HomeMy Public PortalAbout03-19-2018 Village Board Agenda and Packet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‡ 0DUFK 3ODQ&RPPLVVLRQ±SP ‡ 0DUFK &RPPLWWHHRIWKH:KROH:RUNVKRS±SP ‡ $SULO1H[W9LOODJH%RDUG0HHWLQJ±SP 3 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\-RKQ.RQRSHN 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0DUFK 68%-(&7 2DWKRI2IILFHWR5LFDUGR5REOHVDQG%UDQGRQ)R[3ROLFH2IILFHUV 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176  4 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\0LFKHOOH*LEDV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0DUFK 68%-(&7 3URFODLP0DUFKDV1DWLRQDO$WKOHWLF7UDLQLQJ0RQWK 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 1DWLRQDO$WKOHWLF7UDLQLQJ0RQWK 5 6 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\0LFKHOOH*LEDV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0DUFK 68%-(&7 $SSURYDORIWKH0LQXWHVRIWKH%RDUG0HHWLQJKHOGRQ0DUFK 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 9LOODJH%RDUG0LQXWHV 7 VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD MEETING MINUTES MARCH 5, 2018 AT: VILLAGE HALL BOARD PRESENT: M.COLLINS, E.O’ROURKE, B.WOJOWSKI, M.BONUCHI, B.LAMB, C.LARSON, AND L.NEWTON. OTHERS PRESENT: B.MURPHY, ADMINISTRATOR; J.HARVEY, ATTORNEY; M.GIBAS, VILLAGE CLERK; D.WOLD, ENGINEER; A.PERSONS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR; S.THREEWITT, LEAD ENGINEER; J.PROULX, PLANNING DIRECTOR; K.GOSKA, BUILDING OFFICIAL; AND A.NOVAK, POLICE COMMANDER. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL, PLEDGE Mayor Collins called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken, all Trustees were present. Mayor Collins led the Pledge of Allegiance. There were approximately 12 persons in the audience. PRESIDENTIAL COMMENTS Mayor Collins: x Congratulated Allen Persons on his 30th year anniversary with the Village. x Wished Trustee Bonuchi a Happy Birthday. TRUSTEES COMMENTS Trustee Lamb commented on the campaign against distracted driving that will be held April 23-27, 2018 and encouraged everyone not to drive while distracted. Trustee O’Rourke inquired about the mailbox replacement policy. Administrator Murphy stated that the Village’s policy is to replace the mailbox with a standard aluminum mailbox or give $35.00 replacement check. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3-5 minutes) No Comments. BUSINESS MEETING 1) APPROVAL OF AGENDA Trustee Lamb moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Trustee Newon. Vote by roll call. O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 2) CONSENT AGENDA Trustee Lamb moved to approve the Consent Agenda to include: a) Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meeting and Executive Session held on February 5, 2018. b) Bills Paid and Bills Payable Reports for March 5, 2018. c) Cash & Investment, Revenue, and Expenditure Reports for January, 2018. Second by Trustee Bonuchi. Vote by roll call. O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 8 Village of Plainfield Meeting Minutes – March 5, 2018 Page 2 3) MOTOR FUEL TAX Trustee Lamb moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3348, amending Chapter 7, Section 7.7-62 of Article V of the Code of Ordinances increasing the motor fuel tax to $0.06 per U.S. gallon. Second by Trustee Newton. Trustee O’Rourke expressed concern with the funding for the roadway work. Trustee Wojowski agreed with Trustee O’Rourke. Trustee Larson stated that we are at the point where we can no longer kick the can down the road. Without the necessary funding for the Village’s roadways now, the worse they will get in the future and that will increase the costs. Trustee Bonuchi stated that she is not in favor of the increase at this time. Trustee Lamb stated that the increase will have minimal impact on residents and is needed to fund the roadway improvements. Vote by roll call. O’Rourke, no; Wojowski, no; Bonuchi, no; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes; Collins, yes. 4 yes, 3 no. Motion carried. 4) R.R. TIRE & AUTO REPAIR (PC CASE #1751-011717.SU) Trustee Bonuchi moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3349, granting approval of a special use for auto repair for R.R. Tire & Auto at 15924 S. Lincoln Highway, subject to the stipulations noted in the staff report. Second by Trustee Larson. Vote by roll call. O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 5) STEWART RIDGE LOTS 75 & 76 CONSOLIDATION (PC CASE #1781-020818.FP) Trustee Lamb moved to approve the Final Plat of Consolidation for Lots 75 and 76 of Stewart Ridge, subject to the stipulations noted in the staff report. Second by Trustee Newton. Vote by roll call. O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT No Report. MANAGEMENT SERVICES REPORT No Report. ENGINEER’S REPORT No Report. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT Trustee Newton moved to approve the temporary outdoor sales request of Buchanan Energy (d/b/a Bucky's), to permit an outdoor mulch sales display at 14808 S. Route 59, from March 15, 2018 to October 15, 2018, subject to the stipulations noted in the staff report. Second by Trustee Lamb. Vote by roll call. O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 9 Village of Plainfield Meeting Minutes – March 5, 2018 Page 3 BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT Mr. Ken Goska presented the Building and Code Enforcement Report for January, 2018. PUBLIC WORKS REPORT No Report. POLICE CHIEF’S REPORT Trustee Larson moved to authorize the expenditure of $5,831.90 to Fulton Technologies to renew the annual maintenance contract for the Outdoor Warning Siren System. Second by Trustee Lamb. Vote by roll call. O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. Trustee Bonuchi moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3350, authorizing the disposal of surplus property. Second by Trustee O’Rourke. Vote by roll call. O’Rourke, yes; Wojowski, yes; Bonuchi, yes; Lamb, yes; Larson, yes; Newton, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. Commander Novak presented the Operations Report for January, 2018. Commander Novak commented on driving while distracted. ATTORNEY’S REPORT No Report. Mayor Collins read the reminders. Trustee Lamb moved to adjourn. Second by Larson. Voice Vote. All in favor, 0 opposed. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:41 p.m. Michelle Gibas, Village Clerk 10 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\7UDFL3OHFNKDP 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW0DQDJHPHQW6HUYLFHV'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0DUFK 68%-(&7 %LOOV3DLGDQG%LOOV3D\DEOH5HSRUWVIRU0DUFK  5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 %LOOV3DLGDQG%LOOV3D\DEOH5HSRUWVIRU0DUFK  11 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice Amount12254 - TRACY, JOHNSON & WILSON 2018-00001236 Edit 01/10/2018 03/19/2018 224.25Invoice Transactions1 $224.2510578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00001219 Paid by Check # 116064 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 41,859.43Invoice Transactions1 $41,859.4310578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00001219 Paid by Check # 116064 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 25,267.36Invoice Transactions1 $25,267.3610578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00001219 Paid by Check # 116064 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 5,909.26Invoice Transactions1 $5,909.2610949 - PLAINFIELD POLICE PEN ACCT#4236-2308 2018-00001222 Paid by Check # 116067 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 20,186.42Invoice Transactions1 $20,186.4210315 - DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENT ADVISORS 2018-00001217 Paid by Check # 116062 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 20,639.7010774 - METLIFE 2018-00001220 Paid by Check # 116065 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 587.4011758 - VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS-306593 2018-00001225 Paid by Check # 116070 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 8,945.13Invoice Transactions3 $30,172.2311244 - UNITED WAY OF WILL COUNTY 2018-00001224 Paid by Check # 116069 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 59.98Invoice Transactions1 $59.9810030 - AFLAC 2018-00001216 Paid by Check # 116061 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 807.20Invoice Transactions1 $807.20Accounts Payable by G/L Distribution ReportInvoice Due Date Range 03/06/18 - 03/19/18Invoice DescriptionFund 01 - General FundAccount 0121.110 - Unbilled Receivable-DeveloperAccount 0210.223 - Medicare W/H PayableFICA - FICA*Account 0210.223 - Medicare W/H Payable TotalsAccount 0210.238 - Police Pension W/H PayableAccount 0210.220 - Federal W/H Payable TotalsAccount 0210.222 - FICA PayableFICA - FICA*Account 0210.222 - FICA Payable TotalsCommon Sense CosmeticsAccount 0121.110 - Unbilled Receivable-Developer TotalsAccount 0210.220 - Federal W/H PayableFICA - FICA*UNITED WAY - United Way of Will CountyAccount 0210.243 - United Way Donations TotalsAccount 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-TaxAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*457-METLIFE-PCT - Deferred Comp Metlife*457-ICMA-FLAT - Deferred Comp ICMA*Account 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan TotalsAccount 0210.243 - United Way DonationsPOL PEN - Police Pension Annual*Account 0210.238 - Police Pension W/H Payable TotalsAccount 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan457-IPPFA-PCT - Deferred Comp IPPFA*Account 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-Tax TotalsAccount 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-Tax Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 1 of 2512 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10030 - AFLAC 2018-00001216 Paid by Check # 116061 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 355.85Invoice Transactions1 $355.8511124 - STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 2018-00001223 Paid by Check # 116068 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 3,957.8312714 - WILL COUNTY CIRCUIT CLERK'S OFFICE 2018-00001227 Paid by Check # 116072 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 355.84Invoice Transactions2 $4,313.6711266 - VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD 2018-00001226 Paid by Check # 116071 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 2,240.00Invoice Transactions1 $2,240.0010854 - NCPERS - IL IMRF 2018-00001221 Paid by Check # 116066 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 53.28Invoice Transactions1 $53.2810175 - CARCARE COLLISION CTRS. TOWING 2018-00001243 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 250.0011204 - TODD'S BODY SHOP & TOWING 2018-00001242 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 250.00Invoice Transactions2 $500.00Arthur Arellano 2018-00001257 Edit 03/09/2018 03/19/2018 429.0010342 - EICH'S SPORTS & GAMES 012696 Edit 12/06/2017 03/19/2018 24.0010428 - GLOBAL EQUIPMENT 112260163 Edit 02/26/2018 03/19/2018 1,264.1210997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1756000-IN-1 Edit 10/16/2017 03/19/2018 10.00Invoice Transactions4 $1,727.1210951 - PLAINFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY 2018-00001251 Edit 03/09/2018 03/19/2018 1,534.17Invoice Transactions1 $1,534.17KRISTIN LILL 2018-00001240 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 5.00Invoice Transactions1 $5.0011280 - WASTE MANAGEMENT 5743351-2007-1 Edit 02/27/2018 03/19/2018 309,977.8011280 - WASTE MANAGEMENT 2911482-2009-3 Edit 02/27/2018 03/19/2018 15,114.62Account 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSAFSA MED PT - Discovery Benefits Medical*Account 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSA TotalsAccount 0210.301 - Employee Life InsuranceAccount 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance AssignmentCHILD SUPPORT - Child Support Wage Assignment*SPOUSAL SUP - Spousal/Maintenance Account 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance Assignment TotalsAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*Account 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-Tax TotalsMobile Field ForceMobile Field ForceShippingAccount 0227.005 - Mobile Field Force Totals2 Tows 02/01/18 - 02/28/18Account 0220.250 - Police Tow Fee TotalsAccount 0227.005 - Mobile Field ForceCustom Challenge CoinsSUP LIFE INS - NCPERSAccount 0210.301 - Employee Life Insurance TotalsAccount 0220.250 - Police Tow Fee2 Tows 02/01/18 - 02/28/18Account 8100 - Fees to Refuse HaulerFebruary, 2018February, 2018 AYDOver Payment of Admin. TicketAccount 0600.602 - Administrative Fines(P-Tickets) TotalsUnit 04 - Administration/FinanceDivision 00 - Non-DivisionalAccount 0450.454 - Replacement Tax-LibraryReplacement TaxAccount 0450.454 - Replacement Tax-Library TotalsAccount 0600.602 - Administrative Fines(P-Tickets) Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 2 of 2513 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions2 $325,092.42Invoice Transactions2 $325,092.4210237 - COMCAST 2018-00001233 Paid by Check # 116074 02/28/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 34.8210937 - PLAINFIELD AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2018-00001231 Paid by Check # 116079 02/27/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 50.0010891 - OFF THE PRESS 21388 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 371.0012734 - TAI GINSBERG & ASSOCIATES 001 Edit 03/02/2018 03/19/2018 7,500.00Invoice Transactions4 $7,955.8212634 - GRUNDY BANK 2018-00001256 Edit 03/14/2018 03/19/2018 25,864.09Invoice Transactions1 $25,864.09Invoice Transactions5 $33,819.9110312 - DISCOVERY BENEFITS 0000849687-IN Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 157.25Invoice Transactions1 $157.2511749 - CALL ONE 2018-00001234 Paid by Check # 116073 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 436.48Invoice Transactions1 $436.4811262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106865 Paid by Check # 116082 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 47.0311262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106864 Paid by Check # 116083 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 111.16Invoice Transactions2 $158.1911938 - PITNEY BOWES, INC 2018-00001238 Paid by EFT # 646 03/12/2018 03/12/2018 03/12/2018 75.0011613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00001252 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 114.0010891 - OFF THE PRESS 21386 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 69.0010891 - OFF THE PRESS 21351 Edit 02/19/2018 03/19/2018 55.6011278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3827195-0 Edit 03/09/2018 03/19/2018 152.4711278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3826343-0 Edit 03/09/2018 03/19/2018 74.7011278 - WAREHOUSE DIRECT 3818617-0 Edit 03/02/2018 03/19/2018 30.22Invoice Transactions7 $570.99Account 8100 - Fees to Refuse Hauler TotalsAccount 8078 - Economic Incentive RebateLenny's Sales Tax RebateAccount 8078 - Economic Incentive Rebate TotalsDivision 01 - Legislative Program TotalsMembership LuncheonLegacy Fund BrochuresFebruary, 2018Account 8070 - Public Relations TotalsDivision 00 - Non-Divisional TotalsDivision 01 - Legislative ProgramAccount 8070 - Public RelationsAcct. 8771010010001526Acct. 485081837-00002Acct. 485081837-00001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 2020 - Employee InsuranceFebruary, 2018Account 2020 - Employee Insurance TotalsOffice SuppliesOffice SuppliesAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease VH PostageFebruary, 2018Employee Leave Forms#10 Regular EnvelopesOffice Supplies Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 3 of 2514 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 134143 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 659.00Invoice Transactions1 $659.0012201 - VANCO SERVICES 00008799372 Paid by EFT # 644 03/01/2018 03/15/2018 03/15/2018 165.1511192 - THIRD MILLENNIUM ASSOCIATES, INC. 21788 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 870.28Invoice Transactions2 $1,035.43Invoice Transactions14 $3,017.3410937 - PLAINFIELD AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2018-00001231 Paid by Check # 116079 02/27/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 25.00Invoice Transactions1 $25.0011749 - CALL ONE 2018-00001234 Paid by Check # 116073 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 43.65Invoice Transactions1 $43.6511192 - THIRD MILLENNIUM ASSOCIATES, INC. 21788 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 2,338.21Invoice Transactions1 $2,338.21Invoice Transactions3 $2,406.8610767 - MENARDS, INC. 25829 Edit 02/27/2018 03/19/2018 12.79Invoice Transactions1 $12.7912540 - FITNESS EXPRESS INC 9916 Edit 03/06/2018 03/19/2018 155.0010901 - OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY CYS05450318 Edit 02/20/2018 03/19/2018 4,988.6712324 - TERMINIX PROCESSING CENTER 373146497 Edit 02/22/2018 03/19/2018 115.00Invoice Transactions3 $5,258.67Invoice Transactions4 $5,271.4611749 - CALL ONE 2018-00001234 Paid by Check # 116073 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 87.30Invoice Transactions1 $87.3011262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106864 Paid by Check # 116083 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 55.58Invoice Transactions1 $55.58Division 03 - Community Relations ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingMembership LuncheonAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsMarch, 2018Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsDivision 02 - Administration Program Totals03/10 - 04/10/2018Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesFebruary, 2018Division 04 - Facility Management ProgramAccount 5000 - Building SuppliesWeather StripAccount 5000 - Building Supplies TotalsMarch, 2018Account 8070 - Public Relations TotalsDivision 03 - Community Relations Program TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 8070 - Public RelationsAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 485081837-00001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsDivision 04 - Facility Management Program TotalsDivision 06 - Human Resources ProgramAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 8135 - Contractual ServicesPreventative MaintenanceService Contract 03/01/18-02/28/19VH Pest ControlAccount 8135 - Contractual Services Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 4 of 2515 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00001252 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 58.7510379 - FEDERAL EXPRESS 6-103-51964 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 38.57Invoice Transactions2 $97.3212183 - AMERICAN PAYROLL ASSOCIATION 2018-00001259 Edit 03/12/2018 03/19/2018 219.00Invoice Transactions1 $219.00Invoice Transactions5 $459.2011749 - CALL ONE 2018-00001234 Paid by Check # 116073 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 43.65Invoice Transactions1 $43.6511262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106865 Paid by Check # 116082 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 73.0411262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106864 Paid by Check # 116083 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 121.16Invoice Transactions2 $194.2011613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00001252 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 11.99Invoice Transactions1 $11.9911262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106864 Paid by Check # 116083 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 2,587.32Invoice Transactions1 $2,587.3210190 - CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. LWD9012 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 752.00Invoice Transactions1 $752.0010190 - CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. LRZ4800 Edit 02/13/2018 03/19/2018 455.50Invoice Transactions1 $455.50Invoice Transactions7 $4,044.66Invoice Transactions40 $374,111.8511749 - CALL ONE 2018-00001234 Paid by Check # 116073 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 97.11Division 08 - IT ProgramAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions184071 MembershipAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsDivision 06 - Human Resources Program TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageFebruary, 2018PostageAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAcct. 485081837-00001Account 8030 - Server/Network Supplies TotalsAccount 8031 - Software Licensing/RenewalsOffice 365 email encryptionAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageFebruary, 2018Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 8030 - Server/Network SuppliesAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 485081837-00002Acct. 485081837-00001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Division 08 - IT Program TotalsUnit 04 - Administration/Finance TotalsUnit 05 - Police DepartmentAccount 8031 - Software Licensing/Renewals TotalsAccount 9111 - ComputersDell 24"< monitorsAccount 9111 - Computers Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 5 of 2516 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description12651 - COMCAST BUSINESS 2018-00001232 Paid by Check # 116075 02/27/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 13.80Invoice Transactions2 $110.9111262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106864 Paid by Check # 116083 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 55.58Invoice Transactions1 $55.5811479 - MUNSON, ERIC 2018-00001237 Paid by Check # 116077 03/01/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 1,185.0011938 - PITNEY BOWES, INC 2018-00001238 Paid by EFT # 646 03/12/2018 03/12/2018 03/12/2018 75.0010342 - EICH'S SPORTS & GAMES 013123 Edit 03/02/2018 03/19/2018 5.0010891 - OFF THE PRESS 21386 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 11.50Invoice Transactions4 $1,276.5011262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106865 Paid by Check # 116082 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 37.01Invoice Transactions1 $37.0110752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 134143 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 380.00Invoice Transactions1 $380.0010237 - COMCAST 2018-00001233 Paid by Check # 116074 02/28/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 9.5012115 - COLLEY ELEVATOR COMPANY 170048 Edit 03/01/2018 03/19/2018 205.0010767 - MENARDS, INC. 25808 Edit 02/27/2018 03/19/2018 13.92Invoice Transactions3 $228.4211689 - FMP 53-279971 Edit 02/23/2018 03/19/2018 28.67Invoice Transactions1 $28.6710340 - EDWARD OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 00065179-00 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 336.00Invoice Transactions1 $336.00Invoice Transactions14 $2,453.0910649 - KENDALL COUNTY CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSOCIATION406 Edit 02/22/2018 03/19/2018 16.00Invoice Transactions1 $16.00Acct. 8771201600576080Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsChallenge CoinsVH PostageRP Replace PlatesEmployee Leave FormsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 485081837-00001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageAcct. 8771010010001526March, 2018 InspectionSuppliesAccount 8040 - Custodian TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 03/10 - 04/10/2018Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsAccount 8040 - CustodianAccount 5010 - Replacement SuppliesAcct. 485081837-00002Account 5010 - Replacement Supplies TotalsDivision 51 - Police OperationsAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingMonthly Meeting - NovakAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsContractual ServicesAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsDivision 02 - Administration Program TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceAccount 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 6 of 2517 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11749 - CALL ONE 2018-00001234 Paid by Check # 116073 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 124.8512651 - COMCAST BUSINESS 2018-00001232 Paid by Check # 116075 02/27/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 13.8212677 - TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT REVOLVING FUNDT1822594 Edit 02/13/2018 03/19/2018 1,239.56Invoice Transactions3 $1,378.2311262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106865 Paid by Check # 116082 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 37.0111262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106864 Paid by Check # 116083 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 395.48Invoice Transactions2 $432.4911613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00001252 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 281.2410342 - EICH'S SPORTS & GAMES 013123 Edit 03/02/2018 03/19/2018 10.0010891 - OFF THE PRESS 21386 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 11.50Invoice Transactions3 $302.7410767 - MENARDS, INC. 25884 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 13.18Invoice Transactions1 $13.1810931 - LINDA PIECZYNSKI 6748 Edit 02/13/2018 03/19/2018 70.00Invoice Transactions1 $70.0010226 - CLEAN IMAGE CAR WASH 5513 Edit 03/01/2018 03/19/2018 12.0012679 - PLAINFIELD GAS N WASH PLAINFIELD LLC 441 Edit 03/03/2018 03/19/2018 174.00Invoice Transactions2 $186.0010342 - EICH'S SPORTS & GAMES 012969 Edit 02/03/2017 03/19/2018 178.5010342 - EICH'S SPORTS & GAMES 012968 Edit 02/02/2018 03/19/2018 484.5010413 - GALLS INC. 008701458 Edit 11/13/2017 03/19/2018 131.7510413 - GALLS INC. 008915445 Edit 12/12/2017 03/19/2018 78.2010413 - GALLS INC. 009436641 Edit 03/01/2018 03/19/2018 114.7510413 - GALLS INC. 009428810 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 155.9910413 - GALLS INC. 008996205 Edit 12/21/2017 03/19/2018 123.2010413 - GALLS INC. 009391582 Edit 02/23/2018 03/19/2018 78.2010413 - GALLS INC. 009330922 Edit 02/14/2018 03/19/2018 84.0310413 - GALLS INC. 009362722 Edit 02/19/2018 03/19/2018 129.99Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 485081837-00002Acct. 485081837-00001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers Totals1211165-1129847Acct. 8771201600576080PhonesAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsRoll Call NewsAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashAccount 5010 - Replacement SuppliesReplacement SuppliesAccount 5010 - Replacement Supplies TotalsAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageFebruary, 2018RP Replace PlatesEmployee Leave FormsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsUniformsMarzettaMalcolmVan HeeswijkDoornboschPatrol FleetAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsKozakSiegel & AndersonMarzetta, Van HeeswijkBoling Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 7 of 2518 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10413 - GALLS INC. 009287580 Edit 02/07/2018 03/19/2018 14.7610608 - JCM UNIFORMS 740791 Edit 02/21/2018 03/19/2018 3.0010608 - JCM UNIFORMS 740348 Edit 02/21/2018 03/19/2018 184.9610608 - JCM UNIFORMS 740677 Edit 02/21/2018 03/19/2018 30.0010690 - LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS SIN5911320 Edit 02/22/2018 03/19/2018 265.1910997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1810157-IN Edit 02/21/2018 03/19/2018 49.9910997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1810150-IN Edit 02/21/2018 03/19/2018 760.7710997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1745975-IN Edit 08/24/2017 03/19/2018 8.58Invoice Transactions18 $2,876.3611830 - NATCHEZ SHOOTERS SUPPLIES 7370762 Edit 02/15/2018 03/19/2018 2,281.0811830 - NATCHEZ SHOOTERS SUPPLIES 7370776 Edit 02/15/2018 03/19/2018 482.80Invoice Transactions2 $2,763.8810752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 134143 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 496.00Invoice Transactions1 $496.0011689 - FMP 53-279971 Edit 02/23/2018 03/19/2018 81.1611689 - FMP 50-1919424 Edit 03/01/2018 03/19/2018 1,239.4211689 - FMP 53-280756 Edit 03/01/2018 03/19/2018 25.7411689 - FMP 53-278160 Edit 02/07/2018 03/19/2018 (15.00)10666 - K & M TIRE 421464246 Edit 02/20/2018 03/19/2018 552.9612189 - NICK'S EMERGENCY LIGHTING & MORE 861 Edit 02/23/2018 03/19/2018 297.3512189 - NICK'S EMERGENCY LIGHTING & MORE 859 Edit 02/23/2018 03/19/2018 588.5011020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 161676 Edit 02/15/2018 03/19/2018 114.3611020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 161729 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 83.7211020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 161589 Edit 02/13/2018 03/19/2018 965.1610139 - WEBB CHEVROLET PLAINFIELD 46017638/1 Edit 03/02/2018 03/19/2018 294.00Invoice Transactions11 $4,227.3711291 - WESCOM 042018-14 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 49,186.43Invoice Transactions1 $49,186.43Invoice Transactions46 $61,948.6812336 - LEADS ONLINE 229 Edit 02/27/2018 03/19/2018 209.00MarzettaAndersonBeamUniformsBeamBoling03/10 - 04/10/2018Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceFirearms/AmmunitionFirearms/AmmunitionAccount 5100 - Ammunition/Weapons TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease MunsonShippingAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 5100 - Ammunition/WeaponsVehicle MaintenanceM26Vehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceM-12M-25M25M16M15Vehicle MaintenanceDivision 51 - Police Operations TotalsDivision 52 - Police AdministrationAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingGreco, SiegelAccount 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsAccount 8265 - Contractual Services-WescomApril, 2018Account 8265 - Contractual Services-Wescom Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 8 of 2519 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions1 $209.0011749 - CALL ONE 2018-00001234 Paid by Check # 116073 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 124.8512651 - COMCAST BUSINESS 2018-00001232 Paid by Check # 116075 02/27/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 13.82Invoice Transactions2 $138.6711262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106865 Paid by Check # 116082 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 265.0711262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106864 Paid by Check # 116083 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 892.69Invoice Transactions2 $1,157.7611613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00001252 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 1,313.0210891 - OFF THE PRESS 21344 Edit 02/19/2018 03/19/2018 62.0010891 - OFF THE PRESS 21386 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 11.50Invoice Transactions3 $1,386.5212679 - PLAINFIELD GAS N WASH PLAINFIELD LLC 441 Edit 03/03/2018 03/19/2018 78.00Invoice Transactions1 $78.0010306 - DFS DOJES 21029 Edit 01/16/2018 03/19/2018 286.64Invoice Transactions1 $286.6410342 - EICH'S SPORTS & GAMES 012968 Edit 02/02/2018 03/19/2018 25.5010413 - GALLS INC. 009391582 Edit 02/23/2018 03/19/2018 114.7510690 - LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS SIN5755731 Edit 01/24/2018 03/19/2018 212.6910690 - LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS SCR694160 Edit 02/06/2018 03/19/2018 (167.74)Invoice Transactions4 $185.2012106 - RAINBOW COUNCIL 465 Paid by Check # 116080 03/07/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 208.0011256 - MARTY VAN HEESWIJK 2018-00001229 Paid by Check # 116081 01/24/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 150.00Invoice Transactions2 $358.0010752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 134143 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 275.00Invoice Transactions1 $275.00Account 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Acct. 8771201600576080Employee Leave FormsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashPatrol FleetAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageFebruary, 2018Bus. Cards-Beam, Allen, BolingAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 485081837-00002Acct. 485081837-00001Account 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsSiegel & AndersonUniformsUniformsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5040.002 - Crime Scene/Evidence Tech SupplyCrime Scene/Evidence Tech SuppliesAccount 5040.002 - Crime Scene/Evidence Tech Supply TotalsAccount 5115.004 - Community Programs-Explorer Program TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 03/10 - 04/10/2018Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 5115.004 - Community Programs-Explorer ProgramExplorer ProgramExplorer's Nationals Entry Fee Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 9 of 2520 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description12536 - ILLINOIS SECRETARY OF STATE 2018-00001230 Paid by Check # 116076 03/08/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 101.00Invoice Transactions1 $101.00Invoice Transactions18 $4,175.7910403 - FRED PRYOR SEMINARS 23399815 Edit 03/01/2018 03/19/2018 199.0010698 - LAW ENFORCEMENT RECORDS MANAGER OF IL2018-00001241 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 50.0012336 - LEADS ONLINE 229 Edit 02/27/2018 03/19/2018 209.00Invoice Transactions3 $458.0011749 - CALL ONE 2018-00001234 Paid by Check # 116073 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 124.8512651 - COMCAST BUSINESS 2018-00001232 Paid by Check # 116075 02/27/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 13.82Invoice Transactions2 $138.6711613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00001252 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 271.6510891 - OFF THE PRESS 21386 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 11.50Invoice Transactions2 $283.1510608 - JCM UNIFORMS 740478 Edit 02/21/2018 03/19/2018 10.0010690 - LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS SIN5898199 Edit 02/19/2018 03/19/2018 168.75Invoice Transactions2 $178.7510752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 134143 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 180.00Invoice Transactions1 $180.00Invoice Transactions10 $1,238.5712536 - ILLINOIS SECRETARY OF STATE 2018-00001228 Paid by Check # 1773 02/28/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 95.0011976 - FLUID MOTOR UNION 16278 Edit 02/21/2018 03/19/2018 2,485.22Invoice Transactions2 $2,580.22Invoice Transactions2 $2,580.2211071 - STEVEN SHERVINO 2018-00001246 Edit 03/07/2018 03/19/2018 404.23Account 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceM-2Account 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsDivision 52 - Police Administration TotalsAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Acct. 8771201600576080Division 53 - Police RecordsAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingSeminar - Murphy2018 Conference-Myers, ZambranoGreco, SiegelAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 03/10 - 04/10/2018Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsUniformsAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageFebruary, 2018Employee Leave FormsDivision 56 - Community ServicesAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingCrime Prevention-Per Diem/MileageHumvee 1Account 5012 - Asset Seizure/Forfeiture Expense TotalsDivision 54 - Seizure/Forfeiture TotalsDivision 53 - Police Records TotalsDivision 54 - Seizure/ForfeitureAccount 5012 - Asset Seizure/Forfeiture Expense17-8121 Forfeiture Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 10 of 2521 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions1 $404.2311749 - CALL ONE 2018-00001234 Paid by Check # 116073 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 124.8512651 - COMCAST BUSINESS 2018-00001232 Paid by Check # 116075 02/27/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 13.82Invoice Transactions2 $138.6711262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106865 Paid by Check # 116082 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 75.0211262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106864 Paid by Check # 116083 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 155.58Invoice Transactions2 $230.6011613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00001252 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 47.9810891 - OFF THE PRESS 21386 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 11.50Invoice Transactions2 $59.4810190 - CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. LWT3742 Edit 03/01/2018 03/19/2018 162.79Invoice Transactions1 $162.7910226 - CLEAN IMAGE CAR WASH 5513 Edit 03/01/2018 03/19/2018 6.0012679 - PLAINFIELD GAS N WASH PLAINFIELD LLC 441 Edit 03/03/2018 03/19/2018 30.00Invoice Transactions2 $36.0010342 - EICH'S SPORTS & GAMES 012968 Edit 02/02/2018 03/19/2018 102.0010608 - JCM UNIFORMS 740772 Edit 02/21/2018 03/19/2018 98.9010997 - RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. 1810156-IN Edit 02/21/2018 03/19/2018 48.64Invoice Transactions3 $249.5411689 - FMP 53-279971 Edit 02/23/2018 03/19/2018 4.8512189 - NICK'S EMERGENCY LIGHTING & MORE 861 Edit 02/23/2018 03/19/2018 300.00Invoice Transactions2 $304.85Invoice Transactions15 $1,586.1611749 - CALL ONE 2018-00001234 Paid by Check # 116073 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 97.10Account 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageFebruary, 2018Employee Leave FormsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 485081837-00002Acct. 485081837-00001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Acct. 8771201600576080Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsUniformsKopekPalerAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashPatrol FleetAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingAccount 5010 - Replacement SuppliesDell Rugged laptop and port replicatorAccount 5010 - Replacement Supplies TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashDivision 56 - Community Services TotalsDivision 57 - Court ServicesAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceVehicle MaintenanceAccount 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 11 of 2522 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description12651 - COMCAST BUSINESS 2018-00001232 Paid by Check # 116075 02/27/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 13.82Invoice Transactions2 $110.9211613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00001252 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 1,384.1410891 - OFF THE PRESS 21386 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 11.50Invoice Transactions2 $1,395.6410752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 134143 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 160.00Invoice Transactions1 $160.00Invoice Transactions5 $1,666.56Invoice Transactions110 $75,649.0711749 - CALL ONE 2018-00001234 Paid by Check # 116073 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 317.2010237 - COMCAST 2018-00001233 Paid by Check # 116074 02/28/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 149.8510825 - MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS 34033122018 Edit 02/01/2018 03/19/2018 10.00Invoice Transactions3 $477.0511262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106865 Paid by Check # 116082 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 47.0311262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106864 Paid by Check # 116083 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 55.58Invoice Transactions2 $102.6110226 - CLEAN IMAGE CAR WASH 5513 Edit 03/01/2018 03/19/2018 12.00Invoice Transactions1 $12.0010342 - EICH'S SPORTS & GAMES 012968 Edit 02/02/2018 03/19/2018 357.00Invoice Transactions1 $357.0010767 - MENARDS, INC. 25793 Edit 02/26/2018 03/19/2018 96.8910767 - MENARDS, INC. 25918 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 5.84Invoice Transactions2 $102.7310752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 134143 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 100.00Invoice Transactions1 $100.00Acct. 8771201600576080Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageFebruary, 2018Unit 07 - PEMADivision 07 - PEMA ProgramAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Acct. 8771010010001526Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsDivision 57 - Court Services TotalsUnit 05 - Police Department TotalsEmployee Leave FormsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 03/10 - 04/10/2018Account 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAcct. 485081837-00001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashPhonesAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 485081837-00002Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 03/10 - 04/10/2018Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsAccount 8020 - Building MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 8020 - Building Maintenance Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 12 of 2523 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10487 - ADVANCE AUTO/AAP FINANCIAL SERVICES 6535806049221 Edit 03/01/2018 03/19/2018 19.9911020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 161926 Edit 02/23/2018 03/19/2018 327.3411020 - ROD BAKER FORD SALES, INC 161949 Edit 02/23/2018 03/19/2018 (102.41)Invoice Transactions3 $244.9212120 - ILLINOIS SEARCH & RESCUE COUNCIL 18-54 Edit 11/17/2017 03/19/2018 50.00Invoice Transactions1 $50.00Invoice Transactions14 $1,446.31Invoice Transactions14 $1,446.3110088 - APWA-MICHIGAN CHAPTER, MAPSI 2018-00001248 Edit 03/12/2018 03/19/2018 695.00Invoice Transactions1 $695.0011749 - CALL ONE 2018-00001234 Paid by Check # 116073 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 1,704.78Invoice Transactions1 $1,704.7811262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106865 Paid by Check # 116082 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 152.1111262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106864 Paid by Check # 116083 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 488.34Invoice Transactions2 $640.4511613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00001252 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 49.4710891 - OFF THE PRESS 21386 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 23.00Invoice Transactions2 $72.4710322 - DOORS BY RUSS, INC. 180356 Edit 01/09/2018 03/19/2018 122.3212540 - FITNESS EXPRESS INC 9916 Edit 03/06/2018 03/19/2018 48.3310767 - MENARDS, INC. 23184 Edit 01/17/2018 03/19/2018 10.1810767 - MENARDS, INC. 23570 Edit 01/23/2018 03/19/2018 5.2610767 - MENARDS, INC. 24141 Edit 02/01/2018 03/19/2018 1.1710767 - MENARDS, INC. 24000 Edit 01/30/2018 03/19/2018 8.0310767 - MENARDS, INC. 22739 Edit 01/10/2018 03/19/2018 4.99P-1P3P3Account 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceMAPSI Tuition-JessenAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Unit 07 - PEMA TotalsUnit 08 - Street DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingAccount 8305 - PEMA Search and RescueAnnual Membership Account 8305 - PEMA Search and Rescue TotalsDivision 07 - PEMA Program TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 8020 - Building MaintenanceBuilding MaintenancePreventative MaintenanceAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageFebruary, 2018Employee Leave FormsAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 485081837-00002Acct. 485081837-00001Building MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding Maintenance Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 13 of 2524 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10767 - MENARDS, INC. 22744 Edit 01/10/2018 03/19/2018 3.0010767 - MENARDS, INC. 22873 Edit 01/12/2018 03/19/2018 10.8710986 - R&R SEPTIC AND SEWER SERVICE 18-1350 Edit 02/13/2018 03/19/2018 333.30Invoice Transactions10 $547.45Invoice Transactions16 $3,660.1510238 - COMED 2018-00001265 Edit 02/20/2018 03/19/2018 156.7210238 - COMED 2018-00001266 Edit 02/22/2018 03/19/2018 10.5510238 - COMED 2018-00001267 Edit 02/22/2018 03/19/2018 2,395.2911969 - CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 2018-00001245 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 398.8711969 - CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 2018-00001253 Edit 01/29/2018 03/19/2018 697.88Invoice Transactions5 $3,659.31Joe DiSantis 2018-00001250 Edit 03/12/2018 03/19/2018 35.0010631 - JUST SAFETY, LTD. 30148 Edit 02/15/2018 03/19/2018 29.6010767 - MENARDS, INC. 25089 Edit 02/15/2018 03/19/2018 137.7610767 - MENARDS, INC. 24864 Edit 02/12/2018 03/19/2018 207.53Invoice Transactions4 $409.8912597 - COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA INC 193991 Edit 02/09/2018 03/19/2018 7,208.4212597 - COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA INC 198224 Edit 02/14/2018 03/19/2018 8,425.5012597 - COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA INC 199366 Edit 02/15/2018 03/19/2018 10,707.40Invoice Transactions3 $26,341.3211207 - TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC 91705 Edit 02/08/2018 03/19/2018 1,848.5011207 - TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC 91757 Edit 02/19/2018 03/19/2018 580.0011207 - TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC 91758 Edit 02/19/2018 03/19/2018 241.7511207 - TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC 91802 Edit 02/21/2018 03/19/2018 307.65Invoice Transactions4 $2,977.9010218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344704753 Edit 02/22/2018 03/19/2018 54.39Building MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 8020 - Building Maintenance Totals12750310474293072110IL_47504IL_47504Account 4015 - Electricity/Gas TotalsDivision 02 - Administration Program TotalsDivision 60 - Street Maintenance ProgramAccount 4015 - Electricity/Gas1171000026Board Approved 11/06/17Board Approved 11/06/17Account 5040.003 - Supplies/Hardware-Salt Purchase TotalsAccount 5055 - Street Sign MaintenanceMailbox SuppliesAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware TotalsAccount 5040.003 - Supplies/Hardware-Salt PurchaseBoard Approved 11/06/17Account 5040 - Supplies/HardwareMailbox DamageFirst Aid Kit PWSuppliesAccount 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingUniformsStreet Sign MaintenanceStreet Sign MaintenanceStreet Sign MaintenanceStreet Sign MaintenanceAccount 5055 - Street Sign Maintenance Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 14 of 2525 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10753 - JAMES MCILRATH 2018-00001255 Edit 02/24/2018 03/19/2018 150.00Invoice Transactions2 $204.3910767 - MENARDS, INC. 25006 Edit 02/14/2018 03/19/2018 120.1711128 - STATE TREASURER 54049 Edit 02/07/2018 03/19/2018 8,283.57Invoice Transactions2 $8,403.7410252 - CONTINENTAL WEATHER SERVICE 16708 Edit 03/01/2018 03/19/2018 150.00Invoice Transactions1 $150.0012500 - ACRES GROUP AE_0291854 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 2,112.5012500 - ACRES GROUP AE_0291902 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 1,968.7512500 - ACRES GROUP AE_0291909 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 1,805.0012500 - ACRES GROUP AE_0291913 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 662.5012500 - ACRES GROUP AE_0291911 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 4,147.5010079 - ANTREX, INC. 3855 Edit 02/15/2018 03/19/2018 3,945.5010079 - ANTREX, INC. 3854 Edit 02/14/2018 03/19/2018 18,026.6810079 - ANTREX, INC. 3856 Edit 02/21/2018 03/19/2018 1,236.2510180 - CARGILL INC.-SALT DIVISION 2903924774 Edit 02/06/2018 03/19/2018 59,611.1010180 - CARGILL INC.-SALT DIVISION 2903929055 Edit 02/07/2018 03/19/2018 7,464.2010376 - FAZIO LANDSCAPING 13059 Edit 02/15/2018 03/19/2018 57,742.5010376 - FAZIO LANDSCAPING 13072 Edit 03/08/2018 03/19/2018 1,998.5010597 - J&S CONSTRUCTION 1708803 Edit 02/14/2018 03/19/2018 5,369.0010597 - J&S CONSTRUCTION 1708804 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 6,916.0010597 - J&S CONSTRUCTION 1708805 Edit 02/19/2018 03/19/2018 3,458.0010618 - JOHN GREEN EXCAVATING CO.,INC. 18-0108 Edit 02/17/2018 03/19/2018 360.0012643 - LOCAL LAWN CARE & LANDSCAPING 10089 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 454.2511076 - SHREVE SERVICES, INC. 3252 Edit 02/21/2018 03/19/2018 903.0011076 - SHREVE SERVICES, INC. 3250 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 21,061.0012602 - WINNINGER EXCAVATING INC 15-5375 Edit 02/15/2018 03/19/2018 17,099.7512602 - WINNINGER EXCAVATING INC 15-5374 Edit 02/15/2018 03/19/2018 38,043.7512602 - WINNINGER EXCAVATING INC 15-5391 Edit 02/21/2018 03/19/2018 1,585.2512602 - WINNINGER EXCAVATING INC 15-5392 Edit 02/21/2018 03/19/2018 1,451.25Account 8130 - Street Light MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceStreet Light MaintenanceAccount 8130 - Street Light Maintenance TotalsBoot AllowanceAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing Totals02/04/201802/05, 02/06/201802/07/201802/21/201802/09/2018Account 8135 - Contractual ServicesMarch, 2018Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsAccount 8135.004 - Snow Removal02/04, 02/06, 02/07, 02/09, 02/10, 02/11/1802/17, 02/21/201802/05, 02/06, 02/07/201802/09/201802/11/201802/05, 02/07, 02/09/201802/04, 02/06, 02/07, 02/09, 02/11/201802/17, 02/21/20181135 Bulk Deicing Salt1135 Bulk Deicing Salt02/09, 02/10/201802/17/201802/21/201802/09/201802/17/201802/21/201802/08, 02/11, 02/17/201802/11, 02/12/2018 Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 15 of 2526 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions23 $257,422.2310161 - BRIS INDUSTRIAL, INC. 100343 Edit 02/14/2018 03/19/2018 524.6910820 - MONROE TRUCK EQUIPMENT, INC. 320423 Edit 02/20/2018 03/19/2018 390.6812010 - TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK GROUP CM3100099 Edit 01/12/2018 03/19/2018 (212.89)Invoice Transactions3 $702.48Invoice Transactions47 $300,271.2612735 - IDNR 00142 Edit 03/08/2018 03/19/2018 150.00Invoice Transactions1 $150.00Invoice Transactions1 $150.00Invoice Transactions64 $304,081.4111749 - CALL ONE 2018-00001234 Paid by Check # 116073 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 218.24Invoice Transactions1 $218.2411262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106864 Paid by Check # 116083 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 72.98Invoice Transactions1 $72.9811938 - PITNEY BOWES, INC 2018-00001238 Paid by EFT # 646 03/12/2018 03/12/2018 03/12/2018 75.0010379 - FEDERAL EXPRESS 6-103-51964 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 29.7310891 - OFF THE PRESS 21351 Edit 02/19/2018 03/19/2018 55.60Invoice Transactions3 $160.3310752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 134143 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 50.00Invoice Transactions1 $50.00Invoice Transactions6 $501.5510506 - I.P.I.A. 2018-00001235 Edit 03/12/2018 03/19/2018 125.00Invoice Transactions1 $125.0011749 - CALL ONE 2018-00001234 Paid by Check # 116073 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 43.64Account 8135.004 - Snow Removal TotalsAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware TotalsDivision 62 - Forestry Program TotalsUnit 08 - Street Department TotalsDivision 60 - Street Maintenance Program TotalsDivision 62 - Forestry ProgramAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwareSeedlingsAccount 8160 - Equipment MaintenanceShop SuppliesEquipment MaintenanceUnit 1026Account 8160 - Equipment Maintenance TotalsVH PostagePostage#10 Regular EnvelopesAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 485081837-00001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageUnit 09 - Community DevelopmentDivision 20 - Planning ProgramAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Division 21 - Building ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingPatrick HeneghanAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease 03/10 - 04/10/2018Account 8035 - Maintenance Contracts/Lease TotalsDivision 20 - Planning Program Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 16 of 2527 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions1 $43.6411262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106865 Paid by Check # 116082 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 87.1111262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106864 Paid by Check # 116083 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 225.26Invoice Transactions2 $312.3711938 - PITNEY BOWES, INC 2018-00001238 Paid by EFT # 646 03/12/2018 03/12/2018 03/12/2018 75.0011613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00001252 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 86.2410891 - OFF THE PRESS 21387 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 49.0010891 - OFF THE PRESS 21351 Edit 02/19/2018 03/19/2018 55.60Invoice Transactions4 $265.84Invoice Transactions8 $746.85Invoice Transactions14 $1,248.4012319 - CONRAD POLYGRAPH, INC 2848 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 640.00Invoice Transactions1 $640.00Invoice Transactions1 $640.00Invoice Transactions1 $640.00Invoice Transactions266 $892,392.2610578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00001219 Paid by Check # 116064 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 5,659.87Invoice Transactions1 $5,659.8710578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00001219 Paid by Check # 116064 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 3,221.56Invoice Transactions1 $3,221.5610578 - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2018-00001219 Paid by Check # 116064 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 753.42Invoice Transactions1 $753.4210315 - DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENT ADVISORS 2018-00001217 Paid by Check # 116062 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 1,281.3410774 - METLIFE 2018-00001220 Paid by Check # 116065 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 600.08Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersDivision 21 - Building Program TotalsUnit 09 - Community Development TotalsVH PostageFebruary, 2018Business Cards-Spires#10 Regular EnvelopesAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAcct. 485081837-00002Acct. 485081837-00001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageFund 02 - Water and Sewer FundAccount 0210.220 - Federal W/H PayableFICA - FICA*Account 0210.220 - Federal W/H Payable TotalsDivision 02 - Administration Program TotalsUnit 50 - Police Commission TotalsFund 01 - General Fund TotalsUnit 50 - Police CommissionDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesContractual ServicesAccount 8135 - Contractual Services Totals457-METLIFE-PCT - Deferred Comp Metlife*FICA - FICA*Account 0210.223 - Medicare W/H Payable TotalsAccount 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan457-IPPFA-PCT - Deferred Comp IPPFA*Account 0210.222 - FICA PayableFICA - FICA*Account 0210.222 - FICA Payable TotalsAccount 0210.223 - Medicare W/H Payable Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 17 of 2528 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description11758 - VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS-306593 2018-00001225 Paid by Check # 116070 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 194.78Invoice Transactions3 $2,076.2011244 - UNITED WAY OF WILL COUNTY 2018-00001224 Paid by Check # 116069 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 9.02Invoice Transactions1 $9.0210030 - AFLAC 2018-00001216 Paid by Check # 116061 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 49.04Invoice Transactions1 $49.0410030 - AFLAC 2018-00001216 Paid by Check # 116061 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 37.85Invoice Transactions1 $37.8511124 - STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 2018-00001223 Paid by Check # 116068 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 852.53Invoice Transactions1 $852.5311266 - VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD 2018-00001226 Paid by Check # 116071 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 306.11Invoice Transactions1 $306.1110854 - NCPERS - IL IMRF 2018-00001221 Paid by Check # 116066 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 34.72Invoice Transactions1 $34.7211749 - CALL ONE 2018-00001234 Paid by Check # 116073 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 529.91Invoice Transactions1 $529.9111262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106865 Paid by Check # 116082 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 139.0911262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106864 Paid by Check # 116083 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 176.46Invoice Transactions2 $315.5511938 - PITNEY BOWES, INC 2018-00001238 Paid by EFT # 646 03/12/2018 03/12/2018 03/12/2018 100.0011613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00001252 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 49.4710891 - OFF THE PRESS 21386 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 23.00457-ICMA-FLAT - Deferred Comp ICMA*Account 0210.241 - Deferred Comp. Plan TotalsAccount 0210.243 - United Way DonationsAccount 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance AssignmentCHILD SUPPORT - Child Support Wage Assignment*Account 0210.246 - Child Support/Maintenance Assignment TotalsAccount 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSAAccount 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-Tax TotalsAccount 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-TaxAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*Account 0210.245 - AFLAC Post-Tax TotalsUNITED WAY - United Way of Will CountyAccount 0210.243 - United Way Donations TotalsAccount 0210.244 - AFLAC Pre-TaxAFLAC - PRETAX - AFLAC Pretax*1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersAcct. 485081837-00002Account 0210.301 - Employee Life Insurance TotalsUnit 10 - Water DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 4000 - Telephone/InternetFSA MED PT - Discovery Benefits Medical*Account 0210.249 - Flex 125-FSA TotalsAccount 0210.301 - Employee Life InsuranceSUP LIFE INS - NCPERSFebruary, 2018Employee Leave FormsAcct. 485081837-00001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageVH Postage Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 18 of 2529 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10891 - OFF THE PRESS 21351 Edit 02/19/2018 03/19/2018 55.6011318 - WILL COUNTY RECORDER 2018-00001258 Edit 03/01/2018 03/19/2018 208.12Invoice Transactions5 $436.1912585 - NEUCO INC 2813848 Paid by Check # 116078 12/28/2017 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 47.41Invoice Transactions1 $47.4110086 - APWA 2018-00001249 Edit 02/08/2018 03/19/2018 990.00Invoice Transactions1 $990.0010471 - HERITAGE FS INC 68258 Edit 02/15/2018 03/19/2018 395.56Invoice Transactions1 $395.5612682 - CORE & MAIN LP I301782 Edit 02/09/2018 03/19/2018 2,000.0012682 - CORE & MAIN LP I302198 Edit 02/15/2018 03/19/2018 3,220.00Invoice Transactions2 $5,220.0010322 - DOORS BY RUSS, INC. 180356 Edit 01/09/2018 03/19/2018 122.3212540 - FITNESS EXPRESS INC 9916 Edit 03/06/2018 03/19/2018 48.3310767 - MENARDS, INC. 23184 Edit 01/17/2018 03/19/2018 10.1810767 - MENARDS, INC. 23570 Edit 01/23/2018 03/19/2018 5.2610767 - MENARDS, INC. 24141 Edit 02/01/2018 03/19/2018 1.1610767 - MENARDS, INC. 24000 Edit 01/30/2018 03/19/2018 8.0410767 - MENARDS, INC. 22739 Edit 01/10/2018 03/19/2018 5.0010767 - MENARDS, INC. 22744 Edit 01/10/2018 03/19/2018 2.9910767 - MENARDS, INC. 22873 Edit 01/12/2018 03/19/2018 10.8710986 - R&R SEPTIC AND SEWER SERVICE 18-1350 Edit 02/13/2018 03/19/2018 333.30Invoice Transactions10 $547.4512201 - VANCO SERVICES 00008799372 Paid by EFT # 644 03/01/2018 03/15/2018 03/15/2018 165.1510098 - ARRO LABORATORIES, INC. 52157 Edit 02/12/2018 03/19/2018 80.0011192 - THIRD MILLENNIUM ASSOCIATES, INC. 21788 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 870.28Invoice Transactions3 $1,115.43Account 5010 - Replacement SuppliesReheat ModuleAccount 5010 - Replacement Supplies Totals#10 Regular Envelopes02/06/18 - 02/27/18Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsWater MetersAccount 5080 - Water Meters TotalsAccount 8020 - Building MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceGas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash TotalsAccount 5080 - Water MetersWater MetersAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsID 147270 - 2018 MembershipAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsAccount 5020 - Gas/Oil/Mileage/CarwashBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 8020 - Building Maintenance TotalsPreventative MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsAccount 8225 - Engineering FeesAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesFebruary, 2018Total ColiformMarch, 2018 Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 19 of 2530 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0197442 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 2,085.0010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0197808 Edit 02/20/2018 03/19/2018 1,042.50Invoice Transactions2 $3,127.50Invoice Transactions28 $12,725.0011749 - CALL ONE 2018-00001234 Paid by Check # 116073 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 824.30Invoice Transactions1 $824.3011969 - CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 2018-00001245 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 7,634.3411969 - CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 2018-00001253 Edit 01/29/2018 03/19/2018 2,845.8810868 - NICOR 2018-00001261 Edit 02/23/2018 03/19/2018 121.9010868 - NICOR 2018-00001262 Edit 02/22/2018 03/19/2018 346.85Invoice Transactions4 $10,948.9710631 - JUST SAFETY, LTD. 30148 Edit 02/15/2018 03/19/2018 29.6111190 - THE UPS STORE 2018-00001247 Edit 08/11/2017 03/19/2018 4.41Invoice Transactions2 $34.0210767 - MENARDS, INC. 24164 Edit 02/01/2018 03/19/2018 50.9411240 - UNDERGROUND PIPE & VALVE CO 026947 Edit 02/13/2018 03/19/2018 998.75Invoice Transactions2 $1,049.6910037 - ALEXANDER CHEMICAL CORP. SLS 10068259 Edit 02/13/2018 03/19/2018 1,300.00Invoice Transactions1 $1,300.0010239 - COMMERCIAL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS 29295 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 765.00Invoice Transactions1 $765.0010145 - BOB BAISH EXCAVATING, INC., 1575 Edit 01/26/2018 03/19/2018 4,131.5010752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 134143 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 265.00Invoice Transactions2 $4,396.5012396 - WESCO RECEIVABLES CORP 704019 Edit 02/07/2018 03/19/2018 502.36Account 8225 - Engineering Fees TotalsDivision 02 - Administration Program TotalsDivision 30 - Water Distribution ProgramDrauden Rd. ROW, WM & SS StakingWater System Master PlanIL_47504IL_475048440302000582178910004Account 4015 - Electricity/Gas TotalsAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 4015 - Electricity/GasAccount 5070 - ChemicalsChemicalsAccount 5070 - Chemicals TotalsAccount 8020 - Building MaintenanceAccount 5040 - Supplies/HardwareSuppliesSuppliesAccount 5040 - Supplies/Hardware TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageFirst Aid Kit PWPostageAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage Totals03/10 - 04/10/2018Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsAccount 8160 - Equipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 8020 - Building Maintenance TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesMain Break-Lake Mary Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 20 of 2531 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions1 $502.36Invoice Transactions14 $19,820.84Invoice Transactions42 $32,545.8410662 - DOUGLAS KISSEL 2018-00001268 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 179.85Invoice Transactions1 $179.8511749 - CALL ONE 2018-00001234 Paid by Check # 116073 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 824.30Invoice Transactions1 $824.3011262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106865 Paid by Check # 116082 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 37.0111262 - VERIZON WIRELESS 9802106864 Paid by Check # 116083 02/21/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 145.57Invoice Transactions2 $182.5811938 - PITNEY BOWES, INC 2018-00001238 Paid by EFT # 646 03/12/2018 03/12/2018 03/12/2018 100.0011613 - CHICAGO OFFICE PRODUCTS, CO 2018-00001252 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 49.4710631 - JUST SAFETY, LTD. 30148 Edit 02/15/2018 03/19/2018 29.5910891 - OFF THE PRESS 21386 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 23.0010891 - OFF THE PRESS 21351 Edit 02/19/2018 03/19/2018 55.6011318 - WILL COUNTY RECORDER 2018-00001258 Edit 03/01/2018 03/19/2018 208.13Invoice Transactions6 $465.7910086 - APWA 2018-00001249 Edit 02/08/2018 03/19/2018 990.00Invoice Transactions1 $990.0010322 - DOORS BY RUSS, INC. 180356 Edit 01/09/2018 03/19/2018 122.3612540 - FITNESS EXPRESS INC 9916 Edit 03/06/2018 03/19/2018 48.3410767 - MENARDS, INC. 23184 Edit 01/17/2018 03/19/2018 10.1810767 - MENARDS, INC. 23570 Edit 01/23/2018 03/19/2018 5.2610767 - MENARDS, INC. 24141 Edit 02/01/2018 03/19/2018 1.1610767 - MENARDS, INC. 24000 Edit 01/30/2018 03/19/2018 8.04Account 8160 - Equipment Maintenance TotalsDivision 30 - Water Distribution Program TotalsUnit 10 - Water Department TotalsAcct. 485081837-00002Acct. 485081837-00001Account 4005 - Cellular Phones/Pagers TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostageAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 4005 - Cellular Phones/PagersUnit 11 - Sewer DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration ProgramAccount 3000 - Travel/TrainingIAWA ConferenceAccount 3000 - Travel/Training TotalsAccount 5015 - Dues & Subscriptions TotalsAccount 8020 - Building MaintenanceBuilding MaintenancePreventative Maintenance02/06/18 - 02/27/18Account 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 5015 - Dues & SubscriptionsID 147270 - 2018 MembershipVH PostageFebruary, 2018First Aid Kit PWEmployee Leave Forms#10 Regular EnvelopesBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding Maintenance Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 21 of 2532 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10767 - MENARDS, INC. 22739 Edit 01/10/2018 03/19/2018 5.0010767 - MENARDS, INC. 22744 Edit 01/10/2018 03/19/2018 2.9910767 - MENARDS, INC. 22873 Edit 01/12/2018 03/19/2018 10.8810986 - R&R SEPTIC AND SEWER SERVICE 18-1350 Edit 02/13/2018 03/19/2018 333.40Invoice Transactions10 $547.6112201 - VANCO SERVICES 00008799372 Paid by EFT # 644 03/01/2018 03/15/2018 03/15/2018 165.2011192 - THIRD MILLENNIUM ASSOCIATES, INC. 21788 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 870.27Invoice Transactions2 $1,035.4711075 - SHOREWOOD HOME & AUTO, INC. 01-57079 Edit 02/05/2018 03/19/2018 9.7211075 - SHOREWOOD HOME & AUTO, INC. 01-58385 Edit 02/14/2018 03/19/2018 124.6811075 - SHOREWOOD HOME & AUTO, INC. 01-57672 Edit 02/08/2018 03/19/2018 79.62Invoice Transactions3 $214.0210131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0197809 Edit 02/20/2018 03/19/2018 295.00Invoice Transactions1 $295.00Invoice Transactions27 $4,734.6211749 - CALL ONE 2018-00001234 Paid by Check # 116073 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 03/12/2018 2,004.56Invoice Transactions1 $2,004.5611969 - CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 2018-00001245 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 38,492.5711969 - CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 2018-00001253 Edit 01/29/2018 03/19/2018 41,883.2910868 - NICOR 2018-00001260 Edit 02/22/2018 03/19/2018 2,252.2810868 - NICOR 2018-00001263 Edit 02/22/2018 03/19/2018 82.13Invoice Transactions4 $82,710.2711190 - THE UPS STORE 2018-00001247 Edit 08/11/2017 03/19/2018 4.41Invoice Transactions1 $4.4110386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC.139124 Edit 02/13/2018 03/19/2018 36.00Invoice Transactions1 $36.00Account 8135 - Contractual ServicesFebruary, 2018March, 2018Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceBuilding MaintenanceAccount 8020 - Building Maintenance TotalsBuilding MaintenanceDivision 40 - Sewer Treatment ProgramAccount 4000 - Telephone/Internet1211165-1129847Account 4000 - Telephone/Internet TotalsAccount 8225 - Engineering FeesSewer Cleaning & TelevisingAccount 8225 - Engineering Fees TotalsDivision 02 - Administration Program TotalsAccount 8160 - Equipment MaintenanceSnow Blower TubeEquipment MaintenanceEquipment MaintenanceAccount 8160 - Equipment Maintenance TotalsAccount 4015 - Electricity/Gas TotalsAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/PostagePostageAccount 5005 - Office Supplies/Postage TotalsAccount 4015 - Electricity/GasIL_47504IL_475043918802000005663020005Account 5085 - Industrial Flow MonitorIndustrialsAccount 5085 - Industrial Flow Monitor Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 22 of 2533 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice Description10218 - CINTAS CORPORATION #344 344704753 Edit 02/22/2018 03/19/2018 54.39Invoice Transactions1 $54.3912064 - POMP'S TIRE SERVICE, INC. 690053700 Edit 10/24/2017 03/19/2018 425.0012064 - POMP'S TIRE SERVICE, INC. 690055914 Edit 01/12/2018 03/19/2018 425.00Invoice Transactions2 $850.0010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC.139120 Edit 02/13/2018 03/19/2018 40.5010386 - FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC.139049 Edit 02/07/2018 03/19/2018 40.5010752 - MCGRATH OFFICE EQUIPMENT 134143 Edit 03/05/2018 03/19/2018 265.00Invoice Transactions3 $346.0010585 - INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER 1915201020162 Edit 02/13/2018 03/19/2018 35.88Invoice Transactions1 $35.8810373 - FASTENAL COMPANY ILPLA23581 Edit 02/01/2018 03/19/2018 4.63Invoice Transactions1 $4.63Invoice Transactions15 $86,046.14Invoice Transactions42 $90,780.7610131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0197443 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 362.50Invoice Transactions1 $362.5010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0197444 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 29,974.4110131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0197448 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 907.50Invoice Transactions2 $30,881.91Invoice Transactions3 $31,244.41Invoice Transactions3 $31,244.41Invoice Transactions99 $167,571.3310131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0197445 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 586.25Unit 1045Account 8060 - Vehicle Maintenance TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesChlorideUniformsAccount 5095 - Uniforms/Clothing TotalsAccount 8060 - Vehicle MaintenanceUnit 1045Account 5095 - Uniforms/ClothingAccount 8185 - System Maintenance TotalsDivision 40 - Sewer Treatment Program TotalsUnit 11 - Sewer Department TotalsEquipment MaintenanceAccount 8160 - Equipment Maintenance TotalsAccount 8185 - System MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceChloride03/10 - 04/10/2018Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsAccount 8160 - Equipment MaintenanceAccount 8225 - Engineering FeesVillage Green Street ItAlley Water MainAccount 8225 - Engineering Fees TotalsUnit 12 - Utility Expansion Division 91 - CapitalAccount 8134.002 - Pump Station Improvements127th St. PS VFD ReplacementAccount 8134.002 - Pump Station Improvements TotalsFund 04 - Motor Fuel TaxUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 91 - CapitalAccount 9150 - Street Improvements2016 MFT ConstructionDivision 91 - Capital TotalsUnit 12 - Utility Expansion TotalsFund 02 - Water and Sewer Fund Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 23 of 2534 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions1 $586.25Invoice Transactions1 $586.25Invoice Transactions1 $586.25Invoice Transactions1 $586.2511429 - AZAVAR AUDIT SOLUTIONS, INC 14149 Edit 03/01/2018 03/19/2018 8,622.10Invoice Transactions1 $8,622.1011969 - CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 2018-00001245 Edit 02/28/2018 03/19/2018 49.3811969 - CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 2018-00001253 Edit 01/29/2018 03/19/2018 56.17Invoice Transactions2 $105.55Invoice Transactions2 $105.5510131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0197447 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 2,470.0010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0195851 Edit 11/17/2017 03/19/2018 666.9110131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0195852 Edit 11/17/2017 03/19/2018 6,855.0010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0197446 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 325.00Invoice Transactions4 $10,316.9110281 - D CONSTRUCTION INC. 2018-00001254 Edit 02/26/2018 03/19/2018 2,925.92Invoice Transactions1 $2,925.9212354 - JOHN THOMAS INC 12913 Edit 02/19/2018 03/19/2018 14,843.34Invoice Transactions1 $14,843.3410131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0197441 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 18,234.5710131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0195277 Edit 10/20/2017 03/19/2018 1,500.00Invoice Transactions2 $19,734.5710131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0197452 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 10,292.5010131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0194673 Edit 09/22/2017 03/19/2018 11,991.25Account 9150 - Street Improvements TotalsDivision 91 - Capital TotalsUnit 00 - Non-Departmental TotalsIL_47504IL_47504Account 8135 - Contractual Services TotalsDivision 00 - Non-Divisional TotalsAccount 0500.502 - Utility Tax TotalsUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 00 - Non-DivisionalAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesFund 04 - Motor Fuel Tax TotalsFund 11 - Capital Improvement FundAccount 0500.502 - Utility Tax February, 2018FRA Quiet ZoneAccount 8225 - Engineering Fees TotalsAccount 9112 - Sidewalk Curb & Bikepath ReplaceShared-Use PathDivision 91 - CapitalAccount 8225 - Engineering FeesLockport St. Survey FRA Quiet ZoneFRA New Quiet ZoneLockport St. Survey FRA Quiet ZoneAccount 9165 - Roadway Improvements2018 Non-MFT Street It2017 Seal Coating ProgramAccount 9152.006 - PACE Park-N-RidePACE Parking LotPACE Subdivision PlatAccount 9152.006 - PACE Park-N-Ride TotalsAccount 9112 - Sidewalk Curb & Bikepath Replace TotalsAccount 9120 - Machinery and EquipmentProtective Cover NC200-300-350Account 9120 - Machinery and Equipment Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 24 of 2535 Vendor Invoice No. Status Invoice Date G/L Date Payment Date Invoice AmountInvoice DescriptionInvoice Transactions2 $22,283.7510262 - CRAWFORD, MURPHY & TILLY, INC. 116855 Edit 01/23/2018 03/19/2018 1,589.38Invoice Transactions1 $1,589.3810131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0197440 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 10,936.2510131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0197450 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 1,784.8410131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 01097451 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 288.7510131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0195264 Edit 10/20/2017 03/19/2018 14,103.7410131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0194102 Edit 08/24/2017 03/19/2018 41,221.1310131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0194659 Edit 09/22/2017 03/19/2018 25,165.11Invoice Transactions6 $93,499.8210131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0197444 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 2,590.88Invoice Transactions1 $2,590.88Invoice Transactions18 $167,784.57Invoice Transactions20 $167,890.12Invoice Transactions21 $176,512.2210131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0197449 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 736.2510131 - BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 0197444 Edit 02/16/2018 03/19/2018 3,618.3712711 - BRANDT EXCAVATING, INC. 2018-00001244 Edit 02/14/2018 03/19/2018 32,795.73Invoice Transactions3 $37,150.35Invoice Transactions3 $37,150.35Invoice Transactions3 $37,150.35Invoice Transactions3 $37,150.35Invoice Transactions390 $1,274,212.41Account 9165 - Roadway Improvements Totals127th St. Improvements127th St. and Reservoir Inspection127th St. Reservoir127th St. Improvements127th St. ImprovementsAccount 9165.009 - 143rd St. Extension Phase 2143rd St. ExtensionAccount 9165.009 - 143rd St. Extension Phase 2 TotalsAccount 9165.030 - 127th-Heggs to MeadowFund 11 - Capital Improvement Fund TotalsFund 17 - Tax Increment Financing FundUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 91 - CapitalAccount 9165.031 - Village Green TotalsDivision 91 - Capital TotalsUnit 00 - Non-Departmental Totals127th St. ImprovementsAccount 9165.030 - 127th-Heggs to Meadow TotalsAccount 9165.031 - Village GreenVillage Green Street ImprovementGrand TotalsDivision 91 - Capital TotalsUnit 00 - Non-Departmental TotalsFund 17 - Tax Increment Financing Fund TotalsAccount 8135 - Contractual ServicesDes Plaines St. Parking LotVillage Green Street ImprovementLockport St. Alleys Water Main #3 and FinalAccount 8135 - Contractual Services Totals Run by Kristin Partyka on 03/15/2018 07:33:01 AM Page 25 of 2536 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\7UDFL3OHFNKDP 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW0DQDJHPHQW6HUYLFHV'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0DUFK 68%-(&7 &DVK ,QYHVWPHQW5HYHQXHDQG([SHQGLWXUH5HSRUWVIRU)HEUXDU\ 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 &DVK ,QYHVWPHQW5HSRUWWKURXJK)HEUXDU\ %XGJHW3HUIRUPDQFH5HSRUWWKURXJK)HEUXDU\ %XGJHWE\2UJDQL]DWLRQ5HSRUWWKURXJK)HEUXDU\ 37 General LedgerBank orCurrentMaturityAccount # Account Name Savings & Loan Yield Balance Type DateGeneral Fund01-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 1.306% 31,509.76 CK N/A01-0100.002 Public Checking First Midwest 0.000% 53,383.82 CK N/A01-0100.005 Drug Forfeiture Harris 1.306% 359,529.14 CK N/A01-0102.001 Saving Deposit AccountPMA1.250% 95,585.48 OT N/A01-0102.003 Money Market Account Fifth Third 1.180% 7,255.71 OT N/A01-0103.022 General Fund Illinois Funds 1.362% 3,170,508.06 OT N/A01-0103.024 General-Convenience Fund IMET 1.380% 2,129,671.86 OT N/A01-0103.025 General-1-3 Year Fund IMET Various 1,475,983.09 OT N/A01-0104.009 General Fund-PMA CDs PMA-First Community Financial Bank0.921% 500,000.00 CD 5/7/2018PMA-Comenity Capital Bank 1.350% 248,862.80 CD 6/29/2018PMA-Pacific Western Bank1.111% 244,400.00 CD 8/16/2018PMA-First National Bank 1.083% 244,600.00 CD 8/31/2018PMA-First Community Financial Bank1.201% 250,000.00 CD 2/28/2019PMA-Ally Bank 1.415% 246,908.06 CD 3/4/2019PMA-Private Bank1.575% 242,100.00 CD 9/3/2019PMA-American Express Centurion Bank 1.700% 245,174.42 CD 9/6/2019PMA-Capital One Bank 1.750% 244,968.43 CD 11/8/2019PMA-Morgan Stanley Bank1.750% 244,935.33 CD 11/12/2019PMA-Community West 2.031% 239,900.00 CD 2/10/2020PMA-Bankunited 2.053% 246,235.04 CD 2/10/202001-0104.015 General Fund-Fifth Third CDs Fifth Third-LCA BK Corp 1.250% 119,401.95 CD 9/27/2018Fifth Third-Key BK National Assn Ohio 1.500% 141,984.15 CD 2/8/2019Fifth Third-Morgan Stanley1.700% 248,702.33 CD 8/19/2019Fifth Third-First Bank Puerto Rico 1.700% 143,541.67 CD 1/13/2020Fifth Third-Worlds Foremost BK 1.700% 112,997.94 CD 1/13/2020Total General Fund11,288,139.04Water & Sewer Fund02-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 1.306% 1,873,716.13 CK N/A02-0100.002 Public Checking First Midwest 0.000% 151,926.43 CK N/A02-0102.001 Saving Deposit AccountPMA1.250% 68,219.25 OT N/A02-0102.003 Money Market Account Fifth Third 1.180% 804.71 OT N/A02-0103.022 General Fund Illinois Funds 1.362% 3,267,775.28 OT N/A02-0103.024 General-Convenience Fund IMET 1.380% 554,956.01 OT N/A02-0103.025 General-1-3 Year Fund IMET Various 2,507,111.63 OT N/A02-0103.026 Water & Sewer Series 2008-1-3 Year Fund IMET Various 1,425,352.53 OT N/AVillage Of PlainfieldCash & Investment ListAs Of February 28, 2018Page 138 General LedgerBank orCurrentMaturityAccount # Account Name Savings & Loan Yield Balance Type DateVillage Of PlainfieldCash & Investment ListAs Of February 28, 2018Water & Sewer Fund Continued02-0104.005 Water Sewer-PMA CDs PMA-First Community Financial Bank1.022% 250,000.00 CD 8/31/2018PMA-Enerbank USA1.050% 248,251.76 CD 8/31/2018PMA-First Community Financial Bank1.201% 250,000.00 CD 2/28/2019PMA-Keybank, NA1.350% 246,758.51 CD 3/8/2019PMA-Discovery Bank 1.616% 245,299.16 CD 9/3/2019PMA-Capital One 1.616% 245,112.18 CD 9/27/2019PMA-First Community Financial Bank2.022% 239,800.00 CD 2/10/2020PMA-Rockford B&TC 2.023% 239,800.00 CD 2/10/202002-0104.015 General Fund-Fifth Third CDs Fifth Third-Morgan Stanley1.700% 248,787.67 CD 8/19/2019Total Water & Sewer Fund12,063,671.25Capital Replacement Fund03-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 1.306% 1,975,955.36 CK N/A03-0102.003 Money Market Account Fifth Third 1.180% 4,388.96 OT N/A03-0104.005 Capital Replacement- PMA CDs PMA-Sonabank 0.999% 245,000.00 CD 5/7/2018PMA-First Community Financial Bank0.921% 175,000.00 CD 5/7/2018PMA-Bank of the West 1.321% 240,000.00 CD 5/20/2019PMA-Wells Fargo Bank, NA 1.150% 246,877.28 CD 5/20/2019Capital Replacement-Fifth Third CDs Fifth Third-LCA BK Corp 1.250% 90,075.15 CD 9/27/2018Fifth Third-Key BK National Assn Ohio 1.500% 104,816.60 CD 2/8/2019Fifth Third-First Bank Puerto Rico 1.700% 106,555.08 CD 1/13/2020Fifth Third-Worlds Foremost BK 1.700% 85,244.06 CD 1/13/2020Total Capital Replacement Fund 3,273,912.49Motor Fuel Tax Fund04-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 1.306% 50,160.76 CK N/A04-0103.002 Motor Fuel Tax Fund Illinois Funds 1.362% 2,958,844.72OT N/ATotal Motor Fuel Tax Fund3,009,005.48Bond And Interest Fund05-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 1.306% 2,226.89 CK N/A05-0103.022 IL Funds Illinois Funds 1.362% - OT N/ATotal Bond And Interest Fund2,226.89 Tort Immunity Fund07-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 1.306% 294,761.59 CK N/AAudit Fund08-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 1.306% 15,936.11 CK N/ACapital Improvement FundPage 239 General LedgerBank orCurrentMaturityAccount # Account Name Savings & Loan Yield Balance Type DateVillage Of PlainfieldCash & Investment ListAs Of February 28, 201811-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 1.306% 1,187,756.38 CK N/A11-0102.015 Public Checking US Bank 0.000% 5,500.00 CK N/A11-0103.022 IL Funds Illinois Funds 1.362% 11,279,460.13OT N/ATotal Capital Improvements Fund 12,472,716.51D.A.R.E. Fund14-0100.004 D.A.R.E. Account Harris 1.306% 15,235.17 CK N/ATIF Fund17-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 1.306% 399,928.63 CK N/ASex Offenders Registration Fund26-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 1.306% 2,432.75 CK N/AAlcohol Enforcement Fund27-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 1.306% 51,297.41 CK N/ADrug Enforcement Fund28-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 1.306% 39,421.60 CK N/APolice Vehicle Replacement Fund29-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 1.306% 188,647.94 CK N/APEMA Fund40-0100.000 Operating Account Harris 1.306% 19,605.54 CK N/ATotal Cash & Investments43,136,938.40Page 340 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 01 - General FundREVENUE0400.401 Property Tax Revenue 3,160,000.00 .00 3,160,000.00 .00 .00 3,238,346.82 (78,346.82) 102 3,186,939.650400.402 Property Tax Rev-Road & Bridge 375,000.00 .00 375,000.00 .00 .00 362,940.98 12,059.02 97 357,161.290400.403 Property Tax Rev-Police Pension 1,370,000.00 .00 1,370,000.00 .00 .00 1,364,479.09 5,520.91 100 1,101,142.150400.404 Property Tax Revenue-IMRF 575,000.00 .00 575,000.00 .00 .00 573,025.75 1,974.25 100 575,655.270450.450 Home Rule Sales Tax 500,000.00 .00 500,000.00 .00 .00 500,000.00 .00 100 .000450.451 Municipal Sales Tax 5,400,000.00 .00 5,400,000.00 481,826.59 .00 4,595,611.50 804,388.50 85 5,354,048.490450.452 Illinois Income Tax 3,550,000.00 .00 3,550,000.00 435,379.12 .00 3,637,663.15 (87,663.15) 102 3,741,387.320450.453 Replacement Tax 45,000.00 .00 45,000.00 .00 .00 34,809.19 10,190.81 77 56,644.710450.454 Replacement Tax-Library .00 .00 .00 (1,729.42) .00 .00 .00 +++ .000450.455 Local Use Tax 875,000.00 .00 875,000.00 100,140.42 .00 824,721.60 50,278.40 94 974,197.530500.500 Hotel/Motel Tax .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,438.30 (1,438.30) +++ 198.710500.501Amusement Tax 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 515.00 .00 5,460.33 (460.33) 109 9,892.850500.503 Local Motor Fuel Tax 930,000.00 .00 930,000.00 90,961.48 .00907,251.08 22,748.92 98 959,052.150550.551 Liquor License 100,000.00 .00 100,000.00 2,834.00 .00 106,092.01 (6,092.01) 106 103,568.000550.552 Contractors License 35,000.00 .00 35,000.00 2,950.00 .00 40,400.00 (5,400.00) 115 47,200.000550.553 Cigarette License 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 .00 6,250.00 (1,250.00) 125 7,000.000550.554 Scavenger License 200.00 .00 200.00 .00 .00 100.00 100.00 50 100.000550.558 Business License 35,000.00 .00 35,000.00 2,387.50 .00 38,987.50 (3,987.50) 111 37,788.000570.555 Building Permit 925,000.00 .00 925,000.00 36,480.80 .00 674,992.77 250,007.23 73 952,316.600570.556 Sign Permit 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 107.00 .00 3,492.00 1,508.0070 7,763.000570.557 Special Movement Permit 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 490.00 .00 17,220.00 (12,220.00) 344 8,630.000570.560 Solicitors Permit 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 35.00 .00 1,750.00 (750.00) 175 1,785.000600.601 County Court Fines 325,000.00 .00 325,000.00 70.00 .00 275,036.69 49,963.31 85 367,797.100600.602Administrative Fines(P-Tickets) 130,000.00 .00 130,000.00 9,955.00 .00 96,465.00 33,535.00 74 135,528.000600.603Asset Seizure-Non Federal 225,000.00 .00 225,000.00 20,000.00 .00 30,250.99 194,749.01 13 100,189.550600.604Alarm Fees 7,000.00 .00 7,000.00 .00 .00 3,050.00 3,950.00 44 2,025.000600.605 Kendall County Court Fines 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 17.79 .00 2,077.57 (1,077.57) 208 1,165.840600.607Administrative Fines- Late Fee 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 900.00 .00 6,675.00 3,325.00 67 9,960.000600.610Alcohol Fines 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 .00 .00 100.00 0 .000600.630Asset Seizure-Federal (Dept of Justice Equitable Share) .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 30,241.66 (30,241.66) +++ 44,741.220600.632Asset Seizure-Federal (U.S. Treasury Equitable Share) .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 921.380620.655 Garbage Fee 4,112,315.00 .00 4,112,315.00 353,325.01 .00 3,805,988.08 306,326.92 93 3,992,763.210620.656 Garbage Penalties 50,000.00 .00 50,000.00 4,663.23 .00 46,776.26 3,223.74 94 55,335.520640.500 Engineering Services 25,000.00 .00 25,000.00 .00 .00 13,375.32 11,624.68 54 33,590.050650.580 Child Safety Seats 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 .00 .00 100.00 0 .000650.651 Zoning Applications 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 200.00 .00 9,907.88 92.12 99 13,162.000650.653Accident Report Fees 4,000.00 .00 4,000.00 540.00 .00 5,120.00 (1,120.00) 128 4,585.000650.654 Copies-Maps & Ordinances 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 166.00 .00 2,155.70 844.30 72 2,366.700650.670 Impound Fee 30,000.00 .00 30,000.00 2,250.00 .00 21,750.00 8,250.00 72 22,852.50Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 1 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account41 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 01 - General FundREVENUE0650.815 Parking Lot Revenue 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 .00 .00 1,950.00 50.00 98 4,532.000650.818 Tower Rent 50,000.00 .00 50,000.00 3,400.17 .00 36,096.96 13,903.04 72 38,191.410650.825 Rental Income 50,000.00 .00 50,000.00 4,100.00 .00 41,000.00 9,000.00 82 45,100.000650.830 Rental-Community/Multi Room 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 105.00 .003,448.75 (448.75) 115 4,546.750650.904 Special Detail/OT Reimbursement 45,000.00 .00 45,000.00 1,987.50 .00 115,377.90 (70,377.90) 256 68,278.930690.902 Water & Sewer Service Charge 250,000.00 .00 250,000.00 .00 .00 125,000.00 125,000.00 50 250,000.000700.650 Grant Revenue .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 17,545.000700.704 Bulletproof Vest Grant 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 379.94 .00 1,900.80 1,099.20 63 3,414.820700.710 Tobacco Grant 2,600.00 .00 2,600.00 .00 .00 .00 2,600.00 0 2,750.000700.717 Traffic Grant 30,000.00 .00 30,000.00 2,871.03 .00 16,461.99 13,538.01 55 15,038.660750.750AT&T Franchise Fees 250,000.00 .00 250,000.00 33,335.90 .00 165,993.0584,006.95 66 209,381.470750.751 Cable TV-Franchise Fees 480,000.00 .00 480,000.00 133,249.63 .00 529,331.71 (49,331.71) 110 533,615.950800.800 Interest Income 35,000.00 .00 35,000.00 17,884.47 .00 87,537.29 (52,537.29) 250 88,416.330800.826 Realized Gain/Loss On Investment .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 16.750800.827 Unrealized Gain/Loss .00 .00 .00 (2,949.07) .00 (14,469.08) 14,469.08 +++ (12,136.23)0800.830 Unrealized Gain/Loss IMET .00 .00 .00 (764.79) .00 (5,343.12)5,343.12 +++ 2,391.190801.200 Event Sponsorship Program 4,000.00 .00 4,000.00 .00 .00 3,450.25 549.75 86 4,096.760801.802Amphitheater Rent 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 1,325.00 (825.00) 265 200.000801.807 Restitution Program .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 9,700.000801.812 Step-Basset Program 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00 500.00 0 .000801.822 Donation/Contribution 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 550.00 .00 17,546.29 (7,546.29) 175 16,376.740803.000 Sales-Fixed Assets 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 .00 7,500.00 (2,500.00) 150 3,769.000805.000 Other Reimbursements 80,000.00 .00 80,000.00 1,141.81 .00 194,849.27 (114,849.27) 244 86,085.150806.000 Other Receipts 25,000.00 .00 25,000.00 475.00 .00 13,721.64 11,278.36 55 13,218.830840.001 Liability Write off .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 151,127.000860.804 School Liaison Reimbursement 400,000.00 .00 400,000.00 .00 .00 345,593.63 54,406.37 86 431,372.530860.819 HIDTA/Organized Crime Reimb 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 .00 .00 9,954.39 45.61 100 14,508.380999.904 Transfer From MFT 150,000.00 .00 150,000.00 .00 .00 .00 150,000.00 0 .000999.917 Transfer From TIF 50,000.00 .00 50,000.00 .00 .00 .00 50,000.000 .000999.927 Transfer From Alcohol Enforc. 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 .00 .00 .00 20,000.00 0 12,000.00REVENUE TOTALS$24,784,315.00 $0.00 $24,784,315.00 $1,740,231.11 $0.00 $22,982,128.94 $1,802,186.06 93% $24,282,991.21EXPENSEUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 94 - Contra2020.001 Contra Insurance Account .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ (178,389.69)Division 94 - Contra Totals$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 +++ ($178,389.69)Unit 00 - Non-Departmental Totals$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 +++ ($178,389.69)Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 2 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account42 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 01 - General FundEXPENSEUnit 04 - Administration/FinanceDivision 00 - Non-Divisional8100 Fees to Refuse Hauler 3,808,325.00 .00 3,808,325.00 324,940.14 .00 2,845,128.66 963,196.34 75 3,669,782.299997 Bad Debt Expense .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 134,093.16Division 00 - Non-Divisional Totals$3,808,325.00 $0.00 $3,808,325.00 $324,940.14 $0.00 $2,845,128.66 $963,196.34 75% $3,803,875.45Division 01 - Legislative Program1000 Salaries-President 24,000.00 .00 24,000.00 2,000.00 .00 19,666.674,333.33 82 20,000.041002 Salaries-Elected Officials 25,000.00 .00 25,000.00 1,200.00 .00 20,300.00 4,700.00 81 24,100.001003 Salaries-Liquor Commissioner 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 125.00 .00 1,250.00 250.00 83 1,500.001004 Salaries-Treasurer 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 208.33 .00 2,083.30 416.70 83 2,499.962000 FICA 3,300.00 .00 3,300.00 206.67 .00 2,551.93 748.07 77 2,783.062001 Medicare 780.00 .00 780.00 48.33 .00 596.81 183.19 77 650.872010 IMRF 900.00 .00 900.00 .00 .00 232.89 667.11 26 862.412020 Employee Insurance 150.00 .00 150.00 12.60 .00 115.50 34.50 77 92.403000 Travel/Training 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 .00 .00 4,972.00 5,028.00 50 3,844.075010 Replacement Supplies 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 .00 .00 .00 3,000.00 0 85.175015 Dues & Subscriptions 35,000.00 .00 35,000.00 19,090.22 .00 33,946.37 1,053.63 97 38,761.378070 Public Relations 115,000.00 .00 115,000.00 309.74 .00 47,391.88 67,608.12 41 113,975.368074 Cable TV 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 .00 .00 19.99 9,980.01 0 17,086.058078 Economic Incentive Rebate 175,000.00 .00 175,000.00 .00 .00 99,928.04 75,071.96 57 36,007.59Division 01 - Legislative Program Totals$406,130.00 $0.00 $406,130.00 $23,200.89 $0.00 $233,055.38 $173,074.62 57% $262,248.35Division 02 - Administration Program1005 Salaries-Full Time 710,000.00 .00 710,000.00 55,060.70 .00 607,052.67 102,947.33 86 688,352.301015 Salaries-Part Time 50,000.00 .00 50,000.00 4,197.50 .00 44,583.395,416.61 89 45,065.941800 Salaries-Overtime 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 70.11 .00 2,573.09 (1,573.09) 257 339.332000 FICA 47,500.00 .00 47,500.00 3,626.46 .00 36,202.80 11,297.20 76 40,632.692001 Medicare 11,000.00 .00 11,000.00 848.13 .00 9,350.20 1,649.80 85 10,673.402010 IMRF 84,000.00 .00 84,000.00 6,546.74 .00 72,218.05 11,781.95 86 83,197.552020 Employee Insurance 109,000.00 .00 109,000.00 7,926.89 .00 88,028.78 20,971.22 81 102,070.612025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 25,000.00 .00 25,000.00 .00 .00 .00 25,000.00 0 24,320.713000 Travel/Training 15,000.00 .00 15,000.00 1,565.00 .00 7,032.39 7,967.61 47 9,487.793015 IL Unemployment Insurance 7,000.00 .00 7,000.00 948.98 .00 2,816.00 4,184.00 40 3,505.774000 Telephone/Internet 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 336.41 .00 3,903.68 1,096.32 78 4,094.284005 Cellular Phones/Pagers 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 158.19 .00 1,787.68 712.32 72 3,004.185000 Building Supplies .00 .00 .00 73.64 .00 73.64 (73.64) +++ .005005 Office Supplies/Postage 30,000.00 .00 30,000.00 2,722.10 1,080.00 25,422.10 3,497.90 88 30,162.775015 Dues & Subscriptions 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 30.00 .00 3,268.95 1,731.05 65 4,072.005020 Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash 9,500.00 .00 9,500.00 829.47 .00 6,740.622,759.38 71 8,259.648035 Maintenance Contracts/Lease 8,000.00 .00 8,000.00 .00 .00 5,272.00 2,728.00 66 7,908.00Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 3 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account43 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 01 - General FundEXPENSEUnit 04 - Administration/FinanceDivision 02 - Administration Program8045 Recording Fees 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 216.00 .00 398.00 1,602.00 20 1,379.498050 Legal Notices 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 .00 .00 2,031.59 468.41 81 1,600.288065 Legal Fees 50,000.00 .00 50,000.00 1,968.00 .00 25,588.00 24,412.00 51 30,735.508135 Contractual Services 75,000.00 .00 75,000.00 3,260.70 .00 41,340.17 33,659.83 55 85,320.198135.008 Settlement Charges .00 .00 .00 56.84 .00 57.32 (57.32) +++ .008225 Engineering Fees 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 .00 .00 5,000.00 0 2,283.209115 Office Furniture & Equipment 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 4.21 640.84 4,354.95 13 4,632.339300 Contingencies 45,000.00 .00 45,000.00 .00 .00 .00 45,000.00 0 18,750.00Division 02 - Administration Program Totals$1,304,000.00 $0.00 $1,304,000.00 $90,441.86 $1,084.21 $986,381.96 $316,533.83 76% $1,209,847.95Division 03 - Community Relations Program1005 Salaries-Full Time 101,000.00 .00 101,000.00 7,630.88 .00 83,846.63 17,153.37 83 96,782.142000 FICA 6,200.00 .00 6,200.00 433.21 .00 4,695.20 1,504.80 76 5,592.492001 Medicare 1,450.00 .00 1,450.00 101.31 .00 1,098.07 351.93 76 1,307.942010 IMRF 11,500.00 .00 11,500.00 847.80 .00 9,323.80 2,176.20 81 11,059.042020 Employee Insurance 20,700.00 .00 20,700.00 1,617.42 .00 17,662.463,037.54 85 18,563.152025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 4,000.00 .00 4,000.00 .00 .00 .00 4,000.00 0 3,561.203000 Travel/Training 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 35.00 .00 130.00 1,370.00 9 142.504000 Telephone/Internet 500.00 .00 500.00 33.64 .00 390.37 109.63 78 409.435005 Office Supplies/Postage 750.00 .00 750.00 .00 .00 17.13 732.87 2 81.285015 Dues & Subscriptions 750.00 .00 750.00 .00 .00 1,316.00 (566.00) 175 525.005020 Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 .00 .00 100.00 0 .008030 Server/Network Supplies 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 .00 .00 .00 2,500.000.008070 Public Relations 17,000.00 .00 17,000.00 46.75 .00 8,143.20 8,856.80 48 8,157.098071 Marketing and Promotions 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 .00 .00 500.00 2,000.00 20 .008072 Settler's Park 7,500.00 .00 7,500.00 .00 .00 4,800.26 2,699.74 64 4,863.038135 Contractual Services 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 .00 .00 336.00 2,164.0013 .00Division 03 - Community Relations Program Totals$180,450.00 $0.00 $180,450.00 $10,746.01 $0.00 $132,259.12 $48,190.8873% $151,044.29Division 04 - Facility Management Program1005 Salaries-Full Time 50,000.00 .00 50,000.00 3,715.77 .00 37,883.7612,116.24 76 33,936.931800 Salaries-Overtime 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 1,314.54 .00 4,367.36 (1,867.36) 175 1,705.282000 FICA 3,300.00 .00 3,300.00 300.55 .00 2,517.41 782.59 76 2,245.202001 Medicare 800.00 .00 800.00 70.30 .00 588.82 211.18 74 525.162010 IMRF 5,500.00 .00 5,500.00 558.87 .00 4,687.62 812.38 85 4,221.282020 Employee Insurance 14,000.00 .00 14,000.00 1,182.48 .00 10,633.993,366.01 76 9,199.525000 Building Supplies 7,500.00 .00 7,500.00 1,417.93 .00 10,259.94 (2,759.94) 137 9,970.188135 Contractual Services 40,000.00 .00 40,000.00 1,093.50 .00 28,963.69 11,036.31 72 32,624.359105 Building Improvements 40,000.00 .00 40,000.00 .00 .00 27,782.89 12,217.11 69 .00Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 4 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account44 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 01 - General FundEXPENSEUnit 04 - Administration/FinanceDivision 04 - Facility Management Program Totals$163,600.00 $0.00 $163,600.00 $9,653.94 $0.00 $127,685.48 $35,914.52 78% $94,427.90Division 06 - Human Resources Program1005 Salaries-Full Time 165,000.00 .00 165,000.00 12,407.84 .00 138,803.48 26,196.52 84 135,412.151800 Salaries-Overtime 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00 500.00 0 .002000 FICA 10,500.00 .00 10,500.00 734.05 .00 8,198.51 2,301.49 78 8,014.372001 Medicare 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 171.67 .00 1,917.39 582.61 77 1,874.332010 IMRF 19,000.00 .00 19,000.00 1,378.52 .00 15,420.41 3,579.59 81 15,421.822020 Employee Insurance 43,500.00 .00 43,500.00 2,904.28 .00 31,552.9311,947.07 73 25,578.422025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 7,000.00 .00 7,000.00 .00 .00 .00 7,000.00 0 2,894.803000 Travel/Training 6,500.00 .00 6,500.00 245.00 .00 4,308.67 2,191.3366 4,493.944000 Telephone/Internet 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 67.28 .00 780.71 219.29 78818.874005 Cellular Phones/Pagers 600.00 .00 600.00 55.58 .00 384.32 215.68 64120.005005 Office Supplies/Postage 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 .00 .00 515.96 984.04 34 968.665015 Dues & Subscriptions 3,200.00 .00 3,200.00 205.00 .00 424.00 2,776.00 13 613.005020 Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash 1,400.00 .00 1,400.00 .00 .00 303.46 1,096.54 22 281.888070 Public Relations 12,000.00 .00 12,000.00 2,100.00 .00 8,251.14 3,748.86 69 10,627.428071 Marketing and Promotions 300.00 .00 300.00 .00 .00 .00 300.00 0 .008135 Contractual Services 8,000.00 .00 8,000.00 400.00 .00 3,403.24 4,596.76 43 6,462.99Division 06 - Human Resources Program Totals$282,500.00 $0.00 $282,500.00 $20,669.22 $0.00 $214,264.22 $68,235.7876% $213,582.65Division 08 - IT Program1005 Salaries-Full Time 240,000.00 .00 240,000.00 18,332.34 .00 203,871.85 36,128.15 85 222,850.221800 Salaries-Overtime 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00 500.00 0 178.602000 FICA 15,000.00 .00 15,000.00 1,111.56 .00 12,367.42 2,632.58 82 13,700.472001 Medicare 3,500.00 .00 3,500.00 259.97 .00 2,892.37 607.63 83 3,204.132010 IMRF 28,000.00 .00 28,000.00 2,036.70 .00 22,616.70 5,383.30 81 25,141.332020 Employee Insurance 56,000.00 .00 56,000.00 3,281.03 .00 35,687.5920,312.41 64 39,121.102025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 7,000.00 .00 7,000.00 .00 .00 .00 7,000.00 0 8,524.893000 Travel/Training 14,500.00 .00 14,500.00 2,059.46 .00 11,631.34 2,868.66 80 19,185.654000 Telephone/Internet 500.00 .00 500.00 33.64 .00 390.37 109.63 78 409.424005 Cellular Phones/Pagers 2,340.00 .00 2,340.00 295.61 .00 1,865.93 474.07 80 2,211.405005 Office Supplies/Postage 1,400.00 .00 1,400.00 327.41 .00 1,202.27197.73 86 1,424.655015 Dues & Subscriptions 700.00 .00 700.00 .00 .00 484.00 216.00 69 539.195020 Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash 400.00 .00 400.00 .00 .00 506.40 (106.40) 127 275.495095 Uniforms/Clothing 300.00 .00 300.00 .00 .00 302.82 (2.82) 101 .008030 Server/Network Supplies 47,900.00 .00 47,900.00 1,348.96 .00 46,069.12 1,830.88 96 33,660.648031 Software Licensing/Renewals 255,380.00 .00 255,380.00 8,250.00 19,067.85 206,290.56 30,021.59 88 220,551.718135 Contractual Services 17,880.00 .00 17,880.00 3,768.12 8,200.00 14,560.08 (4,880.08) 127 8,366.469111 Computers 12,000.00 .00 12,000.00 .00 455.50 7,267.53 4,276.97 64 10,469.04Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 5 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account45 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 01 - General FundEXPENSEUnit 04 - Administration/FinanceDivision 08 - IT Program Totals$703,300.00 $0.00 $703,300.00 $41,104.80 $27,723.35 $568,006.35 $107,570.30 85% $609,814.39Division 99 - Transfers9911 Transfer to Capital Improvements .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 2,189,567.00Division 99 - Transfers Totals$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 +++ $2,189,567.00Unit 04 - Administration/Finance Totals$6,848,305.00 $0.00 $6,848,305.00 $520,756.86 $28,807.56 $5,106,781.17 $1,712,716.27 75% $8,534,407.98Unit 05 - Police DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration Program1005 Salaries-Full Time 315,000.00 .00 315,000.00 22,864.97 .00 255,350.19 59,649.81 81 302,896.761015 Salaries-Part Time 26,296.00 .00 26,296.00 2,352.65 .00 27,078.04(782.04) 103 19,966.371800 Salaries-Overtime 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 .00 .00 336.39 2,663.61 11 818.912000 FICA 21,346.00 .00 21,346.00 1,487.72 .00 16,389.81 4,956.19 77 18,486.242001 Medicare 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 347.93 .00 3,910.64 1,089.36 78 4,531.542010 IMRF 23,375.00 .00 23,375.00 1,644.80 .00 18,203.96 5,171.04 78 21,038.042020 Employee Insurance 66,780.00 .00 66,780.00 5,183.22 .00 56,224.4910,555.51 84 59,861.952025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 8,000.00 .00 8,000.00 .00 .00 .00 8,000.00 0 5,939.743000 Travel/Training 9,975.00 .00 9,975.00 609.50 .00 2,049.91 7,925.0921 3,887.923001 Education/School 6,000.00 .00 6,000.00 .00 .00 493.67 5,506.33 8 433.153015 IL Unemployment Insurance 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 4,933.92 .00 14,086.29 5,913.71 70 17,278.914000 Telephone/Internet 605.00 .00 605.00 126.33 .00 1,160.44 (555.44) 192 1,282.864005 Cellular Phones/Pagers 1,644.00 .00 1,644.00 55.58 .00 530.29 1,113.71 32 996.635005 Office Supplies/Postage 11,950.00 .00 11,950.00 417.93 .00 3,284.59 8,665.41 27 5,051.835010 Replacement Supplies 3,500.00 .00 3,500.00 98.89 .00 806.22 2,693.78 23 707.235015 Dues & Subscriptions 7,050.00 .00 7,050.00 275.00 .00 3,320.03 3,729.97 47 3,771.675020 Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash 3,700.00 .00 3,700.00 120.48 .00 761.85 2,938.15 21 1,342.515095 Uniforms/Clothing 1,800.00 .00 1,800.00 .00 .00 1,439.85 360.15 80 2,345.258035 Maintenance Contracts/Lease 7,190.00 .00 7,190.00 363.67 .00 4,538.69 2,651.31 63 6,709.708040 Custodian 70,000.00 .00 70,000.00 3,720.78 .00 31,029.59 38,970.4144 52,222.708060Vehicle Maintenance 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 .00 .00 21.84 2,478.16 1 1,340.128135 Contractual Services 8,000.00 .00 8,000.00 .00 .00 2,104.72 5,895.28 26 5,465.40Division 02 - Administration Program Totals$622,711.00 $0.00 $622,711.00 $44,603.37 $0.00 $443,121.50 $179,589.50 71% $536,375.43Division 51 - Police Operations1005 Salaries-Full Time 3,918,296.00 .00 3,918,296.00 279,124.86 .00 3,027,435.73 890,860.27 77 3,329,739.761015 Salaries-Part Time .00 .00 .00 20,678.06 .00 211,266.16 (211,266.16) +++ .001800 Salaries-Overtime 380,000.00 .00 380,000.00 13,893.04 .00 286,654.63 93,345.37 75 263,296.452000 FICA 266,494.00 .00 266,494.00 19,003.15 .00 211,887.81 54,606.19 80 214,599.362001 Medicare 62,325.00 .00 62,325.00 4,444.25 .00 49,840.36 12,484.64 80 50,934.892010 IMRF 54,538.00 .00 54,538.00 3,442.10 .00 36,117.32 18,420.68 66 6,289.042011 Employer Pension Contributions 1,370,000.00 .00 1,370,000.00 .00 .00 1,364,479.09 5,520.91 100 1,101,142.15Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 6 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account46 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 01 - General FundEXPENSEUnit 05 - Police DepartmentDivision 51 - Police Operations2020 Employee Insurance 630,739.00 .00 630,739.00 45,969.80 .00 499,539.58 131,199.42 79 528,506.742025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 85,000.00 .00 85,000.00 .00 .00 .00 85,000.00 0 91,161.553000 Travel/Training 46,100.00 .00 46,100.00 455.00 .00 27,631.53 18,468.47 60 35,571.374000 Telephone/Internet 27,180.00 .00 27,180.00 2,690.48 .00 18,081.269,098.74 67 24,799.444005 Cellular Phones/Pagers 6,564.00 .00 6,564.00 431.66 .00 4,067.48 2,496.52 62 5,005.245005 Office Supplies/Postage 13,000.00 .00 13,000.00 708.69 .00 9,112.07 3,887.93 70 13,298.155010 Replacement Supplies 17,000.00 .00 17,000.00 1,418.75 .00 9,193.45 7,806.55 54 15,849.825015 Dues & Subscriptions 3,400.00 .00 3,400.00 385.00 .00 1,152.50 2,247.50 34 1,388.165020 Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash 100,000.00 .00 100,000.00 6,740.42 .00 64,895.73 35,104.27 65 63,832.785068 K-9 Unit 4,000.00 .00 4,000.00 712.60 .00 4,577.50 (577.50) 114 4,513.665095 Uniforms/Clothing 33,850.00 .00 33,850.00 852.89 .00 26,123.36 7,726.64 77 32,245.785100Ammunition/Weapons 28,000.00 .00 28,000.00 998.49 .00 11,807.57 16,192.43 42 25,790.935115.001 Traffic Programs 23,000.00 .00 23,000.00 .00 .00 11,885.68 11,114.32 52 21,124.268003 Radio Maintenance 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 .00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00 50 272.008035 Maintenance Contracts/Lease 11,392.00 .00 11,392.00 .00 .00 11,568.00 (176.00) 102 11,702.008060Vehicle Maintenance 65,000.00 .00 65,000.00 4,608.34 .00 43,633.11 21,366.89 67 68,997.158069 Bike Unit 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 .00 .00 399.90 1,600.10 20 .008135 Contractual Services 15,000.00 .00 15,000.00 .00 .00 12,478.92 2,521.08 83 14,532.928265 Contractual Services-Wescom 593,000.00 .00 593,000.00 49,209.68.00 484,357.70 108,642.30 82 564,841.568267Animal Control 14,000.00 .00 14,000.00 400.00 .00 5,760.00 8,240.00 41 .00Division 51 - Police Operations Totals$7,771,878.00 $0.00 $7,771,878.00 $456,167.26 $0.00 $6,434,946.44 $1,336,931.56 83% $6,489,435.16Division 52 - Police Administration1005 Salaries-Full Time 859,940.00 .00 859,940.00 72,265.35 .00 805,164.79 54,775.21 94 1,290,355.791800 Salaries-Overtime 113,000.00 .00 113,000.00 3,252.98 .00 70,624.47 42,375.53 62 94,858.972000 FICA 60,322.00 .00 60,322.00 4,537.81 .00 53,082.67 7,239.33 88 84,083.972001 Medicare 14,108.00 .00 14,108.00 1,061.24 .00 12,414.48 1,693.52 8819,883.442020 Employee Insurance 152,801.00 .00 152,801.00 12,923.70 .00 144,687.34 8,113.66 95 210,770.172025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 32,000.00 .00 32,000.00 .00 .00 .00 32,000.00 0 40,467.843000 Travel/Training 13,600.00 .00 13,600.00 325.00 .00 7,749.59 5,850.41 57 12,631.904000 Telephone/Internet 780.00 .00 780.00 154.08 .00 1,447.74 (667.74) 186 1,593.214005 Cellular Phones/Pagers 5,544.00 .00 5,544.00 838.27 .00 6,336.54 (792.54) 114 7,514.025005 Office Supplies/Postage 8,500.00 .00 8,500.00 948.11 .00 2,630.025,869.98 31 5,293.775010 Replacement Supplies 12,000.00 .00 12,000.00 .00 .00 3,867.70 8,132.30 32 269.215015 Dues & Subscriptions 4,070.00 .00 4,070.00 1,340.00 .00 3,435.00 635.00 84 3,511.665020 Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash 29,000.00 .00 29,000.00 1,336.92 .00 11,848.59 17,151.41 41 20,479.505040.002 Crime Scene/Evidence Tech Supply 10,800.00 .00 10,800.00 726.86 2,373.75 8,263.65 162.60 98 7,337.695095 Uniforms/Clothing 5,300.00 .00 5,300.00 .00 .00 5,624.29 (324.29) 106 10,061.29Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 7 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account47 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 01 - General FundEXPENSEUnit 05 - Police DepartmentDivision 52 - Police Administration5115.004 Community Programs-Explorer Program 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 25.00 .00 7,139.14 (4,639.14) 286 4,368.548003 Radio Maintenance 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00 500.00 0 .008035 Maintenance Contracts/Lease 8,920.00 .00 8,920.00 .00 .00 2,724.59 6,195.41 31 4,047.808060Vehicle Maintenance 15,500.00 .00 15,500.00 1,474.41 .00 8,461.03 7,038.97 55 12,012.788246 Shop with a Cop .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 540.00 (540.00) +++ .008250 Background Check Services 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 163.70 .00 1,179.75 1,320.25 47 995.258268Accreditation 8,070.00 .00 8,070.00 .00 .00 4,595.00 3,475.00 57 8,436.68Division 52 - Police Administration Totals$1,359,755.00 $0.00 $1,359,755.00 $101,373.43 $2,373.75 $1,161,816.38 $195,564.87 86% $1,838,973.48Division 53 - Police Records1005 Salaries-Full Time 463,022.00 .00 463,022.00 32,825.96 .00 371,729.28 91,292.72 80 401,677.791015 Salaries-Part Time .00 .00 .00 2,731.26 .00 15,297.12 (15,297.12) +++ .001800 Salaries-Overtime 6,000.00 .00 6,000.00 1,375.42 .00 6,062.88 (62.88) 101 10,112.292000 FICA 29,079.00 .00 29,079.00 2,205.36 .00 23,882.04 5,196.96 82 24,805.182001 Medicare 6,801.00 .00 6,801.00 515.78 .00 5,585.30 1,215.70 82 5,806.352010 IMRF 31,086.00 .00 31,086.00 3,141.17 .00 27,510.82 3,575.18 88 33,212.622020 Employee Insurance 129,686.00 .00 129,686.00 8,484.82 .00 89,009.87 40,676.13 69 115,825.742025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 15,000.00 .00 15,000.00 .00 .00 .00 15,000.00 0 11,003.043000 Travel/Training 2,100.00 .00 2,100.00 905.78 .00 2,646.91 (546.91)126 1,796.604000 Telephone/Internet 780.00 .00 780.00 154.08 .00 1,447.74 (667.74) 186 1,593.194005 Cellular Phones/Pagers 1,344.00 .00 1,344.00 .00 .00 .00 1,344.00 0.005005 Office Supplies/Postage 13,450.00 .00 13,450.00 2,901.70 12.68 9,372.55 4,064.77 70 7,379.785015 Dues & Subscriptions 425.00 .00 425.00 .00 .00 .00 425.00 0 86.675095 Uniforms/Clothing 2,400.00 .00 2,400.00 .00 .00 1,460.41 939.59 61 1,610.868035 Maintenance Contracts/Lease 4,460.00 .00 4,460.00 .00 .00 2,865.00 1,595.00 64 2,160.00Division 53 - Police Records Totals$705,633.00 $0.00 $705,633.00 $55,241.33 $12.68 $556,869.92 $148,750.40 79% $617,070.11Division 54 - Seizure/Forfeiture5012Asset Seizure/Forfeiture Expense 225,000.00 .00 225,000.00 125.00 14,275.00 59,546.08 151,178.92 33 156,826.56Division 54 - Seizure/Forfeiture Totals$225,000.00 $0.00 $225,000.00 $125.00 $14,275.00 $59,546.08 $151,178.92 33% $156,826.56Division 55 - Police Special Activities1005.061 Salaries-Special Activities 32,513.00 .00 32,513.00 1,968.75 .00 79,831.25 (47,318.25) 246 46,555.002000 FICA 2,016.00 .00 2,016.00 117.99 .00 4,827.07 (2,811.07) 239 2,621.162001 Medicare 471.00 .00 471.00 27.60 .00 1,130.63 (659.63) 240 620.255045 Mobile Field Force 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 .00 201.14 798.86 20 .00Division 55 - Police Special Activities Totals$36,000.00 $0.00 $36,000.00 $2,114.34 $0.00 $85,990.09 ($49,990.09) 239% $49,796.41Division 56 - Community Services1005 Salaries-Full Time 773,336.00 .00 773,336.00 49,777.60 .00 541,965.03 231,370.97 70 556,142.291015 Salaries-Part Time .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 210,280.16Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 8 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account48 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 01 - General FundEXPENSEUnit 05 - Police DepartmentDivision 56 - Community Services1800 Salaries-Overtime 25,000.00 .00 25,000.00 3,411.04 .00 36,590.69 (11,590.69) 146 28,729.302000 FICA 49,497.00 .00 49,497.00 3,187.44 .00 35,364.89 14,132.11 71 47,859.972001 Medicare 11,576.00 .00 11,576.00 745.44 .00 8,314.83 3,261.17 72 11,230.532010 IMRF 5,534.00 .00 5,534.00 406.18 .00 5,411.81 122.19 98 49,461.852020 Employee Insurance 141,293.00 .00 141,293.00 9,458.04 .00 101,457.90 39,835.10 72 113,185.462025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 7,500.00 .00 7,500.00 .00 .00 .00 7,500.00 0 5,100.003000 Travel/Training 11,680.00 .00 11,680.00 360.00 .00 10,603.42 1,076.58 91 10,133.374000 Telephone/Internet 780.00 .00 780.00 154.08 .00 1,447.73 (667.73) 186 1,593.214005 Cellular Phones/Pagers 6,744.00 .00 6,744.00 222.61 .00 2,034.58 4,709.42 30 2,758.965005 Office Supplies/Postage 3,400.00 .00 3,400.00 189.75 .00 1,195.722,204.28 35 2,897.505010 Replacement Supplies 5,200.00 .00 5,200.00 .00 2,761.42 282.22 2,156.36 59 751.725015 Dues & Subscriptions 1,900.00 .00 1,900.00 225.00 .00 360.00 1,540.00 19 1,903.675020 Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash 16,000.00 .00 16,000.00 866.20 .00 6,857.13 9,142.87 43 14,877.925095 Uniforms/Clothing 5,500.00 .00 5,500.00 26.99 .00 5,664.88 (164.88) 103 5,956.725115.002 Community Programs 8,200.00 .00 8,200.00 .00 .00 3,854.84 4,345.16 47 3,589.545115.003 Community Prog.-Alcohol/Tobacco 4,600.00 .00 4,600.00 .00 .00 83.48 4,516.52 2 144.588003 Radio Maintenance 24,800.00 .00 24,800.00 1,811.62 2,152.55 5,275.01 17,372.44 30 33,761.098035 Maintenance Contracts/Lease 2,180.00 .00 2,180.00 .00 .00 .00 2,180.00 0 1,022.508060Vehicle Maintenance 14,000.00 .00 14,000.00 963.36 .00 3,663.00 10,337.00 26 22,653.418245 D.A.R.E. Program 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 .00 442.50 4,557.50 9 1,983.008246 Shop with a Cop 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 .00 .00 13,500.00 (3,500.00) 135 9,500.008266 Chaplaincy Program 4,600.00 .00 4,600.00 378.98 .00 699.28 3,900.72 15 2,654.678267Animal Control .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 7,140.00Division 56 - Community Services Totals$1,138,320.00 $0.00 $1,138,320.00 $72,184.33 $4,913.97 $785,068.94 $348,337.09 69% $1,145,311.42Division 57 - Court Services1005 Salaries-Full Time 124,000.00 .00 124,000.00 9,693.32 .00 106,573.39 17,426.61 86 121,358.681015 Salaries-Part Time 47,410.00 .00 47,410.00 1,853.72 .00 20,206.7327,203.27 43 37,461.411800 Salaries-Overtime 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 .00 110.34 889.66 11 .002000 FICA 10,548.00 .00 10,548.00 682.82 .00 7,575.76 2,972.24 72 9,694.792001 Medicare 2,467.00 .00 2,467.00 159.69 .00 1,771.75 695.25 72 2,267.332010 IMRF 20,415.00 .00 20,415.00 1,282.89 .00 14,121.06 6,293.94 69 18,053.802020 Employee Insurance 43,998.00 .00 43,998.00 3,083.21 .00 34,220.509,777.50 78 37,630.452025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 5,500.00 .00 5,500.00 .00 .00 .00 5,500.00 0 4,807.363000 Travel/Training 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 215.00 .00 382.89 2,617.11 13161.004000 Telephone/Internet 605.00 .00 605.00 126.31 .00 1,125.30 (520.30) 186 1,282.915005 Office Supplies/Postage 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 828.30 .00 5,483.07 4,516.93 55 8,745.165015 Dues & Subscriptions 9,000.00 .00 9,000.00 467.09 .00 6,485.60 2,514.40 72 8,151.47Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 9 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account49 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 01 - General FundEXPENSEUnit 05 - Police DepartmentDivision 57 - Court Services5095 Uniforms/Clothing 900.00 .00 900.00 .00 .00 294.35 605.65 33 563.888035 Maintenance Contracts/Lease 1,920.00 .00 1,920.00 .00 .00 1,280.00 640.00 67 1,920.008065 Legal Fees 27,500.00 .00 27,500.00 360.00 .00 12,549.00 14,951.00 46 8,405.05Division 57 - Court Services Totals$308,263.00 $0.00 $308,263.00 $18,752.35 $0.00 $212,179.74 $96,083.2669% $260,503.29Division 91 - Capital9115 Office Furniture & Equipment 11,000.00 .00 11,000.00 716.00 .00 716.00 10,284.00 7 5,863.919120 Machinery and Equipment 107,780.00 .00 107,780.00 2,414.05 .00 103,599.93 4,180.07 96 13,396.15Division 91 - Capital Totals$118,780.00 $0.00 $118,780.00 $3,130.05 $0.00 $104,315.93 $14,464.07 88% $19,260.06Division 93 - Contingencies9300 Contingencies 13,700.00 .00 13,700.00 771.62 .00 8,730.46 4,969.5464 13,887.78Division 93 - Contingencies Totals$13,700.00 $0.00 $13,700.00 $771.62 $0.00 $8,730.46 $4,969.54 64% $13,887.78Unit 05 - Police Department Totals$12,300,040.00 $0.00 $12,300,040.00 $754,463.08 $21,575.40 $9,852,585.48 $2,425,879.12 80% $11,127,439.70Unit 07 - PEMADivision 07 - PEMA Program1005 Salaries-Full Time 131,200.00 .00 131,200.00 9,519.84 .00 108,469.58 22,730.42 83 124,512.432000 FICA 7,750.00 .00 7,750.00 572.61 .00 6,539.45 1,210.55 84 7,126.332001 Medicare 1,813.00 .00 1,813.00 133.91 .00 1,529.38 283.62 84 1,789.902020 Employee Insurance 24,336.00 .00 24,336.00 1,617.42 .00 17,462.466,873.54 72 18,319.182025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 4,000.00 .00 4,000.00 .00 .00 .00 4,000.00 0 4,021.913000 Travel/Training 4,000.00 .00 4,000.00 .00 .00 700.48 3,299.52 18 571.804000 Telephone/Internet 5,400.00 .00 5,400.00 376.68 .00 5,300.03 99.9798 5,346.744005 Cellular Phones/Pagers 5,200.00 .00 5,200.00 431.95 .00 2,292.84 2,907.16 44 3,450.615005 Office Supplies/Postage 1,300.00 .00 1,300.00 139.37 .00 185.23 1,114.77 14 302.765010 Replacement Supplies 11,000.00 .00 11,000.00 11.29 .00 1,584.08 9,415.92 14 1,472.805015 Dues & Subscriptions 4,000.00 .00 4,000.00 .00 .00 1,954.32 2,045.68 49 1,909.575020 Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash 12,000.00 .00 12,000.00 333.00 .00 4,451.05 7,548.95 37 5,235.575040 Supplies/Hardware 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 30.37 .00 584.87 1,415.13 29 181.755040.001 Supplies/Hardware-ESDA 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 25.98 .00 369.651,630.35 18 616.995095 Uniforms/Clothing 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 .00 1,746.10 3,253.90 35 4,074.525110 Emergency Operation Center 750.00 .00 750.00 .00 .00 .00 750.00 0 .005115 Police Public Relations 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 .00 .00 .00 2,000.000.005120 Disaster Plan/Exercises/NIMS 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 .00 .00 .00 3,000.00 0 26.248003 Radio Maintenance 15,000.00 .00 15,000.00 .00 .00 907.36 14,092.646 7,175.998020 Building Maintenance 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 136.34 .00 919.70 4,080.30 18 .008035 Maintenance Contracts/Lease 1,800.00 .00 1,800.00 .00 .00 895.02904.98 50 1,311.798060Vehicle Maintenance 15,000.00 .00 15,000.00 975.69 .00 13,165.45 1,834.55 88 19,361.468069 Bike Unit 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 16.26 483.74 3 .00Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 10 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account50 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 01 - General FundEXPENSEUnit 07 - PEMADivision 07 - PEMA Program8125 Siren Maintenance 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 .00 .00 7,580.28 12,419.72 38 9,555.578135 Contractual Services 5,250.00 .00 5,250.00 .00 .00 1,315.00 3,935.00 25 740.008280 Cadet Program 5,500.00 .00 5,500.00 .00 .00 1,544.62 3,955.38 28 2,153.478305 PEMA Search and Rescue 8,000.00 .00 8,000.00 .00 .00 .00 8,000.00 0.009115 Office Furniture & Equipment 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 .00 .00 173.991,826.01 9 683.529120 Machinery and Equipment 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 12.48 .00 12.48 4,987.52 0 5,514.309300 Contingencies 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 .00 .00 1,305.07 1,694.93 44 1,160.09Division 07 - PEMA Program Totals$312,799.00 $0.00 $312,799.00 $14,316.93 $0.00 $181,004.75 $131,794.25 58% $226,615.29Unit 07 - PEMA Totals$312,799.00 $0.00 $312,799.00 $14,316.93 $0.00 $181,004.75 $131,794.25 58% $226,615.29Unit 08 - Street DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration Program1005 Salaries-Full Time 288,000.00 .00 288,000.00 21,916.95 .00 240,338.46 47,661.54 83 272,912.322000 FICA 18,000.00 .00 18,000.00 1,449.28 .00 14,817.96 3,182.04 82 16,762.992001 Medicare 4,200.00 .00 4,200.00 338.95 .00 3,577.06 622.94 85 4,078.422010 IMRF 33,000.00 .00 33,000.00 2,673.45 .00 27,806.31 5,193.69 84 31,772.742020 Employee Insurance 59,500.00 .00 59,500.00 4,367.01 .00 47,337.2012,162.80 80 51,855.392025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 8,500.00 .00 8,500.00 .00 .00 .00 8,500.00 0 8,716.043000 Travel/Training 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 250.00 .00 6,366.93 3,633.07 64 9,710.163015 IL Unemployment Insurance 4,000.00 .00 4,000.00 1,129.61 .00 3,466.56 533.44 87 3,651.674000 Telephone/Internet 19,000.00 .00 19,000.00 2,813.63 .00 23,214.49(4,214.49) 122 22,890.544005 Cellular Phones/Pagers 8,500.00 .00 8,500.00 640.65 .00 5,822.70 2,677.30 69 7,348.005005 Office Supplies/Postage 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 196.13 .00 2,288.54211.46 92 3,583.275015 Dues & Subscriptions 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 395.00 .00 2,132.53 867.47 71 2,967.535020 Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash 300.00 .00 300.00 .00 .00 .00 300.00 0 80.005040 Supplies/Hardware 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 199.99 300.01 40 .008003 Radio Maintenance 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 .00 .00 100.00 0 .008020 Building Maintenance 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 272.37 .00 6,819.88 13,180.12 34 6,475.898050 Legal Notices 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 0 .00Division 02 - Administration Program Totals$480,100.00 $0.00 $480,100.00 $36,443.03 $0.00 $384,188.61 $95,911.3980% $442,804.96Division 60 - Street Maintenance Program1005 Salaries-Full Time 810,000.00 .00 810,000.00 61,902.66 .00 666,181.75 143,818.25 82 721,757.321015 Salaries-Part Time 75,000.00 .00 75,000.00 .00 .00 77,016.35 (2,016.35) 103 62,433.191800 Salaries-Overtime 85,000.00 .00 85,000.00 26,278.11 .00 118,873.50 (33,873.50) 140 106,835.872000 FICA 59,000.00 .00 59,000.00 4,874.63 .00 50,429.94 8,570.06 85 52,747.132001 Medicare 14,000.00 .00 14,000.00 1,140.06 .00 11,794.15 2,205.85 8412,335.882010 IMRF 94,000.00 .00 94,000.00 9,010.65 .00 85,089.04 8,910.96 91 91,864.262020 Employee Insurance 193,000.00 .00 193,000.00 15,455.42 .00 165,520.33 27,479.67 86 173,326.22Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 11 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account51 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 01 - General FundEXPENSEUnit 08 - Street DepartmentDivision 60 - Street Maintenance Program2025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 .00 .00 .00 20,000.00 0 21,869.394015 Electricity/Gas 290,000.00 .00 290,000.00 15,332.99 .00 109,543.77 180,456.23 38 257,109.865020 Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash 70,000.00 .00 70,000.00 29,057.00 .00 29,883.69 40,116.31 43 53,294.625040 Supplies/Hardware 15,000.00 .00 15,000.00 250.98 .00 7,647.74 7,352.26 51 11,680.865040.003 Supplies/Hardware-Salt Purchase 280,000.00 .00 280,000.00 96,460.24 .00 189,333.94 90,666.06 68 232,040.615055 Street Sign Maintenance 25,000.00 .00 25,000.00 5,024.39 .00 32,639.52 (7,639.52) 131 29,485.955060Aggregate Materials 4,000.00 .00 4,000.00 .00 .00 4,464.47 (464.47) 112 5,239.805095 Uniforms/Clothing 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 550.60 .00 6,197.52 3,802.48 62 10,439.498003 Radio Maintenance 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 .00 .00 5,000.00 0 1,692.108060Vehicle Maintenance 35,000.00 .00 35,000.00 159.19 .00 20,390.47 14,609.53 58 25,636.778130 Street Light Maintenance 95,000.00 .00 95,000.00 1,310.78 .00 55,667.94 39,332.06 59 113,358.458131 Street Maintenance 130,000.00 .00 130,000.00 .00 .00 18,997.38 111,002.62 15 115,168.498132 Storm Sewer Improvements 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 .00 .00 11,414.18 (1,414.18) 114 1,490.858135 Contractual Services 90,000.00 .00 90,000.00 685.00 .00 62,316.6127,683.39 69 108,462.328135.004 Snow Removal 280,000.00 .00 280,000.00 149,065.99 68,750.00 195,905.49 15,344.51 95 169,521.138150 Sidewalk Maintenance 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 .00 .00 5,000.00 0 1,496.878160 Equipment Maintenance 95,000.00 .00 95,000.00 2,267.32 .00 49,557.99 45,442.01 52 77,487.55Division 60 - Street Maintenance Program Totals$2,789,000.00 $0.00 $2,789,000.00 $418,826.01 $68,750.00 $1,968,865.77 $751,384.23 73% $2,456,774.98Division 62 - Forestry Program1005 Salaries-Full Time 78,000.00 .00 78,000.00 6,348.37 .00 61,311.7616,688.24 79 49,732.951800 Salaries-Overtime 6,000.00 .00 6,000.00 .00 .00 5,945.17 54.83 99 6,677.222000 FICA 5,500.00 .00 5,500.00 542.54 .00 4,431.23 1,068.77 81 3,634.672001 Medicare 1,300.00 .00 1,300.00 126.88 .00 1,036.34 263.66 80 850.032010 IMRF 9,000.00 .00 9,000.00 994.79 .00 8,177.81 822.19 91 6,753.552020 Employee Insurance 17,000.00 .00 17,000.00 1,063.36 .00 12,268.964,731.04 72 11,056.902025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 .00 .00 .00 3,000.00 0 1,817.405040 Supplies/Hardware 8,000.00 .00 8,000.00 437.87 .00 6,148.78 1,851.22 77 6,795.515095 Uniforms/Clothing 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00 500.00 0 .008135 Contractual Services 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 .00 10,716.59 (5,716.59) 214 3,911.558135.002 Tree Removal 45,000.00 .00 45,000.00 .00 .00 11,008.50 33,991.50 24 11,865.00Division 62 - Forestry Program Totals$178,300.00 $0.00 $178,300.00 $9,513.81 $0.00 $121,045.14 $57,254.86 68% $103,094.78Division 63 - Vehicle Maintenance Program1005 Salaries-Full Time 193,000.00 .00 193,000.00 14,764.50 .00 162,124.26 30,875.74 84 186,524.951800 Salaries-Overtime 8,000.00 .00 8,000.00 613.66 .00 6,974.26 1,025.74 87 3,205.272000 FICA 12,500.00 .00 12,500.00 1,050.97 .00 10,129.72 2,370.28 81 11,275.142001 Medicare 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 245.79 .00 2,369.02 630.98 79 2,636.922010 IMRF 22,000.00 .00 22,000.00 1,966.76 .00 19,017.57 2,982.43 86 21,386.55Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 12 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account52 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 01 - General FundEXPENSEUnit 08 - Street DepartmentDivision 63 - Vehicle Maintenance Program2020 Employee Insurance 40,500.00 .00 40,500.00 3,042.88 .00 33,163.607,336.40 82 37,236.342025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 7,500.00 .00 7,500.00 .00 .00 .00 7,500.00 0 6,216.05Division 63 - Vehicle Maintenance Program Totals$286,500.00 $0.00 $286,500.00 $21,684.56 $0.00 $233,778.43 $52,721.5782% $268,481.22Unit 08 - Street Department Totals$3,733,900.00 $0.00 $3,733,900.00 $486,467.41 $68,750.00 $2,707,877.95 $957,272.05 74% $3,271,155.94Unit 09 - Community DevelopmentDivision 20 - Planning Program1005 Salaries-Full Time 315,000.00 .00 315,000.00 26,159.48 .00 287,069.91 27,930.09 91 283,526.271045 Salaries-Commissioner 4,000.00 .00 4,000.00 335.00 .00 2,325.00 1,675.00 58 2,845.001800 Salaries-Overtime 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 77.49 .00 1,761.00 739.00 70 2,460.202000 FICA 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 1,600.21 .00 17,575.46 2,424.54 88 17,019.712001 Medicare 4,700.00 .00 4,700.00 374.28 .00 4,110.39 589.61 87 3,980.482010 IMRF 35,000.00 .00 35,000.00 2,914.93 .00 32,089.47 2,910.53 92 31,198.332020 Employee Insurance 70,500.00 .00 70,500.00 5,864.92 .00 64,118.486,381.52 91 51,716.242025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 12,000.00 .00 12,000.00 .00 .00 .00 12,000.00 0 3,400.003000 Travel/Training 7,000.00 .00 7,000.00 194.56 .00 3,870.20 3,129.8055 2,567.003015 IL Unemployment Insurance 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 239.65 .00 646.56353.44 65 639.034000 Telephone/Internet 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 168.20 .00 1,983.90 1,016.10 66 2,047.164005 Cellular Phones/Pagers 1,800.00 .00 1,800.00 72.98 .00 656.81 1,143.19 36 1,166.605005 Office Supplies/Postage 10,500.00 .00 10,500.00 998.39 .00 10,596.88 (96.88) 101 11,811.795015 Dues & Subscriptions 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 .00 .00 4,791.67 (1,791.67) 160 3,393.545020 Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash 750.00 .00 750.00 .00 .00 47.60 702.40 6 .008035 Maintenance Contracts/Lease 3,500.00 .00 3,500.00 .00 .00 400.003,100.00 11 600.008060Vehicle Maintenance 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 .00 .00 .00 1,500.00 0 .008065 Legal Fees 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 .00 2,566.93 2,433.07 51 2,354.008097 Special Projects and Programs 15,000.00 .00 15,000.00 .00 .00 15,150.09 (150.09) 101 3,709.278135 Contractual Services 35,000.00 .00 35,000.00 .00 .00 1,919.00 33,081.00 5 1,691.848225 Engineering Fees 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 1,286.25 .00 5,395.00 4,605.00 54 4,446.24Division 20 - Planning Program Totals$560,750.00 $0.00 $560,750.00 $40,286.34 $0.00 $457,074.35 $103,675.65 82% $430,572.70Division 21 - Building Program1005 Salaries-Full Time 633,000.00 .00 633,000.00 45,187.25 .00 491,748.03 141,251.97 78 431,841.311015 Salaries-Part Time 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 .00 .00 5,000.00 0 6,363.511800 Salaries-Overtime 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 154.56 .00 763.93 4,236.0715 141.222000 FICA 39,800.00 .00 39,800.00 2,698.69 .00 29,369.29 10,430.71 74 26,488.502001 Medicare 9,300.00 .00 9,300.00 631.15 .00 6,868.65 2,431.35 74 6,194.872010 IMRF 70,000.00 .00 70,000.00 5,048.59 .00 54,792.95 15,207.05 78 49,417.952020 Employee Insurance 157,000.00 .00 157,000.00 11,908.81 .00 125,354.44 31,645.56 80 97,663.772025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 7,000.00 .00 7,000.00 .00 .00 .00 7,000.00 0 8,256.62Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 13 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account53 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 01 - General FundEXPENSEUnit 09 - Community DevelopmentDivision 21 - Building Program3000 Travel/Training 7,500.00 .00 7,500.00 1,155.00 .00 10,491.69 (2,991.69) 140 8,511.013015 IL Unemployment Insurance 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 407.96 .00 1,203.86 296.14 80 1,000.004000 Telephone/Internet 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 33.64 .00 454.51 1,045.4930 409.444005 Cellular Phones/Pagers 6,000.00 .00 6,000.00 312.37 .00 2,803.12 3,196.88 47 3,500.045005 Office Supplies/Postage 13,000.00 .00 13,000.00 328.59 12.68 6,607.80 6,379.52 51 7,111.695015 Dues & Subscriptions 4,000.00 .00 4,000.00 315.00 .00 514.00 3,486.00 13 520.005020 Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 480.96 .00 1,248.35(248.35) 125 32.005095 Uniforms/Clothing 900.00 .00 900.00 250.00 .00 400.00 500.00 44 499.688045 Recording Fees .00 .00 .00 113.25 .00 1,642.25 (1,642.25) +++ .008135 Contractual Services 46,500.00 .00 46,500.00 .00 .00 1,445.50 45,054.50 3 7,589.70Division 21 - Building Program Totals$1,008,000.00 $0.00 $1,008,000.00 $69,025.82 $12.68 $735,708.37 $272,278.95 73% $655,541.31Unit 09 - Community Development Totals$1,568,750.00 $0.00 $1,568,750.00 $109,312.16 $12.68 $1,192,782.72 $375,954.60 76% $1,086,114.01Unit 50 - Police CommissionDivision 02 - Administration Program1015 Salaries-Part Time 5,500.00 .00 5,500.00 161.27 .00 1,524.55 3,975.45 28 681.342000 FICA 341.00 .00 341.00 10.00 .00 94.53 246.47 28 35.362001 Medicare 80.00 .00 80.00 2.34 .00 22.10 57.90 28 8.283000 Travel/Training 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 0 .005005 Office Supplies/Postage 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 29.88 .00 496.04 1,503.96 25 132.805015 Dues & Subscriptions 600.00 .00 600.00 .00 .00 375.00 225.00 62 375.008065 Legal Fees 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 0 .008115 Police Testing/Hiring 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 .00 .00 7,873.50 2,126.50 79 8,037.55Division 02 - Administration Program Totals$20,521.00 $0.00 $20,521.00 $203.49 $0.00 $10,385.72 $10,135.28 51% $9,270.33Unit 50 - Police Commission Totals$20,521.00 $0.00 $20,521.00 $203.49 $0.00 $10,385.72 $10,135.28 51% $9,270.33EXPENSE TOTALS$24,784,315.00 $0.00 $24,784,315.00 $1,885,519.93 $119,145.64 $19,051,417.79 $5,613,751.57 77% $24,076,613.56Fund 01 - General Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS24,784,315.00 .00 24,784,315.00 1,740,231.11 .00 22,982,128.94 1,802,186.06 93% 24,282,991.21EXPENSE TOTALS24,784,315.00 .00 24,784,315.00 1,885,519.93 119,145.64 19,051,417.79 5,613,751.57 77% 24,076,613.56Fund 01 - General Fund Totals$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($145,288.82) ($119,145.64) $3,930,711.15 ($3,811,565.51) $206,377.65Fund 02 - Water and Sewer FundREVENUE0450.450 Home Rule Sales Tax 1,775,000.00 .00 1,775,000.00 154,932.73 .00 1,479,298.79 295,701.21 83 1,745,967.810570.850 Meter Sales 35,000.00 .00 35,000.00 2,100.00 .00 17,280.00 17,720.00 49 52,325.000570.851 Water Connection Fee 280,000.00 .00 280,000.00 18,550.00 .00341,783.03 (61,783.03) 122 446,840.000570.852 Sewer Connection Fee 280,000.00 .00 280,000.00 38,047.00 .00252,898.50 27,101.50 90 427,123.500570.859 Sewer By-Pass Fee 8,000.00 .00 8,000.00 430.00 .00 8,815.00 (815.00) 110 12,040.00Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 14 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account54 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 02 - Water and Sewer FundREVENUE0620.672 Water Sales 9,350,000.00 .00 9,350,000.00 781,762.67 .00 8,676,445.52 673,554.48 93 9,316,320.320620.673 Water Penalty 85,000.00 .00 85,000.00 6,799.09 .00 88,628.41 (3,628.41) 104 100,004.200620.674 Sewer Sales 4,250,000.00 .00 4,250,000.00 358,915.60 .00 3,848,453.84 401,546.16 91 4,335,795.380620.675 Sewer Penalty 45,000.00 .00 45,000.00 3,254.69 .00 40,035.28 4,964.72 89 47,432.360620.676 Capital Charge 1,130,000.00 .00 1,130,000.00 88,465.80 .00 1,034,810.62 95,189.38 92 1,204,238.080620.677 Capital Charge Penalty 15,000.00 .00 15,000.00 1,062.09 .00 11,528.55 3,471.45 77 15,006.200800.800 Interest Income 24,382.00 .00 24,382.00 17,054.78 .00 67,585.34 (43,203.34) 277 44,480.790800.827 Unrealized Gain/Loss .00 .00 .00 (829.98) .00 (7,380.02) 7,380.02 +++ (3,038.26)0800.830 Unrealized Gain/Loss IMET .00 .00 .00 (2,041.87) .00 (14,303.55) 14,303.55 +++ 6,309.480801.822 Donation/Contribution .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 389,353.000803.001 Sale of Scrap 500.00 .00 500.00 325.00 .00 2,798.00 (2,298.00)560 1,055.000805.000 Other Reimbursements .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 4,620.90 (4,620.90) +++ 13,714.080806.000 Other Receipts 25,000.00 .00 25,000.00 120.00 .00 31,338.93 (6,338.93) 125 22,796.09REVENUE TOTALS$17,302,882.00 $0.00 $17,302,882.00 $1,468,947.60 $0.00 $15,884,637.14 $1,418,244.86 92% $18,177,763.03EXPENSEUnit 10 - Water DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration Program1005 Salaries-Full Time 245,000.00 .00 245,000.00 21,468.49 .00 235,153.16 9,846.84 96 236,158.352000 FICA 15,200.00 .00 15,200.00 1,373.26 .00 14,386.45 813.55 95 14,288.252001 Medicare 3,600.00 .00 3,600.00 321.18 .00 3,446.07 153.93 96 3,456.902010 IMRF 28,000.00 .00 28,000.00 2,519.06 .00 26,999.69 1,000.31 96 27,342.552020 Employee Insurance 46,000.00 .00 46,000.00 3,678.28 .00 39,822.746,177.26 87 36,257.212020.001 Contra Insurance Account .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ (31,480.53)2025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 .00 .00 .00 10,000.00 0 8,028.223000 Travel/Training 7,000.00 .00 7,000.00 484.00 .00 3,038.13 3,961.8743 2,707.653015 IL Unemployment Insurance 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 432.67 .00 1,217.60 1,282.40 49 1,705.584000 Telephone/Internet 5,600.00 .00 5,600.00 470.73 .00 5,139.51 460.49 92 4,665.284005 Cellular Phones/Pagers 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 408.71 .00 3,089.91 (89.91) 103 4,152.665005 Office Supplies/Postage 26,000.00 .00 26,000.00 2,545.62 .00 24,657.86 1,342.14 95 33,547.925015 Dues & Subscriptions 1,400.00 .00 1,400.00 .00 .00 496.90 903.10 351,457.615020 Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00 500.00 0 521.815040 Supplies/Hardware 500.00 .00 500.00 119.94 4.23 1,140.07 (644.30) 229 525.445065 Software 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 .00 .00 .00 2,000.00 0 1,893.155075 Sand & Gravel 800.00 .00 800.00 1,026.29 .00 1,450.28 (650.28) 181 1,384.075080 Water Meters 150,000.00 .00 150,000.00 19,405.00 .00 67,062.03 82,937.97 45 131,727.548020 Building Maintenance 8,000.00 .00 8,000.00 305.90 .00 8,892.70 (892.70) 111 4,921.448050 Legal Notices 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00 500.00 0 .008065 Legal Fees 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 208.00 .00 284.00 716.00 28 292.008135 Contractual Services 27,000.00 .00 27,000.00 1,438.96 .00 18,520.12 8,479.88 69 42,194.59Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 15 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account55 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 02 - Water and Sewer FundEXPENSEUnit 10 - Water DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration Program8135.008 Settlement Charges .00 .00 .00 55.37 .00 55.49 (55.49) +++ .008160 Equipment Maintenance 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 139.64 360.36 28 125.558225 Engineering Fees 4,000.00 .00 4,000.00 .00 .00 7,341.33 (3,341.33)184 .009330 Change in IMRF Net Pension Liability GASB 68 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00.00 .00 +++ 16,126.009401Administrative Service Charge 125,000.00 .00 125,000.00 .00 .00 62,500.00 62,500.00 50 125,000.009905 Transfer to Debt Service 244,825.00 .00 244,825.00 .00 .00 244,825.00 .00 100 242,725.009997 Bad Debt Expense .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 3,424.31Division 02 - Administration Program Totals$957,925.00 $0.00 $957,925.00 $56,261.46 $4.23 $769,658.68 $188,262.09 80% $913,148.55Division 30 - Water Distribution Program1005 Salaries-Full Time 410,000.00 .00 410,000.00 24,269.19 .00 268,865.96 141,134.04 66 403,796.201015 Salaries-Part Time 14,000.00 .00 14,000.00 .00 .00 8,759.58 5,240.42 63 15,649.721800 Salaries-Overtime 35,000.00 .00 35,000.00 4,685.37 .00 37,294.89 (2,294.89) 107 31,515.552000 FICA 29,000.00 .00 29,000.00 1,690.42 .00 18,584.61 10,415.39 64 26,731.622001 Medicare 6,800.00 .00 6,800.00 395.36 .00 4,380.16 2,419.84 64 6,299.582010 IMRF 53,000.00 .00 53,000.00 3,099.63 .00 33,274.83 19,725.17 63 47,881.942020 Employee Insurance 70,975.00 .00 70,975.00 4,644.10 .00 49,084.1121,890.89 69 63,113.212025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 15,000.00 .00 15,000.00 .00 .00 .00 15,000.00 0 15,502.284000 Telephone/Internet 9,000.00 .00 9,000.00 732.24 .00 8,238.58 761.42 92 7,888.214005 Cellular Phones/Pagers 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00 500.00 0 151.754015 Electricity/Gas 140,000.00 .00 140,000.00 961.70 .00 52,489.52 87,510.48 37 123,565.625005 Office Supplies/Postage 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 3.33 .00 158.12 1,841.88 8 199.915010 Replacement Supplies 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 .00 2,961.13 2,038.87 59 7,017.405020 Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash 15,000.00 .00 15,000.00 459.38 .00 8,593.55 6,406.45 57 8,602.275040 Supplies/Hardware 4,000.00 .00 4,000.00 924.76 .00 7,783.16 (3,783.16) 195 5,485.055070 Chemicals 5,500.00 .00 5,500.00 .00 .00 4,149.38 1,350.62 75 5,379.545095 Uniforms/Clothing 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 291.82 .00 1,623.06 376.9481 5,327.568020 Building Maintenance 4,000.00 .00 4,000.00 .00 .00 404.32 3,595.6810 2,772.268060Vehicle Maintenance 6,500.00 .00 6,500.00 283.25 .00 3,741.67 2,758.33 58 6,089.998135 Contractual Services 40,000.00 .00 40,000.00 2,861.84 7,071.90 28,002.70 4,925.40 88 53,499.348135.003 Lake Michigan Water Purchase 8,403,000.00 .00 8,403,000.00690,880.65 .00 6,453,515.53 1,949,484.47 77 8,471,988.468160 Equipment Maintenance 9,000.00 .00 9,000.00 .00 .00 11,199.66 (2,199.66) 124 12,096.388185 System Maintenance 44,000.00 .00 44,000.00 5,037.93 .00 10,506.1733,493.83 24 49,419.058194 Water/Fire Hydrant 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 .00 .00 18,977.27 1,022.73 95 19,074.738200 EPA Analytical 16,000.00 .00 16,000.00 .00 .00 9,961.37 6,038.63 6211,034.669305 Capitalized Assets-Cap Outlay .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ (1,347,739.16)9905 Transfer to Debt Service 244,825.00 .00 244,825.00 .00 .00 244,825.00 .00 100 242,725.00Division 30 - Water Distribution Program Totals$9,604,100.00 $0.00 $9,604,100.00 $741,220.97 $7,071.90 $7,287,374.33 $2,309,653.77 76% $8,295,068.12Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 16 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account56 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 02 - Water and Sewer FundEXPENSEUnit 10 - Water DepartmentDivision 93 - Contingencies9303 Depreciation .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 3,110,638.979307Amortization Expense .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 39,236.31Division 93 - Contingencies Totals$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 +++ $3,149,875.28Unit 10 - Water Department Totals$10,562,025.00 $0.00 $10,562,025.00 $797,482.43 $7,076.13 $8,057,033.01 $2,497,915.86 76% $12,358,091.95Unit 11 - Sewer DepartmentDivision 02 - Administration Program1005 Salaries-Full Time 245,000.00 .00 245,000.00 18,335.12 .00 201,894.89 43,105.11 82 235,196.832000 FICA 15,200.00 .00 15,200.00 1,176.65 .00 12,309.26 2,890.74 81 14,291.422001 Medicare 3,600.00 .00 3,600.00 275.16 .00 2,959.72 640.28 82 3,456.802010 IMRF 28,000.00 .00 28,000.00 2,159.76 .00 23,193.09 4,806.91 83 27,356.162020 Employee Insurance 46,000.00 .00 46,000.00 2,915.03 .00 31,811.0814,188.92 69 35,824.582025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 .00 .00 .00 10,000.00 0 7,723.213000 Travel/Training 12,000.00 .00 12,000.00 72.06 .00 5,041.19 6,958.81 42 5,191.843015 IL Unemployment Insurance 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 273.21 .00 796.131,703.87 32 1,705.544000 Telephone/Internet 9,000.00 .00 9,000.00 732.24 .00 9,576.85 (576.85) 106 11,908.894005 Cellular Phones/Pagers 3,500.00 .00 3,500.00 264.35 .00 2,015.47 1,484.53 58 2,973.505005 Office Supplies/Postage 25,000.00 .00 25,000.00 2,374.49 .00 23,417.41 1,582.59 94 31,332.155015 Dues & Subscriptions 68,200.00 .00 68,200.00 .00 .00 64,376.89 3,823.11 94 60,535.735020 Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 .00 30.00 970.003 299.185040 Supplies/Hardware 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 .00 4.23 1,026.93 1,468.8441 510.728020 Building Maintenance 15,000.00 .00 15,000.00 305.97 .00 11,521.593,478.41 77 17,449.128065 Legal Fees 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 208.00 .00 284.00 1,216.00 19 172.008135 Contractual Services 30,000.00 .00 30,000.00 1,438.94 .00 14,801.31 15,198.69 49 39,619.858135.008 Settlement Charges .00 .00 .00 55.39 .00 55.51 (55.51) +++ .008160 Equipment Maintenance 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 .00 .00 952.43 1,047.5748 .008225 Engineering Fees 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 .00 .00 564.08 9,435.92 6 10,186.129200.012 2013 Refunding-2004A Bond (Principal) 39,840.00 .00 39,840.00 .00 .00 384,000.00 (344,160.00) 964 340,500.009200.013 2013 Refunding-2004A Bond (Interest) 384,000.00 .00 384,000.00 .00 .00 39,840.00 344,160.00 10 46,650.009200.018 2005B Bond (Principal) .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 30,000.009200.019 2005B Bond (Interest) .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 1,162.009299 Contra Debt Expense .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ (30,000.00)9330 Change in IMRF Net Pension Liability GASB 68 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00.00 .00 +++ 16,126.009401Administrative Service Charge 125,000.00 .00 125,000.00 .00 .00 62,500.00 62,500.00 50 125,000.009905 Transfer to Debt Service 244,825.00 .00 244,825.00 .00 .00 244,825.00 .00 100 242,725.009997 Bad Debt Expense .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 2,320.70Division 02 - Administration Program Totals$1,323,665.00 $0.00 $1,323,665.00 $30,586.37 $4.23 $1,137,792.83 $185,867.94 86% $1,280,217.34Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 17 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account57 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 02 - Water and Sewer FundEXPENSEUnit 11 - Sewer DepartmentDivision 40 - Sewer Treatment Program1005 Salaries-Full Time 385,000.00 .00 385,000.00 28,071.27 .00 313,718.50 71,281.50 81 410,779.621015 Salaries-Part Time 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 .00 .00 8,759.56 1,240.44 88 15,649.651800 Salaries-Overtime 30,000.00 .00 30,000.00 3,735.24 .00 27,559.22 2,440.78 92 26,852.082000 FICA 26,500.00 .00 26,500.00 1,854.68 .00 20,717.11 5,782.89 78 27,242.552001 Medicare 6,500.00 .00 6,500.00 433.75 .00 4,875.50 1,624.50 75 6,414.312010 IMRF 46,000.00 .00 46,000.00 3,416.50 .00 37,175.71 8,824.29 81 48,877.782020 Employee Insurance 56,000.00 .00 56,000.00 4,060.13 .00 44,505.9611,494.04 79 60,441.242025 Deferred Comp. Contribution 13,500.00 .00 13,500.00 .00 .00 .00 13,500.00 0 13,026.764000 Telephone/Internet 22,000.00 .00 22,000.00 1,778.30 .00 20,349.131,650.87 92 19,797.104015 Electricity/Gas 525,000.00 .00 525,000.00 3,752.33 .00 309,050.91215,949.09 59 519,785.435005 Office Supplies/Postage 4,500.00 .00 4,500.00 3.32 .00 365.92 4,134.08 8 841.275010 Replacement Supplies 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 .00 .00 2,445.77 (945.77) 163 2,084.975020 Gas/Oil/Mileage/Carwash 13,000.00 .00 13,000.00 671.44 .00 8,454.40 4,545.60 65 8,249.455040 Supplies/Hardware 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 318.95 .00 7,515.63 2,484.37 75 10,856.845070 Chemicals 115,000.00 .00 115,000.00 8,671.01 4,081.83 72,954.96 37,963.21 67 112,021.465075 Sand & Gravel 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00 500.00 0 253.335085 Industrial Flow Monitor 18,000.00 .00 18,000.00 252.00 .00 1,858.50 16,141.50 10 1,971.005095 Uniforms/Clothing 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 400.69 .00 3,896.86 1,103.14 78 8,908.798060Vehicle Maintenance 8,000.00 .00 8,000.00 343.39 .00 9,419.84 (1,419.84) 118 3,473.228135 Contractual Services 160,000.00 .00 160,000.00 2,867.84 .00 121,294.38 38,705.62 76 214,685.358160 Equipment Maintenance 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 104.67 .00 16,187.59 3,812.41 81 22,091.888160.002 Maintenance-James Street 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 .00 .00 5,000.00 0 5,600.938185 System Maintenance 125,000.00 .00 125,000.00 2,496.88 .00 24,539.36 100,460.64 20 55,506.109905 Transfer to Debt Service 244,825.00 .00 244,825.00 .00 .00 244,825.00 .00 100 242,725.00Division 40 - Sewer Treatment Program Totals$1,850,825.00 $0.00 $1,850,825.00 $63,232.39 $4,081.83 $1,300,469.81$546,273.36 70% $1,838,136.11Unit 11 - Sewer Department Totals$3,174,490.00 $0.00 $3,174,490.00 $93,818.76 $4,086.06 $2,438,262.64$732,141.30 77% $3,118,353.45Unit 12 - Utility Expansion Division 91 - Capital8133.002 Scada Improvements 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 .00 .00 .00 20,000.00 0 2,158.008133.003 Route 30 Water main .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 269,614.468133.004 Rt 30 Water main-Kuusakoski to Tower 2 100,000.00 .00 100,000.00 .00 .00 88,133.61 11,866.39 88 840,469.888134.001 Lift Station Improvements 170,000.00 .00 170,000.00 .00 .00 .00 170,000.00 0 181,130.008134.002 Pump Station Improvements .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 202,398.75 (202,398.75) +++ 56,524.828135 Contractual Services 210,000.00 .00 210,000.00 .00 .00 13,918.00 196,082.00 7 .008225 Engineering Fees 150,000.00 .00 150,000.00 .00 .00 85,118.08 64,881.92 57 40,152.259120 Machinery and Equipment .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5,996.80 (5,996.80) +++12,894.149125Vehicles 180,000.00 .00 180,000.00 764.30 .00 157,599.30 22,400.70 88 .00Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 18 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account58 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 02 - Water and Sewer FundEXPENSEUnit 12 - Utility Expansion Division 91 - Capital Totals$830,000.00 $0.00 $830,000.00 $764.30 $0.00 $553,164.54 $276,835.46 67% $1,402,943.55Division 92 - Bonds9200.012 2013 Refunding-2004A Bond (Principal) 896,000.00 .00 896,000.00 .00 .00 896,000.00 .00 100 794,500.009200.013 2013 Refunding-2004A Bond (Interest) 92,960.00 .00 92,960.00 .00 .00 92,960.00 .00 100 100,337.509200.014 2013 Refunding-2004B Bond (Principal) 375,000.00 .00 375,000.00 .00 .00 375,000.00 .00 100 365,000.009200.015 2013 Refunding-2004B Bond (Interest) 38,650.00 .00 38,650.00 .00 .00 38,650.00 .00 100 43,212.509200.018 2005B Bond (Principal) .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 70,000.009200.019 2005B Bond (Interest) .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 1,259.879200.022 2008 Bond (Principal) 500,000.00 .00 500,000.00 .00 .00 .00 500,000.00 0 450,000.009200.023 2008 Bond (Interest) 25,000.00 .00 25,000.00 .00 .00 12,500.00 12,500.00 50 47,862.499200.032 2015 Refunding-2008 Bond (Principal) 90,000.00 .00 90,000.00 .00 .00 .00 90,000.00 0 90,000.009200.033 2015 Refunding-2008 Bond (Interest) 529,750.00 .00 529,750.00 .00 .00 264,875.00 264,875.00 50 531,550.009201.001 IEPA Loan (Principal) 158,419.00 .00 158,419.00 .00 .00 157,419.46 999.54 99 155,470.019201.002 IEPA Loan (Interest) 30,588.00 .00 30,588.00 .00 .00 30,587.64 .36 100 31,808.329299 Contra Debt Expense .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ (2,265,470.01)Division 92 - Bonds Totals$2,736,367.00 $0.00 $2,736,367.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,867,992.10 $868,374.90 68% $415,530.68Unit 12 - Utility Expansion Totals$3,566,367.00 $0.00 $3,566,367.00 $764.30 $0.00 $2,421,156.64 $1,145,210.36 68% $1,818,474.23EXPENSE TOTALS$17,302,882.00 $0.00 $17,302,882.00 $892,065.49 $11,162.19 $12,916,452.29 $4,375,267.52 75% $17,294,919.63Fund 02 - Water and Sewer Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS17,302,882.00 .00 17,302,882.00 1,468,947.60 .00 15,884,637.14 1,418,244.86 92% 18,177,763.03EXPENSE TOTALS17,302,882.00 .00 17,302,882.00 892,065.49 11,162.19 12,916,452.29 4,375,267.52 75% 17,294,919.63Fund 02 - Water and Sewer Fund Totals$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $576,882.11 ($11,162.19) $2,968,184.85 ($2,957,022.66) $882,843.40Fund 03 - Capital Replacement FundREVENUE0800.800 Interest Income .00 .00 .00 2,333.05 .00 23,938.65 (23,938.65)+++ 24,289.240800.826 Realized Gain/Loss On Investment .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 12.640800.827 Unrealized Gain/Loss .00 .00 .00 (136.95) .00 (3,456.20) 3,456.20 +++ (9,699.66)REVENUE TOTALS$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,196.10 $0.00 $20,482.45 ($20,482.45) +++ $14,602.22Fund 03 - Capital Replacement Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS.00 .00 .00 2,196.10 .00 20,482.45 (20,482.45) +++ 14,602.22EXPENSE TOTALS.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00Fund 03 - Capital Replacement Fund Totals$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,196.10 $0.00 $20,482.45 ($20,482.45) $14,602.22Fund 04 - Motor Fuel TaxREVENUE0450.457 MFT Entitlements 1,150,000.00 .00 1,150,000.00 139,652.78 .00 952,414.73 197,585.27 83 1,105,593.510800.800 Interest Income 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 3,124.57 .00 29,946.42 (24,946.42) 599 15,410.91Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 19 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account59 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 04 - Motor Fuel TaxREVENUE TOTALS$1,155,000.00 $0.00 $1,155,000.00 $142,777.35 $0.00 $982,361.15 $172,638.85 85% $1,121,004.42EXPENSEUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 91 - Capital9150 Street Improvements 1,005,000.00 .00 1,005,000.00 .00 .00 1,038,056.85 (33,056.85) 103 863,120.29Division 91 - Capital Totals$1,005,000.00 $0.00 $1,005,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,038,056.85 ($33,056.85) 103% $863,120.29Division 99 - Transfers9901 Transfer to General 150,000.00 .00 150,000.00 .00 .00 .00 150,000.00 0 .00Division 99 - Transfers Totals$150,000.00 $0.00 $150,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $150,000.00 0% $0.00Unit 00 - Non-Departmental Totals$1,155,000.00 $0.00 $1,155,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,038,056.85 $116,943.15 90% $863,120.29EXPENSE TOTALS$1,155,000.00 $0.00 $1,155,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,038,056.85 $116,943.15 90% $863,120.29Fund 04 - Motor Fuel Tax TotalsREVENUE TOTALS1,155,000.00 .00 1,155,000.00 142,777.35 .00 982,361.15 172,638.85 85%1,121,004.42EXPENSE TOTALS1,155,000.00 .00 1,155,000.00 .00 .00 1,038,056.85 116,943.15 90% 863,120.29Fund 04 - Motor Fuel Tax Totals$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $142,777.35 $0.00 ($55,695.70) $55,695.70 $257,884.13Fund 05 - Bond and Interest FundREVENUE0400.401 Property Tax Revenue 112,600.00 .00 112,600.00 .00 .00 118,518.93 (5,918.93) 105 117,213.820800.800 Interest Income 500.00 .00 500.00 2.24 .00 6,281.69 (5,781.69)1256 797.830999.902 Transfer From Water and Sewer 979,300.00 .00 979,300.00 .00.00 979,300.00 .00 100 970,900.000999.911 Transfer From Capital 2,036,125.00 .00 2,036,125.00 .00 .00 2,023,992.04 12,132.96 99 2,032,264.47REVENUE TOTALS$3,128,525.00 $0.00 $3,128,525.00 $2.24 $0.00 $3,128,092.66 $432.34 100% $3,121,176.12EXPENSEUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 92 - Bonds9200.020 2007 Bond (Principal) 755,000.00 .00 755,000.00 .00 .00 755,000.00 .00 100 725,000.009200.021 2007 Bond (Interest) 42,475.00 .00 42,475.00 .00 .00 42,475.00 .00 100 75,100.009200.024 2009 Refunding Bond (Principal) 100,000.00 .00 100,000.00 .00 .00 100,000.00 .00 100 100,000.009200.025 2009 Refunding Bond (Interest) 12,600.00 .00 12,600.00 .00 .00 12,600.00 .00 100 16,100.009200.026 2010 Bond (Principal) 750,000.00 .00 750,000.00 .00 .00 750,000.00 .00 100 720,000.009200.027 2010 Bond (Interest) 229,300.00 .00 229,300.00 .00 .00 229,300.00 .00 100 250,900.009200.028 2012 Refunding Bond (Principal) 660,000.00 .00 660,000.00 .00 .00 660,000.00 .00 100 645,000.009200.029 2012 Refunding Bond (Interest) 175,200.00 .00 175,200.00 .00 .00 175,200.00 .00 100 188,100.009200.030 2014 Refunding- 2007 Bond (Principal) 130,000.00 .00 130,000.00 .00 .00 130,000.00 .00 100 125,000.009200.031 2014 Refunding- 2007 Bond (Interest) 273,450.00 .00 273,450.00 .00 .00 273,450.00 .00 100 275,950.00Division 92 - Bonds Totals$3,128,025.00 $0.00 $3,128,025.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,128,025.00 $0.00 100%$3,121,150.00Unit 00 - Non-Departmental Totals$3,128,025.00 $0.00 $3,128,025.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,128,025.00 $0.00 100%$3,121,150.00EXPENSE TOTALS$3,128,025.00 $0.00 $3,128,025.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,128,025.00 $0.00 100%$3,121,150.00Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 20 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account60 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 05 - Bond and Interest Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS3,128,525.00 .00 3,128,525.00 2.24 .00 3,128,092.66 432.34 100% 3,121,176.12EXPENSE TOTALS3,128,025.00 .00 3,128,025.00 .00 .00 3,128,025.00 .00 100% 3,121,150.00Fund 05 - Bond and Interest Fund Totals$500.00 $0.00 $500.00 $2.24 $0.00 $67.66 $432.34 $26.12Fund 07 - Tort Immunity FundREVENUE0400.401 Property Tax Revenue 625,000.00 .00 625,000.00 .00 .00 623,114.32 1,885.68 100 621,534.630800.800 Interest Income 100.00 .00 100.00 308.56 .00 1,689.53 (1,589.53) 1690 164.540805.000 Other Reimbursements .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 55.00REVENUE TOTALS$625,100.00 $0.00 $625,100.00 $308.56 $0.00 $624,803.85 $296.15 100% $621,754.17EXPENSEUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 00 - Non-Divisional8275 Bond-Treasurer 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 336.00 164.00 67 336.008300 Commercial Umbrella Liability 280,000.00 .00 280,000.00 .00 .00 156,425.00 123,575.00 56 268,633.008310 Workman's Compensation Ins. 344,600.00 .00 344,600.00 .00 .00 221,340.00 123,260.00 64 325,852.00Division 00 - Non-Divisional Totals$625,100.00 $0.00 $625,100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $378,101.00 $246,999.00 60% $594,821.00Unit 00 - Non-Departmental Totals$625,100.00 $0.00 $625,100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $378,101.00 $246,999.00 60% $594,821.00EXPENSE TOTALS$625,100.00 $0.00 $625,100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $378,101.00 $246,999.00 60% $594,821.00Fund 07 - Tort Immunity Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS625,100.00 .00 625,100.00 308.56 .00 624,803.85 296.15 100% 621,754.17EXPENSE TOTALS625,100.00 .00 625,100.00 .00 .00 378,101.00 246,999.00 60% 594,821.00Fund 07 - Tort Immunity Fund Totals$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $308.56 $0.00 $246,702.85 ($246,702.85) $26,933.17Fund 08 - Audit FundREVENUE0400.401 Property Tax Revenue 42,000.00 .00 42,000.00 .00 .00 42,273.77 (273.77) 101 42,251.780800.800 Interest Income 50.00 .00 50.00 16.80 .00 194.87 (144.87) 390 72.05REVENUE TOTALS$42,050.00 $0.00 $42,050.00 $16.80 $0.00 $42,468.64 ($418.64) 101% $42,323.83EXPENSEUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 00 - Non-Divisional8315Audit Village 42,000.00 .00 42,000.00 .00 .00 35,875.00 6,125.00 85 39,142.00Division 00 - Non-Divisional Totals$42,000.00 $0.00 $42,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $35,875.00 $6,125.00 85% $39,142.00Unit 00 - Non-Departmental Totals$42,000.00 $0.00 $42,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $35,875.00 $6,125.00 85% $39,142.00EXPENSE TOTALS$42,000.00 $0.00 $42,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $35,875.00 $6,125.00 85% $39,142.00Fund 08 - Audit Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS42,050.00 .00 42,050.00 16.80 .00 42,468.64 (418.64) 101% 42,323.83EXPENSE TOTALS42,000.00 .00 42,000.00 .00 .00 35,875.00 6,125.00 85% 39,142.00Fund 08 - Audit Fund Totals$50.00 $0.00 $50.00 $16.80 $0.00 $6,593.64 ($6,543.64) $3,181.83Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 21 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account61 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 10 - Police Pension FundREVENUE0800.800 Interest Income 500,000.00 .00 500,000.00 83.16 .00 1,083,221.07 (583,221.07) 217 784,139.570800.824 Realized Gain/Loss-SawyerFalduto .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 91,127.95 (91,127.95) +++ (66,865.73)0800.826 Realized Gain/Loss On Investment 175,000.00 .00 175,000.00.00 .00 .00 175,000.00 0 .000800.827 Unrealized Gain/Loss 300,000.00 .00 300,000.00 .00 .00 .00 300,000.00 0 .000800.829 Unrealized Gain/Loss Sawyer/Fald .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,989,349.91 (1,989,349.91) +++ 1,646,913.000818.000 Employee Contributions 575,000.00 .00 575,000.00 .00 .00 402,759.70 172,240.30 70 509,526.260819.000 Employer Contributions 1,370,000.00 .00 1,370,000.00 .00 .001,364,479.09 5,520.91 100 1,101,142.15REVENUE TOTALS$2,920,000.00 $0.00 $2,920,000.00 $83.16 $0.00 $4,930,937.72 ($2,010,937.72) 169% $3,974,855.25EXPENSEUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 00 - Non-Divisional3000 Travel/Training 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 .00 3,197.25 1,802.75 64 4,169.955005 Office Supplies/Postage 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00 500.00 0 .005015 Dues & Subscriptions 5,500.00 .00 5,500.00 .00 .00 5,740.25 (240.25) 104 5,560.278135 Contractual Services 30,000.00 .00 30,000.00 1,590.00 .00 26,344.60 3,655.40 88 32,081.708137 Investment Expense 85,000.00 .00 85,000.00 .00 .00 74,089.00 10,911.00 87 87,300.008330 Pension Payments 485,000.00 .00 485,000.00 42,058.36 .00 410,648.65 74,351.35 85 442,742.40Division 00 - Non-Divisional Totals$611,000.00 $0.00 $611,000.00 $43,648.36 $0.00 $520,019.75 $90,980.2585% $571,854.32Unit 00 - Non-Departmental Totals$611,000.00 $0.00 $611,000.00 $43,648.36 $0.00 $520,019.75 $90,980.2585% $571,854.32EXPENSE TOTALS$611,000.00 $0.00 $611,000.00 $43,648.36 $0.00 $520,019.75 $90,980.2585% $571,854.32Fund 10 - Police Pension Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS2,920,000.00 .00 2,920,000.00 83.16 .00 4,930,937.72 (2,010,937.72) 169% 3,974,855.25EXPENSE TOTALS611,000.00 .00 611,000.00 43,648.36 .00 520,019.75 90,980.25 85% 571,854.32Fund 10 - Police Pension Fund Totals$2,309,000.00 $0.00 $2,309,000.00 ($43,565.20) $0.00 $4,410,917.97 ($2,101,917.97) $3,403,000.93Fund 11 - Capital Improvement FundREVENUE0450.450 Home Rule Sales Tax 2,900,000.00 .00 2,900,000.00 309,911.94 .00 2,459,041.42 440,958.58 85 3,492,459.420500.502 Utility Tax 2,800,000.00 .00 2,800,000.00 326,931.08 .00 2,371,108.88 428,891.12 85 2,915,444.660570.856 Bike Path Fee 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00 500.00 0 .000570.876 Recapture Fee 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 .00 3,897.91 1,102.09 78 10,030.890650.670 Impound Fee 30,000.00 .00 30,000.00 2,250.00 .00 21,750.00 8,250.00 72 22,852.500650.673 Daily Storage Fee for Impound 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 270.00 .00 1,260.00 3,740.00 25 1,475.000650.675 Red Light Fines 255,000.00 .00 255,000.00 900.00 .00 302,900.00 (47,900.00) 119 348,306.070700.100 STP Grant(143rd St) 1,233,739.00 .00 1,233,739.00 .00 .00 .001,233,739.00 0 593,863.730700.650 Grant Revenue 500,000.00 .00 500,000.00 .00 .00 .00 500,000.000 49,471.070800.800 Interest Income 31,886.00 .00 31,886.00 12,391.62 .00 104,266.27 (72,380.27) 327 39,065.340803.000 Sales-Fixed Assets 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 .00 .00 5,000.00 0.000805.000 Other Reimbursements 5,800,000.00 .00 5,800,000.00 (23,065.03) .00 645,110.54 5,154,889.46 11 95,942.30Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 22 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account62 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 11 - Capital Improvement FundREVENUE0806.000 Other Receipts 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 .00 175.00 4,825.00 4 500.000999.901 Transfer From General .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 2,189,567.000999.917 Transfer From TIF 500,000.00 .00 500,000.00 .00 .00 .00 500,000.00 0 500,000.00REVENUE TOTALS$14,071,125.00 $0.00 $14,071,125.00 $629,589.61 $0.00 $5,909,510.02 $8,161,614.98 42% $10,258,977.98EXPENSEUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 00 - Non-Divisional8135 Contractual Services 110,000.00 .00 110,000.00 .00 .00 64,645.18 45,354.82 59 110,742.39Division 00 - Non-Divisional Totals$110,000.00 $0.00 $110,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $64,645.18 $45,354.82 59% $110,742.39Division 91 - Capital8135.006 Emerald Ash Borer 200,000.00 .00 200,000.00 17,813.00 .00 185,825.00 14,175.00 93 279,983.008225 Engineering Fees 100,000.00 .00 100,000.00 11,066.50 .00 29,410.96 70,589.04 29 106,348.649105 Building Improvements 200,000.00 .00 200,000.00 .00 .00 68,700.50131,299.50 34 96,014.159105.005 Building Improvements-Police .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 32.479107.002 127th St-Plfd/Naperville Rd 100,000.00 .00 100,000.00 208.00 .00 208.00 99,792.00 0 .009107.004 Rt 30 and 143rd 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 .00 .00 .00 10,000.00 0.009112 Sidewalk Curb & Bikepath Replace 500,000.00 .00 500,000.00 6,272.00 .00 328,932.69 171,067.31 66 163,591.799120.005 Machinery and Equipment-Police 225,000.00 .00 225,000.00 7,701.22 3,367.00 186,636.96 34,996.04 84 231,378.319120.008 Machinery and Equipment-Public Works 325,000.00 .00 325,000.00 .00 .00 270,905.77 54,094.23 83 303,607.429152.001 Street Lights-Replacement 125,000.00 .00 125,000.00 124,473.00 .00 124,473.00 527.00 100 74,735.429152.002 School Beacon Upgrades 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 3,467.00 3,467.00 (1,934.00) 139 .009152.003 PCI Pavement Inspection .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 73,975.009152.004 Settler's Park-Campus Refresh 90,000.00 .00 90,000.00 .00 .00 60,156.02 29,843.98 67 168,834.159152.005 Ft. Beggs Street Lighting .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 205,829.849152.006 PACE Park-N-Ride 5,800,000.00 .00 5,800,000.00 .00 .00 625,654.70 5,174,345.30 11 99,187.419152.007 Gateway Signage 50,000.00 .00 50,000.00 .00 .00 .00 50,000.00 0.009155 Bridge Repairs & Reconstruction 425,000.00 .00 425,000.00 .00 .00 14,719.56 410,280.44 3 .009156 Storm & Drainage Improvements 45,000.00 .00 45,000.00 .00 .00 7,293.89 37,706.11 16 9,685.869164 Pavement Patching 125,000.00 .00 125,000.00 .00 .00 115,855.00 9,145.00 93 74,678.349165 Roadway Improvements 1,000,000.00 .00 1,000,000.00 10,483.75 .001,057,657.59 (57,657.59) 106 485,235.479165.009 143rd St. Extension Phase 2 1,400,000.00 .00 1,400,000.00 9,026.22 .00 190,461.30 1,209,538.70 14 711,301.029165.019 I-55 Interchange Design 320,000.00 .00 320,000.00 .00 .00 170,287.42 149,712.58 53 33,290.799165.028 Renwick Corridor 70,000.00 .00 70,000.00 .00 .00 15,777.54 54,222.46 23 7,122.859165.029 Rt 30 Reconstruction-Village Portion .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ 104,582.209165.030 127th-Heggs to Meadow 680,000.00 .00 680,000.00 442.00 .00 562,577.33 117,422.67 83 263,729.619165.031Village Green 130,000.00 .00 130,000.00 .00 .00 19,815.24 110,184.76 15 2,642.63Division 91 - Capital Totals$11,925,000.00 $0.00 $11,925,000.00 $187,485.69 $6,834.00 $4,038,815.47 $7,879,350.53 34% $3,495,786.37Division 99 - Transfers9905 Transfer to Debt Service 2,036,125.00 .00 2,036,125.00 .00 .00 2,023,992.04 12,132.96 99 2,032,264.47Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 23 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account63 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 11 - Capital Improvement FundEXPENSEUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 99 - Transfers Totals$2,036,125.00 $0.00 $2,036,125.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,023,992.04 $12,132.96 99% $2,032,264.47Unit 00 - Non-Departmental Totals$14,071,125.00 $0.00 $14,071,125.00 $187,485.69 $6,834.00 $6,127,452.69 $7,936,838.31 44% $5,638,793.23EXPENSE TOTALS$14,071,125.00 $0.00 $14,071,125.00 $187,485.69 $6,834.00 $6,127,452.69 $7,936,838.31 44% $5,638,793.23Fund 11 - Capital Improvement Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS14,071,125.00 .00 14,071,125.00 629,589.61 .00 5,909,510.02 8,161,614.98 42% 10,258,977.98EXPENSE TOTALS14,071,125.00 .00 14,071,125.00 187,485.69 6,834.00 6,127,452.69 7,936,838.31 44% 5,638,793.23Fund 11 - Capital Improvement Fund Totals$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $442,103.92 ($6,834.00) ($217,942.67) $224,776.67 $4,620,184.75Fund 14 - D.A.R.E. FundREVENUE0800.800 Interest Income 20.00 .00 20.00 16.09 .00 82.48 (62.48) 412 44.930801.840 DARE Contribution 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 .00 .00 22,319.53 (2,319.53) 112 18,294.57REVENUE TOTALS$20,020.00 $0.00 $20,020.00 $16.09 $0.00 $22,402.01 ($2,382.01) 112% $18,339.50EXPENSEUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 00 - Non-Divisional8245 D.A.R.E. Program 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 1,389.57 .00 6,732.01 13,267.99 34 21,529.69Division 00 - Non-Divisional Totals$20,000.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 $1,389.57 $0.00 $6,732.01 $13,267.99 34% $21,529.69Unit 00 - Non-Departmental Totals$20,000.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 $1,389.57 $0.00 $6,732.01 $13,267.99 34% $21,529.69EXPENSE TOTALS$20,000.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 $1,389.57 $0.00 $6,732.01 $13,267.99 34% $21,529.69Fund 14 - D.A.R.E. Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS20,020.00 .00 20,020.00 16.09 .00 22,402.01 (2,382.01) 112% 18,339.50EXPENSE TOTALS20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 1,389.57 .00 6,732.01 13,267.99 34% 21,529.69Fund 14 - D.A.R.E. Fund Totals$20.00 $0.00 $20.00 ($1,373.48) $0.00 $15,670.00 ($15,650.00) ($3,190.19)Fund 17 - Tax Increment Financing FundREVENUE0400.401 Property Tax Revenue 745,000.00 .00 745,000.00 .00 .00 718,508.33 26,491.67 96 736,922.060800.800 Interest Income 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 418.60 .00 6,758.89 (4,758.89) 338 5,190.49REVENUE TOTALS$747,000.00 $0.00 $747,000.00 $418.60 $0.00 $725,267.22 $21,732.78 97%$742,112.55EXPENSEUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 00 - Non-Divisional8135 Contractual Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 359.40 (359.40) +++ .00Division 00 - Non-Divisional Totals$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $359.40 ($359.40) +++ $0.00Division 91 - Capital8135 Contractual Services 450,000.00 .00 450,000.00 .00 .00 754,058.93(304,058.93) 168 429,675.929199 Facade Improvements 125,000.00 .00 125,000.00 .00 .00 127,118.46 (2,118.46) 102 157,162.33Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 24 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account64 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 17 - Tax Increment Financing FundEXPENSEUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 91 - Capital Totals$575,000.00 $0.00 $575,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $881,177.39 ($306,177.39) 153% $586,838.25Division 99 - Transfers9901 Transfer to General 50,000.00 .00 50,000.00 .00 .00 .00 50,000.00 0.009911 Transfer to Capital Improvements 500,000.00 .00 500,000.00 .00 .00 .00 500,000.00 0 500,000.00Division 99 - Transfers Totals$550,000.00 $0.00 $550,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $550,000.00 0% $500,000.00Unit 00 - Non-Departmental Totals$1,125,000.00 $0.00 $1,125,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $881,536.79 $243,463.2178% $1,086,838.25EXPENSE TOTALS$1,125,000.00 $0.00 $1,125,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $881,536.79 $243,463.2178% $1,086,838.25Fund 17 - Tax Increment Financing Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS747,000.00 .00 747,000.00 418.60 .00 725,267.22 21,732.78 97% 742,112.55EXPENSE TOTALS1,125,000.00 .00 1,125,000.00 .00 .00 881,536.79 243,463.21 78% 1,086,838.25Fund 17 - Tax Increment Financing Fund Totals($378,000.00) $0.00 ($378,000.00) $418.60 $0.00 ($156,269.57) ($221,730.43) ($344,725.70)Fund 26 - Sex Offender's Registration FundREVENUE0600.606 Sex Offenders Registration .00 .00 .00 110.00 .00 1,150.00 (1,150.00) +++ 950.000800.800 Interest Income .00 .00 .00 2.52 .00 19.92 (19.92) +++ 9.11REVENUE TOTALS$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $112.52 $0.00 $1,169.92 ($1,169.92) +++ $959.11EXPENSEUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 00 - Non-Divisional9290 Sex Offender's Registration Fee .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 700.00 (700.00) +++ 1,015.00Division 00 - Non-Divisional Totals$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $700.00 ($700.00) +++ $1,015.00Unit 00 - Non-Departmental Totals$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $700.00 ($700.00) +++ $1,015.00EXPENSE TOTALS$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $700.00 ($700.00) +++ $1,015.00Fund 26 - Sex Offender's Registration Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS.00 .00 .00 112.52 .00 1,169.92 (1,169.92) +++ 959.11EXPENSE TOTALS.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 700.00 (700.00) +++ 1,015.00Fund 26 - Sex Offender's Registration Fund Totals$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $112.52 $0.00 $469.92 ($469.92) ($55.89)Fund 27 - Alcohol Enforcement FundREVENUE0600.610Alcohol Fines 15,000.00 .00 15,000.00 .00 .00 11,492.00 3,508.00 77 16,645.000800.800 Interest Income 100.00 .00 100.00 53.76 .00 423.74 (323.74) 424207.30REVENUE TOTALS$15,100.00 $0.00 $15,100.00 $53.76 $0.00 $11,915.74 $3,184.26 79% $16,852.30EXPENSEUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 99 - Transfers9901 Transfer to General 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 .00 .00 .00 20,000.00 012,000.00Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 25 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account65 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 27 - Alcohol Enforcement FundEXPENSEUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 99 - Transfers Totals$20,000.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 0% $12,000.00Unit 00 - Non-Departmental Totals$20,000.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 0% $12,000.00EXPENSE TOTALS$20,000.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 0% $12,000.00Fund 27 - Alcohol Enforcement Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS15,100.00 .00 15,100.00 53.76 .00 11,915.74 3,184.26 79% 16,852.30EXPENSE TOTALS20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 .00 .00 .00 20,000.00 0% 12,000.00Fund 27 - Alcohol Enforcement Fund Totals($4,900.00) $0.00 ($4,900.00) $53.76 $0.00 $11,915.74 ($16,815.74) $4,852.30Fund 28 - Drug Enforcement FundREVENUE0600.611 Drug Fines .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,277.00 (1,277.00) +++ 748.000800.800 Interest Income .00 .00 .00 41.16 .00 345.11 (345.11) +++ 172.97REVENUE TOTALS$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $41.16 $0.00 $1,622.11 ($1,622.11) +++ $920.97Fund 28 - Drug Enforcement Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS.00 .00 .00 41.16 .00 1,622.11 (1,622.11) +++ 920.97EXPENSE TOTALS.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00Fund 28 - Drug Enforcement Fund Totals$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $41.16 $0.00 $1,622.11 ($1,622.11) $920.97Fund 29 - Police Vehicle Replacement FundREVENUE0600.612Vehicle Replacement-Will .00 .00 .00 20.00 .00 26,072.00 (26,072.00) +++ 32,454.000800.800 Interest Income .00 .00 .00 197.40 .00 1,546.87 (1,546.87) +++ 650.770805.000 Other Reimbursements .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 7,450.00 (7,450.00) +++.00REVENUE TOTALS$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $217.40 $0.00 $35,068.87 ($35,068.87) +++ $33,104.77Fund 29 - Police Vehicle Replacement Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS.00 .00 .00 217.40 .00 35,068.87 (35,068.87) +++ 33,104.77EXPENSE TOTALS.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 +++ .00Fund 29 - Police Vehicle Replacement Fund Totals$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $217.40 $0.00 $35,068.87 ($35,068.87) $33,104.77Fund 40 - PEMA FundREVENUE0800.800 Interest Income .00 .00 .00 20.44 .00 168.23 (168.23) +++ 80.730801.822 Donation/Contribution .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 3,000.00 (3,000.00) +++ 4,757.69REVENUE TOTALS$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20.44 $0.00 $3,168.23 ($3,168.23) +++ $4,838.42EXPENSEUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 00 - Non-Divisional9140 PEMA Fundraising .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,347.00 (2,347.00) +++ .00Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 26 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account66 Adopted Budget Amended Current Month YTD YTD Budget - YTD % Used/AccountAccount Description Budget Amendments Budget Transactions Encumbrances Transactions Transactions Rec'd Prior Year TotalFund 40 - PEMA FundEXPENSEUnit 00 - Non-DepartmentalDivision 00 - Non-Divisional Totals$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,347.00 ($2,347.00) +++ $0.00Unit 00 - Non-Departmental Totals$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,347.00 ($2,347.00) +++ $0.00EXPENSE TOTALS$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,347.00 ($2,347.00) +++ $0.00Fund 40 - PEMA Fund TotalsREVENUE TOTALS.00 .00 .00 20.44 .00 3,168.23 (3,168.23) +++ 4,838.42EXPENSE TOTALS.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,347.00 (2,347.00) +++ .00Fund 40 - PEMA Fund Totals$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20.44 $0.00 $821.23 ($821.23) $4,838.42Grand TotalsREVENUE TOTALS64,811,117.00 .00 64,811,117.00 3,985,032.50 .00 55,306,036.67 9,505,080.33 85% 62,432,575.85EXPENSE TOTALS62,884,447.00 .00 62,884,447.00 3,010,109.04 137,141.83 44,086,716.17 18,660,589.00 70% 53,321,796.97Grand Totals$1,926,670.00 $0.00 $1,926,670.00 $974,923.46 ($137,141.83) $11,219,320.50 ($9,155,508.67) $9,110,778.88Run by Colleen Thornton on 03/14/2018 09:23:02 AMPage 27 of 27Budget Performance ReportFiscal Year to Date 02/28/18Exclude Rollup Account67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\-RQ3URXO[ 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ODQQLQJ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0DUFK 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRUHDSSURYHWKHILQDOSODWRI7KH%RXOHYDUG6XEGLYLVLRQVXEMHFWWRWKH VWLSXODWLRQVRIWKHRULJLQDODSSURYDO 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 7KH%RXOHYDUG6WDII5HSRUWDQG)LQDO3ODW 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\-RKQ.RQRSHN 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0DUFK 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRDSSURYHWKH3ODLQILHOG)HVWDVLGHQWLILHGLQWKH6WDII5HSRUWWREHKHOG -XO\ 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 3ODLQILHOG)HVW6WDII5HSRUW 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\ 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW,7'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0DUFK 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRDSSURYHWKHSXUFKDVHRI,YDQWL3DWFKVRIWZDUHDQGOLFHQVHVIURP&':* IRUWKHDPRXQWRI 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 ,YDQWL3DWFK0DQDJHPHQW 103       .$'$!!#(#'*()(    /# $0#$'")$##$!$.')$' '# *'%.0!!"#()')$'     =2;C2<:;B                  #$'")$##$!$.%')"#)*''#)!.*((+').$)$$!()$#(*'))($),'%%!)$#($# !!!!$"%*)'('*%)$),))!)()"#*)*''($),'%)(1#$'')$$#($!)# *)$"))(%'$((0(#!%)"#"#))$$!(#(('.1 +#))(($!*)$#)),!!(#)$"%*)'($#$*'#),$' )$(,%'$'"('#()!!#' ##$%)(1+#)),!!)#*)$")%)#()!!)$#$'#$)$#!. 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Part#: S-PWS-WS-L-01 Electronic distribution - NO MEDIA Contract: MARKET IVANTI PATCH WIN WORKSTATION MNT 180 4971697 $5.89 $1,060.20 Mfg. Part#: S-PWS-WS-M1-01 Electronic distribution - NO MEDIA Contract: MARKET IVANTI PATCH WIN SVR LIC 30 4971700 $48.11 $1,443.30 Mfg. Part#: S-PWS-SV-L-01 Electronic distribution - NO MEDIA Contract: MARKET IVANTI PATCH WIN SVR MNT+CONT SUB 30 4971691 $11.82 $354.60 Mfg. Part#: S-PWS-SV-M1-01 Electronic distribution - NO MEDIA Contract: MARKET PURCHASER BILLING INFO SUBTOTAL $6,837.90 Billing Address: VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD IT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 24401 W LOCKPORT ST PLAINFIELD, IL 60544-2313 Phone: (815) 436-7093 Payment Terms: Net 30 Days-Govt State/Local SHIPPING $0.00 GRAND TOTAL $6,837.90 DELIVER TO Please remit payments to: Shipping Address: VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD IT RICK KACZANKO 24401 W LOCKPORT ST PLAINFIELD, IL 60544-2313 Phone: (815) 436-7093 Shipping Method: ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION CDW Government 75 Remittance Drive Suite 1515 Chicago, IL 60675-1515 Need Assistance? CDW•G SALES CONTACT INFORMATION Chad McCarron | (877) 533-0299 | chadmcc@cdwg.com 105 Page 2 of 2 This quote is subject to CDW's Terms and Conditions of Sales and Service Projects at http://www.cdwg.com/content/terms-conditions/product-sales.aspx For more information, contact a CDW account manager © 2018 CDW•G LLC, 200 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Vernon Hills, IL 60061 |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repared by: Louiemar C. Francisco email: louiemar.francisco@pcm.com Phone: 800-700-1000 x 87950 Fax: -Client:Rick Kaczanko Company VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD 2/28/2018 24401 W. LOCKPORT ST 3/7/2018 PLAINFIELD, IL 60544 B0713561 Phone:815-230-2053 200946028 MacMall # Product Description Mfg. Qty. Unit Price Ext. Price  PATCH WIN FOR WKSTN PWRDVLICBY SHAVLIK IVANTI 180 $41.70 $7,506.00  MNT PATCH WIN FOR WKSTN MLIC+ CONTENT S IVANTI 180 $11.27 $2,028.60  PATCH WIN FOR SVR PWRD VLICBY SHAVLIK F IVANTI 30 $88.31 $2,649.30  MNT PATCH WIN FOR SVR + MLICCONTENT SUB IVANTI 30 $21.84 $655.20 $0.00 $0.00 Total: $12,839.10 DS Ground: $0.00 Tax: $802.45 Grand Total: $13,641.55 MacMall # Product Description Mfg. Qty. Unit Price Ext. Price 1 1 1 $0.00 $13,641.55 Quote valid through March 7, 2018 Quote Created: Quote Expires: Quote # : Account # : MacMall Corporate Quote Suggestions Plus Grand Total: Suggested Products Shipping, handling, and tax per client selected method will be prepaid and added. *** Pricing and availability are subject to change. Final pricing to be discussed at time of purchase. *** View Terms of Service and Policies at MacMall.com Suggestions Total: MacMall Quote Page 1 of 1 108 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\-RQ3URXO[ 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ODQQLQJ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0DUFK 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRDSSURYHWKH9LOODJHRI3ODLQILHOG=RQLQJ0DS 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 =RQLQJ0DS6WDII5HSRUW =RQLQJ0DS 109 .BQJTBWBJMBCMFPOMJOFBUXXXQMBJOGJFMEJMPSH 110 RENWICK RD COUNTY LINE RDJ O LIE T R D NAPERVILLE RDWALLIN DR111TH ST 119TH ST 135TH ST 143RD ST LI N C O L N H WY LOCKPORT ST MA IN STWALKER RD I-55S IL RT 59PLAINFIEL D R D FRASER RDSTEINER RDLOCKPORT ST DRAUDEN RDRT 126 127TH ST S IL RT 59WHEELER RD RIDGE RDRIDGE RDRIDGE RDJOHNSON RD BOOK RDCATON FARM RD ROUTE 30135TH ST 119TH ST STAGSLEAP TR¬«59 ¬«59 ¬«126 ¬«59 ¬«59 ¬«126 ¬«59 ¬«126 £¤30 £¤30 £¤30 £¤30 ")55 §¨¦55 LEE ST BRET TST 131ST ST IONE STA S H S TGRILLDRKILDAREDRSHRIVERCT DUPAGE CT EIDER CT M A G G IE LNASHTONDR KE ARNSDRFOX TRAIL LNRYA N LNNEWKIRK DR C H A MPION DR PAVILIONPL DEER PATH LN CAHILLS WY D ERBYLNMADISONST CHABLISLNCOTSWALD DR LORRAINELN BRITTANY ST PLAINSMAN CRMILLCREEKLN ANDREW RD VISTALNAPPLETREELN COR BI NS TWILDWOODPLGATEWAYCR MA RYLNCECILYDRIVY LNKELLY AVCLARK ST RUEBEN STFIELDBROOKDR LYNN ST FERN ST W HITEOAKDR LARKSPURLNCHEYENNECT OLYMP I CDROTTAWA ST CHELSEA LN ROBERT AV BENSONAVLUCASDRDOVERCTEASY STTAYLORST SILVER LNMI LLBANKDRROUNDBARNRDSPRINGCREEKLN SHARPDRKAY DR CINEMALNSTELLARLNLILY LNRIVERCRESTDRLIBERTY LNLEWOODDRPA R K LNASHGATEXING D O U G LAS DR POND VIEW DR MILLENNIUMPKY PREAKNESSDRCROSSINGDRMARINA DR APOLLO DR WOODSTOCK DR T IP P E R A R YLNBARO LODRINGERSOLLSTEDISON LN SERENITYDR GRANDEPINESBL LE ONADRWRIGHT LN FRASER RD WHEATDR GLENNC R TI MBER D R NORFO LKLNCOLUMBI NECR GATES LN EYRE C RMICHELEDR JUDITH D RRIVE RCTRHEA DRFOXCREEKLN COPPER DR EASTERN AVPASQU IN ELLI DR SUNSHI NECR HAMLINST JO L I E T R D GAMAYDR LEACH DR B ASS WOODCRPEARTREE WYTRELLIAGEA VSELFRIDGE CRELAINE DRPENNRDC ARMEL BL GOLDEN EAGL ECRSPAULDINGSCHOOLDRCENTER STCAPISTADR BARTLETT AVPOPPYLNFLAGG D RCRESCENTLN B ELMONTDRSIMO DRHAWKS BILL LNCHATHAM DR PENNY LNCATHY LN M ARIGOLDRDSAN IBELSTC O L ONIALPKYHARMONLNKNOLL RD A L PINEWYWINC H ESTER C TMCGRATHDRFAL CONDRW E L L E S L E Y CR PAULINE DR AERODRSPRING V I E W D R GEORGE CTCREEKSID EDRREDSTARDR CALLIE D RTERRACE B L SU NDERLIN RD G E TSON AVCEREN A CRGENERALDRPILCHER RDSHENANDOAHTR HOWARD ST252ND AVMUELLER C R DAN OCONNELL DRTIMBERWOOD CRLEXINGTONDRBAR ROWLNARBORDRW IN T E RBER RYLNZOUMAR DR COVE C RBRI A RLNSLEEPY HOLL O W LN SI LVERLEAFDRCOIL PLUS DRFEDERAL CRWILLOW DR BLAKELYD RNORTHLANDDRKENSINGTONDRRAMPHOMETOWN DRTIMBERVIEWDRFR ANKLIN LNFAIRFIELDDRAPPLECREEK LN THOR NBERRYDRT U F TON ST PASTORA L D R OAK CREST LN WHISPERINGWOODSCR LAKE DRRESERVE CRPRESLEY CR VICKYSTSHE L LYLNEIDER DR MILESTONE D RROCKFISHLNLESKI LN FOREST EDGE DRC AMBR IDGECRROCKDRGRANDEPOPLARCR CORINNECR AMBROSER DGRINTON DR LAKEVIEW RDCATON FARM RDRUSTLINGBIRCHWYHADFIELD DRCATHE R INEDR N O R W O O D DRELIZABETH DRROWLEY RD ROLF RD S UM MERHOUSEDRWOLFDRGRAN D E PARK B L MEADOWLANDC R LONGCOMM O NLNSOUTHFIELD LN S C OT T DR WOODDUCKDRHAWTHOR NCRLAKE PLBLACKSTONE L NJAMES STKERR ST MEADOW LN257 SKYLINED RPRESIDENTIAL AV M ORNING M ISTPLC EN TURYCRRIV ER R D FORT BEGGS DR PEAR T REECRMAPLEVIEW DR TRILLIUM L N FREEDOMWYSUNNYMEREDR LINK LN WALNU TCRPORTAGELNALISON RD VERMETTERD LIN C O L N H WY FRIT Z R DNORMANTOWN RDLINDENG ATE CR 248TH AVLA K EM A RY D R 12 6 RT 59CHERRY RD GILMORE RDBOOK RDLAKESHORED R LILYCACHERDHEGGS RDROTH RDNAPERVILLERD119TH ST IL-59VAN DYKE RDINDIAN BOUNDARY RD135TH ST WOOD FARM RDWALLINDRWALKER RD MA IN STPLAINFIELDRD D R A U D E N R D RT 126 ESSINGTON RD127TH ST RT 30OLD RIDGE RDRENWICK RD COUNTY LINE RDSTEINER RDRODEO DR 143RD ST FRO NTAGERDWOOLLEY RD LOCKPORT ST 111TH ST COLLINS RD RIDGE RDI-55 HWYM:\VOP\Planning Department\Zoning Maps\2017V ISTA LN FOX RIVER STDES PLAINES STCHICAGO STJAMES STO A KST LOCKPORT ST ILLINOIS STRT 59MAIN ST B5 OVERLAY Main Street Zoning From Penn Road to Lockport Street 24224 W Main - R-1 24230 W Main – R-1 24232 – 24238 W Main – R-3 24242 W Main – R-1 24244 – 24250 W Main – R-3 24252 W Main – B-5 24024 W Main – R-1 24032 W Main – R-1 24038 W Main – R-1 24044 W Main - BTD 24048 W Main - BTD 24122 – 24132 W Main – R-3 24134 – 24136 W Main – R-4 24138 – 24142 W Main – R-4 24148 – 24150 W Main – R-4 24156 – 24158 W Main – R-4 24052 W Main – R-1 24102 W Main – R-1 24108 W Main - R-4 24114 W Main - R-4 24120 W Main -R-4 24200 W Main – R-1 24206 W Main – R-1 24212 W Main – R-1 24216 W Main - R-1 24218 W Main – R-2 Village of Plainfield, Illinois 2018 Zoning Map 021MilesÍ Disclaimer: The Village of Plainfield provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data. Users are cautioned to consider carefully the provisional nature of these data and information before using them for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences. Conclusions drawn from, or actions undertaken on the basis of, such data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. Maps and data are to be used for reference purposes only. Planning Department GIS Division March 19th, 2018 Legend General Industrial District Office, Research, and Light Industrial District Agricultural District Low Density Single-Family Residential District Single Family and Two-Family Residential District Townhouse Residential District Multiple Family Residential District Business Transition Designation Business Convenience District Highway Business District Traditional Business District R1 Overlay B5 Overlay PUD - Planned Unit Development AG R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 BT B-1 B-3 B-5 I-1 I-2 PUD PUD PUD PUD PUD PUD PUD PUD PUD PUD PUD UNION PLMILES AVVAN DYKE RDCOLLEGE STDES PLAINES STHIGHVIEW CT MILL ST CHICAGO ST VINTAGEKNOL LDRA R NOLD S T IL LI NOIS STMI CHIG AN ST WILKENS LNOAK ST COMMERCIAL ST SPRING HILL LN DILLMAN STEVANS ST JOHNADAM SDRPRATT LNAMBOY ST UNION ST NEWKIRK DR LAKE SIDECTVISTALN COR BIN S T LOCKPORT ST N A PERVILLERDOTTAWA ST ROBERT AV V IL L A GE CE NTERDRRT 59RIVER RDEASTERN AVJ O L I E T R DPENNRDCENTER STBARTLETT AVMA IN ST HAWTHORN CRJAMES STFORT BEGGS DRWOOD FARM RDR1 OVERLAY 111 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\.HQ*RVND 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW%XLOGLQJ'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0DUFK 68%-(&7 %XLOGLQJDQG&RGH(QIRUFHPHQW5HSRUWIRU)HEUXDU\ 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 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UG6WUHHW([WHQVLRQ6WDII5HSRUWDQG5HVROXWLRQ 130 MEMORANDUM To: Allen Persons – Director of Public Works From: Scott Threewitt – Lead Engineer Date: March 14, 2018 Re: 143rd Street Extension – Illinois Competitive Freight Funding Program Background Findings Staff has been working to further the development of the 143rd Street Extension by researching and identifying potential funding sources on both the state and federal levels for the project. The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has recently introduced the Illinois Competitive Freight Funding Program which seeks to improve freight mobility by implementing the goals of the 2017 Illinois State Freight Plan through improved safety, efficiency, and growing the economy. The State of Illinois will receive approximately $225 million of National Highway Freight Program Funds in years 2016-2020 through the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) which are dedicated to the Illinois Competitive Freight Funding Program. IDOT will administer these funds to assist local, state, or federal government agencies such as cities, counties, transportation authorities, metropolitan planning organizations or regional planning commissions to improve freight mobility. The 143rd Street Extension does meet many of the goals and targeted outcomes detailed in the Illinois Competitive Freight Funding Program guidelines and staff believes that the project should be submitted for consideration to IDOT. Policy Considerations The project supports both the Village’s Comprehensive and Transportation Plans by providing alternate routes within the Village to alleviate traffic congestion. The additional crossing over the DuPage River will allow quicker and more convenient access between IL 59 and IL 126/I-55. According to Section 2-43 (6) of the Village Code of Ordinances, the Village Administrator shall make a recommendation to the President and Board of Trustees on purchases over the $5,000 statutory limit. Financial Considerations Funds for this work will need to be allocated in the appropriate fiscal year’s budget. The Illinois Competitive Freight Funding Program allows for a maximum of 80% of the project cost to be paid through the federal program meaning the remaining 20% of project costs will be the responsibility of the local agency (Village of Plainfield). Local agencies receiving an award will be required to execute a future Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with IDOT prior to expending funds which will be based on actual awarded funds. Future project costs are approximately $34.4 million with the local match (20%) estimated to be $7 million. Recommendation It is our recommendation that the Village Board approve the Illinois Competitive Freight Funding Program Resolution for the 143rd Street Extension from IL Route 59 to IL Route 126 and authorize Village Staff to submit the completed application to IDOT. 131 RESOLUTION NUMBER ____________ ILLINOIS COMPETITIVE FREIGHT FUNDING PROGRAM 143RD STREET EXTENSION FROM IL ROUTE 59 TO IL ROUTE 126 LOCAL ASSURANCE RESOLUTION Page 1 of 2 WHEREAS the PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD, Will County, Illinois desire to improve freight mobility by improving the safety and efficiency of the freight system. WHEREAS the State of Illinois will receive approximately $225 million of National Highway Freight Program Funds in years 2016-2020 through the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act). The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) will administer these funds through the Illinois Competitive Freight Program Funding Program to assist local, state, or federal government agencies such as cities, counties, transportation authorities, metropolitan planning organizations or regional planning commissions to improve freight mobility by implementing the goals of the 2017 Illinois State Freight Plan by improving safety, efficiency, and growing the economy. WHEREAS the Illinois Competitive Freight Funding Program is a reimbursement program, not a grant program, and will reimburse a maximum of 80% of the costs for all phases of project development and implementation (preliminary engineering, land acquisition, final design, construction). WHEREAS one (1) application for Illinois Competitive Freight Funding Program is to be submitted online by April 6, 2018, by 11:59:59 pm CDT. WHEREAS the 143rd Street Extension provides a connection critical to help compensate for the rapid changes that Plainfield and Will County have experienced over the last 25 years. This project will remove freight traffic from downtown, increase network connectivity within the Village and region, create a more multi-modal, walkable downtown, and provide additional economic development opportunities along the new, expanded freight corridor. The improvements for the 143rd Street extension involve a new roadway with a new bridge to span the DuPage River. The improved intersections with IL 59 and IL 126, and a new intersection with Naperville Road, include traffic signal control, channelization and lighting. NOW, BE IT RESOLVED that the PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD, Will County, Illinois authorize the VILLAGE staff to apply to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Illinois Competitive Freight Funding Program to assist in the funding of the above described project. 132 RESOLUTION NUMBER ____________ ILLINOIS COMPETITIVE FREIGHT FUNDING PROGRAM 143RD STREET EXTENSION FROM IL ROUTE 59 TO IL ROUTE 126 LOCAL ASSURANCE RESOLUTION Page 2 of 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD, WILL COUNTY, ILLINOIS: 1. That we do hereby support improving freight mobility within the Village of Plainfield and the surrounding region. 2. That we hereby pledge the good faith of the Village of Plainfield and guarantee that a 20 percent (20%) local match will be programmed as part of our future Fiscal Year Budget, if the Illinois Competitive Freight funding is obtained; 3. Authorized Seven Million dollars, ($7,000,000.00) or as much may be needed to match federal funds in the completion of MFT Section Number 06-00040-00-FP. 4. Possesses the legal authority to nominate the freight mobility project and to finance, acquire, and construct the proposed project; and by this assurance authorizes the nomination of the freight mobility project, including all understanding and assurances contained therein, and authorizes representative to act in connection with the nomination and to provide such additional information as may be required; and I, _________________________, Clerk in and for the VILLAGE OF PLAINFIELD, Will County, Illinois, hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES at a meeting on _________________________. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this ______ day of _______________ ______________________________________ Village Clerk (SEAL) 133 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\$OOHQ3HUVRQV 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3XEOLF:RUNV'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0DUFK 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRZDLYHWKHELGGLQJDQGDXWKRUL]HWKHSXUFKDVHRIDSSUR[LPDWHO\ SDUNZD\WUHHVIURPWKH6XEXUEDQ7UHH&RQVRUWLXPDWDFRVWQRWWRH[FHHG 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ $77$&+0(176 3DUNZD\7UHHV6WDII5HSRUW 134 To:Allen R. Persons, Director of Public Works From:Patrick Miller, Superintendent of Streets Date: March 9, 2018 Re:Parkway Tree Replacement Program Background Findings In 2005 the Village joined the Suburban Tree Consortium, our local “Suburban Purchase Program”, with the desire to find good quality trees at the lowest price. We used the Consortium Program during the past five years with excellent results. The Suburban Tree Consortium (STC), which currently has 37 municipal members, provides members with a consistent supply of quality trees of the species and varieties requested for the municipal parkways in an efficient and cost effective manner by maintaining contracts with several northern Illinois nurseries. With the continued effort to replace trees that were removed due to the Emerald Ash Borer infestation, staff is requesting additional trees be purchased through the STC and planted this spring. Policy Considerations As targeted in the Capital Plan, the Emerald Ash Borer infestation is a matter of concern for the Village, with the removal of problem trees, replacement trees should be obtained. According to Section 2-43 (6) of the Village Code of Ordinances, the Village Administrator shall make a recommendation to the President and Board of Trustees on purchases over the $5,000 statutory limit. The Board has the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. Financial Considerations The purchase will not exceed $65,000. The money is budgeted in the Capital Improvement Fund under the Emerald Ash Borer line item (11-00-91-8135.006) which has sufficient funds. Recommendation It is our recommendation that the Village Board direct the President to waive bidding and authorize the purchase of approximately 200 additional parkway trees from the Suburban Tree Consortium at a cost not to exceed $65,000. 135 0HHWLQJRIWKH3UHVLGHQWDQGWKH%RDUGRI 7UXVWHHV$JHQGD,WHP5HSRUW $JHQGD,WHP1R 6XEPLWWHGE\-RKQ.RQRSHN 6XEPLWWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQW 0HHWLQJ'DWH0DUFK 68%-(&7 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRDXWKRUL]HWKHSXUFKDVHRI&RPPXQLFDWLRQV6RIWZDUHDQG+DUGZDUHIURP &KLFDJR&RPPXQLFDWLRQV//&IRUWKHWRWDOSULFHRI 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ 6HHNLQJ%RDUGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIDPRWLRQWRDXWKRUL]HWKHSXUFKDVHRI&RPPXQLFDWLRQV6RIWZDUHDQG+DUGZDUHIURP &KLFDJR&RPPXQLFDWLRQV//&IRUWKHWRWDOSULFHRI $77$&+0(176 3(0$&RPPXQLFDWLRQV(TXLSPHQW6WDII5HSRUW 136 137 138 139 140 141 142