HomeMy Public PortalAbout19840301CCMeeting1 1 0 Tybee Island, Georgia March 1, 1984 The Tybee Island City Council held its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, March 1, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Charles J. Hosti pre- sided and the following members of Council were present: Paul Jackson, Jeanne Hutton, John C. Wylly, Jr., Sebastian J. Orsini, and Chris P. Solomon. City Attorney Thomas J. Mahoney, Jr. was also in attendance. Councilperson David McCutchen. was absent because of work responsibilities. The first visitor to appear before Council was Mrs. Lois Lindsay who complained of having to pay a business license and extra base charges for wat-Pr and sewer service because she rents apartments; she feels that this is a resort area and many people rent rooms and apartments that are paying neither of these charges. Mayor Hosti promised that he would look into her situation and assured her that all people renting more than one unit are supposed to abide by these same guidelines, and that the city is assessing these charges on everyone known to be renting. The next visitor was Jack Youmans, a volunteer fireman who reported an incident that occured at an accident scene on top of Lazaretto Creek bridge last Sunday. The incident led to a question of jurisdiction between the Chatham County Police and the local fire department. Mayor Hosti replied that he had only become aware of the incident a few hours earlier, and that he was awaiting a report from the Police Commissioner who is investigating. The question of jurisdiction will be addressed and settled, he stated. Police Commissioner Orsini commented that Mr. Mahoney, as Recorder's Court Judge and City Attorney, should be asked to advise us on the question and that Chatham County should be notified. He stressed the history of close cooperation between city and county police and this must be preserved because this cooperation is essential for the public welfare. Councilperson Solomon moved acceptance of two sets of minutes 1 00085 March 1, 1984 Page TWo from the month of February, seconded by Councilperson Orsini and passed by unanimous vote. Bills for the month of February, 1984 were approved as follows: Water /Sewer - $11,182.72, Public Works - $3,634.47, Sanitation - $1,688.54, General Government - $5,524.82, Recreation — $741.37, Fire Department - $2,079.22, First Responder - $369.99, Parking Meters - $869.24, Police Department - $7,408.16. Water /Sewer Chairman Paul Jackson reported that renovation of #6 Pumping Station is nearing completion and that the employees have been working long hours assisting the contractor. He also reported that an EPD evaluation of the waste water treatment plant has just been completed and that the verbal remarks were good and very complimentary to Mr. Art Harden, plant supervisor. Councilperson Hutton reported that the South Campbell Avenue paving has been delayed because of weather conditions but will soon be completed and that extra dirt from the site will be used on dirt streets which need refurbishing because of the rain. She further noted that the EPD evaluation of the landfill was very good, and that the DPW buildings are under construction. Prepar- ation for the summer season has begun and trash barrels are being donated again this year by SunKist. The department is trying to eliminate tow -away signs by painting yellow lines onto the pavement. Councilperson Wylly reported that the computer changeover is nearly complete and should be fully on line in another month. Be reported that Representative Bobby Phillips was successful in getting $60,000.00 into the State Budget for erosion control. Mayor Hosti added that the administration is waiting -for a March 9th meeting with the scientific task force committee that is presently evaluating past studies of erosion. After this meeting action will be taken to curb erosion, especially at those most serious sections (First Street and the South End.) 1 00086 March 1, 1984 Page Three Councilperson Solomon reported that the basketball program is nearly over and that Tybee Island will be represented this weekend by teams playing in the Georgia Parks & Recreation Society's District Tournament in Brunswick. He also stated that the Recreation Board has worked very hard and has prepared a year -round schedule and a proposed budget for the coming fiscal year. Police Commissioner Orsini gave a report of the callsamswered by the police during the past month. He stated that three people have been bitten by dogs since Christmas and that, due to complaints, enforcement of the dog control ordinance will be tightened. He stressed that dogs are not allowed on the beach, even if restrained by a leash, and stated that the Chatham County Animal Control would be caning much more often. He told the public to call the Police Department if they wished to complain about a loose dog. Mayor Hosti added that he has received many letters complaining about stray dogs, and called everyone's attention to an article in the current Tybee News. Councilperson Solomon noted that the absence of the Fire Commissioner prevented his reporting on two fully involved structural fires and that both buildings were saved due to the efforts of the volunteer firefighters. He said :that he knew Councilperson McCutchen would commend the firefighters if he were present. Mayor Hosti stated that Councilperson McCutchen was delayed unexpectedly in his work and hoped that he might come in before the end of the meeting. Councilperson Hutton introduced the Second Reading of the Sign Ordinance ( #1984 -2) by first reading a letter from Planning Commission Chairman Arnie Seyden suggesting changes recommended by a joint meeting of the planning commission and a committee of business persons. Councilperson Hutton first read the suggested amendments, then commented on them. Some amendments were accepted after study by the City Council and the Mayor's ad hoc sign committee, with input from MPC. Others were not accepted. The ordinance, with amendments included, was read by Councilperson Hutton who then -_ -moved its adoption. Councilperson Jackson seconded the 1 00087 March 1, 1984 Page Four motion and it was approved by a vote of four (4) to one CO with Councilperson Solomon casting the negative vote. Councilperson Jackson read an ordinance to amend the sewer ordinance as pertaining to taps and costs (Code Section 6 -2 -4). After some discussion during which the Mayor explained that this would not change the present practices but would delete references to additional charges for outside city limits and to actual amounts of fees. The reason for the change is that there is no longer any need for fees outside city limits since we have annexed the area we serve. The Water /Sewer Commissioner requested that this ordinance be read again later in the meeting so that it could become immediately effective. A vote was taken and there were four (4) in favor of adoption and one (1) -( Councilperson Solomon) against. Mayor Hosti, since the vote was not unanimous, postponed the Second Reading until the next regular meeting. Councilperson Wylly introduced a request for an extension of a permit for a temporary sales office for Tybee Ocean Villas. Mr. Bill Story spoke for the developers, stating that this sales office is not a part of their permanent development plan which is on file with the city already, but that the office is still needed since sales are still going on. During discussion gruncilperson Hutton stated that she will vote in favor of extending this permit once but not again because she believes nonconforming uses lead to pressure from others for similar requests. Mayor Hosti noted that the facility, if utilized on a permanent basis, would be in violation of the flood ordinance. The vote was unanimously in favor of a one -year extension. Mr. David Steele of Tybee Cable Television, Inc. presented a request for a rate increase of $1.00, from $11.95 to $12.95 for basic cable service. The increase is to help upgrade equipment and everyone should have better reception. There was some discussion of details of programming to be added and dropped; the people who have paid in advance will be exempt from the increase until their 1 1 0008S March 1, 1984 Page Five advance is depleted. Councilperson Solomon moved that the rate increase be granted, Councilperson Orsini seconded and the vote was four (4) in favor and one (1) against (Councilperson Wylly) . Mr. Steele then presented the city with a check in the mount of $3,419.85 for the franchise fee for 1983. Councilperson Jackson explained that the Citizen Band radios being used by the city hall staff to located Water /sewer and public works personnel are not getting the job done. He is accepting bids for VHF radios so that the city can have its own channel and moved that the low bid be accepted. Councilperson Orsini seconded, and the vote was unanimously in favor. It was noted that the low bid received is under $3,500.00 and is for a Motorola System. Councilperson Wylly moved to adjourn and the motion was unanimously accepted. 1 1 # 1984 -2 00089 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TYBEE ISLAND, GEORGIA, CODE OF ORDINANCES, TO BE ENTITLED AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE 8 - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, CHAPTER 4 - ZONING, ARTICLE B - ZONING DISTRICTS, SECTION 20 - SIGNS. BE IT ORDAINED, AND IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE TYBEE ISLAND CITY COUNCIL IN OPEN MEETING ASSEMBLED THAT AN ORDINANC,E.:TO BE ENTITLED A SIGN ORDINANCE BE INCORPORATED INTO 'rtih CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF TYBEE ISLAND, GEORGIA; and IT IS FURTHER ORDAINED THAT ANY ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE ARE HEREBY DECLARED NULL AND VOID AND OF NO EFFECT; and IT IS FURTHER ORDAINED THAT THIS ORDINANCE, PRESENTLY ENTITLED TYBEE ISLAND CODE OF ORDINANCES SECTION8 -4 -20: OR ANY PORTION THEREOF MAY BE RENUMBERED IF NECESSARY FOR THE PURPOSE OF INCORPORATING ITS PROVISIONS INTO THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF TYBEE ISLAND, GEORGIA. Section 8 -4 -20. Signs. No sign shall hereafter be constructed, erected or maintained within the corporate limits of the City of Tybee Island, Georgia, contrary to the requirements hereinafter set out, and it shall be unlawful for any person to construct, erect or maintain any sign within the city limits of the City of Tybee Island except in conformity herewith. Permits Required It shall be unlawful for any person, either directly, indirectly, or by agent, to erect, re- erect, alter or repair in the City of Tybee Island any sign or signs exceeding 50 per cent (50 %) of the replacement cost unless application for a permit shall have been made to the city and a permit shall have been issued therefor. Every permit shall be considered cancelled if active work is not catimenced within a period of 30 days from the date of this issue. Such shall not apply to those signs listed in Section C which do not require a permit. 1 1 An application for a permit shall be submitted to the city on the form supplied butt and shall be accompanied by the written consent of the property owner or lessee desiring any sign to be erected, by plans and specifications setting forth the character of the sign in all its structural parts, and by an accurate sketch of the property designating the location of all existing signs, and the proposed location of the desired sign. Fees: The city shall collect a standard fee for each permit at the time the permit is issued. I. DEFINITIONS 1) Building Facade: That portion of any exterior elevation of a building extended from grade to the top of the parapet wall or eaves and the entire width of the building elevation fronting on a public street, excluding alleys and lanes and which may also be referred to as the building facade. 2) Display Case: A case, cabinet, or other device having a window of glass or other transparent material, or other opening, access to which is made fran other than within the structure or building of which it is a part or to which it is attached. 3) Sign: Any structure, part thereof, or device attached thereto or painted or represented thereon or any material or thing, illuminated or otherwise, which displays or includes any numeral, letter, word, model, banner, emblem, insignia, device, trademark or other representation used as, or in the nature of, an announcement, advertisement, direction, or designation of any person, group, organization, place, commodity, product, service, business, profession, enterprise, or industry which is located upon any land or any building or upon a window. The flag, emblem, or other insignia of a nation, governmental unit, educational, charitable or religious group shall not be included within the meaning of this definition. For the purpose of this ordinance, sign types shall be identified as follows: 1 1 00091 3) Signs (Continued) (a) Development Sign: A temporary construction sign denoting the architect, engineer, contractor, subcontractor, financier, or sponsor of a development which may also designate the future occupant or use of the development. (b) Directory Sign: A sign containing information relative to the location, distance to, entrance to, and exit from structures or land use activities. (c) Announcement Sign: A single face non - illuminated professional or announcement sign, not exceeding one square foot in area, and attached wholly to a building, window or door. Where such sign only includes emergency information, business hours, credit cards honored and other accessory information it shall be known as an "incidental use" sign. (d) Principal Use Sign: A sign which identifies or advertises a profession, principal land use activity, or service occupying or available on the premises upon which sign is located. (e) Outdoor Advertising or Separate Use Sign: An off - premise sign which advertises or directs attention to businesses, products, service or establishments not usually conducted on the premises on which the sign is located. (f) Public Information Sign: A sign containing emergency or legal notices, regulatory information, or historical data of interest to the general public, or a church bulletin board. (g) Temporary Sign: A display, informational sign, banner, or other advertisement device with or without a structural frame, not permanently attached to a building, structure or the ground, and intended for a limited period of display including real estate signs, accessory temporary window or display case signs, and decorative displays for holidays, or 1 00092 (g) Temporary Signs (Continued) public demonstrations. (h) Facia Sign. A single face sign which is in any manner attached or fixed flat to an exterior wall of a building or structure. Individual letters in addition to the "box type" (i.e., letters and symbols on an attached backing) sign may also be installed as a facia sign. (i) Flashing Sign. An illuminated sign of direct or indirect lighting on which the artificial light flashes on and off in regular or irregular sequence. (j) Freestanding Sign: A sign supported by one or more upright poles, columns, or braces placed in or upon the ground surface, and not attached to any building or structure. (k) Illuminated Sign: A sign illuminated directly or indirectly by gas, electricity, or other artificial light including reflective or fluorescent light. (1) Canopy Sign: A sign attached or applied to or below a canopy, awning, or other roof -like structure. (m) Double -face Sign: A sign more than one side of which is visible. A "V" sign shall be considered a double -faced sign providing the least angle of intersection does not exceed 90 degrees. (n) Portable Sign: A freestanding sign, with or without wheels, not permanently anchored or secured to either a building or to the ground. (o) Projecting Sign: A double -faced sign end mounted to an exterior wall of a building or structure and which projects out from the wall. (p) Roof Mounted Sign: A sign erected wholly upon or above a roof of any building. (q) Single -face Sign: A sign, only one side of which is visible. CC093 (r) Supplemental Identification Sign: A non-illuminated principal use facia sign not exceeding 11/2 square feet in area, and attached wholly to a building. (s) Building Identification Sign: A facia sign used to identify or indicate the name of a building. (t) Marquee Sign: A sign with a manually changeable message board announcing an attraction or event. Such signs shall be placed on a sign standard attached to and made a part of a permanent theatre marquee. (4) Sign Area: The entire face of a sign and all wall work including illumi- nation tubing incidental to its decoration. In the case of individual letters, figures, or designs attached directly to a building, the space between such letters, figures or designs shall not be included as part of the sign area. (5) Signable Area: The area of the facade of a building up to the roof line, free of windows and doors. Roof mounted signs shall not extend above the peak of a roof or four feet above a flat roof, nor shall any sign attached to the facade of a building extend more than four feet above the roof line or parapet. (6) Sign Clearance: The vertical distance from the established finished grade of the sidewalk to the lower edge of a sign. (7) Sign Copy Area: The sum of the area of the words or numbers included in the sign copy, inclusive of pictorials, trademarks, or other advertising symbols. (8) Sign Display Area: The total area upon which sign copy may be placed. In computing the total display area of the sign, mathematical formulas or geometric shapes formed by straight lines drawn closest to the 1 1 00094 (8) Sign Display Area (Continued) extremities of the sign, excluding any structure, number, or embellishments shall be used. II. SIGNS, GENERAL PROVISIONS ALL SIGNS WITHIN THE CITY SHALL BE ERECTED, CONSTRUCTED, OR MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ARTIC_l , AND ONLY THOSE SIGNS THAT ARE LIST) IN THIS ARTIC_TF SHALL BE ERECTED IN THE CITY. (1) Traffic Safety: No sign shall be erected in the city that: (a) Obstructs the sight distance at an intersection or along a public right -of -way. No freestanding sign shall be permitted within 20 feet of the intersection of the right -of -way lines of two streets except in Commercial Districts. (b) Would tend by its location, color, or nature to be confused with or obstruct the view of traffic signs or traffic signals by motorists or pedestrians. (c) Uses admonitions such as "stop ", "go ", "slow ", "danger" etc., which might be confused with traffic directional signs. (2) Fire Safety, Light, and Air: No sign shall be erected or constructed that will violate any of the city regulations as to health, required light, safety, or air as defined in the Building Code. A safety electrical inspection shall be required on all wired signs. (3) Maintenance: Whenever a sign becomes structurally unsafe or endangers the safety or well-being of the building or the general public, the zoning administrator shall give notification in writing that such a sign be brought into compliance with appropriate codes and ordinances or removed. Such order shall be complied with within 30 days of the receipt thereof by the person owning or using the sign or the owner of the building or premises on which such unsafe sign is affixed or erected. Owner may file for a hearing before the zoning board of appeals within 10 days of receipt of notice. 00095 (4) I11umination: Illumination devices, such as, but not limited to, flood or spot lights, shall be so placed and so shielded as to prevent the rays or illumination therefrom from being case into neighboring dwellings and approaching vehicles. (5) Wind pressure: Signs or other structures shall be capable of withstanding the horizontal loads shown in the following table and applied in each zone allowing for wind from any direction. The first height zone shall be measured above the average level of the ground adjacent to the sign and the subsequent height zones shall be added progressively upward in the overall height of the building. Height Zone Feet Pounds /square feet Horizontal LoAa s Less than 30 25 31 - 50 35 51 - 99 45 100 or above 50 (a) Allowances to be made for shape factors are as follows: (1) Round or elliptical structure 60% of basic allowable pressure. (2) Hexagonal or octagonal structures 80% of basic allowable pressure. (3) Rectangular or square structure 1.00 times basic allowable pressure. (b) Correction factors for trussed towers with flat, angular, or cylindrical members shall be determined by qualified structural designers, but in no case shall be less than those recommended by the United States of America Standards Institute. (6) Exposed Sign Area: The exposed area of a sign shall, by definition, include the total area of all parts of the sign including the structural framing. In assuming or determinign the pressure on any sign, the wind shall be assumed to be blowing from the direction which will produce the most stress. 1 1 00096 (7) Historical Site Monument: No sign shall be permitted within 100 feet of any historical site or monument. III. SIGNS NOT REQUIRING PERMITS THE FOLLOWING SIGNS DO NOT REQUIRE A SIGN PERMIT PROVIDED HOWEVER, SAID SIGNS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE GENERAL PRCNISICNS OF THE ORDINANCE. (1) One sign per residential use indicating a resident's name and street address of the premises. (2) One non - illuminated principal use sign, not exceeding 3 square feet in area, located on a nonresidential principal use, and if freestanding located entirely on private property. (3) Traffic or other municipal signs, historic markers, legal notices not exceeding 16 square feet in area, danger, and such temporary emergency or nonadvertising traffic control - guidance signs as may be approved by the city. (4) Display signs not exceeding 32 square feet in sign area and used in connection with political campaigns or a locally sponsored civic, cultural, health, safety or welfare campaign, provided that all such signs shall be removed within 14 days of the conclusion of the event or campaign. Such signs shall be located on private property. (5) Names of buildings, date of erection and commemorative tablets, when cut into any masonry surface and made a permanent and integral part of the building. (6) Memorial signs and tablets or historic plaques not to exceed two square feet in size. (7) Bulletin boards for public, charitable, educational, or religious institutions not to exceed 15 square feet; provided, such sign is located on the premises of said institution. Such sign shall be placed flat against the prinicpal use structure or not less than five feet from any property line. (8) Signs identifying the architect, engineer, developer or contractor when placed on the site under construction, alteration, (8) Continued or removal not to exceed six square feet when located within any zoning district with the word "Residential" in the district nomenclature; or not to exceed 32 square feet when located within zoning districts which are not designated as residential districts, unless specifically regulated to be larger based on State or Federal legislative or administrative requirements. All such signs shall be removed from the site within seven days after completion of the project. (9) One temporary non-illuminated real estate sign for each street frontage advertising only the sale, lease, or rental of the premises or property upon which said sign is located, or .one nom-illuminated sign indicating a building is open for public inspection. For the "Residential" zoning districts, such signs shall not exceed six square feet in sign area; except, where multi -use establishments are involved then such sign may be increased in size to 16 square feet. Such signs shall be placed no closer than five feet fran the street right- of-way line or shall be attached to the principal Imo. structure. For the nonresidential zoning district(s), such signs shall not exceed 32 square feet in sign area, and shall be _placed no closer than ten feet from the street right -of -way line or shall be attached to the principal use structure. All such signs shall be removed within seven days after the property has been sold or rented. (10) Window signs on or within windows relating to the business conducted therein; or to nonprofit civic or charitable organizations. (11) Signs in conformance with public traffic sign standards directing traffic movement onto a premise or within a premise, and orientational signs not exceeding two square feet in sign area for each sign when displayed on private property for the purpose of direction or convenience, including signs identifying restrooms, freight entrances, and the like. Directional signs on /flat with paved areas are exempt from these standards. IV. DESIGN STANDARDS AIL SIGNS PERMITTED SHALL MEET THE FOLII)WING STANDARDS: : ∎3,41;∎0.1. :4: �, :.mat- .eih.S:A. {,;r:4;:►'Y! Slut:. 4:r 4 ii i* ** iia*Oj:} (441071,{w4:11 :rei4 +w.;;:kfs m,:,: .v,. f.•+• • 1 1 1 � r _ 00098 (1) Sign Clearance and Height: Adequate sign clearance shall be provided to assure that pedestrian or vehicular traffic movements and safety are not adversely affected. Minimum clearance shall not be less than ten feet above pedestrian ways nor less than 15 feet above areas utilized by motorized vehicles. Maximum sign heights shall be provided as follows: (a) Facia and projecting signs shall be erected only on the signable area of the structure. (b) Freestanding signs shall not exceed the following permitted heights as measured above the ground level: R -1, R -2, R -T, PUD, & N-M 20 feet C -1 and C -2 Zones 40 feet (2) Lighted Signs: Lighted principal use signs shall be of an enclosed lamp, neon, or indirect light source. (3) Restricted Signs: The following signs are not permitted unless specifically permitted as a temporary use sign: (a) Banners, pennants, and streamers except flags and banners of the United States or other political entity. (b) Portable, folding, flashing, and similar movable signs in any residential zoned district. 1 on an? street erected on or located stone, Sign curb, curb (cl ht -of-way, or public rig barricade, post, trees, barri h or hydrant, lamp telephone, telegrap temporary otter utility pole, is .light pole, e of a f ire elects e , or on a f ixtur public few t public di- or police system excep alp ry and intonational signs • s of light rotating beam rota Signs with revolving or This pro- vision (dl light signs' that tanning roved signs (e� Flashing or apply to se shall not app ,messages ae sed to coney public service are rature• such as t and n ect- g except permitted projecting wall t• All signs vaunted flat a (4) Set-back sta g signs' shall vaun or free a building. or the facade of Announcement signs shall be irements: Announcement S (5) p nnoun ipitted as follows: nst sign(s) attached flat aga�- em sign for each tted an (al Ate° building shall be Pe _ d such the exit; provide entrance or 1 1 (a) Continued. signs shall be restricted to emergency information, business hours, credit cards honored, or other such incidental information related to business. (b) The aggregate area of announcement signs per entrance or exit shall not exceed four square feet of display area. Provided, however, licensed establishments serving food or drink, may have an additional announcement sign for the purpose of displaying menus and /or entertainment provided therein. (c) Individual letters may be attached directly to the face of the building, window or door. 16) Awning or Canopy Signs: In addition to principal use signs, one awning or canopy sign attached to the underside of the canopy or awning shall be permitted for each principal entrance providing public access. The display area of such sign shall not exceed six square feet per sign face. Signs shall not be less than 8 feet above the sidwalk. SicleuoaAlc and shall not be less than one foot from the outer edge of the canopy. Individual letters or symbols indicating use, address, or an exit or entrance painted, stenciled, or otherwise applied directly to any awnings, shall be exempt from this provision. (7) Marquee Signs: A marquee sign shall only announce existing or future entertainment events or attractions. Marquee signs shall not extend greater than 8 feet from the facade of the building nor exceed a sign area of greater than 90 square feet. The height of a marquee sign shall not extend above the parapet wall of the building, and the lowest point of the marquee sign shall not be less than 10 feet above the established grade. (8) Building Identification Sign: Building identification signs shall be permitted along the signable area of each building facade. The maximum size of such signs shall not exceed an area of 1/2 square foot per linear foot of building frontage; provided, hooaever, that the size of such (8) Continued. signs along a single facade shall not exceed an area of 30 square feet within the residential zoning areas nor 90 square feet in all other zoning districts. (9) Principal Use Sign Requirements For each nonresidential use, two principal use signs, one of which may be a freestanding sign, shall be permitted. Such signs shall meet the most restrictive of the following requirements: (a) Were a principal use sign is attached to the principal use building, such sign(s) shall not exceed an aggregate size of more than two square feet of sign area per linear .foot of building frontage. (b) Where a prinicpal use sign is freestanding, and not attached to the building, such sign(s) shall not exceed an aggregate size of more than 111 (i.5.) square feet of sign area per linear foot of lot frontage occupied by the principal =use. (c) The maximum aggregate size of the principal use signs) shall not exceed the following requirements: Maximum Aggregate Sign Area For Facia Signs Location Maximum Aggregate Size Area For Pro- jecting or Free - Standing Signs Maxiru un Projection of Outer Sign Edge for Projecting or Freestanding Signs All Residential Zoning Districts All Commercial Zoning Districts 32 square feet 250 square feet 20 square feet 100 square feet. *Six Feet *Eight Feet *Provided that no portion of a sign shall be erected within two feet of a curbline or public right -of -way. (10) Supplemental Identification Signs: In.addit or o mum: the principal use sign, supplemental identification signs, not exceeding an aggregate sign area of four square feet, shall be permitted adjacent to each entrance of the principal use. Provided that for uses in nonresidential zoning districts, one addi- tional square foot of supplemental sign area per two linear feet of building frontage shall be allow- ed for each linear foot of building frontage greater than 30 feet along one street, up to a maximum aggre- gate sign area of 20 square feet. Such identification signs shall be limited to providing the trade name or logo of the establishment and shall be mounted or attached flat against the building. (11) Directory Signs: Directory signs shall be permitted to identify residential subdivisions, multi -use activities within shopping centers, office complexes or apartment buildings, provided: (a) One such sign shall be permitted for the first 200. feet of frontage or a fraction thereof and one additional such sign shall be permitted for every additional 200 feet of frontage contained in the development. (b) The location of such sign(s) shall not create a hazard or conflict with the movement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic and shall beset back at least 20 feet from any street or driveway intersection or erected flat against the principal structure. (c) Except in "R" zoning districts, the canbined area of any such sign shall not exceed 100 square feet. Within "R" zoning districts such sign shall not exceed an area of 30 square feet. (d) A maximum of one sign per establishment or use shall be permitted per directory sign face, and only the official logo or principal name of uses within the development shall be erected on the directory sign, in adai tion to the name of the overall development. (12) Separate Use Signs (Outdoor Advertising): (a) Separate use signs ((outdoor advertising) shall be per- mitted in commercial zones only. (b) There shall be not less than 250 feet between signs lo- cated on the same side of a street, road or highway. (c) The sign area shall not exceed 72 square feet. In the case of double -faced or V -type signs, the sign area of each face shall not exceed 72 square feet. (d) Separate use signs shall not be located so as to obstruct the visual display of any existing principal use sign. (e) Separate use signs shall not exceed 20 feet in height. Such height shall be measured from the established grade to the top of the sign. Supporting posts shall not ex- tend above the top of a sign. (f) All separate use signs, together with their supports, braces, guys, and anchors, shall be kept in good repair. The copy area shall be repaired, repainted or replaced periodically as needed to maintain a good appearance. (g) Each separate use sign shall have attached a legend identi- fying the owner, agent or agency responsible for its con- struction and maintenance. The legend shall set forth the permit number issued by the Zoning Administrator for such sign. (13) Portable Signs Calling Attention to a Business, Sale or Special Event: (a) One sign shall be permitted for each such business, sale or special event. 23 1 _99,104. (b) Such sign shall be removed not later than 30 days following the issuance of the permit. However, after a period of 60 days from the date of the sign's removal, an additional 30-day permit - may be obtained. A separate permit and fee shall be required for each 30-day period of such sign's use. (c) Such sign may be illuminated; however, flashing lights shall not be permitted on portable signs. (d) A safety electrical inspection and sticker is required on all portable signs. All such signs shall require a Ground Fault Interuptor (GFI) protected circuit. (14) NONCONFORMING SIGNS: SIGNS WHICH EXISTED PRIOR TO THE ADOPTION OF THIS ORDINANCE AND DO NOT MEET THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE DEEMED NONODN- FORMENG. OWNERS OF NONCONFORMING SINS SHALL BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STATING THE REASONS WHICH MAKE THE SIGN NONCONFORMING AND THE DATE WHICH THE SIGN MUST BE REMOVED. UPON RECEIPT OF SUCH NOTICE THE OWNER SHALL HAVE A CHOICE OF THREE ACTIONS WHICH ARE: (1) Remove sign not later than one year following receipt of notice. (2) Alter sign, if possible, to conform with ordinance. (3) Appeal within 90 days to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Ordinance # 1984 -2 Adopted: March 1, 1984