HomeMy Public PortalAboutLIVEOAK LN_1004.pdf�%" fpr 2810 09:54a Mermaid Cottages (912) 786-6456 p.1 " " " RPR-Z8-2A10(UEA) A4: SQ P. 902/003 man ELEVATION CER-nFIC �� O.M.B. No. 3067" DO77 " FEDERAL EMERGENCY MAHAGEMENl' AGENT Y Expires July 31, i49y NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ATTENTION: Lisa of thio certificate does not provide a waiver of the flood Insurance purchase requirement.Thiz- corm Is used aniy to prod vide elevation information necessary to omure compliance:with applicable community (icodpiain managarneni ordlnences, to ciefermine the, proper insurance premium rate, and/or to support a requar*l for a Letter of Map Amendment or Revision (LOW or LOMR). You are not required to respond to this coileciltut of information unless a valid OMB control number ie displayed in the upper right corner of IhJs fort, Instructions for completing this form can be found on the fol(owine pages, SECTION A PROPERTY INFORMATION FOR WSUPA"MCOMpxNY t1S6 aulLOING OWNEFrs NAME POUcr WU MER STRT AOCM655 ( udtna Apt. Suis and/or s anr B 11jumbed OA P.O. ROUTE AND Box NumeeR GOMP��NY NASO rtWABER ., nit OTHER OEsc-nu-now tt..at mr.d eiock Numbed. arc) .SECTIO!� B FLOOD INSURANCE RATE WP,(FIRM) iNFORMATION Provide the loliowing from the proper RRM (See Insuuctlons): 7. indicate the elevation datum system used an the FIRM for Mase Flood Elevations (8FE): LJ14wo ,29 LJ other (describe on back) B. For Zones A or V, where no SFE is provided on the FIRM, and the community nes established a OFE'tor this building site, incliewe the canmunily's SFE: ( I I I I i,i__J IQet NGVD (or outer FIRM datum -vee Suction 6, Vern 7). SECTION C BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATiON I. Using the Elevation Cutlflcate Instructions, indicate diagram number irom the diagrams found nn Pages 5 and 6 that best describes the sut:jeet building's relerenco level yL . 2(a). FiRM Zones AI -Apo, AE, AH, and A (with 9FE). The top of the rotorHncu level floor from the seieeted diagram is at an elevation all J _JJ_9. el NGVD (or other FIRM Datum-sw Section S. hem 7). (bl. FiRM Zoncs: V) -V31). VE, and V (with 13FE)- The bottom of the lowest horizontal slructurel member of the retorerrce Iavol iron the selected diagram. Is at an Wevalion of L -LJ. W,U feet NGVD (or a[her FIFtNf datum -see SeQUOn S. !lent 71. . (el. FIRM Zone A (without BFE). The floor used as the raferonce level from the rejected diagram is LU,LJ feel above Q' or below Q (check one) the highoet grade adjacent to the building, (d). FIRM Zone AO. The floor used as she roterence level IpDm Ilse selected diagram 19 LJJ ,L.J feet above C3 or below 0 (check one) ftte highest grade edjecerit to Ina building. it no flood depth number lsavelfable, Is trio bWdinV6 lowest Itoor (reference loved elevated in aa=ardance with Tire community's iloodplain management orCrMtIce? 0 Yes ED No Q' UnWiown 3. Indicate the elevation datum system used In determining the above refero mce level elavabons: Q' NGVO'29 Q' Other (describe under Cartlmerds an Page 2). (NOTE' N the eletarfan datum usedin measuring rhe elevations is ditfererri IhAA that used on rhe FIRM /sea Section B, from 7f, then convert rhe elevations to rhe datum system used on the FIRM and show the con vonaon equation under Comments on Page 2J a. 6[ova11on roleronce mark used appears on FAM: O Yes E No (Sea instructions an Page 41 5. The reft3ranco level olevaGan is rased Ort: salla! construction 0 construction drawings (,'VOTE. USB afrcnsimaca draWirngs is ehly valid![ ars buik9ng does not yef have the rateierrce ]oval noor in prate. In which case mis certircare witr onryt ig valid ror ins boding during the course of construction. A post-corrstruction F1evaUon Cerdrrcare will be required onca construction is complefu.) 5. The alevation of the lowest grade immediately adjacent to the building is: LJ LI LA-NGVD (or other FIRM datum -809 Section G. Item 7). SECTION 0 COMMUNITY INFORMATION I. If the =rnmunity olfidal responsmle for verifying bulIding elevations specifies that the reference leve( Indicated in Section C, item I is net the'lowesi floor` as dellned In the community's floodplain management ordinance, the elevation of lite lzuflding'S "lowest Moor as dullned by -the ordinanra is: 1J.- I -(.) feet NGVD (or other FiRM datl.xm-see 5emion B, item 7). 2 tete of the start of construction Or substantlal Improvement FEMA Forra 81-31, MAR 91 REKAICS Ala. PAN OLS WMDNS SEF REVERSE SIDE FOR Ct1Nt"JATICN ��. COMMUNCrr NtrMBER i. PANEL r+urefleR a. SlJFftll <. DATE OF F NtOEx 3. FIR ZS HE s BASE FLOOD ELEVATION 0. AID Zm Wo jop1b) 7. indicate the elevation datum system used an the FIRM for Mase Flood Elevations (8FE): LJ14wo ,29 LJ other (describe on back) B. For Zones A or V, where no SFE is provided on the FIRM, and the community nes established a OFE'tor this building site, incliewe the canmunily's SFE: ( I I I I i,i__J IQet NGVD (or outer FIRM datum -vee Suction 6, Vern 7). SECTION C BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATiON I. Using the Elevation Cutlflcate Instructions, indicate diagram number irom the diagrams found nn Pages 5 and 6 that best describes the sut:jeet building's relerenco level yL . 2(a). FiRM Zones AI -Apo, AE, AH, and A (with 9FE). The top of the rotorHncu level floor from the seieeted diagram is at an elevation all J _JJ_9. el NGVD (or other FIRM Datum-sw Section S. hem 7). (bl. FiRM Zoncs: V) -V31). VE, and V (with 13FE)- The bottom of the lowest horizontal slructurel member of the retorerrce Iavol iron the selected diagram. Is at an Wevalion of L -LJ. W,U feet NGVD (or a[her FIFtNf datum -see SeQUOn S. !lent 71. . (el. FIRM Zone A (without BFE). The floor used as the raferonce level from the rejected diagram is LU,LJ feel above Q' or below Q (check one) the highoet grade adjacent to the building, (d). FIRM Zone AO. The floor used as she roterence level IpDm Ilse selected diagram 19 LJJ ,L.J feet above C3 or below 0 (check one) ftte highest grade edjecerit to Ina building. it no flood depth number lsavelfable, Is trio bWdinV6 lowest Itoor (reference loved elevated in aa=ardance with Tire community's iloodplain management orCrMtIce? 0 Yes ED No Q' UnWiown 3. Indicate the elevation datum system used In determining the above refero mce level elavabons: Q' NGVO'29 Q' Other (describe under Cartlmerds an Page 2). (NOTE' N the eletarfan datum usedin measuring rhe elevations is ditfererri IhAA that used on rhe FIRM /sea Section B, from 7f, then convert rhe elevations to rhe datum system used on the FIRM and show the con vonaon equation under Comments on Page 2J a. 6[ova11on roleronce mark used appears on FAM: O Yes E No (Sea instructions an Page 41 5. The reft3ranco level olevaGan is rased Ort: salla! construction 0 construction drawings (,'VOTE. USB afrcnsimaca draWirngs is ehly valid![ ars buik9ng does not yef have the rateierrce ]oval noor in prate. In which case mis certircare witr onryt ig valid ror ins boding during the course of construction. A post-corrstruction F1evaUon Cerdrrcare will be required onca construction is complefu.) 5. The alevation of the lowest grade immediately adjacent to the building is: LJ LI LA-NGVD (or other FIRM datum -809 Section G. Item 7). SECTION 0 COMMUNITY INFORMATION I. If the =rnmunity olfidal responsmle for verifying bulIding elevations specifies that the reference leve( Indicated in Section C, item I is net the'lowesi floor` as dellned In the community's floodplain management ordinance, the elevation of lite lzuflding'S "lowest Moor as dullned by -the ordinanra is: 1J.- I -(.) feet NGVD (or other FiRM datl.xm-see 5emion B, item 7). 2 tete of the start of construction Or substantlal Improvement FEMA Forra 81-31, MAR 91 REKAICS Ala. PAN OLS WMDNS SEF REVERSE SIDE FOR Ct1Nt"JATICN Apr 2810 09:54a Mermaid Cottages (992) 786-6456 p.2 APP.-i'8-iOiD(WEO) 09:51 F. 0031003 rr •, . SE."ON E CEATIFICATioN T!1i< cOrllrirSallon is to be signed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by stale or local law to eerily elevation in(ormat!on when the elevalion information for Zones Al—A30, AE. AW. A (wlih BFE1,V3—V30,VE, and'V (with BFE) Is roquirecf. Community orlirials who are authorized by local law or ordinance to provide floodplain management Information, may also rlgn the eeriiliration. In the rase of Zones AO and A (wilhaut a FEMA or community issued BFE). a building official, a property owner, or an ownsr's reprgsenlative. may also sign the coF iricallon. Rolerence level diagramr. 6.7 and a-17i;(inguishing Fealure: —If the cgr!Ulor Is unable to cerilly to brealcawayfnen-breakaway wart. enclonvto s{zn, lacn{ian r+l ;ervldng equipmont, arca use. w -A openings, or unfinished area Feature(s), then Inst the FaalU[o(;:j not included in the cerlilicatlon under Comments below. The diagram number, Section C. Item 1, muni still be entered. I ceffily ►rear hoe information in Sections 8 and C on this cvdillcafa represents my best efforts la in(erprer rhe data available. 1 under; land that any false Statement may be punishable by Arte or imprisonment under IS U.S. Code, SgcGon•7001. G[ri17F1 t./1V fl, Ut l-riSt NUM9Cn IM Pa x Seao COMrAriY xnriE COE SaGMnTUgE L f� AT PHONE 'z:OCJ Co as sh be mode w0k Certlll or- 1) romrr,unity ofrictal, 2) Insurance agenVcompany, and 3) bufrd)ng ownpr. C.9j xlENTS: ON SLAB ZorKS =NES e[rra�c� El• l • :Jit' -e;$' .'Giw - $ 'r.:r,�L• ■+.c t o, lA rLoou ELE�Fr9�.-FlFM'-CC /u1.crEYrr lt�et t1nr.Dr vnTN OASLVtW ■ o. MES. rreasoa raLuur♦s A v The diagrams above illwuete the points at which the elevzlions should be measured In A Zanes and V Zones. Elevations for all A Zones should be measured at the lo;zol Iho reference level floor. Ele+rations for all V zones should bo measured at the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member. Pavy 2 .