HomeMy Public PortalAbout11/21/1995 specialCity of Greencastle City ball Four East Walnut Street Greencastle, Indiana 46133 Don Weaver, Clerk- Treasurer GREENCASTLE CONINION COUNCIL Special Session November-? 1, 1995 The Greencastle Common Council met in special session on Tuesday, November 21, 1995, at 7:30 pm. at Tzouanakis Intermediate School. On the Roll Call, the following were found to be present: Councilor Hammer, Councilor Miles. Councilor Murrav, Councilor Roach and Councilor Rokicki. Also present were Mayor tVlike Harmless. City Attorney John Zeiner. and Greencastle, Putnam Countv Development Center Director Bill Dory. There were no Public Petitions or Comments. Recommendations and Requests from Officers and Departments Resolution No. t995 -22, A Resolution Declaring :m Economic Development Target Area (Remedies), was presented to Council and read in its entirety (except for legal description) by Mavor Harmless. Councilor Murrav asked what recourse Council has regarding point six (6) of the • resolution. Citv Attornev Zeiner indicated that a re- affirming resolution will be presented to Council at a later session. Councilor Murray moved the adoption of the resoiution and Councilor Rokicki seconded. Mr. Zeiner continued, explaining that this is the same process as was done recently for Crown; "It's an 'Economic Development Target Area' because it's in a downtown location," he said. The process is to pass this resolution, publish notice_ hold a public hearing after at least ten days, and then consider the re- affirming resolution. Mr. Dory made these points: f 1) This mechanism can be used only in specified situations, including Historic Districts. i2) The target area specified here is only the "Mac's lot :" it could be extended by future Council action. (3) Other businesses have options (such as Investment Tax Credit) for heip in renovating existinv buiidings. It is noted that the Economic Development Commission met earlier today and passed a recommendation relevant to Council Resolution No. 1995 -22. A copy of the EDC recommendation is affixed as a part of these minutes. Present for the discussion were Greg and Trudy Selvia, the parties proposing to construct a new building on the site and offer new businesses in that building. Greg is a pharmacist and Trudv is an attorney. Councilor Rokicki asked the Selvias, "Without abatement can you still build ?" Trudy Selvia responded_ "Yes, we're going ahead. With abatement we can do some extras: better quality brick facade, curved windows. etc." Greg Selvia said, "We anticipate spending 5100,000 more than the bare minimum, just to "fit in" to the square." Councilor Murray asked if there will be a Statement of Benefits. Mr. Zeiner indicated that it will be available at the December 12 Council session. Councilor Rokicki asked it this is the first commercial tax abatement done in Greencastle. Mr. Zeiner indicated that it is "as far a I remember." Councilor Roach said. "I will support it for now, but I want to hear public comment and I want to see the Statement of Benefits." • Councilor Hammer said, "Due to the Selvias being a client of my firm, I will be abstaining from the vote." It was pointed out that the reference to "personal property" at the end of the third WHEREAS is erroneous. The Resolution is amended by striking evervthing in :hat paragraph beyond 'I.C. 6- C ' 1.1- 12.1 -3." Resolution 1995 -22, as amended, was passed and adopted on the following vote: AYE Councilor Miles Councilor Murray Councilor Roach Councilor Rokicki Councilor Hammer Resolution No. 1995 -25, Inducement Resolution for Economic Development Bonds • (Crown Equipment Corporation), was presented to Council and read in its entirety by Mayor Harmless. Mr. Vince Wallace, a representative of Crown Equipment Corporation was present for the discussion. Mr. Zeiner made these comments: (1) This resolution allows Crown to sell tax -free bonds: they will have to do so within 60 days of closing on the property; (2) The Economic Development Commission has approved; (3) There is no obligation to the City. A motion to adopt this resolution was made by Councilor Rokicki, seconded by Councilor Hammer and passed on an aye unanimous vote. Resolution No. 1995 -24, A Resolution Establishing a Plan for Cooperative Development of the Putnam County airport. was presented to Council. This is a modification of the resolution which was tabled at the November 14. 1995 regular session. The resolution was read in its entirety by the Mayor. Councilor Murray moved the adoption of the resolution and Councilor Miles seconded the motion. The Countv Council is also meeting tonight. Councilor Murrav asked if we know any result from that meeting regarding this plan. Mr. Dory indicated that it is not on tonight's County Council agenda. Resolution 1995 -24 was passed and adopted on the following vote: -kYE NAY Councilor Hammer Councilor Rokicki Councilor Miles Councilor Murray Councilor Roach Resolution No. 1995 -26, A Resolution approving the Issuance of Bonds by the Greencastle Redevelopment Commission, was presented to Council and read in its entirety by the Mayor. Councilor Murray moved the adoption of the resolution and Councilor Hammer seconded the motion. City Engineer Barnes reported on the bid opening held earlier in the day. Preliminary figures, pending review by the Airport Engineer, indicate Division A (Runway paving) at 5934.000 (2% above engineer's estimate) and Division B (Lighting) at $88,093 (9.6% above estimate). City Attorney Zeiner said that he anticipates land acquisition costs will come in at approximately 5440,000, up 20% from original estimates. An update on overall project costs was given: Runway expansion, lighting changes, Ballard Lane water line $1.692,000 Capital Drive improvements 351,000 • Councilor Roach said, "Let's discuss other funding options." "...for example, Putnam County Foundation." Mayor Harmless replied. "It's OK to discuss, but no other options get us all the way." Councilor Rokicki made this statement: "I'm philosophically opposed to TIF because 1) Taxpavers NAY ABSTAIN ® have alreadv paid; 2) It adds another level of tax distribution; 3) It adversely affects schools and the public library; and 4) There are costs associated with debt." He continued, "I want to restrict the size of the project -- for example, eliminate extra land on Ballard Lane and don't do Capital Drive -- and I want to use the money we have." Councilor Hammer said, "I've read and talked about TIF. We have a window of opportunity. I can support this one TIF - for this District and this project." Councilor Murray moved to amend the resolution by reducing the size of the bond issue to "an amount not to exceed S2,200,000." The motion to amend was seconded by Councilor Hammer and passed on an aye unanimous vote. The main question was called. Resolution No. 1995 -26, as amended, was passed on an ave unanimous vote. 11 Council Reports and Comments Mayor Harmless asked Council if there is interest in having a detailed public discussion of whether to place CACFID money with the Putnam County Foundation. By consensus the answer was "Yes." and the desire was expressed and supported that the Mayor attempt to schedule ajoint session of Council and CACFID prior to Council's regular December session. Adjournment With no further business, on a motion by Councilor Hammer, the meeting adjourned at 9:50 pm. Z" Michael M. Harmiess, Mavor ATTEST i; . �i.'- . ta i l' � !4J��:2 /�" Donald L Weaver. Clerk- Treasurer apvvinWii% i stcouncii \1121 s95.min •