HomeMy Public PortalAbout09-18-2017 Village Board Agenda and Packet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³.´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‡ 6HSWHPEHU 3ODQ&RPPLVVLRQ±SP ‡ 6HSWHPEHU &RPPLWWHHRIWKH:KROH:RUNVKRS±SP 3 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI7UXVWHHV 3DJH ‡ 2FWREHU 1H[W9LOODJH%RDUG0HHWLQJ±SP 4 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\0LFKHOOH*LEDV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH6HSWHPEHU 68%-(&7 $SSURYDORIWKH0LQXWHVRIWKH%RDUG0HHWLQJKHOGRQ$XJXVW 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 9LOODJH%RDUG0LQXWHV 5 VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 21, 2017 AT: VILLAGE HALL BOARD PRESENT: M.COLLINS, M.BONUCHI, B.LAMB, C.LARSON, L.NEWTON, E.O’ROURKE, AND B.WOJOWSKI. OTHERS PRESENT: B.MURPHY, ADMINISTRATOR; J.CALLO, ATTORNEY; M.GIBAS, VILLAGE CLERK; D.WOLD, ENGINEER; R.JESSEN, PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS SUPERINTENDENT; J.PROULX, PLANNING DIRECTOR; K.GOSKA, BUILDING OFFICIAL; T.PLECKHAM, MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR; AND J.KONOPEK, CHIEF OF POLICE. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL, PLEDGE Mayor Collins called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken, all Trustees were present. Mayor Collins led the Pledge of Allegiance. There were approximately 50 persons in the audience. PRESIDENTIAL COMMENTS Mayor Collins: x Proclaimed September 17-23, 2017 as Constitution Week. x Proclaimed September 2017 as Hunger Action Month. TRUSTEES COMMENTS Trustee Larson stated that school is back in session and urged motorists to watch out for children. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3-5 minutes) Terry Brown, Renwick Road resident, expressed concern regarding traffic for the Bott Park Recreation Center. Theresa Faletti, Renwick Road resident, expressed concern regarding the Bott Park Recreation Center. Betty LaTour, River Road resident, expressed regarding traffic for the Bott Park Recreation Center as well as water contamination to her well. Deirdre Quinn, Hunt Club Lane resident, expressed concern regarding infrastructure not being taken into consideration when improvements are made. Vicky Polito, Walker’s Grove resident, stated that she disagrees with the statement regarding infrastructure. Mrs. Polito also commented on the Bott Recreation Center. Perla Ramirez, Weathervane resident, expressed concern regarding traffic for the Bott Recreation Center. 6 Village of Plainfield Meeting Minutes – August 21, 2017 Page 2 BUSINESS MEETING 1) APPROVAL OF AGENDA Trustee O’Rourke stated that at the last meeting the motion to table the Plainfield Community Center was denied, and yet it is on this week’s agenda. Administrator Murphy stated that there have been modifications to the item. Mr. Jon Proulx added that the motion to table the item is a restrictive motion that requires a motion to remove the item from the table prior to being discussed. The Plainfield Community Center item was not tabled, staff continued to work with the applicant, made some modifications, and placed the item on the agenda without the restriction of a tabled item. Trustee O’Rourke stated that it seems ironic that the motion to table for two weeks failed and yet it is on the agenda in two weeks, some of us wanted to see it back and the majority did not want to see the item come back, that was the intent of that vote. Trustee Lamb stated he did not feel that the intent was not to bring the item back. The intent was not to table it, but to continue it to allow time for staff and the applicant to work on the issues. Attorney John Callo stated that the Village Board is required to act on the item. You cannot just table an item and make it go away; you have to vote it up or down. Trustee Lamb moved to approve the agenda. Second by Trustee Newton. Vote by roll call. Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes; O’Rourke, no; Wojowski, yes; 5 yes, 1 no. Motion carried. 2) CONSENT AGENDA Trustee Newton moved to approve the Consent Agenda to include: a) Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meeting and Executive Sessions held on August 7, 2017. b) Bills Paid and Bills Payable Reports for August 21, 2017. c) Cash & Investments, Revenue, and Expenditure Reports for July, 2017. d) Approval of payment to Baish Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $7,071.90 for the emergency repair of a fire hydrant and water main that occurred as a result of a vehicle accident whereby an outside insurance carrier will be reimbursing the Village for this expenditure. Second by Trustee Wojowski. Vote by roll call. Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 3) BOTT PARK RECREATION CENTER (PC CASE #1765-071217.SU.SPR.FP) Trustee Larson moved to table this item until a traffic study is done. Second by Trustee O’Rourke. Vote by roll call. Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, no; Larson, yes; Newton, no; O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; 4 yes, 2 no. Motion carried. 4) PLAINFIELD COMMUNITY CENTER (PC CASE #1764-060217.SU) Trustee Newton moved to adopt the findings of fact of the Plan Commission as the findings of fact of the Board of Trustees and, furthermore, to direct the Village Attorney to prepare an ordinance granting approval of a special use to permit religious assembly at the property known as 23616 W. Main St., subject to the stipulations noted in the staff report. Second by Trustee Lamb. Mr. Jon Proulx stated that the applicant is seeking a special use to allow religious assembly in the R-1 residential zoning district for the property at 23616 W. Main Street. Mr. Proulx reviewed the five (5) stipulations including installation of dense evergreen landscaping along the north property line within one year, implementation of parking restrictions on Ash Street and Maple Court (no parking on Ash Street along the Plainfield Community Center frontage and resident parking on Maple Court), and an 7 Village of Plainfield Meeting Minutes – August 21, 2017 Page 3 initial occupancy of 114 people based on the existing parking lot capacity of 38 spaces with the ultimate occupancy of 150 permitted when at least 12 additional parking spaces are constructed. Trustee Lamb thanked the applicant and staff for addressing the parking concern. Trustee O’Rourke stated that the parking restriction on Ash should extend to Maple Court. Trustee Wojowski inquired if there was resident input on the new parking stipulations. Mr. Proulx stated that the parking proposal was initiated by staff in consultation with the applicant. Trustee Larson thanked the staff for their efforts and expressed concern with the Village Board telling a business that you can’t have more occupants; the applicant not working with IDOT for a traffic signal; the Village paying for the parking restriction signs; and adding more traffic in the area. Trustee Newton stated that he does support this and the applicant has bent over backwards to meet neighbor concerns and there is no evidence that the applicant is doing anything that counters any village resolution or ordinance. Trustee Larson stated that the applicant has the opportunity to work with the Village to find another space that does not affect traffic on in our community from one of our main roadways. There are alternative options available. Trustee Lamb stated that the building currently exists and has not been used as a residential property. The only way to prevent more traffic is to say no more population in Plainfield. The Village is working on infrastructure, it is a high priority. The traffic study shows minimal impact and does not meet the criteria for a traffic signal, blaming the applicant for not working with IDOT is not fair. This is the best use for the property, it uses an existing building, and it fits their size. Trustee O’Rourke stated that staff did a good job addressing the concerns, but he doesn’t believe that it’s appropriate to be on the Agenda at this point. Vote by roll call. Bonuchi, no; Lamb, yes; Larson, no; Newton, yes; O’Rourke, present; Wojowski, no; Collins, yes. 3 yes, 3 no, 1 present. Motion does not pass. 5) C.W. AVERY FAMILY YMCA FITNESS CENTER ADDITION (PC CASE #1768- 072817.SPR) Trustee Lamb moved to approve the site plan review for the fitness center addition to the C.W. Avery Family YMCA at 15120 Wallin Drive, subject to the stipulations noted in the staff report. Second by Trustee Bonuchi. Vote by roll call. Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 6) 15010 S. BARTLETT AVENUE GARAGE CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS (HPC CASE #1766-072417.COA) Trustee Bonuchi moved to approve the requested Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) for a proposed new detached garage at 15010 S. Bartlett Avenue, subject to the stipulations noted in the staff report. Second by Trustee Lamb. Vote by roll call. Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.8 Village of Plainfield Meeting Minutes – August 21, 2017 Page 4 ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT No Report. MANAGEMENT SERVICES REPORT No Report. ENGINEER’S REPORT No Report. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT No Report. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT Mr. Ken Goska presented the Building Department and Code Enforcement Report for July, 2017. PUBLIC WORKS REPORT No Report. POLICE CHIEF’S REPORT Trustee O’Rourke moved to motion to authorize the purchase of ten (10) new Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) with applicable accessories from Second Chance Cardiac Solutions, Inc., for the total amount of $12,938.75. Second by Trustee Larson. Vote by roll call. Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. Chief Konopek presented the Operations Report for July, 2017. ATTORNEY’S REPORT No Report. Mayor Collins read the reminders and pointed out that at the beginning of the meeting he proclaimed September 17-23, 2017 as Constitution Week whereby we asked our citizens to reaffirm the ideals the Framers of the Constitution had in 1787 by vigilantly protecting the freedoms guaranteed to us through this guardian of our liberties. Trustee Lamb moved to adjourn. Second by Bonuchi. Voice Vote. All in favor, 0 opposed. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m. Michelle Gibas, Village Clerk 9 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\7UDFL3OHFNKDP 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW0DQDJHPHQW6HUYLFHV'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH6HSWHPEHU 68%-(&7 %LOOV3DLGDQG%LOOV3D\DEOH5HSRUWVIRU6HSWHPEHU  5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 %LOOV3DLGDQG%LOOV3D\DEOH5HSRUWVIRU6HSWHPEHU  10 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice Amount10131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0193517 Edit 07/20/2017 09/18/2017 765.0010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0193524 Edit 07/20/2017 09/18/2017 722.5010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0193526 Edit 07/20/2017 09/18/2017 37.5012433 - HR GREEN, INC. 112560 Edit 06/29/2017 09/18/2017 4,062.0012254 - TRACY, JOHNSON & WILSON 2017-00001451 Edit 01/23/2017 09/18/2017 360.7512254 - TRACY, JOHNSON & WILSON 2018-00000420 Edit 08/11/2017 09/18/2017 331.50Invoice Transactions6 $6,279.2510578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00000385 Paid by Check # 114427 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 49,431.5610578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00000411 Paid by Check # 114443 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 47,386.8310578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00000426 Paid by Check # 114452 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 1,430.27Invoice Transactions3 $98,248.6610578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00000385 Paid by Check # 114427 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 24,634.3910578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00000411 Paid by Check # 114443 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 23,797.3510578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00000426 Paid by Check # 114452 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 427.43Invoice Transactions3 $48,859.1710578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00000385 Paid by Check # 114427 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 5,761.2510578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00000411 Paid by Check # 114443 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 5,565.4510578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00000426 Paid by Check # 114452 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 102.67Invoice Transactions3 $11,429.3710527 - ILL MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT REGULAR 2018-00000372 Paid by Check # 114415 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 55,439.65Invoice Transactions1 $55,439.65Account 0121.110 - Unbilled Receivable-Developer TotalsAccounts Payable by G/L Distribution ReportInvoice Due Date Range 08/22/17 - 09/18/17Invoice DescriptionFund 01 - General FundAccount 0121.110 - Unbilled Receivable-DeveloperPlaya VistaAccount 0210.220 - Federal W/H PayableFICA - FICA*FICA - FICA*FICA - FICA*Account 0210.220 - Federal W/H Payable TotalsThe FarmhouseKings Bridge Const. Playa Vista25530 Pastoral Drive25105 Round BarnAccount 0210.223 - Medicare W/H PayableFICA - FICA*FICA - FICA*FICA - FICA*Account 0210.223 - Medicare W/H Payable TotalsAccount 0210.222 - FICA PayableFICA - FICA*FICA - FICA*FICA - FICA*Account 0210.222 - FICA Payable TotalsAccount 0210.237 - IMRF PayableIMRF - Illinois Municipal Retirement *Account 0210.237 - IMRF Payable TotalsAccount 0210.238 - Police Pension W/H Payable Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 1 of 30 11 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10949 - PLAINFIELD POLICE PEN ACCT#4236-2308 2018-00000378 Paid by Check # 114421 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 20,157.1210949 - PLAINFIELD POLICE PEN ACCT#4236-2308 2018-00000414 Paid by Check # 114446 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 20,157.12Invoice Transactions2 $40,314.2410315 - DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENT ADVISORS 2018-00000371 Paid by Check # 114414 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 18,105.6010774 - METLIFE 2018-00000375 Paid by Check # 114418 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 645.7311758 - VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS-306593 2018-00000381 Paid by Check # 114424 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 7,089.8010315 - DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENT ADVISORS 2018-00000409 Paid by Check # 114441 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 18,503.3310774 - METLIFE 2018-00000412 Paid by Check # 114444 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 604.8311758 - VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS-306593 2018-00000417 Paid by Check # 114449 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 6,828.7211758 - VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS-306593 2018-00000427 Paid by Check # 114453 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 369.86Invoice Transactions7 $52,147.8710778 - METROPOLITAN ALLIANCE OF POLICE 2018-00000376 Paid by Check # 114419 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 1,394.00Invoice Transactions1 $1,394.0011244 - UNITED WAY OF WILL COUNTY 2018-00000380 Paid by Check # 114423 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 59.9811244 - UNITED WAY OF WILL COUNTY 2018-00000416 Paid by Check # 114448 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 52.98Invoice Transactions2 $112.9610030 - AFLAC 2018-00000370 Paid by Check # 114413 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 807.2010030 - AFLAC 2018-00000408 Paid by Check # 114440 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 807.20Invoice Transactions2 $1,614.4010030 - AFLAC 2018-00000370 Paid by Check # 114413 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 394.5210030 - AFLAC 2018-00000408 Paid by Check # 114440 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 370.02Invoice Transactions2 $764.5411124 - STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 2018-00000379 Paid by Check # 114422 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 3,957.8311124 - STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 2018-00000415 Paid by Check # 114447 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 3,957.83POL PEN - Police Pension AnnualAccount 0210.238 - Police Pension W/H Payable TotalsAccount 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan457-IPPFA-PCT - Deferred Comp IPPFA*457-METLIFE-PCT - Deferred Comp Metlife*POL PEN - Police Pension AnnualAccount 0210.242 - Union DuesMAP - Metropolitan Alliance of PoliceAccount 0210.242 - Union Dues TotalsAccount 0210.243 - United Way Donations457-ICMA-FLAT - Deferred Comp ICMA*457-IPPFA-PCT - Deferred Comp IPPFA*457-METLIFE-PCT - Deferred Comp Metlife*457-ICMA-FLAT - Deferred Comp ICMA*ROTH IMCA PCT - Roth 457 ICMA Deferred Comp Account 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan TotalsAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*Account 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-Tax TotalsAccount 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-TaxAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*AFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*UNITED WAY - United Way of Will CountyUNITED WAY - United Way of Will CountyAccount 0210.243 - United Way Donations TotalsAccount 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-TaxAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*Account 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-Tax TotalsAccount 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance AssignmentCHILD SUPPORT - Child Support Wage CHILD SUPPORT - Child Support Wage Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 2 of 30 12 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions2 $7,915.6611272 - VSP 2018-00000383 Paid by Check # 114426 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 2,029.5811154 - SWAHM-KIM AUCHSTETTER 2018-00000386 Paid by EFT # 555 08/29/2017 08/29/2017 08/29/2017 161,856.46Invoice Transactions2 $163,886.0411266 - VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD 2018-00000382 Paid by Check # 114425 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 2,516.1511266 - VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD 2018-00000418 Paid by Check # 114450 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 2,201.15Invoice Transactions2 $4,717.3011272 - VSP 2018-00000383 Paid by Check # 114426 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 441.2311154 - SWAHM-KIM AUCHSTETTER 2018-00000386 Paid by EFT # 555 08/29/2017 08/29/2017 08/29/2017 41,796.72Invoice Transactions2 $42,237.9510854 - NCPERS - IL IMRF 2018-00000377 Paid by Check # 114420 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 53.2810854 - NCPERS - IL IMRF 2018-00000413 Paid by Check # 114445 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 45.28Invoice Transactions2 $98.5610175 - CARCARE COLLISION CTRS. TOWING 2018-00000423 Edit 07/31/2017 09/18/2017 625.0010209 - CHOBAR'S TOWING 2018-00000422 Edit 07/31/2017 09/18/2017 250.0011204 - TODD'S BODY SHOP & TOWING 2018-00000424 Edit 07/31/2017 09/18/2017 250.00Invoice Transactions3 $1,125.0010951 - PLAINFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY 2018-00000439 Edit 09/01/2017 09/18/2017 130.11Invoice Transactions1 $130.11 ILLINI SUBURBAN ASPHALT 2018-00000401 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 40.00Invoice Transactions1 $40.0011280 - WASTE MANAGEMENT 2838383-2009-3 Edit 08/30/2017 09/18/2017 15,076.8611280 - WASTE MANAGEMENT 5658890-2007-1 Edit 08/30/2017 09/18/2017 300,131.73Invoice Transactions2 $315,208.59Invoice Transactions2 $315,208.59Account 0210.247 - Employee Insurance BenefitVISION INS AT-S - Vision Insurance Premium*September 2017 InsuranceAccount 0210.247 - Employee Insurance Benefit TotalsAccount 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSAAccount 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance Assignment TotalsSeptember 2017 InsuranceAccount 0210.299 - Payroll Insurance Adjustment TotalsAccount 0210.301 - Employee Life InsuranceSUP LIFE INS - NCPERSSUP LIFE INS - NCPERSFSA MED PT - Discovery Benefits Medical*FSA MED PT - Discovery Benefits Medical*Account 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSA TotalsAccount 0210.299 - Payroll Insurance AdjustmentVISION INS AT-S - Vision Insurance Premium*Account 0220.250 - Police Tow Fee TotalsAccount 0450.454 - Replacement Tax-LibraryReplacement TaxAccount 0450.454 - Replacement Tax-Library TotalsAccount 0210.301 - Employee Life Insurance TotalsAccount 0220.250 - Police Tow Fee07/01/17 - 07/31/1707/01/17 - 07/31/1707/01/17 - 07/31/17Account 8100 - Fees to Refuse HaulerAugust, 2017 AYDAugust, 2017Account 8100 - Fees to Refuse Hauler TotalsDivision 00 - Non-Divisional TotalsAccount 0650.654 - Copies-Maps & OrdinancesPermit Fee RefundAccount 0650.654 - Copies-Maps & Ordinances TotalsUnit 04 - Administration/FinanceDivision 00 - Non-DivisionalDivision 01 - Legislative ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/Training Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 3 of 30 13 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000395 Paid by EFT # 551 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 1,550.00Invoice Transactions1 $1,550.0011313 - WILL COUNTY CNTR FOR ECONOMIC DEVL. 2018-00000435 Edit 09/08/2017 09/18/2017 10,000.00Invoice Transactions1 $10,000.0010188 - CATHY'S SWEET CREATIONS 80917 Edit 08/10/2017 09/18/2017 69.4012534 - CHAMBERS, CONLON & HARTWELL, LLC 2152 Edit 07/31/2017 09/18/2017 7,643.3010937 - PLAINFIELD AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 29460 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 50.0011278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3598419-0 Edit 08/28/2017 09/18/2017 8.2511278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3588780-0 Edit 08/18/2017 09/18/2017 32.01Invoice Transactions5 $7,802.96Invoice Transactions7 $19,352.9610578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00000385 Paid by Check # 114427 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 111.97Invoice Transactions1 $111.9710312 - DISCOVERY BENEFITS 0000789783-IN Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 132.00Invoice Transactions1 $132.0010387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000391 Paid by EFT # 547 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 665.0010387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000395 Paid by EFT # 551 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 350.00Invoice Transactions2 $1,015.0011262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399972 Paid by Check # 114437 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 47.0311262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399971 Paid by Check # 114438 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 109.46Invoice Transactions2 $156.4911613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00000402 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 102.8610631 - JUST SAFETY, LTD. 29199 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 44.4511278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3588780-0 Edit 08/18/2017 09/18/2017 17.6111278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3610392-0 Edit 09/07/2017 09/18/2017 10.0811278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3590158-0 Edit 08/21/2017 09/18/2017 48.18Invoice Transactions5 $223.1810752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 131596 Edit 09/05/2017 09/18/2017 659.00Invoice Transactions1 $659.002017 Annual PledgeAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsAccount 8070 - Public RelationsPublic RelationsPublic RelationsPleckhamAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 2000 - FICAFICA - FICA*Account 2000 - FICA TotalsAccount 2020 - Employee InsuranceLegislative LuncheonOffice SuppliesMisc.Account 8070 - Public Relations TotalsDivision 01 - Legislative Program TotalsAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 48508183700002Acct. 48508183700001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAugust, 2017Account 2020 - Employee Insurance TotalsAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingMurphyPleckhamAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 09/10/17 - 10/10/17Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageAugust, 2017Office SuppliesMisc.Office SuppliesMisc.Account 8135 - Contractual Services Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 4 of 30 14 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11838 - COMCAST - ACCOUNT #901868063 55720219 Paid by Check # 114435 08/15/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 593.7611192 - THIRD MILLENNIUM ASSOCIATES, INC. 21152 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 1,645.81Invoice Transactions2 $2,239.57Invoice Transactions14 $4,537.2110937 - PLAINFIELD AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 29460 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 25.00Invoice Transactions1 $25.0010387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000392 Paid by EFT # 548 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 871.00Invoice Transactions1 $871.0010387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000392 Paid by EFT # 548 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 150.38Invoice Transactions1 $150.3810387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000392 Paid by EFT # 548 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 (59.08)Invoice Transactions1 ($59.08)Invoice Transactions4 $987.3010265 - CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. S503876060.001 Edit 08/09/2017 09/18/2017 34.0611734 - FACILITY SOLUTIONS GROUP, INC 4512406-00 Edit 08/17/2017 09/18/2017 429.8411734 - FACILITY SOLUTIONS GROUP, INC 4512319-00 Edit 08/07/2017 09/18/2017 449.4010437 - GRAINGER 9525527389 Edit 08/10/2017 09/18/2017 22.6010767 - MENARDS, INC. 13470 Edit 08/22/2017 09/18/2017 18.9910767 - MENARDS, INC. 13057 Edit 08/15/2017 09/18/2017 176.8911278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3590158-0 Edit 08/21/2017 09/18/2017 156.53Invoice Transactions7 $1,288.3112515 - ADLER ROOFING & SHEET METAL, INC SD17-307 Edit 08/21/2017 09/18/2017 1,434.0012540 - FITNESS EXPRESS INC 7796 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 155.0012324 - TERMINIX PROCESSING CENTER 368086571 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 115.00Invoice Transactions3 $1,704.0012059 - PLAINFIELD LOCK TECHS 14577 Edit 08/03/2017 09/18/2017 199.00Invoice Transactions1 $199.00Invoice Transactions11 $3,191.3110718 - SHERRY LUKASZKA 2018-00000444 Edit 08/21/2017 09/18/2017 15.84Invoice Transactions1 $15.84Division 03 - Community Relations ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingLegislative LuncheonAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsMisc.September, 2017Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsDivision 02 - Administration Program TotalsBuilding Maintenance Account 8072 - Settler's ParkDeBoniAccount 8072 - Settler's Park TotalsDivision 03 - Community Relations Program TotalsDeBoniAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsAccount 8070 - Public RelationsDeBoniAccount 8070 - Public Relations TotalsBuilding Maintenance Building Maintenance Misc.Account 5000 - Building Maintenance Supplies TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesDivision 04 - Facility Management ProgramAccount 5000 - Building Maintenance SuppliesBuilding Maintenance SuppliesBuilding Maintenance Building Maintenance Building ImprovementAccount 9105 - Building Improvements TotalsDivision 04 - Facility Management Program TotalsDivision 06 - Human Resources ProgramContractual ServicesContractual ServicesContractual ServicesAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsAccount 9105 - Building ImprovementsAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingTrainingAccount 3000 - Travel/Training Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 5 of 30 15 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399971 Paid by Check # 114438 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 54.73Invoice Transactions1 $54.7310379 - FEDERAL EXPRESS 5-906-24703 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 24.3711278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3603216-0 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 12.6011278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3608566-0 Edit 09/06/2017 09/18/2017 46.1211278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3590158-0 Edit 08/21/2017 09/18/2017 26.30Invoice Transactions4 $109.3910387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000393 Paid by EFT # 549 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 166.69Invoice Transactions1 $166.6911054 - SELECTION.COM 309179 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 122.00Invoice Transactions1 $122.00Invoice Transactions8 $468.6511262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399972 Paid by Check # 114437 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 73.0411262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399971 Paid by Check # 114438 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 119.46Invoice Transactions2 $192.5010387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000397 Paid by EFT # 553 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 319.71Invoice Transactions1 $319.7110638 - RICK KACZANKO 2018-00000400 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 181.58Invoice Transactions1 $181.5810690 - LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS SIN5274118 Edit 08/18/2017 09/18/2017 48.35Invoice Transactions1 $48.3510387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000397 Paid by EFT # 553 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 783.53Invoice Transactions1 $783.5310119 - ITSAVVY 00976733 Edit 08/29/2017 09/18/2017 68.3910119 - ITSAVVY 00977125 Edit 08/30/2017 09/18/2017 142.46Invoice Transactions2 $210.8510387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000397 Paid by EFT # 553 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 358.00Invoice Transactions1 $358.00Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageOffice SuppliesOffice SuppliesOffice SuppliesAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 48508183700001Account 8135 - Contractual ServicesContractual ServicesAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsDivision 06 - Human Resources Program TotalsMisc.Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 8070 - Public RelationsHarrisAccount 8070 - Public Relations TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageKaczankoAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashDivision 08 - IT ProgramAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 48508183700002Acct. 48508183700001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 8030 - Server/Network SuppliesKaczankoAccount 8030 - Server/Network Supplies TotalsAccount 8031 - Software Licensing/RenewalsAdobe Acrobat Pro CCAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAdobe Creative Suite 1 Account 8031 - Software Licensing/Renewals TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesKaczankoAccount 8135 - Contractual Services Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 6 of 30 16 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10190 - CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. JVJ0780 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 931.5710190 - CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. KBJ4197 Edit 09/05/2017 09/18/2017 455.50Invoice Transactions2 $1,387.07Invoice Transactions11 $3,481.59Invoice Transactions57 $347,227.6110526 - ILL ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS OF POLICE 2017-443 Edit 08/08/2017 09/18/2017 99.00Invoice Transactions1 $99.0010237 - COMCAST 2018-00000419 Edit 08/27/2017 09/18/2017 15.40Invoice Transactions1 $15.4011262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399971 Paid by Check # 114438 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 45.75Invoice Transactions1 $45.7510387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000397 Paid by EFT # 553 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 31.7011613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00000402 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 84.4011734 - FACILITY SOLUTIONS GROUP, INC 4521216-00 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 53.76Invoice Transactions3 $169.8611262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399972 Paid by Check # 114437 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 37.01Invoice Transactions1 $37.0110413 - GALLS INC. 008055566 Edit 08/09/2017 09/18/2017 144.0010608 - JCM UNIFORMS 735051 Edit 08/11/2017 09/18/2017 9.00Invoice Transactions2 $153.0010752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 131596 Edit 09/05/2017 09/18/2017 380.00Invoice Transactions1 $380.0012515 - ADLER ROOFING & SHEET METAL, INC SD17-296 Edit 08/21/2017 09/18/2017 850.0010092 - ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES 550639 Edit 08/01/2017 09/18/2017 165.8612115 - COLLEY ELEVATOR COMPANY 163639 Edit 08/01/2017 09/18/2017 205.0010437 - GRAINGER 9506060319 Edit 07/21/2017 09/18/2017 172.3212495 - ILLCO INC 6134059 Edit 07/25/2017 09/18/2017 399.0510767 - MENARDS, INC. 13542 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 10.5210767 - MENARDS, INC. 12337 Edit 08/02/2017 09/18/2017 59.1010767 - MENARDS, INC. 12194 Edit 07/31/2017 09/18/2017 20.97Account 9111 - ComputersDell Optiplex 3050 plus Dell 24" monitorsAccount 9111 - Computers TotalsDivision 08 - IT Program TotalsAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetAcct 8771201600576080Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsUnit 04 - Administration/Finance TotalsUnit 05 - Police DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingTrainingAugust, 2017Office SuppliesAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5010 - Replacement SuppliesAcct. 48508183700002Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 48508183700001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageKaczankoAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 09/10/17 - 10/10/17Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsAccount 8040 - CustodianCustodianAccount 5010 - Replacement Supplies TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsUniformsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodian Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 7 of 30 17 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10767 - MENARDS, INC. 12654 Edit 08/08/2017 09/18/2017 59.9110767 - MENARDS, INC. 13597 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 11.9512059 - PLAINFIELD LOCK TECHS 12949 Edit 04/04/2017 09/18/2017 10.0012324 - TERMINIX PROCESSING CENTER 367787033 Edit 08/28/2017 09/18/2017 125.00Invoice Transactions12 $2,089.68Invoice Transactions22 $2,989.7010924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7842 Paid by Check # 114431 08/15/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 25.0010924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7846 Paid by Check # 114431 08/17/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 15.0010924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7847 Paid by Check # 114431 08/22/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 30.00Invoice Transactions3 $70.0011838 - COMCAST - ACCOUNT #901868063 55720219 Paid by Check # 114435 08/15/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 593.7610237 - COMCAST 2018-00000419 Edit 08/27/2017 09/18/2017 15.40Invoice Transactions2 $609.1611262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399972 Paid by Check # 114437 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 57.0311262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399971 Paid by Check # 114438 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 393.59Invoice Transactions2 $450.6211613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00000402 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 176.2011866 - KAESER & BLAIR INC 70706040 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 730.9510891 - OFF THE PRESS 21108 Edit 08/14/2017 09/18/2017 16.00Invoice Transactions3 $923.1510413 - GALLS INC. 008051881 Edit 08/08/2017 09/18/2017 356.00Invoice Transactions1 $356.0010387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000394 Paid by EFT # 550 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 100.00Invoice Transactions1 $100.0012264 - WEX BANK 50753414 Edit 07/31/2017 09/18/2017 39.00Invoice Transactions1 $39.0010387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000394 Paid by EFT # 550 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 135.0310353 - ENTENMANN-ROVIN COMPANY 0128800-IN Edit 08/09/2017 09/18/2017 106.5010413 - GALLS INC. 008020937 Edit 08/03/2017 09/18/2017 21.50Division 02 - Administration Program TotalsDivision 51 - Police OperationsAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingFBI Nat'l AcademyCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianAccount 8040 - Custodian TotalsAcct 8771201600576080Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 48508183700002Acct. 48508183700001MFF TrainingMarksman Training-AndersonAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetMisc.Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5010 - Replacement SuppliesReplacement SuppliesAccount 5010 - Replacement Supplies TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageAugust, 2017Challenge CoinsOffice SuppliesAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingKonopekUniformsUniformsAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsKonopekAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 8 of 30 18 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10413 - GALLS INC. 008117436 Edit 08/18/2017 09/18/2017 155.0010413 - GALLS INC. 007985546 Edit 07/28/2017 09/18/2017 102.5910608 - JCM UNIFORMS 732090 Edit 07/10/2017 09/18/2017 184.9510608 - JCM UNIFORMS 732687 Edit 08/28/2017 09/18/2017 183.4010608 - JCM UNIFORMS 734338 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 33.0010608 - JCM UNIFORMS 734337 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 33.0010608 - JCM UNIFORMS 734340 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 15.0010608 - JCM UNIFORMS 734035 Edit 08/11/2017 09/18/2017 52.0010608 - JCM UNIFORMS 735442 Edit 08/28/2017 09/18/2017 29.9510997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1743347-IN Edit 08/09/2017 09/18/2017 146.9010997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1743348-IN Edit 08/09/2017 09/18/2017 89.9010997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1744453-IN Edit 08/15/2017 09/18/2017 760.8010997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1744882-IN Edit 08/17/2017 09/18/2017 49.57Invoice Transactions16 $2,099.0911326 - WOODSTOCK HARLEY-DAVIDSON 100849 Edit 01/17/2017 09/18/2017 1,518.14Invoice Transactions1 $1,518.1410752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 131596 Edit 09/05/2017 09/18/2017 496.00Invoice Transactions1 $496.0010018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 631816/6 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 4.9910487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535722988111 Edit 08/17/2017 09/18/2017 247.3211689 - FMP 2018-00000428 Edit 08/03/2017 09/18/2017 66.3711689 - FMP 53-258575 Edit 08/18/2017 09/18/2017 37.6011689 - FMP 53-258744 Edit 08/21/2017 09/18/2017 40.0211689 - FMP 53-257262 Edit 08/08/2017 09/18/2017 103.3611689 - FMP 50-1712368 Edit 08/09/2017 09/18/2017 186.2410666 - K & M TIRE 421390388 Edit 08/02/2017 09/18/2017 138.2412189 - NICK'S EMERGENCY LIGHTING & MORE 728 Edit 08/26/2017 09/18/2017 432.5012189 - NICK'S EMERGENCY LIGHTING & MORE 722 Edit 08/12/2017 09/18/2017 440.0012189 - NICK'S EMERGENCY LIGHTING & MORE 715 Edit 08/07/2017 09/18/2017 536.2511020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 156259 Edit 07/28/2017 09/18/2017 114.3611020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 156833 Edit 08/18/2017 09/18/2017 254.9311020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 156894 Edit 08/21/2017 09/18/2017 50.3111204 - TODD'S BODY SHOP & TOWING 17-04907 Edit 08/02/2017 09/18/2017 125.0010139 - WEBB CHEVROLET PLAINFIELD 45005881 Edit 08/30/2017 09/18/2017 11.2410139 - WEBB CHEVROLET PLAINFIELD 45005680 Edit 08/09/2017 09/18/2017 440.2810139 - WEBB CHEVROLET PLAINFIELD 45005745 Edit 08/15/2017 09/18/2017 485.7011326 - WOODSTOCK HARLEY-DAVIDSON 106843 Edit 07/12/2017 09/18/2017 391.59UniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 09/10/17 - 10/10/17Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceM-26UniformsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 5115.001 - Traffic Programs01/2017 Equip. InstallationAccount 5115.001 - Traffic Programs TotalsM34Vehicle MaintenanceMisc.M 26, InventoryM45M43M15Vehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceM30M34Vehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceM44M29M28Vehicle Maintenance Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 9 of 30 19 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11326 - WOODSTOCK HARLEY-DAVIDSON 106842 Edit 07/12/2017 09/18/2017 391.59Invoice Transactions20 $4,497.8911311 - WILL COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL G17080009 Edit 08/21/2017 09/18/2017 900.00Invoice Transactions1 $900.00Invoice Transactions52 $12,059.0510924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7842 Paid by Check # 114431 08/15/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 50.00Invoice Transactions1 $50.0010237 - COMCAST 2018-00000419 Edit 08/27/2017 09/18/2017 15.40Invoice Transactions1 $15.4011262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399972 Paid by Check # 114437 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 65.0011262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399971 Paid by Check # 114438 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 565.55Invoice Transactions2 $630.5511613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00000402 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 208.19Invoice Transactions1 $208.1912264 - WEX BANK 50753414 Edit 07/31/2017 09/18/2017 61.06Invoice Transactions1 $61.0611238 - ULINE 8940088 Edit 08/09/2017 09/18/2017 334.46Invoice Transactions1 $334.4610387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000394 Paid by EFT # 550 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 543.2511361 - BOOMER T'S 23028 Edit 05/09/2017 09/18/2017 24.0011361 - BOOMER T'S 23051 Edit 05/19/2017 09/18/2017 6.0011361 - BOOMER T'S 24089 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 150.0010608 - JCM UNIFORMS 734404 Edit 07/28/2017 09/18/2017 45.00Invoice Transactions5 $768.2510752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 131596 Edit 09/05/2017 09/18/2017 275.00Invoice Transactions1 $275.0010209 - CHOBAR'S TOWING 11873 Edit 08/14/2017 09/18/2017 85.0011689 - FMP 53-258575 Edit 08/18/2017 09/18/2017 9.4011689 - FMP 53-258845 Edit 08/22/2017 09/18/2017 179.49Division 51 - Police Operations TotalsDivision 52 - Police AdministrationAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingFBI Nat'l AcademyAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsVehicle MaintenanceAccount 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsAccount 8267 - Animal ControlAnimal ControlAccount 8267 - Animal Control TotalsAcct. 48508183700001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageAugust, 2017Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetAcct 8771201600576080Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 48508183700002Account 5040.002 - Crime Scene/Evidence Tech Supply TotalsAccount 5115.004 - Community Programs-Explorer ProgramKonopekExplorer ProgramExplorer ProgramAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5040.002 - Crime Scene/Evidence Tech SupplyCrime Scene/Evidence Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceM7Misc.M2Explorer ProgramExplorersAccount 5115.004 - Community Programs-Explorer Program TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 09/10/17 - 10/10/17 Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 10 of 30 20 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10666 - K & M TIRE 421389155 Edit 07/31/2017 09/18/2017 312.1210666 - K & M TIRE 421397539 Edit 08/22/2017 09/18/2017 589.5611020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC C30295 Edit 08/21/2017 09/18/2017 1,120.9411020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 156950 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 10.54Invoice Transactions7 $2,307.0510387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000394 Paid by EFT # 550 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 159.90Invoice Transactions1 $159.90Invoice Transactions21 $4,809.8610924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7841 Paid by Check # 114431 08/15/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 15.0010924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7842 Paid by Check # 114431 08/15/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 25.0012673 - PSTC 20153 Edit 08/28/2017 09/18/2017 189.00Invoice Transactions3 $229.0010237 - COMCAST 2018-00000419 Edit 08/27/2017 09/18/2017 15.40Invoice Transactions1 $15.4010387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000394 Paid by EFT # 550 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 110.0011613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00000402 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 395.8910428 - GLOBAL INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT 111403969 Edit 08/10/2017 09/18/2017 271.4712059 - PLAINFIELD LOCK TECHS 14410 Edit 08/03/2017 09/18/2017 10.36Invoice Transactions4 $787.7210690 - LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS SIN5284818 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 108.3510690 - LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS SIN5287846 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 72.95Invoice Transactions2 $181.3010752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 131596 Edit 09/05/2017 09/18/2017 180.00Invoice Transactions1 $180.00Invoice Transactions11 $1,393.4212536 - ILLINOIS SECRETARY OF STATE 2018-00000390 Paid by Check # 1756 08/16/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 95.0010209 - CHOBAR'S TOWING 11694 Edit 07/19/2017 09/18/2017 125.0010767 - MENARDS, INC. 13624 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 79.6710767 - MENARDS, INC. 13612 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 585.9910767 - MENARDS, INC. 13623CR Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 (84.83)Invoice Transactions5 $800.83Account 8250 - Background Check ServicesKonopekAccount 8250 - Background Check Services TotalsDivision 52 - Police Administration TotalsM199M191M7M191Account 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsDivision 53 - Police RecordsAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingPer Diem Jen MyersFBI Nat'l AcademyTrainingAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAugust, 2017Office SuppliesOffice SuppliesAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetAcct 8771201600576080Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageKonopekAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsDivision 53 - Police Records TotalsDivision 54 - Seizure/ForfeitureAccount 5012 - Asset Seizure/Forfeiture ExpenseUniformsUniformsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 09/10/17 - 10/10/17Case #15-7043SeizureSeizureSeizureSeizureAccount 5012 - Asset Seizure/Forfeiture Expense Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 11 of 30 21 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions5 $800.8310924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7843 Paid by Check # 114431 08/15/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 45.0010924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7844 Paid by Check # 114431 08/16/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 45.0010593 - ILLINOIS TACTICAL OFFICERS ASSN. 5114 Edit 09/08/2017 09/18/2017 325.00Invoice Transactions3 $415.0010237 - COMCAST 2018-00000419 Edit 08/27/2017 09/18/2017 15.40Invoice Transactions1 $15.4011262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399972 Paid by Check # 114437 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 75.0211262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399971 Paid by Check # 114438 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 157.11Invoice Transactions2 $232.1311613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00000402 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 180.38Invoice Transactions1 $180.3812264 - WEX BANK 50753414 Edit 07/31/2017 09/18/2017 33.01Invoice Transactions1 $33.0110997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1746457-IN Edit 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 285.85Invoice Transactions1 $285.8510387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000394 Paid by EFT # 550 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 64.4410767 - MENARDS, INC. 12278 Edit 08/01/2017 09/18/2017 89.99Invoice Transactions2 $154.4310545 - ILLINOIS LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION 2018-00000389 Paid by Check # 114429 08/24/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 60.69Invoice Transactions1 $60.6910825 - MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS 13176045 Edit 08/22/2017 09/18/2017 2,248.40Invoice Transactions1 $2,248.4010487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535721263408 Edit 07/31/2017 09/18/2017 22.5011689 - FMP 53-256939 Edit 08/04/2017 09/18/2017 97.3410139 - WEBB CHEVROLET PLAINFIELD 45005641 Edit 08/04/2017 09/18/2017 71.89Invoice Transactions3 $191.73Gang Specialist Training - Jeff CookTrainingAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetAcct 8771201600576080Division 54 - Seizure/Forfeiture TotalsDivision 56 - Community ServicesAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingGang Specialist Program - KopekAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageAugust, 2017Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 48508183700002Acct. 48508183700001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5115.002 - Community ProgramsKonopekCommunity ProgramsAccount 5115.002 - Community Programs TotalsAccount 5115.003 - Community Prog.-Alcohol/TobaccoAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceM503M503Account 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsCommunity Program - Alcohol/TobaccoAccount 5115.003 - Community Prog.-Alcohol/Tobacco TotalsAccount 8003 - Radio MaintenancePPD RadiosAccount 8003 - Radio Maintenance Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 12 of 30 22 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10263 - CREATIVE PRODUCT SOURCING, INC DARE 105979 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 442.50Invoice Transactions1 $442.50Invoice Transactions17 $4,259.5210237 - COMCAST 2018-00000419 Edit 08/27/2017 09/18/2017 15.40Invoice Transactions1 $15.4010924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7845 Paid by Check # 114431 08/16/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 29.8610379 - FEDERAL EXPRESS 5-906-38254 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 42.5110858 - NEOPOST 15191281 Edit 08/15/2017 09/18/2017 10.0010891 - OFF THE PRESS 21108 Edit 08/14/2017 09/18/2017 134.00Invoice Transactions4 $216.3711297 - THOMSON REUTERS-WEST PUBLISHING CO 836568448 Edit 08/01/2017 09/18/2017 457.93Invoice Transactions1 $457.9310608 - JCM UNIFORMS 733969 Edit 08/07/2017 09/18/2017 60.00Invoice Transactions1 $60.0010752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 131596 Edit 09/05/2017 09/18/2017 160.00Invoice Transactions1 $160.0011353 - PUSCAS, VICTOR 153 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 300.00Invoice Transactions1 $300.00Invoice Transactions9 $1,209.7010387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000394 Paid by EFT # 550 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 98.4210924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7849 Paid by Check # 114431 08/24/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 77.1412327 - TORTILLA FLATZ MEXICAN GRILL 2018-00000387 Paid by Check # 114433 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 225.00Invoice Transactions3 $400.56Invoice Transactions3 $400.56Invoice Transactions140 $27,922.6410825 - MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS 308936292017 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 10.00Invoice Transactions1 $10.00Division 57 - Court ServicesAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetAcct 8771201600576080Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageAccount 8245 - D.A.R.E. ProgramD.A.R.E.Account 8245 - D.A.R.E. Program TotalsDivision 56 - Community Services TotalsAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsDuesAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsLegal - Office SuppliesOffice SuppliesPostageOffice SuppliesAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 8065 - Legal FeesLegal FeesAccount 8065 - Legal Fees TotalsDivision 57 - Court Services TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 09/10/17 - 10/10/17Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsDivision 93 - ContingenciesAccount 9300 - ContingenciesKonopekPizza/Staff Cleaning Evidence TrailerAfter Action Train DerailmentAccount 9300 - Contingencies TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetPhonesAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsDivision 93 - Contingencies TotalsUnit 05 - Police Department TotalsUnit 07 - PEMADivision 07 - PEMA Program Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 13 of 30 23 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399972 Paid by Check # 114437 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 47.0311262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399971 Paid by Check # 114438 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 54.7310058 - AMERICAN MESSAGING U1165213RH Edit 08/15/2017 09/18/2017 164.34Invoice Transactions3 $266.1010767 - MENARDS, INC. 13581 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 27.98Invoice Transactions1 $27.9810413 - GALLS INC. 008008104 Edit 08/01/2017 09/18/2017 850.0010767 - MENARDS, INC. 13581 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 9.52Invoice Transactions2 $859.5212365 - MISSION MANAGER INC 2017-0041 Edit 08/21/2017 09/18/2017 1,350.00Invoice Transactions1 $1,350.0010924 - PETTY CASH - PD 7848 Paid by Check # 114431 08/23/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 64.50Invoice Transactions1 $64.5010767 - MENARDS, INC. 13581 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 16.76Invoice Transactions1 $16.7612212 - ALL ECO CLEANERS 224549 Edit 08/08/2017 09/18/2017 4.0012212 - ALL ECO CLEANERS 224485 Edit 08/07/2017 09/18/2017 20.0010413 - GALLS INC. 008063009 Edit 08/10/2017 09/18/2017 190.24Invoice Transactions3 $214.2410752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 131596 Edit 09/05/2017 09/18/2017 100.00Invoice Transactions1 $100.0010487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535720554599 Edit 07/24/2017 09/18/2017 32.1910487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535720554597 Edit 07/24/2017 09/18/2017 126.4510421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 806389 Edit 08/04/2016 09/18/2017 100.2912181 - HARMONIC DESIGN 7437 Edit 05/23/2017 09/18/2017 1,540.0010666 - K & M TIRE 421392721 Edit 08/09/2017 09/18/2017 496.0010666 - K & M TIRE 421386719 Edit 07/24/2017 09/18/2017 204.0010767 - MENARDS, INC. 13581 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 39.52Invoice Transactions7 $2,538.45Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 48508183700002Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5010 - Replacement SuppliesReplacement SuppliesMisc.Account 5010 - Replacement Supplies TotalsAcct. 48508183700001Cell PhonesAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageMisc.Account 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5040.001 - Supplies/Hardware-ESDAMisc.Account 5040.001 - Supplies/Hardware-ESDA TotalsAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsDuesAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas for P-3Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 09/10/17 - 10/10/17Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceP64Account 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingPEMA ShirtsPEMA ShirtsUniformsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsAccount 8125 - Siren MaintenanceP64Vehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceP64Misc. Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 14 of 30 24 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10408 - FULTON TECHNOLOGIES, INC 3771 Edit 08/07/2017 09/18/2017 435.00Invoice Transactions1 $435.00Invoice Transactions22 $5,882.55Invoice Transactions22 $5,882.5511838 - COMCAST - ACCOUNT #901868063 55720219 Paid by Check # 114435 08/15/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 593.76Invoice Transactions1 $593.7611262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399972 Paid by Check # 114437 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 152.1111262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399971 Paid by Check # 114438 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 479.24Invoice Transactions2 $631.3511613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00000402 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 148.1710631 - JUST SAFETY, LTD. 29196 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 26.1910631 - JUST SAFETY, LTD. 29197 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 29.35Invoice Transactions3 $203.7110591 - ISP ASSET FORFEITURE SECTION 2018-00000406 Edit 09/01/2017 09/18/2017 180.00Invoice Transactions1 $180.0012515 - ADLER ROOFING & SHEET METAL, INC SD17-308 Edit 08/21/2017 09/18/2017 487.3410325 - DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS, INC. I057192 Edit 08/01/2017 09/18/2017 630.0712540 - FITNESS EXPRESS INC 7797 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 48.3310767 - MENARDS, INC. 12465 Edit 08/04/2017 09/18/2017 30.7110767 - MENARDS, INC. 08156 Edit 05/24/2017 09/18/2017 17.9910767 - MENARDS, INC. 08213 Edit 05/25/2017 09/18/2017 29.9610767 - MENARDS, INC. 13107 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 79.67Invoice Transactions7 $1,324.07Invoice Transactions14 $2,932.8910238 - COMED 2018-00000436 Edit 08/15/2017 09/18/2017 22.5210238 - COMED 2018-00000443 Edit 08/22/2017 09/18/2017 1,408.2710238 - COMED 2018-00000446 Edit 08/15/2017 09/18/2017 22.5210238 - COMED 2018-00000447 Edit 08/22/2017 09/18/2017 250.0910238 - COMED 2018-00000449 Edit 08/17/2017 09/18/2017 215.6512477 - DYNEGY ENERGY SERVICES 149429517071 Edit 08/15/2017 09/18/2017 8,040.04Invoice Transactions6 $9,959.09Siren MaintenenceAccount 8125 - Siren Maintenance TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetMisc.Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 48508183700002Division 07 - PEMA Program TotalsUnit 07 - PEMA TotalsUnit 08 - Street DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration ProgramOffice SuppliesAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsDuesAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsAcct. 48508183700001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageAugust, 2017Misc.Building MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 8020 - Building Maintenance TotalsDivision 02 - Administration Program TotalsAccount 8020 - Building MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceDivision 60 - Street Maintenance ProgramAccount 4015 - Electricity/GasAcct. 9201675004Acct. 4293072110Acct. 9201675004Acct. 0768154178Acct. 1171000026July, 2017Account 4015 - Electricity/Gas Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 15 of 30 25 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10777 - METRO TANK AND PUMP CO. 14400 Edit 08/02/2017 09/18/2017 52.33Invoice Transactions1 $52.3310018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 631832/6 Edit 08/22/2017 09/18/2017 1,119.3010018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 631841/6 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 22.9910185 - CASE LOTS INC. 005387 Edit 07/20/2017 09/18/2017 93.8011596 - ILLINOIS LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, LLC 225953 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 87.0010767 - MENARDS, INC. 12400 Edit 08/03/2017 09/18/2017 28.9210767 - MENARDS, INC. 12651 Edit 08/08/2017 09/18/2017 16.7410767 - MENARDS, INC. 12600 Edit 08/07/2017 09/18/2017 2.9910767 - MENARDS, INC. 12835 Edit 08/11/2017 09/18/2017 64.3910767 - MENARDS, INC. 12451 Edit 08/04/2017 09/18/2017 9.4010767 - MENARDS, INC. 12446 Edit 08/04/2017 09/18/2017 16.1410767 - MENARDS, INC. 12618 Edit 08/07/2017 09/18/2017 16.5810767 - MENARDS, INC. 06376 Edit 04/25/2017 09/18/2017 7.9111028 - RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT 4314720 Edit 08/03/2017 09/18/2017 (20.34)11028 - RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT 4314727 Edit 08/03/2017 09/18/2017 22.30Invoice Transactions14 $1,488.1210003 - 3M PCX8383 SS79087 Edit 08/18/2017 09/18/2017 1,656.0010003 - 3M PCX8383 SS79086 Edit 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 297.0011207 - TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC 89960 Edit 08/07/2017 09/18/2017 825.2011207 - TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC 90075 Edit 08/09/2017 09/18/2017 2,225.00Invoice Transactions4 $5,003.2012005 - BOUGHTON MATERIALS, INC 252301 Edit 07/31/2017 09/18/2017 720.01Invoice Transactions1 $720.0110218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344609617 Edit 08/10/2017 09/18/2017 54.3910218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344619676 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 54.3910218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344616305 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 54.3910218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344612955 Edit 08/17/2017 09/18/2017 54.3910218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344623117 Edit 09/07/2017 09/18/2017 54.3912564 - KYLE GAWLIK 2018-00000431 Edit 07/27/2017 09/18/2017 75.0011004 - RELIABLE HIGH PERFORMANCE 182730 Edit 07/19/2017 09/18/2017 53.67Invoice Transactions7 $400.6210487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535720944349 Edit 07/28/2017 09/18/2017 22.6010487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535720654648 Edit 07/25/2017 09/18/2017 22.05Account 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwareSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware TotalsAccount 5055 - Street Sign Maintenance TotalsAccount 5060 - Aggregate MaterialsAggregate MaterialsAccount 5060 - Aggregate Materials TotalsAccount 5055 - Street Sign MaintenanceStreet Sign MaintenanceStreet Sign MaintenanceStreet Sign MaintenanceStreet Sign MaintenanceAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceVehicle Maintenance Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 16 of 30 26 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 1236-844938 Edit 07/21/2017 09/18/2017 8.4912493 - HD TRUCK EQUIPMENT 1351 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 7.1110666 - K & M TIRE 421389676 Edit 08/01/2017 09/18/2017 765.1210666 - K & M TIRE 421392229 Edit 08/08/2017 09/18/2017 311.8011652 - RICK'S RV CENTER, INC 255633 Edit 08/22/2017 09/18/2017 19.0011020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 156356 Edit 08/02/2017 09/18/2017 53.1211020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 156650 Edit 08/11/2017 09/18/2017 35.3411020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 156751 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 181.0410189 - TREDROC TIRE SERVICES LLC 7430005365 Edit 08/04/2017 09/18/2017 77.55Invoice Transactions11 $1,503.2211128 - STATE TREASURER 51795 Paid by Check # 114432 07/21/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 7,893.5710325 - DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS, INC. I056203 Edit 07/25/2017 09/18/2017 24.0610760 - MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY 678440 Edit 08/22/2017 09/18/2017 4,552.2010760 - MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY 678442 Edit 08/22/2017 09/18/2017 2,102.9710760 - MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY 678441 Edit 08/22/2017 09/18/2017 4,037.9010760 - MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY 678192 Edit 08/03/2017 09/18/2017 615.5510760 - MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY 678092 Edit 08/03/2017 09/18/2017 500.9210760 - MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY 683358 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 600.0011703 - STERNBERG LIGHTING 41458 Edit 06/22/2017 09/18/2017 1,622.0011204 - TODD'S BODY SHOP & TOWING 14352 Edit 12/14/2016 09/18/2017 525.00Invoice Transactions10 $22,474.1712005 - BOUGHTON MATERIALS, INC 252640 Edit 08/15/2017 09/18/2017 769.5012671 - CHICAGO MATERIALS CORPORATION 2735 Edit 07/25/2017 09/18/2017 349.2010381 - FERRO ASPHALT CORPORATION 32220 Edit 07/27/2017 09/18/2017 350.0010381 - FERRO ASPHALT CORPORATION 32237 Edit 07/28/2017 09/18/2017 150.0010381 - FERRO ASPHALT CORPORATION 32207 Edit 07/27/2017 09/18/2017 400.0010381 - FERRO ASPHALT CORPORATION 32350 Edit 08/15/2017 09/18/2017 400.0011596 - ILLINOIS LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, LLC 143663 Edit 08/11/2017 09/18/2017 58.0011596 - ILLINOIS LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, LLC 225709 Edit 08/11/2017 09/18/2017 87.0012528 - UNIQUE PAVING MATERIALS CORP. 266716 Edit 08/18/2017 09/18/2017 1,526.74Invoice Transactions9 $4,090.4410767 - MENARDS, INC. 12613 Edit 08/07/2017 09/18/2017 317.0611220 - TRI-COUNTY STOCKDALE COMPANY 264281 Edit 07/31/2017 09/18/2017 307.00Invoice Transactions2 $624.0610252 - CONTINENTAL WEATHER SERVICE 16214 Edit 08/01/2017 09/18/2017 150.0010376 - FAZIO LANDSCAPING 12442 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 175.00Vehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceUnit 1032Unit 1066Account 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsVehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceAccount 8130 - Street Light Maintenance TotalsAccount 8130 - Street Light MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceAccount 8131 - Street MaintenanceStreet MaintenanceStreet MaintenanceStreet MaintenanceStreet MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceLight Pole RepairAccount 8132 - Storm Sewer ImprovementsStorm Sewer Storm Sewer Account 8132 - Storm Sewer Improvements TotalsStreet MaintenanceStreet MaintenanceStreet MaintenanceStreet MaintenanceStreet MaintenanceAccount 8131 - Street Maintenance TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesAugust, 2017Contractual Services Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 17 of 30 27 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description12643 - LOCAL LAWN CARE & LANDSCAPING 5494 Edit 08/12/2017 09/18/2017 7,791.6612643 - LOCAL LAWN CARE & LANDSCAPING 5515 Edit 09/05/2017 09/18/2017 7,791.66Invoice Transactions4 $15,908.3210387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000398 Paid by EFT # 554 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 39.9510018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 631871/6 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 20.5610032 - AIRGAS NORTH CENTRAL 2039837 Edit 08/02/2017 09/18/2017 158.7610192 - CENTRAL PARTS WAREHOUSE 438139A Edit 07/24/2017 09/18/2017 236.8010345 - EJ EQUIPMENT P07721 Edit 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 1,337.8710373 - FASTENAL COMPANY ILPLA21621 Edit 07/24/2017 09/18/2017 12.1210421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 1236-847769 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 15.4912493 - HD TRUCK EQUIPMENT 1346 Edit 07/25/2017 09/18/2017 20.8010585 - INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER 1915201018211 Edit 07/25/2017 09/18/2017 86.9510601 - J. THOMAS DISTRIBUTORS, LLC SI03412580 Edit 05/16/2017 09/18/2017 410.3910601 - J. THOMAS DISTRIBUTORS, LLC SI02337591CR Edit 03/17/2016 09/18/2017 (31.80)10601 - J. THOMAS DISTRIBUTORS, LLC ARR0017127 Edit 08/21/2014 09/18/2017 (19.76)11010 - REX RADIATOR & WELDING CO., INC. 509442/5 Edit 08/08/2017 09/18/2017 719.0011028 - RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT 4317214 Edit 08/04/2017 09/18/2017 (9.99)11028 - RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT 4317218 Edit 08/04/2017 09/18/2017 9.9911028 - RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT 4292637 Edit 07/27/2017 09/18/2017 24.9711028 - RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT 4325453 Edit 08/07/2017 09/18/2017 16.7811028 - RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT 4325467 Edit 08/07/2017 09/18/2017 10.4011075 - SHOREWOOD HOME & AUTO, INC. 01-37941 Edit 08/02/2017 09/18/2017 253.3811075 - SHOREWOOD HOME & AUTO, INC. 01-36869 Edit 07/26/2017 09/18/2017 152.9411110 - SPRAYER SPECIALTIES INC. 1006557-IN Edit 07/20/2017 09/18/2017 67.7411190 - THE UPS STORE 888305 Edit 08/28/2017 09/18/2017 13.7411263 - VERMEER MIDWEST PB2957 Edit 07/31/2017 09/18/2017 24.6211298 - WEST SIDE EXCHANGE J61229 Edit 08/07/2017 09/18/2017 1,884.5911298 - WEST SIDE EXCHANGE J61204 Edit 08/04/2017 09/18/2017 (117.29)11298 - WEST SIDE EXCHANGE J61137 Edit 08/02/2017 09/18/2017 117.2911298 - WEST SIDE EXCHANGE J61250 Edit 08/04/2017 09/18/2017 228.0011298 - WEST SIDE EXCHANGE J61244 Edit 08/08/2017 09/18/2017 50.88Invoice Transactions28 $5,735.17Invoice Transactions97 $67,958.7510093 - ARBOR TEK SERVICES, INC. 15245 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 205.0010093 - ARBOR TEK SERVICES, INC. 15244 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 195.00Invoice Transactions2 $400.00Invoice Transactions2 $400.00August, 2017September, 2017Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsAccount 8160 - Equipment MaintenancePersonsEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceAccount 8160 - Equipment Maintenance TotalsContractual ServicesAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsDivision 62 - Forestry Program TotalsDivision 60 - Street Maintenance Program TotalsDivision 62 - Forestry ProgramAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesContractual Services Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 18 of 30 28 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions113 $71,291.6410387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000396 Paid by EFT # 552 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 200.00Invoice Transactions1 $200.0011262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399971 Paid by Check # 114438 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 72.98Invoice Transactions1 $72.9810953 - PLAINFIELD SIGNS, INC. 15927 Edit 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 430.0011278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3598419-0 Edit 08/28/2017 09/18/2017 146.7511278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3588780-0 Edit 08/18/2017 09/18/2017 14.53Invoice Transactions3 $591.2810387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000396 Paid by EFT # 552 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 440.00Invoice Transactions1 $440.0010752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 131596 Edit 09/05/2017 09/18/2017 50.00Invoice Transactions1 $50.0010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0194114 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 42.5010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0194098 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 1,405.0010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0194101 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 180.00Invoice Transactions3 $1,627.50Invoice Transactions10 $2,981.7610387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000398 Paid by EFT # 554 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 259.0010532 - ILLINOIS ASSOCIATION CODE ENFORCEMENT 2018-00000384 Paid by Check # 114428 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 70.0012614 - PATRICK HENEGHAN 2018-00000403 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 40.0010580 - INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, INC. 1000799456 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 37.25Invoice Transactions4 $406.2511262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399972 Paid by Check # 114437 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 87.1111262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399971 Paid by Check # 114438 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 226.10Invoice Transactions2 $313.2110387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000397 Paid by EFT # 553 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 79.5711613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00000402 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 425.99Unit 08 - Street Department TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 48508183700001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostagePublic Notice SignUnit 09 - Community DevelopmentDivision 20 - Planning ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingProulxAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 09/10/17 - 10/10/17Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsOffice SuppliesMisc.Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsProulxDivision 20 - Planning Program TotalsDivision 21 - Building ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingPersonsNICK GREGORY & JILL WEYERAccount 8225 - Engineering FeesVintage Harvest Gas N Wash RecapturePlfld. Comm. Center Traffic Account 8225 - Engineering Fees TotalsAcct. 48508183700001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageKaczankoAugust, 2017TrainingTrainingAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 48508183700002 Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 19 of 30 29 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions2 $505.5612581 - NICK GREGORY 2018-00000404 Edit 07/09/2017 09/18/2017 150.00Invoice Transactions1 $150.0010652 - KENDALL COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS 2018-00000388 Paid by Check # 114430 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 147.00Invoice Transactions1 $147.0012433 - HR GREEN, INC. 113810 Edit 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 1,045.50Invoice Transactions1 $1,045.50Invoice Transactions11 $2,567.52Invoice Transactions21 $5,549.28Invoice Transactions400 $994,628.4510578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00000385 Paid by Check # 114427 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 5,733.7610578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00000411 Paid by Check # 114443 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 5,240.15Invoice Transactions2 $10,973.9110578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00000385 Paid by Check # 114427 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 2,986.9710578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00000411 Paid by Check # 114443 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 2,809.51Invoice Transactions2 $5,796.4810578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00000385 Paid by Check # 114427 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 698.5610578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00000411 Paid by Check # 114443 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 657.07Invoice Transactions2 $1,355.6310527 - ILL MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT REGULAR 2018-00000372 Paid by Check # 114415 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 15,287.27Invoice Transactions1 $15,287.2710315 - DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENT ADVISORS 2018-00000371 Paid by Check # 114414 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 891.0510774 - METLIFE 2018-00000375 Paid by Check # 114418 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 678.0611758 - VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS-306593 2018-00000381 Paid by Check # 114424 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 196.0310315 - DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENT ADVISORS 2018-00000409 Paid by Check # 114441 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 960.34Account 8045 - Recording Fees27025 Rustic Wood, 26915 SummergroveAccount 8045 - Recording Fees TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesBuilding & Inspections Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsFund 01 - General Fund TotalsFund 02 - Water and Sewer FundAccount 0210.220 - Federal W/H PayableFICA - FICA*FICA - FICA*Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsDivision 21 - Building Program TotalsUnit 09 - Community Development TotalsAccount 0210.223 - Medicare W/H PayableFICA - FICA*FICA - FICA*Account 0210.223 - Medicare W/H Payable TotalsAccount 0210.237 - IMRF PayableAccount 0210.220 - Federal W/H Payable TotalsAccount 0210.222 - FICA PayableFICA - FICA*FICA - FICA*Account 0210.222 - FICA Payable Totals457-ICMA-FLAT - Deferred Comp ICMA*457-IPPFA-PCT - Deferred Comp IPPFA*IMRF - Illinois Municipal Retirement *Account 0210.237 - IMRF Payable TotalsAccount 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan457-IPPFA-PCT - Deferred Comp IPPFA*457-METLIFE-PCT - Deferred Comp Metlife* Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 20 of 30 30 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10774 - METLIFE 2018-00000412 Paid by Check # 114444 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 565.1011758 - VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS-306593 2018-00000417 Paid by Check # 114449 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 187.91Invoice Transactions6 $3,478.4911244 - UNITED WAY OF WILL COUNTY 2018-00000380 Paid by Check # 114423 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 9.0211244 - UNITED WAY OF WILL COUNTY 2018-00000416 Paid by Check # 114448 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 9.02Invoice Transactions2 $18.0410030 - AFLAC 2018-00000370 Paid by Check # 114413 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 49.0410030 - AFLAC 2018-00000408 Paid by Check # 114440 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 49.04Invoice Transactions2 $98.0810030 - AFLAC 2018-00000370 Paid by Check # 114413 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 37.8510030 - AFLAC 2018-00000408 Paid by Check # 114440 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 37.85Invoice Transactions2 $75.7011124 - STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 2018-00000379 Paid by Check # 114422 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 852.5311124 - STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 2018-00000415 Paid by Check # 114447 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 852.53Invoice Transactions2 $1,705.0611272 - VSP 2018-00000383 Paid by Check # 114426 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 233.5111154 - SWAHM-KIM AUCHSTETTER 2018-00000386 Paid by EFT # 555 08/29/2017 08/29/2017 08/29/2017 16,346.82Invoice Transactions2 $16,580.3311266 - VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD 2018-00000382 Paid by Check # 114425 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 218.3511266 - VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD 2018-00000418 Paid by Check # 114450 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 218.35Invoice Transactions2 $436.7010854 - NCPERS - IL IMRF 2018-00000377 Paid by Check # 114420 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 34.7210854 - NCPERS - IL IMRF 2018-00000413 Paid by Check # 114445 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 09/08/2017 34.72Invoice Transactions2 $69.44457-METLIFE-PCT - Deferred Comp Metlife*457-ICMA-FLAT - Deferred Comp ICMA*Account 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan TotalsAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*AFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*Account 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-Tax TotalsAccount 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-TaxAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*Account 0210.243 - United Way DonationsUNITED WAY - United Way of Will CountyUNITED WAY - United Way of Will CountyAccount 0210.243 - United Way Donations TotalsAccount 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-TaxAccount 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance Assignment TotalsAccount 0210.247 - Employee Insurance BenefitVISION INS AT-S - Vision Insurance Premium*September 2017 InsuranceAccount 0210.247 - Employee Insurance Benefit TotalsAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*Account 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-Tax TotalsAccount 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance AssignmentCHILD SUPPORT - Child Support Wage CHILD SUPPORT - Child Support Wage SUP LIFE INS - NCPERSSUP LIFE INS - NCPERSAccount 0210.301 - Employee Life Insurance TotalsUnit 10 - Water DepartmentAccount 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSAFSA MED PT - Discovery Benefits Medical*FSA MED PT - Discovery Benefits Medical*Account 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSA TotalsAccount 0210.301 - Employee Life Insurance Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 21 of 30 31 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000398 Paid by EFT # 554 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 1,170.00Invoice Transactions1 $1,170.0011262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399972 Paid by Check # 114437 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 139.0911262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399971 Paid by Check # 114438 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 154.4210058 - AMERICAN MESSAGING U1165213RH Edit 08/15/2017 09/18/2017 35.22Invoice Transactions3 $328.7310387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000398 Paid by EFT # 554 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 6.6511613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00000402 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 313.5710631 - JUST SAFETY, LTD. 29196 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 26.1811190 - THE UPS STORE 91888401 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 73.3011222 - TRIPLE S VENDING D1815 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 47.2711222 - TRIPLE S VENDING D1846 Edit 09/11/2017 09/18/2017 30.0411278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3590158-0 Edit 08/21/2017 09/18/2017 28.44Invoice Transactions7 $525.4510463 - HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD. H585834 Edit 08/03/2017 09/18/2017 1,948.1210463 - HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD. H567721 Edit 07/28/2017 09/18/2017 58.7410463 - HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD. H590386 Edit 08/04/2017 09/18/2017 718.7710463 - HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD. H605997 Edit 08/07/2017 09/18/2017 1,967.0410463 - HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD. H678048 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 3,511.30Invoice Transactions5 $8,203.9712515 - ADLER ROOFING & SHEET METAL, INC SD17-308 Edit 08/21/2017 09/18/2017 487.3310325 - DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS, INC. I057192 Edit 08/01/2017 09/18/2017 630.0712540 - FITNESS EXPRESS INC 7797 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 48.3310585 - INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER C91520000001115Edit 08/09/2017 09/18/2017 27.4510767 - MENARDS, INC. 13107 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 79.67Invoice Transactions5 $1,272.8511192 - THIRD MILLENNIUM ASSOCIATES, INC. 21152 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 1,645.81Invoice Transactions1 $1,645.8110131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0192921 Edit 06/22/2017 09/18/2017 611.02Invoice Transactions1 $611.02Invoice Transactions23 $13,757.83Division 02 - Administration ProgramAcct. 48508183700001Cell PhonesAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostagePersonsAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingPersonsAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 48508183700002August, 2017Misc.Office SuppliesOffice SuppliesMisc.Misc.Water MetersWater MetersAccount 5080 - Water Meters TotalsAccount 8020 - Building MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5080 - Water MetersWater MetersWater MetersWater MetersAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesSeptember, 2017Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsAccount 8225 - Engineering FeesWater System Plan UpdateBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 8020 - Building Maintenance TotalsAccount 8225 - Engineering Fees TotalsDivision 02 - Administration Program TotalsDivision 30 - Water Distribution Program Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 22 of 30 32 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10868 - NICOR 2018-00000430 Edit 08/28/2017 09/18/2017 36.5210868 - NICOR 2018-00000440 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 31.6810868 - NICOR 2018-00000442 Edit 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 99.04Invoice Transactions3 $167.2410463 - HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD. H629096 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 1,080.0011240 - UNDERGROUND PIPE & VALVE CO 023917 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 520.00Invoice Transactions2 $1,600.0010767 - MENARDS, INC. 13633 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 22.3710777 - METRO TANK AND PUMP CO. 14400 Edit 08/02/2017 09/18/2017 52.33Invoice Transactions2 $74.7010018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 631855/6 Edit 08/28/2017 09/18/2017 11.9810018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 631840/6 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 14.9510185 - CASE LOTS INC. 005387 Edit 07/20/2017 09/18/2017 93.8010627 - JSN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY 81139 Edit 08/14/2017 09/18/2017 104.4010767 - MENARDS, INC. 13207 Edit 08/17/2017 09/18/2017 45.1010767 - MENARDS, INC. 13502 Edit 08/22/2017 09/18/2017 63.9210767 - MENARDS, INC. 13703 Edit 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 28.53Invoice Transactions7 $362.6811004 - RELIABLE HIGH PERFORMANCE 182730 Edit 07/19/2017 09/18/2017 53.67Invoice Transactions1 $53.6710487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535724088705 Edit 08/28/2017 09/18/2017 68.7310421 - GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 1236-849214 Edit 08/28/2017 09/18/2017 130.4711020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 156306 Edit 07/31/2017 09/18/2017 181.04Invoice Transactions3 $380.2411838 - COMCAST - ACCOUNT #901868063 55720219 Paid by Check # 114435 08/15/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 593.7610752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 131596 Edit 09/05/2017 09/18/2017 265.00Invoice Transactions2 $858.7610063 - AMERICAN WATER 4000126075 Edit 08/01/2017 09/18/2017 907,312.8610063 - AMERICAN WATER 4000126052 Edit 08/01/2017 09/18/2017 31,199.66Invoice Transactions2 $938,512.52Invoice Transactions22 $942,009.81Invoice Transactions45 $955,767.64Acct. 20521933950Acct. 82178910004Acct. 84403020005Account 4015 - Electricity/Gas TotalsAccount 5010 - Replacement SuppliesAccount 4015 - Electricity/GasGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwareSuppliesSuppliesReplacement SuppliesReplacement SuppliesAccount 5010 - Replacement Supplies TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware TotalsUnit 1029Unit 1029Vehicle MaintenanceAccount 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceJuly, 2017Account 8135.003 - Lake Michigan Water Purchase TotalsDivision 30 - Water Distribution Program TotalsUnit 10 - Water Department TotalsMisc.09/10/17 - 10/10/17Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsAccount 8135.003 - Lake Michigan Water PurchaseJuly, 2017 Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 23 of 30 33 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10387 - FIRST MIDWEST - BANKCARD SERVICES 2018-00000398 Paid by EFT # 554 07/30/2017 08/24/2017 08/24/2017 1,170.0010552 - ILLINOIS SECTION AWWA 200030835 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 42.00Invoice Transactions2 $1,212.0011262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399972 Paid by Check # 114437 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 37.0111262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9791399971 Paid by Check # 114438 08/21/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 144.8910058 - AMERICAN MESSAGING U1165213RH Edit 08/15/2017 09/18/2017 35.22Invoice Transactions3 $217.1211613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00000402 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 148.1811222 - TRIPLE S VENDING D1815 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 47.2711222 - TRIPLE S VENDING D1846 Edit 09/11/2017 09/18/2017 30.0311278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3590158-0 Edit 08/21/2017 09/18/2017 28.43Invoice Transactions4 $253.9111845 - ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY 9500174960 Edit 07/04/2017 09/18/2017 275.0010530 - ILLINOIS EPA 2018-00000432 Edit 07/01/2017 09/18/2017 500.0010530 - ILLINOIS EPA 2018-00000433 Edit 07/01/2017 09/18/2017 500.00Invoice Transactions3 $1,275.0012515 - ADLER ROOFING & SHEET METAL, INC SD17-308 Edit 08/21/2017 09/18/2017 487.3310265 - CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. S503861864.001 Edit 07/31/2017 09/18/2017 199.8610325 - DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS, INC. I057192 Edit 08/01/2017 09/18/2017 630.0612540 - FITNESS EXPRESS INC 7797 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 48.3410437 - GRAINGER 9516643658 Edit 08/02/2017 09/18/2017 186.3010767 - MENARDS, INC. 13107 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 79.6610767 - MENARDS, INC. 14255 Edit 09/03/2017 09/18/2017 27.47Invoice Transactions7 $1,659.0211192 - THIRD MILLENNIUM ASSOCIATES, INC. 21152 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 1,646.31Invoice Transactions1 $1,646.31Invoice Transactions20 $6,263.3610238 - COMED 2018-00000437 Edit 08/15/2017 09/18/2017 25.8410238 - COMED 2018-00000448 Edit 08/22/2017 09/18/2017 40.3510239 - COMMERCIAL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS 2018-00000445 Edit 08/18/2017 09/18/2017 71.56Unit 11 - Sewer DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingPersonsTrainingAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 48508183700002Acct. 48508183700001Cell PhonesAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsDuesAcct. ILR006244(A)Acct. ILR006243(A)Account 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageAugust, 2017Office SuppliesMisc.Misc.Account 8020 - Building MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsDivision 02 - Administration Program TotalsDivision 40 - Sewer Treatment ProgramAccount 4015 - Electricity/GasBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 8020 - Building Maintenance TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesSeptember, 2017Acct. 1459002013Acct. 0066136025Acct. 0195025060 Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 24 of 30 34 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10868 - NICOR 2018-00000438 Edit 08/30/2017 09/18/2017 202.9910868 - NICOR 2018-00000441 Edit 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 104.54Invoice Transactions5 $445.2810631 - JUST SAFETY, LTD. 29196 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 26.18Invoice Transactions1 $26.1810631 - JUST SAFETY, LTD. 29198 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 43.0511253 - USABLUEBOOK 3336567 Edit 08/09/2017 09/18/2017 345.49Invoice Transactions2 $388.5410777 - METRO TANK AND PUMP CO. 14400 Edit 08/02/2017 09/18/2017 52.3411681 - PARENT PETROLEUM 1117867 Edit 07/27/2017 09/18/2017 449.78Invoice Transactions2 $502.1210018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 631794/6 Edit 08/09/2017 09/18/2017 20.0010018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 631775/6 Edit 08/04/2017 09/18/2017 26.9810185 - CASE LOTS INC. 005387 Edit 07/20/2017 09/18/2017 93.8010767 - MENARDS, INC. 12387 Edit 08/03/2017 09/18/2017 27.3210767 - MENARDS, INC. 13960 Edit 08/29/2017 09/18/2017 54.9311253 - USABLUEBOOK 328163 Edit 08/01/2017 09/18/2017 53.90Invoice Transactions6 $276.9310767 - MENARDS, INC. 12987 Edit 08/14/2017 09/18/2017 95.0412642 - NCL OF WISCONSIN INC. 393848 Edit 08/08/2017 09/18/2017 71.0912642 - NCL OF WISCONSIN INC. 394599 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 269.1510961 - POLYDYNE INC 1160515 Edit 08/02/2017 09/18/2017 1,962.0012582 - USALCO MICHIGAN CITY PLANT LLC 1243092 Edit 07/18/2017 09/18/2017 3,885.7712582 - USALCO MICHIGAN CITY PLANT LLC 1243832 Edit 07/26/2017 09/18/2017 3,890.84Invoice Transactions6 $10,173.8910386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 136052 Edit 08/08/2017 09/18/2017 135.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 136036 Edit 08/08/2017 09/18/2017 148.5010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 135795 Edit 07/27/2017 09/18/2017 36.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 136026 Edit 08/07/2017 09/18/2017 36.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 135740 Edit 07/25/2017 09/18/2017 36.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 135904 Edit 08/01/2017 09/18/2017 36.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 136155 Edit 08/15/2017 09/18/2017 36.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 136257 Edit 08/21/2017 09/18/2017 36.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 136365 Edit 08/28/2017 09/18/2017 36.00Invoice Transactions9 $535.50Acct. 05663020005Acct. 39188020000Account 4015 - Electricity/Gas TotalsReplacement SuppliesReplacement SuppliesAccount 5010 - Replacement Supplies TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageMisc.Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5010 - Replacement SuppliesSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesSuppliesAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware TotalsGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwareSuppliesSuppliesAccount 5070 - ChemicalsChemicalsChemicalsChemicalsChemicalsChemicalsIndustrialsChemicalsAccount 5070 - Chemicals TotalsAccount 5085 - Industrial Flow MonitorIndustrialsIndustrialsIndustrialsAccount 5085 - Industrial Flow Monitor TotalsIndustrialsIndustrialsIndustrialsIndustrialsIndustrials Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 25 of 30 35 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344609617 Edit 08/10/2017 09/18/2017 54.3910218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344619676 Edit 08/31/2017 09/18/2017 54.3910218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344616305 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 54.3910218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344612955 Edit 08/17/2017 09/18/2017 54.3910218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344623117 Edit 09/07/2017 09/18/2017 54.3911004 - RELIABLE HIGH PERFORMANCE 182730 Edit 07/19/2017 09/18/2017 53.66Invoice Transactions6 $325.6111020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC C31085 Edit 08/25/2017 09/18/2017 1,299.63Invoice Transactions1 $1,299.6311838 - COMCAST - ACCOUNT #901868063 55720219 Paid by Check # 114435 08/15/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 593.7410136 - BERRYMAN EQUIPMENT CO. 17-0822 Edit 08/18/2017 09/18/2017 2,310.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 135771 Edit 07/26/2017 09/18/2017 229.5010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 135773 Edit 07/26/2017 09/18/2017 31.5010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 135898 Edit 08/01/2017 09/18/2017 108.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 135902 Edit 08/01/2017 09/18/2017 40.5010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 135993 Edit 08/04/2017 09/18/2017 40.5010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 136112 Edit 08/10/2017 09/18/2017 40.5010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 136169 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 108.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 136304 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 292.5010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 136274 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 135.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 136333 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 40.5010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 136238 Edit 08/21/2017 09/18/2017 40.5010752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 131596 Edit 09/05/2017 09/18/2017 265.00Invoice Transactions14 $4,275.7410265 - CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. S503750762.001 Edit 07/17/2017 09/18/2017 91.0010418 - GASVODA & ASSOCIATES, INC INV1701666 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 140.6810437 - GRAINGER 9527788831 Edit 08/14/2017 09/18/2017 264.0010669 - KOMLINE-SANDERSON 42035889 Edit 07/28/2017 09/18/2017 52.7411253 - USABLUEBOOK 321715 Edit 07/25/2017 09/18/2017 801.74Invoice Transactions5 $1,350.1610373 - FASTENAL COMPANY ILPLA21666 Edit 07/27/2017 09/18/2017 17.3810437 - GRAINGER 9532667657 Edit 08/18/2017 09/18/2017 69.3010585 - INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER 1915201018402 Edit 08/15/2017 09/18/2017 22.20Account 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsUniformsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceAccount 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesMisc.UniformsUniformsUniformsUniformsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsContractual ServicesContractual ServicesContractual ServicesContractual ServicesContractual ServicesContractual ServicesContractual ServicesContractual ServicesContractual ServicesContractual ServicesContractual ServicesContractual ServicesEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceAccount 8160 - Equipment Maintenance TotalsAccount 8185 - System Maintenance09/10/17 - 10/10/17Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsAccount 8160 - Equipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceSystem Maintenance Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 26 of 30 36 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10585 - INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER 1915201018303 Edit 08/02/2017 09/18/2017 39.9811576 - LAI LTD 17-14876 Edit 07/24/2017 09/18/2017 430.0010767 - MENARDS, INC. 12035 Edit 07/28/2017 09/18/2017 39.2010767 - MENARDS, INC. 13875 Edit 08/28/2017 09/18/2017 147.9610767 - MENARDS, INC. 13883 Edit 08/28/2017 09/18/2017 5.8810767 - MENARDS, INC. 14008-1 Edit 08/30/2017 09/18/2017 13.6510767 - MENARDS, INC. 13493 Edit 08/22/2017 09/18/2017 59.5610767 - MENARDS, INC. 13410 Edit 08/21/2017 09/18/2017 503.0512672 - NATIONAL FILTER MEDIA ME92050 Edit 07/28/2017 09/18/2017 2,052.4812672 - NATIONAL FILTER MEDIA ME92080 Edit 08/01/2017 09/18/2017 1,294.9510908 - PARKSON CORPORATION AR1/51019372 Edit 07/24/2017 09/18/2017 773.97Invoice Transactions14 $5,469.56Invoice Transactions71 $25,069.14Invoice Transactions91 $31,332.5010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0194103 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 585.20Invoice Transactions1 $585.2010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0194106 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 1,604.2510131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0194105 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 1,012.5010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0193515 Edit 07/20/2017 09/18/2017 5,784.7510131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0193516 Edit 07/20/2017 09/18/2017 2,810.2510131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0194108 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 759.08Invoice Transactions5 $11,970.83Invoice Transactions6 $12,556.03Invoice Transactions6 $12,556.03Invoice Transactions169 $1,055,531.3010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0194109 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 11,394.37Invoice Transactions1 $11,394.37Invoice Transactions1 $11,394.37Invoice Transactions1 $11,394.37Invoice Transactions1 $11,394.37System MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceAccount 8185 - System Maintenance TotalsDivision 40 - Sewer Treatment Program TotalsSystem MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceAccount 8133.004 - Rt 30 Water main-Kuusakoski to Tower 2 TotalsAccount 8225 - Engineering FeesVillage Green IEPA LoanVillage Green Street Village Green Street Unit 11 - Sewer Department TotalsUnit 12 - Utility Expansion Division 91 - CapitalAccount 8133.004 - Rt 30 Water main-Kuusakoski to Tower 2Rte. 30 Water Main Unit 12 - Utility Expansion TotalsFund 02 - Water and Sewer Fund TotalsFund 04 - Motor Fuel TaxUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalVillage Green IEPA LoanLockport St. AlleyAccount 8225 - Engineering Fees TotalsDivision 91 - Capital TotalsUnit 00 - Non-Departmental TotalsFund 04 - Motor Fuel Tax TotalsFund 07 - Tort Immunity FundUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 91 - CapitalAccount 9150 - Street Improvements2017 MFT Street Account 9150 - Street Improvements TotalsDivision 91 - Capital TotalsDivision 00 - Non-Divisional Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 27 of 30 37 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10122 - BALDWIN AND COMPANY INSURANCE 4026 Edit 08/18/2017 09/18/2017 336.00Invoice Transactions1 $336.00Invoice Transactions1 $336.00Invoice Transactions1 $336.00Invoice Transactions1 $336.0011429 - AZAVAR AUDIT SOLUTIONS, INC 13566 Edit 09/01/2017 09/18/2017 8,622.10Invoice Transactions1 $8,622.1012415 - AMERICAN TRAFFIC SOLUTIONS INV00025003 Edit 07/31/2017 09/18/2017 9,190.00Invoice Transactions1 $9,190.00Invoice Transactions1 $9,190.0010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0192928 Edit 06/22/2017 09/18/2017 37.5010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0191824 Edit 04/20/2017 09/18/2017 1,701.2510131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0194107 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 919.1510131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0193924 Edit 07/26/2017 09/18/2017 6,465.0010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0193923 Edit 07/26/2017 09/18/2017 1,896.25Invoice Transactions5 $11,019.1510777 - METRO TANK AND PUMP CO. 14310 Edit 06/13/2017 09/18/2017 4,090.00Invoice Transactions1 $4,090.0012061 - HAMPTON, LENZINI & RENWICK, INC 000020171290 Edit 07/23/2017 09/18/2017 9,788.7512061 - HAMPTON, LENZINI & RENWICK, INC 000020171473 Edit 08/16/2017 09/18/2017 8,415.00Invoice Transactions2 $18,203.7511020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 2018-00000369 Paid by Check # 114412 08/22/2017 08/23/2017 08/23/2017 18,973.0011020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 2018-00000399 Paid by Check # 114436 08/31/2017 09/01/2017 09/01/2017 53,307.9410997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1740614-IN Edit 07/25/2017 09/18/2017 346.8412668 - SECOND CHANCE CARDIAC SOLUTIONS 17-008-323 Edit 08/23/2017 09/18/2017 12,938.75Invoice Transactions4 $85,566.5310767 - MENARDS, INC. 12648 Edit 08/08/2017 09/18/2017 75.0310820 - MONROE TRUCK EQUIPMENT, INC. 317370 Edit 08/18/2017 09/18/2017 2,400.00Invoice Transactions2 $2,475.03Unit 00 - Non-Departmental TotalsFund 07 - Tort Immunity Fund TotalsFund 11 - Capital Improvement FundAccount 0500.502 - Utility Tax Account 8275 - Bond-TreasurerTreasurer BondAccount 8275 - Bond-Treasurer TotalsDivision 00 - Non-Divisional TotalsJuly, 2017Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsDivision 00 - Non-Divisional TotalsDivision 91 - CapitalSeptember, 2017Account 0500.502 - Utility Tax TotalsUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 00 - Non-DivisionalAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesAccount 8225 - Engineering FeesIL 126 Directional Sign IL 126 Directional Sign Lockport St. Survey Quiet Lockport St. Survey Quiet FRA New Quiet ZoneAccount 9112 - Sidewalk Curb & Bikepath Replace127th/248th Shared Use 127th / 248th Shared Use Account 9112 - Sidewalk Curb & Bikepath Replace TotalsAccount 9120.005 - Machinery and Equipment-PoliceAccount 8225 - Engineering Fees TotalsAccount 9105 - Building ImprovementsPiping & electric for 2 fuel Account 9105 - Building Improvements TotalsAccount 9120.008 - Machinery and Equipment-Public WorksMachinery & EquipmentMachinery & EquipmentAccount 9120.008 - Machinery and Equipment-Public Works TotalsNew VehiclesNew VehiclesMachinery & EquipmentAEDAccount 9120.005 - Machinery and Equipment-Police Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 28 of 30 38 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10079 - ANTREX, INC. 3803 Edit 09/05/2017 09/18/2017 1,741.1410131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0193525 Edit 07/20/2017 09/18/2017 848.75Invoice Transactions2 $2,589.8912266 - TREASURER, STATE OF ILLINOIS 120884 Paid by Check # 114434 07/01/2017 08/25/2017 08/25/2017 4,208.9610131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0194110 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 565.00Invoice Transactions2 $4,773.9610262 - CRAWFORD, MURPHY & TILLY, INC. 114226 Edit 07/18/2017 09/18/2017 9,563.4610262 - CRAWFORD, MURPHY & TILLY, INC. 114990 Edit 08/22/2017 09/18/2017 14,334.85Invoice Transactions2 $23,898.3111964 - VILLAGE OF ROMEOVILLE 2018-00000421 Edit 08/10/2017 09/18/2017 15,225.7211964 - VILLAGE OF ROMEOVILLE 2018-00000434 Edit 09/07/2017 09/18/2017 22,235.45Invoice Transactions2 $37,461.1710131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0194100 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 2,298.34Invoice Transactions1 $2,298.3410758 - MCSHANE-FLEMING STUDIOS 116481 Edit 08/20/2017 09/18/2017 145.00Invoice Transactions1 $145.0010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0194105 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 1,674.0010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0193515 Edit 07/20/2017 09/18/2017 3,721.50Invoice Transactions2 $5,395.50Invoice Transactions26 $197,916.63Invoice Transactions27 $207,106.63Invoice Transactions28 $215,728.7310018 - ACE HARDWARE KIN-KO STORES, INC 631784/6 Edit 08/08/2017 09/18/2017 2,398.5010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0194111 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 5,856.3810131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0194106 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 178.2510131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0194105 Edit 08/24/2017 09/18/2017 298.5010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0193515 Edit 07/20/2017 09/18/2017 1,056.2510131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0193516 Edit 07/20/2017 09/18/2017 312.25Invoice Transactions6 $10,100.13Account 9156 - Storm & Drainage Improvements2017 Non-MFT Street Account 9165 - Roadway Improvements TotalsAccount 9165.009 - 143rd St. Extension Phase 2143rd St. Extension143rd Street ExtensionStorm & Drainage Vintage Harvest Account 9156 - Storm & Drainage Improvements TotalsAccount 9165 - Roadway ImprovementsRoute 30 & 119th StreetAccount 9165.028 - Renwick Corridor Renwick Road Account 9165.028 - Renwick Corridor TotalsAccount 9165.030 - 127th-Heggs to Meadow127th, Meadow to HeggsAccount 9165.009 - 143rd St. Extension Phase 2 TotalsAccount 9165.019 - I-55 Interchange DesignI-55 Reimbursement #78I-55 Reimbursement #79Account 9165.019 - I-55 Interchange Design TotalsDesPlaines St. Parking LotDivision 91 - Capital TotalsUnit 00 - Non-Departmental TotalsFund 11 - Capital Improvement Fund TotalsAccount 9165.030 - 127th-Heggs to Meadow TotalsAccount 9165.031 - Village GreenVillage Green Street Village Green Street Account 9165.031 - Village Green TotalsVillage Green IEPA LoanVillage Green Street Village Green Street Village Green IEPA LoanAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsFund 17 - Tax Increment Financing FundUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 91 - CapitalAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesDowntown Holiday LightsAccount 9199 - Facade Improvements Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 29 of 30 39 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L DatePayment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description12669 - CARY MILLER 2018-00000405 Edit 08/30/2017 09/18/2017 6,696.9312638 - JK2 PROPERTIES, LLC 2018-00000407 Edit 09/05/2017 09/18/2017 19,500.00Invoice Transactions2 $26,196.93Invoice Transactions8 $36,297.06Invoice Transactions8 $36,297.06Invoice Transactions8 $36,297.0612657 - OES GLOBAL 14965 Paid by Check # 114411 07/01/2017 08/23/2017 08/23/2017 2,347.00Invoice Transactions1 $2,347.00Invoice Transactions1 $2,347.00Invoice Transactions1 $2,347.00Invoice Transactions1 $2,347.00Invoice Transactions608 $2,316,262.91Unit 00 - Non-Departmental TotalsFund 17 - Tax Increment Financing Fund TotalsFund 40 - PEMA FundUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalFacade Reimb. 24032 Facade Reimb. 24108 W Account 9199 - Facade Improvements TotalsDivision 91 - Capital TotalsUnit 00 - Non-Departmental TotalsFund 40 - PEMA Fund TotalsGrand TotalsDivision 00 - Non-DivisionalAccount 9140 - PEMA Fundraising PEMA ConesAccount 9140 - PEMA Fundraising TotalsDivision 00 - Non-Divisional Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 09/13/2017 02:55:39 PM Page 30 of 30 40 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\7UDFL3OHFNKDP 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW0DQDJHPHQW6HUYLFHV'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH6HSWHPEHU 68%-(&7 &DVK ,QYHVWPHQWV5HYHQXHDQG([SHQGLWXUH5HSRUWVIRU$XJXVW 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 &DVK ,QYHVWPHQW5HSRUWWKURXJK$XJXVW  %XGJHW3HUIRUPDQFH5HSRUWWKURXJK$XJXVW  %XGJHWE\2UJDQL]DWLRQ5HSRUWWKURXJK$XJXVW  41 General Ledger Bank or Current MaturityAccount # Account Name Savings & Loan Yield Balance Type DateGeneral Fund01-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.961% 962,596.05 CK N/A01-0100.002 Public Checking First Midwest 0.000% 12,684.65 CK N/A01-0100.005 Drug Forfeiture Harris 0.961% 366,595.51 CK N/A01-0102.001 Saving Deposit Account PMA 0.980% 309,385.77 OT N/A01-0102.003 Money Market Account Fifth Third 0.880% 3,081.32 OT N/A01-0103.022 General Fund Illinois Funds 1.007% 1,663,995.80 OT N/A01-0103.024 General-Convenience Fund IMET 1.160% 2,114,401.06 OT N/A01-0103.025 General-1-3 Year Fund IMET Various 1,484,391.16 OT N/A01-0104.009 General Fund-PMA CDs PMA-Citi Bank/Onewest Bank, NA 0.933% 247,600.00 CD 11/2/2017PMA-Kansas State Bank 0.901% 247,700.00 CD 11/2/2017PMA-First Community Financial Bank 1.161% 250,000.00 CD 2/5/2018PMA-First Community Financial Bank 1.118% 250,000.00 CD 2/5/2018PMA-First Community Financial Bank 0.921% 500,000.00 CD 5/7/2018PMA-Comenity Capital Bank 1.350% 248,968.88 CD 6/29/2018PMA-Pacific Western Bank 1.111% 244,400.00 CD 8/16/2018PMA-First National Bank 1.083% 244,600.00 CD 8/31/2018PMA-First Community Financial Bank 1.201% 250,000.00 CD 2/28/2019PMA-Ally Bank 1.415% 247,611.63 CD 3/4/2019PMA-Private Bank 1.575% 242,100.00 CD 9/3/201901-0104.015 General Fund-Fifth Third CDs Fifth Third-LCA BK Corp 1.250% 119,388.78 CD 9/27/2018Fifth Third-Key BK National Assn Ohio 1.500% 144,680.19 CD 2/8/2019Fifth Third-First Bank Puerto Rico 1.700% 142,386.00 CD 1/13/2020Fifth Third-Worlds Foremost BK 1.700% 113,908.80 CD 1/13/2020Total General Fund10,410,475.60Water & Sewer Fund02-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.961% 1,838,408.64 CK N/A02-0100.002 Public Checking First Midwest 0.000% 53,127.67 CK N/A02-0102.001 Saving Deposit Account PMA 0.980% 278,439.94 OT N/A02-0103.022 General Fund Illinois Funds 1.007% 3,830,547.01 OT N/A02-0103.024 General-Convenience Fund IMET 1.160% 550,976.77 OT N/A02-0103.025 General-1-3 Year Fund IMET Various 2,521,440.48 OT N/A02-0103.026 Water & Sewer Series 2008-1-3 Year Fund IMET Various 1,433,488.95 OT N/A02-0104.005 Water Sewer-PMA CDs PMA-BMW Bank of North America 1.250% 248,027.28 CD 9/18/2017PMA-First Community Financial Bank 1.161% 250,000.00 CD 2/5/2018PMA-First Community Financial Bank 1.118% 250,000.00 CD 2/5/2018PMA-First Community Financial Bank 1.022% 250,000.00 CD 8/31/2018PMA-Enerbank USA 1.050% 247,863.81 CD 8/31/2018PMA-First Community Financial Bank 1.201% 250,000.00 CD 2/28/2019PMA-Keybank, NA 1.350% 247,415.22 CD 3/8/2019Total Water & Sewer Fund 12,249,735.77Village Of PlainfieldCash & Investment ListAs Of August 31, 201742 General Ledger Bank or Current MaturityAccount # Account Name Savings & Loan Yield Balance Type DateVillage Of PlainfieldCash & Investment ListAs Of August 31, 2017Capital Replacement Fund03-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.961% 1,963,721.15 CK N/A03-0102.003 Money Market Account Fifth Third 0.880% 2,279.16 OT N/A03-0104.005 Capital Replacement- PMA CDs PMA-Sonabank 0.999% 245,000.00 CD 5/7/2018PMA-First Community Financial Bank 0.921% 175,000.00 CD 5/7/2018PMA-Bank of the West 1.321% 240,000.00 CD 5/20/2019PMA-Wells Fargo Bank, NA 1.150% 247,668.35 CD 5/20/2019Capital Replacement-Fifth Third CDs Fifth Third-LCA BK Corp 1.250% 90,065.22 CD 9/27/2018Fifth Third-Key BK National Assn Ohio 1.500% 105,164.81 CD 2/8/2019Fifth Third-First Bank Puerto Rico 1.700% 107,414.00 CD 1/13/2020Fifth Third-Worlds Foremost BK 1.700% 85,931.20 CD 1/13/2020Total Capital Replacement Fund 3,262,243.89Motor Fuel Tax Fund04-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.961% (7,889.25) CK N/A04-0103.002 Motor Fuel Tax Fund Illinois Funds 1.007% 3,502,698.45OT N/ATotal Motor Fuel Tax Fund 3,494,809.20Bond And Interest Fund05-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.961% 1,211,333.06 CK N/A05-0103.022 IL Funds Illinois Funds 1.007% - OT N/ATotal Bond And Interest Fund 1,211,333.06Tort Immunity Fund07-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.961% 14,772.93 CK N/AAudit Fund08-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.961% 27,415.41 CK N/ACapital Improvement Fund11-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.961% 2,233,961.92 CK N/A11-0102.015 Public Checking US Bank 0.000% 6,000.00 CK N/A11-0103.022 IL Funds Illinois Funds 1.007% 10,239,864.06OT N/ATotal Capital Improvements Fund 12,479,825.98D.A.R.E. Fund14-0100.004 D.A.R.E. Account Harris 0.961% 1,380.63 CK N/ATIF Fund17-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.961% 944,362.76 CK N/A43 General Ledger Bank or Current MaturityAccount # Account Name Savings & Loan Yield Balance Type DateVillage Of PlainfieldCash & Investment ListAs Of August 31, 2017Sex Offenders Registration Fund26-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.961% 2,158.41 CK N/AAlcohol Enforcement Fund27-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.961% 46,244.53 CK N/ADrug Enforcement Fund28-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.961% 37,963.57 CK N/APolice Vehicle Replacement Fund29-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.961% 167,774.16 CK N/APEMA Fund40-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 0.961% 16,990.77 CK N/ATotal Cash & Investments44,367,486.6744 $GRSWHG %XGJHW $PHQGHG &XUUHQW0RQWK <7' <7' %XGJHW<7' 8VHG$FFRXQW$FFRXQW'HVFULSWLRQ %XGJHW $PHQGPHQWV %XGJHW 7UDQVDFWLRQV (QFXPEUDQFHV 7UDQVDFWLRQV 7UDQVDFWLRQV 5HF G 3ULRU<HDU7RWDO)XQG*HQHUDO)XQG5(9(18( 3URSHUW\7D[5HYHQXH          3URSHUW\7D[5HY5RDG %ULGJH          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6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW0DQDJHPHQW6HUYLFHV'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH6HSWHPEHU 68%-(&7 5HVROXWLRQ1RBBBBBD5HVROXWLRQ5HODWLQJWR3DUWLFLSDWLRQE\(OHFWHG2IILFLDOVLQWKH,OOLQRLV0XQLFLSDO5HWLUHPHQW )XQG 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 ,05)5HVROXWLRQ 90 91 92 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\0LFKHOOH*LEDV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH6HSWHPEHU 68%-(&7 2UGLQDQFH1RBBBBBUHODWLQJWRWH[WDPHQGPHQWVWRWKH9LOODJHRI3ODLQILHOG/LTXRU&RGHSHUWDLQLQJWRWKH&ODVV³.´ /LFHQVH&ODVVLILFDWLRQDQG1RWLFHV6LJQDJH 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 7H[W$PHQGPHQWVWR/LTXRU&RGH6WDII5HSRUWDQG2UGLQDQFH 93 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Collins and Trustees From: Chief John Konopek Brian Murphy, Village Administrator Date: September 13, 2017 Re: Amended Liquor Ordinance - License Classification (Class K); Section 4-45 (Notices/Signage) Background Findings The Village recently amended its Ordinance Regulating the Sale and Consumption of Alcoholic Liquors. Subsequently, Staff learned the Class K license identified in the Ordinance did not properly consider the licensee’s recent expansion or current hours of operation. Staff reviewed the Class K license and has amended it to properly address the licensee’s designated retail sale space and previously approved hours of operation. Additionally, Staff has updated the Notices/Signage requirement for licensees to include the Illinois Liquor Control Commission’s Age Verification Sign. Policy Considerations The Illinois Liquor Control Act of 1934 (235 ILCS 5/1-1 et seq.), provides broad discretion to municipalities to regulate local liquor licenses. Accordingly, the requested revisions to the Ordinance are authorized pursuant to State law. Financial Considerations There are no financial considerations for the Village. Recommendation Staff recommends the Village Board support the attached amended Ordinance. 94 VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD ORDINANCE NO. ______ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 4, ARTICLE II OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD An Ordinance Amending the Chapter and Articles Regulating the Sale and Consumption of Alcoholic Liquors ADOPTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD THIS ___ DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2017 Published in pamphlet form by the authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Plainfield, Will and Kendall Counties, Illinois, this ___ day of September, 2017. 95 2 ORDINANCE NO. _____ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 4, ARTICLE II OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD An Ordinance Amending the Chapter and Articles Regulating the Sale and Consumption of Alcoholic Liquors WHEREAS, the Village of Plainfield ("Village"), Will and Kendall Counties, Illinois, as a home rule municipality in accordance with Article VII, Section 6(a) of the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970, is enacting this Ordinance pursuant to its home rule authority; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the laws of the State of Illinois, the Village has the authority to adopt ordinances providing for protection of the health, safety and general welfare of the Village; and WHEREAS, the regulation of the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages is a matter which affects the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the Village; and WHEREAS, the Village President and the Village Board of Trustees (“Village Board”) have determined that, in the interest of promoting the health, safety and welfare of the Village, it is necessary and desirable to amend the Village's Code of Ordinances to further comprehensively regulate the sale and consumption of alcoholic liquor in the Village; and WHEREAS, the Village President and the Village Board specifically find that the passage of this Ordinance will promote the health, safety and welfare of the Village. 96 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD, WILL AND KENDALL COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION ONE. That the Preamble to this Ordinance and Exhibits are adopted by this reference as if fully set forth herein. SECTION TWO. That Section 4-22 of Chapter 4, Article II, as it relates to Class K liquor licenses only, and Section 4-45, Notices/Signage, be and hereby are amended as set forth below. The amended text with document markings is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Deletions from the Code are overstruck and additions to the Code are double underlined. SECTION THREE Secs. 4-22. ------------- Class K -Craft Beer License (Production, Storage and Retail Sale): Class K license shall authorize the (a) production and storage of craft beer for retail sale on the licensed premises; (b) storage of craft beer produced by regional craft brewers other than the licensee, provided such storage is for the sole purpose of on-site sampling of the craft beer pursuant to the terms of this article; (c) in- person sales of craft beer to individuals for consumption off the licensed premises; (c) distribution of not more than two hundred thirty-two thousand five hundred (232,500) gallons per year of the licensee’s craft beer to other retail licensees provided the licensee has obtained the required State self-distribution exemption; and (d) on-site sampling of craft beer. Craft beer sold to individuals for consumption off the licensed premises shall only be sold in pre-packaged bottle(s), can(s), keg(s) and/or growler(s). Each Class K licensee must, prior to the issuance of this license, comply with and adhere to all applicable federal, state and local regulations, including but not limited to procurement of a Federal Brewer’s Notice, Illinois Manufacturer’s (Brewer’s) Liquor License, State of Illinois Craft Brewer’s License, State of Illinois self-distribution exemption, and any other requisite license or permit for the manufacture, packaging, storing, sale and/or distribution of craft beer. The volume of craft beer produced on the licensed premises shall not exceed four hundred sixty-five thousand (465,000) gallons per year. The portion of the licensed premises dedicated to the manufacture of craft beer shall be segregated from the remainder of the licensed premises and shall not generally be 97 4 accessible to the public. The licensee shall maintain accurate records as to the total volume of craft beer manufactured on the licensed premises and the volume of craft beer sold for consumption off the licensed premises. Upon demand, the licensee shall immediately produce said records to the local liquor control commissioner. Not more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the total gross square footage area of the licensed premises shall be designated to the retail sale of craft beer. The production and sale of craft beer for consumption on the licensed premises is expressly prohibited, except this license classification shall allow the delivery of craft beer by the licensee in limited amounts for sampling purposes only to (a) licensee’s customers; and/or (b) attendees at certified educational or instructional classes related to the production of craft beer and sponsored by the licensee on the licensed premises, pursuant to the following conditions: (1) Sampling is permitted only during the licensee’s authorized retail sale hours and may only occur on that portion of the licensed premises dedicated to offering sampling, which area shall be segregated from the manufacturing area of the licensed premises. (2) Sampling by customers shall only occur from a single bar located on the licensed premises, with seating at the bar available for such sampling. No other customer seating on the licensed premises shall be permitted. The provisions of this subparagraph (2) shall not apply to sampling related to certified educational or instructional classes. (3) Craft beer may be served for sampling purposes provided the total quantity of the craft beer sampling package served to a single person is not more than sixteen (16 ) ounces of craft beer. (4) A price may be set for such sampling. (5) All applicable taxes including sales tax shall be collected and paid on all revenue realized from such sampling. (6) All sampling shall be attended and supervised by a BASSET-certified site manager. (7) Sampling shall be subject to all other terms and conditions regulating this license classification and to such further regulations as deemed necessary from time-to-time by the local liquor control commissioner. It shall be unlawful for the holder of a Class K license to provide a sample of or sell craft beer before the hour of 10:00 a.m. or after the hour of 9:00 p.m. on any Sunday; or before the hour of 9:00 a.m. or after the hour of 11:00 p.m. any 98 5 Monday through Saturday. The annual fee for such license shall be One Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars ($1,900.00). There shall be no more than one (1) Class K license(s) issued at any one time. (Ord. No. 3312, eff. 6-2017; Ord. No. ____, eff. ____). ------------- Sec. 4-45. Notices; signage. In addition to the signage required pursuant to sections 4-17 and 4-37 of this article, all licensees shall cause the following notices/signs to be framed and displayed at all times on the licensed premises in a conspicuous location, prominently visible to all patrons: (a) Underage drinking card.A printed card approximately 8" x 10" bearing an underage drinking warning which reads substantially as follows: UNDERAGE DRINKING If you are under 21, you are subject to a mandatory fine of up to $750.00 if you purchase and/or consume any alcoholic liquor on this premises. If you buy for or deliver an alcoholic beverage to an underage person, you will also be subject to a fine of up to $750.00. (b) Governmental Warning Card/Surgeon General's Warning.A printed card approximately 8" x 10" bearing the following governmental warning which shall read substantially as follows: "Government Warning: According to the surgeon general, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects." On any licensed premises where cigarettes are offered for retail sale, a white card bearing red letters at least ½ inch in height the following Surgeon General's Warning which shall read substantially as follows: "Surgeon General's Warning: Smoking by pregnant women may result in fetal injury, premature birth, and low birth weight." (c) Illinois Liquor Control Commission Age Verification Sign. A printed card/paper approximately 8” x 10”, which substantially states “Be prepared to show PROOF OF AGE”. (d) Health Department Certificate. A copy of the certificate issued by the applicable county health department evidencing the licensee's current compliance with all applicable regulations of that department. 99 6 (e) Business License.A copy of the current Business License issued to the licensee by the Village. (f) Occupancy Restrictions. A printed card approximately 5" x 7" bearing the occupancy restrictions applicable to the licensed premises pursuant to state and/or local fire code regulations, codes and ordinances. (g) Price List. A copy of the current price list for all alcoholic liquor sold at the licensed premises, as required to be maintained pursuant to section 4-36(b) of this article. (Ord. No. 3312, eff. 6-2017; Ord. No. ____, eff. ____). SECTION FOUR. That any Village Ordinance or Resolution, or part thereof, in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance is, to the extent of such conflict, expressly repealed. SECTION FIVE. If any provision of this Ordinance is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be stricken and shall not affect any other provision of this Ordinance. SECTION SIX. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. SECTION SEVEN. This Ordinance shall be numbered as Ordinance No. _____. PASSED the _____day of September, 2017. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: APPROVED this _____ day of September, 2017. _________________________ Michael P. Collins Village President ATTESTED AND FILED IN MY OFFICE: ________________________________ Michelle Gibas Village Clerk 100 7 EXHIBIT A Class K -Craft Beer License (Production, Storage and Retail Sale): Class K license shall authorize the (a) production and storage of craft beer for retail sale on the licensed premises; (b) storage of craft beer produced by regional craft brewers other than the licensee, provided such storage is for the sole purpose of on-site sampling of the craft beer pursuant to the terms of this article; (c) in- person sales of craft beer to individuals for consumption off the licensed premises; (c) distribution of not more than two hundred thirty-two thousand five hundred (232,500) gallons per year of the licensee’s craft beer to other retail licensees provided the licensee has obtained the required State self-distribution exemption; and (d) on-site sampling of craft beer. Craft beer sold to individuals for consumption off the licensed premises shall only be sold in pre-packaged bottle(s), can(s), keg(s) and/or growler(s). Each Class K licensee must, prior to the issuance of this license, comply with and adhere to all applicable federal, state and local regulations, including but not limited to procurement of a Federal Brewer’s Notice, Illinois Manufacturer’s (Brewer’s) Liquor License, State of Illinois Craft Brewer’s License, State of Illinois self-distribution exemption, and any other requisite license or permit for the manufacture, packaging, storing, sale and/or distribution of craft beer. The volume of craft beer produced on the licensed premises shall not exceed four hundred sixty-five thousand (465,000) gallons per year. The portion of the licensed premises dedicated to the manufacture of craft beer shall be segregated from the remainder of the licensed premises and shall not generally be accessible to the public. The licensee shall maintain accurate records as to the total volume of craft beer manufactured on the licensed premises and the volume of craft beer sold for consumption off the licensed premises. Upon demand, the licensee shall immediately produce said records to the local liquor control commissioner. Not more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the total gross square footage area of the licensed premises shall be designated to the retail sale of craft beer. Under no circumstance shall the total gross square footage dedicated to the retail sale of craft beer be more than three thousand (3,000) square feet. The production and sale of craft beer for consumption on the licensed premises is expressly prohibited, except this license classification shall allow the delivery of craft beer by the licensee in limited amounts for sampling purposes only to (a) licensee’s customers; and/or (b) attendees at certified educational or instructional classes related to the production of craft beer and sponsored by the licensee on the licensed premises, pursuant to the following conditions: (1) Sampling is permitted only during the licensee’s authorized retail sale hours and may only occur on that portion of the licensed premises 101 8 dedicated to offering sampling, which area shall be segregated from the manufacturing area of the licensed premises. (2) Sampling by customers shall only occur from a single bar located on the licensed premises, with seating at the bar available for such sampling. No other customer seating on the licensed premises shall be permitted. The provisions of this subparagraph (2) shall not apply to sampling related to certified educational or instructional classes. (3) Craft beer may be served for sampling purposes provided the total quantity of the craft beer sampling package served to a single person is not more than sixteen (16 ) ounces of craft beer. (4) A price may be set for such sampling. (5) All applicable taxes including sales tax shall be collected and paid on all revenue realized from such sampling. (6) All sampling shall be attended and supervised by a BASSET-certified site manager. (7) Sampling shall be subject to all other terms and conditions regulating this license classification and to such further regulations as deemed necessary from time-to-time by the local liquor control commissioner. It shall be unlawful for the holder of a Class K license to provide a sample of or sell craft beer before the hour of 10:00 a.m or after the hour of 9:00 p.m. on any Sunday; or before the hour of 9:00 a.m. or after the hour of 911:00 p.m. any Monday through Saturday. The annual fee for such license shall be One Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars ($1,900.00). There shall be no more than one (1) Class K license(s) issued at any one time. (Ord. No. 3312, eff. 6-2017; Ord. No. ____, eff. ____). ------------- Sec. 4-45. Notices; signage. In addition to the signage required pursuant to sections 4-17 and 4-37 of this article, all licensees shall cause the following notices/signs to be framed and displayed at all times on the licensed premises in a conspicuous location, prominently visible to all patrons: (a) Underage drinking card.A printed card approximately 8" x 10" bearing an underage drinking warning which reads substantially as follows: 102 9 UNDERAGE DRINKING If you are under 21, you are subject to a mandatory fine of up to $750.00 if you purchase and/or consume any alcoholic liquor on this premises. If you buy for or deliver an alcoholic beverage to an underage person, you will also be subject to a fine of up to $750.00. (b) Governmental Warning Card/Surgeon General's Warning.A printed card approximately 8" x 10" bearing the following governmental warning which shall read substantially as follows: "Government Warning: According to the surgeon general, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects." On any licensed premises where cigarettes are offered for retail sale, a white card bearing red letters at least ½ inch in height the following Surgeon General's Warning which shall read substantially as follows: "Surgeon General's Warning: Smoking by pregnant women may result in fetal injury, premature birth, and low birth weight." (c) Illinois Liquor Control Commission Age Verification Sign. A printed card/paper approximately 8” x 10”, which substantially states “Be prepared to show PROOF OF AGE”. (cd) Health Department Certificate. A copy of the certificate issued by the applicable county health department evidencing the licensee's current compliance with all applicable regulations of that department. (de) Business License.A copy of the current Business License issued to the licensee by the Village. (ef) Occupancy Restrictions. A printed card approximately 5" x 7" bearing the occupancy restrictions applicable to the licensed premises pursuant to state and/or local fire code regulations, codes and ordinances. (fg) Price List. A copy of the current price list for all alcoholic liquor sold at the licensed premises, as required to be maintained pursuant to section 4-36(b) of this article. (Ord. No. 3312, eff. 6-2017; Ord. No. ____, eff. ____). 103 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\-RKQ.RQRSHN 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH6HSWHPEHU 68%-(&7 $XWKRUL]HSD\PHQWLQWKHDPRXQWRIWRWKH+($572UJDQL]DWLRQIRUWKH'HIHUUHG3URVHFXWLRQ3URJUDP 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 +($572UJDQL]DWLRQ6WDII5HSRUW 104 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Collins and Trustees From: Chief John Konopek Brian Murphy, Village Administrator Date: September 13, 2017 Re: Deferred Prosecution Program – HEART Organization Background Findings In 2016 the Village of Plainfield Police Department began participation in a deferred prosecution program operated by the HEART Organization. The deferred prosecution program is an intense six-week (nine hours per week) community-based intervention program for first offenders and at-risk youth, 13- 18 years of age. Through the Village’s local prosecutions, defendants who meet the program acceptance criteria, are placed in the program and are educated on social and life skills, anger management, the legal system, and are provided professional counseling. Upon successful completion of the deferred prosecution program, the defendant’s case is dismissed, with the permission of the presiding Judge. The deferred prosecution program was a new expense for the Village’s 2017-2018 Fiscal Year Budget. In its 2017-2018 Fiscal Year Budget, the Village included Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) in funding for the deferred prosecution program. Policy Considerations There are no policy considerations for the Village. Financial Considerations The financial consideration is the Village’s 2017-2018 Fiscal Year Budget. Recommendation Staff recommends the Village Board approve payment to the HEART Organization in the amount of $10,000.00. 105 7KH+HDUW2UJDQL]DWLRQ “Keeping the CUFFS off of Kids“ 343 N. Schmidt Rd. Bolingbrook, IL 60440 Phone 773-343-8538/630-226-8742  INVOICE INVOICE #L-09017 DATE: SEPTEMBER 1ST, 2017  TO: VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD Attn: Finance Department 14300 S. Coil Plus Drive Plainfield, IL 60544  FROM: Leonard Ingram, PhD Executive Director The Heart Organization – EIN #: 31-1722082 www.heartorganization.org   DESCRIPTION AMOUNT     Donation/Funding – Community Service and Deferred Prosecution Program $10,000          Thank you for your Support        TOTAL $10,000   0DNHDOOFKHFNVSD\DEOHWRThe Heart Organization ,I\RXKDYHDQ\TXHVWLRQVFRQFHUQLQJWKLVLQYRLFHFRQWDFWDr.Leonard Ingram, 773-343-8538   106 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\-RQ3URXO[ 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ODQQLQJ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH6HSWHPEHU 68%-(&7 5HOHDVHRI2KLR)DUPHUV,QVXUDQFH&RPSDQ\%RQG1R%1'VHFXULQJSXEOLFLPSURYHPHQWVIRUWKH9LOODVDW )R[5XQDVWKHVHLPSURYHPHQWVKDYHEHHQFRPSOHWHG 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 5HOHDVHRI2KLR)UDPHUV,QVXUDQFH&RPSDQ\%RQG0HPR 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\-RQ3URXO[ 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ODQQLQJ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH6HSWHPEHU 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRUHFRQVLGHUWKH3ODLQILHOG&RPPXQLW\&HQWHU 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 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3ODLQILHOG&RPPXQLW\&HQWHU6WDII5HSRUW 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\-RQ3URXO[ 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ODQQLQJ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH6HSWHPEHU 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRUHPRYHWKHLWHPIURPWKHWDEOH 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176  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============== ===== Total 56 9 156 104 528 68 60 3 17 13 553 52 1619 TURNS/TEAPAC[Ver 3.61.12] - 15-Minute Counts: All Vehicles - Totals Intersection # 2 renwick/gregorybott ============================================================== Begin Approach Totals Exit Totals Int Time N E S W N E S W Total ===== ============================== ============================== ===== 1030 18 77 12 66 15 83 13 62 173 1045 20 82 14 56 15 79 9 69 172 1100 10 81 9 78 18 87 15 58 178 1115 21 77 12 99 23 110 11 65 209 1130 31 97 9 84 47 93 11 70 221 1145 46 96 7 88 28 116 12 81 237 1200 67 102 9 66 9 109 12 114 244 1215 8 88 8 81 4 92 7 82 185 ===== ============================== ============================== ===== Total 221 700 80 618 159 769 90 601 1619 TURNS/TEAPAC[Ver 3.61.12] - 15-Minute Flow Rates: by Movement Intersection # 2 renwick/gregorybott ============================================================== Begin N-Approach E-Approach S-Approach W-Approach Int Time RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total ===== ============== ============== ============== ============== ===== 1030 12 4 56 44 224 40 32 4 12 8 244 12 692 1045 16 0 64 52 244 32 40 0 16 4 212 8 688 1100 4 0 36 52 224 48 32 0 4 12 280 20 712 1115 20 4 60 48 228 32 32 4 12 8 348 40 836 1130 24 4 96 112 248 28 24 4 8 12 252 72 884 1145 44 8 132 68 280 36 28 0 0 4 304 44 948 1200 96 16 156 28 352 28 28 0 8 4 252 8 976 1215 8 0 24 12 312 28 24 0 8 0 320 4 740 ===== ============== ============== ============== ============== ===== 170 Plainfield, IL Weather: Warm and Dry 08/21/17 Renwick Rd and Gregory Bott Park Access 09:56:39 Saturday August 19, 2017 TURNS/TEAPAC[Ver 3.61.12] - 15-Minute Flow Rates: Appr/Exit Totals Intersection # 2 renwick/gregorybott ============================================================== Begin Approach Totals Exit Totals Int Time N E S W N E S W Total ===== ============================== ============================== ===== 1030 72 308 48 264 60 332 52 248 692 1045 80 328 56 224 60 316 36 276 688 1100 40 324 36 312 72 348 60 232 712 1115 84 308 48 396 92 440 44 260 836 1130 124 388 36 336 188 372 44 280 884 1145 184 384 28 352 112 464 48 324 948 1200 268 408 36 264 36 436 48 456 976 1215 32 352 32 324 16 368 28 328 740 ===== ============================== ============================== ===== TURNS/TEAPAC[Ver 3.61.12] - 60-Minute Volumes: by Movement Intersection # 2 renwick/gregorybott ============================================================== Begin N-Approach E-Approach S-Approach W-Approach Int Time RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total ===== ============== ============== ============== ============== ===== 1030 13 2 54 49 230 38 34 2 11 8 271 20 732 1045 16 2 64 66 236 35 32 2 10 9 273 35 780 1100 23 4 81 70 245 36 29 2 6 9 296 44 845 1115 46 8 111 64 277 31 28 2 7 7 289 41 911 1130 43 7 102 55 298 30 26 1 6 5 282 32 887 1145 37 6 78 27 236 23 20 0 4 2 219 14 666* 1200 26 4 45 10 166 14 13 0 4 1 143 3 429* 1215 2 0 6 3 78 7 6 0 2 0 80 1 185* ===== ============== ============== ============== ============== ===== TURNS/TEAPAC[Ver 3.61.12] - 60-Minute Volumes: Appr/Exit Totals Intersection # 2 renwick/gregorybott ============================================================== Begin Approach Totals Exit Totals Int Time N E S W N E S W Total ===== ============================== ============================== ===== 1030 69 317 47 299 71 359 48 254 732 1045 82 337 44 317 103 369 46 262 780 1100 108 351 37 349 116 406 49 274 845 1115 165 372 37 337 107 428 46 330 911 1130 152 383 33 319 88 410 42 347 887 1145 121 286 24 235 41 317 31 277 666* 1200 75 190 17 147 13 201 19 196 429* 1215 8 88 8 81 4 92 7 82 185* ===== ============================== ============================== =====171 Plainfield, IL Weather: Sunny and Warm 08/28/17 Renwick Rd and Gregory Bott Park Access 11:27:01 Wednesday August 23, 2017 TURNS/TEAPAC[Ver 3.61.12] - 15-Minute Counts: All Vehicles - by Mvmt Intersection # 3 renwick/gregorybott/wed ============================================================== Begin N-Approach E-Approach S-Approach W-Approach Int Time RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total ===== ============== ============== ============== ============== ===== 1700 3 1 4 24 123 6 4 0 3 1 58 17 244 1715 3 0 6 15 100 6 2 0 3 0 78 15 228 1730 9 1 2 16 121 4 3 0 4 1 57 13 231 1745 8 0 6 8 121 5 5 0 4 0 79 14 250 1800 3 0 13 11 114 4 6 0 3 2 54 6 216 1815 2 1 12 5 84 5 5 0 1 0 72 1 188 1830 3 0 5 7 97 3 3 0 4 0 57 5 184 1845 6 1 6 14 66 8 2 1 1 0 50 8 163 ===== ============== ============== ============== ============== ===== Total 37 4 54 100 826 41 30 1 23 4 505 79 1704 TURNS/TEAPAC[Ver 3.61.12] - 15-Minute Counts: All Vehicles - Totals Intersection # 3 renwick/gregorybott/wed ============================================================== Begin Approach Totals Exit Totals Int Time N E S W N E S W Total ===== ============================== ============================== ===== 1700 8 153 7 76 41 66 8 129 244 1715 9 121 5 93 30 86 6 106 228 1730 12 141 7 71 29 62 6 134 231 1745 14 134 9 93 22 90 5 133 250 1800 16 129 9 62 17 73 6 120 216 1815 15 94 6 73 6 89 6 87 188 1830 8 107 7 62 12 65 3 104 184 1845 13 88 4 58 23 58 9 73 163 ===== ============================== ============================== ===== Total 95 967 54 588 180 589 49 886 1704 TURNS/TEAPAC[Ver 3.61.12] - 15-Minute Flow Rates: by Movement Intersection # 3 renwick/gregorybott/wed ============================================================== Begin N-Approach E-Approach S-Approach W-Approach Int Time RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total ===== ============== ============== ============== ============== ===== 1700 12 4 16 96 492 24 16 0 12 4 232 68 976 1715 12 0 24 60 400 24 8 0 12 0 312 60 912 1730 36 4 8 64 484 16 12 0 16 4 228 52 924 1745 32 0 24 32 484 20 20 0 16 0 316 56 1000 1800 12 0 52 44 456 16 24 0 12 8 216 24 864 1815 8 4 48 20 336 20 20 0 4 0 288 4 752 1830 12 0 20 28 388 12 12 0 16 0 228 20 736 1845 24 4 24 56 264 32 8 4 4 0 200 32 652 ===== ============== ============== ============== ============== ===== 172 Plainfield, IL Weather: Sunny and Warm 08/28/17 Renwick Rd and Gregory Bott Park Access 11:27:01 Wednesday August 23, 2017 TURNS/TEAPAC[Ver 3.61.12] - 15-Minute Flow Rates: Appr/Exit Totals Intersection # 3 renwick/gregorybott/wed ============================================================== Begin Approach Totals Exit Totals Int Time N E S W N E S W Total ===== ============================== ============================== ===== 1700 32 612 28 304 164 264 32 516 976 1715 36 484 20 372 120 344 24 424 912 1730 48 564 28 284 116 248 24 536 924 1745 56 536 36 372 88 360 20 532 1000 1800 64 516 36 248 68 292 24 480 864 1815 60 376 24 292 24 356 24 348 752 1830 32 428 28 248 48 260 12 416 736 1845 52 352 16 232 92 232 36 292 652 ===== ============================== ============================== ===== TURNS/TEAPAC[Ver 3.61.12] - 60-Minute Volumes: by Movement Intersection # 3 renwick/gregorybott/wed ============================================================== Begin N-Approach E-Approach S-Approach W-Approach Int Time RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total ===== ============== ============== ============== ============== ===== 1700 23 2 18 63 465 21 14 0 14 2 272 59 953 1715 23 1 27 50 456 19 16 0 14 3 268 48 925 1730 22 2 33 40 440 18 19 0 12 3 262 34 885 1745 16 1 36 31 416 17 19 0 12 2 262 26 838 1800 14 2 36 37 361 20 16 1 9 2 233 20 751 1815 11 2 23 26 247 16 10 1 6 0 179 14 535* 1830 9 1 11 21 163 11 5 1 5 0 107 13 347* 1845 6 1 6 14 66 8 2 1 1 0 50 8 163* ===== ============== ============== ============== ============== ===== TURNS/TEAPAC[Ver 3.61.12] - 60-Minute Volumes: Appr/Exit Totals Intersection # 3 renwick/gregorybott/wed ============================================================== Begin Approach Totals Exit Totals Int Time N E S W N E S W Total ===== ============================== ============================== ===== 1700 43 549 28 333 122 304 25 502 953 1715 51 525 30 319 98 311 23 493 925 1730 57 498 31 299 74 314 23 474 885 1745 53 464 31 290 57 317 20 444 838 1800 52 418 26 255 58 285 24 384 751 1815 36 289 17 193 41 212 18 264 535* 1830 21 195 11 120 35 123 12 177 347* 1845 13 88 4 58 23 58 9 73 163* ===== ============================== ============================== =====173 ŝƚLJ͗WůĂŝŶĨŝĞůĚ ŽƵŶƚ>ŽĐĂƚŝŽŶ͗ZĞŶǁŝĐŬZŽĂĚĂŶĚ'ƌĞŐŽƌLJŽƚƚWĂƌŬĐĐĞƐƐƌŝǀĞ ^ƚƵĚLJĂƚĞ͗ʹƵŐƵƐƚϭϵƚŚ͕ϮϬϭϳ;WĞĚĞƐƚƌŝĂŶƌŽƐƐǁĂůŬŽƵŶƚƐͿ     dŝŵĞ  EŽƌƚŚdžͲǁĂůŬ  ^ŽƵƚŚdžͲǁĂůŬ  ĂƐƚdžͲǁĂůŬ  tĞƐƚdžͲǁĂůŬ ϭϬ͗ϯϬͲϭϬ͗ϰϱĂ͘ŵ͘ Ϯ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ ϭϬ͗ϰϱͲϭϭ͗ϬϬĂ͘ŵ͘ Ϭ Ϭ Ϯ Ϭ ϭϭ͗ϬϬͲϭϭ͗ϭϱĂ͘ŵ͘ ϭ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ ϭϭ͗ϭϱͲϭϭ͗ϯϬĂ͘ŵ͘ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ ϭϭ͗ϯϬͲϭϭ͗ϰϱĂ͘ŵ͘ ϭ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ ϭϭ͗ϰϱͲϭϮ͗ϬϬƉ͘ŵ͘ ϭ Ϭ ϰ Ϭ ϭϮ͗ϬϬͲϭϮ͗ϭϱƉ͘ŵ͘ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ ϭϮ͗ϭϱͲϭϮ͗ϯϬƉ͘ŵ͘ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ dŽƚĂůƐ ϱ Ϭ ϲ Ϭ 174 ŝƚLJ͗WůĂŝŶĨŝĞůĚ ŽƵŶƚ>ŽĐĂƚŝŽŶ͗ZĞŶǁŝĐŬZŽĂĚĂŶĚ'ƌĞŐŽƌLJŽƚƚWĂƌŬĐĐĞƐƐƌŝǀĞ ^ƚƵĚLJĂƚĞ͗ʹƵŐƵƐƚϮϯƌĚ͕ϮϬϭϳ;WĞĚĞƐƚƌŝĂŶƌŽƐƐǁĂůŬŽƵŶƚƐͿ     dŝŵĞ  EŽƌƚŚdžͲǁĂůŬ  ^ŽƵƚŚdžͲǁĂůŬ  ĂƐƚdžͲǁĂůŬ  tĞƐƚdžͲǁĂůŬ ϱ͗ϬϬͲϱ͗ϭϱƉ͘ŵ͘ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ ϱ͗ϭϱͲϱ͗ϯϬƉ͘ŵ͘ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ ϱ͗ϯϬͲϱ͗ϰϱƉ͘ŵ͘ Ϯ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ ϱ͗ϰϱͲϲ͗ϬϬƉ͘ŵ͘ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ ϲ͗ϬϬͲϲ͗ϭϱƉ͘ŵ͘ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ ϲ͗ϭϱͲϲ͗ϯϬƉ͘ŵ͘ ϭ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ ϲ͗ϯϬͲϲ͗ϰϱƉ͘ŵ͘ Ϭ Ϭ Ϯ Ϭ ϲ͗ϰϱͲϳ͗ϬϬƉ͘ŵ͘ Ϯ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ dŽƚĂůƐ ϱ Ϭ Ϯ Ϭ 175 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: Lewood Dr/Bott Park Access & Renwick Rd 8/24/2017 Weekday PM - Existing Synchro 8 Report 17-183; Plainfield, IL Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Volume (veh/h) 59 272 2 21 465 63 14 0 14 18 2 23 Sign Control Free Free Stop Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 64 296 2 23 505 68 15 0 15 20 2 25 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh)2 Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 574 298 990 1045 297 1024 1011 540 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 574 298 990 1045 297 1024 1011 540 tC, single (s) 4.1 4.1 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 2.2 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 p0 queue free % 94 98 92 100 98 90 99 95 cM capacity (veh/h) 999 1263 200 210 743 196 220 542 Direction, Lane # EB 1 EB 2 WB 1 WB 2 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 64 298 23 574 30 47 Volume Left 64 0 23 0 15 20 Volume Right 0 2 0 68 15 25 cSH 999 1700 1263 1700 315 427 Volume to Capacity 0.06 0.18 0.02 0.34 0.10 0.11 Queue Length 95th (ft)501089 Control Delay (s) 8.9 0.0 7.9 0.0 17.6 18.2 Lane LOS A A C C Approach Delay (s) 1.6 0.3 17.6 18.2 Approach LOS C C Intersection Summary Average Delay 2.1 Intersection Capacity Utilization 49.9% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 176 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: Lewood Dr/Bott Park Access & Renwick Rd 8/24/2017 Saturday Midday - Existing Synchro 8 Report 17-183; Plainfield, IL Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Volume (veh/h) 41 289 7 31 277 64 7 2 28 111 8 46 Sign Control Free Free Stop Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 45 314 8 34 301 70 8 2 30 121 9 50 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh)2 Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 371 322 805 845 318 838 814 336 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 371 322 805 845 318 838 814 336 tC, single (s) 4.1 4.1 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 2.2 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 p0 queue free % 96 97 97 99 96 53 97 93 cM capacity (veh/h) 1188 1238 260 280 723 259 292 706 Direction, Lane # EB 1 EB 2 WB 1 WB 2 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 45 322 34 371 40 179 Volume Left 45 0 34 0 8 121 Volume Right 0 8 0 70 30 50 cSH 1188 1700 1238 1700 508 362 Volume to Capacity 0.04 0.19 0.03 0.22 0.08 0.50 Queue Length 95th (ft)3020666 Control Delay (s) 8.1 0.0 8.0 0.0 12.7 25.7 Lane LOS A A B D Approach Delay (s) 1.0 0.7 12.7 25.7 Approach LOS B D Intersection Summary Average Delay 5.8 Intersection Capacity Utilization 45.0% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 177 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: Lewood Dr/Bott Park Access & Renwick Rd 8/24/2017 Weekday PM - Future Synchro 8 Report 17-183; Plainfield, IL Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Volume (veh/h) 79 292 2 21 467 98 14 3 14 38 6 37 Sign Control Free Free Stop Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly flow rate (vph) 83 307 2 22 492 103 15 3 15 40 6 39 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh)2 Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 595 309 1033 1114 308 1077 1063 543 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 595 309 1033 1114 308 1077 1063 543 tC, single (s) 4.1 4.1 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 2.2 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 p0 queue free % 92 98 92 98 98 77 97 93 cM capacity (veh/h) 981 1251 176 187 732 175 201 540 Direction, Lane # EB 1 EB 2 WB 1 WB 2 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 83 309 22 595 33 85 Volume Left 83 0 22 0 15 40 Volume Right 0 2 0 103 15 39 cSH 981 1700 1251 1700 270 329 Volume to Capacity 0.08 0.18 0.02 0.35 0.12 0.26 Queue Length 95th (ft)70101025 Control Delay (s) 9.0 0.0 7.9 0.0 20.1 23.0 Lane LOS A A C C Approach Delay (s) 1.9 0.3 20.1 23.0 Approach LOS C C Intersection Summary Average Delay 3.1 Intersection Capacity Utilization 53.4% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 178 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: Hometown Dr/Bott Park West Access & Renwick Rd 8/24/2017 Weekday PM - Future Synchro 8 Report 17-183; Plainfield, IL Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Volume (veh/h) 735311516210120115 Sign Control Free Free Stop Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly flow rate (vph) 7 372 1 1 543 210121116 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 545 373 948 934 372 934 934 544 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 545 373 948 934 372 934 934 544 tC, single (s) 4.1 4.1 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 2.2 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 p0 queue free % 99 100 100 100 100 91 100 97 cM capacity (veh/h) 1024 1186 231 264 674 244 264 539 Direction, Lane # EB 1 EB 2 WB 1 WB 2 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 7 373 1 545 2 38 Volume Left 7010121 Volume Right 0102116 cSH 1024 1700 1186 1700 344 317 Volume to Capacity 0.01 0.22 0.00 0.32 0.01 0.12 Queue Length 95th (ft)1000010 Control Delay (s) 8.5 0.0 8.0 0.0 15.5 17.9 Lane LOS A A C C Approach Delay (s) 0.2 0.0 15.5 17.9 Approach LOS C C Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.8 Intersection Capacity Utilization 37.3% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 179 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: Lewood Dr/Bott Park Access & Renwick Rd 8/24/2017 Saturday Midday - Future Synchro 8 Report 17-183; Plainfield, IL Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Volume (veh/h) 63 303 7 31 279 103 7 6 28 136 12 67 Sign Control Free Free Stop Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly flow rate (vph) 66 319 7 33 294 108 7 6 29 143 13 71 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh)2 Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 402 326 856 923 323 897 872 348 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 402 326 856 923 323 897 872 348 tC, single (s) 4.1 4.1 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 2.2 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 p0 queue free % 94 97 97 97 96 38 95 90 cM capacity (veh/h) 1157 1233 226 248 718 230 265 695 Direction, Lane # EB 1 EB 2 WB 1 WB 2 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 66 326 33 402 43 226 Volume Left 66 0 33 0 7 143 Volume Right 0 7 0 108 29 71 cSH 1157 1700 1233 1700 435 323 Volume to Capacity 0.06 0.19 0.03 0.24 0.10 0.70 Queue Length 95th (ft)50208125 Control Delay (s) 8.3 0.0 8.0 0.0 14.2 38.6 Lane LOS A A B E Approach Delay (s) 1.4 0.6 14.2 38.6 Approach LOS B E Intersection Summary Average Delay 9.3 Intersection Capacity Utilization 49.3% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 180 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: Hometown Dr/Bott Park West Access & Renwick Rd 8/24/2017 Saturday Midday - Future Synchro 8 Report 17-183; Plainfield, IL Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Volume (veh/h) 73591135121011417 Sign Control Free Free Stop Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly flow rate (vph) 7 378 1 1 369 21011517 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 372 379 773 767 378 766 766 371 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 372 379 773 767 378 766 766 371 tC, single (s) 4.1 4.1 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 2.2 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 p0 queue free % 99 100 100 100 100 95 100 99 cM capacity (veh/h) 1187 1180 310 330 668 317 330 675 Direction, Lane # EB 1 EB 2 WB 1 WB 2 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 7 379 1 372 2 23 Volume Left 7010115 Volume Right 010217 cSH 1187 1700 1180 1700 424 382 Volume to Capacity 0.01 0.22 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.06 Queue Length 95th (ft)000005 Control Delay (s) 8.1 0.0 8.1 0.0 13.5 15.0 Lane LOS A A B C Approach Delay (s) 0.2 0.0 13.5 15.0 Approach LOS B C Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.6 Intersection Capacity Utilization 29.0% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 181 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\-RQ3URXO[ 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ODQQLQJ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH6HSWHPEHU 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRDSSURYHWKHVLWHSODQUHYLHZIRUWKH3ODLQILHOG3DUN'LVWULFWUHFUHDWLRQ FHQWHUDW*UHJRU\%%RWW3DUNORFDWHGDW:5HQZLFN5RDGVXEMHFWWRWKHVWLSXODWLRQVQRWHGLQWKHVWDII UHSRUW 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 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3$&(3DUN 1 5LGH6WDII5HSRUW *UDSKLFV 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\7UDFL3OHFNKDP 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW0DQDJHPHQW6HUYLFHV'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH6HSWHPEHU 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRDXWKRUL]HWKH9LOODJH3UHVLGHQWWRDFFHSWWKHSURSRVDOIURP7\OHU 7HFKQRORJLHVIRUWKHLPSOHPHQWDWLRQRI7\OHU&DVKLHULQJIRUWKH FRVWRISOXVWUDYHOH[SHQVHVQRWWRH[FHHG  5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 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ales Quotation For Village of Plainfield 24401 W Lockport St Plainfield, IL 60544-2313 Phone +1 (815) 439-2924 Software and Related Services Description License License Total Imp. Cost Imp. # of Days Year 1Maintenance Tyler Cashiering - Software $11,000.00 $11,000.00 $5,100.00 4.0 $1,980.00 Total: $11,000.00 $5,100.00 4.0 $1,980.00 Quoted By: Timothy Brewer Date: 7/26/2017 Quote Expiration: 10/23/2017 Quote Name: Plainfield Tyler Cashiering Quote Number: QUO-17141-S6G5Y9 Quote Description: Plainfield Tyler Cashiering 206 Summary One Time Fees Recurring Fees Total Software $11,000.00 $1,980.00 Total Services $5,100.00 $0.00 Contract Total (Excluding Estimated Travel Expenses) $18,080.00 Estimated Travel Expenses Trips @ $2,000/each -Includes airfare, car rental, hotel accommodations and per diem $2,000.00 The software, services, and hardware, as applicable that are itemized above are hereby added to your existing Agreement with us. The software and hardware fees will be invoiced to you in full upon receipt of your signed quote. The service fees will be billed to you as services are delivered and the travel expenses are due as incurred. Associated maintenance and support fees will be invoiced on a pro rata basis beginning on the first day of the month following Amendment Effective Date, and thereafter in a lump sum amount together with Client’s then-current maintenance and support fees for previously licensed software. The terms and conditions of your Agreement will otherwise control. Authorized Client Signatory: Customer Approval: Date: Print Name: P.O. #: All primary values quoted in US Dollars 207 Footnotes Tyler's prices do not include applicable local, city or federal sales, use excise, personal property or other similar taxes or duties, which you are responsible for determining and remitting. The costs provided in this proposal are based on all of the proposed products and services being obtained from Tyler Technologies. Should significant portions of the products or services be deleted, Tyler reserves the right to adjust its prices accordingly. Travel and expenses are not included under Total Services as they are billed at actual cost. A separate line item above "Estimated Travel Expenses", shows Tyler's estimate for travel and living expenses for the scope of this project. That estimate is based upon $2,000 per trip, which may include airfare, hotel, per diem, car rental, and gas). All travel and living expenses will be billed on a weekly basis, but only as incurred. In the event Client cancels services less than two (2) weeks in advance, Client is liable to Tyler for (i) all non-refundable expenses incurred by Tyler on Client's behalf; and (ii) daily fees associated with the cancelled services if Tyler is unable to re-assign its personnel. 208 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\7UDFL3OHFNKDP 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW0DQDJHPHQW6HUYLFHV'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH6HSWHPEHU 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRDXWKRUL]HWKHSD\PHQWRIWR1(::RUOG(53IRUDQQXDO VRIWZDUHPDLQWHQDQFH 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 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+LVWRULF3UHVHUYDWLRQ7UDLQLQJ*UDQW 213 214 215 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\.HQ*RVND 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW%XLOGLQJ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH6HSWHPEHU 68%-(&7 %XLOGLQJ'HSDUWPHQWDQG&RGH(QIRUFHPHQW5HSRUWIRU$XJXVW  5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 %XLOGLQJDQG&RGH(QIRUFHPHQW5HSRUWIRU$XJXVW  216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\$OOHQ3HUVRQV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3XEOLF:RUNV'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH6HSWHPEHU 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRDGRSW5HVROXWLRQ1RBBBBBD5HVROXWLRQIRULPSURYHPHQWE\ 0XQLFLSDOLW\XQGHUWKH,OOLQRLV+LJKZD\&RGHIRUWKH 0)76WUHHW,PSURYHPHQW3URJUDP 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 0)79LOODJH%RDUG0HPR0)75HVROXWLRQ 271 MEMORANDUM  To:AllenPersonsͲDirectorofPublicWorks  From:ScottThreewittͲLeadEngineer  Date:September6,2017  Re:2017MFTStreetImprovementProgram(SectionNo.:17Ͳ00065Ͳ00ͲRS)Resolution BackgroundFindings InaccordancewithIllinoisCompiledStatutesandIDOTprocedures,anadoptionofaresolutiondeclaringthe intentandappropriationofMotorFuelTaxfundsisrequiredforthe2017MFTStreetImprovementProgram. Uponadoptionoftheresolution,IDOTwillevaluatetheVillage’scurrentunobligatedMFTbalanceplus anticipatedallotmentsduringthelifeoftheprojecttodeterminewhetheradequatefundingisavailable.  PleasefindattachedtheResolutionforImprovementbyMunicipalityundertheIllinoisHighwayCodeforthe2017 MFTStreetImprovementProgram.  PolicyConsiderations TheprojectsupportstheVillage’sTransportationPlanbymaintainingtheVillage’sroadwaynetworkbasedona street’sindividualPavementConditionNumber,fieldobservations,andoptimizationwithintheupcomingfive yeartimeframe. AccordingtoSection2Ͳ43(6)oftheVillageCodeofOrdinances,theVillageAdministratorshallmakea recommendationtothePresidentandBoardofTrusteesonpurchasesoverthe$5,000statutorylimit.TheBoard hastherighttoacceptorrejectanyorallproposals. FinancialConsiderations TheVillagehasuseditsMotorFuelTaxentitlementfromtheStateofIllinoistofunditsStreetImprovement Programinpastyearsandstaffislookingtocontinuethatwiththisyear’sprogram. Recommendation ItisourrecommendationthattheVillageBoardauthorizetheVillagePresidenttoadoptResolutionNo.,a ResolutionforImprovementbyMunicipalityundertheIllinoisHighwayCodeforthe2017MFTStreet ImprovementProgram.   272 Resolution for Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code BLR 09110 (Rev. 03/13/17)Printed 09/07/17 Section Number 17-00065-00-RS Resolution Type Original Resolution Number BE IT RESOLVED, by the Governing Body Type President and Board of Trustees of the Local Public Agency Type Village of Name of Local Public Agency Plainfield Illinois that the following described street(s)/road(s)/structure be improved under the Illinois Highway Code. Work shall be done by Contract or Day Labor Contract For Roadway/Street improvements: Name of Street(s)/Road(s)Length (miles)Route From To +Various Locations 3.6905 For Structures: Name of Street(s)/Road(s)Existing Structure No.Route Location Feature Crossed + BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, 1. That the proposed improvement shall consist of HMA resurfacing, pavement patching, sidewalk and curb and gutter repairs, pavement marking and parkway restoration 2. That there is hereby appropriated the sum of One million three hundred seventy five thousand and 00/100 Dollars ( $1,375,000.00 ) for the improvement of said section from the Local Public Agency's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax funds. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit four (4) certified originals of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation. I, Name of Clerk Michelle Gibas Local Public Agency Type Village Clerk in and for said Local Public Agency Type Village of Name of Local Public Agency Plainfield in the State aforesaid, and keeper of the records and files thereof, as provided by statute, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete original of a resolution adopted by Governing Body Type President and Board of Trustees of Name of Local Public Agency Plainfield at a meeting held on Date September 11, 2017 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Day day of Month, Year (SEAL)Clerk Signature Regional Engineer Department of Transportation Date Approved 273 Printed 09/07/17 BLR 09110 (Rev. 03/13/17) Instructions for BLR 09110 This form shall be used when a Local Public Agency (LPA) wants to construction an improvement using Motor Fuel Tax(MFT) funds. Refer to Chapter 9 of the Bureau of Local Roads and Streets Manual (BLRS Manual) for more detailed information. For signature requirements refer to Chapter 2, Section 3.05(b) of the BLRS Manual. When filling out this form electronically, once a field is initially completed, fields requiring the same information will be auto-populated. Resolution Type From the drop down box choose the type of resolution: - Original would be used when passing a resolution for the first time for this project. - Supplemental would be used when passing a resolution increasing appropriation above previously passed resolutions. - Amended would be used when a previously passed resolution is being amended. Section Number Governing Body Type LPA Type Name of LPA Contract or Day Labor Insert the section number of the improvement the resolution covers. From the drop down box choose the type of administrative body. Choose Board for County; Council for a City or Town; President and Board of Trustees for a Village or Town. From the drop down box choose the LPA body type. Types to choose from are: County, City, Town or Village. Insert the name of the LPA. From the drop down choose either Contract or Day Labor. Roadway/Street Improvements: Name Street/Road Length Route From To Insert the name of the Street/Road to be improved. Use a separate line for each street/road. If there are more names to be inserted than the table allows, type "See Attached" and place the additional information on a separate piece of paper. Insert the length of this segment of roadway being improved in miles. Insert the Route number of the road/street to be improved if applicable. Insert the beginning point of the improvement as it relates to the Street/Road listed to the left. Insert the ending point of the improvement as it relates to the Street/Road listed to the left. Structures: Name Street/Road Existing Structure No. Route Location Feature Crossed 1 2 Name of Clerk LPA Type Insert the name of the Street/Road on which the structure is located. Use a separate line for structure. If there are more structures to be inserted than the table allows, type "See Attached" and place the additional information on a separate piece of paper. Insert the existing structure number this resolution covers, if no current structure insert n/a. Insert the Route number on which the structure is located. Insert the location of the structure. Insert the feature the structure crosses. Insert a description of the major items of work of the proposed improvement. Insert the dollar value of the resolution for the proposed improvement to be paid for with MFT funds in words followed by in the same amount in numerical format in the (). Insert the name of the LPA clerk. Insert the type of clerk based on the LPA type. Types to choose from are:County,City, Town or Village. Name of LPA Insert the name of the LPA. Name of LPA Governing Body Type Insert the name of the LPA. Insert the type of administrative body. Choose Board for County; Council for a City or Town; President and Board of Trustees for a Village or Town. Insert the date of the meeting.Date Enter the resolution number as assigned by the LPA, if applicable.Resolution Number 274 Printed 09/07/17 BLR 09110 (Rev. 03/13/17) Day Month, Year Seal Clerk Signature Approved Insert the day Clerk is signing the document. Insert the month and year of the clerk's signature. The Clerk shall seal the document here. Clerk shall sign here. The Department of Transportation shall sign and date here once approved. A minimum of four (4) certified signed originals must be submitted to the Regional Engineer's District office. Following the Regional Engineer's approval, distribution will be as follows: Local Public Agency Clerk Engineer (Municipal, Consultant or County) District Compliance Review District File 275 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\$OOHQ3HUVRQV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3XEOLF:RUNV'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH6HSWHPEHU 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRDXWKRUL]HWKH9LOODJH3UHVLGHQWWRDZDUGWKH0)76WUHHW ,PSURYHPHQW3URMHFWWR37)HUUR&RQVWUXFWLRQ&RPSDQ\WKHORZHVWELGGHULQWKHDPRXQWRI 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 0)79LOODJH%RDUG6WDII5HSRUW 276   MEMORANDUM  To:AllenPersonsͲDirectorofPublicWorks  From:ScottThreewittͲLeadEngineer  Date:September6,2017  Re:2017MFTStreetImprovementProgramAward BackgroundFindings TheitemunderconsiderationbytheVillageBoardpertainstothe2017MFTStreetImprovementProgram.On September6ththeVillagereceivedsix(6)bidsforthe2017MFTStreetImprovementProgram.Six(6)bid proposalswereissuedpriortothebidopening.Theworkincludesasphaltresurfacingon127thStreet(VanDyke RoadtoILRoute59),VanDykeRoad(127thStreettoShagbarkDrive),IndustrialDrive,RheaDrive,Essington Road,LockportStreet(MilesAvenuetoFrontageRoad),McClellanAvenue,CollinsDrive,andWigeonCourt.Also includedintheprojectwillbetheremovalandreplacementofselectedareasofconcretesidewalk,installationof newconcretesidewalk,curbandgutterremovalandreplacement,drainageimprovementsaswellasnew pavementmarking.TheEngineersEstimateforthisworkis$1,386,553.00.  Detailedbidtabulationforallbiddersisattached.  PolicyConsiderations TheprojectsupportstheVillage’sTransportationPlanbymaintainingtheVillage’sroadwaynetworkbasedona street’sindividualPavementConditionNumber,fieldobservations,andoptimizationwithintheupcomingfive yeartimeframe. AccordingtoSection2Ͳ43(6)oftheVillageCodeofOrdinances,theVillageAdministratorshallmakea recommendationtothePresidentandBoardofTrusteesonpurchasesoverthe$5,000statutorylimit.TheBoard hastherighttoacceptorrejectanyorallproposals. FinancialConsiderations BasedonpreviousdiscussionsregardingtheVillage’sexistingroadwaynetwork,fundinghasbeencommittedin thisyear’sbudgettomaintaintheconditionofourstreets.AlineitemCapitalStreetImprovementsisincludedin thecurrentfiscalyearbudgetwithinMotorFuelTaxFund. Recommendation Staffhasreviewedandverifiedthebidsandrecommendsawardoftheprojecttothelowqualifiedbidder,PT FerroConstructionCompany.PTFerroConstructionCompanyispreͲqualifiedthroughIDOTfortheworkrequired aspartofthiscontractandhasmetthebidproposalrequirements.PTFerroConstructionCompanyhas completedVillageresurfacingprojectsinthepastandtheworkwasofgoodquality. ItisourrecommendationthattheVillageBoardauthorizetheVillagePresidenttoawardthe2017MFTStreet ImprovementProgramProjecttoPTFerroConstructionCompany,thelowestbidder,intheamountof $1,170,606.08. 277 ,,0<?= /.ED<<1 0<:,$?<720A@,560.4<,$ ),   !',@@6@A6116;4,  -)699.42-  !'&A?22A $?<4?.:-D.?1 %20<::2;1.A6<;-    1<0: &2=A2:/2?   !? 992;$2?@<;@ 6?20A<?<3$B/960*<?8@ )699.42<3$9.6;36291  *2@A <08=<?A&A?22A $9.6;36291            2.?!? $2?@<;@ ;09<@216@<;20<=F<3A52/61A./B9.A6<; 3<? 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BUTT JOINT885SQ YD 9.50$ 8,407.50$ 0.01$ 8.85$ 0.01$ 8.85$ 10.00$ 8,850.00$ 23.50$ 20,797.50$ 5.00$ 4,425.00$ 0.01$ 8.85$ 10HOT-MIX ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE, MIX "D", N506,944TON 60.50$ 420,112.00$ 55.00$ 381,920.00$ 64.00$ 444,416.00$ 71.00$ 493,024.00$ 66.00$ 458,304.00$ 70.00$ 486,080.00$ 68.00$ 472,192.00$ 11BITUMINOUS MATERIALS (TACK COAT)43,681POUND 0.01$ 436.81$ 0.01$ 436.81$ 0.01$ 436.81$ 0.01$ 436.81$ 0.65$ 28,392.65$ 0.20$ 8,736.20$ 0.01$ 436.81$ 12INCIDENTAL HOT-MIX ASPHALT SURFACING 3TON 200.00$ 600.00$ 200.00$ 600.00$ 100.00$ 300.00$ 90.00$ 270.00$ 310.00$ 930.00$ 300.00$ 900.00$ 250.00$ 750.00$ 13HOT-MIX ASPHALT DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT, 3"150SQ YD 50.00$ 7,500.00$ 30.00$ 4,500.00$ 25.00$ 3,750.00$ 25.00$ 3,750.00$ 63.00$ 9,450.00$ 27.00$ 4,050.00$ 25.00$ 3,750.00$ 14PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT, 6"35SQ YD 59.00$ 2,065.00$ 60.00$ 2,100.00$ 50.00$ 1,750.00$ 60.00$ 2,100.00$ 53.00$ 1,855.00$ 61.80$ 2,163.00$ 75.00$ 2,625.00$ 15PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK 5 INCH 1,830SQ FT 5.60$ 10,248.00$ 6.50$ 11,895.00$ 6.25$ 11,437.50$ 7.00$ 12,810.00$ 6.40$ 11,712.00$ 6.13$ 11,217.90$ 6.00$ 10,980.00$ 16DETECTABLE WARNINGS200SQ FT 19.00$ 3,800.00$ 18.00$ 3,600.00$ 25.00$ 5,000.00$ 25.00$ 5,000.00$ 22.00$ 4,400.00$ 23.69$ 4,738.00$ 20.00$ 4,000.00$ 17HOT-MIX ASPHALT SURFACE REMOVAL, VARIABLE DEPTH5,393SQ YD 4.00$ 21,572.00$ 2.50$ 13,482.50$ 1.50$ 8,089.50$ 2.25$ 12,134.25$ 2.75$ 14,830.75$ 4.00$ 21,572.00$ 4.00$ 21,572.00$ 18HOT-MIX ASPHALT SURFACE REMOVAL, 2"52,777SQ YD 1.65$ 87,082.05$ 1.50$ 79,165.50$ 1.90$ 100,276.30$ 2.15$ 113,470.55$ 2.20$ 116,109.40$ 2.00$ 105,554.00$ 3.00$ 158,331.00$ 19DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT REMOVAL185SQ YD 12.00$ 2,220.00$ 10.00$ 1,850.00$ 12.00$ 2,220.00$ 12.00$ 2,220.00$ 28.00$ 5,180.00$ 12.36$ 2,286.60$ 30.00$ 5,550.00$ 20SIDEWALK REMOVAL1,890SQ FT 1.50$ 2,835.00$ 2.00$ 3,780.00$ 2.50$ 4,725.00$ 1.55$ 2,929.50$ 2.00$ 3,780.00$ 1.55$ 2,929.50$ 4.50$ 8,505.00$ 21COMBINATION CURB AND GUTTER REMOVAL127FOOT 10.00$ 1,270.00$ 8.00$ 1,016.00$ 5.00$ 635.00$ 10.00$ 1,270.00$ 11.50$ 1,460.50$ 10.30$ 1,308.10$ 20.00$ 2,540.00$ 22CLASS D PATCHES, TYPE II, 6 INCH59SQ YD 47.00$ 2,773.00$ 55.00$ 3,245.00$ 48.00$ 2,832.00$ 35.00$ 2,065.00$ 56.00$ 3,304.00$ 50.00$ 2,950.00$ 65.00$ 3,835.00$ 23CLASS D PATCHES, TYPE III, 6 INCH130SQ YD 46.00$ 5,980.00$ 40.00$ 5,200.00$ 48.00$ 6,240.00$ 30.00$ 3,900.00$ 37.00$ 4,810.00$ 50.00$ 6,500.00$ 65.00$ 8,450.00$ 24CLASS D PATCHES, TYPE IV, 6 INCH7,049SQ YD 45.00$ 317,205.00$ 33.00$ 232,617.00$ 30.00$ 211,470.00$ 25.00$ 176,225.00$ 34.50$ 243,190.50$ 50.00$ 352,450.00$ 40.00$ 281,960.00$ 25CLASS D PATCHES, TYPE II, 10 INCH127SQ YD 52.00$ 6,604.00$ 75.00$ 9,525.00$ 65.00$ 8,255.00$ 45.00$ 5,715.00$ 108.00$ 13,716.00$ 100.00$ 12,700.00$ 105.00$ 13,335.00$ 26CLASS D PATCHES, TYPE III, 10 INCH127SQ YD 51.00$ 6,477.00$ 65.00$ 8,255.00$ 65.00$ 8,255.00$ 40.00$ 5,080.00$ 108.00$ 13,716.00$ 100.00$ 12,700.00$ 105.00$ 13,335.00$ 27CLASS D PATCHES, TYPE IV, 10 INCH347SQ YD 50.00$ 17,350.00$ 60.00$ 20,820.00$ 65.00$ 22,555.00$ 35.00$ 12,145.00$ 86.00$ 29,842.00$ 80.00$ 27,760.00$ 105.00$ 36,435.00$ 28TRAFFIC CONTROL AND PROTECTION (SPECIAL)1L SUM 28,656.89$ 28,656.89$ 30,250.00$ 30,250.00$ 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 30,999.75$ 30,999.75$ 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 35,960.00$ 35,960.00$ 50,000.00$ 50,000.00$ 29SHORT TERM PAVEMENT MARKING9,457FOOT 0.25$ 2,364.25$ 0.01$ 94.57$ 0.01$ 94.57$ 1.00$ 9,457.00$ 1.20$ 11,348.40$ 1.03$ 9,740.71$ 0.01$ 94.57$ 30TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKING REMOVAL1,562SQ FT 0.50$ 781.00$ 0.01$ 15.62$ 0.01$ 15.62$ 1.50$ 2,343.00$ 3.30$ 5,154.60$ 1.55$ 2,421.10$ 0.01$ 15.62$ 31THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING - LETTERS AND SYMBOLS531SQ FT 10.00$ 5,310.00$ 3.35$ 1,778.85$ 3.90$ 2,070.90$ 3.35$ 1,778.85$ 3.35$ 1,778.85$ 5.10$ 2,708.10$ 4.00$ 2,124.00$ 32THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING - LINE 4"39,187FOOT 0.75$ 29,390.25$ 0.50$ 19,593.50$ 0.60$ 23,512.20$ 0.50$ 19,593.50$ 0.50$ 19,593.50$ 0.60$ 23,512.20$ 0.60$ 23,512.20$ 33THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING - LINE 6"3,318FOOT 1.00$ 3,318.00$ 0.84$ 2,787.12$ 1.00$ 3,318.00$ 0.84$ 2,787.12$ 0.84$ 2,787.12$ 1.13$ 3,749.34$ 1.00$ 3,318.00$ 34THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING - LINE 12"1,444FOOT 2.50$ 3,610.00$ 1.68$ 2,425.92$ 1.95$ 2,815.80$ 1.68$ 2,425.92$ 1.68$ 2,425.92$ 2.31$ 3,335.64$ 2.00$ 2,888.00$ 35THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING - LINE 24"448FOOT 5.00$ 2,240.00$ 3.35$ 1,500.80$ 3.90$ 1,747.20$ 3.35$ 1,500.80$ 3.35$ 1,500.80$ 4.95$ 2,217.60$ 4.00$ 1,792.00$ 36PREFORMED THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING - LETTERS AND SYMBOLS162SQ FT 15.00$ 2,430.00$ 18.00$ 2,916.00$ 20.75$ 3,361.50$ 18.00$ 2,916.00$ 18.00$ 2,916.00$ 27.19$ 4,404.78$ 21.50$ 3,483.00$ 37PREFORMED THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING - LINE 4"1,080FOOT 2.00$ 2,160.00$ 3.50$ 3,780.00$ 4.00$ 4,320.00$ 3.50$ 3,780.00$ 3.50$ 3,780.00$ 2.68$ 2,894.40$ 4.15$ 4,482.00$ 38PREFORMED THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING - LINE 6"357FOOT 2.25$ 803.25$ 5.25$ 1,874.25$ 6.00$ 2,142.00$ 5.25$ 1,874.25$ 5.25$ 1,874.25$ 4.07$ 1,452.99$ 6.25$ 2,231.25$ 39PREFORMED THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING - LINE 24"90FOOT 5.00$ 450.00$ 18.00$ 1,620.00$ 20.75$ 1,867.50$ 18.00$ 1,620.00$ 18.00$ 1,620.00$ 18.13$ 1,631.70$ 21.50$ 1,935.00$ 40REMOVE AND SALVAGE, REPLACE LUMINAIRE13EACH 750.00$ 9,750.00$ 625.00$ 8,125.00$ 720.00$ 9,360.00$ 625.00$ 8,125.00$ 625.00$ 8,125.00$ 643.75$ 8,368.75$ 750.00$ 9,750.00$ 41RELOCATE EXISTING MAILBOX2EACH 200.00$ 400.00$ 350.00$ 700.00$ 50.00$ 100.00$ 250.00$ 500.00$ 425.00$ 850.00$ 200.00$ 400.00$ 500.00$ 1,000.00$ 42SANITARY MANHOLES TO BE ADJUSTED3EACH 900.00$ 2,700.00$ 700.00$ 2,100.00$ 1,300.00$ 3,900.00$ 710.00$ 2,130.00$ 710.00$ 2,130.00$ 600.00$ 1,800.00$ 850.00$ 2,550.00$ 43DRAINAGE & UTILITY STRUCTURES TO BE ADJUSTED32EACH 750.00$ 24,000.00$ 275.00$ 8,800.00$ 550.00$ 17,600.00$ 388.00$ 12,416.00$ 389.00$ 12,448.00$ 450.00$ 14,400.00$ 450.00$ 14,400.00$ 44FRAMES AND GRATES, TYPE 113EACH 400.00$ 1,200.00$ 425.00$ 1,275.00$ 500.00$ 1,500.00$ 400.00$ 1,200.00$ 363.00$ 1,089.00$ 470.00$ 1,410.00$ 400.00$ 1,200.00$ 45TEMPORARY INFORMATION SIGNING468SQ FT 19.00$ 8,892.00$ 12.00$ 5,616.00$ 25.00$ 11,700.00$ 12.00$ 5,616.00$ 15.00$ 7,020.00$ 12.88$ 6,027.84$ 15.00$ 7,020.00$ 46DETECTOR LOOP REPLACEMENT580FOOT 20.00$ 11,600.00$ 15.00$ 8,700.00$ 17.50$ 10,150.00$ 25.00$ 14,500.00$ 15.00$ 8,700.00$ 15.45$ 8,961.00$ 18.00$ 10,440.00$ 47COMBINATION CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT1,637FOOT 35.00$ 57,295.00$ 35.00$ 57,295.00$ 38.00$ 62,206.00$ 30.00$ 49,110.00$ 34.40$ 56,312.80$ 25.24$ 41,317.88$ 50.00$ 81,850.00$ 48PRECONSTRUCTION VIDEO RECORDING1L SUM 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ 3,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 500.00$ 500.00$ 5,356.00$ 5,356.00$ 11,500.00$ 11,500.00$ 49REPLACEMENT REFLECTOR32EACH 25.00$ 800.00$ 6.00$ 192.00$ 7.00$ 224.00$ 15.00$ 480.00$ 6.00$ 192.00$ 25.50$ 816.00$ 8.00$ 256.00$ 50RAISED REFLECTIVE PAVEMENT MARKER94EACH 35.00$ 3,290.00$ 30.00$ 2,820.00$ 35.00$ 3,290.00$ 50.00$ 4,700.00$ 30.00$ 2,820.00$ 50.99$ 4,793.06$ 35.00$ 3,290.00$ 51RAISED REFLECTIVE PAVEMENT MARKER REMOVAL94EACH 10.00$ 940.00$ 0.01$ 0.94$ 8.00$ 752.00$ 6.00$ 564.00$ 18.00$ 1,692.00$ 15.00$ 1,410.00$ 10.00$ 940.00$ 52RAILROAD PROTECTIVE LIABILITY INSURANCE1L SUM 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ 3,500.00$ 3,500.00$ 4,000.00$ 4,000.00$ 6,000.00$ 6,000.00$ 4,300.00$ 4,300.00$ 8,858.00$ 8,858.00$ 15,000.00$ 15,000.00$ 53PARKWAY RESTORATION480SQ YD 7.50$ 3,600.00$ 0.01$ 4.80$ 25.00$ 12,000.00$ 25.00$ 12,000.00$ 20.00$ 9,600.00$ 20.60$ 9,888.00$ 35.00$ 16,800.00$ TOTAL PROJECT COSTBIDDER'S PROPOSAL (AS-READ)1,386,553.00$ 1,170,606.08$ 1,283,324.18$ 1,327,777.00$ 1,438,890.74$ 1,589,141.04$ 1,596,601.95$ BIDDER'S PROPOSAL (AS-CORRECTED)1,333,329.80$ 1,446,693.74$ Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction CostK -Five Construction Westmont, ILGallagher Asphalt Thornton, ILPT Ferro Construction CompanyJoliet, ILD Construction, Inc.Coal City, ILAustin Tyler Construction Inc. Elwood, ILBrothers Asphalt Adison, IL279 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\$OOHQ3HUVRQV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3XEOLF:RUNV'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH6HSWHPEHU 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRDXWKRUL]HWKH9LOODJH3UHVLGHQWWRDZDUGWKH&RQFUHWH&XUEDQG 6LGHZDON3URJUDPWR6WUDGD&RQVWUXFWLRQWKHORZELGGHULQWKHDPRXQWRI 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 &RQFUHWH&XUEDQG6LGHZDON6WDII5HSRUW 280 MEMORANDUM  To:AllenPersonsͲDirectorofPublicWorks  From:ScottThreewittͲLeadEngineer  Date:September13,2017  Re:2017ConcreteCurbandSidewalkProgram BackgroundFindings TheitemunderconsiderationbytheVillageBoardpertainstothe2017ConcreteCurbandSidewalkProgram.On September12th,theVillagereceivedfive(5)bidsforthe2017ConcreteCurbandSidewalkProgram.Five(5)bid proposalswereissuedpriortothebidopening.Theworkconsistsofremovingandreplacingdamagedconcrete sidewalkandcurbatvariouslocationsthroughouttheVillageaspreviouslydeterminedbyStaff.Thelistofrepair areasincludesover90separatelocationsthroughouttheVillage.TheEngineersEstimateforthisworkis $112,242.00.  Detailedbidtabulationforallbiddersisattached.  PolicyConsiderations TheprojectsupportstheVillage’sTransportationPlanbymaintainingtheVillage’srightͲofͲwayassetsthrough efficientmaintenanceactivities. AccordingtoSection2Ͳ43(6)oftheVillageCodeofOrdinances,theVillageAdministratorshallmakea recommendationtothePresidentandBoardofTrusteesonpurchasesoverthe$5,000statutorylimit.TheBoard hastherighttoacceptorrejectanyorallproposals. FinancialConsiderations Fundingforthe2017ConcreteCurbandSidewalkProgramiscurrentlyincludedintheVillage’sbudget. Recommendation Staffhasreviewedandverifiedthebidsandrecommendsawardoftheprojecttothelowqualifiedbidder,Strada ConstructionCompany.StradaConstructionCompanyispreͲqualifiedthroughIDOTfortheworkrequiredaspart ofthiscontractandhasmetthebidproposalrequirements. ItisourrecommendationthattheVillageBoardauthorizetheVillagePresidenttoawardthe2017ConcreteCurb andSidewalkProgramtoStradaConstructionCompany,thelowbidder,intheamountof$74,800.30.  281 As Calculated:$74,800.30 $117,851.50 $127,201.00 $154,859.86 $170,755.20Total Bid:As Read:$74,800.03 $117,851.50 $127,201.00 $154,859.86 $170,755.20$25.00 $500.00$40.00 $800.00 $40.00 $800.00 $35.00 $700.005 DETECTABLE WARNINGS SQ FT20 $20.00 400.00$ $13.00 $260.00$7.86 $28.70 $22,558.20$3,930.00 $15.00 $11,790.00 $10.75 $8,449.50 $0.014 PARKWAY RESTORATION SQ YD786 $15.00 11,790.00$ $5.00$66.00 $49,962.00 $85.00 $64,345.00$24.00 $18,168.00 $45.00 $34,065.00 $48.00 $36,336.003 COMBINATION CONCRETE CURB AND FOOT757 $45.00 34,065.00$ $55,568.00 $12.00 $83,352.00 $10.00 $69,460.0041,676.00$ $5.50 $38,203.00 $8.00 $55,568.00 $8.002 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE SQ FT6946 $6.00$2.00 $13,892.00$2.25 $15,628.50 $3.75 $26,047.50 $3.00 $20,838.001 SIDEWALK REMOVAL SQ FT6946 $3.50 24,311.00$ $2.05 $14,239.30Total Unit Price TotalTotal Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit PriceApproved Engineer's EstimateItem No. Item Delivery Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Unit PriceMichelle Gibas, Scott Threewitt Terms:Attended By:Proposal Guarantee:Estimate: 112,242.00Section: Appropriation: LocalCoal City, IL Monee, IL Joliet, IL Woodstock, ILLocal Public Agency: Village of PlainfieldTime: 10:00 AM Address of Bidder: Addision, IL"D" Construction Davis Concrete PT Ferro Construction Allinace ContractorsCounty: WillDate: 9/12/2017 Name of Bidder: Strada ConstructionPrinted9/13/2017BLR12315(Rev.07/16/13)282 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\-RKQ.RQRSHN 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH6HSWHPEHU 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRH[WHQGWKHWZR  SROLFHPRWRUF\FOHOHDVHDJUHHPHQWVIRUWZR  \HDUV WKURXJK:RRGVWRFN+DUOH\'DYLGVRQIRUWKHWRWDODPRXQWRISHU\HDU 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 3ROLFH0RWRUF\FOH/HDVH$JUHHPHQWV6WDII5HSRUW 283 MEMORANDUM TTo: Mayor Collins and Trustees From: Chief John Konopek Date: September 13, 2017 Re: Police Motorcycle Lease Agreements extension Background Findings Over the past 16+ years, the Police Department has leased motorcycles as part of the Patrol Division fleet. Currently there are two Officers who ride/patrol for the Village when weather permits. The current motorcycle lease agreement for two motorcycle rental is up for renewal on September 22, 2017, through Woodstock Harley-Davidson. The Police Department is requesting to continue the lease on the two current motorcycles for two years through Woodstock Harley-Davidson Dealership. The lease amount decreased from $3,100.00 to $2,900.00 per motorcycle or $5,800.00 yearly for two motorcycles. There is additional saving by renewing/extending the lease and keeping the two current motorcycles because there will not be additional cost for equipment transfer and setup. Policy Considerations The Police Department employs a number of different vehicles, from Ford Interceptors, a wide range of undercover vehicles, big and small SUVs, used military rescue trucks, and motorcycles. Each police vehicle serves a different purpose and function depending on the situation and application. Motorcycle Officers support the Police Department’s Strategic Plan and the overall mission. Financial Considerations The lease agreement and replacement equipment for this program is budgeted under Traffic Program account number 01-05-51-5115-001 and $13,300.00 was put into the 17/18 budget to cover the lease, equipment and maintenance for the motorcycles. Recommendation It is our recommendation that the Village Board approve continuing the lease agreement with Woodstock Harley-Davidson for the two motorcycles, not to exceed $5,800.00 per year. 284 Memo to: Chief John Konopek From: Commander Kevin Greco Date: September 13, 2017 Subject: Motorcycle units The Village of Plainfield police motorcycle program was reinstated in 2001 with one motorcycle and one operator. The police department now has two motorcycles and has four officers certified to operate the motorcycles. The current yearly lease will expire on September 22, 2017 and is up for Village Board consideration. With your approval, I am requesting the Village Board consider renewing the lease of the two motorcycles for two more years. The lease amount decreased from $3,100.00 to $2,900.00 per motorcycle or $5,800.00 yearly. By renewing/extending the lease and keeping the two current motorcycles there will not be additional cost for equipment and setup. During the past year, the motorcycles were driven 7 of the 12 months, totaling 1,100 miles on one, and around 900 miles on the other. On patrol in Plainfield, the motorcycles do not have high mileage because of the stop-and-go nature of traffic enforcement. Police motorcycles offer many advantages for police operations and motorcycle officers handle many tasks. Yes, their primary duty is traffic enforcement, but there’s more to working a motor than making traffic stops and issuing citations. Motorcycles offer higher maneuverability than just about anything else on the road, allowing the operator to go places the squad cars and SUVs are limited to. The Department’s motor officers have provided police escorts for funerals, ceremonial events, VIP’S, and assisting outside agencies with additional requested police services. The Motor Officers worked several public relations campaigns throughout the year, including these past year events: Two police officer funerals in Illinois NASCAR escort event 9/11 remembrance ride Plainfield touch a truck event Plainfield July 3rd event National Police Officer Week Plainfield parade The Department’s motorcycle program costs an average of $13,000.00 per year to lease two motorcycles and maintain and replacement equipment, compared to $35,000.00-$38,000.00 for one new Ford patrol Interceptor. Additionally, the most expensive aspect to any police motorcycle program is the initial investment, and the Village has already invested over $50K in training, equipment, and uniforms. In 2016-17 the Village invested another $5,500.00 in upgrading the motorcycle radios and helmet equipment, plus an additional $1,200.00 in replacing old helmets. Just as there are police special response teams, patrol officers, traffic officers, undercover officers, investigations, and so on, motorcycles fit into that spectrum and overall strategic plan of the police department. Thank you for your consideration of my request. Kevin Greco Kevin Greco Administration Commander 285 286 287 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\-RKQ.RQRSHN 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH6HSWHPEHU 68%-(&7 6SHFLDO(YHQWV5HSRUW 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 6SHFLDO(YHQWV$QQXDO5HSRUW 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\-RKQ.RQRSHN 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH6HSWHPEHU 68%-(&7 2SHUDWLRQV5HSRUWIRU$XJXVW  5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 2SHUDWLRQV5HSRUWIRU$XJXVW  297 PLAINFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT Memo To: From: Date: Subject: Michael Collins, Village President John Konopek, Chief of Police Monday, September 11 2017 Operations Report- August 2017 Brian Murphy, Village Administrator Village Trustees ThefollowingpagescontaintheMonthlyOperationsReportforthemonthofAugust2017: Illinois State Explorer Conference LewisUniversity Thursday,August10,2017 ThePlainfieldPoliceExplorerswere awarded2ndplaceinthefirearms simulatortraining,3rdinrapid deployment,and4thinthe volleyballtournament. RevenueSummary Page2 5YearCrimeIndex Page2 VehicleReport Page3 TrainingReport Page3 DispatchActivity Page4 ArrestReports Page5Ͳ11 CaseStatusReports Page12Ͳ15 MonthlyOffensesReported Page16Ͳ24 Page1of24August2017OperationsReport 298 PLAINFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT Operations Report Payment Category FEES - Fees and Services Payment Category FINES - Fines/Forfeitures Payment Category PERMITS - Permits 2015 2016 2017 **RedlightCameraViolationsincludesalltransactionsreceiptedbyPlainfieldandnotsolelythePoliceDepartment. *WillandKendalCountyfineswerereceivedbythecountiesinJuly,butwerereceivedbyPlainfieldinAugust. Monthly Revenue Summary: August AdministrativeTicket $7,915.00 $9,965.00 $9,620.00 AdministrativeTicketͲLateFee $960.00 $800.00 $580.00 AlcoholEnforcementFine $1,055.00 $0.00 $2,200.00 DailyStorageFee $480.00 $0.00 $0.00 ImpoundFees $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $4,000.00 KendallCountyCourtFine* $2.00 $28.92 $263.13 RedLightCameraViolations** $7,400.00 $37,300.75 $38,600.00 WillCountyCourtFine* $23,716.11 $29,482.20 $27,805.61 $47,528.11 $83,576.87 $83,068.74 Accident/InsuranceReports $320.00 $415.00 $480.00 Copies,Maps,Etc. $17.00 $5.00 $65.00 FingerprintFee $200.00 $160.00 $220.00 FreedomofInformationFee $3.75 $48.10 $4.00 OffenderRegistrationFee $0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $540.75 $728.10 $969.00 SolicitorsPermit $105.00 $140.00 $175.00 $105.00 $140.00 $175.00 $48,173.86 $84,444.97 $84,212.74Total Year Burglary Motor Vehicle Theft Human Traffic Comm. SexActs 5 Year Crime Index* Theft Arson Human Traffic Invol.Serv.Rape Agg. Assault/ Agg. Battery Criminal Homicide Robbery Index**Total 2013 54 5 0370 3 01171510.91456 2014 37 12 0276 8 0616098.64364 2015 44 10 0298 2 010 2117 9.24393 2016 35 15 0280 2 0727038.68369 2017 19 18 0163 2 0513077.93227 *CrimeindexcategoriesareasdeterminedbyIllinoisUniformCrimeReporting(UCR)definitionsthatdifferfromtheIllinoisCriminalStatute (ILCS)requirements;numbersinthesecategoriesarenotnecessarilyequaltothoseintheitemizedreportsofoffenseslaterinthisreport. **AnestimatedpopulationisusedtocalculatethecrimeindexisanestmatebasedoffoftheUSCensusBureau.Thecurrentyear'scrime indexisaprojectionofwhattheindexwouldbeiftheyearremainsconsistentwithpreviousmonths. Page2of24August2017OperationsReport 299 2015 2016 2017 Monthly Vehicle Report: August AverageMilesPerGallon 10.24 10.51 10.53 GallonsofGasolineUsed 3,472.60 4,020.80 4,226.60 MilesDriven 35,564.00 42,265.00 44,517.00 MonthlyMaintenance* 9,028.65 9,704.87 11,860.56 *Vehiclemaintenanceisreportedasanexpensebaseduponthecalendardatepaid;thereforeisnotnecessarilyrepresentativeofthedate themaintenancewasperformed,billed,northebudgetmonthapplied. LocationCourseTitleClassDateEmployee HoursEach August 2017 Training Report TotalHours Caliendo 8/2 12 K9Training12 Anderson 8/8Ͳ8/9 16 DesignatedMarksman/Advanced Patrol JJCWeitendorfAg. Ctr/NEPHY064R 16 Caliendo 8/16 12 K9Training12 Heath,Munson,C.Sester, Sheehan 8/17 8 CarSeatTechUpdate ShorewoodPD32 Housh,Konopek, Lehmann,Miller,Ruggles, M.Siegel,Wagner, Zigterman 8/17 8 ILEASMFFͲLaneTrainingTesting TBD64 Dabezic,Malcolm, Pedersen 8/17 8 KendallCountySRT24 Friddle,Housh,Konopek, Lehmann,Miller,Ruggles, M.Siegel,Wagner, Zigterman 8/31 8 MandatoryFullTeamAssessment ILNationalGuard Armory,Joliet 72 Mulacek 8/31 10 JolietSWATͲTabletopExercise10 242TotalTrainingHoursforAugust2017: Page3of24August2017OperationsReport 300 PLAINFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT Dispatch Activity Zone*2015 2016 2017 August Zone Incident Comparison Report PCW 90 93 113 Z1 810 746 711 Z2 553 686 597 Z3 934 887 812 Z4 649 665 558 Z5 68 79 113 Z6 2 3 5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 PCWZ1Z2Z3Z4Z5Z6 2015 2016 2017 3106 3159 2909TOTAL** *PDF/PCW/WCisusedwhenanincidentisoutofthevillage,orwhenthedispatcherdoesnotvalidatetheaddress. **TotalincidentsincludesallCADcreatedincidents,includingallServiceCalls,TrafficStops,InformationonlyCalls,Etc. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0100200300400500600700800900100011001200130014001500160017001800190020002100220023002015 2016 2017 *TotalincidentsincludesallCADcreatedincidents,includingallServiceCalls,TrafficStops,InformationonlyCalls,Etc. Yearly Dispatch Comparison By Hour for August Page4of24August2017OperationsReport 301 PLAINFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT Arrest Reports 201720162015 August Adult Arrests* Battery AggravatedBattery 0 1 0410 DomesticBattery 2 2 2486 Theft TheftOver$500 001815 Theft$500andUnder 010825 RetailTheft 083860 Deceptive Practices DeceptivePractice 0101110 Criminal Damage & Trespass to Property CriminalDamageProperty 0101310 CriminalTrespassProperty 0111330 CriminalDamageGovtSupportedProperty 0101340 Sex Offenses ChildPornography 0 1 01582 *BothJuvenileandAdultFeloniesandMisdemeanors(ExcludesPettyOffensese) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 123456789101112 2015 2016 2017 Arrest Comparison for the Past 3 Years Page5of24August2017OperationsReport 302 201720162015 August Adult Arrests* Cannabis Control Act PossessionofCannabis30GMAndUnder 0301811 PossessionofCannabis10GmorLess(OrdinanceorCivil Violation) 0041814 UnlawfulCannabisManufacturing 0 1 01817 CannabisPlants 0101850 Controlled Substance Act Manufacture/DeliveryControlledSubstance 0 1 02010 PossessionControlledSubstance 0 0 12020 Drug Paraphernalia Act PossessionDrugEquipment 1112170 PossessionofDrugParaphernalia(OrdinanceorCivilViolation)0012171 Liquor Control Act Violations IllegalPossessionAlcoholByMinor 0012220 IllegalConsumptionAlcoholByMinor 1012230 Intoxicating Compounds Use/Sale/DeliveryofIntoxicatingCompounds 0 1 02310 Disorderly Conduct DisorderlyConduct 0212890 Interference with Public Officers Resist/Obstruct/DisarmanOfficer 1 1 03710 Resist,Obstruct,Officer,Firefighter,CorrectionalOfc 0043711 ObstructingJustice 0013730 Traffic Crashes HitandRun 0102445 Motor Vehicle Offenses DUIͲAlcohol 12 9 82410 DUIͲDrugs 1012420 IllegalTransportationAlcohol 2322430 LeavingScenePropertyDamageAccident 0 0 22447 Cancelled/Suspended/RevokedRegistration 2 0 02460 OperationVehiclew/SuspendedRegistration(NoInsurance)0012462 ImproperUseofRegistration 1 0 02465 NoValidDriversLicense 7312470 Suspended/RevokedDriversLicense 15 0 32480 Flee/AttempttoEludePeaceOfficer 0 1 02495 Other Offenses ViolationOrderofProtection 1 0 04387 InͲStateWarrant 5255081 51 47 45TOTAL *Felonies&Misdemeanors(ExcludesPettyOffenses).Any2410Arrestsareforallindividualcitations.Thisnumberdoesnot reflectthenumberofindividualoccurrancessinceasingleoffendermayrecievemultiplecitations,e.g.DUIAlcohol&DUI>.08. Page6of24August2017OperationsReport 303 201720162015 August Juvenile Arrests* Battery Battery 010460 DomesticBattery 0 2 0486 Theft RetailTheft 024860 Criminal Damage & Trespass to Property CriminalDamageProperty 12 0 21310 CriminalTrespassProperty 0041330 CriminalDamageGovtSupportedProperty 1121340 CriminalTrespassVehicle 0011360 Offenses Involving Children Curfew 2381730 Truancy 1001770 Cannabis Control Act PossessionofCannabis10GmorLess(OrdinanceorCivil Violation) 0111814 Drug Paraphernalia Act PossessionofDrugParaphernalia(OrdinanceorCivilViolation)0102171 Motor Vehicle Offenses DragRacing 2002450 NoValidDriversLicense 2002470 Disorderly Conduct DisorderlyConduct 2142890 AirRifles 0102900 Interference with Public Officers Resist/Obstruct/DisarmanOfficer 1 0 03710 Resist,Obstruct,Officer,Firefighter,CorrectionalOfc 0013711 ObstructingJustice 0103730 23 14 27TOTAL *Felonies&Misdemeanors(ExcludesPettyOffenses).Any2410Arrestsareforallindividualcitations.Thisnumberdoesnot reflectthenumberofindividualoccurrancessinceasingleoffendermayrecievemultiplecitations,e.g.DUIAlcohol&DUI>.08. Page7of24August2017OperationsReport 304 Arrestee August 2017 Arrest Press Board* Age Arrestee'sAddress DateofArrest Release Report# Stuebinger,MirandaC 18 405FawnDr,Oswego,IL 60543 3ͲNoticeToAppear8/8/1712:00AM 17Ͳ004971 ILLEGALCONSUMPTIONALCOHOLBYMINOR Petrauskas,JanetV 63 10157SSpringfield,Chicago, IL60655 3ͲNoticeToAppear8/8/1712:00AM 17Ͳ005125 RETAILTHEFT Anderson,BradJ 31 460RaintreeDr,Oswego,IL 60543 3ͲNoticeToAppear8/8/1712:00AM 17Ͳ005167 LEAVINGSCENEPROPERTYDAMAGEACCIDENT LOCALORDINANCEVIOLATION(OTHER) LEAVINGSCENEPROPERTYDAMAGEACCIDENT LOCALORDINANCEVIOLATION(OTHER) ERVIN,DAVAUGHN LYDELL 31 24103WHAZELCRESTDR, Apt#2ͲW,PLAINFIELD,IL 60544 3ͲNoticeToAppear8/8/1712:00AM 17Ͳ005251 RESIST,OBSTRUCT,OFFICER,FIREFIGHTER,CORRECTIONALOFC DUIBACOVER.08 DUIͲALCOHOL IMPROPERLANEUSAGE CABRERAͲREYES, BENJAMINJRE 18 24439WNORWOODDR, PLAINFIELD,IL60585 3ͲNoticeToAppear8/7/1712:24AM 17Ͳ005275 FAILURETOYIELD:STOPSIGN ILLEGALPOSSESSIONALCOHOLBYMINOR ILLEGALTRANSPORTATIONALCOHOL OPERATIONUNINSUREDMOTORVEHICLE SENEPHIMMACHAC, SCOTT 37 13914SMARYBROOKDR, PLAINFIELD,IL60544 15ͲTransportedto WCADF 8/10/171:46AM 17Ͳ005356 DUIBACOVER.08 DUIͲALCOHOL IMPROPERLANEUSAGE OPERATIONUNINSUREDMOTORVEHICLE SPEEDING:RADAR ANTONINO,FERNANDO 28 400Winston,JOLIET,IL 60345 15ͲTransportedto WCADF 8/10/173:49AM 17Ͳ005357 DUIͲALCOHOL OPERATIONUNINSUREDMOTORVEHICLE SPEEDING:RADAR SUSPENDED/REVOKEDDRIVERSLICENSE Levert,HoytA 42 429Meadowlark, Bolingbrook,IL60440 5ͲRecognizance,Personal orIͲBond 8/10/1711:06AM 17Ͳ005365 NODRIVER'SLICENSEONPERSON OTHEREQUIPMENTVIOLATIONS(CITATIONSISSUED) POSSESSIONOFCANNABIS10GMORLESS(ORDINANCEORCIVILVIOLATION) SPEEDING:OVER35+mphOVERPOSTEDLIMIT Page8of24August2017OperationsReport 305 Arrestee August 2017 Arrest Press Board* Age Arrestee'sAddress DateofArrest Release Report# JOHNSON,LAWRENCEL 25 212TACOMACT, ROMEOVILLE,IL60446 5ͲRecognizance,Personal orIͲBond 8/11/1712:55AM 17Ͳ005373 DUIͲALCOHOL FAILURETOREDUCESPEEDTOAVOIDACCIDENT WEBER,STEVENL 38 24156WMAIN,Apt#102, PLAINFIELD,IL60544 8/11/178:03PM 17Ͳ005384 DOMESTICBATTERY CADENAS,ALEXISJ 26 13341SALLYN,PLAINFIELD, IL60585 6ͲReleasedToOther Agency 8/11/1710:36PM 17Ͳ005385 CRIMINALTRESPASSPROPERTY STATDFIELD,KEITHA 37 11604SOLYMPICDR, PLAINFIELD,IL60585 15ͲTransportedto WCADF 8/12/1711:15AM 17Ͳ005401 DOMESTICBATTERY ALBRIGHT,XAVIERM 24 24128WMAIN,PLAINFIELD, IL60544 5ͲRecognizance,Personal orIͲBond 8/15/177:17PM 17Ͳ005465 POSSESSIONOFCANNABIS10GMORLESS(ORDINANCEORCIVILVIOLATION) RESIST,OBSTRUCT,OFFICER,FIREFIGHTER,CORRECTIONALOFC TRESPASSING GOLASKY,ALEXANDERJ Jr. 23 24657WKINGSTONST, PLAINFIELD,IL60544 5ͲRecognizance,Personal orIͲBond 8/15/177:17PM 17Ͳ005465 RESIST,OBSTRUCT,OFFICER,FIREFIGHTER,CORRECTIONALOFC TRESPASSING MANSOOR,SIDDRAH 21 14612SMEADOWLN, PLAINFIELD,IL60544 5ͲRecognizance,Personal orIͲBond 8/16/171:40AM 17Ͳ005470 DUIBACOVER.08 DUIͲALCOHOL SPEEDING:OVER26Ͳ34mphOVERPOSTEDLIMIT Sindelar,KennethJ 42 208RIVERSTApt#2, YORKVILLE,IL 37ͲTransportedto KendallCoJail 8/16/172:24PM 17Ͳ005486 INͲSTATEWARRANT NOVALIDDRIVERSLICENSE RESIST,OBSTRUCT,OFFICER,FIREFIGHTER,CORRECTIONALOFC SPEEDING:OVER26Ͳ34mphOVERPOSTEDLIMIT RUSSELL,ASHLEYN 25 13922SWELLERDR, PLAINFIELD,IL60544 24ͲAdministrativeTicket Issued 8/16/177:30PM 17Ͳ005492 RETAILTHEFT HILL,HAROLDD 57 23632WOttawaSt, Plainfield,IL60544 4ͲPromiseToComply8/17/179:38PM 17Ͳ005507 DUIͲALCOHOL IMPROPERLANEUSAGE OPERATIONUNINSUREDMOTORVEHICLE PARKING:ALLOTHERVIOLATIONS SUSPENDED/REVOKEDDRIVERSLICENSE Page9of24August2017OperationsReport 306 Arrestee August 2017 Arrest Press Board* Age Arrestee'sAddress DateofArrest Release Report# Alvarez,JacobA 19 2509LakeridgeDr,Lockport, IL60441 24ͲAdministrativeTicket Issued 8/19/172:32AM 17Ͳ005538 IMPROPERLIGHTING(DRIVINGWITHOUTLIGHTS) POSSESSIONOFCANNABIS10GMORLESS(ORDINANCEORCIVILVIOLATION) GRIESHABER,WILLIAMR 21 2430LAKERIDGEDR, LOCKPORT,IL60441 5ͲRecognizance,Personal orIͲBond 8/19/175:23AM 17Ͳ005539 DUIBACOVER.08 DUIͲALCOHOL FAILURETOSIGNAL FAILURETOYIELD:STOPSIGN POSSESSIONOFDRUGPARAPHERNALIA(ORDINANCEORCIVILVIOLATION) ROWLAND,JOHNPJr.54 625BostonDr,DAVENPORT, IA52806 5ͲRecognizance,Personal orIͲBond 8/19/178:30PM 17Ͳ005548 SUSPENDED/REVOKEDDRIVERSLICENSE Pate,Brandon 22 2012KensingtonEstateCt, Plainfield,IL60585 5ͲRecognizance,Personal orIͲBond 8/22/179:57PM 17Ͳ005609 OPERATIONUNINSUREDMOTORVEHICLE OPERATIONVEHICLEW/SUSPENDEDREGISTRATION(NOINSURANCE) POSSESSIONDRUGEQUIPMENT POSSESSIONOFCANNABIS10GMORLESS(ORDINANCEORCIVILVIOLATION) Healy,CharlyM 18 13361SROUNDBARNRD, PLAINFIELD,ILLINOIS60585 15ͲTransportedto WCADF 8/23/172:09AM 17Ͳ005617 DUIͲDRUGS ILLEGALTEXTINGWHILEDRIVING IMPROPERLANEUSAGE OPERATIONUNINSUREDMOTORVEHICLE POSSESSIONCONTROLLEDSUBSTANCE TOOFASTFORCONDITIONS HARE,CHANTELL 29 122WOAKAVE,LOCKPORT, IL60441 5ͲRecognizance,Personal orIͲBond 8/23/174:44AM 17Ͳ005618 DISORDERLYCONDUCT ILLEGALTRANSPORTATIONALCOHOL OBSTRUCTINGJUSTICE OPERATIONUNINSUREDMOTORVEHICLE PARKING:ALLOTHERVIOLATIONS HAMMITTE,QUINTINL 42 235FOSTERDR,OSWEGO,IL 60543 5ͲRecognizance,Personal orIͲBond 8/27/172:04AM 17Ͳ005765 DUIBACOVER.08 DUIͲALCOHOL PARKING:ALLOTHERVIOLATIONS PAGANONI,JOSEPHM 36 947PennwoodLn, Bolingbrook,IL60440 3ͲNoticeToAppear8/29/1711:00PM 17Ͳ005833 THEFTOVER$500 Page10of24August2017OperationsReport 307 Arrestee August 2017 Arrest Press Board* Age Arrestee'sAddress DateofArrest Release Report# OBRIEN,MONTEZD 29 620Andover,CHICAGO HEIGHTS,IL60411 15ͲTransportedto WCADF 8/30/173:30PM 17Ͳ005845 RETAILTHEFT *ThisreportincludesalladultarrestsasreportedtothepressͲjuvenilesareexcluded. Page11of24August2017OperationsReport 308 PLAINFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT Case Status Reports 15ͲWARRANT/COMPLAINT ISSUED 02ͲPENDING INVESTIGATIONOFFENSE Active Cases and Warrants Listed by Primary Offense as of: September 11, 2017 0260ͲCRIMINALSEXUALASSAULT 1 0310ͲARMEDROBBERY 11 0320ͲROBBERY 1 0410ͲAGGRAVATEDBATTERY 11 0460ͲBATTERY 25 0486ͲDOMESTICBATTERY 52 0488ͲAGGRAVATEDDOMESTICBATTERY 1 0510ͲAGGRAVATEDASSAULT 2 0610ͲBURGLARY 4 0625ͲRESIDENTIALBURGLARY 11 0650ͲHOMEINVASION 1 0760ͲBURGLARYFROMMOTORVEHICLE 410 0810ͲTHEFTOVER$300 1 0815ͲTHEFTOVER$500 46 0825ͲTHEFT$500ANDUNDER 14 Detective 2015 2016 2017 Active (02) Pending Case Assignments as of: September 11, 2017* ALLEN,CHRISTOPHER#196 23 21 DABEZIC,DINO194 18 18 MCQUAID,KEVIN117 2 MESZAROS,RICHARD193 26 14 SIEGEL,CARIANNE191 29 20 98 0 73TOTAL May2016ͲMarch2017activeinvestigationsdataisunavailableduetothechangefromLRMStoPremierOneforRecordsManagement. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 ALLEN,CHRISTOPHER #196 DABEZIC,DINO194 MESZAROS,RICHARD193 SIEGEL,CARIANNE191 MCQUAID,KEVIN117 2015 2016 2017 *Activecaseassignementsandpendinginvestigationswillnottypicallybeequalbecausemultipleofficersmaybeassignedto followupononecasethatmayhavemultipleoffenses. Page12of24August2017OperationsReport 309 15ͲWARRANT/COMPLAINT ISSUED 02ͲPENDING INVESTIGATIONOFFENSE Active Cases and Warrants Listed by Primary Offense as of: September 11, 2017 0860ͲRETAILTHEFT 1512 0880ͲPURSESNATCHING 1 0910ͲMOTORVEHICLETHEFT 33 1110ͲDECEPTIVEPRACTICE 34 1120ͲFORGERY 24 1130ͲFRAUD 1 1137ͲIDENTITYTHEFT 14 1139ͲTHEFTBYLESSEE 1 1140ͲEMBEZZLEMENT 1 1150ͲCREDITCARDFRAUD 4 1200ͲPOSSESSIONSTOLENPROPERTY 3 1240ͲCOMPUTERTAMPERING 1 1261ͲUNAUTHVIDEOTAPING/LIVEVIDEOTRANS 1 1310ͲCRIMINALDAMAGEPROPERTY 65 1330ͲCRIMINALTRESPASSPROPERTY 22 1360ͲCRIMINALTRESPASSVEHICLE 2 1410ͲUNLAWFULUSEWEAPON 1 1425ͲUNLAWFULPOSSESSIONFIREARM/AMMUNITION 11 1477ͲRECKLESSDISCHARGEFIREARM 1 1544ͲSEXUALEXPLOITATIONOFCHILD 1 1563ͲCRIMINALSEXUALABUSE 1 1565ͲINDECENTSOLICITATIONOFCHILD 1 1710ͲENDANGERINGLIFE/HEALTHOFCHILD 1 1730ͲCURFEW 3 1740ͲRUNAWAY(M.R.A.I.)11 1810ͲPOSSESSIONOFCANNABISOVER10GMTO100GM (misdemeanor) 1 1811ͲPOSSESSIONOFCANNABIS30GMANDUNDER 1 1814ͲCIVILLAWCANNABIS(NOTMORETHAN10GRAMS) 1 1814ͲPOSSESSIONOFCANNABIS10GMORLESS(ORDINANCE ORCIVILVIOLATION) 2 2010ͲMANUFACTURE/DELIVERYCONTROLLEDSUBSTANCE 1 2012ͲDELIVERYOFCONTROLLEDSUBSTANCE 1 2020ͲPOSSESSIONCONTROLLEDSUBSTANCE 2 2170ͲPOSSESSIONDRUGEQUIPMENT 1 2171ͲCIVILLAWPARAPHERNALIA 1 2171ͲPOSSESSIONOFDRUGPARAPHERNALIA(ORDINANCEOR CIVILVIOLATION) 1 2440ͲRECKLESSDRIVING 1 2445ͲHITANDRUN 1 2455ͲNOVALIDREGISTRATION 1 2495ͲFLEE/ATTEMPTTOELUDEPEACEOFFICER 2 Page13of24August2017OperationsReport 310 15ͲWARRANT/COMPLAINT ISSUED 02ͲPENDING INVESTIGATIONOFFENSE Active Cases and Warrants Listed by Primary Offense as of: September 11, 2017 2820ͲTELEPHONETHREAT 1 2825ͲHARASSMENTBYTELEPHONE 3 2860ͲFALSEPOLICEREPORT 1 2890ͲDISORDERLYCONDUCT 34 3100ͲMOBACTION 1 3710ͲRESIST/OBSTRUCT/DISARMANOFFICER 1 3730ͲOBSTRUCTINGJUSTICE 4 4230ͲUNLAWFULRESTRAINT 11 4387ͲVIOLATIONORDEROFPROTECTION 1 4870ͲDOMESTICDISPUTE 2 5081ͲINͲSTATEWARRANT 2 5083ͲRECOVEREDPROPERTYONLY 1 6310ͲPARKING:OVERNIGHTPROHIBITED/SPECIFICHOURS 1 6548ͲACCIDENT:HITANDRUN(PROPERTYDAMAGE)1 6555ͲACCIDENT:FATAL 2 6556ͲACCIDENT:PERSONALINJURY 1 6601ͲSPEEDING:RADAR 1 6602ͲSPEEDING:PACED 1 6624ͲFAILURETOREPORTACCIDENT 1 6648ͲOTHEREQUIPMENTVIOLATIONS(CITATIONSISSUED)1 6685ͲOBSTRUCTED/TINTEDWINDOW(S) 1 6701ͲALLOTHERTRAFFIC 1 9001ͲASSIST:FIREDEPARTMENT 2 9003ͲASSIST:STATEPOLICE 1 9004ͲASSIST:OTHERPOLICEDEPARTMENT 1 9008ͲASSIST:BUSINESSAGENCY 1 9062ͲFOUNDARTICLES 1 9101ͲSUSPICIOUSAUTO 2 9103ͲSUSPICIOUSPERSON 1 9110ͲDISTURBANCE/DISPUTES 11 9356ͲSUSPICIOUSCIRCUMSTANCES 1 9357ͲSUSPICIOUSINCIDENT 1 9438ͲDEATH:OTHERSUDDENDEATH/BODIESFOUND(DEATH INVESTIGATION) 2 9507ͲSTATIONINFORMATION 3 9603ͲPARENTͲJUVENILE:CRISISINTERVENTION 1 9608ͲOTHER:CRISISINTERVENTION 1 9638ͲSCHOOL:CRISISINTERVENTION[JUVENILEPROBLEMS]1 9934ͲCHILDCUSTODYDISPUTE/VISITATIONINTERFERENCE 1 Page14of24August2017OperationsReport 311 105125TOTAL 90 100 110 120 130 02ͲPENDINGINVESTIGATION 15ͲWARRANT/COMPLAINTISSUED 2017 ClosedCasesbyOffense Administratively Closed AdultArrest Juvenile Arrest August 2017 Closed Cases (by Disposition and Primary Offense) VictimRefusal toCooperate Prosecution Declined ReferredtoOther Jurisdiction Battery 1 8 3 Burglary 3 2 BurglaryorTheftfromMotorVehicle 4 1 CannabisControlAct 4 1 ControlledSubstanceAct 3 CriminalDamage&TrespasstoProperty 26 3 5 12 CriminalSexualAssault 1 DeadlyWeapons 1 DeceptivePractices 10 1 23 DisorderlyConduct 2 2 1 DrugParaphernaliaAct 3 InterferencewithPublicOfficers 4 1 LiquorControlActViolations 2 2 MotorVehicleOffenses 26 MotorVehicleTheft 3 1 OffensesInvolvingChildren 1 1 OtherOffenses 16 11 11 Theft 13 6 2 1 79 74 15TOTAL 85 4 Page15of24August2017OperationsReport 312 PLAINFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT Offense Reports 2015 2016 2017 Monthly Offenses Reported: August UCRCodeschangedwiththetransitiontoPremierOneon05/02/2016.Somechanged againinNovember2016duetotheISPreviewofUCRreportableoffenses. Robbery ArmedRobbery 0 1 0310 Robbery 120320 130Total: Robbery Battery AggravatedBattery 3 1 0410 Battery 632460 DomesticBattery 4 7 4486 AggravatedDomesticBattery 1 0 0488 14 11 6 Total: Battery Burglary Burglary 2 1 0610 ResidentialBurglary 131625 341Total: Burglary Burglary or Theft from Motor Vehicle TheftMotorVehParts/Accessories 1 1 0720 BurglaryfromMotorVehicle 246760 356Total: Burglary or Theft from Motor Vehicle Theft TheftOver$500 735815 Theft$500andUnder 594825 RetailTheft 9 10 23860 21 22 32 Total: Theft Motor Vehicle Theft MotorVehicleTheft 012910 012Total: Motor Vehicle Theft Arson Arson 0101010 010Total: Arson Deceptive Practices DeceptivePractice 2221110 IdentityTheft 1531137 TheftByLessee 0011139 CreditCardFraud 3101150 FinancialExploitElderly/Disabled 1 0 01195 786Total: Deceptive Practices Page16of24August2017OperationsReport 313 2015 2016 2017 Monthly Offenses Reported: August UCRCodeschangedwiththetransitiontoPremierOneon05/02/2016.Somechanged againinNovember2016duetotheISPreviewofUCRreportableoffenses. Criminal Damage & Trespass to Property CriminalDefacementProperty 1011305 CriminalDamageProperty 14 9 91310 CriminalTrespassProperty 1311330 CriminalDamageGovtSupportedProperty 0301340 CriminalTrespassStateSupportedProperty 0011350 CriminalTrespassVehicle 1321360 TrespassWarning 2039375 Trespassing 0109376 19 19 17 Total: Criminal Damage & Trespass to Property Deadly Weapons UnauthPossession/Storage/Weapons 1 0 01380 100Total: Deadly Weapons Sex Offenses CriminalSexualAssault 1 1 0260 110Total: Sex Offenses Offenses Involving Children Disseminate/DistributeIndecentVisualDepictionͲMinor (Sexting) 0011726 Curfew 6231730 Runaway(M.R.A.I.) 3 1 11740 Truancy 2051770 Juvenile:Other 2007739 PossessionofTobacco/Minor 0 0 29910 13312Total: Offenses Involving Children Cannabis Control Act PossessionofCannabis30GMAndUnder 4401811 PossessionofCannabis10GmorLess(OrdinanceorCivil Violation) 0191814 459Total: Cannabis Control Act Controlled Substance Act DeliveryofControlledSubstance 0 0 12012 PossessionControlledSubstance 1 0 02020 DrugOverdose(Heroin) 0109186 111Total: Controlled Substance Act Drug Paraphernalia Act PossessionDrugEquipment 4312170 PossessionofDrugParaphernalia(OrdinanceorCivilViolation)0032171 434Total: Drug Paraphernalia Act Page17of24August2017OperationsReport 314 2015 2016 2017 Monthly Offenses Reported: August UCRCodeschangedwiththetransitiontoPremierOneon05/02/2016.Somechanged againinNovember2016duetotheISPreviewofUCRreportableoffenses. Liquor Control Act Violations IllegalPossessionAlcoholByMinor 1002220 IllegalConsumptionAlcoholByMinor 1002230 200Total: Liquor Control Act Violations Intoxicating Compounds Use/Sale/DeliveryofIntoxicatingCompounds 0 1 02310 010Total: Intoxicating Compounds Disorderly Conduct HarassmentByTelephone 3 0 02825 HarassmentThroughElectronicCommunications 0 0 12826 PeepingTom 0012870 DisorderlyConduct 8372890 Interferencew/EmergencyCommunication 1002895 AirRifles 0102900 MobAction 1003100 13 4 9 Total: Disorderly Conduct Interference with Public Officers Resist/Obstruct/DisarmanOfficer 3 0 03710 Resist,Obstruct,Officer,Firefighter,CorrectionalOfc 0013711 301Total: Interference with Public Officers Kidnapping UnlawfulRestraint 0014230 UnlawfulVisitationInterference 1 0 04255 101Total: Kidnapping Page18of24August2017OperationsReport 315 2015 2016 2017 Monthly Offenses Reported: August UCRCodeschangedwiththetransitiontoPremierOneon05/02/2016.Somechanged againinNovember2016duetotheISPreviewofUCRreportableoffenses. Traffic Crashes HitAndRun 9902445 Accident:HitandRun(PropertyDamage) 0 1 106548 Accident:Motorcycle(NonͲInjury) 0016551 Accident:Motorcycle(Injury) 0 0 16552 Accident:Fatal 0016555 Accident:PersonalInjury 01256556 Accident:NonͲInjury 0 77 426557 Accident:PropertyDamage 0416558 Accident:PoliceDepartmentVehicle 0106560 Accident:Injury 11 0 06562 Accident:Village/City/CountyProperty 0016562 Accident:NonInjury 70 0 06563 Accident:PrivateProperty 0 16 116563 Accident:PropertyDestruction 2006564 Accident:PoliceVehicle 1006566 Accident:PrivateProperty 12 0 06569 Accident:LeavingSceneofAccident 0 1 06572 Accident:Truck(NonͲInjury) 0056576 AccidentͲTruckNonͲInjury 1006650 106 121 78 Total: Traffic Crashes Parking Parking:AllOtherViolations 01046300 Parking:BlockingPublic/PrivateDrive 0106302 Parking:HandicappedViolation 0206304 Parking:InFireLane 0106305 Parking:LeftWheeltoCurb 0106306 Parking:OverSidewalk(BlockingSidewalk) 0016308 Parking:OvernightProhibited/SpecificHours 0 68 786310 Parking:WhereProhibited(SignPosted) 0 3 166312 Parking:Within20FtofCrosswalk/Intersection 0 0 26314 Parking:Within15FtofFireHydrant 0126316 IllegalParking 25 0 06582 NoParking(1A.M.6A.M.) 117 0 06583 ParkingͲLeftWheelCurb 1006584 HandicappedParkingViolations 3006590 146 87 103 Total: Parking Page19of24August2017OperationsReport 316 2015 2016 2017 Monthly Offenses Reported: August UCRCodeschangedwiththetransitiontoPremierOneon05/02/2016.Somechanged againinNovember2016duetotheISPreviewofUCRreportableoffenses. Motor Vehicle Offenses DUIͲAlcohol 159112410 DUIͲDrugs 1112420 IllegalTransportationAlcohol 2342430 RecklessDriving 0012440 LeavingScenePropertyDamageAccident 0 0 62447 DragRacing 1002450 NoValidRegistration 94 47 32455 Cancelled/Suspended/RevokedRegistration 2 1 02460 OperationUninsuredMotorVehicle 7181652461 OperationVehiclew/SuspendedRegistration(NoInsurance)0272462 ImproperUseofRegistration 1 0 02465 NoValidDriversLicense 14 10 72470 Suspended/RevokedDriversLicense 1717172480 DriverAndPassengerSafetyBelts 6155312485 Flee/AttempttoEludePeaceOfficer 0 1 02495 ChildRestraint(ImproperRestraintViolation) 0056148 FailuretoYieldtoAvoidAccident 0 10 06580 FailuretoReduceSpeedtoAvoidAccident 0 0 476581 FailuretoSignal 0536584 DefectiveBrakes 0106591 Speeding:Over26Ͳ34MphOverPostedLimit 0 9 136594 Speeding:Over35+MphOverPostedLimit 0236595 Speeding:ConstructionZone 0506596 InstructionPermit/TemporaryLicenseViolations 0106598 Speeding:Radar 288 191 1676601 Speeding:Paced 6116602 Speeding:SchoolZoneViolation 1476603 TooFastForConditions 24 26 56604 TrafficSignViolation 29 6 56605 TrafficSignalViolation 15 9 66606 ImproperPassing 9 14 146607 ImproperLaneUsage 1719206608 FollowingTooClosely 0106609 DUIBACOver.08 0386610 ImproperTurnAtIntersection 0116611 ImproperRightTurnonRedLight 0026612 ImproperUͲTurn 2126613 FailureSignal 2006614 FailuretoYield:MergingTraffic 0 0 16615 FailuretoYield:Intersection 2 2 16616 Page20of24August2017OperationsReport 317 2015 2016 2017 Monthly Offenses Reported: August UCRCodeschangedwiththetransitiontoPremierOneon05/02/2016.Somechanged againinNovember2016duetotheISPreviewofUCRreportableoffenses. Motor Vehicle Offenses FailuretoYield:TurningLeft 6256617 FailuretoYield:PrivateRoad 0116618 FailuretoYield:StopSign 10 4 76620 NoDriver'sLicenseonPerson 0 0 46625 Texting/CellPhoneUseWhileDriving 42 0 06626 ImproperBacking 2026628 ImproperLighting(DrivingWithoutLights) 4116630 ImproperLighting(NoTaillights) 3 1 26631 ImproperLighting(OneHeadlight) 17 1 26633 MufflerViolations 0016634 NoValidSafetyTest(Sticker) 14 14 16635 Size,Weight,Load,LengthViolations 6206636 MotorcycleViolations 1006637 RRCrossingViolations 0016640 DisobeyingaPoliceOfficerͲTrafficControl 0016641 WarningTicketͲMovingViolations 1006642 WarningTicketͲEquipmentViolations 2006643 FailuretoNotifySOSofAddressChange 0506645 OtherEquipmentViolations(CitationsIssued) 26 9 36648 OtherMovingViolations(CitationsIssued) 7526649 OverweightViolation 0106651 OverweightOnRegistration 1 0 06652 ImproperDisplayofRegistration 0 0 36653 ImproperOvertaking 0016665 DisobeyTrafficControlDevice(RedLight) 0356669 DrivingInWrongLane 0016677 FailuretoYield:PrivateRoadorDrive 0106683 Obstructed/TintedWindow(s) 0 1 16685 IllegalScreeching/SquealingofTires 0216695 IllegalTextingWhileDriving 0 2 26696 ImproperTurn 0026700 AllOtherTraffic 2206701 NoCertificateofTitle 0016706 IllegalUseofCellPhoneWhileDriving 0 14 236707 IllegaluseofCellPhone:NotHandsFree 3006708 ExpiredRegistration 0 31 476712 Expired/InvalidRegistration 0106715 TrafficAltercations 0016728 DefectiveWindshield,SideorRearWindow 0109162 821 642 585 Total: Motor Vehicle Offenses Page21of24August2017OperationsReport 318 2015 2016 2017 Monthly Offenses Reported: August UCRCodeschangedwiththetransitiontoPremierOneon05/02/2016.Somechanged againinNovember2016duetotheISPreviewofUCRreportableoffenses. Citizen Assist MotoristAssist 1006513 LockOut 5145509031 BurglarAlarm 1009046 FoundBicycle 0 3 09068 CitizenAssist 1009760 AbandonedVehicle 0209908 54 50 50 Total: Citizen Assist Missing Persons MissingPerson:AdultMale 0019064 MissingPerson:AdultFemale 0 1 09065 MissingPerson:JuvenileMale 0209066 MissingPerson:JuvenileFemale 0 0 19067 032Total: Missing Persons Other Offenses ViolationOrderofProtection 0 1 24387 DomesticDispute 10 21 94870 InͲStateWarrant 8565081 CitizenAssist 0019760 18 27 18 Total: Other Offenses Suspicious Activity MischievousConduct(No$Loss) 0019055 SolicitorComplaint 1009056 LoudNoiseComplaint 0 1 09058 InvestigationQuasiͲCriminal 0 2 09100 SuspiciousAuto 7209101 SuspiciousPerson 3009103 DamagetoProperty:NonCriminal 1 0 19104 NeighborhoodTrouble/NeighborDispute 2009105 OtherTrouble 1009106 Disturbance/Disputes 0 1 39110 15 6 5 Total: Suspicious Activity Lost/Found Property LostArticles 2209061 FoundArticles 0309062 LostDriver'sLicense/Plates 4 0 09063 FoundBicycle 2 0 09068 FoundProperty 0109246 860Total: Lost/Found Property Page22of24August2017OperationsReport 319 2015 2016 2017 Monthly Offenses Reported: August UCRCodeschangedwiththetransitiontoPremierOneon05/02/2016.Somechanged againinNovember2016duetotheISPreviewofUCRreportableoffenses. Suicide & Death Investigations Suicide:ByFirearm 0109401 Suicide:ByHanging 1009402 SuicideAttempt:ByHanging 0 1 09412 SuicideAttempt:ByCutting 0 0 19413 SuicideAttempt:ByDrugs 2009424 OtherSuddenDeath&BodiesFound 1 0 09439 SuicideThreat:CrisisIntervention 0 1 29607 433Total: Suicide & Death Investigations Agency Assist Assist:FireDepartment 2109001 Assist:CountyPolice 2 0 29002 Assist:StatePolice 0019003 Assist:OtherPoliceDepartment 1 3 39004 Assist:OtherGovernmentAgency 1109005 Assist:Ambulance 5839083 11 13 9 Total: Agency Assist Animal Complaints DogBite:Public 2109203 OtherAnimalBites:Public 1 0 09207 StrayDogs/leashLaw 2749209 StrayOtherAnimals 3319210 BarkingDogs 0109211 Animal(Found) 5 1 09215 Animal(DogatLarge) 7119231 DogLeashLaw 0019907 20 14 7 Total: Animal Complaints Crisis Intervention TransportationofMentalCases 1019301 ParentͲJuvenile:CrisisIntervention 0 1 09603 Alcohol:CrisisIntervention 0 1 09606 121Total: Crisis Intervention Page23of24August2017OperationsReport 320 2015 2016 2017 Monthly Offenses Reported: August UCRCodeschangedwiththetransitiontoPremierOneon05/02/2016.Somechanged againinNovember2016duetotheISPreviewofUCRreportableoffenses. Other Incidents DamagetoVillageProperty 3009108 Disturbance/Disputes 1 0 09110 OtherInvestigations 4109119 CivilMatter 0109150 Graffiti 0109251 Harassment 0119367 StationInformation 6219507 WelfareCheck 2219798 ParkDistrictViolation 3009803 DumpingGarbageonPrivateProperty 0019903 AbandonedVehicle 2009908 ServiceofOrderofProtection 0 0 39933 21 8 7 Total: Other Incidents Searches and K9 Activity VehicleSearch:WithoutKͲ910009927 10 0 0 Total: Searches and K9 Activity 1346 1074 975TOTAL 14300S.CoilPlusDrive,Plainfield,Illinois60544Ͳ7704 MainOffice#(815)436Ͳ6544 ExecutiveOfficeFax#(815)436Ͳ9681 Page24of24August2017OperationsReport 321