HomeMy Public PortalAbout2023.08.30 Contract Landscapes Unlimited LLClnit. ;_:: Al.A Document A 104· -2017 Standard Abbreviated Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor AGREEMENT made as of the 30'h day of Aug ust in the year 2023 . (In words, indicate day, month and year.) BETWEEN the Owner : (Name , legal status, address and oth er information) City of McCall 216 East Park Street McCa ll , ID 83638 Telephone: (208) 634 -7200 and the Co nt ractor : (Na me, legal status, address and other informa tion) Landscapes Unlimited, LLC 120 1 Aries Drive Linco ln, NE 68512 Telephone : ( 402) 423-6653 F ax: (402) 423-448 7 Idaho Co ntractor 's License/Regi stration No . RCE-14216 for the fo ll owing Project: (Name , location and detailed description) McCall Go lf Club 925 Fa irway Drive McCa ll , ID 83638 The Arch itect: (Name, lega l s tatu s, address and oth er information) Druzi sky Go lf De sign 2201 W . Forest Court Eagle, ID 83616 The Ow ner and Co ntractor agree as fo ll ows . ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS : T he author of this document has added informatio n needed for its completion . Th e au thor may also have rev is ed the text of the original A IA standard form . An Additions and Deletions Report that notes added information as we ll as revis ions to the standard form text is avai lab le from the author an d sho uld be reviewed . A vertica l line in the left ma rg in of this document indicates w he re the author has added necessary information and where the author has added to or deleted from the o rig ina l AI A text. This document has important legal consequences. Consu ltat ion with an attorney is enco uraged w ith respect to its completion or modification . AIA Document A 104 -20 17 (fo rmerly A107 ™ -2007). Copyright © 1936 , 1951 , 1958, 1961, 1963 , 1966, 1970 , 1974 , 1978, 1987 , 1997, 2007 and 2017 . All rights reserved . "The Am erican Institute of Arch ite cts ," "Ame rican Institute of Archite cts ," "A IA ," the A IA Logo , and "AIA Contract Documents" are registered trademarks of 1 The Am erica n Institute of Architects. This document was produced at 17 :02 :50 ET on 09/07/2023 un der Order No.4 104236458 which exp ires on 09/26 /2023 , is not for resa le , is licensed for one-time use on ly, and may only be used in acco rdan ce with the AIA Co ntra ct Documents® Terms of Service. To report co pyright vio lations, e-mail doc info@aiacontra cts.com . Us er No tes: (1853378097) lnit. TABLE OF ART ICLES THE WORK OF THI S CONTRACT 2 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLET ION 3 CONTRACT SUM 4 PAYMENT 5 DISPUTE RESOL UTION 6 ENUMERAT ION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 7 GENERAL PR OVI SIONS 8 OWNER 9 CONTRACTOR 10 ARCHITECT 11 SUBCO NT RACTORS 12 CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS 13 CHANGES IN THE WORK 14 TIME 15 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 16 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 17 INSURANCE AND BONDS 18 CORRECT ION OF WORK 19 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 20 TERMINAT ION OF THE CONTRACT 21 CLAIMS AND DISP UTES ARTICLE 1 THE WO RK OF TH IS CONTRACT T he Co ntra cto r sha ll execute the Work desc rib ed in the Co nt ract Documents, exce pt as sp ec ific a ll y indi ca ted in the Contract Docume nts to b e th e res po ns ibili ty of oth ers. In the event of a confli ct b etween the sco pe of Work or th e te rm s and conditions assoc iated th erewith set fo rth in Ex h ibi t 2 and the scope of Work or term s and condi ti ons se t fo rth in any other Contract Do c um ent s, Ex hibit 2 sha ll gove rn and co ntro l. ARTICLE 2 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPL ETION § 2.1 The date of co mm encement of the Work shall be : (Check one of the follow in g boxes.) [ ] T he date of thi s Ag reement. AIA Doc ument A104-20 17 (formerly A107 ™ -2007). Copyright © 1936 , 1951 . 1958. 1961 , 1963, 1966, 1970, 1974, 1978 , 1987 , 1997, 2007 and 2017 . All rights reserved . "The American Institute of A rc hitects ," "Ame rican Institu te of Arc hitects," "AIA ," the A IA Logo, and "AIA Contract Documents" are registered trademarks of 2 The American Insti tute of Archi tects . This docume nt was produced at 17 :0 2:50 ET on 09/07/2023 under Orde r No.41042364 58 which exp ires on 09/26/2023 , is not for resa le , is lice nsed for one-time use onl y , and may on ly be used in acco rd ance with th e AIA Co ntrac t Docume nts® Terms of Service. To report co pyright violatio ns, e-mai l docinfo@aiacontracts.com. Us er Notes : (1853378097) lni t. A d ate set forth in a notice to proceed iss ued by the Owner . [ X J Established as fo ll ows : (In sert a date or a means to determin e the date of co mm encement of th e Work.) September 15, 2023 § 2.2 Th e Contract T im e sha ll b e measured from th e date of comm encement. § 2.3 Substantial Completion § 2.3.1 Subject to adjustment s of th e Contra ct Tim e as prov id ed in th e Contract Docum ent s, the Contracto r sha ll ac hi eve Substantial Completion of th e entire Work: (Ch ec k the appropria te box and co mplete the necessary information .) Not later than ) ca le nd a r da ys from the date of commencement of the Work. [ X J By th e fo ll owing dates : November 15 , 2023 November 21, 2023 Sub sta nt ia l Compl etion Final Completion (including Punchlist) In th e event that weather becom es an issue b efor e th e sub stanti a l comp le tio n date, th e remai nd er of wo rk w ill be comp leted in s pring of 2024. In addition to adjustments of the Con trac t Time as pro v ided in the Contract Docum ents , the completion dates se t forth above are a lso subj ect to adju stm ent if Contra ctor do es not have full and complete access to th e Proj ect site on th e date set forth in Section 2.1. In th e event th e foregoi ng co nd ition is n ot met, the completio n date s shall be extend ed on a day-for-day basis until th e co ndition is met. § 2.3.2 Subject to adjustments of th e Contract Time as pro vid ed in the Contract D ocuments, if portions of th e Work are to be co mp leted prior to Substantial Comp leti on of th e e ntire Work, the Contractor sh all achieve Substantial Compl etion of su ch portions by the fo ll owin g dates : Portion of Work Sub stant ial Completion Date § 2.3.3 If the Contra ctor fa il s to achieve Substantial Co mpl e ti on as provided in thi s Section 2.3 , liquidated d amages , if an y, sha ll be assessed as se t forth in Section 3 .5. ARTICLE 3 CONTRACT SUM § 3.1 Th e Owner sha ll p ay th e Contractor the Contra ct Sum in current fund s fo r the Contra ctor 's p erformance of th e Contract. The Contract Sum shall b e one of th e following : (Check the appropriate box.) [ X ] Stipulated Sum , in accorda nc e w ith Section 3.2 b e lo w Cost of the Work plu s the Contrac tor 's Fee, in accordance with Section 3.3 below Cost of the Work plu s th e Contra ctor 's Fee w ith a Guaranteed Maximum Price, in accordance with Section 3.4 be low (Based on th e selection above, co mplete Section 3.2, 3.3 or 3.4 below.) § 3.2 The Stipulated Sum shall be Three Hundred Sixty Five Thousand Seve n Hundred Ninety Eight Do llars and 50/10 0 ($ 365,798.50 ), su bjec t to additions and dedu ct ion s base d on un its actually in sta ll ed as well as other changes as pro v id ed in th e Co ntract Documents . A ll addi tion s for more units insta ll ed will be paid to Contra ctor, and a ll deductions for fewer units in sta ll ed w ill be credited to Owner. In bo th cases, ch anges w ill be acco mpli shed by C hange Orders s ig ned by Co ntractor and Owner. AIA Document A 104 -2017 (formerly A107 ™ -2007). Copyright © 1936 , 1951 , 1958, 1961, 1963, 1966, 1970, 1974 , 1978 , 1987 , 1997 , 2007 a nd 20 17 . All rig hts reserved. "The American Institute of Architects ," "American In stitute of Arch itects ," "AIA ," th e AIA Log o, and "AIA Contract Docu ments" are re gistered trademarks of 3 The Am erican Institute of Architects. Th is document was produ ce d at 17 :02 :50 ET on 09/07/2023 under Order No.4104236458 which exp ire s on 09/26 /2023 , is not fo r resa le , is licensed for o ne-time use o nly , a nd may on ly be used in accordance with the A IA Contract Docume nts® Terms of Service . To rep ort copy right violations , e-mail docinfo @aiacontracts.com . User Notes : (1853378097) lnit. § 3.2.1 Th e Stip ul ate d Sum is based u pon the fo ll owing a lternates , if any, which are described in the Contract D ocuments and are here by accepted by the Owner: (State the numbers or other identification of accepted alternates. If th e bidding or proposal documents permit the Owner lo accept other a lternates subsequent to th e execution of this Agreement, attach a schedule of such other alternates showing th e amount for each and the date wh en th at amount expires.) None § 3.2.2 Un it prices , if any: (Identify the item and state th e unit price and the quantity li mitations, if any, to which the unit price will be applicable.) Item Units and Limitat ions See Exh ibit 2 § 3.2.3 A ll owances , if any, inc lu ded in the st ip ul ated sum : (Identify each allowance.) Item See Exh ibi t 2 § 3.3 Cost of the Work Plus Contractor 's Fee § 3.3.1 Reserved . § 3.3.2 The Contractor's Fee: Price Price per Unit ($0.00) (State a lump sum, p ercentage of Cost of the Work or other provision for d etermining th e Contra ctor 's Fee and the m ethod of adjustment to the Fee for changes in th e Work) Not applicable -see Secti o n 3.2 for Stipu lated Sum § 3.4 Cost of the Work Plus Contractor 's Fee With a Guaranteed Maximum Price § 3.4 .1 T he Cost of the Wo rk is as defined in Exh ibit A , D ete1m inat ion of th e Cost of the Work. § 3.4.2 T he Contractor's Fee : (State a lump sum , percen tage of Cost of the Work or other pro vis ion for determin in g the Contra ctor's Fee and the method of adjustment to the F ee for changes in th e Work) Not app licab le -see Secti on 3 .2 for Stipu lated Su m § 3.4.3 Guaranteed Maximum Price § The sum of the Cos t of the Work and the Contractor 's Fee is guaranteed by the Contractor not to exceed Not ap pl icab le ($ N I A ), subj ec t to additions and ded uc ti ons b y changes in the Work as provided in the Contrac t Doc uments . T hi s max imum sum is referred to in the Co nt rac t Doc uments as the G uara ntee d Maximum Price . Costs w hi c h wo ul d ca use the G uara nteed Maximum Price to be exceeded sha ll be p a id by the Co ntractor witho ut reimbursement by the Owner. (Ins ert specific provisions if th e Contractor is to participate in any savings.) Not app licab le § The Guaranteed Max imum Pr ice is based on th e fo ll owing a lternates , if any, w h ic h are de scribed in the Contract D ocuments and are hereby accepted by th e Owner : (State th e numbers or other identification of accepted alternates. If th e bidding or proposal docum ents permit the Own er to accept other alternates subsequent to th e execution of this Agreement, attach a schedule of such other alterna tes showing the amo unt for each and th e dat e when that amount expires.) Not app licab le AJA Document A 104 -2017 (fo rmerly A 107 ™ -2007). Copyright © 1936 , 1951 , 1958, 1961 , 1963 , 1966 , 1970 , 1974 , 1978 , 1987 , 1997 , 2007 and 2017 . A ll rights reserved . "The American Institu te of Architects ," "America n Institu te of Architec ts," "A IA ," the A JA Logo , and "A JA Con tract Documents" are registered tradema rks of 4 The American Institute of A rchitects. This document was produced at 17 :02:50 ET on 09/07/2023 under Order No.4 104236458 which expires on 09/26/2023, is not for resa le , is licensed for one-time use on ly , and may only be used in acco rda nce with the A JA Co ntract Documents® Term s of Service. To report copyright vio lati ons , e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com . User Notes : (185337809 7) lni t. § 3.4 .3.3 Unit Prices , if any: (Ide n tify the item and state the un it price and the q ua n tity limitations , if any, to which the unit p r ic e will b e app licab le.) Item Unit s and Limitation s N ot a pplica bl e § A ll owances , if any , incl ud ed in th e G uaranteed Maxi mum Price: (Identify each allo wanc e.) Item Pri ce Not a ppli cab le § 3.4 .3.5 A ss umptio ns , if any , on w hi c h the G uarant ee d M ax im u m Pri ce is based : Not applicable Pri ce per Unit ($0.00) § 3.4.3 .6 T o th e extent that th e Contrac t D oc um ents are a nti c ip ated to req u ire fu rt her d evelopm ent, th e Gu a ranteed Max imum Price includ es the cos ts attrib uta b le to s uc h fu rther deve lo pment con s istent w it h the Co ntract D oc um ents an d reason ab ly in fera ble the refro m. S uch furth er development does not incl ude changes in scop e , system s , k ind s a nd quali ty of materi als, fin is hes or equipment , a ll of w hi ch , ifre quired , sh all be incorporated by C han ge Order. § 3.4.3. 7 The O w ner s ha ll authori ze p reparati on o f revis ion s to the Co ntract D oc uments that in co rporate th e agreed-upon ass umptions contained in Section 3.4 .3 .5 . T he Own er s ha ll promptly fu rni sh s u ch rev ised Con trac t D ocuments to the Contra ctor. The Contrac tor s hall n otify the Owner and Archi tect of a ny incons is ten c ies b etween th e agreed-upon ass um p tions conta in ed in Secti on 3 .4 .3 .5 and the rev ised Contract D ocuments. § 3.5 L iquidated dam ages , if any: (Inser t term s and conditio ns for liquidated da mages , if any.) None ARTICLE 4 PAYMENT § 4.1 Progre ss Payments § 4.1.1 B ase d upon A pp lications for P ayment s ubmitted to the Architect b y th e Contractor and Ce1i ifi ca tes fo r Paym ent iss ued by th e Arc h itect, th e O w ner sha ll m ak e p rog ress p ay m ent s on account of th e Con tract Sum to th e Contra ctor as provided below and e lsewh ere in th e Contrac t D ocument s . § 4.1.2 The p eri od cov ered by each A pplication for Paym en t sha ll b e one calend ar mon th end ing on the las t day o f the month, or as fo llows: Notwith s tanding any p rov is ions to th e co nt rary conta in ed in thi s Agreem ent or oth e r Contrac t D ocu ments, A ppli cati ons for Paym ent sha ll be s ub m itted by th e fir st d ay of th e m o nth , w ith paym ent s to be m ad e by th e twenty-first day of th e sa m e m onth . A ll p ay m ent s sha ll b e w ire d to a des ign ated bank account by th e date th e paym ent is du e . Wire in structio ns w ill b e in c luded w ith each A ppli catio n for Pay m e nt. § 4.1.3 Pro v id ed th at an A pp li cati o n fo r P ay m ent is rece ive d by th e A rchi tect n ot late r th an the fir st day of a m onth , th e Owner sha ll m ake pay m ent of th e ce rti fie d am ount to th e Co ntrac tor not later th an th e twe nty-fir st d ay of th e sam e mo nth . If an Appli cati on fo r P ay m e nt is rece ived by the Arch itec t after the da te fi xed a bove , p aym en t s ha ll b e m ad e by th e Ow n er not later th an twen ty ( 20 ) days after the Architec t receives the App lication fo r P aym ent. (Fede ral, sta te or local laws may require payment with in a certain period of tim e.) § 4.1.4 For each p rogress p ay m ent m ade prior to Sub stanti al Comp le ti on of the Work, the O w n er may w ithho ld reta inage from the paym ent otherw ise du e as fo ll ows : (Ins ert a p ercentage or amount to be withhe ld as re tain age J,-om ea ch Ap p licat ion f or P ayment and any terms fo r redu ctio n of retain age durin g th e course of th e Work Th e amount ofretain age may be li m ited by governing law.) A IA Docume nt A 104 -20 17 (form erly A 107 ™ -2007). Co pyright © 1936 , 1951 , 1958 , 1961 , 196 3, 1966, 1970, 1974 , 1978 , 1987 , 1997 , 2007 and 20 17 . All rig hts reserved . "The A merican Institu te of Arc hitects ," "Am erica n Ins titute of A rchitects ," "A IA ," th e A IA Logo , and "A IA Contra ct Documents" are reg istere d trade marks of S The A me rica n Institute of Archi tects. This docume nt was produ ce d at 17:02 :50 ET on 09/07/2023 under Order No.4 104 2364 58 w hich expi res on 09/26/2023 , is not for resa le , is li ce nse d for one-time use o nl y , a nd may only be used in acco rda nce with the A IA Co ntract Docume nts® Te rm s of Service . To report co pyright vio lations, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.co m . User Notes : (1853378097) lnit. R e tain age o fte n pe rcent ( 10 %) to be he ld on everything except s to red m a teria ls a nd d e pos it s , fro m w hi c h no re ta in age will be he ld . U pon Substantial Co mpl eti o n of th e W o rk , C ontrac to r w ill be pa id a ll re taina ge w ithin twenty (2 0 ) d ays follo w in g th e m eeting require d by Section 4 .2.2. § 4.1.5 Paym e nt s due and unpaid under th e C ontrac t shall bear inte res t fr o m th e date p aym e nt is due at th e rat e s tat e d be low, or in th e ab sence th e reof, at th e legal ra te prevailin g fro m time to time a t the place w here the Proj ect is locate d . (In sert ra te of in te res t ag ree d upon. if any.) 1 % per m o nth Any amounts on an Application for Payment that are subject to a bona fide , good faith dispute may be withheld from payment for a reasonable time. The balance of the A !Plication for Payment remains due by the date stated above . § 4.2 Final Payment § 4.2.1 Final p aym e nt, c ons tituting the e ntire unpa id balance of th e Co ntract S um , sha ll be m a d e by th e O w ner to th e C ontrac tor w he n .1 th e C ontractor has full y pe rfonn ed th e C ontract excep t fo r th e Co ntrac tor 's res p o ns ibili ty to c orrect Work as prov id e d in Sectio n 18 .2, a nd to sati sfy o th er re quire m e nts, if any, w hi c h exte nd beyond fin a l p aym en t; .2 th e C ontractor has submitte d li en w ai ver s o r oth e r evid e nce o f p aym ent as require d by Secti o n 15 .7 .2; a nd .3 a final Certifi cate fo r Pay me nt has been iss ue d by th e A rc hitect in accordance w ith Secti o n 15.7.1. § 4.2.2 The O wn er 's final paym e nt t o th e Contrac to r sha ll b e m a d e no later th a n 30 d ays aft e r the iss u a nce of th e A rchitect's fin a l Certificate for P aym e nt, or as follo ws: N otwith standin g an y other prov is io ns for fin a l p aym ent to th e contra ry co nt a in ed in thi s S ecti o n 4 .2 o r a ny o th e r C ontrac t D ocume nts, upo n Substanti a l C omple ti o n of th e Work, th e Contrac tor a nd th e Owne r w ill m eet to li st a ll ite m s o f Work w hi ch require c o mpleti o n or correcti ve m easures by th e Contrac tor ("Punchlis t"), a lo ng w ith th e corres po nding valu e of such Punchlis t it e m s. Within 2 0 d ays of thi s m eetin g, Contrac tor w ill b e p a id a ll m o ni es due unde r th e Co ntract, le s s th e amounts li s te d for th e Punc h li st. U po n compl e ti o n of th e Punc hli s t, Contrac tor wi ll be pa id th e prev io us ly assig ned va lu e of the Punc h li st w ithin twenty (2 0) d ays . ARTICLE 5 DISPUTE RESOLUTION § 5.1 Binding Dispute Resolution F o r any cla im s ubj ec t to , but not reso lved by, m edi a tion pursu a nt to Sec ti o n 2 1.5 , th e m e thod of b inding di s pute resoluti o n sha ll be as follow s: (Check the appropria te box.) A rbitration purs u a nt to Secti o n 2 1.6 of thi s Ag ree me nt [ X ] Liti gation in a court of compe te nt juri s dicti o n Other (Sp ecify) If th e O w ne r a nd C ontractor d o not se lec t a m e thod of bindin g di s pute reso lution , or do not sub sequentl y agree in w riting to a binding di s pute res olutio n m e th o d othe r than litigati o n, cla im s w ill be reso lve d in a court of co mp e te nt jurisdi c ti o n. ARTICLE 6 ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS § 6.1 Th e C o ntract Docum e nts a re d e fin ed in Arti c le 7 and, except for Mo difi catio ns iss ued a ft er executi on o f thi s Agreem e nt, a re e nume rated in th e secti o ns be lo w. § 6.1.1 The Agreem e nt is thi s execute d A JA D oc um e nt A l 04nc201 7, Sta nd ard A bbrevia te d Fo nn of Agr eem e nt Betwee n O w ne r and C ontractor, as a m e nd e d . A IA Docume nt A 104 - 2017 (fo rm erl y A 107 ™ -200 7 ). Copyrig ht © 1936 , 195 1, 1958 , 196 1, 1963 , 1966, 1970, 1974 , 1978 , 1987 , 1997 , 2007 and 20 17 . All rig hts reserved. "Th e Ame rican Ins ti tute of A rc hitects," "America n Ins titute of Arc hitects," "A IA ," th e A IA Logo , and "AI A Contra ct Docu ments " are registered trade marks of 6 The A merica n Institute of A rchitects . Thi s docume nt was produ ce d at 17 :02:50 ET on 09/0 7/2023 und er Orde r No.41042364 58 which ex pi res on 09/26/2023 , is not fo r resa le, is lice nse d fo r one-tim e use o nl y, and may on ly be used in acco rd ance w ith the A IA Co ntract Docume nts® Term s of Service. To re port copy right vio latio ns, e-mai l doc info@aiacontra cts.com. User Notes : (18533 78097) lnit. § 6.1.2 A IA Do cument E203™-2013, Building Informat ion Modelin g an d Di g it a l D ata Exhibit, dated as indicated b elo w: (Insert the date of th e £203-20 13 incorporated into this Agreement.) Not app li cab le § 6.1.3 Th e Suppl ementa ry and other Conditi ons of th e Co ntr act: Document None § 6.1.4 The Specifications: Title Date (Either li st th e Specifications here or ref er to an ex hibit atta ched to this Agreement.) None Section Title Date § 6.1.5 The Drawings: (Eit her list th e Drawings her e or refer to an exhibit attached to this Agreem ent.) McCa ll Go lf Club Master Pl an -Layout D eta il s by Dav id Druzisky Go lf Course Arc hitec t Pages Pages McCa ll Golf Club Master Plan -Pl ot by Dav id Dru z isky Go lf Co ur se Arc hit ec t dated August 2020 Number § 6.1 .6 The Add end a, if any: Number None Title Date Date Pages Portion s of Addenda re latin g to biddin g or propo sa l requireme nts are no t pa rt of the Co ntra ct Do cum ents unl ess th e bidding or prop osal requirements are en um erated in thi s Arti c le 6 . § 6.1 .7 Addi ti ona l docume nt s, if any , forming pai1 of th e Contract Do cum ent s : .1 Other Ex hibits: (Ch ec k all bo xes that apply .) Ex hibit A , D eterm in ation of th e Cost of th e Work . AIA D oc ument E204™-201 7, Sustainable Proj ec ts Exhibit, dat ed as indicated below : (Insert th e dat e of th e £204-2017 in corporated into this Agreem ent.) The Sus tai nability Pl an : Title Date Pages Su ppl ement ary a nd other Co nditi ons of th e Co ntra ct: Document Title Date Pages AIA Document A 104-2017 (fo rm erl y A 107 ™ -2007). Co pyrig ht © 1936 , 1951 , 1958, 1961 , 1963 , 1966 , 1970 , 1974, 1978, 1987 , 1997 , 2007 a nd 2017 . All rights reserved . "Th e American In stitute of Architects ," "American Institute of Architects ," "A IA ," the A IA Logo , and "A IA Contract Documents" are registere d trademarks of 7 The America n In stitute of Archite cts . Th is document was produced at 17:02 :50 ET on 09/07/2023 und er Order No.4 104236458 which expi res on 09/26/2023 , is not for resa le , is lice nsed fo r one-time use onl y , and may on ly be used in accordance with the A IA Con tract Docume nts® Term s of Service . To report copy rig ht violati ons , e-mai l docinfo@aiacontracts.co m . User Notes : (1853378097) lnit. .2 Other documents , if any , li sted b elow : (Lis t here an y add it ional do cumen ts th at are in ten ded to form p art of the Co ntra c t D ocuments.) E xhibit I E x hibit 2 E x h ibit 3 Ex hibit 4 Ex hibit 5 ARTICLE 7 GENERAL PROVI SION S § 7.1 The Contract Document s Oth er Te rms a nd Conditi o ns Co ntrac tor 's Bid Fom1 dated Augu st 11 , 2023 . Time and E quipment R ates Co ntrac tor 's Ce rtifi ca te of In sura n ce Sc hedu le (to be pro v id ed in accord ance w ith Secti on 9 .8.1 hereof) The Co ntra ct Docum ents are enum erated in A rt icl e 6 and co ns ist of th is Agree me nt (inc luding , if a ppli ca bl e , Supp le mentary and other Conditi ons of th e Contra ct), Draw in gs , S p ec ifi cati ons, Addenda iss ued pri or to th e execution of thi s A g reeme nt, other doc um ents li sted in th is A greem ent, and Modifi cations iss ued after executi on of this Agreem ent. A Mod ifi cation is (I) a writte n amendm ent to th e Contrac t sign ed by both parti es , (2) a C hange Order, (3) a C on stru ction Ch an g e D irec ti ve , or (4 ) a writt en ord er for a minor change in th e Work iss ued b y th e Arc hitect. The intent of th e Contra ct Docu ments is to include all it e ms necessary fo r the proper execut ion and co mp letion of th e W ork b y th e Contractor. T he Contract Do cume nts are comp lem entary , and w hat is required by one sh a ll be as binding as if required b y a ll ; p erfonnance b y th e Contrac tor sha ll b e required to th e extent con sistent with th e Contrac t D oc ument s and reasonably infera b le from th e m as b e in g necessary to produ ce th e indi cated res ult s . Ifthe re is any co nfli ct o r incon sistenc y b etwee n or amon g any o f th e C ontract Do cum ent s , thi s Agree ment (inc ludin g th e ex h ibits li sted in Sec ti o n 6.1.7 .2), as modified by any Mo difi ca ti ons iss ued aft er executi on o f th is Agree ment , sh all govern and co nt ro l. § 7.2The Contra ct The Co ntrac t D oc uments form th e Co ntrac t fo r Con stru cti o n . The Contrac t represents th e entire a nd in tegra ted agreement between th e parties h ereto and sup er se des prior neg oti ati ons, re presentati o ns, or ag ree ments, e ith er written or oral. The Contra c t may be ame nd ed or mod ifi e d on ly by a M od ificat ion . Th e Cont rac t D oc um e nts sha ll not b e cons trued to crea te a co ntractu a l re lati onship of any k ind betwee n a ny pe rso ns or entiti es other th an th e Own e r a nd th e C ontrac to r. § 7.3 The Wo rk The term "Work" mea ns the constru cti on and serv ices required by the Contrac t D oc um ent s , wh eth er co mpl ete d or parti a lly co mp lete d , and inc lud es a ll oth er la bor , m ater ia ls, equipment , and serv ices prov id ed or to be prov id ed by th e C ontractor to fu lfi ll the C ontractor 's o bli gati o ns. Th e Work may co nsti tut e th e who le or a pa rt of th e P roj ec t. § 7.4 Instrum ents of Service In strum ents of Serv ice are represe ntati on s, in any med iu m of express ion now kn own or later d eve loped , of th e tan g ibl e and intang ibl e crea ti ve wo rk p erform ed by th e Arch itec t and th e Archi tec t 's co nsultants unde r th e ir res p ect ive profess ional services agr ee ment s . Ins trum ent s of Se rv ic e may include , w ith out limitation, studi es , surveys , mo de ls, sketch es , draw in gs , sp ec ificati on s , and oth er simi lar mater ia ls . § 7.5 Owner ship and use of Drawing s, Specifications and Other In struments of Service § 7.5.1 Th e Architec t and th e A rchi tect's co n su ltants sha ll be dee med th e a u tho rs and owners o f th ei r res pec ti ve Instrum ents of Servic e, includin g th e Draw in gs and Sp ec ifi ca tion s , and w ill retain a ll commo n law , statutory and oth er rese rve d righ ts in their Instrum ents o f Serv ice , including copy ri ghts. Th e Contrac tor , Subcontrac tors , Sub-sub co ntrac tors, an d suppli ers s ha ll not ow n or c laim a copyri ght in the In strum ents of Se rv ice. Su bmittal or di s tributi on to m eet o ffi cia l re gu lat ory requirem ent s or for other purposes in co nn ec ti on with th e Proj ec t is not to be con stru ed as publica ti on in d eroga ti on of th e Architec t 's or Architec t 's con sulta nt s' rese rv ed ri ghts . § 7.5.2 The Contractor, Subcontractors , S ub-s ub contrac tors and suppli ers are a uthorize d to use and reprodu ce th e In strum ents of Serv ice prov id ed to the m, s ubj ec t to th e proto co ls esta bli shed pursu ant to Sec ti o ns 7 .6 and 7.7, so le ly and exclu sively fo r exe cution of th e Work. A ll copi es mad e under thi s auth ori za ti o n sha ll b ear th e co pyri ght no ti ce , if an y , shown on th e In strum ents of Service. The Co ntra ctor , Subco ntractors, Sub-subc ontra ctor s, a nd s u p pli ers may no t u se th e In strum ents of Serv ice on oth er proj ec ts o r for addition s to th is Proj ec t outs id e th e sco pe of th e Wo rk w ith out th e s pec ifi c writt en con se nt of th e Owner, A rchitec t and the A rchitect's con su ltants . A IA Docume nt A 104 -20 17 (fo rm erly A 107 ™ -2007). Copyright © 1936 , 1951 , 1958 , 196 1, 1963 , 1966 , 19 70, 1974 , 1978 , 1987 , 1997 , 200 7 and 20 17 . All rig hts reserved. "Th e Ame rica n Instit ute of Arc hitects ," "American Ins titu te of Architec ts ," "AIA," the A IA Logo, and "AIA Contract Docu ments" are regis tere d trade ma rk s of 8 Th e America n Institute of Arch itects. Thi s docume nt was produ ced at 17 :02 :50 ET on 09/07/202 3 und er O rde r No .4104 236 458 which ex pires on 09 /26/2023 , is not fo r resa le , is lice nsed for one-time use only, a nd may only be used in acco rd ance wit h th e AIA Co ntrac t Docume nts ® Term s of Service . To re port copyri ght violations , e-mai l docinfo@a iaco ntracts.co m. User Notes : (185337809 7) I nit . § 7.6 Digital Data Use and Transmis sion The part ies s hall agree upo n proto col s gove rn ing th e tran smi ss ion and use of In strum e nts of Serv ice or any othe r information or docum ent ation in di g ita l fo rm . T he p arti es w ill use A IA Doc ume nt E2 0 3TM_2 Q 13, Building Information Mode ling and Dig ita l D ata Exhibit , to es tabli sh th e protoco ls for th e d eve lopme nt , use , tran smi ss ion , and exch ange of di g it al da ta. § 7. 7 Reserved § 7.8 Severability The inva lidity of an y provis ion of th e Contract Documents shall not in valid ate th e Co ntract o r it s re m aining pro v isions. If it is determ in ed th at any prov ision of the Contract D oc uments v iol ates any law , or is otherw ise inv a li d or unenforc eab le, th en that provision sha ll b e rev ise d to th e exten t n ecess ary to m ak e that pro v ision lega l and enforceabl e. In su ch case th e C ontrac t Doc um ent s sh all be co n strued , to th e full es t ex tent permitted by law , to giv e effe ct to th e p arti es ' intent ion s and purpo ses in executing th e Co ntra ct. § 7.9 Notice § 7.9.1 Except as oth erw ise pro v id ed in Sec tion 7 .9 .2, wh ere th e C ontract Do cum ent s req ui re on e party to noti fy or gi ve no ti ce to th e oth er party, s uc h not ice sha ll be prov id ed in wr iting to the des ignated represent ati ve of the party to who m the noti ce is addressed and s ha ll be dee med to have bee n dul y served if d e live red in p erson , by ma il, by co uri er , or by electronic tran smi ssio n in accord an ce w ith AlA Doc ument E2 03T M_2 01 3 , B uilding Information Mode lin g and Di g ital D ata Exhibit, if comp leted, or as oth erwise se t forth be low: (If oth er than in accordance w ith AJA D oc um ent £2 03 -2013, inse rt requ irements for de liverin g Not ice in electron ic fo rma t s uch as nam e, tit le and email addre ss of th e re cip ient and whe th er and how th e system will be required to genera te a read receipt for the transmissio n.) Exce pt where d eli very in electroni c fo nnat is not p ennitt ed b y th e term s of th is Agreem ent , n oti ce se nt by ema il sh a ll sat isfy the noti ce requirem ents of th e Co ntrac t Doc um ent s if rece ip t o f the em ail co nt ent ca n be co nfirm ed , w it h tim e o f rec eipt be in g th e unifonn tim e th e ema il en ters th e infonna ti on pro cess in g system th at th e rec ipi ent has des ign ated or u ses for th e purp ose of receiv ing email. § 7.9.2 No ti ce of C la im s sha ll be p rov id ed in writin g and shall be deemed to have been du ly served onl y if d eli ve red to th e des ignated represe ntative of the party to w hom th e no tice is a ddresse d by c ertifi ed or reg istered ma il , or by courier prov iding pro of of delivery. (P aragraph s deleted) ARTICLE 8 OWNER § 8.1 Information and Services Required of the Owner § 8.1.1 Prior to co mmen ce m ent of th e W ork and thereaft e r at an y tim e w hen Own er fa i ls to make tim e ly p ay m ent to Contractor, at th e w ritten req uest by th e Co ntra ctor , th e Own er sha ll furni sh to th e Contra ctor reasona bl e ev id en ce that the Owner has made fin a nc ia l arra nge me nt s to fu lfi ll the Ow ner 's o b ligation s under th e Co ntract. If Ow ner fa il s to prov ide su ch evid e nce w ithin seven (7) days fo ll ow ing Contrac tor 's re qu es t, the Contr ac tor sha ll have no obligati o n to comme nce or co ntinue the Work until suc h tim e tha t Ow ne r p rov id es reason a bl e evid enc e a s required he re in . If the Work is d elaye d und e r thi s Section 8.1.1, th e C ontrac t Tim e shall be ex tend ed app ro pri ate ly and th e Contrac t Sum sh a ll be adj u sted fo r a ll costs a ssoc iated w ith t he de lay o r sus pe nsio n . § 8.1.2 T he Ow ner sha ll fu rn ish a ll necessa ry surveys a nd a lega l d esc ript ion o f th e s it e . Owne r represent s and warr ants that it hold s le ga l title to th e real prop erty on whi ch the Proj ec t is to be co n stru c ted . Own e r fu rt he r re prese nts and wa rrant s th at such rea l es tate is, as of the date of th is Agr ee ment , fr ee and cl ear of any and all li e ns and encumbrances except th ose d iscl ose d to Contrac tor in writin g . § 8.1.3 T he C ontracto r sha ll b e e ntitl ed to re ly o n the acc uracy o f infonnat ion furn is h ed by the O wn er but sh all exerc ise proper preca uti o ns re lat ing to th e sa fe p erfonn a nce o f th e Wo rk . § 8.1.4 T he Ow ne r sha ll secure and pay for necessary approva ls, ease ments, assess m ent s, and charges re quired fo r th e constructio n, use, or oc cupancy of p ennanent str uctures or for pe nnanent c han ges in ex istin g fac iliti es . O wner sha ll a lso sec ure and p ay fo r th e bu ild ing perm it as w e ll as oth er p ermits, fees , li censes , and in spec tion s by governm ent age nc ies necessary fo r pro per exec ution a nd co mp le tion of th e W ork . A ll required p erm its and a pp rova ls mu st be AI A Docume nt A 104 -20 17 (form erl y A 107 ™ -200 7). Co pyrig ht © 1936 , 195 1, 1958 , 1961 , 1963, 1966 , 1970, 1974 , 1978 , 1987 , 19 97, 2007 a nd 20 17 . All ri ghts reserved . "The Am erican In stitute of Arc hitects," "Ame rican Institute of Arc hitec ts," "AI A ," th e A IA Log o, and "AIA Contract Docu ments" are reg istered trade ma rks of g Th e America n Institute of Architects. Th is docume nt was produ ce d at 17:02 :50 ET on 09 /07/202 3 un der Orde r No .4 104 236 4 58 wh ich ex pires on 09/26/2023 , is not for resa le , is license d fo r one-ti me use o nl y , and may only be used in acco rda nce with th e AIA Co ntrac t Docume nts®Terms of Serv ice . To report copy rig ht vio lations , e-ma il doc in fo@aiaco ntracts.co m. U ser Notes: (1853378097) lnit. obta in ed by Ow ne r prior to start of co nstru ction or as ne cessary to avoi d inte rruption o r de lay in th e prog ress or se qu enc in g of th e Work . § 8.2 Owner's Right to Stop the Work lfthe Contractor fa il s to correc t W o rk w hich is not in accordance w ith th e requi re ments of th e C ontrac t D oc ument s, or rep eatedl y fa il s to carry out th e W ork in acc ordance w ith th e Contrac t D oc ume nts, th e O w ner m ay iss ue a written order to th e Co ntra ctor to stop th e Work, o r a ny portion th ereof, until th e cau se for su ch order is eliminated ; however, th e ri ght of th e Own er to stop th e Wo rk sha ll not g ive ri se to a duty o n th e pa rt of th e Ow ner to exercise thi s ri g ht for th e benefit of th e Contractor or any o th er perso n or entity . § 8.3 Owner 's Right to Carry Out the Work lfthe Co ntrac tor defaults or ne g lec ts to carry out th e Work in accordan ce w ith th e C ontract Documents , and fa il s within a ten-d ay p eriod after rece ipt o f w ritten no ti ce from the O w ne r to co mme nce and continu e correction o f su ch defa ult or neg lect with diligence and pro mptn ess, th e Owner may, w itho ut prejudice to any oth er remedi es th e O w ner may have, correc t such default or neg lec t. Such ac tion by th e O wner and a mounts cha rged to th e Co nt rac to r are bo th subj ec t to prior approva l of th e Architect and th e Architec t may, pursu ant to Secti on 15 .4 .3 , w ithh o ld or nulli fy a Cert ifica te for Pa ym ent in whol e or in part, to th e ex tent reas on abl y necessary to re imburse th e Owner for th e re aso na bl e cos t of correcting such defi c ienc ies, including th e O w ner 's exp enses and comp ensa tion for th e A rchitec t's additional serv ic es made ne cess ary by such default , n eg lect , or fa ilure. lfthe Co ntrac tor di sagrees w ith th e acti on s of th e O wn er or th e Architect, or th e am o un ts cla im ed as co sts to th e Own er , th e C ontrac tor may fil e a Cla im purs ua nt to A rticl e 2 1. ARTICLE 9 CONTRACTOR § 9.1 Review of Contract Documents and Field Conditions by Contractor § 9.1.1 Exe cuti on of th e Contract by th e Contra ctor is a re prese nt ati on that th e Co ntrac to r has v is ited the s it e , b ec ome ge nera ll y famili ar w ith local conditio ns und e r w hi ch th e Work is to b e perfonn ed and co rr elated perso n a l o b se rva ti on s w ith requirements of the C ontract Doc um e nts. § 9.1.2 B ecause th e C ontract Do cum ents are compl em ent ary , th e Contrac to r s hall , befor e startin g eac h porti on of th e Wo rk , rev iew and compare th e vari ous Contrac t Do cument s re lati ve to tha t p orti o n o f th e Wo rk , as we ll as th e information furni sh ed by th e O w ne r pursuant to Sec tion 8.1 .2 , sha ll take fi eld meas ur ements o f any exis tin g conditi ons related to that portion of th e Work and shall ob se rv e an y co nditi on s at th e site affec ting it. These o bli ga tions are fo r th e purpose of facilit ating coordination and co nstructi on by th e Co nt rac tor and are n ot fo r the purp ose of di scoverin g errors, omi ss ion s, or inc ons iste ncies in th e Contrac t D oc um e nt s; however, th e Co nt rac tor sha ll promp tly re po rt to th e Architect an y errors, in co ns iste nc ies, or omi ss ion s d iscovered by o r made known to th e Co nt rac to r as a reques t for in fo rm ation in such forn1 as th e A rchit ec t m ay require . It is recogni ze d th at th e Contractor 's rev iew is made in th e Contrac tor 's c apacity as a contrac to r and not as a lic ense d design p rofess ion al. § 9.1.3 Th e Contractor is not require d to asce rt a in th at th e C ontra ct Doc um ents are in accordan ce w ith appli ca bl e laws , statutes, ordin ances, cod es, rul es and reg ulati on s, or la w ful ord e rs of publi c a uth oriti es, but th e Cont rac tor sha ll promptl y report to the Architec t any n onco nformity di sc ov ered b y or mad e kn own to th e C ontrac to r as a requ es t for infonnati o n in such form as th e Archi tec t may require. § 9.2 Supervision and Construction Procedures § 9.2.1 The Contractor sha ll sup ervise and direc t th e Work, u sin g th e Co ntrac tor 's bes t s kill a nd atte nti o n . Th e Cont rac to r s hall b e sol ely re spo n sible fo r and have control over co nstru cti on mea n s, method s, tec hn iqu es, se qu ences, and p roce dures, and for coordin atin g all portion s of th e Work under th e Co ntrac t, unle ss th e Contract D ocuments g ive o th er spec ifi c in stru ction s con ce rnin g th ese m atte rs. § 9.2.2 The Contractor shall b e res pons ibl e to th e O wner for ac ts and omi ss ions of th e C ontrac to r 's empl oyees , Subco ntrac tors and th eir age nts and empl oyees, and oth e r perso ns or e ntiti es perfonnin g porti on s o f th e Wo rk fo r or o n b e half of th e Contra ctor or an y of its Sub co ntrac tors. § 9.3 Labor and Materials § 9.3.1 Unl ess oth erwi se pro v id ed in th e Contrac t Docum ent s, th e Contrac tor sh all prov id e and p ay fo r lab or, m ater ia ls, equipment , tool s, con stru cti on equipment and machinery , water, heat, utiliti es , tran sp orta ti on , and o th er AI A Docume nt A 104 -20 17 (form erl y A 107 ™ -2007). Co pyrig ht © 193 6 , 1951 , 1958 , 196 1, 1963 , 1966 , 19 70 , 1974 , 1978 , 1987 , 1997 , 2007 a nd 20 17 . All ri gh ts reserved. "Th e American In sti tute of Architects," "Am erican Ins titute of A rchit ec ts," "A IA ," th e AIA Logo , and "AIA Contract Docu ments" are reg istered tra de ma rk s of 1 O The America n In stitute of Architects. Thi s docume nt was produ ce d at 17 :02:50 ET on 09/07/2023 und er Order No.41042364 58 wh ich ex pi res on 09/26/2023 , is not for resa le , is licensed for one-tim e us e only, and may on ly be use d in acco rd ance with the AIA Co ntract Docum ents® Te rm s of Service . To re port copy ri ght violatio ns , e-mai l docin fo@a iaco ntracts.co m. User Notes : (1853378097) lnit. fac iliti es and services necess ary for proper execution and co mpl e ti on of th e W ork w h eth e r temporary or perman ent and w heth e r or not incorporated or to be in corporated in th e W ork . § 9.3.2 The Contractor sha ll enforce s trict di sc iplin e and good ord er among th e Contrac tor 's e mpl oyees and othe r pe rsons carry in g o ut the Work . The Con tr ac tor s ha ll not permit employm ent of unfi t pers ons or perso n s no t skill ed in tasks ass igned to th em . § 9.3.3 The Contractor m ay m ake a s ub stituti on only w ith th e co nse nt o f th e O w n er, aft er eva lu a ti on by the A rchitect and in ac cordance w ith a Modifi cati on . § 9.4 Exclusive Warranty F or a period of one (1) year follo w in g th e date of Subs tanti a l Compl eti on of th e Work, th e Contractor warrants to th e Ow ner and Architect that m ateri a ls and equipment furni sh ed u nd er the Contract w ill be of good quality and new unless th e Contract Documents require or perm it otherwi se . The Co ntrac tor furth er warrants that th e Work wi ll conform to th e requirem ents of th e Contract D oc um en ts and w ill be fr ee fr om defects , exce pt fo r th ose inh e rent in the qua lity of th e W ork th e Contract D o cuments require or permit. Work, m ateria ls , or equipment not conforming to th ese requi re m ents m ay be co ns id e red defecti ve . The exclus ive re m ed y for defecti ve W ork sh a ll be as set fort h in S ec tion 18.2. Should O w ner fa il to prov id e pro mpt n oti ce of defecti ve work to Contrac tor, O w ner waives an y claim for cons tru ction defect, breach of contract or breach of w arran ty . ln the event of any confli ct b etween thi s exclus ive warranty a nd any o th er provision of the Contrac t D ocument s or applicabl e law, th e terms of thi s exclu sive warran ty sh a ll control. Th e Contractor 's wa1Ta nty exc lud es rem edy fo r dam age or def ec t caused by abu se , altera tion s to the Work not ex ecuted by th e C ontractor , improp er o r in suffici e nt m ai nte na nce, imprope r ope ration , ac ts of god or norm al wear and tear under nonna l u s age. A ll m anufacture r 's warranti es required by th e Contra ct Document s s ha ll be iss u ed in th e nam e of th e O w ner, or s hall be tra nsferabl e to th e O w ner, and s hall commence in accordance w ith Se ction 15 .6 .3 . § 9.5 Taxes Th e Contrac tor sh all pay sal es, cons umer, use, and other si mil ar taxes th at are in effect w he n bids are recei ve d or negotiation s co nc lud e d . § 9.6 Notices and Compliance with Laws Th e Contra ctor sh all comply with and give n oti ces required by a pplicabl e laws, statutes, ordinances, co des, rules and regul ati ons, and lawful orders of public a uthoriti es appli cable to pe rforma nc e of th e W ork. lfthe Con trac tor p erfo rms Work knowin g it to be co ntrary to ap p li ca bl e laws, statutes , ordin ances, cod es , rul es and regul ati o ns , or lawful orde rs of public authorities , th e Contractor sh all assume appropri ate res pon s ibility for s u ch W ork and sh all b ear the cos ts attributa bl e to co rr ec ti o n . (Paragraphs de leted) § 9.7 Allowances The C ontractor sh all include in th e Co ntrac t Sum a ll all owances stated in th e Contract Documents . The Ow ner sh all selec t m aterial s and equipment under all owances w ith reaso nabl e promptness. A ll owance amounts sh all include the costs to the Contractor of m a teri als and equipment de li vered at th e s ite, co s ts fo r u nl oading and h andli ng at the s ite, labor, in s tall ati o n, a ll required taxes , ove rh ead , profit, a nd oth er assoc iated ex p enses less a ppli cabl e trade di sc ounts (co ll ec ti ve ly , "Costs"). Whe never Costs are more o r Jess th an th e a ll owance am ounts , th e Contra ct Sum sh all be adj usted accord ing ly by C han ge Order. § 9.8 Contractor 's Construction Schedules § 9.8.1 The Contrac to r, promptl y aft er exec ution o f th e C ontrac t , s ha ll s ubmit fo r th e Owner 's a nd A rchitect's in fo nnation a Contrac tor 's co n s tru cti on sc hedul e for the W ork. T h e sc hedul e sha ll n ot exceed tim e li m its c urrent und er th e C ontra ct D oc uments, sh all be rev ised at appropri ate in terva ls as requi red b y th e conditions of th e Work and P roj ect, s hall be re la ted to th e entire P roj ec t to th e exte nt requ ired b y th e Cont ract D oc ument s , and sh all pro vid e for ex peditious and p racticabl e execu tion of the W o rk. § 9.8.2 The Contractor sh all perform th e Work in genera l accord ance w ith th e m os t recent schedul e su b mitted to th e Owner and Arc hitect . AIA Docu ment A10 4 -2017 (fo rm erl y A10 7 ™ -2007). Copyrig ht © 1936 . 195 1, 1958 , 196 1, 1963, 1966 , 1970 , 19 74 , 1978 , 1987 , 1997, 2007 and 20 17. All rights reserved. "Th e Ameri can Ins titute of Architects ," "America n In stitute of Architects ," "A IA ," th e AI A Logo , a nd "AIA Contract Docu ments" are reg istere d trade ma rks of 11 T he Am erican In st itute of Architects. Thi s docu ment was produ ced at 17 :02 :50 ET on 09 /07/2023 und er Orde r No .4 104 236 4 58 wh ich expi res on 09/26 /2023 , is not fo r resa le , is lice nse d for one-time use onl y , and may on ly be use d in acco rda nce with th e AI A Co ntrac t Documents®Term s of Service . To report copy rig ht vio lati ons , e-mai l docinfo@a iacontracts .com . User Notes: (1853378097) lnit. § 9.9 Submittals § 9.9.1 The Contractor sh all rev iew for complianc e w ith th e Contract Documents and submit to the Arc hitect Shop Draw in gs, Product Data, Sa mpl es , and s imil a r subm itta ls required by the Contract Docum ents in coordination w ith the Contractor's constru ction sc hedul e and in s uch sequ ence as to a ll ow th e Architect reas onable time for review. By s ubmitting Sho p Drawings, P rod uct D ata, Samples , and simi lar s ubmittals, the Contractor represents to the Owner and Architect that th e Contractor has (I) reviewed and approved th em ; (2) detem1ined and verifi ed m aterials, fie ld meas urements , and field co n s tru ction criteria relat ed thereto , or w ill do so; and (3) checked and coordinated the in formation cont ained w ithin s uch s ubmittal s w ith the requirem ents of the Work and of the Contract Documents. T he Work sha ll be in accordan ce with approve d submittals. § 9.9.2 S hop Dra w in gs, Product Data , Sampl es and s imil ar subm ittals a re n ot Co ntract Docum e nts . § 9.9.3 The Contra ctor shall not b e li able for the adequacy or effectiveness of th e Specifi cati ons , Draw ings or other do cuments prepared by the Owner , Architec t or other des ign pro fess ion als, or for the s uitability or effecti ve ness of th e m ateri als specified by th e Architec t, Owner or other des ign pro fess ionals. Further, th e Contractor shall not be required to provide profess ional serv ic es th at const itute th e practi ce of architecture or eng in eerin g unl ess th e Co ntra ct Documents ex press ly require Co ntractor to pe rform s uch services. If professiona l des ig n services or ce rtifi cation s by a des ig n profess io nal are s pec ifi ca ll y req uired, th e Owner and th e A rch itect w ill specify the pe rform ance and des ign criteria that such services mu st satisfy. The Contractor sh all ca use s uch serv ices or cert ifi cations to be prov id ed b y a n appropriate ly li ce n se d design profess iona l. If no criteria are spec ified , the d es ig n s ha ll comp ly w ith applicable codes and ordinances. Each Party s hall be entitl ed to rely upon the infomrnti on provided by the other Party . The Arch itect w ill review and approve or take other appropriate ac tion on submittals for the limited purpose of ch eckin g for conformance w ith in for m ation provi ded an d th e des ig n concept exp ressed in the Contract Documents. The Archit ect's review of Shop Drawings , Produ ct D ata, Samples , and s imil ar s ubmitta ls s ha ll be for the limited purpose of checkin g for co nformance w ith informatio n g iven and th e de sign conce pt exp ressed in th e Contract D oc uments . In performing su ch rev iew , th e Architect wi ll approve , or take oth er a pprop riate action upon , th e Co nt rac tor 's Shop Drawings, Product Data , Sampl es , and s imil ar submittals . § 9.10 Use of Site The Contractor sh all confine operations at th e s it e to areas p e rmitt ed by app li cabl e laws, statu tes , ordinances, co des , rul es and regulation s, lawful orders of pub li c auth oriti es , a nd th e Contrac t D oc ument s and sh all not unreasonably e ncumber the s ite w ith materia ls or equipm ent. § 9.11 Cutting and Patching Th e Contractor sh all be respons ibl e for cutting , fitting , or patching required to compl ete the Work or to m ake its parts fit together properly. § 9.12 Cleaning Up Th e Contractor s h al l ke e p th e premi ses and stmounding area fr ee from acc umul at ion of waste m ate ri a ls and rubbi s h caused by operati ons under th e Contract. At co mpl etion of th e Work, the Contractor s ha ll remo ve waste m aterials , rubbi s h, th e Co ntractor 's to o ls , co nstru ction equipment , m achinery, and surplus material from and abo ut th e Project. § 9.13 Access to Work Th e Co ntractor s ha ll provide th e Owner a nd Architect with access to the Work in pre para tion and progress w he rever located. § 9.14 Royalties, Patents and Copyrights The Co ntractor sh all pay all roya lti es and li cense fees . The Co ntra ctor s hall defend s uit s or claims for infringement of copyrights and p atent ri ghts and shall hold th e Ow ner a nd Arc hi tect harml ess from loss on accoun t thereof, but sh a ll n ot b e res pons ible for d efe nse or loss w hen a p_articul ar d es ign , process, or product of a part icul ar manufacturer or m anufacturers is required b y th e Contract Documents or w here th e copyrig ht v io lations are co nt a in ed in Draw in gs, Specifications or other doc um ent s prepared by th e Ow n er or A rc hi tect. However, if an in fri nge ment of a copyright or patent is di scovered by , or made kn own to, th e Contractor, th e Contra ctor shall b e res pons ibl e fo r the loss unl ess th e infonnati on is promptl y furni s hed to th e A rchitect. A IA Document A 104 -20 17 (fo rm erl y A 107 ™ -2007). Copyright © 1936 , 195 1, 1958 , 1961 , 1963, 1966 , 1970 , 19 74 , 1978 , 1987 , 1997, 2007 and 20 17 . All ri ghts reserved . "Th e Ame rica n In sti tute of Architects ," "American In stitu te of Architects ," "A IA," the A IA Logo , and "A IA Contract Documents" are registered trademark s of 12 Th e America n Insti tute of Architects. This document was produ ced at 17 :02 :50 ET on 09/07 /2023 under O rder No.4104236 45 8 which expires on 09/26/2023 , is not for resa le , is licensed for one-time use onl y , and may only be used in accorda nce with the AIA Co ntract Documents® Terms of Service . To report co pyright vio lati ons , e-mai l docinfo@aiacontracts.co m. User Notes : (1853378097) lnit. § 9.1 5 Indemni fication § 9.15.1 The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Owner harmless from and against claims , damages, losses and ex p enses, including but not limited to reasonable atto rn eys ' fees, arisi ng out of or resu ltin g from performance of the Work, provided that suc h claim , damage , Jo ss, or ex pense is attributabl e to bodily injury , sickness , di sease or d ea th , or to injury to or destruction of tan g ib le property (other than th e Work it sel f), but only to th e proporti on al extent ca use d by the negligent acts or omissions of the Co ntra ctor, a Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirec tl y empl oyed by th em, or anyone for w hose acts they may be li ab le. Contractor's ind emnification obligations shall not extend to the proportion of any claim, d ama ge, or loss caused by the Owner or someone for w h om Owner is responsible . Notwith sta ndin g any other prov is ion to the contrary contained in the Contract D ocuments or common law , to th e extent permitted by law, it is agreed that Co ntractor shall h ave no obli gation or li ability to ind emnify or hold Owner harml ess from any claims to which Contrac tor 's indemnification ob li ga tion s might otherw ise ar ise or app ly w hi c h are brought or asserted more than one year from Substantial Comp letion of th e Work . § 9.15.2 In c laims aga in st any perso n or e ntity indemnified under this Section 9 . I 5 by a n employee of the Contractor, a Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirec tl y emp loyed by th em, o r anyon e for whose ac ts the y m ay be liabl e, the inde mnification o bli gation und er Section 9. I 5. I sha ll not be limited by a limitation on a mount or type of dam ages , compensation or benefit s payabl e by or for th e Contractor or Subcontractor und er worke rs' compensation acts , di sabi lity benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. ARTICLE 10 AR CH ITEC T § 10.1 Th e Architect wi ll provide administration of the Co ntract as described in the Contract Documents and will be an Owner's representative durin g constrnction , until the date the Architec t issues th e final Certificate for Payment. The Architect wi ll have authority to act on behalf of the Owner on ly to the extent provided in the Contract Documents, unless oth erwise modified in writing in accordan ce wi th other provisions of th e Contract . § 10.2 Duti es, respo nsi biliti es, a nd limitatio ns of authori ty of th e A rch itec t as set forth in th e Contract Documents sha ll not be res tricted , modified, or extend ed without written co nsent of the Owner, Co ntractor, and Architect. Co nse nt shall not be unreasonably withheld . § 10.3 The Architect w ill v isi t th e site at interval s appropriate to the stage of the constrnction to become generall y familiar with th e progress and quality of the po rti o n of the Work comp leted , an d to detennine in genera l, if the Work observed is be ing performed in a manner indi catin g th at th e Work, when full y completed, will be in accordance with the Contract Doc um ents. However, th e Architect wi ll not be required to make exhaustive or co ntinu ous o n-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. The Arch it ect w ill not have control over, charge of, or respon sibility for the constru c tion means , methods, techniqu es , sequences, or pro ced ures, or for safety precautions and program s in connection w ith th e Work, since these are so le ly the Contra ctor 's rights and respon si bilities und er the Contract Documents. § 10.4 On th e ba s is of the site visits , th e Architect wi ll keep the Owner reaso nably inform ed about th e pro gress a nd quality of the porti on of the Work completed , a nd promptl y report to th e Owne r (I) known dev iations fro m the Contract Docum ents, (2) known deviations from th e mo st recen t co nstruction sched ul e submitted by the Contrac tor , and (3) defects and deficiencies observed in th e Work . The Arch it ect wi ll not be responsible for th e Contractor 's fail ure to perfom, the Work in accordance w ith th e requirements of th e Contract Documents . The Archi tec t w ill not have co ntrol over or charge of and wi ll not be respons ibl e for acts or omissions of the Contractor, Subcontractors, or their age nts or employees , or any other persons or enti ti es perfonning portions of the Work. § 10.5 Base d on the Architect 's evaluations of th e Work and of the Co ntractor 's App li ca tion s for Payment, the Arc hitect wi ll review an d certify the amounts due th e Contractor a nd will iss ue Certificates for Pa yment in such amounts. § 10.6 The Architect ha s authority to rejec t Work that do es not confo rm to th e Contract Document s and to require inspection or testing of the Work. § 10 .7 The Architect wi ll review and approve or take other appropriate action up on, the Co ntractor 's submitta ls such as Shop Drawings , Product Data, and Samples , but only for the linl ited purpo se of checkin g for conformance w ith information g iven and the des ig n concept expressed in th e Contract D oc uments . AIA Document A 104 -2017 (forme rly A107 ™ -2007). Copyright © 1936 , 1951 , 1958, 1961 , 1963 , 1966, 1970, 1974 , 1978 , 1987 , 1997 , 2007 and 2017. All rig hts reserved . "The American In stitute of Architects ," "American Institu te of Archite cts ," "AIA ," the A IA Logo , and "AIA Contract Documents " are registered tradema rk s of 1 3 The American Institute of Architects. Th is document was produced at 17 :02 :50 ET on 09/07/2023 under Order No.4104236458 which exp ires on 09/26/2023, is not for resale , is licensed for one-time use on ly , and may on ly be used in acco rd ance with the AIA Contract Docume nts®Te rms of Servi ce. To report co pyrigh t violations , e-mai l docinfo@aiacontracts .com. User Notes: (1853378097) lnit. § 10.8 The Archit ec t w ill interpret and decide matters co nc erning perfomrnnce under, and requirements of, the Contract Do cuments on written request of ei th er the Owner or Contractor. The Architect will make initial decisions on all claims, disputes, and other matters in question between th e Owner and Contractor but w ill not be liable for res ult s of any interpretations or deci s ion s rendered in goo d faith. § 10.9 The Architect's decisions on matters relating to aestheti c effect w ill be final if co ns istent with the intent expressed in the Contract Docume nts. ARTICLE 11 SUBCONTRACTORS § 11.1 A Subcontractor is a person or entity who ha s a direct contract with the Contractor to perfonn a portion of the Work at the site. § 11.2 If requ ested by Owner, the Contractor, as soo n as practicable after award of the Co nt ract, shall notify the Owner and Arc hitect of th e Subcontractors or supp li ers proposed for each of the principal portions of the Work. The Contractor shall not contract with any Subco ntractor or suppli e r to whom the Owner or Architect has made reasonable written objection within ten days after rece ipt of th e Co ntractor 's li st of Subcontractors and suppli ers . If the proposed but rejected Subcontractor was reasonably capable of p erformin g the Work, the Contract Sum and Contract Time sh a ll b e increased or dec reased by th e difference, if any, occas ion ed by such change , and an appro pri a te Change Order sh a ll b e issued before commencement of the substitute Sub co ntracto r 's Work. The Contractor sha ll not be required to contract with anyone to w hom the Contractor has made reasonable objection . § 11.3 Contra cts between th e Contractor and Subcontractors shall ( 1) require each Subco ntra ctor, to the extent of the Work to be performed by the Subcontractor, to be bound to the Contracto r by the tenns of the Contract Documents , and to assu me toward the Co nt ractor all the obligations and responsibilities , including the responsibility for safety of th e Subcontractor's Work, which the Contractor , by the Co ntract Documents , assumes toward the Owner and Architect, and (2) a ll ow th e Subcontractor the benefit of a ll ri g ht s, remedies and redress against the Contractor that the Contractor, b y these Contract Do c um ents, has aga in st th e Owner. ARTICLE 12 CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS § 12.1 The term "Separate Contraetor(s)" sha ll mean other contractors retained by the Owner under separate agreements . The Owner reserves the r ight to perform co nstru ction or operations re lated to the Project with the Owner's own forces , a nd w ith Separate Co ntracto rs retained und er Cond iti ons of the Co ntra ct substantia ll y simi lar to those of this Co ntrac t, including those provisions of the Cond iti ons of the Contract re lated to insurance and waiver of subrogation. § 12.2 The Contractor shall afford the Owner and Separate Contractors reasonable opportunity for introduction and storage of th eir materials and eq uipm ent and perfo1mance of th eir activities, and sha ll connect and coordinate the Contractor's ac ti v iti es with th ei rs as required by the Contract Documents. § 12 .3 Subject to Section 2 1.11 , the Owner shall be re imbursed by th e Contractor for costs in curred by the Owner which are payable to a Separate Contractor b ecause of de lays , improperly timed activ iti es , or defective construction of the Contractor. The Owner shall be responsible to the Contra ctor for costs incurred by th e Contractor because of delays, improperly timed activities , damage to the Work, or defective construction of a Separate Contractor. ARTICLE 13 CHANGES IN THE WORK § 13.1 By appropriate Modification , changes in the Work may be accomplished after exec uti on of the Contract. The Owner, with out in va li dating th e Contract, may order cha nges in the Work w ithin th e genera l scope of the Contract consisting of ad dition s, de letion s , or other revisions , with th e Contract Sum and Co ntract Time being adjus ted accordingly. Such chan ges in th e Work shall be authorized by wr itten Cha nge Order s igned by the Owner, Con tractor , and Architect, or by written Co n stru ctio n C han ge Directive s igned by the Owner and A rchit ect. Upon issuance of the Change Order or Constru ction C ha nge Directive, the Co ntrac tor shall proceed promptly w ith such changes in the Work, unless otherw ise provided in the Change Order or Construction Change Directive. § 13.2 Adj ustments in the Conh·act Sum resulting from a change in the Work shall be based on lump sum pricing , unit prices set forth in Exhibit 2 , or time and equipment rates set forth in Exhib it 3 , as agreed upon by the parties. Adjustments in the Contract Time resulting from a change in th e Work shall be determined by mutual agreement of the parties . Pending final determination of the total cost ofa Construction Change Directive, the Contractor may request A IA Document A 104 -2017 (formerly A107 ™ -2007). Copyright © 1936 , 195 1, 1958 , 1961, 1963, 1966, 1970 , 1974, 1978 , 1987 , 1997 , 2007 and 2017 . All rig hts reserved . "The American In stitu te of Architects ," "American Institute of Architects ," "A IA ," the AIA Logo , and "AIA Contract Documents" are registered trademarks of 14 The American Institute of Archi tects. Thi s document was produced at 17 :02 :50 ET on 09/07/2023 und er Order No.4104236458 which exp ires on 09 /26/2023 , is not for resale , is licensed for one-time use onl y , and may on ly be used in accordance with the A IA Con tract Documents® Term s of Service . To report copyright vio lati ons , e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com . User Notes : (1853378097) lnit. p ay ment for W o rk co mpleted pursuant to th e C on stru c tion C hange Directi ve . Th e Architect w ill make a n inte rim dete rmination of the amo unt of payment due for purpo ses of ce rti fy in g th e C on trac tor's monthly A ppli ca tion for P aym ent. Wh en th e Owner and Co ntractor agree on adju stm ents to the Contrac t S um and Contrac t Ti me ari sin g fr om a Constru ction C hange Direc ti ve, th e A rchit ec t w ill prep a re a C h ange O rder. § 13.3 Th e Arc hit ect w ill have auth ori ty to o rd er m inor changes in th e Work not in vo lvin g adju stme nt in th e C ontract Sum or extensio n of th e Contract Time and n ot in co n sistent w ith th e intent of th e Contrac t Doc um ents. Such c hanges sha ll be effected by wri tten order and sh all be binding on the O w n er and Contractor. The Con tracto r sha ll carry o ut s uc h written ord ers promptly . If th e Con tractor be li eves that th e propo sed minor chan ge in the Work w ill affect th e Co n trac t Sum or Co ntract Time, th e Contra ctor sha ll no ti fy th e Architec t and shall n ot proceed to imple ment th e ch ange in th e W ork. § 13.4 If concea led or unknow n phys ica l conditi ons are e nco untered at th e sit e th at d iffe r materi all y fro m th ose indi ca ted in th e Contract Documents or fro m th ose co nditi o ns ordinarily found to exist, the Contrac t Su m and Con tr ac t Time s hall b e equ ita bl y adju sted as mutu a ll y agreed betw ee n th e O w ne r and Co ntrac to r; prov id ed th at the Co ntrac to r prov id es noti ce to th e Ow ner and A rchi tec t pro mptl y and befo re co ndition s are fu rt he r di sturb ed . ARTICLE 14 TIME § 14.1 Time limit s stated in th e Co ntract Doc um ents arc of th e essence of th e Co ntract. By executin g thi s A gree ment th e Co ntractor con fi nns th at th e Co ntrac t Time is a reason a bl e p eri od for pe rfo rmin g th e Work . § 14.2 U nl ess otherw ise p rov id ed , Contract Tim e is th e p eri od o f tim e, including aut h ori zed adju stments, a ll ott ed in th e Co ntract D oc um ents for Sub sta nti al Co m p leti o n of th e Work . § 14.3 The term "day" as u se d in th e Contract Doc um ent s shall m ean ca lend ar d ay u n less oth erwise spec ifi ca ll y defi ned. § 14.4 The date of Sub stanti a l Comp let ion is th e date ce rt ifie d b y th e A rchi tec t in acco rd a nce w ith Secti on 15 .6.3. § 14.5 If th e Contractor is delayed at any t im e in th e co mmence ment or pro gress of the Work by ( 1) a ny changes in th e Work requ es ted or di rec ted by O w ne r or A rc hitec t ; (2) a de lay in o r failur e of Owner, Separate Contracto rs o r th e Architect to p erfo nn th e ir res p ec ti ve o bli ga ti o ns ; (3 ) a for ce m aje ur e event ; or (4) an y o th er causes that are n ot th e fa ult of Contrac tor, th en Contra ctor sha ll be e nti tled to an equita bl e adj u stment to th e Co ntract Time and Contract Sum to th e extent such del ay had an adve rse imp ac t on th e sc h edule or th e co st to p erfo nn th e Work . A "force m aj e ure eve nt" means an eve nt du e to any ca use(s) b eyond Contrac tor 's reas onable control , including but n o t b e limi ted to , ac ts of G od ; strike; la bor di s pute or di sru pt io n ; terro r is m ; sa b otage ; war; e mb ar go ; exp los io n ; fir e; storm ; floo d ; ad ve rse weath er ; acci de nt s or de lay in tran sportation ; co urt ord er o r inj u ncti on ; del ays by ac ts or o rd ers of any governm enta l b od y or changes in laws or gove rnm ent reg ulati o ns. The Con trac t Sum shall be adjusted for a ll costs asso ci ated w ith d elays th at are not the fa ult of Contractor. ARTICLE 15 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION § 15.1 Schedule of Values § 15.1.1 Where the Contrac t is ba sed on a Stipul ated Sum o r th e Cost o f th e W ork w ith a Guara ntee d Maximum Pri ce pursua nt to Sec ti o n 3 .2 o r 3 .4 , th e Contrac to r sha ll submit a sc hedu le of va lu es to th e A rchitec t before the fir st A pp lic ation for P ayment , allo ca tin g th e entire Stipulate d Sum or Gu arantee d M ax imum Pri ce to th e va ri ou s porti o ns of th e Work. The schedul e of valu es sha ll b e pre pared in th e fo nn, a nd supported by th e data to sub stanti ate its acc uracy requi re d by th e Arc hitect. T h is sch edul e o f valu es sha ll b e used as a b asis for rev iewin g th e Contracto r 's App licati ons fo r Paym ent. § 15.1.2 The a ll ocati on o f th e Stipul ate d Sum or G uarantee d M ax imum Pri ce und er thi s Section 15. l sha ll no t co n stitute a sep arate sti pul ate d sum or gua rantee d max imum p rice fo r each indi vi d ua l lin e it em in the schedul e of va lu es. § 15.2 Reserved (Paragraphs deleted) AIA Docume nt A104 -2017 (fo rm erl y A 107 ™ -2007). Copyright © 1936 , 195 1, 1958, 196 1, 1963, 1966 , 1970 , 1974 , 1978 , 1987 , 1997, 2007 a nd 20 17 . All ri ghts reserved . "Th e Ame rican Institu te of Arch itects ," "America n Ins titu te of Architects ," "A IA ," the AIA Logo, and "AIA Contract Documents" are registered tradema rks of 15 T he America n In stitu te of Archi tects. Thi s docume nt was produce d at 17 :02 :50 ET on 09/07/2023 und er Order No .410423 64 58 which ex pires o n 09/26 /2023 , is not fo r resa le , is license d for one-time use o nl y, an d may onl y be used in acco rd ance with the A IA Co ntra ct Docume nts ® Term s of Service . To repo rt co pyrig ht vio lati ons , e-mai l docin fo@aiacontracts.co m. User Notes : (1853378097) lnit. § 15.3 Applications for Payment § 15.3.1 At leas t ten days before th e date established for each pro gress payment, th e Contractor sha ll s ubmit to th e Architect an itemized App li cation for P ay me nt prepared in acco rd ance w ith the sc hedul e of va lu es , ifreq uired under Section 15 .1, for completed porti ons of the Work . A ppli ca tion s for Payment sha ll not include requests for pay m ent for portions of the Work for which th e Co ntractor do es not int end to p ay a Subcontractor or s uppli e r, unl ess such Work has bee n performed by othe rs whom the Co ntra ctor inte nd s to pay . § 15 .3.2 Pa yments sha ll be made on account of materi a ls and equipment delivered and s uitably stored at th e site for subsequent incorporation in the Work . If approved in advance by the Owner, p ay ment may similarl y be mad e for materi a ls and equipment stored, and protected from damage, off th e site at a location agreed up on in writin g. § 15.3.3 The Co ntractor warrants th at title to a ll Work covered by an Ap pli cati on for Pay ment will p ass to the Owner no later than the time of payment. The Contra ctor furth er warrants that upon s ubmittal of an Application for P ay ment all Work for w hi ch Certifi cates for Pay m ent h ave b ee n previou s ly issued and p ay ments received from the O wner sha ll , to th e best of th e Contractor's know ledge, information and be li ef, be free and cl ear of li e ns, claims, securi ty interests or other encumbrances adve rse to th e Owner's interes ts . (Paragraph deleted) § 15.4 Certificates for Payment § 15.4.1 Th e Architect w ill , within seven da ys after rece ipt of th e Contra ctor 's A ppli ca tion for Pa ym ent, e ith er iss ue to th e Owner a Certificate for Pa ym ent , wi th a copy to th e Contrac tor, for such amou nt as th e Architec t determin es is properly du e, or notify th e C ontractor and Owner in w ritin g of th e Architect's reasons for w ithh o lding ce rtifi cat io n in w hol e or in part as provided in Section 15 .4 .3. § 15.4.2 The iss uan ce of a Certificate for Paym ent w ill co nstitute a representation by th e Architect to the Owner, based on the Architect 's eva luations of th e Work and th e data in the App lication for P aym ent, th at , to th e b est of th e Architect's knowledge, infonnation, an d b e li ef, the Work ha s p rogresse d to the point indi cated, th e quality of th e Work is in acco rd anc e with the Contract Doc um ents, and th e Contractor is entitl ed to pay ment in th e amount ce rtifi ed . The fo rego in g representat ion s are subj ect to a n eva lu at ion of th e Work for co nfor mance with the Contract D oc um e nts upon Substantial Co mpletion , to res ults of sub se qu ent tes ts and in specti ons, to correction of minor deviations from th e Contract Documents prior to comp letion and to s pec ifi c qualifi ca ti o ns ex pressed by th e Architect. Howeve r, th e iss ua nce of a Ce rtificate for Paym ent wi ll not be a representati on th at the A rchit ec t has ( 1) mad e ex haustive or continuous on-site in specti ons to check th e qu a li ty or quantity of the Wo rk ; (2) reviewed co nstruct ion means, m ethod s, tec hniqu es, sequen ces , or proced ur es ; (3) rev iewed co pi es of requisitions received from Subco ntra ctors and suppliers and other data reque sted by th e Owner to subs tantiat e th e Contractor 's ri g ht to p ay ment ; or (4) ma de examinati on to ascerta in ho w or fo r what purpo se th e Contra ctor has used money prev iou s ly pa id on account of the Con tract Sum . § 15.4.3 The Architect may withhold a Certifi ca te for Pa yment in who le o r in part , to th e extent reasonably necessary to pro tec t the Owner, if in th e Arc hitect's opinion th e re prese ntatio ns to the Owner req uired by Section 15.4 .2 ca nnot b e made . lf th e Architect is un abl e to ce rtify pay ment in th e amount of th e Application, th e Architect w ill no ti fy th e Contractor and Ow ner as provided in Section 15 .4 .1. If the Contractor and th e A rchitec t can not agree on a rev ise d amount, the A rc hitect wi ll promptl y iss ue a Certifi ca te for Paym e nt for the amo unt for whi ch the Arc hitec t is abl e to m ake s uch rep rese ntation s to the Owner. The A rchitect ma y a lso withh o ld a Certificate for Paym en t or, because of sub se qu entl y di scovered evidence , m ay nullify the who le or a part of a Certifi cate for P ay ment prev ious ly iss ued , to such exte nt as may be necessary in the Arc hitect's opinion to pro tec t the Owner fr om lo ss for which the Cont rac tor is res pon sib le, in c ludin g lo ss re sultin g from acts and omiss ions described in Secti on 9.2.2 , beca use of .1 defective Work no t remedi ed ; .2 third-p arty c la im s fil ed o r reasona bl e ev id ence indi catin g probable filin g of s uc h claims unl ess sec urity acce ptable to the Own er is prov id ed by th e Contractor; .3 failur e of th e Contractor to m ake paym ent s prop erl y to Sub contractors or suppli e rs for labo r, materia ls or equipment ; .4 reasonabl e evidence th at th e Work cannot be completed fo r th e unp a id balan ce of th e Co ntrac t Sum; .5 da mage to the O wner or a Separate Co ntractor; .6 reason abl e ev id ence that th e Work w ill not be completed w ithin the Co ntra ct Time and that th e unp a id balance wo uld not be adeq uate to cover actua l or liquid ate d d amages for th e anti c ip ated delay; or .7 re pea ted fa ilure to ca rry out th e Work in accordance w ith th e Co ntra ct Do c um ents . AIA Document A 104 -20 17 (fo rm erl y A 107 ™ -2007). Copyright © 1936 , 1951 , 1958, 1961 , 1963, 1966, 1970, 1974 , 1978 , 1987 , 1997, 2007 and 20 17. A ll righ ts reserved . "Th e American In sti tute of Archi tects ," "American Institu te of A rchite cts ," "A IA ," the AIA Logo , and "AIA Contract Documents " are reg istered tradema rks of 16 Th e American In stitute of Architects. Thi s document was prod uced at 17 :02 :50 ET on 09/07 /2023 und er O rde r No.4 104236458 which ex pires o n 09/26/2023 , is not fo r resale , is licensed for one-time use onl y , and may only be used in acco rd ance wit h the A IA Con tract Docum ents® Term s of Service. To report copyright violati ons , e-mail docinfo@aiacontra cts.com . User Notes : (1853378097) l nit. When the above rea sons for w ithholding certification are removed , certification will be mad e promptl y b y the Architect and pa ym e nt wi ll be made by Owner no late r than fi ve (5) days thereafter. § 15.4.4 W hen either party d isputes the Architect's decis ion rega rding a Certificate for Payme nt und e r Section 15.4 .3, in whole or in part , that party may submit a C laim in accordan ce with Article 2 I . § 15.5 Progress Payments § 15 .5.1 The Contractor shall pay each Subcontractor, no later than ten days after receipt of payment from the Owner, the amount to which the Subcontractor is entitled, reflecting percentages actually retained from payments to the Contractor on account of the Subcontractor 's portion of the Work, un less Contractor and Subcontractor agree otherwise. The Contractor sha ll , by appropriate agreement with eac h Subcontractor, require each Subcontractor to make payments to sub-subcontractors in a similar manner. § 15 .5.2 Neither the Owner nor Architect shall have an obligation to pay or see to th e payment of money to a Subcontractor or supp lier except as ma y otherwise be required by Jaw. § 15.5 .3 A Ce11ificate for Payment, a pro gress pa y ment , or parti a l or entire use or occ upanc y of th e Project by the Owner sha ll not constitute acceptance of Work not in accordance with the Contract Docum ents. § 15.5.4 Provided the Owner has fulfill ed its payment obligations under the Contract Doc uments , the Co ntractor shall defend an d indemnify the Owner from all loss, liabi lity , damage or expense, includin g rea sonab le attorney's fees and litigation expenses, arising o ut of any li en claim or other cl a im for payment by any Subcontractor or suppli er of any tier. Upo n receipt o f notice of a lien claim or other claim for payment, the Owner sha ll not ify the Contractor. If permitted by applicable law , the Co ntrac tor ca n substitute a surety bond for the property against which th e lien or other c laim for pay ment ha been asserted . § 15.6 Substantial Completion § 15.6 .1 Substantial Comp letion is the stage in the prog re ss of th e Work when th e Work or de s ignated portion thereof is sufficientl y complete in accordanc e with the Contract Documents so th at the Owner can take possess ion of the Work. § 15 .6.2 When th e Contractor considers that th e Work, or a portion thereof which the Owner agrees to acce pt separate ly, is substantially comp lete, th e Contractor shall prepare and submi t to the Architect a comprehensive li st of item s to be completed or corrected prior to fin a l payment. Failure to inc lu de an item on such list does not alter th e re s pon sibi li ty of th e Contractor to complete a ll Work in accordance w ith the Contract Doc ume nt s . § 15.6.3 Up on receipt of th e Co ntractor 's list , the Architect or Owner w ill make a n inspection to de termine whethe r the Work or designated portio n th ereof is substantia ll y comp lete . When th e A rchitect or Owner dete rmin es that th e Work or de signated portion thereof is substantially complete , the Architect or Contractor will issue a Certificate of Substantia l Completion whi ch sha ll estab li sh th e date of Sub sta ntial Completion ; estab li sh re s ponsibilities of the Owner and Contractor for security, maintenance, heat, utiliti es, damage to the Work and insurance ; and fix the tim e w ithin which th e Contractor sha ll fini sh all item s on the list accompany ing the Certificate. Warranties required by th e Contract Documents sha ll commenc e on th e date of Substantial Comp letion of th e Work or d es ignated portion thereof unl ess othe1wise pro vi ded in th e Certificate of Substant ial Comp letion. § 15 .6.4 The Certificate of Substantial Comp letion sha ll be submitted to the Owner and Contractor for their written accep tance of res ponsibilities assigned to th e m in the Certificate. Upo n s uch acceptance and consent of surety, if any, th e Owner sha ll make pay me nt applying to th e Work or de sig na ted po rt ion thereof. Suc h payment shall be a djusted only for Work that is inco m p lete or not in accordance with th e requirements of the Contract Do cumen ts as set forth in Section 4 .2.2 . § 15 . 7 Final Complet ion and Final Payment § 15 .7.1 Upon receipt of the Contractor 's no tice that the Work is ready fo r final inspection and acceptance and upon receipt of a final Applicatiqn for Pay ment, th e Arc hi tect will promptly make such in spection and, when the Architect finds the Work acceptab le und er the Contract Documents and th e Contract fully performed , th e Architect will promptly issu e a final Certificate for Pay m ent stating that to the best of th e Architect's know ledge , infonnation and AIA Docume nt A 104 -2017 (fo rmerly A 107 ™ -2007). Copyright © 1936 , 1951 , 1958 , 1961 , 1963 , 1966, 1970, 1974 , 1978, 1987, 1997 , 2007 and 20 17 . All rig hts reserv ed. "The American Insti tute of Architects ," "American In sti tute of Architects ," "AIA." the AIA Logo , and "AIA Contra ct Do cuments " are re gistered trad emarks of 17 The Ame rica n Institute of Architects. Th is document was produce d at 17 :02 :50 ET on 09/07/2023 under Order No.4104236458 which expires on 09/26/2023 , is not fo r resa le , is lice ns ed for one-time use o nly , and may on ly be use d in accordance with the AIA Contract Docume nts®Terms of Service . To report co pyright vio lations , e-mai l docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes : (1853378097) I nit. belief , a nd on the ba s is of th e Arc h it ect's on-s it e v is it s and in spec tion s , the W o rk ha s been compl eted in acco rd ance w ith th e Contract D ocum ents and th at th e e ntire ba lance found to be du e th e Co ntractor and note d in th e fi na l Certifi cate is due and pa ya bl e. T he Archite ct 's fin a l Certificate fo r Paym ent w ill cons titute a furth er rep resentation that conditio ns s tated in S ec tion 15.7 .2 as preced ent to th e Contrac tor 's bein g entitl ed to fina l p ayment have b ee n fulfilled . § 15.7.2 Fin a l p aym e nt s ha ll no t becom e du e unt il th e Contracto r has de li vered to th e Owner li en waivers fr o m each Subcon tra cto r and s uppli e r w hose good s and serv ices exceed T we nty Fi ve Thou sand Dollar s ($25 ,0 00) or receipts in full coverin g a ll labor, materi als and equipm ent for w hich a li en co uld b e fil ed , or a b ond s ati sfactory to the O w ner to ind emnify th e Owner aga in s t s uch li en . If s uch li en rem a in s un sa tis fi ed a ft er p ay m ent s are m ade , th e Contractor s ha ll re fund to th e Own er all m o ney th at th e O wn er m ay be comp e ll ed to pay in di scharg in g s uch li en , in cl uding costs and reas onabl e attorn eys' fees. (Pa ragraphs deleted) ARTICLE 16 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY § 16 .1 Safety Precautions and Programs The Contractor shall be re spon s ib le fo r initi atin g, m a intaining, and sup erv is in g all safety precauti on s and progra m s in connecti on w ith th e performance of th e Co ntrac t. Th e Contracto r sh all take reason a b le prec auti o ns fo r sa fety of, and s hall pro v id e reason able protecti on to preve nt dam age, inj ury , o r loss to .1 employ ees o n th e Work and o th er person s w ho m ay be a ffected th ere by; .2 th e Work and m ateria ls and equipment to b e in co rp orated there in , w hether in s torage on or off th e s it e, under care , cus tody , or contro l of th e Contra ctor, a Subcont rac tor , o r a Sub-sub contrac tor; and .3 o ther properly al th e s it e or adj ace nt th ereto , s uc h as tr ees, shrub s , lawn s, w a lks , pavem ent s , ro adways , structures and uti li ti es not des ign ate d fo r rem ova l, relocatio n , or repl ace m e nt in th e co urse of con struction . The Contractor s hall compl y with , and g ive noti ces required by , a ppli ca bl e laws , s tatutes , ordin ances, cod es , rul es a nd regul ati ons, and law fu l orders of publi c a uth oriti es bea rin g o n safety o f perso ns and prop ert y an d th ei r protect ion fr om d amage, injury , or loss. T he Contrac to r s ha ll promptl y rem edy da mage and loss to p ro p e1ty cau sed in w ho le or in p art by th e Cont rac tor, a Subcontrac to r, a s ub-s ub contrac to r, or anyo ne di rec tl y or indirec t ly emp loyed by any of th e m , or by anyo ne fo r wh ose acts th ey m ay be li abl e and fo r w hi ch th e Co ntrac to r is res p ons ibl e und er Sections 16 .1.2 and 16 .1.3 . Notwiths tanding the for ego in g , Cont rac tor s hall not be res p ons ib le fo r any damage or loss to p ro perty fro m a ny o f th e cau ses for w hich O w ner is required to ca rry property in su ra nce pursu a nt to Section 17 .2 .2 .2 . F urth er, th e C ontra ctor m ay m ake a cl a im for the cos t to rem edy th e da m age o r loss to th e ex tent s uch da m age o r loss is attr ibutab le to ac ts o r omi ss io ns of th e Ow ne r or Arc hitec t or by anyo ne fo r w hose ac ts e ith e r o f th em m ay be li ab le , a nd no t attributa b le to th e fau lt o r ne g li ge nce o f the Co ntra cto r. T he for ego in g o bli ga ti o ns o f th e C ontrac to r are in additi o n to th e Contractor 's obli ga ti ons und er Secti o n 9.15 . § 16.2 Hazardous Materials and Substances § 16.2 .1 The Co ntrac tor is res p o ns ibl e fo r compli a nce with th e require m ents of th e Co ntra ct D ocum ent s regardin g hazard ous materi a ls or s ub s tances . If th e C ontractor enco unters a hazard o us m ateri a l or s ub s tance n ot addressed in th e Contract Doc um ents , and if reas ona b le pre ca uti on s w ill be inad equ a te to prevent fo reseeable bodil y injury or death to person s res ulting from a m ateri a l or s ub s tance, including but n ot limited to as bes tos or po ly ch lo rin ate d biph eny l (PCB ), e ncountered o n th e s it e by th e Co ntra ctor, th e Co ntrac to r sh a ll , up o n recogni z in g th e condi t io n, im m edi ate ly s top Work in th e affected area a nd n oti fy th e O w ne r a nd A rc hit ec t of th e condi tion . W he n th e m ate ri a l o r s ub s tance ha s b ee n rendered harn1l ess , W o rk in th e affec ted a rea shall res um e up on w ri tte n agreem ent of th e Owner and C ontrac to r . B y Chan ge Orde r, th e Contrac t T im e shall b e extend ed appropriate ly and th e Contract Sum sha ll be in creased in th e am ount o f the Co ntrac to r 's reasona bl e additi on al costs of s hu tdown , d e lay, and s tart -up . § 16.2 .2 To th e full est extent p e1mitte d by law , th e O wner shall inde mni fy a nd ho ld harm less th e Co nt rac tor, Subcontractors, A rchi tec t , Arc hitect's co ns ultants , and age nt s and empl oyees o f any of th em fr o m and again st c la im s , dam ages, losses , and ex p en ses , inc ludin g but not limited to att o rn eys' fees , ari si ng o ut of o r res u ltin g fro m performance of th e W ork in th e affec ted area, ifin fac t, th e m a ter ia l or sub stance present s th e ri s k of bod ily inj ury or death as d es cribed in S ection 16 .2 . l and has not been rend ered ha rml ess , prov id ed that s uch claim, dam age , loss, o r ex p en se is attributab le to bodil y inju ry , s ic kn ess, di se a se or death, o r to inju ry to or d es trn ction of tangible pro perty (oth e r th an th e Work it se lf), exce pt to th e ex te nt th at such damage, loss , o r ex pe nse is du e to the fault o r negli ge nce o f th e party seek in g ind emnity . A IA Docu me nt A10 4 -20 17 (form erl y A 107 ™ -2007). Copyright © 1936 , 195 1, 1958 , 1961 , 1963 , 1966, 1970, 1974 , 1978 , 1987 , 1997, 2007 and 20 17. All righ ts reserved . "Th e Ame rica n In stitute of Architec ts," "Ame rican Institu te of Architects," "A IA ," the AJA Logo , and "AI A Contract Documents" are registered trade marks of 18 Th e Am erica n In sti tute of Architects . Thi s document was prod uced at 17 :02 :50 ET o n 09/07/2023 und er O rde r No.41 042364 58 w hich expires on 09126/2023 , is not for resa le , is lice nse d for one-ti me use onl y, an d may on ly be used in acco rdan ce wi th the AIA Co ntract Docume nts® Term s of Service . To report copyright violati ons , e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes : (1853378097) lnit. § 16.2.3 If, without negligence on the part of th e Contractor, the Contractor is held li a ble by a government agency for the cost of remediation of a h azardous materia l or s ub s tance so le ly by reason of perfomiing Work as required by th e Contract Documents, the Owner sha ll inde mnify th e Contractor for all cost and expense there by incurred . ARTICLE 17 INSURANCE AND BONDS § 17.1 Contractor 's Insurance § 17.1.1 The Contractor shall purchase and mai nt a in insurance of the types and limits ofliability, containing the endorsement s, and s ubject to th e te1ms and condition s, as descri bed in this Section 17 .1 or e lsewh ere in the Contra ct D ocuments. The Contractor s ha ll purchase an d main tain the insurance req ui red by thi s Agreem ent from a n insurance company or in surance comp ani es lawfu ll y auth ori zed to iss u e insurance in th e jurisdiction w here the Project is located. The Contractor s ha ll m a intai n the required in sura nce until fina l paym ent, unl ess a diffe rent duration is s tated b e low : § 17.1.2 Comm ercial Genera l L iab ility insurance fo r the Proj ect written on an occurrence fmm with po li cy limits ofnot less th an One Milli on D oll ar s ($1,000,000 ) eac h occurrence, Two Mi ll ion Doll ars ($2,000 ,000 ) genera l aggregate, and Two Million D o ll ars ($ 2 ,000,000 ) aggregate for products-comp leted operations hazard, prov idin g coverage for claims including .1 damages becau se of bodily injury , s ic kn ess or di sease, in c lud ing occ up ation a l s ickness o r d isease , a nd death of any p erson; .2 personal and ad verti sing injury ; .3 damages b ecau se of ph ysica l d am age to or destruct ion of tangib le property, includin g the loss of use of such prope11y; .4 bodily injury or prope11y damage ar is in g ou t of comp lete d operations ; and .5 the Contractor's ind emnity ob li gation s under Sect ion 9.15 . § 17.1.3 A ut omobile Liability coverin g vehicl es owned by th e Contracto r and non-owned ve hicles used by the Contracto r, with policy limits of not less than One Mi lli on Dollars ($ 1,000 ,000 ) per acc id ent, for bod il y injury , death of any p erson, an d prop erty damage aris in g out of th e ownership , maintenance, and u se of those motor vehi c les a lon g with any o th er sta tutori ly requi red a utomo bil e coverage . § 17.1.4 The Contractor may acliieve the required limits and coverage fo r Commercial General Liability and Automob il e Li abil ity through a combination of primary and excess or umbrell a li ab ili ty ins urance, provided suc h primary and excess or umbre ll a in surance poli c ies res ult in th e sa m e or g reater coverage as tho se required under Section 17 .1.2 and 17 .1.3, and in no e vent sha ll any excess or umbrella li a bility insurance pro v ide narrower coverage than the primary policy. T he excess policy sha ll not require the exhaus tion of the underly in g li mits only th ro ug h the ac tual payment by the underl y in g in s urers. § 17.1.5 Workers' Compensation at statuto ry limits . § 17.1.6 Empl oyers ' Liab ility w ith po li cy limits not less than One Million D o ll ars $1,000 ,000) eac h acc id e nt , One Million Dollars ($ I 000,000 ) each employee, and One Million Do ll ars ($ I 000 000 ) p o li cy lim it. § 17.1. 7 If th e Contractor is required to furn ish professio na l services as part of the Work, th e Contractor sha ll pro cure Profess ional Liabi lity in s urance covering p erfo mrnn ce of the profess ional services , w ith po li cy li mits of not less tha n ($ ) per cl aim and ($ ) in the aggregate . § 17.1.8 If th e Work invo lves th e tran sport, di ssem in a tion , use , or release of po ll utants, th e Co ntractor s ha ll procure P o lluti on L iability insurance, w ith policy limi ts of not less th an ($ ) p er c la im and ($ ) in th e aggr egate . § 17.1.9 Coverage under Sections 17.1.7 and 17 .1.8 m ay be procured throu g h a Combin ed Pro fess ional Liabi lity and Pollution Liabili ty insurance policy, wi th combin ed pol icy limits ofnot less than ($ ) p er claim and ($ ) in the aggregate. § 17.1.10 The Contractor s ha ll pro vide certifi cates of in s urance accepta bl e to th e Owner ev id encing com pli ance w ith th e requirements in this Sec ti on 17.1 at the fo ll owi ng tim es: ( 1) prior to co mm encement of th e Work; (2) upon renewa l AIA Document A104 -2017 (formerly A107 ™ -2007). Copyright © 1936, 1951 , 1958, 1961 , 1963, 1966, 1970, 1974 , 1978 , 1987 , 1997 , 2007 and 2017 . All rights reserved . "The American Institute of A rc hitects ," "American Institu te of Architects ," "A IA ," the AIA Logo , and "AIA Contract Documents" are registered trademarks of 19 The Ame rica n Institute of Architects. This document was produced at 17 :02 :50 ET on 09/07/2023 und er Order No.4 104236458 which exp ires on 09/26/2023 , is not for resale , is li censed for one-time use on ly, and may only be used in accordance with the A IA Co nt ract Docume nts® Term s of Service . To rep ort copyright violations , e-mai l docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes : (1853378097) lnit. or re pl acem ent of each required poli cy of in surance ; and (3) upon the Owner's w ritten requ est. An ad ditiona l certificate ev id e ncing co ntinu ation of li a bility coverage , including coverage fo r co mpleted operations, s ha ll be submitted wi th th e fin a l App li ca ti on for Pay m ent and th e reafter upon renewa l or rep lacement of s uch coverage until th e expiration of the p eriod required by Section 17 . 1.1. The certificates w ill sho w th e Owner as an addit ional in s ured on th e Contractor's Commercia l Genera l Liability and excess or umbre ll a li a bili ty policy . § 17.1.11 Th e Co ntractor s hall di sclos e to th e Owner any dedu ctibl e or se lf-in s ured retenti ons applicable to any in suran ce required to be pro v id ed by the Co ntractor. § 17.1.12 To the fullest extent pe tmitted by law , the C ontrac tor shal l ca use the co mmerc ia l li ability coverage required by thi s Section 17.1 to include (I) the Owner as an ad diti o na l in s ured for c la im s ca used by th e Co ntractor 's n egli ge nt acts or omissions during th e Contractor 's operat ions ; an d (2) the Owner as an addi ti ona l in sured for claims caused by th e Contractor's n egli ge nt ac ts or omi ss ions for w hi ch loss occurs durin g completed o p era tion s . The additiona l in s ured coverage s hall be primary an d non-contributory to a ny of the Owner's genera l li ab ili ty in surance po li c ies and sha ll a ppl y to both ongoing and comp leted operations . To th e exte nt comm erc ia ll y ava il able, th e addition a l in sured coverage sha ll be no less than th at prov ided by In surance Se rv ices Office, In c. (ISO) f01m s CG 20 I O 07 04 , CG 20 37 07 04, and, with res pect to th e Architect a nd th e Arch it ect 's Co nsultant s , CG 20 32 07 04. § 17.1.13 Withi n thre e (3) bu s in ess da ys of th e d ate the Contractor becomes aware ofan imp endin g or actu a l cance ll ation or expiration of any in s ura nc e required by thi s Section 17. I , th e Co ntrac tor s ha ll pro vi de n otic e to th e O wner of such impending o r actual cance ll ati on or ex piration . Upon receipt of notice from th e Contracto r, the Owner s ha ll , unl ess th e lapse in coverage a ri se s from an ac t or omission of the Owner, have the right to s top th e Work until the lapse in coverage ha s be en c ured b y th e procurement of re pl acement coverage by th e Cont ractor. The f urni shing o f noti ce by th e Co ntractor shall no t re li eve the Co ntracto r of any con trac tu a l ob li ga ti on to prov ide any required coverage . § 17.1.14 Other Insurance Provided by the Contractor (List below any oth er in sura nce covera ge to be provided by the Cont ra ctor and an y app licable li mits.) Coverage Umbre ll a Liability § 17.2 Owner 's Insurance § 17.2.1 Owner 's Liability Insurance Limits $5 ,000 ,000 Th e Owner sha ll be responsible for purch as in g a nd maintaining th e Owner's us ua l li a bility in s urance. § 17.2.2 Property Insurance § The Owner s hall purchase and maintain, from an in surance comp any or in s ura nce companies lawfully auth o ri zed to iss ue insurance in th e juri sd iction w here th e Proj ec t is loc a te d , property in s ura nce writte n o n a build er 's ri sk "a ll-ri sks " compl eted va lu e or eq ui vale nt po li cy fom1 and s u fficie nt to cover the total va lu e of the entire Project on a repl ace m ent cost basis . The O w ner 's property in s urance coverage shall be no less th an th e amount of the initi al C ontract Sum , plu s the valu e of sub se qu ent Modifications and labor perfo rm ed or materi a ls or equipment s uppli ed by others . The property in suran ce sh all be m a intained until fi na l pay m ent has been made to Contractor or until no person or enti ty other than th e Owner has an insurabl e interest in th e property required by th is Section 17 .2 .2 to b e covered , whichever is later .. Thi s insurance s ha ll include th e interests of th e Owner, Co ntrac tor, Sub contractors , a nd Sub-s ubcontractors in th e P roj ec t as in s ur eds. This ins urance sh a ll includ e th e int erests of m ort gagee s as loss payees . § Property insura nce shall be on an "all-risk" or equi va lent p oli cy form and shall includ e, without limitati on , in s urance against the peril s of fire (with extend ed coverage) and phys ica l loss or dama ge including , wi thout duplication of coverage, th eft , va nd a li s m , m a li c ious mi sc hi e f, co ll apse, ea rthqu ake, flood , w ind s torm , fa lsework , testi ng and startup , temporary buildings and debri s remo va l including demolition occas io ned by e n forceme nt of any applicab le legal requirem ents , and s ha ll cove r reasona ble compensati on fo r Arch it ect's and Co ntractor 's serv ic e s a nd expenses required as a res ult of s uch in s ured loss . § If th e in s uran ce required by this Section 17 .2 .2 is s ubj ect to deductibles or se lf-in s ured retentions, th e Owner s ha ll b e so le ly respon s ibl e for all loss not covered beca use of s uch deductib les or retention s . AIA Do cument A 104-20 17 (formerly A107 ™ -2007). Copyright © 1936 , 1951 , 1958, 1961 . 1963, 1966, 1970 , 1974 , 1978, 1987 , 1997 , 2007 and 20 17 . All rig hts reserved . "The American In stitu te of Architects ," "America n Institute of Architects ," "AIA," the A IA Logo , and "AIA Con tra ct Documents " are registered tradema rk s of 20 Th e American In sti tut e of A rchi tec ts. Thi s document was produced at 17 :02 :50 ET on 09/07 /2023 und er Orde r No.4104236458 which exp ires on 09 /26/2023 , is not for resa le , is lice nsed for one-time use onl y , and may on ly be used in acco rda nce with th e AIA Con tract Doc ume nts® Term s of Servi ce . To report copyright violati ons, e-mai l docinfo@a iacontracts.com . User Notes : (1853378097) lnit. § If the Work invo lves rem ode ling an exis tin g stru cture or cons tru cting an additi on to an existing stru cture, the Owner sh all purchase and m a intain, u nti l the expi rat ion of the p eriod for correction of W o rk as set fort h in Secti on 18 .4 , "all -risks" prop erty in surance, on a re pl acem ent cost bas is , protectin g the existin g strncture aga in st di rec t physica l Joss or dam age, notwithstan d ing th e undertaki ng of the W ork. The Own er s ha ll be respo ns ib le fo r all co-in s uran ce pena lties. § 17.2 .2.5 Pri or to co mm encem ent of the Work, th e Owner sh a ll secure th e in su rance, and prov id e evidence of th e coverage, requ ired under thi s Section 17.2.2 and , up on th e Contracto r 's request, provide a copy of the pro perty ins ura nce poli cy or po li c ies requi re d by thi s Secti on 17.2.2 . T he co py o f th e p o li cy or po li c ies pro vided s ha ll conta in a ll app li ca bl e conditio ns, d efiniti ons, excl us io ns, and end o rsements. lf the O w ner fai ls to purchase property in s ura nce requ ired by th e Contract, th e Contracto r m ay then p roc u re in s urance that w ill protect onl y the in terests of the Contracto r, Sub contracto rs and Sub-su bcontrac tors in th e Wo rk , and by app ro pr iate Change Order th e cost the re of s ha ll be ch arged to the O w ner. If th e Co ntractor is dam aged by the fa ilure or neg lect of th e O w n er to purch ase or m ainta in ins uran ce as describ ed a bove, th en th e O w n er s hall bear a ll reasona ble cos ts properl y attribu ta ble thereto, includi ng a ny cos ts no t covere d du e to de du cti bl es o n th e p ro perty in su ra nce po li cy p urchased by Contractor. § Within three (3) bu s in ess d ays of th e date th e Ow ner beco m es aware of an im pending o r actua l cancell ati on or ex pi ra ti o n of a ny insuran ce requ ired by thi s Sect io n 17 .2 .2, th e Own e r sha ll provide noti ce to the Contractor of such impendin g or ac tua l cance ll ati o n or ex pi ra ti o n . U nl ess th e la p se in coverage arises fro m a n ac t or om iss ion of th e Contractor: (1) th e Contrac tor, up o n recei pt of n oti ce fro m th e Owner, s ha ll have the ri g ht to stop th e Wo rk un ti l the lap se in coverage has been c ured by th e proc ure m ent o f repl acement coverage by e ither th e O wn er or the Co ntrac tor; (2) the Co ntract T ime and Contrac t S um s ha ll be e qu itabl y adj usted ; a nd (3) the Owner waives a ll rights against th e Co nt rac tor , Su bcon trac tors, and Su b-s ubcont rac to rs to th e exten t any loss to the Owne r w o uld have been covered by th e in s uran ce had it not expired or been ca nce ll ed . If the Contrac tor p u rc hases rep lacem ent coverage, the cost of th e in surance s h all b e charge d to th e Owner by an app ro pri ate C ha nge Ord er. Th e fu rn ishing of noti ce by th e Owner s h all not re li eve th e Owne r o f any co nt ractua l o bl iga ti on to p rov id e requ ired in s u rance . § Waiver of Subrogation § Th e Owner and Co ntrac to r wa ive a ll rig hts agai nst (I) eac h oth er and any of th e ir s ub contractors , s ub-s ub co ntrac to rs , age nts , and empl oyees, each of th e oth er; (2) the A rc hi tect and Architect 's cons ul tant s; and (3) Sep arate Contractors , if any, and any of th e ir s ub co ntrac tors, sub-s u bco ntractors, agents , and e m p loyees, for d amages caused by fire, or o th er c au ses of lo ss , to th e extent th ose losses are cover ed by p roperty ins urance req uir ed by thi s Agreement o r other prop e rty in surance applicab le to the P roject, exce pt su ch rights as they h ave to proceed s of su ch in surance . Th e Owner o r Contra cto r, as a pp ro pri a te , sha ll require s imil a r w ritte n wa ivers in favo r of the indi v idu a ls and entiti es id entified ab ove fro m th e Arc hitect, Arc hit ec t's consultants, Separate Cont rac tors, su bcontractors , and su b-sub co ntrac tors. Th e po li c ies of ins u ra nce purchased and ma int a in ed by each perso n o r e nti ty ag reeing to waive cla im s pursua nt to th is Secti on 17 .2.2. 7 sha ll not pro hibi t th is waiver of s ub rogation . T hi s waiver of subrogation s ha ll b e effecti ve as to a pe rso n or enti ty (1) even thoug h that p erson or entity woul d otherwise have a duty of in demnifi cat io n, contractu a l o r oth erw ise, (2) even tho ug h that person or entity did no t pay th e in surance pre mi um d irec tl y or indirectly , or (3 ) wh ether or not th e p erso n or entit y ha d an ins ura bl e interest in th e damaged pro p erty. § If d uri ng the Proj ect co nstructi on pe ri od th e Owner in s ures p ro p erti es, rea l or perso na l or both , a t or adj acent to th e si te by prope1ty in su ran ce und er p o li c ies separate fr om tho se in surin g th e P roj ect, or if aft er fin al p ayment property ins urance is to be provided on the compl eted P roject thro ugh a policy or p o lic ies other th an th ose ins urin g th e Project during the co n structio n peri od, to th e extent p ermi ss ibl e by s uch p oli cies, th e Owner wa ives all righ ts in acco rd ance w ith th e term s of Sec ti on 17 .2 .2 . 7. I for damages ca used by fire or oth er ca uses of loss covered by th is separa te p roperty in su ra nce. § A loss insured und er the Owner 's pro perty in su rance s ha ll be adjusted by the O w ner as fiduc iary a nd m ad e paya bl e to th e Owner as fidu c iary fo r the in sured s, as th e ir in te rests may ap pea r, subj ect to requ ire m ents of a ny a ppli ca bl e m o rt gagee clau se. Th e Owner sha ll pay th e A rc hi tect and Co ntrac tor thei r just s hares of in surance proceed s rece ived by th e Owner, and by a pp ropriate agr eem ents , written w he re legall y requ ir ed fo r va lidi ty, the A rc hitect and Contractor s ha ll make paym e nt s to their co ns ulta nt s a nd S ubco ntracto rs in si mil ar mann er. § 17.2.3 Other Insurance Provided by the Owner (list belo w any other ins ura nce coverage to be p rovided by th e Own er a nd any applica ble li m its.) AIA Docume nt A104-2017 (forme rl y A 107™ -2007). Copyrig ht © 1936 , 1951 , 1958 , 196 1, 1963 , 1966, 1970 , 19 74 , 1978 , 1987 , 1997 , 2007 and 20 17 . All rights reserved. "Th e American Institute of Arc hitects ," "Ame rican Institute of Architects ," "AIA," the AIA Logo , and "AIA Con tract Documents" a re registered trademarks of 21 The America n In stitute of Architects. Th is document was prod uced at 17 :02 :50 ET on 09/07/2023 un der Order No .41 04236458 which exp ires o n 09 /26/2023 , is not for resa le , is licensed for one-time use onl y, and may on ly be used in accordance with the AI A Co ntract Docume nts® Term s of Service. To re port copyright vio lations , e-mai l docin fo@aiacontracts.com . User Notes: (1853378097) lnit. Coverage Limit s § 17.3 Performance Bond and Payment Bond § 17.3 .1 The Owner sha ll have the right to require th e Co ntractor to furnish bonds coveri ng faithfu l performance of the Contract and payment of obligations arising th ere und er as stipulated in the Contract Documents on th e date of execution of the Contract. § 17.3 .2 Upon the request of any p erson or enti ty appearing to be a potential beneficiary of bonds covering paym ent of obligations arising under the Contract, the Contractor sha ll promptl y furnish a copy of th e bonds or shall authorize a copy to be furnish ed . ARTICLE 18 CORRECTION OF WORK § 18 .1 Subject to Section 18 .2, the Contractor shall prom ptly correc t Work rej ected by the Architect or failing to confonn to the requirements of the Contract Document s, whether discovered before or after Substantial Completion an d whether or not fabricated , installed, or completed. Costs of correcting s uch rej ec ted Work, including add itiona l tes ting a nd in s pection s, the cost of uncovering and rep lacement , and compensation for th e Architect's services and expenses made necessary th ere by, shall be at the Contrac tor 's expense. § 18 .2 If, within one year after th e date of Substantial Co mpletion of th e Work or de s ignated portion th ereof , any of th e Work is found to be not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract D ocum ents, the Contractor s hall correct it promptly after rece ipt of written notice from the Owner to do so unl ess the Owner has previous ly given the Contractor a written acceptance of su ch condition . The Owner s ha ll give s uch notice promptly after d iscovery of the condition . During the one-year period for correction of Work, if the Owner fails to notify the Contractor and give the Contractor an opportunity to make the correction , the Own er waives the ri ght s to require correction by the Contractor and to make a claim for breach of warranty. § 18.3 If the Contractor fa il s to correct nonconforming Work within a reasonable time , the Owner ma y correct it in accordance with Sect ion 8.3. § 18.4 Th e one-year per iod for co rrection of Work s ha ll be extended with respect to portions of Work first pe rform ed after Substantial Completion by the pe riod of tim e b etween Substantial Comp letion and the actua l completion of that portion of the Work. § 18 .5 The one-year period for correction of Work s ha ll not be extended by corT ec tiv e Work performed by the Contractor pursuant to this Article 18. ARTICLE 19 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS § 19 .1 Assignment of Contract Neither party to th e Contract s ha ll ass ign th e Contract witho ut written consent of th e other, exce pt that the Owner may , without cons ent of the Contractor, ass ig n th e Contract to a lend er providing constr uction finan c ing for the Proj ect if th e lender assumes the Owner's rights and ob ligati ons under th e Contract Documents . T he Contractor s ha ll execute a ll consents reasonab ly req ui re d to faci litate s uch ass ig nmen t. § 19.2 Governing Law The Contract sha ll be governed by the law of the plac e where th e Proj ect is lo cated, excluding that jurisdiction's choice of law rule s. If the parti es have se le cted arbitration as th e m eth od of binding di s pute re so lution , th e Federal Arbitration Act sh all govern Section 21 .6 . § 19.3 Tests and Inspections Tests, inspections , and approvals of portions of th e Work required by the Contract Documents or by applicable laws, statutes , ord inances , codes , ru les and regulat ions , or lawfu l orders of public authorities sha ll be m ade at a n appropriate time . Unless otherwise provided , the Contractor s ha ll make arrangements for such tests, inspect ions, a nd a pprova ls with an independent testin g laboratory or entity acce ptab le to th e Owner, or with th e a ppropriate public authority, and shall bear all re lated costs of tests , in s pection s, and approva ls. Th e Contractor s hall give the Architect timely notice of when an d w here te s ts and in spections are to be made so that th e Architect may be presen t fo r such procedure s. Th e Owner sha ll bear costs of all te sts, in spection s , or approva ls un less Exhi bit 2 provides otherwise . A IA Document A 104 -20 17 (formerly A107 ™ -2007). Copyright © 1936 , 195 1, 1958, 1961 , 1963 , 1966, 1970, 1974 , 1978 , 1987 , 1997 , 2007 and 20 17 . All right s reserved. "The American Insti tu te of Architects ," "American Ins titute of Architects ," "A IA ," the AIA Log o , and "AIA Contract Documents" are registered trademarks of 22 The American Institute of Architects. This document was prod uced at 17 :02 :50 ET on 09/07/2023 und er Ord er No.4104236458 which expires on 09/26/2023 , is not for resal e , is licensed for one-time use o nly, and may only be used in accorda nce with th e AIA Contract Documents® Terms of Service. To report copyright vio lati ons, e-mail docinfo@aiacontracts.com. Use r Notes : (1853378097) ln it. § 19.4 The O wn er 's representative : (Na me, address, email address and oth er information) Eric McConnick C ity of Mc Ca ll , Id aho 2 16 East Park Street McCa ll , ID 83638 Telephone: (208) 634-7200 Emai l: Emccormick@ mcca ll .id .us § 19 .5 The Contractor's representa ti ve: (Nam e, address , email address and oth er information) Eric Wolfert , R egional Manager Land sca pe s Unlimited, LLC 120 I Aries Dri ve Linco ln, NE 68512 Telephone: (4 02) 416-70 89 E mail : Ewo lfert@ landsca p esun limited.com § 19.6 Neither th e Owner 's nor th e Contractor 's representative sha ll be changed wi th out ten d ays ' prior noti ce to th e other party. § 19 .7 Contract Construction Each p arty here to has rev iewed th e Contract D oc um ents to its satisfaction and agrees that any rul e of co nstru ction to th e effect that ambi guiti es are to be reso lve d aga in st th e draftin g party sha ll not apply in the interpretation of thi s Agreement or any ex hibits hereto or any sub seq ue nt Modifications he reo f. ARTICLE 20 TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT § 20.1 Susp ens ion and Termination by the Contracto r If (i) th e Architect fa il s to certi fy p ay me nt within seven (7) day s as pro v id ed in Section 15.4 .1 throu gh no fau lt of th e Contractor, (ii) th e Owner fails to make pay ment as provided in Section 4 .1.3, or (iii) the O w ner oth erw ise sub stantia ll y bre ac hes a provi s io n of th e Co ntra ct Docum ents, th e Contractor may, upo n seven additi o na l days ' writt en notice to th e Owner and th e Architect, s uspend the Work until pa y ment of a ll amo unts owing to Contractor ar e paid in fu ll. The Contract T ime shall be extended appropri ate ly and the Contract Sum sha ll be increased b y th e amount of th e Contractor 's reaso nabl e costs of shutdow n , d elay and start-up , plus interest as provi ded for in th e Contract Document s. The foregoing notwithsta nding , if payment is not rece ived by Contractor within fourteen ( 14) d ays aft e r th e Work has been su s pe nd ed , Co ntra ctor may tem1 in ate th e Co ntract by w ritte n noti ce to Owner a nd recover from th e Owner payment for Work exec uted, in c luding reasonab le overhead and profit, costs in c uned b y reaso n of such tennination , and dam ages . § 20.2 Terminat ion by the Owner fo r Cause § 20.2 .1 T he Owner may termin ate the Co ntra ct if the Contractor .1 re peated ly refu ses or fails to s upp ly e nough prope rly sk ill ed workers or proper materi a ls ; .2 fails to make pay me nt to Subcontractors for materia ls or labor in acco rd a nce w ith th e res p ective agreements between th e Co ntractor and t he Subcontractors; .3 repeatedly d isregard s ap plicabl e law s, s tatut es , ord in ances, codes , rul es and regu latio ns , or lawfu l ord e rs of a pub lic auth or ity ; or .4 otherw ise is guil ty of su b sta nti a l breac h of a prov ision of th e Contract Documen ts . § 20.2.2 When an y of th e reaso ns descri bed in Section 2 0 .2 .1 exists, the Owner, up on ce rtifi cation by the Architect that suffici ent cause ex ists to justi fy such ac ti on , m ay , without prej udice to any other remedy th e O wner may have and after g iv in g the Co ntractor seven days ' written noti ce , te rminate the Co ntract and tak e p ossess ion of th e s ite a nd of a ll materia ls, equipment, too ls, and construction equi pment and mac hin ery thereon owned by th e Co ntractor and ma y fini sh the Work by w hatever reaso na bl e m ethod th e Own er may de em expedient. Upon req uest of th e Contra ctor , th e Owner sha ll furni sh to th e Contractor a d eta il ed accountin g of the cos ts in c urred by the Ow ner in fi ni shin g th e W o rk . AIA Docume nt A 104 -20 17 (fo rm erly A107 ™ -2007). Copyright © 1936 , 1951 , 19 58 , 1961 , 1963 , 1966 , 1970 , 1974 , 1978 , 1987, 199 7 , 2007 and 20 17. All rig hts reserved . "The American In stitute of Arc hitects ," "American Institute of Architects ," "AIA," the A IA Logo , and "AIA Contract Documents" are registered trademarks of 23 The Ame rica n Insti tute of Architects. This docu ment was produced at 17 :02 :50 ET on 09/07/202 3 und er Order No.4104236458 wh ich expires on 09 /26/2023 , is not for resa le , is lice ns ed for one-time use onl y , and may only be us ed in acco rd ance wit h th e AIA Contra ct Docume nts® Te rm s of Servi ce. To rep ort co pyright violations , e-mai l docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Not es : (1853378097) lnit. § 20.2.3 W h en th e Owner termi nates the Con tract for one of the reaso ns stated in Sectio n 20 .2 .1, the Contractor s ha ll n ot be en titl ed to rece ive furth er p ay ment until th e Work is fini s hed . § 20.2.4 If th e un pa id ba lance of th e Contrac t S um exceeds cos ts of fin ishing th e Work, including compensat io n fo r th e Arch itect's serv ices a nd expenses ma de necessary there by, an d oth er damages incurred by th e Owner and not ex press ly wa ive d , s uch excess s hall be pai d to th e Co ntrac to r. If s uc h costs and dam ages exceed th e un pa id b alance, th e Co ntrac tor s ha ll pay th e di ffe rence to th e Owner. T he am oun t to be paid to the Cont rac tor or Owner, as th e case m ay b e, s ha ll be cet1ifi ed by th e A rch itect , up on a p p li catio n, and th is o bl igati on fo r paym ent s ha ll surv ive tem1in ati o n o f th e Contract. § 20.3 Termination by the Owner for Convenience The Owner m ay , at any tim e , term inate the Contract fo r the Owner's convenie nce and w itho ut cause. T he Owner sh a ll pay th e Cont rac tor for Work executed, includin g p ro fit and ove rh ead o n su ch Wo rk ; co sts in curred by reaso n of suc h termin at ion , includin g, but not limited to, de mo bili zatio n costs, costs attri bu ta bl e to tenninati o n of Subcon tracts and o th er agreem ents , and res to ckin g fees ; and a te1111in ati on fee , if any , as fo ll ows: (Insert the amoun t of or method for determining th e fee p ayable to th e Contra ctor by the Own er following a term ination for the 0 1vner 's convenience, if any.) F ifty p ercent (50%) of th e profit and overhead th at Contra c to r wo uld have ea rn ed on Work n ot executed ARTICLE 21 CLAIMS AND DISPUTES § 21.1 C lai m s, di sputes, and o th e r matters in q uestio n a ri s in g o ut of o r re latin g to thi s Cont rac t, incl ud in g th ose a ll eg in g a n e rror or o mi ss ion by the A rc h itec t bu t excl udin g m ec han ic 's li en c la im s by Co ntrac to r and those ari sing under Sect ion 16 .2 , s hall b e refe JTed in it ia ll y to th e A rchitec t fo r d ec isio n . S uch m atters , exce pt those wa ived as p rov ide d fo r in Secti o n 2 1.11 , s ha ll , after ini t ia l dec isio n by the A rchit ect or 30 days after s·ubmiss ion of th e matter to th e A rchitect, be s ubject to m edi at io n as a co nditi on precedent to bi nding di spute reso luti o n . § 21.2 Notice of Claims C la im s by e ith er the O w ner or Contractor sha ll be initi ated by w ri tten not ice to th e oth er party. (Paragraphs deleted) § 21.3 Time Limits on Claims Th e Owner a nd Co ntrac tor s ha ll co mm ence a ll cl a im s and ca uses of action aga in s t th e oth e r and ar is ing out of or re lated to th e Contr ac t in accord ance with th e requ irem ent s of th e fi n al dis p ute reso luti on m eth od selected in th is Agreement w h eth er in contract, tort, b reach of warra nty, or oth erwi se , within th e peri od s pec ified by ap plicab le law , but in any case not mo re th a n IO years after the d ate of Sub stantia l Com p leti o n of the Work . Th e Owner and Contractor wa ive a ll c la im s and causes of ac ti on no t comme nced in acco rd a nce w ith thi s Sec ti on 2 1.3 . § 21.4 If a c lai m , d is pute o r o ther ma tter in qu estio n relates to or is th e subject of a m ec ha ni c's li en, the party asse11in g s uch matter m ay pro ceed in acco rd ance w ith ap pli ca bl e law to comply with the li e n no ti ce o r filin g dead lin es . § 21.5 Th e pa11ies shall end eavo r to reso lve th e ir di s putes by m edi atio n . A req ues t fo r m edi ati o n s h all be m ade in w riting , deli vered to th e oth er p arty to th is Agreeme nt, and fil ed with the pe rson o r enti ty admini ste rin g th e m ed iat ion . Th e re qu es t m ay be m ade con c unentl y w ith th e binding di s pute reso luti on but, in s uc h event , m ed iatio n sha ll proceed in advan ce of b inding di s pute reso luti on proceedin gs, whi c h sha ll be s tayed pe nding m edi a ti o n fo r a perio d of 60 days fr om the date of filin g, unl ess s tayed fo r a lon ger p eri od by agreem en t of the parti es or co urt ord er. If an arbitra ti o n is stayed purs ua nt to thi s Section , the parties m ay n on et he le ss proceed to the se lec ti on of th e a rbitra tor(s) and agree u pon a sched u le for later proceedin gs . § 21.6 In tenti onall y de leted . (Paragraphs deleted) A IA Document A 104 -20 17 (form erl y A 107 ™ -2007). Copyright © 1936 , 195 1, 1958 , 1961 , 1963, 1966, 1970 , 1974 , 1978 , 1987 , 1997 , 2007 and 20 17. A ll ri ghts reserved . "The American Institu te of Architects ," "Ame rica n Insti tute of Architec ts," "AJA," the A IA Logo , and 'AJA Contract Documents" are registered trademarks of 24 Th e America n Institute of Archi tects. Th is document was prod uced at 17:02 :50 ET on 09/07/2023 unde r Order No .41 04236458 which expires on 09 /26 /2023 , is not for resa le , is lice nsed fo r one-time use o nl y, and may only be used in acco rda nce with the AIA Con tract Docume nts® Term s of Service . To report copyright violat ions , e-mai l docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes: (1853378097) lni t. § 21 .10 Continuing Contract Perfo rma nc e Pending fin a l resolution of a C la im , except as otherwise agreed in writin g, t he Contractor sha ll pro cee d diligently with p erforman ce of th e Co ntract and th e O w ne r sha ll co ntinu e to make pa ym ent s in accord a nce with th e Co ntract Doc ument s. § 21.11 Wa ive r of Claims for Consequential Damages Except to the extent pro hibited by Id aho la w, th e C ontractor a nd Ow ner waive c lai ms aga inst each other fo r co nse qu ent ia l dam ages ari sin g out of or relating to thi s Co ntract. This mutu a l waiver includes , but is not limited to : .1 damages incurred by the Own er for re nta l ex p enses, for losses of u se , in co me, profit, fin a nc ing, busi ness and re putat ion , an d fo r lo ss of ma nage ment o r emp loyee produc ti vity or of the se rvices of suc h persons; and .2 dam ages incurred by the C ontractor for prin c ip al office ex pe nses includ ing th e compensation of personnel stat io ned th ere , fo r lo sses of fin anci ng , business a nd re put atio n , and for loss of profit exce pt anticipated profit a ri sin g direc tl y fr om the W ork. T hi s mutua l waiver is app li cab le, with ou t li mitation , to a ll co nse qu enti a l damages d ue to de lay by either p arty, n onp ay ment by Owner, defecti ve co n stru cti on or non-confom1ing Work by Contractor, and e ith er p arty's termin ati on of th is Agreement. Nothing contained in this Sec tion 2 1.11 sha ll be deemed to preclud e an award of liquidated damages, when a ppli ca ble, in accordance with th e requirements of the Contra ct Doc uments. Thi s waiver sh a ll surv ive co mp letion or termin ation of th e Contract. This Agreem ent ent ered into as of th e day and yea r fir st written abo ve. OWNER (S ignature) CONTRACTOR (Signature) Co lby Nie lsen, Council Pre sident Br ian Vitek C hi ef Operating Offi cer (Pr in ted name and title) (Printed name and title) AIA Document A 104-20 17 (fo rm e rl y A 107™ -2007). Copyrig ht © 1936 , 1951 , 1958, 1961 , 1963 , 1966, 1970 , 19 74 , 1978 , 1987 , 1997 , 2007 and 20 17 . All rights reserved. "Th e American Institu te of A rchitects ," "America n Insti tute of Architects ," "AIA ," the AIA Logo , and "A IA Contra ct Docu ments" are registered tra de marks of 25 Th e Americ an Institu te of Arc hitects . Thi s document was produced at 17 :02 :50 ET on 09/07/2023 und er Order No.4 104236458 which ex pi res on 09/26/2023 , is not for resale , is licensed for one-ti me use o nly, and may only be used in accordance with the A IA Contra ct Docume nts® Term s of Service . To report copyrig ht vio lations , e-mai l docinfo@aiacontracts.com. User Notes : (1853378097)