to think about the possiblity of leasing or obtaining any of the following: 1) Ballpark Fields; 2) Tennis Courts on Center Street; and 3) Middle School Gymnasium. City Manager Metzler informed the Governing Body that all of the above and including Star Hall, which the County was interested in was discussed at a recent meeting between the City, County and School District Staff for excess school property and future planning. BID FOR ASPHALT PAVING OF GRAND AVENUE BIDS RECEIVED FOR ASPHALT PAVING OF URANIUM AVENUE FOR STREETS DEPARTMENT LE GRAND JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION AWARDED BID FOR ASPHALT PAVING OF URANIUM AVENUE CONTRACTS APPROVED FOR BIDS AWARDED TO HIGH CALIBER CONST.; LE GRAND JOHNSON CONST AND PLAY - SPACE DESIGN COMMUNITY HOUSING SERVICES REQUESTS FOR FUNDS TABLED FACILITIES DISCUSSED 1 ,7'6 ORDINANCE 97-09-- AMENDING CHAPTER TWO REGARDING PURCHASING PROCEDURE TO SECURE COMPETITIVE PROPOSAL AND BIDS ADOPTED Councilmember McDougald moved to adopt Ordinance 97-09--Amending Chapter Two Of The Moab Municipal Code Regarding Purchasing Procedure To Secure Competitive Proposals And Bids; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0 aye. 0....c. Rt.- . up.Y 'WU Yp�.J p`••!l., Ica.. aw • Naeb plr.l.. [OTT .,a. ' .pp ro a... .! IT •rp.lNtp •I .•t .a.• rI.1 raa•rl..• tots°••. Cupel o..1•.••• •1 ... Note .•slolpol, 'retChe•e'� Jvpc•>en Y: vrlw cpnU 1V1v. pnwi ,l. ar, LIJ•• 1. hall .lOut! Wrsn.•.n, •v ^• [I•r pa•[•.•.••ry a t. w t •v ••�.• e ▪ • ivw•. 'cl pent t. t. .•j vf• [a1 ; • propo•1 �••• aa. •inl[u.•• f • '•11 tJ' ntNll Yo.•.• •r«.q. WW ells'.' ppuu yr .. Ina lao.l.l. Inns 11.1 �e Yl Ya crate isµ nal ...t I p. .11 plll •. s.l t.• •n! uul l[I. soler oleo. �It.•'a•IJ•J nu•.lt▪ • pl u'ul •J 4; In• pll1. Ile• with �il.11e yu is llln V ••Idea ill Lf 1 •11 s•n•I IIr Vt or 1psr �arpL1E1•r 'for In•ayuoJ• or s•rrl•t. "• ..... 1� .Irill.1•.N.nv; L; ls,vlrr,tnls of la Chaplet, ••111•..n . µ•. •.1•r, l•valo It lost. •• frai proposal o L.Jarvuri•lo s of this "Maple In t . alaan• ,usurf. . qV ncY or mttun...=.17:.q• t'Me 1. al p •c4••s • e Vctl.ly nJv f•ro�•LI• io Ine It I••• It Vr •c•Ic•n 1• un l•r .n n[Ir cuos.•rc. •. C. pr•cu1•MIII• er plpc•Jars1 Mho. Intn . swr111•0 In . of IL•T shall luun: allo•u r w v ••a•• •'•"a. nn Yr•w o.•I J>...4sntra cn•,nr t_I u••uf'1 uounru or roe t•Y, u.l• . H6 _/•1:J: fir,.. , .r,. MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT APPROVED FOR CITY MARKET GARDEN CENTER AT 425 SOUTH MAIN READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORTS �r����•rat Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request of City Market Garden Center - Requesting a Moved - On Structure Permit for a Garden Center Business at 425 South Main; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Under Reading of Correspondence Mayor Stocks read a letter from the Southeastern Association of Governments in regards to the City's CDBG application for playground equipment. It stated that the application was ranked number two and cannot be funded this year. He also read a letter from the Moab Music Festival requesting funding from the City in the amount of $10,000. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler reported on the following: 1) On the Archway, Inc. Water Application; that the City staff, City Attorney and City Engineer. Al Anderson has had numerous meetings with Mr. Knight and his engineers regarding his application and the supple- mentary materials required to process Archway, Inc.'s application; 2) H.S. 98 - The resolution opposing H.B. 98 was sent to various legislatures and other notables, along with a Fact Sheet. She asked for phone calls from the Governing Body to the legislatures to help stop this bill; 3) A Budget Meeting for Tuesday, March 4th, at 7:00 p.m. has been scheduled for the 1996/1997 Budget Opening Council Workshop; and 4) Dan Simmons from Utah State University will be in town on Wednesday, February 26th, at 1:00 p.m. to discuss impact fees with the CIP Committee. Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Tranter reported on Seekhaven's annual "Putting on the Ritz" fundrasier, for March 8th at 6:30 p.m. at the Civic Center. He asked everyone to attend if they could. 177 Councilmember McDougald asked questions about the upcoming March 4th meeting. He also informed the Governing Body about TCI's Manager, Mike Oswald, from Orem, Utah; that he will be in town this week and that he will be escorting him to the Senior Luncheon to explain the new TCI rates, and to answer any questions. He will also bring him by the City Offices and the radio station. Council - member McDougald informed the governing Body that he was sorry about the CDBG money for the Play- ground Equipment. He also stated that his term on the Landfill Board is about up and that he would like to be replaced when it is. Councilmember Cooke had nothing to report Councilmember Veteto reported that she would like a meeting scheduled at around 4 p.m. for Councilmem- bers Tranter and herself, City Manager Metzler and Bob Hawks to discuss a solidwaste RFP. Mayor Stocks reported on a Policy Meeting he attended at the State Legislature. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the bills against the City in the amount of $69,222.88; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0 aye Councilmember Tranter moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 9:02 p.m. ATTEST: ne25.,.A andra E. Beaureg rd,fCMC A E Acting Temp. City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING March 4, 1997 APPROVED: APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURN Mayor Moab City Council held a Special Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Richard Cooke led the audience in the Pledge of Alegience. In attendance were Councilmembers Jeanne Veteto, William D. McDougald, Paul Seibert and T. Dee Tranter; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; City Attorney Chris McAnany; Police Chief Alan West; and three members of the audience. Mayor Stocks then read the agenda for the Special Meeting to the audience. Councilmember Cooke then moved to adjourn into an Executive Session for the purpose of a Strategy Session to discuss the purchase, exchange, or lease of real property when public discussion of the transaction would disclose the appraisal or esti- mated value of the property under consideration or prevent the public body from completing the trans- action on the best possible terms for contract negotiations in- reference to a Development Agree- ment with Archway, Inc.; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR STATEGY SESSION IN REFERENCE TO A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH ARCHWAY, INC. 178 MAYOR ADJOURNS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION CITY ATTORNEY GOES OVER DEV. AGREEMENT & PETITION FOR ANNEX MOTION TO ADJOURN EXECUTIVE SESSION BACK TO SPECIAL MEETING MAYOR ADJOURNS EXEC. SESSION BACK TO SPECIAL MEETING BREAK MAYOR ADJOURNS MEETING FOR BREAK MAYOR CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER CITY MANAGER GOES OVER OUTLINE FOR BUDGET WORKSHOP MOTION TO END MEETING AT 9:30 P.M. CITY MANAGER REVIEWS SALARY SURVEY RESULTS CITY MANAGER ASKS THAT NEW JOB DESCRIP- TIONS BE APPROVED CITY MANAGER REVIEWS PROPOSED BUDGET CHANGES FOR FY /996-98 Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Special Meeting into an Executive Session at 7:05 p.m. City Attorney McAnany then went over the proposed Development Agreement and Petition for Annexation with the Governing Body. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the Execu- tive Session and to return to the Special Meeting; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Executive Session and returned to the Special Meeting at 8 40 p m Councilmember Veteto moved to have a five minute break; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Special Meeting for a five minute break at 8:40 p.m. Mayor Stocks called the Special Meeting back to order at 8:48 p.m. City Manager Metzler went over the Special Meeting Budget Workshop Outline of: 1) Review of Salary Survey Results; 2) Review Proposed Budget Changes; 3) Review Other Changes to Budget (Council Recom- mended); 4) Go over time frame for FY 1997-98 Budget Process; and 5) Review any Council prefer- ences for FY 1997-98 Budget. Councilmember Cooke moved to have the meeting end no later than 9:30 p.m.; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye, with Councilmember Seibert voting no City Manager.Metzler then proceeded to go over the Salary Survey results with the Governing Body. Mayor Stocks asked who the professional consultant was that she worked with on the Salary Survey? City Manager Metzler replied, Mike Swallow, form- erly of Personnel Systems of Salt Lake City. That he is now working with another firm. She then ex- plained the process taken to achieve the end result. City Manager Metzler also asked that the new job descriptions be approved at the same time the Salary Survey Implementation is approved. The Governing Body responded by asking that the job descriptions be made available for their review prior to their approval. City Manager Metzler said that the job descriptions would be made available for any of them wishing to review them. City Manager Metzler then proceeded to review the proposed budget changes for Fiscal Year 1996-97. She said that she would like to have the public hearing to open the current year budget on Tuesday, March 25th. She also informed the Governing Body that this would give them time for another workshop session if they needed; prior to the public hearing and adopting the proposed changes on March 25th. 179 Mayor Stocks then reminded the Governing Body that the time set to adjourn the meeting was in a few seconds. He asked if they would like to make a motion at this time to extend the meeting for another half hour. With no motion from the Governing Body Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 9:31 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: andra E. Beanregar Acting Temp. City Recorder CMG/AAE MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 11, 1997 MAYOR REMINDS GOVERNING BODY OF TIME TO END MEETING ADJOURN Thomas A. Stocks Mayor Moab City Council held their Regular Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Pro-tem Jeanne Veteto called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember William D. McDougald led the audience in the Pledge of Alegiance. In attendance were Councilmembers Richard Cooke, Paul Seibert and T. Dee Tranter; City Manager Donna J Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E Beauregard; City Attorney Chris McAnany; Planning Aide Debra K. Gilger; Mayor Thomas A. Stocks was absent due to being out-of-town; twenty-eight members of the audience and the media. Councilmember Tranter moved to approve the minutes of February 25th and March 4th as presented; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto asked if there were any citizens in the audience that were not on the agenda and if they wished to be heard by the Governing Body. With no response, Mayor Pro-tem Veteto moved to the next agenda item. Under City Planning City Manager Metzler gave an update that the RFP for the Parking Study was going out this week. Councilmember Cooke moved to move the agenda to the Consent Agenda; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the entire consent agenda of the following: 1) Lou Ann Johnson, DBA Lion Den - Requesting a Moved -On Structure Permit Term start date of March 1st, instead of the September 24th approval date; and a Local Vendors License at 105 N. Main Street to conduct a food and drink business; and 2) Ease- ments for Spanish Valley Water and Sewer Upgrade Project; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye, with Mayor Pro-tem Veteto voting no. Councilmember Seibert moved to include for consid- eration for a contribution in the next Fiscal Year Budget 1997-1998 the following requests from Community Housing Services requesting payment of fees for Rock Ridge Senior Housing Project: 1) Building Permit Fees; 2) Water and Sewer Connection Fees; and 3) Plan Check Fees; and if they needed to REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES NO CITIZENS REQUESTING TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE AGENDA MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA ENTIRE CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED: 1) LOU ANN JOHNSON, DBA LION DEN REQUEST FOR TERM DATE CHANGE ON MOVED -ON STRUCT- URE PERMIT AND LOCAL VENDOR LICENSE; 2) EASEMENTS FOR SPAN- ISH VALLEY WATER SEW- ER UPGRADE PROJECT COMMUNITY HOUSING SERVICES REQUEST FOR FEES TO BE PAID BY CITY TO BE CONSIDER- ED IN FY 1997-98 BUDGET 180 KZMU RADIO TO BE CONSIDERED FOR CONTRIBUTION IN FY 1997-98 BUDGET MAYOR PRO-TEM READS ORDINANCE 97-08 TO AUDIENCE MAYOR PRO-TEM OPENS PUBLIC HEARING ON ORDINANCE 97-08-- AMENDING HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS IN C-1 ZONE start the project before July 1st 1997, they would still be able to recoup the money they spent on July 1st if it was allocated in the FY 1997-1998 Budget; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to include for consider- ation for a contribution in the current Fiscal Year Budget 1996-1997 the request from KZMU Radio for funds for their building; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. Councilmember Seibert moved to table the request of KZMU Radio, for a contribution for funds for their building in the current FY 1996-1997 Budget, until the FY 1997-1998 Budget Process, as the need for the contribution of funds could wait until July 1st, and if they needed to start the project before July 1st they could also recoup their funds if the money was allocated in the FY 1997-1998 Budget; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto read the proposed 97-08--Amending Height Restrictions in to the Governing Body and audience. Ordinance the C-1 Zone Mayor Pro-tem Veteto then opened the Public Hearing on Ordinance 97-08--Amending Height Restrictions in the C-1 Zone at 7:32 p.m.; and had entered into the minutes a letter to the Governing Body with thirty-one signatures expressing their concerns of the 25 foot height restriction as follows: March D. 1997 Moab, Utah Moab City Council 115 West 200 South Moab, Utah 84532 Dear Council Members As residents in and adjacent to the llohhs Subdivision, we arc wnnng in regard to the proposed zone change by Randy Day, et al , for lands behind our homes on U-191 After a long. tedious and oftentimes confusing process, it appears that we are near final action on the proposal We are very appreciative of the time and effon expended by many of you on the City Council an conducting your work to halance development interest against residential protection. As you are, the most recent request for a zone change on this land was initiated in November 1996, with the proposal to take the land out of the R-2 zone and place it in the C-1 zone. From the onset of this zone change request, the Hobbs subdivision residents, in addition to residents immediately adjacent to the Ilobbs subdivision, have requested a height restriction on the C•1 zone pimr to our concurrence with the zone change. After several iterations regarding the zone modification requested, the Council has now near a final vote on a 25 foot height restriction and the subsequent zone change. Mer thorough ihscussion among ourselves regarding the potential impact from 25 foot, two story buildings that could be built within this height, we are not comfortable with the 25 foot height identified in the requested C-1 zone modification Two story building, fail to accomplish the intent of our original height restriction request. Our concerns are with potential adverse impact to our property values from commercial buildings of such height adjacent to, behind and above our bones, in addition to potential flooding from surface tun -off. These concems have been expressed in a number of letters to you regarding this issue, from several of the residents in the subdivision. The 25 foot height came about when the Council originally sent our request for the C-1 zone modification to the Planning Commission, last htatelllber. As we understand, city administrative staff recommended to the Planning Commission that this particular height restriction apply to several building zones in Moab in addition to the C-1. The 25 foot height was apparently developed as a compromise, believed to be an equitable, across-the-board height when applied to the majority of zones throughout the City. The Planning Commission approved this city wide zone modification, but the Council subsequently voted against it for reasons you are aware of. When the Council voted against this multi -zone restriction and decided to apply a height restriction only to the C-1 zone, in accordance with our original ruttiest, this particular height stayed with the proposal. Since it was a compromise height, intended to apply to many zones in the city, we feet that now that the Council has clearly stated that it is to apply only to the C-1 zone, it would be appropriate to lower this height to restrict commercial buildings in the C-1 zone to tine story only. 18 /lcc t` $31CAAAIA a'1,41.0A �� _�-a-^-•..ems A more appropriate height for one story buildings would be 15.18 feet, as measured from pre -disturbance ground levels. The 3000 square foot building limitation in the current C-1 zone, will allow the commercial developers ample footage to develop the reasonably sired commercial buildings intended under this type of "buffer" zoning If they need space for storage, they can simply put in a basement We can think of no justifiable reason for the developers to continue to insist they must have two stories No one is going to build residential housing or apartments on this particular parcel of land. Remember, they gambled on buying residential properly for commercial development. With this modification we can all be finished with this issue, and can move on The developers can begin building, our property values and privacy are protected, end the City gains an enhanced tax base 'fins would be the ttin•win situation we previously proposed and have been trying to accomplish from the onset We strongly urge the Council to lower the C-1 height restriction to 15-18 feet pnor to approving the zone modification and subsequent zone change. Without this final modification, we will strongly oppose the zone change and will be forced to take additional actions to protect our property values We thank you for your time and consideration in this matter Name Address A•Gi„„ J.c.lac t ZfYz[-42/11s V. iy1 fiROIV im //�e,z6/ N V —fsc-4l �liau{ �I? 1�d1, &f 6P M OohY'/ty 71/..211/1.4 \/Q/� rah /c>fC =3 f Dias z lJ.�G 326. lit 3 24 /✓e Gh; ii 0 N to. .1.. I/ 1 c 2,v ` n i - r. in I k_1-i- i y ���1 . t4.-t>/��/741,6f1 Y% 72,2,_ : „t , c:96-77-z-a4G Name Address ti/,Luc/ r:./,t_ 41,`c :a2.4 rtr\ 0 A) 1 ,]� f l v ickrKan'1 >sii� 1\�lSl L lr Z1-.4 `` �%J jnL' lip- 7J��,✓ J a nI Vv Ye.t-t< 4- i : ri"./ 17, Mtn 0 -&-69�-� Q. S e L 1_ v Vi) 7 27 f -'area_ hiti vtvte Vq n� I (WAIL CA-. I , -14r41A (-!' Wh s"'d f /'KtiS�fla �-7 Taal Fuitey- 360 14o6los cz ,27 / LEh L. Tc,Js S u .1 J H „ j [ ;h. S PAN L ARrNsI.✓ V '✓ioq �i��/t ear Tit T 3..5 504/6NhvE" COU C•-, IY6 eta. 730 d 8.2r,-sC! • 182 Lynn Jackson, stated, that his main concern was commercial buildings, 2-3 stories high; that this is a narrow stretch of property, and most of the residential property owners are about 15 feet below grade of where this zone proposal is at. He said that 2-3 storey buildings would effect their property values. Even though this may not effect the appraised value; you will not get a prospec- tive buyer once you take them in the back of your home. He said that he objects to the 25 foot height and thinks that 15-18 feet would be more appropriate for a one storey building Jack Winn, stated, that he doesn't want any building in back of his house He said that he lives on Mivida and is against any commercial zone in this area. He said that his view and his privacy would be gone if any building is allowed on these lots. Ezra Jones said that he oones property on Sunshine Circle because it's a nice neighborhood He stated that building a large structure bewteen the residental and the highway would impact the neighorhood. That it would impact the property value and the scenic value of the property there. I don't think that we can totally fight against a commercial zone there; as eventually it will come to pass. I think that it should be reasonable, I don't think that any motels should be built there or any large office buildings. I think a one storey building would be reasonable Robert Doherty, lives on Mivida Drive and is not directly adjacent to this property, but that an elderly lady that lives across from them is adjacent to them. That she purchased her property with the understanding that this was a residential neighborhood, her name is Eloise Lloyd. I do believe that she has signed the letter objecting to the 2-3 storey buildings for this zone. Rick York, lives on Mivida Drive, stated that he spoke at the: last public hearing on this issue also. Thinks that the C-1 as a buffer between residental and light commerical is good except for the height. He thinks that a single story struc- ture would be more appropriate for the area. He also cautioned the Governing Body on the single storey structure there due to the slope. That you could take from the edge of the highway and go back and have a walk out basement, and you could be looking at a 2 1/2 storey structure just by the lay of the land. He told the Governing Body that you need to be real careful of what you define as a single storey. He stated that he believes that 15-18 feet is way more than is needed for a one storey structure. He stated that he still has concerns about the storm drainage. Janeen Torres, stated that she lives directly behind the proposed zone change and that she doesn't want anything higher than a one -storey structure. Diane Walker, stated that she lives in the old historical district of Moab, that is also zoned C-1. She said that she doesn't want anything higher than a one -storey structure in this zone. She would like the residential neighborhoods of this town protected. 183 Leon Jones, owns property off of Sunshine Circle and said that he agrees with the height restric- tion to a one storey structure. Randy Day, stated that this is his third public hearing on the issue of a zone change for this property. He then gave the Governing Body and audience a chronological history of zone change requests connected to this property. Nothing has ever been brought up on height restrictions on this property. He stated that he just wants due process as was given Grand County, on their zone change request that had a petition of 134 names that were against that zone change, yet it was approved. The C-1 Zone was adopted the 22nd day of November 1994. He said that when he went before the Planning Commission for a public hearing the only concerns brought up at that time, March 14th 1995, were the flood issues. Nothing at that time was brought up about height restriction. On March 27th 1995, the City voted on that zone change. The problem being at that time as discussed was flooding issues, and the zone change was defeated 0-5. I was then instructed by the City staff at that time that in order to build anything on that property I would need to have an engineering plan and have the sewer lines checked to see if anything I might construct would have an impact on the sewer lines in Mivida and Hobbs area. I said that was fair, and commenced to hiring an engineer. The flood engineer told him that he didn't have a problem. He said that his property is quite steep, but that he is downstream from the problem. That you have two twenty-four inch culverts or bigger coming into an area right at Rosalie Court. They come into the property behind Winn's and York's. That there has been a ditch there; and they hit a twelve inch culvert at Mivida Drive. That culvert has been there a lot longer than I have. That culvert size right there is where the flood water problem exists. There is your flooding problem. That is not my property, nor is it any of the properties asked to be rezoned. He said then he was turned down on the rezoning issue so he hired the engineer and went thru the plans. In October of 1996, Planning and Zoning passed this zone change unanimously with his flood plan. On November 12th of 1996, the City had a public hearing. At that time they wanted to change height restrictions from 40 feet to 25 feet. On November 26th 1996, the City Council voted to table the zone change request and to send it back to Planning and Zoning. In this same meeting the City Council voted to approve the zone change request from Grand County for a housing development up on the hill by the Civic Center. That the Civic Center was to be built in an R-3 Zone; but they had R-2. They asked for a zone change and they went through the 'public hearings together and the whole zone change process. There were 134 signatures against this zone change. The Council voted in favor of the County zone change request 4-0. They were given a zone change in spite of height, looking into back yards and problems. My zone change was tabled and sent back to Planning and Zoning right after the County zone change was approved to look at the height restrictions. I am still at a total loss as to why Council did not give me the same prudence that the County got. December of 1996, the Planning and Zoning at the request of the City Council created a zone 25 feet high and restricted all zones excepting C-3 and C-4. That passed the Planning and Zoning and came back to the City Council for another public hearing on January 7th 1997. No one present at that time 184 spoke against this change for 25 feet, except for a few letters. On January 14th 1997, this went for a vote by the City Council on the height restrict- ions. The City Council voted down the height restriction 5-0. I was then called to come to the meeting on February llth 1997, the City Council then voted to send back to Planning and Zoning again for a height restriction. On February 13th, the Planning and Zoning approved the height restriction of 25 feet, in the C-1 Zone only. I am here again for my third public hearing on this issue. When other people in the neighborhood came and asked for his signature to divide a lot or to build a two -storey residential structure he didn't say anything, he just signed I'm at a loss as to why these people think their property rights are more important than his. Nobody knows this process better than I do and nobody has more frustrations over it than I do. I'm at a loss I read the covenants of this subdivision and they have been broken many times and still are today by other neighbors; and that's fine. I'm not here to ask for them to obey the covenants in that subdivision This property is on the highway and is going to be commercial property. It's been wrong in my eyes, and I have a right to due process, like the County got. He stated that he is disheartened about that, but yet still here and still comes to the meetings and would like to see this zone changed; so that I may build an office. It's reported by some that I'm not going to do that. That I'm just going to sell the property after my zone change, that is not the case I have spent $3,500 on plans. I did this all in good faith, because the zone said 40 feet I've spent money on my plans, as well as, several trips back and forth to Provo, Utah to an architect to have those plans drawn Yes, I plan on putting a basement in it. If you go out back, yes you will see I guess what appears to be three storeys depending an how you look at it. I'll be more than happy to have my plans redrawn if anyone wants to reimburse me for my plans. Crystal Day stated that she had called appraisers and were told that the rezoning of this property would not devalue the property rights. She stated that Church property devalues your property more than a 9-5 office building. If they had know of the letter earlier they would have had time to do more research on the property valuations. She said that they have lists of appraisers from out of town that anyone can call if they would like more information on this. Kathryn Jackson, stated that she lives on Hobbs and has met with many of the neighbors in the past few days. She said that compromise takes time. I would like to know if Randy Day would like to reimburse all the property owners in the neighbor- hood if their property should devalue. There are many of us that think it will happen. The resi- dents in this area have the right of a residental zone not a commerical zone. Commercial zones have impact. We had to invest in a fence to protect our kids from the Visitor Center traffic. The people would help themselves into their yard. They had to fence them out. A commercial building has an impact, we have felt it directly. The traffic has calmed down considerably since the Visitor Center has moved and it is now just the Chamber of Commerce. It's a much quieter building now with just the Chamber there. Again, compromise takes time, if you rezone this strip C-1 then it will set a precedence. Mr. Winn's property will be directly effected. He does have some concerns with his property values going up and him paying higher taxes even though he has no desire to build behind his house. Knowing that it is rsidental and we bought residential and that we intend to have it remain residental have been plans of the neighbor- hood all along. 185 Mr. Winn asked Randy if he sold the property next to his on 646 Mvida? Randy replied, no. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto asked Mr. Winn to direct his comments and questions to the Council. Georgia Russell, stated that she lives on Hobbs Street. She said that she signed the petition in favor of the height restriction. She stated that she is not against developing the property in a nice manner. She said that she is also impacted even now as she doesn't have a fence up yet and that bikers are bathing in the drinking fountain. She stated that she has a great impact right now. When she looks out her back window and sees the bikers bathing and stripping down in front of her teenage daughters. She also stated that they come into her yard and use her hose. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto asked if there were any further comments on the proposed Ordinance 97-08-- Amending Height Restrictions on the C-1 Zone She also stated that the City would accept written comments from the public for the next two weeks. Randy Day, stated that he had talked to the man Mr. Winn was talking about and that he had told him that he was struggling with the zone change and that he did not sell this property to this gentleman. He also stated that he would be glad to discuss the conversation with Mr. Winn later if he wished. He stated that he will do whatever he can to take care of that neighborhood. That he has gone through all the processes and public hearings upfront and no one has contacted him and wanted to see his plans. He said that he had them at the first public hearing and no one wanted to look at them, except Mr. Tranter. He said that he wanted to thank this Council for their time and effort. Lynn Jackson, stated that no one is out to get Randy Day. That he is a good neighbor, and if he were the only property owner to be considered and that they knew he would be there forever, I'm sure an agreement could be worked out with him. That their concern is for the whole strip to be rezoned and the other owners. That they liked Randy and that this wasn't personal that they had to protect their property values there. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto asked City Attorney McAnany if the Council could change any part of this Ordinance or if it had to go back to the Planning Commission as a request for a change. Mr. McAnany replied that the Council could change any part of this that they chose; as they were amending a zone not creating one. With no further comments Mayor Pro-tem Veteto closed the public hearing on Ordinance 97-08 at 8:10 p.m. Councilmember Seibert moved to have a five minute break; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto then adjourned the meeting for a five minute break at 8:11 p.m. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto called the meeting back to order at 8:18 p.m. CITY ATTORNEY ASKED IF GOVERNING BODY COULD CHANGE ORD. WITHOUT GOING BACK TO PLANNING COMMISSION MAYOR PRO-TEM CLOSES PUBLIC HEARING ON ORD. 97-08 BREAK MAYOR PRO-TEM CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER 186 MOAB MUSIC FESTIVAL REPRESENTATIVE RECOGNIZED AND ASKED IF THEIR FUNDING REQUEST COULD WAIT UNTIL FY 1997-98 BUDGET PROCESS MOAB MUSIC FESTIVAL REQUEST FOR FUNDS TABLED UNTIL FY 1997-98 BUDGET FOR CONSIDERATION REQUEST TO RAISE THE CONTRIBUTION LIMITS TO $80,000 IF AVAIL. MOTION DENIED BY ADVICE FROM CITY ATTORNEY DUE TO LACK OF A MAJORITY VOTE ON PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST FOR ZONE CHANGE FROM A RA-1 TO A C-2 ZONE CONDITIONAL USE EXTENSION REQUEST FROM DON PALMER OF THE C-5 ZONE APPROVED WITH CONDITION OF 6 FOOT PRIVACY FENCE RESOLUTION 02-97-- CREATING THE HILLSIDE REVIEW ADVISORY BOARD Mayor Pro-tem Veteto then recognized Cathy Sonde, Hank Rutter and Susan Fralick representing the Moab Music Festival. They were then asked if their need for funds was immediate or if it could wait and go through the process for the FY 1997-•1998 Budget. They responded that they could wait for considera- tion of funds in the FY 1997-1998 Budget. Councilmember McDougald then moved to table the request for a contribution of funds from the FY 1996-1997 Budget from the Moab Music Festival and to consider this request for funds in the FY 1997- 1998 Budget; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert stated that he would like to see the limits for contributions rasied to $80,000 if the funds are available in FY 1997-1998 Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request of Dee Tranter for a public hearing 30 days from now for a Zone Change at 810 Millcreek Drive from a RA-1 to a C-2 Zone; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. Councilmember Tranter disclosed his conflict of interest on this issue before the Governing Body and stated that he would participate in the discussions of this motion but would not vote on the motion. After some discussion the motion was denied on advise of the City Attorney due to the vote of 2-2, with Councilmembers Cooke and McDougald voting aye and Councilmembers Seibert and Mayor Pr-tem Veteto voting no; as it takes a majority vote for a motion. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the request of Don Palmer for a Conditional Use Extension (:section 17.09.610) of the C-5 Zone at 411 E. i,ocust Lane, with the condition as recommended by the Planning Commission that a 6 foot privacy fence be installed along the north property line, for aesthetic and noise purposes; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye, with Councilmember Cooke voting no. Councilmember Cooke moved to adopt Resolution 02-97--Creating the Hillside Review Advisory Board; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. WAN, I ilIN% MO V/ / NI II IAA 1111 AN1 MAMMON' ON' MASS. Alla IJI111 NO SRN NiN 10 A>. d.*1.4 harnyttennwk gat,d•NAuk NON AJ,uq NVJ«hi`«J.x..+LJ iNNuk ik+.4i«AU And.a.a..N N111 NI A> de NM,. Ne.u. A.k..n I1%.1J.INN I..ku«,k.r.l NI II. Aiwa l'.q m..uy l.,ww.v tA.u. IIN Nt 14m1 IN II NI a .11111M Y. {w..n.ay N.J. M d.1Y,.4.1, .a.cd. tLLANNNk knw.. A,4rvay Aui«kA«. LiontueulNJNJ 1 II.t1..k11Jlwk Nn..t AAA, 1,4 N.A....4 f...M. Al fnr mcohnol lloaJ Jull ld.rukwd M KW,h., M.JI'.wt u 11. a vAN.y w� la ckA«> J..attu eV., .11, J.uA n ary.sl,,mrauu.a11.10da . .pl...atu. 1 H.n«aNu... And.; atul\N..1w Wn S4l..1 raNaua,Mx A...«.g.Jh,NfN f .>NarahnJtl.uw.,Nt.n..u,.ty d. tiH.. ao-la.K dy tlr fry l:...J It.alwalLNWt Atom N..wgIWJ.W atta a.timaW J a awe., ukJJr Ott, uk NNW: Nntta Mad.JlltWr.«.amayr,« ANNA,. AIL%J.aa.a..al.IkuJ mu.�iatu 'sad. (+NbwJIT wnn.. 1arNn. tkiI. JM+rJN.Ia..f.r toms rl:.aMvr. k..rc Ira MVP AN %J...,w;pwdon dug k (01.0 tra "mat Yaa.in NUN k IJIJ tl yla «wrr 4r dr a.trynJ mr«a J N[ kr« Nna.,AJma.aNgkyuiltankkosa AA,* Mrpi lac kk.yJa.k An.* Ahtwt twJ «aalu.al a.l..y taJ..,NJ1 1 N..wa1..l.-.J..ya a.Aroa. a.a wJ«d. tMal ., INuk •.aAN.a fasa II fn NA....1 •.a4.rJ yl.n N .. a.J a N. Il.w,f.uV.ua dl n I,.a.d S f...ta%Jut eN rry+x««.aJ«xala. l«N W.r{aV..wad IYa t wad a r,anan a4%.naan, aga.l. to i..t,.a..NIJ...rr VIAL 4 IW«k iw,ANorst a.A a.{,1.. Jilt Obereativ kt A yaawJsc i'a-.r Na.aa ♦hr ,hv4 dud Is *it INIANi<na .«.J...a"-.kA a.rrp.nd aV •as..a aA.. auAt haw k h.N I.a drm U«r.h. Jln.un m,w oe...aA.N4 Ma d e ms▪ ll+tla.111 Nrdmar..1 l.era ar an gel ,k.n4M4d .+. JINw.v to a...a.atJU 1. aaN..a.d,.1k N...J t: A14... xlMhu..gratu't ., Wallalwr.s ,.t JIM<BAN.I,.1n <V.y {YJ J+1J A) .41 1 t nyn4.5' EaRau. Lf McAAe Aw,cn Na..a. r41- iA If.r al,rca 187 Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the request of Richard Crabree and Bev Keith, DBA Western Arts and Collectibles for a Moved -On Structure Permit at 600 North Main Street (Linn Ottinger Property) to conduct a retail sales, storage and display of Wes- tern Art and Collectibles with the term to start April 1st 1997; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye, with Mayor Pro- tem Veteto and Councilmember Tranter voting no. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the Transient Merchant License to conduct retail sales of original art, reproduction art and photography, Western Collectibles and seasonal produce for Richard Crabtree and Bev Keith, DBA Western Arts and Collectibles; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye, with Mayor Pro-tem Veteto voting no. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the request of Tim Timpson, DBA Bitchen Kitchen Catering for a Moved -On Structure Permit at 94 West 100 North to conduct a Mobile Kitchen for Catering with the term date to start March lath; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. Councilmember Cooke moved to table the request from Tim Timpson, DBA Bitchen Kitchen Catering for a Moved -On Structure Permit at 94 West 100 North to conduct a Mobile Kitchen for Catering with the term date to start March 11th, until the next meeting as Mr. Timpson wag not present, and the Governing Body had some concerns as to the name of his business; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to table the request of Tim Timpson,.DBA Bitchen Kitchen Catering for a Transient Merchant License, until the next meeting as Mr. Timpson was not present, and the Governing Body had some concerns as to the name of his business; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye. Bids were received for Audit Services for Moab City for the next three years from the following: 1) Hansen, Barnett & Maxwell, no bid; 2) Teuscher & Jensen, P.C. in the amount of $18,900; 3) Peterson & Associates, P.C. in the amount of $25,800; 4) Pinnock, Robbins, Posey & Richi.ns in the amount of $26,640; 5) Smuin, Rich & Marsing in the amount of $19,200; 6) Kemp, Burdich, Hinton & Hall, LC in the amount of $27,000; 7) Kemp, Burdich, Hinton & Hall, LC if the deadline for audit completion is extended until Dec. 31st, in the amount of. $22,100; 8) Haynie & Company (with- out a single audit) in the amount of $26,796; 9) Haynie & Company (with a single audit) in the amount of $29,161. Councilmember Tranter moved to award the Audit Services for Moab City for the next three years to Smuin, Rich & Marsing in the amount of $19,200; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. Much discussion followed. The motion was defeated by a roll -call -vote of 2-3, with Councilmembers Seibert, McDougald and Mayor Pro-tem Veteto voting no. Councilmember McDougald moved to award the Audit Services for Moab City for the next three years to Peterson & Associates, PC in the amount of $25,800; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT APPROVED FOR RICHARD CRABTREE & BEV KEITH AT 600 NORTH MAIN STREET TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENCE APPROVED FOR RICHARD CRABTREE & BEV KEITH, DBA WESTERN ARTS & COLL- ECTIBLES TIM TIMPSON, DBA BITCHEN KITCHEN CATERING; MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT TABLED TIM TIMPSON, DBA BITCHEN KITCHEN CATERING REQUEST FOR TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE TABLED BIDS RECEIVED FOR AUDIT SERVICES FOR MOAB CITY FOR NEXT THREE YEARS AUDIT SERVICES FOR MOAB CITY FOR NEXT THREE YEARS AWARDED TO PETERSON & ASSOCIATES, PC 188 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 FOR LEGRAND JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY APPROVED CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 FOR' NELSON BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY APPROVED NO CORRESPONDENCE READ ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Change Order No. 1 for LeGrand Johnson Construc- tion Company for the Millcreek Drive Project in the amount of $10,483.88; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-1 aye, with Councilmember Tranter voting no. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Change Order No. 3 for Nelson Brothers Construction Company for the Moab Wastewater Plant Additions in the amount of $8,266; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. There was no Reading of Correspondence Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler reported on the following: 1) An update on Aarchway, Inc. Development Agreement; 2) That H.B. 98 passed both the House and the Senate; 3) Pursu- ant to State requirements, the City staff in conjunction with the City Attorney have been working on changes to the entire code section regarding water and sewer; 4) A full-scale revis- ion of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual is needed and would like to present changes to the Manual to the City Council in increments rather than all at once. Several of these proposed changes are ready for Council consideration and staff would like to move forward with these changes; 5) The CIP Committee will meet on Wednesday, March 12th. One of the items for discussion will be recommendations regarding an impact fee study for water and sewer fees. Utah State University has quoted the City $8,000 to conduct- this study. This work can be performed utilizing an intergovernmental agreement, and can be accomplished before the July 1st deadline, if we begin the study by mid -April; 6) We anticipate that the State will award a contract to a consultant within the next couple of weeks for our Affordable Housing Plan. The City has rated the applicants ans has sent its recommendation for contract award to Richard Walker at the State Department of Community and Economic Development, Division of Community Development; 7) We have scheduled a joint City/County Meeting for Wednesday, March 26th, at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers; and 8) Please note that we have a new budget process schedule. Under Mayor and Council Reports Mayor Pro-tem Veteto inquired as to the status of appointing a Recorder. Councilmember Tranter moved to have the Recorder appointment put on the next City Council Agenda; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. The Acting Temp. City Recorder was asked to look up and copy for the Governing Body the minutes in which the City Attorney was appointed. Councilmember Tranter had nothing to report. Councilmember Seibert reported on attending the Seekhaven Banquet and talking to Keele Johnson who attended. Councilmember McDougald reported on the Landfill and the fact that the Landfill Manager had quit. Councilmember Cooke reported on the need for garbage recommendations; and on the paving and easements for Grand and Uranium Avenue. 1 89 Councilmember Cooke moved to approve payment of the bills against the City in the amount of $285,852.64, as they were all in order; Council - member Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Tranter moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto then adjourned the meeting at 9:50 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: _4.04 CsOCAQ andra E. Beauregard, CMC/AAE Acting Temp. City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING March 18, 1997 APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURN omas A. Stocks Mayor Moab City Council held a Special City Council Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. In attendance were Councilmem- bers T. Dee Tranter, William D. McDougald, Richard Cooke and Jeanne Veteto; City Manager Donna J Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beau - regard; City Attorney Chris McAnany; Councilmember Paul Seibert was absent due to being out-of-town; and,the media. Mayor Stocks then read the agenda for the Special Meeting as follows: Executive Session - For the purpose of a Strategy Session to discuss pending or reasonable imminent litigation. The following Governing Body Members made disclos- ures of possible conflicts of interest: 1) Coun- cilmember Tranter, stated that he is the former owner of TRAPAX, DBA Canyonlands By Night and has worked for Mr. Paxman, the current owner and oper- ator, until last summer. Councilmember Tranter also disclosed that Mr. Paxman, current owner of TRAPAX, is indebted to him for the business. Councilmembet Tranter also stated, that Mr. Paxman is also his cousin; 2) Mayor Stocks, disclosed that Nate Knight, DBA Aarchway, Inc. is a second cousin, but stated he has no past or current business dealings with him. City Attorney McAnany read sections from the Utah State Code from Chapter 16 on Ethics, to the Governing Body. He also answered questions on disclosures and conflicts of interest. Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the Special Meeting into*an Executive Session for the purpose of a Stategy Session to discuss pending or reason- able imminent litigation against Moab City; Coun- cilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Special Meeting into an Executive Session for the purpose of a Strategy session to discuss pending or reasonable imminent litigation against Moab City, at 5:20 p.m. SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE MAYOR READS AGENDA FOR SPECIAL MEETING IS EXECUTIVE SESSION GOVERNING BODY MEMBERS MAKE DISCLOSURES OF POSSIBLE CONFLICTS OF INTEREST CITY ATTORNEY READS SECTIONS FROM STATE CODE ON ETHICS SPECIAL MEETING ADJOURNED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR PURPOSE OF STRATEGY SESSION ON PENDING OR IMMINENT LITIGATION MAYOR ADJOURNS SPECIAL MEETING FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION 190 CITY ATTORNEY GOES OVER PENDING OR IMMINENT LITIGATION WITH GOVERNING BODY EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNS BACK TO SPECIAL MEETING MAYOR ADOURNS EXECUTIVE SESSION MAYOR CALLS SPECIAL MEETING BACK TO ORDER CITY STAFF DIRECTED THRU CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE TO COMPLY WITH ANY COURT ORDER PERTAINING TO RESOL- UTION 13-95--PROHIB- ITING THE EXTENSION OF CITY WATER AND SEWER LINES BEYOND CITY LIMITS ADJOURN ATTEST: City Attorney McAnany then proceeded to go over the pending or reasonable imminent litigation with the Governing Body. Councilmember McDougald moved to adjourn the Executive Session and return to the Special Meeting; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0 aye Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Executive Session at 6:15 p.m. Mayor Stocks then called the Special Meeting back to order at 6:15 p.m. Councilmember Cooke moved to direct the City Staff thru the City Manager's Office, to comply with any court order in reference to Resolution 13-95--A Resolution Prohibiting The Extension Of City water And Sewer Lines Beyond The Moab City Limits within The Moab Valley Beginning From The North City Boundary At State Highway 191 Proceeding North To The Colorado River Bridge/State Highway 191/State Highway 128 Junction; Councilmember Veteto second- ed the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion The motion carried by a vote of 4-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 6:20 p.m. ndra E. B aureg d, MC/A Acting Temp. City Recorder REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES APPROVED: Thomas A. Stocks Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 25, 1997 Moab City Council held their Regular Council Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Pro-tem Jeanne Veteto called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Councilmember Cooke led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. In attendance were Councilmembers Paul Seibert; T. Dee Tranter and William D. McDougald; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting Temp. City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; Planning Commission Chairman Kyle Bailey; Planning Aide Debra K. Gilger; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; Police Chief Alan West; eighteen members of the audience and the media. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks arrived at 7:05 p.m. The City Attorney Chris McAnany was not present. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the minutes of March lath & 18th as corrected; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye. 191 Under Citizens Requesting To Be Heard, Hal CITIZEN REQUESTS TO Cloughley addressed the Governing Body. Mr. BE HEARD - HAL Cloughley asked about the building next to the CLOUGHLEY ON BUILD - Subway building. He informed the Governing Body ING CODE VIOLATIONS that it was out of code. He said that the Building Inspector had ignored the codes to be enforced on the building. He stated that the fire wall has holes knocked in it. Under Planning Update Councilmember Cooke inquired about preserving the residental character of the old historical Moab. Planning Commission Chairman Bailey, stated, that is what is known as the Twenty-five Block Area, and that it is unique. Mayor Stocks read Resolution 03-97--Amending Budget And Departmental Transfers For Fiscal Year 1996/ 1997 For All Necessary Funds to the Governing Body and audience. Mayor Stocks then opened the Public Hearing on Resolution 03-97 at 7:31 p.m. for public comment. City Manager Metzler went over the department transfers and budget amendments with the Governing Body and audience. Councilmember McDougald had a question on the total General Fund Revenue and Expenditures. City Manager Metzler answered his questions. With no further comments from the audience on Resolution 03-97, Mayor Stocks closed the Public Hearing at 7:33 p.m. Councilmember Cooke moved to move the agenda to have the first item under Old Business (the Zone Change request from a R-2 to a C-1 Zone) moved to after the first item under New Business (proposed Ordinance 97-08--Amending Height Restrictions in the C-1 Zone); Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the requests of Tim Timpson, DBA, Stinking Desert Diner for a: 1) Moved -On Structure Permit at 94 West 100 North to conduct a Mobile Kitchen for Catering with the term to start March 11th 1997; and 2) Transient Merchant License to conduct a food and beverage catering business; Councilmember McDougald second- ed the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-2 aye, with Councilmembers Veteto and Tranter voting no. Mayor Stocks acknowledged receiving letters from Rick York and Bob and Diane Walker on proposed Ordinance 97-08--Amending Height restrictions in the C-1 Zone as follows: 'larch 27, 1997 Moab Cily Council Moab, Utah Re: Zoning Change proposed by Randy Day PLANNING UPDATE MAYOR READS RESOLU- TION 03-97--AMENDING BUDGET & DEPT, TRANS FOR FY 1996/1997 MAYOR OPENS PUBLIC HEARING ON RES 03-97 CITY MANAGER GOES OVER BUDGET CHANGES MAYOR CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING ON RES. 03-97 AGENDA MOVED TO MOVE OLD BUSINESS ZONE CHANGE REQUEST UNTIL AFTER FIRST ORD. 97-08 UNDER NEW BUSINESS MOVED -ON STUCTURE PERMIT AND TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE APPROVED FOR TIM TIMPSON, DBA STINKING DESERT DINER AT 94 WEST 100 NORTH Rick York 67?. hfiVida Drive Moab, Utah MAYOR ACKNOWLEDGES LETTERS RECEIVED ON PROPOSED ORD. 97-08 AMENDING HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS IN THE C-1 ZONE Dear Council Members: I would like revisit and emphasize some of the issues that were discussed in the hearing held on March IL !stated in the meeting that the zoning for this area was a good compromise if a suitable height restriction could be developed for the zone. I don't think tying height to a measurement of foundation to roof height will prevent taller 1 9 2' structures from being built unless the original topography of llte site is taken into consideration. With the right amount of fill material on this particular site a two story building with a slightly pitched roof on lop of a full walkout basement could be constructed and still meet a 25 fool height restriction. This would be very intrusive to the adjacent properly owners. A one story building that is benchmarked to existing topography would be more in tune with the buffer type commercial activity the C-1 zone is scl up Mallow. During the meeting !brought up an engineers report that Mr. Day had done to address storm sealer management and site drainage on this property. As you may recall, Mr. Day said during the meeting that the report staled that' my engineer says that I have enough slope that I don't have to worry about storm water.Mr. Days report actually says that he does have a problem. The report stales that the proposed development would increase the impervious area and potential moll.' The report suggests a dry sump be constructed to handle ;muff coming from the culvert under highway 191 or that the culvert be extended to the existing irrigation drainage ditch This is the same ditch that is currently expected to handle other mootl coming from the west side of highway 191 and the canyon just north of Olunger s Rock shop This ditch is not maintained and is not capable of handling any high volume of water- The report suggests consideration Ise given to landscaping the ditch to provide stability The report does not mention or imply that there are no problems with this site due to' sufficient slope' Mr. Day also offered during the ineenug io redesign his building it the neighbors would reimburse him for the expense I find this to be somewhat o0en>n c m that I,, had the design done with no assurance that he would be able to have this propels rt tuned to his specifications. It is also up' understanding that he ongu,any Led thus particular building designed to be built on a piece of property adjacent to David AJl.iswi s accounting office on South Man St., which u a C 3 cone In conclusion, I believe dial the hest use of this property n to let the zoning remain residential. The C-1 concept is great but there appears to be tau nuns-I,oopl iolm as it is now written. Those who originally par lased the properly did sit knowing what zoning was in place. 1 believe that residential areas should not he subjected to continual assault by developers seeking zone changes that will Imam tally benefit very tots and subsequently adversely affect the lifestyles of the maiunty in the neighborhood I recall Mr. Day stating at a prior hearing that he had pulled the neighbors and there s. as very little or no objection to what he proposed I think that the public input and the letter submitted at the meeting on klatch 11 told a different story Thank you for listening Moab City Council 115 Hest 200 South Moab, Utah 84532 Suaerely, �cl L_pri Kick York r i u v ron councn 4''.S%� „ ell" Bob walker Diane Wallet 201 East ten Smith Doak, Utah e4.12 7 - 21 - 97 Dear Council, Wu are writing this letter concerning the C-1 zone.we would like le voice our support. of the Hobbs residents in their elicits to further define lids zone that is supposed to serve ns a "bullet" from commercial development to residenttal nerghlwrhoods. we think that a height restriction of 10' is in the bust interest of preserving the economic value and quality of life In our neighbor- hoods. Another concern we havu with the C-1 zone is with the types of retail establishments allowed. It is staled in this ordinance under Objectives and Characteristics that it is "to allow the compatable mixing of commercial and residential uses". Under use Regulations It. slates "retail establishments and craft shops that are less than 3,O00 square feel." our local media often refers to this zone as "light commercial, allowing offices and some commercial businesses." We think that examples of these types of businesses should be specified in the C-1 ordinance, so that residents, commercial developers and citizens will be informed of the typos of retail establishments that can take place in this zone. We also think that Signs need to be further addressed in the C-1 ordinance. As it stands now, the signage for this zone follows commercial sign requirements. If the C-1 zone is to truly act as a buffer zone we think it should follow the 0-1 ordinance, which is the office -residential zone. In the 0-1 ordinance it states in it's regulations that signs "shall adhere to the residential requirements of the sign code." We wouldn't want to see a large, plastic, internally lit sign appear in our neighborhood, which is possible the way the C-1 ordinance is written now. We hope the council will lake our concerns (seriously and address /[ these nssucs Promptly. ( _ L`_ ,.!l,.s C'(• O i,C_ �Ortac-t_ In � Thank you, bob walker 1.1400 Wall., 193 Councilmember Cooke moved to adopt Ordinance 97-08--Amending Height Restrictions in the C-1 Zone with the amendment of Section 17.29.40, E, to read "No building or structure shall exceed eighteen feet in height"; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. After some discussion Councilmember Cooke moved to move the previous question (call for the vote); Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then called for the vote on Ordinance 97-08 The motion carried by a vote of 4-1 aye, with Council - member Tranter voting no. 114M.4M1910 •TI Iii rI 1111 M l�I..»fl ll�..r mx. MP111 MI.IMI11111. 111 Ml 11 l i..a'M • 1 ..I III ww ,M.oe w .i Iw..o. ..1e 1..111 .i V III.fY1.141111 n a 11W loo Mr.l 1. r11.[.rl Mrll .W fu. .. Hllr_1 rs. ,4 MnnL Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request for a Zone Change from Moab City, Bennet Lin, Randy Day, and David MacKay from a R-2 to a C-1 Zone along North Highway 191 (Chamber of Commerce property to the lot north of Mivida Drive), Council member Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye Councilmember McDougald moved to table Robert Tangren's request for abatement of a water bill due to a water break (Section 13.24 030) until Mr. Tangren can be present to address the Governing Body; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the request of Matt Moore, DBA Desert Highlights - Requesting a Home Occupation License at 208 E. 200 South, #1; to conduct a Reservations and Information Service; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the request of Roland Adams, DBA Aunt Aggies at 110 South 200 East; to conduct a Bed & Breakfast; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to table the request for a Public Hearing for Judy Carmichael's petition for annexation at 745 West 400 North; as the State Legislature has changed the laws on annexation and the new laws are due to go into effect in May of 1997; until the City has a chance to look at the new requirements and procedures for annexation; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Tranter moved to table the request for a Public Hearing for J.J. Wang and Black Oil's petition for annexation along North Highway 191; as the State Legislature has changed the laws on annexation and the new laws are due to go into effect in May of 1997; until the City has a chance ORDINANCE 97-08-- AMENDING HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS IN THE C-1 ZONE ADOPTED ZONE CHANGE REQUEST FROM MOAB CITY, BENNET LIN, RANDY DAY AND DAVID MACKAY -FROM A R-2 TO A C-1 ZONE APPROVED ROBERT TANGREN'S REQUEST FOR WATER ABATEMENT TABLED UNTIL HE IS PRESENT HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE APPROVED FOR MATT MOORE, DBA DESERT HIGHLIGHTS FOR RESERVATION & INFORMATION SERVICE BED & LICENSE APPROVED FOR ROLAND ADAMS, DBA, AUNT AGGIES AT 110 SOUTH 200 EAST PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION FROM JUDY CARMICHAEL AT 745 WEST 400 NORTH TABLED DUE TO NEW ANNEXATION LAWS PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION FROM J.J. WANG & BLACK OIL ON NORTH HWY 191 TABLED DUE TO NEW 194 ANNEXATION LAWS PUBLIC HEARING REQUEST FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM R-3 TO C-4 ZONE FROM THE ELK'S LODGE DENIED ZONE CHANGE REQUEST FROM ELK'S LODGE FROM A R-3 TO C-4 ZE SENT BACK TO PLANNING COMMISSION FOR AN AREA REVIEW TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE FOR TONYA HENRY, DBA, SCOTTY'S SCUBA SPORTS APPROVED RESOLUTION 03-97-- AMENDING BUDGET & DEPARTMENTAL TRANS. FOR FY 1996/1997 FOR ALL NECESSARY FUNDS ADOPTED I110101100 CL 11 to look at the new requirements and procedures for annexation; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request from the Elk's Lodge at 647 Cermak for a Public Hearing for a Zone Change from a R-3 to a C-4 Zone for the second Regular Meeting in April; Council - member Tranter seconded the motion. The motion was defeated 0-5 no. Councilmember Seibert moved to return the zone change request by the Elk's Lodge from a R-3 to a C-4 Zone at 647 Cermak to the Planning Commission for a area review for possible annexation; Coun- cilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request of Tonya Henry, DBA, Scotty's Scuba Sports requesting a Transient Merchant License to conduct a Scuba Diving Instruction and retail sales of training materials (books & videos) and Scuba Diving equipment; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougall moved to adopt Resolution 03-97--Amending Budget and Departmental Transfers for Fiscal Year 1996/1997 for all Necessary Funds; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. 1.•.[1n 9L'11:1 I.Mr Up111n[Irtp. 1reJt[r.•1 r1{at rtu lu{nla tul VI e,,a...nu. 11,• muup ru..r r... iu.aa„I L� r r'r :� iiiiiiiii :. [in<::..: moil... NII.:7[0 LC/.1IM11tI1t CWIIIL INN IIVWCT1 11 1116/111/ ...nu. 1 .loin 1. 1.cele.t I. O.n.161 Y „+.o. {. 11.111tn.�r 1. Il.r✓.1 n9 S. 1011t4 I. 11140.11 II. olo1n'D In1y1C1100 12. Mle.l C4 .001 u. u. 11. s.el 11. ColtutlT' { [too.. D6 olol..nt o too. [t moo ttttt 1M1111M TM. 106 1111/ [VCW[ III /10 /I 16.100[T W t0 S.W. 1. Yuaol rund HLI. 11 1I1. HO 1. Neat, put Mt .N le. Cwu. r.ne 1. U10 { 4.111 1. oovoo100 MO 1.141 1. CW1uni.'.Ol 0 W ivn tune fe.ow ti 000l t. M111toot noltm I.W 1 Ha: 1 t..lt1 1. Gilles 0o).els tune 1 14.7111 1 u.1,t1 t. t.mo.. tuna 0uo.1 14.000 11 ..t 0t 1.. In.e 0....1 0.110.000 11.107 000 U, suett City Council I...e li . 111 11 IU 1110 .00C. tt IT 6410[Vt0. 11..1 164 0 01 1 n 1..IJ n11.1. eT. 1t11___, 4., r cte.ts0 to Jop11.n .1 1M ♦ 0.l d1111. eo ♦ 1...to luue. 10. 111. Iue.l Ys•t .n t..9 ew.�1014. I111. .. 1. .... 10 1 1[WlM. 001 1.0001 510, 4,0001 14.,00 11 0,000 10.0401 .101 111.100 11.1611 1.110 Milt {.0 14.000 RESOLUTION 04-97-- ADOPTING THE MOAB CITY FULL-TIME POSITION CLASS. SYS. HOURLY PAY RATE SCHEDULE & JOB DESCRIPTIONS TABLED UNTIL APRIL 8TH It ItICITV1to A.G. 19 .G.11 MO.S. .t.rl. 1n. 1:.' Attie, Toes City Councilmember Cooke moved to table Resolution 04-97--Adopting The Moab City Full-time Position Classification System, Hourly Pay Rate Schedule, And Job Decriptions until the April 8th Regular Council Meeting with the pay changes to be retroactive to March 31st 1997; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-2 aye, with Councilmembers Veteto and Seibert voting no. 195 Councilmember Cooke moved to adopt Resolution 05-97--Approving An Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement By And Between Moab City And Utah State University For The Purpose Of Conducting An Impact Fee Study; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. .0.0.. :p:Q_ .a.,,:,.:: _ Cl. o:" .[. a .. mot. .. r. [[[ , 11141AS.l �.0a:ac u .l l.a Int.t att.. 1�...nt.a at tnl....tl iaat ntn. cv...nlog boar: •..:.,a. .. .... CO•rtralat OAT VIP.. arso:m MIROV[ITat Ae0.-14.✓:1G4.lA ttaifMlt, . 'MIS Ittl.T.0 attlaittrat tatroTIO. Gr. c• ltis ...la" al III, Atl cll lC lA .t..l. txl A... �t.l. In 1. `=1i1 a.r.I PI. .I •" A:YIfT. �A/ 1 Cti� P t>�i�t �t� �^ t •_ Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the Moab City Attorney Services Contract; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. After some discussion Mayor Stocks called the motion out of order due to the contract being renewable annually by the Governing Body. Councilmember Tranter moved to approve to adver- tise for a City Attorney; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion was defeated 0-5 no. Mayor Stocks stated that he wished to appoint Lisa Church and Colleen Beever to the vacant positions on the MARC Board. Councilmember McDougald moved to confirm the Mayor's appointments of Lisa Church and Colleen Beever to the MARC Board; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks asked Council for an Executive Session for the purpose of discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual for approximately seven minutes. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn into an Executive Session for the purpose of discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual for approximately seven minutes; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vot of 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Regular Meeting into an Executive Session at 9:23 p.m. Mayor Stocks called the Executive Session to order at 9:26 p.m. Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the Executive Session and go back to the Regular Meeting; Coun- cilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Executive Session at 9:40 p.m. Mayor Stocks called the Regular Meeting back to order at 9:40 p.m. RESOLUTION 05-97-- APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATIVE AGREE- MENT BY & BETWEEN MOAB CITY AND USU FOR IMPACT FEE STUDY CITY ATTORNEY SERVICES CONTRACT MOTION CALLED OUT OF ORDER BY THE MAYOR MOTION DEFEATED TO ADVERTISE FOR A CITY ATTORNEY MAYOR APPOINTS CHURCH & BEEVER TO MARC BOARD OPENINGS COUNCIL CONFIRMS MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS TO MARC BOARD MAYOR ASKS COUNCIL FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION COUNCIL ADJOURNS INTO AN EXECUTIVE SESSION MAYOR CALLS EXECUTIVE SESSION TO ORDER EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNS MAYOR CALLS REGULAR MEETING BACK TO ORDER 196 MAYOR ASKS COUNCIL FOR CONFIRMATION OF CITY RECORDER/ASST. MANAGER COUNCIL CONFIRMS MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT OF CITY RECORDER/ ASST. MANAGER NO CORRESPONDENCE READ ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORTS Mayor Stocks asked for Council's confirmation of his appointment of Spencer Snow as City Recorder/ Asst. Manager. Councilmember Cooke moved to confirm the Mayor's appointment of Spencer Snow to City Recorder/Asst. Manager; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks had no new Correspondence To Be Read. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler reported on the following: 1) That the next joint City/County Meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 26th, at 4:00 p m in the City Council Chambers. Items to be discussed include Solid Waste Management, Recreation, Impact Fees and Economic Development; 2) That there will be a joint Department Head/City Council Budget Meeting on Tuesday, April 1st, at 4:00 p m ; 3) That the City has determined that the water line that runs in front of Aarchway Inn is a six-inch line rather than an eight -inch line. That this has caused some delays on obtaining the proper size materials to make the connection. The City is still in the process of determining where along the line it becomes six-inch. Al Anderson will be alerted as to the information obtained, as there may be implications for the capacity and fire flow calcu- lations; 4) That City Staff hopes to have a recommendation for the Council regarding a new street design engineer by the next City Council Meeting; 5) That City staff hopes to have a recom- mendation for the Council regarding a debt collection service by the next City Council Meeting; and 6) That the 1997 Legislative Session has brought us a new set of laws regarding annexation. That David Church will be providing a detailed overview of the new laws; which will go into effect this May. Mayor Stocks announced his resignation on the Grand County Hospital Special Services District Board, to become effect as soon as there is a replacement in place. Councilmember McDougald gave an update on the Solid Waste Management District Board. He inform- ed the Governing Body that he would be out of town at a meeting on Wednesday, March 26th. He said that an interlocal agreement between the City and the County is needed for the City to administer work for the Solid Waste Management District Board. Councilmember Veteto asked the Mayor about the position on the Hospital Board, as the Mayor has submitted his resignation from the board, as soon as, his position if filled. Councilmember Veteto also inquired about the meeting with Bob Hawk's Sanitation and the City. City Manager Metzler informed her and Councilmem- ber Tranter that they would all meet on Wednesday, at 1:15 p.m., in the Council Chambers about extending his contract. Councilmembers Cooke and Seibert had nothing to report. 197 Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the bills APPROVAL OF BILLS against the City in the amount of $47,006.30; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to adjourn the meeting; ADJOURN Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p.m. APPROVED: // 1 ATTEST: .4,~Ae. /U G/n andra E. eaurega , C C A • " Acting Temp. City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING March 26, 1997 omas A. Stocks Mayor Moab City Council was to hold a joint City/County SPECIAL MEETING & Council Meeting on the above date in the Moab City ATTENDANCE Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Due to lack of a quorum by the City the meeting was cancelled. Those in attendance were Councilmember T. Dee Tranter; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Acting City Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; Grand County Councilmembers Bart Leavitt, Frank Nelson, Al McLeod and Ken Ballantyne; Grand County Administrator Earl Sires; two members of the audience and the media. Those absent from the City were Mayor Tom Stocks; Coun- cilmembers Richard Cooke, Jeanne Veteto, Paul Seibert and William D. McDougald. Grand County Councilmembers and Administrator did not arrive until 4:25 p.m. due to their other meeting running late. Grand County Council Chairman Leavitt called the County portion of the meeting to order. The purpose of the meeting was to conduct a PURPOSE OF MEETING workshop between the City and the County on the WAS TO CONDUCT A following issues: 1) Solid Waste; 2) Recreation; JOINT CITY/COUNTY 3) Economic Development; and 4) Impact Fee Update. WORKSHOP Those present did briefly discuss the above items. City Manager Metzler went over the Recreation issues with the County. Grand County Administra- tor Sires went over the Economic Development issue with the County. Grand County Council Chairman Leavitt briefly discussed the Solid Waste issue. Grand County Council Chairman Leavitt adjourned ADJOURN the meeting at 5:20 p.m. ATTEST: dra E. Beauregar Acting Temp. City R APPROVED: omas A. Stocks Mayor 1 9''8 SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING IS WORKSHOP WITH DEPARTMENT HEADS ON FY 1997/98 BUDGET MEETING TO ADJOURN NO LATER THAN 6 P.M. CITY MANAGER GOES OVER FY 1997/98 BUDGET WITH GOVERNING BODY SPECIAL MEETING ADJOURNED UNTIL APRIL 3RD AT 4 P.M. ADJOURN ATTEST: «' 1,Q5 andra E. Beurega, CMC/AA Acting Temp. City ecorder SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING April 1, 1997 Moab City Council held a Special Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers Paul Seibert, T. Dee Tranter, William D. McDougald and Richard Cooke; Councilmember Jeanne Veteto was absent; City Manager Donna J Metzler; Acting Temporary City Recorder Sandra E Beauregard; City Treasurer Marget A. Snyder; Police Chief Alan West; Community Development Coordinator M David Olsen; Recreation Director Beth Hoffineister; and Public Works Director Brent Williams The purpose of this Special Workshop Meeting was to hold a Budget Workshop between the Governing Body and the City Department Heads on the Fiscal Year 1997/1998 Budget for all funds Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the meeting no later than 6:00 p.m.; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-1 aye, with Councilmember Seibert voting no City Manager Metzler then proceeded to go over the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1997/1998 with the Governing Body on the following department funds: 1) General Fund Revenue; 2) Police Department; 3) Animal Control Department; 4) Recreation; 5) Swimming Pool; 6) After School Program; 7) Marc Fund; 8) Planning and Community Development Fund; 9) Planning; 10) Community Development; 11) Millcreek Fund; and the 12) Treasurer Department. Councilmember McDougald moved to adjourn the Special Budget Workshop Meeting until 4:00 p.m, on Thursday, April 3rd; Councilmember Cooke seconded the meeting. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Special Budget Workshop Meeting until 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 3rd 1997, at 6:00 p.m. APPROVED: 6�- T omas A. Stocks Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING April 3, 1997 Moab City Council continued their Special Workshop Meeting that started on April 1st on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Councilmember Paul Seibert called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks arrived at 4:06 p.m. and conducted the meeting. In attendance were Coun- cilmembers Richard Cooke, William D. McDougald and T. Dee Tranter; Councilmember Jeanne Veteto was absent; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; City Recor- der Spencer D. Snow; Deputy -Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; and Public Works Director Brent Williams. 199 The purpose of this Special Workshop Meeting was to continue the Special Budget Workshop Meeting on the Fiscal Year 1997/1998 Budget that started on April 1st. City Manager Metzler then went over the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1997/1998 with the Governing Body on the following department funds: 1) Parke Department; 2) Streets Department; 3) Class C Roads Fund; 4) Storm Drainage; 5) Safety; 6) Enterprise Fund for both revenues and expenditures for Water and Sewer Funds; 7) Capital Projects Fund; 8) Executive Department; 9) Administration Department; 10) Recorder Department; 11) General Government Department; 12) Attorney Department; 13) Building Inspection; and 14) Elections Department Councilmember Tranter moved to adjourn the Special Meeting; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the Special Meeting at 6:07 p.m. ATTEST: Snow City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING APRIL 8, 1997 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Cooke led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto, and T. Dee Tranter; Attorney Joseph Crokor; City Manager Donna Metzler; Recorder Spencer Snow; Planning Aide Debbie Gilger; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Treasurer Margot Snyder;and 14 members of the audience including the media. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the minutes of March 25th and 26th as presented; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0, Under Citizens to be Heard, resident• of Powerhouse Lane spoke in favor of the land division at 1337 Powerhouse Lane. Under Presentations, Stan Baker presented the Tree City USA Award and Growth Award to the City for an excellent job in continued commitment in urban development for the third consecutive year. Thomas Mayor SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING CONTINUED FROM APRIL 1ST ON FY 1997/1998 BUDGET CITY MANAGER GOES OVER FY 1997/1998 BUDGET WITH GOVERNING BODY ADJOURN APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS TO BE HEARD PRESENTATIONS 200 ROBERT TANGREN'S REQUEST FOR WATER BILL REFUND APPROVAL OF SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE RFP ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION 04-97, ADOPTING THE MOAB CITY FULL- TIME POSITION CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM, HOURLY PAY RATE SCHEDULE AND JOB DESCRIPTIONS Councilmember Cooke moved approve a water bill refund of $50.49 to Robert Tangren; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. Role call vote was called. The motion oarried 5-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the Solid Waste Collection Service RFP, with the following changes; (1) to obtain cost proposals for once per week, curbside; once per week, back door; twice per week, curbside; and twice per week, back door; (2) to specify the allowable pounds per twice per week set -out to be 60 lbs. instead of 100 lbs.; (3) to delete the provision for back door pick-up for the elderly or disabled in the back door pick-up cost proposals; and (4) to eliminate the public education program. Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve Resolution 04-97, Adopting the Moab City Full-time Position Classification System, Hourly Pay Rate Schedule and Job Descriptions. with a retroactive date of 3-13-97; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. ,t,u1Vr1O• a... A 611014ri010 AWRIH Te, xoan CITI IVLL-r10 PWITlos CW,IIIC.110• "STAN, ,UV.LLI r•Y UT, oCetbrU YD Jos o„C.IIfIo•, ratVLS so. City Personnel l.... sof Y Ic ) end e, • wlre tthe city to e.r.Ioy . mitea ..S'� VsItV 1.1"" ° er wnun.0 1n u. rxTAW In. heel. City rereomel Policies sot °c•a.r•. e:ii.1 net " •' se ed) pert I,Vgy°m • of . y i �r.�.i�i i.nu wla for �.r.m. erl`i� Duey wnlniTa luo unln tn• feet. , ut.n. xX[rq•, xeeD city'. c nl pe•111•n cb ulllntim era. iai.otr.n. tan ui .�•iv. iriil°iiulp'o.iiim:°.Ilinm`in: 1`k:i CI IY grV en 1. slim. .na I4Lt IM V.ow•.J •x°.Y CIIY loll ll •. .I...iife.t ion • u�. •xo.b nq Ir r.� .� [w i:,w oil`imq`el .ir `fees to t 1. xOU THIVLIOAr Th1 COV[x,W IxC DY Or Tw1 CITY OF xOAx 616161 noanee CI{y KArlr ra..t.:.M Tot...eiiV1%Iclm n•.•Ifeed l.r. effective beginning run the .Tyler ..Vl eyes ,ey period entl..T April u, Ln [/f IAITIO AAO...ED Tx I, U f d., of _li�1l1 lett aor AmsT �•c'•°•' ANDREW RILEY'S REQUEST TO Councilmember Cooke moved to SUBDIVIDE AT 1337 POWERHOUSE approve the request for a LANE APPROVED subdivision at 1337 Powerhouse Lane, contingent upon an attorney's opinion that the subdivision does not expand the existing non- conforming use, and specifying that the road in question only refer to the portion of Powerhouse Lane between Tract A and Tract B of the subdivision. Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1, Councilmember McDougald voting nay. APPROVAL OF MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT Councilmember Seibert moved to OF LISA CHURCH TO MARC BOARD accept the Mayor's appointment of Lisa Church to the MARC Board. Councilmember Veteto seconded; the motion passed 5-0. 201 Councilmember McDougald moved to APPROVAL GRANTED TO DRAFT draft a permanent 10 ft. utility EASEMENT AGREEMENT WITH STEVE easement and a 20 ft. floating AND JENNIE ROSS access easement on the same road line as already exists at 2290 Murphy Lane for Steve and Jennie Ross; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Tranter moved to move REQUEST TO MOVE FORWARD WITH forward with the realignment and REALIGNMENT OF POWERHOUSE LANE easements across Tom Johnson's BY TOM JOHNSON APPROVED Property on the assumption that the expense will be Tom Johnson's; the motion was seconded by Councilmember Seibert; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to REQUEST TO APPLY FOR UTAH apply for the Utah Riverway RIVERWAY ENHANCEMENT GRANT Enhancement Grant; the motion was APPROVED seconded by Councilmember Veteto; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to award the parking Study RFP, according to the recommendation of City Manager Donna Metzler, to Fehr and Peers Assoc. in the amount of $3500.00; the motion was seconded by Councilmember Seibert; Role call vote was called,the motion carried 5-0. PARKING STUDY RFP AWARDED TO FEHR AND PEERS ASSOC. Councilmember Tranter moved to ASPHALT PAVING BID AWARDED TO award the bid for the asphalt SOUTHERN PAVING paving of 400 E. between Millcreek and Pack Creek Bridges to Southern Paving Co. in the amount of $73,861.00; Roll call vote was called, the motion was seconded by Councilmember McDougald; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to award ASPHALT OVERLAY BID AWARDED TO the bid for asphalt overlays of 300 SOUTHERN PAVING South from Main Street to 400 East and Marcus Ct. to Andreas Ct. to Southern Paving Co. in the amount of $71,199.00; the motion was seconded by Councilmember McDougald; Roll call vote was called for, the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember McDougald moved to COLLECTION SERVICE RFP AWARDED accept the bid proposed by the TO OUTSOURCE RECEIVABLE£ Treasurer Marget Snyder of MANAGEMENT outsouree Receivables Management for the purpose of collections, In the amount of Collection and or Fees; the motion seconded by Councilmember Veteto; Roll call vote was called, the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to give AUTHORIZATION GIVEN FOR MAYOR authorization to Mayor Stocks to TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS execute the previous bid awards; the motion waa seconded by Councilmember Veteto; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to RESOLUTION 6-97 DESIGNATING accept the proposed Resolution 06- DEPOSITORIES FOR CITY FUNDS 97--Designating depositories for APPROVED City funds; the motion was seconded by Councilmember Seibert; the motion carried 5-0. 202 d.. d.p.. ps9; cretZ .a..i....i ,., jt0. ` y`Yli tuaamat a.oa eaght le`: anewat wtb, Ilt tb 1111: Wsb, MN% 1/111 til�tusitc Isnlaanr i SDyetteaat tuna r. D tmesAS. At . eter w•etto9 oft open City Cant et tee Ctty of Mob D[Id w too Orb dsy 01 April 1t91. MIN a yuonr ro• proseet. a tosswcn, *encore' Y duly oppotnra tot t .nests y..r a Until ety • o. f t ic. alittoda` to bay. toast.* outtariauy too NaAD !a`Ya<atpersp{ecrs1• •. se a tieweetei . r ie0 nei1L-(yty toeNIX51. tacetdet. [peace% fray DseatYtetci!•i. Seneca S Set/ogees. Traiuf.l, N.C. A SnYctet pµty'Ttoesstet. SAurte n saatettes C•cy Caorcllt0000r, ailltoa D. M ...solo ,j. t ... 101 TMttte4Yt. It if ISSDCTtO. 19AT wdar to rote* al t tr t teat toy tuns dot .1t sS to nee cxolft eltn t o the ririt as rral 9sak of Mob sr abe tixw S'eurity Isar of Moo Sty Lt etc s sect tte wblaed Y19utui.. of Oct 11 lecordar a Mtet Cat u.! c01 isa.0 tore teWtY'ito e[uta[ netps er• u Wrf:a i enlor t• and set. di efte. ed eedeYe fatels'eett a[ oceer i c f grit %tam tette texe either N/10 al• Ite<nate. .0 Mppuot.s•cerdor to ea to e..d Deputy. yYse.let the a.v. ...tort City Co-ectlra uric Ttll too it :ed t xse sa! slou ottt. a1 cr.,. ter, Ta.T+:.r 99aa arch a- ic` t autaetlyotlaa gees wD.wwtirr�Tt•rw..r.l..•ur .:.coo i riUity c«.r.nucr• ileorftae <t �.`iit - n..,.,.r n• it. Cite cwntl«.,., .r Y1141. eetNw . ayID µo GstQAt "" LL 2Stll. 1 u opoe ca»e_u m to t READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS COUNCIL REPORTS PAYING OF THE BILLS EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNMENT tptdter taw C ICY i•. ar dar Mayor Stocks had no new correspondence to be read. City Manager Donna Metzler announced under Administrative Reports that Council hae a meeting on 4-15-97 at 7:00 pm to discuss budget contributions and revised revenue estimates. There were no Council reports. Councilmember Cooke moved to pay the bills in the amount of $347,370.63; the motion was seconded by Councilmember MoDougald; the motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the regular meeting into an executive session at 9:35 pm. Mayor Stocks called the Executive Session to order at 9:35 pm. The Attorney Joseph Croker addressed the Cotwcil. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the 'Executive Session; Motion was seconded by Councilmember McDougald; Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocke adjourned the Executive Session at 10:00 pm. Mayor Stocks called the regular meeting back to order at 10:00 pm; Councilmember Seibert moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Cooke seconded; the motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 10:05 pm. APPROVED: 11745:"� homes 'A. Stocks Mayor ATTEST: Spender Snow City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING APRIL 15, 1997 203 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks was absent, Councilmember Veteto called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm, Councilmember Cooke led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Councilmembere William D. MoDougald, Paul Seibert, and T. Dee Tranter; Attorney Joseph Croker; Recorder Spencer Snow; Planning Aide Debbie Gilger; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Treasurer Marget Snyder. The purpose of the Special workshop meeting was to discuss Community and Economic Development, General Government, Storm Drainage, Parke and Planning budgets for the fiscal year 1997-98. City Manager Metzler proposed to allocate funds to Parke/General Government/Storm Drainage. Counoilmembers also went over the proposed distribution for fiscal year 1997/98 in Community and Economic Development in the General Fund. Councilmember Sieberg moved to take the proposed Budget for the Fiscal Year 1997/1998 to the public for review; Motion was Seconded by Councilmember Trantor; Motion carried 5-0 Councilmember Tranter moved to adjourn the Special meeting; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Veteto adjourned the meeting at 9;00 p.m. ATTEST: cer Snow City Recorder APPROVED: MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING APRIL 22, 1997 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Councilmember Veteto called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Cooke led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Mayor Thomas Stocks, Councilmembern William D. McDougald,' Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto, and T. Dee Tranter; Attorney Joseph Croker; City Recorder Spencer Snow: Planning Aide Debbie Gilger; and 10 members of the audience including the media. WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, GENERAL GOVERNMENT, STORM DRAINAGE, PARKS, AND PLANNING BUDGETS FOR FY 1997-98 APPROVAL TO TARE APPROVED BUDGET TO PUBLIC FOR REVIEW ADJOURNMENT 204 APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS TO BE HEARD JILL WILLIAMS' REQUEST FOR BUSINESS LICENSE APPROVED GRAND COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT'S CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST APPROVED BIRFIELD ZONE CHANGE REQUEST SENT BACK TO PLANNING COMMISSION WEST BY SOUTHWEST'S REQUEST TO DISPLAY WARES ON PORCH APPROVED DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL DRAFT TABLED UDOT ENGINEER TO GIVE APPROVAL CONCRETE MEDIAN ALONG 400 EAST (HIGH SCHOOL SECTION) BID AWARDED FOR BALL PARK CONCESSION BID AWARDED FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR STREETS AND TRAFFIC DESIGN RESOLUTION 7-97-- ESTABLISHING SWIM CENTER FEES APPROVED Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the minutes of April 1st, April 3rd and April 8th as presented. Counoilmember Cooke seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. There were no citizens' requests to be heard from the audience. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve a business license for Jill Williams at 571 MiVida Drive as Simply Baskets; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Grand County Hospital's request for a conditional use in an R-4 zone. Councilmember HcDougald seconded; the motion carried 5-0 Councilmember Cooke moved to Send William H. Birfield's request for a zone change from R-2 to C-1 on Lots 12 and 13 of the Utex Subdivision back to the Planning Commission to have them verify that the surrounding property owners agree with the zone change. Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to allow West by Southwest at 415 North Main to display wares on the porch of said property; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion; the motion was approved 5-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to table the discussion on the revised draft of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Council Tranter moved to have a Utah Department of Transportation traffic engineer give a signature of approval on the bid project for the concrete median along 400 East (High School section). Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to award the bid for the ball park concession for the Recreation Department to Jeff Meadowe, with 10% of the profits returning to the City. Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion; a roll call vote was called for; the motion passed 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to award the Engineering Services for Streets and Traffic Design in Moab City bid to Velcar. Councilmember.Cooke seconded the motion; a roll call vote was called, and the motion passed 5-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve Resolution 7-97, establishing the fee structure for the Swim Center as amended, with the Family Pass to remain at $75. Other rates as approved will be: Adult Single Pass $5.00 Youth Single Pass 2.50 Senior Single Pass 2.50 Non -Swimmer .00 Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; a roll call vote was called for; the motion carried 5-0. 205 ♦YYYYIYw Yt.»IWYK tY1Ill11.YRIAD 106 YD.. MIDDN11Y .IY.1.1 Y II..Cq Youl Dry i«rl.y. Y Y Y•il•rtr WY MOLD. Od II HMO 01.110 BY DU NOY DIY COO. sos yY{Y•yY wan YY IIY.I.»f y1Y11 yrn«u yy Oftl I yr.l W «Y Ilw lItY114. t.. » Irt »1y1tN »M141 »I+a fa1 Y.. IYrM1PIHr..rY..1 • ynr yy Ye. I.Ia l obeys 1rP.I« I yr1 M .tYw lry aaY r"rw1 I�1•r. w....y..n..rr IJ r I.IyY«Sorb 1.-1r yY r.« ww.Y omp �I.11YH n IN II 4 .0 Da YI.Mrrn.J D. NI.«J.Nry I,I Ywp»ua P.W IN I. Sy%ll»w Ni ISO I. Yr. P••« DOw iMIssyIs SI P .w ...« " NY Ylysais. J_YyeS r.. *I INP.. I Wyrr I I r WPy Ir I—IP 4pwµ1 /r.I.1.r Yry.a Iw:14r I .J try .a l ssss .N.11..wY ....No I _21 aEa ay sys. soy yyassy.Ap...1 • .4e7� Councilmember Cooke moved to grant the request of RZMU to have live amplified entertainment at the Old City Park on Saturday, May 31, 1997, with the music to conclude at sundown. Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. City Recorder Spencer Snow gave the City Council an update on the Swanny City Park Pavilion roof. Councilmember McDougall spoke on the Solid Waste RFP. He wants to have the Council look at the Solid Waste Disposal process before the bid is awarded. Councilmember Cooke moved to pay the City bills in the amount of $101,303.42. Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. A roll call vote was called for; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Tranter moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:08 p.m.; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks Adjourned the meeting at 9:08 pm. ATTEST: APPROVED: eer Snow City Recorder K Z MU GRANTED APPROVAL FOR LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AT OLD CITY PART: RECORDER GIVES ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT COUNCIL REPORTS PAYING OF THE BILLS ADJOURNMENT homes A. Stocks homes A. Stocks Mayon MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING MAY 6, 1997 The Moab City Council held their Special Workshop meeting on the above date at the Solid Masts Transfer Station located on south highway 191, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm. Others in attendance were Couneilmembers William D. McDougald, Jeanne Veteto, and Richard Cooks; City Manager Donna Metsler; Recorder Spencer Snow; State Solid Waste Specialiste Ralph Bohn and Phil Burnet State 206 Solid Waste Engineer David Ariaty; Solid Waste Board Member Tom Stangle; Grand County Councilmembers Harvey Merrell, Hart Levitt, Dale Mosher. WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS COMMUNITY SOLID WASTE PROCESS ADJOURNMENT ATTES The purpose of the special workshop meeting was to discuss Community Solid Waste Disposal Program and the impact within the City of Moab. The Council wanted to become better informed on the working of the Waste Process in the City. From pickup to the transfer and on to the Dumping at the landfill. Councilmember McDougald moved to adjourn the Special meeting; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0. Mayor Stocks adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. City Recorder APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS TO HE HEARD DAVID OLSEN PRESENTED TO COUNCIL ABOUT MEDIANS JOHN HRERETON ADRESSED THE COUNCIL FOR AFFORDIHLE HOUSING WEST CENTER COMMERCIAL PROPERTY OWNERS GIVE REPORT APPROVED: Thomas A. Stocks Mayor MOAN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MAY 13, 1997 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Councilmember Veteto called the pre -council workshop to order at 6:30 p.m. Councilmember Cooke led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Mayor Thomas Stocks, Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto, and T. Dee Tranter; Attorney Joseph Croker; City Recorder Spencer Snow; Planning Aide Debbie Gilger; and members of the audience including the media. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the minutes of April it , April 22"d and May 6t, 1997. Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion with one correction in the April 11'' minutes: 4u' paragraph to correct Sieberg to Seibert. The motion carried 5-0. There were no citizens requesting to be heard from the audience. David Olsen updated the Councilmembers with a presentation on street medians and traffic calming. John Hrereton addressed the Councilmembers regarding Affordable Housing an Moab. Councilmember Cooke moved to have the Planning Department and the Planning Commission advise on the improvement by West Center business owners; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 207 Councilmember Seibert moved to approve a request for business licenses to 1) Doug Daugherty at 450 Emma Blvd. As Design Source; D. DOUGHERTY, V. SMITH, 2) Valerie Smith at 399 McGill as Beauty E. BETTS REQUEST FOR Consulting and Sales; 3) Karen Braggs at 355 BUSINESS LICENSE Hillside Drive as Independent Nikken APPROVED Distributor; 4) Eric Betts at 850 Mountain View Drive as Can -Do Yard and Home Maintenance. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks opened the public hearing for PUBLIC HEARING ON the 1997-98 Fiscal Year Budget and BUDGET 1997/1998 AND Redevelopment Agency to the public at 7.00 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY p.m. Cathy Swartz from the Film Commission addressed the Council on impacts in the community. Filming has brought in $4 2 million into this community, which has bean spread throughout the community. Swartz spoke about the low impact nature of film- making and asked that the City put more money into promoting the film industry in Moab. Mayor Stocks asked if Swartz was asking for more money. The Film Commission had requested $17,000; the Council gave them $5,000 Swartz was concerned that $5,000 was not enough to accomplish the Film Commission's objectives. Councilmember Cooke stated that no one on the Council would like to see the Film Commission shut its doors, but he believed that the Film Commission should be funded by the businesses directly affected by filming, and that the Film Commission should be more self- supporting. Cathy Swartz also stated that the Film Commission has applied for grants and is asking for more money to help lower office staff costs. She wants to see the City and County work together with agencies such as the Film Commission to increase their advocacy in promoting the Moab area. Pat Welch, Seekhaven Director, thanked the Council for the support they have given in the past. He felt Seekhaven can work very well with the $20,000 Council has approved in the 1997-98 budget. He wanted to bring the Council up-to-date on Seekhaven's activities which include the Outreach Program, which takes crisis referral calls, and support groups for children and adults; Seekhaven also worked with approximately 550 homeless people this past year and presently have 35 people in the shelter itself. The Seekhaven education program consists of seminars at Seekhaven's Early Resource Center which have been attended by approximately 500 people. Seekhaven thanked the Council for their support. Mayor Stocks said he doesn't always understand what "homeless" is, but felt that Social Services should help more. KENU Station Manager Bon Kelly said the figure the City Manager gave him was fine, and wanted to thank the Council. He had also received notes from a Republican and a Democrat endorsing the Council's support of the Public Radio Station. He indicated that 208' many people have been on the radio and persons who want to be on it can do so from 6 to 7 each evening. Janet Lowe, resident on 400 East, addressed the subject of medians being placed at the high school. She would like to see the local drag route of 400 East at Dave's Corner Market and 100 South diminished, with a median put in all the way down 400 East an extra mile. City Manager Donna Metzler addressed the issue of medians being paid for by grant money and said that the City will continue to pursue funding for those typos of projects. Sarah Heffron, Coordinator for the Youth Garden Project, wanted to thank the Council for their funding and said that it will be used to complete the green house which already houses 10 different businesses. The Youth Garden Project works with approximately 60 youths, whose work time has totaled approximately 1400 hours. The Project has received letters of recommendation from the Middle School Principal and the Job Service JTPA program. The Project has provided services to bridge kids who need to complete community service hours for. the Courts and Law Enforcement Services. Heffron said the Project speaks for itself for those people who have been out there and seen it•. She said they will be able to pay for the green house, shade house, the water and some of the supplies, with a little left for the Project Coordinator to write grants and other tasks which she has been doing as volunteer for the past year. Mayor Stocks asked if the Youth Garden Project was asking for additional funding. Heffron replied that she was; that the $2,400 would help a lot, but the request was for $6,000, and Heffron feels there is much moro that could be done with additional funding. She thanked Council again for their help thus far. Councilmember Dee Tranter spoke in favor of taking the $5,000 from IMMU and splitting it between the Film Commission and the Youth Garden. Nicholas Brown, Director of the Canyonlands Film Festival, wanted to thank the Council and said he hadn't had ,a budget before and will find it helpful. The Film Festival's request was for an amount between $750 and $4,500; $1,000 was funded. Brown said the Film Festival anticipates that entries will double this next year, which will also generate income. The Film Festival hopes to eventually become self-supporting. Suzanne Lewis, of the Moab Music Festival, thanked the Council for their support and said she spoke for the many people who support the Music Festival. She said there were high school students attending the meeting who take the program very seriously and were there to show their support. Cathy Swartz_asked to be informed as to how the $10,000 for Bonomic Development would be used. City Manager Donna Metzler said that it is designated for the City's contribution to the City/County 8conomic Development Coalition administration. 209 Mayor Stocks brought up the point of the joint public hearing with the Redevelopment Agency and opened it at 8:07 p.m. There were no additional comments. Mayor Stooks closed the public hearing for both the Moab City proposed Fiscal Year 1997- 98 Budget and the Redevelopment Agency, at 6:08 p.m. Councilmember Veteto moved to have Agenda Item 8-14--Consideration of the Solid Waste Collection Bid "Proposal —brought to the front of the Agenda; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1, with Connoilmember Seibert voting against. Counoilmember Tranter moved to table the Solid waste Collection Proposal till 5-27-97; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2, with Councilmember Seibert and Counoilmember Cooke voting against the motion. Councilmember Cooke moved to have Judy Carmichael's annexation request at 745 West 400 North pursued by the City; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to have the City pursue Black Oil and J.J. Wang's annexation requests of contiguous property on 500 West and Highway 191; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to have the City pursue the annexation request of properties owned by Riley/Johnson and Moab City on Powerhouse Lane. Councilmember Cooke moved to have the Hilleide Development Ordinance 97-12 to go public hearing. Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Counoilmember Cooke moved to have a traffic study done at the intersections of Main and 200 North, Main and 200 South, and 400 East and Hwy. 191. Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to table Ordinance 97-10 regarding Moved -On Commercial Structures in order to have it reviewed with greenhouses added. Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion, which carried 3-2, with Councilmembers Cooke and McDougall voting against. Councilmember Seibert moved to accept the Easement Agreement between the City of Moab and Brian Ballard for the Millcreek Project in the amount of $2,689. Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. A roll call vote was called; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the acquisition of property from Wanda and Arthur Secrest for the Millcreek Project in the amount of $5,000. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion; a roll call vote was called; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to advertise for a board member for the Grand County Special Service■ Hospital Board. Councilaeeber Seibert ascended the motion; the motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED SOLID WASTE PROPOSAL MOVED ON AGENDA APPROVED SOLID WASTE PROPOSAL TO 5E TABLED APPROVED JUDY CARMICHEAL'S REQUEST TO PURSUE ANNEXATION APPROVED BLACK OIL/ JJ WANG REQUEST TO PURSUE ANNEXATION APPROVED RILEY/ JOHNSON/ MOAB CITY REQUEST TO PURSUE ANNEXATION APPROVED HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE 97-12 APPROVED FOR PUBLIC HEARING TRAFFIC STUDY REQUEST APPROVED ORDINANCE 97-10 MOVED ON COMMERCIAL STRUCTURES TABLED BRIAN BALLARDS EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR $2,680.00 APPROVED WANDA AND ARTHUR SECREST PROPERTY ACQUISITION FOR $5000.00 APPROVED GRAND COUNTY HOSPITAL SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT ADVERTISEMENT APPROVED 210 BOB DOWNARDS LOT 12 IN ORCHARD PLACE SUBDIVISION FOR BONDING RELEASE APPROVED CANYONLANDS RODEO REQUEST FOR CHANGE APPROVED JEFF MEADOWS MOVED ON STRUCTURE APPROVED BREAK APPROVED ADDENDUM TO CITY MANAGERS CONTRACT APPROVED ORDINANCE 97-13 AMENDING SECTION 2.10 OF THE MOAB MUNICIPAL CODE DEFEATED BID AWARD FOR NEW METER IN THE WATER DEPARTMENT APPROVED ORDINANCE 97-11 AMENDING SETTING THE SALARIES FOR EXEMPT POSITION APPROVED Councilmember Seibert moved to approve Bob Downerd' s release of Lot 12 at Orchard Place Subdivision from City bonding; Councilmamber Veteto seconded the motion. A roll call vote was called and the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to grant permission of a change for Canyonlands Rodeo Club's Western Town to the corner of 300 South and Main for the week of 6-2-97 through 6-7-07. Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 Councilmember Veteto moved to approve Jeff Meadows' structure at the ball fields for concessions; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 Councilmember Veteto moved for a five-minute break. Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the Addendum to the City Manager's contract; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. A roll call vote was called and the motion passed 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Ordinance 97-13 Amending Section 2 10 of the Moab Municipal Code regarding the position of City Manager; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion for discussion; a roll call vote was called. The motion was defeated 1-4, with Councilmember Cooke voting aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to award the bid for meters for the Water Department to Waterworks Sales in the amount of $24,025, with a June delivery date; Councilmamber Seibert seconded the motion. A roll call vote was called, and the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve Ordinance 97-11—Amending Setting the Salaries for Exempt Positions of the City of Moab; Counoi].member Seibert seconded the motion. A roll call vote was called, and the motion carried 5-0. 1, v.Malmo. arrIlar TM MM. PM laroT t016110 1 a Mt Cltt it +aarW al•t Ntyt amity.. N Mita.. la No lyaraarat .I two t ttm• OM Mt ant to lot t.ott etal M../11 ImMia at OM Mt W panto.., Ilia I611YtN3 N 31 06441M1.16 H Ma City al Mai Mat N. pr.ta a• wa Meta as toll.... Matto* 1 ti toaga t�a{r!ayr o tat t1.11«tat Namt • May Imoim •a Ma 37 N) {11 {N {t{ hlln rota/ taaN !{ tit 1{l It{ Nl r.il le naMro o 1 •N.N 33 NI Ili {N 111 irommo Mari. !1 N{, Nl Ni tat to..o.:or>W 31 ..• fif.iN N{. N2 iC.aaaatiy a•.•• a.att•at vtY a{.tllla My niayo amt... a.taaw il3As{alll.amar a?too lat Mat MItmlaf ol•esN rtN 6—all.riaa Iu aN iMalM / Al. aaria...•. aril Mr .tl..t4a. w y.awral iit+- 1'12 taa rN11 11 °MTNUr tt to r..rn. W y►nM h a a•1..it{ waa .! V. C.ay *nasal Wo l/ai 4{ al ary U lrll 211 Councilmember McDougald moved to accept the appointment of Councilmember Seibert for the Solid Waste Management Board; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. A roll call vote was called and the motion passed 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve paying the bills in the amount of $449,162.04; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. A roll call vote was called; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m.; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. COUNCI7•ME BER SEIBERTS APPOINTMENT TO THE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD PAYING THE BILLS AGIANST THE CITY OF MOAB IN THE AMOUNT OF $449,162.04 APPROVED Mayor Stooks Adjourned the meeting at 10:15 ADJOUNMENT p.m. ATTEST: City Recorder APPROVED: MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 27, 1997 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above data in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Councilmember Veteto called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Cooke led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Paul Seibert, and T. Dee Tranter; Attorney Joseph Croker; Recorder Spencer Snow; Planning Aide Debbie Gilger; Public Works Director Brent Williams; and members of the audience including the media. Mayor Stocks arrived at 7:05 p.m. Councilmember Veteto moved to move to the Consent Agenda; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve Moab Unit Retirement Contribution Rates for Fiscal year 1997/98; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. A roll call vote was called for; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to advance to Item 8-3 on the Agenda, Ordinance 97-14; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carrie 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Ordinance 97-14 - Amending Section 15.08.010 of the Moab Municipal Code regarding electrical codes. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. Thomas A. Stocks Mayor MOVE TO CONSENT AGENDA MOAB UNIT RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION RATES APPROVED CONSENT TO MOVE AGENDA FORWARD APPROVED ORDINANCE 97-14— ON ELECTRICAL CODES APPROVED 21, 2 wa1NANCT.iW CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REQUEST FOR FEE WAIVER AT CITY POOL ON NNE 6T" 6 7" FOR TIMPVIEW HIGH SCHOOL APPROVED PUBLIC HEARING ON ORDINANCE 97-12-- HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT AND ORDINANCE 97-11- SALARIES FOR EXEMPT POSITIONS OF MOAB CITY CLOSING OF PUBLIC HEARING APPROVED ORDINANCE 97-10-- REGARDING COMMERCIAL MOVED -ON STRUCTURES APPROVED M:AI rarO WNaf[CMOM M Mr* or Tut roar MYN tTit Ylturrio ax IUx Mast CMY COrtr. .AS totwrr TN,r.w IIN MITM.MN N. Meat 1 .14401 dr*NUM awNN»»•ir(i..r xtrruCAL Caul ISI1II Arra, Ir.. NN MUILd_lr- 6k1 Ir ir*sr....So,fur W ilYlroar orra. sM-P+irn.*browear loritur. c»r.ror tr.. ,rWrrr re. *pr. N Ararar Wroth ).wtr. ors N.par uN orNNNN wa..r.l taarl NI.. tA,yar.enb Nxr.J •ri. W y,uaMur«•+..s•.1MNN--,nwemu Aavr.r.. N.p1 u NN....n tar tror�Na.W.Wis.orrr.tr.:tMmNit�... sr.. n�err *r .. Co. r /34 H r W aurwrr. M N PA, r 1.0. rota aW »M NYtroarr rMa r or p OONL WO MN COUNCIL I,. ai 011��Q1//:;'' .wl� Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the Chamber of Commerce request to have shower and swim fees waived for the Timpview High School Band who will perform in the Butch Cassidy Days Rodeo Parade. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks called the public hearing to order at 7:30 p.m. regarding Ordinance 97-12 - Hillside Development and Ordinance 97-11 - Salaries for Exempt Positions of Moab City. David Bodnar spoke in favor of the Hillside Ordinance 97-12 and thanked the Council for providing the ordinance. No one spoke out for or against Ordinance 97- 11. Mayor Stocks closed the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. Councilmember Tranter moved to approve Ordinance 97-10-Amending Section 5.645.020 of Chapter 5.64, Title 5 of the Moab Municipal Code regarding CoMmercial Moved -On Structures. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2, with Councilmembers Veteto and Seibert voting nay. rtNM1Nt11M WWII Mir Oita rtir trtirr NW TMMOM N MIt N tar N War roar Y rrirr trai to Yr t W gr... Oa F oror morn rrr b l•M•'rr lrh Y IMOTr iNP161i r brow or error r Mills 1. M.ow• l.larrl l tM N1 1 I.iraa MENU *MINIM WI=NWMar IT Wahl MUM Oat= IWNM /RfsrKi I aWI !Lila I lie W1N WPM NW IW 11111111/MriR lBr IBM UPI iriPrM I.I.rmlrtW xtam•rir 11 rprohr 110 ♦trrY trr Parr ION HUM INNI IUN IUN i Nrt /UAW IUN IIN111M1E.r1111SIIII, rYrrrbwarNW is 14 IMP Y Wbrw• 1•rmoIrimirlrrdNrmrYr,Mrorrer. 1 irkYNWlWrilirtl► riarromordirbirromerrlierr Morro. obri 1rrar.•Ir Yrow rat rIrPMYTxraiil•Mi.ti Y.r�YM! CrM tad I�r1r.1Jr1..U.rN. M Mr SNd r.tr 213 Councilmember McDougald moved to adopt Resolution 08-97 Adoption of 1997/98 Fiscal Year budget for Moab City Funds and Redevelopment Agency Fund. Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-1, with Councilmember Cooke voting nay. e.lutur,r pLtl 000 1W 111>tllle City of ob *foot rho 1114/11,1 T,K11 ,••r Budget reediu 1011001ho MD/ ■lvtwJCl ,1 tL,lnrts I. Cute%. IWO fCLUS . IYJIYTfC• l0 MP ea Coma ma t. IrCt4r1011 IWO S. 1Tt iri>DCi I�nAvl/IDDf 1YC IVtD r. 11111<trrl 11N001 Tu. I. 1 0/01.Unnpl 040 IMD 1. B>BD 11or1m1011 /Inn 10. CUIrLL 00.100 Inn 11. 01171A0I1/C NYD 100111 II. trrgtllter ruin 1115.5111 1I. tow, CITT Conga BIND atl/111:111B 11 .,Te.d ID1:1.1 •, " YoDrt.,dl.1r ,4 y.......Jie l0. Ile;;; ao0 tlt�lcwull. T „1 ..f;t1 rw<.... o.... eieoi.ar 4 ::I ay uli/u t e i <'""' 1.r1 une 1TJCITo Y=ftoix a.9y B1g.r r r 1•.•m.r Couneilmember McDougald a two -minute bathroom break; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the bid award for the Solid Waste Proposal for Moab,City for once a week, back door service at $11.00 per month for residential, $5 per yard for commercial once a week/$4 per yard twice a week and $3 per yard daily pick up. Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion; a roll call vote was called for. The motion carried 4-1, with COuncilmember Cooke voting nay. Councilmember Tranter moved to adopt Ordinance 97-12 Relating to Hillside Development of Moab City; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke wanted it noted that 17.55.090, paragraph 3 is, very controversial and should be reviewed by the Planning Commission again. OtIIWY $ -1101L Y 010I10101 CYITIN C4Ht• 2.1.60 DI 1IM IT CO tb 1NY VUOU1114 WOB Ye1111114 IIIJBIN BITCWIIn1R. tMtttA1. the City Conoell. the edrlr I tan lueh City II•eniN 1•elm. door It I• n e • r Chapter pter al l he �•y Ph"lalpl Cede olu rup•at t.•Y lyllowerntl.xl ellIteidlel alliarCleaY•re�tboo de 01: w�ti t relL:i to 4.1140. .rtwtll lme1lWlt�ht rl. Wan can Im to «'t fat, vb 600 toi aerate cud iiineDiuo in e...ttw"tiw •De vWleul.r ,rrrl eau prlt�r' h ...... iuil ott a{ hbee,;1•B iir `corm It ittarttieollogare IB mt 1000 le twi . leo1glC Mlera tM I40400. It le htlClpetir that 00:35wnt p oh lehe 111 a arle o 1• ne ratCor e 1 el ra outgo% i Mvlepo•nt My+ete prrnri etetvtsrT 1iw111ar to Nov, nYYp1OK, nig Int DI mow %WU CrJrtgu RESOLUTION 00-97- 1997/1998 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET & REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND APPROVED BID AWARD -SOLID WASTE COLLECTION PROPOSAL APPROVED ORDINANCE 97-12-- RELATING TO HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT APPROVED I/5.400/1117 n1.D Sr•tdJw oyd.ColCColJl,wt,q— tlsj341J�11A r11LO4.re1W Wl Wed I41121 q-C—Ye- DOHIp OM COMO. Oolit, ♦D.Int � TD....4 Dent W>rJ11.1t G4 )xjsiir� 1 {1,o,W Jt1-tD Cry Councilmsmber Seibert moved to adopt ORDINANCE 97-11— Ordinance 97-11—Setting Salaries for Exempt SETTING SALARIES FOR Positions of the City of Moab. Councilmember EXEMPT POSITIONS Veteto seconded the motion; the motiollt APPROVED carried 5-0. 21.4 cAg. 2/6 ora.suocs ...0.1,041.8 ant. TY• .that .a taa..M 10..T.C•111 a n. mn e. COUNCIL REPORTS COUNCIL APPROVAL TO USE MOAB ARTS FESTIVAL DAMAGE DEPOSIT TO REPAIR DAMAGE DONE TO SWANKY CITY PARK ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: City Recorder bilialf.kit. wi�a• i•.t ...opt.a.*I tbct et M.D. os4 s. moot•. u• wa e.t•.•• •• a.u..e .• •• p.w.a»•t .. ::•�q �::w:i:twip p.:iai«:• •ra r�ra.e ae..u� �.cW..a u�. uw 1:T7c7u ••.o " •a. mar w .r.• am u. p..a. w of m.a• .:.eno°.�'� .out» S. po.iat �.o..'..jr:•-• . ter a•. tattoo... •• is:ireWif::a:.e.::: :::::::::::::::: .wur .art. etr..or.a. ii. .rn.atntu.vt •.c.w.r• .A..ut..u.n. »•a cant: .a op. u..c pot. cf.,. omtta.t. ..' t... . at.. teu»tw ....•.e u t.au "r»cie.ro.:::iea:etoot.. .aya.ruiu a . t•U .n. .pp t. �>pY, . »ptttr vote of tt. City Crts.cti. e.p e. wr• un. tof t.r> .rt.11. �:xr •i`eV4'. tT:•cormr Councilmember MCDougald reported on emphasis on recycling and Councilmember Seibert's appointment to the Landfill Board. Councilmember Cooke reported that crosswalks need to be repainted for pedestrian safety. Councilmember Veteto reported that damage was done to Swanny City Park during the Moab Arts Festival and that river companies are monopolizing the Park in the evenings, making much of it unavailable to the public. Councilmember Veteto moved to allow the City to keep the deposit from the Arts Festival and use it for fixing damages to the lawn; Councilmember Treater seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1, with Councilmember Cooke voting nay. Councilmember Tranter would like to see the Old City Park utilized morel extensively for multi -use and have tables and pavilions built on the southwest side of the park. Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 p.m.; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting. APPROVED: homas A. Stocks Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JUNE 10, 1997 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Councilmember Trantor led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were -Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Paul 215 Seibert, Jeanne Veteto, and Richard Cooke; Attorney Joseph Croker; Recorder Spencer Snow; Planning Aide Debbie Gilger; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Treasurer Margot Snyder; and 138 members of the audience including the media. Councilmember MoDougald Moved to approve the APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of May 13"' 1997; Councilmember Cooke Seconded the Motion; Motion passed 5-0. Councilmember Cooke Moved to Adjourn the MEETING MOVED TO STAR meeting at City hall and continue at Star HALL APPROVED hall Because of the Croud; Councilmember Siebert Seconded the Motion; Motion Carried 5-0. No Citizens spoke out to be heard. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD Monty Mendenhall Spoke with presentation on PRESENTATIONS Deregulation of Power for Utah Power & Light; Bob Hawks spoke on his Bid Proposal; Jay Mecham Answered Questions and spoke on his Bid Proposal; Greg Kennedy Spoke with a presentation on Solid Waste Contract for and in behalf of people Representing Bob Hawks. Councilmember Cooke Moved to take Budget RALPH SMITH WITH BUDGET Shuttlw at 462 N. Alberta Ct; Councilmember SHUTTLE TABLED McDougaled Seconded the Motion; Motion Carried 4-1; Councilmember Siebert Voting nay. Councilmember Siebert Moved to approve change CHANGE ORDERS FOR HIGH orders for high Caliber in the amounts of CALIBER APPROVED $4,943.00 for 131 E. 100 S.; and $3,511,00 for 100 E. 100 S.; Councilmember McDougald Seconded the Motion; Vote was By Roll Call; Motion Carried 5-0. Councilmember Siebert moved to table Moab Rod ROD BENDERS TABLED Benders Request; Counoilmember Veteto Seconded the Motion; Motion Carried 5-0. Councilmember Veteto Moved to approve Moab MARC BUILDING RATES Arts and Recreation Boards Rate schedule for APPROVED MARC Building in Amounts of Theater Main Foyer/Kitchen Lower Stage Room Lower Small Rooms Theater Main Foyer/Kitchen Lower Stage Roos► Lower Small Rooms Rate I $15-1" Hr/$10 Add. Hrs. $10-et Hr/$5 Add. Hrs. $40 per day/$12 under 3 Hrs. $20 per day/$10 under 3 Hrs. Rate II $10-1" Hr./05 Add. Bra. $8-1" Hr./$5 Add. Hrs. Same Same Rate II is for non-profit organizations and Educational Classes; Councilmember McDonald Seconded the Motion; Roll Call Vote Was Called; Motion Carried 5-0. Councilmember Seibert Moved to approve Bid SCADA SYSTEM APPROVED award for water Departments Scads System in the Amount of $21,658.00; Councilmember McDonald Seconded the motion; Roll call Vote was Called; Motion Carried 5-0. 216 ADlIINISTRATIVE REPORTS COUNCIL REPORTS PAYING BILL AGAINST THE CITY OF MOAB ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: S ¢fir Snow City Recorder SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL TO DISCUSS THE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH MECHAM COUNTRY GARBAGE Rob n intent is a gave Suit f a city or Civil Notification t to f hts violations; Raymond Taylor spoke about his Civil rights beinyed and where his letter of appology he orequested had not been given to him. Councilmember Cooke Asked if there ordinance about also NoiseControl CBeing 1with Spread after 5 p• Senior Center. Councilmember Cooke bills in the amount the City of Moab; Seconded the Motion; Call 5-0. Councilmember Trantor moved to Adjourn the meeting at 11:00 p.m.; Councilmember Cooke Seconded the Motion; Motion Carried 5-0. APPROVED: was an Dozers at the moved to approve the of $410,149.80 against Councilmember Seibert Motion Carried By Roll omas A. Stocks Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 12, 1997 The Moab City Council held their Regular Council Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 125 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. , Councilmember Veteto called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. for a Special Council workshop, Councilmembers William McDougald; Paul Seibert, T. Dee Tranter; and Jeanne Veteto; Attorney Joseph Croker; Recorder Spencer Snow; and Mr. Jay Mecham of Mecham Country Garbage. Councilmember Veteto Called Meeting to order. Purpose of the this meeting is to Discuss the Franchise Agreement/Resolution 09-97 Clarifying all Questions and Concerns toward Mr. Mecham with Country Garbage and the Franchise Agreement. Councilmember MCDougald Moved to Approve and Sign the Resolution 09-97/Franchise Agreement; Councilmember Trantor Seconded the Motions; Roll Call Vote was Called; Motion Carried 4-0 Each Councilmember Signed with there vote. a NsgA.[tlW mtlrswcltls.a WMam coastal. MAKI.. ACNTTNNTAV AtONT1TL114040QTT 0,I441.1W COWRY GAMIaGC NLYatOuNt /NNNRIM IA4ATRMC YY Ri/AGAYCRY AG. AK thtMaAaNUN.sYL TQAUAUCTTTGOntlALWiM>NN{tlY•Nvt TINAPULIDITNAORIMULIMISIMU MTIIMU,OaT(Ns.C11s4 0041MU412211.1 AAMIYNaRIAN'AITOTRMENOMA. NO 14f [U� ARMURY 4Ntl NRl1tR 1MIi � AU J M�M tF T..rA.. 217 Councilmember McDonald Moved to go into an Executive Session to discuss the purpose of a strategy Session to discuss pending or reasonable imminent litigation, and physical or mental health of an Individual; Councilmember Seibert Seconded the Motion; Motion Carried 4-0. Councilmember Trantor Moved to return to Special Council Meeting; Councilmember Seibert Seconded the Motion; Motion Carried 4-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to Adjourn the ADJOURNMENT Special meeting; Councilmember McDougald Seconded the Motion; Motion Carried 4-0. APPROVED: Thomas A. Stocks Mayor ATTEST: peer Snow City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JUNE 23, 1997 The Moab City Council held their Special Workshop meeting on the above date in the County Council Chambers of County Offices, located at 125 East Center, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomae A. Stocks, Councilmember William D. McDougald, Richard Cooke; Recorder Spencer Snow; and 6 members of the audience and media. The purpose of the special workshop meeting SPECIAL WORKSHOP was to discuss Solid Waete issues with'Grand CANCELLED County Council; The meeting was cancelled by Grand County Council; Moab City Council arrived but never attained a quorum. ATTEST: artirCity Recorder arn�//90 � • 44414A Cony Pig Thomas A. Stocks Mayor 218 APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS TO BE HEARD JORDAN KNUTSONS EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT APPROVED PUBLIC HEARING HOME OCCUPATIONS/ CONDITIONAL USE LICENSES APPROVED RICK LAMB REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING DENIED ROD BENDERS REQUEST FOR CAR SHOW APPROVED DARRELL DALTON& REQUEST FOR BUSINESS LICENSE APPROVED EDWARD SNYDER OF MCSTIFFS CABARET LICENSE APPROVED MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JUNE 24, 1997 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Cooke led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto, and T. Dee Tranter; Attorney Joseph Croker; City Recorder Spencer Snow; Planning Aide Debbie Gilger; and 10 members of the audience including the media. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the minutes of May 27, 1997; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0. There were no citizens to be heard. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve an Eagle Scout project for Jordan Knutson. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks opened the public hearing at 7:31 p.m, for Ordinance 97-15-Setting the Salaries for Exempt Employees. Mayor Stocks asked for public comment; none was given. Mayor Stocks then opened the public hearing to Re -Open and Amend Fiscal Year 1996-97 Budget as read: Mayor Stocks asked for public input; none was given. Mayor Stocks closed the public hearing at 7:51 p.m. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the Home Occupations/Conditional Use Licenses; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by roll call vote. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve Mr. Lamb's request to go to public hearing for the zone change for ,Lots #12 and #13 of the Utex Subdivision; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion was denied 2-3, with Councilmembers McDougald and Seibert and Mayor Stocks voting nay. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the Rod Benders Car Club's request for use of Swanny City Park on April 25, 1998 for their annual oar show, with the fee waived except for the $40 sales tax deposit. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0 by roll call vote. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Darrell Dalton's request for a license as D 6 D Handyman Service at 479 4 Bowen Circle; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve a Cabaret license for Edward Snyder, of Eddie MaStiff's; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. 219 Counoilmember McDougald moved to approve a Cabaret license for William Petty, DEA 'Teahouse Cafi. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0. Councilmember MoDougald moved to approve Pat and Cori Archuleta of the First Assembly of God Youth to have a moved -on structure permit for Golden Dragon Fireworks, to be located at 446 South Main. Counoilmamber Seibert seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to table Ralph Smith's request for a home occupation license as Budget Shuttle, at 462 Albert Court; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-1, with Councilmember Seibert voting nay. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Mayor's appointment of Luci Pederson to the Moab Mosquito Abatement Board. Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the Mayor's appointment of Dick Haggett to the Grand County Hospital Special Service District Board; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion; the motion carried 3-1, with Councilmember Veteto voting against. Counoilmember Seibert moved to approve Resolution 10-97 Amending Budget/Department Transfers for Fiscal Year 1996-97 as follows: UM V141110 0:100001001lW i1I41 W11N 100 10.3 14t011M IM MO 00000. 10 00; N Wr 1.0.6 4 I/I4i10 tout 1.4 1.i,.. W www M *wog 4 W10 W+Y W..Y 1o+d. Y 1 W 1w 10000 00Y.. 1 1001001 1 IO.tl 1 Pod t "1.wtr 0400M0000 W 000101044 0•1 14W t 111100110 UMW. 004010 1110N0 10/110111I11 0411b11113441111111011010041 10tl.00OW t tmemglwrr+1W 11..0.r1.0WW 00100101.04.0 0IM 0101 1011011 11.01 0N1M 04100 1Y11101 4104 110104I040 I tit. 1010 111101 1401 i LIN 1044 111011 IUM 1MlMWMtt41/40000,16 YM.wr01.r1yuf 4.0:0 N0: Y 44M. 000n1.0000 MirM00Ti. 01.0•0Mfy0nr0 •tp00 I..Y Itl 11 F.II0.tl0tl1., 0wIh I1117.0. r0...rtl IM 10000 W 01 t0tld I1000odIw 000.10.0. /100i001000am0.••0t. MUD i000111..14 t.... 0 or, 0.1011 jL 6,41.;a,,.01, Ott. �. IO.d. W1. o.0* Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0 by roll call vote. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve Ordinance 97-15-Setting the Salary for Exempt Positions of the City of Moab, as follows: City Manager - Grade 27 $46,093-$61,942 Police Chief - Grade E-3 $41,995-$56,430 Pub.Aks. Dir.- Grade 16 $33,259-$44,699 Recorder - Grade 17 $31,741-$42,661 Treasurer - Grade 13 $26,354-$35,422 Mayor $12,000 Councilmembers $ 6,000 WILLIAM PETTY OF JAILHOUSE CAFE CABARET LICENCE APPROVED PAT AND CORI ARCHULETA REQUEST FOR MOVED ON STRUCTURE APPROVED RALPH SMITH'S REQUEST FOR LICENSE AS BUDGET SHUTTLE TABLED LUCI PEDERSON'S APPOINTMENT APPROVED DICK BAGGETT'S APPOINTMENT TO GRAND COUNTY HOSPITAL SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT APPROVED RESOLUTION 10-97 AMENDING BUDGET/ DEPARTMENTAL TRANSFERS FISCAL YEAR 1996/1997 APPROVED ORDINANCE 97-15 SETTING THE SALARY FOR EXEMPT POSITIONS OF THE CITY OF MOAB APPROVED Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0 by roll call vote. 220 nab COMPENSATION TO RECORDER DURING CITY MANAGERS MATURNITY LEAVE APPROVED VERSAR ENGINEERING CONTRACT APPROVED KELLY TOLLEr S REQUEST FOR MOVED ON STRUCTURE APPROVED BID AWARD FOR 400 E. MEDIANS AND ROTARY PATHS/ UPPER PARKING LOT REJECTED ORDINANCE 97-16- AMENDING CHAPTER 8.04 GARBAGE AND REFUSE APPROVED r WWI.. Irrilw bit Ial1Pi wP ul.uf ro11f/001 Or ftl tiff Or •w .. i•ri.: ei i °c`•wliiin:'o!`ii: cif •e n.P ae . a..a ae •et» w• r e! wax .'� .ry1�Y /Ir• Ills+no wt `ae��•Yn•+.1 sM sue. rlll lae1M �t'a.l� tln, tM• lell«tp Poel aline. ...t.... Y. �roy +si uanarPw by tte City .f nw Not w. I.etlm 1. *ro•:ii�.:sa:.c;r:"a !er u. }otr«w .a.pt .ii"": 1,211• Wta• Pte....... 11. .I .410 tre•.az•r-O<•.e IS .ltt,llt.l lr.t tl • hts.atly u.Ott amts•et fiat .r.ettia for c wtfle.}. a. forty a Ltr a t•� fee uo "I"I'"'''«Iae,u} e n•f•t ro•iale•., ll}..e} .tecu.• I. 'kit naie..e..ill fl.cu...y� ett•=..t t the city to.ttll tod pall .... It it eettottl.• to July 1. It. ../ ePlmo. tY .;;;!"' o1..f u. as +al. tet air .e .lw•. P.P., a/r. L afRln • Tony •t }+r aceasr 1� Etta, ur Counoilmember Veteto moved to approve compensation for the City Recorder during the City Manager's leave of absence to E-3 minimum; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve new contract with Versar Engineering. Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0 by roll call vote. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve Kelly Tolley's request for a moved -on structure permit for a fireworks stand at 311 South Main. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0 by roll call vote. Councilmember Seibert moved to reject the bid for Rotary Park paths/upper parking lot and 400 East medians, and allow David Olsen to piece -meal the project with quotes from bidders on each job. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; the motion carried by roll call vote, 4-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the Ordinance 97-16-Amending Chapter 8.04 Garbage and Refuse with tight -fitting lid included; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 by roll call vote. AGREEMENT OF RATES WITH Counoilmember Cooke moved to table the MECHAM COUNTRY GARBAGE Agreement of Rates with Mecham Country TABLED Garbage until 5 p.m. on June 27, 1997. Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0. RESOLUTION 11-97- AMENDING MUNICIPAL ENERGY SALES AND USE TAX AT (3%) THREE PERCENT APPROVED Councilmember Seibert moved to approve Resolution 11-97 ]Amending Municipal Energy Sales and Use Tax at three (3) percent across the Board for all municipalities. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0. 24.21 Ovatirt* moor sow OM trOS t.41 1a • at. a t. m of .w•e et aY au.Pot.tl u i Lt rtil tar .IN1 ... :%le�r . r•. I.ca •• canter.....as.Aa ' t • .mot « s Io-I ael,ra�w„ r�[w'1't w1 tNa43ir•�NtsiawO at .Mprsry t O .awN'ctrtftl t aN tlatP"Ito.l, t• to MzwY ee..1.e• ans to O.v.s.1p i.tY i•a w r..il:u.W..u«'iier�fpw �i�!wl fnm .1r Pn a. ryrte}attcl. r pram 1Ne uOOtrn tneOle en•t9r tei wY nr�wK la ao"ural•ant'net to �.slcfpt 1'rryY late. •vi Cie t•a. I. •tmal•ctv.l iz•actta• Ie•' aean. •. t Ifoe tNa}1.Oer=gsi+lir ter tor: ." 1:t M P. ttf pr. . Oi ao •eMe.tln ffi N>e o uu wr .manam •r e,r•ntton to of Or 221 a. •. •rellverad votts4. • tb• 4tr 0I14t valve tt tea itidotfar aM tga:IWssN for a*. or vw in t. Iltl in..s/w H tho snot y Itself; and .4.44.04pertatii«,ia 00%. ever Yowne 0 Or *that coots `ybplcrllr Inouye e I <0 OIN. l tau...orgy fe1Ml1 Y. eea etorte. 0. *wont V.-aura.e .•lw• dw not tiu: :: eiaio idgir: cw: e,,,`nepii i, eb dawp�re». •t«MY • ool Nc• np a Nrson v0010. aN.b1 e«rVY� .adopt torpor.. supply.. gaallWlt.wont of ...b. 444,0Y.•ii Yu tauynn.ro . 1 0 by 1• HNu1gKN br W S. •JNntatae Nr4 ncni.' or •n erwnaw., c«tNct H Mr..«H giiKlM • fNMbit.. i. •Jrowwts Nr• e Y. A f Mh11. tss14 {Itl•1•awl>IILI. • t! vet' 4wryt.clod Dy VR4A tplr A«ott•d f iT•t•)44' it wiN�t •n o 9N iM Vt4 rt�e rutwlM are utya tn' In. nunlatpt [nor ) ta.o• asondedl Vvawnt Co Vtn Coos Alv,oltid 10.1 •Ib(t1141, •e ` 4S4<141 tu41 44 11444 444 4644.$0n u Wte 11t4 4 14. 4. .•4s44,r itr.+neoeto4144 14sl.rintluwtl44.ow 4444414 r IN.NI /•44Y tl •t 14 Un. dad Ppt•ta 0. oal wl*tat lw4Cof tat Yla on.soy ut4H 9Y Wfthewl 0i 444144 d. oo1N or v f tamable o trq: to • 1. On, It d• (,[fury u.o of A. ts.able rot is for u In iY44pPooivMeM ssait0�p CvednirCTitia`itnorq+ or k tvsa tN V144 .044 Ann4tuod. • 4wn0494 cA Pter tk r 4. Teas.. ne gy brought Into o+ by • s• Idont for tart •e Cont.• a C.raoul 4 snnior«nt 11 vltbin tr. t1. • Y14 4ryt purcnered for en the 4 stet. `bY • unl tistM urkt. In the stet. 1t t Rive et',m sts*. no t. • N/. r! too.. . . iNry fora Y posyw. other tn4n6. t nolt or n rgyr .d g. Ile e1, of t oMl• to tut wee 441.44 toe .'. 1 tl�e CItY 4f 4 ). TN 1•..forag.• • r o(b4r a • yaton 4 s b iM C(tknnwyt fru W avlstNt rwrpY NIr.iM vs Tea tr.ft: Y Y at flv4. prOrtOHI •, .4 del lwrod vile et tee tar.b1O snit" kb. Non 1•vt.Otbte t u unIClunalol VVatiY 4ltnle lnv o tbs Vl•b CMa0A4rPnyiiltl`Io. CI,ap1r It. Part f ottihs b. Utah CityA4 44404441 AM + 04at6 thee other 00001.tiyrlind4tit .sxota wu10 0..140 N do. undor tht• / lutlon It tn. ewrier this aptor serest,. keno IN Yale to leas t• 0l 440104•Ry. 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W w11p•! w.ry Iler•a Wu N Iev/N Nglm{r11 t:H •.•. •w a.q .. 11/7 vet d± / r ..ter 222 ADVANCEMENT ON TEE SALE OF PROPERTY APPROVED PAYING THE DILLS Councilmember Seibert moved to advance for the sale of property at the west end of 3`d South for a possible Big-0 store; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the paying of bills against the City in the amount of $57,589.27. Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0 by roll call vote. Councilmember Seibert moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:10 p.m.; Councilmember McDougsld seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Stocks adjourned the meeting. ATTEST: Sp r Snow City Recorder APPROVED: Thomas A. Stocks Mayor MOAN CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 27, 1997 The Moab City Council held their special meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 5:08 p.m. Others in attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougsld, Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto, Richard Cooke, and T. Dee TranTer; Attorney Joseph Croker; Recorder Spencer Snow; and 19 members of the audience including the media. TWICE PER WEEK CURBSIDE Councilmember McDougsld moved to remove the T PICKUP WITH ADDED COSTS motion twice per week curbside with $1.00 Addis DEFEATED Residential and $.75 per yard for Commer Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. motion carried 3-1, with Counoilmember Veteto voting nay. Councilmember Cooke moved to have bond Amount for Mecham Country Garbage sat $400,000.00; Not to exceed $1.00 per Account and bring round to the nearest Nickel in price; Councilmenber McDougald sec the notion; Motion carried by roll call Councileember Veteto voting nay. Councileeeber McDougsld moved to approve the request that those employees allowed to work at City Pioneer Day celebration on July 24th be allowed to take July 25" off as the holiday. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0. BONDING FOR MECHAM COUNTRY GARBAGE OUTLINED AND APPROVED HOLIDAY CHANGE FOR SOME EMPLOYEES APPROVED 223 Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks adjourned ADJOURNMENT the meeting at 6:05 p.m. ATTEST: City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 8, 1997 APPROVED: Thomas A. Stocks Mayor The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m Councilmember Tranter led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto, and Richard Cooke, Attorney Joseph Croker; City Recorder Spencer Snow; Planning Aide Debbie Gilger; and 32 members of the audience including the media. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the APPROVAL OF MINUTES minutes of June 10 and June 12t, 1997, as read; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. During Citizens to be Heard, John Clayton CITIZENS TO BE HEARD spoke on boxes not being picked up at the Sunset Grill; Anthony Mason, of the Slick Rock Cafb said there were no wheels on the containers; Bill Hofhine, of Best Value Foods, said no one has picked up his compactor's trash; Ron Nagel, of Certified Ford, doesn't like the round cans, and Melody Daniel, on Loveridge Circle, has had no garbage pick-ups yet. Colleen Miller gave a presentation to the PRESENTATIONS Council on Mr. Mecham's past experiences, and Cindy Stephens gave a petition of names to the Council. The petition was accepted by Mayor Tan Stocks. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve RALPH SMITH'S REQUEST Ralph Smith's request to do business as FOR BUSINESS LICENSE Budget Shuttle,. at 462 North Alberta Court. AT 462 N. ALBERTA CT. Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion; APPROVED the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to table the Solid SOLID WASTE TABLED Waste issue until Tuesday, June 15"', 1997 at 7:00 p.m.; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve NELSON BROTHERS NINETY Nelson Brothers' 90-day extension to the DAY EXTENSION AT WASTE contract at the MMTP; CouncalmeMber Veteto WATER TREATMENT PLANT seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. APPROVED 224 NANCY THOMPSON'S REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING APPROVED PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR ZONE CHANGE TO GO TO PUBLIC HEARING Councilmember Seibert moved to take Nancy Thompson's request for a zone change behind Cottonwood Subdivision from RA-1 to R-1 to public hearing. Councilmember Cooke aeconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to take Nancy Thompson's preliminary plat for zone change to public hearing. Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. RON LINDLEY'S REQUEST Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Ron TO USE SWANKY CITY PARK Lindley's request to use Swanny City Park for IN OCTOBER APROVED the Fat Tire Festival from October 13ei through October 19th, 1997 with a deposit of $1000.00; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 CHANGE IN THE DEPOSIT Councilmember Cooke moved to change FOR SWANKY CITY PARK resolution on Swanny City Park use damage FROM $500.00 TO deposit from $500 to $1000, Councilmember $1000.00 APPROVED McDougald aeconded the motion The motion carried 3-2; with Councilmembers Veteto and Tranter voting nay. DAVID OSEN'S REQUEST TO Councilmember Cooke moved to approve David CONTRACT FOR CONCRETE Olsen to contract for concrete work on the WORK APPROVED 400 East Medians, Rotary path, Rotary driveway and upper parking lot. Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 RATE CHANGE FOR WATER Councilmember McDougald moved to table the USAGE AT SWANKY CITY rate change for water usage at Swanny City PARK TABLED Park until more documentation can be provided; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. PAYING OF THE BILLS ADJOURNMENT Mayor Stocks adjourned the meeting at 11:10 p.m. ATTEST: Councilmember Cooke moved to pay the bills against the City of Moab for June 1997 in the amount of $265,700.36 and for July 1997 in the amount of $104,591.99, for a total of $370,292.35; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the meeting. Councilmamber McDougald aeconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. er Snow City Recorder APPROVED: Thomas A. Stocks Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 15, 1997 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting On the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 225 Councilmember Cooke led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Couneilmembers William D. McDougald, Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto, and T. Dee Tranter; Attorney Joseph Croker; Recorder Spencer Snow; Planning Aide Debbie Gilger; Treasurer Margot Snyder; and 34 members of the audience including the media. A special workshop meeting was called by SPECIAL WORKSHOP The governing body to address Questions from the public concerning the Garbage and refuse in Moab City. Councilmember Veteto moved to give COMPLIENCE VOTE Country Garbage Service 48 hours to come DEFEATED into compliance with Customer Service 6.4 of the Franchise Agreement, or render a Breach of Contract. Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion; the motion failed 2-3, with Councilmembers McDougald, Cooke and Tranter voting nay. Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:22 p.m., fifteen minutes after the questions were answered. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-1, with Councilmember Veteto voting nay. Mayor Stocks adjourned the meeting at 8:28 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 22, 1997 ADJOURNMENT Thomas A. Stocks Mayor The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Dee Trantor led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Councilmembers William D. MCDougald, Richard Cooke, Jeanne Veteto, and T. Dee Tranter; Attorney Joseph Croker; City Recorder Spencer Snow; Treasurer Margot Snyder, and 24 members of the audience including the media. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the APPROVAL OF MINUTES minutes of the June 24t' and June 27t` meetings; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Tranter moved to have Citizens CITIZEN TO BE HEARD to be Heard moved to the end of the agenda; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0. 2 2`6 EVELYN SMITH'S REQUEST FOR BUSINESS LICENSE APPROVED LARRY JOHNSON'S REQUEST ON BACKFLOW FINES TABLED RESOLUTION 13-97- SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FEES APPROVED Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Evelyn Smith's request for a business license at 122 Hillside as a Bed and Breakfast; Councilmember Veneto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to table the request from Larry Johnson on baokflow fines of $25.00; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Resolution 13-97-Increasing Solid Waste Collection Fees for Moab City to add thirty- five cents ($.35) to residential accounts and three (3) percent for commercial accounts; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by roll call vote 3-1, with Councilmember Veteto voting nay. iu•Ivv'.n,: Al WiU .i{ii CtfAlt rIY=1{f;LIMIT npW, u my: g 1::1 ` ` 1. Kunio iip ui:• iii:...jt .nt.%i. or '14 u `•lrtutl 1�• .c: v0� �"eeNirq i y�l ni.•t I.p••ipy vv r nii.�`i•Ia�i"irrthe citesI`.•e„ol:ye flop... for •.+.. ••y, y{.:l TALAII,X1. •, rcu •1 i. ca o u tt. . •I tir•+N .H. •I �n 3c111 Io trll.tttt:.. Ir,n:.:1lir....n: •t. •w+=.I.t.t•rnW uI .•Iit •t • {o:l •..r 0cn. ft:. at t • r+ • s• Ca.u{L1. 4C[L4ll••!nt•• 11: Nt..ut •0101 t• !•. •IWl4a{111 J::alt1.•Iw.e. nat.. w...r. +a,i.:Ir. • I••••1 •r1tn 1. ✓•� • �, :(/'llrl>•"+•f-. li attISTI K / .. r r.• .r - 1•n.. RESOLUTION 14-97-- AMENDING TO COVER THE INCREASED COSTS AT THE TRANSFER STATION COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember McDougald moved to have Resolution 14-97 amended to include one dollar and twenty cents ($1.20) for residents, and to have the contract amended to once per week, curbside, at nine dollars ($9) with the thirty-five cents ($.35) bonding and one dollar and twenty cents ($1.20) addod coat of, tipping fees at the Transfer Station, for a tatal of ten dollars and fifty-five cents •($10.55), to be effective September 1, 1997. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion; the motion carried by roll call vote 3-1, with Councilmember Veteto voting against.' Helen Hawks spoke on behalf of Councilmember Veteto on the solid waste plan. Councilmember Veteto asked Mr. Mecham to uphold his contract. Councilmember McDougald spoke on zoning lockout for City properties in the County to be used only for recreation purposes. Councilmember Tranter spoke on bid process delays. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD In Citizens to be Heard, Randy Day spoke on serving the public; Cindy Stephens spoke for concerns about the Council; Steve Russell spoke about h y mistakes and the perception people have, and setting community priorities. Norm Shrewsbury spoke about people's anger; he said people should stop taking potshots at the Council' and that solutions are not yet being considered. Greg Kennedy said he wanted to see the Council drop back and drop the existing contract. Aggie Evans, of Canyonlands Campground, said the garbage trucks leak. 227 Counoilmember Cooke moved to approve the PAYING OF THE BILLS bills against the City for June in the amount of $156,750.87 and for July in the amount of $32,395.56, for a total of $189,146.43. Counoilmember McDougald seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0 by roll call vote. Councilmember Cooke moved to go to Executive EXECUTIVE SESSION Session at 9:00 p.m, for the purpose of discussing the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0. Counoilmember Veteto moved to return to Open Session; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Counoilmember McDougald moved to approve the ZONING ADMINISTATOR Zoning Administrator to Interim Planner at 16 MOVED TO INTERIM minimum scale, to be retroactive to April 1, PLANNER POSITION 1997. Counoilmember Tranter seconded the APPROVED motion; the motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Tranter moved to go to public PUBLIC HEARING FOR hearing to discuss the Solid Waste Contract SOLID WASTE FOR 9-2-97 compliance on September 2, 1997; APPROVED Counoilmember Veteto seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Tranter moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m. Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks adjourned the meeting at 9:35 ADJOURNMENT P.m! ATTEST: pe►i6er Snow City Recorder APPROVED: MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 12, 1997 AS! - omas A. Stocks Mayor The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas Stocks called the .meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Tranter led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Paul Seibert, Richard Cooke and T. Dee Tranter; Attorney Joseph Croker; City Recorder Spencer Snow; Planning Aide Debbie Gilger; and 33 members of the audience including the media; Councilmember Veteto was absent. Councilmember Tranter moved to approve the APPROVAL OF MINUTES minutes of July 8th, 15th and 22"d, 1997; Counoilmamber McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. 228 CITIZENS TO BE HEARD PUBLIC HEARING JUDY CARMICHEAL'S REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION APPROVED NANCY THOMPSON'S REQUEST FOR ZONE CHANGE APPROVED Bill Osborn asked Council how an ordinance is passed. He says Councilmember Veteto says it was done wrong. Mayor Stocks answered him. Colleen Miller spoke against Mayor Stocks. Mayor Stocks answered. Adair White told Council her trash can was left in the middle of the street. Mayor Stocks said that was a problem the contractor needed to take care of. Ray Tibbetts spoke about the mortuary on 4t' Lust and that Mr. Williams had indicated to the mortuary owner that part of the parking lot had been built over City property. Mayor Stocks referred to Brent Williams to check on this situation for clarification. At 7:33 p.m., Mayor Stocks opened the public hearing for Judy Carmichael's request for annexation of a 5.98 acre parcel of land just west of Holiday Haven. No one spoke for or against this annexation request. At 7:34 p.m., Mayor Stocks opened the public hearing for Nancy Thompson's request for a zone change from RA-1 to R-1 for her property adjacent to the Cottonwood Subdivision. Kirsten Peterson asked if R-1 was just higher density. Councilmember Seibert told her it was. Mayor Stocks closed the public hearings at 7:45 p.m. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve Judy Carmichael's request for annexation of a 5.98 acre parcel of land with an R-4 zone; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by roll call vote, 4-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve Nancy Thompson's request for zone change from RA-1 to R-1 for the property adjacent to Cottonwood Subdivision. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion; the motion carried by roll call vote, 4-0. SWANNY CITY PARK RATE Councilmember Seibert moved to set a new ADJUSTMENT SET FOR JUNE temporary rate for water use for Swanny City 1997 APPROVED Park at $.25 per. 1000 gallons for June 1997, and have a new rate set by City Manager Donna Metzler for the, parks, for approval by Council. Counciimember Tranter seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0 by roll call vote. LARRY JOHNSON'S REQUEST FOR BACKFLOW FINES TABLED FOR 60 DAYS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR REQUEST FOR ABATEMENT TABLED MAX YOUNG AND BANS WEIBEL'S COUNTER OFFER FOR WELL 410 APPROVED Councilmember Seibert moved to table Larry Johnson's request for backflow fines for 60-day period, to give Administration time for a better recommendation. Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion; the motion carried by roll call vote, 4-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to table the Public Works Director's request to abate fees for Uranium Avenue and Grand Avenue; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Councilmember M Dougald moved to approve Max Young and Hans Weibel's counter offer for the City to pay $15,000 for the purchase of Well E10 rights. Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion; the motion carried by roll tali vote, 4-0. 229 Councilmember Seibert moved to abate $50 of TODD CAMPBELL'S REQUEST Todd Campbell's $450 annexation fee as FOR ABATEMENT REFUND overpayment. Councilmember Tranter seconded APPROVED the motion; the motion carried by roll call vote, 4-0. Councilmember Tranter moved to approve Change AL ANDERSON'S REQUEST Order #8 from Al Anderson for the Wastewater FOR CHANGE ORDER #S Treatment Plant project of $5,014.00 for a APPROVED sludge pump, cooler and power transformer; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 by roll call vote. Councilmember MoDougald moved to approve Al AL ANDERSON'S REQUEST Anderson's Draw Order #9 for the Wastewater FOR DRAW ORDER #9 FOR Treatment Plant project for contractor's CONTRACTORS MONTHLY monthly pay of $168,421.00; Councilmember PAY APPROVED Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 by roll call vote. Councilmember MCDougald moved to table the REPEAL OF ORDINANCE request to repeal Ordinance 93-09 and 93-09 AND ORDINANCE Ordinance 94-16 until after the election 94-16 TABLED process; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to change the REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING September 9,1997 regular Council meeting to CHANGED FROM SEPTEMBER September 4,1997 at 7:00 p.m.; Councilmember 97" TO SEPTEMBER 4T" Tranter seconded the motion. The motion APPROVED carried 3-1, with CouncilmeMber Cooke voting nay. Councilmember Cooke moved to pay the bills in PAYING OF THE BILLS the amount of $163,304.53, with the draw to Wastewater Treatment Plant contractors of $168,421.00, bringing the total to $331,725.53; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by roll call vote, 4-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to adjourn at 9:20 p.m. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks adjourned the, meeting at 9:20 ADJOURNMENT p.m. ATTEST: p ncer Snow C1 y Recorder APPROVED: MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 26, 1997 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Seibert led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Councilmeebers Jeanne Veteto, William D. MaDougald, Paul Seibert, Richard Cooke, and T. Dee Tranter; Attorney Joseph Croker; City Manager Donna Metzler; City Recorder Spencer Snow -Planning Aide Debbie Gilger; Treasurer Marget Snyder and 56 members of the audience including the media. homas A. St cks Mayor 230 APPROVAL OF MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MOVING OF AGENDA APPROVED KENT ROSS' BUSINESS LICENSE AT 692 N. 500 W. APPROVED ROBERT MONTAGUE'S REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE PROPERTY AT 680 BITTLE LANE APPROVED SLICKROCK BAGEL COMPANY REQUEST FOR CLASS II BEER LICENSE TABLED PUBLIC HEARING PRESENTATION BY UTAH STATE ON IMPACT FEES Councilmember McDonald moved to approve the minutes of June 2" and August 12, 1997 as they were read. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Kyle Bailey spoke share rights. Councilmember Cooke moved forward; seconded the motion. on water protection and moved to have the agenda Councilmember McDougall The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve Kent Ross' request for a business license at 692 North 500 West, as Sportron Independent Distributor. Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0, Councilmember Seibert moved to approve Robert Montague's request to subdivide and create a flag -shaped lot at 680 Aittle Lane. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to table the request of Myke Hughes, of Slickrock Bagel Company, for a Class II Beer License at 53 West 400 North. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks opened the public hearing at 7:35 p.m. to hear public comments on Nancy Thompson's preliminary plat on her property connecting to Cottonwood Subdivision, Lots #25 through #31. Randy Day asked how long the cul-de-sac was; Tim Keogh said it was 480 ft. Councilmember Cooke asked if Tract C was the Farm Store and if Lot #25 was actually 39,700 ft. Keogh's response was yes to both questions. Mayor Stocks closed the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. A presentation by Utah State University on Moab's Impact Fee Study was given in detail to the Council by Dan Simmons and John Thompson. Simmons discussed water and capital improvements and Thmpson talked on sewer costs. Both men spoke in great measure on impact fees and how they are arrived at. 2REAK Councilmember Veteto moved for a 5-minute break. Counoilmember Seibert seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE REVISING MUNICIPAL CODE 8.04 TABLED ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR UTAH STATE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY AT 108 E. 300 S. TO BRING RECOMMENDATION TO THE GOVERNING BODY Councilmember Veteto moved to have City Manager Donna Metzler and City Attorney Joe Croker meet with Jay Mecham about revising Section 8.04 of the Moab City Municipal Code and coming up with a compromise for a new ordinance proposed by Robert Hawk's attorney, then come back to Council with a recommendation. Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to obtain an advisory committee of approximately ten members of distributed representation to look into the Youth Correctional Facility for the Council. The motion came after much discussion from Brian Matsuta and Robyn Parker to Council. Councilmesber Tranter seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. 231 Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Nancy NANCY THOMPSON'S Thompson's request for a preliminary plat for PRELIMINARY PLAT a subdiviaion. Councilmember Seibert APPROVED seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. Councilmember MoDougald moved to approve ORDINANCE 97-17 Ordinance 97-17 Annexing property to Moab ANNEXING PROPERTY TO City for Judy Carmichael's property of a 5.98 MOAB CITY FOR JUDY acre parcel on 400 North behind the CARMiCHAEL APPROVED Carmichael's Trailer Court. Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion; the motion carried by roll call vote 5-0. MDWANCE 974, NtDILINAIKT Dy 1fQ DDITJDK y4DT V P.D CM NATANGIUttttt TC ..RU tTTY itO:yat t<y���{taTyarcm... pamb mriv. a.a.a y�O,...aa dai+�.'1`Ma.a matt t.y.`...yMW1.11D..,aw.. 4".t• ,rw—ru. ..,o........w at w,<myna. ,ov,T.a,.a101 ....«+...> r p.n.s, I.a, a..a. c.,.< n. r+�em.r•W .,•Y., modd—u...e. c., ea Morley* .. no..... ♦ not are.. ant roc.. Nay.La-m Orr M*94 c.a Op.< I,yl, I T.at. wtrs.doe .w4.#11—verve. ,ASSEDAND MANED Tin �DAY CO IF. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the BID AWARD FOR ANIMAS, bid award for an animal transport vehicle for TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE the Police Department in the amount of APPROVED $22,796.00 to Certified Ford, the only bidders. Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion; the motion carried by roll call vote 5-0. Councilmember Tranter moved to approve the BID AWARD RIDING MOWER bid award for a riding mower for the Parka PARKS DEPARTMENT Department to go to Western Implement for APPROVED $13,565.00 for the following reason: that a large grass catcher can be added at a later date. Bids issued were 1) Rooky Mountain Turf Equipment, $13,829.00; 2) Turf Equipment Company, $13,896.00; 3) Delta Implement, $12,600.00; 4) Sunset Kubota, $12,125.00; 5) Bonneville Equipment, $12,095.00; 6) Rocky Mountain Turf, $10,551.00; 7) Western Implement 2n4 bid, $12,431.00. Western Implement's first bid was the only one that had all capabilities for specs and grass catcher. Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion; the motion carried by roll call vote, 4-0. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the STANLEY NOORLANDER'S Mayor's appointment of Stanley Noorlander to APPOINTMENT TO THE the Planning Commission. Councilmember PLANNING COMMISSION Seibert seconded the motion; the motion APPROVED carried 5-0. City Manager Donna Metzler spoke on impact ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS fees and on the quality of service from Utah State University. Councilmember Seibert spoke on Solid haste MAYOR AND COUNCIL Board issues; Councilmember McDougald spoke REPORTS 232 PAYING OF THE BILLS APPROVED ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: on property around the golf course; Councilmember Cooke spoke on soccer payment and having a check cut for payment; Councilmember Veteto spoke on the flood plan. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the bills against the City of Moab and to have the soccer payment of $3,900.00 included and paidr-with the Council taking responsibility. The total amount of the bills will be $33,399.61. Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion; the motion carried by roll call vote 5-0. Councilmember Tranter moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:15 p.m.; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks then adjourned the meeting at 11:15 p.m. cer Snow City Recorder PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL TO HEAR COMMENTS AND COMPLAINTS FROM THE CUSTOMERS AND TO DISCUSS THE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH MECHAM COUNTRY GARBAGE APPROVED: J homas A. Stocks Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 2, 1997 The Moab City Council held a Special Council Meeting on the above date in the Council Chamburs of Moab City Offices, located at 115 west 200 South, Moab, Utah. , Mayor Thomas Stocky called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. for a Special Council workshop, Counci.lmembers 'William McDougald; Paul Seibert; T. Dee Tranter; Richard Cooke; and Joanna Veteto; City Manager Donna Metzler; Attorney Joseph Croker; Recorder Spencer Snow; Mr. Jay Mecham of Country Garbage Service; and 59 members of the audience including the media. Mayor Stocks opened the public hearing for the customers of the City's new garbage contract to give comments and complaints to the governing body that need to be addressed. Jay Mecham, of Country Garbage Service, Inc., said he has taken care of the problems that have been brought to his attention. Mecham spoke on his new truck and how it will now pick up square cans as well as round ones. Mecham also said that the Earn cans have defective wheels which will be changed as soon as possible. These cans have a 10-year warranty. Steve Russell, Attorney for the People's Coalition, asked to address the complaints of some people. Mr. Russell said he is not sure that Country Garbage Service even exists. He said Article S.1 is to provide litter -free service, and there is more garbage scattered everywhere and all over the City. Section 5.2 is that there is no contingency plan set forth and the contract should be void. Russell said sway people still want back door 233 service. Section 5.4 - Mecham is not doing the roll -off service, and Swanny City Park has a lot of garbage lying around. Section 5.9 - Collection -standard cans are not to be left on sidewalks and streets, yet that is where they are being left by the contractor. Section 5.10 - says spills will be picked up immediately; this is not being done. Section 5.14 - vehicle ID'a need to be in place, along with cleaning and maintaining vehicles at least once a week. Some people are saying that the truoka stink like garbage. Section 5.16 - Driver qualifications should be provided to the City; employees should have ID badges and safety training; employee appearances and kindness need to be addressed; hazardous waste products need to be disposed of properly; contractor should have an office where people can reach the contractor. Section 6.5 - service complaints logged with the contractor should be given to the City, and the City should know what's being done about the complaints; there should be a schedule put out for commercial accounts so they know when they are being picked up; is the bonding even in place?; is the right party insured?; Endorsements must be approved and in writing, and insurance should be in force before work commences; default of this contract is when Mecham said he had insurance and a bond in place -this was a default. Section 11.5 - contractor cannot assign or transfer his obligation; this is a default. Section 11.6 - no subcontraoting without the explicit conaent of the City. Section 11.11 - contractor's investigation of problems that will arise. Section 12.1 - addresses the entire agreement; no handshakes are to be made; if people want twice a week service, why should they not be able to have that service?; the City should allow other contractors into the City. Gladys Gary felt it needs to be rebid; the contract is a joke, and twenty-seven years of service need to be rewarded. Adair White asked why we are talking to the council if this is a legal contract? Councilmember McDougald told her once the contract is signed, it is up to legal counsel and administration to administer it. Mayor Stocks told Mrs. White to speak on the problems occurred. Adair White said her garbage can was left in the middle of the street when the contractor dumped it. She asked for a definition of curbside. She said she would like twice a week pick up. Florence Monnierre said on .7wly 29th at 5.25 p.m., garbage was still being picked up. Fish guts were stinking up the entire neighborhood. Mrs. Monnierre said that in 30 years, they have never had so much smell. Don Nonnierre said there is too much inconsistency in the garbage pick ups; the trucks are too noisy; there is a safety factor with the kids running around the streets; Hob Hawks was never heard. D.L. Taylor said he doesn't want to make a special trip off the mountain to put his can out on the curb. He said why fix something that isn't broken? 234 Ron Nagel said he does not agree with Council and is paying out of his own pocket to help with legal fees to look into this contract. Steve Patterson said this was a legal matter and asked that the Council please fix it. Sandy Bastian, manager of Red Stone Inn, said the dumpsters are not adequate for everyday pick up. She would like a more regular pick up time and needs containers that will work. Dan Bittle said the new cans look like hell in the P 6 W Trailer Court. Greg Kennedy said the City can get out of this contract; he urged the Council to do it and open it up to free enterprise. Jolene Welch said her place has always been neat. She is disabled and cannot haul her garbage. She asked Mecham's driver to pick up some paneling; he said he was not sure he could. The lid on the new can is too heavy to open. Ms. Welch said we should have a choice. Jana Smith, owner of the Travelodge, said she needs seven days a week pick up at the Golden Stake Restaurant, but that is not being provided. She said the round dumpsters will not hold boxes, and the flies have never been so bad. Mr. Mecham has tried to remedy the situation but Mrs. Smith said he has been unsuccessful. Loren Johnson said Mr. Mecham has done a good job. He believeu, as others do, that we were getting taken on the price Bob Hawks charged; we are all paying for the transfer station. These people need to be helping with the new contract, rather than criticizing it because Mecham is doing at good job. Leslie Phillips said she represents City Market. She said she threw out 150 lbs. of spoiled chicken and fish into the dumpster. The garbage truck missed when it emptied the dumpster and then ran over the spilled contents. She complained to the manager and then called the City offices and was told by a woman to "Get• off it, Leslie, and stop causing problems.' City Market does not have the time to clean up after the garbage contractors. Bill Osborne shared some pictures which were brought as health issues. He said he took most of them, with a few other people's help; he wants to make the same comment, as always, that this belongs to free enterprise and he wants to take his business elsewhere. Cindy Stephens said the garbage is killing the City of Moab; $7 is not the issue. She wants to know if the City has checked Mechem's drivers' credentials, and has the City talked to all the unhappy people in the City? Don Sparks said for three weeks his garbage has not been picked up, and there is oil all over the streets in Bartlett Circle. 235 Monica Wiggins said she has had problems with being picked up. She said members of the Council need to realize they have been voted in and they need to listen to the people. She said she is paying the garbage charge under protest of dissatisfaction. Paul Arthur said he is not saving money if he has something that won't fit into the garbage can. Gary Adams said he has to disassemble his fence to get the can out because it is too big to go through the gate. He said he would prefer 10:00 a.m. service, please. Laurie Adams said she works with the Moab Valley Inn and that they are having problems lifting big bags into the dumpsters. Paul Evans, who owns Canyonlands Campground on South Main, said the cost of garbage pick up there went from $140 a month to over $500 because of the amount of garbage, and the containers are overflowing all the time. He said employees at the campground spent way too much time juggling garbage from dumpster to dumpster. Aggie Evans, of Canyonlands Campground, said the service is very erratic; the containers don't work and never will work. She said they are hoping for a remedy. Dave Borsic said he owns eight properties around the City and Mr. Mecham will save him over $1000 per year, as he has saved many other business owners. Borsic said everything is picked up in a timely manner and hauled off. He said he feels that most of the vocal people are just friends of Bob Hawks' and are just there to complain. He sees no difference in service and has called Mr. Mecham many tames at his office and has gotten through. He said he even called one Saturday at 9 a.m. and got Mr. Mecham. Beverly Davis said she doesn't have very much garbage, but will have a hard time with the can in the winter. If she ge'4! another can, it will cost her another $5.' She wants to say that Mr. Mecham has been very nice, but the service is unsatisfactory. Ray Tibbetts said he has lived her most of his life and has had good service with Mr. Mecham at his house, but he wants twice a week. He said the playing field should have been even, and he doesn't feel it was. He also indicated he thought that for a public hearing, there should be ample room for everyone. Mayor Stocks told Tibbetts that the Recorder had the High School auditorium if needed, but it was too late to move now. Ray Wescott said oil is being strung out all over the streets of the City. He asked if the majority of the people are wrong in this action of the contract? He said the Council is supposed to be working for his. 236 Helen Hawks said she had been to all of the meetings and she will continue to come until the Council changes their minds on the Franchise Agreement. She said the rates on 45 businesses had been raise. She said they weren't trying to run Jay out, but the City has a contract with Country Garbage Service which is not legal; the City should let Bob's Sanitation stand on its own feet, and put and end to the contract tonight. Bobbie Long said the letting of the contract was bad and she felt that people were sought out to bid on the contract for service. Mayor Stooks replied that yes, it is true it is the City's job to place bids in papers and sond bids to potential bidders. Kent Winterhauler said he represents Mr Mecham with Country Garbage Service. He said allegations are not able to be responded to at this time; the bid process was not flawed, and they will address the performance requests and complaints. Winterhauler said the small oil leaks in the truck are being fixed at present, yet Mr. Mecham has not had full opportunity to fix all complaints. He said legal matters are serious and they are involved and will look at those. Jimmy Walker said Mr. Mecham is the Victim here; Bob Hawks has too many satisfied customers in Moab. He said he thinks there should be a summary on the points brought out by Steve Russell, because this is an old issue stemming buck 20 years. Richard Hawks said they have dumped garbage for 27 years and each year the City wanted it dumped on an equal basis. Some of the customers with Bob's Sanitation were happy and some were not, but if Bob's Sanitation can provide better service, let them do the job. He said the City should let the people who want Bob's Sanitation's service should be able to use it. He felt that after 27 years, the City owes Bob's Sanitation the right to do that. Norm Shrewsbury said the Council needs to focus on the situation. He said the quality of service is not as good; the Council needs to fix the problem, get rid of the attitudes and get all the attorneys out of the picture also. Mindy Lammert said some people feel if you don't have a big name in this town, you ain't shit; that we need to give a person a chance; the people here judge way too much. Trudy Clever said her husband always bid on contracts and his bonds were always in place. She said Bob Hawks always picked up her trash and she thinks we should have a choice. Mike Russell said what in the hell was the Council thinking? He said liability is very high here, and we need to very speedily address this situation. 237 Karla Hancock addressed the public about rude personnel in city hall; She said she had been written on report by the recorder for giving orders to contractors over the phone; City staff is on the defense because they get in trouble for giving out to much information; She said she also was written up for refusing to take orders, she did not feel this was right and called Mrs. Mecham to apologise and she said she did not mean to got Karla in trouble: Judy Kimbal said she is a friend of Bob Hawks and that he deserves his reputation, and she wants him to have her business: Kim Pettit said that there was surveys sent out by the city about a year ago and the majority of the people wanted to have less expensive garbage pick up even if gave less of a service; The city put out bids that gave a variety of ways to look at the bids; Council took the lowest bid as they have to by law and basically instructed to by the silent majority; She said that the contract would not have this much trouble if you people were not causing the trouble but rather helping the contract rather than hindering it: Councilmember Siebert moved to adjourn the meeting because the croud was out of hand during Mrs. Pettit's comments and for the second time; Councilmember Trantor seconded the motion; motion carried 3-2; Councilmember Cooke and Veteto voting nay: Mayor Stocks adjourned tho meeting at 11:10 A0JOURNMHNT p.m. ATTEST: pecer now City Recorder APPROVED: MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 4, 1997 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Tranter led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Councilmembers Jeanne Veteto, William D. McDougald, Paul Seibert, Richard Cooke, and T. Dee Treater; Attorney Joseph Croker; City Manager Donna Metzler; City Recorder Spencer Snow; Acting City Planner Debbie Gilger; and 13 members of the audience including the media. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the Minutes of August 26, 1997 as corrected. Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0. srr Thomas A. A. Stocks Mayor APPROVAL OF MINUTES 238 REQUEST TO MOVE AGENDA APPROVED DOUG McLAUGHLIN'S SUBDIVISION OF PROPERTY OFF 200 S. APPROVED REQUEST FOR THE CLOSURE OF LOCAL LIQUOR OUTLETS TABLED CONFIRMATION OF ELECTION OFFICIALS, COUNTING JUDGES,AND ALTERNATES APPROVED APPOINTMENT OF YOUTH CORRECTIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE CONFIRMED WANG/BLACK ANNEXATION REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING APPROVED RILEY/ CAMPBELL/ MOAB CITY ANNEXATION REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING APPROVED TIM KEOGH/ NANCY THOMPSON'S FINAL PLAT FOR COTTONWOOD SUBDIVISION APPROVED DEBBIE GILGER'S REQUEST FOR INDEMNIFICATION OF ATTORNEY FEES TABLED BASED ON OUTCOME OF HEARING READING OF CORRESPONDENCE MAYOR i COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Veteto moved to move the Agenda to Item 6-1, Doug McLaughlin's subdivision, since Steve Russell had another appointment. Counoilmember Cooke seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Doug McLaughlin's request to have property off 200 South subdivided, with a fifty -foot easement. Counoilmember Veteto seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0 by roll call. Councilmember Cooke moved to table the request to close local liquor outlets on Election Days; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Trantor moved to approve the confirmation of election officials and counting judges in the 1997 Primary and General Elections, excluding all City staff as judges, counters and alternates. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the confirmation of the Youth Corrections Advisory Committee to include Mayor Tom Stocks, Chairman; Councilmember Richard Cooke; Kyle Bailey and Dorothy Markle, Planning Commission; Alan West, Police; Bryan Matsuda, Craig Pomplas and Robynn Parker, Youth Corrections; Al McLeod, Grand County Councilmember; Jim Nyland, Sheriff; Bob Jones, Hospital Board; Chuck Davis, Allen Memorial Hospital; Kirk DeFond and Bon Kelly, Citizens -at -Large. Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the Wang/Black's annexation requests to go to public hearing on 9-23-97. Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Counoilmember Cooke moved to approve the Riley/Campbell/Moab City annexation request to go to public hearing on 9-23-97. Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0. Counailmember Tranter moved to approve Tim Keogh/Nancy Thompson's final plat to subdivide the Cottonwood Subdivision at Bittle Lane, contingent upon the fifty -foot right-of-way on Antiquity Lane. Councilmember MCDougald seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0 by roll call vote. Councilmember Veteto moved to table Debbie Gilger's request for indemnification of attorney's fees, pending notification regarding the outcome of the proceedings; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; After much discussion, the motion carried 4- 0 Mayor Stocks spoke on the Council's invitations to the Youth Garden. Councilmember Tranter spoke on the leaks in the roof of the Chamber of Commerce building and said it needs to be fixed. Councilmember Cooke had questions and comments on impact 239 fees and when they will be ready in final draft. Councilmember Veteto expressed concerns about the paving of East Center and West Center; about the flood plain time frame, and the letter from the ULCT attorney regarding the garbage contract. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve paying PAYING OF THE BILLS the bills against the City of Moab in the amount of 8280,616.29; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-0 by roll call. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:23 p.m.; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks adjourned the meeting at 8:23 ADJOURNMENT p.m. APPROVED: Thomas A. Stocks Mayor ATTEST: MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 23, 1997 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Counoilmember Dee Trantor led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Richard Cooke, Jeanne Veteto, and T. Dee Tranter; Attorney Joseph Croker; City Recorder Spencer Snow; Treasurer Margot Snyder, and 24 members of the audience including the media. The Governing Body held a pre -Council PRE -COUNCIL WORKSHOP workshop starting at 6:32 p.m. to, discuss impact fee analysis with Montgomery Watson Engineer Al Anderson. Mr. Anderson showed Council how he derived his outcome of changes on the impact fees. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the APPROVAL OF MINUa: minutes of September 2"d and September 4ei as read; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Anita Katzenson requested Council to removed CITIZEN TO BE HEARD Donna Metzler, City Manager, from being contact person with Utah Local Governments Trust, and asked why she is keeping Debbie Gilger on the staff. Mrs. Katzenson would also like Ms. Gilger's raise to Planner revisited. Rob Katzenson spoke on Ms. Gilger's admission of guilt and asked why she is not•suspended on leave. He also spoke about Ms. Hancock and Ms. Gilger and apparent falsification of timesheets on the day of Ms. Gilger's court appearance. Ray Taylor\ gave Council an update on Ms. Gilger's actions of trial arraignment and wanted to know what is being done about it. 240 DEEMING CITIZENS TO BE HEARD APPROVED CITY PLANNING PRESENTIONS PUBLIC HEARING LEGRF.ND JOHNSON REQUESTS EXTENSION APPROVED ABATEMENT FOR LEGRAND JOHNSON APPROVED ODINANCE 97-16 AMENDING CHAPTER 8.04 OF THE MOAN MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING GARBAGE AND REFUSE APPROVED Councilmember Cooke moved to defer comment until the end of the meeting. Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. David Olsen gave a presentation on flood plain revision and making changes along City creeks. Jordan Knutson gave a final presentation on his Eagle Scout project completed at Old City Park, with himself overseeing 20 other Scouts for a total of 120 man-hours represented in his bench project. Jordan showed pictures of the progress of his project, which was finished on August 7, 1997. Stephanie Dalton spoke on Domestic Violence Awareness, and read a proclamation signed by Mayor Stocks which designated October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Helen Tranter asked Council to sign links for a chain for defense of domestic violence, and extended an invitation to attend an Assembly on October 15, 1997. 7:38p.m.,Mayor Stocks opened the public Bearing on the Wang/Black petition for annexation at the corner of 400 W. and Hwy 191. Ray Klepzig spoke on his parcel of land being a peninsula in the City. He does not want to be annexed into the City in the future. Councilmember Cooke wanted to have Planning verify that we are all right with easements. Councilmnmber McDougald wants to be sure they have their own access, not through Mr. Klepzigis property. Councilmember Veteto wanted to know why Mr. Klepzig did not want to be annexed into the City. Mike Hardy asked what the zoning request was. Debbie Gilger responded that the request was for C- 4. The public hearing closed at 7:45 p.m. At 7:45 p.m. the public hearing was opened for the Riley/Campbell/Moab City petition for annexation at approximately 1339 Powerhouse Lane. Molly Mossiner'.spoke in favor of the proposed annexation. The public hearing closed at 7:50 p.m. Councilmember Seibert moved to give LeGrand Johnson an extension of time for the Grand Avenue, Uranium Avenue and 400 East paving projects. Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the abatement of penalty for LeGrand Johnson in the amount of $7100.00. Councilmember MoDougald seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Ordinance 97-16 Amending Chapter 8.04 of the Moab Municipal Code regarding garbage and refuse. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 by roll call. 241 Councilmember Seibert moved to approve Roger and Lynn Travis' business license as Fat City Smokehouse at 36 South 100 West. Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Tranter moved to approve Lee's Music for a moved -on structure permit for piano sales in the City Market parking lot. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion; the motion carried by roll call vote 5-0. Councilmember Cooke stated he would like the City Manager's recommendation on the revision of ordinances on transient licenses and moved -on structure permits. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve Moab Bird Club's request for a planting project at Rotary Park and told the Club to work with City staff to make this happen. Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember MCDougald moved to approve Resolution 14-97 adopting addendum to agreement between Ron and Joyce Robertson and Moab City; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. •nu1CTIOa ROGER AND LYNN TRAVIS REQUEST FOR BUSINESS AS FAT CITY SMOKEHOUSE APPROVED LEE'S MUSIC REQUEST FOR MOVED ON STRUCTURE APPROVED MOAB BIRD CLUB REQUEST CITY ASSISTANCE WITH PLANTING PROJECT AT ROTARY PARK APPROVED RESOLUTION 14-97 ADOPTING ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN RON & JOYCE ROBERTSON AND MOAB CITY APPROVED 1.410.11011 .).Tlef Ted .P.Ota n adassocrt Ienm 140. CITY um m •.••T•011. a1 at 111111W. ch• City •nt red into . wetness V ,o.ld aae•rirae os f.•evet ), 1er, letlt• Y. censfyonoo of • r190t is .1. opalltetlont NI PanPa! It br ben Oeten.. e/ w pnrl•• r 11 e'tA• aft tnerror/ tea nt eeeent te. •at•r apylloatl. r ua or. .ttloytP4AS, wan Ilt•onen t�� .ton,a truant. to ells Poll. 111LC rou, Ift TIM CITY =PC. or TIQ CSTY of 1K. tan MI. MOM . 4110. 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Note. oe Olt. •. 10..• a to bats•.•. 11+. a. bar. •wall ,blast•- 9O boa t9/ Mae. PT MU D. Tat hitch. to aest.rea ...ad. r[.ad. by lapp• . ft ever. ono.. . obo aerooaa of t. . e! aa0u. S. It.. ea. as le thou• oheogoo 10.tlf4e0 helele. Tb pf.eo o aeeoft..y • esentedeo • 1 mfr.. all eta. [en., eeed...• u or the .• aeroat of W ptr.oflasuat f, Ielt. ttl e, tole late... to Pet... Yell a ...el w •. •tm.a•ns. by .for.e. to tho M..ro of w prttr• of aap•t V. to . t1 Mel 10111140f. the b.[o are e. twat atde ae0 oeale .o day .0 yoar itttt Mow• MU CC• 2= !f 9'G�sGc ape.. saw, Ctry .w.a.r a.old aob...aa Gera .Cede. 242 DONNA METZLER AND JOE CROKER TO SPECIFY BREECH'S FOR COUNCIL APPROVED SHOJIN COMMUNITY ENTERPRISES REQUEST TO BEGIN ANNEXATION PROCESS WITH AN R-2 ZONE APPROVED BACKHOE BID AWARD FOR THE WATER DEPARTMENT APPROVED BOX SPREADER BID FOR THE STREETS DEPARTMENT APPROVED ADMINISTRATION REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS PAYING OF THE BILLS CONTINUATION OF CITIZENS TO BE HEARD ADJOUNMENT Councilmember Tranter moved to have a five- minute recess; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Veteto moved to have the City Manager and City Attorney specify all breaches of the garbage contract by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 26t'' and bring these to a special Council meeting on September 30 at 7 p.m. for discussion, then implementing 10.1 of breaches in the Franchise Agreement and give Mr. Mecham notice on Wednesday, October 1" at 9 a.m., giving him 48 hours to comply. Councilmember Seibert seconded th© motion; the motion carried 4-0, with Councilmember Cooke voting nay. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve Shojin Community Enterprise, Inc.'s request to begin the annexation process with an R-2 zone. Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to award the bid for a backhoe for the Water Department to Scotts Machinery in the amount of $60,000.00 Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. Councilmember Cooke moved to award the bid for a box spreader for the Streets Department to H 6 K in the amount of $9,711.00. Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 by roll call. City Manager Donna Metzler announced that there will be no keys given to anyone other than City employees for the M.A.R.C. building. She spoke on regulatory fees being done with an analysis since we lose our bueinees license fees; impact fees schedule set with Al Anderson. Mayor Stooks spoke on Youth Corrections and funding that might be available for it; Councilmember Veteto announced she is going to have another baby. Councilmember Seibert spoke on Solid Waste Board issues concerning insurance or government guarantee from the City and County jointly. Counoilmember Cooke spoke on the Recorder/Secretary problem. Councilmember Cooke moved to pay the bills against the City of Moab in the amount of $190,675.83; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by roll call. Bill Osborn spoke about information that was given out to Channel 6 News on Fat City Smokehouse. Osborn said this was in poor taste and that the Chamber of Commerce was not happy about it. Greg Kennedy spoke on move -on structures in Moab. Councilmember Seibert moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:00 p.m. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Mayor Stocks adjourned the meeting at 11:00 p.m. 243 APPROVED: Thomas A. "Stocks Mayor ATTEST: cer Show City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 30, 1997 The Moab City Council held their special meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 south, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. Councilmember McDougald led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Paul Seibert, Jeanne Veteto, T. Dee Tranter, and Richard Cooke; Attorney Joseph Croker; Recorder Spencer Snow; and 21 members of the audience including the media. Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn from the GOVERNING BODY CALLED A first part of the meeting on garbage at 8:10 SPECIAL MEETING p.m. for an executive session then come back to open meeting at 8:30 p.m.; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; Motion carried 3-2 with Mayor stocks voting in favor; Councilmembers Veteto and Tranter voting nay. City Manager Donna Metzler spoke on garbage contract compliance review and gave council compliance requirements and also possible remedies. Joe Croker City Attorney spoke on letter received from Mr. Mechem's Attorney. Councilmember Cooke moved'to have an in depth report of the listed major concerns at the next council meeting; 1) Vehicle ID Numbers 2) Is Bonding Binding 3) Assignment of Country Garbage Legal Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion; Motion carried 4-0. Councilmember Tranter moved for a short break and to return to an Executive session to discuss the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual; Councilmamber McDougald seconded the motion; Motion carried 4-0. Executive session began at 8:14 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the executive session at 8:58 p.m.; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion; Motion carried 4-0. 244 ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: Councilmember Tranter moved to adjourn the special meeting at 9:03 p.m.; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stocks adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m. ncer Snow City Recorder APPROVAL OF MINUTES COUNTRY GARBAGE SERVICE INC. SERVICE COMPLIANCE VERIFIED TO BE ACCURATE KELLY OLSEN'S REQUEST BUSINESS LICENSE AT 662 WESTWOOD AS REDROCK CHIROPRACTIC TIM GARDNER'S REQUEST TO DO BUSINESS AT 691 PALISADE DRIVE AS RED ROCK REFINISHING APPROVED: homas A. Stocks Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 7, 1997 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambern of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Seibert led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Paul Seibert, T. Dee Tranter.; Richard Cooke; Jeanne Veteto; Attorney Joseph Croker; City Manager Donna Metzler; Recorder Spencer Snow; and 12 members of the audience including the media. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve minutes of September 23`d and September 30t as corrected; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. City Manager Donna Metzler spoke on the contract and indicated that no breaches were found; yet she had some concerns. Joseph Croker spoke on documentation received from Country Garbage Service, Inc. and said no breach of contract has occurred. He said the Council should be cautious when trying to void the contract. Councilmember Veteto spoke for the record of her unfavorable opinion regarding the garbage contract. Councilmember Tranter moved that the Council note there is no breach of contract with Country Garbage Service, Inc. and that the City Manager continue to monitor service from time to time. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-1, with Councilmember Veteto voting nay. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Kelly Olsen's request to do business at 662 Westwood as Redrock Chiropractic. Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve -Tim Gardner to do business at 691 Palisade Drive as Red Rock Refinishing; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 245 Counoilmember Cooke moved to approve the bid ROLLER BID FOR THE award for a roller for the Streets Department STREETS DEPARTMENT to Sunstate Equipment Company in the amount of $12,400.00. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; the motion carried by roll call vote 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to pay the bills PAYING OF THE BiLLS against the City of Moab in the amount of APPROVED $103,744.33; Councilmember MaDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. Councilmember Tranter moved to adjourn the Council meeting; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 Mayor, Stooks adjourned the meeting at 8.05 ADJOURNMENT p.m. i ATTEST: APPROVED: MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER S, 1997 The Moab City Council held a Special Council Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. , Mayor Thomas Stocks called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m. for a Special Council Meeting, Councilmembers William McDougald; Paul Seibert; T. Dee Tranter; Richard Cooke; City Manager Donna Metzler; Recorder Spencer snow; and 6 members of the audience including the media. Thomas A. Stocks Mayor Mayor Stocks opened the Special Meeting of SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING the Governing Body to canvass the votes with CALLED TO CANVASS THE the City Manager Donna Metzler and City VOTES FROM THE PRIMARY Recorder Spencer Snow; The meeting to ELECTION canvass the votes from the Primary Election held on October 7, 1997; This is for final audit including those voting absent. Councilmember Tranter moved to adjourn the special meeting at 12:55 p.m.; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion; Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Thomas Stocks adjourned the meeting. ATTEST: r Snow City ecorder ADJOURNMENT APPROVED: Thomas A. Stocks Mayor 246 TABULATION OF EYa CV RE 31w ham -In Intioottailon is taken from the reurns of 11IO derlitoollrlol CCTODER 7/ WW Srloo4 /Isl., City.Towo, 110All CITY Spettat iNhtikt. Shah. Mr while ropy It fur your Mrs. 111r colored ropy /210010 Lv 001i1c3 10 Carr Arinliog Co. MO %Ve/4 N031/.11 0 llox 888. llotoklifol, IRA. 81011 NOW N.A•AvIA .4114,•Jao. ANANA* YoN.Jix• loitelat"turr: Vat‘TiA MAJA 010010 oolHAI woo..• 11.10110 Ar 014.611.gla 116.10 M1084WrAOMMUMr801.1151M RAUPY DAY KARLA 110.92CCK /11CIURD MANES FlUI 811.1.Y NOM SIIRMinuRY mom swots KYLE D. DAILEY GREO J. KENNEDY NATE gnarl' Jo561,11 ISAMICZYK DAM EL 111C.: STNDEY L. ILXCLANDLE ras-rm PETERSEN JAY E. STEPHENS AEG I r: EVANS DAVID SAKRISON !MEV L. STEELE T. DEE TRANTER MAVGA3 / MAYOR NAVO3 V (WWII. COUNCIL 4 Y COLCi71 L 4 Y OriLeril. 4 OLAYA:11. 4 1 COUNCIL 9 1 ;• CVUNCiL 4 CRTC IL 0 CCUML2 MMUL2 mulICIL2 1 16 I ° 6h 8 loos 140- 01 I 01, 0 0,171 11. Ws 0> 0 01•• 6". 95 q.-0 65 41 3 Tfo j 81 64. 1O9 49 2 32 11 CI 0 C 621 921 69 81 35 6' 67 41 46 33 leg 10 116 5.../, 496;.4 , D, ,Vii 2. II I 97 32,2 ICA): IGI 481 91,1 12: Lai 1101 45, 71 103 7i.4 7/ 4C.: 4C 7/. 5.. 5J 451 1 El x / 29 s t 37; ! 1 4G 31 13 111 7C/ 1 6 33, $ r 41 •'Ihe fatal vulva coal tor auy mir of iw ur prop,m,h rood nut ,Iccredthe ,Am ed.A 110/0 writ CD .,„unmu4lwi abwnt vet,. AvIlots 031,71 thl, year REGULAR MEETING Et ATTENDANCE MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 28, 1997 / 4•16 31ifs 3tir: The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. CouncilmeMber T. Dee Tranter led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Jeanne Veteto, William D. McDougald, Richard Cooke, City Attorney Chris McAnaney; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; City Recorder Spencer Snow; Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra Gilger; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; and eighteen members of the audience including the media. CouncilmeMber Seibert was absent due to an illness. APPROVAL OF MINUTES CouncilmeMber Cooke moved to approve the minutes of October 7th and October 8th 1997; CouncilmeMber McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD Yvonne Hawks inquired, as to where City Attorney Joseph Croker was, and why Chris McAnany is taking the place of Mt. Croker. City Attorney McAnany responded to Mts. Hawks inquiry, stating his name, and that he was a member of the firm of C. Joseph'Croker of Grand Junction, Colorado. City Attorney McAnany informed Mrs. Hawks that he and Mr. Croker were dividing up their jai, duties. 247 Councilmember McDougald explained to the audience the different members of the firm. That Chris McAnany has just recently passed the Utah Bar and Joseph Croker is still there for consultation when we need him. Zack Parmenter spoke in favor of a Skate Park. Colt Pene stated, that ]ast year he had sent a petition around the school. The response was favorable. Councilmember Cooke thanked Zack and Colt for their request of a Skate Park. He also asked City Manager Metzler, if she would ask, David Olsen, to inquire in other communities; as to what they do for liability and supervision of a Skate Park. There was no planning update. Kim Peterson of Peterson and Associates of Spanish Fork, Utah, presented to the Governing Body the Audit Report for Fiscal Year 1996/1997. Councilmember Veteto moved to accept the Audit as presented by City Auditor, Rim Peterson, of Peterson and Associates, Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye. Mayor Stocks had Community Development Coordinator Olsen read the different proposals for the 1998-99 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project. He explained that the attached information in the Governing Body's packets explains community development block grant eligible applicants, the three national objectives of the CDBG program, federal compliance requirements and eligible activities. CDBG projects the City has administered in the past include the Mill Creek Flood Control and Parkway Project, Seekhaven Shelter, Grand County Housing Authority Affordable Housing Project, Rotary Park Playground, 400 East Improvements and City Mapping. Grand,County had their Public Hearing last night. Their requests included Recycling and Construction of a New Senior Center (which would possibly tie up funds for five years). Projects are approved by the Southeastern Utah Association of Governments (SUAOG), on a competitive basis. However, housing funds may be shared with other communities in Southeastern Utah. Community development needs and projects to consider include the following: * Swanny City Park Improvements: Install Playground equipment, soft surface landing material, park furniture, etc. * Provide additional downtown parking and a sidewalk along the west side of 100 West Street. * Extend the Mill Creek Path or acquire properties for the Mill Creek Flood Control and Parkway Project. NO PLANNING UPDATE 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR AUDIT PRESENTATION 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR AUDIT ACCEPTED MAYOR HAS COMMUNITY DEV. COORD OLSEN READ THE DIFFERENT PROPOSALS FOR THE 1998-99 CDBG PROJECTS 248 * Housing Project for the Shafer/Holyoak home for a Teacher or a Caretaker by 4th East and Mill Creek. * Skate Park. Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that the City seeks citizen input regarding the above listed projects. Citizens may also request other eligible projects. He stated that no activity will displace low to moderate income individuals. MAYOR OPENS PUBLIC Mayor Stocks then opened the Public Hearing HEARING at 7:48 p.m. for the HUD 1998/1999 CDBG Projects in Moab City. He stated that the City can apply for approximately $60,000 for any eligible activity, and apply for an additional $70,000 for a housing project. Bruce Louthan spoke on restoring the Holyoak home. He asked the City to please find a use for the home. Mr. Louthan stated that the home could be used for a museum and partial teachers residence. Yvonne Hawks spoke on restoring the Holyoak home, and asked if the School District is willing to take on the maintenance and liability of the home? Bruce Louthan responded, that yes the School District would assume liability. The committee was given a year by the School District to develop a plan for the house. Sharon Brussell spoke on recycling and how they need to help with the building and other facility problems. Lucy Wallingford asked, where does the City plan to have additional downtown parking if you make the changes on West Center? Community Development responded, that parking side of 100 West. Lucy Wallingford stated, affect private parking. Coordinator Olsen would be on the west that this should not Councilmember Cooke wanted to know if the City is limiting their Mill Creek application to the area over by Rotary Park and not looking at an extension down west of the bridge right outside City Hall. Community Development Coordinator Olsen informed Councilmember Cooke that you can go any direction that you want. It depends on the property owners in the area. Councilmember McDougald says, he disagrees with giving up street widths and street parking for medians 6 pathways. Alan Rasmussen asked, if we are talking about reducing lanes when changing road widths? Community Development Coordinator Olsen responded, yes, that is a possibility. Lucy Wallingford asked, if the City owned any land around the Advertiser to help with downtown parking? Councilmember McDougald stated, it's not uncommon to walk two blocks to the store. 249 Councilmember Cooke stated replacing parallel parking with angle parking should be considered. Mayor Stocks stated, we have changed businesses in the past for parking privileges. We need to consider our CDBG Funding, and see if we need to change more. We have an obligaton to the businesses who have already paid for parking. Yvonne Hawks stated, she would rather the City cover the Swimming Pool instead of expanding the Playground area in the City Park. Mayor Stocks, with no further comments from the audience, closed the Public Hearing on the HUD 1998-99 CDBG Projects 8:47 p.m. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the entire Consent Agenda as follows: 1) Request to advertise for Public Hearings for ordinances relating to repealing the Gross Business Fee and implementation of new sales taxes; 2) Approval of Easement Agreement between Moab City and Norma Day, Ethel Ann Carter, and Jennie Ross. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote 4-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the proposal by Max Young and Hans Weibel to sell an additional 8.91 acre feet of water at well #10, in the amount of $18,000; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote 4-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Sean Elders Home Occupation License to due business as Rainbow Sound Flutes 6 Drums at 12 Navajo Circle, with the following conditions: 1) Mail order only; and 2) Retail Sales will bo made off premises; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to state the City's opposition on the location of a Residential Youth Correctional Facility at 180 S. 300 E. located in a R-3 Zone; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to adopt Resolution 15-97—Stating the City's opposition to the location of a Residential youth Correctional Facility at 180 S. 300 E. unless the City and the Department of youth Corrections enter into an agreement regarding the use of the building; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. MOLVTIe• _Us S_ • •u.c•.,.0 100 mr•c�itou iT.caulr' 0.I'r 1t0 'u.r Of ��.MpoE�� oa Oa., My. lre 4 :"'I flee u'® V• M•1•..t 1.1 T:uU terr�calere• I•e11ltY. •M, .a oe MAYOR CLOSES PUBLIC HEARING ENTIRE CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED FOR THE FOLLOWING 1)REQUEST TO ADV. FOR HEARINGS ON NEW SALES TAXES; AND 2 ) EASMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY, NORMA DAY, ETHEL CARTER, AND JENNIE ROSS PROPOSAL BY MAX YOUNG & HANS WEIBEL TO SELL ADDITIONAL 8.91 ACRE FEET OF WATER AT WELL #10 FOR $18,000 APPROVED SEAN ELDERS HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE REQUEST AT 12 NAVAJO CIRCLE APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS MOAB CITY STATES OPPOSITION ON LOCATION OF A RES. YOUTH CORRECTIONAL FAC. AT 180 S. 300 E. IN A R-3 ZONE RESOLUTION 15-97 STATING CITY'S OPPOSITION OF A RESIDENTIAL YOUTH CORRECTIONAL FACILITY AT 180 S. 300 E. ADOPTED *UMW, t•ro M• Woo •Itnl.l coot pub110 oppoolalm to tso r• •ol locutl�proposed w the r M� toont Of twills terrotlen• rlpet•rew/. o . • w m . ....few... nor1T10roe o Y[OC p[Iot• LI nit .• O / [[sl0brl/L TOYM .Y[tt10tl I/CILLfT it 3/0 fWN 300 Lnft; Intl. r••olatlw •0•II M •Ifectlr• IWeI•t•IY Woo ,from.,..• Iru .. I ntlatr .., o. toot. •cal m. ver� r.a l.q plant roprosontallo. f r t ••<ItY, •Wr •t W. It . w nul lel "wtl rr.•relni �..."t mrl•�•.mar �Iamu': eomei1aui.ci liar+. •mil ^ a sacs,s n t Payer 250 Councilmember Cooke moved to authorize Montgomery Watson Engineering to provide miscellaneous consultation services for Water Supply and Distribution Systems in the amount of $7,500; Councilmember McDougald Seconded the Motion. The motion carried by a roll - call -vote of 4-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the fee authorization for Montgomery Watson Engineering to provide miscellaneous consultation services for Wastewater Collection System and Treatment Facility in the amount of $7,500; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request for change order #9 by Nelson Brothers Construction Company for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project in the amount of $8,866; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to adopt Ordinance 97-19 Annexing Property to Moab City, Property of J.J. Wang & Dale Black, Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4- 0. (IRDII M40 Y] IY D INIUNIIA 11 V 11114AI,r I , 4r4 I., , AI UI.IIK I nY1 Y 11 D.1.). b.11 l 11..1.y.i `V W,Iu.n .. ... Hope., u.b.•J.Jwl.lvla J 1 Ir u.. u.0 rlv 11111Y11S J. HyrJylw l..n H+1 rJlu .•1u.4..y .a... ]J by INJ L.to l.0 .rJ "'a 1 III YL IS 4t ynnrrY LJ,Iw 1.0 Ue.IY• Iv..0 1�1✓•.-uvy rW y. nY NH true lrl4.....wW ru... JI I WAY IIIIN1DtElu 0.v44444 ly ar,.4...tb.J W4t41 4, 0.t 1 IIr I..y.nl J.. n1.J nIJWU I al...lyuveu]YmNut1..— UuIWMu.pr...0 W...W.u.0 IY1✓•411uw.l.lt u4 (lul.n l> :]) a r r •� I Ilo, .J.w.e 41.444.I14.1 In...Jwl, vyw Hiw,. I MUD AND M'KKY.IU Illb if_ DAf ly �S LSY tn) 44. 414104 ATI DI�� J/ 11I/ 1 Councilmember Veteto moved to adopt Ordinance 97-20 Annexing property to Moab City, property of Johnson/Riley/City of Moab on Power House Lane; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 3-1 aye, Councilmember McDougald voting no. ORDWWCEWN ANlV<.NOLTD111111Yw112,114 MtYWW1 ANNl1.1 Ylriitll I.a Y.'Ub c I TY Will1JAS Je kkular..rmtluly W 04.4,4444 1.wnM•mew.wdcola. I44,4.. a.•rd..l nbJ•4e'1 b...m.rW 11110.GSUe prry..p be lae Hq.d .NvM a..dyer a adv.1y IAJ.L.k HII[tEAi Ue N.^^ntMl, Wb.U.4gyearnolgr.140uu.q. •N pn nJ. •Iy..y.vle.vNY IewruW •n euJ,YA nH. MTV 1111I:I1DtEir• nJu.J by de 444. bbuLGt Jut 1 11e propel, Jmd.JY441412e'1. Y body e.oeJ4f4l1 ArC.ym .I..1. W...y; .n.. N el* 114 J.JF Wru...egd+eeda..t.WevJt la— llMupblme�ulCUllOupmll i} I Ills e.leu..e J. tole ell..nmeLmy.lo rc.•pe_ rAssmAwlArnovuntls-P Dm%Iva MONTGOMERY WATSON'S REQUEST TO PROVIDE MISC. CONSULTATION SERVICES FOR WATER SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS APPROVED MONTGOMERY WATSON'S REQUEST TO PROVIDE MISC CONSULTATION SERVICES FOR WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM AND TREATMENT FACILITY APPROVED CHANGE ORDER #9 FOR NELSON BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR THE WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT UPGRADE APPROVED ORDINANCE 97-19 ANNEXING PROPERTY TO MOAB CITY FOR J.J. WANG & DALE BLACK ADOPTED ORDINANCE 97-20 ANNEXING PROPERTY TO MOAB CITY FOR JOHNSON/RILEY/CITY OF MOAB ADOPTED = 7LI [L7 a 12a.)) lU\Ot 251 DIANE POUT'S REQUEST FOR HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE AT 366 E . 100 N. APPROVED JODI KNOFF'S REQUEST FOR HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE AT 260 PARK ROAD APPROVED ULAR COUNCIL MEETING EDULED FOR NOV. CHANGED TO NOV. 6TH AND CANVASSING OF THE VOTES WILL ALSO TAKE PLACE BRUCE & SHARI BECK DBA WOODY'S BAR CONSENT TO BECOME A PRIVATE CLUB APPROVED CONDITIONAL ZONE EXTENTION OF THE C-3 ZONE AT 237 N. 100 W. APPROVED TIM KEOGHS REQUEST OF IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT FOR COTTONWOOD SUBDIVISION PLAT D, APPROVED NO READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS t DJOURN INTO EXECUTIVE ZION TO DISCUSS DING OR REASONABLE _ _ IINENT LITIGATION MAYOR ADJOURNS REGULAR MEETING TO EXECUTIVE SESSION MAYOR CALLS EXECUTIVE SESSION TO ORDER CounciLaember Veteto moved to approve Diane Fouts Conditional Home Occupational License as the Litter Knitter at 366 E. 100 N.; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember Tranter moved to approve Jodi Knoffs Conditional Home occupation License to Conduct a Child Care Center at 280 Park Road; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the change of the November llth regular council meeting to November 6th and Canvass the votes from the Election the same night, due to November llu' City Holiday, Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the consent from Moab City to Bruce & Shari Beck DBA Woody's Bar to become a Private Club, Couneilmumber Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmamher Veteto moved to approve Ron Turner's request for a Conditional Zone Extension of the C-3 Zone at 237 N 100 W., Turner Lumber, with the following conditions: 1) The building to not exceed 13 feet in height; 2) Building set back 3 foot from the property line; 3) To have a 30 foot setback on the West side of the property, 4) Landscaping to include trees along the South aide; 5) Site obscuring fence, 6) No ingress or regress on west side of property; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 Councilmember Veteto moved to approve Tam Keoghs request of an Improvements Agreement for Cottonwood Subdivision Plat D; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. There was no Reading of Correspondence. Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler stated, she had received by Fax, the endorsements requested by Country Garbage Inc., and that she was working on the Impact Fee ordinance which should be ready by the next City Council meeting. Under Mayor and Council Reports, Mayor Stocks spoke on the Juvenile Detention Center; Councilmember Tranter, McDougald, Cooke, and Veteto had nothing to report. Councilmember Veteto moved to go into an Executive Session, to discuss pending or reasonable imminent litigation; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Mayor Stocks adjourned the Regular City Council Meeting into an Executive Session, to discuss pending or reasonable imminent litigation at 9:45 p.m. Mayor Stocks called the Executive Session to order at 9:50 p.m. 252 Councilmember Cooke Executive Session Councilmember Veteto The motion carried 4-0 aye. moved to adjourn the at 10:35 p.m.; seconded the motion. Mayor Stocks Adjourns the Executive Session back to the Regular Session at 10:36 p.m. Councilmember Cooke moved to pay the bills against the City of Moab in the amount of $136,872.34; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll - call -vote of 4-0 aye. Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Mayor Stocks adjourned the meeting at 10:40 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: CinCAkE- a d, ndra E. Beaurey; CMC/ AE Deputy -City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 6, 1997 EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNS TO REGULAR SESSION APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURN Thomas Mayor The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Cooke led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Others in attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Paul Seibert, Richard Cooke, and T. Dee Tranter; City Attorney Chris MrAnany; City Manager Donna Metzler; City Recorder Spencer Snow; Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debbie K. Gilger; Treasurer Marget Snyder and 24 members of the audience including the media. Councilmember Veteto was absent due to being out of town. There were no citizens requesting to be heard. There was no planning update. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the Community Development Block Grant application in support of the Grand County Community Senior Center Project; Councilmember MCDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to move the agenda to New Business to address consideration of payment of a $82.50 towing charge to Leo Burr; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. REGULAR MEETING 6 ATTENDANCE NO CITIZENS REQUESTING TO BE HEARD NO PLANNING UPDATE CDBG APPLICATION IN SUPPORT OF GRAND COUNTY COMMUNITY SENIOR CENTER PROJECT APPROVED AGENDA MOVED TO NEW BUSINESS TO ADDRESS PAYMENT OF TOWING CHARGE 253 DONATION OF $40.00 APPROVED FOR LEO BURR TOWARDS TOWING CHARGE Cau3 RECEIVED FOR BUSINESS LICENSE/MUNI- CIPAL BUSINESS LICENSE FEE SCHEDULE PROPOSAL BID AWARDED TO DAVID M. GRIFFITH AND ASSOCIATES LTD FOR THE BUSINESS LICENSE/MUNICIPAL BUSINESS LICENSE FEE SCHEDULE PROPOSAL ELECTION OFFICIALS PRESENT TO ASSIST IN THE CANVASSING OF THE NOVEMBER GENERAL Fi veTION VOTES OF GENERAL ELECTION VOTES APPROVED Councilmember McDougald moved to pay one half of Leo Burr's towing cost in the amount of $41.25; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion was defeated 3-2 with Councilmembers McDougald and Cooke voted in favor of the motion. Mayor Stocks broke the tie by voting against the motion. Councilmember Tranter moved to give Leo Burr a $40.00 donation; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 3-1 aye, with Councilmember Seibert voting no The following bads were received on the Business License/Municipal Business License Fee Schedule Proposal: 1) Pace Design Group, Inc.: $7367.00 with an optional installation Business License/Municipal Service Fee Schedule into Moab City Computer System for $416.00; and 2) David M Griffith and Associates Ltd.• $12,000 Councilmember Tranter moved to award the bid for the Business License/Municipal Business License Fee Schedule Proposal to Pace Design Group, Inc. in the amount of $7367 00, Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion Robert Katzenson of Pace Design Group, Inc addressed the Governing Body and thanked them for their motion to accept his bid, but stated that he couldn't in good faith sign a documentation stating that he would not file a civil action against the City Mr Katzenson stated that, as of, 2 p.m. yesterday afternoon he had filed a cavil action against Moab City Corporation, the City Manager Donna Metzler, and the Planning Aide Debra Gilger. He stated that he would like to withdraw his bid; as he felt it was not appropriate due to his pending litigation with the City. Councilmember Tranter then withdraw his motion to award the bid for the Business License/Municipal Business License Fee Schedule Proposal to Pace Design Group, Inc. in the amount of $7367.00; Councilmember Cooke seconded the withdrawal of the motion. Councilmember Tranter moved to award the bid for the Business License/Municipal Business License Fee Schedule Proposal to David M. Griffith and Associates in the amount of $12,000; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call - vote of 4-0 aye. Election Officials Tammy Taylor and Karen Braggs were present to assist in the Canvassing of the November General Election Absentee votes. The Council then conducted the Canvassing of the votes for the November 4th 1997 General Election. Councilmember McDougald moved to accept the Canvass of the November General Election votes as follows: Karla Hancock Norm Shrewsbury Kyle D. Bailey Nate Knight Joseph Lekarczyk Daniel Mick David Sakrison T. Dee Tranter 1032 588 896 580 ' 871 755 1127 498 Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. 254 There was no reading of correspondence. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler reported about the new district north of town and EDA applications. Under Mayor and Council Reports Mayor Stocks commented on Mayor -elect Karla Hancock stating what a good job she had done in her campaign; and how the people now needed to rally behind her, Councilmembers Tranter, Cooke and McDougald had nothing to report. Councilmember Seibert spoke on the new Water and Sewer District Board, on the north end of town, and its new members. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the bills against the City in the amount of $102,078.62; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll - call -vote of 4-0 aye. Councilmember Tranter moved to go into an Executive Session to discuss the following: 1) Character Professional Competence and Physical or Mental Health of an individual; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-1 aye, with Councilmember Seibert voting no. Mayor Stocks adjourned the Regular City Council Meeting into an Executive Session to discuss the following: 1) Character Professional Competence and Physical or Mental Health of an individual at 8:55 p.m. Councilmember McDougald moved to adjourn the Executive Session at 9:40 p.m.; Councilmember Trantex seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to place Karla Hancock and Spencer Snow on Administrative leave with pay until Monday, the 5th day of January, at noon; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to have City Manager Metzler advertise for the Recorders position for appointment by the new Mayor in 1998; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Mayor Stocks adjourned the meeting at 9:50 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: andra E. Beaureg-�d, CMC/AAE Deputy -City Recorder NO CORRESPONDENCE READ ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURN INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS CHARACTER, PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE, OR PHYSICAL OR MENTAL HEALTH OF AN INDIVIDUAL MAYOR STOCKS ADJOURNS REGULAR NEETING TO EXECUTIVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNS TO REGULAR SESSION KARLA HANCOCK AND SPENCER SNOW PLACED ON ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE WITH PAY UNTIL JANUARY 5TH 1998 AT NOON CITY MANAGER ASKED TO ADVERTISE FOR RECORDER POSITION FOR NEW MAYOR IN 1998 ADJOURN Thomas Mayor A. Stocks 255 REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES TABLED NO CITIZENS REQUESTING TO BE HEARD PI PLANNING UPDATE AGENDA MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING REQUESTS FOR ORDINANCES 97-25, 97-26 AND ZONE CHANGE REQUEST FROM A R-1 TO A R-2 ZONE ON MILLCREEK DRIVE AND GCSWMSSD NO. 1 TENTATIVE 1998 BUDGET APPROVED PORCH/AWNING OVER PUBLIC SIDEWALK AT 38 N. MAIN APPROVED MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 25, 1997 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah Mayor Pro-tem Jeanne Veteto called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember T Dee Tranter led in the Pledge of Allegiance Also in attendance were Councilmembers William D McDougald, Paul Seibert and Richard Cooke; City Manager Donna J Metzler, Deputy - Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard, Clerical Recorder Assistant Danielle Shumway, Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra K Gilger, Public Works Director Brent Williams, Community Development Coordinator M David Olsen, Planning Commission Chairman Kyle Bailey; City Attorney Chris McAnany, thirty members of the audience and the media Mayor Thomas A. Stocks was absent from the meeting due to an out-of-town appointment Councilmember Seibert moved to table the minutes of October 28th and November 6th 1997, Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye There were no citizens requesting to be heard. Under City Planning, City Planning Commission Chairman Bailey had nothing to report to the Governing Body. Councilmember Seibert moved to move the agenda to the Consent Agenda; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the entire Consent Agenda as follows: 1) Request to go to a Public Hearing for proposed Ordinance 97-25 An ordinance amending section 17.42.020, 17.42.050, 17.42.060 and adding section 17.42.070 of Chapter 17.42, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Width Requirements; 2) Request to go to a Public Hearing for proposed Ordinance 97-26— An Ordinance amending section 17.45.020; D., of Chapter 17.45 Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Residential Zones -Use Requirements: Customary Household Pets; 3) Request to go to a Public Hearing for Dee Tranteris request for a Zone Change at 810 Mill Creek Drive from a RA-1 to a R-2 Zone; and 4) Approval of Grand County Solid Waste Management Special Service District No. 1; Tentative 1998 Budget; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Dottie Byrd's request to place a porch/awning over the public sidewalk at the T-Shirt Shop at 38 North Main; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. 256 Under Presentations, Dick Haggett gave a presentation on the Hospital District Update. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto opened the Public Hearings on the following: 1) Proposed Ordinance 97-21-An ordinance repealing the Moab City Gross Business License Fee of 2.01% of gross sales authorized under Chapter 5.08 of the Moab City Code and enacting a 1.5% resort communities sales tax; 2) Proposed Ordinance 97-22-An ordinance enacting a transient room tax of 1.5% on the rents of hotel, motel, and similar public accommodations; 3) Proposed Ordinance 97-23- An ordinance enacting a .25% sales tax dedicated to funding the construction and maintenance of municipal streets and roads; and 4) Proposed Ordinance 97-24-An ordinance enacting a 3% tax on the value of energy delivered within Moab City at 7:30 p.m. Ken Davey, of Channel 6 News asked, based on City estimates how much revenue will be generated for the City in comparison to past revenues? City Manager Metzler informed Mr. Davey he should have this information in his Council Packet along with a copy of Ordinance. that City the John Fogg, stated that this is a risky way to base a budget. That he would like the Moab City ,Property Tax for a revenue base to stabilize the budget. Kyle Bailey, asked, if there is a $15,000 budget shortfall with these taxes? City Manager Metzler responded, yes. Aggie Evans, stated that she was concerned that we are going to price ourselves out of business. That tourists are going to go elsewhere. Shirley O'Kelly, President of the Moab Lodging Association, stated that the Moab Lodging Association opposes the increase in the Transient Room Tax. She stated that the Moab Lodging Association would like to keep the Transient Room Tax at the 11.5% as it is currently. She also felt that this increase in tax would run tourists out of town. That the Moab Lodging Association would like Moab City to choose other options. Dennis Lesmeister, Moab Lodging Association Board Member, referred to the letter sent to Moab City by the Moab Lodging Association stating that they would like the Transient Room Tax left at 11.5%. Kyle Bailey, stated that he thought the impact fees should be used as a revenue source for the Wastewater Treatment Plant debt. He also questioned the tax limit amount? City Attorney McAnany, stated that the State Legislature had put the tax limit in their legislation. HOSPITAL DISTRICT UPDATE PRESENTATION MAYOR PRO-TEM OPENS PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED ORDINANCES 97- 21-RESORT COMMUNITIES SALES TAX; 97-22-TRAN- SIENT ROOM TAX; 97-23- SALES TAX FOR CONSTRUC- TION AND MAINTENANCE OF MUNICIPAL STREETS AND ROADS; AND 97-24-TAX ON VALUE OF ENERGY DELIVERED WITHIN MOAB CITY 257 a•.el.t•eed Sandy Bastian, Moab Lodging Association Board Member, asked what the Transient Room Tax would be used for? City Manager Metzler, responded that the tax would be used for General Fund use only. Sandy Bastian, then stated that she would prefer the tax increase be .75% instead of the proposed 1.5%. She also stated that she was afraid the visitation would drop off due to taxes. Kyle Bailey, asked if there would be a cash flow problem with the state collecting the money? City Manager Metzler, informed Mr. Bailey that the state would charge a 1% Administration Fee on the collection of taxes. MAYOR PRO-TEM CLOSES With no further comments, Mayor Pro-tem PUBLIC HEARINGS Veteto closed the Public Hearings at 7 58 ORDINANCE 97-21— ENACTING A 1.5% RESORT COMMUNITIES SALES TAX ADOPTED pem Councilmember. Cooke moved to adopt proposed Ordinance 97-22—An ordinance repealing the Moab City gross Business License Fee of 2.01% of gross sales authorized under Chapter 5 08 of the Moab City Code and enacting a 1 5% resort communities sales tax; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye moss C111 Acwhr tOUO A.r<r Ne..a _ hn o'0dlnrnco «..IIM lOJ MOJV �I1y01o« Yu•Ilu, I.Ic•na• nor. vIty Cddy ono Barbing a 1.51 IO.OIt coa.mdi l.� 11.1. tat.`• WnleU6 Moab City Ler 1al1o0 upon Dana best..Ohre. fi:i ..e/rJ•�u...,ji».•A'fi In Tffvwte u «.a Yrlvi Iv ..ery I,al.e. l.� • nml•aar. Jrnw.rr a, ls.. Vaal cuh drge 44!•la<w« f..11ty el oral rl•r•r . r::r: �i:.•.. •La. .iota ee.. aroa. wam. Ilunse na.oWu1i Noa4 Clty naor co ItY In MIc4 led t«nelent r ..1•tron. ..«sans t .a�•i to •. of In. .«Van»t «nau. to ..2:11."4:wl oouvnl4:! i•I.n t.�0l eulherl• Neer CI1Y enaut a fl..l I.sr WOAD CITY, upon actl. of ah. a..nlng body, CIIY NunIc1V.11..Ot.114 Of 1M Maa4 1. This oedlnance stall labs •fleet en January 1, Ina.. .. The lolling new Cale ..lion. are .doplett I.12.. he interpt es reted is • 1•trnlly ....witled hervla., tale ordinance a0.11 s. Vee Tea Aut. The ..... d.flnllloes contain. In V.CI.A �di. 1 10 . ana e0, sera hereby IMorpot•ted by ..t..ncs. lane. sto-vas eb<ewrns. In addl.. to all other ea........ there le hereby levied eselootl th1esoy... • oesunl ies .a. tax at he rote of ....c.o. within the Ma.b City Units, M fe11.1,t4 typos of 1. Metall aal.. el tanllble persm•1 prosertyi t•nand1.c.r onl<aum• reepectivelyt ). heels so1Ji ea a. exhibit... Conner. shwa et•q type, ttt radeo�`, sperti lYt.ssu. wet • e te, river run !Zit% , boa"°lll:" n4 pa. col o t ttt. e t ttttt .el[ any •loll •r / laurel. et .nt.rtaln.nt • or S. .endrY aal dry cleaning tttttt la Ile .rvl.. ter the r•.Ir..lntaetnoe, or intttllttl. of ng .eons, pro.ttY! T. leerae and ..tale f ..I.. �«one) r rini eialildNiq pro.ny le helnt•Ihed, bored, used wP.°C a .. Traml.t public ecceasetstionai ant .. 1.1 eta. r :anal....b)ect to tea.IM Virulent to V.O.►. { .-1I-101111, ..•tided. 1.11e.V.11com 00{• wtler Uli cMplit arm»arum. •ran .naps fret {l,fo0.00 Ofleor. • single Itesohete the Vale, porches* price Is err• n'he.0i e1.•.1. a.na Ice In IY qa• :iaiin 1.:.,"r eeetam:tih: abet: °:i. 144 ban All .1. epeolticelly exampled Oereernt to C.C.S. { .. 12-104, as .seeded, Including too vars.. of III.arallm mlYt motor fuel. teed • .. or leese hen to/1. tros .edlng ...lee. by .....loos or char......••Irralhena. t.or veyap. aele...tla.a f feed Vedas tho federal food etas. pro see` Val•o t s.dleiner •.ant of sari. ...... qu.p.nt few •.c•.dlng ..0.0e In value; ace 4. A. trot Va.D ao. l..no the • let. .e. useor soneusptIonot tensible ..Ions, property. the a«.. « r.lyts Iran the fele et or the cost of which has been eshlect to •Dustily.. local ..... or a antenact. by any t: other than an. Canty. Vt. or :rye ear ity or om in the t+ f Utah, 1.11.410 laic. arc lira.. _ [vwr^ Mt• ablllr er.'•vl,.T •t)._ I,11 0f 114 Korb Municipal Colo amuck �1`..11.1. lilac. f ttttt lean yraving • v` tt .a ant.. Vt. .t4 eTr.. CLlaalYJ Wltatit leIlan... ae.n...a r...J aAI obtsin aloy •talu.nal u<...... 1,11.010 trait... NI Cellulit0 1. ttttt Col.loerertt.ten J..nt, eaof koal. iat tts tvan for Jar rnls s, ter Sc cettrut witht an.collects. llr o. ohs,.er.ato .aaed to use City $n accord... rite that .•ui.. Alrn .If•C«n.nr.•.itln del .•. lt.vel..ita: stall .: nat.i r• Abe <oedwlon .not .. 1. eu..rWl.. .none. W •u. banana r 1. Tn. . Van. bed w *ace.alrndr ter not ear of h `11 v � . i�i lr..• tell .o:ib11 •r ht:no:<. �c� wanirt,w` ::rib lal� t°" '"*" :a ar»+lo...ei.Y tan. a . man prrloa:J nail •oils.................................... 4at.... • ll.Ir. Jut dote. avn.al ..sett Ua root llt•hee.. aM •11 ..tote r oiler I.f.ma au4).cl ! Ales, a allIM I+rete. •. /•irlM • coats er rta a• Ilabl• for 11 .na..... . d c; al tact lveo ler collo.t June t .J ea.. remedies *totlottt,. t ..I..Im Act, Watch tcewtl.uin lour Y incolp»rroa by `•1..� • «• 1.11.00 uy.twluln 11 any provl.I. of this ...Olean: Lela la to salt. .none). •nterce.b:e Leose r s.psr's furtcllctl net lt.earl.. bets ...nail rercthe reul..ler f . ser .1., Inregn:trlo t•1 I•mr I �a•'!ealng bmr . eaae 1171,33+� a i /Latit16__ TF.IwE Al. lnt'b t o f` Ilta avi��_ Altai feo•nm raatdmpxtty. mrooid• 258 Councilmember Cooke moved to adopt proposed Ordinance 97-22—An ordinance enacting a transient room tax of 1.5% on the rents of hotel, motel, and similar public accommodations; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye, with Councilmembers Veteto and Tranter voting no. into CITY OA4thtatt n0. MUNICIPAL T•AMfitXT ROOMS tit An Jlnanc• ct ^M al+tter..ni {a ac< t<iuedti /onus ' the• nntf ue °tta.1, wti, + 1'+➢ o nLtAS Moab Oily hu .110d upon • is It tram Walrn. IlMa.o too waOM.nd fold pub.* lit.. 1.0 Vote le pi<ci prior. f Amoy.a prior to la every I. Ifsa. Ma ...heal ant lit it+'Grip ltdutnna helots the Utah in`tfiol°ttiii:ii tM ability of oltl. to .Ifo ..& vl• pro. Wiliness Ikon. Soso In.aLtYi..As Onsett.). h.., priorcto /savory i, is'',lasv.dfng Lind. tr.t.nt focllltlo. with t.3as.fdobtot tot. 1..oleo/str,.. are... goneratoi fro+ groat W... Worm. too. nLW ma. Winded Ind.Lt Wn.a ...in. ...tanning at !Ala tloot aid snot A loll It Ana lint rah l�� tq p !. Cily to amtif°�t latl wta� ItoA. stria vpm or.. et tho go+ernlny telly, I. Thla ordinate. oball tato offncl J. Seery 1, isf a. S. tn. f011Wlnq MP Cod. s.tivna ato cmctddi 1.1/.g14-Oof161.1dP, ..rotary alarp lip •cceu.atl eat lta nt ht puhlio anlslnclut..lalm A wtei! A note. A sot. couit or rectos. tonal ra➢Ieio psi a} An .bill A net And 14.410.1 est...Montt A Lv,du.lnli. A caopyrouod oyesats! VY . now...or...M.1 amity: f. V. h. A. A .Sort boost and A tro slant afart.snt tont.l. J. Sente Incl.. gr.rtgoo eats la N4`Itit e;ucl�at to solo. tiiei lunl v. too° .M b. toes Wr ins occvpam:y Of a dwti)Ip et .t.l a. nq.nor. q...nd dote fc<oua..t hen f rsielriYt1a01 <cac•<ut lvidyu .�r cl i♦Ics + Wolle ssoctattca, Corwmtlon.foC ant ltY of i y jl/dt.. ..'.ship, 1.11.010,2..N.AAA.AA1. sm 11.N Vhsr. is herby lootedtcraintri thetporeattor • trim seat gee.a.uen. ulinin told City In .siiWnt .guN to e.ft f M ro..nt. th.g.. ali la van tfn. 11`ste m,.i°O°•tsfau�l+•pdo••d tn.hi:iia•o. an Y a s o r lf't 1.14.414_OIItLIIAAdt• aA• .mat of Sn�.A lap(a•d they tat+M+la. ♦M. q raJgtap q ...1 own M Irtt occur M• of IM fell ov lrq ormnenhorsnv+ tyoriMi... Y+a. it...* day...0 city sn.cto .ie t, b, ins day on YMCA debt .syict tin WW a :Mr t°iitt! IW/tool 'pit. to Jan.. 1. MT. n♦ve 01. pa. .n vtenlinv obll9.lca. pinc°urr.0 a connection with :'s a� tonal. ladebto.... or 1../Wr<h.at out}gntono. lali.plg.1YY11Catlap..pl R.e•hYA •. .et Mte....4 by %no .t gilder thl+thaptsr ohs. W. good ttor ge et. ounniclinl ron. WrW.i lmlOtInti tM a..e1M of :,11.rlr. tale 1. isst:Jt. nr pew. Li mr1.41 r,i1ett,Li liCe aid 9 . Sit ,. tru .1. t. oleo . . e•t to thorn s _t leC. reef toot cote rr r .i.t.,..l Il,eree I...414 YtaltlA:�aa-d:ilSe)It3l:a .• city cf •salt aiM for sag •smear, . for It t reiitt.a i. the .1r IL .c._ii.r,_a alih tees .,l e...,. 1. Ali it 0coarad_s axlts�.: to 11. ..ltn:l ISO CYssl.alan ♦ 1 ee ills et, er.lee err.1.1v1 t 1.. ORDINANCE 97-22— ENACTING A TRANSIENT ROOM TAX OF 1.5% ADOPTED q. ", On 114 first Coy if tna vy... .. aa. ire prOnsigeten bY ea CaMia.son 4.a nrlr .aY. tt oat en. 9�arter }f i• vet Bete this chayter.,1:1C1L4in, of } Mr. }sra, my eayillmo. wet reloteir a •ilesee l Ie Hatt teel legal un n vela a 1.11.414 J.A.41111, 1} on[ yn.}.} of t uncones as )uflsdltt ion 1}l atoll 14 ortlnar.a, Able. enrtl iesarr, .r r.11 fere eail are, olLytei City 1 essn .e... un ll is i1 j}d } cf _/ Attest ➢anl. yccoe.cit'score., nowt, Councilmember Cooke moved to adopt proposed Ordinance 97-23—An ordinance enacting .25% sales tax dedicated to funding the construction and maintenance of municipal streets and roads; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. AW..t1 oanIstect ad. 11.1-,_11_ MNIICIPAI. ROADS fillS VAS eM oen.it,°rctiiee`easelslfM`tinienonce 1 one icip.l strotte otwl mode. .""1" Mv. Cite h.a r It of upon (roe We1Mao Ilc•eq t` + mr•ti° w•nJ +ttd .♦t114r f et t to Paot* ptiot to Jae.. 1..f11, nlOGalallltlIitctlp l.dYerd rirl•ad V t � 'f ro-l+al+gtell l�li h ab{3 ttY at isle to .t. Loewe rl• pr . paslMsat 33m.t t.Y. ++ l 1°rvth.3 not. i! les C As ant f stave`./ y Fero • publid term fa tan Il WARMS i.f if\ Iola• i t tor � f sf-of r0.ot. , to.. W' .gni.p.i mod.. wow ern a r. ROu YRu[M[, rill! C.YY, upon .Ctlen et the governing Lois. .Mel... reuwa t. thl. orGtMaao •hail tato orfsct ea Jawsry 1. Igo. 1. 1.a follevinl new Cole erotica. ore adgd Mt ORDINANCE 97-23— ENACTING A .25% SALES TAX DEDICATED TO FUNDING THE CONSTRUCT- ION AND MAINTENANCE OF MUNICIPAL STREETS AND ROADS ADOPTED 2il1.414_OtZldt119RA {tenant . sela .et. nth....... We o.IMnto ana ll ha interpret. tcaVra s.lyyvlth lq previsions of tholUtahCSA. il-ilea...«nfb, ors her:q Leer...tcon... `ATT "tot... 1.11.41QI1A IA.Aams Vt. la addition to .l o there to he b *west the .+o. liwYb1`*r1e♦dt -eea set.GIeooh.sonptyp• as..tthw .. mewl wee of tangible Wises/ property. wla<'u`r or IweigM agw..elmCt fu+ seal i.msgto ta1O.m:e.l<.�i`oq, r..p.tl.an 259 o,MMe apeailbtoer.r.. tern.«rot ., .IaTlf myM:rxa oJrevnterouun!;b.cioiJ..ht ptorrrwiirWrt rtirrq ny .Itl l+r donaooleoalr.s' c Ilunl, or •nuts Burnt orl.nlra tIvI4Y. Awarar S. taondry *tut dry cidrnlne'ocelots, tarok.* tort. [Spilt. .w lntrn.o, or )nrtelledon or tanpiaf. y.roonil property, provleia ln:rt•. •ro .nf.l. t !r for 71, to .at Yr n ne :ItY lloltof property 1. lal•Inod, J the O. rranelent goblin atcotaatrtiOns, aN V.C.fr f St�l]Ala ll ll,ree.tirooe na).! to taxation pu«uant to 1a10aAip_tMOLLAAS. •• aw wdrrtihlsoWsyti,q t .eswtt.* two ...opt tray toms ...cased ryry I. Naolosa.* tranaoc (ono In ohl. good. a Apr r.IladlO lht ull laot*x<POYusar.r Mors t . grorwt;eatrlC r. liJA 01aJStaf3daJJ00011. 4rtrY Wrspn wr to !tr nq Sing in • t7 .uelatt to X: M let brit bleat a satoC sat Ifnnta, • id Wgnxx.a xr rnapsrr WI f tM Ib itg ri W. .ro V.C.A. ri Sr-1 r•,Of. laraen. or Utah Os *1lea Too rXCouloosslan ward matt[ t lc le n A obtain any additional Ikon turves! to tnoam "c.o. ..slots aq nor 1.15,940-E.IttenCtl-Sni.C911e1119o• COabifilon for rltY or ,awb,d•If rat«dens .ro anrorcw•nota ftilttre to the .11 ini<eordf,c•.iintth.tvrr cuo..rn.att.0 r9 reaitliurotIn atcora.,rcrrwitth toles one rt g thio otlontirerooelg eats the Coselaalon •ro as is ...trio* •amo 0 by star. Joy. ytrd iq 3, ?to (to enacted one., tble chAptrr ohall Le paid !:srttrlYr On Iha drat tY oft J.Mlry, APtll, ilea,. +rid o:tntwr of A .loroar Yeer. unless t titan... le rrqulred to r leis sonthlY ..Ilunc. pur•uonl to rar or n .lnles leru Prnutteted ty the coaaterioa. erl0ed ttlit fWirer;; ................ ..•11 ra tda0 la•ly, oes lM IY We dote •J In lean ew isle thin .hIr4Y eras We c.v. for 4. Wrr. tiroy �{rlryn;lW"i""'"r xttrt tog e Wnaltt4a, iefor.at ti cat i• ""' for coll4ctr.s of 70.14 ..dtor the Gerih sr, rBI..lent.. Act. CMich .. *ear 1...... r ynlar the J sy .. • d wa • saN Iraorp..... J Ly ......nt•. 1.11.0t4_4vvlaititn et ron11• a.r opptro r'latoal;>i:itsesontt?• Ant' a�+ptrr {nisaa«uc.r;. rtsai y�Iteno'eoao, sir• ].1l.A70.6muCllltr. tili,,3.41.tuian or tnle sa /non. ac.'Its c 14 to.. u ir�ncs •t r Mic: a�atl Aria. to to ;ul it terry ir.l ofrici. CI. In or•nr.:.;i.Y,. 1Str+r �f GY•.1LSdE� °i0j cr n-BL Celt, k ; ra grY €. i1%ii tett ORDINANCE 97-24— Councilmember McDougald moved to adopt ENACTING A 3% TAX ON proposed Ordinance 97-24—An ordinance THE VALUE OF ENERGY enacting a 3% tax on the value of energy DELIVERED WITHIN MOAB delivered within Moab City; Councilmember CITY ADOPTED Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. 01e 21: COM90 !" dies.,• Yv. y).)a - MMOICIpAL iatV4V SALTA AYE OC TJY dsllvAr•afidiirnrn Norbrtlty,s 11 tav on tnt voile. of rwrfY alllarAl, It le tho gyttAlereaof of Moab Cityc10lportlloa to oWt M Ilunlcfy 1 tn4r pufr.nt fp, aro in afncd rltb. Vtfn Colt Aiul, a id-i-)01, o ..o e ***or., a#d) dM rryy IAr ode ti Anti rtrryY InIAAA a unlvitr.lfaresJ tier Ill• on WfF•nt sf eM 0.1le•.8 .let Lf t ��qyo nYdy,Tectsarry[otsolvtr«b C"1' upon •u[len pf tM 9evornlrp 1. Mu Ordinance Mail ter. ott.t on ionvary I. letter 3. The following n. cod. sections try •loplodi nY art that }a ::Mist tort,:::,:17,:11:.tgyc:t.: aMrVrr /. •Contrect.I tonchlt. foot se.« • tett l• provld.4 for ins !ranch!. npnowntJ oW +v.awn[I or Al. that Is cunaid.otton for tht tram.. b. I. a fee siollor to ... .ctlon Ixl O, or fY}(b)• 11. any Cwb/.t1on of sub. .done Give! ur ). a, t IiVr. w.w• wan [n+ fair .rr:t vIg* pt Alf. Ireclufout^t14Y dellrrt. tar otlt or Wee !n tha .n1al.IltY •ro I. tho wiles of the clergy lueltt end •1. L. ho d000n.tr.tlen orrtrl 1 oe rhea towable clergy is Ihil request COO,. 01 POI.. and held for resale. it, •taz•ait •n..e wan. g. and .lottricity. a,il,ala_tiunici9si_ra Wy_woLanassclas• mesa le Mrobr 14r14da .014<t to p Id.IlMInMa.•d .. satht opro.vlalono bt tel. HAowt .yrr:lr rot 1.rbtno.ynkJ ralw rr tho tetablo *rnrry to tit. ...et. le ran *holt t.brom er ins lv<ip.nit9Y so•trot Tox. o.•bl:. Otter a <4111.10.4 on tho delivdeliver.rotua of ldt l ht* t a. nit too oholl kw fn ..Rion to any ..... or r too .a tt,rblrpt4s YI I.poeN M R Iry o 4 nteorlasLytfaa 1. iM )oc*1 f Yti fntiwi Too Art. .pier Amour.J, • w a. lellaala_LI.g110A4. 141esliroYl oor Ytr= et* ife.. 7y7. the Irvnl to share, a /0-t•100101101. oe aieenWt noteltbst..ingi•n ...Pt.. �- grant. by let. Coo. !.Ales. { St-1-104....00d.. ero VI* TfaoguYto.tntprY[abxCg�de Afetr. Sn)o-[-).2l(47,11 .In *w..t a. pp Mmole $xlps . a. Or .lealon teel, n r fool oaa thV4htt.* X .o*wM.d) ar ills S , cn P r ri, r taxation ud.rs.is rs. w• nt tea her aeet9y test S: ..Sot tray .• Wtt. gut. Contltutrpn or the tan wn.ntwlw, C. .1. eta use et tax.. energy purcl.ar. or os.s. tor ..Ir poprt et el the astable *WSW is COY Omod Of tesettl. S.. 3n ewy to a Wo�um�.Mw{ngitt TltodnlSCI1 f�oahu I1,r0f tM*Vtaaicon.lavw.t•t.0 Was ..euNr our nonresident forthelwnrnfl0.gy nt,nwnl porton. o o r ony. do,o,ot oblie Within tho Otto, ..opt taxable *nervy petehese0 for oso 11, aft t•- vv aif of farom.c, t.a ,9Yal�r r. to to. oun.• .. c_..-.err let 1c1P•lit)•� va.Fla volot• 0:.a5 r t Irclo.t t inrvnpc36 uMr a ne lea tar r err. nerd: -• e. ter. s Wa tar.. oa st , ♦y err„Dtyf .up'{, cry•..'t . r'it. Ito.. *note,. If .t . Writt.�Ir• . •,r .err I reSo r, - r x Sy the %nth Oft. [oatee.Itllon. at .frtncbia. agrestt lie a t x.. a ter u.u•>•, cents t n Nsreu.t pr ern « orwa .- a. .rarO. ' Ironabito tote U. A tar t1411r to • Ie.,urit• t.ti ot V. Soy raotrnoriM <t est.-Atone tat tr ts}. )•Pty,% 1st..... t l.ilit M.1. rite. .rtr.ttafai+ lolnlvtntnu,.ce«ecleslen, rn N to Tt, .. 1 a. [[ aw .tile t leayr1tor c. .. �ttt�lr.oioo tot..risnt nit.v tl [ •ter • or any pr wV w ♦ • • . n •Solee n sae Oats., of title.t•rrttrit• otYi Sotto, condition.* r ter tares. o rct: wodder..tom nit iKiuf•ei e. Inatelt.rt oaf mill ubu b. aaf rleatt «an.tctlwe tont%lt•t«y • Bolo: •na /! rriw wu.r tcd stYtt to aor t�ii •v aa�45e pnr,44 io gr•e.tid w.far iesse #Wrtn4ulra.,4r .wiser Isa+tl. If ern witlfat .le vasa .sever ter •eteWta• . eM onr a4rPlrq 1. <e.t:: oA iHtint:� itr err wrpaW .rest 1. It !h, Anti.. leer • MiW.trotrntM wwnirratp srttorglttr{wgt�.fr r tesfble .r+ig1 r toac .). In the 4uto tT t .".nt .Iel. 01 vt.oy In .. au.. tM al. al )wrai.o�o{sa ter solo tr oto of toxrelo serer, for toy W.. ryo other tn.*a Too*aor seergyr *nf Muro•riti . Thai calf' of .1M.1. *eerily tor v. wt.. tee ). TM aslo. Owego, uso ppera *Mot em.uyiCfwro of .I. snolovreerl >y from t.Motn pui10.SMr ! ..Is. 4 wa tM doalwe r. eat. of t..taai. on+ tr a . Mwoo .i. t to a w.3<tryi rtf "lb: re:" w.. .a. M tee watt. � a3, of tea ttadfh t�odeett�UtN,rtood.aNNrl.04et. PrP.r Ix. 1 o t, n: Cuy :! a 1. W. !M difrmnc• aa.,ars seer r WIb to abo w.r this 0/salty one the e.a otM.l. M dos the this iddto S. It the .a ipo u1T. tYf• etdiwntt n- •- the tar paid to the :that wdcJHitty 7•lypt0 Y Off,. Ire. hlaalre eaalohlses--[reins ter 1sax1iall111t4 .roan.. btra tM Citrus wytsro atria:tag r .cats• le tbY .arwt efoa cwtionwtl.00tlti srterlat9 ttr —cr g1 .•polls. p.. sae fee to tMoeiry et boab owners to a trseichl.rtgresarni In r .!act m ilea, a. lane tIto wrgyasuipiortli t.ea.r4ppues Won cdtgat rindby t. .M.r supplier Me acc.pnd tM fronselios leet.At4..1.tCg11153.1OLLCSottlaJlite-itsu.Yas..Geesti.loo. City fiudtrtc..c. dt:d o[a.lewn wls+tm . all lure tmrdtet :o .. sdaretttr.)..m eollaetlw e1 W IeIWI aeeigY e•i.t •ro V. iLsa Jn tlu .bait.: divot. TM . vied t . apprerel rf withthatlash StateTorcoaslasion tMtl.ynto necessary to the 260 ::l::"::: Ya•' let unlcipal '"'" a. n.rar anppu•r ahnt "' :•� t:� ""]1 n.r sy <ItU:t a"Leronlhr Ifs tected ro ea,.e ""` t the r =• ' r e. The city of nosh Is the energy euppllerl or lulL. I. the:r0 l • gY eupplier atls•l. t un o•1 • ergY Wles t• 1ecte0 ,:Ily 1i: • It• rornl ce1w ra •Vuai• one Mllllon'rull•rs II I, oOo,eoD. oo1 or ' Ye, 11. ne • ergy &eppller collects the Munieip•1 rnargY a•let eM Veyy tie..n aH end 0:; anYdlr:til supp`brClWlay ^La Muhl c ldAal uwtgY lal•e qu:leClnal ("richt tar fee.. soil...leeg by the ye ergY euP llet lyyf YlMyy ;::g • east not ter Iree eny I0.1 )011A1,'aa .•en!•d, a• cut noaiaW LY Vleh Cad• Groot ate: fhe 1.17.060 IOC011O[lll➢R pLSI[[.l._me➢Itl�7`S1lI L]7..Y1 W svd..lmvtHeLJOcIUJ u• I neoVI. ai:nl t'ilta therein yr vided and eeeept Insofar • •et are previsions of Title 10. chapter 1' J Municipal AMrgy Isl...ne U66 T.. act. ae yelas thi. p e d1nsnce, all 1 he provisions el Part 1. C 1• of h. n CW a:not•t•e, •e •w W, in efloct o the •ft•clava elat• of this e.elut lon' Inalfar ••nor sol•t•nt tt. nJ uee t ett :: 1`rq f1 - • f -rl o • need, they toe, n. • Ins a. epted t of odeve1W of u resolution `If tfully metforth� ril.dn•,d mode • Y•rl of title Tltl• 1•. Ul aprCoOs anrwt.t N,e:tent IpLat In P•Il :; M n le. City Cot purposes• Ihtses of n W rtL6ts yell ee eetPertna•nle'p . titlor e 10. Vtah Cede annesoto4. • e1. P' noshing In e /uLolc„u'e CityShall l+ eevaul to sepals substitution of lthe lee used se parCorporation. t,te fur the Vise Slate ray n i.:ianaur of per coontl he of lltut a for thst of t . infan, oCtlun Carper. nets: result of such a sub tttttteon uouYld'require an, taken Lye against t • City of :a.7lon t thero l.4 tit• by or or net the Vta tttte Tam Co n per. elrgL:' ethe luncltn•,.e.l.ens Incident to the adalnlsttatlon or optrttlon of this ra 1. an .Ww.m�.. •rnt cn.Yt�:: weetib the U IIY oWe au fee rtn • nenhYln9 wdt t l• r•solus •Liion :r • hp0e th'nedat wrtt•dtnty :7414ectivet.a s Utanllttoutllective 7.1L O1p_NV A1Jl tl cc.l TLTIs aDIa. vSv11Q t'oO..nJnl ai pal. S0111Y t:cvll1�00 k:iv l::s7:t:�r al-_p l.!l lop e0a 1.1 is anaa �[ y nao 1 e nacl al :.IA*. A•. e auraalorso le tins ate*t'":n' Il' orylr". les..d ar •r Lt.n Cul. Annotate t,n .L. ` a e..tl::ranae 1.11. C14_ Alf set l ya.la te• Energy Sales AI, Tea shall lA ler,ed Lopeolof L?..1• �_k•_ _.� 7 a :—e Councilmember Cooke moved to approve change Order No. 10 - Requested by Nelson brothers Construction Company for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Tranter moved to table TCI Cablevision's request to reduce the franchise fee charged to Moab Cable Customers and to have City Attorney McAnany and City Manager Metzler look into this request more thoroughly; Bill McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to take a five- minute break; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto adjourned the meeting for a five-minute break at 8:25 p.m. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto called the meeting back to order 8:33 p.m. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve Brian Ballard's request to subdivide property at approximately 560 S. 400 Ee; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye, with Councilmember Cooke voting no. Councilmember Cooke moved to employees' Donna J. Metzler and Gilger's request for City legal Councilmember Seibert seconded the The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the release of Lots #4 and #5 of Block 1 from Orchard Place Subdivision and to hold the certificate of occupancy until sewer, curb, gutter, sidewalk and street improvements are done; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. approve Debra K. defense; motion. )mil•. 'i /r l <re, CHANGE ORDER 410 FOR NELSON BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR THE WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROJECT APPROVED TCI CABLEVISION REQUEST TO REDUCE FRANCHISE FEE CHARGED TO MOAB CABLE CUSTOMERS TABLED BREAK MAYOR PRO-TEM ADJOURNS METING FOR BREAK MAYOR PRO-TEM CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER BRIAN BALIARD'S REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE PROPERTY AT APPROXIMATELY 560 S. 400 E. APPROVED EMPLOYEES' REQUEST FOR CITY LEGAL DEFENSE APPROVED RELEASE OF LOTS #4 & #5 OF BLOCK 1 FROM ORCHARD PLACE SUBDIVISION APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 261 WAIVER OF $137.97 BUILDING PERMIT FEE FOR SWANKY CITY PARK PAVILLION STRUCTURE APPROVED READING OF CORRESPONDENCE IIINISTRATIVE REPORT MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURN INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS CHARACTER, PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE, OR PHYSICAL ( MENTAL HEALTH OF AN 3 IVIDUAL AND STRATEGY SION TO DISCUSS LITIGATION MAYOR PRO-TEM ADJOURNS REGULAR MEETING TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Councilmember Cooke moved to waive the $137.97 Building Permit Fee for Swanny City Park Structure; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto, stated that correspondence was received from the following: 1) Moab Lodging Association; 2) Marcus LaFrance; 3) Utah Local Governments Trust; and 4) Canyon Voyages. City Manager Metzler presented the following administrative report to the Governing Body: 1) Meeting with Country Garbage representatives Jay Mecham and Robert Lopez to discuss recent complaints; 2) That the City will look into composting Christmas Trees and leaves for next year; 3) The Garbage Survey results will be presented at the next meeting; 4) Conference call scheduled for Wednesday morning with Utah State University on the Impact Fee Study; and 5) Memo from David Olsen concerning City Employee's serving on elected board positions in the community. Under Council and Mayor Reports, Councilmember Seibert stated he would like to see a revision of the ordinance to allow City Employees to serve on Community Boards. Councilmember McDougald commented on the Garbage Contract and paying for extra containers for extra garbage. He would also like to see the Old City Park area protected for Recreational Use and stated the need for an ordinance for proper zoning. Councilmember Cooke inquired on the new School Crossing Light. Public Works Director Williams stated that it would be in soon. Councilmember Tranter asked if additional stripping or lighting for the corner on Millcreek Drive is being looked into. Public Works Director Williams informed the Governing Body that they were going to try glass beads at this location. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the bills against the City in the amount of $222,356.84; Councilmember seconded the motion. The motion carried by roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to go into an Executive Session to discuss the following: 1) Discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual; and 2) Strategy session to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto adjourned the Regular City Council Meeting into an Executive Session to discuss the following: 1) Dis- cussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual; -and 2) Strategy .session to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation at 9:25 p.m. MAYOR PRO-TEM CALLS EXECUTIVE SESSION TO ORDER Mayor Pro-tem Veteto called the Executive Session to order at 9:30 p.m.. 262 Councilmember Seibert moved to adjourn the Executive Session; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Pro -tom Veteto adjourned the Executive Session at 10:00 p.m. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto called the Regular City Council Meeting back to order at 10:01 p.m. .Councilmember Seibert moved to change Spencer Snow's employment status to Administrative Leave without pay to the end of the year with benefits; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion was defeated by a vote of 3-2, with Councilmembers Veteto and Seibert voting aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto adjourned the meeting at 10:08 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED:,5x/ a Thomas A. ' i C//nCli11/9 andra E. Be urega , CMC/AA Deputy -City Recorder EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNS TO REGULAR SESSION MAYOR PRO-TEM CALLS REGULAR MEETING BACK TO ORDER SPENCER SNOW'S EMPLOY- MENT STATUS CHANGED TO ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE WITHOUT PAY, BUT WITH BENEFITS DEFEATED ADJOURN MOAB CITY CORPORATION REGULAR MEETING December 9, 1997 Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the City Council Chambers of Moab City Offices at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Pro-tem Jeanne Veteto called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Paul Seibert led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers William McDougald, Richard Cooke, and T. Dee Tranter; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Deputy -Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra K. Gilger; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; City Planning Commission Chairman Kyle D. Bailey; City Attorney Chris McAnany; twenty members of the audience and the media. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks was not in attendance due to being out of town. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the minutes of November 25th 1997, as presented; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Under citizens requesting to be heard Keith Holyoak addressed the Governing Body about a fifty foot roadway he had to give the City on West Center Street. He said, that, he would like to put a cover over the patio in front of Mrs. Joe Morgan's house on West Center; but was told by the Building Inspector that he couldn't. Councilmember Cooke moved to have Mr. Holyoak's request for permission to put a patio cover over the slab of cement, in front of Mrs. Joe Morgan's house, on West Center Street on the next City Council Agenda. He also requested that staff and the Building Inspector bring a proposal for this request to the next meeting; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Stocks REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS REQUESTING TO BE HEARD PATIO COVER REQUEST ON W. CENTER STREET TO BE ON NEXT AGENDA 263 PLANNING UPDATE 1998 CITY COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE; 1998 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE; 1998 REDEVELOPMENT MEETING SCHEDULE; & PUBLIC HEARING TO REOPEN FY 1997-1998 B IDGET APPROVED M la PRO-TEM READS P. DOSED ORDINANCE 9, 47--ANNEXING PROPERTY TO MOAB CITY MAYOR PRO-TEM OPENS PUBLIC HEARING Michelle Holyoak inquired about the twenty-five foot frontage required for a C-2 Zone in front of their shop? Mayor Pro-tem Veteto asked Acting Planner/Planning Aide Gilger to look into this for the next meeting. Georgia Hamblin addressed the Governing Body about the vindictive attitude towards zoning issues. She informed the Governing Body of her parking issue for her business on South 400 East. Mrs. Hamblin requested to be on the next City Council Agenda; for consideration of waiver of fines, due to litigation. City Planning Commission Chairman Bailey, told the Governing Body that parking is always an issue and that the parking ordinance will be amended in the near future. Councilmember Cooke stated that he would like to see the Planning Commission Board opening notice put in the advertiser and put on KZMU. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve the entire Consent Agenda consisting of the following. 1) Approval of 1998 City Council Meeting Schedule; 2) Approval of 1998 holiday Schedule; 3) Approval of Request to advertise for a Public Hearing to reopen and amend the 1997-1998 Fiscal Year Budget, for all necessary funds; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto read proposed Ordinance 97-27--An ordinance of the Governing Body of Moab annexing property to Moab City. Annexation request of Shojin Community Enterprises, Inc., at approxi- matley 920 Millcreek Drive. The annexation request for this location is for an R-2 Zone. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto then opened Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance 97-27 at 7:28 p.m. Gary Gauntt, representing Shojin Community Enterprises, Inc., did a map presentation of the different surrounding zones. He stated that they planned to put a Planned Unit Development at this location consisting of thirty-six clustered houses on fifteen acres with twenty acres of open space. He also stated that thirty-three acres of the thirty-five acres is already in the City limits. Planning Commission Chairman Bailey stated, that the RA1 Zone is meant to be changed to an R-2 Zone. He stated that he recommended the zone change. Georgia Hamblin asked, if the PUD will have any recreational development, like a pool, tennis courts, etc.? Gary Gauntt responded, no. Georgia Hamblin asked, if everyone in the PUD will share the liability of the twenty acres of open space? Gary Gauntt responded, yes. 264 Mayor Pro-tem Veteto stated that she would like to declare a possible conflict of interest on this annexation issue; as the owner, Will Petty, is her ex -employer. She stated that from time to time she still does some work for him. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto then closed the Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance 97-27, at 7:50 p.m. Councilmember Cooke moved to adopt Ordinance ,97-27--An Ordinance of the Governing Body of Moab annexing property to Moab City. Annexation request of Shojin Community Enterprises, Inc., at approximatley 920 Millcreek Drive. The annexation request for this location is for an R-2 Zone; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. OAUINANCE9l 2l Anormw4a Of 111E GOY. WMle 1.0 A1041 rx:,fa•Sx,l10 tT1.0(lO pMe.O •• Fmnt. Jin Wul.gg 1"1+n+a uJ 4, 0I41.50r 411010 J. C...n.vy l.J, lu• 1.1.1 J+•00,...,v i..• . n....(• • J p.u.Ju yyvopmte pllc nue 0Jn.e..Jry14 u:m Ix. 110010 I. 1. e•t Lu.J 1, 0. p.v..T1..]1 .. 1�-+t trr u.. 1 11e 1t, tA.J r Watt 1 61 5 lneA1e.11., 0•I.bu.uy 4•0e uJ• 0.000 • 110,0- 04.0 •101v 0.40 N•S n5uL4+•J ea 0 • IINA tletwg..1(..1. (lu,anN DI 1116 utJuurn• Ann Lilt Oho unn.J.A41, opal ,rn.p ( r nt--Ode JO t on TENl+•[t a velem ATM% 14_4 he0• p.pCmVat f Councilmember Seibert moved to adopt Ordinance 97-28--An ordinance amending Section 2.60.636 (A) of Chapter 2.60, Title 2, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding the Prohibition of Political Activities; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye, with Council - member McDougald voting no. 0R01.00n,N 0010T1.1 01E•004 SCt11US 1006 t 00040112:0 111 LE 1.01111E 110J 111 VI110. 00011 OM( *LT 000C 1111 1R011101110%01 I01111C 51 ACI NIOIT 011 0GTle C e Cwp 400 Or • • DM., r te1 rt Walt N�.yJ,Nt tO tnpJn W Y•Ww•I,J...rJ r•.r 01I1. 0004100 01 TOE NO, Cl11 cot *CM 0101.1. 0t0 • 110 Sen0•100101•10.00•10.T 1. r(Ot NW N•.q� O.IJ.•Mty 4•111.ame Nt N.11 r. .1 •.1lJ t••• • 441.1J 1.0 CN ?AAA •ni•N.—OtJAolt•<NOJ A. Se t. p05.tr It tWulJJ .0 OF •• 000 M• plxeJ 0tO5 r 131044.0 000.00 It ton C nn0»t•tltnopitA4••T Nt AA.4»p earl, »et Annal•SJ WA* tnTJ, r T, trot •e IAA An O•••r t••tr6t1 in as, »•WtJW et Hewn 1» A, NTIJN 0tN 0•R to ea*, 1• W dAthE 055EAA00,00 AeO 100RO11[1:0 y •r C.•rrE My •Et» C., J N•l 4•N• ttltlulTYi_n. Ee,•1 1•ett tn• In/. rT: MiN»o AT 131% #fAA CPC/Or j i.11..1.,r016.6 r �NWC �%iS•T Councilmember Cooke moved to adopt Ordinance 97-29--An ordinance amending Chapter 2.84.030, of the Moab Municipal Code, Regarding Terms of Office for the Arts and Recreation Center Board; Council - member Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. MAYOR PRO-TEM DECLARES POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST MAYOR PRO-TEM CLOSES PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE 97-27 ANNEXING PROPERTY TO MOAB CITY AT 920 MILLCREEK DR. FOR SHOJIN COMM. ENT., INC. R-2 ZONE APPROVED ORDINANCE 97-28 REGARDING THE PROHIBITION OF POLITICAL ACTIVITIES ADOPTED ORDINANCE 97-29 REGARDING TERMS OF OFFICE FOR THE ARTS & RECREATION CENTER BOARD ADOPTED 265 CITY MANAGER WOULD LIKE TO SEE CITY START PROCESS TO ENTER INTO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH ARCHES VILLAGE SPECICAL SERVICE DISTRICT CITY TO START PROCESS TO ENTER INTO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH AVSSD FOR MUNICIPAL SERVICES KUSTOMS OF AMERICA GRANTED USE OF '''ANNY CITY PARK ON rOBER 3RD 1998 FOR t SHOW BIDS RECEIVED FOR PLAYGROUND UNITS FOR SWANKY CITY PARK BID AWARDED TO PLAYSPACE DESIGNS INC. FOR PLAYGROUNE UNITS FOR SWANNY CITY PARK CORRESPONDENCE IIINISTRATIVE REPORT ontaxxxit .."4=3:7.417:ZON'AV: 4.4 IT.11:11:::11gg Winn. ,.,,.1:=",Zar,141,st.11-1111 crested the nest, Arty and " "` "' Stan°, snail be at:faints! (sr tarns, a. Yost assns. est onatycl, tars, 11 II astsogsent ayysinty.ts ynall ty Ice tysttoat tem, tni• sydlaaass snail tads !fast lasantayaly sect pasatya, POI SY PM eDevyllt qth day et fit'hie'P 1111. fl,Wr Ittt•Ytt t:41-y/Y- tyy tjy•i" "rate Dea,ttogayel Deputy doestdar City Manager Metzler stated, to the Governing Body that, she would like the City to start the process to enter into an interlocal agreement with Arches Village Special Service District. City Manager Metzler then went over numerous issues, that would need to be addressed; should the City decide to enter into an interlocal agreement with Arches Village Special Service District. Councilmember Seibert moved to have the City start the process to enter into an interlocal agreement with Arches Village Special Service District for Municipal Services; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve Kustoms of America's request to use the Swanny City Park for a Car Show on October 3rd 1998; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Bids were received for Playground Units for Swanny City Park from the following: 1) Garrett & Company/Miracle in the amount of $21,427; 2) Rich Boyce Recreation/Game Time in the amount of $21,381.44; and 3) Playspace Designs, Inc./Little Tikes in the amount of $23.543. Playspace Designs, Inc./Little Tikes was the only bidder that met all bid specs. Councilmember Cooke moved to award the bid for Playground Units for Swanny City Park to Playspace Designs, Inc./Little Tikes in the amount of $23,543; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye, Mayor Pro-tem Veteto stated that correspondence had been received from the following: 1) Two letters from Marcus LaFrance; and 2) Special Joint City/County Council Workshop Meeting scheduled for Thursday, at 3:00 p.m. in the County Council Chambers to conduct an Affordable Housing Workshop. City Manager Metzler reported on the following: 1) The recent garbage survey on the water bills, that 59% did not respond, and out of the 41% that did respond, 21% were satisfied and 20% were not satisfied; 2) Use of Force Panel to review the investigation of the recent shooting incident; 3) Impact Fee Study should be completed this week, and that she would have it at the next meeting; 4) That the case against City Employee Debra K. Gilger had been dismissed by Judge Anderson; 5) That the Business License Fee Study is progressing nicely; 266 b; That the Christmas Party is scheduled for Saturday, December 13th, at 6 p.m. at Buck's Grill; 7) That she attended a Film Commission Meeting. That they are expecting a funding shortfall and came up with the idea of an interlocal agreement with the City/County for funding; and 8) There is an Affordable Housing Workshop on Thursday, at 3 p.m. being present by Bear West Consulting Team. City Attorney McAnany spoke on the code enforce- ment issue brought up by Georgia Hamblin. He reviewed the file and stated that the court had imposed a $500 fine for non-compliance, and then read Judge Anderson's judgement to the Governing Body. There were no Mayor and Council Reports. Councilmember Seibert moved to bring back to the table from September 4th 1997, Debbie Gilger's request for indemnification of attorney fees, pending notification regarding the outcome of the proceedings and moved to pay the attorney fee to Debbie Gilger in the amount of $567.90; Council - member McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the payment of the bills against Moab City in the amount of $303,757.43; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Seibert moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Pro-tem Veteto then adjourned the meeting at 8:58 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: c./71 cti& andra E. Beauregar C/AA Deputy -City Recorder MOAB CITY CORPORATION SPECIAL MEETING December 11, 1997 CITY ATTORNEY REVIEWS CODE ENFORCEMENT ISSUE AND JUDGEMENT ON CASE No MAYOR OR COUNCIL REPORTS GILGER'S REQUEST FOR INDEMIFICATION BROUGHT BACK TO TABLE FROM SEPT. 4TH AND ATTORNEY FEES TO BE PAID IN AMOUNT OF $567 90 TO GILGER APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURN Thomas A. Stocks Mayor Moab City Council held a Special Joint City Council/Grand County Council Meeting on the above date at 3:00 p.m, in the Grand County Council Chambers of the Grand County Courthouse at 125 E. Center Street, Moab, Utah. The workshop was called to order by the presenter Steve Erickson, with Bear West Consulting Team. Also in attendance was Councilmember Richard Cooke; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Depeuty-Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; City Planning Commission Chairman Kyle D. Bailey; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; Grand County Councilmembers Frank Nelson and Ken Ballantyne; Grand County Administrator Earl Sires; Bob Rosenthal with Bear West Consulting Team and nine members of the audience. Due to lack of a quorum for both the City and the County no business was conducted. SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE 267 JOINT CITY/COUNTY WORKSHOP MEETING ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING AFFORDABLE HOUSING WORKSHOP PRESENTATION ADJOURN ATTEST: The purpose of the meeting was to hold a Special Joint City/County Council Affordable Housing Workshop. Steve Erickson and Rob Rosenthal, of Bear West Consulting Team, were the presenters; sponsored by the State of Utah Department of Community and Economic Development. The presentation consisted of defining moderate income housing, developing a community affordable housing plan, and implementation of an affordable housing plan. The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p m APPROVED: �{andrG�,c L` rd, GinMAE andra E. Beaure ard, CMC/ AE Deputy -City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 23, 1997 i Thomas A. Mayor Stocks The Moab City Council held their regular meeting REGULAR MEETING & on the above date in the Council Chambers of ATTENDANCE Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Thomas A. Stocks called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember T. Dee Tranter led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Paul Seibert, Richard Cooke and Jeanne Veteto; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Deputy -Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; Clerical Recorder Assistant Danielle Shumway; Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra K. Gilger; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; Planning Commission Chairman Kyle Bailey; City Attorney Chris McAnany; thirteen members of the audience and the media. Mayor Stocks presented outgoing Councilmembers PRESENTATIONS Seibert, Veteto and Tranter with plaques stating their appreciation for their years of service and appreciation for their service to Moab City. Councilmember McDougald then presented Mayor Stocks with a plaque showing appreciation for his four years as Councilmember and sixteen years as Mayor of Moab City. Councilmember McDougald reminisced accomplishments under the Mayor's reign. Councilmember McDougald then presented Mayor Stocks with a key to the City and a desk clock pen/pencil set for his twenty years of dedicated service to Moab City. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the APPROVAL OF MINUTES minutes of October 28, November 6, December 9, and December 11, 1997; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. There were no citizens requesting to be heard. NO CITIZENS RQUESTING TO BE HEARD 268 NO PLANNING UPDATE AGENDA MOVED TO OLD BUSINESS MIKE HUGHES, DBA SLICKROCH BAGEL COMPANY'S REQUEST FOR A CLASS II BEER LICENSE DEFEATED GEORGIA HAMBLIN'S REQUEST FOR A REFUND FOR FINES PAID PRSUANT TO SEVENTH JUDICIAL COURT JUDGEMENT DEFEATED PUBLIC NEARING ON PROPOSED ORDINANCE 97-25--AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND ADDING WIDTH REQUIREMENTS PUBLIC HEARING OPENED ON PROPOSED ORDINANCE 97-25--AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND ADDING WIDTH REQUIREMENTS PUBLIC HEARING ON PRO- POSED ORDINANCE 97-26 AN ORDINANCE REGARDING RESIDENTIAL ZONES -USE REQUIREMENTS CUSTOMARY HOUSEHOLD PETS PUBLIC HEARING OPENED ON PROPOSED ORDINANCE 97-26-AN ORDINANCE REGARDING RESIDENTIAL ZONES -USE REQUIREMENTS CUSTOMARY HOUSEHOLD PETS PUBLIIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ZONE CHANGE AT 810 MILLCREEK DRIVE PUBLIC HEARING OPENED ON PROPOSED ZONE CHANGE AT 810 MILLCREEK DRIVE There was no Planning Update. Councilmember Cooke moved to move the Agenda to Old Business to discuss Mike Hughes, DBA Slickrock Bagel Company's request of a Class II Retail Beer License at 53 West 400 North; tabled August 26th 1997; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Mike Hughes, DBA Slickrock Bagel Company's request of a Class II Retail Beer License at 53 West 400 North; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion was defeated 0-5 no Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a refund of $275 to Georgia Hamblin for fines paid pursuant to Seventh Judicial Court Judgement and Order, Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion The motion was defeated 1-4 no, with Councilmember McDougald voting aye Mayor Stocks read Proposed Ordinance 97-25-An Ordinance Amending Section 17 42 020, 17 42 050, 17.42.060 and Adding Section 17 42 070 of Chapter 17.42, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance regarding Width Requirements Mayor Stocks opened the Public Hearing on Proposed Ordinance 97-25-An Ordinance Amending Section 17.42 020, 17.42.050, 17 42 060 and Adding Section 17.42.070 of Chapter 17 42, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Width Requirements at 7:50 p.m Councilmember McDougald asked if the density is the same as an R-2 Zone. Planning Commission Chairman Bailey responded yes. Mayor Stocks read Proposed Ordinance 97-26-An Ordinance Amending Section 17.45.020; D., of Chapter 17.45, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Residential Zones -Use Requirements: Customary Household Pots. Mayor Stocks opened the Public Hearing on Proposed Ordinance 97-26-An Ordinance Amending Section 17.45.020; D., of Chapter 17.45, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance regarding Residential Zones -Use Requirements: Customary Household Pets at 7:56 p.m. There were no Public comments on Proposed Ordinance 97-26-An Ordinance Amending Section 17.45.020; D., of Chapter 17.45, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Residential Zones -Use Requirements: Customary Household Pets. Mayor Stocks read the Proposed Zone Change at 810 Millcreek Drive from an RA-1 to an R-2 Zone by Dee Tranter. Mayor Stocks opened Public Hearing on the Proposed Zone Change at 810 Millcreek Drive from an RA-1 to an R-2 Zone by Dee Tranter at 7:59 p.m. Planning Commission Chairman Bailey stated, changing from an RA-1 to an R-2 Zone is consistent with the General Plan for Moab City. 269 With no further comments from the audience Mayor Stocks closed the following Public Hearings: 1) Proposed Ordinance 97-25-An Ordinance Amending Section 17.42.020, 17.42.050, 17.42.060 and Adding Section 17.42,070 of Chapter 17.42, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Width Requirements, 2) Proposed Ordinance 97-26- An Ordinance Amending Section 17.45.020; D., of Chapter 17.45, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Residential Zones -Use Requirements: Customary Household Pets, 3) Proposed Zone Change at 810 Millcreek Drive from a RA-1 to an R-2 Zone by Dee Tranter at 8:01 p.m. Councilmember Veteto moved to refer the set -back issue at 243 West Center Street to the Board of Adjustments; Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Andrew Riley's request to subdivide his property along Pear Tree Lane with the following conditions: 1) curb; 2) gutter; 3) sidewalk; and 4) street installed, or bonded for, by Andrew Riley; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. Councilmember Seibert moved to table Andrew Riley's request to subdivide his property along Pear Tree Lane with the following conditions: 1) curb; 2) gutter; 3) sidewalk; and 4) street installed, or bonded for, by Andrew Riley; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye, with Councilmembers Tranter and Cooke voting no. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Tom Lacey's request to subdivide property at 36 N. 400 E. and 44 N. 400 E. into two flag -shaped lots. All area requirements of the body of the lot are met; as is the frontage along the public right- of-way. A11 required improvements are also in place. Councilmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Tranter moved to adopt Proposed Ordinance 97-25-An Ordinance Amending Section 17.42.020, 17.42.050, 17.42.060 and Adding Section 17.42.070 of Chapter 17.42, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Width Requirements; Counoilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. tH:i1IhANt'l W45 Ah DMMI 7041 0.MIMJ tl CIIDh 111l MA IY 1MMt If 4.4oJ AlMWU UOI MDO.Mffy1tt11M 1)1l IIIII II,MI lllf IIII IM LIPIf If AI. DMI.I ICf AM.MIAM NM.II/MI V1'IMIIJInit NM1URE.Ay,duCYfC.vnl wJ.+N.Y.Nd.. tlWaa lCo.le J J...m... INK 11. a...xiJ Js 11 vM hlwwyW C.Je xw41y.a1 k h'NA Mryva.ww L dr R l Ia.e tXNc 71 U RUtY E, it S I I E RE SC OF I I MAI I AS ICC t Mt1 li IIHL". tlidti16fNi W• tk«uN.a Web/f.rtkJJ.JYt t•r 41.16, .h.tl k.hi k wy M... J n IGItf laNls.h...M A. Is.. %al. 4 A111.1.1,. aM.a.xnuw .hank lih.l akwhwr, l.w.Ma..rx.Is a.N Ml«rle. .M+rt ka kul do,..m b.Nuq ryt\s.no uh.M.1,atlw M 'wklNn.t Alonar4,.JWIMA 4ih.tlaaYdr W trayaktr kw.atult 1.tk.Nh. led Dv .uaJJN.waUMs txaatuarhat. JsMbukMl.ry dmkm/ IM munlv.uwaLLk 4,1 bur la. Wdal•O.! M,b,411 ..WM..aluAk� wg1 JN. d..Y 1al4Y ..dwl d..tl tr.arykN l+vw >WJJ..A.. M.k w.t,...I v.Mw a hw.LNk.lh+wdnhkulaL..Wooka,Nu sF..Indslu.. A.Mxy; t4.nlela tlsukliat bw ug au..isAA lat. kv dun C &uluSeell.assr.!a..1.a1 I+Nlrp. dui hY asud13.ee...40. Yun Ladl.In, Ab4lh+tln Into. e.l.k.er Ivor Naes I4kInIM An.wy MMlr�.cYYetu.W.h.1. FwtM Va due 44k.l l.u.. ds 14Ir+t.ay lot. raga d....u.ea. as tat dus le a,ryu.J tvwrurf bdJrl. L.vslar saaraarx.M.0./114wt+s I. it m la NJ.eMplstka tuaiWtat. dull. MtM.atle Oat twyFy,t isa� ;A Nkail.mt ha<6.i.acgtdwtY.LeMe+,a 1•11 Rawrvna�a W /Ittt ah lra waM a.0 i•W"•y tvY.akYYY.Jnak4Jw dva ha UMW--•W1 �'iwa,".M.k1«q W—lu �.r aa/MyL p+y..eadu,u.. W lrot+.a NJ.4.m1C h.rt atle el..w 1.1+1. ay'+x..w....al 1yw Aa Iu}Iat Nw4J xNm n. k� krl M..v u J..Mr PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED ON THE FOLLOWING: 1)PROPOSED ORDINANCE 97-25-AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND ADDING WIDTH REQUIREMENTS, 2) PROPOSED ORDINANCE 97-26-AN ORDINANCE REGARDING RESIDENTIAL ZONES -USE REQUIREMENTS CUSTOMARY HOUSEHOLD PETS, 3) PROPOSED ZONE CHANGE AT 810 MILLCREEK DRIVE SET -BACK ISSUE AT 243 W. CENTER REFERED TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS ANDREW RILEY'S REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE PROPERTY ALONG PEAR TREE LANE TABLED TOM LACEY'S REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE PROPERTY AT 36 N. 400 E. & 44 N. 400 E. APPROVED ORDINANCE 97-25 REGARDING WIDTH REQUIREMENTS ADOPTED ottav uva 1.11rtl.hrt W awlkallot fanvlds YMalvaUr M. n ewrl l'^UN �wM I14puJM1.. uraN JJ. aMeda YuMl.0 kaJ uv 4+ww1 Ixu. C llw a. Ilw.N ono JnAyc.a Nutl.0 ass.e. N.J..MeM,frt ate 4.14.J1wuN1WAds Jn.tpY.tY It110 4nttr.krykskn-t Lr.4.5..0nne.+u1 MM.m.m4 rJ MNw Arykik NYhw 7.w.. 1E1a,ae IY ArN du/ W.l tABNA Aft.l'IL.MIDAYtMthUYhf JS CYI CwmYN tl<Cr. NlkAagsA wain 6sZLJJ+tN C.u.ta. !M IW4JLauv tkantale aft. ta.16.1y9•x Nt•adw loom MI IM'W couNCIt LLYJl,1.4Y N O••'� AUL.: 2• 1 fJnc/j�� llraa A Lott Mt.tarN {k.MCY, 270 ORDINANCE 97-26 REGARDING ZONE -USE REQUIREMENTS FOR CUSTOMATY HOUSEHOLD PETS ADOPTED Councilmember McDougald moved to adopt Proposed Ordinance 97-26—An Ordinance Amending Section 17.45.020; D, of Chapter 17.45, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Zone -Use Requirements: Customary Household Pets; Councilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye, with Councilmember Cooke voting no. IIHUI mx[9:.'u OrniasannPwitriwnillicIAD.ci IVI m Il ft elIf11Y1 n1n11:lagtn 1J.a UMn stI1W 8 tl.. � "I' „I1 11 f.w.rrL..L•..1... v..M1..1.0W1.I.wf•/.•F.Ma. r.;. 1•4W JS•t..+4.......•.. •Iu.rw a 1W I r,a...[•.ey..LDL.e.v fa»LD. e11013 t1• a111• a11'.or1 [0t, u.<11 C...nJ.c ✓. re, .• I4.1.....1... l•w Yu.y JJ9 ALVA L• .Iw1 11 a 03J..4.1.•u1..YbM 33141.1 ama luvlr uy... p•mp W. IX 1 In l: toun•1 II nd.v 1Jq .I, �•_=l__,w I. 1[] „Gr-'�' 11.rur M nu• [Nr e /001 �fi4.Z IY 1"�/Nt `6rt.ay .f1...1r. V DEE TRANTER'S REQUEST FOR A ZONE CHANGE AT 810 MILLCREEK DR. FROM RA-1 TO R-2 APPROVED CONTRACT BETWEEN MOAB CITY AND PLAYSPACE DESIGN, INC. FOR THE SWANKY CITY PARK PLAYGROUND APPROVED RESOLUTION 16-97— TRANSFER IOF THE CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE ADOPTED 1[eoLVTI.Y .11:1l. Councilmember Tranter stated that as the land owner at 810 Millcreek Drive, he would abstain from voting on his proposed Zone Change at 810 Millcreek Drive from an RA-1 to an R-2 Zone. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve Dee Tranter's request for a Zone Change at 810 Millcreek Drive from an RA-1 to an R-2 Zone; Couneilmember Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye, with Councilmember Tranter abstaining from voting. Councilmember Veteto moved to approve the contract between Moab City Corporation and Playspace Designs, Inc. for Swanny City Park Playground Equipment; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote 4-1 aye, with Councilmember Cooke voting no. Councilmember Seibert moved to adopt Resolution 16-97 Approving the Transfer of the Cable Television Franchise; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. • 111.11.100 • ..MO tot MIMI. or tY[ .0....al. ••Intol. • ocLl• .1c+iilennc. al. Injl•.••1 qW4 •Pa.00l. 110.00.4. Wr.ant`to •Y0..1 n•'Tr ni J`lay ltao Irancnl•• Yutl.erlto 11�• ra nA l•••.. • rancnl••. 1• tt.a Ju)y w wrlr•J 1..1 Ys. 1 t • It.nc 1••1 nJ .N 111• 1 0.04. tOo:n r vitt) eaun toaalon•..ml... lLC 1'Iloaet •1. to1•`<ec: Ita p t•In •tar •1•t.a qrt leo rIta •I.Ta...ntir ` `n`r s. .sI Om c tons IIo• for ln tit• ar t 011 wlisln the CM. eM tit• fro, ct.lee a10 trlin 00000•ei0000 Ir•ncl.leoo•e 0111100 Ventrlcs Partner. loci 00 hen 1.0ootoly . 1 Iamn <•ol•. ovl t n len•al•tetr r •arlun poi• to • rgelf•fer.1 1a 10.4 11.6111ty con., Po. <ool.lolon. Lit it. •tronofor••11 onf UMW 11i 0100 I aests<rlton IJ.0 o T 01 her Auln.o Keo:Onncs vita ta•yt.TolnaO• of Ma rclan1•o1 117 i•t1011•Zii'kh2t .l•Ily PW.lnorlay `•• fwrJ h•t ao La I.9111111 n •eeota•np elan M• rrenc4/e•1 •JM o.m •ra .pat. tit• KI aodcon <Me Yolalp• :Anti:oo oo11 to •cc`ecA•rlwi:e :n:`:eroo" ai tit. h=Is.. ` ` 0OCII0C O. it. Properly franchise Authority tenor. ly 0.. rr ..cub. va full (crca`inJs *erect `nl vlll ' lol the rrr a 11. I 01tva0lact to franchises upeteo.1he `•o`l01 trench..., pieces on Itee `wt .gin Iiii.cilisee cros`t llo rPr.oi.• Autarl I O `ncar/es* Is ore ala centeylience vita the vl `tie Yn. 41a• •nJ t4.1. fact onion. lath he' a gta• ranselOr aut.rrty uo f notice ltulee o. vwnia constitute V•`eefault er etOr ce mA•rt lln riaoc`h%se or o.lia •11m 11.. Ir•r.l.lse Authority t cancel o reln•t• the `viola, •.ccyt nlwn Io• e.Tluon of `tits lull to• ul Ins laR loY 1. AI• I•so1ca10 •wll 4 asaal all calve for W.Was• of W tlaal•t• vrm ta• cl osfp a•te el t. li r•e •. nt Itae •<I o•Inl Wta•1• I1laRnIOY 1. h.• Ir•n:a nr Auta Itr .•1..... I.ercalar•, ffacllre t• insil.: that ;tiss •sal oo ma .nfei`atielin[ u f1p IJ•a t "Ivs: •Pail rc•a•1.1. 1 ••y mll... a`I ,enra� <I.1 4slN`Jeripaa`aM plrllp. ulwer tea n.rc`a`t•. • .a..ao an: c:alar au. 01on 1•v1a011 ,.n... lo0.11 i l Lc. t......off : continuing :NU rr.• I::. axle ter4Al.lv1.lwva`t. cm.. of ry..I.• nor Tray fuaaYt IaJITn an ..110 ll this 21.1 ay of �..•.t� 11.11. - _ 41 /Ilaye� - t6.1_+,_ Rr...r1. 271 Councilmember Cooke moved to adopt Resolution 17-97—Joint Resolution of Adoption of the Klondike Landfill Local Government Guarantee between Grand County and Moab City; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote 5-0 aye. u{Y1a6tw SF4T is%tfiNI NJI� Will li�lul',\W Yg«NJ\ Jul NIIa NI IInIr1AL 1 \NNI II I 1 ul'.\I r:y.\'1 N.n.11 n f 1:N\N Hurl L Nlit%tAS.G+d{aWY10•e niN.a, Nap �Wn�f<uaatn�aa as++.6 wx pniN twwlWJ :tp.n•wu u. <, N IILNI \> Y<a.J al aMub W< \+Jlaapn+W�N •^W+a.N a<S,<. uI IAJ aJ, u wR ,.Y.4N1 na nyul VM Jm4-u u+1««Jnn. Niil pi Ai iaJ"F J<mMJb P<.u<kt44f+u�+•Y++uf tLat{out rA u< l'Yl atltJ U�NU*nea,..Y<F'� mJN.u. JHZtitl<'Inw�4a•�dy<`xsJfa<y SnW Wu«Il+ul.nxn>Ixu. NIII NI'<f Yx A1..4ty 1.Mf�tl 1..1*'<NW"a+u .yYn.l l Wf.0 S.IJ N.v. N.mnW<^h•.nr 1.•++J 4y Y<INd S+W W IluuJn. x'.u. a'uuv U++J 1Y<-U+✓tl. 1tiK% ynJ.t,w<.I,..txY.wi+<tua JU Cx AJu.4tni uv.ta�nas<f+va..a n'y NIIl N4 a>u«JJ.NN Wn.a++<Jeywan<u. m.YM P'<"I.e.rIJ .•pn..< 4, Yx lew.•. M✓YW <.y.n. +!1<Nu«JuYw Y<i +J�n. r1 Y<Lr+ml uJ C<fY,.nd Ni/t Nl lS.i<{wq W Y<fY}.%w+e•ta u. Y<kY sea• Y4fYcr<uw�wew rlw..ratuarv*nm�m.>v.w.:�Y�u,<Jww+.r�«ram <,.,aN.+. us syJ NIIJ��aI�Nu.Wuw x.41L.0 wN.J� �mf<..IJ UJ<•auwr. ni Y.+n�f+ yunnn�uu f<pl+Jwu Y<rnulsJ. PIN<1'wn1 uJ «Y l'qJ Mu\.iJlt Nti u%t.4r <..vi.Nyt4.JCw.J nJ 4y Y<(+J Nltubu W,r.• i J4.JY<i'waJ wJ Y<t'+1 .1•«N"a•�a CWa°•s..<...aY...M ae 41 N.N IIf lv! NII u Yx %++J +«t ,« L..xw.J 5arnwJ m u�,lwrxn u you.<,Iwvw.lu<InPixi.f ur.ulu,u+n. «y�a•n<u.auua u.i.ana. ufaJ p,n iMwa<+<%Y<%IdY<1 urlull 2 11N tl<itw aiY� ++s<uY<JMu.n.� i.+La+«.i+u �kLm tl<I iurn< un.N <M.I<..w'n.d 1 u�w. y Tn.u+Y Yx% Yp<wien RESOLUTION 17-97—JOINT RESOLUTION OF ADOPTION OF THE KLONDIKE LAND— FILL LOCAL GOVERNMENT GUARANTEE BETWEEN GRAND COUNTY AND MOAB CITY ADOPT4D e.4 t aJ.S t.• —__ _ -- .1(. �.:+.tJ t(w., uA.JY. C<, rtti. <i. ____ — tf.,Cw ntj Y. ,xa•Jt ion Sr:t t... •_vt t.tr o. f.�. lf._•rt. _ m 7��,.:� G.,�a. Counailmember Veteto moved to table the employee request for Indemnification of Attorneys Fees until after the Casa goes to court; Counailmember Seibert seconded the motion. The motion carried 9-1 aye, with Councilmember Tranter voting no. Mayor Stocks appointed the new members of the Moab Arta and Recreation Board as follows: 1) John Groo, 2) Franklin Soal and 3) Diana Walker; Mayor Stocks reaffirmed the Moab Arts and Reoreation Board Members as follows: 1) Lisa Church and 2) Kelly Thorton. Councilmember Seibert moved to approve Mayor Stocks appointments of the Moab Arta and Recreation Board Members; Counailmemb�ir Veteto seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. There was no Correspondence to be read. There was no Administrative Reports. Under Mayor and Council reports, Counailmember Veteto wished Mayor and Counailmembera happy holidays and good look to the incoming Mayor and Councilmembera. Mayor Stocks and Councilmembers Tranter, Seibert, McDougald and Cooke had noting to report. Councilmeaber Cooke moved to approve the bills against Moab City in the amount of 583,901.8�; Counailmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote 5-0 aye. No BYeontive Session was held. ji •! EMPLOYEES REQUEST FOR INDEMNIFICATION OF ATTOANEYJS FEES TABLED APPOINTMENT OF MOAB ARTS AND RECREATION BOARD MEDffiERS APPOINTMENT OF MOAB ARTS AND RECREATION MEMBERS APPROVED NO CORRESPONDENCE NO ADMINISTRATIVi REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF THE BILLS NO E70rCUTIVE SESSION 272 ADJOURN Councilmember Veteto moved to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting; Councilmember Tranter seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Stocks adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9:35 p.m. ATTEST: REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE Thomas A. Stocks c 4ayor Sandra p. Reaurega , CMC/AAE Deputy-Hecorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 13, 1998 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Dave Sakrison led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Kyle D. Bailey, Richard Cooke and Joseph Lekarczyk; City Manager Donna J Metzler; Deputy -Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; Clerical Recorder Assistant Danielle Shumway; Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra K. Gilger; Police Chief Alan West; Treasurer Marget Snyder; Public Works Director Brent Williams; City Attorney Chris McAnany; thirty-eight members of the audience and the media. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the December 23rd 1997 minutes; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD Under Citizens Requesting To Be Heard, Lynn Jackson of 296 Hobbs presented the Council with a letter stating Issues Relating to North Highway 191 Commercial Development and C-1 Zones, signed by ten individuals that live in the surrounding area. Mr. Jackson also stated his disappointment with the City. LW II YII AHD III MIYIII11141111AJ 1.1 IINIIII Yl111 111•1111t.11l:f A411f I I/1.1. N•wN.1 de IV eIre. 1'.r.JI4n•t L.•M 11. Iva A1nlr4.14etl1,.•..w16k41..eJ11.a 110v. Ill ed.ewt, I me M<rvJd4.Y.•re Medd11/1a ve. t1'd.•. •. •.stole •Jlve. dx •4J iY>ia.W Y..4.1••J Apa4ryr...w.uw•Jr.�•N.J1ry Jr Lune. J INwda.rll....J he/ de nor 1.r1MJL..w..d.. oel.w•++tl. ere •/uu flak nnl ua.q.. 0..ea6 II•ellur••rWJ1I NN..J else./ N..a lrnN l..4..4au.r.w• J.II.v..J:J... r1.JJ• 14114..uu a.Lb Y+.ew..... Jw NJJ..44..:I.Iv�>II• C.o.J.... JI. 04 oul..au rr1Jw1••a.tlel Coaxal rWw .wy.a.•ww...planJ•Nr� J �.1.uJa..41xaJM.•...iw•••...... tld 1..WIYyn.tu• 1rJ.vv .Pd•Y.rN .Y.b IMd.JIe.LanJ..w 4a 1 ••IIn. epte el•v.J.•a•T..w.r pre el.....^ w....—a......•y. Mt.. w..i.•.•I•w Wnp.lI11•..N11 M 0..1 Y •w.4.1 id .N+GJr•naJ.•mdr..••..e4 uw.d P I.4.4/4nd r.Ward•. V.V V. V.I.) 1Yd 14 it lalIa#1•.uW PAW. 414 hue. eide..Yed.4L...(f.ai w.rw de...a rtlutl•rs et de lee v vW.Y•M o•PN dnI•wN Y de•►rJJou ve•A.I••+N..0 .r ..a..art..ae..... a, to.▪ ..1N.<ww41....4V.J' A to Jdvw.aJtl• w.Y. 11 d1......•er.I w.l. Sue MA.. IMWyf..Y .W/.NIJ.Wf•, I...Jra.airuel...J le•< Jn.eu•a•.s Jervlo le�m�..W.• eve. Ya evektd ed d M N•LLt•dr. N no, bete. gea.,.411+1..IJ44 1,6.1 .l•W\.•sae. Roe. et de up1•..1.11t1J...ld. 1t 1.11.tell 1< l: fel a4.J4d011..1d wwJInJ et. eat W 4•va1414. toad.• 4.LL.tJuaxYJ1•...Jd_Jb.aP•W.k..u.a. 6 .Jt.1..W.uae• IpiW wed II..a Geete .o.ru .Jlh.p.m.w WdlveeJ ea de We den eV./dlba• e. d..•Ie.1..14nAwa61 e.eemv.. nJl.e ll..r.< ay... J4yl e<Y • lyd.114aiwdJv. N w.nJ.16 toe• Jae tell...law II t.. •.W la ya.lei.du J4.,w...w.J11.114•.W AJAr•r•J.tl•I.Jary1J>I... `P••. 4n u•1lea4.14 .Nn.r."Oa l' IuJu...W rare IvlJ.pwY<f I re. rle..r Jr lw..•r toss 11.. 44•1u..414y un.J..wal,sa14.. Ilea.d.. r.41l.w.vl...I•..r. •J..••. r1.I 1401... Nlr..+. wrral..rn.l.rd..Y.J INa.ilf.rJ.tlr.•ruJ.•.• r.Wr.. ul ae..Jl•.I.1r1.4.41.. J..IWar.1.1 Yw am4d4 f•IfrrJ•ee L.•W l.. udree• N es WW1.. W1 e..•...J1...•• ••••.•ruaJ Ja•low..la4r.e %11 .1 eec to Ina p...ar, tlr•.y rL..carJa.••: uses M.•.NI.JI) to • IX.. ad..r 14.1.....elvvee.e. rtl.. to ate•.•alr4en•-. J 14monda1rn P+l. V. -w 6... eels N<•••we es. ,....•••••eel l< et. l•swik.JY leI..IMPrrd Ile F. r 4.NJ.t rJ.[.ta..lr J• _W J. u •dI ..•.a..•,..e 14. Yl.e•....J.•.J1•y.r•1•.+eMM.•r I.lr•r+ t• d.oru•ra.J ia..l. new•M... J..Yu4r 4. eP.d• F. Jr.MN..tl.r• [rrubt P•• ..W.J V..., deate...•••.4.•.I.q es.ub•..Irt4..�W' I N.ter..JWm. I.I. p�w•.yar••N•IJ..• Wd P-WY Need 11. _ .Pr�M• NLe .Y.leJ•. L. •'1e Y.1`eY W de Cry JIa.Jto a..�e. r.11a• 1 W.1'..> I..r 1- drwrlY411...J4.A:N` uMlw.. • ar W !rI•WJN re..I... .W11. • Jw•uat• . CoeJJeJrr-I.Je.+J r.v.Is a•.rw1t•M' Nl. auul.Y.1J .'wrJ r.6W, uP••1• aw.<4.•.s.e.wduaM<. ime • a..rer.e.w Yet. we.w••—r.•a.rr....rue e•.rrq...... .•aaYar./o•Iu.Ir{1J•na....J.dl.urM awlloa lu.a.nr t•. Coe.s.•u..n+Jly4b'.<..Wdal•la . ..Ylea. v1a!•. Mee 1 Nbr.ay/uWV••..b d.r11t1 YJ1•V ee1•W.•.4 •euw Pe.�dYlaS.e.r"..J 4:r..4 r-Y.a �dp..]Yr..wr+d na. P••eIPYa•J a.aa_rI Yry+.d. V 101J1. a.. ea.. al t•.•. e.leY with gay.. [q Garet led Was.. It. q,q..r wm d udes. dra.Iod able el •.d w...duu.p•u Na •tole .••...11Vlq•Koi at NN••�f •1mi11d1•IWLt1wW ux.lulY PV. •.its h yam le Wdelale rue, des seed ohs ve..�•r•.0 N• Vic Leo ve.• e,erda l Ce•Cl..It.Yee4JJcmelee len.C.eda..1•• 4l•b e.at 1•�.ar..umwWwaN lJ•JN. L.I/•••LJ.er..u.I.+ut. b•sta ea Jew nyareseVe • J.J,.• .L•.. , A1.tat7j . J.. a 7n,,•J bd, !.: ;t• 273 Mayor Ilan<oct. (.1ay of Moab Slash. then Ono Ma,ot 11 lanmry. 1991 W. bate Wen tufu,nieJ dna a building sa going in on lanJ the uJ lien. the Ilubba Subdiriotos that It s.gulacauly tallathan the height that vat agree) upon se the elan of the Zoning change. At peeps.angora a the aubdna oa oe uqe you anO the city <oanil to (what conudee themthemato. 10 Lope of eonuug up ui.ha aoluuoo that It closet to ate ..ig.na unJeeatandrng of a builJtug with a height dour to In (cct Thant. rvv for lour caottJcraaon. .ti✓f 1 `� /iVof Icon Ica JJy Su.ue.ne Cade /Jab. l'1 Kathryn Jackson stated that no one had stated exactly how a building is measured. Bebe Doherty said she was representing her neighbor Eloise Lloyd who is elderly. She stated that Mrs. Lloyd was very upset that the property was Zoned C-1 to begin with. Janeen Torres of 282 Hobbs, which is located directly behind the new building, stated she will no longer have any privacy. That the windows in the back of the new building look into her home; including her daughters windows. Mrs. Torres also stated that she would like the building permit to be suspended; until further investigation is done. Rick York stated that there are always loopholes in the law. Several other citizens stated their disappointment in the City allowing this building design and height. Under City Planning, Acting Planner/Planning PLANNING UPDATE Aide Gilger reported on the proposed Parking Ordinance, how it has taken three months to complete. She informed the Governing Body that it is based on the Parking Study. Acting Planner/Planning Aide Gilger also presented a plaque to Councilmember Kyle Bailey for his eleven years of hard voluntary work on the Moab City Planning Commission. Mayor Hancock asked the Council to consider the MAYOR REQUESTS CONSENT following agenda items for a Consent Agenda: 1) AGENDA Keith Montgomery, dba Montgomery Archaeological Consultants - Requests a Home Occupation License at 322 E. 100 South for an Archaeological Consulting Business; 2) Gary Olesen, dba Olesen/Fab - Requests a Home Occupational License at 550 Bartlett for a Fabrication Business; 3) Request to advertise for a Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance 98-01-An Ordinance Amending Section 17.09.220 Adding Provisions Q, R and S for Chapter 17.09, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Supplementary Requirements and Procedures Applicable Within Zones; 4) Request to advertise for a Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance 98-02-An Ordinance Amending Section 17.09.230 (B) of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Supplementary Requirements And Procedures Applicable Within Zones; and 5) Request to advertise for a Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance 98-03-An Ordinance Amending Section 17.09.090 of Chapter 17.09, Title.17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Parking of Commercial Vehicles In Residential Zones. 274 REQUEST FOR CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED AGENDA MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED AS FOLLOWS: 1) KEITH MONTGOMERY REQUEST FOR HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE AT 322 E. 100 S.; 2) GARY OLESEN REQUESTS HOME OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE AT 550 BARTLET 3) RE- QUEST FOR PUBLIC HEAR- ING ON PROPOSED ORD- INANCE 98-01 REGARDING SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIRE- MENTS AND PROCEDURES APPLICABLE WITHIN ZONES; 4) REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON PRO- POSED ORDINANCE 98-02 REGARDING SUPPLEMENT- ARY REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES APPLICABLE WITHIN ZONES 5)REQU- EST FOR PUBLIC HEAR- ING ON PROPOSED ORD- INANCE 98-03 REGARD- ING PARKING OF COMER- CIAL VEHICLES IN RES- IDENTIAL ZONES CABARET LICENSE AT 84 W. 200 N. APPROVED REQUEST FOR MOVED ON STRUCTURE PERMIT AT 425 S. MAIN APPROVED AND WAIVER OF FEES FOR MOVED ON STRUCTURE PERMIT WAIVED FOR GREG KENNEDY DBA LIQUID STATION Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the following agenda items for a Consent Agenda: 1) Keith Montgomery, dba Montgomery Archaeological Consultants - Requests a Home Occupation License at 322 E. 100 South for an Archaeological Consulting Business; 2) Gary Olesen, dba Olesen/Fab - Requests a Home Occupational License at 550 Bartlett for a Fabrication Business; 3) Request to advertise for a Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance 98-01-An Ordinance Amending Section 17.09.220 Adding Provisions Q, R and S for Chapter 17.09, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Supplementary Requirements and Procedures Applicable Within Zones; 4) Request to advertise for a Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance 98-02-An Ordinance Amending Section 17.09.230 (B) of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Supplementary Requirements And Procedures Applicable Within 'Zones; and 5) Request to advertise for a Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance 98-03-An Ordinance Amending Section 17.09.090 of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Parking of Commercial Vehicles In Residential Zone; Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Bailey moved to move to the Consent Agenda; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Bailey moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: 1) Keith Montgomery, dba Montgomery Archaeological Consultants - Requests a Home Occupation License at 322 E. 100 South for an Archaeological Consulting Business; 2) Gary Olesen, dba Olesen/Fab - Requests a Home Occupational License at 550 Bartlett for a Fabrication Business; 3) Request to advertise for a Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance 98- 01-An Ordinance Amending Section 17.09.220 Adding Provisions Q, R and S for Chapter 17.09, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Supplementary Requirements and Procedures Applicable Within Zones; 4) Request to advertise for a Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance 98-02-An Ordinance Amending Section 17.09.230 (B) of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Supplementary Requirements And Procedures Applicable Within Zones; and 5) Request to advertise for a Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance 98-03 An Ordinance Amending Sectin^ 17.09.090 of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, of t Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Parking of Commercial Vehicles In Residential Zones; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Matthew Pebluda, dba Knave of Hearts Bakery's request for a Cabaret License at 84 W. 200 North; Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the following agenda items: 1) Greg Kennedy, dba Liquid Station - Requests a Moved -on Structure Permit at 425 S. Main Street (in front of City Market); 2) Greg Kennedy, dba Liquid Station - Requests remittance of Moved -on Structure Permit Fees; Councilmesber McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 3-2 aye with Councilaombers_ Sakrison and Bailey voting no. 2 75 Councilmember Bailey moved to have City Manager Metzler talk to both Bob's Sanitation and Country Garbage with legal council present to discuss Bob's Sanitation's request to bill the City directly for Transfer Station Services; Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Dale Pierson of Spanish Valley Water Conservancy District and Jim Hart of the Bureau of Land Management made a presentation to Moab City Governing Body and Bob Torey representing San Juan County; regarding Watershed Protection along Mill Creek. Councilmember McDougald moved for Moab City to write a letter of support to the Division of Water Quality in support of reclassification of Mill Creek, as far as, the Power Dam for Spanish Valley Water Conservancy District; Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Bailey moved to go to a Public Hearing to change the Regular Council Meeting from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m, with a workshop prior to the meeting and with the Public Hearings to start no earlier than 6:00 p.m.; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion was defeated 2-3 no, with Councilmembers Bailey and Sakrison voting aye. Councilmember Bailey moved to establish a Pre- Counoil Workshop at 6:30 p.m.; Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion Carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to adjourn for a five-minute break; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the meeting for a five- minute break at 8:58 p.m. Mayor Hancock called the meeting back to order at 9:05 p.m. City Manager Metzler reviewed the Grand County School District -owned properties with the Governing Body. Councilmember Bailey moved to direct City Manager Metzler to pursue an agreement with the Grand County School District on School -owned properties to obtain three pieCes of property for public use, the Ball field, the Gym, and the Tennis Courts; subject to Council approval; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to appoint Councilmember Cooke as Mayor Pro-tem for 1998; Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye CouncilmeMber Lekarczyk moved to designate Councilmember Bailey responsible for approval of the bills for 1998; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock read her request for the Planning Commission appointments as follows: 1) Stanley Noorlander to replace Kyle Bailey - a 1-year appointment which will expire Deceebe* 31st 1998; 2) Dave Wood to replace Dave Sakrison-- 3- REQUEST FROM BOB'S SANATATION TO BILL CITY DIRECTLY FOR TRANSFER STATION SERVICES REFERRED TO CITY MANAGER LETTER OF SUPPORT REGARDING WATERSHED PROTECTION ALONG MILLCREEK APPROVED FOR SPANISH VALLEY WATER CONCERVANCY DISTRICT PRE -COUNCIL WORKSHOP FOR 6:30 P.M. TO BE ESTABLISHED BREAK MAYOR CALLS MEETING RACK TO ORDER CITY MANAGER REVIEWS SCHOOL DISTRICT -OWNED PROPERTIES CITY MANAGER DIRECTED TO PURSUE AN AGREEMENT WITH GRAND COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT -OWNED PROPERTIES COUNCILMEMBER COOKE APPOINTED MAYOR PRO- TEM FOR 1998 COUNCILMEMBER BAILEY DESIGNATED RESPONSIBLE FOR APPROVAL OF BILLS FOR 1998 MAYOR HANCOCK READS APPOINTMENTS FOR MOAB CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 276 STANLEY NOORLANDER, DAVE WOOD, KIRSTIN PETERSON AND SAM TAYLOR APPOINTED TO MOAB CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MAYOR SUBMITS & READS STATUTORY APPOINTMENTS TO COUNCIL COUNCIL CONFIRMS MAYOR'S STATUTORY APPOINTMENTS COUNCILMEMBER SAKRISON APPOINTED AS CITY REPRESENTATIVE TO SOLID WASTE DISTRICT BOARD READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT year appointment which will expire December 31st 2000; and 3) Sam Taylor to fill the position originally held by Will Petty, who resigned last fall and whose term was completed by Stanley Noorlander. This is a 5-year appointment, which will expire December 31st 2002. Councilmember Bailey moved to approve Mayor Hancock's appointments to the Planning Commission as follows: 1) Stanley Noorlander to replace Kyle Bailey - a 1-year appointment which will expire December 31st 1998; 2) Dave Wood to replace Dave Sakrison - 3-year appointment which will expire December 31st 2000; and 3) Sam Taylor to fill the position originally held by Will Petty, who resigned last fall and whose term was completed by Stanley Noorlander. This is a 5-year appointment, which will expire December 31st 2002; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye Mayor Hancock submitted and read her statutory appointments; for City Treasurer - Laurie Ramstetter, Police Chief - Alan West, Public Works Director - Brent Williams. Mayor Hancock also stated she reserved appointing a City Recorder and City Attorney until January 27, 1998. Councilmembor Cooke moved to approve Mayor Hancock's request of statutory appointments as follows: 1) Treasurer - Laurie Ramstetter; 2) Police Chief - Alan West; and 3) Public Works Director -• Brent Williams; Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye, with Councilmembers Bailey and Sakrison voting no. Councilmember McDougald moved to appoint Councilmember Sakrison as the City representative on the Solid Waste District Board; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Under reading of Correspondence, Mayor Hancock spoke about letters from Lynn Jackson, Dan Kent, Leon Jones, Dennis Nordfelt, Police Chief of West Valley City, and Jonathan K. Butler of Parsons Behle & Latimer representing Country Garbage Service, Inc. Under Administrative reports City Manager Metzler reported on the following: 1) Impact Fees - That the City received several impact fee ordinances from cities that have adopted impact fees under the new legislation. That the city attorney and she would be working diligently in the drafting the ordinance. They hope to get the final draft of the impact fee study for Council's review and assimilation into the impact fee ordinance. That she is aiming for February loth to have the final study and draft ordinance complete; 2) Business License Fee Study - Presented Council with a draft on the business license fee study; 3) Police Use of Force - Police Chief Alan West will give an oral report regarding the administrative procedures followed for last year's shooting incident; 4) Budget Workshop - She would like to reschedule the budget workshop for January 22nd at 6:30 p.m. To please let her know if this ,is suitable; 5) Solid Waste Contract - She would like to discuss with Council a contingency plan for dealing with a potential contract default on the part of Country Garbage Service (CGS). As you may know, the city has had quite a bit of 277 difficulty in dealing with CGS's Workers Compensation coverage. It would be a good idea to have a plan in place should some event of default occur requiring the City to seek alternative service providers. Options could include granting the City Manager authority to enter into emergency contracts, or entering into provisional contract with an alternative service provider. To please advise her as to what type of contingency plan you would favor and she will present a plan at the next council meeting; 6) City Council Retreat - She would like to schedule a retreat for the Mayor and City Council members during which the Council may discuss policy direction, upcoming City issues, and have discussions with department heads regarding standards, policies and expectations She stated that she would present several dates to Council in the near future; and 7) SuperHost Program - She would be encouraging City employees to attend the upcoming SuperHost workshop on February 14th 1998. The workshop is a skill training session in customer service Police Chief West addressed and answered the Governing Body's questions and concerns regarding the administrative procedures used during a crisis situation. Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Bailey stated he would like to direct the Planning Commission to upgrade the Conditional Use Ordinance. He stated he would like the Planning Commission to make the decisions on all Conditional -Use and Home -Occupation Licenses and not have them brought to the City Council. Councilmember Cooke commented about recent litigation. Councilmember Bailey also requested that the C-1 Zone Ordinance be sent back to the Planning Commission to address height limitations for future building. Councilmembers Sakrison, McDougald and Lekarczyk had nothing to report. Mayor Hancock informed the Governing Body that she would be interviewing six applicants for the Recorder Position. Mayor Hancock stated that there would be a panel of five individuals doing the interviews, including herself. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the bills against the City in the amount of $173,469.36; Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to adjourn the Regular City Council Meeting; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular City Council Meeting at 30:32 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: POLICE CHIEF ANSWERS THE GOVERNING BODY'S QUESTIONS REGARDING ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURN A4a0,i /1�Fek - a R. Hancoc Mayor VON ra E. Bea regar}i CMC AAE OW Deputy -recorder 278 MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING January 16, 1998 SPECIAL MEETING 6 ATTENDANCE MAYOR READ PROPOSED RES.02-98-DESIGNATING DEPOSOTORIES AND AUTH- ORIZED SIGNATURES RES.02-98-DESIGNATING DEPOSOTORIES AND AUTH- ORIZED SIGNATURES ADOPTED ADJOURN The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the meeting to order at 10;04 a.m. Also in attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Richard Cooke, and Dave Sakrison; Councilmembers Joseph Lekarezyk; and Kyle D. Bailey were not in attendance; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Deputy -Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; and one member of the audience. Mayor Hancock read proposed Resolution 02-98- Designating depositories for Moab City and authorized signatures. Councilmember Sakrison moved to adopt Resolution 02-98-Designating depositories for Moab City and authorized signatures; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 3-0 aye. .110$4a,11'..1 ou Cl 11 . 1.1,11$u uu aa.lbnLLap a.sualtulIto ID. City tuna ital.. tit.t ,lallt44I b.nL Il r.t Set'uflll' b,n4 ay Nu�0. •Ut ul North•e.1:11 NuaUUtah 1 nMill molt Oolt !IS stet. C.O,tol salt teart city. mtg. eels. • Regular n of c x�a CstY Cwu,tn a/ O.. L'tty' of masts.. held on 1..'(S�t ear -iLS.. . at v . qu.tu.Juy. r;""t. t.. tul` : al ul [t cer•t. au lra VIra'.[.a 1u11a.. Nv'1qu&Lov.vu7nt C..t..J llnaacl•1`1�.[1[utl�n.avlrtO lwlaally{1 ,1u. y lei sand:. • N.yuty...co$Cok. lanlsa a lsaussl ale (, yk l.u•au.vl. l+u1I.N Yt..tttty$ ,'([I:s[f.11. CItY Cwn,ll......v1. Ntlllu. U N_Uw/a.J /.24[/,.y,ti[+y�j./. C..( DC Il MOLY,. 1 . 1t• o al.. Ci , 1 r0 my !":1' a:rg':0 t. In ::!:14111. t4 [ o. N.tlen•1 .y .t of lb•4 Of t0• Il rat se cult. ,•.3 0l Mo. my G n Mgvt YII ..eour. n.Yr.u0r t J tb[o. l...t ors. nnla la•.cuArose • mullion.. .ilr•l lCity nsrd a..o na•ll1.•a.e.tL,a .1 .ry1iL.m.rem•.toleo"Nsignature. of ca.111 Dpo�' bstolmr ..J CouncllseeLe. o. y. cityCoun..Letormot I Cla 1L a fsel in lgxn Council at mg.], LUtanC OM. nib e•r of yyluv.J.a'PriAt��{ .tt..t /fr. 1. N ore9. J “l r peput Y'CItY .e,orear Councilmember Sakrison moved to adjourn the special meeting; Councilmember McDouga'r seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Special 10:05 a.m. ATTEST: Meeting at APPROVED:.0 /?�jJy��.. Karla R. Hancock andra E. Beaure Deputy -Recorder Mayor C°I i CMC AAE 279 MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING January 22, 1998 The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the Above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Also in attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Richard Cooko, Dave Sakrison, Joseph Lekarczyk, and Kyle D. Bailey; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Deputy -Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra K. Gilger; Police Chief Alan West; Public Works Director Brent Williams; City Attorney Chris McAnany; fifty four members of the audience; and the media. Marget A. Snyder, ex -City Treasurer, presented the Governing Body with her request for consideration of six months severance pay and benefits. She informed the Governing Body that she had worked for the City for the past eighteen years; City Treasurer from 1990 to present and was Deputy -Treasurer and Accounting Clerk for her prior years of service to the City. Mrs. Snyder also stated, that she would like it noted in the minutes that she was not re -appointed as City Treasurer for any wrongdoing. She also requested of the, Governing Body that she be paid for her time spent with the City Auditor, Kim Peterson, for the final audit cash count. CounciLmeMber Cooke moved to direct City Manager Metzler to research other like size communities on their statutory appointee severance pay policies, by January 30th 1998; Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. City Attorney McAnany asked the Governing Body to please refrain from discussing any specific individuals until the Executive Session. City Manager Metzler went over with the Governing Body the procedures for any citizen to go through that has a complaint with the Police Department. City Manager Metzler recommended to the Governing Body that a liaison from the Council to the Police Department be re-established. City Manager Metzler said, she also would like to establish Mayor Hancock as a contact point, if citizens aren't comfortable with going to the Police Department or talking to the City Manager about their complaints. Police Chief West discueeed and answered questions from the Governing Body about citizen complaints and.rumora. Mayor Hancock adjourned for a five-minute break at 4:05 p.m. Mayor Hancock calls the mooting book to order et 4:14 p.m. SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE EX -CITY TREASURER MARGET A. SNYDER REQUESTS CONSIDERATION OF SEVERANCE PAY, BENEFITS, AND TO BE PAID FOR TIME SPENT FOR THE FINAL CASH AUDIT COUNT; AND THAT SHE STATED SHE WAS NOT RE -APPOINTED FOR ANY WRONGDOING CITY MANAGER DIRECTED TO SEE WHAT OTHER LIKE SIZE COMMUNITIES POLICY IS ON SEVERANCE PAY FOR STATUTORY APPOINTEES ATTORNEY ASKS COUNCIL TO REFRAIN FROM DIS- CUSSING INDIVIDUALS UNTIL EXCUTIVE SESSION DISCUSSION ON POLICE DEPARTMENT BREAK MAYOR CALLS mizTrum BACK TO ORDER 280 CITY LEGAL DEFENSE GRANTED FOR CITY MANAGER AND PLANNER/ PLANNING AIDE WITH RESERVATION OF RIGHTS BUDGET WORKSHOP FOR FY 1997/1998 BUDGET AMENDMENTS AND TRANSFERS BREAK MAYOR CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER EXECUTIVE SESSION TO BE HELD AFTER BUDGET WORKSHOP BUDGET WORKSHOP CONTINUED ON FY 1997/1998 BUDGET REQUESTS FOR CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED CITY MANAGER DIRECTED TO FIND FUNDS FOR ROCKRIDGE SENIOR HOUSING SEWER CONNECTION MOTION TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION MAYOR ADJOURNS SPECIAL MEETING FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION MAYOR CALLS EXECUTIVE SESSION TO ORDER EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNS BACK TO SPECIAL MEETING Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to grant the request of City Manager Metzler and Acting Planner/Planning Aide Gilger's legal defense and indemnity, subject to reservation of rights, if the accusations occurred within the scope of employment; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. In the Budget Workshop Session on reopening and amending Fiscal Year 1997/1998 Budget to all necessary funds, City Manager Metzler presented the budget changes to the Governing Body. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Special Meeting for a break at 4:45 p.m. Mayor Hancock called the meeting back to order at 4:55 p.m. Councilmember Bailey moved to go into an Executive Session to discuss the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual, after the Budget Workshop; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. City Manager Metzler then continued in the Budget Workshop Session going over the changes in the Fiscal Year 1997/1998 Budget for all necessary funds. City Manager Metzler informed the Governing Body that she had received two requests from outside organizations for contributions from the following: 1) Rockridge Senior Housing -Sewer Connection in the amount of $6,425; and 2) Moab Rod Benders in the amount of $1,000 to go towards their 1998 Car Show. Councilmember Cooke moved to direct City Manager Metzler to find funds in the Fiscal Year 1997/1998 Budget for the Rockridge Senior Housing -Sewer Connection in the amount of 06,425; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote Of 4-1 aye, with Councilmember Sakrison voting no. Councilmember Cooke moved to go into an Executive Session to discuss the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual; Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5 aye. Mayor Hancock then adjourned the Special Meeting for the purpose of going into an Executive Session to discuss the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual at 6:13 p.m. Mayor Hancock then called the Executive Session to order to discuss the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual to order at 6:14 p.m. Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the Executive Session back to the Special Meeting; Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. 281 Mayor Hancock then adjourned the Executive Session back to the Special Meeting at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Hancock then called the Special Meeting back to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the Special Meeting; Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Special Meeting at 7:01 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: ✓ c-14f�/.r� C/1/W G� andra E. Beuare ard/ CMC�AAE Deputy -Recorder MAYOR ADJOURNS EXECUTIVE SESSION MAYOR CALLS SPECIAL MEETING BACK TO ORDER ADJOURN K rla R. Hancock Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 27, 1998 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember William D. McDougald led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Dave Sakrison, Kyle D. Bailey, Richard Cooke and Joseph Lekarczyk; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Deputy -Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra K. Gilger; Public Works Director Brent Williams; City Attorney Chris McAnany; twenty-one members of the audience and the media. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the January 13th and 16th minutes; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. There were no Citizens Requesting To Be Heard. Under Planning Update, Acting Planner/Planning Aide Gilger reported that John Brereton will be here on February 10, 1998 to present the Affordable Housing Plan. Mayor Hancock moved the agenda to New Business. Councilmember Bailey moved to adopt Ordinance 98-04—Enacting Pre -Council Meeting Workshops; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. REGULAR MEETING 6 ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES NO CITIZENS REQUESTING TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE MAYOR MOVES AGENDA TO NEW BUSINESS ORDINANCE 98-04 ENACTING PRE -COUNCIL MEETING WORKSHOPS ADOPTED 282 AGENDA MOVED TO C-1 ZONING ISSUES DISCUSSION ON C-1 ZONING ISSUES DISCUSSION ON C-1 ZONING ISSUES SUSPENDED UNTIL AFTER PUBLIC HEARING MAYOR READS RESOLUTION 01-98-AMENDING BUDGET AND DEPT TRANSFERS FOR FY 1997/1998 MAYOR OPENS PUBLIC HEARING ON RES. 01-98 CITY MANAGER GOES OVER BUDGET CHANGES MAYOR CLOSES PUBLIC HEARING ON RESOLUTION 01-98 PO., 211f UtDeIs CE lIp SI W Ere:, v. tpnv.4toywt. .eN ..anvil Pwe ] M C]O.K 3. 03E d na Pont Cp Coe fop,u C.0 CCw.v n.nnp sna..N one. 2.14PEcS Yp pone, peps V P./ Cr/ POret%p P n Inc opt ewers V AA CAI on CP Couv Mtdep%p AVM° Vt a.venao 4 M pupae% V ....A Abn CP PO re Pee.; me. nrnN.].. arn%n na..nu d W et)un meadq PNtWIRE, ORE U .S GT v,..:.mt va pa.ney twr ae.,... eaep.. 1 le fr., re... Swee r..a:u.a Lee,vna. rra ves pee a pr:vaaes a ve mot., w.:l ee Gower to per,. re. erave are ntocenvense Pp..... muy qr. eM. % pNN KO pp♦Pp./AM, (V II mryn pp•.a dens at Cow sresr, MOW cesspit Mr... Iv he AAP.. d..c.n; eenera+e v t>re& t e+,v o1.: •r [ Lpna.vy.ve%Kt%%Y, M ware, nr ea ra_e,.e w pa.e.nee teas p +prini.r. iris.. w A,,' •. Cap.v0 roar r:.+MTAWS 6aa.v I. f!!p taro si teacart at.. seas ]M 230.re e Al Giea ec c.a.e tr¢at.i.fMlc r e p.e+pep, VA .a.nru•p tml d F :a:.:rr a. Ir11V on ]rtn M+. ad In.•r 1pt1= MW .0 rrw.E W.u.iva Papa. Pecve. a P uxsi sppe Councilmember Sakrison moved to move the agenda to tho discussion regarding C-1 Zoning; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. The Governing Body conducted a discussion on the C-1 zoning issues. Councilmember Cooke moved to suspend the discussion on the C-1 zoning issues until after the Public Hearing; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Iiancock read Resolution 01-98-Amending Budget and Departmental Transfers For Fiscal Year 1997/1998. Mayor Hancock opened the Public Hearing on Resolution 01-98 at 7:30 p.m. City Manager Metzler went over the Budget Changes for Fiscal Year 1997/1998 with the Governing Body and the audience. Councilmember Cooke inquired about funds taken from various street projects on 200 South and 100 East, to cover the Rockridge Senor Housing sewer connection request. City Manager Metzler stated that Class C Road Fund money may be used to cover some of these street projects if the City receives more money than anticipated. Public Works Director Williams stated that the Colin Fryer property will be developed in the near future and the road from Park Drive will need to be continued through the orchard. With no further comments, Mayor Hancock closed the Public Hearing on Resolution 01-98-amending Budget and Departmental Transfers for Fiscal Year 1997/1998 at 7:41 p.m. 283 Councilmember Cooke moved to ask the City Planning Commission to look at the C-1 Zone and to consider the following changes: 1) That no building or structure shall exceed eighteen feet in height, according to the Utah Building Code definition; 2) That fences be built on the grade; 3) That no basements be allowed and that building be limited to one floor levels; and 4) That minimal or no windows be allowed on the residential side; Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to move the agenda to Old Business; Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock stated that she was not ready to make her remaining statutory appointments for the positions of Recorder and City Attorney at this time. Mayor Hancock stated that she reserved her right to make these appointments at a later date. Councilmember Sakrison moved to adopt Resolution 01-98—Amending Budget and Departmental Transfers for Fiscal Year 1997/1998; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll-call-voto 5-0 aye. J I..LWII WI L1_11 uu�mw Yucu um la rtu r """ n{nl rlJi iiv°,'ilfvr YUJ99.MIIiiMbJy{11• CCity ro0.11J��lrnala a.t.[Lf.I1Llu [Ircbl i..l tu.Wtlol II•[•1 Yr.l Irf>/IfIJ l0 In[I.....nJ 0.-.....Il.lt.11 o.. MUWW W111.11Wr,AL LW..JL Iwu. bw.Ir. V. Irr, Irr. UUW trLIN{ LIICuctTni II C.n.l.l u rl.t n.. No1. Nu[411 �� Jn 1•.1 C.i 11.1 :Intl:. on ttww.01t1 b 1. Jn[Yl0 Y1,11Lfr.l C<nt.I[ulloi[ l Tr.n.t •.• Male lH IIKAI r1A{ INN, Irr Y[4l1 i"t113 :/ . l i iiottt' 11 111103 a0C1 { t .]i .{ 100. u luciruLs 1 Sm.( ni..J II l011 4 "a. J [nin {[no.l Nr•••••• q j I too M1 .1 •7f i .nt. Fiiu tuna Is•...1 i 1 too' $ .I J40 { .1 Joe 14H 1HIe11.A1 11 IT IttnAnw tL t tl. alt ut.. ut b l• J.0/YWot 1 1.i b Pait. O•0J11 I1 � uJ� Ca.[Ily.[button; Jnr 'Ott .flJ:1 .t. r1MYy 1ou...af.. ..IlyJ l tot roury ,1....wlut ..0 U.11 4 .I.•1 •[ .rim Is..ir .i111.oY.e�li1 rwn[iiiini: 4a C.Lt1 City Manager Metzler went over the survey on severance pay policies on statutory appointees from like size City's around the state, with the Governing Body. The Governing Body discussed the survey on severance pay policies. Councilmember Bailey moved to take a ten-minute break; Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock then adjourned the meeting for a ten-minute break at 8:45 p.m. Mayor Hancock called the meeting back to order at 8:55 p.m. C-1 ZONE SENT BACK TO PLANNING COMMISSION FOR CONSIDERATION OF CHANGES AGENDA MOVED TO OLD BUSINESS MAYOR NOT READY TO MAKE STATUTORY APPOINTMENTS FOR RECORDER AND CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION 01-98— AMENDING BUDGET AND DEPT TRANSFERS FOR FY 1997/1998 ADOPTED CITY MANAGER REVIEWS SEVERANCE PAY POLICES ON STATUTORY APPOINTEES SEVERANCE PAY POLICIES DISCUSSED BREAK MAYOR ADJOURNS FOR BREAK MAYOR CALLS MEETING BACK TO ORDER 284 COUNCIL REQUESTS RESOLUTION SETTING POLICY FOR SEVERANCE PAY FOR STATUTORY APPOINTEES CONSIDERATION OF SEVERANCE PAY FOR STATUTORY APPOINTEE BROUGHT BACK TO TABLE FROM JANUARY 22, 1998 CITY TO PAY EX - STATUTORY APPOINTEE MARGET A. SNYDER SEVERANCE PAY MOAB COUNTRY CLUB REQUESTS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR GOLF COURSE IMPROVEMENTS MAYOR INFORMS MOAB COUNTRY CLUB THAT CITY IS IN NO POSITION TO ASSIST IN FUNDING AT THIS TIME ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Cooke moved to have a resolution drafted for severance pay for statutory appointed officials, to pay two weeks per year of service in a statutory appointed official capacity with benefits, and to cap at fourteen weeks of severance pay; if not dismissed for cause; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to bring back to the table the consideration of severance pay for statutory appointee that was tabled on January 22, 1998; Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye with Councilmember Lekarczyk voting no. Councilmember McDougald moved to pay ex - statutory appointee Marget A. Snyder fourteen weeks severance pay with benefits; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote 5-0 aye. Glen Richeson representing Moab Country Club requested financial assistance for Golf Course Improvements in the amount of $22,000, to be paid over a two-year period. The money would be used to pave the City owned road into the Golf Course and part of the City owned parking lot for the Golf Course. After much discussion with the Governing Body and the City Manager, Mayor Hancock informed Mr. Richeson that the City is in no position to commit any funds at this time. Mr, Richeson was told to submit his request for funding for the next fiscal year. Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler reported on the following; 1) The status of all legal items will be put into a memo and given to all the Governing Body on January 28th, 1990; 2) That there will be a meeting held on January 28th, 1998 for a joint Council/Planning Commission Workshop for a presentation on the conduct of meetings by H. Gene Mosher; 3) That the County approved an Inter -Local -Agreement among the City/County/Film Commission on Tuesday, February 3rd, and that she will arrange a meeting with the County to discuss this agreement. Under Mayor and Council Reports, Mayor Hancock reported that she was told Seekhaven would be using the MARC Building for their an►.,.. ' fundraiser the Ritz. She also asked whether or not alcoholic beverages would be allowed in the building. City Manager Metzler and City Attorney HcAnany stated that they would look into the matter further. Councilmember Sakrison reported that he had received a budget for the Grand County Solid Waste District, at their recent board meeting. Councilmember Cooke inquired as to the West Valley City Report on our officer involved in the November shooting. He also asked for the City Manager to find out what training has been given and should be give to our Police force. Councilmember McDougald requested that there be no special meetings or workshops scheduled on Mondays or Wednesdays; as he teaches a college class on those days. 2 8 E Councilmember Bailey requested that a moratorium on the C-1 zone be put into effect until needed changes in that zone can be adopted. Councilmember Lekarczyk reported that he was pulled over by the Moab Police for a taillight not working. He also reported that the officer was very polite. Councilmember McDougald moved to bring back on the table Debbie Gilger's request for indemnification of attorney fees, based on the outcome of the hearing; tabled at the September 4th 1997, Council Meeting. On December llth 1997, Moab City Council voted to reimburse Debbie Gilger in the amount of $567.90 for attorney fees she had paid Attorney Steve Russell; Couneilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to pay Debbie Gilger's Attorney fees in the amount of $8,849.00 to her Attorney Walter F. Bugden; Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against Moab City in the amount of $136,356.17; which includes the $8,849.00 addendum, to the bills; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye Councilmember Sakrison moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember MoDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the meeting at 9:50 p.m. ATTEST; COUNCIL BRINGS BACK TO TABLE DEBBIE GILGER'S REQUEST FOR INDEMNIFICATION OF ATTORNEY'S FEES; TABLED SEPTEMBER 4TH 1997 CITY TO PAY DEBBIE GILGER'S ATTORNEYS FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,849 APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURN APPROVED: S�j}!4.4!� ?�+'MOV'•�'Z / r a R. Hancock a E. Beaure Deputy -Recorder Mayor di fCMC/AA MOAB CITY COUNCXL SPECIAL MEETING January 28, 1998 The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla. R. Hancock called the meeting to order at 5:06 p.m. Also in attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Richard Cooke, Dave Sakrison; Joseph Lekarczyk; and Kyle D. Bailey; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Deputy -Recorder Sandra E. Seauregard; Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra K. Gilger; Planning Commission Members Stanley Noorlander, Dorothy Markle, Kirstin Peterson, and Sam Taylor; and Planning Commission.Member Dave Wood was not in attendance. SPECIAL MEETING 6 ATTENDANCE 286 JOINT COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING FOR PRESENTA- TION ON THE CONDUCT OF PUBLIC MEETINGS MR. MOSHER'S PRESENTATION ON THE CONDUCT OF PUBLIC MEETINGS ADJOURN ATTEST: The purpose of the Special Workshop Meeting was to conduct a joint Moab City Council/Moab City Planning Commission Workshop Meeting to hear a presentation by H. Gene Mosher, a Consultant to the Utah Local Governments Trust, on the conduct of public meetings. Mr. Mosher made his video presentation and went over handouts with all in attendance. Throughout the presentation Mr. Mosher answered questions from those in attendance. Mayor Hancock adjourned the meeting at 6:48 p.m. APPROVED: jQf Aferliepe.Xe arla R. Hancock Mayor andra E. a-urega •, CMC AAE OW - Deputy -Recorder SPECIAL MEETING 6 ATTENDANCE JOINT CITY/COUNTY WORKSHOP CITY/COUNTY TO ENTER INTO INTER -LOCAL AGREEMENT TO FUND THE MOAB TO MONUMENT VALLEY FILM COMMISSION MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING February 3, 1998 The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Richard Cooke, Dave Sakrison, Joseph Lekarczyk, and Kyle D. Bailey; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Deputy -Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra Gilger; Water/Sewer Superintendent Larry Johnson; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; Grand County Councilmembers Gail Leavitt, Al VcLeod, Frank Nelson, Harvey Merrell, Dale Moshe , Ray Pane, and Ken Ballantyne; Grand County Administrator Earl Sires; and three members of the audience and the media. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold a joint City/County Workshop to discuss: 1) Film Commission Funding; 2) North Area Development; and 3) Public Facilities. Moab to Monument Valley Film Commission Director Kari Murphy and Jan Milking of Park City were present to answer any questions and provided Councilmembers with a 1997 Activity Report. Councilmember McDougald moved to have Moab City enter into an Inter -Local Agreement with Grand County for the funding of the Moab to Monument Valley Film Commission, which would commit funding from Moab City, in the amount of $15,000 per year; Councilmamber Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 4-1 aye, with Councilmember Cooke voting no. 287 The North Area Development was discussed by both the City and the County. City Manager Metzler was asked to put together some cost figures for connecting water and sewer to the north end of town. City Manager Metzler informed the City and the County, that it would take her a few weeks to put the figures together; as she would have to get with the City Engineer. Public Facilities was discussed by both the City and the County. Community Development Coordinator Olsen went over the different public facilities that the Grand County School District that has available; that are currently not in use. Counoilmember McDougald moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock then adjourned the meeting at 5:20 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: c//7,a. and s E. Be urega0, OMCJAA,E" Deputy -Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING February 10, 1998 NORTH AREA DEVELOPMENT DISCUSSED AND CITY TO OBTAIN COSTS FOR WATER AND SEWER CONNECTIONS ON THE NORTH END OF TOWN PUBLIC FACILITIES DISCUSSED ADJOURN T*144a"R. Mayor The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Also in attendance were CouncilmeMbers William D. McDougald, Richard Cooke, Dave Sakrison; Joseph Lekarozyk; and Kyle D. Bailey; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Deputy -Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; City Attorney Chris McAnany; and Ben Hathaway Attorney assigned to Moab City by Utah Local Governments Trust. Mayor Hancock stated that the purpose of the special meeting was to have an Executive Session for the purpose of a strategy session to discuss pending or imminent litigation. Mayor Hancock called the Executive Session to order for the purpose of a strategy session discuss pending or imminent litigation. Hancock SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE MAYOR STATES PUL:1 OF SPECIAL MEETING AS EXECUTIVE SESSION to MAYOR CALLS EXECUTIVE SESSION TO ORDER City Attorney McAnany and Attorney Hathaway went over pending and imminent litigation with the Governing Body. CouncilmeMber Sakrison moved to adjourn the Executive Session back to the Special Meeting; CouncilmeMber Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock then adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m. ATTORNEYS WENT OVER PENDING AND IMMINENT LITAGATION ADJOURN 288 ATTEST: REGULAR MEETING fi ATTENDANCE APPROVED: li'01AIiA ,? :.l i .Karla R. (iancock _ (� ,�� r Sandra E. BeauregaF, CMC/AA Deputy -Recorder APPROVAL OF MINUTES NO CITIZENS REQUESTING TO BE HEARD NO PLANNING UPDATE HOUSING STUDY PRESEN- TATION POSTPONED UNTIL FEBRUARY 24TH WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT UPGRADE PRESEN- TATION BY AL ANDERSON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PRESENTATION AGENDA MOVED TO OLD BUSINESS MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 10, 1998 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:47 p.m. The Regular City Council Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Hancock. Councilmember Richard Cooke led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Dave Sakrison, Kyle D. Bailey, William D. McDougald and Joseph Lekarczyk; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Deputy -Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; Recorder Clerical Assistant Danielle Shumway; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra K. Gilger; Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator Emil Schocknmyer; Public Works Director Brent Williams; City Attorney Chris McAnany; eighteen members of the audience and the media. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the January 22nd, 27th, 28u', and February 3rd minutes as corrected; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. There were no Citizens Requesting To Be Heard. There was no Planning Update. The Presentation on the Housing Study by John Brereton was postponed until February 24, 1998. Al Anderson gave the Governing Body and Audience an update on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade. Mr. Anderson then presented Public Works Director Williams, with a Plaque showing appreciation for his job as Project Manager for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Additions Project. The new President of the Chamber of Commerce, Frank Wilson, and the Director of the Chamber of Commerce Julie Anderson spoke about the Superhost Program. Mr. Wilson also stated that he would like to have a liaison from the City at the Chamber of Commerce Board Meetings. Councilmember Sakrison moved to move the agenda to Old Business; Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. 289 Mayor Hancock appointed Rachel Ellison as City Recorder. Councilmember Sakrison moved to confirm Mayor Hancock's appointment of Rachel Ellison as City Recorder; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to grant a Temporary Class II Beer License to John Lynn Smith, dba Smitty's Golden Steak at 540 S. Main, Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. Counoilmember McDougald moved to approve Margot Snyder's request for pay for the final audit cash count, and that it be entered into the minutes that she was not re -appointed for any wrongdoing; Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye with Councilmember Lekarczyk voting no. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve Canyonlands Volleyball Tournaments request of a Special Events Sales Permit for the Volleyball Tournaments in February and March; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve Lance Christies's agreement with Moab City, allowing him to plant trees on City property to effectuate a visual buffer benefiting Christie's property from adjoining development; Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Bailey moved to adopt Proposed Ordinance 98-05-An Ordinance Enacting A Six Month Temporary Moratorium On Tho Issuance Of Building Permits In The C-1 And C-5 Zoning Districts Within The Moab City Limits For The Purposes Of Allowing Revisions To Height And Buffering Requirements For Development Within Those Zones; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 dye. MAP Litt CeeI.YCC e0 Its.n. orate.. Of Wilding lanla•• •ItwtO C•1 and .1l antee,p t'I.artn wlalnCe Cltr l.ntc. far e• lo Oaralapwa ela to atmt em •eet.••••14 to aa•^ WOlfa[ a VYI eta 1. of Mo. . Ctly Y• .apra •H ti ewwe•teel m�ibu.up.q raW 1, gbunl elG•n1.•l a..tt'C!0 rOmOt�nt In w " 11 lwpWf m W. eeeealm of w Wle w C•1 eel C•a a a1w ara6•e aoe.rela1 a•ra.pse.a a a... la Mar.enroY vlu i�elaenat •1 bue am lei0rlf ta• is • taopa111•p well la eras...e..ant but am q tmlq ve coprow....ar pre^ ImaoCe.a• for but wrpa.l eM tale•.. p e f. lo•ruL prau tw aepum of aaapprarr .wq r.wlaalw 1a • wrtd rol 1e e•^m .It .a•W a Tatum,. RY CM. epos ectlm of w e.••r.... pear. an.. as follow. 1 Ye W11atq p•r.lu bull I.W.. ear bull en wraaa stoma la any Oemae actlm or aaaaatlm or aClatlq W11atq.ar sae. . bop. In ,ems ay.lu{r•t of ral 41l�u r 2:•=wumltac alm a mPr'p.nr tewnl� 4 ia�;� bull momm um as .e w . •s. ^ pet ula eNiroraa r te. I.eep e11f laelq sa• bull ro eaYorlI.e to •ta.rae tale •ralnam anpro•lam umer as... CI.' Ceaeo felt a..m. 11 aa. .fr.ca Iralatatr upon p.ae.. el Yt.buwl.eexpire i tea ruelm.11Toa action by UrGe^rWneatesty p oe uge•m • "Vt b •caan at r2. ee•aaq e•.•ear of .a.e to � a.r of t .T_ .�rsiS•rf� La.mciJ COUNCIL COMFIRMS MAYOR APPOINTMENT OF CITY RECORDER JOHN SMITH DBA SMITTY'S GOLDEN STEAK GRANTED TEMPORARY CLASS II BEER LICENSE EX -CITY TREASURER GRANTED PAYMENT FOR TIME SPENT WITH AUDITOR AND THAT SHE WAS NOT RE -APPOINTED FOR ANY WRONGDOING CANYONLANDS VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT SPECIAL EVENTS LICENSE APPROVED LANCE CHRISTIE AGREEMENT WITH MOAB CITY APPROVED ORDINANCE 98-05- ENACTING A SIX MONTH TEMPORARY MORATORIUM ON THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS IN C-1 AND C-5 ZONES ADOPTED itanOr: • w•aoe.ra .bug City ammder b •'a 290 AGENDA MOVED TO PUBLIC HEARINGS MAYOR READ PROPOSED ORDINANCE 98-01— AMENDING SECTION 17.09.220 ADDING PROVISIONS Q, R AND S OF CHAPTER 17.09, TITLE 17 MAYOR OPENS PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ORDINANCE 98-01 Councilmember Cooke moved to move the agenda back to the scheduled Public Hearing; Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock read Proposed Ordinance 98-01—An Ordinance Amending Section 17 09.220 Adding Provisions Q, R and S Of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, Of The Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Supplementary Requirements And Procedures Applicable Within Zones Mayor Hancock opened the Public Hearing on Proposed Ordinance 98-01, at 7 30 p m Gary Gauntt inquired, about Section R, in Ordinance 98-01 He asked about spaces that front the development, and shall not, be located within thirty feet of an intersection Mr Gauntt asked, that, if currently the space goes to twenty-two feet, that this means, that one would loose the pay -in -lieu of spot, that is currently 3n use* Acting Planner/Planning Aide Gilger stated that she spoke to Dale Stapley, of Utah Department of Transportation, yesterday, about how far back they paint the red along the highways She stated Mr. Stapley informed her that they paint the red twenty feet back, from the corner, which is, actually thirty feet from the intersection She informed the Governing Body, that the Council, about five years ago, enacted that from the intersection and curb cuts, that we paint the red thirty feet back She stated, that thirty feet: is the proper footage. Councilmember McDougald, asked if that is the intersection going onto the highway') Acting Planner/Planning Aide Gilger responded, yes. Mr. Gauntt, inquired, as to the corner of West Center Street and 1st West, that one of those parallel -parking spaces could be lost, under this ordinance. So, are we supposed to remove parking spots from all of these blocks, or do we just not get the benefit of that spot since we own the property? Mayor Hancock asked, Acting Planner/Planning Aide Gilger, if this only applies to the highway. Acting Planner/Planning Aide Gilger, responded no, that it applies to anywhere that we are painting which are curb cuts. She also informed the Governing Body, that if the City was up-to- date on their painting, that the current parking spaces would not be there. That we just haven't had the time or the help to get the painting completed. Mr. Gauntt stated, that those spaces are already lost, but people are still parking there. That it is the City' s intent to remove all of these parking spaces, because this is a safety issue. Acting Planner/Planning Aide Gilger responded, yes. 291 Councilmember Bailey stated to Mr. Gauntt, that he may be able to use those parking spaces on the street, as affiliated parking space requirements. Mr. Gauntt stated, that is why he is concerned. Councilmember Bailey stated, that this ordinance would allow you to use this space, as part of, you're off street parking. Mr. Gauntt, asked if the Planning Commission may allow the on street parking to be counted from the ordinance. How are we to determine in what instances this will be allowed/ Acting Planner/Planning Aide Gilger, responded that it would be like shared parking. That they would go before the Planning Commission with what ever they are building or adding on to would require more parking spaces. The Planning Commission would determine what parking they have on Main Street or on the side streets, that is acceptable, and can be counted. She also stated, that it would depend on how busy the intersection was or the safety of the intersection. Councilmember Bailey stated, that some of these exceptions are pointed out in the ordinance Mayor Hancock read Proposed Ordinance 98-02—An Ordinance Amending Section 17.09.230 (B) Of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, Of The Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Supplementary Requirements And Procedures Applicable Within Zones. Mayor Hancock opened the Public Hearing on Proposed Ordinance 98-02 at 7:38 p.m. City Attorney McAnany, wished to clarify the intent of the language in Ordinance 98-01, paragraph six, to be amended as follows: That pay -in -lieu of parking, shall not, be used to provide more than 30% of the required parking spaces for any particular use or development. Mayor Hancock read Proposed Ordinance 98-03—An Ordinance Amending Section 17.09.090 Of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, Of The Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Parking Of Commercial Vehicles to Residential Zones. Mayor Hancock opened the Public Hearing on Proposed Ordinance 98-03 at 7:40 p.m. With no further comments from the audience Mayor Hancock closed the Public Hearings on Proposed Ordinances 98-01, 98-02 and 98-03 at 7:41 p.m. Mayor Hancock then stated that if anyone had any more comments they could submit them in writing before the February 24th Council Meeting. Rod Petty, of Moab Rod Benders, explained his request of the use of the Swanny City Park on July 8th for America Cruse. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Moab Rod Benders request to use the Swanny City Park on July 8th 1998 for the America Cruse; Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. MAYOR READ PROPOSED ORDINANCE 98-02— AMENDING SECTION 17.09.230 (B) OF CHAPTER 17.09, TITLE 17 MAYOR OPENS PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ORDINANCE 98-02 MAYOR READS PROPOSED ORDINANCE 98-03— AMENDING SECTION 17.09.090 OF CHAPTER 17.09, TITLE 17 MAYOR OPENS PUFTt^ HEARING ON PRUlI_dD ORDINANCE 98-03 MAYOR CLOSES PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ORDINANCES 90-01, 98- 02, 98-03 ROD PETTY'S REQUEST FOR USE OF SWANKY CITY PARK ON JULY 8TH FOR AMERICA CRUSE APPROVED 292 SEEKHAVEN REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES FOR USE OF MOAB ARTS AND RECREATION CENTER BUILDING FOR THE RITZ DEFEATED CITY MANAGER GOES OVER IMPACT FEE ANALYSIS IMPACT FEE ANALYSIS ACCEPTANCE APPROVED MAYORS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APOINTMENTS CONFIRMED MAYORS SHADE TREE COMMISSION APPOINT- MENTS CONFIRMED DISCUSSION REGARDING PUBLIC FACILITIES CITY TO PURSUE STRUCTURAL STABILITY OF OLD MIDDLE SCHOOL BUILDING ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Councilmember McDougall moved to approve Seekhaven's request of a waiver of the Moab Arts and Recreation Center building rental fees for putting on the Ritz fundraiser; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion was defeated by a roll -call -vote of 2-3 no, with Councilmembers Bailey and McDougall voting aye. City Manager Metzler went over the Impact Fee Analysis. Councilmember Sakrison moved to accept the Impact Fee Analysis; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock read her re -appointments to the Moab City Board of Adjustments as follows: 1) Melinda J. "Jolly" Stanford; 2) Keith Montgomery; and 3) Rodney Taylor; and the new appointments as follows: 1) Marc Horwitz; and 2) Jim Page. Mayor Hancock, also stated, that she still needs one additional member to serve as an alternate. Councilmember_ Cooke moved to confirm Mayor Hancock's re -appointments to the Moab City Board of Adjustments as follows: 1) Melinda J. "Jolly" Stanford; 2) Keith Montgomery; and 3) Rodney Taylor; and the new appointments as follows: 1) Marc Horwitz; and 2) Jim Page; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock read her re -appointments to the Shade Tree Commission as follows: 1) David Lyle; 2) Tim Sheets; and 3) Tim Higgs. Mayor Hancock also stated that there are two more positions yet to fill, and that she is still receiving letters of interest. Councilmember Cooke moved to confirm Mayor Hancock's re -appointments to the Shade Tree Commission as follows: 1) David Lyle; 2) Tim Sheets; and 3) Tim Higgs; Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. City Manager Metzler spoke on Public Facilities, which are currently vacant and owned by the Grand County School District. Councilmember Cooke moved to have this issue pursued further as to the structural stability of the Old Middle School Building; Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler reported on the following: 1) That she would have the Ordinance and/or Resolution for Severance Pay for Statutory Appointees at the February 24th meeting; 2) That she had issued a memo on the budget process; 3) That she expects to have the Business License Fee Schedule on February lath, and that she would put them in Council boxes when she receives the schedule; and 4) That a Contingency Plan on the Solid Waste Collection is being put together; should Country Garbage ever be in default. Another garbage collection agency would' be notified within twenty-four hours of default. Bob Hawks Sanitation, has agreed to provide service to Moab City if necessary. She will be negotiating a fee for such services. 293 Under Mayor and Council Reports, Mayor Hancock MAYOR AND COUNCIL had nothing to report. REPORTS Councilmember McDougald asked about the coverage of insurance for Volleyball, concerning a broken window at the Equestrian Center Councilmember Bailey reported, on the natural gas prices going up. That the prase had gone up 56% since last January. He also stated, that he would like a letter sent to Utah Gas stating this concern. Councilmember Cooke also commented on the natural gas increase. Councilmember Sakrison reported on the following: 1) That the lights at the Senior Citizen Housing Project were too bright, and 2) That there would be a Landfill Meeting on February 19th on the increase in tipping fees Acting Planner/Planning Aide Gxlger informed the Governing Body that she had spoken to the developer at the Senior Citizen Housing Project. That they needed to put shields on the lights Councilmember Cooke stated that there needed to be shields on the lights on the Senior Center Building, as well. Councilmember Lekarczyk inquired about the retreat scheduled for February 27t, from 8 30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. That he would not be able to attend these hours. After some discussion, Mayor Hancock stated that the retreat would be held on, Friday, February 27th from noon to 6:00 p.m. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills APPROVAL OF BILLS against Moab City in the amount of $162,014.16; Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to adjourn the ADJOURN meeting; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the meeting at 8:47 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: �y/�x/e.�� arla R. Hancock Mayor S� r i �CA MC/B `r andra E. Beaurega}` , Deputy -Recorder 294 REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES NO CITIZENS REQUESTIN TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE PRESENTATION POSTPONED HOME OCCUPATION LIC- ENSES APPROVED FOR: 1)CARL DOUGLAS FRASIE JR., DBA SUPERMART CONVENIENCE STORES; 2) STEVE MULLIGAN, DBA MULLIGAN PHOTOGRAPHY; 3)DANA MORRIS & JIM PAGE, DBA WINGATE VIDEO SERVICES; 4) DAVID HURST, DBA AQUARIUS FIBERGLASS POOLS & SPAS; 5)DAVID CLARK, DBA DAVE WORKS; 6)LOCAL CONSENT FOR A RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE FOR JOHN LYNN SMITH, DBA SMITTY'S GOLDEN STEAK; AND 7) MOVED ON STRUCTURE PERMIT FOR CITY MARKET FLORAL MOAB ARTS FESTIVAL'S REQUEST FOR USE OF SWANKY CITY PARK ON MAY 22-24 WITH A $500 MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 24, 1998 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:30 p.m. The Regular City Council Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Hancock. Councilmember Kyle D. Bailey led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Richard Cooke, Dave Sakrison, William D. McDougald and Joseph Lekarczyk; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Deputy -Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; Recorder Clerical Assistant Danielle Shumway; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra K. Gilger; Public Works Director Brent Williams; City Attorney Chris McAnany; twenty-one members of the audience and the media. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the February 10th, Special Council Meeting and Regular Council Meeting minutes; Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. There were no Citizens Requesting To Be Heard. Acting Planner/Planning Aide Gilger updated the council on heights allowable in different zones. She also informed the Council that there would be an APA Planning Conference on March 19th and 20th, if anyone wanted to attend she would sign them up. The Presentation on the Housing Study by John Brereton was postponed due to weather. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the entire Consent Agenda as follows: 1) Carl Douglas Frasier Jr., dba SuperMart Convenience Stores, Inc. at 301 S. Main, request for a Temporary Class III Beer License; 2) Steve Mulligan, dba Mulligan Photography at 240 Birch, request for a Home Occupation License, to conduct a Photography Business; 3) Dana H Morris and Jim Page, dba Wingate Video Services at 509 Taylor Avenue, request for a Home Occupation License, to conduct a Video Production Service Business; 4) David Hurst, dba Aquarius Fiberglass Pools & Spas at 431 Nichols Lane, request for a Home Occupation License, to conduct a Fiberglass Swimming Pool, Spa and Equipment Sales Office; 5) David Clark, dba Dave Works at 804 E. Peartree Lane, request for a Home Occupational License, to conduct a Handyman Business; 6) John Lynn Smith, dba Smitty's Golden Steak at 540 S. Main, request for local consent for a Restaurant Liquor License; and 7) City Market Floral, at 425 S. Main, request for a Moved -On Structure Permit for a Green House; Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve Moab Arts Festival's request for use of Swanny City Park for the 1998 Moab Arts Festival on May 22- 24, 1998, with a $500 refundable damage deposit; 295 Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to adopt Proposed Ordinance 98-01-An Ordinance Amending Section 17.09.220 Adding Provisions Q, R and S Of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, Of The Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Supplementary Requiremente And Procedures Applicable Within Zones; Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. 111111$1;y41,1A1 11W ALIW fl111u, I nI4 ano. y 1AA4}Olt.IIIM Iln 1111117 (It 1111 null III AIf1111 11141A aM7a Ml t 1141,E SI tell ell A I.1 114N11t ♦11 A n AA4I10(11,011 } 0711( nett Nt11 . to.11 hot., deo. late 4..aenrnr-t.1.}I•.}41.c.a1 66•4e1010(1m}01a0mm0l0a•110e01. a NIota. let eha.•14 s 41H n•o 1111 lllltlat411101 *10.4111.11 A(ll AS 10(itl1) I tot ant. of lilt/ 1 •N) et tl.Mr. ftos 1.411 .fay v,.l Itcancort toli..o v IN to. of ow. sw tall.). implied aaa.a.• 616.s ..anal V Q.6,1110.2 Iht Men ..toots 1 oz.. lot 1a..,.I.rt wneleet?nl^Ye tellantl�Htµ...v14ow..0 ....a T4 ygko• notocryoreI.pn •d�ulotell ty6rcHa J.1t _a,. mode, psfwo• c.}r elate. I 1. tooll a4a«wy toms ram 11w • Aa«l .. v0m«m m ne<r.w.eew e.ollt live colon•Oda as acne..114000 oL.Ite..• I 6s14u11•W6 ueWulo..Le Iu60.4110,411A•toonvav or is r. t i.e..i.e.. oaf Lnsstl.l"tee.t. on sort}to aneoneou, noon.. eon.„ 461.•ee ll a.+uO annuli ud l Noun tonocoo ptcuu11ds1420 morndroet6toor a..tot vow am. on ineertr dwuwas aw gar o„.o flea owl. •G.... 1la li«.•q two«nua. sA•11.10.16 • we a.. ono •11.a.14c Laver H1d Ovadl6...Wpm. Mit. v etaJN ow• ye to W..«d as. ke 6. at• dell J. (aeon yolmt.ysr.awmruJ 4. one on oAretor ny.n 116)ein rein/ I me in M1ri 1t Olen f wac.nnfvt Jr yt.4 .11 vs al.. l.. ayslrls1.nla6 oeattol1e.rdollta an...... «rivet r.Y•• u�41a.d y-v 16 oha.ws •cl« taco polry«...c." .44 la shun tom Moo Jar" ow1.01.7,.4 S •4.•. w ar a .4 ....• «a nM..la a.... trr An der e.a.• umI ao wile •aloJ ono ew.dedes.4u.r n.o..At..L.ulo.a.at„wo •, llmer"ry�w.Jw•"6htuot.I ell.. elen want 11..'.w tw Wlg WI wa u. L..W„notelet., t• µ 1.0110 a. .Lmry..1.. J..• rr 1 A.... mu 4.66.eJ.. %6..a 4. SW ar.Gr no• of./ REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT APPROVED ORDINANCE 98-01 AN ORDINANCE REGARDING SUPPLEMENTARY REQUI- REMENTS AND PROCEDURES APPLICABLE WITHIN ZONES; ADOPTED e..e..t1 G•ry toct4 wo W..«.1 en i.'10a,as t•.».su..aex' l41`ueG r^"t 1�1 NO.Ci..f .s.. ono n � allot. _ i 11004010 0. lA onto A t onso 0 utoLl dal ort A4 Ina At. x Itat.at Motor .111. ( too Councilmember Cooke moved to adopt Proposed Ordinance 98-02An Ordinance Amending Section 17.09.230 (B) Of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, Of The Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Supplementary Requirements And Procedures Applicable Within Zones; Counoilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. tit, w 1414 (.10. 1 1a es 1 AN oWlIt1 HI 1I14. tl n, rani 4r =111 FK1;e�I.1iW 11 U1W1AM11141441 M1YM.C1A14 VAOCCnonota tl lrAYlt also. Mors 11.eL PY ann1 ryy in.alml n Jn`11 . 1hr r s'1 9 1r cl eteNo•codure• AK tear tooth tall♦�t tl ♦Ilnon I 1 4.t•Is In/ York I. Ya•nt•1. 11.• / at it Olen. 4 •1 011 POS. Cite NtM:tf. At 1tJJ11a10 ii tV,Nunl Cl:t1 0111nara4414i6.r�1 �s{wave.. 1... )i. �ah �rtit.e w lir4` ill Jll-elftet t dote, eel leonine, ele tlieri let rectrei ♦1 latf!!i!t• t! eltt oil flirt It Hr4 of Hle tIt I reytwi4 r.r'orldN to .error lb the C-Ir•e••.4 on.of1`I1 tltl• a ;ypyt in.for a ar •N f.Nyy • N yot ovil et lY, c•t • ./1aN1ol 11w�iiq <c,�..11•aiwe.•ol p o {dims• Mll lay spa.-.• . sly to yrgetaY a r soot tilt w «t t•n%�ti.'r <01lar.slon at. p•r • r:rf�v r:.'.W .aaiuLN Lr <. moon 1 TY Yt.��avr�la nos teal. ttto C«•.1•alon eat aaaa•a or. µEll: to .avy t is *woe.. or r11H oro •t1.• halal yyrea, aocl roryLatf }110,ii.1..e 1+S<c.1 in-itt« Htt•a.ti to taa..i{•e<a tesobttPtl Lyy It ion into nor do<leea shell 1. in Wones tato • rp..nt IuN vn N1 rranlitv.s 1. the 1 p pea• o aatoperell. Irrot Ytocaree.ct•a wit .ivnittaaaa aijae 1 gr t:ralt INfM �1•• 4;n fa w.4i�«r tnmia e.:ulta` 14a11. y.µ.1.i -.l 41 th• toe.L1;1 61 yo1J Kiw W 6•11..ro yer•ft .red tee eenet.• fat wi .) ttnittet tot itteenc• el • eertlnelt• at ORDINANCE 98-02-AN ORDINANCE REGARDING SUPPLEMENTARY REQUI- REMENTS AND PROCEDURES APPLICABLE WITHIN ZONES; ADOPTED Eii ""."" ;„1. el ,Htaty r s •rY<tr. 1tw aiT 4Nrnre aaaat•oY a O t wta tee to r oil . • ... f r1 ue wiuiyt. t. Ir.r.... .. or ) To Tooasr.lV14. 1Vn 111.r.m1w. omoote t tatter.lIn he tot.. 1It1 rt. eel lent Cr. of c4.i too4 .. rtc! cttynt� tangy .all . • 1 satft glon�l•llo.rttf Het•IttgHH .tLlt(Irtn Y e iA.rati .11re...aow...I"r• o 1A s.•.. Yt. •••.r �1Htlt1 et tn. 0weW11.1rs toy .. 1 lam« et 6.1. st.it is tate.. tt Atones ar ota` r°Hstcarrt.t et O; •••• ees`•••le.t: u`r0 t rats /AAUP awn W ban 21t4.1'l4 tr tt• ew...•60 o1 the Clty ot 1610 0.11.aC. shell (to .toft.[�t mjjw.tttt It up. pm.. • I0s1 Wet 11 ofte Cr411.1 thla .apy,_ day et }'3�....� . A to . 1141 Cn1 er lea• Ltrrsi[ n Nt�itil 6..a1.•1 r-gRdY3-1er1T._ A�o�4• <aer•At 296 ORDINANCE 98-03-AN ORDINANCE REGARDING PARKING OF CCNMERCLAL VEHICLES IN RESIDEN- TIAL ZONES; TABLED RESOLUTION 03-98-A RESOLUTION ESTABLISH- ING A SEVERANCE PAY 6 BENEFITS POLICY FOR EMPLOYEES HOLDING STATUTORY APPOINTMENTS BY THE MAYOR; TABLED ORDINANCE 98-06--AN ORDINANCE ENACTING DUE PROCESS PROCEDURES FO STATUTORY APPOINTEES DENIED SEVERANCE OR HEALTH BENEFITS AS A RESULT OF TERMINATION FOR CAUSE; TABLED AGENDA MOVED BACK TO PRESENTATIONS PRESENTATION REGARDIN OLD MIDDLE SCHOOL BUILDING AGENDA MOVED TO PRIORITIZATION OF COMMUNITY IMPACT BAORD PROJECTS CEO OF ALLEN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, SPOKE ON RESPITE CARE, ADULT DAY CARE, ALZHEIMER'S t ASSISTED LIVING CARE CITY WILL PURSUE THE PRIORTIZATION OF THE GROUP HOME FOR RESPITE CARE WITH CIB FUNDING BREAK Councilmember McDougald moved to table until March loth Proposed Ordinance 98-03-An Ordinance Amending Section 17.09.090 Of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, Of The Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Parking Of Commercial Vehicles In Residential Zones; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to table until March loth Proposed Resolution 03-98-A Resolution Establishing A Severance Pay And Benefits Policy For Employees Holding Statutory Appointments By The Mayor Of The City Of Moab; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Bailey moved to table until March loth Proposed Ordinance 98-06-An Ordinance Enacting Due Process Procedure For Statutory Appointees Denied Severance Or Health Benefits As A Result Of Termination For Cause; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5- 0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to move the agenda back to Presentations; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Community Development Coordinator Olsen gave an overview regarding the Old Middle School Building. Mr. Olsen then introduced Rob Welch who did the maintenance at the Old Middle School Building. Mr. Welch commented on the condition of the heating, plumbing and electrical condition of the building, and answered all questions from the Governing Body. Bill Howell of the Southeastern Association of Governments from Price, Utah, commented on the Old School Building in Price, which they are located in. He stated that their building structure was similar to the Old Middle School Building here in Moab. Mr. Howell said that he was not there to sell them anything, but that, renovating an old building with historical value to the community and reusing it is always a worth while project. Mr. Howell also stated that there are funds available for this type of renovation. Mr. Kurt DeFond a local contractor that specializes in fixing up old buildings, also, gave a short 'presentation about his assessment of the building. Councilmember Bailey moved to move the Agenda to Prioritization of Community Impact Board Projects; Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Chuck Davis, CEO of Allen Memorial Hospital spoke on the Group Home for Respite Care, Adult Daycare, Alzheimer's Program, and Assisted Living Care; for homebound adults. Councilmember Bailey moved to pursue the prioritization of a Group Home for Respite Care, and to refer to the County for Community Impact Board Funding; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to take a ten- minute break; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. MAYOR ADJOURNS MEETIN Mayor Hancock adjourned the Meeting for a ten - FOR A 10-MINUTE BREAK minute break at 8:30 p.m. 297 Mayor Hancock called the meeting back to order at 8:42 p.m. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to move the agenda back to Proposed Ordinance 98-07 An Ordinance Enacting The Name "City of Moab" As The Official Name Of The City For A11 Public Documents, Records, And Official Acts; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to adept Proposed Ordinance 98-07 An Ordinance Enacting The Name "City of Moab" As The Official Name Of The City For A11 Public Documents, Records, And Official Acts; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Bailey moved to adopt Proposed Resolution 04-98—A Resolution Approving An Interlocal Agreement As To The Funding Of The Film Commission; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -all - vote of 4-1, with Councilmember Cooke voting no. Councilmember Cooke stated that he thought funding for the Film Commission should come from Transient Room Tax Funding (TRT). e1 .it 1[ :r". c , at erred ,LACAl tor Citl n !Alert., Co,pon 'xwc Ut)' "- Ntl . x.rt n ..-"." o Lne• eoclu.ni. o..r t e r•ara % um t 1f1 1% ieotn�..nmr'. t .:,,'= .t.•o.e•t so Jean •er • cur L ., .. a. Cite [ee•'IS ••eea•- , e. Jade ,coo s• ... rsllu n� ceiptun r . to ..:..tl:.J'a:pAfeJlC_f:P11 Tee <lf ec,n it of x Lair,. torn- . l ne u so aria to eame ea into[ n raneee into [ eml•o �, al'!t l• let Outer" cur ton of l.cie t •oAll re !,[,nl o ,,saps., ei e, oar tns a a",1e1 nose reefed, ene e,a, tt. " ..ilyy.L2LPtuaL1 A.. ne+ftSss.PlLelLpd. tale [uM.t aro porpcset•rr p t.Wte [ utert ester ...sots or pro et t s Code reference c r outlets ati tMl •reels be [tests,. tt in_orporste tn• ••lee �I ns.+ rl ted .elsrenca TAI..relnan-r ,tier t••• sn.ct pamwm+e n i1 . r.... en or Aob . 4ne ouio in n° po0y reps , open is l�wni oe.i cf�.i+E.+.aty—. t O�ngg-. or r.Ae F.i 41.cTt rioT [1r Y �� ..9 Clti Rs sore., Cr-tut Oct., Ntsutnuun Of 98 AllIci Cr An IN Ilkl(A Al AGIOISIlnl AS 101111. IMMO%1111110AB 10 Aledli11Eril A. AL 111A1rYMouss IM R1 MD bllWlW110.AN ETU toNl ArTe GA ANDCOUMI IRAII • lie sled.• w.Irnum VA. lde twmulws dmstre rd.ele roam. Meter wee wusvam, W Nbc+r tls 1Jw Cwmuwulw weedy wee a Jrurue WIMPS la retold., seats de Muter ocs IV Wy •sort. mei 4 umc ae ul.W Is IM I.w Iwm W Ntraa elude ry W seed t sari fW s apt.gmu re err, lese., la de fold Comm,* ewe Am. furl, el odic& Or Morse ex leelMs1.100,e1a ulaeel le dr Ord.. nON TII131001 . N L 111E GO\ TANNI)letA1Y M 111L CRY OS 110A. MI IITALAV AMINO TO VINO 1F IMFkI OCAL AW EEl1ENT VI AI iS1TAMILU LT TUE M Ol rAE1LN1E11 TO TOO RODY AND AUTHORIZE TIN ATIRORLATE ORICIA1 S 10 EntIIL AND MI ITLO TOE AGAEEMANI 11. awl.. dell ear tiler smrSude .pro paupc Pr, dl.t.ve by am d,C, ,, eser of.e.wl Cato me4 wt, sea 1994 O CRY Of AIOAA Or 2./-msarce ream KaO limas n+rd 7 �+ c.nyaGo S ad.E Rcamnfra[S rE • rusk., ts t , MEETING CALLED BACK TO ORDER AGENDA MOVED TO PRO- POSED ORDINANCE 98-07 AN ORDINANCE ENACTING THE NAME "CITY OF MOAB" AS THE OFFICIAL NAME FOR ALL PUBLIC DOCUMENTS, RECORDS & OFFICIAL ACTS ORDINANCE 98-07-- AN ORDINANCE ENACTING THE NAME "CITY OF MOAB" AS THE OFFICIAL NAME FOR ALL PUBLIC DOCUMENTS, RECORDS & OFFICIAL ACTS; ADOPTED RESOLUTION 04-98—A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN INTERLOCAL AGREE- MENT AS TO THE FUNDIN OF THE FILM COMMIS- SION; ADOPTED .0 lMEM ll(\I u.n LLA1L\r AllOTlll imoi AG UL lilt lIIII{Ill11It111,11'AILKI %Al I L11.11 AI((»MIMIC», ul thll urn% LL" qu\u(r/1.14A11 AAII GN{NIS 101J/%71,11rA11 N r ds...calf.....auM Ir., t1 IS 1.I a9 lli Cok Aar„de Lede •roue Sari of W trove W •All+rs el Gul Corr UA Ide Cove I d1 1LA Coy Oro, or.", Ouse luble.'TWA de Cur, W , Gs lads yore rive• I Po., TY Np•w ofllre mends.w sop., br de vvr re, LW, reproof Os SW w Slam Vac, re. Cum,. pew Cva•ri l a Self c ,,area.• rode. r,ra kolusee r am am 1d...el.JW Gr.( rue 1 rm., d Saws. Ia.* mere Cr aurora kr,. etas a as Pm.s. r Seuu 1 brit Or Coo BAIT,. epos m AA. fairy o wgpn oflu wm.s..dr e re p ease. Ada fur f rind, Sd V•..ld M rd., n mice• a Store.) of W orsaoa Pond. ISc Tee Cam, coda, a Pun., .. wren *oboe me reels r stria lure a+w pre .de rie d. 1 Aka.. ksp.utAkv Gee Coss W Swab Cc, sd dos r dtc cl sure a.wl Imm1e, • padded demo as. .._e sub Ib aprmed Sesokay eY C[, •fern w ,,Fax Carman mac roue amen oftil doom Od srcls.d wn•O far, 4 dam pWvl•, Devise 11 ofarloa ofdr warm Sal arwlMvam AdM dal Id eoScrelse 1 •deed Per TY Cur, apese in Lai As Ur Coo.* Of. o dm aamdlll.UAdO auR, Aare papoose ice Y auk pro ea loser, ll of riAmuftis gtraos Te dywa ofde Cav,W is Cursors d sorters rs arm se Or ma haler v+ioroororo rota • rues, ee. deYdw less • C.se.d d hew. Nam d bar, 11117 IAA Co. Amo rof de Carl gull mime d aws i5 rums pwdi g de foss, o [16sr. u,beau. eoew eb d rama sal de Cry sere mass mood ma 1 ropmr orondd II Mc Cq . odor,. .n..ey®a •s erad ie..gm... e mmnmWD..•uss dArosaa. Ttam®.Ya lam ofw.a ®•ease era� mgpasred .o d lc seva of roam, Cudel CS, Cam. mesa rsera.f. a,®•Cq___. �Wv.eb d. ream, Aare, r ram C. /au.,by ads 1 ue=ema• � m ea•cas a...,rmsasa a reed m cdd • Il.eas Aloies•d.a fmfry foe defer, e.ea m eueeasa ire .c 4aN W dorm, . Ae re r C.d. ad ruse Cocci a • pre of 1 car s aam.. Wen 298 ATTACHMENT A MDuL to Monument Valley Ellin Commission Services 1 To12l4A22J4.21..\W.tnny..0l11mwd Y Luotr•oxo ISA 4o Om, rug,. W w Gdu✓1 rr •w1v141..J\J.mNb. IW .i atio 6b compote Y dun dlot to t10 N sr.tr.wn.l,r 2 1otud/Al2u111212.2.12 dot Mrr.tJ J...IpwN J. r✓m✓Jf rYu.yr SwbuN.4J..o\ugl•uuG.1 W J•.1.••Coww. 1 Iu.r...n.Mtu.0 1.1J. raW..0 r.\ Ll..uy✓n W wY.Ju4..1.2d..111...luwy W InA1.1.•m.d nrlNry<up.ip.4+NNrrao /doo.to......tradlr• 1421 1 lu J.No) w 1 p.wu1 II• on of W d nlml Nnxn W N•wm to p.Ju...0 Dual v.s..s1•wn.l ar 1 I. okuok W 14wpay\.I NiwN. Nan.. W kdod WJI IW talk wand W 0224 n4.12. pr.wr. lYan 4w✓.r.1• a. R.1.0.ury o luM.nrA4Ml.wa✓rl.niw p.k w.u.M.r..J fJrpWx4n p.y.w Iopm W.•uyi.hr.✓Y Wwq ta•w. M 1.1... W 1.rdpyrn/wan • To pudl tuµ..nntl4.d.unenstu..n. M fJn pultomeasno•Y. Wan.. V loanwo....M.wr.M9..InudY'.1rt11.A Soo /Jn Cu....r.✓24 ww am 6.1 ItYuulul&tt •W .u/b Wand. to W MW Intlop.nl oflIn Iln YJ.wrY IV to Nu'•k Nnrn1 ✓.1..p.wr .kwy\ py...IJo.J r• 02 ma. 11.2 .J yoso •ww....l rA.,eWlu122.4. ORDINANCE 98-08-AN ORDINANCE ENACTING THE UNIFORM BUILDING, FIRE 6 INTERNATIONAL PLUMB- ING CODE, 1997 EDITION; ADOPTED / nlww r.. of 0I.4 a .. 141.•.4,4 .0m. JNN.4wmuaJll C1.1 A n W'l Y Llw.a Itry i . 14 u •yNau .N . m .n.Joso a go luso.✓NI w J.u.w 12 rl.141 .i do ay....4 b fyw✓y W wW r•1112. at•vd . dal •V.e.0 w. •4 souwy I..b. M rtr CavayWCey 14 CannyAl....uwo WC.l4w.n.i l4.Lp. ru..l.yro. o/ surplw. rt.iao. W .i wt... 02 cc.wr µman M .22 Cot u 14..1, .wr r• 1W1.0 J•••V4ra 1 Esmond (00.144.1]4,w•dlids ool..w dAb End 2.IJ2Eu.,(tut Woo CoyC,ut DATED do_ai.'_ I.1J_1St.airy �yA 4tLu/t�.•r,l.Nlnll AI. u. -_ _(//L {4•..At. ..i. L.`Y{.J.:x G_f/_:alrti G.�. a.>(,vtR 1 r t... (.. I AlcootJ Councilmember Sakrison moved to adopt Proposed Ordinance 98-08-An Ordinance Enacting The Uniform Building Code, 1997 Edition, The Uniform Fire Code, 1997 Edition, And The 1997 International Plumbing Code, As Official Construction Codes For Moab City And Incorporating Said Codes Into City Ordinances; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. /1 .4 C11. LWllu.lr.l 1.. 1u1.• !I_ v1'u"IYJllm4:uCwa. `tI.10. fl.• Cd 1v1 e 11., Into. ua tonal11 0. colt logo) ...`•vIu• , 1.144o1•11naw`Into fll/101n•ntes. `.•v.uu.tyv r.co•Y...tra • nllwi. 4ull.l.q.fw."a and. oth•tmos t 11.101V." '• u1 .1 .11 .ul.•, 1 flvY Ia1u, w !• wd n1u.Llnq•..u•. W µr10J1..11Y upJ.•.0.i1 of l ru 9 I...IY. iio i J �Y .o,li W.rfon .r.a ...rrd. tow i>14>:Lw .•t n.J .rii ior.. w ...d .. 12.21 ill' lxllll'IltellgD 21 CY11.1. 12 IM . .l n11.unl' unlit... 1 .JYl.aa u~1E1. tit l• 14 Cunll lr•. v r 1.. ..Y • ut l.v. .I.tlll.Ilr•vl.luna o1 tl.. xo1.. x.rnr.'ryli •' 't...v..42 . u.4 xon IC1 Y.1 Codo ..22 Ix d wJti 'Win/.vJY ,,, l.l♦ Irrw. YJ'anau w , TEL Nate. .1•• .11 . “wcIt 12.s sun I. Lu11'ly 1M"a 11ur11•.,.I.nu1i J.'.ula •tha x•ur tawmnr...tY •..n..l. .onulr. a,4Y .L.0 .n...a. n. 14.Yt. ul Y, 1,01.41n. I..It.YIY. I..l1.Ylu .Io nut ony .wn•u]•Jtv1011u..I {{ 41110102 aul.l 111. 1. Iottl tl1. t•. ul....n••rN• 01'111.1.1.:••lIi.lgrrill <Iion. Vu•111 of • r1.1.. u.... n-.vy.rcloc...,, .r.J .."."".n.• o wr11J..q ar.l . ,w.. w...........................0 YwLIJ I.p fo0..• IYYy CJ 111 on, pr1.A.J a.`"coJr Oln : 1 . .m.rna lun.l . uln.uw. or Ym imny Llcl.l. b n Odltn.•y `uJ. On ab W.�.r.n0 L>�`lul. nt.nn0a 1. °i....ri of r tIq nLJ /0� ` '.,A'..ain;li n YY U..1 In4bc In lA. till u ul t\u Cily 4ocurd.l Cf 1sMI1otoT.owUJifule10lgCe01•eby:Jy:1 o Il` j.14 1 •ttg'IV ' JIVtr_Vin t11 a •lu Ju. u.vn1.. 11.r.yr cuyluw r Icx .. tll In tM Ill.r•'1 and 1. , u cl•Y. al.q R{HnI..., J.sto$1J CJ•. Inn.Yr.2a•• f.p.•YI 'nJ: "llr.' Cal. • SlamuO.,• Itol .0 t1ur, punt .N4J by 1E2IMl.U.�tlwul cent••onc• ul 4u11JN•I 411.1.121. an! Lr.lt.l. frrr tY.lai. A..uc1a11w.. rtu KYLE D. BAILEY SELECTED AS REP. ON THE CAPITAL IMPROVE- MENT PROJECTS COMMITTEE REVIEW OF IMPACT FEE ANALYSIS ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT •wut.t• :.i.q w�le1�.V.• u. rt IIt• t pa o.l•I I1-1/ 1 Y rt1. s.. urc.e •-. II I..r 111 c:11r: U. l I.a IIPW r 11/.14.1•14 LJul.v, try.. uLrr. I 1.41.411 Ilu.r lnq In.l rui r.v.r. ..., 11. J{.tlt' Ey:J'l It tr:'LNv,v lllvd fol.,• 11Y1 f01114n, x .1 utt to l•san.. Put.Oii: P •upon : oY 112 .il�uu tnl`1.•It, r.ta twl c,.M,t•. • 11 wl.l tlyy. t 1 L.ia rr., 1...• .OJ11.1 1• t 1 rPlu.ulrry 1. ••yl"IW. tt`'t , t rr. . , ,t t„ 1..1•11.r.••t• •Il T., Itl.r yrs.. Cf 11 1)'' 0• n•r le wp.n :..0 Yn u.:zYl`t y �i 2.. ...r •• un t r.,t At; tut.: 2; �l (ri Jvr.C_..1 '•.•� Ay aM flir or•Al t Councilmember Sakrison moved to appoint Councilmember Bailey to the Capital Improvement Projects Committee; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. City Manager Metzler reviewed the Impact Fee Analysis with the Governing Body. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler reported on the following: 1) Two sign code enforcement issues; 2) That she met with Engineer, Al Anderson, about costs for the North Area Development; 3) The grand opening of the Moab Arts and Recreation Center will be Saturday, February 28th; 4) That the Special Workshop Meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 27th from noon until 5 p.m. at the M.A.R.C. Building; 5) That Dale Pierson, of the Spanish Valley Water and Sewer District, informed her that the Community Impact Board would be in town on March 299 5th, at the M.A.R.C. Building if anyone would like to speak with them; and 6) That she met with Bob's Sanitation on putting together a Contingency Plan should Country Garbage default on their contract. Mr. Hawks informed her that they would need a 72-hour notice and would charge $13.50 for once a week service, wherever you put it. Under Mayor and Counoil Reports, Mayor Hancock MAYOR AND COUNCIL had nothing to report. REPORTS Councilmember Sakrison reported on the Landfill District Meeting last Thursday. He reported that the digging at Klondike Landfill was continuing, but they were running out of money. He also reported that they were not going to raise the rates at this time. Councilmember Cooke reported that he would get the video on the Park City Building and would bring it to the M.A.R.C. Building to be looked at during the workshop. Councilmembers Bailey, McDougald and Lekarczyk had nothing to report. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills APPROVAL OF BILLS against the City in the amount of 895,268.88; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to adjourn the ADJOURN Regular Council Meeting; Councilmember Cooke seconded the meeting. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9:47 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: andra E. B aureg d, CMC/ AII Deputy -Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING February 27, 1998 �4e61 .f Hanco�c7c'6� Mayor The Moab City Council held a special workshop SPECIAL WORKSHOP meeting on the above date in the Moab Arts and MEETING & ATTENDANCE Recreation Center, located at 111 East 100 North, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. Also in attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Richard Cooke, Dave Sakrison, Joseph Lekarczyk, and Kyle D. Bailey; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Deputy -Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; City Treasurer Laurie Ramstetter; Police Chief Alan West; Assistant Police Chief Mike Navarre; Community Development Coordinator M. David Olsen; Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra Gilger; Streets Superintendent Kenny Denney; Parks Superintendent Boyd Hawks; Recreation Coordinator Beth Hoffineister; Moab Arts and Recreation Center Director Eve Passeltiner; Public Works Director Brent Williams; and City Attorney Chris McAnany. 300 WORKSHOP MEETING LUNCHEON AND VIDEO DEPARTMENT QUESTION ANSWER AND UPDATE SESSION WITH DEPARTMENT HEADS PUBLIC FACILITIES LIST UPDATE ON NORTH END MUNICIPAL SERVICES COUNCIL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES PROJECT/ISSUE PRIORI- TIZATION/VISION FOR THE YEAR POSTPONED UPDATE ON SIGN VIOLATION AND STATUTORY APPOINTEE SEVERANCE PAY ISSUES ADJOURN ATTEST: During lunch a video on the renovation of the old school building in Park City was played. Mayor Hancock started the workshop session with a departmental update session, and questions and answers from the following: 1) Police Chief West for the Police Department; 2) Public Works Director Williams for the Streets, Water, Sewer, Parks and Storm Drainage; 3) Recreation Coordinator Hoffineister for the Recreation, Swimming Pool and Moab Arts and Recreation Center; 4) City Manager Metzler for the Administration Department including Treasurer, Recorder and General Government; and 5) Planning and Community Development is to be discussed at a joint City Council/City Planning Commission on March 26th at 4:00 p.m City Manager Metzler went over the Moab City Prioritized Project List with the Governing Body. City Manager Metzler updated the Governing Body on the North End Municipal Services, and with her meeting with Engineer Al Anderson. Under Council Policies and Procedures Mayor Hancock stated that she wished to. 1) Incorporate a policy to not act on anything at any City/County Workshop Meetings; 2) Mayor Hancock, also, stated that the City Planning Commission needs to handle Home Occupations and that the City Council needs to handle Conditional Uses. The Governing Body discussed several ways of handling Conditional Uses; and 3) Mayor Hancock, also, pointed out that Council Members need to call Point of Order when the meeting is getting off track. City Manager Metzler postponed going over the Project/Issue Prioritization/Vision for the Year list due to no time at this Workshop. Councilmember Lekarczyk informed the Governing Body of his conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Steele about their sign on East 200 South. He also discussed with the Governing Body and City Attorney the proposed Severance Pay Policy for Statutory Appointees. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Special Workshop Meeting at 5:00 p.m. APPROVED: edrie9 i[ / arla R. Hancock 4,, Mayor an�. Beaureg d, CMC/AAAB Gmci Deputy -Recorder 301 MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING March 5, 1998 The Moab City Council cancelled a Special Workshop SPECIAL WORKSHOP Meeting scheduled for the above date in the Moab MEETING WITH Arts and Recreation Center, located at 111 East 100 COMMUNITY IMPACT North, Moab, Utah. The meeting was scheduled for BOARD CANCELLED the Governing Body of the City of Moab to meet with the Community Impact Board at 2:00 p.m. Due to the Community Impact Board leaving Moab early; the meeting was cancelled. ATTEST: andra B. B aure APPROVED: CA G/17R4- 1rd, CMC/ AE MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 10, 1998 arla R. Hancock Mayor The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:30 p.m. The Regular City Council Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Hancock. Councilmember Richard Cooke led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, Dave Sakrison, William D. McDougald and Joseph Lekarczyk; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Recorder Rachel E. Ellison; Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra K. Gilger; Public Works Director Brent Williams; City Attorney Chris McAnany; Treasurer Laurie Ramstetter; Water/Sewer Superintendent Larry Johnson; twenty-three (23) members of the audience and the media. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the February 24th, Regular Council Meeting Minutes, as corrected, the February 27u' Special Council Meeting minutes and the March 5u' Special Council Meeting Minutes; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. There were no Citizens Requesting To Be Heard. Acting Planner/Planning Aide Gilger stated that there would be a Special Joint City Council Planning Commission meeting on March 26u' at 4:00 p.m. Public Works Director Brent Williams presented to Water/Sewer Superintendent Larry Johnson an "Outstanding Service to the Customer" award from the Rural Water School. Heidi Wainer of the Canyonlands Community Recycling group made a presentation regarding Community Recycling. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve the entire Consent Agenda as follows: 1) Doug Kennedy, dba Nostalgia Rock at 450 Marcus Court, request for a Home Occupation License to conduct REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES NO CITIZENS REQUEL'_._.G TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE PRESENTATION OF AWARD PRESENTATION CANYONLANDS COMMUNITY RECYCLING HOME OCCUPATION LIC- ENSES FOR: 1)DOUG KENNEDY, DBA NOSTALGIA ROCK; 2) DEB TRUMAN 3 0'2 DBA CANYONLANDS PHOTO TOURS; MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT FOR 3) MARK JOHNSON AT 105 N. MAIN APPROVED STATUTORY APPOINTMENT OF CYTY ATTORNEY FOR TWO YEAR TERM CONFIRMED MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT TO THE SHADE TREE COMMISSION CONFIRMED RESOLUTION 03-98 ESTABLISHING A SEVERANCE PAY 6 BENEFITS POLICY FOR EMPLOYEES HOLDING STATUTORY APPOINTMENTS ADOPTED a Mail Order Album Framing/Christmas Ornaments Business; 2)Deb Truman, dba Canyonlands Photo Tours at 961 S. 400 East request for a Home Occupation License to conduct a Photographer's Tour Guide Service; 3) Mark Johnson, at 105 North Main request for a Moved -On Structure Permit for a Food -Beverage Stand; Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye with Councilmember Sakrison voting nay. Councilmember Bailey moved to confirm Mayor Hancock's statutory appointment of Chris McAnany to the position of City Attorney. The appointment will be with a contract for a period of two (2) years and subject to renewal at that time. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to confirm Mayor Hancock's appointments of Carly Williams and Ginny Welch to the Shade Tree Commission to serve a three (3) year term, expiring on December 31, 2000; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to adopt Proposed Resolution 03-98 Resolution Establishing A Severance Pay and Benefits Policy For Employees Holding Statutory Appointments By The Mayor of The City Of Moab; Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. CI" N1 note .I4uu111011 a4 w re tus A ✓wlul ,w; IVY • a `N} M . !Via: Cltl> I'n�>a• a N n u1 Y v.roln.a•t.. N .hr naYur MIIINIA., tha CITY ol 140e4 Nos no vllallos Iw11uY al. to user. sere. INi lot tul•IUYer+ hoidlny etelutolY al1•alnknunt bl tr'In. v��1 a1•nt avn 0•rla IW tvlJuel aaVloYrr>1 ens i Wt.". . at is t. Tory Wl�tt of th., oovinlnO Nedy to Lvne l liar Iw v.s irr l•1•IteMj 'c lour /reeuv.rw• N. Y.11.IIu.1.he Clt/' al Meet. .ton ...lion of tsar oorvininy Noel, reiolvee as toile.. elswln;n.n" "0 eavla: lbnlnil:�'wl ll•eul C . :b jl rLa entitled le >...r.ewe lPaY P.r.a.nt le thy lellovllN achadelet IVA.A.o1-arinpl by vran w+ leer own l0 1 lots tat. to el> luu .r• than benefit n. ino.litt ....., leat ..a... •I• val.a. t•IJorer•s •annotate.. c'IIn n nst.. ell then M any pre 41.nly to Y IeM..h a .Cooing veer. netforth 'ly✓Nellu.11 . . n hv'r yd (..•ul •. lnu ia.ti�l ion.• a • •wt .:i ivr�l. a. tale n.r P oa.na •11 .v l.0 b.:1 of un e11w 1nt rv's itos.�.a• of pay a+ el In• On• lr saints It ORDINANCE 1998-06 REGARDING DUE PROCESS PROCEDURES FOR STATUTORY APPOINTEES DENIED SEVERANCE OR HEALTH BENEFITS AS A RESULT OF TERMINATION; ADOPTED oyloYevmole.) • •s r..-_Ivr•.. •r..1r ti ....•, ...... r. veal „ aW11Y 1.1 •t..o.. Ir a La••J nuno to, pon fao.•1'co: {boll ocCdrd 'o. r•11 .,.•11 •..1. ter •• trt• r•a:i.a.rn soones Y. 11•Ia I••cl a.... 0.111 1.1• •tlatt .ilea yv aeoe M • al ne•b tr Inooi ..eaten .u.et�•t I I /jA. A' 1 lr>I et it. Att., City P•>vraer' Councilmember McDougald moved to adopt Proposed Ordinance 1998-06, enacting Due Process Procedures for Statutory Employees Denied Severance or Health Benefits as a Result of Termination for Cause; Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. CI IY of h0Ae eWlNnn'L 11u. trea-eg efttltr• le' 1Nu1Pl.ts tdosiro tan ...SS InuCtuurts t h[A1t11 b111ff11f AS a amp t or mammal ion ay.v.e• n t .T... Y�I am •11oln. liq'a ,t net It y.+.nJvel•r<<o „ory .It eun...s a 1411 c •°":1 11 rv.< u en<It 1. to •vnraw ar 1..•I.n ..1•<• aM t1flf. ael et fflr.+1 u to 1 �t1y i pY••ln...•4n. tau.f Pr.-dePr{vn •en u•rltp P >w •.rer.nc HY >......ry Aipaint•-• feeet•.• benelit Appeals Y.l1. CI!• 11111ic Jett S. ie• The µ.µse of this reuniter Is ea establish procedures ler tha ^ppoietec.na Caliper I.,f'y.+i i .1yy0r•,Oi0 ICI 4 the escappt son sl rs1 alywla•esa Beall t- <olit••y esple• et the proriJ•d v i .syw'r wI It tips} —I; a �9w aim e vnf el . . {o!' cull N <wstr a•J .e re µal w a 1 I0•.in.. •e as �1 status. Ltl, Y�SsiOtn.. Ire•.11. iaMn<h eiA. tyvCaow.l uj •Seer twreµu�� eaY ...... s .wfr the pppp MSYer ioorr :- ocle H, ball 4: Inelted Pnllc rw= laat's;!T• • M°•Iunaiisea,Wcs, .1l..Mnuee cowers .e ell. , .r else. of office 303 h. **** * et ..tosoIseel lof asst. el ell tot Ito /see el ****** ono pay ore Melt. Pena* Jule,`. 014141uly Olt,Olattuf ta.V.ItAtg7:...1%,40.2,a:11.0;.1.0•01*,11• .411 1040t looatOote se • 2.41.111914t4iSee1.111M1Sducs. A. *otos SO Oteataorl aft Some On nayel she. deliver too. the 11.114.011, 40,,t0.1.•• • ***** n ni.l.C. el Om el e.g.., •oefoonoset aood tloop appointee itloell In 4001%1.4 an soot., Osesotet e/et on rossofIoeley to peekoot ryida0aa 004 aheit°40 itit7tYat"t0 tatIVIE. the t'ullj:111"tttn";;. Mot*. OI the esteat to eepeeI 'hell to:oeilvefre to tto City *warn SO wee [Coo ...sweats, Says troe tto sere to of tofolOOtIOo. lelletoo 10 ..... • ootoce at Intentet Otto. within the tie. 1.410.10.11 yoeult .044 ***** el all awe* fight.. C. 114 souhoil heat any ..... 14te Azat •tykieetat ..to solard to.* ••••entee, 4,14.1. on.... shell 14 co...44 or. the rut rocoed. Tht pi-4mA.. et; ho con6.4.1 initteally era eta.) ter sutoect 10 the °ilea of evIewo,so In goers,/ est. teniml • decision testa upon the evidence previa., et the heerine. upon • 1.101.114 vett. WWII... the te.inet ion ter mee . .4t•inea or M"WOOL The holfOf 0411 Oat Vote of palticifote In tee Meal ating. tocept et ottotes to tost$04, or Mist.... es to IN* Wel* Of 114 !Walt... tot Cease. O. tt.• ay.. tct mother.... ta reossees see =Mae too411 •44111.3 Se to tein:1 .. 'at r::'r 10 l'ar;.•:*uffl !:44, . L'hle:a="7.4tY""t4t7N . ;eV= sTnie'te:;; sealeanCed Oath. Shifty [aye Ot.the oseerOls, osa,%'deCttlsoo t. taatiottOn VI .1 eastOtoefetees 1.0tal4ce ate. 4a f:LT'ar fty0f$4 the decision of tole gsysfolet'sool esIot. tt I, 0.7Itter, espf101ooso or nst ...or.. Sy tto I ”I 1•4•100••• aaaluated CU tat ieuenta epfe•ttatea, Genet.. t• • I i.c em.4 OtatoSose eh.. tote .....1 teeed ttttt y upon ...ye. att.o. ^:TI'paw: ‘.f. f)91!oli .44 ' rfaag Councilmember McDougald moved to table Proposed Ordinance 1998-03 an Ordinance Amending Section 17.09.090 Of Chapter 17.09, Title 17, Of The Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Parking Of Commercial Vehicles In Residential Zones; Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye with Councilmember Lekarczyk voting nay. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve a request for a flag shaped lot for Jody White, with the condition that the twenty (20) foot right-of-way fronting his property becomes a public right-of-way; Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a request by the Canyonlands Fat Tire Festival Organizing Committee for use of Swanny City Park from October 12th through October 18th for the Demonstration Exposition and bicycle race surrounding the park, with the condition that Canyonlands Fat Tire Festival Organizing Committee name the City of Moab as an additional insured and indemnify the City of Moab from hazards on the City streets that the organizing committee will be using for the bicycle race and stipulate that the race organizers inform, make aware and go over the course with the racers regarding road conditions. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. City Manager Metzler presented information on the proposed rate structure for city parks. The Cemetery rate structure is currently $.25 for every one thousand (1000) gallons of water used. Councilmember Cooke moved to adopt a water rate structure for City Parks identical to the cemetery rate structure; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to move the agenda back to Presentations; Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. 4$ Mott ORDINANCE 1998-03-AN ORDINANCE REGARDING PARKING OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES IN RESIDEN- TIAL ZONES; TABLED JODY WHITE REQUEST A FLAG SHAPED LOT APPROVED WITH CONDITION FOR REQEST BY CANYONLANDS FAT TIRE FESTIVAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE TO USE SWANNY CITY PARK FROM OCTOBER 12" THROUGH OCTOBER 18" FOR THE DEMONSTRATION EXPOSITION AND BICYCLE RACE SURROUNDING THE PARK APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS PROPOSED WATER RATE STRUCTURE FOR CITY PARKS IDENTICAL TO THE CEMETARY RATE STRUCTURE APPROVED AGENDA MOVED BACK TO PRESENTATIONS 304 PRESENTATION OF SIX COUNTY ACCESS TELEVISION AGENDA MOVED BACK TO NEW BUSINESS COUNTRY GARBAGE INC. GIVEN THIRTY (30) DAYS TO COME INTO COMPIANCE REGARDING SERVICE EXPECTATIONS MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS TO THE MOAB ARTS AND RECREATION CENTER BOARD CONFIRMED READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURN Job Matusow of the Six County Access Television made a presentation regarding Public Access Television. Mayor Hancock moved the Agenda back to New Business on the regular Agenda. City Manager Metzler reviewed the Compliance Report for City Contractor Country Garbage Service. Present from County Garbage were Jay Mecham, Mike Kissell and Attorney at Law Kent Winterholler. Discussion followed between the City Manager, the Governing Body and representatives of Country Garbage Service. Councilmember Bailey moved to give Country Garbage Service thirty (30) days from today's date (March 10, 1998) to come into compliance for the thirteen (13) items as listed by City Manager Metzler. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded. The motion carried by 3-2 aye with Councilmember McDougald and Councilmember Cooke voting nay. Councilmember Sakrison moved to confirm Mayor Hancock's appointment of Nick Eason and Ann Pool to serve two (2) year terms on the Moab Arts and Recreation Board, terms expiring on December 31, 1999. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. No Correspondence was read. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler reported on the following: 1) City Manager Metzler requested that the previously scheduled Council budget workshop be moved to Thursday March 19u' at 4:00 p.m. Under Mayor and Council Reports, Mayor Hancock reported that she has registration forms for the Mid -Year convention for the Utah League of Cities and Towns. The cost to attend is $120 and the convention will be held in St. George on April 16u' and 17u'. Councilmembers Bailey requested a copy West Valley City investigation discussion ensued. of the report; .Councilmember Sakrison reported that there will be a landfill district workshop this Thursday, March 12u' at 2:00 p.m. and that they will be pursuing a lot of options. Councilmember Cooke inquired of Councilmember Sakrison if he had any expectations that the Landfill board will be assessing the direct -haul option at any time in the near future. Councilmember Sakrison replied that they would be reviewing many ideas. Councilmembers McDougald, Cooke and Lekarczyk had nothing to report. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $106,709.87; Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting; Councilmember McDougald seconded the meeting. The motion carried 5-0 aye. 305 Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9:23 p.m. ATTEST: .�nXn-ellen�� Rachel Ellison City Recorder APPROVED: K rla Hancock Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING March 19, 1998 The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers Richard Cooke; Kyle Bailey and Joseph Lekarczyk. Councilmember David Sakrison arrived at 5:55 p.m. Also present were City Manager Donna J. Metzler; City Recorder Rachel E. Ellison, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen; Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra Gilger; Recreation Coordinator Beth Hoffineister; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Police Chief Alan West and Assistant Police Chief Michael Navarre. The purpose of this Special Workshop Meeting was to hold a Budget Workshop between the Governing Body and the City Department I leads on the Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget for all funds. City Manger Metzler then proceeded to go over the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1998/1999 with the Governing 13ody on the following department funds: 1) General Fund Revenue; 2) Planning and Community Development Fund; 3) Millcreek Fund 4) Recreation Department; 5) Moab Arts and Recreation Center; O Police Department; 7) Animal Control Councilmember Bailey moved to adjourn the Special Budget Workshop Meeting; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Mayor Hancock then adjourned the Special Budget Workshop Meeting at 7:02 p.m. ATTEST:(1Zc,a Rachel Ellison City Recorder cl> SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING IS A WORKSHOP WITI I CrrY DEPARTMENT I LEADS ON FY 1998-99 BUDGET CITY MANAGER REVIEWS FY 1998-99 BUDGET WITI1 GOVERNING BODY ADJOURN APPROVED: %O,jape.@�fi��l2e® q4 ar R. Hancock Mayor 306 REGULAR MEETING & ATI ENDANCE APPROVAL Of MINUTES NO CITIZENS REQUESTING TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE PRESENTATION BY WILL, PETTY CANCELLED PRESENTATION 13Y PI fEit MOAB CITY COUNCIL. REGULAR MEETING March 24, 1998 The Moab City Council held their regular ntceting cm the above dale in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Hancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Joseph Lckarczyk led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, David Sakrison, William D McDougald and Richard Cooke; Recorder Rachel F. Ellison, Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra K. Ciilger, Public Works Director Brent Williams; City Attorney Chris McAnany; seven (7) members of the audience and the media. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the March 10'' Regular Council Meeting Minutes, and the March 19th Special Council Meeting minutes; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. There were no Citizens Requesting To Be I leard. Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra Gilger stated that there would be: Special Joint City Council Planning Commission meeting on Thursday the 26th at 4:00 pin. The presentation by Will Pclty regarding a Planned Unit Development was cancelled. A presentation was made by Peter I fancy regarding an Internal Review I IANEY !tearing of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. HOME OCCUPATION LIC- ENSE FOR SUE DALTON DBA WHOLESALE FOODS, APPROVED ORDINANCE 98-03 REGARDING PARKING OF COMMERCIAL. VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAI. ZONES, ADOPTED Councilmember 13ailey moved to approve the entire Consent Agenda as follows: 1) Sue Dalton dba Wholesale Foods at 310 E. 100 N., request for a Hume Occupation License to conduct a food Products Business; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. 'Hie motion carried 5-0 with discussion. Councilmember Sakrison moved to adopt proposed Ordinance 98-03 an Ordinance Amending Section 17.09.090 of Chapter 17.09, 'title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances regarding Parking of Commereial Vehicles in Residential "Zones as amended. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. tin ar toot cratra . I.. tun-.11 ap oraivaar •wr.11ap tettl. It.011.0. el la• MalcIpal cr la rectal. Mattpasta. of resssrelal vehicles la rsanunalwitarrW� <walMivit o ssutde utlMK tt la sa..rly to pninittnitpariiy et large rcln vehlttet la real..lai a. dicer a lal faa tastcipal rude to a... ea !dies• lt.➢7o at-si M.,yy teh la 1"1" tws>•fM treat 1. lama p or ••a • rate. pJ. e”.111-R1. oof tor •.tea& sr a.. for • � ported et da::`4putt. iOa� �ta ..40-I. bled a. Coaserolit or cautrsottort vehiclss otaatvlas do. to Mt* tea It r • r Owe ow. or part. l/ to provided r/n .1401. wlllrooit Ps aatafaapls place altre etx a�pert. ...log cos year. .ttlen' ehall/ealmaallertAas�• Mi 4 RI,`elMi w iu: di •grata.* as property located vit.* toy car yasanti. agricultural seed. tale mottoo* .011 btaHpt tidais :RsrpaN or o rt.*la tsubject private property of tee vehtcle aeaer. aappttt�. Viet tlte.� :iatwla'rties all . ils. R,ua :itaoitr io oe)ota ar atria tL• rtolnlr, A �y •atli clrl Outer. ditty tttie wllua per violet!016 ., trow now ree.. rite israce.* eWt a. reasoo.le •lt.raoyie isN. Yale otdleesco Wny tat••Ifteet /sa•tln•Iy Wee p•••p•. . eats t: agN :+ t•ra Yta 2 4r at 11 Its npW c3sy Carr Or Kii.• •alto i eeea• • atttiit I RyllamrOefeet Ord.,, 307 Councilmember Sakrison moved to adopt proposed Resolution 05-98, a Resolution designating depositories for City funds; Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye with Councilmember McDougald obslaining. onsouryl r7. 4f la e tarulullm designer.. dewSh.tte• far City fen.1l. ;.ro . nut xalode t•mh nlll 9. rrlty re. et Ot Web, Utah r11311 IMaflVtab`°IIf llStreet Utah itedile T u. mar • leetnt Iu.a /IS aaaaa CApltel tit ta. City. et.h bill. Oxo.b,ui. . .Vuwer M City dt b•la m to ILLY Dof the etc. t ir. .. • Pt.a.ot, t • 1>Ilaim, otf rt•r• u aalyloux il ct ° :dirir ro . ti raid ..a. ..aa .ppdiml:a`w'.e.ue. h:y r"l!l.d' tartto N� tl l.•1:u[mri'�leb: ibn e1e fnrycr.t ii r. .. tl .I iota tut • u v .. lume, Aa ra Vey � litcora•r, acda twlaa �SPO t ey Deputy.nccidet. lade• a s•au.9 ra it.eeu.et. Laurie It las Ucwty•irtaura. Jowya Doff.. City Council..... . relm,lae 11111), Ar t, a IT 1a+n.Virb Tom tee Ca t. of lu:,1:,l:Me •It.0 tr Ire lraala vile tee tlm' t withdrew Bud of M1v0 or to nr11 Older oce atAaot Ib.L.y w withdrawn IW One nl irss tlyretrl•• of .e awl . .b.ry. rs.mr .ro .. DI i D•wtrar..•rr.:1: allot. tad hqqm ebd:�` .Iu. •ro a a.n ,or S1�1n1 ltv- otaenu at ele.turt u tenerv.0 t :n:. Dot .htnppuu1 my�tL .rr l tarred w u.v,:rlllam:ad G�Il1u•ul 1.11tf1 e":da::: tolh°.a . aatlm`t [fit. Cowlle older: for peyrmeat of mot. /a accos.ace olio mt�9:ute card. ccoapenying this aut.aa'aa� by Obeoce r CCabiaCity eels.ttutl.::t: • .0 aaaaurns er et Dejuty ireStarer due MI City Caurtllsontorr a•CY AtO 1995 la opsc m..11 r�1 Mob. Utrb f e Attie n Rw; i s,=iinoo� City ...der Councilmember Sakrison moved to adopt proposed Resolution 06-98, a Resolution revising the Klondike Landfill local Government Financial Guarantee; Counciltnember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll call vote. GRAND courant. WAII al MOAB CI IV JOIlfftESOIUMONOIADOIMON Mr.nr./411 OETIIEM INnTD KI ONo1KE I ANDMLL LOCAL GOVERNMENT GUAR WILL wIIEwEAS.Gera Cary too 'Caryl u•rr s NY Sur MI.. sot r too* ray pre. W n•.idtip.l go. •Mkn 1. Yte.Uenti NwnapatnN Oral Cagy; WHEREAS she Coy dMab(Waif) a••=Warr oapartrt N 6, Sur of Ur W. a. raid ••.Stye marpSope sawn r a Dutraee. W II EREAS. trMl. grown., Y trlJar •f eeiragoni l Go aSewers maim Coy of Merl44E.ad er Y KlrMe. LAMA obkli I. root et apr.tby Good Coot, SahJ Were Mourner Sprul Ionics Diarist Ho I (Y'UronCA • IIEKEA7,W EooLlo Nall eared Kuril& a Chu l Swag PAS Wow pima lth^Ptmit) herd by the Huh Srbl W M.O.. Wu. Card Bond (IWO.El IS II LREAC r L cadteaa NY tag*. Y MOM 4 MORO to rorW form grown roofing darn alai par<4ere rue W OM Marble WAAL W IIEPCAS, a.wfras Curai mead moo mass soar M pJbonly roman r Y Patrics W low agar ay M proof solo the 'mitre NY Corey W 40% OMICREAS.YCary wf YOq ba a rM aY boa haven *Moe remrasa r FoeNeOral g.ear.' proud r Y bet parr. Y twig. .NW.71 SSW llt) of Y Utah AOseleirelin Cols ilonbulto 141 .ryas, bairn Y Donal witruor of the Roark" memo. tapdrmem W uralaay nobs* do mr iW ode M prr0 a•eY milers NY Cary WO.. Eby, WHEREAS. Y Cary W Y Clty pmtaW, trim4d•amgr.amp.rr %hens ryrrol by ...Saari, SammydY boot W WHEREAS, Y Sax warmer parr. Sr bra Iap41a/ r t•ax•ra h Y Eamon Startry W ra Eby NY Coors &On rmer e/ trier by mild Seal groomer gnrr loth. bN imEEo Lector. Sentry. NOW.TIIERICHRE.M Strand by Orel Car, lot by Ong Nlloi le Woe 1 That YCaryWiCop AA pails• prase, in=arrs or. re ntrmea• ref Ran IIFJBFI(q r Y D.. I. M Ram.. Samos a arihria• r RESOLUTION 05-98 DESIGNATING DEPOSITORIES FOR CITY FUNDS, ADOPTED RESOLUTION 06-98 DESIGNATING REVISING THE KLONDIKE LANDFILL LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL GUARANTEE, ADOPTED r..rm �Y llWPrn,.le tel mert,n� tawseri Moat .1 el,.. I /V YEW NY CaWCar, Clara W r. Olga NY Coy el Mob Art /.awl W arwoorr 4 s Garry. • Y Lear oloa SaruaJ.0 &Loa Y Car... •e r• long roast a Irma• Mroal 3N OJuiM � NYtL NY Carry Cooed Ca Cwr.l•N NY SI.,of le Coy9irlraa r4.W NY Cr.ryrlNY Cr,C.n•r..iy, bran YhrrW. r M.*UY B,a1 o TV aMroaf N Y Coors* or 'bud loco Oa Yale N•raal NYCrew Corry Carol atarms Y pale N• order el Y Nor Cry Cara pool n atm. by Our bla. W La W ta.Awr.r oLWA W Oa rand W Moog NY Gum. or sor ra& r terror. nr r.IAA G,s eJ Pabbs Moore A. W rto ra Gram. N W Mi, ls bamboo gor blob r• Corr, W Y Coy • warts. .i4 a mm. J. TtrW 4oltea ran lrl• siTol imehrtly.pos as purr MtOVMJ AND MUM Y rnot Carl Cara of hY Mrs Cp Card aY San r1 Ora Man Aar riPL^^— rn.1.1e 2 GRAND COMM' Br TOM Dee CITY 01 10. B, ft0 A( .elrl . De1�—y99 308 RESOLI ITION 07-98 APPROVING 'nip, CITY A'i oRNEY SERVICES CONTRACT, ADOPTED Councilmember Sakrison moved to adopt proposed Resolution 07-98, a Resolution approving the City Attorney Services Contract; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll call vole. RECONSIDERATION OF 1NT'BRLOCAL AGREEMENT REGARDING FUNDING OF TI IF MOAB To MONUMENT VALLEY FILM COMMISSION REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF PENALTIES FOR SWANNY an( PARK WATER BILL, APPROVED DISCUSSION REGARDING TI IE CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS READING OF CORRESPONDENCE Reloluuoo 07.93 APPA0Y2.611tE CITY ATP:W AY SF141cli CtMl1AA T %tnu. to Uo.D Co, Cme W mbaul 4 hp""-40 Ct.Wn0 UAFesuY tt Cry Aza.a,Pu it Ca#d Nu).u{w+u1D# Hub C50 W ut [+cf, 04.0+41. rJ YMaa,. tt Cu, •,o,1u laLL1En dm F p'a'ntu t..x,A, •uu.“ Cu. ua t4 Mu., w CA nu al UaN.w Vacua,. Ft Alwrte StnxnC.ou,a.W Dm,nmed nee 1,40 E># Go - toe, a J, PF AV Rif WOKE 14E11[E 00VENUSFOAOOY OF THE.7, OF Wm) f 0E10.11Y AFIOCVE TO AFFAOVEIHE ATIOAHET SLOW-1 NM4ACT D1 FOSTAIFFUAPta011 R7ElI2 OF TO EOECVTE AND THE CORA, TI[E 740 n,olaut./at Wt 0.16raxim„.5. WnY tautwx�+Pd Dim t/ IPf"'."7:sr#J Ct,uvcm .au-p o. a NK_d1,d }.b.� COY OF#TSAE ,1ala An,a Y.,tl F1 um C„ tt.o eu Councilmember Cooke requested that City Manager Met/ler determine in a discussion wilh the County, what the Comity's financial assumption of the I'ilnt Commission will be using transient Room Tax funds. Councilmember Cooke also requested that this item be added to the next Council Meeting agenda and that City Manager Metzler report her findings at the next Regular Council Meeting. Aber an update from Public Works Director Brent Williams, Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the request for waiver of penallie.s Ihr the %vanity City Park Water bill; Councilmember McDouguld seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll call vole. Councilmember Bailey moved to table the discussion regarding the consumption of alcohol in public buildings. Councilmember McDouguld seconded the motion. 'ITte motion was debated 2-3 nay with Councihnembers Lekarcryk, Sakrison and Cooke voting nay. Councilmember Cooke requested that City Manager Metzler request of the Moab Arts and Recreation Center Board that the board review the current alcohol policy and then if the Board requests chimges the topic can be brought back to the agenda. Councilmember Sakrison requested that City Attorney McAnany identify the potential liability of consumption of alcohol in public buildings. Councilmember Bailey read a letter from Warren Industries requesting permission to erect two poles at the north end of town. Discussion followed. Councilmember Sakrison requested that the poles become a budget consideration, ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT'S 'there were no Administrative Reports. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURN Under Mayor and Council Reports, Councilmember McDougall reported out a trip to Fredonia Arizona. Mayor Hancock had nothing to report. Councihnembers Sakrison, Cooke, Bailey and Lekarczyk had nothing to report. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $80,676.38; Cotncilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll call vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember I.ekarczyk moved to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting; Councilmember McDougald seconded the meeting. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor I Itmeock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 7:49 p.m. 309 ATTEST: APPROVED: / a 'aXIn/ Rachel E. Ellison City Recorder K r a R. Hancoc Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING March 26, 1998 The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above date in the Wind Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, David Sakrison, and William McDougald. Councilmember Joseph Lekarczyk arrived at 4.05 p.m., and Councilmember Richard Cooke arrived at 4:09 p.m. Also present were City Manager Donna J. Metzler, City Recorder Rachel E. Ellison, Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra Gilger, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen and Public Works Director Brent Williams. Also present were Planning Commission Members: Sam Taylor, Kirsten Peterson, Stanley Noorlander, Dave Wood and Dorothy Markle. There were four (4) members of the audience present. The purpose of this Special Workshop Meeting was to hold a joint meeting between the Governing Body and the City of Moab Planning Commission. Councilmember Sakrison moved to set a time limit for the meeting of 5:15 p.m. Councilmember McDougald seconded. The motion carried 3-0. Mayor Ilancock moved the agenda to the Joint City Council/City Planning Workshop Session. The following topics were discussed: I) General Plan Updates; 2) Annexation; 3) Circulation Planning for Pear Tree Lane Area; 4) North End Development; 5) Capital Improvements Planning. Dave Clark made a brief presentation regarding the Pear Tree Lane area. Councilmember Bailey requested that the second meeting in June be a joint City Council/City Planning Commission meeting. The Mayor then moved the agenda back to the regular agenda. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a Temporary Class III Beer License for Darren Huff dba H&P Oil/Stars C Stores at 301 S. Main. Councilmember McDougald seconded. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the Special Meeting; Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5- 0. SPI:CIAI. Nir:T"PING & ATTENDANcT 111121'0SE OF SPECIAL MEETING IS A JOINT MEETING 11 M I TI1E CTrY OF MOAB PLANNING COMMISSION 'Hui. LIMIT SET FOR MEETING AGENDA MOVED TO WORKSI101'; TOPICS DISCUSSED PRESENTATION BY DAVE CLARK NEXT MEETING SCHEDULED AGENDA MOVED BACK TO REGULAR AGENDA TEMPORARY CLASS III BEER LICENSE APPROVED FOR DARREN HUFF DBA H&P OIL/STARS C STORES AT 301 S. MAIN ADJOURN 310 Mayor Hancock adjourned the Special Budget Workshop Meeting at 5:25 p.m. Rachel E. Ellison City Recorder SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING IS A WORKSHOP WITII CITY DEPARTMENT 1IEADS ON FY 1998-99 BUDGET CITY MANAGER REVIEWS FY 1998-99 BUDGII' WITI I GOVERNING BODY ADJOI IRN APPROVED: arla It. Hancocc Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCII, SPECIAL MEE,T1NC March 31, 1998 The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Oft -lees. located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 3.15 p.m. In attendance was Couneilmember Kyle Bailey. Couneilmember Joseph Lekarezyk arrived at 3:50 p.m., and Councilmember Richard Cooke arrived at 4.25 p.m. Also present were City Manager Donna J Metzler; City Recorder Rachel E. Ellison, and Public Works Director Brent Williams. 'Me purpose of this Special Workshop Meeting was to hold a Budget Workshop between the Governing Body and the City Department I leads on the Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget for all funds. City Manger Metzler then proceeded to go over the proposed budget line Fiscal Year 1998/1999 with the Governing Body on the Ibllowing deparHhent funds: 1) I lighways and Public Improvements; 2) Class " C:" Roads; 3) Storm Drainage; A) Swimming fool; 5) Sewer; G) \Vater; 7) Executive and Central Staff; 8) Administrative; 9) Recorder; 10) General Government; II) Treasurer; 12) Attorney 13) Community Contributions. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Special Budget Workshop Meeting at 5:30 p.m, APPROVED: ATTESTt ZCa e. Rachel E. Ellison City Recorder arla R. Hancock Mayor 311 MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING April7, 1998 The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 4:15 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers Joseph Lekarczyk, Kyle Bailey, William McDougald, Richard Cooke, and David Sakrison. Also present were City Manager Donna J. Metzler; City Recorder Rachel E. Ellison, Police Chief Alan West, Animal Control Officer George Koskinen, Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra Gilger, and Treasurer Laurie Ramstetter The purpose of this Special Workshop Meeting was to hold a Budget Workshop between the Governing Body and the City Department I leads on the Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget for all finds. City Manger Metzler then proceeded to go over the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1998/1999 with the Governing Body on the following department funds: 1) Community Contributions; 2) Animal Control, 3) General Fund Revenue. SPECIAL, MEf PING & ATTENDANCE PIIIZ1)OSI:01. SPECIAL. MEL IN(i IS A WORKSHOP 1 ITI I C'I I l' DEPARTMENT I LEADS ON El' 1998-99 CITY MANAGER REVIEWS FY 1998-99 I3UDGET WITI1 GOVERNING BODY Mayor Hancock adjourned the Special Budget Workshop Meeting at ADJOURN 6:28 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: -Ha2(etvs- Rachel E. Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL. REGULAR MEETING April 14, 1998 Karla R. Hancock Mayor The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the stove date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Ilancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember William McDougald led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, David Sakrison, Joseph Lekarczyk and Richard Cooke; Recorder Rachel E. Ellison; Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra K. Gilger; Public Works Director Brent Williams; Community Development Coordinator David Olsen; City Attorney Chris McAnany; thirty (30) members of the audience and the media. Councilmember Bailey moved to approve the March 24h Regular Council Meeting Minutes as corrected. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the March 26'" Special Council Meeting minutes; the March 31' Special Council Meeting minutes, and the April 7"' Regular Council Meeting Minutes. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES 312 CITIZENS REQIJESTING TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE PRESENTATION BY JOHN 13RERETON IOME OCCUPATION LIC- ENSE FOR ) sum LONG DIM To CONDUCT A CHIANIIC DESIGN BUSINESS; 2) ANTHONY ARCARI AND SARA TAYLOR DBA MEXICALI GROOVES TO CONDUCT AN IMPORT- EXPORT BUSINESS, APPROVED MOVED -ON STRI WTI PERI\11T FOR M.'I'IM 'I'IMPSON DBA 131'I'CI IIN' KITCl1EN'1'0 CONDUCT A RETAIL FOOD AND CATERING BUSINESS WI'TII PROVISIONS, APPROVED REQUEST 13Y POSI'Tivti CI IALLENGE, INC TO USE SWANNY CITY PARK ON SUNDAY MAY 2' FOR TI1E 1998 TRANSCONTINENTAL TRIATHLON FOR LIFE APPROVED WITII PROVISONS RESOLUTION 08-98 DESIGNATING A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CTTY OF MOAB To SECURE TIIE TRANSFER TO SAID APPLICANT OF SURPLUS FEDERAL PROPERTY TIIROUGH THE UTAH DIVISION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY, UNDER TilE Under Citizens to be l leard Theresa King representing the Moab Arts Festival slated that the board of directors had decided to cancel this year's Arts Festival, and they are taking a one (1) year hiatus to regroup and reorganize. The past two (2) years, weather has interfered with the festival and consequently their budget. Jim Haas of Cave Dreamers Gill Shop stated that since the cancellation of the Arts Festival, they are trying to schedule an Arts Festival for the weekend of May 23id, 24'and 25"' They have secured the Farmer's Market Lot and will have the Special Event Permit and 'Transient License by April 15d'. Ile requested that the Special Event Permit be added to the agenda for the April 21'' Special Budget Workshop Meeting. Councilmember Cooke made a motion to add this special event permit to the April 21' agenda. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0, aye. Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra Gilger stated that at the last meeting on April 9th, the planning commission finalized two ordinances regarding height and grade. The ordinances have been faxed to the City Attorney, and will be presented at the next Regular Council `fleeting. A presentation was made by John Brereton regarding Affordable lousing. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the follm\mg items of the Consent Agenda as follows: I ) Stephanie Long dba Paper at 357 Hobbs Drive, request for a Home Occupation license to conduct a Graphic Design Business; 2) Anthony Arcari and Sara 'Taylor dim Mexicali Grooves at 300 E. 300 S., request for it I tome Occupation License to conduct and Import -Export Business. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion earned 5-0 with discussion. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve; the following item ol' the Consent Agenda as follows. 1) M. 'I im Timpson dba Bitchin' K lichen at 299 S. 400 IL request for a Moved -on Slntcture Permit to conduct a Retail Food and Catering Business with the provision that 'tint Timpson submit signatures of approval of all adjacent neighbors to the business. Councilmember 13ailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 with discussion with Councilmembers Lekarczyk and Sakrison voting nay. Councilmember Coolie moved to approve the request by Positive Challenge, Inc to use Swanny City Park on Sunday May 2"' for the 1998 Transcontinental Triathlon for Life contingent on the City of Moab receiving a voucher from the Chamber of Commerce to be responsibte to any damages pertaining to vehicles. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. 'the motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to adopt proposed Resolution 08-98 Designating a Representative of the City of Moab to secure the transfer to said Applicant of surplus Federal properly through the Utah Division of Surplus Properly, tinder the provisions of Section 203 (j) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. 313 Nl SUI 11110\ fi bl11 LLSOLVID DIRT BLRLIIR r-e Co, Rn • a1._: I. - ._ d.egleed Re myna num. of. Cv of Rlaab Rat.. G sa •. Afp'..r.d...fliu r..k.Jp.pr:Ty J...g11. trl All E.lt lSl.i•. t1 tS a¢OtElrY.v.kt ae po,une .15.,.• .141 el de I.k.J n:5., AJn wurn•. Son fr. AEI d 1949 aRee.J.f u d L gee Je a, 'a J.Leu'rrwr . I ..Saevra. a+Jran_...0 C.a. u�.. r.•a_�..e to 1{ 1 V¢lltl R KEW, LP llUt •Le,fel.t L• d u_. zt..,s n.i to eea o de I .S Slue epz• 4 Sei4e nn-• tt f. I font ud tlr.d udAlsta. uouc u elatr..:a+ .e.y.l ..J. u:L�• Sue naev. fo Svpa Prop, CLAU/ /I: QUI: 1 Karl, R Il e.eel end. r.na• Ina I a Je tu... d CA C.ern Cep dSlue s.aJa d. - uw LLpra 1, Ja •.v Na v� al ru recta. of lel bee! oa Jean a.. oly—d La• rd“Coo,e aus Wt t•w ea Is _6,. of� al i .F a.• title fLati ARIES, ke",12..a a RSGI ni�.,J Cuuneihnember Sakrison moved to approve the 50/50 matching funds to build a levee near the 100 E. 200 S. pedestrian bridge. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Sakrison moved to table the Review of Solid Waste Collection Service Expectations. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Nicholas Brown and Wayne Bower made a brief presentation regarding Community Access Television. Councilmember McDougald made a motion that Councilmembers Lekarczyk and Cooke head a committee to study Public Access television and make a report at the next Regular Council Meeting. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Discussion ensued regarding the Preferred Water state Structure. Councilmember Cooke requested that the topic be addressed in more detail at the April 21' budget meeting. Councilmember McDougald distributed and discussed a survey from the Higher Education Center and asked that completed surveys be returned to the Recorder's 01Tice. City Recorder Rachel Ellison discussed the Grand County Transient Room Tax budget. Under Mayor and Council Reports, Councilmember Cooke asked City Attorney McAnany about the status of the sign on Main Street belonging to J.J. Wang. City Attorney McAnany stated that he had sent a letter to Mr. Wang stating that the sign should be corrected in ten (10) days or legal action will be taken. Mayor Hancock reported that Mr. Wang had brought in a video displaying the sign. Mayor Hancock also stated that the next budget meeting is scheduled for April 21, 1998 at 4:00 p.m. Councilmember Cooke stated that two new musical instruments had been installed in Rotary Park. Councilmember Sakrison slated that he would like to thank the Rotarians for their contributions to PROVISIONS OF SECTION 203 (J) OF TI IE FEDERAL. PROPERTY AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ACT OF 1949, AS AMENDED, ADOPTED REQI )LST A 50/50 MA'TCI1 TO But 1) A LEVIA? NEAR "rHE 100 E. 200 S. PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE, APPROVED REVIEW OF SOI.ID WASTE CoLLECT1oN SERVICE Exl'ECTA"IIONS TABLED COUNC ILMEMBERS LEKARCZYK AND COOKE HEAD A coMMlrlTEE To STUDY PUBLIC ACCESS TELEVISION, APPROVED DISCUSSION REGARDING 'HIE PREFERRED WATER RATE STRUCTURE READING OF CORRESPONDW ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS 314 APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURN ATTEST: the Rotary Park. Councilmember Sakrison also stated that there world be a Solid Waste/ Canyonlands Community Recycling meeting on April 15'h at 5:00 p.m. and that the Solid Waste board had issued a temporary direct hall permit to Country Garbage Service. The next Solid Waste Board Meeting will be Thursday April I(i''. Councilmember Bailey requested that a letter of recognition be sent to Rex I lolman and Theresa King and the Arts Council commending them on their work on the Arts Festival. Councilmembers McDougald, and Lekarczyk had nothing to report. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $135,039.62; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll call vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting; Councilmember McDougald seconded the meeting. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor I lancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9 07 p.m. APPROVED: Rachel E. Ellison City Recorder SPECIAL MEETING & ATI'ENDANCE SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT 17012 JAMES IIAAS DBA CAVE DREAMER MEMORIAL WEEKEND CRAFT SHOW, APPROVED DISCUSSION REGARDING WATER RA'I'E STRUCTURE DISCUSSION REGARDING BUSINESS LICENSE FEE STRUCTURE FY `98-'99 BUDGET WORKSHOP FOR C011NCIL RECOMMENDATIONS a�R. Hand Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL. SPECAAI, MEETING April 21, 1998 The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 \Vest 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 4:09 p.m. In attendance were Councihnembers Kyle 13ailey, Joseph Lekarczyk, and Richard Cooke. Councilmembers David Sakrison and William McDougald arrived at 4:14 p.m. Also present wen: City Manager Donna J. Metzler; City Recorder Rachel E. Ellison, and Public Works Director Brent Williams. There were two (2) members of the audience and the media present. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a Special Event Permit for James Maas dba Cave Dreamer Memorial Weekend Craft Show. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5 0 aye. Discussion ensued regarding the Water Rate Structure. Discussion ensued regarding the Business License Fee Structure. Councilmember Sakrison moved to recommend the Business License Fee Stntcture in the amount of $63,000 to be included in the FY '98-'99 budget. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote. 315 ATTEST :er-.4,(,_, (,, Rachel E. Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 28, 1998 Councilmember Sakrison moved to recommend the following changes in the EY `98-'99 budget: 1) A credit to account 51-500-70 of $55,675; 2) An increase in account 51-500-47 of $2,675; 3) An increase to account 10-399-30 of $53,000; 4) An increase to account 51-500-09 of $53,000; 5) An increase to account 10-480-87 of $1,300; 6) An increase to account 22-335-80 of $1,300; 7) An increase to account 22-700-31 of $1,300. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. 'fhe motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Sakrison moved to increase the Storm Drainage budget account 10-425-78 by $14,500 and to increase the Boy Scout (louse budget account 10-460-81 by $200. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to send the proposed '98-'99 PY City of Moab Budget to Public !fearing. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Sakrison moved to adjourn the Special Council Meeting. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. 'I he motion carried 5-0. BUDGET CI IANGES ADOPTED PROPOSED '98-'99 Pl' CITY OF N10A13 IIUDGI:TSENT TO PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Hancock adjourned the Special Budget Workshop Meeting at ADJOURN 5:30 p.m. APPROVED: /�7i1e� Ie. endivlo�-� Karla R. Hancock Mayor The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City OBices, located nt 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor llancack called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Couneilmember Richard Cooke led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, David Sakrison, Joseph Lekarczyk and William McDougald, City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel E. Ellison, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen, and City Attorney Chris McAnany; twelve (I2) members of the audience and the media were present. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the April 14h and April 21' Regular Council Meeting Minutes. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye with Councilmember Cooke voting nay. There were no citizens requesting to be heard. No planning update was given. REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE ' APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS REQUESTING TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE A presentation of Tree City USA and Growth awards was made by Bill PRESENTATION BY BILL Zanotti of Stale Forestry. ZANOTTI 316 PRESENTATION BRYAN ATWOOD MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT FOR DAVID REDD, DBA MAUI WOW! APPROVED REQUEST TO ADD 'HIE PROJECT FOR A TRAIL AND FENCING ALONG Tl IE' WEST BORDER OF I IECLA SUBDIVISION IN ROTARY PARK TO TIIE RIVERWAY ENI IANCEMENT GRANT PROPOSAL APPROVED MOTION TO TABLE TIM TIMPSON'S DBA 131TCHIN' KITCHEN REQ FOR A REFUND OF TRANSIENT. BUS. LTC. AND MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT FEES FAILED TIM TIMPSON'S DBA BITCI IIN' KITCIIEN REQ FOR A REFUND OF "TRANSIENT BUS. LIC. AND MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT FEES FAILED NEPTUNE ARB METERS BID FOR'!"IE WATER DEPARTMENT AWARDED TO WATERWORKS SALES IN TIM AMOUNT OF $10,400.00 APPROVED ROOFING PROJECTS 1)0!AMBER OF COMMERCE 2)CITY I TALL 1311) FOR 711E GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT AWARDED TO JOE SORENSEN CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $42,520.46 APPROVED CONTRACT FOR THE ROOFING PROJECTS 1)CIIAMBER OF COMMERCE 2)CITY HALL APPROVED WITH PROVISIONS A presentation of a plaque was made by Bryan Atwood of the State Division of Water Quality. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the following. 1) David Redd, dba Maui Wowi at 391 South Main St. requests a Moved -on Structure permit. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 with Councilmember Sakrison voting nay Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Community Development Coordinator Olsen's request to add the protect for a wood chip trail and fencing along the west border of I lecla subdivision towards the creek in Rotary Park to the Riverway Enhancement Grant Proposal with the City's matching funds to be decided from which budget category we get them at a later time when the project is approved. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye by a roll -call - vole with Councilmembers Lekarczyk and Sakrison voting Nay Councilmember Cooke made a motion to table Tim Timpson's dba Bilchin' Kitchen request for a refund of Transient Business license and Moved -on Structure permit fees and requested that the City Manager bring figures to the next meeting as to an administrative analysis of the actual costs involved with administrating moved -on structures, and a recommended fee based on those costs. C'ouncnbncmber McDougald seconded. The motion failed 2-3 nay with Councilnembers Lekarczyk, Bailey and Sakrison voting nay Councilmember Sakrison moved to grant Tim Timpson s dha Bitchin' Kitchen request for a refund of Transient Business license and Moved - on Structure permit fees. Councilmember Cooke seconded. The motion failed 2-3 nay by a roll -call -vote with Councilmembers Lekarezyk, Bailey and Sakrison voting nay For the Neptune ARB Meters bid for the Water Department bids were received as follows: AB13 Water Meters Inc. $25,625.00 Plumbers Supply Co. $16,026.57 U.S. Filler Corp. No bid lydra Specialties $18,135 00 Grand Jct. Pipe & Supply $11,988.60 WR While $10,983.70 Waterworks Sales $10,400.00 Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the recommendation of Larry Johnson, Water and Sewer Superintendent and award Waterworks Sales the Neptune AR13 Meters bid in the amount of $10,400.00. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. For the Roofing Projects 1)Cliamber of Commerce 2)City Hall bid foe the General Government Department, bids were received as follows: Pill Roofing $35,420.00 Joe Sorensen Construction, Inc. $42,520.46 Noting that Pitt Roofing did not meet material specifications. Councilmember McDougald moved to award the Roofing Projects 1)Cliamber of Commerce 2)City Ilan bid to Joe Sorensen Construction, Inc, in the amount of $42,520.46. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll - call -vote Councilmember Sakrison moved to approved the contract for the Roofing Projects 1)Chamber of Commerce 2)City Hall as awarded to Joe Sorensen Construction, Inc. In the amount of $42,520.46 contingent on review by City Attorney Chris McAnany. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vole. 3 1 7 Councilmember Sakrison moved to send proposed Ordinance 698-10 Regarding Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding the Definition of Grade in all Zones to public hearing. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to send proposed Ordinance 1198- I I Regarding Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding the Definition of Building Height to public hearing. Councilmember Cooke seconded the 'notion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. The Draft Impact Fee Ordinance was reviewed by City Manager Metzler and City Attorney McAnany and was then discussed. Councilmember Sakrison requested that the Draft Impact Fee Ordinance be modified and brought back at the next council meeting. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Ordinance 498-12 Enacting Terms and Conditions for the Discharge of 'hulled Wastewater or Septage into Municipal Sewage Treatment Works. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye by a roll - call -vote with Councilmember McDougald voting nay. I: yl h.. telollUe., 0 1V,O. 04t710.11..Jit NOV SON OittileNCI. 01 100ft ilett140.11Y1 .1.111API fele MVNICIV.1 NY. tea. ISO, u.t4 oey bowl. s 4..1 ttttttr.Vvu e Jbe.st lc tttt Lia bowtob Onto .... .0. isatrGet tacitity, abd ':1';'"u"" . . "" '1'04%/InIrl"tn'jb sn el:12424 . ; ..... at, „Aceat.e.: ile .............. ott.tat ...IbiM441,4je 1 • tom tel VIOlotilot Its pollution :11,1 • 11 ...Sy Itmoei llaoq ye a Ica.. to artomr liability 1.,1 1.1. lilt, " """' by a. 1.11,1.11Jf It.l dllaJ total% ta fOlatC$14. og ut119.1 ....... Oat City sees a• ti••taar.t we. in.:I:tett ..... ill sta., • •••••• ..... 14,111, ..... et •Ith the CItY. 041411.9 0 .11bbf.iy. lernit loop ter..... Aunt pima, men ralin, +la Oplitunir Imam. • eu' . t:t"alt".call nay. "*.""" " "" ;4 tl.• el the . alle..••••• ..... euol. ar teal.. la m•a. ••• • ...... l• ...Jae into e• ttt -etas puttauet f. st.att•1 au-la—atewor 1,1tt..11 Jaacturly inortot.i1.a tin la. a: ,a Jr ....... ten a. tois Coop1sai REQUEST TO SEND PROPOSED ORD. 498-10 REG. MOAB MUNICIPAL ORD. REG. TIIE DEFINITION OF GRADE IN ALL ZONES TO PUBLIC HEARING APPROVED REQUEST TO SEND PROPOSED ORD II98-11 REG.M0A13 MUNICIPAL ORD REG THE DEFINITION OF BUILDING I IEIGI IT TO PUBLIC IIEARING APPROVED DRAFT INIPACT FEE ORDINANCE, DISCUSSED ORD ii98-1 2 ENACTING TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE DISCI IARGE OF 'RULED WASTEWATER OR SEPTAGE INTO MUNICIPAL SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS APPROVED ....... 1, ici ...... `, . :Z ;•.*: . : ..... „ „ „„ Ia.:tut/1 Isle 4.4 4.11,A4 11 .L.1., 11,11.11l1 .... tall al 10ualta 1,4 . ..... fcliet ice turt,1 P.t oltaiat ta• ..... ail iteC,. f r s sr ..... 11.4i, r to ...... 1 bar 06,1 ia. 0,44 1.4i. tosiC atrioal ott oft., yt ono. ter sum ..... .1 so, .1 tr. 1.4.i ••t• ••,/ •1•. s •••i•••1a,s• 1•".”.• a ...... 1••• ilk t bst lair.tiro .rtu Clty /tests., ..... • 1...1 alalitan sou ...rota. araat lite sr ail ..... 1rs 8.4 ....... h. h. .11,1.81,6.1.tC ,it, 1 sii.s. ail. IL. 10 .... SitClat• tie Its,. al ..... aml I, .4 ... .. ..... 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Cl.aptier eS 4141, pecan es yruanalsetail unapt at sesta le shiny*tt to ta.11 tO,..... not to cafeep onn anyueeni per Clh. bile leabeaut It Atte. ne,'S lays artS Cedtt COuts. •, ..tat lee el Mermen eau ernmarsly et este V.11e.yritl'Ca'anZi'nellatrsrtv17:ef"VgrroXlc::::a shall ty ..... ct so Ilona eel to manned tame UcusarmS Po ..... yet ....... on not sufla elbef Offaloul ....e as are prentfed VA04f Utah 144 ter reasterIon et • Clime • naperamateor. lea• [4.14n4A,e *Mall tabor site. cub pee CITY 01 MCA. 1,!Chet altie; 318 NEPTUNE, ARB METERS BID FOR THE WATER DEPARTMENT AWARDED To WATERWORKS SALES IN f11E AMOUNT OF $10,400.00 APPROVED ROOFING PROJECTS 1)ClIAMBER OF COMMERCE 2)CI'I'Y I IALL BID FOR TIIE GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT AWARDED TO JOE SORENSEN CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN TIIE AMOUNT OF $42,520.46 APPROVED CONTRACT FOR Ti IE ROOFING PROJECTS 1)CIIAMBER OF COMMERCE, 2x.TrY I IALL APPROVED WITH PROVISIONS REQIIESTTo SEND PROPOSED ORD. f198-10 REG. MOAB MUNICIPAL ORD. REG. THE DEFINITION OF GRADE IN ALL ZONES TO PUBLIC HEARING APPROVED REQUEST 1'0 SEND PROPOSED ORD. #98-I 1 REG.MOAB MUNICIPAL, ORD. REG. THE DEF1NiTION OF BUILDING HEIGHT TO PUBLIC IlEARING APPROVED DRAFT IMPACT FEE, ORDINANCE DISCUSSED ORD #98-12 ENAC'I'ING TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR TIIE DISCHARGE OF IIAULED WASTEWATER OR SEPTAGE INTO MUNICIPAL SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS APPROVED For the Neptune ARB Meters bid for the Water Department bids were received as follows: ABB Water Meters Inc. $25,625.00 Plumbers Supply Co. $16,026.57 U.S. Filter Corp. No bid Ilydro Specialties $18,135.00 Grand Jct. Pipe & Supply $11,988.60 WR White $10,983 70 Waterworks Sales $10,400 00 Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the recommendation of Larry Johnson, Water and Sewer Superintendent and award Waterworks Sales the Neptune ARB Meters bid in the amount of $10,400.00. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. For the Roofing Projects 1)Chamber of Commerce 2)City I tall bid for the General Government Department, bids were received as follows: Pitt Roofing $35,420 00 Joe Sorensen Construction, Inc. $42,520 46 Noting that Pitt Roofing did not meet material specifications. Councilmember McDougald moved to award the Roofing Projects 1)Chamber of Commerce 2)City !fall bid to Joe Sorensen Construction, Inc. in the amount of $42,520 46 Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll - call -vote Councilmember Sakrison moved to approved the contract for the Roofing Projects 1)Chamber of Commerce 2)City I tall as awarded to Joe Sorensen Construction, Inc. In the amount of $42,520.46 contingent on review by City Attorney Chris McAnany Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Sakrison moved to send proposed Ordinance 1198-10 Regarding Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding the Definition of Grade in all Zones to public hearing. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to send proposed Ordinance 1198-11 Regarding Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding the Definition of Building I leight to public hearing. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. The Draft Impact Pee Ordinance was reviewed by City Manager Metzler and City Attorney McAnany and was then discussed. Councilmember Sakrison requested that the Draft Impact Fee Ordinance be modified and brought back at the next council meeting. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Ordinance #98-12 Enacting Terms and Conditions for the Discharge of Hauled Wastewater or Septage into Municipal Sewage Treatment Works. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye by a roll - call -vote with Councilmember McDougald voting nay. 319 Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Resolution 1110-98 Establishing Standard Charges for I tattled Wastewater and Septage Discharged into City Sewage Treatment Works. Councilmember Dailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye by a roll -call - vote with Councilmember Lekarczyk voting nay. r...11,...,r, I, ,,, r ll.....r. ,.,. Clt, t[r..l lFl..lv[v: v_. .ri. CAIA trIO ua: a .s rr ....stir .......n:. a..:...... . r..t..rt r.n l • u: �.v . MAMA . r sr..r act.... or .r a..... . trOft. r..rl•.... i.`.v+. C:CIn.CCrr.r r. The Business License Fee Study was reviewed by City Manager Metzler and was then discussed. The Draft Sale Agreement for School District Properties was reviewed and discussed. Councilmember Bailey requested that City Manager Metzler negotiate directly with the School District to modify the agreement. Mayor Hancock read a letter from Peak Cablevision, stating that they have closed their local office. Mayor I lancock also mentioned letters from Ron Nagel and from John Fogg in opposition of Moved -on Structures. Councilmember McDougald moved to take a five (5) minute recess. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5- 0 aye. The meeting recessed at 9:18 pm. The meeting reconvened at 9:25 pm. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler gave an update on the status of the Middle School Building Analysis. Under Mayor and Council reports, Mayor !Hancock commented on the Utah League of Cities and Towns conference that she attended in St. George. She received helpful information from Gary Crane, the Layton City Attorney. The Mayor also received a helpful handout on the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996. She also received a handout on capital improvements, and a copy of the League's legislative report that descrill all of the bills and their finaistatus. Councilmember Cooke reported on the possible acquisition of the Middle School. Councilmember Cooke slated he thinks that we should give serious consideration in this budget for including the funds for a structural analysis or looking at the possibility of acquiring ownership of the school in lieu of budgeting for the analysis this year and budget for it next year. He also slated that acquisition of the school should be contingent on whether or not the City would have to keep the structure. He stated that he remains unconvinced that the current location is an optimum place for City Hall. Ile would support a vote for funding an analysis out (Willis budget. RESOI,UTION 1110-98 ES'TAI31,ISHING STANDARD CI IARGES FOR I IAULED WASTEWATER AND SEPTAGE DISCHARGED INTO CITY SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS APPROVED BUSINESS LICENSE FEE STUDY DISCUSSED DRAFT SALE AGREEMENT FOR SCI IDOL DISTRICT PROPERTIES REVIEWED READING OF CORRESPONDENCE RECESS CALLED MEETING RECONVENED ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS 320 MOVE AGENDA To EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BACK TO REGULAR AGENDA MOTION TO RESOLVE CASE I/94-07-000020; APPROVED APPROVAL Of BILLS ADJOURN REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE Councilmember Sakrison gave an update on the Solid Waste District Board. Councilmember Cooke requested that the minutes reflect that when the surcharge was added on at the beginning of the Solid Waste Collection contract due to processing through the Transfer station, that Councilmember Cooke stipulated that at such time that direct haul was allowed that the surcharge be dropped. Councilmember Lekarczyk reported that he and Councilmember Cooke met with Nicholas Brown and Wayne Bower regarding public access television. Nicholas Brown and Wayne Bower will begin to solicit public comment regarding public access television. Councilmember Sakrison moved to move the Regular Council Agenda to the Executive Session to discuss strategy for pending or reasonably imminent litigation as well as to discuss of character of an individual as well as to slrategize with respect to the purchase of real property; Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. The meeting moved back to the Regular Council agenda at 10.19 p.m. Councilmember Sakrison made a motion to agree to the resolution of case 194-07-000020 by the City of Moab agreeing to dismiss the claims against Richard Holladay in exchange for Mr Ifollada) dropping all charges against the City of Moab. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $51,811.16; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll call vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Bailey made a motion to adjourn the regular council meeting. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor I lancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 10:40 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: "OV..{./t,;er,4ea� Karla R. Hancock 'Ke,I' v Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 12,1998 Mayor The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Hancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Joseph Lekarczyk led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, Richard Cooke and William McDougald; Councilmember Dave Sakrison arrived at 8:40 p.m. Also in attendance were City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Attorney Chris McAnany and Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra Gilger. Thirteen (13) members of the audience and the media were present. 321 There were no minutes to approve. There were no citizens requesting to be heard. Planning Aide/Acting Planner Gilger stated that the Planning Commission attended a Citizen Planner Workshop. Councilmember Cooke moved to move the agenda to a request by Drew Driskel for Use of Old City Park for an Amplified Music Benefit Concert on September 12, 1998. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember McDougall moved to approve a request by Drew Driskel for the use of Old City Park for an Amplified Music Benefit Concert on September 12, 1998 with the understanding that all music be stopped at 10:00 p.m. and also the understanding that music volume is at an acceptable level and that cleanup will be provided by Drew Driskel. Counciltnember Lekarezyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 4- 0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve a request by Canyonlands Rodeo Committee for a Special Event Sales License and Conditional Use Permit for the 1998 Butch Cassidy Days Celebration, June I-6, 1998. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve a request by Canyonlands Rodeo Committee for a waiver of the Special Event Sales License and Conditional Use Permit Fee. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-1 aye by a roll -call -vote with Councilmember Lekarczyk voting nay. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a request by the Moab Area Chamber of Commerce for payment of a bill for broken windows at the Chamber Building. The motion died for lack of a second. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the City of Moab's endorsement of Lance Christie as Regional Water Management Planning Administrator for Grand County. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Couneihnember Bailey requested that Lance Christie keep the City Council updated. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the request to send Ordinance 108-13 -- an Ordinance enacting Impact Fees for Municipal Water and Sewer Connections as required'by the Utah impact Fees Act to a Public Hearing. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. City Manager Metzler made a presentation on the Proposed Business License Fee Structure. Discussion followed. Councilmember Cooke made a motion to change the structure to reflect a $25.00 enhanced service fee for downtown businesses, with a $40.00 minimum license fee for a total license structure to total $63,000. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye by a roll - call -vote with Councilmembers Lekarczyk and Bailey voting nay and Mayor Hancock voting aye to break a tie. Councilmember Bailey moved to move the agenda to the Public Hearing AGENDA MOVED section. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS REQUESTING TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE AGENDA MOVED REQUEST BY DREW DRISKEL FOR 'HUE USE OF OLD CITY PARK FOR AN AMPLIFIED MUSIC BENEFIT CONCERT ON SEPTEMBER 12, 1998 APPROVED Will I CONDITIONS REQUEST BY CANYONLANDS RODEO COMMITTEE I'OR A SPECIAL EVENT SALES LICENSE AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE 1998 BUTCH CASSIDY DAYS CELEBRATION, TUNE 1-6, 1998, APPROVED REQUEST BY CANYONLANDS RODEO COMMITTEE: FOR A WAIVER OF TILE SPECIAL. EVENT SALES LICENSE AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FEE, APPROVED REQUEST BY TI IE MOAB AREA CIIAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR PAYMENT OF A BILL FOR BROKEN WINDOWS AT THE CHAMBER BUILDING, NO ACTION TAKEN CITY OF MOAB'S ENDORSEMENT OF LANCE: CHRISIIE AS REGIONAL WATER MANAGEMENT PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR FOR GRAND COUNTY, APPROVED REQUEST TO SEND ORDINANCE H98-13 - AN ORDINANCE ENACTING IMPACT FEES FOR MUNICIPAL WATER AND SEWER CONNECTIONS AS REQUIRED B THE UTAH IMPACT FEES ACT TO A PUBLIC HEARING, APPROVED PROPOSED BUSINESS LICENSE FEE STRUCTURE DISCUSSION 322 PUBLIC IIEARING ON PROPOSED ORDINANCEI/98-10 -AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 17.06.020 OF CHAPTER 17.03 (26), TITLE 17, OF TI IE MOAB MUNICIPAL ORDINANCES REGARDING THE DEFINITION OF GRADE IN ALL ZONES PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED PUBLIC PROPOSED ORDINANCE: 1/98-11 —AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 17.06.020 (28) OF CIIAPTER 17.06, TITLE 17, OF TIIE MOAB MUNICIPAL ORDINANCES REGARDING THE DEFINITION OF BUILDING HEIGHT PUBLIC IIEARING CLOSED READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS Mayor Karla Hancock opened the Public { fearing at 7:30 p.m. on the following: 1) Proposed Ordinance 1198-10 — an Ordinance Amending Section 17.06.020 of Chapter 17.03 (26), Tide 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding the Definition of Grade in all Zones. There was no public comment. The Public Hearing was closed at 7.32 pm. Mayor Karla l Iancock opened the Public I tearing at 7.32 p.m. on the following: 1) Proposed Ordinance 898-11 —an Ordinance Amending Section 17.06.020 (28) of Chapter 17 06, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding the Definition of Building Height. Councilmember Cooke asked Planning Aide/Acting Planner Gilger in reference to the vertical distance from the determined grade surface to the highest point of the building roof if it is implied that if you were to build below grade then you would be able to exceed the 18 feet in height. Planning Aide/Acting Planner Gilger responded that was correct. City Manager Metzler asked Planning Aide/Acting Planner Gilger if the Ordinance applied to just C-1 and C-5 zones or if as stated in the definition, the Ordinance applied to all zones. Planning Aide/Acting Planner Gilger responded that the definition of height applied to all zones. There was no public comment. The Public Hearing was closed at 7.35 pm. Under Reading of Correspondence, Councilmember McDougald requested that the City research the State Trust Land consisting of 40 acres that would soon be developed, with an engineer's assistance or a hydrologist. Councilmember Cooke referred to a report by Lance Christie that indicates that it did not appear that more wells would be permitted in the Spanish Valley area. Councilmember Cooke mid a letter from Tributary Theater requesting tut increase in the contribution from the City of Moab from $500 to $2,000. City Manager Metzler stated that the housing plan had been given to the Planning Commission for review. City Recorder Ellison stated that there was one temporary beer license that needed to be extended and a request for a temporary beer license, and asked if three Councilmembers could attend a special meeting. A Special Council Meeting was scheduled for Thursday, May 14 at 8:00 11.111. Councilmember Cooke asked City Manager Metzler to request of the Public Works Department that the old supports for the pavilion could be ground flat and filled in with concrete. Councilmember McDougald stated that Public Works Director Williams would be attending a Used Oil Meeting for him later this week. Councilmember McDougald also stated that he would be attending the Association of Local Government meeting this Thursday, May 14. 323 Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $113,065.00 of which is a $4,863.36 addendum for Canyonlands Concrete; Councihnember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll call vote of 4-0 aye. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to table the discussion regarding the consumption of alcohol in City buildings until such time that City Attorney McAnany is present. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember Bailey moved to recess for ten (10) minutes. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 4- 0 aye. Mayor Hancock reconvened the meeting at 8:29 p.m. Councilmember Cooke moved to open the Executive Session for the purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. An Executive Session was opened at 8:30 p.m. Councilmember Sakrison moved to close the Executive Session at 9.42 p.m. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion tamed 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison reported the following during Council Reports from the Solid Waste Board meeting: the landfill will no longer accept refrigerators. Rates have changed to $13 per cubic yard for C & D waste, $50 per cubic yard for infectious waste. Canyonlands Community Recycling turned down an offer from the Landfill District to run the landfill. The Landfill District will meet with Canyonlands Community Recycling in the morning. The Landfill District will not abandon recycling. Councilmember Sakrison continued that a representative from East Carbon Development Center will be in town, which the Landfill District would meet with at a later date. Councilmember Sakrison asked how the Council would feel if the District sold the dump with rates being locked in for forty (40) years. Rates quoted were $15-16 pe'r ton. Councilmember Sakrison made a motion to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. APPROVAL OR HILLS DISCUSSION REGARDING THE CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL IN CITY BUILDINGS, TABLED RECESS MEETING RECONVENED EXECl1IIVE SESSION ENTERED EXECUTIVE SESSION CLOSED COUNCIL REPORTS Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9:50 p.m. ADJOURN APPROVED: ATTEST: cy<_C_C� Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING May 14,1998 K fir te a Criytfdc l rla R. HancocK Mayor The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 8:15 a.m. In attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, Joseph Lekarczyk and Richard Cooke. Also present were City Manager Donna J. Metzler, City Recorder Rachel E. Ellison and Planning Aide/Acting Planner Debra Gilger. Two (2) members of the audience were present. SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE 324 REQUEST BY KUN MEI HUANG MA MANDARIN SZECHUAN RESTAURANT FOR A TEMPORARY CLASS III BEER LICENSE, TABLED A REQUEST BY JOI IN LYNN SMITH DBA SMI1TY'S GOLDEN STAKE RESTAURANT FOR AN EXTENSION OF A TEMPORARY CI.ASS III BEER LICENSE , APPROVED ADJOURNMENT REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS REQUESTING TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE Councilmember Cooke moved to table a request by Kun Mei Fluting dba Mandarin Szechuan Restaurant for a Temporary Class III 13eer License. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-1 uye with Councilmember Lekarczyk voting nay. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a request by John Lynn Smith dba Smilly's Golden Stake Restaurant for an Extension of a Temporary Class III Beer License. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0 aye. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to adjourn the special meeting. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion earned 3-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Special Meeting at 8.39 a.m. APPROVED: l /� ATTEST : { t k e _ (- X t. ', Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 26, 1998 Ka Mayor a R. Hancock The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 \Vest 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Ilancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Hancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember William McDouiald led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, Richard Cooke, Joseph Lekarczyk and Dave Sukrison. Also in attendance were City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Attorney Chris McAnany, Acting Planner/Planning Aide Debra Gilger and Public Works Director Brent Williams. Forty-nine (49) members of the audience and the media were Present. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the April 28, 1998 Regular Council Meeting Minutes. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. There were no citizens requesting to be heard. Planning Aide/Acting Planner Gilger stated that the Planning Commission has been given the Affordable Housing Plan, and will be sending it to the City Council at their next meeting with recommendations and changes. Planning Aide/Acting Planner Gilger then stated that June 25th is the dale for the next Joint Council/Planning Commission Meeting. Planning Aide/Acting Planner Gilger and Community Development Coordinator Olsen have been working with Tyler Sinclair of the Association of Local Governments to update the Planned Unit Development Ordinance to amend it to allow for affordable housing. Mr. Sinclair is also working on a Riparian Overlay Zone for the FC-1 zone to protect the areas where there are a lot of creatures and the wetlands and such. 3 .z S Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to move the agenda to the Consent Agenda Section. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows; 1) Approval of Correction of 1998 City Council Meeting Schedule; 2) Certification of Moab Unit Retirement Contribution Rates for Fiscal Year 1998/99; 3) A Request by Kelly Olson, d b a Red Rock Chiropractic located at 387 Park I.ane for a home Occupation License to conduct a Chiropractic Business, 4) A Request to Send the Updated City Zoning Map to Public Itearing. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a request by Kun Mei Huang d.b.a. Mandarin Szechuan Restaurant for a Temporary Class III Beer License. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion The motion carried 3-2 aye with Councilmembers Cooke and Bailey voting nay. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Proposed Ordinance 1198-10 — An Oidinance amending Section 17 06 020 of Chapter 17.06(26), Ihle 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Definition of Grade B3 all Zones. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion The motion carried 4-1 aye by a roll -call -vote with Councilmember McDougald voting nay. 014.1)I1•{tJt k VI. I. AN OM I,ANIL 1All+'. VIM. ILl11UN If w In UI INAII LL 11 , nrl[1+or OM oAI Mono IEAL OIIDUTAn[[s Mown/No OE moon or GRAPE W ALL ZONES MkAL.s •..a• • rA r u u.. b urcp Pam Cr... rnW rrW W NW •A..•u t.Y.a r.p.ar •. 0.bnar4.s. •111r.. nUL' MIL110JE If II IOL1[1 MAORP AI nAlO.1 Lk.Jffi Aar..w.l • fa.44 DM.rr1 •.r.,.«.r. w..n o. r rr 1... ..,.. .,••...w.w.... 1 Ir ra OM Mr./L•••N•a•.• ante au •..y,e.•a M..rrM�.M..U..asti6,..1 t.1.1.+•1vn ryu.,.,r• 1 •ar•a. W Y y'w.1..«nl.yr.rl • fat Ile Y.r,w .y l•.r.lrr+u aim mdu.a rr •nr....l • Ma w.. wr.•• yu I•.1•irat. ..,a..urwrw r•JL+19M a /s• maw. . Lr•r M.•..W.•ryrra•,.Y aLr rA1Lm •O0111D W •MMOVLO.1..14 l ...Lag ...ad. mat Ur.N•IL 41M�((Q�� IRA T..Yar......••r• ▪ I•rWwl,•I. r•••1• W n[MUIL CVVn(3 rr �jj�4,r —Rae_ _ IA f1•,r r11•4.71q d G.41• P 4I 0/4 •-'-- L a.LAL.r•• L1.r CY1 Lw«•r Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Proposed Ordinance 1198-11 — An Ordinance amending Section 17.060.202(28) of chapter 17.06, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Definition of Building Height. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. ORDINANCE 910 An OLD(A E[ 01.1LING SECTION ILIUM 1I11 OFCLL1r11111M, Aril[ 11 Or TILE MO. LNPIICUML OYDM.NC[S L[cA\OO1G Ini.11I ON Or11YLLDING ®GUT %1DIUA1 6 oP C:d a r..• of r fA.10q 11...• Gr.r d• rCl O1a.10I r.. ••rt Daily AGENDA MOVED CONSEN r AGENDA 1) CORRECT ION Of 1998 CITY Y COUNCIL MEETING SCIIEDULE, 2) CER fll (CATION OF MOAB UNIT RE 1 IREMEN r CONTRIBUTION RA 1 ES f OR rISCAL YLAR 1998/99, 3) A REQUEST 13Y KELLY OLSON, D B A RED ROCK CHIROPRACTIC LOCATED A T 387 PARK LANE FOR A HOME OCCUPA r10N LICENSE rO CONDUCT A CHIROPRACTIC BUSINESS, ,1) A REQUEST TO SEND THE UPDATED CITY ZONING MAP TO PUBLIC HEARING, APPROVED REQUEST 13Y KUN MLI HUANG D B A MANDARIN SLI_CIIUAN RESTAURANT FOR A T EMPORARY CLASS III BEER LICENSE, APPROVED ORDINANCE 98-10 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC 17 06 020 OF CI I 17 06(26), TITLE 17, 01 rHI MOAB MUNICIPAL. ORDINANCES RE DEFINIT ION OF GRADE IN ALL ZONES, APPROVED ORDINANCE 898-11 —AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC 17 060 202(28) OF CI 117 06, TITLE 17, OF THE MOAB MUNICIPAL ORDINANCES RE DEFINITION OF BUILDING HEIGHT, APPROVED .01.I10lIIgl£ IL IS IGIUr OLO.AID AL r0110.1 u 1I 4rrr1.� d•••r11•I..F tarn.Lw•h .`�..1ra ��..rJwr«.r.��yr�. ` . a r•ssas . army=67r�r..LW.rronrNr. a'r1�+r.....••M pN MOM COMM ISM 3 C la f t ilr. •_+l SY•ti• rr•c•1 Ear.•. YL••w aNrs >tuwrl•..109 3ato AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT FOR THE CITY HALL ROOFING PROJECT; APPROVED REQUEST BY UTAII STATE UNIVERSITY AND THE COI.LEGE OF EASTERN UTAII FOR A WAIVER OF FEES FOR OLD CITY PARK FOR GRADUATION CEREMONIES; APPROVED REQUEST BY DUANE WIMMER FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONDUCT A PRIVATE SCHOOL — AN ALLOWANCE OF A MONTESSORI SCHOOL AS AN ACCEPTABLE USE IN A R-2 ZONE, WITH CONDITIONS; APPROVED PETITION FOR ANNEXATION BY DOUG MCELHANEY;APPROVED AGENDA MOVED PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED BUDGET AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998.99OPENED PUBLIC COMMENT Couneihnember McDougald moved to approve an amendment to the contract for the City Hall Roofing Project. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Request by Utah Slate University and the College of Eastern Utah for a Waiver of Pees for Old City Park for Graduation Ceremonies to be held on June 10th, 1998 with the condition that the Park is cleaned -up to satisfaction. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye with Councilmember Lekarczyk voting nay. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a Request by Duane Wimmer for a Conditional Use Permit to Conduct a Private School - an allowance of a Montessori School as an acceptable use in a R-2 zone, with the following Conditions: 1) Twenty-five percent (25%) open space to be dedicated as play area; 2) Six (6') foot privacy fence installed around the north, south and east perimeter of the school; 3) Request an emergency access from the church on the west side, 4) The Conditional Use is for Montessori Schools only; 5) All costs of utility relocation to be paid for by the permitee; 6) Reclamation of a seventy- four (74') foot access. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Petition for Annexation by Doug McElhaney. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to move the agenda to the Public Hearing. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor I lancock opened the Public hearing on the Proposed Budget and Redevelopment Agency for Fiscal year 1998-99 at 7:30 p.m. City Manager Metzler gave an overview of the proposed budget. The General Fund shows an overall decrease of 2%. Some of the departments showing a decrease include: Streets, Police, Recorder, Treasurer, Planning and Community Contributions. The budget does include the revised Business License Fee Structure. The budget also includes in the water fund a 5% across the board water rate increase. Several new positions are included in the budget, including a new Animal Control Officer, Recreation Director Assistant, two Parks Service Workers, and one Water and Sewer Position for the Waste Water Treatment PhutL After this public hearing, the public will have an additional two weeks to provide written and other comments. The final budget will be prepared by June 9h. Penny Jones spoke out behalf of Canyonlands Community Recycling to request an increase in funding, and introduced the High School Recycling club. Christina Paster and Mara Ginnane spoke on behalf of the Moab Recycling Center and the Grand County High School Recycling Club. Ms. Pasler and Ms. Ginnane stated how important recycling is to both of them and to the club. The Recycling Club collects recyclable material at the High School and lakes the material to the Recycling Center. They both feel the educational opportunities of the recycling program are very important. Ms. Pasler and Ms. Ginnane passed around a petition signed by the High School Recycling Club. Bon Kelly spoke on behalf of KZMU radio station. Mr. Kelly staled that the money given by the City to KZMU last year has been used. Mr. Kelly outlined some of the goals KZMU has met this past funding year. Mr. Kelly stated that KZMU has served the community for the past 6 years. 327 Councilmember Sakrison asked Mr. Kelly if he was requesting the Council to rb-instate the $10,000 that KZMU had requested. Mr. Kelly responded yes. Mr. Kelly then spoke on behalf of Canyonlands Community Recycling. Mr. Kelly supports recycling and stated that the school principals and superintendent have dedicated space at each of the schools for recycling. Councilmember Cooke stated that he was glad to have the I ligh School Recycling Club present and that he was not previously aware of their existence. Councilmember Cooke then asked if Canyonlands Community Recycling had considered using High School Volunteers at the Recycling Center and if the Club had considered managing an on site Recycling Assistance Program. Ms. Pasler stated that it had not been brought up yet, and that the Recycling Club had just started last year. Councilmember Cooke stated that he encouraged the Recycling Center to consider that possibility. Councilmember Cooke also stated that he appreciated the Club's attention and efforts. Jeff Flanders spoke on behalf of KZMU and stated that KZMU supports every non-profit agency in the community through promotion. Jim Page, President of Dan O'Laurie Museum, thanked the Council for the funding awarded on behalf of the Museum board members and members of the community. Susan Fralick spoke on behalf of the Moab Music Festival. Ms. Fralick introduced Music Director Michael Barrett to the Mayor and Council. Ms. Fralick stated that the Festival was appreciative of the funding awarded in the atnount of $1,000. Ms. Fralick also stated that the Festival is expanding this year into the Labor Day weekend, and will also feature a Utah Native, Grant Johaneson. Mr. Barrett is also continuing the community education program in the Grand County schools. Rod Petty spoke on behalf of the Moab Rod Benders. Mr. Petty stated that the Club is very appreciative of the finding tlte Council allotted this year. Mr. Petty also stated that this was the first year the Club has requested money from the City, which is due in part to a pond national car show this year in October. There will also be two magazine tours this year. The Club considers these events to be low impact, and they arrange packages with local merchants for participants of the tours and shows. These tours and shows have added extra costs this year. Mr. Petty has received nutnerous letters and comments regarding how beautiful the setting of Moab was for these shows, and all participants seem to enjoy the natural setting. Moab will be the feature article on the cover and center of the magazine doing the tour. When the magazine comes out, Mr. Petty will make a copy available to the Council for review. Sarah Heffron spoke on behalf of the Youth Garden Project. She is the director of the Youth Garden Project. Ms. Heffron stated that she appreciated the money donated to the Project last year by the Council in the amount of $2,400 that was essential in getting the Project started. The Project's budget has changed substantially this year due to an Americorps grant which has allowed expansion of the program to include a High School Service Learning Program and a Middle School Program which included visits to the Hospital and the extended care wing. Ms. Heffron feels that the Project is really reaching out into the community to help people. Ms. Heffron stated that even though the 328 Project has the Americorps Grant, they need matching dollars to keep the grant in place. Ms. Heffron introduced student Lindsey Marshall who slated how important the Project has been to her, and the valuable learning experiences it has offered, Ms. I leffron then continued that the students appreciate working with older mentors. Ms. I leffron also stated that it is hard to raise money outside of our community. Ms. Ileffion encouraged the Council to consider putting a few thousand dollars into the budget to support the Project. Councilmember Sakrison asked if the matching funds were dollar for dollar. Ms. Hef ron stated that it comes out to be $1.20 from the grant for each $1.00 raised. Paula Gerhardt spoke on behalf of Tributary Theater. Ms. Gerhardt staled that Tributary Theater is currently offering 17 weeks per year of educational outreach, which involves intensive participation in a theatrical production. Ms. Gerhardt continued that Tributary "Theater is one of 20% of theaters in the country that involves children in producing theater arts for adults and children. Ms. Gerhardt stated that the Theater has requested $2,000 and they are appreciative and understanding of the budget constraints facing this Council. Tributary Theater has recently discovered that the finding previously used to fund the educational program has been canceled. Of the six programs scheduled for this year, four will involve children from the community. Two of the sax are specifically children's full-length productions. Ms. Gerhardt asked that if there was any way to increase the donation for this year, it would be very appreciated. Councilmember Sakrison asked Ms. Gerhardt if there were any matching funds or grants that she could pursue. Ms. Gerhardt responded that the Theater was working on that, but since the money that was canceled was anticipated this season, and they are in the middle of the season, they are trying to catch up to the next finding cycles. Councilmember Cooke asked what their original request was. Ms. Gerhardt responded that the original request was for $10,000. Councilmember Cooke asked how much $2,000 would enable the Theater to do, since the money canceled was 10 times this amount. Ms. Gerhardt responded that would have been funding for the entire season, the amount the Theater needs to continue the youth program would be $5,000. Councilmember Cooke asked if $2,000 would keep the educational program fttnclioning. Ms. Gerhardt responded that another source would match the $2,000 with $2,400 and that would help continue the program. Cotmeilmember Cooke stated that he appreciated the Theater's work. Robert Dalla spoke on behalf of Grand County Airport Board. Mr. Dalla would like to encourage the City to participate in the Air Affair show. He feels it is a good event for the community and draws participation from all over. Mr. Dalla stated that fund raising has been one of the most difficult aspects. Mr. Dalla stated that the show was bigger this year than previously. Councilmember Sakrison asked City Manager Metzler if City Recreation was involved in the Air Affair show this year, as he noticed the name listed as a sponsor on the show's flyer. 329 City Manager Metzler staled that she was not aware of this, but that she would check with the Recreation Coordinator. Kelly Thornton spoke on behalf of Seekhaven. She thanked the Council for the funding allocated for this year. Dennis Lesmeister slated that regarding the Business License Fee structure that he fell the licensing for motels was unfair Mr Lesmeister feels that a 20-room motel paying the same as an 80-room motel was not equitable. Mr. Lesmeister also asked if businesses would need more than one license. City Manager Metzler responded that under Hotel Management, the license was for a Management Company that manages rental properties. A retail license would cover a gift shop in a hotel if the gift shop was on the premises. Mr. Lesmeister stated that he understood bed & breakfasts were under public accommodations which was different than the category for hotel/motel and that bed & breakfasts would have to pay the home occupation charge as well. City Manager Metzler responded that this was correct. Mr. Lesmeister continued to ask how disproportionate services were determined. City Manager Metzler responded that it's not the type of service to be determined but the amount, part of that being based on amount of police calls received in an entire year. Mr. Lesmeister stated that he felt hotels and motels were always at the lop of the list. He would like the Council to take another look at the structure. Councilmember Cooke responded that the fee structure is mandated by slate legislation which does not allow for a category of businesses to be subdivided based on the size of the business, and that is the method behind equaling a 20 unit hotel to a 100 unit hotel. The legislation specifically disallows the exact apportionment that Mr. Lesmeister is advocating. City Manager Metzler added that the legislation does not allow the businesses to be charged a differential rate based on revenue. They can be charged a differential rate based on the number of employees. Unfortunately the City did not have that information. City Manager Metzler stated that she had recommended to the Council that over the next year that the City should collect that information and work that into the calculation. Councilmember Cooke asked if square footage was also an allowable means of determining.. City Manager Metzler responded that it was not, but that she would double check. Councilmember Cooke asked if it would be necessary to prorate all businesses by number of employees or if one category could be prorated. City Manager Metzler responded that she didn't know but that she would check. Councilmember Cooke stated that these were good questions, but that the City may not be able to make all of the modifications the first year. 330 Mr. Lesmeister asked that if the state did pass a law stating how to do this, then did the state mandate that the business license fees be increased. Councilmember Cooke stated that it did not. Mayor Hancock staled that we could institute a property tax instead. Councilmember McDougald stated that the number of employees didn't solve the problem of a small business. It would be in proportion of its growth. Mr. Lesmeister stated that a larger hotel would have a larger need for services, so it doesn't seem fair that all hotels would be in the same class. John Fogg staled that he feels that with every shortfall in City revenue, the taxes are increased to local businesses. Mr Fogg feels that the City's revenue is 100% collected by businesses, and that the Council doesn't lax the citizenry to support City services and he doesn't think that is fair. Mr. Fogg heard rumors that the increase in business license fees was to fund Community Contributions, and that he had donated to all of the agencies. Mr. Fogg feels that business license fees should be allocated to something positive for the community like economic development. Mr. Fogg stated that it is very difficult to do business in Moab as a small business. Mr. Fogg also stated that he doesn't pay a business license fee as an insurance company because they are exempt, but that he is speaking on behalf of his friends that are in business. Mr Fogg staled that the City should have a program that is conducive to businesses locating here to hire employees in the community Mr Fogg urged the Council to be careful in planning the budget. Mayor Hancock responded that Moab is full of wonderful people and business that are willing to support our community City Manager Metzler responded that over the past two the years the budget has been reduced by over 15%, so when the City is told that all it is doing to compensate is to raise fees, that is untrue, the City has experienced cuts while demands in services are increasing. City Manager Metzler doesn't believe that the entire burden of changes in revenue sln►clure falls on the business, the City has looked at both expenditures and revenues, instead of decreasing the level of service to businesses and cilium. City Manager Metzler also stated that the proposed budget showed $100,000 in business license fees and the Council looked at that and decided what they felt was the appropriate subsidy to the businesses was and cut that to $63,000, which was done by cutting essential services. Sharon Brussell asked City Manager Metzler of what percentage of businesses in smaller towns pay a business license fee. City Manager Metzler responded that she didn't know the percentage of cities that charge a business license fee, but it is generally treated as known revenue. Ms. Brussell asked if the citizens had ever paid taxes. Councilmember Sakrison stated that originally there was a property tax. Councilmember Bailey stated that he thought we were one of the few cities that didn't charge a property tax. Ms. Brussell asked if that was a choice. Councilmember McDougald stated that the City assessed a gross business license fee so they did away with the property tax. 331 Julie Anderson spoke on behalf of the Moab Area Chamber of Commerce and the Moab Business Community and staled that the Chamber appreciated the time and effort that had gone into this process and that she felt the Council would make the right decision for the business license fee structure. Sam Wainer spoke on behalf of KZMU, Canyonlands Natural History Association (CNHA) and Canyonlands Community Recycling. Mr. Wainer slated that CNHA recycles a vanload cardboard once a week, and he is concerned about the landfill filling up. Mr Wainer asked the Council to support the radio station and the recycling center. Verleen Striblen spoke on behalf of the Grand County Senior Center and thanked the Council for their support this year. Councilmember Sakrison asked Ms. Striblen about the problems they have with the van. Ms. Striblen responded that they pick up the senior citizens for lunch and take them to Grand Junction and the van is 11 years old and they've put in for a new van but they were turned down. Councilmember Sakrison asked if the City could work with State Surplus to find a van. Public Works Director Williams responded that the Senior Center could tell us what they want and we could put in a request to State Surplus. Theresa King spoke on behalf of the Ivtoab Arts Festival and she thanked the Council for the funding allocated for this budget. Debra Rappe spoke regarding the Recreation Department. Ms. Rappe stated that she was concerned about the money budgeted for the Assistant Director and how Hutch the salary was. Ms. Rappe feels that children need to be a priority in the community. Ms. Rappe feels the cost of the Recreation program has gone up so much that lower income children cannot afford the programs. Ms. Rappe asked the Council to consider if the money should go into salary or into programs for the children. City Manager Metzler responded that the line item for Director/Assistant is the Director and the Assistant. Ms. Rappe asked if it would be a $7,000 increase. Ms. Rappe also stated that $30,000 was too much for that position. Councilmember Cooke responded that the City conducted a salary survey a couple of years ago. In comparison with other municipalities, modifications were made to City of Moab salaries. Ms. Rappe stated that she understood this, but that she felt that the salary took money away from the clildren, and that if these problem children could participate in recreation programs it might help. Councilmember Cooke responded that instead of reducing the salary, the Council should look at scholarships and subsidies for low-income children. Ms. Rappe stated that she felt like Marcy Till had gone the extra mile, and that running the recreation program takes someone with a heart. Ms. Rappe feels like this is a position when; she is serving children. Ms. Rappe knows of many people that have volunteered and Ms. Rappe disagrees with giving the Director more money. Councilmember Cooke clarified that the increase of $7,000 was for an assistant and would not go to the director. 332 Ms. Rappe stated that she understood this but that she felt the overall budget was too high for this area because the people that live here are not well paid. Ms. Rappe feels that it needs to be evaluated. Councilmember Cooke stated that it is an important program and a very difficult program to administer that does rely on a lot of volunteer activist support such as Marcy and Brad and Leslie and is of extraordinary benefit to the community. Ms. Rappe stated that there was a longer list than Brad and Leslie Ankrum. Councilmember Cooke acknowledged that the list was endless. Bon Kelly asked about the $50,000 reported on in the Times Independent. City Manager Metzler responded that the $50,000 was not a surplus. In the Water Fund it was discovered that funds for depreciation \kere not carried forward. Because of increased expenses in the Water Fund, the fund was not able to make the overhead payment to the General Fund. Due to these funds being discovered, the Water Fund was able to make the overhead payment to the General Fund. The Council looked again at the General Fund budget at what had been cut previously and decided what to buy back. One of the things they bought back ‘‘as storm drainage, and the additional funds that were cut from business license fees from $100,000 to $63,0000. Mr. Kelly asked if the Community part of the budget had dropped from $60,000 down to $19,000 this year. Mayor I lancock responded that some funds were already conuniued this year, for example the Film Commission, so that lowered the antotmt that was available for other agencies. Mr. Kelly thanked the City for representing the citizens and that it was a much wamter atmosphere to talk and make requests then it is at the County in his opinion. Mr. Kelly hoped that the two branches would work bcuer together in the future. Mayor Hancock stated that she has been at the City five years now and five years ago the City only had 10 or 12 people asking for contributions. So the number coming to the City has increased significantly too. Mayor Ilancock state that it would be nice if the City could support all of you, but we honor your intentions, your motivations and your goals. Councilmember Lekarczyk stated that there had been $143,000 of requests and the City had $19,000 to dole out. Julie VanDomelen that she was concerned that in crisis mode usually cuts are made, but the City is adding more personnel and starting projects. City Manager Metzler responded that pool roof was dilapidated and would not be an ongoing expense. In reference to personnel City Manager Metzler responded that the City went through a prioritization process and complaints and needs for service. The number one complaint was for Animal Control. The Council looked at several possibilities for dealing with the complaints. There was a decision to add an additional Animal Control Officer. The other area was in the Parks Department. The Council is looking at the Recreation Department taking on the ball parks and the middle school gym to reserve those as public facilities for the children in the community. To do that we had to add personnel. The Water Department has experienced an increase in 333 request for services. As a direct response we need to add personnel. City Manager Metzler agrees that adding personnel in limes of budgetary cuts has to be closely examined and the Council has done that. The Council is trying to respond to att increase in demand for services with a decrease in revenues. Ken Davey of Channel 6 News inquired about the 50% increase from $50,000 to $75,000 in expenses for the City Attomey's office for Professional and Technical Services, a $25,000 increase in fees. Mr. Davey asked about the motivation behind that increase. City Manager Metzler responded that it's not an increase in the fee it's an increase in the amount of litigation, as we've seen over the past few years, there's been an increase in the amount of litigation and other legal issues that Cities are involved with, also an increase in the amount of legal services that are necessary. Those cities our size employ at least one contract attomcy. It's not unreasonable for a city to pay for contract legal services. Mr. Davey asked City Manager Metzler if she thought $75,000 was too much to pay for City Attorney services. Does what happened in 1997 or what may happen in 1998 justify it. City Attorney McAnany stated that that budget line item also includes code enforcement activities by the County Attomey and Public Defender Services. Mr. Davey asked how much of the money was going to the County Attorney. City Manager Metzler responded that she wasn't sure, but that she could check. Mayor I lancock stated about $20,000. Jeff Flanders of KZMU asked about the overlap in City County Services and thought that might be a place for relief for the budget. City Manager Metzler responded that the City and County share Building Inspection Serviees, Dispatch, Animal Control, Recreation, Prisoner Housing, Economic Development. City Manager Metzler stated that there are areas where we are sharing and we're looking at other essential services like planning that we could share and are a good match to share. Mayor I lancock slated that regarding the new Animal Control Officer it was to see if covering alter hours and weekends would help with the Animal Control problem. Penny Jones asked if there would be an increase in Animal Control Fees. Mayor Hancock staled that the Council was working on that. Sharon Brussel! asked if there would be an extra fine for not spaying or neutering. Cotmcilmember Sakrison stated the City was working on that. Mayor Hancock thanked all participants for their input and for coming to the meeting. Mayor Hancock closed the Public Hearing at 8:54 p.m. Councilmember Cooke made a motion for a recess. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MEETING RECESSED 334 MEETING RECONVENED REQUEST BY DAN myna:. TO CREATE A FLAG-SIIAPED LOT TRACTOR TRANSPORT BID FOR Tl1E WATER DEPARTMENT AWARDED 7'O BOYLE EQUIPMENT IN TI IE AMOUNT OF S 14,450; APPROVED INTERNAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM BID FOR THE GENERAL. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT AWARDED TO UTAH PHONE COMPANY IN TIIE AMOUNT OF $7,650.00 RESOLUTION NI 1-98 - A RESOLUTION AMENDING TilE CITY OF MOAB PERSONNEL. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SECTION 4 ADDING SECTION 4.20; APPROVED CITY MANAGER METZLER AND CITY ATTORNEY MCANANY DIRECTED TO PRESENT A RESOLUTION AT TIIE NEXT MEETING FOR A 5% WATER RATE INCREASE EFFECTIVE JULY In Mayor Hancock reconvened the Regular Council Meeting at 9:00 p.m. Mayor Hancock staled that written comments could be received for the next two weeks regarding the public hearing. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Request by Dan IJillle to Create a Flag -Shaped Lot. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Bids for the Tractor Transport Bid were received from thr. following: Boyle Equipment $14,450 Councilmember McDougald moved to Award the Tractor "Transport Bid for the Water Department to Boyle Equipment in the amount of $14,450. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Bids for the Internal Telephone System Bid were received from the following: Citizen's Telecom $7,596.60 Communications Plus $7,299 00 Canyonlands Telephone $5,990.00 Utah Phone Co. $7,650.00 Councilmember McDougald moved to Award the Internal Telephone System Bid for the General Government Department to Utah Phone Company in the amount of $7,650 00 Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote. PROPOSED BUSINESS LICENSE FEE SCIIEDULE SENT TO PUBLIC HEARING READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Proposed Resolution 1111-98 — a Resolution Amending the City of Moab Personnel Policies and Procedures Section 4 Adding Section 4.20. Cotntcihnember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye by a roll - call -vote with Councilmembers Bailey and Lekarczyk voting nay. YI wl l 1101, An n Ra . 10011 t IIUA 0II10+006 OIL C111 UI MDUItS1 Wttl110 .trill?WA LOUPES SKTIOn! AUUL 4lttit4'a a IS MTIIMI\I .4(.40 RI+.S la6,0Gn enu.t 00100 Wvt.ae.0 011t.10W HR^en$41inn,�N x III ML\) 11.t at e1 1,Iw4.1JtOu0004e4 Cep S.uyer. 1,0Ott all iluutat! Ad yea aryl ynsW Wyr+a6at ,A 11t. 1101I10/0- ate-!01R, b tw.e.-q N.1,.1*t eI at LWr Rtt0t Sn1.u..u.e ew u,tt R1.010.1»rl Rttta,,.t Re.aestot WJ,t.lulAete IW td Cif {YnuK> 4111WI4.44I4.014'4 a,n+R+;enM yl.elW/.4141.Ate p� \ AR �I1 I ...4* SI+,t St+ere+tt put utt tlat/itt. Ila pun enw oat» . pate etl.n 1taper e G trt.ta.Lata aer� 110 0u4r.r.t1U01. tan. mtl+dt w p.uto 11 \II1.WIt. 40*VA, 1111 AI t n1011400. 110.0 S13,.TD R Mrted IIIm City Manager Metzler reviewed the Proposed Water Rate Increase. Councilmember McDougald moved to direct City Manager Metzler and City Attorney McAnany to present a Resolution at the next meeting for a 5% water rate increase effective July 1°. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. City Manager Metzler reviewed the Proposed Business License Fee Schedule. Councilmember Cooke made a motion to send the Proposed Business License Fee Schedule to Public Hearing. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. There was no Reading of Correspondence. There was no Administrative Report. 335 Under Mayor and Council Reports, Mayor Hancock reported that she went to the Legislative Policy Committee meeting in Salt Lake City, there is 100% membership for all Utah communities now. They encouraged Moab City to have candidates for office come and address Council. Mayor Hancock reported that she would be gone the following week for about four days. The concert approved for Old City Park on September 12 has been cancelled. Mayor Hancock also reported that Bill Howell of the Association of Local Governments called and was sorry that he couldn't be present for this meeting. Councilmember Sakrison reported back on a survey on garbage that he conducted, and he concluded that there are some real problems. Councilmember Sakrison also stated that there were major concerns and that there seemed to be mounting pressure for good service. Councilmember Sakrison stated that survey participants said they never had to worry about garbage service before, until now Councilmember Lekarczyk stated that he spoke to the organizers of the Memorial Day Arts Festival and that was very successful. Many of the vendors sold out of their wares. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $244,440.83; Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Sakrison made a motion to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9:40 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 9,1998 MAYOR AND COUNCIL, REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURNMENT Ka a R. Hancock Mayor The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:35 p.m. Mayor Hancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Richard Cooke led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, David Sakrison, Joseph Lekarczyk and William McDougald, City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Attorney Chris McAnany, Treasurer Laurie Ramstetter, Public Works Director Brent Williams, Planning Aide/Acting Planner Debra Gilger, and Administrative Secretary Sue Husch; thirteen (13) members of the audience and the media were present. There were no minutes to approve. There were no citizens requesting to be heard. REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS REQUESTING TO BE HEARD 336 PLANNING UPDATE PRESENTATION TABLED AGENDA MOVED I) LOCAL CONSENT LIQUOR LICENSE APPROVED FOR KUN MEI IIUANG, DBA MANDARIN SZECIIUAN RESTAURANT; 2) CLASS II BEER LICENSE APPROVED FOR JOIIN SMITH DBA smniv'S GOLDEN STEAK REQUEST FOR CITY ATTORNEY To REVIEW AN ORDINANCE REGARDING COMPLIANCE vim; ALL CITY ORDINANCES BEING A CONDITION FOR ISSUING LICENSES REQUEST BY ANDREW RILEY TO SUBDIVIDE PROPERTY ALONG PEAR TREE LANE APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS REQUEST BY KAREN S. BRAGGS AND JAMES K. BRAGGS FOR A LOCAL VENDOR'S LICENSE, APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS REQUEST BY KAREN S. BRAGGS FOR A MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERw,APPROVED REQUEST BY KAREN S. BRAGGS AND JAMES K. BRAGGS FOR A LOCAL VENDOR'S LICENSE, RESCINDED REQUEST BY KAREN S. BRAGGS AND JAMES K. BRAGGS FOR A LOCAL VENDOR'S LICENSE. APPROVED WITII CONDITIONS Planning Aide/Acting Planner Gilgcr staled that the Planning Commission is in the process of updating the Affordable !Lousing Study. Planning Aide/Acting Planner Gilgcr also asked for the Council to choose a dale for a joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting. The Council close the first Regular Meeting in July. Councilmember Cooke requested that the Planning Commission research the possibility of including as a component of the Affordable Housing Plan, a Real Estate Transaction 'fax. Planning Aide/Acting Planner Gilgcr stated that the Planning Commission would make recommendations and then send the plan to the Council for review. A presentation by Bonnie Skilton regarding the Children's Justice Center was tabled. Councihnember Cooke moved to move the agenda to the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the following: I) Kum Mci Huang d.b.a. Mandarin Szechuan Restaurant request for Local Consent for a Restaurant Liquor License. 2) John Smith d.b.a. Snnitty's Golden Steak Restaurant request for a Class II Beer license. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 3 with Councilmembers Cooke and Bailey voting nay Councilmember Cooke made a request that that City Manager Metzler and City Attorney McAnany draft and review an ordinance regarding being in compliance with all ordinances being a condition of issuing licenses. Councilmember Cooke also requested a recommendation by City Attorney McAnany for a sign code amendment for injunctive relief, to be considered at a later meeting. Councilmember Bailey moved to grant a request by Andrew Riley to subdivide property along Pear Tree Lane with the following conditions: 1) Curb; 2) Gutter; 3) Sidewalk; 4) Street Installed or bonded for by Andrew Riley. Councilmember Cooke seconded. The motion carried 5- 0 aye. Councilmember Bailey staled that he would like to see all properties along Pear Tree Lane have these conditions. Councilmember Bailey moved to approve a request by Karen S. and James K. Braggs, dba Karen Braggs for a Local Vendor's I.icense to conduct a food concession business at the Moab Arca Ballpark with the condition that a commerical garbage container be provided by the owner. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the request by Karen S. Braggs for a Moved -On Structure Permit for a concessions trailer at the Moab Area Ballpark. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to rescind the approval of a request by Karen S. and James K. Braggs, dba Karen Braggs for a Local Vendor's License to conduct a food concession business at the Moab Area Ballpark with the condition that a commerical garbage container be provided by the owner. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Bailey moved to approve a request by Karen S. and James K. Braggs, dba Karen Braggs for a Local Vendor's License to conduct a food concession business at the Moab Area Ballpark with the condition that a minimum of three residential garbage containers be provided by the owner and garbage collection to coincide with the preexisting ballpark schedule. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. 337 Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a request by the Moab Labor Day Arts and Crafts Show for a Special Events License and Conditional Use Permit for an Arts and Crafts Show on September 5- 7, 1998. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a request by the the Moab Labor Day Arts and Crafts Show for a refund of the $125.00 Special Events License and Conditional Use Permit fee for the Arts and Crafts Show to be held on September 5-7, 1998. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Mayor Karla I lancock opened the public hearing on the following: 1) proposed Ordinance 1198-13 — An Ordinance Enacting Impact Fees for Municipal Water and Sewer Connections as Required by the Utah Impact Fees Act; 2) Proposed Business License Fee Structure; at 7:31 pm. City Manager Metzler explained that Ordinance 1198-13 is for water and sewer impact fees, and that the city went through a long process to determine what the impact fees should be for the two services. With the assistance of Utah State University and AI Anderson of Montgomery Watson, the City of Moab has developed a proposed fee for both water and sewer. For water, the impact fee is based on the size of the meter for the establishment, with the exception of larger users i.e. hotels. City Manager Metzler then displayed an overhead chart detailing the water impact fee structure. The standard meter size is equal to one ERU( Equivalent Residential Unit). The impact fee for the standard size meter would be $478. Treasurer Ramstetter asked if this fee was above and beyond the actual connection fee. City Manager Metzler responded yes. She also responded that the City's connection fees would be changing because at this time the connection fees are irnpact fees. The connection fees will be changed when the impact fees are adopted. Councilmember Sakrison asked if connection fees will go down. City Manager Metzler responded yes. City Manager Metzler continued to explain that the standard sewer impact fee is $2,819 per ERU. City Manager Metzler then displayed another overhead chart detailing the structure of sewer impact fees. A single family dwelling is equal to one E.R.U. The water impact fee for this dwelling would be $478 and the sewer impact fee would be $2,819 for a total impact fee of $3,297. A 1,500 square foot office building without a cafeteria is equal to .56 ERU requiring a standard meter, so the water impact fee would be $478 and the sewer impact fee based on the number of ERUs would be $1,579 for a total of $2,057. For a 2,000 square foot restaurant the total number of ERUs is 4.86, the required meter size would be 1 %: inches for water. This would make the water impact fee $5,158. The sewer impact fee would be $13,700. For a 50 room hotel with a restaurant the ERU is .69 so 50 roosts equals a 35 ERUs, and hotels are figured at a different rate. The number of rooms limes $229 to calculate the impact fee for a hotel without a restaurant. For a hotel with a restaurant, the impact fee is the number of rooms times $339. The water impact fee is based on that per room charge. The sewer impact fee, if you look at the total number of ERUs and times it by the sewer impact fee, for this REQUEST BY TI IE MOAB LABOR DAY ARTS AND CRAFTS SI IOW FOR A SPECIAL EVENTS LICENSE AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, APPROVED REQUEST BY 'DIE MOAB LABOR DAY ARTS AND CRAFTS SIIOW FOR A REFUND OF THE S125.00 SPECIAL EVENTS LICENSE AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FEE, APPROVED PUBLIC BEARING OPENED FOR I) PROPOSED ORDINANCE 098-13 - AN ORDINANCE ENACTING IMPACT PEES 1'OR MUNICIPAL. WATER AND SEWER CONNECTIONS AS REQUIRED BY THE UTAH IMPACT FEES ACT, 2) PROPOSED BUSINESS LICENSE FEE STRUCTURE 338 particular example, the sewer impact fee is $98,000. A 20 room hotel would be $4,580 for the water impact fee and $27,137 for the sewer fee. A private school with 40 students measured on a per student basis, would equal 3.3 GRUs. The water impact fee would be $1,769, the sewer impact fee would be $9,303. A 1,000 square foot retail store, is equal to .86 of an GRU. The water impact fee would be $478; the sewer impact fee $2,456. Councilmember Lekarczyk asked City Manager Metzler why a 1,000 square foot retail store uses less ) RUs than a 1,500 square foot house. City Manager Metzler replied that these ratings are developed by the American Water Works Association, and that she is not sure how they establish them but they are a standard measurement. Retail stores are categorized broadly. City Manager Metzler continued to explain that pursuant to state legislation, impact fees can be used for only capacity related improvements, for infrastructure, so you can't correct current deficiencies within your system, it's for planning for your future. The City has set up two different funds, one for water impact fees and one for sewer; these fees must be obligated within a six year period to a water or sewer improvement project. Councilmember Cooke asked City Manager Metzler if it was allowed to use impact fees to buy down the current oversizing of water and sewer projects. City Manager Metzler responded that you can use impact fees to help pay off existing bonds, and the impact fees have been calculated to accommodate that. Councilmember Cooke clarified that if impact fees can be used for pay downs for current bonds then they are not solely to be used on future improvements. Councilmember Bailey staled that only a portion of the money can be used for bonds. City Manager Metzler stated that bonds are for future improvements to serve additional capacity. Anything that serves the future population and future capacity can qualify for that. City Attorney McAnany stated that the Ordinance has specific provisions for offsets for new developments so that if new development constructs oversize lines to accommodate future growth than that developer would receive an abatement of their impact fee to the extent of that oversizing. The City would not be precluded instead of giving someone an onset from making a policy decision to extend infrastructure into a certain area and pay for that oversizing from the impact fee account. That is what the impact fee account is for. In the future as part of the planning process, City Attomey McAnany expects that the Council will be looking at where do we want to extend our water lines, what are our growth areas, where do we want to extend our sewer lines, adopting a policy resolution so that when new development comes along you plan for it. Councilmember McDougald asked if we are required by state law to specify that these funds will be spent within a certain period of time. City Manager Metzler answered that state law specifies six years. City Attomey McAnany stated that you can extend it if you find compelling reasons, you can always expend it to buy down your existing debt. Councilmember McDougald stated that you can only apply a certain percentage to existing debt. 339 City Attorney McAnany slated that if you have existing debt for existing system improvements you can apply it. He doesn't think there's any percentage limitation. Councilmember McDougald stated that he didn't understand figuring impact fees based on future expansion of this system. Mayor Hancock stated that like the sewer debt, the City expanded the sewer because of future need. Councilmember McDougald stated that he's worried about a major project in the future if you think you'll be going for six years, which may not be a problem for Moab. City Attorney McAnany staled that with impact fees, in effect what you are doing is you're recouping money in a sense that you've already spent. You've already spent money on water and sewer infrastructure, Councilmember McDougald said, just a percentage of it, though. City Attorney McAnany responded that you're recouping every time a developer comes in and takes up some of that capacity, that developer is going to pay a proportionate share of the cost of that capacity And that's why the City went through this exacting study process where the fee is an exact number and is based on the capacity of the existing system as it is now and as it will grow over it's life. Each impact fee per unit is designed to account for that element of cost. Ken Davey of Channel 6 News asked if any money collected under this impact fee schedule over the next year or two can be used to pay off the debt on the sewer plant expansion that was completed last June. City Manager Metzler responded yes. Ken Davey of Channel 6 News then asked if they had any idea how much, what percentage of it can be used that way. City Attorney McAnany responded that there is no substantive limitation in the slate code on limitation on how you apply impact fee money to retire existing debt. The only requirement is that it not be used to pay for operation expenses. You have to pay for infrastructure costs. In effect the impact fees you're paying money to pay off the amount of the cost of building the system. Calhya Savage asked to clear up how impact fees are calculated. She wasn't real sure what the GPD represents. City Manager Metzler referred Ms. Savage to the overhead chart and the usage per day. Catltya Savage stated, that site understood the calculation, that it was a relationship number, the ERUs tithes 1,500 square feet. City Atlomey McAnany stated that Councilmember Sakrison had previously requested that the Ordinance be changed to deal with service upgrades, so if you want better or larger service to your dwelling, you don't have to pay the full impact fee, just the increment over and above what your existing service was. Councilmember Cooke asked Public Works Director Williams what the standard was. Public Works Director Williams stated 5/8" by 3/4". 340 Councilmember Cooke inquired that if our standard is 3/4" but a person's house was below standard and they upgraded, do they pay an increment. Mayor Hancock responded , reading the Ordinance as: "they shall only be assessed a water impact fee equaling the difference between the larger meter size and the credit meter size." Councilmember Cooke asked how that was calculated. City Attorney McAnany responded based on one ERU for a 3/4 meter John Fogg said that he found the moved -on structure part confusing. He then asked if the Ordinance means that a moved -on stricture can conduct business and doesn't have to have a bathroom or water for a fill year. City Attorney McAnany responded that the intent was to address the issue of not being connected to the system. Technically, with a Moved -On Structure Permit, the structure is not connected to the system, so theoretically there is no additional impact fee generated by that, because all of that is absorbed by the parent use. John Fogg staled that he has a moved -on structure in front of his business and they don't have to do anything. fie stated that he was just concerned. Mayor I lancock asked of City Attorney McAnany if a moved -on structure that gels permission to use someone else's restroom, permission from another business, is that going to effect that business to have that additional use. City Attorney McAnany responded that it could. 'there could be an additonal impact on the business that is sharing the facilities. Maybe you want to make the decision that if a moved -on structure has a quantifiable impact it should pay some portion of the impact fee. The City's Ordinance doesn't provide for that because moved -on structures are not permanently connected to the system. At 7:58 the public hearing was moved to item 2) Proposed Business License Fee Structure. City Manager Metzler explained that the resolution was based on a study conducted by David M. Griffith and Associates. They took a look at business categories, which is what is required by state law. For those different classes they looked at basic regulatory charges that any business incurs. For example, if someone applies for a license, or the recordkeeping that is involved. They also looked at special regulatory charges, the type of charges that are related to a type of business that may have special regulations, for example pawnbrokers, beer licenses. The third thing they looked at is what is called disproportionate impact, which is for the different classes of businesses, the average number of police calls. So, in those different categories, they assigned costs to those different services. We've ended up with a business license fee structure that show different classes, and the total cost of providing services to that class of business. Included in the businees license fee structure are several surcharges. These surcharges are in addition to the charge levied to the different type of businesses, like a special event surcharge, a home occupation surcharge, local vendors surcharge, and transient merchants surcharge. We also have a category called High Service Usage business and these are businesses that utilize 20 or more police calls per year. Instead of putting them in a broad retail category, they were put into a separate catgory so that those businesses utilizing services can pay for them. 341 Mayor Hancock asked about the one time charce a person pays when they get a license. City Manager Metzler responded that the charges are figured by looking at the total amount of energy and expedilure for that class of business in a given year. They divide that cost among all of the businesses in that category. Councilmember Sakrison noted a discrepancy in the master list that some businesses were not listed. He asked what the category of I ligh Professionals entailed. City Manager Metzler responded that this was an internal category for the staff to aid in answering questions. They are included in the Professional Category. Councilmember Sakrison inquired as to the high costs of photo services. Mayor Ilancock responded that this was not photo services, but rather filming services which involves a lot of law enforcement. Councilmember Sakrison stated that he meant Moab Photo Lab and Action Shots which is photo services. City Manager Metzler staled that that category had a higher number of police calls, but that she wasn't entirely sure why the charge was higher. Shari Beck asked if she would be paying for a Private Club License and a cabaret license separately. City Manager Metzler responded that no, the charge was for all licenses. 'Treasurer Ramstetter asked if Ms. Beck would have to pay an additional $180 for a Class II Beer I,icense. City Manager Metzler responded that if the licenses are applied for in one process, then she would not. But if the processes are separate, then she would need to pay for both. James Haas inquired as to what the current business license Sees arc and if it was on a percentage basis. Treasurer Ramstetter responded that a flat retail license is $25.00, a professional license is $100.00 and for a home occupation, it would depend on the type of business. A transient is $165, a beer was $200, alter you paid the initial $450. CatItya Savage asked about what other taxes there were. Treasurer Ramstetter replied that there used to be a 2.01% license fee which is no longer in effect, but there now is a 1.5% tax. James Haas said that what he understood was that they paid a percentage fee to the City every year on lop of that. Treasurer Ramstetter replied not any more. James Haas continued to ask what the difference was between retail vending and retail general. City Manager Metzler replied that several businesses are licensed for vending. 342 Treasurer Ramstetter added that businesses place vending machines in different establishments. They collect the money from them. Treasurer Ramstetter stated that the master business list is not a final document. It is only a draft working document. Couneilmember McDougald inquired as to the higher cost of gas stations. City Manager Metzler responded that the calls for service were higher at gas stations. John Fogg asked if the Council thought by surcharging the businesses for police calls that the businesses might reduce the calls they make to the police department and then the City could lay off a couple of officers and save the City money, or is the purpose of raising this to collect revenue, he thinks that businesses would probably not call in if they thought that it would cost them $55 00 if they call the police. City Manager Metzler responded that the City was not charging on a per call basis, but rather categorizing based on the number of calls. There is no disincentive for people to call the police. John Fogg asked wouldn't people think that is unfair Shari Beck slated that she does not call the police as often as other people or as often as other people think that she does. She thinks that City Market has a lot more calls then she does, and so she doesn't need to be in the lop four. City Manager Metzler invited Ms. Beck to review the number of calls for her business for last year. City Attorney McAnany stated that this was the first tune that the City had tried to rationally allocate costs based on the cost of delivering City services. Before, we set arbitrary numbers, everyone knew they were arbitrary. The Slate has come down on cities and has said that you have to jusitify your fees, they have to have some rational relationship to the cost of regulating businesses within the community. There's going to be a certain amount of discrepancy among the classes of businesses but, far and away its better than the old system, where there was no attempt to try to justify the fee. John Fogg asked how much money this was actually making for the City. Ile has a concern that people who steal ought to be punished and a business shouldn't have to pay extra to get them prosecuted. They broke the law and a why should a business think that I'm going to have to pay extra taxes because I'm on my nineteenth call. 1 really don't think you as a Council would want that. To me you're not gaining a lot of revenue because you're going to create a lot of cost. It's an extreme grey area. Mayor Hancock said that every year the City will not be counting up the calls. This was used just this one time, noboby knew ahead of time, it was a one time study to establish patterns. Treasurer Ramstetter asked what if a business is one of the top four and you suddenly have a wonderful year where nobody rips you off. Don't you think you should gel a break then. Councilmember Lekarczyk said that the whole point of this was to lake an average. Councilmember Bailey asked John Fogg if he was speaking in favor of a flat business tax. 343 John Fogg replied that he thought it would save the staff a lot of trouble if the City removed that whole part about Police services. Make a business license fee more appropriate straight across the board Treasurer Ramstelter said that the City can't do that anymore because the State came in and said you have to show how come you're charging the people that amount City Attorney said that this was correct The only reason the city was doing this was because the Stale was telling us that we must If you try to impose a flat across the board lax, you can nut into some challenges from people that say it's too arbitrary Barbara Holcomb stated that she understood the structure, and that it doesn't mention police calls Councilmember McDougald stated that the purpose of having a Police force was to use them if necessary, it doesn't matter if you have five calls or one they are there when you need them.Certain businesses because of the need for that business doesn't dictate an across the board fee, Councilmember Sakrison asked if City Markel will pay their fee forever He asked if this will be their regular fee City Manager Metzler responded that the structure can be looked at on a regular basis Councilmember Cooke staled that previously he had requested that the Ordinance include a provision that would allow for a petition for review, He inquired if that had been included in this Ordinance City Manager Metzler responded that this Resolution does not include that procedure, it only sets the fees. She staled that a procedure of that nature could be incorporated into the Ordinance which will change to overall procedures for Business Licensing Councilmember Cooke stated that would be fine, as long as there was some ability for a business to appeal, City Attorney McAnany stated that it was not required by Slate Code The State Code for Business License Fees doesn't have that provision in there, but just because it's not in there that doesn't mean that it's not a good idea. Councilmember Cooke slated that it would be a good way to deal with the disproportionate impact. If your business changed drastically after the first couple of years, and you were no longer in the lop ten, and you wanted to petition to be removed from the disproportionate high use for police services, and have a reduction in your business license fees, there ought to be some provision for doing that City Attorney McAnany responded that it might be difficult to administer such a process. Councilmember McDougald stated that he thinks you have to set licenses that generate enough money, and that the City Council should set that amount of money You can't do business licenses by petition They certainly can come in and complain, and when you set up a new schedule they can be heard, but how long is this in effect? City Attorney McAnany stated that it is in effect until revised Mayor Hancock pointed out that the fees that DMG suggested were considerably higher than what City Manager Metzler's suggested fees were 344 PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MOTION TO TABLE A REQUEST BY DAVID REDD, DBA MAUL WOW! TO HAVE THE MOAB AREA BALIPARK AS AN ALTERNATIVE LOCATION FOR MOVED -ON STRUCUTRE PERMIT, FAII.ED REQUEST BY DAVID REDD, DBA MAUI WOWI TO 1IAVE'fHE MOAB AREA BALLPARK AS AN ALTERNATIVE LOCATION FOR MOVED -ON STRUCUTRE PERMIT, FAILED CTfY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTED TO BEGIN NEGOTIATIONS FOR REVISING TI Ili MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE SERVICE FEE PROPOSED RESOLUTION 012-98 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING TIIE 1998/1999 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET, TABLED REQUEST TO GO To PUBLIC IIEARING FOR AMENDMENT TO THE 1997/1998 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET, APPROVED PROPOSED ORDINANCE 1198-15 - AN ORDINANCE REPEALING MOAB MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING WATER AND SEWER RATE STRUCTURES, AND AUTHORIZING CITY COUNCIL TO SET WATER AND SEWER RATES BY RESOLUTION, APPROVED Ken Davey with Channel 6 News usked if the City reduces the license cost for some of the more expensive business categories, would that mean that businesses that will pay $80, which looks like about 95% of the businesses, will they have their license fees increased. City Manager Metzler stated that right now the City doesn't need to. Treasurer Ramstellcr staled that she feels the structure is fair, that the businesses that use more services will be charged more money She doesn't think the fee is too much. Councilmember McDougald made a motion to close the Public Hearing. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock closed the public hearing at 8.30 pm. Councilmember Bailey moved to table the request by David Redd dba Maui Wowi for permission to have the Moab Area Ballpark as an alternative location for the moved -on structure pennit approved for 391 South Main. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion failed 1-4 nay with Councilmember Bailey voting aye Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve the request by David Redd dba Maui Wowi for permission to have the Moab Area Ballpark as an alternative location for the moved -on structure permit approt ed for 391 South Main. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion failed 1-4 nay with Councilmember Cooke voting aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to direct City Manager Metzler and City Attorney McAnany to calculate the amount of reduction or begin negotiations for revising the municipal solid waste service fee to reflect this reduction in tippage costs. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 ayc. Councilmember Sakrison moved to table proposed Resolution N 12-98 — A Resolution Adopting the 1998/1999 Fiscal Year Budget. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Request to go to Public Hearing for Amendments to the 1997/1998 Fiscal Year Budget. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve proposed Ordinance 1198- 15 -- an Ordinance repealing Moab Municipal Code Sections 13.24.010 and 13.24.020 regarding water and sewer rate structures and authorizing the City Council to set water and sewer rates by resolution. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vole. uRI11NnNlli Y6�1 S b.,..bryp J.1LMplua.yul l..� ra.uo 11:1 ulb W I I I14b,.te.Jy •'tbn d Stage tot ewwee d wte..V. (L, 4..1 be. been we nieb erw. IL 14W 1.1.m.q..tt r4n MA, rr.l.J r fee.. w I1:i bete d I1:14`b.e M, ti ...S.l S S..ta.e ll:luv.Wp r.Je belles lbt lYll`w.d.AJI%m bee ea bme.rtrnd.VFt..rn W r rreeas ,r.tre.JeSe.pea.leella neel..1b etebbsi. , yymtelbrt 1La.s.Abnt ebe4telaAM.er.>„ry spepwµe tee, e:ee my I4.lp be ue Vely N Ma i. apo.eaW. Y.b "JiJ11b1.4g.1'_�f t n apw+ 4Lt�) #Ivry, \.de4llro<\ % I• t..�l...a. 345 Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve proposed Resolution 111 3- 98 - a Resolution establishing water and sewer usage rates for the City of Moab. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Nnolulion I L9S 1.111111111114.N SII k A111111141 x 111,1 14\111 10141111,4 111 UI SIU111 1a. as r1 pouf -.... J.. •.... 4... t eI MM.. N'n. 1111,11.e 1.•44 M.n 1 nnpne Saul ngdarr.r....l.... en.1 n...11•.M u nun u r..n Ye N 4.u. J•• 14J ...t.awN LLJ. tl:%• r.e.wl Lnw a i1•n J. reiJ..lyn.•W rota Mal N'.n luJ_ W N 4.eo .1.,11u....•ermog LLJ8 should r✓J4J v-n..1n FI w 4u.14 N IIll FI1..M1 el Illl 1.1\1 a111•x11u 4 I1 .M 1111.I111r11F.1111.t 111111111V 11IY11t'1 It. 11.1YI IIM 1111 le 41.“11I. 41. Sel..IxM SS A% 1111111.i N N.111.L1.JM. A—lrJ.'F'S I Mum is 45 Ls 66g.11w .Yu tar NM IIlia glaan Il la p1 J. vsoJI.LLn. p...✓.ur. r.l Jtime gJLw 1f11.1 r..W lJlr lrl o.W 14.4.1uu41 gall...Se, a. Y..na.J Iel.1 pr m.ae U. t11u UI.IJLn..11I p. r.1W IJI.. p. maN 14.r m.•4.e1u J.Y Rlllu .eJ .w ve lislin maniple J. 111.u. Jail,. d.J1uM. and •W^ve Loma 4M so a•IA,q 1L...ru. Wp 15511..J.uO,ell.o.e wL.. pr...p tuu f 11.. mruJ Oleo p• m.ie Ilse IV SW gall.... 1 w p1 Y..ulaJl.Il..npo assail 11.111wmw. �M..uay ITrl.uuY u. 41.1u1aeul.aul au a.. a1IN One smog dun um l.,JI e•1 m1 r lance limrp• souk ra.ln Y. ruam.w.u.4lrp 0W1la auY 4i aa. JnUn w•N xa. a.m.. I ...lemma ua We Y.1 ✓s L4m...o.eerr 111w C.: teal IJL•.r ku pro n..aV MO J M.10118m1 WO psi 14uuJ plant par asr+V Nam mulalLo Sl Ara r.uta,JrJL..M maid( Net. F sms gaLLn. 11:. p. G..naJ MA Wu In ••..1 11.1r 4.41011...., gdt... /I tl p1 Jw..J IJLm p1 o.aV ].r..l y `aa laq M.n. U 11 PROPOSED RESOLUTION 1113-98 - A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING WATER AND SEWER USAGE RATES FOR THE CITY OF MOAB, APPROVED I 11 pr mrw. W IJ4. p. v.e .nm .o ram.•. SI.JIm,. 1M.I.rv.e4J rad—M...r..r.t1J.✓_..u.r. n.l C.r...0 11I.. 1.-rn.11a va t., N n . S `5 L.r uw..J r..++. p1 1 Manx Ju, ,Jp ti em M 11.1 01elar.88,418 ..nn .uie.ar IJI.a.ad J. n pradds •..aJso. .. S1 r. .....J .J.rJLJ...n 111:1 NS. 11,1 .uJ r.11u 1J •an we. . 1.e.k lame. J.Jw11p.m ..„...11,.1:I4.4s41•444. 1 L tle4yL um.euJru.r.µLei ....e.s N(1.•en.>.ur It( Cu lu .u11ra.4411.n naurotl.Mlu• aJ._...a.w a.. w.uJu . .1 a. Jet., os. Yam alupler m.c.m0.144,0Ir'.-....er Ja` , 1110,1 ..aldou Ne sass. Lau/.. we pot Joy du. J. rai.... M eMm41.1e.Jr rnpeu u aen ea.,eee. la use ..rr..Y ra uJ.1uu esfw.Mypmd vead. µ.la.. Le 1aae..4 n run...., es a.1.. I eme.J 1 W....+a.w J..I ute•an.IJI 1.1161 rJ...4t.•J 4, n1... M Y. W..ru•11..l; M 1.e*. ✓> r y.a..aa. N J.YM Iw IW1 nll CM 11U1M 8..4lJltiL 1 l.,6..... Mu. M..1.1111..., Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve proposed Resolution N 14-98 — a Resolution Adopting the Business License Fee Schedule. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. 10.tt11 1112. n11 1111 1 N11011 IIU. U1nr11s6INLL It III IIWYYNNL1111liNC ILL at III NI 11 .me et tad Imam.. wren rw..umLwra.0 W Lm Imam all 4.11(et4e+J.r eeio11 ewe nonce N pros.., uleltll ar sasYnloa Imwu .J N 111 MI �a W.u.MlFu1 WJ 001.111 GNI40N.1100.1v0111/114.1111e110L1 O. 1,01110 an Fe. p•n.I.J a ILA mJ N III FI 1Y I4 k.1..J)u. stem.. w r.rmar. _. M.a.J trier Aye. In .linos Ilia ME. ut u 111141\11s es.YlLu4 W..1r1 akd>u ban In N41J.k MuJar1 lio. IIII xI It WL NL IIII.•1\111:41..11.1111M11LL1111.11 LF.1U M11a.1 VI 1.. tll.ter lug cull' /0018ttJUJi.l1111tsr ra llxl t ll xL nI M111NS .144.09. l...r....... reel... —a. w '—ll-ilY�Mra 1 r 116 A.u• La../ Ywne xm...a.s.Ca.YM ..... Se., a 11.Jt.u.Ui.11.. PROPOSED RESOLUTION 1114-98 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING BUSINESS LICENSE FEE SCHEDULE, APPROVED 1�▪ 1 w 1•.•.Im•...my S. 1m.l Ya+r..1M W.1 I um W Verne 1n.. Won /•Fv/ W �FI W Mai.Mtrs Si. Mo rw.� e... I m.. M...1...... w ado.1.,Y Mau. male.. p/•a ara•rrY u r..oua®.e. W I11.11.• Mr 1r N1/aw ir.er a11.rr .r 1�ma sac 31rn .rw.ma aura ti Ives. VS a err iw;}rate Je..o..r.y Inca 0Ja• 1411 11fi 346 .unwt ns uaww`iii".`a+i.w.:.wi ilwe eewoo..H nnrIZ,R.rW N.....HI10404.,n.. w.1 1.. pi w n.• f...• a.+r. • —GH 11u......+. i. 1ul u • n.ni Id. I. ewe READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS eYR 11.4.1 111 M (74L0,{ 1(22t_ R..41E14.. {u, Rn van Under Reading of Correspondence, Mayor Hancock read a letter of resignation by Lisa Church of the Moab Ans and Recreation Center (MARC) Board. Mayor liancock directed City Recorder Ellison to advertise the MARC Board opening. Mayor 1lancock also mentioned five (5) letters for reconsideration for funding for Community Contributions. There were no Administrative Reports. Councilmember McDougald inquired of City Manager Metzler if Moab Well #7, if the electricity is paid by the golf course and if the water rate was $.10 per thousand. City Manager Metzler responded that $.10 per thousand was the negotiated rate. Councilmember Sakrison reported that Grand County would pave part of the road at the Golf Course. Councilmember Sakrison asked if the Budget Workshop could be held on Tuesday, June 16t at 4:00 p.m. Councilmember Bailey reported that land by the City Dump would be subdivided in an R-3 zone, high density residential, and that he didn't think that the County could support all of those residential units. He stated that he would like to sec negotiations with the Water and Sewer District. Councilmember Cooke stated that there is a public hearing scheduled at the County, possibly on the 21 ° for the approval of a zone change on lop of the hill. Councilmember Cooke asked if the posts at Swanny City Park had been taken care of. City Manager Metzler responded that yes, the posts had been taken care of. Councilmember McDougald asked for the City to start negotiations with the Water and Sewer District, outlining the impact and number of connections allowed with development in San Juan County. Councilmember Lekarczyk reported that over the previous weekend, there was some concem about the number of police that may not have been in the City over the weekend due to the fugitive hunt in San Juan County. Councilmember Lekarczyk stated that he had spoken to Police 347 Chief West and he said that the rumors were false and that no time were there more than four (4) officers at one time down in San Juan County. Police Chief West also told Councilmember Lekarczyk that very little overtime was tallied, and that pay records could be inspected. At least one officer, Scott Mallon, went down there on vacation time. Councilmember Bailey inquired if Council approval was required to send officers outside of the area. City Manager Metzler responded that most of the officers went on a volunteer basis. City Attomey McAnany added that most jurisdictions have mutual aid agreements and have reciprocal cooperation. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $150,918.43; Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll call vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Lekarczyk made a motion to adjourn the regular council meeting. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9:02 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: `i YtLI. -e-A. (-(V72-et � Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING June 16, 1998 APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURN K rla R. Hancock Mayor The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, Joseph Lekarczyk William McDougald, and Dave Sakrison. Councilmember Richard Cooke arrived at 4:05 p.m. Also present were City Manager Donna J. Metzler and City Recorder Rachel E. Ellison. Two (2) members of the audience and media were present. The purpose of this Special Meeting was to Approve Proposed Resolution #12-98 — a Resolution Adopting the 1998/1999 Fiscal Year Budget. City Manger Metzler then proceeded review Proposed Resolution #12- 98 — a Resolution Adopting the 1998/1999 Fiscal Year Budget. City Manager Metzler then reviewed her administrative recommendations. Discussion followed. Councilmember Cooke moved to consider up to an additional amount of $15,000 in contributions from the General Fund Surplus 1997-1998 to the Community and Economic Development Department for 1998-1999. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE PURPOSE OF SPEC' j iETING IS TO APPROVE PROPOSED RESOLUTION # 12-98 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 1998/1999 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET CITY MANAGER REVIEWS ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS MOTION TO CONSIDER ADDITIONAL AMOUNT UP TO S15,000 TO COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS FROM 1997/1998 GENERAL FUND SURPLUS, APPROVED 348 AMENDMENT '1'0 COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOR 1998/1999, APPROVED PROPOSED RESOLUTION 1/ 12.98 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 1998/1999 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET WITII AMENDMENT, FAILED pRoPOSL) RESOLUTION 1112-98 - A RESOLUTION ADOT' I'IN(i'I'I1li 1998/1999 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET WITII AMENDMENT, APPROVED Councihnember McDougald moved to approve an amendment to Community and Economic Development for 1998/1999as follows: Account # 10-460-10 increase by $1,500 10-460-15 increase by $ 500 10-460-22 increase by $1,000 10-460-23 increase by $ 500 10-460-24 increase by $3,000 10-460-59 increase by $ 500 10-460-62 increase by $1,500 10.460-65 increase by $1,000 10-460-75 increase by $1,500 10-460-83 increase by $1,000 10-460-86 increase by $ 500 10.460-88 increase by $1,500 10-460-89 increase by $ 500 10-460-92 increase by $ 500 Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye by a roll -call -vote with Councilmember Sakrison voting nay Councilmember McDougald moved to approve proposed Resolution 1112-98 — a Resolution Adopting the 1998/1999 Fiscal Year Budget with the amendment that $15,000 be transferred from the General Fund Surplus to Community Contributions. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion failed 3-2 nay by a roll -call -vote with Councilmember McDougald and Lekarczyk voting aye. Councilmember Bailey moved to approve proposed Resolution # 12 98 — a Resolution Adopting the 1998/1999 Fiscal Year 13udget with the condition the finding for the Recreation Administrative [Helper in the amount of $8,000 be transferred to a special line item for financial assistance for disadvantaged children and with the condition that $15,000 be transferred from 1997/1998 General Fund Surplus to Community Contributions. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye by a roll -call -vote with Councilmember Sakrison voting nay. RESOLUTION 17 95 FISCAL rCJV1 IIL/OCE1 WW11% w.f., Caw111AII Hw11'I Ww M.P, IN ID9Y16141.11...604 rwrnt.1 to re W N I VNDS OEDEN0Ea III ;,VJIMIS GOANN Its° HIM ILO /01110 C,ASD'C NO..0 NM RV 000000 I00A00A10 C NLCACA1C0C011.11Iu0 010I 00001 OECNEA110,1 R00 1 001 IN VI CO.0000100CVC,OwCNIn OUSM I uO IA000 01 t+E N RN SC1010, IMUGNW 110O 0 0 MI I Cana POO*C1 Ft 00 TI I., 4,d4 NEaKtOlvtal uANCr IUO 0 0 SOW BIM LIP RCN/ MO 0 0 0 C.INIM POO;CIS ruO IOW 0O. I INIENMOSE Iv00VA1E0I WWI SR MO 1 CNIENWIISE IUOISEIKN, NE 000 rn® I V/AICN uPK1110.00 10000 it. DM 0 SCAVIAO,CI ICE I,00 20000 TOUT] S V0011101r CC/alCa l uO 01 y VltlOE/O0.0IE II Ym, to m ESOLKO Nee swum, re aswm.V,, 0pt1r ,w Ie,Np POCry .. .man a, .Pa.tN MOMrue Vowbeat., I,m uPnen.Is 0W.. a. �av IT tall Cos. sVrh o. POV fir.to.rl00ry dre 4, � Il woe. W1v must 1 oi. Co,Cs, d tavV Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to adjourn the special meeting. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye with Councilmember Sakrison voting nay 349 Mayor Hancock adjourned the Special Meeting at 7:02 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: q().e, �c Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 23, 1998 ADJOURN Ka la R. lancoc Mayor The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:35 p.m. Mayor Hancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Kyle Bailey led in the I'ledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembcrs, David Sakrison, Joscph Lekarczyk and William McDougald, City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Attorney Chris McAnany, Public Works Director Brent Williams, Planning Aide/Acting Planner Debra Gilger, and Community Development Coordinator David Olsen; two (2) members of the audience and the media were present. Councilmember Sakrison moved to table the approval of the minutes of June 9, 1998. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. 711e motion carried 3-1 aye with Councihnember Lekarczyk voting nay. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the minutes of June 16, 1998. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. There were no citizens requesting to be heard. Planning Aide/Acting Planner Gilger stated that the Affordable Housing Study will be on a Planning Commission workshop agenda the date for which will be announced Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to move the agenda to a request by Stephen H. Lyons, d.b.a. Wilderness Professional Training/EMSED, for a liome Occupation License. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a request by Stephen H. Lyons, d.b.a. Wildemess Professional Training/EMSED, located at 747 N. 500 W., for a Home Occupation License Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to table the consideration of an employee's request for indemnification of Attomey's fees, pending information from City Attorney McAnany regarding reasonable fees and scope of duties. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve an amendment to the contract for the City Hall Roofing Project. Councilmember Sakrison seconded. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE MINUTES TABLED APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS REQUESTING TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE AGENDA MOVED REQUEST BY STEPHEN H. LYONS, DBA WILDERNESS PROFESSIONAL TRAINING/EMSED, LOCATED AT 747 N. 500 W., FOR A HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE, APPROVED CONSIDERATION OF AN EMPLOYEE'S REQUEST FOR INDEMNIFICATION OF ATTORNEY'S FEES, TABLED AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT FOR THE CITY HALL ROOFING PROJECT, APPROVED 350 REQUEST BY TIIE FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GUI) YOUTH, DBA GOLDEN DRAGON FIREWORKS FOR A MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT AT 446 S. MAIN TO CONDUCT A FIREWORKS SALES BUSINESS, APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS REQUEST BY FIRST ASSEMBLY Oli GOD YOU'fl I FOR A REFUND OF THE MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT FEE, APPROVED REQUEST BY CLINT BEZEAU, DBA SUNGLASS S'fOP INTERNATIONAL FOR A MOVED - ON STRUCTURE PERMIT AT 290 SOUTH MAIN, TO CONDUCT A SUNGLASS SALE BUSINESS, NO ACTION TAKEN PROPOSED RESOLUTION f115.98 - A RESOLUTION AMENDING TIIE CITY OF MOAB CLASSIFIED HOURLY PAY RATE SCHEDULE, APPROVED kf WI t f t111 NO it tt Councilmember Bailey moved to approve a request by the First Assembly of God Youth, dba Golden Dragon Fireworks for a Moved - On Structure Permit at 446 S. Main to conduct a Fireworks Sales Business with the condition (lint the stand be (lush with the fence running North to South so that the stand doesn't block Ron Nagle's Business. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councihnember McDougald moved to approve the request by First Assembly of God Youth for a refund of the Moved -On Structure Permit Fee. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-1 aye by a roll -call -vole with Councilmember Lekarczyk voting nay. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve a request by Clint Bezeau, dba Sunglass Stop International for a Moved -On Structure Permit at 290 South Main, to conduct a Sunglass Sale Business. The motion died for lack of a second. Councilmember Bailey moved to approve Proposed Resolution PI 5-98 - a Resolution Amending the City of Moab Classified Hourly Pay Rale Schedule. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. t kl NJI t 1011 ttlITN1,4. 1111 s lit tN SR/ ttit 111]It tt 1,11+14Mt 1 rlTktit.1111.V11 N III NI 1.1 4« /SW I MI 1'a,,.4ux1 r.JMM. N.J k..noluo r Mu«ul *Ito" YM MI w.tnau l<.SMJ.JNa.au.In,wUM I.u..d uw.al uMtt}tad u1Au. pot St a•..gWA1. u..lu Wn,wuy..Lt. iu Nu tau «11A.kd 1\I11 ki 11 N. Wry IVn1,4.11,o Raltat]t..a,.: Y.t uJ.J I nuy fu.n.« a.l N III Nl \] Uw 1.innN l N, «144..b11u+.IwJINv1. Mr> k.rr 1.I.J.4 u w•Nri M•Y.s rt.dw+.0 taalms.A inryaa+sl, N IIn MI1,.M1 NI lilt In N'I1011'... 0411 ,N )III 11i% 01111111 NI ii, SIM MI 114 est, IN 41..4t tn.Ni.iiC.•y r.. kAe ].1+JJ... .a I.N,J Ix,.u..11.11nr Ar«Mani 1..1, 1 IWI tr11I tJJ«.:1"4N •.i Jas IVW 0 .11 . [[ M 11au1 4loe N 111, ts.1, P EC.... i Al RnrMJri AGENDA MOVED PROPOSED RESOLUTION 016-98 - A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CONNECTION FEE SCHEDULE FOR WATER AND SEWER, APPROVED CITY OF MOAT to Mir W♦lr,a M tl Councilmember Sakrison moved to move the agenda to approval of Proposed Resolution #16-98 — a Resolution Amending the Connection Fee Schedule for Water and Sewer. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve Proposed Resolution # 16- 98 — a Resolution Amending the Connection Fee Schedule for Water and Sewer. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4.0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Rt1Dl.umn 1646 • SESOCVIO,t .0014 Ent WATEItSEASS CO.i[C110N1E61FOk ESE Cat OF POSE NedREAS tllttEent OO.Otln.er seeltan tawtJ.41011 /41IOr w,.atTM ttr M/w.trrm. ro tMr come. ant N1IEREAS ettthaw. tr,Nr.t'l ammyt tat al war, t.a tnt star. awrrt n W.EWAS SrCgtlt..tattwneNntma.tratw Enr., Igoe... tart( tar NYa.Mi1lartriA n04,1IE11ETOU fER IIES00/ID try Wet CA, Cant... rrttr> (wr�rw tot .wMMwWsome wawa . ttit > 1tln C{Nrt1`1UnrFE1 sr.r.'..w t: rnr t tit $ W St It* 111, t TO $36O M'rKt I.,' mot, Twtlr SOWS COMfcTOn TEES SIIWISC0,1.ECT101.11$ $ a tw 1/30 f.aa, tart b lr.. mwFivp aro man ta. St Y V MO /tank a11aMYa4tt.tt trCWttart.swe,.i. Fr1t.RNt tAM Nn A /OrW � Woe ore ra valn,rwt+ NM..a.ar1Ssw+sn MSRESCSOTOttEIWdiECCIMIFFECRME SrEISSTS1t VOnaASSt6E IKSF).0 001,ffDaapgewWWst..1.s.t CK..np Mt,NM iat ttil.tMJla.tNAw Mat +Tt11% M• .•a E« vNMC . e.. Rom, s / R.IR nRtstt 4trk S re, $ Sri 351 Councilmember Sakrison directed City Attorney Chris McAnany to negotiate an agreement or proposal with Andrew Riley as related to consideration of Andrew Riley's Request for an Alternative Funding Arrangement for Improvements for a Subdivision along Pear Tree Lane. Mayor Karla Hancock opened the public hearing on the following: 1) Proposed Updated City Zoning Map; 2) Re -opening and Amending of the Fiscal Year 1997/1998 Budget to all Necessary Funds; 3) Proposed Ordinance #98-14 Setting the Salary for Exempt Positions of the City of Moab at 7:45 pm. Planning Aide/Acting Planner Debra Gilger explained that the Updated City Zoning Map reflects the last five (5) years of changes to City Zoning and Annexations. The reason for the public hearing is the C-4 zone between Millcreek and Pack Creek is proposed to be changed into a C-3. From Pack Creek to the end of the City Limits, is changing from an R-2 to and RA-1 at the owner's request. Councilmember Lekarczyk asked where the C-4 zone between the two creeks was. Planning Aide/Acting Planner Gilger responded that the zone change was between Millcreek and Pack Creek at the South end of Main Street. Councilmember Lekarczyk asked if it was changing to a C-3 zone. Planning Aide/Acting Planner Gilger responded yes and that it was the first block on each side. Councilmember Sakrison stated that basically it was an extension of the C-3. Planning Aide/Acting Planner Gilger agreed. City Manager Donna Metzler explained that Proposed Resolution #17- 98 showed several changes to current FiscalYear's budget. The amendment shows a transfer, of $1,100,000 from the Beginning Fund Balance into General Fund Revenue Capital Improvements. There are also several adjustments which are transfers from one General Fund Department to another. The transfers include a $9,600 transfer into the Treasurer's Wages and Salaries line item in order to cover the amount paid to the outgoing Treasurer in severance benefits. It also includes a transfer into the General Fund Police Department in the amount of $18,000 to cover a car lease payment that was inadvertantly left out of the current year's budget. It includes a $39,000 transfer into the General Fund Attorney's Services Department which does include the amount slated for the payment of Attomey Fees for Mr. Snow. If the Council chooses not to make that payment it will be subtracted. The amount without that expense would be $27,000. The Building Inspection budget was reduced by $11,000. The General Fund Storm Drainage Department should be reduced by $43,600. The Water Fund should be reduced by $8,000. The Sewer Fund we did receive a memo from the Engineer and adjustments were made there. Councilmember Lekarczyk asked City Manager Metzler what the 1.1 million dollars in Surplus Fund Balance, is that in an account where it's earning interest. City Manager Metzler responded that the City keeps their money in a pool so essentially we're not changing that. We are transfering from one account to another. The amount of interest we'll eam will be the same. CITY ATTORNEY MCANANY DIRECTED TO NEGOTIATE AN AGREEMENT OR PROPOSAL WITH ANDREW RILEY PUBLIC HEARING ON THE FOLLOWING: I) PROPOSED UPDATED CITY ZONING MAP; 2) REOPENING AND AMENDING OF TI IE FISCAL YEAR 1997/1998 BUDGET TO ALL NECESSARY FUNDS, 3) PROPOSED ORDINANCE 1198-14 SETTING THE SALARY FOR EXEMPT POSITIONS OF TIIE CITY OF MOAB 352 PUBI.IC HEARING CLOSED PROPOSED ORDINANCE /198.14 - AN ORDINANCE SETTING TIIE SALARY FOR EXEMPT POSITIONS OF THE CITY OF MOAB, APPROVED PROPOSED RESOLUTION I/ 17-98 - A RESOLUTION AMENDING TI IE FISCAL YEAR 1997/1998 BUDGET APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS Couneilmember McDougald asked if the first column of Ordinance #98-14 was the present salary. Councilmember Sakrison responded that was the range for the salary. Councilmember Lekarczyk asked if Grade 17 for the Recorder and Grade 13 for the Treasurer was what their current Grades are. City Manager Metzler responded that was the range. Councilmember Lekarczyk stated that he understood the range, but his question was if those were the Grades currently for those positions. City Manager Metzler responded yes those were the current Grades, no one's Grade had been changed. Councilmember Bailey read outloud the ranges outlined in Proposed Ordinance #98-14 for the radio audience. Mayor Hancock closed the public hearing at 7.57 pm. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve Proposed Ordinance 1198-14 — an Ordinance Selling the Salary for Exempt Positions of the City of Moab. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. ORDINANCE Dal A111N1bIN11.11 ft 111f.I. Illl >Al ANTI>IUN 1111 1 AI.IYI H JIMra>.. UN 1111 .. .Walt J.1 of rl.W.., r.J 0111 NLA>, Jr w.w,,..yaL, r1 N at4t.J J. IAlw.ww.. wfWnw.IN1 wru.. 1. rw..vJL .J1..MJ. a dlt taw O. LJL.1rN paxw NOW 1111 NI NAIL EL II IMIIIINI III, b. L.1 W dl•..1.L. J. eta. le r W .. L.... fw url Y,.I,tamp 1.ry,lw Ye IJI.•wl,..•Nwa... w., YU••Ow( I.W 11 Y.U.. Bw1.IN -1+.J. It M..wi, 6.W4 11 11,nw.r f .N 11 111w1 {ffel 1.111.1 I,Iw, {11.1. /111W 1111.•1 Ile 11. •l'W,wR v./antown. .•1 Cato tune.•WwJ T,.11 W., rat. lam J. taw.,t lauJ.n.W p•uu..+ Mr.w l wnbl.whn IL.•.J•..•..W1cat aka /at 1-I>Te 111.u. 1 euw YN..JNJ...Jig N..+W1N Wale. 1,4 el. Co, WIIJrN.. vr.r6• 7L'JLL./.DRI.Iw1 hJ W.W t�°Iwt� �bscv � t� JI:': I.wNe I bwa-- 10, P.....41 Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve Proposed Resolution # 17- 98 — a Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 1997/1998 Budget with the condition that changes listed in a Memo from City Manager Donna Metzler be attached to and included in the Resolution. RESOLUTION 17.SS ANEI.O1ENl tl iMCA. MLR BUDGET SATIN vR1IRW las Cry al»e101nlM fain Taw im,P•rW IMO, RW[MUIS GENERW IOC M1I41W • :WI•C'ROAD !WC MSOD 1 ROW WITS E RECREATION CISTERN. II III . RECREATIONI1SC 111 061 1 .OI1•11R1TTIIY[IOININUDb11IG11.D e11,00 l .1TERECROO RPOGRMIILM 0I00 GREER MUM, IUD .M/.0 1 RIOIv4ON[M AOINC1,11RC J) •: pgr.t MRRORCIF K l31001 • lNpRR116111RD MgIR, 1N 1I1 -: I NIE RNnit II11D rdF»1R 1 1 r 1a0 •1 TanN Gen CCU.. rue a WEJDRURIS SI/NON SAW II III 131611 .11▪ 1.0 8 101▪ 1N1 Wade %NOM W = F51 1445I4 WD.00.1t1:1 t1_ tye wd rRrya r1e Oown\dmrr al Co N RR Mr1mu 1.p NON 111[RE/ODE Y R SEI0I1.110 rant ream rb.1wr0 mu Aar 1l NM r se fee 11 w TY IK1n1rNr lrm taw...Jae. wm 1.Ii1 cw� �� 353 Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Bailey moved to approve Proposed Ordinance 1/98-13 -an Ordinance Enacting Impact Fees for Municipal Water and Sewer Connections as Required by the Utah Impact Fees Act. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roil -call -vote. C114 Of DO.. oPOIMAUCl 144. AN GPOINAMC. DIACTIN4 Inlear Ills IOU KtimICIPAI Well. AND COlottC/ION$ AS PINCH. Of Tilt tfikil 011eaCt ILLS ACT. 1111.0.0.9 al. lath lapect Ca. ' Sat sa..n..e.a.:; ''.te....t.oa.l pparalmeant I.yl•t..t. " .JJ.t ITVIt; 21121f:L.:;:tf";V;Itli en. " ""•.1•3 Ls Ctuttet 11.11 1141.4.1 lacer -Wool ts. Ile/SAID 12.11D111.4. ..... . .eaiul.Halry :7;7 "`" a :isty• ."'"'"""Iw . rt.ttoct" ".."'"j' ..... vyrnttra o . ter later .0..9 r4;er.1.. .111 th• ........ on et. connection of oantolpa ott. test Jry L. ....41oyseote octs. of a LosIttne. Dell•oocular no., teat tusetructs.or:"tot":•".:;I:L; roc ..... oca1.1111C1•. or looLlIer In. pate, 0. suLdloisfon :::of Ion. an appal... fof • platen. unit develop.. •Pettele • cootilitnel am tpplitallool • LO1101ny ...it apyil ..... DIU GI any n.1117.,, IL= ..... "" -"" /A vt0 ...... aosno ti. ple.110114 Ly V ..... el teetruttont ot Ion. or 00111.6 401104[0d per eiont to ties • ose., tie on:ittl.to.ttr od,"41.'jjk' •Ver:ree.: con.tsuctson. of ...4 .. 1:7'1.12;111tXr:;".21.1VIle:st:er't k. eng Ctggett. no e4..ct oOoll ...06o9..t ..9.1.hOs1 cp.m#400sell e1911blo is.<t fees. C. fla lolloolny ato mAyekl 1,64. lIm.p.Ywnl LI mUuction • "-",°.1.,,,17,,".`j,.°‘',.','.11:2 upon peopetly eos y.raull nut 40 deceed one ewer 9noveniet gen....9 0.. out Incl.. • to .elope414441 Valor Or ..... t4CI1 ..... ant Welt h 9111 nOt ...... tlepa.1 Ot lopotto diteft of ..... .4414 .. fop ...... Me. Alit. µt to • 1.0•• •44stain ...... di ..... 4 Ira. :n .... waverIn .911,9111 1elY1.9 414111. '17sett.o't ?ft inaactirt Ort1:144";n:1111:7“ "t ."". . .. k . ............ ...pr . ............................. rot: . nete":,rop..... gtor!I ..... y tante...no for ..... .. 11.t1. eat! gi ... .... •Ypu"e " "•"'"'" Meter Sat. In Net. Capacity _ Lei 4.11y 1. Offs.reeleto..41 lot tett fees tor ..... 1.nt ItL7e1:te'lratctotl‘clelatt7PantionTW::‘:;:a leo v_E_$,2,_lot IN ...at a ........ t Peat. ce tare m tut pepact re, Ise_yer to. fel IWO., with • ..... won. moot.. ut ...am n Silty • lee . ....... ‘`.,"atrt1=1:: :1,1111, ......... PROPOSED ORDINANCE 1/98-13 - AN ORDINANCE ENACTING impAcT FEES FOR MUNICIPAL WATER AND SEWER CONNECTIONS AS REQUIRED BY TI IE UTAH IMPACT FEES ACT, APPROVED 0, ‘,.t. ,e ccr .... 4.0.1 of 4a. ..... co of of meter at ...at. ...stet o ....... Le. • aysicAl slag. teeld.teal meet. es c ..... Ir. Ls toe city Caged upan accepted 'tn. City cl Gar. . .... {tie aa • ccr41ttOt Fr.ctfrrt to tr. ,raftfrq LI alepeert ...oval er4f0e • .ff tr• ft Jr csd•r t•y ft, c an• •. ..... ..... facilltieg .1apect fee- • Cutlet, permit fee • t. ...... lacer. cctrecticr. les. eat. tag. efectel .... tit- ... " . lee•'•• to9l.••••9‘. teet I, +It eJ tr. L. 1, ie,eltper a [trait.. ftr tr. Cit, tc.tlfttc, ottore t.adetail tn.. 0i geL,afnlc ..... LI tr. CI, t terciaLt lee. ..... egg, If‘le ccrtar.-lal Jr tr. do.eid,ea-t cf protect •rd mhicn demarllt Line fat and pfc 1 de t al I ct ••••• • 14f., cr to to Ca f icat• 1 tc Ire .l, • • ♦ cv-diti., in a cgpital roc ..... s. pl.. gr rag:1,11o. %Rat et. tot.-441 to ...tat tc tr. at cies.. to 14.C.,111A11. 1.tA AL4.1.4141.1..4 cant. le s it 11 C/apter tee. ida,”• J • tmti 1 Al ate t.e. • cert.( . ... of occ,pam, ...... Im gr.• c••• c f r•f• 1 . • 11 • .4/ C,r,..ct., tc ...rJCJig; mat., c, ge‘a, I 921,11 ItLega. Itt eft.. A Zit Get, bef t, mritte 1 tu am ...... all cr • XI. ret....1 tnas sat.. mt. tr.oct to • pert ilmigr cavalteattl to 04 gate. ....... 11 provided u+441 ge,t.r. t ..... agy ty parented med.. eg • c....litivet tes ey,g4.81. •• fete,. Is ste ..... to ....... cc ...et. . t .... tt.s: tett: 1' "" vet rt"." • ..... 4.4 ta the ...... at telmen..11 Lt.. for ap.lyeatt. . 04.14o Of leCnblf el tell. ate. etaf ty p.a. is conatauctipt n. I le. Greg ..A ate. Ilieccaastot. .11 . Lel . '1::!“.1•••• .... n♦.1 soli e'r.1 1.3• of imel4.1.4, L An ...... ..... at, ett.... ellik the ckly .411 Atte. end ult. Ile th J. 10,1.443 al.. the d ..... µlint ep$ ..... La 4. t. elaue, to.. oft.... anell be valid to( • Oaf nal I* le. 'telt If. 4pyructl of well tirhit data et C4,111....Alcd el.. the ...ca. trot ...... too.. 1 A pare,. .411 se. to ........ to 4 talon. ot any ...... val. •1410 ...... tst ote tor.11.14.1. ..... ot In paft. Lot can at ..... CO Or C1ty ont ae. ts tee et ....• et tee ...... µant .. "' .. .pec C t.. All by 1Ike Cit. 9.6131r ife::: :::::41potta‘11=4;'"."41•;r: an to." shall he ....... lop .... . .7'Ve 4ttept. lJell.iggligleillIeLL144.1141LILLSAJLI ..... 1 tlot elle Neter teleittlui ..t. Lot. op. setor oe $4411 .ly Ito • Itop4ct too ogealllog t. ell:offset ..... lhO ...... leeter $114 ts4 the *moue., tosiltlater VItt. Oppll ..... ceen.tti. teal. IDDIVALLOT Plf ID4rllll VSLCC SCIftlelet . i:111 wit Ina! tit See. gat • • WI Co. 64 loot, tea Hi 01 evOrd.r. NV, Oren PI 11.4.• $ it Say int • •••• anew. • •01 •• nen • •• *14 SIN algag. Ong e.r. tine, Inn, NW teas Jega •••144, 44.4 ear ad • •I Row eaell 11,mel Otegli •940 • .44 1.• ••• ••••••• •tr ast • WM • MEI ••• •4.c• •• 14/••••••• r • ta 8. SY CD 10 .144 401. •••• • • ••• 354 bt- AP S1Y L'^.L'[..... •. •._•_ .:..._... .l �._�. ... ..CGS y tata,..,= VOW., f 11 A ILIL_ L:::t�iYt'.'.slta.rx w . a eta i• --1-h, a...)::_t 1Dsf_•.. 1Mn _.11 • tti*lgti p•.••.•+•a •11'Y tw.i _AL__ 1.1_— AV O.'_3'— ).:du_d:s 0.1.11 Sat .g,:1_..,_ 1 '.lu 1:1. I m�= 1'..'3f_dot..-4 .r I..1._ ._lSA..__._ -ltt._ C. [ever Itl'rca t •s (u( d •IM Nnt Vltnln t • Tpavn gqtrtwaetNitrenatM Oi0 Po ct ant ti11w c•tr * rP "•." N cattutet� st tiff vt tot; tbn dlY opt tPV. 1. All le. Co11YGrea for davrleepp attai t Iyyyyyyl1t atM1 V 11•r ,,,,,,,,Li • Aae•r DI•tr lv'1 abll'ba psltl Y fll.tit<tr[tI nitl rota, ur :`Ty..•atar.M NII b 4•Id oo PNar[a tt.:i.VtY isltttiilW 1.11 turgJtlatC vt itl'+Cl tv+) A. wato r and sovor lova.t too Adiortod prsn.nt 1 10401t0. 11 IV dap... In Sop ,,,,, etnto.. Nor.. .to IGf ♦elat 1p indrl4tetp ltaa •Y•tau Gl prevear tt al tnshall . l t Ptr s letvn l,t tar 1++ 1• cvl lt.trJ. tt rn. t•n flow illysshall o �idote`r•: rear-duttoo il`r NII+c1uJ Vultut lu g Lfri rM At ire •n1 ul ..sn It:.ai Y•.: 1.1Iu.:u1 • [ J reef tat 11�: SarloVlgll .<t to at.0 rf•tJ le• an9 pse•It lrla s4�dtl ln•d .n tt +:.tune I. dear.. pods.. to MI. section At Asc.. tipaa.Ona ooa .niia1 o.yet fCity t Io r [:'.riee �Aucol. lt :u�a. iaty!r Vr.an uito.t. . poor...d untvu.Il.O44. I/also p)q lllllgldlulftl114itdtD(. 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CITY Or Ma. •Attera lece.i eitlata City 1...alst READING OF CORRESPONDENCE No Correspondence was read. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 355 City Manager Metzler reported that she met with Superintendent Ron Ferguson regarding the Ball Field and Tennis courts City Manager Metzler passed out a draft agreement, which incorporated previous suggestions. This document will be taken to the board for approval, and then the document will come back to the Council for approval. The School will do a title search to ensure there are no outstanding liens against the property, at the School District's cost City Manager Metzler also reported that the State of Utah Department of Human Services has agreed to review draft copies of the City's Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual and the City's Drug and Alcohol Policy. They will send us back comments on both documents Mayor Hancock reported that she has requested Business License Fee MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS Schedule information from other cities for which David M Griffith and Associates did a study. Mayor Hancock stated that it looks as if our fees are very conservative As an example, a convenience store in West Valley City has a basic fee of $1,000 plus $6 for each employee A Fireworks stand is about $600. So we can compare ours to other cities City Manager Metzler stated that she has concern regarding the Home Occupation charge. That seems to be the license the City has received the most complaints about. City Manager Metzler has started to look at the justification for that charge. She's not completely convinced that the annual fee is appropriate. Councilmember Lekarczyk requested that Mayor Hancock obtain Business License Fee data from Cities that did not use David M Griffith and Associates to do a study, so that the data may be more objective Mayor Hancock stated that she would do that, however many cities don't have the fee structure because they have property taxes Councilmember Sakrison asked about businesses that purchased Beer Licenses last December and wanted to know how that was being handled City Manager Metzler responded that in December the City didn't charge for the licenses that are due now. Councilmember Sakrison asked about the bill he received that was not for the full amount that would be caught up in December. City Manager Metzler stated that she would have to look into it with Treasurer Ramstetter. Councilmember McDougald stated that fraternal organizations, namely the Elks had complained that their license was too high. Councilmember McDougald asked how much their increase was City Manager Metzler responded that site had notes in her office that she could check. Councilmember McDougald stated that on the basis that the Elks turn their profit back, they felt it wouldn't be fair to be licensed the same as a tavern. Councilmember McDougald stated that he doesn't think it is fair to assess a fraternal orgamzation the same as a tavern on Main Street. City Manager Metzler stated that she would research and respond back. Councilmember Bailey stated that currently the City doesn't have a policy that sets limits for Employees' meals Councihnember Bailey would suggest a cap or a range for meals City Manager Metzler will send a ►nemo to all employees suggesting that we try to be as frugal as possible with meals 356 APPROVAL OF BILLS Councihnember Bailey also stated that when the City has a chance to buy locally we should, and sometimes that isn't possible, but that we ought to support our local businesses. Councilmember McDougald suggested that a cap be set for each meal. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $75,598.22; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll call vote. Councilmember Lekarczyk made a • motion to adjourn the regular council meeting. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 8.20 p.m. APPROVED: /ez ��=�f4dzei Karla R. Hancock Mayor ATTEST: 620.4 Rachel Ellison City Recorder REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS REQUESTING TO BE IlEARD MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 14, 1998 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor l lancoek called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Joseph Lekarczyk led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers, David Sakrison, Kyle Bailey, Richard Cooke, and William McDougald, City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Attorney Chris McAnany, Public Works Director Brent Williams, Planning Aide Debra Gilger, and Community Development Coordinator David Olsen; eight (8) members of the audience and the media were present. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from May 12, 1998, May 14, 1998, June 9, 1998 and June 23, 1998. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by a roll call vote. Under Citizens Requesting to be heard John Thompson of the Elks Lodge spoke regarding the license for the Elks Lodge. Mr. Thompson stated that they felt the license fee was pretty high. The fee is $490 and was lowered to $370 and in previous years it was $20. Mr. Thompson requested that the Council look at the fee being charged to the Elks as a private club instead of a Paternal organization, which should be lower. Mr. Thompson stated that all of the income or profits from the club go to charity. Mayor Hancock stated that in the informal study she did of business licenses, outer communities had basic fees for this and then added on the beer license fee. Mayor Hancock will distribute that information when she has formalized the report. 357 Councilmember Cooke requested that the issue regarding the fee for fraternal organizations be included on an upcoming agenda Under Planning Update, Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that he had distributed a 21' Century pamphlet to the Council and Mayor and that he has also spoken to the Planning Commission regarding it. It is an initiative started by the Govemor and involves issues and resources affecting rural Utah Councilmember Lekarezyk moved to approve a Request by Kun Mel luting, d.b.a. Mandarin Steelman Restaurant located at 105 South Main St. for a Permanent Class II Beer License Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion The inotion carried 5-0 aye Councilmember Bailey moved to table the Discussion Regarding the Consumption of Alcohol in City Buildings The motion died for lack of a second Franklin Seal of the Moab Arts and Recreation Board made a presentation regarding the Consumption of Alcohol in City Buildings Discussion followed Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a request by Mike I Jansen, d.b a 11 & I' Oil/Stars C-Stores located at 301 S Man St , for a Temporary Class III Beer License Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. "The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the request by City Staff to purchase an Easement from Donna C Lovcndge/Kim Lovendge for Storm Water Drainage in the amount of $3,000 Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. 'lie motion camed 5-0 aye by a roll - call -vote. City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding the Moved -On Structure Fee. Discussion followed. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve a request by Canyonlands Community Recycling fbr City Billing Services for Recycling Donations on a trial basis: until a problem arises Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. 'I he motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll - call -vote. Councilmember Sakrison directed City Manager Metzler and City Attorney McAnany to bring back a fonnal agreement at the next Council meeting. Community Development Coordinator David Olsen made a presentation regarding Acquisition of Properly for Mill Creek Flood Control and Parkway Project. Discussion followed. Councilmember Cooke requested that this item be on the Next agenda as a discussion or action item. Community Development Coordinator David Olsen and Mr. Joe Kingsley (former president of the Rotary Club) made a presentation Regarding a Proposed Skate Park. Discussion followed. Councilmember Sakrison moved to confirm Mayor Hancock's Appointment to the Moab Arts and Recreation Center Board of Robyn Johnson Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye Under Reading of Correspondence Mayor Ilancock read a letter from the Federal Emergency Management Association thanking the City for participating in the evaluation of the flood plam management program They summarized their findings from the evaluation in the letter. PLANNING UPDATE RLQULS 1 BY KUN MEI HUANG, D B A MANDARIN SZECHUAN RLS I AURANT 1'OR A PERMANENT CLASS II BEER LICENSE, APPROVED MO rioN TO TABI.E DISCUSSION REGARDING THE CONSUMPTION Or AI COI IOL IN CITY BUILDINGS, EA II ED DISCUSSION REGARDING 1 HE CONSUMPl10N Or ALCOHOL IN CITY BUILDINGS REQUES I BY MIK1. HANSEN, D B A li z P 0I1/S1 ARS C-STORES FOR A 1 EMPORARY CLASS III BEER I !CENSE, APPROVED REQUEST BY CI rY Sl ATE 10 PIIRCI IASL AN EASEMENT FROM DONNA C LOVERIDGUKIM LOVERIDGE FOR STORM WATER DRAINAGE 1N 1HE AMOUNT OF $3,000, APPROVED PRESEN I Al ION REGARDING 111E MOVED -ON S1 RUCTURE FEE REQUESI BYCANYONLANDS COMMUNI I Y RECYCLING FOR CI1 Y BILLING SERVICES FOR RECYCLING DONA1IONS, APPROVED PRESENTATION REGARDING ACQUISIl ION OF PROPERTY FOR MILL CREEK FLOOD CONTROL AND PARKWAY PROJECT PRESENTATION REGARDING A PROPOSED SKATE PARK CONFIRMATION OF MAYOR HANCOCK'S APPOINTMENT TO THE MOAB ARTS AND RECREATION CENTER BOARD OF ROBYN JOHNSON READING OF CORRESPONDENCE 358 ADMINISTRATWE REPORT Mayor Hancock also read a letter from the Moab Area Telecommunications Task Force slating that they would like to offer a presentation to the Council. Mayor Hancock asked Councilmember Bailey to explain more about the task force. Councilmember Bailey slated that the Moab Area Telecommunications Task Force is a branch of the Economic Development Committee and has been looking into the telecommunications of the area City Manager Metzler reported that at the request of several Councilmembers, she had looked into the performance band issue regarding Country Garbage Service City Manager Metzler reported that she contacted American Reliable Insurance Company, which is the bonding agency for the bond She also contacted Leavitt Gioup, which is the agent. The contract calls for a performance bond that covers all of the obligations of the contract, which means the duration of the contract The current performance bond duration begins July I, 1997 and tennmated June 30, 1998, which means this particular bond expired Talking to both insurance companies, there has been no alba made by Country Garbage Service to renew this bond so consulting with City Attorney McAnany this is inconsistent with the contract and may even constitute a breach of contract City Attomey McAnany stated that he thinks we Just need to get Country Garbage's bond back in place Councilmember McDougald asked why the bond wasn't renewed City Manager Ivletzler responded that she had spoken to Lea\ itt Group and it was their understanding that the bond was supposed to be renewed, but that Country Garbage Service had not contacted them to do so. City Manager Metzler stated that if we had a claim and needed to file against the bond, there is no coverage in place at this time Councilmember Sakrison staled that he thought the garbage complaints had slowed down slightly He asked if the garbage on the highway was resolved. Administrative Secretary Sue I lusch slated that several people called to complain about dodging garbage on the highway City Attorney Metzler staled that there was also hydraulic fluid on the highway from the garbage trucks Councilmember Sakrison asked of they got it cleaned up. City Manager Metzler stated that Country Garbage did clean up the garbage. Councilmember Sakrison asked City Attomey McAnany how Country Garbage's attorney was responding. City Attorney McAnany stated that he was trying to contact their attorney, he isn't sure if the same attorney is still representing them, but he will keep trying to contact them City Manager Metzler stated that an attorney wouldn't be able to address the service related problems. City Manager Metzler also stated that she is extremely concerned about the performance bond lapse. Mayor Hancock stated that there would be a Special Council Meeting the following Tuesday, July 21, 1998 for the purpose of having an Executive Session at 4:00 p.m. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS Under Mayor and Council Reports Mayor Hancock reported that as per the Chamber of Commerce request, Mayor Hancock attended the Rodeo 359 committee meeting. The committee was soliciting suggestions for improving the Rodeo next year. A suggestion was that it be scheduled later in June, possibly the third weekend. Mayor Hancock will attend the Legislative Policy committee meeting on Monday, July 20th in Salt Lake City Mayor Hancock slated that the Council had discussed reducing the City Attomey's attendance to one meeting per month Mayor Ilancock would like that to happen by late September or October if that is agreeable Mayor Hancock stated that site has been thinking that the City needs a public forum and she has started a column in the paper called City Corner as a forum for City issues Councilmember Bailey stated that he is extremely concerned with the hillside development that the County is constdenng Councilmember Bailey stated that he would like to see the City Council write a letter addressing the issues of infrastructure, impacts, and to encourage the County to stick by their Master Plan and not do a spot zoning up there City Manager Mettler staled that she would put the letter together and if the Council had any other suggestions to let her know Councilmember Lekarezyk asked if Public Works Director Williams or Planning Aide Gilger had attended the meeting at the County with Developer Bill Browder. City Manager Metzler slated that Public Works Director Williams had been on vacation during that meeting Councilmember Sakrison stated that he agreed with Councilmember Bailey and that maybe a dual letter was in order from the City Council and the City Planning Commission. Councilmember Saknson staled that locust Lane needs to be repaired The patch on that road has a one itch hp drop ut some of the cuts, which is unsatisfactory He would like Public Works Director Williams to go and look at that Councilmember Sakrison slated that he was approached by Dorothy Markle regarding Health Insurance, and she would like to tall. about the Regency Value Care plan Councilmember Sakrison stated that after talking to the County there are some negative aspects in addition to the savings offered, City Manager Metzler staled that Recorder Ellison has put together specifications for the bid which the deadline for bids is the 14t of August, so the City shouldn't jump the gun before the bid is open, and that the City shouldn't be in the position of negotiating with one provider when we are going out to bid. The City will do an extension of current coverage until the new policy is in place. Councilmember Sakrison also stated that then; still seems to be confusion regarding the business license fee structure. Councilmember Saknson used his business license its an example. He suggested giving a breakdown of what the fees are applying to would help with the confusion. Councilmember Sakrison also stated that there is a lot of resentment in the Community regarding the new fee structure. City Manager Metzler stated that the City has been negotiating on a case by case scenano to ensure that the fee structure is equitable. They have re -categorized businesses as necessary. 360 APPROVAL OF BILLS ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: Mayor Hancock staled that she is almost finished with her business license survey of other communities. She is very concerned about how much the City is charging for Pawn Shops. City Manager Metzler is reviewing that. City Manager Metzler staled that she would also like to look at making the Home Occupation charge a one-time fee. Councilmember McDougald inquired about whether the report to the Slate Auditor's Office from the City would be submitted by the 31 City Manager Metzler slated that the report had already been submitted. Councilmember Bailey inquired about the Policy and Procedures review. City Manager Metzler staled that the State is in the process of reviewing it for the City. Mayor Hancock slated that site would like to set a deadline of November 1" to have the update done and to Council. Councilmember McDougald moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $176,637.48; Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll call vole with discussion. Councilmember Bailey made a motion to adjourn the regular council meeting. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9:25 p.m. APPROVED: Qc.U'-ZX �rM Rachel Ellison City Recorder SPECIAL MEETING AND ATTENDANCE EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS STRATEGY ON PENDING OR REASONABLY IMMINENT LITIGATION MAYOR ADJOURNS SPECIAL MEETING TO EXECUTIVE SESSION aria R. ar a R. Hancock Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING July 21, 1996 Moab City Council held z Special Meeting on the above date in the City Council Chambers of the Moab City Hall at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the meeting to order at 5:09 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers William D. McDougald, Richard Cooke, David Sakrison, Joseph Lekarczyk and Kyle Bailey; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Deputy -Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; and City Attorney Chris McAnany. Councilmember Sakrison moved to enter into an Executive Session for the purpose of a strategy session to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The the vote carried 3-2 aye, with Councilmembers Cooke and Lekarczyk voting no. Mayor Hancock then adjourned the Special Meeting into an Executive Session for the purpose of a stategy session to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation at 5:13 p.m. 361 City Attorney McAnany then went over stategy and discussed pending or reasonably imminent litigation with the Governing Body. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to adjourn the Executive Session back to the Special Meeting; Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock then adjourned the Executive Session at 6:36 p.m. and called the Special Meeting back to order. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to have City Manager Metzler and City Attorney McAnany see that Country Garbage: 1) Reinstates the performance bond immediately; 2) That the City reserves the right under declaration of breach (that Country Garbage is still in breach of contract); 3) That Country Garbage continue to perform according to their contract with the City; 4) That the City will in a reasonable amount of time evaluate the assignee, 5) Investigate and do background checks at Country Garbage's expense, as per contract, on proposed assignee Waste Connections, Inc., and that this will all be done in a reasonable amount of time, Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the meeting, Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried by a vote of 5-0 aye Mayor Hancock then adjourned the meeting at 7 00 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: attalacthe- Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 28,1998 CITY ATTORNEY WENT OVER STRATEGY ON PENDING OR REASONABLY LITIGATION MOTION TO ADOURN EXECUTIVE SESSION BACK TO SPECIAL MEETING MAYOR ADJOURNS EXECUTIVE SESSION & CALLS SPECIAL MEETING BACK TO ORDER CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY GIVEN DIRECTION BY COUNCIL ON COUNTRY GARBAGE ADJOURN Karla R. Hancock Mayor The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6.33 p.m. Mayor I luncock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7 00 p m. Councilmember William McDougald led in the Pledge of Allegiance Also in attendance were Councilmembers, David Sakrison, Kyle Bailey, Joseph Lekarczyk, Richard Cook, City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Attorney Chris McAnany, Public Works Director Brent Williams, Planning Aide Debra Gilger, and Community Development Coordinator David Olsen; fifteen (15) members of the audience and the media were present. There were no minutes to approve. There were no citizens requesting to be heard. Planning Aide Gilger stated that she and Community Development Coordinator Olsen and Public Works Director Williams met with Planner Tyler Sinclair to discuss amending the Planned Unit Development Ordinance to include affordable housing. REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS REQUESTING TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE 362 PRESENTATIONS CITY A'ITORNEY'S RECOMMENDATION OF AN EMPLOYEE'S REQUEST FOR INDEMNIFICATION OF ATTORNEY'S FEES IN *HIE AMOUNT OF $5,310.76 FOR FORMER EMPLOYEE SPENCER SNOW, APPROVED PROP. AGRMT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MOAB AND CANYONLANDS COM. RECYC. FOR CITY BILLING SVCS FOR RECYC. DONATIONS, APPROVED REQ. BY KEVIN E. CLYDE, D.B.A. SLICK ROCK BAGEL CO. FOR A TEMP. CLASS II BEER LICENSE, CANCELED BY REQUESTER REQUEST BY I IERMELINDA LAU AND FRED MORALES D.B.A. PUERT'O DE MAZATLAN FOR A MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT, APPROVED REQ. BY RENEE LAI:AMIE FOR USE OFTIIE OLD CrfY PARK FOR AN AMI'L. MUSIC EVENT TO BE IIELD ON SUNDAY, SEPT. 13, 1998, APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS REQ. BY T& I. mom. FOR USE OF OLD CrrY PARK FOR AN AMPL. MUSIC EVENT TO DE 11ELD ON SUN, SEPT, 6, 1998, CANCELED BY REQUESTER REQUEST BY 1011N REDD FOR ABADONMENT OF A CrrY Riot IT - OF -WAY, TABLED PROPOSED ORDINANCE 1198-I6 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TIIE CITY OF MOAB OFFICIAL ZONE MAP, APPROVED A presentation was made by Dale Irish, President of the Grand County Historical Commission regarding the Historic Dewey Bridge. A presentation was made by Rick Fullum regarding a Fire Works show. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the City Attorney's recommendation of an employee's request for indemnification of Attorney's fees in the amount of $5,310.76 for former employee Spencer Snow. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye by a roll -call -vote with Councilmembers McDougald and Sakrison voting nay Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve the Proposed Agreement between the City of Moab and Canyonlands Community Recycling for City Billing Services for Recycling Donations. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote. A request by Kevin E. Clyde, d.b.a. Slick Rock Bagel Co. located at 400 North 53 West, for a Temporary Class ❑ Beer License was canceled at the requester's request. Councihnember Cooke moved to approve a request by I lermclinda Lau and Fred Morales d.b.a. Puerto De Mazatlan for a Moved -On Structure Pennit at 356 South Main St. Councilmember McDougal(' seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye with Councilmember Sakrison voting nay. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a request by Renee Lafaurie for use of the Old City Park for an Amplified Music Event to be held on Sunday, September 13, 1998 with the condition that the event end at 10:00 p.m. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. A request by T & L Produclim for use of Old City Park for an Amplified Music Event to be held on Sunday, September 6, 1998 was canceled at the requester's request. Councilmember Cooke moved to table Approval of a request by John Redd for Abandonment of a City Right-of-way on Cedar Avenue. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5- 0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve proposed Ordinance 1198-16 - an Ordinance Amending the City of Moab Official Zone Map. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote. oauiN.u+crpl t ,N 111111.1M I OH A11I141. Mt t till III MI/ W Mill l.,l I11aL 11.1t MITI NI . ua....•auu) Hob ....rt.} 11144 .4111a 1.4.1a,11e'.•1J l aas..v.r &lee 4,rea1-.ee.ra.pumasW r wait er. 4. pre rd. •vs.rpreteens,) a. ao.ral, hr p^.'I Oa p pe..v+.111•..Ai...4 ems(YI N Y III 1\l ae •.......e.IW ul 6 .444...,14 p1L 4rrls Ise]). 1•rra ..r.elaa,ll.a411aaa.bt f1,.4114, N4.i r.s 11r N. 111 al 0.1 111 II .NII. 11•1111•.1..1.N a44J N.a.11.aoa.pa Ne vprNa b 11N1u.e Nelna/w INP ul/ar/.Ip.lir avaalal. /.4 baafal)4anrJ Oar Ib ars1 MuutNW...1 UBarTw,.'Jd1r41,rl W6le1sL1N n4pnd1d Tole auvJsl e4,44J 4. wuw.e W a...rr.s, N..:) a N... a 44Ja.puaeu.elp. a! dN.IW1 >,nu 4..1. N 11a..e 363 Bids for the Moab Arts and Recreation Center Roof Project were received from the following: McElhaney Construction $12,400 Councilmember Cooke moved to award the Moab Arts and Recreation Center Roof Project to McElhaney Construction in the amount of $12,400. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve the contract for the Moab Arts and Recreation Center Roof Project Councllmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion camed 5-0 by a roll -call -vote Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the Property Acquisition for the Mil!creek Flood Control and Parkway Project for 8 68 acres between the creeks for a wddlands part. for Moab City in the amount of $50,000 Councllmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion earned 3-2 by a roll -call -vote with Councilmembers Sakrlson and Lekarczyk voting nay. City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding Revisions in the Business License Fee Structure. Discussion followed. Councilmember Bailey moved to direct City Manager Metzler to draft a resolution to change the Business License Fee Structure to reflect the following I) Eliminate the categories of Landscaping, Locksmith, and Services/Counseling; 2) Change the [tome Occupation Surcharge of $4000 to a one-time fee instead of an annual, 3) Possibly reduce the Pawnbroker fee by changing procedure, 4) Adjust the Private Club/Beer Class I/Cabaret licenses to more accurately reflect the disproportionate costs. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. The agenda was moved to a request by John Redd for Abandonment of a City Right-of-way on Cedar Avenue. Mr. Redd made a presentation regarding a request for Abandonment of a City Right-of-way on Cedar Avenue. Discussion followed. Under Reading of Correspondence City Manager Metzler reported that Country Garbage Service sent a letter stating that they have completed all of their financial reports, and that they have completed the application for the Pt,rformance Bond and are requesting permission from the City Council to apply for a sixty (60) day bond instead of an annual bond. City Manager Metzler continued that the City had received a letter from the Leavitt Group stating that Country Garbage Service has applied for a sixty day bond. There were no Administrative Reports. Under Mayor and Council Reports, Councilmember Sakrison reported that the Landfill Distnct has completed their annual audit, the first Saturday of each month will be free at the landfill, and the landfill has granted a sixty (60) day extension to Allen Memorial Hospital for medicaUmfectious waste. Councilmember Lekarczyk reported that he had contacted Park City regarding their policy on alcohol in City buildings, and so far they haven't had too many problems Councilmember Lekarczyk asked City Manager Metzler to check with the City's insurance carrier as to liability issues. MOAB AR IS AND RECREATION CEN I ER Itoor PROJEC r AWARDED TO MCELHANEY CONS I RUCTION IN TILE AMOUNT OF $12,400, APPROVED CON1 RAC I I OR TI II. MOAB AR rS AND RECREA I ION CEN I ER ROOF PROJECT, APPROVED PROPERTY ACQUISITION rOR THE MILLCREEK FI OOD CONTROL AND PKWY PROJECT I OR 8158 ACRES roR A WILDLANDS PARK FOR MOAE CITY IN THE ANIOUNT OF $50,000, APPROVED PRESEN FATION REGARDING REVISIONS IN DIE BUSINESS LICENSE FEE S1 RUCTURE CI FY MANAGER METZLER DIRECTED TODRArrA RESOLUTION TO CHANGE TIIE BUSINESS LICENSE FEE Sl RUM URE AGENDA MOVED PRESEN FATION REGARDING A REQ rOR ABANDONMEN I' OF A CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY ON CEDAR AVENUE READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS 364 APPROVAL Of BILLS MO ION TO OPEN EXECUTIVE SESSION, APPROVED Councilmember Bailey thanked City Manager Metzler and Administrative Secretary Husch and all City Employees involved in producing the Moab Summer Celebration Couneilmember Cooke asked for an update on the Arches Special Service District C'ounci!member Cooke slated that there is a court Judgement that has determined that an Ordinance is necessary before the City can exact payment from Arches District City Manager Metzler responded that she had talked to Utah League of Cities and Towns Attorney David Church and he is sending a letter to the Attorneys representing the parties on that issue "I he plaintiffs being Arches Hotel and Canyonlands by Night The City would be entitled an impact lee if Canyonlands by Night should get water City Attorney McAnany stated that the City had provided a copy of the Ordinance to David Church Councilmember Cooke asked what other contingencies were outstanding other than the fee City Attorney McAnany stated that his recollection mas there was a stipulation entered into that said the City would agree not to impose its earlier fee structure In exchange when the City imposes an Impact l'ee, the plaintiff would pay that fee and that the plaintiff mould agree to annexation when and if that becomes legally possible The sttpulation should resolve many of the issues Ill this case Councilmember Cooke stated that he remembered that there \\as a court stipulation that the plaintiff would piesent to the City an actual written request for annexation City Manager Metzler responded that it was the signing of a restrictive covenant, which is an attachment to a request for water antl/or sewer services outside of City Limits Councilinember Cooke asked Willa! had been done City Manager Metzler responded that it has not Councilmember Cooke asked if David Church was going to look into that as well City Manager Metzler responded that David Church will look into it Councilmember Lekarczyk asked for an update regarding issues related to J.J Wang and Ron Steele, City Attorney McAnany stated that the sign issue with J.J. Nang had been turned over to Bill Benge who would then file charges. City Attorney McAnany stated that he is waiting to hear froin Bill Benge, and that he doesn't have an update on the St- •1, sign issue. Councilinember Cooke asked City Manager to call Mr. Benge and inquire as to the progress on these reports. Councilinember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $71,611,67. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye by a roll call vote aye with Councilmember Sakrison voting nay. Councilmember Cooke moved to open the Executive Session for the purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably imminent Litigation and a Strategy Session to Discuss the Purchase, Exchange or Lease of Real Property. Councilmember McDonald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye with Councilmember Lekarczyk voting nay and with discussion. An Executive Session was opened at 9:04 p.m. 365 EXECUTIVE SESSION OPENED Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to close the Executive Session at 10:15 p.m. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion failed 2-3 with Councilmembers Bailey, Sakrison and Cooke voting nay. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to close the Executive Session at 10:35 p.m. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to hold a Special Meeting on Monday, August 3, 1998 at 6:30 p.m. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald made a motion to adjourn the regular council meeting. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 10:36 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING August 3, 1998 MOTION TO CLOSE EXECUTIVE SESSION, FAILED MOTION TO CLOSE EXECUTIVE SESSION, APPROVED MOTION 'ro tIOLD A SPECIAL MEETING ON MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1998 AT 6:30 P.M., APPROVED ADJOURNMENT iYarla Mayor Aoab City Council held a Special Meeting on the above date in the City Council Chambers of Moab ATTENDANCE City Hall at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers David Sakrison, William D. McDougald, Rochard Cooke, Kyle Bailey and Joseph Lekarczyk; City Manager Donna J. Metzler; Deputy -Recorder Sandra E. Beauregard; City Attorney Chris McAnany; and eight members of the audience including the media. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to move the agenda to approve payment of the bills; Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Bailey moved to approve the bills against the City in the amount of $79,589.77 including a bill from Davis Tree and Landscape Service in the amount of $6,800.00; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll -call -vote of 5-0 aye. . Eancoc the Mayor then moved the agenda back to the Solid caste Collection Franchise item on the agenda. City Manager Metzler informed the Governing Body that she had talked to the insurance agent about the performance bond for Country Garbage. Councilmember Sakrison moved to enter into an Executive Session for the purpose of a strategy session to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation; Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The vote of 3-2 did not have a majority vote; with Councilmembers Cooke and Lekarczyk voting no. SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA MOVED TO APPROVAL OF BILLS APPROVAL OF BILLS MAYOR MOVES AGENDA BACK CITY MANAGER INFORMS COUNCIL ON PERFORMANCE BOND MOTION FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION DEFEATED BY LACK OF MAJORITY VOTE 366 CITY MANAGER REVIEWS FACT SHEET WITH GOVERNING BODY ON CITY FORMING A SANITATION DEPT. CITY MANAGER AND STAFF THANKED FOR INFORMATION ADJOURN ATTEST: City Manager Metzler then reviewed with the Governing Body the fact sheet that was prepared for the City of Moab, to form a Sanitation Department. City Manager Metzler also went over route schedules for both residential and commercial pick-ups, costs and budgets. Councilmember Cooke thanked City Manager Metzler and her staff for putting the information together in such a thorough and timely manner. Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye, with Councilmembers Sakrison and Bailey voting no Mayor Hancock then adjourned the meeting at 7;50 p.m. Rachel Ellison City Recorder REGULAR MIiEnNO & ATTENDANCE CITIZENS REQUESTING TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE POLICE VEHICLE BID AWARDED TO CERTIFIED FORD IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,632.89; APPROVED REQUEST FOR AN EXTENSION To TBE CITY HALL ROOFING CONTRACT, APPROVED APPROVED: )00W,, �,g6i%,,T0 � rla R. Hancoc Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 11, 1998 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City O(iices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:34 p.m. Mayor 1 hmcock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Kyle Dailey led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers, David Sakrison, Joseph Lekarczyk and William McDougald, City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Attorney Chris McAmmy, Public Works Director Brent Williams, Planning Aide Debra Ciilger, Administrative Secretary Sue Ilusch and Recreation Coordinator Dells I lofftneisler; four (4) members of the audience and the media were present. There were no citizens requesting to be heard. Planning Aide Gilger slated that she had no planning update to give. Bids for the Police Vehicle Lease Bid were received from the following: Certified Ford $7,632.89 Gus Paulos $9,859.72 Warner Tntek Land No bid Councilmember Sakrison moved to award the Police Vehicle bid to Certified ford in the amount of $7,632.89. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vole. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a request for an extension to the City Hall Roofing Contract. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carved 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. 367 Public Works Director Brent Williams made a presentation regarding Storm Drainage Easements and County Flood Waters. Discussion followed. Public Works Director Brent Williams made a presentation regarding the Possible Abandonment of a City Right -of -Way on the Old I lighway near Millcreek Drive. Discussion followed. City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding the Solid Waste Collection Franchise. Discussion followed. Administrative Secretary Sue llusch presented the results of an infonnal poll that she had conducted. City Manager Metzler presented a request to remove the Performance Bond Surcharge from the Monthly Garbage Bills. Mike Kissell from Country Garbage Service stated that he thought that Country Garbage Service would be willing to look into sharing the bill for the refund on monthly bills if the request was sent in a letter to Country Garbage Service. The Council directed City Manager Metzler to draft a letter to Country Garbage Service fonnalizing the request. Couneilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve Proposed Resolution ll 18-98 — a Resolution Approving the Agreement for the Provision of Billing Services by and Between the City of Moab and Canyonlands Community Recycling. Councilnember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. 11n.d1mw11n YN \IIFIn I'.I•t`•...l1I,11,1 It. 11111Y.nitIoN b1111,1.11R1N 11111 AND YI 1,1111111'tit WIAb I 1 A11 AIJII CANYON, ✓1111(14b4 NO Y Nlt'14111.0 nvv..r.nJ1...•.a�,,,,, I...los nJ L•na twnl ..w. N Iv.✓ Y.1 v1 •i \Iwo iun..0 Iryt..l l ✓IUW✓H. t wruwrl R..1•Iw] 41 Pu•.Lu, In,v ..uYJ..4u.nA rorW..Jw✓wuC✓.lva wa. Cumnv.r, Nnl.lu, Iw ..Inr4.Hla uv hull..+. •. LLN4uD 1.11.a. 41 wJ Yn Nv l 01 NF1..1. .r.J I. Alta. WC 1.11... RrwlruR N 1111 FI I\1NI NI IIIL lA11 LRNIN.1 b.N11 .N IIL 11111N lU1Atl lu Ill MI LLI'NISINtl Ill.WRUYLf 1W A<;Rlllll Nl IN 51'YllANIIAI11 I111 IURN tot ll\ltO IU IIIIf tllNll' ✓.✓I Ira Wt.. lu.uva. I I I a.l•.a or .I.r. rt uv..nnu.u( AJI w $1,,e l AI to q........ Co. _ /46.. a"' _d..4aL___ IK. W !IV. bl ...A A.I. 110.w M11a 1 u•R. I PRESENTATION REGARDING STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS AND COUNTY FLOOD WATERS PRESENTATION RE: TIIE POSIBILITY ABANDONMENT OF A CITY RIGHT -OP -WAY ON OLD H WY NEAR MILLCREEK DRIVE PRESENTATION REGARDING THE SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FRANCHISE PRESENTATION REGARDING A REQUEST TO REMOVE THE PERFORMANCE 130ND St1RCUARGL• FROM TIIE MONTHLY GARBAGE BILLS PROPOSED RES. 1118-98 - A RES. APPROVING TIIE AGREEMENT FOR THE PROV.OF BILLING SVCS BY AND 1311IVEEN TIIE CITY OF MOAB AND CANYONLANDS COMMUNITY RECYCLING; APPROVED • 6Rt .141111 C. Int YROY IUW. CI ettw: a LRrtctf et AND YLIIY IIN IYE CRY Of YOAe 9,0 CLh YONt u.CS COONINTY R]CYCarW �AJNLI'tNl r..yrar•ww•r;Yu J J .Y4f wl.... e. CAT LN u..e .:.....I.ta..a.. N ti Z.w K ✓.a L.•vnw _. f... •,.vr R..Y,✓4 • ••••t i ✓.c. .>..u.I .w.v.L� 'CCbI LLLUNS lrw .... r.....a ..a M.✓. r..a re u yIto,.a .I. \IU 1•rr N tn.ttattt rnUY. .].. tl GI 41I4..I:IIW.r.11iV S...AY tD1<.1 A. CAI I.Iarv. W rrry w.asr .r.t C Gt ✓✓. m wYA A.I. re: �n.ry.rov n sN lrew, D C. v.w....tJpwP..it. rr Fr `^asr MtN"fiU .�u 4. CND L GIN 4.H ✓.Wl 11.1111 A41[L14 NI 1 C IIr Kt.irt.HParlr t+CC A ARnD .vtta.r, i:/W.YJH 4wD'N•) {e ter. .newt., �[CIt Sr , b.. J "'Nag W I to gNulmN n t CCRrita ...t,Crt�l�.t r.r ay.ixn� f+a HrV Cr, uca..I)0 .+. uu. I.r .a.wr tl rr �rF.n YY rp rurN )) CO W G..pw.unn H CCA cn Aanrry uu ►.T. of .Nn.laur.tr...N W..NA I.A.. t ate beto to at.... AA.ut.w✓.wY h Mf Coe .Oaf D��4 CCe D✓...rn H ra ywrant taW o ✓fN•] t. 0116..4x440.n PD•`DnY E.r...Knt.rr)l.•arn Rr.r .r1[r rJY H•wrMMrir.m✓Ab.n, AtiAtte.3 sea wt. ett tan Cr yentane. Co*. M4.0no b, I . CR, el Yob ..1rl.tYu.CL i IIN>f. W,or N.0 TR m Praar. City Manager Metzler made a Presentation Regarding Recreation Issues. Discussion followed. Recreation Coordinator Hoffineister was present to answer questions. City Attorney McAnany reported on a letter he had received from Tesch, Thompson & Vance, LLC. City Manager Metzler reported that she would be on vacation starting on August 12ih until August 20. Recorder Ellison reported that the Annual Audit would start on Monday August 17`h. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting on May 26, 1998. Councihnember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Due 14. PRESENTATION REGARDING RECREATION ISSUES READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT APPROVAL OF MINUTES 368 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Lekarczyk reported that he will he getting married on Saturday August 15t and that Mayor Ilancock will perfonn part of the ceremony. APPROVAL OF BILLS Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $32,053.73; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll call vote. Councilmember Lekarczyk made a motion to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. ADJOURNMENT Mayor I lancoek adjoumed the Regular Council Meeting at 7 48 p.m. ATTEST: Rachel Ellison City Recorder REGULAR MEETING &. ATTENDANCE APPROVED: R. ancoc Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 25, 1998 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of the Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre - Council Workshop to order at 6:32 p.m. Mayor Hancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Kyle Bailey led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers David Sakrison, Joseph Lekarezyk, William McDougald and Richard Cooke; City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Attorney Chris McAnany, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen and Planning Aide Debra Gilger; thirteen (13) members of the audience and the media were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councihnember Cooke moved to approve the minutes from the Regular Council Meetings of July 14, July 21, July 28, August 3, and August 11, 1998. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. CITIZENS TO RE HEARD Under Citizens to be Heard, Tina Kister spoke regarding an incident at the City Pound. Ms. Kister reported that her kitten was picked up by Animal Control and transported to the pound at the Veterinarian's office. Ms. Kister was unaware that her kitten was at the pound. Ms. Kister called Dr. Sorensen's office and the office stated that they did not have a kitten fitting the description. Ms. Kister went to the Veterinarian's Office and found a written record of her kitten being transported to the clinic. The kitten was euthanized in less than twenty- four (tours, which is a violation of Moab City Code, which requires holding animals for seventy-two hours. Ms. Kister stated that this had happened to two of her neighbors' kittens as well. She felt that since Dr. Sorensen was a contractor of the City, that she should bring this matter before the Council. 369 City Manager Metzler responded that after reviewing City Code there is a designated amount of time that animals must be kept by the pound keeper City Manager Metzler has spoken to Dr Sorensen, and it is unclear at this point why the animal was euthanized before the allotted time. City Manager Metzler also stated that George Koskinen, the Animal Control Officer was currently on vacation, and that she would investigate further when he comes back to work City Manager Metzler suggested that a formal contract be drafted between the City of Moab and Dr. Sorensen's office outlining policies and procedure for animal control. Councilmember McDougald stated that he was concemed about these incidents and stated that a formal apology should be issued as well as replacement of the animal. Councilmember Cooke asked if this constituted a criminal offense City Attorney McAnany stated that his interpretation was that it was an infraction of City Code, and if a claim or complaint was registered n could be investigated Councilmember Cooke stated that he felt it was the City's responsibility to pursue the criminal charges for the matter City Attomey McAnany stated that in his opinion, City Manager Metzler's initiation of an internal investigation was the most appropnate action at this time Planning Aide Gilger stated that she had no planning update to give Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a Request by T wyla Jorgenson, d b a. Twyhte's Stars Convenience Store at 301 So Main St for a 'Temporary Class III Beer License. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye Community Development Coordinator Olsen made a presentation regarding the Proposed Skate Park. Discussion followed Councilmember Cooke mov,ed to send the Proposed Skate Part. to Public Hearing at the first Regular Council Meeting in October. Councilmember Lekarezyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5- 0 aye. Community Development Coordinator Olsen made a presentation regarding the 21' Century Committee Project Meeting. Discussion followed. Councilmember Sakrison moved to set the Joint City Council/County Council meeting date as September 2, 1998 at 4.00 P.M. at City Hall. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carved 5-0 aye Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve Proposed Resolution 1119- 98 — a Resolution Providing Support of the 21' Century Communities Initiative Program Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. PLANNING UPDATE REQUEST BY TwYLA JORGENSON, D B A 1 wYLITE'S STARS CONVENIENCE STORE AT301 SO MAIN ST FOR A TEMP CLASS Ill BEER LICENSE, APPROVED DISCUSSION REGARDING THE PROPOSED SKA'I E PARK PROPOSED SKA I E PARK SENT TO PUBLIC !TEARING, APPROVED DISCUSSION REGARDING THE21" CENTURY COMMITTEE PROJECT MEETING JOINT CITY COUNCIL/COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING El sTAS SEPTEMBER 2, 1998 AT 4.00 P.M AT CITY HALL, APPROVED PROPOSED RESOLUTION 1119-98 — A RESOLUTION PROVIDING SUPPORT OF THE 21 sr CENTURY COMMUNITIES INITIATIVE PROGRAM, APPROVED PASSLOMO ADOPTED n qan CavrA>,•.ymy w. of Ns Cm, Racy el Ms Cy ll RESOLUTION CD SO 35-aq el Apd AO W A RESAT UI ION PRJNONNO SUPPORT OT TIE ]ITT CENTURY COMMUTATES INRNATNE SUPPORT W.:"w III:1i1. Cr••�, C«.m.n.. Imam RW..,4.wr.• N..N. Pm itki.wya,vwlAann ap.a b..pwawa Ppnw aa, maid pwxA samC OmmyR aMamma w"�Pe,m D Plma m Omay ETAT w Emma.1 In.'"-C•a C.ound ono n no nodal d'no C... d w Old Med., ed funded wkL.+I.Y^MW mry Min p'.gama and maxi*. OKIN IdA Man u1Es1 I. - I -e . Raw E.ar Cry allt Mayor MPS INFER. ST IT RE SOLVED YUI ma Ywn GI ComMtawD, a.pwla. µppm EU W 21' Mmy DaM1..Y1 n.IRt Ropy 370 REQUES r TO SEND 90 PUBLIC HEARING A REQUEST BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM R-3 TOC-3AT62E MON,APPROVED REQUEST TO SEND TO PUBLIC HEARING A REQUEST BY MARC HORWITZ FOR A ZONE CIIANGE FROM C4 TO C-3 AT 606 SO MAIN ST,APPROVED REQUEST TO SEND TO PUBLIC HEARING A REQUES P BY JOI IN JOHNSTON FOR ABANDONMENT OF A CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY ON CEDAR AVENUE, APPROVED MO 1 ION TO TABLE A REQUEST TO SEND 70 PUBLIC HEARING A REQUEST BY MIKE SMITII roil A ZONE CI IAMB FROM RA-1 IO R-2 AT 697 AND 707 MULBERRY LANE, FAILED REQUEST 10 SEND 10 PUBLIC IIEARIN(i A REQ. BY MIKE SMI711 FOR A LONE CIIAN(II PROM RA-1 10 R-2 Al 697 AND 707 MULBERRY LN. SENT BACK 70 fHE PLANNING COMMISSION, APPROVED REQUEST "10 SENDTO PUBLIC HEARING A REQ BY COLIN FRYER FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM R-2 TO R-3 AT APPROX. 350 PARK DRIVE, FAILED REQUEST BY THE NAl URE CONSERVANCY/I IARRING70N TO SUBDIVIDE PROPERTY AT APPROXIMA [ELY 950 W KANE CREEK BLVD, APPROVED AGENDA MOVED REQUEST BY PAT FERGUSON, D B A PROGRESSION NOW! LOCATED AT 350 W MARCUS CT FOR A HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE, APPROVED PRELIM PLAT REVIEW OF A REQ BY ROBERTGRUPP TO SUBDIVIDE PROP AT APPROX 540 NICHOLS LN DISCUSSION REGARDING THE ALLOCATION OF CITY RECREATION FUNDS READING OF CORRESPONDENCE Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Request to Send to Public learmg a Request by the United States Government for a Zone Change from R-3 to C-3 at 62 E. 100 N. on September 8, 1998. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Request to Send to Public I!caring a Request by Marc Horvitz for a Zone Change from C-4 to C-3 at 606 So. Main St on September 8, 1998 Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Request to Send to Public Ileanng a Request by John Johnston for Abandonment of a City Right- of-way on Cedar Avenue on September 8, 1998 Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion canted 5-0 aye Councilmember Lekarczyk requested that City Manager Metzler, City Attorney McAnany and Plammng Aide Gilger work on a draft agreement between the City of Moab and John Johnston outlining the conditions of approval including the easement, conditional uses and the exchange of money. Mayor Hancock asked City Attorney McAnany if he could prepare the draft for the September 8t meeting Councilmember Sakrison moved to table a Request to Send to Public I fearing a Request by Mike Smith for a Zone Change from RA-1 to R-2 at 697 and 707 Mulberry Lane on September 22, 1998 Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion failed 2-3 nay with Councilmembers Bailey, Lekarczyk and Cooke voting nay Councilmember Cooke moved to send a Request to Send to Public I learing a Request by Mike Smith for a Zone C hange from RA-1 to R-2 at 697 and 707 Mulberry lane back to the Planning Commission for clatilication of easement access and long range planning Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Request to Send to Public !fearing a Request by Colin fryer for a 'Zone Change from 12-2 to R-3 at Approximately 350 Park Drive Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion failed 0-5 nay. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Request by the Nature Conservancy/Harrington to Subdivide Property at Approximately 950 W. Kane Creek Blvd. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye Councilmember Sakrison moved to move the agenda to a Request by Pat Ferguson, d.b.a Progressio,i Now! located at 350 W. Marcus CT. for a I lome Occupation License. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Request by Pat Ferguson, d.b.a Progression Now! located at 350 w. Marcus CT. for a Home Occupation License. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. The Council Reviewed a Preliminary Plat of a Request by Robert Grupp to Subdivide Property at Approximately 540 Nichols Lane and took no action. Councilmember Lekarczyk made a presentation regarding the Allocation of City Recreation Funds. Discussion followed A joint Recreation District Special Meeting was set for September 9th at 4.00 P.M Under Reading of Correspondence, Councilmember McDougald stated that he had received a very favorable letter from Paul Siebert regarding the staff at the Moab City Swimming Center. 371 Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler reported that site had a draft copy of the updated City of Moab Policy and Procedures available for Council and Mayor review. Councilmember Bailey asked if the City had received a response from the Division of Water Quality regarding North End Development City Manager Metzler stated that she had not received a response from the Division of Water Quality and the Division of Drinking Water regarding the Arches Village Special Service District. City Manager Metzler slated that the City had received a letter from the Arches Village Special Service District responding to the City's letter of December 10, 1997 and that site would be reviewing the letter in the next several days. Councilmember Lekarczyk inquired of City Manager Metzler if she had infonnalion from the insurance carver regarding the consumption of alcohol in City buildings. City Manager Metzler stated that she would contact the City's insurance carrier regarding that liability. City Attorney McAnany stated that he would provide a memo to the Council regarding that liability issue. City Attorney McAnany asked if there were any questions regarding his memo concerning the Treasurer issue. Councilmember Lekarczyk stated that he had no questions. City Attorney McAnany slated that the issue could be discussed at the next meeting after the Council has reviewed the memo. Under Mayor and Council Reports, Councilmember Sakrison requested better signage on Nichols Lane, Sundial, Locust and 200 South regarding the location of the road to the Slick Rock Bike Trail. Councilmember Sakrison then stated that he is concerned about complaints he has received regarding the lack of quality of cable television by the new cable company, especially on the Salt Lake Channels. He directed City Manager Metzler to send a letter to the cable franchise company. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City in the amowrt of $53,667.97; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Lekarczyk made a motion to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5.0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9:03 p.m. ATTEST: (—SU �1! Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING September 2,1998 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF DILLS ADJOURNMENT APPROVED: OWAlif./ 462.�j».49,04 r a R. Hancock Mayor The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above date in the SPECIAL MEETING & Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 ATTENDANCE South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 4:15 p.m. In attendance were 372 PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING IS A JOINT CITY COUNCIL/COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING TO DISCUSS 21 bT CENTURY PROJECT PRIORITIZATION PRESENTATIONS & DISCUSSION ' ADJOURN ATTEST: Councihnembers Kyle Bailey, Joseph Lekarczyk William McDougald, Richard Cooke and Dave Sakrison. Also present were City Manager Donna J. Metzler and City Recorder Rachel E. Ellison, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen, Planning Aide Debra Gilger and Public Works Director Brent Williams. Present County Councilmembers were: Councilmember Kenneth 13allantyne, Bart Leavitt, Al McLeod, Jim Lewis, Frank Nelson, Ilarvey Merrill, and Dale Mosher. Also present was Council Secretary Diana Carroll. Eleven (11) members of the audience and media were present. The purpose of this Special Meeting was a Joint City Council/County Council Meeting to discuss 21' Century Project Prioritization. A presentation was made by Bill Howell of the South Eastern Utah Association of Local Governments and by Kresha Eastman of Castleland R C & D Discussion followed. Mayor I lancock adjourned the Special meeting at 5.35 P.M. APPROVED: Wd„t .0041ra"IL �Q la R. Hancock ( iLf Rachel Ellison City Recorder REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS TO BE HEARD Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 8, 1998 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of the Moab City Oftices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre- Cowleil Workshop to order at 6:35 p.m. Mayor Ilancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember William McDougald led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councihnembers David Sakrison, Joseph Lekarczyk, Kyle Bailey and Richard Cooke; City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Attorney Chris McAnany, Public Works Director Brent Williams and Planning Aide Debra Gilger, fifteen (15) members of the audience and the media were present. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the minutes from n. Regular Council Meetings of August 25, and September 2, 1998. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye with corrections. Under Citizens to be Heard, Aggie Evans of Canyonlands Campground spoke regarding solid waste removal over the previous weekend. They tried to get pickups all weekend, and finally by 8 p.m. Sunday evening Mr. Hawks was going to come out and pick it up, but by that time Mr. Kissel! finally arrived. They were supposed to pick up at 9:00 a.m. this morning and they finally picked up at 3:00 p.m. this afternoon. We can't keep going with service like this. The service is inadequate; they've had fourteen months to get it right and it just keeps getting worse. If there's anything anyone can do, we'd appreciate it. 373 Dan Kent inquired about the status of the Greenwell Motel's flashing sign. Mr. Kent stated that the sign was supposed to be turned off but he has noticed that it has never gone off. Mr. Kent would like to stress that he thinks it is an important case, particularly since it is the enforcement of one of the first City Codes of this nature. Mr. Kent stated that this is not the first time that Mr. Wang has tried to resist City Code to get away with things, specifically the two sycamore trees that Mr. Wang eliminated on the side of Ramada Inn and replaced with two smaller trees that will not grow to replace the shade taken. That was some of the best remaining shade left in Moab, that was City property and Mr. Kent thinks that Mr. Wang is not respecting citizen's wishes and not making a decent downtown. Mr. Kent hopes that the Council is willing to prosecute this case and win. City Attorney McAnany responded that as an update there was a delay in the case. The case was turned over to Bill Benge for prosecution, and they're not sure if the file got misplaced, however Mr Benge is ready to prosecute, the case was given to him in July but for whatever reason it was overlooked. City Attorney McAnany apologized, but stated that it will not be dropped; it's a code enforcement issue that will be pursued. Colin Pryer spoke on Solid Waste removal for the Big Horn Lodge. The Lodge has had terrible service consistently, and as of noon today the garbage from the weekend had still not been picked up. The Lodge has made 20 or 30 courtesy calls and it's to the point that Mr Pryer doesn't think that courtesy is necessary anymore. Mr Pryer hopes that the buck will stop with the Council. He feels that there is a tremendous amount of unhappy citizens and business people and hopefully something will be done soon. Greg Balling spoke in reference to Sharon Balling's sewage problems on Tusher St. Mr. Balling slated that he had spoken with Councilmember Bailey and Councilmember McDougald regarding a resolution to the problem. The problem as Mr. Balling and Riverside Plumbing understand it is that there is a fault within the line on the City's responsibility line. Mr. Balling stated that they have been unable to get any action taken on this. Mr. Balling has a statement from Riverside Plumbing that states the actual clog is on the City maintenance side, and the Ballings cannot get any sort of resolution to the sewer being clogged. Mayor Hancock asked if it is clogged now or if it is ntnning now. Mr. Balling stated that it is cleared right now but it is continuing to clog. Mr. Balling stated that Mr. Hirschfeld at Riverside Plumbing believes that what has possibly happened is that when some construction was done to the sewer main approximately four years ago that it may not have been properly sealed or that some sort of residual damage happened to the sewer main on the City's responsibility level. Mr. Balling stated that this has been going on for years and years and they have been unable to get anything done. Mr. Balling stated that they have various documents that they will prepare to give to the Council and to Madam Mayor. Public Works Director Brent Williams stated that Riverside Plumbing had no clue for sure, you have to take cameras into the line to see what's really going on. Apparently they want it to be on the City side. Public Works Director Williams reported that he gave Mrs. Balling the ordinance stating that she is responsible from the main to her house. There is no "City side". Now if the clog is in the big main then that is the "City's side". Public Works Director Williams stated that he told Mrs. Balling that when it plugs up again he will dig it up; as long as it's running he'll leave it alone. Mayor Hancock asked if it is running now. 374 Public Works Director Williams stated that yes it is running now. The reason it is running is because Public Works took their big machine in there and flushed it out. Mayor Hancock asked if Riverside could do that with a machine. Public Works Director Williams stated that Riverside said that they couldn't get the plug to flow like it should. Public Works Director Williams told them he would take the City's machine in there, he flashed it out and it's been running ever since. Scott Cockayne stated that he has witnessed this a few times and he knows that the City had done the best they could, but the expense that has occurred over the past two years, you should not have to re -clear a line every few months. The finances that have been incurred by Mrs. Balling exceed well over $300. You should never have to clear it unless roots get in. It is a re -occurring incident that has gone on too long. Mr. Cockayne requested that if the City could use a camera, then please do. There is also a section of road that has crushed the pipe, caused by construction or garbage trucks or whatever Mayor Hancock stated that it was the City's understanding that it is running now, and if it clogs again Brent is willing to dig it up, but if it isn't the City's responsibility then Mrs. Balling will be responsible. Even to use the camera Brent will have to dig. Public Works Director Williams the camera is too big to fit down a 4 inch hole. What Public Works Director Williams believes is that no one has ever checked Mrs. Balling's line from the curb on in. Riverside told him that the Battings have root problems. Mr. Cockayne stated that that was incorrect; a year ago August the City ran their line into the street and into the main. Public Works Director Williams stated that what he meant was from the curb into her house. Mr. Cockayne stated that it was run from the house to the curb out to the main. Public Works Director Williams stated that no, it was taken to the curb only. Mayor Hancock stated that if it clogs again Brent will come out, but if it is on Mrs. Balling's property, as the ordinance states, the City will have to charge them. Mr. Cockayne stated that from four years ago it hasn't been dug up, and Riverside keeps saying the problem is two to three feet in the City's side. Mayor Hancock again stated that if it happens again the City will address it according to the ordinance. Robert Lopez spoke regarding solid waste removal. Mr. Lopez stated that he is one of the principal shareholders of Country Garbage Service Inc. and he stated that it was sickening for him inside to hear these complaints. Mr. Lopez stated that he realized that the complaints are absolutely legitimate and they are doing everything they can in their power to correct that. Mr. Lopez stated that it has been a nightmare for them; they are in the process of trying to assign their contract to another carrier, and they are in the process of trying to work out their garbage collection problems. They are trying and are willing to meet with the City to have them take over the garbage, but he is sorry, he is truly sorry. 375 Under City Planning, Planning Aide Gilger slated that there was no PLANNING UPDATE agenda for this Thursday's meeting so the meeting has been canceled. A Presentation was made by Michael Smith regarding a proposed zone change. Discussion followed. A Presentation was made by Colin Fryer regarding a proposed zone change. Discussion followed. Mayor Hancock opened the Public Hearing at 7:45 p.m. on the following: 1) Request by the United States Government for a Zone Change from R-3 to C-3 at 62 1 . 100 N.; 2) Request by Marc I lorwitz for a Zone Change from C-4 to C-3 at 606 So. Main St., 3) Request by John Johnston for Abadonment of City Right -of -Way on Cedar Avenue. Councilmember McDougald stated that this lot had been discussed for many years, if the Forest Service has their building there they aren't changing the administration, depending on the outcome of the Public Hearing we should approve their zone change. Councilmember Bailey asked if the Forest Service zone change was for the entire parcel. Planning Aide Gilger stated that it was a zone change for the lot. Councilmember Cooke asked if anyone was present from the Forest Service. Mayor Hancock stated that no one was present. Councilmember Cooke asked that the request not be given consideration until someone was present from the Forest Service. Planning Aide Gilger stated that she had told the Forest Service that their presence was not required for the Public Hearing. Councilmember Cooke stated that he had concerns relating to zoning the whole parcel. Councilmember Cooke slated that he was not in opposition to the Forest Service building an office building on that property, the property is quite well commercialized around it, however he would be opposed re -zoning the parcel that the house sits on and allowing the house to be torn down and replaced by an office building. He is opposed to any diminishment of the residential character of that area regardless of the fact that the adjoining properties may or may not be in commercial use right now. If the plans du include demolishing the house and replacing the house with an office building, there may be other ways to accommodate their desire to build an office building off the street. Councilmember Cooke stated that right now he is opposed to changing the use for the house. Mayor Hancock stated that the Council would take no action tonight, and that someone should make sure that a representative of the Forest Service be present when the action item was on the agenda. Mayor Hancock also stated that the City would accept public comment for the next two weeks. There was no public comment on a request by Marc Horwitz for a Zone Change from C-4 to C-3 at 606 So. Main St. City Attorney McAnany stated that in reference to a request by John Johnston for Abadonment of City Right -of -Way on Cedar Avenue, at the last meeting the Council expressed interest in retaining an utility easement, and retaining part of the ownership but conveying an easement for the use to the campground, rather than vacating the public road. City Attorney McAnany submitted a draft easement agreeement to the Council for review. PRESENTATION BY MICHAEL SMITH PRESENTATION BY COLIN FRYER PUBLIC HEARING ON: I) REQUEST. BY 'HIE UNITED STATES GOV'T, ZONE CHANGE FROM R-3 TO C-3 AT 62 E 100 N., 2) REQUEST BY MARC HORWITZ, ZONE CHANGE FROM C-4 TO C-3 AT 606 SO MAIN ST., 3) REQUEST BY JOHN 10I INSTON, A13ADONMENT OF CITY RIGIIT-OF-WAY ON CEDAR AVENUE 376 PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED 100 WEST PARKING IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AWARDED TO CANYONLANDS CONCRETE IN THE AMOUNT OF S6,525.00, APPROVED 400 NORTH ROAD RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT AWARDED TO LEGRAND JOHNSON IN THE AMOUNT OF $171,203.75, APPROVED MAYOR AND ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE THE STANDARD CONTRACT FOR THE 400 NORTH PROJECT, APPROVED (2) ONE -TON TRUCK BID AWARDED TO CERTIFIED FORD IN THE AMOUNT OF $19,575.50 FOR TRUCK I AND $23,834.00 FOR TRUCK 2, APPROVED Mayor Hancock asked if that alters the public (tearing. City Attorney McAnany slated that it did not alter the public hearing. City Manager Metzler stated that she had received a note stating that John Johnston was not the property owner. The owners are Darcy and Stewart. City Attorney McAnany stated that any action taken must be with the actual property owners. Ile also stated that the owners had signed the letter requesting consideration of the road vacation and that satisfies the statute as far as notice is concerned. Councilmember McDougald stated that this is unique since they own the property on both sides of the road. Mayor Hancock asked Planning Aide Gilger if she had discussed this with the owners. Planning Aide Gilger stated that yes she had, and that Mr Johnston speaks for the owners. Councilmember Cooke suggested that before the next meeting an analysis be prepared of comparable property values in the area to consider either a conveyance of the easement, perhaps comparable easement values, or outright property City Attorney McAnany stated that it night be difficult to tind something comparable, you don't find many conveyances where a reversionary interest is retained by the grantor, but you might be able to find something. Mayor Hancock closed the public hearing at 7:51 pm. For the 100 West Parking Improvement project, bids were received from: Canyonlands Concrete $6,525 00 Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to award the 100 West Parking Improvement Bid to Canyonlands Concrete in the amount of $6,525.00. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. For the 400 North Road Reconstruction Project, bids were received from: LeGrand Johnson $171,203.75 Councilmember Cooke moved to award the 400 North Road Reconstruction Project to LeGrand Johnson in the amount of $171,203.75. Coutncilmem'oer Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Cooke moved to authorize the Mayor and Administrator to execute the standard contract with regard to the approval of construction of the 400 North Project. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by a roll - call -vote. For the (2) One -ton Truck Bid, bids were received from: Certified Ford #1 $19,575.50 #2 $23,834.00 Great Basin Trucks No Bid Tri City Ford #1 $20,875.00 #2 $24,934.00 Butterfield Ford #1 $21,173.00 #2 $25,347.00 Mike Young Inc. #1 $21,245.19 #2 $25,470.95 Salt Lake Valley GMC #1 $19,947.00 #2 $24,122.00 Parkway Motors #1 $21,366.00 #2 $25,835.00 Warner Truckland #1 $23,574.00 #2 $27,825.00 Gus Paulos Chevrolet #1 $21,944.00 #2 $27,144.00 Councilmember Cooke moved to award the (2) One -ton Truck Bid to Certified Ford in the amount of $19,575.50 for truck 1 and $23,834.00 for truck 2. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. 377 City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding Animal Control Fees and Issues. Discussion followed. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a Blanket Waiver of Rotary Park Reservation Fees in Perpetuity for the Rotary Club. Councilmember McDougall seconded the motion. Councilmembers Sakrison and Bailey disclosed that they are both members of the Rotary Club. The motion carried aye by a roll -call -vote . Under Reading of Correspondence there was no correspondence to be read. Under Administrative Reports, City Recorder Ellison stated that Deputy Recorder Sandra Beauregard had received her first sustaining membership in the International Institute for Municipal Clerks. Deputy Recorder Beauregard had dedicated time to training and education for her position. City Recorder Ellison stated that she would like to recognize Deputy Recorder Beauregard's efforts. Under Mayor and Council Reports, Councilmember Sakrison requested better signage for Slick Rock Trail on Center St., Nichols Lane, and Locust Lane. Councilmember Sakrison also inquired about the status of lights and landscaping for the David Bodner issue. Councilmember Sakrison requested that the issue be addressed. Mayor Hancock stated that as she recalled the landscaping was in an agreement between Mr. Bodner and the developer. Councilmember Cooke inquired if the lights are shielded. Planning Aide Gilger stated that yes they were. Planning Aide Gilger stated that she examined the lights at night before signing the Certificate of Occupancy and that the lights stop at the edge of the Senior I lousing property. Councilmember Cooke inquired if the City was considering additional access to the Rockridge Housing Project. Public Works Director Williams stated that there was emergency access from Dave Bodner's strictly for emergency use only on East Center St. The City has water line easements through there as well. Councilmember Cooke asked if the City had an agreement with Loren Johnson regarding access to the dam. Public Works Director Williams slated that he has lxien unable to find an agreement and that they stay out of there, and that Mr. Johnson has told him as long as they get permission from Mr. Johnson they can access the dam. Public Works Director Williams stated that he has talked to the State and they are concerned about maintaining the dams. Councilmember Cooke asked if the City had any plans to modify the dam. Public Works Director Williams stated that the City did not. Councilmember Cooke then asked if the dam was, from the State's perspective, adequate for the purpose for which it was designed. Public Works Director Williams stated that there are 23 check points for the lower and upper dams. Public Works Director Williams stated that the dam is adequate and that he conducts a yearly inspection. Councilmember Cooke inquired about sidewalk provisions and building permits. Councilmember Cooke understood that an ordinance passed last year stated that if there was a re -model and it was over a certain valuation then people had to put in sidewalks. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION REGARDING ANIMAL CONTROL BLANKET WAIVER OF ROTARY PARK RESERVATION FEES IN PERPE fU1TY FOR TIIE ROTARY CLUB, APPROVED READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS 378 Planning Aide Gilger stated that the ordinance was not approved. Planning Aide Gilger stated that at the time of construction, sidewalks mast be installed. Mayor Hancock asked if anyone else had to put it in if they've lived there already, Planning Aide Gilger stated that only if conslnhction was taking place. If the lot is developed. Mayor Hancock asked if the City's sidewalk plan stated that if it's not new construction then the City will put in sidewalk. Councilmember Cooke inquired about the house at 100 N. and 300 C. where the house is being enlarged by 75%. Will they be required to put in sidewalk? Couneilmember Cooke would like to be clear on what the City ordinances state. Planning Aide Gilger stated that she and Public Works Dtrector Williams have to sign off on a building permit review sheet. t)n that sheet it is written what the owners need to do, and one of the things written by Brent is that they need to follow all City ordinances, and if they need to put a sidewalk in they are told that that is one of the things they need to do. Mayor Hancock asked if they would need to put in sidewalk in that situation. Public Works Director Williams stated that it needs to be re -addressed. Planning Aide Gilger stated that if they need a sidewalk they need to put one in, but some places there is not anyplace for it. Councilmember Cooke requested that in next year's budget the City look at the City's sidewalk plan, because it is time for the City to put in sidewalk. Planning Aide Gilger stated that she's had a lot of people complain about lack of sidewalks. Public Works Director Williams stated that he is starting with schools, churches, senior centers, civic areas, and that they are ear -marked, Everything is drawn up, by Helen M. Knight School, and Third South. Councilmember Cooke thinks that it would be a good use of the money put into Capital Improvements Fund, Public Works Director Williams slated that projects have been prioritized; there arc a lot of old sidewalks and trees . Councilmember 13ailey slated that it is the property owner's responsibility to put in new sidewalk and to replace it and not the City. Councilmember Bailey slated that Mayor Bunee had made people put in sidewalks and then assessed the property owners, so the City in the past has done that. Public Works Director Williams stated that he feels the tax payer pays a lot of taxes. Councilmember Bailey stated that they don't pay them to the City and that 70% of all taxes in the City are paid by tourists. Councilmember McDougald stated that the Special Service District was a good thing and it was in the old part of town. Public Works Director Williams stated that he had asked around and a Special Service District didn't seem to be too popular. 379 Councilmember Bailey stated that in the past sidewalk constnictton was prioritized by public safety concerns Councilmember Cooke stated that he would enjoy a presentation by Public Works Director Williams at his convenience about how to deal with it from his perspective. Councilmember McDougald asked if Public Works Director Williams asked if he was still working on a fifty-fifty deal Public Works Director Williams stated that in some areas he pays for the concrete if they pay for the labor. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City tit the amount of $107,504 51; Councilmember Saknson seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Councilmember McDougald made a motion to open an Executive Session for the purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation Councilmember Saknson seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye The Executive Session was entered at 8 53 p.m. Councilmember McDougald made tt motion to close the Executive Session Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. The Executive Session was closed at 10.11 p m. Councilmember Lekarczyk made a motion to direct City Manager Metzler and City Attorney McAnany to arrange for the conditions of the termination of the contract with Country Garbage Service for Solid Waste Collection. Councilmember Bailey made a motion to adjourn Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9 03 p tit ATTEST: acm Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING September 9,1998 APPRO4ED: APPROVAL OI BII LS MOTION I ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION ENTERED N10110N 10 CLOSE_ EXECUT IVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION CLOSED MOTION 10 ARRANGE E0R 1 H6 CONDO IONS 01' 111E 1 ERMINA1 ION 01' 111E CON FRAC1 W1111 COUNT RY GARBAGE SERVICE FOR SOLID WASTE CO1IFCIION MOT ION 1 O ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT K a Hancock Mayor The Moab City Council held a Special Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 4.20 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Batley, Joseph Lekarczyk and William McDougald. Also present were City Manager Donna J Metzler, City Recorder Rachel E. Ellison, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen, and Recreation Coordinator Beth Hoffmeister. Six (6) members of the audience were present SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE 380 PURPOSE OF SPECIAL, MEETING IS A JOINT INTERLOCAL RECREATION AGREEMENT MEETING WITH THE MOAB CITY COUNCIL, THE GRAND COUNTY COUNCIL AND THE GRAND COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT PRESENTATIONS & DISCUSSION ADJOURN ATTEST: REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE 'The purpose of this Special Meeting was a Joint Interlocal Recreation Agreement Meeting with the Moab City Council, the Grand County Council and the Grand County School District to discuss: 1-1 Process for Budget Approval; 1-2 Recreation Department Service Levels; 1-3 Youth Sports Coordinator Concept; 1-4 Financial Assistance Program Options, City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding the agenda items. Discussion followed. Mayor Flancock adjourned the Special meeting at 5:52 P.M APPROVED: arlar"rid i aEf. ancoc"- Mayor Rachel Ellison City Recorder REQUEST BY RENE LAFAURIE FOR A REFUND OF FEES FOR USE OF THE OLD CITY PARK ON SEPTEMBER 13, 1998, APPROVED MAYOR HANCOCK PROCLAIMED THE MONTH OF OCTOBER AS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION RE: RECREATION PROPERTIES REQUEST BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM R-3 TO C-3 AT 92 E. 100 N., TABLED REQUEST BY MARC HORWITZ FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM C4 TO C3 AT 606 SO. MAIN ST., APPROVED MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 22, 1998 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of the Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre - Council Workshop to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Hancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Councilmember Richard Cooke led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers David Sakrison, Kyle Bailey and William McDougald; City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Attorney Chris McAnany; eight (8) members of the audience were present. There were no minutes to approve. There were no Citizens to be Heard. No Planning Update was given. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Request by Rene Lafauric for a Refund of Fees for use attic Old City Park on September 13, 1998. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Mayor Hancock proclaimed the month of October as Domestic Violence Awareness month. Stephanie Dahlstrom and Joey Allred made a presentation regarding Domestic Violence Awareness Month. City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding Recreation Properties. Discussion followed. Councilmember Sakrison moved to table a Request by the United States Government for a Zone Change from R-3 to C-3 at 92 E. 100 N. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Request by Marc Horwitz for a Zone Change from C-4 to C-3 at 606 So. Main St. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. 381 Councilmember Bailey moved to table the Award of the Employee Health Insurance Bid. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. Councilmember McDougald declared a conflict of interest, as one of the bidders is his sister. The motion carried 4-0 aye. City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding the Solid Waste Collection Franchise. Discussion followed. Under Reading of Correspondence Mayor Hancock read a letter from Russell Walston regarding 500 West being a dangerous intersection Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler asked if there were any questions. Councilmember Cooke asked if the purchase had been completed for the 8.68 acres. City Manager Metzler stated that the purchase had been finalized. City Manager Metzler stated that Recreation Coordinator Beth I loffineister submitted her letter of resignation City Manager Metzler is in the process of revising the job description to a lower scale of pay The description will be brought back for the Council to review Under Mayor and Council Reports, Mayor Hancock stated that she would be out of town from September 25'" to October 5°i Councilmember Bailey reported on a helpful budgeting workshop that lie attended at the Utah League of Cities and Toms convention Councilmember Sakrison requested that the City review downtown parking and that the Council hold a meeting with the Planning Commission for a review. Councilmember Cooke inquired whether the City had received a response from Peak Cable regarding cable quality Councilmember Cooke requested that City Attorney McAnany review the cable franchise agreement for technical quality requirements and to draft a letter to Peak Cable. Councilmember Bailey reported on a seminar that he and Councilmember Sakrison attended at the Utah League of Cities and Towns regarding a Youth City Council. Councilmember Bailey would like to pursue starting a Youth City Council and try to get the School District and the youth interested. Councilmember Sakrison stated that he and Councilmember Bailey would be willing to take that task on themselves. Mayor Hancock stated that she was interviewed by Global Trek, who produces educational programs on the Internet. It will be on the Internet by this Friday. Councilmember Bailey stated that he would like to start up a streets and transportation 10-year plan and also to Bold a Department/Council meeting especially with the Police and Streets Department. Councilmember McDougald stated that a lot of govemment support was received from the baby boomer generation. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $66,198.50; Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Cooke made a motion to open an Executive Session for the purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye. AWARD OP THE EMPLOYEE IIEALTH INSURANCE BID, TABLED PRESENTA noN REGARDING TI IE SOLID WASTE COI,LECTION f RANCIIISE READING Of CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL. REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS MOTION TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION 382 EXECUTIVE SESSION ENTERED The Executive Session was entered at 8 08 p m MOTION TO CLOSE EXECUTIVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION CLOSED MOTION TO HOLD A SPECIAL MEETING FOR THE PURPOSE OF A BUDGET WORKSHOP ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1998 AT 4 00 P M, APPROVED MOTION TO ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE Councilmember Batley made a motion to close the Executive Session Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye. The Executive Session was closed at 8 46 p m Councilmember Sakrison made a motion to hold a Special Meeting for the purpose of a Budget Workshop on 'I Inn sday, October I, 1998 at 4.00 p m Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion earned 4-0 aye Councilmember Bailey made a motion to adjourn Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion fhe motion carved 4-0 aye Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 8 54 p m APPROVED y 'x,d�v, Rachel Ellison City Recorder PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING IS A BUDGET WORKSHOP CITY MANAGER REVIEWS POSSIBLE FY 1998-99 BUDGET AMENDMENTS WITH GOVERNING BODY COUNCILMEMBER MCDOUGALD LEAVES MEETING DUE TO PREVIOUSLY ARRANGED MEETING MOTION TO ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING October 1, 1998 a.K rlaa/C,H, n�oc�'C Mayor The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Councilmember Kyle Batley presided as Mayor Pro-Tem called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 4 08 p.m In attendance were Councilmembers William McDougald and Dave Sakrison Councilmember Joseph Lekarc yk arrived at 4.15 p.m. Also present were City Manager Donna J. Metzler, City Recorder Rachel E. Ellison, City Treasurer Laurie M Ramstetter and Public Works Director Brent Williams The purpose of this Special Workshop Meeting was to hold a B .., Workshop City Manger Metzler made a presentation regarding possible budget amendments for Fiscal Year 1998-1999 Councilmember McDougald left the Council meeting at 4:46 due his presence being required at a previously arranged 5 00 p m meeting Councilmember Sakrison moved to adjourn the Special Budget Workshop Meeting Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion The motion carried 3-0 aye. Councilmember Kyle Barley presided as Mayor Pro-Tem adjourned the Special Budget Workshop Meeting at 5 44 p.m 383 ATTEST: APPROVED: %�/,f set?' �ineve-10t K la R. ancoc 0-0?P_/2 2Agl); „ Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 6,1998 Mayor The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of the Moab City Offices, located at 115 Wcst 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R Hancock called the Prc- Council Workshop to order at 6.32 p m Mayor Hancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7 00 p m Councilmember William McDougald led in the Pledge of Allegiance Also in attendance were Councilmembers David Saknson, Kyle Bailey, Joseph Lekarczyk and Richard Cooke; City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Attomey Chris McAnany, Treasurer Laurie Ramstettcr, Planning Aide Debra Gilger; forty-five (45) members of the audience and media were present Councilmember Bailey moved to approve the Regular Council Meeting Minutes of September 8, 1998. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Bailey stated that in reference to the vote to waive reservation fees of Rotary Park for the Rotary Club in perpetuity, that the Rotary Club donated the property to the City for the park and built the pavilion plus a number of other projects at the park. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Special Council Meeting minutes of September 9, 1998, the Regular Council Meeting minutes of September 22, 1998 and the Special Meeting minutes of October I, 1998. Councilrrlember Cooke seconded the motion. Tlie motion carried 5-0 aye. Under Citizens to be Heard, Gregory Hood spoke about the Year 2000 computer problem. Mr. Hood has been making presentations throughout the community on this problem as well as showing video presentations. Mr. Hood stated that there is a serious problem within the code of computers, and will affect everyone globally Mr. Hood would like to see the community as a whole be prepared, especially in areas such as banking and utilities. Mr. Hood believes that the City can do some things to mitigate the problems before they happen. Mr. Hood will be moving Isere from Texas in the near future, and he would like to keep the public infomied of these problems. Mayor Hancock requested that Mr. Hood keep the Council informed of seminars in the area. REGULAR MIT VINO C AITENDANCE APPROVAL Or MINI rES CITIZENS TO BE 11EARD Under Planning Update Community Development Coordinator Olsen PLANNING UPDATE stated that the County had requested that Star Hall be a Community Development Block Grant Project and would like the City to administer the funds. Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that there was approximately $55,000 available and inquired as to what project the Council would like to endorse. Mayor Hancock asked if Community Development Coordinator Olsen wanted the Council to choose a project now. 384 REQUEST BY ROD BENDERS FOR USE OF THE SWANKY CITY PARK FOR TWO CAR SIiOWS ON APRIL 23, 24, 25 1999 AND OCTOBER 1,2,3, 1999, APPROVED RESOLU'PION H2O-98 -- A RES APPROVING THE SALE AGRMNT AND JOINT INTERLOCAL CO-OP AGRMNT FOR USE or FACILITIES FOR RECREATION BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF MOAB, UTAH AND THE GRAND COUNTY SCHOOL DIS1 RICT, APPROVED REQUEST TO SEND TO PUBLIC HEARING A PETITION FOR ANNEXATION BY DOUG MCELHANEY, APPROVED Community Development Coordinator Olsen slated that the next meeting would be fine. Olsen staled that housing funds available are generally $70,000. hie will bring more information to the next Council meeting. Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that Gerald Williams would make a presentation at the next Council meeting regarding the floodplain and floodway reduction Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that the Bullocks would like to donate some property on 500 Nest to the City with the intent of placing a plaque or monument to diary Bullock for donating the property. The properly is adjacent to property purchased previously by the City and could help connect a pathway Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Request by Rod Benders for use attic Swanny City Park for Two Car Shoes on April 23, 24, 25 1999 and October 1,2,3, 1999 Councilmember Bailev seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve Proposed Resolution I/20- 98 -- a Resolution Approving the Sale Agreement and Joint Interlocal Cooperative Agreement for Use of facilities for Recreation 13y and Between the City of Moab, Utah and the Grand County School District with lite following correction- reversionary interest should be fifts (50) years instead of twenty-five (25). Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion tamed 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Reiol .on 20 96 Af llOYINOtilt SAECAGRICA WI AND IOPIT PO I AI OtA4 COOYCAAI.VE AGAt£M1N1 FOA USE Of IA<II111ti FOR ASCRfA1NJN by AAODI twT S n SIN (AFFIX SNTAD [CIAO AHD Tit£ I.RAND COONI Y DfilOOL[AMR • %Motu .IA IbWd taw, School WNAH 40s swa. of parcel. al Wd ennwn.l.rre, PA. E l,ow.lwn.W whfull GOD W non; J.Co, nl 11o4 W.Re OrW Crory&Nd Own.. PIAoe Pc we. SAD Agtwine A W A/. N.u1warwp.aa.< Atn.n.u.warewnf.a.f ca. .Ia W WTYNU Ou Eek Ayuaun W ADA WNIaUConcweoa•e Aft.itif. A. oftA ArcS+ moan. N.&to IUNM.f w dof Iwrury.I Ys MAD n, I or.n NOW 111EREfOAL WF Illf GOY IIWD.O DOPY Of IIIL CITY Of AIOAB M HEREBY RESOLVE CO APPROVI SAW AGRCCAItHI IN SlA.atANll At lY iltA *OW PREYED.» TO 1111i COUNCIL AND ADC HOWL WIC At AO. DIA tC 0101,40lAIS TO EXECUTI ANO OEM A TOE AGRI t 41U.T AND OISO R ACONIAEDIXXOMENTS This NM4RIOK WOW Mal Wall W eI, loa puulr PuNAW.dyuR lw uaws .{Awn:.. PAW of CUY*CAA.. s q,....N..w 1W.0 dletOp* IA. Amu �1IcaL`ELur AxM1111. 0 C.f, Reeaxf REQUEST TO SEND TO PUBLIC HEARING AN AMENDMENT OF FY I998-I999 BUDGET FOR ALL FUNDS, APPROVED CITY MGR METZLER DIRECTED TO ADVERTISE THE REC. COORD. POSITION WITH THE CURRENT JOB DESC. W/O DETAILING THE CLASSIFICATION Off Of MOAB Km. R Nvu.<A WA* Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Request to Send to Public Ilearing a Petition for Annexation by Doug McElhaney. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion, The motion carried 5-0 aye Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Request to send to Public Hearing an Amendment of FY 1998-1999 Budget for All Funds. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to direct City Manager Metzler to advertise the Recreation Coordinator position with the current job description without detailing the classification. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. PRESENTATION REGARDING A TRADE OF CITY PROPERTY Joe Kingsley made a presentation regarding a trade of City property. Discussion followed. 385 Mayor Hancock opened the Public Hearing at 7:30 p.m. on the Proposed Skate Park. Community Development Coordinator Olsen made a presentation regarding the proposed Skate Park. Grand Junction, Colorado spent $200,000 on their Skate Park; Modesto California spent $200,000, Durango Colorado spent $90,000 on a concrete structure, Farmington Utah spent $35,000, Farmington New Mexico used irrigation pipes and a concrete stricture. Community Development Coordinator Olsen then presented a slide show of other communities' Skate Parks as well as potential locations in the Moab community for Skate Parks Gwynith Welch presented a model of the Proposed Skate Park I he model presents using half of the rose garden at Swanny City Park Nts Welch stated that she had conducted surveys, and what she learned was that there were more roller bladers bicyclers, what they all need is momentum. The people that Ms Welch spoke to prefer the park Councilmember Bailey asked if he understood that the kids Ms Welch spoke to preferred the park. Ms. Welch responded that yes, it's cooler, there's trees, there's bathrooms, there's a pool, there's a phone, it's a drug -free zone Joe Kingsley stated that the Rotary Club had met and approved the Skate Park as a project. The Rotary Club has not selected a preferred site, however Mr. Kingsley himself prefers Swanny City Park The Rotary Club has raised $20,000 towards the project with $5,000 of that coming directly from the Rotary Club Mr Kingsley stated that the Rotary Club envisions that there may be a need for two skate parks in the future. Mr. Kingsley thinks that a size should be chosen to accommodate a full blown skate park, rather than a park that has been reduced to fit a smaller site. Dale Pardon stated that this was the most positive project in the community for a long time. Previously Mr. Parton ran the only skate park, which Jeff Davis donated the ramps for. For several years now there hasn't been a place for kids to skate. Mr. Pamott is strongly in favor of Swanny City Park as a location. There is also the other side of the swimming pool that no one rises It would be especially good for young mothers with younger and older kids to be able to watch their kids all together. Mr. Parriott feels that noise shouldn't be a problem since the City Pool is open until 11:00 p.m. during the summer, and if someone complains about someone having fiat in their community, then they have a problem themselves. Mr. Parriott strongly recommends Swanny City Park. Jerry Kanouff spoke. Mr. Kanouff is originally from Fort Collins. When the skate park first opened in Fort Collins it was small, and then they gradually added more room and more ramps. Mr. Kanouff thinks that should be how it is done here at the City Park, and build up until it's nice and smooth. Mr Kanouff thinks that it would all work out super good. Mr. Kanouuf thinks it should be at City Park or at the Middle School where the big wall is, and that way Mr. Kanouff could skate at lunch. Mayor Hancock asked if Mr. Kanouff preferred the City Park or the Middle School Mr. Kanouff responded that he preferred the City Park but if it couldn't go there, he'd like it at the Middle School PUBLIC HEARING OPENED AT 7 30 P M ON TI IE PROPOSED SKATE PARK 386 Jason Parriott stated that a Skate Park was a long time in coming. He thinks that this will keep kids out of trouble. Mr. Parriott owns a hair salon downtown and he notices that the rest of Main Street would like to get the kids to go somewhere else. The City Park is a perfect place for Mr. Parriott to take their children, one parent can go with kids, the other parent can go with kids, it's a nice diverse place. The pros and cons could go for hours, the worst con would be noise, it's a hard thing to justify, but there will be noise anywhere. Logical places arc where this growth has already happened. The City Park is the most appropriate. The positive against the cons is for the children. Mr Parriott hopes that the Council will side with the children, and he thinks that the City Park is the best. Kim Stanard stated that she lives next to City Park and she is concerned about other activities that fill the park. Space that is already being used is hard to take away, and she is concerned about the noise. Noise bouncing off of walls and buildings, the school and mortuary and other buildings. Ms. Stanard hears all of the noise bouncing off of the pool and other buildings. Daniel Mealey stated that he is a local skater and he thinks that City Park is the best location. It has facilities, there's a store up the road, bathrooms, drinking fountains, shade. Mr Mealey went to Grand Junction to the park, and it was nice that they have drinking fountains and a store across the road. Mayor Hancock asked Mr. Mealey if the fence at the Grand Junction park seemed like a problem. Mr. Mealey responded that he liked it better fenced in. Councilmember Lekarczyk inquired why he liked it better. Mr. Mealey stated that when you lose your board, you don't have chase it. Shelly Welch stated that she thought a Skate Park would be really fun, more people think that we should have one than don't. Ms. Welch thinks that City Park is a good location. Ms. Welch's friends think that a Skate' Park would be really cool too. It's been a while since the community has had this sort of thing. Ms. Welch likes roller blading, and teenagers that get in trouble with the cops would have a place to roller blade. Mayor Hancock asked Ms. Welch her age. Ms. Welch stated that site is 10 years old. Kelly Robinson slated that she is in favor of the Skate Park, but that she doesn't think that everyone realizes the value of the rose garden. Ms. Robinson is against getting rid of the rose garden. Ms. Robinson prunes the garden during the summer, and she observes how the rose garden makes others happy. The roses are too old to be transplanted. Ms. Robinson feels that there must be another site. Joshua Parriott stated that he thinks that Swanny City Park is the best location. As far as noise, there is a curfew, it will be a daytime activity, it won't be in the wee hours of the moming. There will hopefully be a certain respect with the kids to keep the noise down. Mr. Parriott will be there to skateboard, he'd really like to see it happen and Mr. Parriott thinks that Swanny would be the ideal spot. Peggy Nissen thanked the Council for considering the Skate Park. Ms. Nissen sees the kids gel ]tasseled because they aren't supposed to skate there and they have no place to skate. Ms. Nissen thinks that it's wonderful that it's being considered. Her concern is that it is visible, the City Park would be a great place. Ms. Nissen would like it to be a highly visible place. 387 John Mullen stated that he was Just at the Gland Junction skate park, and that there isn't a lot of noise, and that you learn from older people, and you don't have to build another skate park for old people Mr Mullin thinks that City Park is a good location Kathy Aldus stated that she works at a local bike shop, and she has seen how much kids benefit from bike riding Ms. Aldus has thought that it's very important for the kids to have constructive activities, they're full of energy and it is important that they have something productive to do with it Ms Aldus thinks that the Skate Park should be close to restrooms and easy to get to Mike O'Reilly stated that the noise is not that bad, because cars make more noise than skate boards Mr O'Reilly was at the skate park in Grand Junction and the noise wasn't bad at all Everyone benefits from it. It's better than being on the streets His preference is City Park. Mary McGann staled that she supports the skate park, but she is concerned about losing the rose garden Some of the roses planted there were dedicated to people who have died, to honor people It is very important to honor the integrity of the rose garden and to make sure it does not get disturbed. Also we need to recognize the need to develop a skate park for the youth, and for their protection and our protection, it needs to be visible Royce Henningson stated that he thinks that Swanny City Park is the better place for it. Planning with low shrubs and high trees would help with the noise Mr Ilenningson would really like to see the Skate Park happen. Skating has been here a long time Twenty five years ago, kids were skating on the Slick Rock Trail and got coverage in a national skate boarding magazine. Kids need something to do in our community. Rocky Borreson stated that he owns the property where I IUD housing is and that he is all for the teens having a place to go that's well tit The City Park would be a good place 'there is already enough noise by the ballpark and sports year round. Kim Stanard stated that tiiere is soccer and ball practice at the City Park as well. Rocky Borreson stated that he has lived next to a wooden skate park and that wood echoes more than concrete. If the City does a Skate Park it should be concrete. Jason Parriott stated that as far as a place in the City Park, the rose garden may be the best spot, but there is more area around that spot that isn't being used, so maybe that strip could be saved because that would be kept in consideration. Jerry Kanouff stated that soccer and football practice could be moved to the High School. Mayor Hancock stated that the High School is being used for practices as well. Mayor Hancock closed the public hearing at 8:08 pm. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED Councilmember Bailey moved to recess the Regular Council Meeting for ten minutes. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. The meeting reconvened at 8:16 p m. RECESS RECONVENED 388 EMPLOYEE HEALTH INSURANCE BID AWARDED TO MARKLE INSURANCE -- BLUE CROSS CURRENT PLAN IN THE AMOUNT OF $292,608.00 CEDAR AVE. ROAD ABANDON/USE EASEMENT, CANCELED REQUEST BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM R-3 TO C-2 AT 62 E. 100 N., FAILED REQUEST BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM R-3 TO C-3 AT 62 E. l00 N., FAILED IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ADDENDUM FOR DOWNARD SUBDIVISION, APPROVED READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS For the Employee Health Insurance I3id, Kelling Insurance Agency Central Utah Insurance Sharp Benefits Consulting Public Employees Health Plan -Plan I Public Employees I!calth Plan -Plan II Public Employees Health Plan -Plan IV Markle Insurance — Crest Choice Markle Insurance -Blue Cross Current Markle Insurance -Blue Cross Valuecare Markle Insurance -Blue Cross Split Split Value Care bids were received from: $240,051.56 $235,936.64 $258,904.44 $302,547.60 $285,831.60 $272,907 60 $249,692.28 $292,608 00 $281,472.00 $281,466 00 (based on 100% enrollment) Split Blue Cross $284,569.20 (based on 100% enrollment) Councilmember McDougald announced a potential conflict of interest in that his sister is one of the bidders. Councilmember Sakrison moved to award the Employee Health Insurance Bid to Nlarkle Insurance -- Blue Cross Current Plan in the amount of $292,608.00 Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion earned 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. A Consideration of Cedar Avenue Road Abandonment/Use Easement was canceled at the requester's request. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Request by the United States Government for a Zone Change from R-3 to C-2 at 62 E. 100 N Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion failed I- 4 nay by a roll -call -vote, with Councilmember McDougald voting aye. Councilmember Bailey moved to approve a Request by the United Stales Government for a Zone Change from R-3 to C-3 Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion failed 1-4 nay by a roll -call -vote, with Councilmember McDougald voting nyc. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve an Improvement Agreement Addendum for Downard Subdivision. Councilmember Cooke seconded to motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call - vote. Under Reading of Correspondence Mayor Hancock read a letter from Dave Winder regarding approval of Grand County as an Enterprise Zone. Mayor Hancock also read a letter from the Utah Local Governments Trust, indicating that the City would receive a refund of premiums totaling $6,732.76. The dividend is a result of the City's excellent risk management practices. Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler noted a letter from a group promoting separation of church and state regarding the Tibetan Monk events. City Manager Metzler will send back a letter answering the questions and addressing the City's position on occasionally waiving fees. City Manager Metzler received a letter from the Grand County Solid Waste District voicing concern over Country Garbage Service paying hmdfill lip fees in a timely manner. They are requesting that the City provide financial assurance. The City also received a copy of a letter sent from the District to Country Garbage concerning problems with inspection of waste and drivers following proper procedures. City Manager Metzler also mentioned a letter received from the Attomey of the Arches Special Service District stating that time is of the essence on the project. All of the information that the City has received from the District has been forwarded to City Engineer Al Anderson. 389 City Manager Metzler reminded the Council of a Budget Workshop Meeting on the following Tuesday to discuss budget issues. City Manager Metzler also stated that the Council had received copies of the letter received from Peak Cablevision, and that the City could send another letter to the cable company. Councilmember Sakrison invited citizens having a problem with cable television to write a letter to the City outlining their problem Councilmember Lekarczyk inquired about holding a public meeting with Peak Cablevision for citizens to voice their concems Councilmember McDougald stated that the only control the City has is over the basic cable rate Councilmember Lekarczyk stated that he is very unhappy with Peal, Cablevision and their service Councilmember McDougald stated that he had received notice of a rate increase. City Manager Metzler stated that as per the franchise agreement all rate increases must be approved by Council and that she had not received that notice. Under Mayor and Council Reports, Councilmember Saknson stated that the Council should have received a graph illustrating a landfill comparison between this year and last year. This was the first year the Landfill has been able to pay for itself: Next Monday there will be a joint meeting with the County Council, Special Service Landfill District, and BLM at the County Courthouse to discuss the Atlas tailings 'situation at 3.00 p m. Councilmember 13ailey moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $64,913.05; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to open an Executive Session for the purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 4-1 aye, with Councilmember Bailey voting nay The Executive Session was entered at 9:15 p.m. Councilmember Bailey made a motion to close the Executive Session Councilmember McDougald seconded the notion. The motion earned 5-0 aye. The Executive Session was closed at 9:55 p.m. Councilmember McDougald made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion Gamed 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9:56 p.m. ATTEST: asLd (42o,„,, Rachel Ellison City Recorder APPROVED: MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL. or DILLS MO1 ION 10 ENTER EXr.CU11VE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION ENTERED MOTION TO CLOSE EXECUTIVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION CLOSED MOTION TO ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT i`Yi,€1.41,oc,2,5k r a R. Hancock Mayor 390 SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE BUDGET WORKSHOP PRESENTATION RE: PROPOSED BUDGET ADJUST. FOR FY 1998- 1999 FOR ALL FUNDS MOTION TO ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING October 13,1998 The Moab City Council held a Special Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 4.15 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, Joseph Lekarczyk, Richard Cooke, Dave Sakrison and William McDougald. Also present were City Manager Donna J. Metzler, Public Works Director Williams, and Clerical Assistant Danielle Shumway. One (1) member of the Media was present. The purpose of the Special Workshop Meeting was to (told a Budget Workshop. City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding proposed Budget Adjustments for Fiscal Year 1998-1999 for all funds. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to adjoum the Special meeting: Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion earned 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Special meeting at 5 45 p.m. APPROVED: r 1 C SeU X �KX.c1� trl� Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 20, 1998 arla R. Hancock Mayor The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of the Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre - Council Workshop to order at 6:32 p.nt. Mayor Hancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Councilmember Joseph Lekarczyk led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers William McDougald, David Sakrison, Kyle Bailey, and Richard Cooke; City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Attorney Chris McAnany, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen and Public Works Director Williams; fifteen (15) members of the audience and media were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES There were no minutes to approve. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD There were no Citizens to be Heard. PLANNING UPDATE Under Planning Update, Community Development Coordinator Olsen asked that the City Council prioritize the project list for Community Development Block Grant Projects at the next Council Meeting, and that the County had already prioritized their list. Community Development Coordinator Olsen asked if the Council had selected a preferred site for the Skate Park. Community Development Coordinator Olsen asked if the preferred site was in Swanny Park. Councilmembers McDougald and Sakrison stated that yes, that was the preferred site. 391 A presentation was made by Gerald Williams regarding the Proposed Revision to the Moab Floodway and Floodplain and the Conditional Letter of Map Revision Study Proposed to be Submitted to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Discussion followed. Councilmember Cooke moved to Approve the Proposed Revision to the Moab Floodway and Floodplain and the Conditional Letter of Map Revision Study Proposed to be Submitted to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock opened the Public Hearing at 7:36 p.m. on 1) A Petition for Annexation by Doug McElhaney; 2) lroposed Resolution 1121-98 -- A Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 1998-1999 Budget. The Public Hearing on a Petition for Annexation by Doug McElhaney was postponed until the next Regular Council Meeting due to a problem with advertising. City Manager Metzler presented Proposed Resolution 1121-98. The major amendment that this Resolution shows is the addition of a Sanitation Department with the expenditures and revenues associated with forming a Sanitation Department, and the revenues reflect a rate of $9.85 for residential. The second area is minor changes in the Moab Arts and Recreation Center budget. They have need for a computer for the Center Manager. The Center Manager is currently using her own personal computer on site which is not insured through the City. In addition there is a need for some janitorial services for the building; it's getting quite a bit of use and needs more cleaning and general maintenance. Also some additional changes in advertising. The recommendation is that these finds come from the•beginning fund balance. In previous years the Council had set aside start-up money for the Center, and most of those funds were not used, and there are some start-up costs now such as the computer. The Center is also in need of a desktop copier. City Manager Metzler continued that the next area for changes is the Capital Projects Fund. The City has discussed the need to purchase equipment with respect to starting a Sanitation Department to include 2,250 waste containers and two automated sanitation trucks. The revenue for Sanitation Equipment will come from a transfer from the Capital Projects Fund. The next area is the purchase of emergency power supply equipment. The City has recently been made aware of the potential issues related to our level of supply in regard to problems related with the year 2000 computer problems. After taking a look at the North American Electric Council's status on preparing for Year 2000 compliance, it seems that we would want to be prepared in the event that the electric system may experience bumps or large scale outages. The Resolution shows the fill cost of what it would take to ensure that the City's water system, City Hall, the Police Department, Public Works Department, etc, were fully operational with a generator and electric system. There is a hefty price tag to that, — $268,000 -- much more than we originally anticipated. If we were only to address the water system problem, that would be $126,500. This may be a direction to go, given the high price tags. City Hall is a high energy user; a generator is in the range of $50,000. So, to do a scaled down version of an electric back up system for the water system would be $126,500, $45,000 for a generator and accessories for #6, $40,000 for #10, a diesel fuel recovery tank for $29,000, and 2 — 500 gallon diesel recovery tanks for $12,500. So keep that in mind the basic system for water only would be $126,500. PRESENTATION BY GERALD WILLIAMS PROPOSED REV TO TI IE MOAB FLOODWAY AND FLOODPLAIN AND TILE COND LETTER OF MAP REV STUDY PROPOSED TO BE SUBMITTED TO FEMA APPROVED PUBLIC HEARING OPENED ON 1) A PETITION FOR ANNEXATION BY DOUG NICELI IANEY (CANCELED); 2) PROPOSED RESOLUTION 1121-98 -- A RESOLUTION AN1ENDING TILE FISCAL YEAR 1998-1999 BUDGET 392 Rocky Borreson asked if the equipment could be leased. City Manager Metzler staled that probably some of the equipment could be leased, but that she wasn't sure about the generators, and will have to check into that. Councilmember McDougald stated that the City needs a permanent electrical backup system for the water system. Councilmember McDougald asked if he understood that the City would need a 500 gallon tank at each pump, and a 12,000 gallon recovery. City Manager Metzler stated that yes, that would be the minimum requirement. Councilmember Cooke requested that the Council consider that this would be required to maintain water supply at the current level The City might want to consider rationing, which would enable a smaller capital outlay, nevertheless achieving water distribution under current rates, but at sufficient rates. City Manager Metzler stated that the only problem would be fire protection. The City could fill basic needs through gravity flow, but in the event of a fire, or an emergency requiring water it's not going to be enough. Councilmember Cooke requested to see a report from the fire Chief regarding this. Councilmember Cooke stated that he does think that with two pumps considering maintenance, systems are purchased and they degrade quickly, and to maintain preparedness requests a continued amount of maintenance. It's not just a matter of laying out dollars and buying equipment, you have to maintain them and it requires a system. He's not saying that it's beyond our ability to do but that there is a cost benefit window to look at this through and if we could get by with one pump or generator per tank, then we should nm this by the Fire Chief and find out what sort of impact on the ability to fight fires there would be. Councilmember Cooke thinks the least we can get by with would make sense. Public Works Director Williams stated that the Fire Chief doesn't have a clue what the peak flow would be, he just knows what water he needs at the hydrant. Councilmember McDougald stated that the City has to supply two tanks to have fire protection. That means that you are dealing with two different sets of wells and springs. Councilmember Cooke asked if that was one tank per well. Councilmember McDouglad stated that no, one well and one spring will not service two tanks. There are separate wells and springs for the east side versus the west side. To maintain fire protection levels you have to keep both of them at the same level. Councilmember McDougald asked to correct that we are not speaking of well pumps but of generators and diesel engine stand-bys. Councilmember Cooke stated O.K. Councilmember McDougald stated that these generators and diesel motors are used the world over, so you're not buying junk. You're buying proven equipment. City Manager Metzler stated that there is the potential of waiting to include emergency power equipment in the mid -year budget adjustment in January. City Manager Metzler's concem is the availability of the equipment, as there may be a supply issue the longer we wait. 393 Councilmember Cooke stated that due to the short notice and the lack of anyone to compare these figures with or perhaps look at alternative methods of power supply, he's not saying that it's a bad thing, but that he's hesitant to make a snap judgement when it concerns the expenditure of $126,000 to $268,000. He thinks that we can prudently wait. City Manager Metzler stated that the changes in the Capital Projects Fund show the transfers to support the expenditures. So if the Council decides not to make some of the expenditures, the transfers would change. The revenues bring in finds from the find balance. Mayor Hancock asked if the MARC needed a computer and a copier would the $2,100 would take care of both of those. City Manager Metzler stated that yes it would. It's a small copier Councilmember Bailey asked Public Works Director Williams how long the City could go without power; how long the water system would work. Public Works Director Williams stated that it depends on the time of year. In the winter time we can supply the normal use as long there aren't any fires. In the summer time we can drain those tanks pretty fast, and we couldn't last longer than 48 hours, as we found out this last summer. City Manager Metzler stated that you could see a difference on an hour to (tour basis this last summer. Councilmember McDougall stated that $126,000 was a lot of money, but that he felt confident that it was worth it. Public Works Director Williams stated that these systems will come on every week to see where power is at and they come with a good warranty. Public Works Director Williams stated that we do need something. Councilmember McDougald stated that the power comes from Utah and New Mexico, so we are dealing with two different power suppliers. Joe Kingsley stated that New Year's is in the winter, during lower use times. City Manager Metzler stated that problems with the electric power system grid are not solely confined to January first. There are potential problems that could occur at anytime; she's not sure for how long that will be the case, but it's not just confined to that one day. Dave Hutchinson stated that other agencies are addressing the possibilty of this occurence, and he would encourage the City to work with the local Emergency Preparedness committee which maintains a list of privately and publically owned equipment that could be available and it reminds him of a former County Councilmember's idea of rebuilding the power capacity of Power Dam. Mayor Hancock closed the public (tearing at 7:58 pm. Kim Peterson of Peterson and Associates presented the 1997-1998 Annual City Audit. Discussion followed. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to recess the meeting for ten (10) minutes. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. The meeting reconvened at 9:05 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED PRESENTATION OF THE 1997-1998 ANNUAL CITY AUDIT BY KIM PETERSON RECESS RECONVENED 394 REQUEST TO SEND TO PUBLIC HEARING THE SOI,ICITATION OF PROJECT PROPOSALS FOR 1999- 2000 COM DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS, APPROVED CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST BY CHRIS PETERSON FOR A WAIVER OF RENTAL FEES FOR A FUND RAISING EVENT AT THE MOAB ARTS AND RECREATION CENTER IN THE AMOUNT OF S135.00, FAILED WORLD POPULATION AWARENESS WEEK PROCLAIMED PROPOSED RESOLUTION 1121-98 -- A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1998-1999 BUDGET AS AMENDED, APPROVED Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve a Request to Send to Public Hearing the Solicitation of Project Proposals for 1999-2000 Community Development Block Grants. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion The motion earned 5-0 aye Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Consideration of a Request by Chris Peterson for a Waiver of Rental Pees for a Fund Raising Event at the Moab Arts and Recreation Center in the amount of $135.00. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion I he motion failed 2-3 nay by a roll -call -vote with Councihnembers Lekarcvyk, Bailey and Sakrison voting nay Mayor Hancock Proclaimed October 25'h through October 31 ' as World Population Awareness Week Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Proposed Resolution 1'21-98 -- A Resolution Amending the fiscal Year 1998-1999 Budget as amended Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye By a roll -call -vote REpoluus 21 •yl ANONNO SINGLY ANYSVARIINNIIAL TRAXN22I FNO Y.r I911/1e21 au. m Coy or 1.01122 2.2m4 NN•16e IwNweEa Y.. I.rk•./W. 4pumu1..u.w. W L.nv.af.m.1 A..wM1 frJ INN II1111I1r.l1, Rdlr tld FN p 1 4r.41IW 111I I II�11 1 MN1MU W moo.. Ctabta •11 I 1IN Cy41 PlgnurW •/ISISw PSI ow E E.A+Sw Dlrn.r C.rdal12 .0 INN %INAw INNo AwMd aprv+wlGr.afW bdpu Iw19Y 1 Ru.w 111 I.I I Ift 1 Stole P.rp 1VA E Sru•r I0. NOW INUNIORL RE NI RESOLVIO.ed.e err. bN.enr, NNOm4. N Iwl N W tzueN..yabdm.Err Ae Nprdd..r W14n^Kr.IMNw WI.nJ1-e. GS.IIeS.tlylNe )0, Rw up.wbl N.+N•Iu. �Cq lw.e INN.u1...l.b Nl•,Bu. 0/..1 T, lw1 W W.pp..N 47fr7r,ll..Wu•I.rdb4.•i-r1 b�.N de. CeyCIT Of IINIpn 2Q41 d(AIdLL A D IYYI 2sL ,1" It(:�.� RSNllb�w Cw R.auM. PROPOSED RESOLUTION 1122-98 — A RESOLU rION ADOPTING A FEE STRUCTURE FOR THE CITY GYMNASIUM, APPROVED Ns, Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve Proposed Resolution H22- 98 — A Resolution Adopting a Fee Structure for the City Gymnasium. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Resolution 22 96 ADOPTING USER FEES FOR 111E MY OVIINASRVI AT 201 EAST CENSER STREET %fete. de Coy of NW 001 mlee4 4 rwl bar sot.ODE CIO E1musas by eem Iwf •" 1...11,1, D0'SU NOW 111EREFORE,111.1IR GOVERNING BODY OF NNE CITY OF MORD DO IRREBY RESOLVE TO ADOPT TINE FOLLOWING FEE S2RUCNRE • 1 FEE SCIDDULE I -FIE USE DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WIN TR CITY OF MOO OR ENE GRANOCOUNTY 5EIOOL INSIMCT fRE EOF CIURGE 2. FEE SODDED/7- FEE FOR USE NOT DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED REM THE CRY OF MO. ORTHE GRAND COUNTY SCHOOL MITER TO FERVOUR Tit Robs. I W .Ile Effect ImmearU, .pe.pow. Passed N.d e&p.- br arose! De Oe. W y lol, of WA Coy is N^. ...Da 20.6,40 r 0,1/P1 CUT OF MORD Kid* R. 14m:L Wyse woe. AM.Ca(: GYCAo R1Ril Flue. •n Rprtr 395 Councilmember Cooke moved to table Proposed Resolution #23-98 — A Joint Resolution of the Grand County Council and the Moab City Cotmcil Requesting Appropriate Due Process Under Existing Environmental Laws until such a !line that City Attorney McAnany could review the document and advise the Council. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye by a roll -call -vole with Cotincilmembers Bailey and Lekarczyk voting nay Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve Proposed Resolution 924- 98 — A Resolution Guaranteeing the Moab Landfill Closure Costs Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion The motion carved 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Coy o boos And.J.. fad It Good Caton Na•I.wo SAyy, GR NO COI.TTIT UTAH W SIOAR CITY 10INT RESOLUTION OF I INANCIAL ASS RAnCE Of THE 1.10A8 LANDrilb WHEREAS blond Cann Ins Coven it ocowry at. Sou *t Wand n one oar po• nag mWnpd non onuo to no onions of...non.b evdCwn Ie HEREAS de Cm of Mann* Cori a nunn,pn rapw•uoa olM St... of Lt. W as oatm.dos munntpd no noun uau teadanu WVEREAS ...renew ut ucreapxond Gn* Co.T and ad<Cn of WA", anton*tooho Moab tannin .bni, no.,ed by no Coo., onne Co nut opnaed t. <mY Conn San Won Mwpenn Spo W Senxe rbtmn •I ide Doawl WHEREAS do Mob Todbll to oyentra p»uw to s Closo IV IaMN Sold 4 au Fttnt Ino bond issuad"Yd+ UW Sold son Muldoon Waage CavW luadtJo Wyd-t WHEREAS as stand.. ofdn ?snot the Donut nao•dmpa. lb Cowan . rtsadmd cbtveW onstslavt tan ondtvnenu.s n ran. Jnquced. fa be bloat I aNtll o WHEREAS unsymETown! moan" tequumudsa rDt peobbunaly taproote,o d. Homo on dot nowt no be Baud ....Id nolo. of es Coon., Can WTiEREAS pow.ao oho onuuom.W oath&dld dot AT rm. txd Gottrxvo rmacidloot or no AdmnnnnaCws thcConyand ittC.us.ama0*bton" tWtR may demosunt W•uwaetn up b do canon Eft •umw. for Erna sal you clown ono on conning anon dnomad dotty LcJ,uuq d • Downes snJoauo * d. Tonal norm. toqunonao Ulu Roams and ttpuf arty nAoot doe co On memo La pond ono no nadams old.I navy an dnCar WHEREAS ne nano on .mat to oboes and port<btvtcaaand romm.a xsfot tingo ni Too 4.Ilona t W(Jl ueamund tab, MOT ant daCwn v+d v. Cm tub one to bo t•4oub& to W u w half *Aa'tooled amata. anal WIIEREAS one newts tenth. Condos,. n dgbmN AN.W.t•wmat u Joe Lad Gonee n o. Inman Ton to At nod nuwN.W b own S.nmn n..uenm Anur..n atwlnt(w IM51dNLmifild NOW THEREFORE To R atoloi bi Coon Canon on,h•CO of Mob at TAW., PROPOSED RESOLUTION #23-98 — A JOINT RESOLUTION OF IIE GRAND COON rY COUNCIL AND THE MOAB CITY COUNCIL REQUEST ING APPROPRIATE DUE PROCESS UNDER EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS, FABLED PROPOSED RESOLUTION 1124.98 - A RI -SOLUTION GUARANTEEING I IIE MOAB LANDFILL CLOSURE COSI S, APPROVED P4C-. C., .4,re vcevas,. ,Bea en t.,n n•n�n an ,.��., .•...Ana n., Lt ex Oaa!C,2 R.•In.-•-its aD1 sree a5- _tAt n..en -vez iee.t-e ftr rta i. a""-_t n-* pea. arunnd na_aa.,n .n er nr el.,er yn e-.�et-., eo._ •21.2e16, w,n Et I.lue wftrs, `.,.-,.ki e',e uet.e b..e 11 s .,.Ate, Gan Cnc ?lea,. Ae,n Oaf!.n.n ,p,. L. U1rtnF0t` 11,t SStUt, f-C,_cd A•a3 Cy C.., 11 C1L0 a,a�«ie re n. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve Proposed Resolution 1125- 98 — A Resolution Supporting Continued Construction at the Klondike Landfill, Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Resolution 2S 98 SUFPOPnN) THE GRAND C1OVNTY IM O WASTE IdotiAGE W NT SMUT SERVICE 0151R1C141 MUD WASTE E M ET) Moon. do Sdd%o n Otsuko pondal IOW -oa n+N.wasa 6.14100,W amun to M donna, tuncx+.. N •n,as of God Casty al b Nob long.. , on Mum.. San Wan Goon outdo o mon.. o.n.o.... nl pwn#an osier.•. Le AMNAe Lanni(al Moab WOW W WTntoA4a Coy *Mona a.lpan danaa to Os Ssn Wan tonne wean RrWd Y You neN*cowwao W opapmna,xtd NOW niEurORE. TIE MOWTN° IS IHRLRY MOLTED RT IbiE WAR CITY CMMIL CV lPxatlo S*ur Non Dom Radon npbccen utErpl..• ten W poobne Shad pagans la da bonito Lanett ay noRWb Lan1Rt handed aol000dby xdoolde Gannon body Ono Cy* NW naps oenieoM Y4y aralnon o, toot CTTO, HOAR Rr orolo raeitAard..a..$) Rang Hu:nct Woo Ana Extol Erma Can RnaAt Councilmember McDougald moved to approve Proposed Resolution #26-98 — A Resolution of the Governing Body of Moab City Declaring Certain Property Owned by the City of Moab as Surplus Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 ave by a roll -call -vote. c ai.V D PROPOSED RESOLU PION #25-98— A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING CONTINUED CONS I RUC I ION A f TIIE KLONDIKE LANDFILL, APPROVED PROPOSED RES 1126-98 —A RES, OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF MOAB CITY DECLARING CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY OF MOAB AS SURPLUS, APPROVED 396 R[SOL11104 1. 11 A R[101.11104 a[ III[ L01 I'MAND 1DDY DI MO. CM 1[C1.411N0 CT11111N 110/[MTY U4M[D1Y ill[ C111 OI 1113A IS SURILUS vIR11[L1 MrSCM 5ub.11Y W W...WV, erm D.41.Y. W. SUMAS & Gram., 1411.141WCq M.I.n 41v.,..11.. R W rr..W...11•1 wd 1•TR1 UOV [IIL1110111F IT I.[SOL4[DIY nil DUVIIND10100Y 01 M011 CIIY Du 1 � SOLID WASTE COLLEC NON FRANCHISE READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS .I4.1ry L.nYC MTRI n YOSI C••4M u.wll.. O S_Cwr 4.Y Mw v.141 W aal C11...4.1..1.114•.I.1 ▪ 1-Y..n[.NV4NW R•.n.I bon COO- ICAO 1.1-1C.1.u.lh. NI Y▪ . 1-IwR.wN�,.1 ▪ y.w,y f MYNY �•/M.1 1 In..4M1 .W. •••• -��IG14�1� Im..11.R1n ♦ �. Y ,14.401.1,1 ▪ D.1.i:.•I▪ 4•01-14..... :▪ .+-f.... T.. u.f n 11 M I. Ins WI �:.4e+•4I ... 43 ... Y r 41 -Iq rah, i1` �1 -l0I Iw [a..1,.••....1 1 Inn 411.1 1111+0 1 -LnlJO MI 1 en .I NaJC.t C.r�Y`r4 J6wf� TD IKI ATTEST 1YY111.c. 144..144 511,1D �— Under Solid Waste Collection Franchise, Mayor l lancock stated that the discussion would be covered under the Executive Session Under Reading of Correspondence Mayor (lancock read a letter from Jolene Welch drawing attention to the damage to the Swanny City Park from the Fat Tire Festival. Mayor I lancock asked City Manager Metzler to comment regarding the damage. City Manager Metzler stated that there was a S1,000 damage deposit The City has looked at the damage, has taken pictures and is ascribing a cost to the damage Mayor Iiancock also read a letter from Mr, and Mrs Brad Doyle, on Mdlcreek Drive, stating their opposition to putting the Skate Park at the east end of the Rotary Park. Councilmember Cooke stated that he had a request from Kelly Stetter regarding information on the procedure to place a ballot referendum in the next election to create an open space fund City Manager Metzler stated that there was a detailed procedure in State Code. City Attorney McAnany stated that he would get that to Councilmember Cooke Under Administrative Reports, Councilmember Cooke inquired as to the status of the litigation of the payment of the Impact fee for the North End Development Project. 397 City Attorney McAnany stated that he had requested that David Church send a demand to the plaintiffs that they pay the fee or sign an annexation agreement. The fee heeds to be calculated. City Attomey McAnany stated that he would follow up on that request since the case needs to be closed up. Councilmember Cooke also inquired as to the status of the J.J. Wang litigation. City Manager Metzler stated that she had received notice from Bill Benge's office stating that they had submitted a notice of violation to the party in question. City Attomey McAnany stated that Bill Benge had told him that he would prosecute the case. Councilmember Cooke stated that Mona Horwitz had requested that a Kenworth Diesel truck parked across from her house with an Oklahoma address on the truck be moved. She said the driver starts the truck at 5:00 a.m. to warm up for half an hour. The driver of the truck is probably unaware that there is a City Ordinance prohibiting parking of a large vehicle within City Limits. Perhaps we shouid also call the trucking company to be certain that they understand as well. There were no Mayor and Council Reports given. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City in the APPROVAL OF BILLS amount of $82,511.33; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember McDougald moved to open an Executive Session for the purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. The Executive Session was entered at 10:03 p.m. Councilmember Cooke made a motion to close the Executive Session. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion tamed 5- 0 aye. MOTION TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION ENTERED MOTION TO CLOSE EXECUTIVE SESSION The Executive Session was closed at 11:02 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION CLOSED Councilmember Sakrison made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 11:02 p.m. ATTEST: Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 10,1998 MOTION TO ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT APPROVED: t eir.K4c) � g�dlli-4a1' '� a ii2t Hancoci� Mayor The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of the Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre - Council Workshop to order at 6:20 p.m. REGULAR MEETING 398 PRESENTATION BY AL ANDERSON ON THE NORTH AREA TRUNK SEWER ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE PRESENTATION REGARDING THE CHRISTMAS BOX HOUSE/CHILDREN'S JUSTICE CTR AGENDA MOVED A Presentation was made by Al Anderson on the North Area Trunk Sewer. Discussion Followed Mayor Hancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7.00 p.m. Councilmember William McDougall led in the Pledge of Allegiance Also in attendance were David Saknson, Kyle Bailey, and Richard Cooke, City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Attorney Chns McAnany, Treasurer Laurie Ramsletter, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen, Planning Aide Debra Gdger and Public Works Director Bient Williams; four (4) members of the audience and media were present Councilmember Bailey moved to approve the Regular Council Meeting Minutes of October 6, 1998 with conections Councilmember McDougall seconded the motion fhe motion can ied 4-0 ayc Councilmember Bailey moved to approve the Special Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 1998 Councihnember Cooke seconded the motion The motion Gamed 4-0 aye There were no Citizens to be Heard Under Planning Update, Planning Aide Gilger stated that the Planning Commission has updated the Planned Unit Development code to include Affordable Housing along with several other amendments Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that some City properties needed to be named Community Development Coordinator Olsen asked the Council if they would like staff to help in naming Councilmember Cooke requested that staff make some recommendations and perhaps include some citizen participation in naming properties Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that the City had received another grant from the Eccles Foundation, and that he has applied for a Rural Development Grant of $25,000, and there's a project impact grant that's a $250,000 to $500,000 grant for flood control and fire control that he has applied for also Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that he is going after Mounds Bridge in Emery County for 400 East. Community Development Coordinator Olsen also stated that there are two sources of federal finds for wetlands, if the Council would like him to pursue that, however, there are strings attached. Mayor I Iancock asked what the strings would be. Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that the land would have to be committed to open space forever. Councilmember Sakrison asked if the City was the only bidder on the bridge. Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that no, there were over fifty (50) bidders, but he thinks that we have a great application A presentation was made by Keith Davis of the State of Utah and Phyllis Lee from the Division of Children and Family Services, regarding the Christmas Box House/Children's Justice Center. Councilmember Saknson moved to move the agenda to a Request by Billie Jo Vialpando, d b a. B J.'s C-Store located at 301 So. Main St. for a Temporary Class III Beer License. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye. 399 Councilmember Sakrison move to approve a Request by Billie Jo Via!pond°, d.b.a. B.J.'s C-Store located at 301 So. Main St. for a Temporary Class III Beer License. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye Councilmember McDougald moved to approve a Request by the Moab Elks Lodge for a Waver of City Gym Fees for the Hoop Shoot Event to be held on December 5, 1998 Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-1 aye with Councilmember Sakrison voting nay. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a Request by Rod Benders for a Special Event License for Two Car Shows on April 23, 24, 25, 1999 and October 1, 2, 3, 1999 Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye Councilmember Sakrison moved to Accept the Fiscal Year 1997-1998 Independent Audit of the City of Moab Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Councilmember Cooke moved to return the agenda to the Public Hearing Section, Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye Mayor Hancock opened the Public Hearing at 7 30 p m on 1) A Petition for Annexation by Doug McElhaney, 2) Solicitation of Potential Projects for Community Development Block Grants Small Cities Program for FY 1999-2000. Planning Aide Gilger presented an overhead display regarding the Petition for Annexation by Doug McElhaney David Condie spoke regaiding the proposed annexation. Mr Condie lives on the opposite side of Riversands Road Mr Condie has been the spokesman for Riversands Road for many years, and the last time there was a request for annexation was in February of 1995 Every time a request for annexation has come up, the majority of people have been opposed to it. According to proximity the property is eligible, but a virtual island is being created. Riversands dead -ends at the property, and so the only access to the property is across County property All of the property on the other side is a non -conforming use anyway, especially Western River. Mr Condie doesn't see any point for annexing Mr. McElhaney's property except that it will allow Mr McElhaney to split the property into thirds and then sell it. Mr. Condie thinks that that area is primarily agricultural in a sense, and that this would be spot zoning. Councilmember Bailey asked what the County zoning was. Planning Aide Gilger stated that it was A-1. Planning Aide Gilger also stated that It is not a spot zone. It's not creating an island. An island would have County property all the way around it Anything that abuts to the City can be annexed. Mr. Condie stated that he had not said an island, but a virtual island, in that the only way you calf access that piece of property is by going through the County. City Attorney McAnany stated that according to Utah State Code, the City is permitted upon annexing territory into City limits to select a zone for that property upon acceptance into City limits It's part of assuming the role of City jurisdiction over annexed territory. A lot of people would object to that as being spot zoning, but it's expressed in our State Code REQUEST BY BILLIE JO VIALPANDO,DBA BJ'SC- STORE LOCATED AT 301 SO MAIN ST FOR A TEMPORARY CLASS III BEER LICENSE, APPROVED REQUEST BY rut; MOAB ELKS LODGE rOR A WAIVER OF CITY GYM FEES rOR run I100P SIiOOT EVENT TO BE IiELD ON DECEMBER 5, 1998, APPROVED RLQ BY ROD BENDERS FOR A SPECIAL EVENT LIC FOR TWO CAR SHOWS ON APRIL 23, 24, 25, 1999 AND OCTOBER 1, 2, 3, 1999, APPROVED 1 ISCAL YEAR 1997-1998 INDEPENDENT AUDIT Or THC CI FY Or MOAB, ACCEPTED AGENDA MOVED PUBLIC IWARING OPENED ON 1) A PE111 ION rOR ANNEXATION BY DOUG MCELHANEY, 2) SOLICITAI ION OF POT ENTIAL PROJECTS roil. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT S SMALL CITIES PROGRAM rOR FY 1499-2000 Mayor Hancock asked if the petition was requesting any particular zone, and if the City accepted it the City would designate the zone. 400 City Attomey McAnany stated that was correct, the City would designate the zone. Councilmember Bailey asked what size the lot was. Mr. McElhaney stated that it was a lot of sixty-eight and a half (68 A) wide and another building lot of one hundred and seventy-one (171) feet. The reason he is asking for annexation is that they have two (2) pieces of property and three (3) residences They are asking to be annexed into an R-3 zone and subdivide to a seventy-five (75) lot and a hundred (100) plus lot Mayor Hancock asked how wide the smaller piece is Mr. McElhaney stated it was sixty-eight and a half (68 '/ ) Mayor Hancock asked how that could be split off Mr. McElhaney stated that they are not asking to split it off The lots are sixty-eight and a half (68 %) feet wide by one hundred and nine (109) feet deep The other lot is one hundred and seventy-one (171) feet by one hundred and mne (109) feet They want to put it into a seventy-five (75) foot wide lot This mobile home would have its own lot. Nadine Condie asked if Mr McElhaney knew that at one time Mr McElhaney's mother had told her that there was going to be a reservation made for the City to put a road through there, going across Downard's. Mr McElhaney stated that he had not heard anything about that in a long time Councilmember Bailey asked what the footage was for an R-3 Planning Aide Gilger stated that it was seventy-five (75) feet Councilmember Bailey asked if it would be creating a non -conforming lot. Planning Aide Gilger stated that Mr McElhaney wouldn't be able to do it if it was creating a non -conforming lot Mr. McElhaney stated that the sixty-eight (68) was a lot of record, it's a legal non -conforming lot Councilmember Bailey asked if that was just in the County. Planning Aide Gilger stated that it would be a legal non -conforming lot anywhere because it was recorded before zoning Councilmetber McDougald asked if the seventy-five, if the split was allowed, would it qualify for R-3 Planning Aide Gilger stated that Mr. McElhaney would need to have seventy-two hundred (7,200) square feet and seventy-five (75) foot frontage. Councilmember McDougald asked what was needed for an R-2 Planning Aide Gilger stated that you needed nine thousand (9,000) square feet and ninety (90) foot frontage. Councilmember McDougald stated that R-3 was the only possibility. Councilmember Bailey asked about public access, if Riversands was a dedicated County Road. 401 Mr Condie stated not necessarily, that if you looked at plot maps the road is privately owned. Nadine Condie stated that it is individually owned but that the County takes care of it. Mayor Hancock stated that the Council will give two (2) weeks for written comment and consider this at the next Regular Council Meeting. Councilmember McDougald asked if this was going to be in the City, what would need to be done to get street right-of-ways City Attorney McAnany stated that the road that accesses the property may or may not be a public road. City Attorney McAnany stated that he didn't know the status as far as a prescriptive road, one that's been used for a statutory amount of time; it may be maintained by the County. Planning Aide Gilger stated that it is maintained by the County City Attorney McAnany stated that he doesn't know about the state of the title. City Attorney McAnany stated that he doesn't know that the City has to have City road access as a pre -condition to annex property in. Planning Aide Gilger stated that it is not, and that often you go through the City to get to the County or the County to get to the City Councilmember McDougald asked if the County was maintaining a fifty (50) foot right-of-way or anything besides the two (2) lanes of oil Mr. Condie stated no, the County doesn't have a fifty (50) foot right- of-way and that from the standpoint of what a legal road is in the County, it is not a legal road. Mayor Hancock moved the meeting to the next item which was the Solicitation of Potential Projects for Community Development Block Grants Small Cities Program for TY 1999-2000. Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that the Block Grant had several rules to follow which were available as handouts These include• who is eligible to receive fiends, what kinds of project are eligible, etc. The City has been looking at these projects for several months and has considered them in the past years. Community Development Coordinator Olsen pointed out a list posted on the wall. Community Development Coordinator Olsen continued that there are two different funds available• a regular project where there's $55,000 available and you can do just about anything with those funds under the requirements listed, and another fiend of $70,000 plus for housing projects. These funds we compete with the County or work with the County. Community Development Coordinator Olsen went to the County Public Hearing for the CDBG, and they would like to do Star Hall, and according to Dave Hutchinson, the County will apply for Star Hall whether the City helps them or not. The County would like Community Development Coordinator Olsen to help administer that grant. That would be up to the City. It is a harsh project, it involving Bacon -Davis wages, and it is a restoration project. It's harder than the Millcreek project. Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that he had listed the Tennis Courts, which we probably shouldn't target at this time; the Skate Park he would recommend, but he doesn't think we can raise 402 enough money through the Community for a big Skate Park, maybe a street course, but this would pay for a Skate Park; the Ball Fields need an automatic sprinkling system and several other improvements; the Water Tank needs to be painted, and that's expensive If we applied for that, we'd be almost definite to get those funds competing against the County. The Moab Arts and Recreation Center, the Old Middle School Gym -- a lot of work needs to go into that, a lot of remodeling. For housing projects, the Housing Authority isn't quite ready for their self-help program. Community Development Coordinator Olsen has talked to Mary McGann about the Infant -to -Youth -Foundation, getting some housing for foster parents, but their project isn't ready yet either Community Development Coordinator Olsen's recommendation is to restore the Shafer House. Bruce Louthan stated that it was obvious from the Meador home what would happen to the Shafer home if something wasn't clone on a public basis. He's been asked to find what would be a good restored use for the community and continue to serve as a source of understanding of history for the community and particularly for our youth. Mr. Louthan thinks that is the best example of a use I'm the grant. Keith Montgomery provided some background information on the Shafer Home: it is of Victorian cross -winged plan, constricted in 1884; however, Ken Hyatt has suggested that the north wing was constructed in 1895 John Shafer, who built the home, was born on April 25, 1851 Highlights of John Shaffer's life which add to the home: he is an important individual who came to Grand County, prior to coming to Grand County he packed supplies for John Wesley Powell and hauled stones for the Salt Iake Temple lie mos ed to Moab in 1878 as a cattleman and ran a ranch up on Pack Creel. Shafer was appointed as one of the first Selectmen to the territory legislature, and organized the County. He organized the first Republican party and served as chaiiman for many years Ile was named as one of the first School Board Tiustees; his most focused activity was the School Board, and he was later referred to as the Father of the Grand County School System. Ile served as the first Utah State Representative from Grand County, and helped develop the Shafer Trail Ile built the house and lived there for numerous years One of the things the grant will do is to nominate it to the National Registry It qualifies under a number of categories, one of which is that Mr. Shafer was considered an important person. There was an cvaluatory report done by Ken Hyatt. Ken expected the deterioration to be much worse than It Is, but it does need attention. Carrie Bailey stated that Don Hartley told her about the St. George trailway system, and that they are finding that historic buildings are a real enhancement to the parkway system. Marsha Marshall spolce and stated that she felt that historic buildings are very important to children's culture, and more importantly their self-esteem. She felt that it's important for children to have a sense of heritage Councilmember McDougald asked if the Association of Local Governments prioritized the City against the County on a competitive basis with the four (4) counties. Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that housing was with the four (4) Counties. Councilmember Sakrison asked if the Council were to consider the Shafer house, which fund it would come out of. Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated it would come from the Housing fund Mayor Hancock asked if that was the only project that would qualify for housing. 403 Community Development Coordinator Olsen responded yes. Councilmember Cooke asked if the house had to primarily be used for housing. Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated yes, for five years There would be multiple use, and he could put that in a memo Councilmember Cooke asked who has title to the house Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated the School District does. Councilmember Cooke asked if the tenant would be a tenant of the School District. Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated yes Mayor Hancock asked if there was a occupancy requirement Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that every year they fill out a form verifying the tenant was of low -to -moderate income. Councilmember Cooke asked when the vote would be Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that it could wait for the next meeting. Councilmember Cooke couldn't sec why voting should be put off, and said he has been a supporter of restoring this house for quite some time. If this is the financial mechanism to restore the house, we are well advised to do it, let's designate it as a block grant project Councilmember McDougald asked if the County was going for Star Hall out of the $55,000, and if Shafer would come out of the $73,000 Community Development Coordinator Olsen responded yes We could go for the Skate Park which has about as many points as Star Hall. Councilmember McDougald stated that the City had endorsed Star Hall since 1910. Councilmember Sakrison stated that regardless of what the County is doing, this is the City's decision. Councilmember Bailey stated that the water tank is another consideration. Councilmember Sakrison stated that there is something happening as far as Star Hall and the CIB board Councilmember Cooke stated that, one way or another, Star Hall will get refurbished, and that the City should give it a shot Councilmember Sakrison stated that he thinks it is a good policy to defer the vote for two weeks. Mayor Hancock closed the public hearing at 8:02 pm. Councilmember Bailey moved to recess the Regular Council Meeting for five (5) minutes. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RECESS 404 RECONVENED RECREATION COORDINATOR JOB DESCRIPTION CLASSIFIED AS A GRADE 14 READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS The Regular Council Meeting reconvened at 8:08 p.m. Councilmember Bailey moved to approve the Proposed Recreation Coordinator Job Description and Classification as a Grade 14. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-1 aye by a roll -call -vote with Councilmember Cooke voting nay. Under Reading of Correspondence Councilmember Cooke stated that his answering machine had not hung up on Joelene Welch. Councilmember Cooke apologized for perceived inadequacies in his answering equipment. Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler stated that the Solid Waste Collection bids for mucks and cans had closed and bids had been opened. City Manager Metzler also stated that she is against Community Development Coordinator Olsen assisting the County with the CDBG application for Star Ball. There are many more City projects that he could work on and he has taken on some Planning duties as well. City Manager Metzler has spoken to Dr Sorensen regarding Animal Control, and the Shelter has been full since the Cite hired the second Animal Control Officer. The number of animals coning into the shelter has doubled. Dr. Sorensen is interested in working through the issues and dealing with the space issue. City Manager Metzler and Al Anderson will be working on correspondence to Arches Special Service District outlining the Capital Costs. City Manager Metzler stated that the negotiations with Spanish Valley Water and Sewer regarding an agreement had slowed down and that she will be getting that started back up again. City \tanager ktetzler will push the Aarchway Inn Impact Pees issue with David Church. We haven't made significant progress on the Telecomnnmications Ordinance and we are also working on an update to the Public Service section of the code and our Business License Section; City Manager Metzler would like to prioritize with City Attorney McAnany the projects they are currently working on. City Attorney McAnany apologized for the delay and he will try to get the Business License and Public Service section revised and to the Council by the end of the year so that they can be reviewed as it's long overdue. Councilmember Bailey stated that at the Utalt League of Cities and Towns meeting, they suggested to just pass the Telecommunications Ordinances. City Manager Metzler stated that she would like City Attorney McAnany to at least review the Ordinances prior to approving them. City Attorney McAnany stated that he would look at them. City Manager Metzler will put together a timeline for projects. City Manager Metzler has received revisions back from the Department Heads on the Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual and now she will incorporate the comments. City Manager Metzler would like to get the Capital Projects Group back together the beginning of December. City Manager Metzler has written a grant for the Children's Justice Center. She has started the financial Assurance Letter for the Solid Waste District, as well as sending a letter to Paul Mortensen. City Manager Metzler has done a reclassification of the Treasurer's position, which will be on the next agenda. City Manager Metzler has started working on specifications for two (2) diesel storage tanks. She said that the Division of Water Quality has agreed to reimburse the tanks as part of the Waste Water Treatment Plant. City Manager Metzler stated that she would put together an evaluation form for herself in anticipation of her contract renewal. 405 Councilmember Bailey asked for evaluations of Department Heads prior to re -appointment. City Manager Metzler stated that she is working on those and she still has two (2) left to complete. City Manager Metzler stated that the City Christmas Party is scheduled for December 4"' at the Sunset Grill, and there will be a float building workday on November 20'n at 9:00 a.m. • Mayor Hancock asked if Councilmember McDougald had a copy of the rate increase he had received from Peak Cable Company. Councilmember McDougald stated that the Cable Company had a fixed cost of living rate in the agreement. City Manager Metzler stated that they have a fixed rate that they shouldn't go above. Councilmember McDougald asked if the franchise agreement called for a three- percent (3%) increase each year. City Manager Metzler stated that she wasn't sure but that she could check. Councilmember Bailey stated that he had seen a franchise fee increase notice. City Recorder Ellison stated that the City Surplus Auction had been held the previous Saturday, November 9" and was a success. Over eighty- four (84) bidders participated. All of the items declared as Surplus were sold. Recorder Ellison thanked City Staff for their help and participation. Under Mayor and Council Reports, Councilmember Sakrison stated that the Landfill District Board went to the Community Impact Board to try to get a $500,000 grant to retire the debt, for scales, and a debris fence. They were turned down for the grant. Councilmember Cooke asked if City Manager Metzler's participation on the Children's Justice Center Board needed Council approval. City Manager Metzler stated that when she accepted the position she was unaware that it would involve writing grant applications. City Manager Metzler stated that anything similar in the future would require more consideration. Councilmember Cooke stated that he meant no offense to the Children s Justice Center, but that the City Manager's time is required at the City; however that the City Manager's own time WAS her own affair. City Manager Metzler stated that in essence she had completed the grant on her own time. Councilmember McDougald stated that, regarding the backup power in the valley, the generator cost could be split and put on Well Number Four. City Manager Metzler stated that she would contact the district. Councilmember Bailey stated it would make more sense to start building a new tank. h9 AYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS 406 APPROVAL OF BILLS MOTION TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION City Manager Metzler stated that they were talking about putting a new tank in the north area of town, but that it wouldn't solve the problem in the next year Councilmember Cooke stated that he would like to see a demonstration from Utah Power and Light regarding the year 2000 problem Mayor Hancock stated that she and City Manager Metzler had attended the Utah League of Cities and Towns regional meeting in Price, and that a Price City Councilmember named Joe Piccolo would like to come down and meet the Council City Manager Metzler stated that at the League meeting the idea of a State Real Estate Transfer Tax was brought up Mayor Hancock stated that the money would go to the state, and that areas that are growing would subsidize areas that aien't giowing Councilmember Saknson stated that the City and Count) should ask their respective leagues to submit a referendum or imitative to the legislature proposing freezing Property Tax at the 1999 level based on the sale of property rather than an arbitrary assessment Mayor Hancock stated that the League would like input on this subject Councilmember Batley moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $228,014 59, Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Councilmember Cooke moved to open an Executne Session for the purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation Councilmember Saknson seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye EXECUTIVE SESSION EN rERED The Executive Session was entered at 9 25 p m MOTION TO CLOSE EXECUTIVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION CLOSED MOTION TO ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: CoUncilmember Bailey made a motion to close the Executive Session. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye The Executive Session was closed at 10.05 p m. Councilmember Cooke made a motion to adjourn Councilmember Batley seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Mayo! Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 10:05 pm- rt,Sa L.I�� Rachel Ellison City Recorder APPROVED: irKar,k R. H o4X Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING November 18,1998 The Moab City Council held a Special Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 4.03 p m In attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, Richard Cooke, Dave Saknson and William McDougald. Also present were City Manager Donna 1 Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Attorney Chns McAnany and Community Development Coordinator David Olsen Two (2) members of the audience were present Community Development Coordinator Olsen made a presentation regarding potential projects for the Community Development Block Grant Program. Discussion followed Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the Skate Park as the designated City Community Development Block Grant Project for 1999 The motion died for lack of a second Councilmember McDougald moved to endorse Grand County's application of Star Hall for the 1999 Community Development Block Grant Project. Councilmember Salcnson seconded the motion The motion carried 3-2 aye with Councilmembers Saknson and Cooke voting nay and Mayor Hancock voting aye to break the tie vote Councilmember Cooke moved to enter an Executive Session for the Purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye. An Executive Session was entered at 4.25 p m Councilmember Cooke moved to close the Executive Session Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye. The Executive Session was closed at 5.05 p.m Under Solid Waste Collection Franchise, Councilmember Cooke moved to hold an Administrative Hearing for the purpose of reviewing grounds for terminating the Solid Waste Collection. Franchise Contract on December 2" at 1:00 p.m. with a time limit of one hour. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-1 aye with Councilmember Cooke voting nay. Councilmember Cooke moved to adjourn the Special meeting; Councilmember Saknson seconded the motion. The motion carved 3-1 aye with Councilmember Bailey voting nay. Mayor Hancock adjoumed the Special meeting at 5.06 p.m. ATTEST Ct-L,. `j Rachel Ellison City Recorder SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE PRESEN FATION RE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECTS FOR 1999 MOTION TO APPROVE THE SKATE PARK AS THE CITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROIEC1 FOR 1999, MOTION DIED MOTION 10 APPROVE GRAND COUNPCS APPLICATION OF STAR H ALL FOR 1 HE 1999 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRAN1 PROJECT, APPROVED MOTION TO ENl ER EXECUTIVE SESSION, APPROVED EXECUTIVE. SESSION EN1 ERED MOTION 10 CLOSE EXECUTIVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION CLOSED MOTION TO HOLD AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING ON DECEMBER 2NO AT 100 P M. WITII A TIME LIMIT OF ONE HOUR, APPROVED MOTION TO ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT APPROVED: *41/�/lr� Ka a R. Han oc Mayor y-o 8 REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL Of MINUTES CITIZENS TO BE HEARD MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 24, 1998 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of the Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R Hancock called the Pre - Council Workshop to order at 6 30 p m Mayor Hancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7 00 p m Councilmember Richard Cooke led in the Pledge of Allegiance Also in attendance were Councilmembers William McDougald, David Sakrison, Kyle Bailey, and Joseph Lekarczyk, City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Treasurer Laurie Ramstetter, Planning Aide Debra Gilger and Public Works Director Williams, fifteen (15) members of the audience and media were present Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the Regular Council Meeting Minutes of October 20, 1998 and November 10, 1998 Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion The motion earned 5-0 aye Under Citizens to be Heard, Mr. Brad Wallis from Canyonlands Natural History Association and Mr Pete Parry spoke regarding the Moab Information Center. Mr. Wallis stated that he would like to re -extend an invitation to the City to participate in the Moab Information Centcr as a partner. Mr. Wallis continued that originally when the center was created, Moab City was a financial partner The Moab Information Center has been a successful visitor's point, as well as a commumty- gathenng place. Every other Thursday the average attendance to the lecture series has been seventy-five (75) people, the majority of which are residents Mr. Wallis stated that he would like to make a presentation during the next budgeting cycle Mayor Hancock inquired of Mr Wallis what amount financial support he was anticipating. Mr. Wallis stated that onginally when the City was a partner, the support was in the form of donated water and sewer services, which was approximately three thousand dollars ($3,000) per year. Mr Wallis stated that they are not seeking temporary funding, but are asking the City to become a permanent partner. Mr. Wallis stated that he considers the Information Centei to be a public building by providing public restrooms and parking for the downtown area He feels that it would be advantageous for the City to participate. Councilmember Lekarczyk inquired if Mr. Wallis knew why the City had stopped participating. Mr. Wallis stated that about three years ago the City felt that it was tourist oriented and not something that the City should participate in and that he did not agree with that at the time and still does not agree Mr. Pete Parry stated that he would like the City to re-examine what role they should have, and that all levels of government are currently participating except for the City. Mayor Hancock inquired what role the County has played. Mr. Parry stated that the County is one of the five (5) active partners, has financed the building and land for around one million dollars ($1,000,000), and also provides a staff person to the Moab Information Center. 409 Councilmember Bailey inquired when the board meets Mr. Wallis stated that the board meets on demand and the next meeting will be on December 2, 1998 at 3.00 p.m. Councilmember Bailey requested that this be added to the next agenda as a discussion item. Mr. Michael Vourtsis inquired why his application for a !tome Occupation License was not on tonight's agenda Planning Aide Gilger stated that it was inadvertently left off Councilmember Bailey requested that Mr Vourtsis' application be added to the agenda of December 2, 1998. There was no planning update given Councilmember Cooke moved to table a Request of a Waiver of City Gym Fees for Canyon Club Volleyball Youth Volleyball Program until after the Recreation Coordinator is hired, to reconsider a waiver o- possible incorporation of the Volleyball Program into City Recreation Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Request for a Special Event License for two events: the Canyonlands Chnstmas Festival at the Moab Arts and Recreation Center to be held on December 5, 1998 and December 6, 1999. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion tamed 5-0 aye Councilmember Sakrison moved to adopt the Proposed I'ec Stnicture for the Moab Golf and Country Club as follows. 18-hole Green Fee $ 20.00 18-hole Green Fee (local) $ 17.00 Annual Local Identification Card $ 5 00 Annual Green Fee $ 400 00 Senior Annual Green Fee (62 & over) $ 300.00 Junior Annual Green Fee (18 & under) $ 100.00 Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding the Potential Reclassification of the Treasurer Position. Discussion followed. Counciliember Cooke directed City Manager Metzler to provide the Council with a survey of other similar communities' classification of Treasurer positions. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve an Employee's/Elected Official's request for indemnification of legal fees for City Manager Donna Metzler, Public Works Director Brent Williams, Mayor Karla Hancock, and City Councilmember Joseph Lekarczyk, with the condition that the defense being approved is provided by the Utah Local Governments Trust, and that the hiring of private counsel come back to the Council for approval separately. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. Councilmember Lekarczyk declared a conflict of interest, as he is named in the request. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call - vote. Councilmember Bailey moved to approve Payment of Legal and Processing Fees for the Acquisition of Bullick Properties with the condition that the Payment not exceed five -hundred dollars ($500) for PLANNING UPDATE REQUEST Or A WAIVER OF CI FY GYN1 FEES rOR CANTON CLUB VOl LLYBALL YOUTH VOL( LYBALLPROGRAM, FABLED REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL EVENT LICENSE FOR THE CNYNLNDS CHRISTMAS FEST AT THE MARC 10 BE HELD ON DEC 5, 199S C DEC 6, 1999, APPROVED PROPOSED rEE STRUCTURE FOR THE MOAB GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB, APPROVED DISCUSSION REGARDING THE POTENTIAL RECLASSIFICATION OF THE TREASURER POSITION EMPLOYEE'S/ELECTED OFFICIAL'S REQ FOR INDEMNIFICATION OF LEGAL FEES FOR CITY MGR DONNA METZLER, PUBLIC WORKS DIR BRENT WILLIAMS, MAYOR KARLA HANCOCK, AND CITY COUNCILMEMBER JOSEPH LEKARCZYK, W/COND, APPROVED PAYMENT OF LEGAL AND PROCESSING FEES FOR THE ACQUISITION OF BULLICK 41,0 CITY MGR METZLER DIREC ED TO MEET WITH THE PROP OWNERS ON RIVERSANDS RD TO WORK OUT AN AGREEMENT TO THE ANNEXATION PROP IN ORD 098-17 REQUEST TO SEND A FINAL PLAT OF THE REDSTONE SUBDIVISION TO PUBLIC HEARING, APPROVED DISCUSSION, CANCELED REQ BY GREG KENNEDY, D.B.A. LIQUID STATION, FOR A MOVED -ON STRUCTURE PERMIT LOC. AT 425 S. MAIN ST, APPROVED READING OP CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS PROPOSED RES.1127-98 —A RES ADOPTING THE RECOMMEND OF THE AFFORD, HOUSING PLAN FOR MOAB, APPROVED Councilmember Sakrison moved to direct City Manager Metzler to meet with the property owners on Riversands Road to work out an agreeable solution to the Annexation Proposed in Ordinance 1198-17 -- an Ordinance of the Governing Body of Moab Annexing Property to Moab City. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion 1 he motion cairied 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Request to Send a Final Plat of the Redstone Subdivision to Public I [caring Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carved 5-0 aye A discussion regarding Moved -on Stnictures was canceled Councilmember Batley moved to approve a Request by Greg Kennedy, d b.a. liquid Station, for a Moved -on Structure permit located at 425 South Main Street Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye with Councilmember Sakrison voting nay There was no Correspondence to be Read Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler stated that at 8 30 a.m on Friday, December 4a', City Staff will be meeting with Dr Sorenson to discuss Animal Control Issues City Manager Metzler continued that on Thursday, December I Oil at 2 30 p m there mould be a Capital Projects meeting City Manager Metzler stated that the arraignment on the Greemwell sign issue was held that same day, November 241h, 1998 City Manager Metzler requested that the Council assist in developing pnonties for the City Manager's projects City Manager Metzler stated that the annual Christmas party will be held on Friday, December 4th at the Sunset Grill, and that the Christmas Parade will be on Saturday, December Sit Councilmember Cooke stated that to his recollection the Council had previously imposed on themselves a fee for attending the annual Christmas party, and that he would like to make that optional Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Proposed Resolution t127-98 — A Resolution Adopting the Recommendations of the Affordable I lousing Plan for Moab Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote At1.Y V111N1t.1 A AI YY V 1.k1A1VM111111111, 111 IYn,110P .TI.TH1% 1111. AI I1M I t 11Y 1 I l%NtA. N An I. Y1 r x W .III AI\5, lkal Ynr 111M.Iw1 N..1IMYI..M•i 10n 0...1. M1.YYe II yfW •J ,«..�..«,.11KOAS, 1.1•411 ory 11.0041.,iY11411,..r11.1gp1.111 nl.. 111,1111 Yl If YV 14111,11. Atulfq Cawtille A11.04.4 Kw./IA..4 01r111,Ar.4 w Win. t t..rY.G.«a11..1.,f,e,A1,0.1.11w..1 $ ArAlYl..nallawS�,.n A100..4 1 10..11'...a G r14.... Ar A11«ia4l f-.y f..r+,.i 1 111n. Atn.l.Tta li«.«, f A..+Ir..gaLtu...A.s114.l\uh(.AM1.ua110., 1 I.w.l,1A1A..r 1..+. N A uw..r 14 A 1I«401• l4«q t�..o.M,d%*Art..aaA lt«.y Masi..-t««bsa1, Yat.b rAA,a 1.•,1IIA.n AMM11lt I.,.Cw.ih •wyaq.w W Y. ri.«..YY+h r4 1. I1.1u11« WN,,,tq A 11 Iw1 /Al�m1 Wlaki RAN earl 411 legal work. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the Naming of 8.68 acres of City Property located at approximately 200 South 150 West as Bullick Cross Creeks Park with the condition that the City append the name when transfer of the additional land where the creeks are located is completed. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the Naming of City Property located at approximately 100 East and 200 South as Cross Trails Park. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve a Proposed Subdivision along 400 East with the condition that future approval of subdivisions be contingent on a master plan for the entire parcel of property regardless of ownership. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion failed 1-4 nay with Councilmember McDougald voting aye. There were no Mayor and Council Reports given. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City of Moab in the amount of $53,113.56. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. The Executive Session was canceled. Councilmember McDougald moved to adjourn. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9.05 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 2,1998 PROPERTIES, APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NAMING OF 8.68 ACRES OF CITY PROPERTY LOCATED AT AI'PROX. 200 S. 150 W AS 13ULLICK CROSS CREEKS PARK, APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NAMING OF CITY PROPERTY LOCATED AT APPROX. 100 E. AND 200 S. AS CROSS TRAILS PARK, APPROVED REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ALONG 400 EAST, FAILED !MAYOR AND COUNCIL. REPORTS APPROVAL OF 1311.LS EXECUTIVE SESSION CANCELED MOTION TO ADJOURN ADJOURNMEN r t�ua).P �rne.�t-le . rla R. Hancock Mayor The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of the Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 1:04 p.m. In attendance were, Councilmembers William McDougald, David Sakrison, Kyle Bailey, Richard Cooke and Joseph Lekarezyk; City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, Administrative Secretary Susan Husch and City Attomey Chris McAnany; two (2) members of the audience were present. The purpose of the Special Meeting was as follows: 1. Approval of a Home Occupation License for Michael and Sarah Vourtsis, d.b.a. Vourtsis Photography located at 133 E. 200 N. Apt. #3 2. Administrative Hearing — Solid Waste Collection Franchise 3. Solid Waste Collection Franchise SPECIAL MEETING AND ATTENDANCE PURPOSE OF THE SPECIAL MEETING 412 CITY ATTORNEY MCANANY STAI ES THAI AS PER 1 HEIR ATTORNEY, COUNTRY GARBAGE IS UNABLE TO ATTEND HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE FOR MICHAEL AND SARAI I VOURTSIS, D B A VOURTSIS PHOTOGRAPI IY LOCATED AT 133 E. 200 N. APT, N3, APPROVED SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FRANCHISE MOTION TO ENTER I:XCCUI IVE SESSION, APPROVED EXECUTIVE SESSION ENTERED MOTION TO CLOSE EXECUTIVE SESSION CXECU FIVE SESSION CLOSED 1 ERMINATION OF 1 I IE SOLID WASTE COLLECI ION FRANCHISE STAYED CON( INGENI ON FI If: OUTCOME OF TI M JANUARY 11, 1999 HEARING, APPROVED MOTION FO ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: City Attorney McAnany stated that he had spoken to Country Garbage's Attorney the previous day and that they would be unable to and did not wish to attend for a number of scheduling reasons and they also made a number of demands regarding requesting additional time or information City Attorney McAnany notified Country Garbage's Attorney that it was the Council's intention to move forward and that this was not a trial but an informal meeting in which they were welcome to participate Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Horne Occupation License for Michael and Sarah Vourisis, d b a Vourtsrs Photography located at 133 E. 200 N Apt 113 Councilmember McDougall seconded the motion. The motion carved 4-0 Under Solid Waste Collection Franchise, City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding Solid Waste Collection franchise compliance Discussion followed Councilmember Cooke arrived at 1 20 p m Councilmember Sakrison moved to enter an Executive Session for the purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending Or Reasonably Imminent Litigation Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye An Executive Session was entered at 14G p m Councilmember Sakrison moved to close the Executive Session Councilmember Dailey seconded the motion The motion cared 5-0 aye The Executive Session was closed at 2 15 p m Councilmember Cooke moved to terminate the Solid Waste Collection Franchise, stayed contingent on the outcome of the January 11, 1999 hearing. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Councilmember McDougald moved to adjourn Councilmember llallcy seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Special Council Meeting at 2 16 p m Rachel Ellison City Recorder APPROVED: Karla R. Hancock Mayor 413 MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 8, 1998 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of the Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre - Council Workshop to order at 6.35 p m Mayor Hancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7 00 p m Councilmember Richard Cooke led in the Pledge of Allegiance Also in attendance were Councilmembers William McDougald, David Sakrson, Kyle Bailey, and Joseph Lekarczyk; City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, and City Attorney Chits McAnany, five (5) members of the audience were present Councilmember Bailey moved to approve the Special Council Meeting Minutes of November 18, 1998 and the Regular Council Meeting Minutes of November 24, 1998. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye There were no Citizens to be I leard There was no Planning Update given A Presentation was made by City Manager Metzler regarding the Partial Purchase of Skakel Springs Discussion followed Councilmember Sakrison moved to direct Councilmember McDougald, City Manager Metzler and City Attorney McAnany to meet with the Olivers, their Attomey and the State Engineer to pursue the Partial Purchase of Skakel Springs and to then report back to the Council Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The Motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrson moved to combine the following items into a Consent Agenda. Approval of Pre -Authorization of Consulting Services for the Water Supply, Storage and Distribution Systems, Approval of Pre -Authorization of Consulting Services for the Wastewater Treatment Facility and Sewage Collection System, Approval of 1999 Regular City Council Meeting Schedule; Approval of 1999 City of Moab Holiday Schedule. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Saknson moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: I) Approval of Pre-Authoriaition of Consulting Services for the Water Supply, Storage and Distribution Systems, 2) Approval of Pre -Authorization of Consulting Services for the Wastewater Treatment Facility and Sewage Collection System; 3) Approval of 1999 Regular City Council Meeting Schedule; 4) Approval of 1999 City of Moab Holiday Schedule. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve an Amendment to the Wastewater Treatment Facility Professional Services Agreement Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding the Moab Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual Discussion followed RI GUI AR Mf CtING AND A111NDANCE APPROVAL OI n1INUTES CI I IIE NS 10 RI UMW PI ANNING I IPDA1 I PRESENT \TION RI GARDING TIIE PART IAI PURCiIASrOESKAAEL SPRINGS COUNCIL \1LNIIII It NICDOUGALD, CITY MGR AND C11YA11Y DIRECI LD TO NO El Wi 1111. (/I IVERS 111E111AllY & IIIE 11AI1- ENGINE' It 10 PURSUE IIIE PARNAI PURCHASI 01 NMI:EL SPRINGS, \PPRO%Tr) A61 ND \ ITI CIS CONIIIINI D IN O CONS' NI AGl NDA CONSEN1AGENDA I)APRVL OF PRE•AUTI I Or CNSLING SVCS FOR TI IC WA rflt SUPPLY, S1 DRAGE AND DIS I SYSTr vIS 2) APPRVL Of ear. -AU rll II CONSULTING SVCS FOR I HI, WASTEWATER TRTMNT rAC AND SEWAGE COLT EC TON SYSTEM, l) APRVL Or 1999 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE, 4) APRVL or 1999 HOLIDAY SCI!MULE AMENDMENT TO THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, APPROVED PRESENTATION REGARDING THE MOAB PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL 41'4 PRESENTATION REGARDING THE MOAB INFORMATION CENTER MAYOR IIANCOCK DIRECTED TO GO TO THE MOAB INFORMATION CENTER BOARD OI, DIRECTORS TO ACCEPT THE INVITATION TO BE A PERMANENT PARTNER ON THE BOARD, FAILED MAYOR IIANCOCK DIRECTED TO ATTEND THE NEXT MOAB INFORMATION CENTER BOARD MEETING TO DISCERN WI IAT TI IEY WANT FROM 'I'I IE CITY, APPROVED SOLID WST. COL., CANCELED READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A presentation was made by Councilmember Bailey regarding the Moab Information Center. Discussion followed. Councilmember Bailey moved to direct Mayor Flancock to go to the Moab Information Center Board of Directors to accept the invitation to be a permanent partner on the Board. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion failed 2-3 nay with Councilmembers Cooke, Lekarczyk and Sakrison voting nay Councilmember Sakrison moved to direct Mayor I lancock to attend the next Moab Information Center Board Meeting to discern what they want from the City. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye by a roll -call -vote with Councilmember Cooke voting nay. The Solid Waste Collection Franchise agenda item was canceled. Under Reading of Correspondence, Councilmember Batley read an article from the Salt Lake Tribune regarding A-1 Disposal and their poor safety record and fines that were paid by the company Councilmember Bailey stated that other communities have had trouble with their garbage contractors as well. Councilmember Batley thinks that the City needs to get full documentation from all contractors when the City goes out to bid. Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler stated that on December 711', a meeting was held with the Grand County Sheriff s Office, the Moab Volunteer Fire Protection Department, the Moab City Police Department, City Manager Metzler, Public Works Director Williams, and City Attorney McAnany regarding the expectations for Williams Energy Company to meet before they continue any construction in Grand County due to last week's incident. City Manager Metzler presented a letter written to Williams Energy requesting that a detailed accounting of all reports regarding the incident be given to the Local Emergency Planning Committee. Information was also requested regarding lines of authority, on -site inspections, safety construction, emergency response services, location schedules and excavation plans. The group felt that the best scenario was to have a safety inspector on site for all construction. The most logical person to be that inspector was Public Works Director Williams. Councilmember Cooke requested that Williams Energy be billed for compensation for at least one-half of the time Public Works Director Williams spends at the site. City Manager Metzler stated that regarding the Guarantee for closure and post -closure for the Klondike Land Fill, the City received information from the Landfill District stating that the State allows the District to curtail the setting aside of funds to pay for the closure and post -closure costs because of the guarantee. The District is responsible to pay for those costs, but the District will ask the City to reconsider that portion of the agreement that requires the District to set aside funds into escrow. The setting aside of funds assures that the District is the first default organization to pay the costs. Councilmember Sakrison stated that one possibility would be to allow a one-year non-payment of funds, but after that year, payments would have to resume. Councilmember Sakrison stated that he would bring information back from the District. 415 City Manager Metzler stated that she and Planning Aide Gilger had met with Doug McElhaney and that they were working on a draft Development Agreement. City Manager Metzler also stated that after the meeting with Dr. . Sorensen, they decided that a study needs to be done on the number of animal -use days. City Manager Metzler stated that staff had begun preparing Solid Waste Collection Bid Specifications, and that they would be available for review. She also recommended against rushing the process of going out to bid. Councilmember Bailey agreed on the City taking its time and scrutinizing the specifications. Under Mayor and Council Reports, Councilmember Sakrison stated that the County Council had voted for and approved a 40% raise for County Councilmembers. Councilmember Cooke requested that the Policy on Alcohol at the Moab Arts and Recreation Center be added to the next agenda for a final vote. Councilmember Coolie also stated that he had read an editorial regarding the Middle School and he thinks that the City should consider other uses for the Middle School building, including an artist co-op. Councilmember Cooke stated that there is a shortage of space for artists. Councilmember Cooke also stated that the real estate advertisement noted that government agencies are exempt from the real estate contract. Councilmember McDougald staled that the Higher Ed Center was considering an Incubator/Higher Ed Industrial Arts application for the building. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City of Moab in the amount of $86,810.64. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Cooke moved to enter an Executive Session for the purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. An Executive Session was entered at 8:48 p.m. Councilmember Sakrison moved to close the Executive Session. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5- 0 aye. The Executive Session was closed at 9:25 p.m. Councilmember Lekarezyk moved to adjourn. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9:25 p.m. ATTEST: Rachel r4 CjUG`� City Recorder APPROVED: MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL. OF BILLS N1OTION TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION, APPROVED EXECUTIVE SESSION ENTERED MOTION TO CLOSE EXECUTIVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION CLOSED MOTION TO ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT f�rla lt. Hancock Mayor 416 REGULAR MEETING AND ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OR MINUTES crrizuNs TO DE I IEARD MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 22,1998 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of the Moab City Offices, located at I l5 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre - Council Workshop to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Hancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember William McDougall led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers, David Sakrison, Richard Cooke, Kyle 13ailey, and Joseph Lekarczyk; City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, Treasurer Laurie Ramstetter, Public Works Director 13rent Williams, Planning Aide Debra Gilger and City Attorney Chris McAnany; seventeen (17) members of the audience were present. Councilmember Lekarezyk moved to approve the Special Council Meeting Minutes of December 2, 1998 and the Regular Council Mcctine, Minutes of December 22, 1998 with noted corrections. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Under Citizens to be Heard, Bill Howell of the Association of Local Governments spoke regarding the Twenty-first Century Project. He expressed Govemor Leavitt's appreciation of Moab's participation in the project. Mr. Howell requested that the community of Moab focus on developing goals and objectives for the project. Mr. Bim Oliver from the Utah Department of Economic and Community Development explained that the Twenty-first Century Communities Program was an initiative started last fall by Governor Leavitt to help Utah communities identify projects and goals for the next century. N1r. Oliver then read a letter of appreciation from Governor Leavitt and presented Mayor Hancock with a hockey puck contributed by the Utah Grizzlies Hockey Team. Councilmember McDougald stated that after a joint meeting, Grand Courtly would like to take on the Higher Education Center, which seems to be a good project to him. Mr. Oliver stated that they arc working with Grand County and the City of Moab to complete a community assessment, to identify Twenty-first Century Projects that are agreed upon by everyone. Councilmember Sakrison inquired if San .ivan County was involved in this process. Mr. Oliver stated that San Juan County is not involved; they are aware of the program, but his department has not received any positive response from San Juan. Councilmember Sakrison stated that the Council has concems about development in the east end of the valley, San Juan County, and that they feel it will need to be addressed. Mr. Oliver slated that hopefully San Juan County could be worked in, but that they can't really impose them into the process. Councilmember Bailey stated that most of the land involved was State Trust Land, so the State should be involved in the process as well. Mr. Oliver then introduced Les Pratt, also from the State Department of Community and Economic Development. Mr. Pratt stated that ten 417 communities have signed up so far for the Twenty-first Century Program, which are spread evenly throughout the state. Couneilmember Cooke slated that the best goal for overall long term planning would be to work on diversification of the economy, bringing in new types of industries, and developing an industrial park geared towards a rural area. Councilmember Cooke stated that Moab is need of a stable, local, self-sufficient economic enterprise Councilmember Cooke also inquired about using Moab as a pilot program Mr. Oliver slated that the goals Councilmember Cooke had mentioned should be identified in the goals for the Twenty-first Century Community Assessment. Under Planning Update, Planning Aide Gilger stated that at the first meeting in January, the amended Planned Unit Development Ordinance - -which will implement some of the affordable housing goals-- would he brought to the Council for approval Planning Aide Gilger also requested that the Council set a Joint Meeting date with the Planning Commission. Councilmember Cooke inquired if Planning Aide Gager had investigated the junk pile on 400 East and if the Council could look forward to a resolution Planning Aide Gilger stated that she had, and that it would be resolved Councilmember Bailey moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: 1) A Request by Kent Somerville, d b a Aunt Aggie's Bed & Breakfast located at 110 S 200 E for a Bed and Breakfast License, 2) Approval of the 1999 Planning Commission Meeting Schedule, 3) Approval of 1999 Redevelopment Agency Meeting Schedule Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5.0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to move the agenda to the discussion regarding guarantee for Klondike Landfill closure/post closure Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. Jim Salmon and Jane Jones made a presentation regarding the guarantee for Klondike Landfill closure/post closure Discussion followed Mayor Hancock opened the Public. Bearing on the Final Plat attic Redstone Subdivision at 7:37 p.m Tammy Snow asked if this was a Planned Unit Development and what the height restrictions would be for building. Colin Fryer responded that the lots are offered for individual sale, and there will be covenants that won't be overly restrictive Planning Aide Gilger stated that the lots are in an R-2 zone, which limits the buildings to single family dwellings or duplexes, with a minimum of a 10,000 square foot lot for duplexes. The height restriction is forty (40) feet. Colin Fryer stated that the neighborhood would depict what type of houses would be built. Ms. Snow requested that the streets be well marked, and that her concem was an increase in traffic for her neighborhood, since children live on loth adjacent streets. There has been a yield sign down on Park Drive for quite some time. Her concem is that it will become another Williams Way. PI 4NNING IIPDA11. CONSENT AGENDA 1)AREQ IlY KENI SO\IERVII I I:, D In A AUNT AGGIC S 13ED t u•rAsl LOCATED AT110S 200L:.IORALIEDfin- 1 ANT LIC 2) APPROVAL 01• TIII: 1999 PLANNING COM MTG SClirD , 3) APPROVAL 01' 1999 REDEVELOPNII Nr AGENCY KW SCIIEDUI 1, APPROVED AGI ND MOVED PRIS RE rl n: GUARANI Eli 1.OR KLONDIKE IANDI ILL CI OSUREIPOST CLOSURE PURI IC lirARING OPENED 4'1 8 PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AGENDA MOVED PROPOSED CI IANGE ORDERS # 1 I, 12 ,13, AND 14 TO THE WASTEWATER TREA EMENT PLANT ADDI EIONS IN nic AMOUNT OF $54,287, APPROVED PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER # 15 TO THE WASTEWA7 ER 1 REATMENT PLAN1 ADDITIONS, APPROVED PRES RE CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN FOR BURGER KING PRES RE. THE FENCING -IN OF SWANNY CITY PARK FOR1 HE OCT '99 KUSI OMS OF AMERICA CAR SI IOW CITY MANAGER ME EZLER DIRECTED TO COME BACK 10 THE COUNCIL WI FH A POLICY FOR THE BALL PARK PROPERTIES RESOLUTION #28-8 -- A RESOLUTION ADOPTING 1 HE C11 Y OF MOAB PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL, TABLED ORDINANCE #98-18 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2 84 Or TI IE MOAB MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING FIE COMPOSITION OF I I IE MOAB ARTS AND RECREATION CENTER ADVISORY BOARD, APPROVED Councilmember Bailey inquired if there are sidewalks now. Ms. Snow responded that there are sidewalks on the east side of the street. Rod Petty stated that he hopes the integrity and the value of the property not decrease. Councilmember Cooke requested that Community Development Coordinator Olsen and Public Works Director Williams advise the Council on traffic -calming measures for the through street, and measures to keep it a pedestnan-fnendly street Mayor Hancock closed the Public Hearing at 7 45 p m Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to move the agenda to approval of proposed Change Orders #11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 to the Wastewater Treatment Plant Additions. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion The motion camed 5-0 aye Councilmember Saknson moved to approve the proposed Change Orders #11, 12, 13, and 14 to the Wastewater Treatment Plant Additions in the amount of $54,287 Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Councilmember Bailey moved to approve the proposed Change Order #15 to the Wastewater Treatinent Plant Additions Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion camed 5-0 aye Bill Balaz made a presentation regarding the conceptual site plan for Burger King. Discussion followed A presentation was made by City Manager Metzler regarding the fencing -in of Swanny City Park for the October 1999 Kustoms of America Car Show Discussion followed Councihnember McDougald moved to direct City Manager Mettler to come back to the Council with a policy for the ball park properties Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to table Resolution #28-8 -- A Resolution Adopting the City of Moab Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual. Councilmember tvlcDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve Proposed Ordinance #98-18 — An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2.84 of the Moab Municipal Code Regarding the Composition of the Moab Arts and Recreation Center Advisory Board Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. ORDINANCE pug AN ONn11At,<1 ARIIe11160 nl Aril. to PF11111A,A0 Anima rAl T<1nE RI GARUl Al.111E 111111v111110N01 1111 1111111 A1111 AAA R((10A110\ [L'ITR AU11N1R1 R11ARn Rill RI'A�Je OAvb Ma aN 11.newnfe,a Ae.1v., IWe bit laema.lJv,,lla Je nnteeeaa Na41Aw.111e+AlA eMaN nee. re n "nit aaMra rl Rom WIIEREAS. the Moab umm�e Amore R.dem...,lwa w,.eee n.-fN �e. e. Boor'r a.-= rip of"usaem.4mq NOv. T111 RECORE OF IT OFMIN1111y eTq of M ,.Moot "%re& vpe", yb, 11Jwrce Rue Mon:11,5n1aw: MAO,Iv9 b vA.eN meal a, U., LITENSAAmLAA,d1T.L A The Moab AmW TamTulTeun AAmF nAvTata wmw crane., or*. fl lie memMabp Niue Boma lluR la J'aav Inve"<amuorarNM1e ermine, 11. MLavve aNR uAe.nenm.eaaep ym pm h1vJ uJ>lyN bea.vm or. am.*t. gva.ee....Je Vie" M Nla..m.h. Ape. a IItP e 61tk ra1.d l dwa a, Rn.eke Aah R.Ilaeze Alaly 419 City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding the Economic Development Interlocal Agreement Discussion followed Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve a proposed subdivision at 455 Nichols Lane contingent upon Mr Grupp obtaining two triangular -shaped lots from the Davis and Williams Families Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Bailey moved to table a request for approval to develop a skate park Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to table a request for approval of a location for the proposed skate park Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye Councilmember Cooke moved to table the review of the Alcohol Policy at the Moab Arts & Recreation Center Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion The motion carried 4-1 aye with Councilmember Sakrison voting nay, City Attorney McAnany made a presentation regarding the Solid Waste Collection Franchise. Discussion followed There was no correspondence to be read Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler stated that she was working on a draft revised agreement between the City and the Spanish Valley Water and Sewer District. She will have a report on it at the next meeting. City Manager Metzler also noted that she has the second draft of the Solid Waste Collection Bid Specifications available for review. In regard to Skakel Springs, City Manager Metzler has met with the °livers, Mark Page from the State of Utah, Brent Williams, William McDougald and Al Anderson to identify the steps necessary to purchase Skakel Springs, and the City is preparing to file a diligence claim for existing water rights. They also attended a site tour for Skakel and Watercress Springs. Councilmember Lekarczyk stated that he had heard rumors of other interests in the springs, and wondered exactly what the City would be buying. City Manager Metzler stated that the State of Utah insists that everything is in order. City Manager Metzler then stated that regarding the Regional Water Management Plan, Lance Christie was arranging a meeting amongst various water agencies in the County. Councilmember Bailey inquired as to the status of the Recreation Interlocal Agreement. City Manager Metzler stated that site and Recreation Coordinator Clokey-Till were working on a draft agreement. Councilmember Bailey also requested that the Department Heads give quarterly updates to the Council. Councilmember McDougald stated that he is concerned that everyone affected by the draft water agreement examines it closely. Under Mayor and Council Reports, Mayor Hancock stated that the Dan O'Laurie Museum Board had amended their by-laws so that a PRES RE HIE ECONOMIC DEV1 LOPMENI INIERLOCAI AGRELMENr PROPOSED SUBDIVISION Ar.155 NI(1101 S LANE CON EINGENI UPON MR GRUPP 01E1 AINING I WO TRIANGULAR SllnprD LOTS 1 ROM 1II1, DAVIS AND WILLIAMS I AMII ILS APPROVAD RLQUES 11012 APPROVAL 10 DI VE1 OP A SKA FL PARK, I Ant 1 D 121 ODES 1 1012 APPROVAL Or A LOCAL ION 1012 I IIL PROPOSED ',KA II P 1RK I Ant I D RI V II OF TI II AI COI IOL I'01 ICY A 1 1111 MOAB ARTS A 121 CRr 1 HON CENT ER 1 ABLED PRES RI THE SO1 ID WASTE COLI rcTION I RANCI IISI RIADING01 CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISI RA1IVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS 426 APPROVAL OP BILLS MOTION TO ENTFR EXECU rIVE SESSION, APPROVED City representative was not requited. Mayor I Iancock inquired if the Council felt that a City representative should be required on the board or if supporting through contributions was enough. Councilmember Sakrison agreed that contributions were enough Mayor I Iancock asked how many were attending the Local Officials' Day. Councilmember Barley and Saknson stated that they were going Councilmember Sakrison inquired when the City had become involved with snow removal on sidewalks Public Works Director Williams stated that snow was removed on heavily trafficked sidewalks Councilmember Sakrison recommended a reminder to remove snow from sidewalks appear in the newspaper Councilmernber Cooke requested a report on the last year and a half of impact fees for both residential and commercial Councilmernber Barley moved to pay the bills against the Cit\ of Moab in the amount of $187,644 48 Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Councilmember Sakrison moved to enter an Executive Session for the purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation Councilmember McDougal(' seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. EXECUTIVE: SESSION EN I ERED An Executive Session was entered at 9 24 p m MO ION r0 CLOSE LXI:CU LIVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION CLOSED MO1 ION TO ADJOURN ADJOURNMENL ATTEST: Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to close the Executne Session Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. The Executive Session was closed at 10.14 pin. Councilmember McDougald moved to adjourn Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjounted the Regular Council Meeting at 10 14 p in. APPROVED: �4&- � J ar a R. Hancoc (UL a L - 2 Mayor Rachel Ellison City Recorder 421 MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING January 6, 1999 The Moab City Council held a Special Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 2:10 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, Richard Cooke, Dave Sakrison, Joseph Lekarczyk and William McDougald. Also present were City Manager Donna J. Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Attorney Chris McAnany , Public Works Director Brent Williams, Treasurer Laurie Ramstetter and Planning Aide Debra Gilger. The purpose of the Special Meeting was as follows: 1. Solid Waste Collection Issues 2. Executive Session for the Purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding Solid Waste Collection Issues. Discussion followed. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to enter an Executive Session for the purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. An Executive Session was entered at 2:55 p.m. Councilmember Sakrison moved to close the Executive Session. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. The Executive Session was closed at 3:30 p.m. Councilmember Sakrison moved to authorize City Manager Metzler to negotiate with Bob Hawk's Sanitation for a commercial and/or residential contingency contract, and to authorize Mayor Hancock to execute the contract contingent on the outcome of the injunction hearing on January 11, 1999. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Bailey moved to adjourn. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Special Council Meeting at 3:38 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING January 7,1999 c SPECIAL MErriNO AND ATTENDANCE PURPOSE OF TI IE SPECIAL NUTTING PRE•sENTATION REGARDING soup wAs rE c ol.I.EcrIoN ISSUES MOTION TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION, APPROVED EXECUTIVE SESSION ENTERED MOTION TO CLOSE EXECUTIVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION CLOSED CITY MGR. AU TI IORIZED TO Nl GatIATE CONTINGENCY CONTRACT will) BOB'S SANITATION, MAYOR AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE, CONTINGENT ON INJUNCTION I[FARING. APPROVED nIOTION TO ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT Kakla R. Hancock Mayor The Moab City Council held a Special Emergency Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 12:06 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, Richard Cooke, Dave Sakrison and Joseph Lekarczyk. Also present were City Manager Donna J. Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, Public Works Director Brent Williams, Treasurer Laurie Ramstetter, Streets Service Worker III - Mechanic Tim Dull and Planning Aide Debra Gilger. SPECIAL MEETING AND ATTENDANCE 422 PURPOSE OF THE SPECIAL MEETING PRESENTATION REGARDING SOLID WASTE COLLECTION ISSUES CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY AUTIIORIZED TO NEGOTIATE A GLOBAL SETTLEMENT wrrl l COUNTRY GARBAGE SERVICE, APPROVED EXECUTIVE SESSION CANCELED MOTION TO ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: The purpose of the Special Emergency Meeting was as follows: 1. Solid Waste Collection Issues 2. Executive Session for the Purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding Solid Waste Collection Issues. Discussion followed. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to authorize City Manager Metzler and City Attorney McAnany to negotiate a global settlement with Country Garbage Service within previously discussed financial parameters. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. The Executive Session was canceled. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to adjourn. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Special Council Meeting at 12.50 p.m. Rachel Ellison City Recorder REGULAR MEETING AND ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS TO BE I IEARD APPROVED: aria 4Hancock Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 12,1999 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Cooke called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Hancock led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, David Sakrison, Joseph Lekarczyk and William McDougald, City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, Treasurer Laurie Ramstetter, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen, Public Works Director Brent Williams, Planning Aide Debra Gilger and City Attorney Chris McAnany; fourteen (14) members of the audience and the media were present. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the Regular Council Meeting Minutes of December 22, 1998. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Under Citizens to be heard, Jim Salmon spoke regarding the clean-up of the Vitro tailings pile on the Wasatch Front. Mr. Salmon introduced Ken Alkema from the Envirocare of Utah. Mr. Alkema stated that in 1983 he was the head of the Department of Health and was in charge of a task force responsible for the cleanup of the Vitro Tailings. Originally the Department of Energy wanted to stabilize the tailings in place; however, citizens and representatives were opposed, due to proximity to ground water. Mr. Alkema stated that the Governor offered to pay 25% of the cost instead of 10% if the State of Utah could be in charge of the clean-up. A task force was formed made up of public entities and citizens. During the clean-up there were no incidents of release into the environment, and 80% of the material was 423 moved by rail. The clean-up cost over the three-year penod was $10 per ton instead of $50 per ton that the Department of Energy had estimated Mr. Alkema stated that there was a lot of support from Senator Jake Garn and Govemor Matheson Councilmember Cooke inquired what the land is presently used for . Mr. Alkema slated that it is being used by the Central Valley Sewer Improvement District, and that the revenues earned from the land have helped offset the extra costs of the clean-up Councilmember Cooke asked if the land had been entirely remediated and given a public bill of health Mr. Alkema slated that yes it was, the land has unrestncled use Councilmember McDougald asked if the Munictpahty owned the land Mr. Alkema stated that the Sewer Improvement Distrct had owned it originally and continued ownership after the clean-up Councilmember Lekarczyk inquired who was more helpful, Senator Garn or Hatch, Mr. Alkema stated that Senator Gam was a senior senator at that time, and that Senator Garn was basically the champion of the i.ause Councilmember Sakrison inquired if a pnvate contractor was hired for the clean-up. Mr. Alkema stated that the Utah Department of Transportation engineered the clean-up and hired a company named R G Corporation The State managed the subcontractor directly Mr, Joe Kingsley spoke regarding the Rotary Club forming a task force to organize an annual Grand County clean-up. Mr Kingsley also stated interest in recognizing the yard -of -the -month Mr Kingsley stated that realtors support the idea and that the Rotarians arc willing to help 'Hie Rotarians would like to solicit the City's help with a scheduled clean-up and they will be talking to the County to request a waiver of tipping fees Councilmember Bailey inquired if the Rotarians had spoken to the Solid Waste Collection District yet. Mr. Kingsley stated that they had not spoken to the Distnct yet. Kim Haggard, a business owner from Monticelio, spoke regarding the caplet bid for the Administration Department. Mr. 'laggard stated that his company, Communications Plus, is a member of the Moab Area Chamber of Commeice. Mr. Haggard stated that dunng the telephone bid last year, the City awarded the bid to a higher bidder, and that money did not seem to be an issue. Mr. Haggard staled that with the current bid for a copier, money did seem to be an issue. Mr. Haggard stated that they are an authorized Sharp dealer and service provider, and that they currently service the City's copier and fax machine. Mr. Haggard feels that it would save time and money to purchase a copier from his business. Mr. Haggard stated that he supports his local community, through purchases and by providing employees to emergency services. Mayor Hancock stated that she wanted to clarify that the bid received for the Sharp copier was actually from the Les Olsen Company in Salt Lake City, and that is who would be paid for the copier. Mayor Hancock also stated that Recorder Ellison would explain the choice in more detail later in the meeting; however, the copiers all seem to have similar features, and that with the telephone bid there were distinct differences in the products, and everyone involved in the decision liked the system that we purchased 424 PLANNING UPDATE AGENDA MOVED CITY TO PROVIDE FUNDING AND ASSISTANCE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A SKATE PARK wrrti A CAP OF $20,000 FOR FY '99-'00 SUB)ECT To BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS, APPROVED REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A LOCATION FOR THE PROPOSED SKATE PARK, TABLED AGENDA MOVED CONSENT AGENDA: 1) REQ. TO SEND PROP. ORD. I/99.01 -- AN ORD. RECLASSIFYING TI1E TREAS. POSITION AT TI IE CITY OF MOAB TO PUBLIC DEAKIN°, 2) REQ. TO AWARD THE 1999 CRACK SEAL PROL BID To MORGAN PAVEMENT MAINT. FOR $21,650.3) MAYOR APPOINTMENT OF MARCY CLOKEY-TILT. TO TIIE GRAND COUNTY SPECIAL SERVICE RECREATION olsratcr BOARD COMER BID AWARDED To DOCUMENT SERVICES COMPANY FOR $8,715, APPROVED FINAL PLAT OF THE REDSTONE SUBDIVISION, APPROVED ADDENDUM NUMBER TWO FOR THE DOWNARD SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT, APPROVED Under the Planning Update, Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that he would be starling a Transportation Enhancement application. Councihnember Sakrison moved to move the agenda to a request to develop a Skate Park. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved for the City to provide monetary funding for Fiscal Year 1999 with a cap of $20,000 for development of a Skate Park, and to provide managerial and grant writing assistance, as well as assistance with securing and siting land, subject to appropriation during the budgetary process. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye with Councilmembers Sakrison and McDougald voting nay. Councilmember Bailey moved to table a request for approval of a location for the proposed Skate Park. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Bailey moved to return the agenda to the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. the motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: 1) A request to send proposed Ordinance I/99-01 -- An Ordinance Reclassifying the Treasurer's Position at the City of Moab to public hearing. 2) Request to award the 1999 Crack Seal Project Bid to Morgan Pavement Maintenance for $21,650. 3) Mayor appointment of Marcy Clokey-"fill to the Grand County Special Service Recreation District Board. For the 1999 Crack Seal Project bid for the Streets Department, bids were received as follows: Bonneville Asphalt S.W. Asphalt Maint Superior Asphalt Advanced Thermal M & M Asphalt Morgan Pavement Precision Paving Summit Asphalt $24,350 $31,000 $25,350 Systems $60,171 $25,625 $21,650 $52,000 $29,525 Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. the motion carried 5.0 aye by a roll -call -vote. For the copier bid, bids were received as follows: Document Services Option 1 $8,375 Document Services Option 2 $8,715 Les Olson Co. Option 1 $9,640 Les Olson Co. Option 2 $12,645 Uinta Business Systems $9,947 Councilmember Sakrison moved to award the copier bid to Document Services Company in the amount of $8,715. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll - call -vote. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the Final Plat of the Redstone Subdivision. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion caned 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve Addendum Number Two for the Downard Subdivision improvements Agreement. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The notion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote. 425 Councilmember McDougald moved to approve proposed Resolution #01-99 -- A Resolution Amending the Klondike Landfill Local Government Guarantee to Allow Deferment of Closure and Post Closure Fund Requirements. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote. N n.I.M. 114I41 ASII'ANINli llIE M IWIIINf LANNIII L I.IICAL I:IIYI I.NSIL 1T 1.11ANANILl: 111 AI.I IIW KILN/41M'lir CI 41S411C AN1,1.1STl10,111/E N IVI'INUII1J10 .11 Nf fl. f.,Jf,r.1.M Ya-p•144M f.,.l.1.A.M Vogl L.,.1, a• LS-.A, 1,-1.01 n.N:w+ir.l 4.✓.+11.M'G.rn+iL WIISNTAi Y. O.+....,rnde. W M GW C.aef L'.10'.u. S1.,... S, W Son.. IY+n 11IM'Pnwf1.. W 4af..0rM Ur., dJrrO, L,rl r. W 1..11.1l.-. ..IP'1.Lw.1,..1 fr/ YM.rr.✓...,N/N er IY.n..J+.-...I SSl1LNLAS,M111... p..1N...4 ......S14, 41 nd Ntrl..nndtrp+.-, nS�•�...M! 1w ll1f rlJafq W111 1L A S, M Cr, ncn N+.n.,1.1...l.urs. b 4 h+4.>r+, au n. wafurf+..oneo.q 4 uirt:w 1,1rMme ILIOAO.N.+,11N N1vJn40...r.S+140/furry W 0.Cry MIW.111,NIINLLLLr1.Jn/ti MC, UK A.A. I: r-..rlr n n Councilmember Sakrison moved to table approval of proposed Resolution #02-99 -- a Resolution Approving a Contract between the City of Moab and Bob's Sanitation for Temporary Solid Waste Collection Services. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve proposed Resolution 1103-99 -- a Resolution Approving a Development Agreement between the City of Moab and Doug McElhaney for Development of Property within City seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve proposed Ordinance 1199-02 -- An Ordinance of the Governing Body of Moab Annexing Property to Moab City. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember McDougald moved to appoint Councilmember Sakrison as Mayor Pro-Tem for 1999. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye with Councilmember Sakrison abstaining. Councilmember Cooke moved to accept the Moab Arts and Recreation Board's recommendation regarding the Alcohol Policy at the Moab Arts and Recreation Center and to enter the recommendations into City Policy effective February 1st, 1999. Councilmember Lek&-czyk seconded the motion. The motion failed 2-3 nay with Councilmembers McDougald, Bailey and Sakrison voting nay. There was no Correspondence to be Read. Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler presented a memo to City Attorney McAnany listing an update of various legal issues. City Manager Metzler stated that there would be a Department Head/Council Workshop on Friday, January 22, 1999 starting at 8:30 a.m. City Manager Metzler also stated that City Attomey McAnany was reviewing a draft of the Spanish Valley Water Agreement. Under Mayor and Council reports, Mayor Hancock stated that Recreation Coordinator Clokey-Till had distributed a helpful recreation status report. Mayor Hancock also stated that Audrey and Tim Graham had donated $60 to the Moab Arts and Recreation Center and that they are encouraging other County residents to contribute as well. RES. N01-99— A RES.ON AMENDING TiIE KLONDIKE LANDFILL LOCAL GOVERNMENT GUARANTEE TO ALLOW DEFERMENT OF CLOSURE AND POST CLOSURE FUND REQUIREMENTS, APPROVED RLSOLl11ION n02-99 -- A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONTRACT BETWEEN TIIE CITY OF MOAB AND BOB'S SANITATION FOR TEN1PORARY SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICES, TABLED RES.;03-99 — A RES. APPROVING A DEV AGRN1NT BTWN. THE CITY OP MOAn . DOUG NICELIIANEY Limias. Cbvncilmembcr Bailey FOR DEV OF PROPERTY WITDIN CITY LIMITS, APPROVED ORDINANCE #99.02 -- AN ORDINANCE OF TI lE GOVERNING BODY OF MOAB ANNEXING PROPERTY T'O MOAB CITY, APPROVED COUNCILMEMBER SAKRISON APPOINTED AS MAYOR PRO-TEM FOR 1999, APPROVED MOAB ARTS AND RECREATION BOARD'S RECOMMENDATION REGARDING THE ALCOHOL POLICY AT THE MOAB ARTS AND RECREATION CENTER AND TO ENTER THE. RECOMMENDATIONS INTO CITY POLICY EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1ST, 1999, F" .L 3 READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISI RATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS 426 APPROVAL OF BILLS MOTION TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION, APPROVED EXECUTIVE SESSION ENTERED MOTION TO CLOSE EXECUTIVE' SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION CLOSED AGENDA MOVED CONSIDERATION OF THE RECOMMENDED ALCOHOL POLICY FOR 'HIE MOAB ARTS AND RECREATION CENTER FOR A TRIAL ONE-YEAR PERIOD, APPROVED MOTION TO ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: Councilmember McDougald stated that the Higher Education Center Board met and has plans to develop an lligher Ed Center on twenty (20) acres from the Holyoaks out in the valley. The Board will be requesting City and County help. Councilmember McDougald also stated that Grand County is only at 54% of its normal level for snow fall and that the State is at 40% overall. The City may want to look at limiting culinary water Councilmember Sakrison inquired about the City's preparedness for the year 2000. City Manager Metzler stated that there had been a department head Year 2000 (Y2K) meeting the previous week, and that an interim report would be prepared in February Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $114,175.08, Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll call vote of 5-0 aye. CouncilmemberMcDougald moved to enter an Executive Session for the purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. An Executive Session was entered at 8.55 p.m. Councilmember Sakrison moved to close the Executive Session. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. The Executive Session was closed at 10.10 p.m. Councilmember McDougald moved to move the agenda back to the Review of the Alcohol Policy at the Moab Arts R Recreation Center. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to consider the recommended Alcohol Policy for the Moab Arts and Recreation Center for a one- year trial period. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye by a roll -call -vote with Couneilmembers Bailey and Sakrison voting nay. Councilmember Cooke made a motion to adjoum the regular council meeting. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 10:11 p.m. Rachel Ellison City Recorder APPROVED: arla R. Hancoc Mayor 427 MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING January 22,1999 The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above date at the SPECIAL MEETING & Moab Arts and Recreation Center at 111 East 100 North., Moab, Utah. ATTENDANCE Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 9:20 a.m. In attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, Joseph Lekarczyk, Richard Cooke, William McDougald and Dave Sakrison. Also present were City Manager Donna J. Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen, City Treasurer Laurie Ramstetter, Police Chief Alan West, Assistant Police Chief Michael Navarre, Public Works Director Brent Williams, Police Sergeant Steve Ross, Police Sergeant Michael Wiler, Police Sergeant Scott Mallon, Planning Aide Debra Gilger, Recreation Coordinator Marcy Clokey-Till, Moab Arts and Recreation Manager Eve Passeltiner. The purpose of this Special Meeting was a Department Head Workshop. Presentations were made by each department head, discussion followed. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Special meeting at 4:30 P.M. APPROVED: ATTEST t ve, Rachel Ellison City Recorder PURPOSE IS A DEPARTMENT HEAD WORKSHOP PRESENTATIONS C DISCUSSIONS ADJOURN �...anc.o•.C.C2C-‘" Mayor 429 ATTEST: MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING January 25,1999 The Moab City Council held a special mccling on the above date in the Council Chambers of the Grand County Courthouse located at 125 E. Center SI , Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to ordci al 4.05 p in In attendance were Councilmcmbcrs Kyle Bailey, Joseph Lekarczyk, Richard Cooke and Dave Saki ison. Also present were City Manager Donna J Metzler and City Recorder Rachel E. Ellison and Community Development Comdinalor David Olsen. Picscnl County Councilmcmbcrs were Councilmember Kenneth Ballantyne, Bart Leavitt, Al McLeod, Prank Nelson, Harvey Mcrtill, and Kimberly Schappetl Also present were County Administrator David Hutchinson, Council Secretary Diane Cauoll and County Clerk Fran 'Townsend Five (5) numbers of the audience and media were present l he purpose of this Special Meeting was a Joint City Council/County Council Meeting to discuss City/County Issues A picscitlation was made by Bill Nowell of the South Eastern Utah Association of Local Govcnunenls iegarding Twenty-first (21') Century project priotitizaliou. Discussion followed. County Administrator Hutchinson made a presentation regarding Economic Development. Discussion followed. County Administrator Hutchinson made a presentation on combined City/County services Discussion followed Councilmembcr Sakrison made a picscnlalion regarding the landfill Mayor I lancockadjoou�utedd the Specialmeetingmeeting at 5:46 P.M. SPECIAL MEETING & ArTENDANCC PURPOSE IS A JOINT CITY COUNC /COUNTY COUNC MTG TO DISCUSS CITY/COUNTY ISSUES PRESEN FAT IONS & DISCUSSIONS ADJOURN APPROVED: ��/j/ e, /�y//ACar_ Rachel Ellison / City Recorder r�arla . Hancock �i MOAB Cffl' COUNCIL Mayor REGULAR MEETING January 26, 1999 l he Nloab City Council held their regular meeting on the above dale in the Council Chambeis of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Nloab, Utah. Mayor Kai la R.Hancock called the Pic -Council Wotkshup to order at 6:30 p nn. Mnyot I lmncock called the Regular City Council Meeting to older at 7.00 p m. Councilmcmber Kyle Batley led in the fledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmcmbcrs David Saluison, Itichaid Cooke, Joseph Lckarczyk and William McDougald, City Manager Donna Mclzlcr, !tccoider Rachel Ellison, l icasuicr Loutic Ranistenci, l'ublie Works Director Brent Williams, Planning Aide Debi Gilgci and City Altoiney Chris McAnany, four (4) members of the audience and the media were present. Councihnember Salunson moved to approve the Special Council Meeting Minutes of January 6, and lanuany 7, 1999 and the Regular Council Meeting Minutes of January 12, 1999. Councihncmber Lckarczyk seconded the motion The motion can icd 5-0 aye. I here Nacre no Citizens to be Heald. Under Plamnung Update, Cuuncilmcmbcr Bailey requested that a joint City Council/Planning Commission mccling be scheduled Planning Aide Gager recommended February 25th al 4:00 p in. REOULAR MEETING AND ATfLNUANEE APPROVAL OMINUTES CITIZENS TO DC IICARD PLANNING UPDA7 L' 430 'RESENTATION 'UBLIC I TEARING OPENED ON 'ROPOSED ORDINANCE 899.01 - AN ORDINANCE tECLASSIFYING TIIE MEASURER'S POSITION AT I I IE CITY OF MOAB 'UBLIC MARINO CLOSED :ONSENT AGENDA APRVD: I) S REQ. TO SEND PROP. RES. 04-99—A RES. AMEND. THE FY 998-99 BUDGET TO PUBLIC TEARING, 2) MAYOR APPOINT. !F STANLEY NOORLANDER 0 TIIE MOAB CITY PLAN. 'OM,, APPROVED EQUEST FOR A TEMPORARY LASS II BEER LICENSE BY ELLY WILER, D.B.A. PASTA %VS LOCATED AT 4 SOU rl I IA IN ST, APPROVED ROP. ORD. 1199-01—AN ORD. ECLASSIFYING TIIE REASURER'S POST DON AT I IE CITY OF MOAB, PPROVED LASSIFICATIONS AND JOB EESCRIPTIONS FOR DEPUTY ECORDER II AND DEPUTY CCORDER I, APPROVED A presentation was made by Bruce Wlighl of Pacific Corp regarding Utah Power and Light's Year 2000 compliance. Discussion followed. Mayor I lancock opened a public hearing at 7,37 p.m. for proposed Ordinance 1199-01 — An Ordinance reclassifying the "I rcasurcr's position at the City of Moab. City Manager Metzler slated that she is recommending that the Treasurer's position be reclassified from a grade 13 to a grade 14 based on discrepancies in the original job description that did not Include sonic of the major job duties of the position There was no public comment Mayor I lancock closed the public hearing at 7 40 p m Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: l) A request to send proposed Resolution 1104 99 — a resolution amending the 1'Y 1998-99 budget to public hearing 2) Mayor appointment of Stanley Noorlandcr to the Moab City Planning Commission, term ending 12-31-2002 Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve a'critics( for a fcniporary Class II Beer License by Kelly Wiler, d b a Pasta Jay's located at 4 South Main St Councilmember Saki ison seconded the motion The motion canicd 5-0 ayc Councilmember McDougald moved to approve proposed Ordinance 1199-01— An Ordinance Reclassifying the feasurer's Position at the City of Moab. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote ORDINANCE 99 01 AN ORDINANCE RECLASSITT IN4 TIIE TREASURER S POSITION AT 111E CITY Or 610 SR WIIEREAS, ex Doi Hung Body o(the City of /dub it reyurrd to en ward. of e.rr+p Ntxws , <I Cu Crry of Mc ab, and WIIEREAS tlr Hemp envier. u defined In the Dea arum of rrndaurt Hal bat ex ube mulcted to toll Include at des tuns ex follooug N wa NOW THEREFORE OE IT ORDAINED by the Cary of Taub that ex Hafe fit the Tnuvn t prutxa b ut Binh u Bollix( 'featly ulary range for the follootng ry myr moues onlr Ttenwrt—Oradell _ __.1'1197-111160 TNr oMounce alWl taka effect Much 1, 19M Puled Irbl adoserd by udoo of the Gnomes lboly oleo Cy of Moab M opts scuba On I6a sky of billy, 1999 Cory otAlub vPiH 462,344. 0¢ Marx Awls R.Itarceck 4.,si,t 11XV • rrv-. Raebel Ell000 Cory Recorder Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve classifications and job descriptions for Deputy Recorder II and Deputy Recorder I. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. CADINOOFCORRESPONDENCE There was no correspondence to be read. 431 Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler stated that she had met with Remotion Coordinator Clukcy= fill regarding policies for recreation facilities, one of which was commercial uses of the ballpark. Alter reviewing schedules and reviewing the intent of the properly, they did not feel that commercial uses would be appropriate, the first requested commercial use being the car Shaw. Councilmcmbcr McDuugald staled that he thought the car show would be a good event to have since they would donate part of the gale fee back to the recreation department, which would create financing for the recreation program. City Manager Metzler slated that she and Recreation Coordinator Clukcy= fill had drafted a prioritization of use for these facilities which she could bring to council for approval. Councilmcmber Lckarczyk asked if there was a direct scheduling conflict for the car slow. City Manager Metzler staled that nut all of the games had been scheduled and wouldn't be until October, but that a conflict was very likely. Mayor I'amcock staled she had a strung opposition to blocking off that public property for charge. Mayor I Iancock recommended the south end of Old City Punk for the car show. Councilmcmbcr Sakrison stated that he would like to review the policy. Under Mayor and Council reports, Mayor I Iancock staled that she and Councilmembers Sakrison and Bailey attended the Local Officials' Day at the Utah State Legislature. Councilmenlber Sakrison slated that the Legislature would be considering removing the sales lax on food. Councilmembcr Sakrison staled that Utah is one of only nine slates left that still lax food. Councilmembcr Bailey slated that Stale Representative Keefe Johnson has offered to help with legislation to help southern Utah improve their telecommunication capacity. Coumciln►ember Bailey also stated that the Moab Area Telecommunications Digital Data Service Survey has been completed and is available for review. Councilmem►ber Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $426,886.25; Councihuembcr Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried by a roll call vole of 5-0 aye. Cuuncihnember Cooke moved to enter an Executive Session for the purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation. Councilinembcr Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. An Executive Session was entered at 8:I6 p.m. Councilmcmbcr Lekarczyk moved to close the Executive Session. Councilmcmbcr Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. The Executive Session was closed at 9:05 p.nt. Councilmcmbcr Lckarczyk made a motion to adjourn the regular council meeting. Councilmembcr Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS MOTION TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION, APPROVED EXECUTIVE SESSION ENTERED MOTION TO CLOSE EXECUTIVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION CLOSED MOTION TO ADJOURN 432 ADJOURNMENT SPECIAL MEETING AND ATFENDANCL' PURPOSE Of TIIE SPECIAL MEETING PRESENTA1ION REGARDING SOI.ID WASTE COLI.ECI ION ISSUES MAYOR AUTIIORI7EDTO EI TER IN I O A CON ONOENCY AOREEM1:NT WI I II CONDO IONS, APPROVED MOTION TO EN MR EXECUTIVE SESSION EXECUI IVR SESSION ENTERED MO1 ION TO CLOSE EMU FIVE SESSION IXECUTIVE SESSION CLOSED MOTION TO ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT A Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9:05 p.m lxiel E11isYi city [maw APPROVED: MOAR CITY COUNCIL Sl'ECIAL MEETING January 28, 1999 The Moab City Council held a Special Emergency Meeting on the above date in the City Manager's Office at the Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah Mayor Karla R I lancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 5 10 p nn In attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Dailey, Richard Cooke, Dave Snkrison, William McDougald and Joseph Lckarczyk Also present were City Manager Donna J. Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, Public Works Director Brent Williams, and Administrative Secretary II Sue llusch. The purpose of the Special Emergency Meeting was as follows I. Solid Waste Collection Issues 2. Executive Session for the Purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding Solid %sic Collection Issues. Discussion followed. Councdmember Snkrison moved to authorize Mayor 1 lancock to enter into a Solid Waste Collection Contingency Agreement based on $1 3 50 for residential and not to exceed the current commercial rates as per the current Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreement conditional upon a judicial riling in the City's favor or the Council's decision to settle the lawsuit Couneilmember Cooke seconded the motion 'line motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmentber McDougald moved to enter an Executive Session for the purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss fending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation. Councilmentber Snkrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye, An Executive Session was entered at 5:1 G p m. Cauncilinember Cooke moved to close the Executive Session Councihnember Dailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5.0 aye. The Executive Session was closed at 6:1 G p.m. Councihnember Dailey moved to ndjouni. Councihnember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor l lancock adjourted the Special Council Meeting at 6:1 G p m. Rachel Ellison City Recorder APPROVED: MOAD CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING February 4, 1999 Kara R. ncoc Mayor 433 I he Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located al 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Katla It. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to older at 1:12 p in. In attendance were Councilmembers Joseph Lekatczyk, Richard Cooke, William McDougald and Dave Sakrison. Also present were City Manager Donna J. Metzler and City Recorder Rachel E. Ellison, City 'Treasurer Laurie ltamslelter, Public Works Director Brent Williams and Planning Aide Ucbtn Gilger. Councilmember Saktison moved to Appiove the 1999 Crack Scal Piojecl Conlin,. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion he motion cairied 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding Solid Waste Collection Issues. Councilmember Cooke moved to enter an Executive Session for the put pose of a Strategy Session to Discuss fending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion 'I he notion cat ricd 4-0 aye An Executive Session was entered at 1.14 p.m Councilme nber Lekarczyk moved to close the Executive Session Councilmember Cooke seconded the notion The motion rained 4-0 aye the Executive Session was closed at 1.51 p.m. Cuuncilmembet McDougald moved to adjourn the Special Meeting Councilmember Saki ison seconded the motion. "I he motion earned 4-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Special Meeting at 1:51 p m ATTEST: Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING hebruary 9, 1999 SPECIAL MEET ING & ATTENDANCE 1999 CRACK SEAL PROJECT' CON IRAC I,APPROVED SOLID \VA I E COLLECTION ISSSUES PRLSLNTA I ION MO 1 ION 10 LN I Lit EXECUTIVE SESSION EX ECU I IVL SESSION EN FERIA) MOTION FO CLOSE EXECUTIVE SLSSION EXECUTIVL SESSION CLOSLD MOI ION 10 ADJOURN ADIOURNMEN F APPROVED: a R. ancock Mayor 'I he Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 \Vest 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla It I lancock called the I're-Council Workshop to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor I lancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7.00 p.m. Councilmember David Sakrison led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Counctlmembers Kyle Bailey, Richard Cooke, Joseph Lekarczyk and William McDougald, City Manager Donna Metzler, Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Treasurer Laurie Ramstelter, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen, Public Works Director Brent Williams, Planning Aide Debra Gilger and City Attorney Chris McAnany, fifteen (15) members of the audience and the media were present. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the Special Council Meeting Minutes of January 25, 1999, the Regular Council Meeting Minutes of January 26, 1999 and the Special Meeting Minutes of]anuary 28, 1999. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. RI GUI.AR MLCFING AND ATIENDANEE APPROVAL OF MINUI ES There were no Citizens to be I leard CITIZENS TO BE HEARD 434 PI.ANNING UPDATE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM MOVED CONSENT AGENDA: APPROVAL OF A CI MOE ORDER/100 W PARKING PROJECT; HOME OCC. LIC. FOR BRUCE I IUCKO, D.B.A. BRUCE nuCKO P110T0.; HOME OCC. LIC. FOIL CINDY COWAN, D.B.A. T.L.C.; REQ. TO SEND A PROP. ZONE CI IANGE FROM RA-1 TO R-3 TO PUBLIC IWARING; REQ. FOIt A PERM. CLASS III BEER LIC. FOR BILLIE JO VIALPANDO, D.B.A. IIPS C-STORE; REQ. FOR APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL EVENT LIC. FOR TI IG CANYONLANDS VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT; APPROVAL OF PRO. RES. N 05- 99; APPROVED PRES. AND DISCUSSION RE. APPROVAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENI IANCEMENT PROJECTS PUBLIC IIEARING OPENED Under Planning Update, Planting Aide Gilger staled that there would be a Joint City CounciVPlanning Commission Meeting on February 25, 1999 at 4:00 p.m. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to move the agenda item — Approval of Proposed Resolution 1102-99 — a Resolution Approving a Contract Between the City of Moab and Bob's Sanitation for Temporary Solid Waste Collection Services to alter the Executive Session. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: 1) Request for Approval of a Change Order to 100 West Parking Project; 2) Request for a l lome Occupation License for Bruce Iluek°, d.b.a. Brace I-lucko Photography located at 668 Mountain View; 3) Request for a dome Occupation License for Cindy Cowan, d.b.a. T.L.C. located at 615 E. Rosetree Lane; 4) Request to Send a Proposed Zone Change Located at 250 So. Kane Creek from RA-1 to R-3 to Public I leafing; 5) Request for a Permanent Class III Beer License for Billie Jo Vialpando, d.b.a. BJ's C-Store, located at 301 So Main Sl.; 6) Request for Approval of a Special Event License for the Canyonlands Volleyball Tournament to be held February 12th —I 3111 February 2611' — 2711" March 5'h ' 611', March 12'h —13°i and April 91h — 10'f ; 7) Approval of Proposed Resolution 11 05-99 — A Resolution Giving Authority to the City Treasurer to Make Investment Decisions at Authorized Banking Institutions. Councilmember McDougall seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. 91,,,.01Is. o, ss AREsolmlor.n CISI)9s'Ai eunwi1ll o e.Slni nsnnnn us" n.lv.aa Mlufu IM Co, of MM. J.re(11le, •f ev Cr, Ilea -PP .M..'... Pan ry•s.... 1 •rnmm.✓N.e•h de Cry doe..en... or or., 1,ro Orn ,rrrurra uopuu,,..• IIOw• IIIIIIIOf E.BE1f NEIEBYIISOISEOBI lilt COI Of I)JIB Int fiSlOhl•-i 1 TAM Mn Co) Na✓° i. eN.ana se W ✓I .ef .e •uh fInsu a ea •se If ff. so 1.Ivf M M Co) of Noah a who muff. Mnov no,yveae.f...Ad,• I✓o r1 ✓»+�+.-•Nv.. e, Our CLAM..., SIMa,I.0 l An Such w.f. stall late. W lvf to W et! I. ✓ev, y S-ny ,.<uNl. afo Oil.nf• K<eu u. Immo. •Mtln el fuM1fi roam W f w.f•!rr_v. IN ••fant M ✓{we.r4. ern,, Ne uwr.bm feet. f. 0.e fo se, W prism+, fah wsoa a n., F it W0 N toms.. •oS a) of du fervor, I ISM ley .Off ...M vole.. o. ...mews near, W idnro0o h✓Sal warm .. {wood In O• UW II.sy SI✓rl.m.a An h, ov Cr, ruarn Pre Ss hrn+1 N n4n•MI• aAyau of ...Cry, Womb,. of r.✓arc. as Ars...Inne nr•. / IMO. AEA)II Eft. AIIROYIO ANO ifItCIISIE Mu Se 41 Nr.trear) INO a eph Canf • h4•h.UW AMM •Yl•u•✓tea^ .'» .41 Ohne CO) RnofOn Community Development Coordinator Olsen made a presentation regarding Approval of Transportation Enhancement Projects. Discussion followed. Mayor l lancock opened a Public I fearing on Proposed Resolution 1104- 99 — A Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 1998-1999 Budget at 7:30 p.m. City Manager Metzler slated that each year around mid -year, some budget adjustments are needed, expenditure and revenue patterns are analyzed, and adjustments are made accordingly. The proposed amendments are: a transfer in the Sewer Fund from beginning fund balance to the Waste Water Treatment Plant Project in the amount of $29,600 for two fuel storage tanks; an expenditure of S 100,000 in the water fund for the purchase of Skakel Springs; an expenditure of $70,000 transferred from the Capital Projects find for emergency electric supply equipment for potential power outages; an expenditure of $70,000 emergency power for a water system pump, should there be 435 an interruption in electrical service, pursuant to the administrative tides for public drinking water, which provides that systems should have stand-by power at the main sources of water if gravity flow is not possible. Councilmember McDougall asked if the emergency power was for well //6. Public Works Director Williams stated that it was for well fl6 Councilmember Cooke asked how many gallons each diesel fuel storage lank would hold. City Manager Metzler staled 12,000 gallons each Councilmember Cooke inquited how long the plant could operate on that much fuel. Public Works Director Williams slated that he thought it was around 7,000 gallons per month. Councilmember Cooke slated that he was concerned that the diesel fuel would degrade. City Manager Mettler staled that supplies would be rotated and not be allowed to degrade Councilmember Barley asked if the fuel would be used for equipment and vehicles as well Public Woks Director Williams staled that yes it would Councilmember Lekarczyk asked who had tccommcnded that the City keep 24,000 gallons of diesel in reserve. Public Works Detector Williams responded that if the electricity went out, we could fuel equipment and the plant as well, and that the Slate would be willing to pay for them Councilmember Cooke asked Witte money would need to be paid back to the Slate. City Manager Metzler slated that it would be paid back to the Slate over the length of the loan. Counulmember Crooke requested proof that the City is subject to these types of power outages before the City expends in excess of $150,000 fin them. Mayor I lancock closed the Public I learmg at 7:41 p.m. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a Petition for Annexation by Patti Miller. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The notion carried 5-0 aye Counctlmembct Cooke moved to approve a Request by Tom Stocks for Abatement of City Water and Sewer Bill for 505 C Roselree Lane in the amount of $15.41. Councilmember McDougall seconded the motion. 1 he motion failed 2-3 nay with Councilmembers Sakrison, Batley and Lekarczyk voting nay. Councilmember Batley moved to approve a Request by Tom Stocks for Abatement of City Water and Sewer Bill for 505 E. Roselree Lane in the amount of $7.71. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye with Councilmembers Lekarczyk and Sakrison voting nay. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED PETITION FOR ANNEXATION BY PATTI MILLER, APPROVED REQUEST BY TOM STOCKS FOR ABATEMENT OF CITY WATER AND SEWER BILL; FAILED REQUEST BY TOM STOCKS FOR ABATEMENT OF CITY WATER AND SEWER DILL; APPROVED 436 PROPOSED ORDINANCE I199- 03; APPROVED SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AID SPECIFICATIONS, APPROVED PRESENTATION REGARDING RECREATION FACILITIES USE PRIORITIZATION ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Proposed Ordinance 1199-03 — An Ordinance Repelling Certain Provisions of the Moab City Code and Authorizing the Serving and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages at Private Gatherings at the Moab Ails and Recreation Center. Councilmember McDougall seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye with Councilmembers l3ailey and Sakrison voting nay. (IIYp IIgtPIArAN•a Ct veal otrotauCt 1.111.1MAe1111 . SI A10 AND Clt'.nlnbtllr. +•/ tl St. Irt IRrAP / 11 J< itmen ' <N11f11M tlll <IIV Alm St A<l 1A1v, At nllA [ OmgAn+G1 AI 111 PIA. APIS AM.10.I tllu+ lJR[R btnr N <Fd <n CunA Tv e..w..erL v. N Oe 1•rv.l IF+I ter< r bllnnnr r w..m..,. rt +:w • et I.,.S ..-, ..J .m..aCMn u.<rr Iib..M.tl.nnees. n. N .hr+ /r IIa.1 Cr, ( s4 t.ttlt stAl . N ren.P. t, G.M v F+1>< 1.,.! -r. tlµ1/ 4' 111t.1111f.O1 tut V,It rum+o!won or Mt CIIY Cd tilt! IM r1I I. l .1 Mt lilt Pt IIYA.V 11111NP1 tY 111 IIOU <(I.0 V Al ft. AS I el 11.a S llr Idb. W IJrnts s.A h.S4Or Sew. S Y 4,1 110 I10I1..tllm.nb APrattne...u.�A. as. LO.. r. w/Nn.y..l Nr.v.cn�i n•r .. rgnlJ..rw rvMtNrfvnnn..I.a•aJw..n/. Seem13144 C.P < ea.. b n0111.14.I 1< OC tAnn.nvelhdn111JL Av.t MJ Iva. cat ry Inbn,.u•J. n.mfmnry ..b /t rt. yr •. •/ /^ v �. • . Iw se.at.. ,...Ost. at . ( w. C ri<1rn+u P <It ten it/ • d teet.tn. d hd.4 l..ry.. as n..eJ Iv it.. P.n r.r h ry.r.nrl+N14.F Aq+dlw .. I C .I r1..rNN'I•I••••Yl.alb et 4..4 v r. yr nn I IN r.ee goeuac eutee t 14dA r.eb w Ir.m bd I} n u n4rn Y N Fd1 /r in Wm. lane .l 4d.Fl ..wait<�n M 4.1-1. Iruu/e+N Ir e7. ast 1. kl..luatSr .ar witt . rtract, crec .. . ,. a. 1 n t et •Arm F.n rvnrl r .l A to e.. t l+f 1V, II L 6 1 w. uM h 1l.. aJru.+.AU..n... -.I neY r+tn.V• N. Y Y. a Ir..v. 1rn 011 t-((ii(?e.(J tji Ll.v. I..rt I Pv+ <., Iur v Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the Solid Waste Collection Bid Specifications allowing the City Recorder to revise the specification as necessary regarding containers. CouncilmemhP McDougald seconded the motion. The notion carried A-1 a}. t% tli Councilmember Bailey voting nay. City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding Recreation Facilities Use Prioritization. Discussion followed. There was no Correspondence to be Read. Under Administrative Reports, City Malinger Metzler stated that there would be a Department head/City Council Budget Priority Setting Meeting on February 16,1999 at 5:00 p.m. and that there would be a budget meeting on February 23, 1999 at 5:30 p.m. City Manager Metzler also stated that she and Public Works Director Williams met with Williams Energy Company to review the checklist of safety items, mad Williams has been very diligent in compliance, and the expected start dale is February 15, 1999. City Malinger Metzler stated that the first Capital Projects Priority meeting was held this past week and more information would be forth coming. City Staff and the Solid 437 Waste District have chosen April 16, and April 17, 1999 as Clcan-up Days this spring. The City will pay lipping fees as well as providing pick-up service. Under Mayor and Couneil reports, Cuuneilmembcr McDougald inquired who owned the road to the Elks Lodge. Public Works Director Williams slated that it is a private load, but that the City does collect Class C Road money for that road. Coumeilmembcr McDougald asked if patching could be done on that road. Public Works Director Williams stated that yes, patching could and would be done. Councilmember Cooke staled that he had spoken to Joe Kingsley regarding the old Middle School. Councilmember Cooke would like to see the Old Middle School turned into an Artist's Co-op, and this could possibly happen as a joint venture between the City and private industry. Cuuncilntentbcr Sakrison stated that he had received several complaints about the number of licensed dogs in the City Mayor I lancuck stated that she thinks the Council needs to seriously discuss pet license fees and moved -on structures. Councilmember Sakrisun staled that a percentage of City Sales Tax is contributed to the Olympic Committee and that he thinks we should ask for that money back. Mayor l lancock slated that the League of Cities and 'towns is supporting legislation to do that. Councilmember Sakrisun sated that the City should support that legislation. City Manager Metzler staled that she would send a letter to that effect. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $188,837.71; Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councihnembcr McDougald moved to enter an Executive Session for the purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss Pendiag or Reasonably Imminent Litigation. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carricd 5-0 aye. An Executive Session was entered at 9:17 p.m. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to close the Executive Session. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. The Executive Session was closed at 9:51 p.m. Under Solid Waste Collection Issues, Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to authorize City Attorney McAnany to enter into a settlement in the Country Garbage Service Case pursuant to the terms of City Attorney McAnany's February 8, 1999 memo, which stipulates a dismissal of all pending claims with prejudice, the City will purchase all of the cans in good working condition based on a formula not to exceed $220,000 with deduction from that based on the total number of cans in use in Moab, and deduction for cans not in good condition, and that proof be delivered of payment to all contractors and vendors and that the contract will terminate on February 14, 1999, and that the MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF DILLS MOTION TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION. APPROVED EXECUTIVE SESSION ENTERED MOTION TO CLOSE EXECUTIVE SESSION, APPROVED Execlrrtvc SESSION CLOSED CITY ATTORNEY MCANANY TO ENTER INTO A SETTLEMENT IN THE COUNTRY GARDAGE SERVICE CASE; APPROVED \' ; 438 PROPOSED RESOLU1ION 1102- 99; APPROVED MO110N TO ADJOURN ADIOURNMEN1 SPECIAL MEETING ATIENDANCE warranty to the Inns be signed over to the City and Ihnl ficc and clear title to the cans, wilh no liens or encumbrances be delivered to the City. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion '1 lie motion carried 4-1 nye by n roll -call -vote will► Councilmember Bailey voting nay. Councihnen►bcr Leknrczyk moved to approve Proposed Resolution t102-99—n Resolution Approving a Contract between the City of Moab and Bob's Sanitation for Temporary Solid Waste Collection Services Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion '1 he motion canned 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Rt Eulull(n O! 99 111011/0NFItIn11N•FCONIRCCI111111HIRIE111lr MOO ND 1%1111•MIFIRMIW III1OA.IY WOO Ell 1u111CIKrt11TO, 1t 11.wn.1 Cq •1i4.11.1•.w1.lompm, •.m,.m' mlJ •.•..ot...o. en..., W 11FrtaV Sob et.N1YST W Oo *A f r foot%%..! rn4t% W 11rmu Pt ofToo. CW4•.bF%.•r.r lu, M••#.ou.1 if M•u.o y•t0• KT, Co,Cfaci. TOM IIORI1OILIR TOT CU411 YD.O IMY YN 1111(11YEq TV/ .• bl MHO' RHHYVE TO FHII.IIE IIIT F6t IE111H1 ft$,Ro HII.IEY 111E!nl}I UM/OMEOTIOS ilt(UM FM1lx%t C E tHt.0110,141EtFltOl TO t%E(OIEftOODE EVE1 ENE FOOTMEN; 14tnooM41 FLAW. Yw.SrII MW wuH Iue1 W 61p4111 u.b•.1• • 11..•wH• 1.441 4fA 4 •#. moue Ca L'MI•E 1F4u101211 (follow/TT ATTEST: PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING PRESENTATIONS AND DISCUSSION REGARDING PY 1999-2000 BUDGET PRIORITIES EXECUTIVE SESSION CANCELED ADJOURNMENT OTTO, "OAS 1r ¢are .k,......� %rt. R Eta-•m1 E4tr Councilmember Lckarczyk made a motion to adjourn the regular council meeting Councilmember McDougall seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayo► ! lancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9 58 p nt. Rachel Ellison City Recorder APPROVED: MOA11 CITY COUNCIL. SPECIAL MEETING February 16, 1999 rR• Ilanc Mayor The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, loaned nt 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 5:20 p.m. In attendance were Conncihnembers Joseph Leknrczyk, Kyle Dailey, William McDoug:' nod Dave Sakrison. Also present were City Manager Donna J. Metzler and City Recorder Rachel E. Ellison, City Treasurer Laurie Itnmstelter, Police Chief Alan West, Assislanl Police Chief Michael Navarre, Recreation Coordinator Marcy Clokcy-Till and Public Works Director Brent Williams. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold a Department I lead Budget Priority Selling Workshop. City Manager Metzler and attending Department !leads made presentations regarding FY 1999-2000 budget priorities. Discussion followed. The Executive Session was canceled. Mayor I lancock adjourned the Special Meeting at 7:08 p.m. 439 APPROVED: �/�� sei Ala R. Hancock��� Mayor City Recorder MOAN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MELTING Irebr unry 23, 1999 1 he Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above dale In the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Kai la It. I lancock called the Pre -Council Woikshop to oidei at 5:30 p.m. Mayor I lancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to older al 7'00 p.m Councdumber Richard Cooke led in the fledge of Allegiance, Also in attendance were Councilinembeis Kyle Braley, David Sakrison, Joseph Lckarczyk and 1Villimn McDougall, City Manager Donna Metzler, City Recorder Wallet Ellison, City Treasurer Lamle Rainstencr, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen, raid City Attorney Chris McAnany; Ihinteen (13) members of the audience and the media were inescnl. '1 hem WCIe no Citizens to be I lewd Under Planning Update, Community Development Coordinator Olsen slated that time would be a Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting on February 25, 1999 at 4 00 p nl. A Presentation was made by Gary Reynolds of the United Stales Forest Service regarding a Planned Bann, Discussion followed Councilmember Lckauczyk moved to move the agenda to the Consent Agenda. Councilmcmbcr McDuugald seconded the motion. 'I he 111011011 unnied 5-0 nye. Councilancmbcr Sakiisun moved to oppauvc the Consent Agenda as follows: I) Request tut Appluval of a Change Older to the 1999 Clack Seal 1'1*d; 2) Request for Approval of a I fume Occupation License for Nancy Nickelson, d.b.a. Canyonlands Physical 'I herapy located at 190 North 100 East, 3) Request by City Markel for Approval of a Moved -on Slrueluie located al 425 So. Main Sheet for the Purpose of Conducting a Gaidcn Center, 4) Request by Tim Timpson, d.b.a. Machin Kitchen, lot Approval of a Moved -on Structure located at 299 S. 400 E for the Poi pose of Conducting a Mobile Kitchen; 5) Request to Send a Proposed 'Zone Change Located at 294 So. Kane Creek from RA-1 to It-3 to Public I lcaling; 0) Request to Send a Proposed Ordinance 1199-04 — an Oldmance Amending Section 17.45.030 and 17.45.040 of Chapter 17.45, 7 rule 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regrading Anew and Width Requirements to Public !tenting; 7) Request to Send a Proposed Ordinance Il99.05 — an Ordinance Amending Section 17.54.040 of Chapter 17,54, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Width Requirements to Public Hearing; 8) Request to Send a Proposed Ordinance N99-06 — an Ordinance Amending Section 17.66 of'I ille 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Planned Unit Developments to Public I !caring; 9) Request to Send a Proposed Ordinance 1199-07 — an Ordinance Amending Section 17.48 030 of Chapter 17.48, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Amendments to the Arca Requirements of the It-3 Residential Zone to Public blearing; 10) Request to Send a Proposed Ordinance N99-08 — an Ordinance Amending Section 17.51.010, 17 51.030, 17.51.040 and 17.51.060 (C) of Chapter 17.51, 'title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Amendments to the R-4 Residential Zone to Public hearing. Cuuncilmembcr Lckaiczyk seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. RI,OUI,AR MI 1,71NG AND A 111.NDANCL• CI I IZLNS 10 BE I ILARD PLANNING UPDAI E PRrSCN rATION AGLNDA MOVED TO CONSLNI AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA. APPROVAL or A CI ANGE ORDER 10 TI IE 1999 CRACK SEAL PROJECT, 2) APPROVAL or A 1I0ME OCC. LIC. FOR NANCY NICKERSON, D.D.A. CANYONLANDS PHYSICAL TIIERAPY; 3) REQ. BY CITY MARKET l'OR APPROVAL OF A MOVED -ON S rRUCTURE; 4) REQ. BY TIM TIMPSON, DMA. BITCIIIN KITCIIEN, FOR APPROVAL OF A MOVED -ON STRUCTURE; 5) REQ. TO St ' A PROP. ZONE CIIANGE FROM RA-1 TO R-3 TO PUBLIC !MAKING; G) REQ. TO SEND PROP, ORD, #99.04 TO PUBLIC HEARING; 7) REQ. TO SEND PROP. ORD. #99.05 TO PUBLIC NEARING; 8) REQ. TO SEND PROP. ORD.1199.06 TO PUBLIC HEARING; 9) REQ. 'TO SEND PROP. ORD. N99-07 TO PUBLIC IIEARING; 10) REQ, 70 SEND PROP. ORD, #99-08 TO PUBLIC HEARING, APPROVED 440 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS WIT'II STIPULATIONS, FAILED TRANSPORTATION ENIANCEMENT PROJECTS WITT1 EXCEPTION, APPROVED PUBLIC ((CARING OPENIsD PUBLIC I TEARING CLOSED PRESENTATION LOCATION OP PROPOSED SKATE PARK, SWANNY CITY PARK, APPROVED ABATEMENT OF A CITY WATTsft AND SEWER BILL FOIL JULIE P IIOLLAND $1,072.12, APPROVED CITY MANAGER DIRECTED '1'0 DEVELOP WATER ABATEMENT POLICY WITH CITY STAFF, APPROVED ITEMS I, ] & 4 OF RESOLUTION 004-99 TABLED Councilmember Cooke moved to approve all of the Transportation Enhancement Projects requested with the stipulation that allocation for the Shafer home is conditional on either receiving a 20% match from the Grand County School District or entering into a joint management project of the Shafer home with the School District. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion failed 2-3 nay by a roll -call - vole with Councilmcmbcrs McDougall, Sakrison and Lckarczyk voting nay. Couneilmcmber Cooke moved to approve all of the Transportation Enhancement Projects except the Shafer home with the full value of crosswalks on both sides of 500 West. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Mayor I lancock opened a Public I (caring on Proposed 'Lone Change Located at 250 So. Kane Creek Boulevard 7 40 p m Councilmember Cooke inquired why the City had icqucstcd this zone change. Couneilmcmber Sakrison staled that Baptist Church wanted to put a parsonage on their properly, and the Planning Commission thought that rather than spot zone, the Episcopal Church should be included in the process. The Episcopal Church was asked if they would be agreeable to that. Councilmember McDougald inquired if the Baptist Church had adequate land. Councilmember Sakrison staled that it was a favorable recommendation by the Planning Commission. Councilmember Cooke requested that City Manager Metzler contact the Episeopal Church about the City obtaining a permanent easement that leads to the bridge over Pack Creek pi for to approval of the zone change. Mayor I lancoek closed the Public I learing at 7:44 p.m. Pat Spahr made a Presentation regarding a Mock Trial for Youth Court. Discussion followed. Couneilmember Bailey moved to approve the Location of the Proposed Skate Park as Swanny City Park. Couneilntember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Couneilntember Sakrison moved to approve an abatement of a City Water and Sewer Bill for Julie 1'. Holland at 276 N. Stewart Lane in the amount of $1,027.12. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Couneilntember Cooke moved to direct City Manager Metzler, City Attorney McAnany, City Treasurer Ramsleller and Water Superintendent Johnson to develop a proposed water abatement policy. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vole. Councilmember Cooke moved to table the following dents of Proposed Resolution 1104-99 — a Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget: $29,600 adjustment to the Sewer Fund, $100,000 adjustment to the Capital Projects Fund and a $70,000 adjustment to the Capital Projects Fund, pending an estimate from a Solar Energy Installer. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion 441 passed 4-1 aye with Councilmcmbcr Sakrison voting nay. Councilmcmbcr Bailey moved to approve the following item of Proposed Resolution 1104-99 — a Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget: $100,000 adjustment to the Water Fund. Councilmcmbcr McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmcmbcr McDougal(' moved to approve Proposed Ordinance 1199-09 — An Ordinance Amending Section 5.20.150 and 5.20.171 and Adding Section 5.20.155 Relating to Private Clubs. Councilmcmbcr Cooke seconded the notion. The notion carried 5-0 by a roll -call - vote. C.ON. Kl n<• Resohnion 0449 ♦ttOOD II90C1 IISCAI DA11Ml'IM Oro tt Cmtl4nlb tortoni Ganef W I9•11.1• M10a1,er lu•roo fr d• 611010. boob An0414I001 Yrt In11Mtd•e• Mo./ AT„yt Rooms •100A[lionm�rn W Iron lord Now mint WI. tt O tt5Ol\YP wn F..)oreolo or.•ry MY 4bv) I). Iv+10.1•tl.op poor! oo.rd Ito Corti �In InMCntJ }.r.�dr1 11r••••••to AM IS. •On• loonfolt •••• out. IrWW rlryM• amorfo Co.•miol RN, el Yet COO. atlo• t4 :1.4) •Ireton MP RNMI„Rvo ode Cm Of MOAB 9) .lei tr../4•Osa--••• RAO R Ilrat tlret CAMM1A•10YP�I.A�rt,E<M Tt nl1f a•o t nf ro)>F .!WY'�gC1gp1s)1•=11= ,NtlIARI:):A''O MUM Moto to tlloto•,.. Is too. ort FCtor, riot too yaw rt.rilor. W r•R•ll> F Unto-, aH rem to t• Nt41 Woo Co Yh•deW '1dIs ROO 44 more to 0r 0)n Ctu NEVI TtCA1rOAl F V t• r •AJ1l 1m taw r to tort, It<r •wr. •'J •eM •orut n bt.• 11100'n•O1t.s«• v�:nni root, om„ro,1.o ro Mt rrn.00 vst+bsy.r HO.: twae tot• taw•`••• h.w/,[.into.v nF Hos...OH t1F AA•.re M..•••Cara Coo., I.I •Y • Pot Ito. tat then. Ot•.-, P 'oot• ott.e torn F woo, rot no Cron n• ..*0 r torn nr •, tawto own r• mot," Moor tot Poo, CO Cbt• • Can• Cm•T OAP Tot MAN' • rot.. bA ill on o rem to • wa.r•*m *moon to raw r.`"tr.. raw o A too co trot••••••t tort too F trot. It to tor rt� o n •tor mewo•.n r .re.) 0.0 arm tM a trt 1.0 .0••ry• tome woo, Mr woo trv.•soF Cry 0 • Mrt COs taw•• ter ton moo o to...o.w ..et+>T is 1n tot m-ra o•• r ntor- .• terror 1)••tool00•0 CO, Clot • tOtt. n1++n...n• lro, « r•nn • Rot• oh Can a CCt «M•000MF•p. meoo to torero. i•ttnt e.s•r nn...1. PROPOSED RESOLUTION 1104.99, APPROVED PROPOSED ORDINANCE 1/99- 09 APPROVED • :Nov„o• ... «P., .a, .«.W.ee.owto to: 1 •. otob.rwrow Iw O•. < nsot w Foos co. On. I e �•,lre..w•1y� 10•/NAVIN PIPS MO.., Om 1 Ito r rA a ott moo• V•00.411 ✓'!• a•.. MewMOO orr bosh Ob4 C to .t0 o. of ..▪ w 1•MI..•• p•11rcam Icaotto or, a tom.. •w F M.• Y. Con• w Cares • I •1 cr .'rb NY.r11•.torn r. Mr, OA OM • tosot r•I tta•w Wont b «Otsr•n ortmoo x Ott•tm•n w p toot rr ti a n .,ors ntl^N••,len Ylr C•••I • w CM •bon r••N•• or• tteNOt WvsT 4 •••ln+Nl bow... r tool. rn-on, et•r•b�• ttens4 Mole ■ w••••M torte••.n r F Imo*, ••• •err• of off Iv toot n b nowt•« «F.•rNtn. •••owl • .«woo. t• woo to wow ns,•a•.•wr ece.•4+tN •e • •• to, cos or I cot •We•r t1elmr tort .w.n.t va o« • non Oa. b• ••!tsM • 1.• M twM M ••"•O••+r or. r mot* to w elk Oro l w Ott• too ofto • NO. r root too. foot.•• vt1. Imbot r M • O O toot", �b w owwoo. a•Ma•OA. Mt l icon• toot b vitt, Tr. lw V•It•tot WW .:10 et b «F wt•nn ••••• CM Itl o t x An-e'V, V••mn bMMaww wM[YaM • raw...1 to too to MR Coo 1 or Ott••wtn rWW to rto CooIwOn•4 F�b•wrr•ro.l 1 to tom N O.tI. On S•ootM• toot bl006,0-tN 1 •••• rt.Y trot rwy Vito. Mt«woww•• More too, ✓ w ,6 •� •I F We" we•t.••• • lot µit ▪ Atoloco of tt•••bar) •.F Cpr•••wb••« wt., M lrOtt r l •Ito•w1 TM Councilmcntber Cooke moved to approve Proposed Resolution 1106-99 — A Resolution Amending the City of Moab Business License Fee Schedule, adding a two-tier Cabaret License fce of $80 with alcohol and $40 without alcohol. Councilmcmbcr McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. OL301.0•I00 NO.r.n A •1.01.10InNATI aO1NC 111C 4..1'01110AI MOOS C11.T1C III 1tNOtit 0011f 1t V.of INA m 1000,0010 CYn010•1110 Oto Oro, tot 01 ll•ire •t•t« xwr cool.... I, toblo1•nnW n1ntl NnlmbM Mont• too•o•1: W VIM, Or, ot•••••w•l0••N•14i1TAW Am... b1)M 0 Nnir•tol.W N •bit Mw•x•. 04 .1111 tt O•NI•tort. t• ...r•.1.bttsrid oltwollN.l•.. lotto. I0•1010 Jul tM o. of •1e•lttr4 onto••, «4 1111If •t,F Cot M 11•A•o rood • Wtton loco In ttelt•tot toM MIi. 4.. W 'Of PI •• M rot 1On.tot iw it fn Oa* bode.. Oonn•to 1•10•4lawn •I tlWt At tery• .i0atom .. 1 I1010•TIIIE Or\lIWM1 b101' CI lilt ClIr Of Whet/100110 I Illl tI1VOf IIO be /CSIaESS LICENSE Ill SI1ll10II AS tIMl011 . Slo ••••• •�••:• b.M-none=7=65 •'T�II•• .7 F.:A.r.• t r. —CF.ICI --1fAAA law•. -••.wool W1.wO 10,0,11 Tr.••�xtwFin• m -must t m1.:a'rlra.•n • •«n .....r•n.rt••n or Ito I •Arm Ire.•.,tr V l:ns.l•• [sore raw tor. van. 1 1n11 m m m NOV, A TA w i4swA 1!C]�l PROPOSED ItBOLO '1'ION 1106.99• APPROVED tn..(tr.t, W ri• Ss•• DA71.14.. ''Soto %Ow, •I• sew+ •..I 1..1tt•••0 •J :•••--' 47:w Sr.�•r•A••ti Di 'Senn..... �11 bob two root o•M••n t ot ...to o.. e rw to,. Woo.0001 ton•Co+wts• IIA Irg w • w •T m m 1,1011 /1R m Ir•.i ov ww toter [torn m rT A or 'ono, tors w W 1110tiota *riot 1 ' At< brtoaewr• r7 Hitt 1T[loll •r woo •Mt.t•M•••••••wY 1N••••.•r•• as 4..b.•.a�+-r4 t.•w../•«.rMwwl F..r m !.•riwon. sw •r• n to *Sot et0.«w•.40, .0 w•.•• A Oro.. toots••tsate tool 1Y mol moo.rlw•.11IwYMY•.•N- M to Soo..••••• Eon ..n...a.e.e No. w•wawl It•He• tr.ew•..••••.•.a.. F•w Town •st•• t ..e.• root•. Iwo oto s. Ewes r..1..• Slot. to 0to a try tart ><d..i••one a 111 Minn cn..••rI01.•. wW In..w�.w...twt• w Il,ltw.tepM•tntw.Trtrn PwN�MW« 1 NAM 1 w.iWu1•w.w W.rs Mar smow. awns. Tr.YY m.o. fwd., lemon lew.W lttR1.V to rr.••wnr•••••a••r•••w••oOO a•or rYto1••••YJ•••y4Oe •fR 11/o..01.311e$14.s11s•r N 1eA./.l M —no Mn.Itw YtJt•I•alaywlElr••wa•.. � IrafrJWla44aJawAe14n1.f.I YTJN.ACYIbnt•anlsYt •.A A I041•I61o.r,ItM. Olt Of•IOAI 1.b111rnI kb, Mt. l: �xNlrot C10P t . RI MINOUI C ORRI.SPONDLNLE I flaw was no Col espondenee to be Read. 4 42 ADMINISI RA I IVE RL•POR1S MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPOR75 APPROVAL OF GILLS MO I ION 10 PM ER EXLCU I IVE SESSION, APPROVED I.XIICU I IVE SESSION ENTERED MU I ION 10 CLOSES EXECU I IVE SI.ssION. APPROVED PROPOS! D ORDINANCE 1199.10, APPROVLD PROPOSED RESOLU1 ION 1107- 99,APPROVGD Under Adminishalivc Reports, City Manager Metzler slated that Dclbal Oliver inyuited about the approval of the purchase of Skakel Springs. City Manager Metzler staled that if evetylhing could be resolved by the end of the week, the purchase could be approved. City Attorney McAnany slated that he could have the legal issues tcsolvcd by the aid of the week pending information !loin Mark Page. Under Mayor and Council Ieporls, Mayor Ilancock reported that she had gone to Sall Lake to campaign to the Executive Appropriation Committee to keep the full -lithe Planner at the Association of Local Covetnmenls Mayor I lancock stated that she took letters to every member of the committee and Mayor I laneock staled that this is a very impoi butt issue. Councrlmembcr Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City in the amount of $85,768 47, Counelnrember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion warmed 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Counellntentber Batley moved to enter an Executive Session for the put pose of Discussing the Characici, Professional Competence, or Physical or Mental I leallh of an Individual Councilmcmbcr Cooke seconded the motion 1 he motion cat ricd 5-0 aye An Executive Session was entered at 9 58 p in Couneilinembcr Sakrisou moved to close the Executive Session Councdmember Batley seconded the motion I he motion carried 5-0 aye Councilnrembcr Sakrison moved to approve Proposed Ordinance 1199- 10 — an Ordinance Amending Chapter "I wo of the Moab Municipal Code Regarding the Purchasing Procedures to Secure Competitive Ptoposals and Bids Counalincmbcr Lekarczyk seconded the motion The motion caiiicd 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Counctlntembcr Lekaiezyk moved to approve Proposed Resolution UO7-99 — a Resolution Establishing Pecs for Recreation Facilities Councihnember Sakrisou seconded the motion The motion can led 5- 0 aye by aloll-call-vole ORDINANCE 99.10 ResoluDon p) 99 A Rf SOLUI ION ESTADLISIIING Tf L S fOR REl REA I ION fA(MINES . 11CF,\I1f 111111, CIIAPTER 11\t)gf 111E MU1B AIIiVICIPe11. t. tarot, 1IIE rt.ReilAsim, rRUCrot RE ICI SEC I'I(P Nht.n.tb Meth Loy Lwad knee dmxnsary to umMMslA f. ethed.H fee onset I11 f PHOPIIS II 5 tAU IIIDe ...mon fdlekt ) IInrO DI ow IIUAB CITY C01.71CIL AS FOLIO\\! NON 111ERrfORE. WFrlIE A»,rten lsei BODY Or 111E C111 or s.10.<8W IMP LOY ADOPT A TEE soirAUI£ TOR VARRIUt RIAPEATIO`I rACtutIES AS!OSLO. S tar r 1p Den of lhr stub Al u nitlpel Cede shell be emended to reed of I Crmn SbMO)m fthe,e Use by ll.keres d G.nd Cmnet lawarroweechls ttnb IA.r:I/ub. NnndeMloam, Rel.kmalnne<ne.ue,nkn lash Pucha gPtnNun-Snmlrom re I�na�rnpouh and bldt It shall Pit,.resel..N Fe the Juts of the P.eluring Agtn to male all purchases urns ate mon 7 tomme col ,eM RCew ale an.geous term to the Ctn. and to this and the Pachastng Arent slull Ptm. UtobTRnldrelsdGruelCw.a.lnoo<ommrtel•tl $Sb Ttaore mmretnl,a ...outs from at least ma responsible renonf and M1l.ate Uses NmLedeeoCaeed(morloo es om.re) 111b shall tale aJmnnreofdt lowest fotolMe pn[es kv gxds Ntgml nlut Crennmelel Um In all cares In,°Moe du expenditure of wins in excess of fie thousand 1 [msm Sbrn Bell Pualkwhdm.,adereke Pr\I .b Ilan and laths ten thousand dollar the PuNM1anng Ay<m shll fecme Nan peOVRnktmfel Nor the admtneo. fret 510E Normals In tunas, from at least dine beside. nhkh New pdNRetIdemtolUu lard sdmista feel filed toh the erg p p proposals shall be Commenitl Uwe. sdmhem, fell 1120 dO ry, mats wby positin,ofhe ex tin in ellret cases Commenlel Use (ski edentnww f) SISOley 1vahner the exhettre(dun! In fle terusand dllen I lmenamem totes shall be nerelkme bemeee de nemuk.Cc:odour. iodise Tovw.ret emahmgde aptmutt tu.vents. ln«l.f often thousand as presides under prenhm All tm.wnetee shall per a rebamtleble ckaekg7n,rYy&pas/ ma to de beguuetd Puethmmourmentgukknet Rid whit natal bldeupomdad older do soemame. hem F. cases bet alma In S blab Ane And RecterkeCeoter Akoled Ewes Lime flSb A raeueebetweenfenttel ubldolt.pe etnrydepprd gem ekanbg etposa the mewl eewtsl fees dhenln he Coy teens public rathasing gaidee led In g Refundable Cerenbg'Owmg*Tkro,A IsMog ewe.lwad !es.). churl 11:mme monument the Qry MwSmatdlL.hui to Agent. the uelad bid 1 Damer&emirs may to teemed faugllipa+ wee el to thumbs, of do RemretwCee,dwna mouse pro maybe tuning fr omdmp least the bidden. ea Alien! pertlie Inthleklnwn All from atexcepti n,t biuJnAu This rooted. dull ea\. Me.ka.edutdy qo pater 'pert s dlf ,styotion All ahnet otalwu lb purchasing Proud end ay.Tld by main. side Gbnrbky Bedy efMeab Cky be opa...ds B Es,en�I Pfubblu uo uPCmj�eta shall Imiude projects totaled to El'hy of fAmory 1999 the malntemme and operation of the Inky and fewer totem.0,e wastewater treatment plu, eets end ndewmlls, norm drainage anogstrcontrol systems C Where thin n only one rroddes or goad. or Nukes to be p.m.]b, the on de putehving agent may smite the telnuemem dal cemreuute prtyceuk embmranv the requistteml rmaided the department had shall ha,e made eruolable Wrote to idenuft a obtain an altemrone ponder or bidder rat the goods or steno. A D Nomthsuldeng the requirements of this chaplet e.hete then / ///� �/t ���I%///�/a eettf Mir s[rpnitr prllMing agent ad.Nlo to lic men moos ( 1, Vt�[ IY h. wtl<Ic aufen the punhlcompl In ors athe he me fitsxreMmted. the rA fire to event o red theh emm or bid pmmm�s eflhle chapel In ek <•em of ant such rmergrnet Rubel Elbrus Cam Rermdn CITY Or aIOAB Brs zef,reeIlnoeas-4 Kris R. Hawaii Meyer EXECUTIVE SESSION CI OSED The Executive Session was closed at 11:00 p.m Mayor I lancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 11 00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT rcries(PEERNED: Radial E1vaQ+ City Fezardir MOAD CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING February 25,1999 he Munb City Council held a special nnccling on the above in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 4:07 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers Joseph Lckarczyk, Kyle Bailey, and David Sakrison Also present were City Manager Donna J. Metzler, City Recorder Rachel E. Ellison, Deputy Recorder 1 Danielle C. Shuniway, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen, Planning Aide Debra Gilgcr, and Public Works Director Brent Williams. Also in attendance were Planning Commission Members Sant Taylor, Dorothy Markle, Dave Woods, and Stanley Noorlandcr. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold a Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting. 1'icscnlalions weic made regarding General flan Revisions, Mother -In - Law Struclutes, Annexation Strategics, and Other Planning Issues Discussions followed Mayor I lancock adjourned the Special Meeting at 5:20 p in. ATTBSTC'.�� ���lJ�vv� Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 9, 1999 443 SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING PRESENTATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS ADJOURNMENT APPROVED: tG�C�la-Hancock " Mayor I he Moab City Council held their icgular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambeis of Moab Cily Offices, located al 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla It. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Ilatrcock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7.00 p.m. Councilmembcr Joseph Lckarczyk led in the fledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Couiwilmembcrs Kyle Bailey, David Sakrison, Richard Cooke and William McDougall, City Malinger Donna Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Treasurer Lawic Itanrstetter, City Attonicy Chris McAnany, l'ublic Works Director Brent Williams and Planning Aidc Debra Gilgcr; four (4) members of the audience were present. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the Special Council Mating Minutes of Fcbruaiy 4, February 16, and February 25, 1999; and the Regular Council Mating Minutes of February 9, and February 23, 1999. Cown:ilnncmber McDougall seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. 'there were nu Citizens to be !laird. No Planning Update was given. Councilmember Sakrison moved to amend the consent agenda as follows: 1) Request for Approval of a Temporary Class III Deer License for Carrie Lyn Wells, d.b.a. Noillrsidc Texaco Food Mart Located al 220 N. Main SI.; 2) Award of the 1999 Chip Seal Project; 3) Approval of 1999 Chip Seal Contract, 4) Award of the Neptune ARM Meters Did; 5) Award of Water Pump Bid. Councilmember McDougall seconded the notion. 1 he motion carried 5-0 aye ItEGULAR MEETING AND A'ITENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS TO BE I IEARD PLANNING UPDATE CONSENT AGENDA AMENDED 444 CONSENT AGENDA. ) Reg rOR APPROVAL Or A TEMP. CLASS III DEER LICENSE rOR CARRIE LYN WELLS, D.B.A NORTIISIDE TEXACO rooD MART.; 2) AWARD OF THE 1999 CI IIP SEAL PROJECT; 3) APPROVAL OF 1999 CIIIP SEAL CONT RACT; 4) AWARD OF THE NEPTUNE ARB METERS BID, 5) AWARD OF WATER PUMP FOIL WELL in; APPROVED MAYORAL APPOINTMENT TO 'I I IE M.A.R C. BOARD, APPROVED REQUEST I.OIt AN AMPLIFIED MUSIC EVENT IN OLD CITY PARK TO BE I IELD ON MARCI I 19, 1999, APPROVED REQUEST BY WILLIAM RANDALL FOR ABATEMENT OF A CITY WATER BILL FOR 220 STEWART LN. IN TIIE AMN'r. OF $299.36, APPROVED PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION PUBLIC IIEARING OPENED PUBLIC IIEARING CLOSED AGENDA ITEM MOVED TO AFT ER EXECUTIVE SESSION READING Or CORRESPONDENCE For the 1999 Clip Sealant l'roject, bids were received as follows. LcGrand Johnson $53,200.00 Intermountain Slurry Seal $66,666.00 For the Neptune ARB Meters, bids were received as follows. Grand Junction Pipe $17,522 00 Wit While $18,558.00 Plumber's Supply $26,800.00 Waterworks Sales $16,550 00 Mountainland Supply $17,400 00 For the Water Pump for Well 117, bids were received as follows Balsley Well Service $8,550 00 Councilmember Bailey moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: 1) Request for Approval of a Temporary Class III Beer License for Carrie Lyn Wells, d.b a Northside Texaco Food tvtarr Located at 220 N. Main St.; 2) Award of the 1999 Chip Seal Project to LeGrand Johnson in the amount of $53,200 00, 3) Approval of 1999 Chip Seal Contract; 4) Award of the Neptune ARB Meters Bid to Water Works Sales in the amount of $16,550 00, 5) Award of Water Pump for Well ill to Balsley Well Service in the amount of $8,550 00 Councihnember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 ayc by a roll -call - vole. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the Mayoral Appointment of Joanne Savoie and Robyn Johnson to the Ivtoab Arts and Recreation Center Board for a two-year term each Councilmember Sakrson seconded the motion. 7 he motion carved 5-0 aye Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a request for an amplified music event in Old City Park to be held on March 19, 1999 Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion earned 5-0 aye. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve a request by William Randall for abatement of a City water bill for 220 Stewart Lane in the amount of $299.36. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. '1 he Motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Janet Lowe made a presentation regarding Grand County Library's request to prioritize the Library Expansion Project. Discussion Ibllowed. Mayor Hancock opened a Public liming on a proposed zone ehnnee located at 294 So Kane Creek Boulevard from ItA-1 to It-3 . ' ,:34 p in. City Malinger Metzler ptesenled a zoning map outlining the proposed zone change. Mayor I lancock closed the Public [tearing at 7:35 p.m. Councilmember Sakrison moved to move the agenda item Approval of Proposed Resolution H08-99 — A Resolution Approving the Employment Agreement between the City of Moab and City Manager Donna Metzler to alter the Executive Session. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Under Correspondence to be Read, Mayor Hancock read a letter from Governor Leavitt's office regarding a video conference on literacy on March 20"' at 11:00 a.m. 445 Under Administrative Reports, City Malinger Metzler staled that an extension had been issued for the Solid Waste Collection Bid deadline. City Malinger Metzler has begun looking into some Animal Control Issues as well as working with a concerned citizens group. City Manage' Metzler staled that she is still working on a drall Spanish Valley Water Agreement Councihnembe! Snkrisom inquired about a previous financial commitment to Spanish Valley Water and Sewer regarding taxing City tcsidents. City Manager Metzlei staled that it she would look into when that would be satisfied. City Manager Metzler staled that she hopes to have the Drug and Alcohol Policy finished and presented to the Council by April City Manager Metzler also staled that she was looking into the increase in cable rates fur the cable franchise. I he request deadline for conluonity funding has been [Rivet Used; the first budget meeting will be on Minch 23id. City Manages Mettler stated that the City had a meeting with the Utah Depailment of fransporlalion regarding a study of options foi truck baffle on the highway I he Capital Improvements Committee has been meeting iegi tirly and will be making a presentation to the Council. 'I he City's Spring Cleanup will be held on April 16th and 17ii'. '1 he City will pay the tipping fees of $6 per cubic yard. Councilmembcr Bailey staled that the Itulary Club had challenged odic! organizations and businesses to help pay tippage for miscellaneous items that won't be aLccpted by the landfill Dude' Mayon and Council repoils, Councilmembcr Salerno]) slated that the Permanent Community Impact Board had deferred the landfill's loan payments f'oi two yens Couneilmcnrbei Cooke inquired as to the status of a zoning infraction on Main Street. City Moine), McAnany slated that Planning Aide Gilgcr bad provided documentation of the ongoing violation. City Attorney McAnany will pleva'c a notice of business license 'evocation Cuuncilmcnibei Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City m the amount of $109,499,36; Councihuember Cooke seconded the motion l he motion carried 5.0 aye by a loll -cull -vole. Councihnember Sakrisun moved to cuter an Executive Session for the purposes of. to discuss the character, ptofesswnal competence or physical or mental health of an individual; a strategy session to discuss pending o' Icasonably imminent litigation and a strategy session to discuss the purchase, exchange or lease of real property. Cuuncilmcnibei McDougall seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. An Executive Session was opened ul 8:00 p.m. Councilmembcr Lckatczyk moved to close the Executive Session. Cuuucilmember Cooke seconded the motion. Tie motion carried 5-0 aye. he Executive Session was closed at 9:35 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPOR1s APPROVAL OF BILLS MOTION TO EN MR EXECU1lVE SLSSION, APPROVED MO1 ION TO CLOSE EXECU FIVE SESSION, APPROVED EXECU fIVE SESSION CLOSED PiitopRsEDREs 1/08-99—A RtSt 'PROVING TIIE EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN 111E CITY Or MOAB AND CITY MANAGER DONNA MEIZLER, APPROVED WI I II CONDITIONS MO ION '10 ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT REGULAR MEET ING AND ATI ENDANCE CITIZENS TO DE IIEARD PLANNING UPDA1 E Cmmcilmember McDougald moved to approve I'toposed Resolution 1108-99 — A Resolution Approving the Employment Agreement between lite City of Moab and City Manager Donna Metzler, with the condition that all department head evaluations be completed within 30 days Commilmember Saks isms seconded the motion. 1 he motion eat tied 5-0 by npoll-call-vote. IltmluliunPR 99 11 EC IIY OFIJNAB AND CIIII MANAGER 0011`1A MEI/LERI BY ATMBE1N FEN N heDsl, the wooing hat, of the Cue of Iloab Is &moot to cn's'e the tank° of IAuvts Mulct to one the Coy of ALIA to do the Joeeeon of ibs'...nine tad) of the l nE Follow to Lich lede Annotated Sail., 10 1911, 9:3 9)6 ant 9.1 and Mach htmntpal code Saturn') 09 and %Mutest the EmFldount A,acount has been pnenuJ to that totem' of the Co) Counn1 NDIV 111EREFNPE N F 111E CAI' E R9INl) PNDI OF 111E l II Y D( MN IB IN, m ann AD0PI111E EMEI IIMINI AGREEMENT BI$11B91ANIIaLIY TIIE FORM I1 APPRDPRIAIE11 DIV1111ALS III BRI TE AND EEI PARS1 la MAEEASE II IE this awlmlon shsll laic stk. Itotoedeuch o(on {aunt 'stud and Moped b, aetken of Ae (mown, Bat( of Moab Cot us open testy, o tt 9e dap of hDach 19n (.IIY N/ Mn aO D( g?Zs4I R ZC2f 4 A ula Ilaneal Mat. Allen Rachel E111.1 City Rs•adcr Cauncilntembcl Cooke moved to adjourn the Itegulelr Counul Meeting. Connt.ilmember MLI)ougald seconded the motion I he 'whin coined 5-0 aye Mayo' I lancock adjoutncd Ilse Regular Counul Mcctmg at 9 42 p m ANPPEST� PROPOSED ZONE CI IANGE LOCATED AT294 SOU fl I KANE CREEK BOULEVARD FROM RA - I TO R-3, APPROVED PROPOSED ZONE CI IANGE LOCA1 ED AT 250 SOUTI I KANE CREEK BOULEVARD PROM RA- 1 10 R-3, APPROVED Roche Ellison City Recorder APPROVED: �ea R. Han o� teitari� ar ck Mayor AK>AII CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING M' ch 23, 1999 'I he Moab City Council held their tcgular meeting on the above date in Ilse Council Chambers of Moab City OlTices, located nt 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla It. Hancock called the Pre -Council Wot kshop to order M 5.05 p.nt. Mayor 1 Inncock called Ilse Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7.00 p ion Councihnember William McDonald led in the fledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance wrn Councilnnembers Kyle Bailey, David Saktison, Richard Cooke atl., Joseph Lekarezyk, City Manger Donna Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Attorney Chris McAnany, Public Works Director Brent Williams and Planning Aide Debra Gager; thirteen (13) members of the audience Were pnesent. '1 Inc'e were no Citizens to be I leant. No Planning Update was given Couneilmcmber Sakiismr moved to approve a proposed zone change located al 294 South Kane Cie& Boulevard from RA -I to It-3. Council'ember Bailey seconded the motion. '1 he motion carried 5-0 aye Couneilmember Sakrison moved to approve a proposed zone change located at 250 South Kane Creek Boulevard from 1tA-I to It-3. Conucilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. 447 Cuuncilmember Cooke moved to approve proposed Resolution U09-99 — appruving the wader rights purchase and sule agreement by and between the City of Moab and De!belt O. Oliver and Glenna D. Oliver with the condition (hat all documents be amended to include a change in title of grantors to Portal R.V. and fishery Incorporated, Cuuncihnember McDougald seconded the motion, The motion carried 5.0 by a roll -call - vote. Resolution 09.99 RE5OLPIDIN ArrRlt'INO IIIE tt•t011 RDi11It M!P.CIIASE AID SALE MOM MC 0 OV AND M TN EC N IIIECII1 Or MOMI ANo DELOCRI ° OLIVER ANIIOEENNA O outtR. R herrat. the E'hI el tlnahronrmlyeuntanenrtV :...halfintent in the Slatd 4,41. mfthtl mitt Iklkn U anJ lilrnna U, Olita Y tM Vlnrn'l. aM %hoses., the Eesemior toN ettht t in of Moor 0rm10000ot to roshne the tooNsif hasten mood to nit lnisrn. in out" to wont uner ionise osooit to hone moth sod drtOporto within Or} limits, aM of mills abattoir otter tot nt, aM Ottoman Olitoolos nilliny to do City of Moab Oldie. loll !noon in Skatel SrMrt: and U1,trsat. the tt31tt MOB ronMtt aM Salt AVtemrm ryttennl In axle mrttint of the City Co., it rya $J, fm 1,1,4 Chs of hloa to robot till one half !moot torn the Olitso NOW 111ERF MEE, U r IIIE V N ERNINO 000V Of IIIE CII Y Of N10,01 00 IIEPf DV ArrR?4£ IIIE AfORE51ENIMIED MiRCENIE:41 tit SUDSTAIIIlAtEY IIIE r0101rPfSfNIEO TO 1105 NIEEI040 Or TOE. C11V COUNCIL ANO MOSNOOZE I IIR ArrROPRIAIF PAR' IES 10 ENECUI E AIM DEUVER 111E AUREEMEIII AND RCQUIMIE WARRANTY DEED. Area RESOLUTION 1109.99— APPROVING TI I WA'I'Elt RIGI ITS PURCI IASE AND SALE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE crn, OF MOATS AND DELBERT O. OLIVER AND GLENNA D.OLIVBR, APPROVED WI all CONDIT IONS I hit 'solution shall tale tntrtfmmedmdy uron rottre. ratted and aloord by *Oen etmr 4otetnint Body et Moab City !moron stilton this 214 Jay of Sloth, 1999 t En,..., Under Correspondence to be Read, Mayor I lnncuck read a letter from 'Davis Williams, thanking the City of Moab and their staff for help on his Cagle Seoul Project. Mayor I Iroreuck mentioned a letter front the Utah League of Cities and Towns tegarding Quality Growth Commission Appointments. Mayor I laucock then read a letter flow the Utah Business License Association staling that Planning Aide Gilger is now a cc' tilled Business Licensing Official. Under Administlalive Repmis, City Manager Metzler staled that she had contacted Ken Devure regarding solar power backups for City I lall. Mr Devure staled that his assessment was that a solar system for backup power would be fur more expensive than a generator. Using solar for wain power would also be more expensive at this time than electricity. Under Mayor and Council Repot is, Councilmcmbcr Cooke recognized Judy Powers regarding animal control issues. Ms. Towels staled that she would like to see Bea ways (u find spaying and nculcring of pets without an additional cost to the City. Ms. Powers presented an article liom Pagosa Springs Colorado regarding an animal shelter. tvls. Powers' goal is to have less animals killed, and the best way to du that is to have low cost spaying and neutering which should be City and County sponsored. his. Powers would like to see that issue addressed in the City's contract with Dr. Surensen. Ms. Pywcrs would like to scc more incentives for citizens to license their pets, and more education for pet owners. Councilmcmbcr Saki ison slated that there is a need for a short-term kennel in town. C\Is. Powers staled that her long-term goal is to have n I luman Society in Moab. Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmcmbcr McDougald staled that a new zone had been designated in the County for golf course properly that will protect residential development within the 346 acres forever. Mayor I laucock opened a Public I Tearing on the following: Proposed Ordinance 1199-04 — an Ordinance Amending Section 17.45.030 and 17.45.040 of Chapter 17.45, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Atm and Width Requirements; 2) I'ruposed Ordinance N99-05 — nn Ordinance Amending Section 17.54.040 of Chapter 17.54, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Width Requirements; 3) Proposed Ordimutee 1199-06 — an CI I!' Or MOAR Moor READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS PUBLIC I ILIARING OPENED 448 Ordinance Amending Section 17.66 ofTitle 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Planned Unit Developments; 4) Proposed Oidinanee 1199-07 —tut Otdinntice Amending Section 17.48.030 of Chapter 17.48, Tido 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Amendments to the Area Requirements of the It-3 Residential 'Lone; 5) Ihoposcd Ordinance 1f99-08 — an Ordinance Amending Section 17.51.010, 17.51.030, 17.51.0,10 and 17.51.060 (C) of Chapter 17.51, 'title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Amendments to the It-4 Residential Zone nt 7:30 put. Planning Commission Member Sarni aylor made a presentation regarding the proposed Ordinances. Planning Aide Gilgcr slated that the Proposed Oidivanccs WM the beginning of the cflort to implement the Affordable I lousing flan Councilmember iticDougald implied how the minimum frontage had changed. Planning Aidc Gilgcr staled that it had not been changed Councilmember Bailey inquucd tf the permitted uses "including schools", would include private and public schools Planning Aide Gilgcr staled that it would be either public or private but would be conditional. Councilmember Bailey inquired about modular homes being listed in pet milted uses. Planning Aide Gilgcr staled Mat it was specific so that it would state ground level instead of apartments or condominiums Councihnen►ber Sakt ison inquired about mobile Ironic packs/subdivisions being deleted Flom Ordinance 99-08 in an R-4 zone. Planning Aide (Alger staled that mobile home parks would not be allowed in an It-4 nine because (bete is a specific zone for mobile home packs, the MI IItV-1 zone. A mobile home subdrvisiou world be allowed iu au It-4 Lone but not a mobile home pack Councilmember Sakrison requested of Planning Aide Gilgcr, clarification on the intent on Ordinance 099.08 before it was enacted. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED Mnyor l humid( closed the Public I (eating nt 7A5 p.m. APPROVAL or HILLS Cotmcilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills in the amount of $104,168.16. Couneihnember McDougald seconded the motion. 'the motion earl ied 5.0 lye by a roll -call -vote. N10110N 10 ADJOURN Councilnrciubcr Lekatczyk moved to adjourn. Councilmember Cooke seconded the notion. l he motion carried 5-0 nye. ADJOURNh1EN r Mayor I lancock adjout the Regular Council Meeting at 7:49 p.m. APeROVED: aria R. aggr /(Carla R. Hancx ATTEST: 904, Mayor Rachel Ellison City Recorder 1.11OAli CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL NIEETING March 30, 1999 'I he Nloab City Council held a special meeting on the above in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located al 115 West, 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Ilancuck called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 4:20 p.m. In attendance were Cuuncilmcmbers Joseph Lekarczyk, Richard Cooke, Kyle Bailey and Dave &liaison. Also present were City Manager Donna J. Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, City 'Treasurer Laurie Rantstetter, Public Wurks Director Brent Williams and Planning Aide Debra Gilgcr. 'fhe purpose of the Special Mccling was: I) An Administrative Ileaf ing— Business License Revocation 2) Budget Workshop between the Governing Rudy and City Dcpattmcnl I leads for I'Y 1999-2000 for all funds. Mayor 1!uncork opened an Administrative Heating for a Business License Itevuealiun at 4:20 pan, Mr. J.J. Wang made a plesenlldiun regarding the Business License Revocation, Discussion followed. Mayor I lancuek closed the Administrative !tearing at 5:00 p.m. City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding the budget for fiscal year 1999.2000. Discussion followed between Councilmembcrs and Ikon Intent I leads. Mayor I lancock adjourned the Special Meeting at 6:36 pan. ATTEST: Q-00A--a L-90A);',5 Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 13,1999 APPROVAL: 449 SPECIAL MEEI ING k ATI ENDANCE PURPOSE; OF SPECIAL MEETING ADMINIS1 RATIVE HEARING OPENED PRESEN I A I ION ADMINIS I RA I I V E I ILAIIING CLOSED nUDGL ' PRESENrA I ION & DISCUSSION ADJOURNMENT a Mayor The Moab City Council held their tcgular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located al 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. I Wilcock called the Pre-Couneil Workshop to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor I lancock called the Redevelopment Agency Meeting to order at 6:55 p.m. 'there were no business items. Mayor l lancock culled the Regular City Council Meeting to older at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Kyle Bailey Icd in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembcrs David Sakrison, Richaid Cooke and Joseph Lekarczyk, City Manager Donna Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Treasurer Laurie Ramsletter, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen, City Attorney Chris McAnany, Public \Yolks Director Brent Williams and Planning Aide Debra Gilgcr; eight (8) members of the audience and media wcrc 'UMW. Couneilntember Cooke moved to approve the Regular Council Meeting Minutes of Match 9, 1999 and Mareh 23, 1999. Cuuncilmembcr Sakrison seconded the notion. The notion carded 4-0. Thcrc Were no C111ZCl1s to be I (card. Under Planning Update Community Development Coordinator Olsen presented a memo legalding the proposed skatepark and would like to receive comments back from the Council nl the next meeting. Community Development Coordinator Olsen also staled that the Bullick Family Would like to donate another patecl of land to the City. ancoc REGULAR MEET ING AND A'I'I r'NDANCE APPROVAL Oil kilNiti Es CITIZENS TO UC HEARD PLANNING UPDATE Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that the trail on Me 300 Smith Bridge would remain a dirt trail. Community Development Curndinator Olsen ;also states( that a steam alteration pcmtit was being submitted. 450 LONSI.N r ACILNDA REQUEST I Olt A 110ME OCCUP LICENSE 1 olt LYNN SI IArER, D U.A LSCO; ROVES ES r I Olt A I IOME OCCUP. LICENSE I OK 1 KAVIS GARCIA, I) ILA. MOAB 1 AXI SERVICE, KLQUEs ro0 A 110MCOCCUP LICENSE FOR STACY WIMMER, I) It A STACY WIMMER c ON I RACI INC, REQUES I' 1 Olt A I IOW UCCUP LICENSE FOR CAItY KNI0111, D It A MOAB 1 I1R1' AND 1 RLE SPRAYING COMPANY: REQUESI I'OR A 110MI. OCCUP. LICLNSC FOR SI IIILEY KNIUII I, I) II A. OEr NAILED: RL•QUI:SI POR A PERMANENT CI.ASS II BEER LICENSE rolt KELLY WILER, I)ILA 1'ASIAJAY'S;RI:QUI:SI 1 Olt APPROVAL OE AN AMPL1111.1) MUSIC EVENT 1 o BE I IUD A7 01.1) CI I Y PARK ON JUNE 23, 19991 ROM 7 00 10 9 00 I' M., APPROVED III.VUI.S I l all A WAIVER of RI.SERVA 1 ION I LES 1)Y Ul All UNIVERS11 Y I OR A l IRAI )UA 1 ION CEREMONY 10 111: I II.I.0 A I OLD CI I Y PARK, I AILED SPECIAL EVEN I' LICENSE I oR SI EPI IEN KE I CI II:It. U B A I OUGI IMAN CON I I.S I roR AN EVEN! 1111.1) ON MARC1I 24, 1999, APPROVED WI I II CONDI I IONS SIA1ENUN•MOIORILLD IRAIL I'Ito11 CI AND SI Al E IUVERWAY 1.N1 IANCE MLN I I'ItOlLC I , APPROVED MAYORAL APPoiN I MEN r OP BE I SY I IENDERSON 101 I Ir: MOAB Alt IS AND RI.CRCA I ION (EMIR BOARD PROPOSED KESOLU I ION N 10.99 - A RESOLU I ION ES I ABLISI IINO A I LE SI RUCI URE 1 OR 711E MOAB SWIM CEN I ER, APPROVED WI I I I CI IANUIS Councilmcmbcr Saki ison moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: 1) Apptoval of a Request for a I lame Occupation License for Lynn Shafer, d.b.a LSCO located al 72 E. 200 No to conduct a Computer Supply and Repair Service; 2) Approval of a Request for a !Ionic Occupation License for'I'ravis Gaicia, d.b.a. Moab Taxi Service located at 369 E 100 So. 115, to conduct a Taxi Service Business, 3) Approval of a Request for a I lone Occupation License for Stacy Wiim»er, d b.a Stacy Whim= Contracting located at 399 Park Road to conduct a General Contracting Business, 4) Approval of a Request for a I Ionic Occupation License for Cary Knight, d b a Moab 'turf and I ree Spraying Company located at 214 Tusher, to conduct a Portable Commercial Pesticide Application Business, 5) Approval of a Request for a I folic Occupation (Acme for Shelley Knight, d b a Gel Nailed located at 224 So 300 E , to conduct a Nail Care Business, 6) Approval of a Permanent Class II Beer License for Kelly Mier, d b a Pasta Jay's, located at 4 South Main St 7) Request for Approval of an Amplified Music Event to be held at Old City Palk on June 23, 1999 float 7 00 to 9 00 p m Councilmcmbcr Lckarczyk seconded the motion I he motion carried 4-0 aye Councilmembei Cooke moved to approve a request for a Warvcr of rose'valion fees by Utah State University for a graduation ceremony to be held at Old City l'ark un May 4, 1999 from 6 30 to 8 30 p in Councilmcmbcr Bailey seconded the motion '1 he motion failed 1-3 nay With Councilmcmber Bailey voting aye Cuuncilincinbcr Bailey moved to appiovc a request for a Special Event License for Stephen Keleher, d b a l oughinan Contest for an event to be held on March 26, 1999 at the Gr.tnd County Nigh School with the stipulation that a total of $320.00 be charged for the licensing fce Councilmcmbcr Lckarczyk seconded the motion the motion carried 3- 1 aye by a roll -call -vole with Counulinembcr Cooke voting nay Councilmcmbcr Cooke moved to approve the following 1) Stale Nun-MoloNicd flail Project to attach cantilever bridges to the 400 East/Mill Cmck Bridge and the 400 Easl/Pack Crcck Bridge and to install connecting paths to the bridges; 2) Slate Itivcrway Enhancement Project to attach cantilever bridges to both sides of the 500 Wcst/Mill Crcck Bridge and to install connecting paths to the bridge. Councilmembei Saki ison sewndcd the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -volt. Councilmcmbcr Saluison moved to approve the Mayoral appointment of Betsy 1lcndeison to the Moab Arts and Recreation Center Board. Councilmembei Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councihnenther Lckarczyk moved to approve Proposed Resolution 1110- 99 — A Resolution Establishing a Fee Structure for the Moab Swint Center with the following change: Ih ivate Group Rentals 1-40 people $40 per hour 41-80 persons $50 per hour 81-120 persons $60 per hour 121-160 persons $70 per hour Councilmcmbcr Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 4- 0 ayc by a roll -call -vole. r:_ E 451 " ove.daiers•A• r Councilmembcr Sakrison moved to approve Proposed Ordinance 1199- 04 — an Ordinance Amending Section 17.45.030 and 17.45.040 of Chapter 17.45, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Area and Width Requirements. Councilmembcr Bailey seconded the notion. The motion carricd 4-0 aye. Councilmembcr Bailey moved to approve Proposed Ordinance 1199-05 — an Ordinance Amending Section 17.54.040 of Chapter 17.54, 'Dille 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Width Requirements. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 ayc by atoll -call -vote. ORDINANCE 99.04 AN OMINANC'f ATIENDINt: SECTION MO 010 AND 17.15 nla, OF CII ttttt 17.1E.11ILL 17.Of 111E AIf/AR MIeNICIPAL ORDINANCE REGARDING AREA AND N IDtll RLQUIREMENIS. WHEREAS. die Cky Council, en de ed.ke of the Mob Cry Henning Ceeem,tlrm detmt elan k b Newer) ,P Pond tut Mob Munkipd Cedt •hh IOprt to Mtl Hd M'Ndt Requitement, In the R.1 Zane NOW DURUM. IS IS HEREBY ORDAINED AS FOLLOWS I,DX_ A_jle ag bem_etu An Nees of In leo don eWd•+W tertian/ ma lmitrd some fuel sled 1N pinked end mtlNtined Het esthete freely d•elling and awe Antmo fw I•o.hmil. do tinny. eMk d•, rut .ot 1 and fu.r. hall, rite Meryl. Pe Pending the Ask tome.. m keel on Amon!lIVO feet An Nee mere km don Me doe TOR he resided in/ nubedned fw ekh Nhnned unk derekrmeni. tettp that Poe toll he no Nes IegviNmtene /w sedition to an opened ylmemd onh de,ehYmem AR sh.th hRdin,l Mel Ore a hiking lke so. In •Akh tO sits el tut Wilding It tote to et leo don NS pineill of de tN.Nmttl Oft Mb the Nee eeejubed to pot min\.um ell• shed pectin, Neukemeru toll not le Mauled In TIN eekehdoe of the total Noel tilt. )1 t) ODD MAR epulm The minimum • Mt el eny NAPA, 1dt R. e MaIBy ones mt, Annus or Met totliegl doll le eWg lnrmyyl.r IMe1f feet rims ,to e!Adewl linrwfimfor rod PON WA mru.,rd er d e5nanrr r enyyfiefrn NM tow ,At pert. to Ant. PASSED. ADOPTED AND AEFRO\'ED Per dN City Council of Pe City el Moab In open mange this At dot el Aea11. 1999. this Wineme shad lake Well kinedliwy epee Faun• WNE PI OVEN COUNCILOR, Olds, of ram. A. 0..1M. —16241<LI:a.eR. e iw .liilIleelH� tott hla,al h1e•b16 CM, RNA. ER .Re RNA.Rw wCRT a,Jw PROP ORD. t199.04 -AN ORD. AMEND. SEC. 17 45.030 AND 17 45.040 OF CI I. 17 45, TITLE 17, OF 111E MOM; MUNICIPAL ORD. RE. AREA AND WID111 REQ., APPROVED PROP ORD U99.05 - AN ORD. AMEND. SEC. 17.54.010 OF Cll. 17.54.'111 LE 17, 01'1111i MOAn MUNICIPAL ORD. RE. WID111 REQ., APPROVED ORDINANCE 99-05 An ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 17 Se 615, Of CII%MR 11.5,, TITLE it Of IIIE AIDAS MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE RP:ARDM S11D111 RICA IRESILNIS. 0.'IIEP FAS. Pe Cy Cn,TP. on Ct ,!• to or M midi Cy Nay ine &me eht h b nnnury •• anrrd AT CA, •.\ rtGro Requvrmtnu PUN PAT Zt+o NOW TIIEAE oiE le IS FOP Eke ORDAM1 ED AS rOLLOeS 11 S. 0.0 wrIl i-nt-r, TOr r rb.r, on, rrl:er—•. E. ,xt evJery . .1... ov hvnf•rd t•rrt1.P E.,Pen .vvrdmt lrvvtt{nrr p,tJn Nal Ae" At /.nr A. A•t. et<rq •b• • br.Ln, w• b teu-of ..• •I,rc.rd L.g, Nrk dotkurn. PASSED AUDITED AND REPROVED Ty Au Cy CA-.l,l de Cy of l•I.vb St ry.a mttkn db jL.\ ter, of iol [Pal Tie enxd.mty qcn prat, DONE D/ Orut COUNCIL 1Ab jpnk ter, M AnO. A. D. tPM. Reek R. IIawN\ Mow of Mesh Cky f_.1 r RwAel Effl. Mob CUT RwordN Councihmcmbcr Sakrison moved to table Proposed Ordinance 199-07 — an Ordinance Amending Section 1 e7.48.030 of Chapter 17.48, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Amendments to the Area Requirements of the R-3 Residential Zonc. Councilmembcr Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 ayc. Councilmembcr Sakrison moved to table Proposed Ordinance 1199-08 —an Ordinance Amending•Seetion 17.51.010, 17.51.030, 17.51.040 and 17.51.060 (C) of Chapter 17.51, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Amendments to the R-4 Residential Zone. PROP. ORD. 099.07 - AN OItD. AMEND. SEC. 17.48.030 OF Cll. 17.48, TITLE 17, OF 1'I IE MOM) MUNICIPAL ORD. RE: AMENDMENTS TO TI M AREA REQ. OF TI IE R-3 ZONE, TABLED PROP. ORD.1199.08 - AN ORD. AMEND. SEC. 17.51.010, 17.51.030, 17.31.040 AND 17.51.060 (C) OP CIIAPI'ER 17.51.TI1I.E 17.OFTIIE MOAB MUNICIPAL ORD. RE: AMEND. TO TIIE R-4 RESIDENTIAL ZONE, TABLED 452 PROP ORD 11994 t, NO AC110N 1AKLN MOTION 10 MOVE AGENDA, APPROVED RLQUI,s1 roil A MOVED -ON S I RUC I URE FERMI r ron KAREN nUCI IANAN, I) n A. DERN GOODL• SNACK AND PRODUCE, APPROVED Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. No action was taken on Proposed Ordinance 1l99-1 I — an Ordinance Amending Section 5.64.020 of Chapter 5.64, Title 5 of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Moved -on Structures. Councilmember Lcknrczyk moved to move the agenda to a request for approval of a moved -on structure permit for Karen Buchanan, d b a Dern Goode Snack and Produce located at 356 S Main Couneihnember Cooke seconded the motion I he 111011011 carried 3-1 nye with Councilmember Sakrison voting nay Councilmember Lekarcryk moved to approve a request for a moved - on structure permit for Karen Buchanan, d b a Dern Goode Snack and Produce located at 356 S Mani Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 3-1 aye with Councilmember Sakrison voting nay PRESENTATION REGARDINO City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding the sold waste SOLm1VASIEDID collection bid Discussion followed READING Or CORRESPONDENCE ADMINIS1 RATIVE REPOIl1 S MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPOR IS APPROVAL or BILLS MOI ION TO ADJOURN AD1oURNAICNT Under Rending of Correspondence, City Manager Metzler mentioned a teller front the Moab Lodging Association regarding the City sponsoring a concert series in Swaney City Park and requesting a City response. Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Mailer staled that there would be a budget workshop on Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 6 00 p m City Manager Metzler slated that she had met the conditions of her contract approval. Under Mayor and Council Reports, Mayor 1 lancocl, stated that she had attended the raid -year Utah League of Cities and Towns convention, which covered zoning and the usefulness of the Legislative Policy Committee Mayor I lancock slated that the conference was very helpful Councilmember Bailey staled that Ire had met with Stale Representative Keele Johnson in Blanding, and that the Grand County High School Girls' Softball Team beat the Blanding High School Girls' Softball Team. Councilmember Cooke inquired when grass would be planted in Rotary Park. Councilmember Bailey staled that there may not be grass planted on the upper pollion, but rather natural landscaping. Councihncmber Cooke slated that he felt it was appropriate for the Rotary Club to set direction for the park, however Councilmember Cooke feels that the City should be responsible for operations. City Manager Metzler stated that she would look into the grass issue. Councilmember Sakrison moved to pay the bills against the City of Moab in Iho amount of S 172,726.03. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4.0 aye by a roll -call -vole. Councilmember Bailey moved to adjourn Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 4.0 aye. Mayor I lancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 8:45 p n1. ATTEST: Rachel E1 son City Recorder do APPROVAL: /fJA li !r . �Wyrne& Mayor R He 453 MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING April 14, 1999 '1 he Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above in the Council Chambets of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utnh. Mayor Ka& It. I lancock called the Special City Council Meeting to older at 6:05 p.m. In attendance were Councilntembers Joseph Lekniczyk, Itichard Cooke, and Dave Sakrison Also piescnl weir City Manager Donna J. Mettler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, Itcucalion Cow dinator Marcy Clokcy-fill, Moab Arts and Recitation Centel Malinger Eve Passcllincr and Gland County Building Inspector Jeff Whitney. 'I lie putpusc of the Special Meeting was- 1 ) Budget Workshop between the Governing Body and City Department 'leads for FY 1999-2000 for all funds City Manager Metzlet made a picscntahon iegardmg the budget for fiscal yctu 1999-2000 Discussion followed between Cuunulinembcrs and Dcpatlmcnl Beads Mayor I lancock adjoin tied the Spcual Meeting at 7.25 p in ATTEST: c(-(, `-'20A-):-0-Thr• Rachel Ellison Clty Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING April20, 1999 APPROVED: I he Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Ulah. Mayor Kruk R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to otder at 7:05 p m. In attendance were Councilmcmbcrs Joseph Lekarczyk, Kyle Bailey, and Dave Sakrison. Also present wele City Manage' Donna J. Metzler, 'temporary Deputy Reeoldcr 11 Roberta Day, City '''ensurer Laurie Pantstcttcr, and Police Chief Alan West. I he put pose of the Special Meeting was: I) Budget Workshop between the Govctnliug Body and City Delia' uncut !leads fun I'Y 1999-2000 for all funds. City Manager Mettle' made a picscntation regarding the budget for fiscal year 1999-2000. Discussion followed between Councilmcmbcrs and Dcpan ment !leads. Mayor Hancock adjuutncd the Spalal Meeting at 8:45 p.m. City Recorder SPECIAL MEEI ING & A PI ENDANCL' I'Ultl'OSL 01 SI'LCIAL MI,LlING ISUD6I.1 1'RLSLN 1 A MON & DISCUSSION AD1OURNAILN I arla R. Hancock Mayor SPECIAL MLLI ING & ATl LNDANCE PURPOSE OI'SI'LCIts 17'NG BUDGET PRESENTAnoN & DISCUSSION ADJOURNMENT APPROVED: eddjayjP M47(42.L a R. Hancock C— Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April27, 1999 454 REGULAR MEETING AND ATTENDANCE CI rIZENS To BE BEARD PLANNING MUAI E ARBOR DAY PROCLAIMED LAW ENFORCEMENr WEEK PROCLAIMED LETTER CARRIER FOOD DRIVE DAY PROCLAIAIED CUNSI:NrnouNDA: REQ. BY ANGEL ROCK FELLOWSHIP FOR USE OF SWANNY CITY PARK FOR A FREE CONCERT TO 13E I IELU ON MAY 9, 1999; REQ. TO SEND PROP. OItD. e99- 12 - AN ORD. AMENDING SEC. 17.70.060-11 OF CI I. 17.70, 77TLE 17, OF TIIE MOAB MUNICIPAL ORD. RE. BED AND BREAKFAST REQ. TO PUBLIC IIEARING, APPROVED SPECIAL EVENT LICENSE FOIL 771E MOAB ARTS FESTIVAL, TO BE I IELU ON MAY 29111 AND MAY 30►11 1999, APPROVED TEMP. CLASS III BEER LIC. FOR CI IARLOTTG MARTINEZ, D.B.A. MAVERICK COUNTRY STORE 11337, APPROVED The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor 1 lancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember David Sakrison led in the fledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance wcrc Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, Richard Cooke and Joseph Lekarczyk, City Manager Donna Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, Deputy Recorder I Danielle Shmnway, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen, City Attorney Chris McAnany, Assistant Police Chief Michael Navarre and Planning Aide Debra Gilgcr, fifteen (15) members of the audience and media were present. Under Citizens to be I (card, Julie Mueller spoke regarding a banner across Main Street. Ms. Mueller slated that she felt there was strong citizen support for such a banner, and that the Utah Department of Transportation did not object to a banner. Ms. Mueller also stated that Utah Power and Light had agreed to pay for the poles to hang the banner on. Ms. Mucllcr requested that the City support the placement of a banner, and take responsibility for pulling the banner up and taking it down. Councilmember Cooke requested that the banner be added to the next agenda for discussion. No Planning Update given. Mayor I lancock proclaimed April 30, 1999 Arbor Day Mayor I lancock then read the proclamation. Mayor I lancock proclaimed May 9 to May 15, 1999 as taw Enforcement Week. Mayor I laueock then read the proclamation and presented it to Assistant Police Chief Navarre. Mayor I lancock proclaimed May 8, 1999 as Letter Carrier hood Drive Day. Mayor I lancock then read the proclamation. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: I ) Request by Angel Rock fellowship for use of Swanny City Park for it free concert to be held on May 9, 1999 2) Request to send Proposed Ordinance 1199-12 - An Ordinance • Amending Section 17.70.060-B of Chapter 17.70, Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances regarding Bed and Breakfast Requirements to Public !leafing 3) Request to send a petition for annexation by Patti Miller to Public 'tearing Councilmember Cooke seconded the notion. The motion c,. ,.cd ;-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a request for a Special Event License for the Moab Arts Festival, to be held on May 29'h and May 30"' 1999. Councilnnembcr Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a request for a Temporary Class III Beer License for Charlotte Martinez, d.b.a. Maverick Country Store 11337 located at 397 N. Main Street. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. 455 Councilmembcr Cooke moved to approve a request for a Temporary Class III Beer License for liana Dean, d.b.a. Maverick Country Store 11238, located at 435 North Main Street. Councihnember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmembcr Lekarczyk moved to approve a request for a Moved - on Structure for ICI'. Morgan, d.b.a. Uncle Bebop's, located at 425 South Main Sheet, to conduct a coffee business. Councihncnrbcr Cooke seconded the motion. The notion carried 3-1 aye with Councilmembcr Sakrison voting nay. Councilmcmbcr Cooke moved to move the agenda to a request by Sam Taylor to subdivide properly located at 276 West 200 South into four parcels. Comtcilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember Bailey moved to approve a request by Sam Taylor to subdivide properly located at 276 West 200 South into four parcels With the provision that an easement be given to the City for the finger shaped end of the properly and that there be a conveyance of sufficient road right-of-way to meet City road standards. Councilmcmbcr Cooke seconded the motion. The notion carried 4.0 ayc. CUnncilntembe• Sakrison moved to move the agenda to a request for a waiver of fccs of ten (10) Ten -Punch foul Passes and granting of authority for the fool Manager to distribute free passes to needy youth. Councilmembcr Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilntcntbcr Sakrison moved to approve a request for a waiver of fees of ten (10) Tao -Punch Pool \'asses and granting of authority for the fool Manager to distribute free passes to needy youth, with additional passes to be made available al the City Manager's discretion and approval. COMIcilntettber Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmcmbcr Bailey moved to move the agenda to a request for a Waiver of natal fees for Rotary Park for the Families, Agencies, Communities Together Summer Program, to be held on July 6, 1999 to July 29, 1999. Councilmcmbcr Lcltarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. No action was taken on a request for a waiver of rental fees for Rotary Park for the Families, Agencies, Communities Together Summer Program, to be held un July 6, 1999 to July 29, 1999. Councilmembcr Sakrison moved to approve a request for a waiver of one-half of the Family Pool Pass Pee of up to forty-five (45) for Families, Agencies, Communities Together Participants. Councilntcntbcr Cooke seconded the notion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote, Councilmcmbcr Lekarczyk moved to approve a request for a waiver of Ices of ten family pool passes for the Infant Through Youth Foundation Program Participants. Councilmcmbcr Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Under Reading of Correspondence, Councilaember Cooke staled that Ire had received a Final Technical Evaluation Report from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission regarding the Atlas Tailings Pile. The report didn't permit capping the pile, but evaluated different contaminant levels. TEMPORARY CLASS III BEER LICENSE FOR DANA DEAN, D.U.A. MAVERICK COUNTRY STORE 11238, APPROVED MOVED -ON STRUCTURE FOR ILE MORGAN, D.U.A. UNCLE BEBOI''S, APPROVED AGENDA MOVED REQUEST BY SAM TAYLOR TO SUBDIVIDE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 276 WEST 200 SOUTH, APPROVED AGENDA MOVED REQUEST FOR A WAIVER 01, FEES OF TEN (10) TEN-PUNCII POOL PASSES AND GRANTING OF AUTI IORITY FOR TI IE POOL MANAGER TO DISTRIBUTE FREE PASSES, APPROVED AGENDA MOVED NO ACTION TAKEN ON REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES I'OR ROTARY \'ARK WAIVER OF%OF TIIE FAMILY POOL PASS Futi I11' TO 45 PASSES FC'. ‘M'L1ES, AGENCIES, COMMUNITIES, APPROVED WAIVER OF FEES OF 10 FAMILY POOL PASSES FOR THE INFANT TI IROUGI I YOUTI I FOUNDATION, APPROVED READING OF CORRESPONDENCE 456 AUMINISTRATIVC REPORTS Councilmcmbcr Sakrison referred to a report from the Grand Comity Solid Waste District Manager expressing concerns on the Solid Waste Collection bids evaluations, and of fet'ing a draft franchise agreement. Undo' Adminislrnlive Reports, City Manager Metzler asked Administrative Secretary 11 Susan I l isch to make a presentation regarding her research on other communities' skate parks. Administrative Secretory II Ilusch distributed n memo outlining her findings and then summarized her research to the Council. City Manager Metzler slated that she and City Recorder Ellison wet'C III the process of analyzing the Solid Waste Collection bids and would complete the analysis soon. City Manager also staled that City Attorney McAnany was reviewing the Planned Unit Development Ordinance and would have a drall for leview soon. City Manager Metzler then slated that she and City Attorney McAnany were still working on the Spanish Valley Water Agreement and hoped to have a draft by next month. City Manager Metzler stated Thal she hoped to have a dra(1 of the ding and alcohol policy to Council by the next Council meeting as well as the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual City Manager Metzler stated that staff would continue winking on the new business license ordinance, and that she would be working on several classification reviews. City Manager Metzler inquired if the Council was interested in pursuing the donation of the Llullick property. Councilmcmbcr Sakrison responded yes. City Manager Metzler stated that thew would be a Budget Workshop on Tuesday, May 4, 1999 at 6;00 and that the Police DcpatIntent would be having an Open I louse on May 13, 1999 and invited the Council and tvlayur to attend. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS Under Mayor and Council Reports, Councilmcmbcr Cooke staled that the City needed to let Rick Fulton, know about the possible ftteworks display on New Year's Eve 1999. APPROVAL OF DILLS MO ION'1'O ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT 'ECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE Couneilntenlber Bailey repotted dial the Gland County I ligh School Girls' 130seball leant finished their season with eight wills and zero losses and would be proceeding to the stale tournament. Councilmcmbcr Sakrison moved to pay the bills against the Cily of Moab in the amount of $69,293.65. Councilmcmbcr Bailey seconded the motion. The motion ernricd 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmcmbcr Lekarezyk moved to adjourn. Councilmcmbcr l3ailcy seconded the motion. The motion carried 4.0 aye, Mayor I laneock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at $;05 p.m. City Recorder APPROVAL: . R ria rla R. H Ilancock Mayor MOA11 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING May 4, 1999 The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above in Ilse Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utak Mayor Karin R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order nl 6:00 p.m. )n attendance were Cuuncilmembers Joseph Lekarczyk, Kyle Dailey and Dave Sakrison. Also present were City Malinger Donna I. Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, and Public Works Director Brent Williams. 457 The purpose of the Special Meeting was: 1) Discussion of Solid Waste Collection Rids 2) Budget Workshop between the Governing Body and City Department I leads for FY 1999-2000 for all funds. City Manager Metzler made a presentation on the Solid Waste Collection Bids. Discussion followed. PURPOSE Olt SPECIAL MEETING PRESUME/0 ION AND DISCUSSION City klanagcr Metzler made a presentation regarding the budget fur rum r Prusr:N rn l ION & fiscal year 1999-2000. Discussion followed between Councihuen hers ulscussroN and Department llcads. Mayor I lancock adjourned the Special Meeting at 3.25 p.m. ATTEST: Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB Cfrl' COUNCIL REGULAIt MEETING May 11,194)9 APPROVED: AD10URNMEN I• Mayor R. Hancock The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla It. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:05 p.m. Solid Waste Collection Presentations were given, discussion followed. Mayor Hancock called the Regular r ily Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmembcr William ,IeDougald led in the fledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance wcrc :GuncilnJcnlbers Kyle Bailey, Richard Cooke, David Saki ison and Joseph Lekarczyk; City Ivlanager Donna Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, Temporary Deputy Recorder II Susan Stevens, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen, City Attorney Chris McAnany, Cily Treasurer Laurie Itamsleltcr, Public Works Director Brent Williams and Planning Aide Debra Gilger; (braleen (1,1) members of -the audience and media were present. Cuuncilmcnthcr Cooke moved to approve the Special Meeting Minutes of March 30, 1999, April Id, 1999, April 20, 1999 and May d, 1999 and the Regular Meeting Minutes of April 13, 1999 and April 27, 1999. Cuuncilmcmbe• l\lcDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Under Citizens to be !lead, Mike limiter of the National Park Service recognized the efforts of Mayor l lancoek in assisting the National Park Service in a sixty-day project. Mr.1 hinter staled that Mayor I lancock assisted in compiling a computer database. Mr. Minter was very appreciative of Mayor I lancuck's work. Mr. !hinter presented Mayor 1 lancock with an award. till 'Zanotti with the Utah Division of Fot'estry, Fire and State Lands made a presentation of a Tree City Flag to Community Development Coordinator Olsen. Mr. Zanotti also presented a Growth Award recognizing the efforts of the City in growing trees. Judy Power's spoke regarding the City's pins to conduct a Dog Days week. Ms. l'owcrs slated that her group supports this idea and would like to participate in the low cost spay and neuter clinic. Ms. Powers world like to sec luw cost vaccinations added to the week. Ms. Powers stated that her organization .would get back to the City on sonic ideas on incentives on licensing and to reduce animal breeding. Ms. Powers thanked the City for their involvement. REGULAR MBEMG AND AllENDANCF. APPROVAL OF MINU IES CITIZENS TO DE III', a+) No Planning Update was given. PLANNING UPDATE 458 :uNSI:N r AGENDA: : iRTITICATION UR MOAB UNIT WORRIMENT ENT CONTRIBUTION tivritS you FISCAI. YEAR '999/2000 AND A REQUEST TO !END TI IE FISCAI, YEAR 1999/2000 PROPOSED BUDGET 1611) REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY to PUBLIC IIEARING, APPROVED tEQUEST FOR A PARADE TO BE IELDONJUNI! 10, 1999, \!TROVE» REQUEST FOR AN AMPLIFIED CONCERT EVEMI" r0 DI: I IELD A'r OLD CITY PARK ON JUNE 26, 1999 sueeotur OF'I'l1E PLACEMENT OF A DANNER ON MAIN STREET CI IANGE ORDER FOR 'I IIh 400 NOICI'II IWAD RECONS'I'RUCIION PROJEC r, APPROVED READING OF CORRESPONDENCE AUAIINIS'I IlA'I IVE REPORT'S MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORT'S APPROVAL OP BILLS MOTION TO ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT Councilmembcr Sakrison moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: 1) Cerlineation of Moab Unit Retirement Contribution Rates for Fiscal Year 1999/2000 2) Request to Send the Fiscal Year 1999/2000 proposed Budget and Redevelopment Agency to Public hlcaring Councilmembcr McDougald seconded the motion. The motion cal ricd 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmembcr Bailey moved to approve a request for a parade to be held on .tune 10, 1999. Councilmembcr McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carricd 5-0 aye. Councilmembcr Cooke moved to approve a request for an amplified coned l event to be held at Old City Park on June 26, 1999 Councilnlcmbcr Lckarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmembcr Bailey moved to support the placement of a banner on Main Street. Councilnlcmbcr Lckarczyk seconded the motion. "I he motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmembcr Sakrison moved to approve a change order for the 400 North Road Reconstruction project, changing the contract amount to $172,708.55 and changing the completion date to May 31, 1999. Councilnlcmbcr Lckarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vole. 'there was no Correspondence to be Read. Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler stated that City Staff was in the process of organizing a Dog Days Wcck in August. The week will be an education program and will hold a low-cost spaying and neutering clinic as well as incentives for pet licensing. Councilmembcr Bailey asked if the County would be participating. City Manager Metzler stated that she was unsure. Under Mayor and Council Reports, Councilnlcmbcr Cooke received a call from Greg, the engineer for the strcatmside modification office, and Greg staled that they are deliberating on a permit. Councilmembcr Cooke asked if there was a status on the permit. City Manager Metzler staled that she would check and report back. Mayor I lancock slated that she had performed a wedding at the top of the skyway. Mayor l laticock staled that the train was nice and quiet even with strong wind gusts, and scented to be unobtrusive in appearance, and that the standards set by the City had been successful. Councilmctubcr Salu ison moved to pay the bills against the City of Moab in the amount of $219,804.48. Cowlcilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmembcr Sakrison moved to adjourn. Councilmembcr Lckarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor I lancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 7:46 p.m. APPROVAL:st'/iwGi.%� ATTEST: Rachel El -a (Pew ` City Recorder rra R. ' [lancock Mayor 459 MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 25, 1999 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor 1 lancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Richard Cooke led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmcmbers Kyle Bailey, William McDougald, David Sakrison and Joseph Lekarczyk; City Manager Donna Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Attorney Chris McAnany, Public Works Director Brent Williams and Planning Aide Debra Gilger; thirty-eight (38) members of the audience and media were present. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of May 11, 1999. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Under Citizens to be I leard, Julie Mueller spoke representing John Clayton from the Sunset Grill and his concerns regarding the bid for solid waste collection and commercial rates. Ms. Mueller slated that Mr Clayton wondered why it should be more advantageous to be located outside of City boundaries for solid waste collection rates. Ms. Mueller stated that she was concerned about Bob's Sanitation's standing in the bid. Ms. Mueller then distributed a memo to the City Councilmembers and Mayor. Ms. Mueller stated that Mr. Clayton is in favor of having a choice of commercial contractors for solid waste collection. Diane Walker inquired when the Water Arch Sculpture would be operational. Councilmember Cookc stated that it should be dealt with as an administrative issue and requested a report from the City Administrator. City Manager Metzler slated that it hadn't previously been brought to her attention as an administrative issue. Councilmember Cooke slated that he had spoken to Community Development Coordinator Olsen and could give an update. Councilmember Cooke slated that there is a problem with water supply to the Arch. Councilmember Cookc slated that Community Development Coordinator Olsen was a little perplexed as to what direction to lake. Public Works Director Williams slated that the water supply problem should have been worked out before the arch was completed, and that he had told Community Development Coordinator Olsen this on several occasions. Councilmember Cooke stated that Community Development Coordinator Olsen had informed hum that there was a sump below ground and a pump, which are yet to be constructed. The structure is still in need of power and a water connection. Councilmember Cooke stated that he thinks there is money in the budget for this, but that one of the problems is power. Public Works Director Williams slated that he believes that Community Development Coordinator Olsen is working with Mr. Erbe to resolve the issue. REGULAR MGIfING AND AITGNDANCE A I'I'ROV Al. OF MINUTES CITIZENS TO BE BEARD 460 PLANNING UPDATE CONSENT AGENDA I) REQ FOR A SPECIAL EVENT LIC FOR UUTCI I CASSIDY DAYS DV CANYONLANDS Councilmember Cooke staled that be thinks the project should be resolved before the budget is passed, and that the sculpture is an important public amenity. Councilmember Lckarczyk staled that he disagreed that it was an important amenity. Councilmember Lckarczyk slated that the free sculpture was costing the citizens of Moab money to be completed. Councilmember Cooke slated that the City would not be working in the best interest of citizens or visitors if the sculpture was not completed. 'Councilmember Cooke requested that it be addressed before the budget is completed. Public Works Director Williams slated that he had money in the budget for the project and that he would meet with City Manager Metzler to discuss the project. Bud'i angren spoke regarding the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Mr Tangren feels that the Plant is over capacity and is a potential problem. Councilmember Lckarczyk inquired of Public Works Director Williams if this was correct. Public Works Director Williams stated that it was false. Public Works Director Williams slated that the last test results were fine. Mr. Tangren stated that he didn't believe that the tests addressed the amount of water going through the Plant. Councilmember Cooke asked Mr. Tangren what the figures were that he was referring to. Mr. Tangren staled that he had not brought them with him, but that they were available to the City Council. Mr Tangren stated that raw sewage had been flowing past his ranch, and that day the Plant was broken down. Public Wotks Director Williams stated that that was untrue. Councilmember Cooke asked Mr. Tangren what day he was referring to. Mr. Tangren slated thnl it was in the summertime. Mr. Tangren thinks that the problem will increase as the valley grows. Mr. Tangren slated that another plant could ba built in the Valley. Mayor I hutcock stated that if Mr. Tringren had figures to present he should bring them to the Council to be verified. Councilmember Cooke staled that Public Works Director Williams had assured Councilmember Cooke that Mr. Tangren is in error. Councilmember Cooke requested that Mr. Tangren present the figures to the Council. Public Works Director Williams stated that he would furnish the Council and Mayor with the test results from the State. Planning Aide Gilger staled that the City Planning Commission meeting to be held on May 28, 1999 bad been canceled. Councilmember Lckarczyk moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: 461 1) Request for a Special Event License for Butch Cassidy Days by Canyonlmids Rodeo Association. 2) Request by Jon Olschcwski for approval of an amplified music event to be held at Old City Park on June 15, 1999 3) Request for approval of a 'Ionic Occupation License for Lisa Church to Conduct a Freelance Writing and Editing business, located at 582 Sundial Drive 4) Request for approval of a I Ionic Occupation License for Kelly 'Polley to conduct a Child Cale Business, located at 416 W McGill 5) Request for appioval of a !Ionic Occupation License for Joseph Cheney to conduct a Lawn Care Business, located at 507 MiVida Drive G) Approval of the Ball Park Concession Contract 7) Request for approval of a Moved -on Structure permit for Karen Braggs to conduct a Concession business located at the City Ball Park Councilmcmbcr Cooke seconded the motion 7 he motion carried 5-0 aye by a loll -call -vole Councilniember McDougald moved to approve a request by Grand County for a Storm Drainage Easement in the Vicinity of Old City Park Councilmenibcr Cooke seconded the motion Hic motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a request to send to public hearing a request for abandonment of n City sewer casement Councilmenibcr Lekarczyk seconded the motion '1 he motion carried 5- 0 aye. Councilmcmbcr Cooke niovcd to consider the agenda item Discussion Regading Condemnation Issues aller the Public 'tearing Councihnember McDougald seconded the motion 1 he motion carried 5-0 aye City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding Discussion Regarding Solid Vi'asle Collection Service and Vehicle Bids Councilniember Cooke moved to consider the agenda item Discussion Regarding Solid Waste Collection Service and Vehicle Bids after tie Public liming. Councilniember Lekarczyk seconded the motion The motion cart icd 5-0 ayc. Mayor Hancock opened a l'ublic !fearing on the following at 7 30 p m : 1) Proposed Annexation by Patti Miller for Property Located at 817 South Main Street 2) Proposed Fiscal Year 1999/2000 Budget acid Redevelopment Agency 3) Proposed Ordinance 1199- l2 — A❑ Otdinance Amending Section 17.70.060-B of Chapter 17.70,1 itle 17, of the Moab Municipal °Khartum Regarding lied and Bteakfasl Requirements Julie Mueller spoke on behalf of the Moab Area Chamber of Conunerce A finding request was not submitted in time for this budget; however, the Chamber is ni desperate need of $500 for their water bill. Councilniember Cooke requested that the funding request be accommodated in the finks Department budget. Brad Wallis spoke on behalf of the Canyonlands Natural History Association Mr Wallis stated that the Moab Information Center has been a collaborative effort from the beginning. The Center serves over RODEO ASSOC, 2) REG BY JON OLSCI ICWSKI 1 Olt AI'PItOVAL Or AN AMPLIFIED MUSIC BVI.N f, 3) RGQ FOR A HOME OCCUP LIC I Olt LISA CI IURCI I I OR A 1 RELIANCE WRITING AND LDI I ING BUSINLSS, 4) RCQ roit A HOME OCCUP LIC I Olt KELLY TOLLEY I Olt A C1111.1) CART_ BUSINESS, 5) RLQ 1 OR A I IOW OCCUP LIC I Olt IOSI,Pi I CIICNLY roil A I,AWN CARL DUSINLSS, 6) APPROVAL 01 TIIC DALL I'AItK CONCLSSION CON I RAC(, 7) itLQ 1 Olt APPROVAL 01 A MOVED -ON S 1 RUC( URi. PIMA I I Olt KARI N BRAGUS I Olt A CONCLSSION DUSINLSS 1,0CA ILO AI 11ILCI1\ BALLPARK, APPROVLD RLQUISI IIti GRANDCOUNl1 i Olt A SI ORM DRAINAUL CASLMLNr IN 1IIL VICINITY 01 OLD Cn Y PARE. APPROVLD RLQUCS I rO SEND 10 PUBLIC I ILARING A Ii1.QUl S r 1 OR ABANDUNMLNI01 ACI1Y SLWLR LASCMLNI APPROVI D AGLNDA MOVLU DISCUSSION Rt. SOI ID WAS7 L COLI LC(ION SERVICE AND VLIIICLC BIDS MANUA NOVI D PUBLIC ISCARING OPENED 462 250,000 visitors per year and over 62,000 additional people utilize the restrooms without entering the rest of the facility. Mr. Wallis also slated that the Center hosts free lectures during the swnmer months. Mr. Wallis stated that for the first three years the City had donated water and sewer to the Information Center. Mr. Wallis staled that the Information Center provides restrooms and parking for everyone downtown. Mr. Wallis stated that they would like the City to be involved with the Visitor's Center. Jimmie Walker spoke as a board member of the Moab to Monument Valley Film Commission. Mr. Walker staled that he understood that the Film Commission had understood that, as of last year, there would be a $15,000 donation to the Film Commission from the City and the County for a three-year period. Mayor I lancock stated that a letter had been sent to the Film Commission staling that when the initial funding was awarded, it was agreed that if County Transient Room Tax became available in the future it would be a one -lime finding from the City. Mayor 1 lancock added that County Councilmember Bart Leavitt had staled that if the City could come up with $5,000, maybe the County could find the rest of the funding. Councilmember Bailey inquired if the County had contributed to the Film Commission this year. Marion DeLay, Executive Director of the Grand County Travel Council, slated that $18,000 had been contributed to the Film Commission from Transient Room Tax. Councilmember Bailey staled that the City had contributed $5,000 this year, $18,000 had come from Transient Room Tax, and that the County should contribute $10,000. John Groo spoke regarding the Youth Garden Project. Mr. Groo stated that he appreciated the Council's support. Rene Cline spoke regarding the Youth Garden Project. Ms. Cline displayed a chart detailing the opeialions of the Youth Garden Project. Stacey Kennedy from Amcricorps and Kara Dohrenwend spoke regarding the Youth Garden Project. Ms. Kennedy and Ms. Dohrenwend displayed a Wrap of the Youth Garden Project planted for the new School District location. Lloyd Pierson spoke on behalf of the Grand County I lislorical Preservation Commission. Mr. Pierson stated that they had received a grant of $750 lur an interpretive sign for the Old City Park for the Old Spanish Trail. Mr. Pierson stated that they had requested $825 from the City and $500 was budgeted. Mr. Pierson asked if the $825 could be reconsidered. Pat Welch and Kevin Fitzgerald spoke on behalf of Seckhaven. Mr. Welch and Mr. Fitzgerald thanked the Council for the finding budgeted for Seckhaven. Mr. Welch outlined several projects that Seckhaven is cut wilily undertaking. Councilmember Sakrison inquired if the Grand County School District had contributed to Scekhaven's School Programs. Mr. Welch responded no, that the programs were funded through City finds and grants. 463 Couneilmember Bailey inquired if numbers had increased or decreased at the shelter. Mr. Welch responded that at the shelter domestic violence usage had increased about 8% over the last year. Sena Flanders spoke regarding the Youth Garden Project. Ms. Flanders staled that for her two and six -year old, the project offered an enriching experience. Lindsay Watson spoke regarding the Youth Garden Project Ms Watson staled that she lend learned many values and gained insight by pmlicipating in the Youth Garden Project Susan Fralick spoke regarding the Moab Music Festival "I he festival is grateful for the Council's support 'I he festival is in its seventh season and will offer twelve conceits this season Ms 1'rahck stated that the Festival draws ninny people to Moab Ms Frahck staled that bass and cello lessons would be offered in the schools as well as scholarships all funded by the Festival. Ms. Frahck stated that any additional funds world be appreciated. Karla Vanderzanden spoke on behalf of Canyonlands Field institute Ms. Vanderzanden thanked the Council for their support of the Outdoor Education program and the Geo Whiz program Ms Vanderzanden outlined both of the programs and requested that the Council consider additional finding for the programs Paula Gerhardt spoke on behalf of Tributary (heater Ms Gerhardt thanked the Council for their support Ms Gerhardt staled that the Theater is beginning its sixth season and will produce their tenth full length children's production. The season this year will include the continuation of the school program a Christmas program, and a local production on Miner's Basin. Ms Gcthardt slated that any additional finds would be greatly appreciated Couneilmember Lekarczyk inquucd how much of the money donated by the City would be applied to the childien's programs and that he didn't think the funds should support adult theater. Ms. Gcthardt stated that the monies ate kept separate and that the children's programs fall short of the budget every year. Bob Dalla spoke on behalf of the Gland County Airport Board Mr Dalla thanked the Council for their support of the Air Affair the previous year. Mr. Dalin staled Unit the Boatd had requested finds to help complete the Airport expansion project. The federal grant did not cover club and gutter, signnge and sidewalks. Debra Officer spoke on behalf of the Grand County I lousing Authority. Ms. Officer staled that the I lousing Authority would be building eighteen homes through the Mutual Self I lelp program, rind that the homes will be owner -built over a two year period. Sonja Plununei-Shaw spoke on behalf of the Grand County Library. Ms. Plummer -Shaw staled that the board had decided in January to start a literacy program, and so far all of the program materials arc borrowed. The Literacy Program so far has eight families in the program. Lorraine Guild spoke regarding the Grand County Library's Literacy Progrrim. Ms. Guild slated that several of her students in the Literacy Program were reading on the first grade level. 464 Kam I OR BREAK Denice Swanke spoke on behalf of Canyonlands Community Recycling. Ms. Swanke distributed an analysis of revenue for the previous year. Ms. Swanke stated that the request for this year was $10,000. Councilmentber Lekarczyk inquired how much had been generated from the check box on the City water bills. Sharon Brussell slated about $350 per month. Councilntember Lekarczyk stated that he thought more effort should go into fundraising and public awareness on the part of the Recycling Committee Counctlmcmber Sakrtson staled that the Committee was staffed by volunteers. Sharon Brussel! staled that the volunteers are working diligently and do all have full time jobs Ms Swanke staled that the Committee is working on a grant for an Executive Director, the purpose of which would be grant writing and public relations Councdmember Cooke inquired about the volume of recycling being processed. Ms Swankc stated that the newsletter would have those statistics Councilmentber Cooke asked what the community would lose if recycling were to stop. Ms. Bntsscll staled that she thought Cortez Colorado had a model progrant. Councilmentber Cooke staled that he appreciated the efforts of the Committee. I leidl Wainer slated that the Committee is trying to make the program more efficient every year. John Groo stated that the benefits to the community go beyond the bottom line. Mr. Groo would miss recycling in our community. Administrative Secretary 11 Susan tinsel' spoke regarding KZMU. KZMU has started the new programs in I IMK school and live broadcasts with children. Ms. ! ► WI stated that KZMU appreciates the Council's support. Bud Tangren inquired about the combined education costs refiectu in the budget. City Manager Metzler slated that many positions within the City require continued training and certifications. Mr. Tangren stated that he feels that contributing to community groups from tax payer's finds is socialism. Mr. Tangren slated that the responsibilities attic City arc a water system, a waste system and roads Mayor I lancock recessed the meeting for a five minute break. RECONVENE The Regular Council Meeting was reconvened at 8.40 p m 465 Mayor Hancock closed the Public I tearing at 8:46 p.m. A presentation was made by City Attorney McAnany regarding Condemnation Issues. Discussion followed. Counciltember Cooke moved to direct City Manager Metzler to obtain an appraisal and legal description for the properly adjoining the current boundary of Rotary Park between park boundary and the stream channel. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye by a roll -call -vote with Councilmember Sakrison voting nay. City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding Solid Waste Collection Service and Vehicle Bids. Discussion followed. Under Reading of Correspondence, Mayor l lancock mentioned a letter regarding the Youth Garden Project from John Groo. Counciltember McDougald staled that he doesn't think that seniors need the Youth Garden Project. Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler stated that she was still working on the projects outlined in the last Administrative Reports, invluding: meeting with Spanish Valley Water regarding revising the agreement and the possibility of them taking over the Arches Special Service District; budget line item adjustments; and the Personnel Policies Manual. City Attorney McAnany slated that he received a Leiter from Country Garbage's legal counsel, and that the can count is almost finalized. Under Mayor and Council Reports, Mayor 1 lancock asked if there were any objections to endorsing the Association of Local Governments' application of grant money for a Circuit Rider ['fainter Position. No objections were stated. Mayor liancock also slated that there would be a Board of Regents Meeting on May 26, 1999 and hoped that Councilmembers would attend. Councilmember Sakrison staled that he thought the slop sign at the corner of Millcreek Drive and 400 East should be changed to a yield sign. Councilmember Sakrison also inquired about potholes. Public Works Director Willituns slated that crews arc working all over town on potholes and street maintenance. Councilmember Sakrison also asked about the intersection at 500 West and Kane Creek Boulevard. Public Works Director Williams stated that the intersection is currently a yield from Kane Creek to 500 West and a slop sign from Kane Creek to 500 West. Public Works Director Williams staled that he is working with the engineer to redesign that intersection and it will eventually be a three-way slop. Councilmember Sakrison inquired what the status was on the Alcohol and Drug Testing Policy. City Manager Metzler staled that it was finished. Councilmember Sakrison inquired if psychological evaluations was being pursued. PUBLIC I TEARING CLOSED DISCUSSION REGARDING CONDEMNATION ISSUE'S an, MANAGER DIR TO OBTAIN AN AI'I'RAISAI. AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR 111L' I'110rmury ADJOINING TIIE CURRENT BOUNDARY OF 110'fARY PARK, APPROVED PRES AND DISCUSS RE. SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SVC READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINIS rRATI VE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL. REPORTS 466 City Attorney McAnany staled that it was not in the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual. City Manager Metzler staled that that testing was done through P.O.S.T. Mayor l lancock inquired about the police audit. City Manager Metzler stated that it is budgeted for the next fiscal year. Councilmember McDougald asked if any police officers had failed P.O.S.T. City Manager Metzler staled that the officers would be weeded out before submitted. Councilmember Sakrison asked if officers needed to re -certify every year. City Manager Metzler staled there is a continuing certification process. Mayor l lancock asked if they could sec something from P.O.S.T outlining re -certification criteria. Councilmember Cooke stated that he had received a memo from Police Chief Alan West regarding the Open House. Councilmember Cooke asked Witte Police Open !louse was done in lieu of the six -point plan. City Manager Metzler slated that the Police Open 1 louse was held as part of the six -point plan at her direction. Councilmentber Cooke risked if City Manager Metzler felt this met the criteria of the six -point plan. City Manager Metzler staled that yes she did, and that the Police Open I louse provided officers to answer questions. Mayor l lancock slated that site fell the Police Open House had been important and useful, but that she had thought that the six -point plan had called for a different type of meeting. Councilmember Cooke stated that he had thought the plan had called for a more formal meeting, which then solicited public input. Couneilmember Cooke stated that he thought a more focused, formal meeting should he held. City Manager Metzler stated that the Police Open !louse was a very positive experience and was very effective in communicating that the department was there for the community. City Manager Metzler staled that another meeting could be held, but that it should not reflect negatively on Police Chief Alan West since the Police Open House was her idea. Councilmember Lekarczyk inquired about what the public sentiment was at the Police Open House. City Manager Metzler staled that she wasn't certain since she wasn't involved in the direct interaction between officers and the public. Mayor I lromcock slated that she would also like to sec a more formal public meeting held that would solicit public input for two weeks after the meeting. 467 Councilmcmbcr Bailey requested Mat employees be hailed in the Super I lost Program. Courcilurcmber Bailey requested that all department head evaluations be completed by the end of November or beginning of December so Mat evaluations the completed betide lc -appointment Cuumcilmember Cooke inquilcd about making the pipeline Icmporary road a permanent bike trail. I'ubhc Wurks Dircclor Williams staled Mat it was pi vatc property Councilmcmbcr Sakrison stated that It might also be In conflict with hillside development criteria. Public. Walks Director Williams slated that if the pipeline were ever excavated again, it would be a problem, and that the ground Is not compacted to be stabilized to that level Councilmcmbcr Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City of Moab in the amount of S73,570.11 Coomili ember McDougald seconded the maim' '1 he motion cariicd 5-0 aye by a roll -Lill -vote Councilmcmbcr Bailey moved to cuter an Executive Session for the 'impose of discussing the character, piofessloual competence, or physical or mcnlul health of and individual; and a strategy session to discuss the purchase, cxchaugc or lease of real ploperly. Councilmcmbcr Cooke seconded the notion. 'I he motion cal tied 5.0 aye. An Executive Session was entered at 9.551).11). Councrhnembcr Bailey Moved to close the Executive Session. Councilmcmbcr Lckarczyk seconded the nluliun 'I IJe molion tarred 5- 0 aye APPROVAL 01 BILLS moo ioN I0 LNI Llt LXLCUI IVI: SLSSION CXCCU I IVL SLSSION I NI LIICO I.XLCUI IVL SISSION LLOMI D Councilmcmbcr Lckarcgk moved to adjourn. Councilmcmbcr Cooke MUl ION I o ADJOURN scLundcd the motion. '1 he motion tall led 5-0 nye. Nla)ur I hurcuck adjuuincd the Regular Council Meeting al 10.40 p in AUJOURNIALN t ATTEST: Rachel Ellison City Recorder 810A1) CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MICE 1'lNG June 1, 1999 APPROVED: Karla lET.—nancoc Mayor 'the Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla It. Ilancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 4.09 p.m. In attendance were Counciluumbers Joseph Lekarczyk, Kyle Bailey, William McDougald, Richard Cooke and Dave Sakrison. Also present were City Manager Donna 1. Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, and Public Works Director Brent Williams Die purpose of the Special Mccling was. 1) Solid Waste Collection Did Presentations 2) Budget Workshop between the Governing Body and City Dcparlment (leads for PY 1998-1999 and FY 1999-2000 for all funds. SPLCIAL MLCTING do ATI LNDANCE PURPOSE or smart. MEETING 468 PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION Steve Robinson of Robinson Waste Inc. made a Presentation regarding Solid Waste Collection Bids. Discussion followed MI.1.I INO accrsscD MEETING RECONVENED IIUDOET PRESENTATION & DISCUSSION ORNERAL LEDGER ACC111 10-460.15 BUDGET CI IANOED TO 51,000 rOR EY 1999.2000, APPROVED I UND ALLOCATED 1'OR WATER ARCI I 01: APPROX $2,500 FOR EY 1999.2000, APPROVED GENERAL LEDGER ACC/1 10 460.10 BUDGET CI IANCILD TO $2,0001 OR FY 1999.2000, PALED FUNDS ALLOCA1 ED FOR ANNUAL COMMUNI rY CLEANUP - 53,0001 OR I•Y 1999.2000,APPROVED ADJOURNMENT Mayor I lancock recessed the Special Council Meeting at 5.00 p in Mayor Ilancock reconvened the Special Council Meeting at 7.00 p m. In attendance were Councilmembers Joseph Lekarczyk, Kyle Barley, William McDonald, Richard Cooke and Dave Sakrison. Also present were City Manager Donna J Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Treasurer Laurie Ramstettcr, Police Chief Alan West, and Public Works Director Brent Williams. City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding the budgets for fiscal years 1998-1999 and 1999-2000 Discussion followed between Councilmembers and Department I leads Councilmember McDougall moved to change the budgeted amount for FY 1999-2000 for general ledger account 10.460-15 — Interact Clubhouse/Four Corners -- to $1000 Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye by a roll -call -vote with Councilmembers Lekarczyk and Sakrison voting nay Councilmember Cooke moved to allocate the necessary funds of approximately $2,500 for FY 1999-2000 to complete the Water Arch Sculpture and ensure that it is functional. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion 'I he motion carried 4-1 aye by a roll -call -vote with Councilmember Sakrison voting nay Councilmember Cooke moved to change the budgeted amount for FY 1999-2000 for general ledger account 10-460.10 — Youth Garden Project -- to $2,000. Councilmember Batley seconded the motion The motion failed 2-3 nay by a roll -call -vote with Councilmembers Cooke and Bailey voting aye. CouncilnJember Bailey moved to allocate $3,000 for FY 1999-2000 for the Annual Community Cleanup. Councilmember Coolie seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 nye by a roll -call -vote with Councihnember Sakrison voting nay Mayor I lancock adjourned the Special Meeting at 8 29 p in. ATTEST: SPECIAL MEETING & ATTENDANCE PURPOSE Or SPECIAL MEETING PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION ADJOURNMENT APPROVED80( rla R. Hancock Mayor l......„ Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING ,hmc 7,1999 The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located nl 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Ilancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers Joseph Lekarczyk, Kyle Bailey, William McDougald, Richard Cooke and Dave Sakrison. Also present were City Manager Donna J. Metzler, and City Recorder Rachel Ellison The purpose of the Special Meeting was- 1) Solid Waste Collection Bid Presentations Bob Ilawks of Bob's Sanitation made a presentation regarding Solid Waste Collection Bids Discussion followed. Mayor I lancock adjourned the Special Meeting at 4:20 p m. 469 ATTEST: tbu:-e-- Rachel Ellison City Recorder 1110AB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MELTING June 8, 1999 APPROVED: mil_ a R. ancoc c (��— Mayor The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above dale in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla It. I lancock called the Pre -Council Wolkshop to older at 630 p.m. Mayor 1 lancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to older at 7:00 p in. Councilmcmbcr Joseph Lekarczyk led in the fledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilnlembers Kyle Bailey, David Sakrison and William McDougall, City Malinger Donna Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Allouley Chris McAnany, City 1 wanner Laurie Ranislclter, Public Works Dileclor Brent Williams and Police Chief Alan West, thirteen (13) members of the audience and media were present. Under Citizens to be I'card, Julur Fogg spoke regarding Solid Waste Collection. Mr. Fogg slated that he pays for five trash services, and be has been very pleased with the sci vice Bob's Sanitation has given Mr. Fogg staled that the council should consider that the previous contractor had failed at $10 per month, and why would another out of town wntractur be able to pet form at that 'nice. Mr. Fogg slated that he meow aged suppotl of Cowlcnlmenbeis Bailey and Sakrison's idea of a City Sanitation Dcpaitment Mr. Fogg slated that he is not in favor of government competing with private businesses, but he feels that solid waste removal is a public comern. Mi. Fogg staled that if a City department was not Conned, he would gladly pay $15 per month for Bob's Sanitation Service. Gregory !loud spoke regatdulg the Year 2000 (Y2K) problem. Mr. I loud staled that time is a big risk fol the community for mi outside vendor who works with larger distributors outside of the area for ',whims with Y2K. Mr, flood slated that Inc would vote hands down for the local contractor. tvtr. Hood also slated that he was concerned about the City Water system and whether a backup system existed. No Planning Update was given. Cuuncilinember McDuugidd moved to applovc the Consent Agenda as follows: 1) Request for Approval of a Permanent Class III Beer License for Carrie Lyn Wells d.b a. Nuithside Texaco Food Mail Located at 220 North Main Sited 2) Request for Approval of a Pcimaneut Class III Beer License for Dana Dean, d.b a. Maverick Country Store 11238 Located at 435 Notth Main Street 3) Request to Send Proposed Ordinance /199-13 — An Ordinance Setting the Salattcs for the Exempt Positions of the City of Moab to Public !tearing 4) Request to Send the City of Moab Water Conservation Plan to Public Mating 5) Request to Send Proposed Resolution 1113-99 — a Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget to Public hearing Councilmcmbcr Lckarczyk seconded the motion. 1 he motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vole. Councilmcmbcr Sakrison moved to approve proposed Ordinance 1199- 12 - An Ordinance Amending Section 17.70 060-B of Chapter 17.70, 'fide 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinances Regarding Bed and Breakfast Requirements Councilmcmbcr Bailey seconded the motion. The motion cart ied 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. RLGULAR MEE1ING AND AlTLNDANCL al IZLNS TO 1% I ILARD PLANNING UPDATE CONSLNT AGENDA. 1) REQ FOR APPROVAL OF A PERM CLASS III ITEM LIC FOIt CART YN WELLS D B A. NOR "I,ISIDE 1 EXACO FOOD MART, 2) RCQ I OR APPROVAL OF A PLRM CLASS III BEER LIC roll DANA DEAN, b B A MAVEItICK COUNTRY 5 tORE 12311, 3) IULQ TO SEND PROP ORD199-13 - AN ORD SETTING TIIE SALARIES roR THE EXEMPT POSITIONS OF TIIE CITY OF MOAB TO PUBLIC IIEARING, 1) R1A) TO SEND TIIE CITY OF MOAB WATER CONSERVATION PLAN TO PUBLIC IIEARING: 3) RCQ TO SEND PROP RES 113.99 - A RLS AMENDING THE risCAL YEAR 199IU1999BUDGET TO PUBLIC ! MARINO; APPROVED ORD - AN ORD AMENDING SECTION 17 70 060-D OF CHAPTER 17 70, TITLE 17, OF TIIE MOAB MUNICIPAL ORDINANCES REGARDING BED AND BREAKf AST REQUIREMENTS, APPRoVED 470 PEROLU11011 11 911 FOCAL lEAl1WDO[I111V/000 ( 1. ORDINANCE/111 IYr a IYIINb� WIPAELt1MN Ml•ICA•IMO•I•A/411 P.I111 1 •IIIa11N11111 oN111b,•,C11C4o.1 .1..1.4rd•1N.14 try Noe.. (*.rye A.r••• 11.1•1..,••••1•r11.411.lt 0C•11 rN MOON ORAN IGA4a1,N• MIN 11N111a1.111+Duut oaoAMo AI fat., • rye pry./ 41.14N.141N 44.•41 N•dr.11N..o./N.. 4•, Y1r, r•irYp Yl w/.1..1 WY.no. w•rd/ 4.1.1 14.•14•1.1111•I.R. t1// 44.•••fA11111ry IIN AND 011[ IYDDawes hi All IJ of FM pr0• Ply MM 1141311111004311.111, kV. 411.4 A. D o nt 14/N d 11.411, Itn •• lowi'tQ�x. 1144 C4 •...A. RESOLUTION NI 1.99 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING TI IE FY 1999.2000 BUDGET, APPROVED RESOLUTION 1112-99 - A RISSOLU r10N AMENDING 711E CITY OP MOAD CLASSIFIED DOURLY PAY RATE SCIIEDULE; APPROVED W/FEAS TO Cry d1140 40/41a111•3030 44.1II•OAR • ooli0 NN Onto ti GI C.r.A,t NNW /0Na 4I1•11/4. MO COW/. ROAOD040 WAS.. FICRAFONCCNI/F ruo 1((141101111/0 CD1Ylarl 0,4111041NNti011.0 4140 1011101 AMA 101301. M CCAW MO / NALLAIU MO/C114/0 N+uo 1NU/11lOINtN1.0/11C1rV0 0 00.0110141101411140 1 C41141MNC111Y0 1 WAIAIONC/I11rl MOOR IS MO 1itturrr•et rvorAltN 0411 AINi11 V0NOON 1 WANnurAC11111U9 tCM•AN + rWM GM COL*IYO TM!. 1 1M m 111143 D1111 111 r4 :W41 Il0 lllr 411 it iio IN 11/ M1140 1 101 0 1101110 MOW 10/11 1110 0 1(M PN•t/at 11 N r..ye° 1• n ma.. d n.v..q 1N t(Al 1.tf r, •0101.0 Owe Ia,ASA>1/n•.O..Nhit/ 1 r.I WT. int,. knry P111.011/ WR.d Cry efts. COSIDAW FC4rn0 M no C.la/ 1, t n.r rr.>1 d 11 owv.Y Daft DIN Cry ./14Nrye aY,/Ao1 AO 111I APIS1 A,II tier. Cry / 4-st Councilmember Lekarczyl, moved to approve proposed Resolution ill 1-99 - A Resolution Adopting the PY 1999-2000 Budget Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve proposed Resolution 11 12- 99-A Resolution Amending the City of Moab Classified Hourly Pay Rate Schedule. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote 11IEULV11ONFO.11 M A 01$111 VIIONIOUNDINC ill[ 0111Of NOA/ [IASSIMO DoIMLY IAY IIA It EL11tDOLC •1111 [At,14 4444 O ry I•wn11.444.N I..r./.n 11../ d4r1 Rap, 1.1•ar1G14•./MA,In.•/•,i WN N.J.•../. NuW.r w/w 1wr.rM 1.11•41••nrrnl/.I.41.0d• Woftly •111R/4/ N IM MOO/W d true 04/31d /I.w 1 N. Cad M U.•I GOtu. q Y 11.411.11.F11 i10011, 1w 41.44r W •11111Ai NFTN/YY/11Ntti[4W[,1r IL•1/ Nam k14444'4 •W4/N W.G..NA• leatN/ 44444•Wr HOW 1111R1101t r[ rill 00Y401N10100Y Of 1114C11Y Of 110A9 1LVOI.YE 10 A1,0,1IYt44 OI14r1(1.• 4411r.1, Iy 14411,44.444e 114•.4Y..• 411601.1 I.I44A4, /41 IIM DAItD41.I•A.IM/..AIM/ R•/1116r Cry 1..•41 1111430 '1:41 l�! 14,•4 arr OF NOA■ CIAfS[¢o 111Pir IO 41II IMdt%O toema Neel ,ry.“-n I O.i T t1 41 �1= -, , 7. It iri -ice r 4 6 - F ees I, 'iu �n -DTI-4G- ""ill- 1, ili 7Ii IWTer IT TA -- -in p Mn �'T -f'AA Dili MF in -E -WTI- -ii Fi' -TM- 111 T7 pA - . '� - eili 'EA T "71E T AA 11 - _1E' • . r l� Tin .T7• TM IIn 6IIlei ' N-MU -Ma- eta ii lrr a Tin .Nil MU Tin �ir -1i11 'SIR -11 114 -11111 -�M -.TIT- lili G u SlA _ it tl NN i' IT T.IE AA liTiTin l Il AA TA' -RR- '14in ipi AA MN AA R ['AR- � -cur 'ZE MC _4 traIns . i 'Eli A'OE-AA Ai. i1 iit AA AA'Mi CIA .Elf AT 7A AA 7I/ AA -All- -I T 'RT T -11 Ail 7117 � TT iF' AR lin • II1rt1 ''..[1 �• r .(A' we- -AA' AA IIIIawn Zl(�in AA Si0 nt Ali itA FIR A Ttrt FI R FIR -Itii' tpf- n- ■ T VI 4' �� YA' tj)p{-l{l�F(i tl" -8A' u Ti g In FF'P "'Iliii' Ii-- 4,j��p Ian liA Aga-Rn fir Ng qg AAAH I-L`I ONNNAIrCE 9►11 ANINIANANIIFN 111 11011/NO/1.1a.111 HUA• A1/111Rt11111It • I Y ID MLA• 111 Y •IrIFA/.11P 11.N I..uJy NI.4 nail./r 44N444.444.44.14.41 n.4NAM1y•/...1441•G1 1,1 Yn.1 441 •1N.41•.In..ry1.1r.,.p.rli •1.C1..SYw.N.kA•A1, 1AN11.11a•,YI •/R1,AI,N C.1n1y Id. try 4N N tFS.ry.lN1,.41.14 iy..1 I64•11.14rynp.r M1orylry .rrleAFAG+4'NN lor,11N011aE,Y••1.1../1, •. Imam lrll M41.10 4,4 IGwMry1..N•/N1.IA•'1-NY1.1/ro //W 46.41/14.4. 11444i444.11t1 V r 1n•14.44,4„•won MS%I1/M11 AM1OY1011111•DAY 1N Ma MN [wAw.Pw.<�� 11./• a1 , M tutP`410c,,„ �w Liry •fib ORDINANCE 09944 - AN ORDINANCE OF 711E GOVERNING BODY OF MOAD ANNEXING PROPERTY TO MOAD CITY; APPROVED COUNCILMEMBER COOKE ARRIVES 4.4...11110 ). 111 .1 a.) a30 • ;LI tii. i.. Ui•�L:1Pmest..,a Councilmember Bailey moved to approve proposed Ordinance 1199-14 - An Ordinance of the Governing Body of Moab Annexing Property to Moab City. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vole. Councilmember Cooke arrived at 7:15 PM. 471 Councilmember McDougald moved to table approval of Proposed Ordinance 1199-15 — An Ordinance Amending Moab Municipal Code &Won 3.14.020 and 3.14.030, Regarding the Municipality Transient Room Tax Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. '1 he motion cal -lied 3-2 ayc with Councilmeinbcrs Bailey and Sakrison voting nay. For the Swim Center Roof Project, bids were received from the following: Ilenderson Builders Inc. $38,550. Councilmember Cooke moved to award the Swint Center Roof Bid to I lendcrson Builders in the amount of $38,550. Coolie'! ember McDougall seconded the motion. 'I he motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vole, Councilnrculbcr Cooke moved to approve the Swim Center Roof Contiacl, Councilnnentber McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote For the 1999 Concrete Project bids were received from the following B. Hansen Consltuclion $56,527 80 [Ugh Caliber Consltuclion $35,288 00 McElhancy Construction $39,767 00 Wards Construction $39,950.00 Councilincnlbcr Cooke moved to award the 1999 Concrete Project Bid to WE:Ma'cy Construction in the amount of $39,767 00 Councrlme'rber Lekalezyk seconded the 'notion. The motion carried 4-1 aye by a roll -call -vole with Councilmember Sakrison voting nay Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the 1999 Concrete Projects Contract. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion Hie motion =led 5-0 aye by a roll -edit -vole. Mayor l lancock opened a public hearing at 7:34 1'M on the Request for Abandonment of a City Scwcr Easement. Public Works Director Williams staled that the casement is on 100 South and Main Sticcl and has never been used. Atter the street was developed, the sewer was ic-located out into the street, so there has never been a need for the easement. Mayor I lancock closed the public hearing at 7:35 PM Councilmember Cooke proved to approve a'equest for Local Consent of a Package Liquor Agency for Arches Winery. Councilmember Batley seconded the motion, 'I he motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sakrison moved for the City of Moab to setup a sanitation department to piovidc icsidenlial service. Councilmember Lckarczyk seconded the motion, 1 he 'notion failed 2-3 nay with Councilinembers Sakrison and Bailey voting aye. For Solid Waste Collection, G & 11 Garbage Waste Management of New Mexico City Sanitation BF! Ace Disposal Robinson Waste Bobs Sanitation bids were received from the following: no bid $9.95 residential Disqualified $13 28 residential $13 50 icsidenlial $10 98 residential $15.00 residential var. commercial var. commercial var, commercial var, commercial var. commercial PROPOSL• D ORDINANCE N99-I3 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MOAII MUNICIPAL CODE SLCI ION 3 14 020 AND 3.14 030, RLGARDING 1111, MUNICIPALITY I RANSILNT ROOM 1 AX, 7 ABLLD SWIM CLN I L11 11001 111D AWARD! D 10II1,NULRSON 'UILDLItS I OR $38,550, APPROVLD SWIM CLNrcit ROOF UID CON ritACl, APPROVLD 1999 CONCRETI" P11011 CI S BID AWARDED rOMCLI IIANLY CONSI RUC 1 ION I OR $39,767, APPROVLD 1999 CONCRETE, PROJECTS BID CONTRACT, APPROVLD PUBLIC IICARING OPINED ON RLQUISI I OR AIIANDONMLN r 01 CM' SLWIA l ASCMLNI PUBLIC IICARING CLOSLD LOCAL CONSCNrr" APACK AUL LIQUOR AGCt" 1 Jd ARCIICS WINLRY, APPROVLD CITY OF MOAB 10 SUMP A SANITATION DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE RLSIDCNTIAL SCRVICL, FAILED 472 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION BID AWARDED TO ROBINSON WASTE SERVICES, INC; APPROVED SOLID WAS1L' COLLECTION CONTRACT; APPROVED REQUEST BY MOAB AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR A PEE WAIVER AT COY POOL TOR RICHFIELD HIGH SCHOOL BAND FOR BUrcit CASSIDY DAYS RODEO; APPROVED READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISI RA1IVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL RLPORTS APPROVAL OP BILLS MO110N TO EN I ER EXECUTIVE SESSION, APPROVED EXECUTIVE SESSION ENTERED MOTION TO CLOSE EXECUTIVE SESSION, APPROVED EXECUTIVE SESSION CLOSED Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to award the Solid Waste Collection Bid to Robinson Waste Services, Inc in the amount of (monthly prices) $10.98 per first residential once per week pick-up, $9.00 for each additional residential can per residence, $30 00 per city commercial can once per week pick-up, $50.00 per city commercial can twice per week pick-up, $55.00 per city commercial can three tinges per week pick-up, $73.00 per city commercial can four limes per week pick-up, $92.00 per city commercial can five times per week pick-up, $1 10 00 per city commercial can six times per week pick-up, $130 per city commercial can seven times per week pick-up, and a flat rate of $4.23 per yard for non -city can commercial pick-up Councilmciacr McDougald seconded the motion the motion carried 3-2 aye by a roll -call -vole with Councilmembers Sakrison and Bailey voting nay Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the Solid Waste Collection Contract, Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion The motion carried 4-1 aye by a roll -call -vote with Councilmember Sakrison voting nay Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a Request by the Moab Area Chamber of Commerce for Shower and Swim Fees Waiver for Approximately 50 Students and 5 Adults from the Richfield High School Band perfoi ming III the BUICII Cassidy Days Parade for June 12, 1999 from 1 00 PM to 5 30 I'M Councilmember McDougald seconded the 111011011 The motion carried 4-1 aye by a roll -call -vole with Councilmember Sakrison voting nay There was no Correspondence to be Read Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler stated that City Staff was in the process of completing the end of the Fiscal Year and fiscal Year 1999-200013udgel Under Mayor and Council Reports, Councilmember Cooke stated that he had engaged in a conversation about drainage at Hillside mid Arches Drive. Councilmember Cooke requested that this item be on the next Regular Council Meeting Agenda as a discussion item. Councilmember Sakrison stated that he would need to be replaced on the Solid Waste Board by December of 1999. Councilmember McDougald staled (hat he would like to commend the Mayor and Cily Manager for doing n good Job, and that they had both been a pleasure to work with. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against It,' . 11y of Moab in the amount of $42,736.97. Councilmember McDout,did seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vole. Councilmember McDougald moved to enter an Executive Session for the purpose of Discussing the Character, l'rofessional Competence, or Physical or Mental !leant' of an Individual. Councilmember Cooke seconded lie motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye with Councilmember Lekarczyk voting nay. An Executive Session was entered at 8:10 PM. Couneihnember Sakrison moved to close the Executive Session. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. The Executive Session was closed at 9.17 PM. Councilmember Sakrison moved to adjourn. Couueilmcmbcr Bailey seconded the notion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. MOTION To ADJOURN 473 Mayor I laucock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9:18 p.m. ATTEST: �iaS111-2 Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 22,1999 APPROVAL: ADJOURNMENT r a R. Hancock �GtaRLr /J/L t cock Mayor The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:37 p.m. Mayor l Iancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councihucmber William McDougall Icd in the fledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Cbuncilmembcrs Joseph Lckarczyk , Kyle Bailey, and David Sakrison; City Manager Donna Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Allotncy Chris McAnany, Conuuunity Development Coordinator David Olsen, Pkuming Aide Debra Oilger, Public Works Director Brent Williams and Police Chief Alan West; nine (9) members of the audience and media were present. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Regular Council Netting minutes of May 25, 1999 and the Special Council Meeting Minutes of June 1, and June 7, 1999. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye (here were no Citizens to be llcard. Under Planning Update, Conuuunily Development Coordinator Olsen staled that them would be lice planting and wood chips spread on the 300 South/100 East lot. Community Development Coordinator Olsen staled Tice Utah gave the City a grant to help with the tree planting. Councilmcntbcr Sala ison congratulated Community Development Coordinator Olsen on not obtaining the lead bridge. Councilmember Cooke staled that he would like a representative of the school district to come in and slate what sort of management they envision for the lot. Councilmember Lckarczyk asked if the school had any long-range plaits for the contcr lot. Community Development Coordinator Olsen staled no, not that he was aware of. Councilmember Lckarczyk stated that he felt that comer lot was an Ideal location for the skate park. Councihnember Cooke slated that he agreed, but that he didn't think there was a consensus in the School District. Conuuunily Development Coordinator Olsen suggested working on the Swaim Park location and possibly developing a smaller skate park at that comer lot location. REGULAR MEETING AND ATTENDANCE APPROVAL Or MINUTES Cl TIZENS 10 mE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE Mayor Hancock slated that the skate park conunillee was beginning to conic together. 474 CONSENT AGENDA: I ) REQ FOR APPROVAL OP A HOME OCCUP LIC FOR STEVE IIIRIGOYEN TO CONDUCT A PEST CONTROL BUSINESS; 2) REQ FOR APPROVAL OP A HOME occur LIC FOR PMRICIA YEZIERSKE r0 CONDUCT A PARALEGAL SERVICE; 3) REQ FOR APPROVAL OF A BED AND BREAKFAST LICENSE FOR CARY COX AND DAVID INGALLS D.B.A. MAYOR'S DOUSE II&B; 4) APPROVAL OF A REQ BY THE BAPTIST CIIURCII 10 SUBDIVIDE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 294 SOU111 KANE CHEEK BI.VD; 5) APIROVAL OF A REQ BY DENNIS WACKER TO CREA1 E A FLAG SI IAPED LO r Al API'ROX 885 NOR111 SOLI WEST; 6) APPROVAL OP A REQ I.OR A MOVLII.ON Smum LIRE PERMIT 1 Olt PAUL 11ESPEN DBA MOAB FIRS TASSEMBLY YOU DI W1111 CONDI DONS; APPROVED REQUE,ST TOR A (ICI UND OF TIIE MOVED•ON S rRUCI URE PEItMI r PEE 1.01( MOAB FIRST ASSEMBLY yOUTIL TABLED REQUEST BY 111E CI IURCI I OF CHRIST TO HOLD A CONCEIt r IN SWANNY CI I Y PARK ON JULY 9, 1999, APPROVED REQUEST BY TINA SMI111 10 HOLD AN AMPLIFIED MUSIC CONCERT IN OLD CITY PARK ON JULY 30, 1999, APPROVED WIl Il 111E CONDI r10NS 200 SOUL IUMAIN SfREET TO MILL CREEK STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AWARDED TO I.EGRAND JOHNSON TOR 573,424.50. APPROVED 200 SOUTIVMAIN STREET 10 MILL CREEK STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CONTRACT, APPROVED CI IANGC ORDER TO 111E 1999 CIIIP SEAL PROJECT, APPROVED Councihnember Cooke requested a status update on buying laird at Rotary Park. Councilmember Cooke requested that the property owner be notified of the City's interest and intention to proceed with an appraisal. Councilmember Cooke also requested that a timeline be developed. City Manager Metzler staled that she would draft a letter that week. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: 1) Request for Approval of a Home Occupation License for Steve llirigoycn to Conduct a Pest Control Business Located at 115 West Kane Creek Boulevard 2) Request for Approval of a I lome Occupatton License for Patricia Yezierske to Conduct a Paralegal Service Located at 201 West Walnut Lane 1124 3) Request for Approval of a Bed and Breakfast License for Cary Cox and David Ingalls d.b.a. Mayor's Ilouse Bed and Breakfast Located at 505 Rose Tree Lane 4) Approval of a Request by the Baptist Church to Subdivide Properly Located at 294 South Kane Creek Boulevard 5) Approval of a Request by Dennis Wacker to Create a ['lag Shaped Lot at Approximately 885 North 500 West 6) Approval of a Request for a Moved -on Stnicture Permit for Paul lespen dba Moab First Assembly Youth to Conduct an Outside Fireworks Stand Located at 446 South Main wish the condition that the structure be placed against the west fence, so as not to obstruct the view of the neighboring business. Councilmember Lckarczyk seconded the motion 1 he motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougall moved to table a Request for a Refund of the Moved -on Structure Permit fee for Moab First Assembly youth Councilmember Lckarczyk seconded the motion The motion carved 3-2 aye by a roll -call -vole with Councilmembcrs Sakrison and Lckarczyk voting nay. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a Request by the Church of Christ to I lold a Concert in Swanny City Park on Judy 9, 1999. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 5.0 aye. Councilmember Lckarczyk moved to approve a Request by Tina Smith to 'fold an Amplified Music Concert in Old Cdy Park on July 30, 1999 with the condition that the concert ends by 10:00 p.m. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye with Councilmember Cooke voting nay. For the 200 South/Main Street to Mill Creek Street Improvement Project, bids were received from the following: LcGrand Johnson $73,424.50 Councilmember McDougald moved to award the 200 South/Main Street to Mill Creek Street Improvement Project to LeGrand Johnson in the amount of $73,424.50. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the 200 South/Main Street to Mill Creek Street Improvement Project Contract. Councilmember Cooke seconded the (notion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call - vote. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the Change Order to the 1999 Chip Seal Project. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. 475 Mayor I lancock opened a public hearing at 7:30 PM on the following: I) Proposed Ordinance 099-13 — An Ordinance Selling the Salaries for the Exempt Positions of the City of Moab 2) Resolution N 13-99 — a Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget 3) City of Moab Water Conservation Plan No public comment was made. Mayor llancock closed the public hearing at 7:31 I'M Under the Annual Review and Approval of Moab City Bed and Breakfast Licenses, Councihnembcr Sakrison moved to approve renewal of licenses for the following: Mayor's I louse Bed and Breakfast, Blue Ileron Bed and Breakfast, While !louse Bcd and Bath, Dream Keeper Inn, Red Valle I lomes and Balsley Sales Agency Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 nye. Councilmember Cooke moved to table approval of Proposed Ordinance 1199-15 — An Ordinance Amending Moab Municipal Code Section 3.14.020 and 3.14.030, Regarding the Municipality Transient Room Tax until the City Attorney is able to consult stale code and report back to the Council. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5.0 aye. Councilmember Mcllougald moved to approve Proposed Resolution 013-99 — A Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 1998-1999 Budget Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve Proposed Ordinance 099-13 — An Ordinance Setting the Salaries for tie Exempt Posdions of the City of Moab. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vole. ORDINANCE f2J1 AN ORDOWK111T11l0 TM l /AM&till[LIMIT 1,01NI0I11 Of Ult CI11 Of RESOLUTION I}pI 1404 Stella •.OunYy MY,Yk C0/ YM••tMntinOrr rlMn YPewf•IrDrrY r C•OYllr►.N •un/Atb r•.•••••rrn r MA•.l rb hl.r J,•,.t•1r N4 lu rr w ound r, wJ Wise W ir.U. M••-"I plum. ND• 1MtIW VMt N n OMDA04Dt,M. C1D YMMM M1p.MM r M,M16 Mast MMI Tad, sew, rub b 1•11`•4 ne01^iir elf Cu 14r•.r•Onrll- •UJU-MIIM Na OWtu-Cu* 11 /401I.1491f Mel 0.. 17 /11301•M1 tit bums, •OnM 11 111J/1 •Ill MI lomat T•wl, We, ,r. b•s14•Au 4.14 IMYW MYIs. t4.•__. 1110M CrrAewAw _--J f.OM Ilk • miaow. OM w1• Ulm kb 110.0 ▪ 11r•e••b O.•r..•MY,Jb CU 01Mr.r4enr•.W 11'Mf fa.IM•i 1l'd.i IiAA.vA 0�.1•• rw.•el A•. 0rt•I fur. fu Feb There was no Correspondence to be Read. PUBLIC I!CARING OPENED PUBLIC HEARING CI OSLD API'ROVAL Or MOAB CITY BCD AND BREAKFAST LICENSES MAYOR'S HOUSE BCD AND BREAMS I, BLUE IIERON BCD AND BREAKFAST, WIIITE IIOUSE BCD AND IIA HI DREAM KEEPER INN, RLD VALLL 1I0MLS AND BALSLEY SALES AGLNCY, APPROVED PROPOSED ORDINANCE 899 15 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MOAB MUNICIPAL CODE SEC110N 3 14 020 AND 3 14 030, REGARDING TIIC MUNICIPALI 1 Y TRANSIENT ROOM TAX TABLED PROPOSED RESOLUTION 813.99- A RESOLUTION AMENDING TIIC 1 ISCAL YEAR 1998-1999 BUDGET, APPROVED PROPOSED ORDINANCE 199.13 - AN ORDINANCE SETTING 1111: SALARIES' OR TIIC LXEMPT POSI TIONS OF TIIC CITY OE MOAB, APPROVED AMIUD11D401 IDOL 1lLU t41001I111.119 Outkim tutu of MA 11.11M11t•ITr /J,•iNlr wr.rlr Mawr IUMDt IA MA.OINIAM • 0. (10. I.OA• MY A K/01 tMNCDRI l IIJO [NI[uuururont•tu $ LM1MM11 1 LI.1J11 I 4M• 1 MIM IJJfJ• 10$1J II IuJ.'1 1 O .1 1 NI.1t OIJ41A1.IV1,0 TMAL 'Iran (0111C110M CHOW MI) AIION 04/.1104 NOW Tien06.$ Ml fl01.100 9.Ie b.turn Jl•...✓.I W A.. It 11Mw wield • M•• um*. Y r Mai he, 1ML1M10.4• lei. ,.rrf rM. Mnr el to Com. WILD AIDADOIIIOM MCr••614.$ •1"a Yid O••••, MJ, J b d.YIJ•4 W U. $n a Nuk AO-IM. AIf1STt �.0,eTo{i•,f.- pnM11Mw C817014.4 461.• llot &Urn READING OF CORRESPONDENCE 476 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler stated that City staff had been attending Dog Days meetings and staled that Dog Days was planned for August 16, to August 21, 1999. City Manager Metzler also slated that City staff was working on license renewals aunt the end of the fiscal year. City Manager Metzler slated that there would be a North - end Issues Meeting Thursday, June 24, 1999 at 2.00 p in. and that she had been working on the Solid Waste Collection Contract with Steve Robinson. City Manager Metzler and City Attorney McAnany have been working on the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, the Planned Unit Development Ordinance and the revised Business License Ordinance. City Manager Metzler and Public Works Director Williams are working on the Sloan Water Drainage Master Plan and the Standards Book. City Malinger Metzler stated that she would have a status report on the Water Arch alter July I, 1999 MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmcmber Bailey inquired about the ERU agreement between the City of Moab and Spanish Valley Water and Sewer District City Manager Metzler staled that she is making progress on the agreement. Councilnnember Cooke inquired about the additional section of the Millcreck Parkway. City Manager Metzler staled that Community Development Coordinator Olsen had an estimate of a late July project Mayor Hancock inquired about the dales for the City Summer Celebration. City Manager Metzler staled that the weekend before the County ('air was being considered Councrlmember Lekarezyk requested that Rick Niihau be contacted regarding the fireworks for the New Year's Eve Celebration Under Mayor and Council Reports, Mayor I Iancock staled that she had attended the Legislative Policy Committee Meeting and asked if Council wanted a summary of the meeting to let her know Mayor I Iancock inquired if it would be appropriate and possible to stripe the Senior Citizens Center parking lot. Public Works Director Williams slated that it was, but first the parking lot needs to be slurry scaled. Mayor l lancock staled that citizens were concerned that the woi kshop might be in violation of the Sunshine laws Mayor I lancock slated that it is an open meeting where no actions arc taken and that citizens are welcome to come to the workshop. Councilmembcr Sakrison inquired about re -striping of bicycle lanes Public Wotks Director Williams staled that the Public Works Department would be working on striping, angle parking and bicycle lanes Councihnember McDottgald inquired if fiends were available to assist the seniors with a slurry seal. Mayor I Iancock staled that the City would need an estimate first Councilmembei Sakrison slated that the landfill rates would be going up. Mayor Hancock inquired about painting arrows on 400 North and 100 West intersection 477 Public Works Director Williams staled that arrows could be painted. Councilmcmbcr McDougald slated that he would be attending the Association of Local Governments meeting. Councilmembct McDougald moved to approve a requisition and to pay invoices to Mac Team Spoils in the combined amount of $6,091 35 Councilmcmbcr Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 5.0 ayc by a roll -call -vote Councilmcmbcr Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City of Moab in the ninounl of $134,337.95. Councilmcmbcr Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 ayc by a roll -call -vote APPROVAL Or BILLS Councilmcmbcr Lekarczyk moved to adjourn. Councilmcmbcr MO I ION I O ADJOURN McDougald seconded the motion '1 he motion camcd 5-0 ayc Mayor I lancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting al 8 50 p m ADIUURNMLN I ATTEST: APPROVE cL ate Lgi;-c „ Rachel Ellison City Recorder rla R. Hanc l k3yor MOAB CITY COUNCIL. REGULAR MEETING July 13, 1999 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above dale in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah Mayor Karla R I lancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:30 p.m Mayor I lancock called the Redevelopment Agency Meeting to order at 7.00 PM. There was no business to attend to The Redevelopment Agency meetmg was adjourned at 7.01 PM. Mayor Hancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmembcr Kyle Bailey led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Joseph Lekarczyk, William McDougald, and David Sakrison; City Manager Donna Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Treasurer Laurie Ramsletler, City Attorney Chris McAnany, Comn►tmlly Development Coordinator David Olsen, Planning Aide Debra Gilger, Public Works Director Brent Williams and Police Chief Alan West; nine (9) members of the audience and media were present. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve the Regular Cquncil Meeting minutes of June 8, 1999 and June 22, 1999. Councilmembcr McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye There were no Citizens to be Heard REGUI AR MEETING AND ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councdmember Cooke arrived al 7 05 PM CITIZENS TO DE I MAR° PIA.DATE. Under Planning Update, Planning Commission Member Sam Taylor spoke regarding the requested zone change from It-3 to C-1. CONSENT AGENDA: I IRE() FOR APPROVAL Or A (TOME OCCUPATION (.IC FOR RALPI I E. SMITH TO CONDUCT A LOCKSMITH BUSINESS; 2)REQ FOR APPROVAL of A PERMANENT CLASS III uEER LIC FOR CI IARLOTTE MARTINEZ, D.B.A. MAVERICK COUNTRY SEGRE N731; 7)REQ TO SEND PROP ZONE CIIANOE LOCATED AT 71 BAST 100 NORTH FROM It-7 TO C- 1 TO PUBLIC I WARING; 4)REQ To SEND PLANNING COMMISSION ZONING MAP REVISION TO PUBLIC ! MARIN(); APPROVED REVIEW ()I, MOAB CITY TIED AND BREAKFAST' LICENSES, WITLIAMS WAY INN AND AUNT /WOWS IIED BREAKFAST LICENSES; APPROVED REQ FOR A !REFUND OF 11111 MOVED -ON STRUCTURE FEE FOR MOAB FIRST ASSEMBLY YOU 'I'II, TAIII.Ii1) REQUEST BY EVELYN Sklfrll TO 1I0I.1) A CONCERT AT SWANNY CITY PARK ON OCTOBER 9, 1999 FROM 10:00 ANI To tom PM, APPROVED RELINQIIISIIMENT OF A CITY SEWER CASEMENT, APPROVED RESOLUTION Y 14.99 - A RESOLUTION EXTENDING TI111 1 ERM OF TIIE SOLID WASTE COLLECTION CONTINGENCY CONTRACT, FAILED IttiSO1.U'r10N N14.99 - A RESOLUTION EXTENDING 111E TERM OF TIIE SOLID WASTE COLLECTION CONTINGENCY CONTRACT, APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS SOI.ID WASTE COLLECTION CONTRACT, TABLED RESOLUTION 015.99- A ItEsoiIITION ADOPTING Tllli CITY OF MOAB WATER CONSERVATIoN PLAN, APPRovED Councilmember Lekarczyk requested that the notice of the zone change public hearing be delivered to all residences in the affected area and residences to the north of the proposed zone change area. Community Development Coordinator Olsen slated that he was working on changes to sections of the sign code pertaining to blinking signs. Councilmember Bailey moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: T�oIPI I) Request for Approval of a Itome Occupation License for Rah' Smith to Conduct a Locksmith Business Located at 460 Mina. Court 2) Request for Approval of a Permanent Class III Beer License for Charlotte Martinez, d.b.a. Maverick Country Store 11337, located at 397 North Main Street 3) Request to Send Proposed Zone Change located at 71 East 100 North from It-3 to C-I to Public I tearing 4) Request to Send Planning COIm1111551011 Zoning Map Revision to Public !tearing Councilmember McDougald seconded The notion. The motion carried 5-0 nye. Under the annual review of Moab City Bed and 1reakfast Licenses, Councilmember Cooke moved to approve licenses for Williams Way Inn and Aunt Aggie's Bed Breakfast. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember McDougald moved to table a request for a refund of the moved -an structure fee for Moab first Assembly Youth. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carrier aye with Councihnembers Lekarczyk and Sakrison voting nay. Councilmember Bailey moved to approve a request by Evelyn Smith to hold a concert at Swanny City park on October 9, 1999 from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5.0 nye. Councilnember Sakrison moved to approve a relinquishment of a City sewer easement. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve proposed Resolution N14-99 - a Resolution extending the term of the Solid Waste Collection Contingency Contract. Councillnemher Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion failed 2-3 nay by it roll-er" • ate with Councilmembers McDougald and Cooke vou.ig aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve proposed Resolution 814-99 - a Resolution extending the leml of the Solid Waste Collection Contingency Contract with the condition that the current residenti-' solid waste subsidy be paid by Robinson Waste. Councilmembel McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye by roll -call -vole with Councilmember Sakrison voting nay. Councilmember Cooke moved to table approval of the Solid Waste Collection Contract. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye with Councilmember Sakrison voting nay. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve proposed Resolution 1115- 99 - A Resolution Adopting the City of Moab Water Conservation Plan. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 by a roll -call -vote. 479 Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a request to allocate funds for a reduced rare pet spay and neuter clinic to the amount of $2,000 from the Community Contributions budget. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion, 'I he notion earned 4-1 aye by a roll - call -vole with Councilmember McDougald voting nay. Councilmember Cooke moved to re -circulate the water for the Main Street Sculpture Water Fountain, with a maximum of $3,500 to be spent for materials and labor for re -circulation. Councilmcmbcr McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye by a ro11-call-vote with Councilmembers Sakrison and Lekarczyk voting nay. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the Conlract for the 1999 Concrete Projects bid Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion 7 he motion carried 5-0 aye by a loll -call -vote There was no Correspondence to be Read Under Administrative Reports, Councilmember Saki son slated that the Senior Citizen's Center had obtained bids for sealing their parking lot, Councilmember Sakrison recommended that funds be taken from Community Contributions to assist with that project Public Works Director Williams slated that he would like to review the prices and that he Would Conine' the Scnit.r Citwen's Center. Councilmember McDougald mooned about resincling nne Concrete Projects to a time frame Public Works Director Williams slated that the project needed to be finished before the beginning of the School Year. City Manager Metzler stated that she had submitted the 1999-2000 City budget to the Slate Auditor's Office. City Manager Mehler also slated that most of her time had been spent on an employee grievance Couneilinember Sakrison inquired about the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual City Manager Mehler staled that no progress had been made due to time spent on other projects. Under Mayor and Council Reports, Mayor I laneock slated that the Grand/San Juan County Association of Realtors had contiibutcd $500 towards the coimnunily clean up and Mayor 1 lancock expressed her appreciation of the contribution. Mayor I lancock also stale(' that she would be attending the Utah League of Cities and Towns Legislative Policy Committee Meeting the following week. Councilmember Sakrison staled that the Solid Wasu, District would not propose an increase in lipping fees at the landfill Councilmember Cooke slated that a(ler recent storms there was a large amount of sand underneath the Main Street budge of the Millcreck Parkway, Councilmember Cooke requested that the road surface be maintained. Public Works Director Williams slated that crews were working on the problem today, however it would be till ongoing concern due to drainage issues. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City of Moab in the amount of $21 1,883.83. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion The motion earned 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vole Mayor I lancock recessed the meeting for a break at 8.36 PM Mayor I lancock reconvened the meeting at 8.45 PM. Couneihnember Cooke moved to enter an Executive Session for the purpose of a strategy session to discuss pending or reasonably immanent litigation Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye with Councilmember Lekarczyk voting nay Al LOCA I ION 01 I 11NDS I Olt A Itl'111IC1 D RA rl 1'1.1 SPAY AND NI Ill I It CLINIC IN 1111, AMOUN I 01 $2,000,APPROVLD MAIN SIR! Ll SC01,1'1010 WA I I It 101IN I AIN Itl CIRC UI AI ION WI III CM' 01 S3,500 APPROVI D 1999(ONCRCII NUM CI S ( ON RAC I, APPROVI I) RI ADING 01 CORRI',POND' NCI AUAIINISIItAIIVI RI NM IS NIA) OR AND ( OIINC II 10''till I', APPROVAL 01 1111.LS RITI SS 1 OR Harm: RECONVL'NLD MOTION 10 ENTER EXLCUTIVI SESSION, APPROVI D 480 1 xi corm: SLSSION EN1LR1.O An Executive Session was entered at 8 46 PM. MOI ION 10CLOSLLXI.CU'I'VI: SI SSION, APPROVED I XI CAI I IV! SLSSION CI WED MOI ION I() ADJOURN A IJOURNM1 Nl Cuuncnhnembei Leharecyk moved to close the Executive Session. Councamcmbcr Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 5.0 aye 'Hie Executive Session was closed at 9 45 PM Councilmembcr Lekarcryk moved for adJourmnenl Councntincmber McDougald seconded the motion Hie motion carried 5.0 aye Mayor I lancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9 45 PM APPROVED: ATTEST arla R. Hancock Mayor RI (iULA1( MI ET INO ANU AI II NOANCP APPROVAL01 hlINUII S LI I V.LNS Ill ill, I !WARD PI ANNING UPOAI L Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAN CI I Y COUNCIL REGULAR MEEI ING July 27, 1999 'I he Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above dale in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 \Vest 200 South, Moab, Utah Mayor Karla It I lancock called the Pre.Counul Workshop to order at G 30 p in Mayor I lancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order al 7 00 p m Counerlmembcr David Snkrison led in the Pledge of Allegiance Also in attendance %vele Counciln)embers William Mcl)ougald, Joseph Lckarczyk , and Kyle Bailey, City Manager Donna Mohler, City Recorder Rachel I.Ihson, Police Chief Alan West, Community Development Coonlrimlor David Olsen and Planning Aide Debra Gilgcr, twelve (12) members of the audience and media were present Count ilmember TwlcDougald moved to approve the Regular Council Meeting minutes of July 13, 1999 and the Special Council Meeting Minutes of Jant6ny 22, 1999 Councllmember Saknson seconded the motion 'I he motion canned 4-0 nye 1 here were no Citizens to be !laird Under Planing Update, Community Development Coordinator Olsen staled that the Association of Local Governments had lost their planner to Jackson I lole, Wyoming, and that finding for that position hnd been cut in half Community Development Coordinator Olsen slated that the planning service would no longer be available from the Association of I.ocal Governments Couucilmember Bailey inquired about review or nun -review of commercial site plans. Councilmember Dailey slated Thal the problem was lack of guidelines for approval or disapproval Councilmember Sakrison inquired about when the mother-in-law structures guidelines world be developed Planning Aide Gager slaled Ihal it world be on Ilnc ncxl Planning Commission Agenda Planning Aide Gdgcr staled Ilia( the guidelines were modeled alter Cedar City and Park City 481 Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: 1) Request for Approval of a Home Occupation License for Dan Mick to Conduct a Guided Tour Business Located at 600 Millcreek Drive; 2)Request for Approval of a I lome Occupation License for Debra Gwinn to Conduct a Transcription Service Business Located at 220 Walker; 3) Request for Approval of a I lone Occupation License for Clayton S. Kourbelas to Conduct a Construction Business Located at 283 Walker; 4) Request for Approval of a Manufacturer Local Consent for Arches Winery Located at 420 Kane Creek Boulevard. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye, A presentation was made by Community Development Coordinator Olsen regarding acquisition of properly at 300 South 100 East for 10' Concrete Path. Discussion followed A presentation was made by City Manager Metzler regarding the possible purchase of Watercress Spring Water Shares Discussion followed. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve Proposed Resolution # 16- 99 — a Resolution Approving the Grand County Children's Justice Center Interagency Agreement. Councilmember McDougall seconded the 'notion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Councilmember McDougald moved to approve an employee's/elected official's request for indemnification of legal fees as follows Debra Gilger, Planning Aide; 2) Joseph Lekarczyk, Councilmember, 3) Kyle Bailey, Councilmember; 4) and all other named defendents upon their request. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Sakrison moved to appiove a request for a fee waiver of Pet Licensing Fees for Dog Days, August 121h through 2151 1999 Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve a request by Dianne Eichenour to hold an amplified music event at Old City fart. on August 17, 1999. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye. Under approval of the Solid Waste Collection Contract, a presentation was made by Robinson Waste Mr Robinson slated that he was withdrawing his bid for Solid Waste Collection. Discussion followed Mayor I lancock opened a public hearing at 7.47 PM on the following: 1) Proposed Zone Change located at 71 East 100 North from R-3 to C-1 2) Planning Commission Zoning Map Revision Lola McElhaney stated that she had requested the zone change at 71 East 100 North, Ms. McEllaney stated that she feels that her property had lost its value as a residential property due to its proximity to Main Street, which is a very busy location Ms. McElhaney staled that the C-I zone would create a good buffer zone between commercial and residential, would be light commercial use and would keep with possible future city zoning changes. Councilmember McDougald inquired if C-1 was the zone that Ms McElhaney had originally requested Ms. McElhaney slated that originally, she had requested C-2, but that the Planning Commission had suggested C-I instead as a buffer zone. CONSENT AOFNDA )ItrQ roll A I'OMC OCCUP LIC roil DAN MICK 10 CONDUCT A GUIDED mutt BUS , 2)REQ 1 OR A IIOME OCCUP LIC 1ORDLIIRAOWINN 10 CONDUC1 A 1 RANSCRIPTION SI RVICE BUS , 7) RLQ I Olt A I TOME OCCUP LIC FOR CLAY FON S KOURBI 1 AS 10 CONDUCT A CONS1 RUC PION BUS , 4) RCQ MR A MANUI AC 1 URLlt l OCAI, CONSI NT I Ott ARCIII S wlNrltY, APPROVI D PILLSI NIA! ION ANL) DISCUSSION I21.GARDING ACQUIS11 ION 01 PROP( It I Y AI 300 SOIL 111 100 1 AS I 1 OR 10' CONCRI 11 PA111 PILLS' NIAI ION AND DISCUSSION REGARDING I UC POSSIBI 1 PURCIIASI oI WA11.12C121 SS SI'ILING WA 11 ft SI IAltl S PROPOSE D RESOI 111 ION N 16 99 - A RI SOI U (ION APPROVING 1111 GRAND COUNTY CI III Dltl N'S JUSTICE CrN FER IN I I RAGI NC AGRI 1 Afl NI APPROVI D 1 AII'I 0YI I 'Sri L( Cl l D 01 f ICIAI 'S ILI QUFSI 1 OR INDI NMI ICA I ION 01 I I GAI II 1 S AI'I'Itovro RI QUI ST FOR A Ill WAIVI R OI PI I I ICI NSING H CS 1 OR DOG DAYS, APPROVED Itl QUI Sl Ill' DIANNI I ICI II NOUR 10 1101 I) AN AMPI II 11 I) MtISIC rvi NI AI 01 1) C11 Y PARK ON MMUS 117, 1999, APPROVI D SOLID WAST1 COI l I C f10N CON I RACr, PRCSCN TA I ION AND DISCUSSION BY ROBINSON WAS I I: PUn1 IC IIFARINf NI O 482 PUBLIC IWARING CLOSED MOflON TO ENTER LXECIIrIVE SESSION, APPROVED LXI.CUI WE SESSION 1.N 1 EKED MOTION 10 CLOSE EX ECUI SESSION EXECUIIVI: SESSION CI.Osrir AtOI ION TO SCIIEDUI E want. MI ETINO,1)11 D POR 1 AC K Or SECOND Councilmember Lekarczyk inquired if Ms. McElhaney had already received on offer on her properly prior to this hearing. Ms. McElhaney staled that yes, she bad received an offer alter she had applied for the zone change. Ms. McElhany staled that often real estate deals fall through, and that she fell it was in her best interest to pursue the zone change. Diane Walker slated she was a resident of Old I own which is toned It-3, and that she was opposed to the proposed zone change Ms Walker slated that she is opposed to the commercialization of Moab's historic neighborhoods. Ms. Walker does not believe that a C-1 tone will be a buffer zone due to the types of establishments allowed in a C 1 zone Ms Walker then read from City Ordinances and from a letter she had previously sent to the City Council Ms Walker also stated that signage for C-1 follows Commercial requirements Ms Walker staled that if the zone was intended to be a buffer, it should follow the 0-1 zone which adheres to residential signagc requirements Lucy Wallingford of 376 East 100 North, slated that she is opposed to both of the proposed zone changes Ms Wallingford staled that the tone change would be contrary to the staled intent of the zone ordinances. Ms. Wallingford slated that the neighborhood is largely residential, and that the City Council owes it to the residents of that neighborhood to keep the neighborhood residential Ms Wallmgfoid then read permitted uses for the C-1 zone from City Ordinainccs Ms Wallingford suggested a revision of the C-I tone to limn the permitted uses Ms. Wallingford staled that she personally trusts Ms Mclilhaney, however, there is no way to predict who will purchase her properly. Ms Wallingford asked the Council to recognize the value of Old Town and to protect the neighborhood values for the residents of down town Moab John Eichcnour staled that before the downtown commercial 70IICS are expanded, the City Council needs to deal with the issue of downtown parking. Betty Jo I (ayes slated that she was opposed to the change Ms I!ayes staled that the Moab Arts and Recreation Center was a bad setup for parking, and she didn't want to see a big parking lot next door Trudy Clever staled that she has lived on 100 North for 49'/, years Ms. Clever slated that she loves her neighborhood and that she does not like growth on her street and would like to see it remain residential. Ms. Clever does not want to see commercial on her street. Ms. Clever doesn't core if Ms. McElhnney's properly is changed to C- 1 but she doesn't want to sec commercial across the street. Mayor I lancock closed the public hearing at 8 061'M Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to enter an Executive Session for the purpose of discussing legal issues that could involve pending litigation Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-1 aye with Councilmember Bailey voting nny. An Executive Session was entered at 8:17 PM. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to close the Executive Session. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye. 'I he Executive Session was closed at 8.50 PM. Councilmember McDougald moved to schedule a Special Meeting to discuss the Solid Waste Collection Contract. The motion died for lack of a second 483 Cotineilmember Lekarczyk moved to award the Solid Waste Collection Contract to Bob's Sanitation. 1 be motion died for lack of a second. There was no Correspondence to be Read. Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler staled that City Staff had been working on the damage to Millcreck Parkway City Manager Metzler slated that the engineer had been approached due to a design error, and that a claim would be filed with his insurance carrier. City Manager Metzler also staled that the Storm Drainage Master Plan bad been reviewed and was very well done City Manager Metzler staled that there will be a presentation by Vcrsar Engineering in the future regarding the plan and that there will be some projects that the conceptual design phase will be started on City Manager Metzler slated that Dog Days has been scheduled, and that the reduced rate Spay and Neuter Clinic will be held on August 17, 1999, which will be extended if needed City Manager Metzler reminded Council that there would be a joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting on August 26, 1999 City Manager Metzler then distributed a memo to Council regarding the interpretation of the Bed and Breakfast Ordinance and the allowable number of rooms City Manager Metzler then reviewed the presented memo City Manager Metzler stated that the ordinance should be revised to clarify the maximum number of rented rooms allowable Discussion followed Also under Administrative Reports, City Recorder Ellison slated that Grand County had matched the $2,000 allocated by the City of Moab for the reduced rale Spay and Neuter Clinic There were no Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City of Moab in the amount of $157,314.42. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 ayc by a roll -call -vole Councilmember Lekarczyk moved for adjournment Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. 'I he motion aimed 4-0 aye Mayor I lancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9 22 p m MOI ION 10 AWARD SOI In WAS 11. CO1 l ICI ION CON I RAC f. DII S I OR LACK 01 SI COND RI ADING Ol CORRI'SPONDI NCI: ADMINIS I RA 1 IVI 111 I'OR I S MAYOR AND COUNCIL RI PORTS APPROVAI OF Illl1 S MO1 ION TO ADJOURN ADIOURNMI Nl APPROVED: od•W ATTEST: CCStij ( IX )>Gt � rla R. Hancoc ( Rachel Ellison Mayor City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING .luly 29, 1999 The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utal► Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 3.09 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers Joseph Lekarczyk, Kyle Bailey, William McDougald, and David Sakrison Also present were City Manager Donna Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen, Public Works Director Brent Williams and Planning Aide Debra Gilger Five (5) members of the audience and media were present SPECIAL MLETINO do Al II NDANCI The purpose of the Special Meeting was PURPOSP 01 SPECIAL MFf I iNti I) Solid Waste Collection 484 610110N 1 O ASK nows SANITATION 101 %11:N01111i SOLID WASIK ( ON I INGENCY CONTRACT roil UP Ill SIX (6) MONTIIS, APPROVED 6101I0N TO AWARD TIIE SOLID WASTE COLLECTION CONT. TO 1101I'S SANITATION AND TO INSTRUCT TI IC CITY MANAGER TO I ISI;1 NE f11,000 OF MT FUNDS TO AIMS F TIIE CITY RES SEWER BII.L II f2 00 TO OTFSCT TOE INCREASE I (l TI IC GARBAGE DILL, APPROVED MONON rOADJOURN ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Bailey moved to nsk Bob's Sanitation to extend the Solid Waste Contingency Contract for up to six (6) months. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-1 aye by roll -call -vote with Councilmember Lekarczyk voting clay. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to Award the Solid Waste Collection Contract to Bob's Sanitation and to instruct the City Manager to use the $44,000 of Transient Room Tax funds to adjust the city residential sewer bill by $2.00 to offset the increase to the garbage bill. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion 1lie motion carried 3-1 aye by a roll -call -vote with Councilmember Bailey voting nay Couneihnember Bailey moved for adjournment Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye Mayor I lancock adjourned the Special Meeting at J 40 p m APPROVED /da Re L ( ATTQ1�2111 ATTEST. Karla R. Hancoc Mayor IliGULAR MEETING AND A n I NUANCE APPROVAL OT MIMICS CITIZENS TO BC I!EAR!) Rachel Ellison City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 10, 1999 he Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah Mayor Karla R I lancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6 30 p in Mayor I lancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7.00 p.m. Councilmember Joseph Lekarczyk led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance Were Councilmenibcrs William McDougald, David Matson, and Kyle Bailey; City Manager Donna Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Treasurer Laurie Ramsleller, Assistant Police Chief Michael Navarre, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen, Planning Aide Debra (Alger, City Attorney Chris McAnany and Public Works Director Brent Williams, sixteen (16) members of the audience and media were present. There were no minutes to approve Under Citizens to be I laird, Loren Johnson spoke regarding the flood damage in his driveway. Mr. Johnson passed out photographs to the Council and Mayor illustrating the damaged areas. Mr ' i .inn stales that he has purposefully made his driveway 2 feel lower to carry storm water out into the street. Mr. Johnson stated that when the County and City re -did the road to Legion Hill it increased drainage to his property. Mr. Johnson staled that lie has talked to Public Works Director Williams about fixing the problem and Public Works Director Williams said they would fix it if Mr. Johnson gave the City a right to get on his property which he did, and Public Works Director Williams has since backed out. Mr. Johnson feels that the City was using that opportunity to gain a permanent right-of-way to Ins properly, which he does not like. Mr. Johnson slated that if the water ever goes over the spillway, it would flood several houses. Mayor I lancock stated that Public Works Director Williams would look into the problem. Mr. Johnson stated that lie did not like the way Public Works Director Williams had treated hum 485 Mr. Johnson also slated that he feels that the Solid Waste Collection Bid was not a fair bid. Mayor Hancock informed Mr. Johnson that there was only three minutes left for his comments, Mr. Johnson also asked how the Council could justify a residential rate of $15 -- which he considers being $5 more than what is fair Mr Johnson feels that this is an improper use of government Mr Johnson feels that this is discrimination, he feels that there has been collusion, and that his liberty has been taken away Mayor Hancock slated that the allotted time was over and that the meeting needed to move on Mr. Jaltnson stated that no one would be able to accept a contract under the conditions that existed. Under Planning Update, Planning Aide Gilger slated that the amendment for the planned unit development and affordable housing was completed and is awaiting attorney review. Planning Aide Gdger also stated that there would be a Joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting on August 26, 1999. For the Two Police Vehicles bid, bids were received as follows Salt Lake Valley GMC No Bid Butterfield Ford $45,917.13 Certified Ford $46,257 44 For the Animal Transportation Vehicle bid, bids were received as follows, Butterfield Ford $22,703 91 Salt Lake Valley GMC unresponsive bid Certified Ford $22,911.34 Gus Pathos Chevrolet $23,182 68 Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: 1) Request of Use of Swanny City Park by Ron Lindley on October 11 through October 17, 1999 for the Fat Tire Festival, 2) Approval of Change Order for 400 North Road Reconstruction Project; 3) Award of Police Vehicles Bid to Certified Ford in the amount of $46,257.44; 4) Award of Animal Control Vehicle Bid to Certified Ford in the amount of $22,91 1.34. Counciimetnber Lekarczyk seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve the Solid Waste Collection Contract. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councihnember Lekarczyk moved to approve Proposed Resolution #I8-99 - A Resolution Amending the Solid Waste Collection Contingency Contract with the condition dm it include the City subsidy until August 31, 1999. Councilmember McDougald seconded the (notion. The motion carried 3-1 aye by a roll -call -vote with Councilmember Bailey voting nay. City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding Ken Shoulders' Request to Share a Right-of-way of Properly Near Sand Flats Road. Discussion followed Councilmember Sakrison moved to lake the request by Moab Country Club for an Extension of Golf Course Lease under advisement Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye I'l ANNIN6 1.1PDA I L POI ICC Vl MCI I S nID ANIMAI I RANSPOR I A (ION vnucLr nut) CONS( Nl AOLNDA RLQ OF till 01 SWANNY C11 Y PARK BY RON LINDI EY ON OCI I I.17, 19991 OR TI Il: rAT intr. ItSI IVA( , 2) APPROVAL or CIIANIir oniwR IOR400NO RD RECONSTRUCT PROL 3) AWARD OF fill ICE VI I IICI CS BID TO CCR I II II D I ORD IN TIIC AND OI S46,237 44, 4) AWARD OF ANIMAI. CONTROL VI IIICLE IUD TO CLIO II II D I ORD IN 1I Its AMT OC S22,911 34 SOI ID WA"- ".:1 I I Cl ION CON IItAL ,APPROV1D 1'ROI'OSI.0 RCSOI.U1 ION N 18.99 - A RI'SOLUTION AMENDING THE SOLID WASTE COI I ECIION CON( INOCNCY CON I RACI W ITI I CONDITIONS, APPROVED PRESENTATION AND DISCUS RE REQ 10 SHARE A RIGIIT•OF•WAY Of PROPERTY NEAR SAND FLAPS RD REQUEST nY MOAB COUNTRY CLUB roil AN EXTENSION OF GOLF COURSE LEASE, TAKEN UNDER ADVISCMCNT 486 PROPOS! D?ONECNANOE I OCAILI)AI 71 EASI 100NOR III 1 ROM R-31 O C-1, DIED I Olt LACK or A SECOND PLANNING COMMISSION ZONING MAP REVISION 1)11:D I Olt LACK ()I' A MOl ION 1'Itl SEN I A 1 ION AND DISCUSSION Ill (MIMING 111E OLD MIDDLE SC'll(IVI, I'ItOl'ER rY PROPOSED RESOL11 FION M 17.99 - A RESOLU t ION COMMITI WIG 10 PROWC I IAIPACT ItLQUIREML•NfS, APPROVED 1 UNUS ALLOCATED FOR ACQUISI I ION OF PROPERTY Al )110 SOU111 100 FAST IN 111E AAIOUNI OI S6,865 00, APPROVI 0 REQUES I roa A RI I UND OE 1111, MOVED ON SI RUC 1 URE PERII I FEE 1 OR MOAB FIRST ASSEMBLY YOU III, 1 AILED IA) IS 1, 2, AND J I ROM A REQUEST FOR A PROPOSLD SUBDIVISION BY BRIAN BALLARD, APPROVED I WO RI:U AND BREAMS f I ICI.NSES 1 OR TIIC SI UCKIS, APPROVl U Cl I Y MANAGER DIRECTLD 1 O OItArr A RESOLUTION PLACINO A MORA 1 ORIUM ON BED AND BREAKFASTS UN' IL 1II1: BED AND BREAKFAST ORDINANCE CAN BE REVISITED RI ADINO or CORRLSPONDENCI: ADAIINISTRAFIVE REPOR1S MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember McDougald moved to approve a proposed Zone Change located at 71 Ens( 100 North from R-1 to C- I . 'I he motion died for lack of second. Approval of Planning Commission Zoning Map Revision died for lack of a motion. Community Development Coordinator Olsen and County Councilmember Kimberly Schappert made a presentation regarding the Old Middle School Properly Discussion followed Counctlnlenlber Sakrison moved to approve proposed Resolution /I17- 99 — A Resolution Committing to Project Impact Requirements Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion 1 he motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Councihnember Batley moved to allocate funds for acquisition of Properly at 300 South 100 East In the amount of $6,865 00 Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion 1 Ile motion carried 3-2 aye by a roll -call -vole with Counctlmembers Sakrison and Lekarczyk voting nay and Mayor I !amuck voting aye to break the tie Councdmember Sakrison moved to approve a request for a Refund of the Moved -on Structure Permit fee for Moab first Assembly Youth Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion The motion faded 1-3 nay with Councilmember McDougald voting aye Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve lots I, 2, and 3 from a request for a proposed Subdivision by Brian Ballard Councilmember Bailcy seconded the motion l he motion carried 4.0 aye Under the annual review and approval of Moab City Bed and Breakfast Licenses, Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the two Bed and Breakfast Licenses for the Swekis (Sunflower Hill) Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye Councilmember Sakrison moved to direct City Manager Metzler to draft a Resolution placing a moratorium on Bed rind Breakfasts until the Bed and Breakfast Ordinance can be revisited Councihmeillber McDougald seconded the motion The motion earned 4-0 aye 'there was no Correspondence to be Read Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler distributed a memo to Council and Mayor. City Manager Metzler outlined the items in her report as follows: The Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual is in draft fora) and has been distributed for review, a copy of the Planned Unit Development is also available for review' a • nog Days, there has been an overwhelming response to the spay , id neuter clinic; also for Dog Days, Council has been requested to participate in the Kiss the Puppy find raiser at the MARC; the Grand Water and Sewer Agreement is City Malinger Metzler's next major project; the Special hojects Coordinator position will be advertised the last week of August, a conceptual design of the skate park is available for review; staff is proceeding with design and reconstruction of the Millcrcek Pathway. City Recorder Ellison stated that conflict of interest forms would be developed for Council and Employees to declare interest in businesses regulated by the City. Udder Mayor and Council Reports, Mayor I lancock inquired which of the Councilmembers would be attending the annual Utah League of Cities and ToW118 convention Coullcilmenibers Sakrison, McDougald and Dailey confirmed attendance. Colnrcilulember Snkrisoll inquired from Public Works Director Williams about a land issue with Dave Boersig. 487 Public Works Director Williams stated that staff had met with Dave Boersig and Kim Pettit, and the process was underway. Councilmember Sakrison inquired of Treasurer Ramstelter if I lummer Baja Tours had a business license. Treasurer Ramstelter stated that the business was hccnsed in the County, and that the City honors County licenses. Councilmember Sakrison inquired of Assistant Police Chief Navarre when an individual needed to change license plates. Assistant Police Chief Navarre responded that it is dependent on where their personal income lax is filed Councilmember Bailey slated that he would like the sewer rates adjusted to a Oat rate instead of a water usage rate Councilmember McDougald staled that he would like to see the golf course protected as a water shed area. City Attorney McAnany slated that could be accomplished with a conservation easement or deed restriction Councibnember McDougald stated that lic would also like to see a plaque placed outlining the water accomplishment and listing the elected officials at the time of purchase. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City of Moab in the amount of $172,579.79. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Councilmember Bailey moved to enter an Executive Session for the purpose of a strategy session to discuss pending litigation or reasonably imminent litigation. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. An Executive Session was entered at 9:10 PM. Councibnember Lekarczyk moved to close the Executive Session Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. 'I he motion carved 4-0 aye. The Executive Session was closed at 9 25 I'M. Councilmember Bailey moved for adjournment Coulicilmembei McDougald seconded the motion. 'I he motion carried 4-0 aye. Mayor I lancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9.25 p m APPROVAI 01 UII I S MO11ON f0 ENTER l XECUTIVl SESSION, APPROVI D EXECUl IVE srssioN EN1 LRI D AR)flON 10( I OSI I XI CUIIVI SI SSION I.XI CU flVl. St SSION CI ()SI D A10110N 10 ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT APPROVED: /� /(°A67,s1/yie,I�ATTEST: aria R. Hancock Rachel Ellison Mayor City Recorder 488 REGULAR MEETING AND ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES PLANNING UPDAI G POLICE DEPARTMENT UPDATE CITIZENS TO DE HEARD MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 24, 1999 Tlie Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above dale in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. I lancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6.30 p.m. Mayor I lancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7 00 p m Councilmember Joseph Lekarezyk led in the Pledge of Allegiance Also in attendance were Councilmembers William McDougald, Richard Cooke and Kyle Bailey; City Manager Donna Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, Police Chief Alan West, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen, City Attorney Chris McAnany and Public Works Director Brent Williams, thirteen (13) members of the audience and media were present. Councilmember McDougald moved to approve the Regular tvleeting minutes of July 27 and August 10, 1999 and the Special Meeting minutes of July 29, 1999. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye Under Planning Update, Coimnunily Development Coordinator Olsen slated that he had received a letter on August 16, 1999 from a concerned citizen regarding the Big Horn Lodge and tree planting asserting that the Lodge had been treated unfairly Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that Colin Fryer had worked with David regarding the tree planting, and the trees had been replaced. Community Development Coordinator Olsen also stated that the Zephyr newspaper had printed some inaccurate statements regarding a project involving a citizen paying $1,000 for sidewalks Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that there was a signed document agreeing to the citizen paying $I,000 in exchange for $25,000 of sidewalk improvements, which the citizen did not pny until pursued. Councilmember Lekarczyk inquired on the status of the Mill Creek Parkway. Community Development Coordinator Olsen slated that Engineer Gerald Williams was working on plans, but that nothing would be fixed until the rainy season is over. Councilmember Cooke stated told Police Chief West that he had noticed an officer at 400 East working as a crossing guard Councilmember Cooke commended Police Chief West on safety In school zones and requested a Police Department Update. Police Chief West slated that safely was their focus at the beginning of the year, more so the first few weeks of school, and ongoing throughout the school year. Police Chief West stated that they were pursuing a grant for a speed display, specifically for use in School Zones. Police Chief West also stated that he had sent three officers to a crime prevention conference. Police Chief West continued that the Police Department's involvement in the local schools was increasing with a Safe School Program, expansion of the D A R.E. program to the Middle School and High School and a Criminal Education Class at the High School Under Citizens to be heard, Adrien Taylor spoke on behalf of the 489 Higher Education Program. Ms. Taylor introduced Dr. Grace Jones and Dr. Sharon Ziegler. Dr. Jones stated that enrollment was up for both the College of Eastem Utah and Utah State University. Dr. Jones also stated that the Higher Ed Center is committed to being a permanent part of the community. Dr. Jones stated that the Center is considering the purchase of propel ty south of town for a permanent location for the Center. Dr. Ziegler stated that enrollment at the College of Eastern Utah is up 40%. Dr. Ziegler stated that she looks forward to filling the community's needs. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: 1) Approval of Change Orders #1 and #2 for the 1999 Concrete Projects; 2) Confirmation of Mayoral Appointment of Marjorie Wagner to the Moab Arts and Recreation Center Board, 3) Approval of the 1999 Council Meeting Schedule Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a request by Karen L Castleberry for abatement of a City water and sewer bill for 408 Tusher Street in the amount of $81.77 Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Councilmember Cooke moved to move the agenda to a request by the Friends of the Grand County Library for a waiver of reservation fees at the Center Street Gym on September 4 through 6, 1999. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a request by the Friends of the Grand County Library for a waiver of reservation fees at the Center Street Gym on September 4 through 6, 1999 up to $240.00. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-1 aye by a roll -call -vote with Councilmember Lekarczyk voting nay Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve proposed 'temporary Ordinance #99-16 - an Ordinance Enacting a Temporary Moratorium on New Bed and Breakfast Business Licenses. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councitiaember Bailey moved to approve proposed Resolution # 19-99 - a Resolution Designating Depositories for Moab City Funds with the substitution of Kyle Bailey for the alternate signature instead of William McDougald. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve proposed Resolution #20-99 - a Resolution Adopting a Hazard Mitigation Plan and Map for the City of Moab. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Under discussion regarding Ken Shoulder's request to share a right-of- way of property near Sand Flats Road, Councilmember McDougald moved to direct City Attorney McAnany and City Manager Metzler to research the processes to grant an easement or sell property to Ken Shoulders. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion failed 2-3 nay with Councilmembers Cooke and Lekarczyk voting nay ( ONSI N I \GI NDA 1) APPROVAI OI C I IAN(JI ORDrRS g I AND H2 1 Olt 111L 1999 CONC RI 11 PROJECTS 2)cONFIRMAIION or nl\YORAI APPOINInIIN1 10 111E HOAR ARl S AND RI ( RI Al ION CI NI I It HOARD 11 APPROVAL Ot 1111 1999(MINCH rill 1 I IN(, S( III DUI I \PPROVI D REQ BY KAREN 1 CAS11 1 nERRY IORAn\11MtNr01 A(11Y WA!! R AND SEWER IM I I OR 408 I 11SUI R Sl M I 1 IN I IIL AM(111N1 01 $81 77, \PPROVI I) AGENDA nIOVI D RIQUISI BY111E1101NDSOI IIII (IRANI)COUNIYII11RARY 1014 A WAIVI R01 RI SI 10/A1ION I I I S A 1111E CCN7 CR SiRI I I GYM ON SI PTEA1111 It 4 I111U/11(d1 6, 1999 UP 10 $240 00, APPROVI D PROP 11.n11. ORD N99-I6 • AN ORDINANCE LNACI [NO A I EMPORARY MORATORIUM ON NEW um AND BRl AKI AS BUSINLSS I ICENSES, APPROVI D PROPOSLD RES01 U I ION # 19 99 - A RCSOI U110N DESIGNA I !NO DLPOS11GRIES rn' ' "All CI1 Y FUNDS WITIl llt SUIISTITUI ION, APPROVED PROPOSED RESOLUTION #20.99 - A RESOLUTION ADOP1 MO A IIA'LARD 101110A rioN PI AN AND AIAP FOR TIIE CITY OI' MOAB, APPROVED KEN SUOUI DER'S HEWS 110 SIIARE A RIGHT-OT-WAY Or PROI'LRI Y NEAR SAND I I Al ROAD, TAILED 4 9 0' RLQUEST TO ALLOCATE FUNDS I OR A RCDUCED RATE PET SPAY AND NEUTCR CLINIC FROM TIIC GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUDGET; APPROVED MOTION TO ADD PROPOSAL OF ANIMAL CONTROL FINES ON NEXT AOENDA; APPROVED READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF DILLS MOTION TO ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT APPROVE and Mayor I lancock voting nay to break the tie vote Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve a request to allocate funds for a Reduced Rate Pcl Spay and Neuter Clinic from the General Government budget. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The (notion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vole Councilmember Cooke moved that a proposal for increased animal control fines be placed on the next Council agenda. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion The motion earned 4.0 aye by a roll call vote. There was no correspondence to be read Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler staled that there would be a joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting on Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 4 00 PM City Manager Metzler also staled that staff had obtained an appraisal of the Rotary Park property acquisition, which was lower than expected City Manager Metzler slated that site and Public Works Director Williams would be meeting with Dave Boersig to resolve a storm drainage issue City Manager Metzler continued that the Stormwater Mitigation Plan would be on the agenda for a presentation from Versar Engineering, the sidewalk project on 400 East is scheduled for late fall, staff is researching electrical access for the Water Arch, the nortlisrde of 500 West will be completed this fiscal year, staff is working on the pipeline relocation negotiation. Under Mayor and Council Reports Councilmember IvlcDougald requested a watershed designation for the Golf Course along with a recognition plaque City Manager Metzler stated that she and Public Works Director Williams would work on that Couneihnember Cooke stated that people from upstate are advocating conservation easements for open space. Councilmember Cooke staled that he had requested that Community Development Coordinator Olsen contact the group and request their help in designating a conservation easement on the 7.8 acres west of City Hall., Councilmember Cooke slated that there was also a possibility of obtaining Federal Wetlands Preserve funds or grants. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City of MoaE in lire atnount of S 175,941.80. Councilmember McDougold seconded (he motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved for adjournment. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Mayor I lancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9:03 PM. aria R. Hancock Mayor ATTEST: Rachel Ellison City Recorder 491 MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL/I'LANNING COMMISSION MEETING August 26, 1999 The Moab City Council held a special joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting on the above dale in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Special Meeting Workshop to order at 4.09 p.m. In attendance were Councilmembers William McDougald, Kyle Bailey, Joseph Lekarczyk mud Richard Cooke Councilmember David Sakrison arrived at 5.30 PM; Also in attendance were City Manager Donna Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Treasurer Laurie Ramstetter, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen, Planning Aide Debra Gilger, and Public Works Director Brent Williams; Moab City Planning Commission Members in attendance were Dave Wood, Sam Taylor, Dorothy Markle, Stanley Noorlander and Kirstin Peterson Twenty-seven (27) members of the audience and media were present The purpose of the Special Meeting Workshop was I) Presentation Regarding Bed and Breakfasts; 2) Discussion Regarding Secondary Dwellings; 3) Discussion Regarding Revised Planned Unit Development Chapter; 4) Discussion Regarding Bed and Breakfast Chapter 17.70 Moab Municipal Code; 5) Discussion Regarding flood Control and Storm Drainage Plans and Projects Community Red and Breakfast owners made presentations regarding Bed and Breakfasts. Discussion followed. Planning Aide Gilger made a presentation regarding secondary dwellings. Discussion followed. City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding the Revised Planned Unit Development Chapter. Discussion followed City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding the discussion regarding Bed and Breakfast Chapter 17.70 Moab Municipal Code and Flood Control and Storm Drainage flans and Projects Discussion followed. Mayor Hancock adjourned the special joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting at 5:44 PM APPROVED: I a R. Hancock Mayor MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 7, 1999 SPECIAL MLLI ING AND A 11PNDANCE PURPOSE Or ntr[TING 111-1) AND nafAKrAST I'Itl SI N I Al IONS SI CONDARY DWLLLINGS PRLSENTATION RI visrn PI ANNED UNIT DINT I OPMENr ['RESTNIATION DISCUSSION REGARDING IIF.D AND BRE/4XASI CODE ADIOURNMI NT ATTES1(-::a4-(20-0 9-0 Rachel Ellison City Recorder The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above dale in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah Mayor Karla R Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6.30 p m Mayor Hancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7 00 p m Councilmember David Sakrison led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers William McDougald, Richard Cooke, Joseph Lekarczyk and Kyle Bailey, City Manager Donna Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, Police Chief Alan West, Police Officer 1 Russell Pierce, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen, City Attorney Chris McAnany and City Treasurer Laurie Ramstetter, eleven (I I) members of the audience and media were present. REGULAR NEE11NG AND ATTLNDANCC 419/214S TO nc IlEARD 1'1 ANNINO UPDATE POLIO. DI t'Altl MrN1 UPDA I I. PRrs1.N I Al ION REGARDING CIDILD CART: DISCUSSION REGARDING PROPOSED ANIMAL CONTROL 1 LES REC1./1SM ICA1 ION Or DEPU1 Y RECORD! R I POSITION, APPROVPD Under Citizens to be lleard, Deborah 11ren spoke regarding flooding and speeding problems on 500 West. Ms l lren stated that during recent floods, water pooled in front of her house and flooded her basement. Ms. liven distributed photographs of the flood damage Ms !ken also slated that cars often speed on 500 West, and there are children to the neighborhood. Councilmember McDougald suggested that a dip in the road be put in to channel rainwater and to serve as a speed deterrent Kim Pettit spoke regarding 141 Arches Drive in Arches Subdivision Ms. Pettit slated that earlier this summer, the City of Moab created a drainage ditch across her property that caused considerable damage to their properly Ms Pettit slated that no easements or rights -of -way exist to allow the City access to her property Ms Pclul staled that site has requested that the damage is repaired, but no action has been taken to date Ms Pettit staled that a previous drainage study had identified her properly to be the site of Walker Canyon Dam Ms Pettit staled that she has always had site specific plans for building a house on her property, and that if the City is interested in purchasing her property, that it be resolved immediately Ms Pettit is concerned that her property has been devalued due to the damage caused by the City's drainage ditch runoff Ms Pettit would like to know what the process is for situations like these City Manager Metzler slated that she would prepare a written report of her findings after meeting 111 the next couple of days with Ms Pettit and Mr. 13ocrsig Under Planning Update, Councilmember Snkrison inquired about the status of the Cellular Tower Permit City Manager Metzler slated that the party had agreed to wait to apply for a Cellular Tower Permit until such a time that the City had passed a Cellular Tower Permit Ordinance, which will be on the next Planting Commission Agenda for review Under Police Department Update, Police Chief Alan \Vest slated that it had been a busy week for the Police Department, due in part to the preceding holiday weekend. Police Chief West then introduced a Police Officer 1 Russell t'ieree as a new police officer to the depai Went A presentation was made by Anne Mackiewicz regarding Child Care Resource and Refenat. Discussion followed. Under discussion regarding proposed animal control fees,'City Malinger Metzler made a presentation; discussion followed Councilmember Snkrison moved to approve a request for reclassification of the Deputy Recorder 1 position for the Recorder's Department. Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye 493 Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to confirm election officials and counting judges for the 1999 Primary and General Elections as follows: ELECTION JUDGES MOAB #1 & #9 Judith Pierce 252 E. 100 No. Karen Braggs 355 Hillside Dr Marlene Bailey 356 S. Walker (Nov 2nd)ALT Shirley Stewart 236 So. 300 E. (Oct Sth) ALT Lisa Church 582 E. Sundial MOAB #3 Eris Young 135 N. Bartlett Cir Jane I lerrick 402 Mountain View Dr Betty Barks 840 So Main Street ALTERNATE Michael Westbrook 344 So. 400 E MOAB #4 Jolene Welch 488 Bowen Circle Peggy lliggins 431 Marcus Court Edetta Dahl 562 Cliffview ALTERNATE LaDean Black 198 W Center MOAB #2 & #5 Audrey Galbraith 317 So. Tusher Bobbie Long 580 E. Nichols Lane Gene Rowe 470 Mountain View ALTERNATE Jean Shatley 509 E Nichols Lane MOAB #10 Tammy Taylor 280 W Center Shannon Wiggins 1053 W. 400 N Virginia Trusty 449 W. Topaz ALTERNATE Troy Black 198 W Center St COUNTING JUDGES MOAB #I & #9 ALTERNATE MOAB #3 (Nov 2nd) ALT (Oct 511I) ALT MOAB #4 ALTERNATE MOAB 112 & 115 ALTERNATE MOAB #10(0ct Sth) (Nov 2n ALTERNATE Theresa King Mary Key Valerie Vaughan Sandra Foy Mary Lou Lopez Lydia Randall Kari Murphy Janet Bogdanove Sharon Brussel' Mary Hofhine Mary McGann Sue Shrewsbury Peggy Taylor Joyce Adair Margaret Rynio Kathryn Kemp Anna Englebright Danette Groesbeck rd) Janet Lowe Esther Every Lenore Beeson Kate Thompson 80 Holiday I laven 287 E. 100 No 371 E 300 So 358 E 300 So 633 Bartlett 427 I luntridge 925 N. 500 W 288 Grand Oasis 977 Rowena Ct 380 MiVida 28511illside Dr. 465 N. 500 W. 496 W. Carlos Ct 337 Walker 511 Sundial 497 W. Carlos Cl 780 I lillside Dr 825 Mountain View 75 S. 400 E. 9 Navajo Circle 436 Mountain View 480 Mountain View Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5- 0 aye. Councilmember Cooke moved to approve a proposed request to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Department to close local liquor outlets on Election Day. Councilmember McDougall seconded the motion. The motion failed 1-4 nay with Councilmember McDougald voting aye. CONI IRMA11ON OI 1 LI CfION 01 1!CIA! S, APPROVPD REQUEST TO CLOSE LOCAL LIQUOR OUTLETS ON PRIAIARY Fl ECTION DAY, FAILED 494 DISCUSS RE TIIE PROVISION Or 11l Y WAl l 1110 TUC GRAND WA 1 CR AND SEWER SERVICE AGENCY roa 111E NO CORRIDOR 1610110N 10 REPORT 10111E OI D MIDDLE: SCI IDOL COMMUTE!: DIRT 1111: CITY IS IN1 CRI:SI CD IN PURSUING A COLLADORAI IVE El POR1 FOR OCCUPYING 111E OLD MIDDLE. SCI Io01.; APPROVED PROPOSCDORDINANCE /99.17 - AN ORDINANCE AMLNDING TIII: MOAD MUNICIPAL CODE SEC ION 13 24 020 REGARDING 11111 SEWER RATE SCIIEDULE; APPROVED AGENDA MOVED PROPOSED OIIDINANCI:N99•IS • AN ORDINANCE AMENDINO MOAR MUNICIPAL CODE SEC1 IONS 3 14 0I0 AND 3.14,030, REGARDING TIIE MUNICIPALI I Y I RANS1ENT ROOM TAX, FAILED PROPOSED RESOLUI ION N21.99 • A RISOLUTION ADOP1INO CI IANOES IN TIIE C11 Y 01' MOAB SEWER RATE STRUCI URE C11 Y MANAGER DIRECTED, APPROVED CI rY MANAGER DIRECTID 10 DIRE A ell Y PLANNIA 10 WORK W I111 COMMUNII Y DI.VrLOPMEN r COORDINA1 Olt, TAILEo CITY MANAGER DIRECTED TO IIIRE A CONSULTANT PLANNER; rnil ED CI I Y MGR DIR 10 Exmoor. OI'rioNS rot PLANNING SVC 10 1111U: A CONSULT AND 10 PRIORD IZC 10 PROVIDE ma Coon», Or PLANNING El I ORl S W 1111 GRAND COUN I Y, APPROVED Under discussion regarding the provision of City Water to the Grand Water and Sewer Service Agency for the North Corridor, City Manager Metzler made a presentation. Discussion followed. Under discussion regarding possible City use of Old Middle School, Councilmember Cooke moved to report to the Old Middle School Committee Iliril 11m City is interested in pursuing a collaborative effort for occupying the Old Middle School. Councihnember Lekarczyk seconded the motion The motion carried 3-2 aye by a roll -call -vote, with Councilmembers Sakrison and McDougald voting nay Councilmember Batley proved to approve proposed Ordinance 1199- I - An Ordinance amending the Moab Municipal Code Section 13.24.020 Regarding the Sewer Rate Schedule Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll - call -vote. Councilmember Bailey moved to move the agenda to approval of proposed Ordinance 1199-15 - An Ordinance Amending Moab Municipal Code Sections 3 14 020 and 3 14 030, Regarding die Municipality Transient Room Tax Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye Councilmember Cooke moved to approve proposed Ordinance 1/99-15 - An Ordinance amending Moab Municipal Code Sections 3 14 020 and 3 14 030, regarding the Municipality I ransient Room l ax Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion The motion failed 2-3 nay by a roll -call -vole with Councilmembers Sakrison and Bailey voting aye, Councilinember Lekarczyk moved to approve proposed Resolution 1121-99 - a Resolution Adopting Changes in the City of Moab Sewer Rate Structure and to direct City Manager Metzler to look into what the otter $44,000 would do Councihnember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Under discussion regarding City Planner Position, Councilmcmber Lekarczyk moved to direct City Manager Metzler to look into luring ri City Planner to work with Community Development Coordinator Olsen. Councilmember Cookc seconded the motion The motion failed 2-3 nay with Councilmembers Lekarczyk and Cooke voting aye. Councihnember Lekarczyk moved to direct City Manager Metzler to look into (tiring a consultant planner. Councilinember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion failed 2-3 nay with CouneilmembeYs Cooke and Dailey voting aye Councilmember Sakrison moved to direct City Manager M. r to explore options for planning services to include hiring a consultant rind to prioritize arrangements to provide for coordination of planning efforts with Grand County. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 nye with Councilmember Lekarczyk voting nay. DISCUSSION REGARDING Under Discussion regarding Burger King Project, Project Engineer Bill' Bolaz made a presentation. Discussion followed. IIUIRIER KING l'ROIECI 495 Under Reading of Correspondence, Mayor Hancock mentioned a letter from the Solid Waste District and from Grand Tire regarding bills owed by Country Garbage Service. City Attorney McAnany stated that he has talked to both agencies, and he told them that the City has an interest in resolving this, and that the funds should have been dispersed as per the signed court order City Attorney McAnnny stated that he also told both agencies that the City cannot function as a collection agency, and that if more was owed, the agencies should pursue independent collection Mayor Hancock requested that an official response be written to that effect and that she be given a copy. Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler distributed a written report and reported that a Special Council Workshop would be held on September 21, 1999 at 5:00 PM to discuss the proposed Moab City Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual Under Mayor and Council Reports, Councilmember Saknson stated that the City really needed to find out about the Equivalent Residential Units with the Grand Water Service Agency Mayor Hancock stated that a temporary representative was needed on the Moab Mosquito Abatement District Board, and inquired if any of the Council was interested in serving. No one responded, so Mayor Hancock inquired if there was Council support for her serving as the temporary representative. Councilmembers Bailey and Cooke responded yes. Councilmember Lekarczyk inquired about the status of the lighting on the Moab Skyway Project. City Manager Metzler stated that a lighting plan had been submitted and the plan is being reviewed and a list of conditions will be prepared in conjunction with the lighting plan. Councilmember Lekarczyk then inquired about the status of the Velvet Freeze lighting. City Manager Metzler stated that twenty-one day notice had been issued on the violation. Councilmember Bailey moved to pay the bills against the City of Moab in the amount of $108,970.40. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember McDougald moved for adjournment Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular.Council Meeting at 10:46 PM. APPROVED: - p4.90,,� �TTEST: aria R. Hancock Mayor READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADNIINISI RATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL. REPORTS APPROVAL. or DILLS MOTION TO ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT ,i0,,,ela6,,,, Rachel Ellison City Recorder 496 MOAII CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING September 21, 1999 SPECIAL MEETINO&.All ENDANCE The Moab City Council held a special meeting on the above in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R (lancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 5 00 p in In attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, William McDougald, and David Sakrison. Councilmemher Joseph Lekarczyk arrived at 5 05 I'M and Councihnember Richard Cooke arrived at 5 20 I'M Also present were City Manager Donna Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, City Treasurer Laurie Ramsleller, Police Chief Alan West, Assistant Police Chief Michael Navarre, Police Sergeant Scott Mallon, Police Sergeant Steve Ross and Planning Aide Debra Gilger rive (5) members of the audience and media were present. PURPOSE or SPECIAL MIL I IN() MAIN STREET BUSINESS REQUEST FOR USE OF SIDEWALK FOR SIDEWALK SALE; APPROVED PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION REGARDING PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL ADJOURNMENT The purpose of the Special Meeting was I) Main Street Business Request for Use of Sidewalk for Sidewalk Sale 2) Workshop Regarding Proposed City of Moab Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual Councilnember Bailey moved to approve the request for use of the City sidewalk for the sidewalk sale on Saturday, October 9, 1999 from 9 AM to 5 PM, for the following businesses Canyon Voyages, Eklectica, Soul Food, Moabilia, Ilome on the Itangc, Cave Dreamers, Western Image, Overlook Gallery, Desert Sun, Tom Till Gallery, Lost River Trading, Earth Studio, T-shirt Shop, Nature's West, Moab Mercantile, Images of Moab, Anasazi Desert Wear, Moab, Ilardware, Ruby's aka MARC ll Gallery, Music of Moab, Gnu to Ewe, and May Fashions Councilmcnrber Sakrison seconded the motion The motion carried 3-0 nyc. City Manager Metzler made a presentation regarding the proposed City of Moab Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual Discussion followed. Mayor I lancock adjourned the Special Meeting at 6 55 I'M APPROVED:Uy.ei4&:,.40ci,UATTEST: /dial Cred264-irv. arla R. Hancock Rachel Ellison Mayor City Recorder REGULAR MCC( ING AND Ari r.NDANCE MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 28, 1999 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above dale in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. I lancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 5:40 p.m. Councihnember Bailey left at 6:55 pin. Mayor l lancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7 00 p in Councihnember Joseph Lekarczyk led in the fledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers William McDougald, Richard Cooke, and David Sakrison; City Manager Donna Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, Police Chief Alan West, City Attorney Chris McAnany and Public Works Director Brent Williams; thirty-four (34) members of the audience and media were present 497 Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the Regular Council Meeting Minutes of August 24 and September 7, 1999 and the Special Council Meeting Minutes of August 26 and September 21, 1999. Councilmember McDougall seconded the motion, The motion carried 4-0 aye. There were no Citizens to be Heard, Under Planning Update, Planning Aide Gager stated that the Planning Commission had amended the Secondary Dwelling Ordinance and was requesting that it be sent to public hearing and that the Commission would have the Planned Unit Development Ordinance to the Council at the next meeting. There was no Police Department Update. Mayor Hancock proclaimed October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month Kim Peterson of Peterson and Associates presented the 1998-99 Fiscal Year Annual Audit. Discussion followed For the two one -ton trucks, bids were teemed as follows. Truck 111 Truck 112 Certified Ford $26,578 50 $24,690 50 WesternSlcpe Chrysler unresponsive Rick Warner Ford $25,384.00 $24,047.00 SL Valley GMC $25,624.50 $23,412 50 Gus Pantos Chevrolet No [aid Butterfield Ford $27,544.00 $24,254 00 Councilmember Cooke moved to approve the consent agenda as follows: I) Request to send Proposed Ordinance 1199-18 - An Ordinance creating chapter 17.69, of Title 17, of the Moab Municipal Ordinance Regarding Secondary Dwellings to Public !fearing; 2)Request to Send Proposed Zone Change at 621 South Kane Creek from RA-1 to R-3 to Public I fearing; 3) Award of Two One -ton (rucks bid to Certified Ford in the amount of $26,578.50 for Truck f11 and $24,690.50 for Truck 112. Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion The 111011011 carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Sakrison moved to approve a request by Pattt I.. Miller, dba Valley Chevron, located at 817 South Main Street for a Temporary Class III Beer License. Councilmember McDougall Seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. Councilmember Snkrison moved to accept the FY 1998-99 Annual Audit as presented, Councilmember Cooke seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Councilmember Sakrison moved to Approve Proposed Resolution 1122-99 - a Resolution supporting the I ligher Education Council's proposal to purchase properly al 125 West 200 South Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion and stated that he is a member of the Nigher Education Board. The motion carried 4-0 aye by a roll -call - vote Councilmember Cooke moved to approve Change Order ill for the Swim Center Roof Project. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. Councilmember Sakrison declared a conflict of interest and abstained from voting. The motion carried 3-0 aye by a roll -call -vole Councilmember Cooke moved to move the agenda to the Discussion Regarding the Sewer Rate Reduction Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 aye. APPROVAL OI AIINU I ES CI1IlfNS 10131 III ARD 1'1 ANNING UPDA II POI IC 1 DEPAR I AIrN I UPIM I I PROCI AAIAI ION Nu S1 N I Al ION CONSLNI- AGLNDA I) RI Q 10 SEND PROP ORD k99-18 TO I'Ulll IC IIEARING, 2)IICQ f0 SLND PROP ZONI' CIIANGE AT 621 SOUnI LANC CRI rt; ro PUBLIC HEARING, 3) AWARD 01 TWOONI •10N TRACKS 111D 10 CI RTll II D I ORD IN 1111: AMOUNT or $26,5711 501011 (RUCK kl AND S24,690 501 OR 1 RUCK $2, APPROVI D 111.4) BY PAl-1 I I A111 I 1 IL 1)11A VAI 11 Y CI II VRON, I OR A I LAID CI Ass In nrra LIC, APPROVI u EY 1998.99ANNUAI ,I ACCEPTED, APPROVED PROPOSED RESOLU PION 1122.99 • A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING HIE IIIGIIER EDUCATION COUNCIL'S PROPOSAL TO PURCI IASE PROPERTY A f 123 WES f 200 SOUTII, APPROVED CI IANGE ORDER HI FOR 111E SWIM CENTER ROOF PROJECT, APPROVED AGCNDA MOVED 498 t Nll MDR immix REIURNED DISCUSSION REGARDING SEINER RA 1 I. REDUC1 ION DISCUSSION REGARDING MOAII IRRIGA I ION DISCUSSION REGARDING DRAFT AGRICMCN1 DETWCCN TIIC CITY GI MOAB AND GRAND WATER SEWER SERVICE AGENCY ANNUAL REVIEW OF BED & BREAKFAST LICENSES, CANYON COUNTRY D & D, APPROVED RI:ADINO OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE RCPORTS Councilmember Bailey returned at 8.02 pm. Under Discussion Regarding Sewer Rate Reduction, Councilmember Cooke moved to direct City Manager Metzler to formulate a Resolution applying the $44,000 reduction to residential sewer rates according to staff recommendation. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Under discussion regarding Moab In !gallon, Jim Walker made a presentation. Discussion followed Under discussion regarding draft agreement between the City of Moab and the Grand Water and Sewer Service Agency, City Manager Metzler made a presentation, discussion followed Under annual review and approval of Moab City Bed and Breakfast Licenses, Councilmember Saknson moved to approve the license for Canyon Country Bed and Breakfast Councilmember 13ailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye There was no correspondence to be read Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Mettler stated that stiff had met with Mr. Boersig and Ms Pettit on -site on their property, and all parties had agreed that there had been no trespassing by the City City Manager Metzler asked the Council for suggestions The Council requested that staff move forward with the appraisal City Manager Metzler continued that the appraisal was received on Janie Walker's property and that a letter had been sent to Ms Walker City Manager Metzler staled that the zone change was in process for the Golf Course properly and that she had completed the budget information that the Utah Leagtte of Cities and Towns had requested City Manager Metzler then stated that she would be meeting with County Administrator Dave I lutchinson this Thursday regarding planning issues. Councilmember Sakrison stated that he would prefer someone in Moab for planning, preferably fill -lime for both agencies City Manager Metzler stated that she would discuss that witlt County Administrator I lutchinson City Manager Metzler also stated that the County would like to schedule a Joint City/County Council Meeting City Manager Metzler staled City staff was working on hiring for several positions, including the Administrative Secretary position, the Special Projects Coordinator and the Moab Arts and Recreation Center Administrative Assistant. City Manager Metzler stated that the City websile was in progress and was awaiting some staff insertions. City Manager Metzler continued that the Big Tree would need to be felled, and that the City had received information slating that the (re - ..'s beyond help and was a possible safety hazard, requiring 111.1 the street continue to be closed to traffic. City Manager Metzler stated that the Water Arch is now functional including and underground water re- circulation system. City Manager Metzler then reviewed some of the projects site had been working on, including: staff review of the revised business license ordinance, reclassification of several staff positions, analyzing the Old Middle School Floor plan for potential uses, and two department head evaluations City Manager Metzler stated that there would be a golf tournament this Friday for the Children's Justice Center City Manager Metzler also staled that she had been working on the revised Animal Control ordinance, that staff was pulling together sample request for proposals for audit services and engineering services City Manager Metzler stated that Mr. Loren Johnson had agreed to enter into mediation with the City regarding the property issue he had spoken about at Citizens to be I leard several meetings ago. City Manager Metzler then staled that the redesign for the Millcreek Parkway was being completed, and construction would begin after the wet season City Manager Metzler staled that a Special Council Meeting would need to be held for the Primary Election Canvass, preferably on October 8, 1999 at 4.00 pm 499 Councilmember Cooke slated that City Manager Metzler luid provided a good update to projects, and inquired on the status of the conservation easeinent application for Cross Creeks Park City Manager Metzler staled that she would check with Community Development Coordinator Olsen. Under Mayor and Council Reports, Mayor I Iancock slated that she found the Utah League of Cities and Towns convention very useful Mayor I Iancock also slated that she world be attending a Dinosaur Diamond meeting in Monticello as well as the Children's Justice Center opening, the Deadhorse Point Visitor's Center opening and the Grand County Airport opening Councilmember Sakrison stated that it had been brought to his attention that there were zoning violations of encroachment on setbacks for temporary structures and he would like the Planning Commission to address the issue. Councilmember Sakrison moved to pay the bills against the City of Moab in the amount of S80,901.79 Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote Mayor Ilancock recessed the Regular Council Meeting for a ten (10) minute break at 9:18 p.m. Mayor I Iancock reconvened the meeting at 9 28 p m Councilmenber Cooke moved to enter an Executive Session for the purpose of a Strategy Session to Discuss Pending or Reasonably Imminent Litigation. Councilmember McDougald seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. An Executive session was entered at 9 28 pm Councilmember Bailey moved to close the Executive Session Councilmember Sakrison seconded the motion. The motion carried 5- 0 aye The Executive Session was closed al 9:50 pm. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9 50 pm MAYOR AND COUNCIL REI'OR I S APPROVAI Of HILL S RI CI Ss RI CONVI NI MOI ION 101 NI I It 1 N.I 11I11V1 SI',SION AITROVI I) LXrCUIIV1 srssion I NI Hu D MOTION 10 CI OSI:1 XI CUI IVt: SLSSION,APPROVED cxrctu ivc srSSION (I Ost U ADJOURNMI NI APPROVED: al�/� �4a-0r.4�TTEST:ad)AAV'-qaet aria R. Hancock Rachel Ellison Mayor City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING October 8,1999 The Moab City Council held a Special Meeting on the above in the SPECIAL Mcc11NC & A rPENDANCE Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah Mayor Karla R Ilancock called the Special City Council Meeting to order at 4.09 p m. In attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, William McDougald, and David Sakrison. Also present were City Manager Donna Metzler, and City Recorder Rachel Ellison. Serving as election Judges for the canvass were: Jolene Welch, Judith Pierce, and Peggy I liggms 500 PIMPOSI. OY SPECIAL AILETINO 1 INAL PRIMARY MUNICIPAL. L'LI.C1ION RESULTS, APPROVED 'I he purpose of the Special 'Mceting was: Canvassing of votes and final audit of the Moab City Primary Election held on October 5, 1999. City Recorder Ellison staled that one voter had voted in precinct number ten instead of precinct number three Council and Mayor reviewed the audited election results including absentee votes processed at the meeting Councilmember Saknson moved to accept the final election results as. Eldon "Rocky" Borreson 58 August Brooks 314 Randy Day 445 Rex Holman 307 Mike Kissel! IG Pant Mahan 52 Daniel W Mick 217 Kirsh!' Peterson 430 W K "Kent" Somerville 339 Gregg W. Stuck! 535 Rob Sweeten 400 Councilmember McDougall seconded the motion The motion carved 3-0 aye. ADIOURNMENT Mayor llaneock adyoumed the Special Meeting at 4 31 PM APPROVED: Lp.�—ATTEST.GcSti Q aria R. Hancock Rachel Ellison RLGULAll MEV LNG AND AIILNDANCE APPROVAL Or MINUI LS L11171.NS 1 O nL HEARD Mayor City Recorder MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 12, 1999 'I he Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115, West 200 South, Moab, Utah Mayor Karla It. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 5.30 p in 'I he Re -development Agency Meeting was canceled due to lack of business. Mayor I lancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7.00 p in. Councdnlember Richard Cooke led ,e Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers William McDougald, Richard Cooke, and David Sakrison; City Manager Donna Metzler, City Recorder Rachel Ellison, Police Chief Alan West, City Attorney Chris McAnany and Assistant Police Chief Michael Navarre; ten (10) members of the audience and media were present. There were no minutes to approve Under Citizens to be I (card, Mr. Troy Black spoke regarding the increase to his garbage bill. Mr. Black stated that his bill liad increased $34.00. Mr. Black stated that his overall bill had increased to $105 for seven cans. Mr. Black stated that he was not pleased with this increase and was very concerned about the high rate City Malinger Metzler slated that the new Solid Waste Contract went into effect on September 1, 1999, which is at a higher rate. Councihnember Cooke slated lliat four years ago the monthly ralo was $18 00 which was consrderably higher