HomeMy Public PortalAboutTBM 1980-05-07FORM 50 C. F. HOECKEL B. B. L. CO. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves May 7, 19ao The regular meeting of the of trustees was called to order by iiayor Leonard 7:30 p.m. Board present were, Mayor Leonard, Ulayton, Johnston, Rensberry, Klancke, Tucker, clerk Winter, Attorney Doucette, Rogers. Absent was Bickle. Klancke made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as written, 2nd Johnston, carried. Warrants presented for payment: Monte ogers 1/2 blue cross- Manifet- legal Morrow and 'ons- snowplowing Mt. 3e11- Drake Boyes i'.gency General lib. Mt. Parks 'lec. Kerber Oil Richard oucette- legal Case Power- teeth for backhoe N2M of Public dervice- Town of 'tinter kark- bal. of 31 plan County treasurer- ploice iay Grand iRposal- Bank of .P witholding Trustees and uayor pay Boyes Agency- kulic Officials poliey Monte "ogers- salary- eee,ereeeflueeeeeeeeeee Virginia "inter- Larry Petersen- Judge F.V ,jenior citizens 1st Mun. Leasing- copier Rensberry made a motion to pay these bills, 2nd Johnston, carried. 61.95 20.13 345.00 18.86 193.75 1765.00 358.67 323.68 175.86 35,80 28.78 65.36 700.00 100.00 17.25 160.00 260.00 391.00 457.05 457.05 336.18 46.93 100.0u 1;6.66 Sandra Miller, Crooked Creek Saloon Liquor Licence re-newal. Board concerned with a violation, sherrifs dept. has made no response to this, Proper fees attached, Rensberry made a motion to renew this licence, 2nd Klancke, all members aye, carried. Clerk reported concerning Insurance. Clerk to look into the coverages. 8:00 hearing for Rdourts has been cancalled due to applicant not publishing hearing, applicant asked to have the hearing at the July 2, 1980 meeting at 8:00 p.m. Board approved. Randall presented easments at Victoria V illiage. Doucette commented to the problems he can see with this easment. Advised the Board to have Radall to obtain Engineer to certify line design and contractor to certify line FORM 50 C. F. HOECKEL 8. B. L. CJ. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves May 7, 1980 (CUNT) page 2 is laved within the survey. Randall to ;het this and present it at the next meeting. Silverado Development represented by Mich Newton presented their plans for and office building complex and atps. Newton explained uses of the offices would be primary for Silverado with onioffice rented to an excavator. Newton gave a break down of the expected use to the 3 bathrooms by the empoyies. Under the Ordiance this type of evidence can be presented to show a different use than listed in the ordinance. Usage as pres :.rated amounted to 4 taps for the office structure. Clayton made a motion to assess 4 commercial taps and 4 apt. taps to this building as presented by this evidence, 2nd Rensberry. carried. Copy of this representation is attached to these minutes. Bob boxwell presented a plan for office building. Boxwell was not sure of the actual office space but the plan as presented has 11 offices in this building. Location of this is i3lock 10 lots 1 -6. At present time the board told ''oxwell that their was not water to that property. An extention being put in By Randall can service this property but that line is not completed as yet. Randall at this time asked about recovery fees if this line were to be uti,:ed by this property. The Board stated that as it had not agreed to a recovery fee for other uses on this line as yet if Boxwell and Randall could reach an agreement on recovery fees on this line in writting, and present it to the town as soon a water was avaible in this line Boxwell could proceed with the building. Boxwell wanted to know the tap assessment for the officed. Klancke made a motion to assess Boxwell at 11 offices, 5.5 taps as determined by the plan Boxwell has submitted 2nd Jnbnston, carried, Rensberry voting no. Fraser Mustang owner Gerry Desoriser, applied for change in use of water. Mustang will not have the repair stalls, but will change to a two stall. car wash. use figures were presented to the board on the car wash. As determined by the use Clayton made a motion to asseds the additional use one tap fee and one addit monthly usage fee on this change, 2nd Tucker. carried. Copy of uses attached. ilancke presented the board with a plan that Crestabute uses for their winter parking on the st. Board hopes to have a plan that will help to get the cars off the st. so they can be plowed. Board agreed that this plan was good, and ilancke will have work study sesions with the public to have a plan the town can adopt. Board told Monte that he could close struts that he needed to work on in the summer. Water ordinance proposed changes were reviewed. Board agreed to serveral changes. 'these changes will be sent to Doucette to review and bring back to the next meeting for adoption. Zoning ordinance discussed concerning the r quired parking spaces per unit, and Article 8 .Section 3, vff Street parking. Board to study this and bring beck recommendations. FORM 5O C. F. HOECKEL B. B. L. CO. page 3. j•lay 7, 1980 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves no futher business metting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. vii L -:;Y K MAYO{ FORM 50 C. F. HOECKEL B. B. L. CJ. JUNE 4, 1980 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves The regular meeting of the Fraser Town Council was called to order by Mayor Leonard 7:30 p.m. iioard present were Ulayton, Tucker, Johnston, Rensberr5 Klancke, Vicky "inter, ttorney 'oucette, Monte "ogers. Sickle arrived at 8:20 p.m. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as written. Bills presented for payment: -Monte Rogers- blue cross 61.95 Mt. Bell- 19.99 ;Public Service- 47.19 ,Boyes Agency- adjust and increase coverage 146.00 •Grand Conty Treasur- police 100.00 'NFM 1.98 -Larry Petersen- judge seminar 24.04 -Kerber Oil- 337.69 -Ace hardware 13.27 'Richard .)oucette 409.11 -Mt. Parks. 1, 1ec. 374.75 FoxFire- planner 2387.32 Tustess and Mayor pay- 300.00 Bank of W.P. witholding 160.00 10;.;TAL r nt for box and stamps 8.00 'First Muni. Leasing- copier 136.66 bHckhoe 1525.00 Fraser Valley Senior citizens 100.00 'Salaries- less taxis 1297.21 Johnson made a motion to pay these bills, 2nd Klancke, carried. Tucker made a motion to appoint Clif -layton as mayor pro-tem. 2nd Rensberry. Klancke reported that the parking solution work session would be held on the 18th in conjuction with the planning commission. i1ancke alme wants the tH 1 the possiility of making the land in back of the Library as towed vichele space if need be. 8:00 p.m. closed for 'Zoning hearing. 8: 35 Open regular meeting. Bob boxwell- reporting to the council that he had contacted Randall concerning a re-capture fee for the new 8u main. Gave the board copies of Randalls re-capture schedule. Pricees are out of line. Wants the Board to sell taps at the 4u main so as he can progeed with building permit. After much discussion on the new main that is not hooked up and how it would be finished, Clayton made a motion that Boxwell tap the 4u line FORM 50 C. F. HOECKEL B. B. L. CO. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves June 4, 19L page a contingent on the following conditions, at the time of construction Boxwell provide 2 service lines, one for service to the 4" main and one for service to the 8" main, Boxwell will immediately terminate the 4" main service line and, as the service line will be already installed to the 8" main, and recieve water from the 8" main when it becomes serviceable. Boxwell must sign an agreement to this, 2nd Bickle, carried all voting aye. Kathy ''helton- has recieved planning commission for conversion of 2 4= plexes into condos. Needs town approval and sign off. It was brought to the attention of the board that proper notice of the hearing had not been given all property owners, 'helton must obtain a waiver from the owner or go bac thru public hearings. Water tap fees in the arnmount of 2535.00 for condo conversion must be paid. Mylar must obtain information about the 4 service main will be maintained by the property owners, Klancke made a motion to have Mayor sign this plat but it will not be realeased for filing at the county until the Clerk is assured that everything is in order. 2nd Bickle. carried. is interested in annexing a parcel of property to the town, Drake has water rights and is *orking to obtain contigious property to met the 1/6 boundry with town. Board told Drake that a water agreement would need to be worked out and that the Planning Commission be the Town body to approch to recieve all the dictated requirments. If these were taken care of then Drake could progeed with an annexation petition. ti Byers Vista ub. Building official of the town has been dealing with the owner of Lots 9 and 10 e Thru building permit application it was discovered that these lots orginally 2 lots are now 4 lots. One lot could be left with out street access. This was all turned over to Attorney Doucette. Doucette reported that these lots were divided before property was annexed into Town. But the Town did not have to allow this division, it has never been represented on any of the proceedings that these lots were 4 lots. Access for the back lot was against zoning regs. This matter tabled till the next meeting. Board will have Olson provide plans for the road to the back lot and smow removal before any dicission can be made. Building permit issued will be put on hold. Water Ordinance will be worked on at a workshop meeting Tues. 10th. Clerk to order more chairs. Clerk instructed to write P0C concerning the poor RR cross arms. Judy Petersen- interested in the progress of aquiring the Elem. School. Mayor tp present proposal at the next board meeting. Town will get letter from organizations that could use the buildi to present as FORM SO C. F. HOECKEL B. B. L. C3. CLERK evidence of need and use. MAYOR Letter from nginer regarding easment in V.V. and map were given to the Board. No action. Cork and liottle needs town approval for expansion consisting of a cooler. Clayton amde a motion to approve this 2nd Rensberry. carried. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves June 4, 1980 page 3 Parking spaces requirment is still being worked on. Ken hornbeck- canadAkte for Commissioner spoke to the oard briefly. Monte Rogers- request a raise in salary. Letter to the Board requesting this. Rogers asked for a month, due to inflation, experience and numerous job Board table this in order to look into other saleries being paid for comparible jobs. Rensberry asked for time cards to be filled out by the town employees, so as to be able to provide the tax payers with evidence if need be be able to see where additional help is needOin a catagory. No futher business me ting adjourned at 12:45 a.m. FORM 5o C. F. HOECKEL B. B. L. CO. 0 1AYO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves 6 -4 -80 Hearing- Re- zoning application for all lots Block 1 and 236, 238 Mill Ave. 8:00 p.m. Attorney Doucette open the hearing by reviewing the st atutes with the Board concerning re- zoning, and evidence that must be presented by the applicant to be granted a zoning change, There must be evidence of either an orginal error in the zoning, or changes have occured that makes the orginal zoning not to the best benefit of use anymore. 8:10 ROLL CALL: MAYO LOONA D, Rensberry, Klancke, Clayton, Tucker, Johnson. 8:11 Jay Clough- presents evidence: Exhibit iii 1 Orginal application to the board asking for a hearing to re -zone this block. Exhibit 2 Notice of Hearing in Local paper meeting the 30 day requirments, Exhibit '3 List of names of the property owners in block and within 200 ft. of property; Eichibit 4 Return reciepts of the certified mailing of the notice. Exhibit 5 Petition of 8o% of the property owners involved in this block, requesting a zoning change, attesting they prefer a change. Jerry Bickle arrived at 8:20 p.m. Clough stated that he felt a change should be granted and would be in line with the surronding zoning which is business and the RR to the west of this block. Clough also stated that certainly more housing is needed. r'C Chairman Anderson stated that the planning Commis ion had been approched by Clough and was advised by them that the entire block should be included in a request for re- zoning instead of his orginal plan for only his property. Anderson also stated that the PC had not made any formal dicission as to recommendations to th i'oa.rd. for a'_ec'. for oppossition from any member of the audience at this time. No comment from the audience. Attorney i oucette again reviewed the evidence that must be given for re- zoning requests. Each member of the Board asked to give opinion. Rensberry made a motion directing Attorney Doucette to prepare an ordinance in favor of this re- zoning, 2nd Klancke, all m:mbers voting aye except Clayton who abstained. garried re- zoning from R to R -2. CLOSED