HomeMy Public PortalAbout07 15 2019 BAR Meeting Minutes LEESBURG BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES Monday, July 15, 2019 Town Hall, 25 West Market Street Council Chamber MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Dale Goodson, Vice Chair Teresa Minchew, Parliamentarian Stacy Skinner, Julie Pastor, Paul Reimers, and Planning Commission Liaison Rick Lanham MEMBERS ABSENT: Richard Koochagian and Tom O’Neil STAFF: Planning & Zoning Director Susan Berry Hill and Planning & Zoning Analyst Deborah Parry Call to Order and Roll Call Chairman Goodson called the meeting to order at 7:01pm, noted attendance, and determined that a quorum was present. Adoption of the Meeting Agenda On a motion by Vice Chair Minchew, seconded by Ms. Skinner, the meeting agenda was adopted by a 5- 0-2 vote (Koochagian and O’Neil absent). Approval of Meeting Minutes a. March 18, 2019 BAR Business Meeting On a motion by Vice Chair Minchew, seconded by Ms. Skinner, the minutes were approved, as submitted, by a vote of 5-0-2 (Koochagian and O’Neil absent). b. April 1, 2019 BAR Work Session On a motion by Vice Chair Minchew, seconded by Ms. Skinner, the minutes were approved, as submitted, by a vote of 5-0-2 (Koochagian and O’Neil absent). c. April 15, 2019 BAR Business Meeting On a motion by Ms. Skinner, seconded by Vice Chair Minchew, the minutes were approved, as submitted, by a vote of 4-0-1-2 (Pastor abstained; Koochagian and O’Neil absent). d. May 6, 2019 BAR Work Session On a motion by Ms. Skinner, seconded by Ms. Pastor, the minutes were approved, as submitted, by a vote of 5-0-2 (Koochagian and O’Neil absent). BAR Member Disclosures Vice Chair Minchew stated she will recuse herself from discussion of TLHP-2019-0042, 9 East Market Street, because of her husband’s law firm’s involvement with the applicant. Public Comment and Presentations None Consent Agenda None Petitioners None Continued Cases in the H-1 Overlay District a. TLHP-2019-0042, 9 East Market Street – Church & Market Project: Partial demolition and new addition on existing structure BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES July 15, 2019 Page 2 of 5 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING · 25 WEST MARKET STREET · LEESBURG, VIRGINIA 20176 Telephone 703.771.2765 · Fax 703.771.2724 · www.leesburgva.gov/planning Ms. Susan Berry Hill provided a brief overview of the subject property at 9 East Market Street and the historic resource on site, constructed circa 1975. She stated a Certificate of Appropriateness was previously approved in 2012 on this property for the Courthouse Square development; however, those approvals have since expired. She stated the current proposal includes the demolition of the 1973 warehouse addition on the rear of the subject structure, the restoration of the existing historic structure including the relocation of the existing entrance to its original location, and a new second and third story addition. She stated during the most recent review of this application, most of the outstanding concerns from the previous meetings were addressed; however, the Board did request further alterations to the 3rd floor east elevation, revised elevations reflecting all changes to date and detail for the proposed 2nd floor wall cladding. Further, she noted the current approval addresses the changes requested by the Board and outlined staff’s recommendation for approval with findings and conditions to be determined by the Board. The applicant’s architect Felipe Turriago-Borrero with DBI Architects, Inc., provided a brief overview of the changes made since he previous meeting including the alterations to the 3rd floor of the east elevation to add similar articulation as seen on the west elevation. Further, he outlined the additional details provided for the wall cladding on the 2nd floor of the north elevation. There was discussion regarding the colors proposed for the second and third floor and information regarding the rainscreen system. It was the consensus of the Board that the substrate behind the rainscreen should be black. There were no petitioners for this application. Ms. Pastor proposed a motion to approve TLHP-2019-0042 based on the information provided by Blair White as revised through July 1, 2019, including associated drawings, specifications, and photos, and subject to the following clarifications and conditions: 1. The addition will have a gabled roof and a gray color pallet for the second and third floor to include a dark substrate background. 2. The east elevation of the third floor will include the addition windows and trim as shown in the revised drawings submitted July 1, 2019 and provided at the July 15, 2019 BAR meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Reimers. Chairman Goodson proposed a friendly amendment to clarify that the color pallet will have two shades of gray matching the samples provided at the July 15, 2019 BAR meeting. The friendly amendment was accepted and the motion was approved by a 4-0-1-2 vote (Minchew recused; Koochagian and O’Neil absent). Public Hearings on New Cases in the H-1 Overlay District a. TLHP-2019-0075, 101 South King Street – Delirium Café Project: Installation of a patio Chairman Goodson opened the public hearing at 7:23pm. Ms. Berry Hill provided a brief overview the two contributing resources on this site, an 1800-1825 Colonial Revival structure at 1 Loudoun Street SW and the 1850 vernacular structure at 101 South King Street. She outlined the proposal to construct a 940 square foot patio adjacent to the porch at 1 Loudoun Street SW, noting the patio will be finished with dry-laid pavers set in sand with gaps between to allow for drainage. She stated a similar proposal was reviewed by the Board in April 2018; however, no action was taken at that time. She noted the proposed patio materials are generally consistent with the subject structure and installation of the patio will not impact the porch stairs or create drainage issues impacting the historic structure. Further, she outlined staff’s recommendation for approval with the following conditions: 1. The applicant will work with the Leesburg Department of Plan Review to achieve the necessary drainage of the patio. Changes in design of the patio due to DPR requirements may prompt the need for amendments to this COA if drainage cannot be achieved. BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES July 15, 2019 Page 3 of 5 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING · 25 WEST MARKET STREET · LEESBURG, VIRGINIA 20176 Telephone 703.771.2765 · Fax 703.771.2724 · www.leesburgva.gov/planning 2. Visible separation between the patio and public sidewalk will be retained using the existing wood timbers. 3. The wrought iron fence along the western-most edge of the patio will be retained. 4. The existing porch stair railings and post will be retained but may be repaired in kind if needed during the installation of the patio. The applicant, Curtis Allred, Delirium Café, stated over the past year he has been working with zoning and the Department of Plan Review to achieve a design that would allow for the proposed patio to be level with the sidewalk and allow for appropriate drainage. He stated the proposed pavers will be laid with ½ inch gaps and sand between, creating an appropriate appearance while not impacting the historic structure. Further, he stated there will need to be some repair to the porch railings, which will be done in-kind. There was discussion regarding the color variation in the pavers, the color of the sand infill, and how the patio will meet the porch on the historic structure. Mr. Allred stated 24” planting beds will flank the porch stairs and will continue along the east, west and south sides of the yard. Further, the existing fence along the sidewalk will remain. There was further discussion regarding the patio design and its elevation in comparison with the porch stairs. It was suggested that a tree be added in the southwest corner of the planting bed to provide shade. Vice Chair Minchew proposed a motion to approve TLHP-2019-0075, 101 South King Street, based on the information provided by Curtis Allred received June 10, 2019, including associated photos, specifications, and product information with the following conditions and clarifications: 1. The applicant will work with the Leesburg Department of Plan Review to achieve the necessary drainage of the patio. Changes in design of the patio due to DPR requirements may prompt the need for amendments to this COA if drainage cannot be achieved. 2. The existing 6x6-inch wood timber along the North side shall be retained to ensure visible separation between the patio and sidewalk. 3. The wrought iron fence along the West edge of the patio will be retained. 4. The existing porch stair railings and post will be retained with the understanding that they may be repaired in-kind if needed. 5. Planting beds will be installed, approximately 24-inches deep to either side of the stairs on the East end of the patio and 24-inches deep along the South and West edges of the patio. 6. The spacing for the approved polymer grout will be ½-inch and the grout will be of a beige color to blend with the pavers and any variation from that is to be approved by the Preservation Planner. The motion was seconded by Ms. Pastor and approved by a 5-0-2 vote (Koochagian and O’Neil absent). b. TLHP-2019-0077, 101 South King Street – Delirium Café Project: Installation of window signs Chairman Goodson opened the public hearing at 7:45pm. Ms. Berry Hill stated this application, for the same property as just discussed, is for the retroactive approval of 5 window and door signs. She stated the subject property has three previously approved signs and noted that the Zoning Ordinance allows administrative approval for up to two signs per property with any additional signage requiring approval from the Board. She outlined the size and placement of the window signs noting that the decals are translucent with the exception of the colored decal on the front door. Further, she stated staff recommends approval of the application, noting that the proposed signs meet the Guidelines in that they are easily removable and do not detract from the overall character of the historic district. The applicant, Curtis Allred, Delirium Café, stated he was surprised to find that this type of window signage could not be approved administratively. He noted the signs were placed on the building two years ago; however, he was just recently informed of the need for approval of the signs. BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES July 15, 2019 Page 4 of 5 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING · 25 WEST MARKET STREET · LEESBURG, VIRGINIA 20176 Telephone 703.771.2765 · Fax 703.771.2724 · www.leesburgva.gov/planning There was discussion regarding the role of the Board in this approval because of the number of signs involved and the need to ensure the proper balance of signs to prevent visual clutter. It was confirmed that the small plaque signs found beside the main entry door and on the inoperable door along the Loudoun Street SW frontage have not been approved and are not included in this application. Further, there was concern expressed with the placement of the oval plaque business identification sign placed next to the business identification sign on the entry door and the proposal that one of these signs be removed. Mr. Allred noted the oval plaque to the left of the main entry door was installed in advance of the business opening and was simply never removed; however, he would agree to remove it at this time. There was further discussion regarding the second oval plaque sign on the inoperable door along the Loudoun Street frontage and the need for the applicant to seek approval for this sign if it is to be retained. Mr. Allred noted that the blue paint on the shutters at 101 South King Street does not carry around to the adjoining structure at 1 Loudoun Street and therefore this plaque and the carved elephant on the porch provide visual cues that the business carries further along the street. There was further discussion regarding the number of signs currently installed for this business and whether the proposed window signs are appropriately sized per the language in the Old & Historic District Sign Guidelines which discusses the need for signs applied directly to a window to obscure no more than 20 percent of the glass on which it is applied. It was noted that the signs are translucent and it was the consensus of the majority that the signs are appropriately sized. Further, there was discussion regarding the possibility of further reviewing window signs for the historic district and providing guidance to potentially allow similar signs to be administratively approvable in the future. Mr. Allred stated the concept of what constitutes a sign is a broad element of what is being discuss when we want to restore or retain the historic relevance of these properties. Further, he stated he would be happy to participate or represent downtown business owners in any future sign discussions. Vice Chair Minchew proposed a motion to approve TLHP-2019-0077, 101 South King Street, based on the information provided by Curtis Allred received June 10, 2019, including associated photos, specifications, and product information with the following conditions and clarifications: 1. This approval is specific to this particular commercial building in this particular setting with commercially designed storefront windows. 2. The business identification plaque sign to the left of the entry shall be removed. 3. The applicant will remove or return to seek approval for any other signs on the building for which Certificate of Appropriateness approval has not been granted as of July 15, 2019. Ms. Skinner proposed a friendly amendment to require that the applicant remove the sign on the inoperable door along the Loudoun Street SW frontage. The friendly amendment was not accepted by Vice Chair Minchew as the motion currently provides the option for the applicant to either remove the sign or return to seek approval for the sign. Chairman Goodson proposed a friendly amendment to include the finding that the window signs are translucent in nature. Vice Chair Minchew accepted the friendly amendment. The motion was seconded by Ms. Pastor and approved by a 4-1-2 vote (Skinner opposed; Koochagian and O’Neil absent). Old Business None New Business None BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES July 15, 2019 Page 5 of 5 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING · 25 WEST MARKET STREET · LEESBURG, VIRGINIA 20176 Telephone 703.771.2765 · Fax 703.771.2724 · www.leesburgva.gov/planning Staff Announcements Ms. Parry noted that the Board’s August business meeting will be held in the Lower Level of Town Hall due to planed renovations in the Council Chamber. Vice Chair Minchew asked that staff report back to the Board regarding the timing of the Certificate of Appropriateness review for the planned capital project on West Market Street between Ayr and Memorial Streets NW. Adjournment On a motion by Ms. Skinner, seconded by Vice Chair Minchew, the meeting was adjourned at 8:31pm by a 5-0-2 vote (Koochagian and O’Neil absent. Dale Goodson, Chairman Deborah Parry, Planning & Zoning Analyst