HomeMy Public PortalAbout1. City ManagerMonthly Department Report – City Manager Memo To: City Council From: Anette Spickard, City Manager Date: 05/03/2023 Re: Monthly Department Report – April 2023 1. Council Priorities: · Local Housing – implement housing action plan strategies and evaluate LOT for housing. · Growth Management Tools – impact fees, comprehensive plan review, development code standards, Area of Impact Memorandum of Understanding with County. o Council held a work session on impact fees with the city attorney and CED director on April 28, 2023 o Please see the Community & Economic Development department monthly report for more information on Area of Impact and Code amendment workshops scheduled with the county. · Environmental Management as part of our operating culture- implement Climate resiliency actions per our Comprehensive Plan, natural resources preservation, appropriate management of wildlife in the city, watershed protection, water conservation, trees, and natural areas. o Council is hosting a Community Conversation meeting regarding Wildlife on May 4, 2023. o I attended the Valley County Fire Working Group meeting on May 2nd. “Bring It Don’t Burn It” is scheduled for May 27th through June 8th. Valley County has received a $400k wildfire mitigation project grant that encompasses the east side of McCall. I asked them to supply the Council with specifics of the project which they agreed to do once all of the partners involved have signed the MOU. · Preparation for Streets LOT renewal – begin public education on project successes and accountability for funds, develop a plan to look at conditions and needs of street system to inform next LOT ordinance including non-commercial areas of town. Current authorization ends in 2026. · Intergovernmental partnerships – continue work on issues impacting McCall with ITD, County, Sewer District, IDL, etc. · Creative community engagement efforts - make sure we are getting shared thoughts from the community, and they can participate with council. Use bi-weekly ads for upcoming council items. o The plan for upcoming community engagement Focus Groups is: Monthly Department Report – City Manager Recycling in McCall – May 9th The City of McCall is exploring residential and commercial expectations for the next solid waste management service contract. Meet with staff to explore your current service levels, recycling, composting, and the way forward. Conserving Water in McCall – June 6th Learn about why we need to conserve water in the city. Also, hear about the process the water goes through to become safe to use in your home. Then, tell us your thoughts about water, water usage, and water conservation in McCall. Firewise in McCall – June 13th Together we will explore and discuss ways to protect our community from the threat of fire. · Staff Retention and support – Provide training and development opportunities, compensation & benefits, work/life balance, appreciation, and recognition. o Upcoming Team Building Tours for city staff include: · Airport: June 6th - 8th · Police Department: October 2nd, 3rd o See HR section below for more detail on our efforts to evaluate employee retention · World Peace – do our part to promote peaceful conflict resolution, civility, understanding. · Legislative advocacy through the Resort Cities Coalition. – updates attached. · Community Health and Well-Being - Promote opportunities to be healthy and active. – See Parks and Recreation report for information regarding summer programming and registration. 2. Resort Cities Coalition update The last coalition meeting with our lobbyists was April 28, 2023. The notes from the April 7 meeting and the agenda from the April 28 meeting are attached. The Mayor and I participated in the Resort Cities Coalition/Economic Development Tour of Eastern Idaho April 11-15. A memo summarizing the tour with handouts/materials will be sent to the council in a separate email. 3. Communications Manager Update: In April, Communications developed promotional materials and a marketing schedule for the Airport Open House, the Library’s 50th Anniversary Party, and the Wildlife Educational / Outreach Plan and Community Conversation event. The plan for upcoming summer season road closures also began in collaboration with the Public Works staff. Communications coordinated an internal staff tour and collaborated with the Public Works Team, who did an amazing tour educating staff on how we serve the public through administration, streets, and its mechanic shop. We worked closely with Delta James and the Parks Management staff to close the PROS Plan Outreach with a final survey on funding and the draft plan. Four focus group meetings were hosted during April as well they focused on the PROS Plan and Business and introduced the Clerk’s Office. The Business Focus Groups discussed Catering Permits, Reminders, Tips on Vendor information as well as a variety of question-and-answer periods. Communications then explored how we connect, and ways to improve. The feedback collected included: Suggestions for TextMyGov topics (Communications Department will be utilizing these suggestions in future texts): o Road Closures o Permitting and code changes o Any agenda items that are specific to business o Changes in licensing Monthly Department Report – City Manager o Requests for training with ISP regarding the Benevolent Alcohol License for non-profits (the Clerk’s department has reached out to ISP to try and schedule this) o Create a flow chart of “If-Then” situations related to businesses permits and/or licenses (Clerk’s department is developing) o Road closure information directly to businesses that it will affect. (Communications will work on this with Public Works Team) o Attendees approved the easy schedule link for focus groups through Calendly, “super simple” o Businesses see value in receiving city TextMyGovs messaging and would like to see it continue o Requests that licenses renew at the same time as state and county, (Clerk’s department is exploring this option) Suggested Future Focus Groups: o Lake Safety o Short Term Rentals o Parking o Fees o Trailer Parking o Where to park o Getting Around o TextMyGov o Using the Website / Ways to access information Website and Social Media Statistics for April Users 10,891 New Users 9,900 Sessions 16,693 Page Views 30,240 Instagram Followers 2601 Facebook Followers of main Facebook account 4,400 4. Human Resources Update: In support of the Council’s priority regarding employee retention and support, HR staff continues to work with the City Manager and the Department Head Team on recommendations related to the internal staff survey conducted in Feb/Mar regarding workplace improvement and employee engagement. Changes to the city’s personnel policy manual will be brought to the Council for your approval. Notes: Friday, April 7, 2023 Next mee�ng: Friday, April 28, 11:00 Atending via Zoom: Aly Swindley, Neil Bradshaw, Jade Riley (Ketchum); August Christensen, Amber Pence, Doug Self (Driggs); Martha Burke, Lisa Horowitz (Hailey); Anete Spickard, Michelle Groenevelt (McCall); Jennifer Stapleton (Sandpoint); Nancy Flannigan (Sun Valley) Emily McClure and Blake Youde (McClure Policy); Wendy Jaquet Emily reviewed the legisla�ve session and our issues with us. • Please see the Idaho Legislature 2023 Report sent to you earlier. • LOT: Our priority is to protect the LOT legisla�on, especially since Mike Moyle, Speaker, has indicated his opposi�on. • STRs: No expansion, clarifica�on, restric�on - STR legisla�on appeared this session • Housing: Funds are s�ll being expended on housing/COVID funds. No new housing funds. • Liquor Licensing: Senate bill 1120 passed and was signed by the Governor. This is the first step in liquor licensing reform. Senator Guthrie and Representa�ve Crane, State Affairs Commitee Chairs, have expressed interest in exploring addi�onal licenses for resort ci�es. • ITD: o Roadshow schedule of mee�ngs provided. The first one is in Twin Falls, District 4, April 19-20. At our last mee�ng we agreed that providing talking points for our members will be helpful as we atend these mee�ngs. Jade and Emily will work on the talking points. Jade will provide an update about the mee�ng at our April 28 mee�ng. o Jade asked Blake to talk to Molly McCarty, ITD Govt Affairs person, what the format will be for the ITD roadshows. The RCC message across the state at these mee�ngs will be somewhat uniform, but locally directed. When the Boise staff return to Boise from these mee�ngs, Emily said we want them to say: “We heard these same concerns across the state.” • Emily indicated that the biggest issue confron�ng the legislature this session was property tax relief. A compromise bill passed both houses but was vetoed by the Governor. Both Houses overrode the Governor’s veto but had agreed to a trailer bill that rec�fied some of the issues iden�fied by the Governor including ITD bonding ability. The dele�on of the March elec�on day for school districts stays in place. • The annexa�on bill passed the Senate but was held in the House. • The federal childcare funding was con�nued, but a sub conversa�on/disagreement has arisen between the Atorney General, Raul Labrador, and the HW Department, an execu�ve agency. • The energy code restric�ons bill with no grandfather clause was passed by both Houses and the Governor signed the bill. o RCC members sent emails and leters to the Governor. Emily pointed out that members need to record unintended consequences which might give us ammo for the next session. o Lisa Horowitz indicated that Hailey has asked state staff if their voluntary rules/rebate will s�ll stand. Lisa further indicated that Pocatello and Boise are the leaders in this issue. • Doug Self asked about House bill 166, Representa�ve Colin Nash, ADUs. The bill was amended in the Senate. Doug believes that the bill prevents HOAs from restric�ng ADUs. Emily will clarify on April 28. Going forward: • AIC mee�ng – June 21-23, Boise o Wendy will request a breakout session for RCC o Atending: August, Amber, Nancy, Jade o Goals:  Visit with Rep Crane about STR/fire codes  Visit with Gov’s office re: liquor license next step, Bobbi-Jo?  Visit with Scot Stokes, ITD Director and Deputy Director, Ken M • JFAC mee�ngs o Emily/Blake to obtain agenda o These mee�ngs provide an opportunity to visit with JFAC members, usually held regionally • Governor’s Cup: - September 7-9, Sun Valley o Possible Sept 6 dinner hosted by RCC members with selected legislators o Alterna�ve: coffees during day/lunch/breakfast Emily explained that there is a rhythm to the legisla�ve process • Possible legisla�ve ideas are worked on over the summer o Ideas are shopped with favorable legislators o Late summer/fall: agenda is in place o December: fine tuning • State agencies have a process o Rulemaking occurs May/June o There could be some rulemaking from S1120, liquor license legisla�on? o Budget prepara�on also occurring o Budgets due to Governor and DFM Labor Day • Lobbying process shi�s to the Governor and DFM and away from the agency • Emily indicated a trend to watch in the legislature which could have ramifica�ons for ci�es: “private rights of ac�on” being proposed by out of state interests: o Ability to sue a govt en�ty for a “wrong” eg. a book found to be “damaging to children”, $2500 fine possible from court Anete and Jade indicated that Boise staff have approached them regarding a proposal to create their own LOT for transporta�on projects. RCC to watch to assure that LOT is safe. Member discussion on McClure Youde proposal • Emily provided RCC with an interim lobbying proposal: $3500 per month, May- November = $24,500. This would be on top of the $25,000 fee for the legisla�ve session. • Lisa indicated that RCC has not achieved enough depth to jus�fy a year-round commitment to the lobbying firm. We do not have specific legisla�on. Our goal is defense of the LOT. • Anete wondered if we could have a breakout at the AIC event, would Emily/Blake atend mee�ng for a nominal cost. Could this be a work session for RCC pla�orm that could be presented to AIC. • A�er further discussion, it was decided that RCC would like to retain Emily/Blake next December for the legisla�ve session. The interim proposal is not possible to fund at this �me. We could suggest ad hoc mee�ngs and fund. • We are not interested in expanding the scope of services at this point Friday, April 7. Follow up with Emily McClure on interim proposal • Wendy indicated to Emily that RCC does not have funds for interim / RCC is not willing to ask members for addi�onal funds • RCC wants McClure/Youde to work for the group again over the legisla�ve session • RCC may be interested in funding some ad hoc mee�ngs • Emily indicated that she would review our comments with Blake. They are reluctant to just do the legisla�ve session. They believe it effects their ability to be effec�ve. They don’t see that RCC can have an impact next legisla�ve session. • Emily thought that it might be good to pass RCC down to some newer lobbyists/associates. • Emily said it is important to invest �me in the client, be crea�ve over �me…Wendy indicated that legisla�ve representa�on is all about the building of rela�onships over �me to be effec�ve. • Emily indicated that ci�es/associa�ons usually do not fund the en�re fee but look to see who might benefit from their work. o EX: businesses willing to contribute to our efforts who favor round-abouts, businesses who would benefit from a liquor license. Are there tourism related partners who would want to contribute. Next mee�ng: Friday, April 28, 2023, 11:00 am (DRAFT) Agenda: • Update: o Ketchum/Hailey/Bellevue reac�on to ITD road show (4.19); Emily/Jade talking points to share with group • House Bill 166 as amended: ADU, Representa�ve Colin Nash, sponsor • Game plan AIC mee�ng – June 21-23, Boise o Breakout session: Wednesday, June 21st at 4:15 (room TBD) o Mee�ng with Representa�ve Crane re STR fire licensing regula�ons o Discussion with Governor’s staff regarding ITD, liquor license next steps, energy code grandfather o Mee�ng with Scot Stokes, ITD ED to discuss ITD issues • JFAC: Emily/Blake outline opportuni�es • Governor’s Cup – Sept 7-9 Sun Valley o Pre-dinner, lunch, coffee with legislators re pending legisla�on o Senator Guthrie: RCC resort ci�es liquor license o Representa�ve Crane: RCC liquor license, STR • Emily/ Blake: Lobbying decision • Member discussion: upcoming tasks, responsibility