HomeMy Public PortalAbout11-13-2017 COW Agenda Packet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‡ 1RYHPEHU 9LOODJH%RDUG0HHWLQJ±SP ‡ 1RYHPEHU 3ODQ&RPPLVVLRQ±SP ‡ 1RYHPEHU 9LOODJH2IILFHV&ORVHG ‡ 1RYHPEHU 1H[W&RPPLWWHHRIWKH:KROH:RUNVKRS±SP 127(7+,60((7,1*:,//%(+(/'$77+(3/$,1),(/'/$:(1)25&(0 (17 &(17(5 2 &RPPLWWHHRIWKH:KROH:RUNVKRSRIWKH 3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI7UXVWHHV $JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\0LFKHOOH*LEDV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH1RYHPEHU 68%-(&7 $SSURYDORIWKH0LQXWHVRIWKH6SHFLDO&RPPLWWHHRIWKH:KROH:RUNVKRS6SHFLDO0HHWLQJDQG&RPPLWWHHRIWKH :KROH:RUNVKRSKHOGRQ2FWREHU 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 6SHFLDO&2:0LQXWHV 6SHFLDO0HHWLQJ0LQXWHV &2:0LQXWHV 3 Minutes of the Special Committee of the Whole Workshop of the Village President and the Board of Trustees Held on October 23, 2017 at Public Works Mayor Collins called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m. Present were: Mayor Collins, Trustee Bonuchi, Trustee Lamb, Trustee Larson, Trustee Newton, Trustee O’Rourke, and Trustee Wojowski. Others present: Lewis G. Bender, Facilitator and Brian Murphy, Administrator. There was one person in the audience. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. STRATEGIC PLANNING DISCUSSION Mr. Lew Bender, Facilitator, led the discussion regarding the Village Board roles, responsibilities, and processes. Mayor Collins thanked everyone for the discussion. On a motion from Trustee Bonuchi and seconded by Trustee Lamb, the meeting adjourned at 3:09 p.m. These minutes were prepared by Brian Murphy, Village Administrator. 4 VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 23, 2017 AT: VILLAGE HALL BOARD PRESENT: M.COLLINS, L.NEWTON, E.O’ROURKE, B.WOJOWSKI, M.BONUCHI, B.LAMB, AND C.LARSON. OTHERS PRESENT: B.MURPHY, ADMINISTRATOR; M.GIBAS, VILLAGE CLERK; A.PERSONS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR; J.PROULX, PLANNING DIRECTOR; K.GOSKA, BUILDING OFFICIAL; T.PLECKHAM, MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR; AND J.KONOPEK, CHIEF OF POLICE. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL, PLEDGE Mayor Collins called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken, all Trustees were present. Mayor Collins led the Pledge of Allegiance. There were approximately 8 persons in the audience. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3-5 Minutes) No Comments. BUSINESS MEETING 1) APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Trustee Lamb moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Trustee O’Rourke. Vote by roll call. Newton, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 2) PACE PARK- N- RIDE Trustee Lamb moved to authorize Austin Tyler Construction, the low bidder, to construct the PACE Park-n-Ride facility with the recommended deductions at a total cost not to exceed $4,800,000. Second by Trustee Wojowski. Mr. Allen Persons stated that the project includes a 600 space parking lot, a new waiting room/washroom facility, a new access roadway with traffic signal/turn lanes, water/sewer/utility extensions, street light/LED parking lot lighting, one PACE sign, landscaping, and storm water improvements. The bus canopies will be delayed until the project is underway. Vote by roll call. Newton, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. Trustee Lamb moved to authorize the Village President to execute the Engineering Services Agreement Supplement #1 with Baxter & Woodman, Consulting Engineers, at a cost not to exceed $130,495.64 for the PACE Park-n-Ride Project. Second by Trustee Wojowski. Vote by roll call. Newton, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. Trustee Wojowski moved to authorize the Village President to execute the Construction Engineering Services Agreement with Baxter & Woodman, Consulting Engineers, at a cost not to exceed $495,030.62 for the PACE Park-n-Ride project. Second by Trustee Lamb. Vote by roll call. Newton, yes; O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.5 Special Meeting Minutes October 23, 2017 Page 2 Trustee Lamb moved to adjourn the Special Meeting. Second by Trustee O’Rourke. Voice Vote. All in favor, 0 opposed. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m. Michelle Gibas, Village Clerk 6 Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Workshop of the President and the Board of Trustees Held on October 23, 2017 At Village Hall Mayor Collins called the meeting to order at 7:18 p.m. Board Present: Mayor Collins, Trustee Newton, Trustee O’Rourke, Trustee Wojowski, Trustee Bonuchi, Trustee Lamb, and Trustee Larson. Others present: Brian Murphy, Administrator; Michelle Gibas, Village Clerk; Allen Persons, Public Works Director; Jon Proulx, Planning Director; Ken Goska, Building Official; Traci Pleckham, Management Services Director; and John Konopek, Chief of Police. There were approximately 8 persons in the audience. Trustee Larson moved to approve the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Workshop held on October 9, 2017. Second by Trustee O’Rourke. Voice Vote. All in favor, 0 opposed. Motion carried. PRESIDENTIAL COMMENTS No Comments. TRUSTEE COMMENTS No Comments. PUBLIC COMMENTS No Comments. WORKSHOP 1) 2017 AUDIT Mr. Jim Savio from Sikich, LLP gave an in depth presentation on the 2017 Fiscal Year Audit. Mr. Savio pointed out that they have issued an unmodified opinion which is the highest level of assurance that they can provide to the Village. #2 FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 BUDGET Mrs. Traci Pleckham gave an overview of the Village’s major revenues, expenses, and the 2017 Tax Levy. Mrs. Pleckham reviewed statistical trends for revenues and expenses. Mrs. Pleckham reviewed the revenues for the Corporate Fund including State Revenues, permits and fees, and property taxes. Mrs. Pleckham reviewed the revenue and expense forecast for the 2018 Fiscal Year. Mrs. Pleckham then reviewed the 2017 Tax Levy. Mrs. Pleckham pointed out that the Village approves the annual tax levy based on dollars requested, not rate. The County Clerk then calculates the tax rate needed to produce the amount of dollars requested by each taxing district. Because of this, staff is using in its calculations a higher overall equalized assessed value (EAV). This higher EAV estimate is to ensure that the Village captures the entire amount of the Village’s EAV, while still maintaining the 2016 tax levy rate of .4669. The 2017 levy represents a total request of $6,349,600.00; however, the actual amount the Village will receive is anticipated to be less. #3 ITEP (ILLINOIS TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS) GRANT PROGRAM Mr. Persons stated that IDOT is currently accepting grant applications under the ITEP program. This program provides funding to support alternative forms of transportation. Specifically, pedestrian, bicycling, and public transportation improvements. Mr. Persons reviewed the projects that staff previously applied for grants including Lockport Street from Route 59 east 7 Village of Plainfield Meeting Minutes – October 23, 2017 Page 2 to Miles; Main Street/Route 126 from Route 59 to Lockport Street; and Lockport Street from Meadow Lane to Wallin Drive. Mr. Persons pointed out that none of the projects were awarded an ITEP Grant. Mr. Persons felt that having projects that were shovel ready would increase the chance for grant approval. There was some general discussion regarding projects including the previously submitted projects. Mr. Persons stated that he would bring some more information to the Board at a future Committee of the Whole Workshop. Mayor Collins read the reminders. Trustee Lamb moved to adjourn. Second by Trustee O’Rourke. Voice Vote. All in favor, 0 opposed. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m. Michelle Gibas, Village Clerk 8 &RPPLWWHHRIWKH:KROH:RUNVKRSRIWKH 3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI7UXVWHHV $JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\$OOHQ3HUVRQV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3XEOLF:RUNV'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH1RYHPEHU 68%-(&7 ,7(3*5$17$33/,&$7,21 ,'27LVFXUUHQWO\DFFHSWLQJJUDQWDSSOLFDWLRQVXQGHUWKH,7(3 ,OOLQRLV7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ(QKDQFHPHQW3URMHFWV SURJUDP 6WDIIZLOOSURYLGHDEULHIIROORZXSSUHVHQWDWLRQDQGVHHNLQSXWIURPWKH9LOODJH%RDUG 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176  9 &RPPLWWHHRIWKH:KROH:RUNVKRSRIWKH 3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI7UXVWHHV $JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\7UDFL3OHFNKDP 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW0DQDJHPHQW6HUYLFHV'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH1RYHPEHU 68%-(&7 '5$)7),6&$/<($5%8'*(7 6WDIIZLOOJLYHDQRYHUYLHZRIWKH3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQW%XGJHW 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 )LVFDO<HDU3ROLFH%XGJHW6WDII5HSRUW 'UDIW3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQW%XGJHW %XGJHW3HUIRUPDQFH5HSRUW 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27