HomeMy Public PortalAbout2019-06 Amending Chapter 30 Article II related to Medical MarijuanaORDINANCE NO. 2019-6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNEO FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 30, ARTICLE II, ..DEFINITIONS'' TO PROVIDE DEFINITIONS RELATED TO MEDICAL MARIJUANA ; AMENDING CHAPTER 30, ARTICLE V, "SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT, USEO AND SETBACK REGULATION" TO AMEND THE LIST OF PERMITTED CONDITIONAL AND PROHIBITED USES IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS TO ADDRESS MEDICAL MARIJUANA; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village Council recognizes that changes to the adopted Code of Ordinances are periodically necessary in order to ensure that the Village of Key Biscayne (the "Village") regulations are current and consistent with the Village's planning and regulatory needs and changes in State law; and \ryHEREAS, according to the Controlled Substances Act, Marijuana has a high potential for abuse and has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States; and WHEREAS, notwithstanding Federal law, the 2014 Florida Legislature approved Senate Bill 1030 providing forthe growing, processing, and distributing of specific forms of low-THC (non-euphoric) Cannabis to qualified patients and their caregivers for the treatment of listed medical conditions, which became effective on June 16, 2014 as Chapter 2014-157, Laws of Florida, and is codified at Section 381.986, Florida Statutes ("Senate Bill 1030"); and WHEREAS, in Gonzales v. Raich, the U.S. Supreme Court held in 2005 that the Federal Government has the authority under the Commerce Clause to prohibit marijuana for all purposes pursuant to the Controlled Substances Act, and that the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution "unambiguously provides that if there is any conflict between federal and state law, federal law shall prevail." Gonzales v. Raich,545 U.S. 1,29; and WHEREAS, the 2014 Florida Legislature approved Senate Bill 1030 providing for the growing, processing, and distributing of specific forms of low-THC (non-euphoric) cannabis to qualified patients and their caregivers for the treatment of listed medical conditions, which became effective on June 16, 2014 as Chapter 2014-157, Laws of Florida, and is codified at Section 381.986, Florida Statutes; and \ryHEREAS, Section 381.986, Florida Statutes, authorizes and defines "Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers" to encompass the entire supply chain (cultivation, processing, storage, distribution, etc.), not just retail sales to qualified patients; and WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Health adopted a rule to implement Senate Bill 1030, which became effective June 17, 2015; and WHEREAS, on November 8, 2016, voters approved Constitutional Amendment 2 ("Amendment2") which expanded the use of Medical Marijuana for individuals with debilitating conditions that was originally provided under Senate Bill 1030; and \ryHEREAS, the 2017 Florida Legislature passed Senate Bill 8A ("SB 84") to enact Amendment 2 and Governor Rick Scott signed SB 8A into law on June 23,2011; and WHEREAS, SB 8A permits the use of additional alternative f'orms of marijuana (marijuana in all its forms including low-THC cannabis, together refened to as "marijuana") and alternative dispensing methods; and \ilHEREAS, SB 8A grants authority to municipalities to ban medical marijuana treatment center dispensing facilities from being located within its boundaries or alternatively to regulate them in the same manner they regulate pharmacies; and WHEREAS, significant safety and security issues exist for any establishment involved in the dispensing of marijuana, because they maintain large drug inventories and are forced to deal in cash because their activities have not yet been sanctioned by federal law; and WHEREAS, such businesses are inherently attractive targets for criminals, and it is therefore essential that the Village prevent such uses to protect and advance the public health, safety and welfare; and WHEREAS, the Village Council has determined that it is in the best interests of the citizenry and general public to prohibit or regulate medical marijuana treatment center Page 2 of 6 dispensing facilities to ensure the safety of the employees, neighbors, customers and area residents; and \ryHEREAS, the Village Council has been designated as the Local Planning Agency for the Village pursuant to Section 163.3174, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Village Council, in its capacity as the Local Planning Agency, has reviewed the proposed amendments to the Village Code pursuant to the required public hearing and has recommended approval of this Ordinance; and \ryHEREAS, the Village Council has reviewed the proposed amendments, and finds that it is in the best interests of the public to amend the Village Code as set forth in this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Village Council has held the required public hearings, duly noticed in accordance with law; and \ryHEREAS, the Village Council has reviewed the action set forth in the Ordinance and has determined that such action is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. NOWO THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Recitals. That the above-stated recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2.Amendins Villaee Code. That section 30-11 , "Definitions" of the Code of Key Biscayne, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: ARTICLE II. - DEFINITIONS t<*{< Sec. 30-11. - Definitions I Coding: S+¡ike*reugh.+erds are deletions to the existing words. Underlined words are additions to the existing words. Changes betweenfirstandsecondreadingareindicatedwithhighlightedde@þanddzublc-un<!crljnç. Page 3 of6 means the seeds thereof: the or oil extracted from anv oart of the and everv comoound. deri its seeds or low-THC cannabis. that are disoensed from a state licensed facilitv for use bv a oualifred patlent. Medical mariiuana means a retail establishment licensed bv Florida Deoartment of Health as a "medical mariilrana treafmenf facilitv-" "medical mariir lana treatment center-" "disoensins ))"disnensins orsanization facilitv" or s lar use- that sells and dispenses medical marijuana. {< {< {< Section 3. Amendine Village Code. That section 30-101, "Commercial Districts" of Chapter 30, Article V "schedule of District,IJse, And Setback Regulations" of the Code of Key Biscayne Village, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: ARTICLE V. . SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT, USE, AND SETBACK REGULATIONS **{< Sec. 30-101. - Commercial Districts. C-l Low Intensity Commercial District. (a) Purpose and Uses. District Purpose This district permits the Development of land in a low intensity manner and Uses that provide for the sale ofgoods and products that are needed throughout the entire Village. Conditional Uses Service Station where the primary use on the site; Package Store Accessory Uses Any Use that is customarily associated with the Main Permitted Uses (See Sec. 30- l1l) Prohibited Uses Any Use not listed as a Main Permitted Use, ConditionalUse, or Accessory Use. (See Sec, 30-l 13) Medical mariiuana disoensarv. In aecordancc¡ryith ScetionlSl-98é. Florida Statutes. the Main Permitted Uses* CommercialUses l. Offices: No individual or multiple business entity(ies) that are affìliated can occupy more than 10,000 sq. ft. Medical offices shall not exceed 10,000 sq, ft, Bar Page 4 of 6 2. Retail uses@ M l4æijl*#isp€*s#i€s: No individual or multiple business entify(s) shall occupy more than 10,000 sq. ft.*. except for stores whose principal product is food for consumption off the premises. *rk*,f**t< tt( t The permitted uses provide goods and services that primarily serve the residents of the Village. disoensins of mariiuana in anv form. bv anv Derson or business. is urohib ***x** *** Section 4. Severabilitv. That the provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable and if any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance but they shall remain in effect, it being the legislative intent that this Ordinance shall stand notwithstanding the invalidity of any part. Section 5. Codifïcation. That it is the intention of the Village Council and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Village's Code of Ordinances, and that the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intentions, and that the word Ordinance shall be changed to Section or other appropriate word. Section 6. Conflicts. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances, resolutions or parts of resolutions, in conflict herewith, are repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 7. Effective Date. That this Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon final adoption on second reading. PASSED on first reading on the l5th day of January, 2019. PASSED AND ADOPTED on second reading on the 5th day of February,20lg. Page 5 of6 I {rt/ MICHAEL W. DAVEY ATTEST: MEDINA,C E CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: L Qn VILLAGE ATTORNEY Page 6 of6 Village of Key Biscayne Office of the Village Clerk NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEI\D THE LANT) DEVELOPMENT CODE TO CHANGE THE LIST OF PERMITTEDO CONDITIONAL AND PROHIBITED USES Notice is hereby given that the following ordinance will be considered on Second Reading by the Village Council of the Village of Key Biscayne at a Local Planning Agency (LPA) Meeting to be held on Tuesday, February 5, 2019 af 6:00 p.m,, and at the Village Council Meeting immediately following the LPA Meeting in the Council Chamber, located at 560 Crandon Boulevard, Key Biscayne, Florida: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 30, ARTICLE II, ..DEFINITIONS'' TO PROVIDE DEFINITIONS RELATED TO MEDICAL MARIJUANA; AMBNDING CHAPTER 30, ARTICLE V, "SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT, USE, AND SETBACK REGULATIONNO TO AMEND THE LIST OF PERMITTED CONDITIONAL AND PROHIBITED USES IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS TO ADDRESS MEDICAL MARIJUANA; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The proposed Ordinance may be inspected by the public at the Ofûce of the Village Clerk. Interested parties may appear at the Public Hearing and be heard with respect to the proposed Ordinances. Any person wishing to address the Village Council on any item at this Public Hearing is asked to register with the Village Clerk prior to that item being heard. In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, all persons who are disabled and who need special accommodations to participate in this proceeding because of that disability should contact the Ofûce of the Village Clerk, 88 West Mclntyre Street, Suite 220, Key Biscayne, Florida 33149, telephone number (305) 365-5506, not later than two business days prior to such proceeding. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the Village Council with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S. 286.0105), Comments of any interested party relative to this matter may be submitted in writing and or presented in person at the public hearing. Jennifer Medina, CMC Village Clerk 6t I Retolt ln Venezueln llliruú ilmlò fftDÀY 'â¡U¡V r ?0¡9 ilMHIMTDfOil What's next for nation's dueling presidents? Vli,llì?l1IiA u"*"" Newly r€cogDized inter- im Venezuelan Presidenr Juan Cuaidó spent his sec- ond dây in otfic€ out ofthe public eye but.âllyingthe world's support ov€r Twit- ler and the telephone. Meanwhile,hisso-cålled "ill€gilimate" dval, Nicolás Maduro, who âlso clåiñs to be the country's leâder, received th€ backng ofh¡s årned forces and the Su- preme Coud ànd vowed h€ would "n€ver step down." whal seems clear is thât Venezuela is itrapolitical salemåre that will test the resolve of rhe ¡nternarional community. Guâidó has support but no real power, aDd Mrduro hâspower but no real suppot. But bôth men will see just howmuch strength eâch has in com- ing dâys, as dre inrerna- tionål community grappl€s drh how rodeål w¡th rhe Southk¡erican nårion ând its duelins presid€rts. The first real showdown could cone as soonâs Sundâyâtthe U.S. Embassy in Carâcâs. Shotly after Wåshinston r€cognized cuåidó as thecountry's pres¡dent on wednesday, Maduro broke diplomàtic ties and orde¡ed all U.s. Ëmbâssy staffta leave the countryw¡thin 72 lrours. But cuaidócoùnter- mânded ¡hat d¡Íective, and U.S. S€cr€tary ofState MiÌe Pompeosays rhe country's diplomats âre sayingput. lt's a gâme of d¡plonìatic chicken. "Nico!ás Maduro put thc rope aroutd his own neck," sâid lìonål Rodríguez, the heàd otrhe V€nezuelàn Obs€n¡tory, â think lank rhals part oicolombia's Rosario University. "ls he reålly capåble of keepiry his promise and expelling rhe U.S. diplomats? Is he going to exp€l the diplo- aHow wlll th€ internåt¡onål community help resolve lhe <r¡sis ¡n Vên€¡uela, ås nêwly president Juan G0aidó and Nlcolás Madurod¡g ln ov6r who's reâlly ¡n (ontol of thc lroubled (orntry? mâß of every othercoüntry that recogniz€d cuaidó¡ I dont see how this cân By Thursdây, nor€ than t8 nations had explicitly recogni¿ed Guaidó as presl denr, includ¡ng the biggest eco¡romies in the westem hemispherc, the United Stat€s and Canada, ând Venezuela's Mo bigge$ neighbors, Brazil and Col- ombia. Lare lhu6day, the U.S. asked âll ofits "non eNer- gency" embassy staffto leåve the country andsâid all U.S. cit¡zens in Venezue- la "should stongly consid- er depafting." Büt WÂsh- ington has wùnedotdire consequences if v€nezuelâ huds orNes forces lo €x- pel its diplomâts. Ev€n so, Måduro isn\ backing down. Atâ public event Thursday, he reiterated rhe demand, giving lhe staffa newdeadl¡ne,sundày, to "who do lhey rhink they are?" Maduroâsked, "Do theyth¡nk they have a coloniàl enclàve in V€ne- zuela and caûdo anythi¡g He also sÀid hewodd be shuùing down all ofVene- zuelâ's embâssies and consulates in the United States. As for Guaidó, he'll lace a cr¡tical testm February, when he pledg€d toopen "hunuûitarian corridors" ro linnel in desperately Deed€d food ånd nìedicine from neighboring coun- üi€s. Onlhursday, Pom- peo så¡d lhe United States woüld be donåthìg $2o ,nillion h aid to that effod. Butexactly how Guaidó will bring in the cârgo with' out the approval and h€lp of the Bolv¡ådån Nat¡onal Cuard, which controls the borders, is fâr from cleâr. D€spite opposition hop€s lhåt lâctions of the m¡litâry might break ranks and supporl Cuaidó, there's no clear evidence ofit yet. On Thursday, Defense M¡n¡s- ter VladimirPadrino hpez, flanked by the hish conL mùnd ofthe ilmed tbrces, pledged h¡s alleg¡ance to Mádùrô ând áccúsed Wâsh- ington of nlting w¡th civil wår by trying to insall a If cuaidó warts to mâke good on his promise ofâ humânhârian corido¡, he may have to rely on loreign troops to protect lhe cårgo, le¡ving his intemational illies op€n to chârges thât th€y're engaged in a nil- The coûidor issue could showex¡ctly how farthe iternatiotral community is will¡ngtogo to suppo{ Cuaidó's claims of legiti mâcy, said Eric Fârns- wonh, with the Americås sociery / coutrcilofthe "lfthe Maduro govern- ment wants to repress Guaidó ortake actions to delegi¡inìize hiñ, then whâCs the iorernational community prepared ro dol Aùd ifth€y don't do any" rh¡ng whåt's their suppot Maduro claims he won 68 percent oÍthc vote in May, givingl)im ¡he righ¡ to rule through 2025.8ut washineton aùd others sây the election wâs mâÛed by fraud, ¡hat Mâduro is ille- gi¡imâte and that Venezue' la's con*i¡ution requk€s cuaidó, thc he¡d ofcon- gress, to be ¡cting pr€si dcnt. Af,d wâshington has repeÀtedly said rhat âll "options are oû the tåble" to mâke that ûansition a r€ality. On Thursday, NÂ" tional Secur¡ty Adv¡s€rlohn Panama Canal lolls into an country that has delaulted Bolton said the U.S. will be escrorv åccomt util it on$10 billion woÍh of rârgeting Måduo's financ- could bc turned ovcrto his debt ånd seems to be t€e- ter¡¡ìgon collapse, he said. "whât we're focusing on But it's not cleâr lhat "chinâ isnot going lo todây is discoûnecting the tactic wouldworkwilh finânce Venezuelâ'ssociâL illegitimate MÀduÌo reg¡me Venezuela, æ the country ism, much less Rusiaor Írom the source ofits reve- codd simply quit€xponing Turkey," he said. nues," he said. "We think crude to the Unit€d Stat€s, Il's uncleãr how loog coNistent whhour recog- sâid Dâvid Moran, an€co- V€nezuelaw¡lloperate with nition ofJuan Guaidó as noñic ånâlyst who seryed Mo co¡npet¡ng executives. theconstitutional inre¡ìnr ¡s Ven€zu€la'svice minis- Much will depend on president ofvenezuela thar ter oÊ financè from 1994 to whether Cu¡idó can k€€p those revenuês should go to 1996. from be¡ng arested or the legitimate govern- "Ven€a€la is notgo¡ng forced irtoexil€, like m¡ny mert.'' tosend p€koleum simply otheroppositionpolilicians. Despite alì rhe heared to lose it," he sa¡d. "That's Farnswoth said that if rhetor¡c andexist¡ng sanc- f,ot feasible," cuaidó doesn't hav€ a firm rions from washington, rhe How€ver, the mere act of plan in place to evâde au- Un¡ted statesisstill vene- recognizing cuaidówill thorities ånd exercise his zuela's lårgest market fo¡ akeady create financiål pow€r,'\hings couldget crude, sending more than hârdship forMãduro, he me$y p¡etry quick," $8 billion bâck to state-¡un said. "There is goingto be I,DVSA oil compåny in "The legal uncer ¡¿ inry grea ter €ntanglement going 201ó. one olrhe ideas rhat [Cuaidó's] recognition foil¿rd," he said. "Nobody måking the roundson Cap- cre¡tes meansnobody is oulthere issuggesting lhat itol Hill is ro dived that going to make an invesF Maduro will go ànFvhere money. In 1989, rhe Unked rnent of, say, 10 to l5 yeaß anyrime soon under h;s stares used â similar rp. in lhe counlry,' Morán own volition." proach wirh Pananraniao said. And while Mâduro Mccla¡chJ's Francoor' strongoìaû Manùel Norie- still has international allies doñe.coilúibütrdtoiltß ga, putingmon€y from they're losinginterestin a rcpor¡. venezuetan Derense Ministervtådimh Padrino Lopez0"t"" " 0,"*üiällili'"'"''"" ¡n cãràcasðlongwith membeß of the top m¡l¡tary leadersh¡p'ìn support ofthe constitutional presidentl Nicolás Madu¡o, on Thursday. : trìJit !,Â(,i !^ pl€ who now conrol rhe sis, ofticeß rnur aßo con- armed lorces hmcüon sider thal rhe regrme faces MILITARYi,ì:t"lÌ:'"ä'li"'"-J,'jìii"fi Ti:1"ìå",î",i*"'J"'Jj:'" itàry, Rodilsaid. the Unitedstates ând the âdded. "To pe¡suade them will resofthe intern¡tional 'Ihat does not mean the require very hard âctions community tighten sanc_ r¡ilit¿ry'sdecisionwill be by the international com_ tionson the Madto re_ eâsy, âdded Ellis, who has nunity because' sadly, I gime, Ellis said. stùdi€d the difficulics of donl beli€ve that inside "We're r€aching the removing regimes thrt Venezuela there's the pow' poit¡ where the money has lunctionmore ìike a crinìe erto overconìe lh¡scrinìi completely run out, ând syndicâte than úâditionål ndgang that kid¡åpped when the money complete- militarydictatorships. the ¡rmed forces," he sÀiil. ly runsout, the question Much depends on the "The onlyway to force thata¡ises amongreg¡nre armed forcesmcmbers' thesepeople lo hand ov€r officiâls ishow to keep the càlculation on whedìe. pow€¡ is toconf¡onl them mililaryhappy," he såid. Maduro cânreâllysuwivc with a crediblethreat, a What's nore, Måduro's thecoñing storm wilh a threâtworse than they rùle mayalso suflereven ¡f regim€ thàt lacks money represent, so that theylook the militåry decides not to ¡nd legit¡Nacy in itscon- for negoliåtionorsome do ânything. frontâtion with a cuaidó wåy out." " Before, if the military government backed by the But not everything is well stay€d in their bårracks United Stares, catradå ând within the ârmed forces. and did nothing, that s€v€rål Ldtin Am€rican Dßcontentåmongmid' would hàve favored Madu- counùies, Ellissaid. rankingofñcers andsoL ro because hdid notc¡st Seniormilitâryco¡n- diers ¡s as highas in the anydoubß on theircont¡n' mùndersarcgivingthe resl ofthe populalionbe- ued support," he add€d. ¡nìpr€ssion,åtleastinpub- causeofthewitheringfood "ßutnowit'sthercv€rse, lic, thal theybelieve Madu- and medicine shoÍages ¡nd it's the opposition that ro's chances ofsunivine unl€ashed by c¡a'¡tta ¡s urging the militåry not to th€ crisis Âre h¡gh. economic pol¡cies. shoot, to say in theirbâÊ "We will do nothingat National Guùd Lt. Jos¿ racks, Therefore,doing all outsidê rhe conslitu- Antonio Colina' exiled in nolhing fåvors Guaidó." tior," Defense Minister Miami, sâid themid-rank- Eìlisused the exanple oi Vladimir t'adrino López ing off¡cersmåywind up the siluation with the U.S. sâidpublicly, addinglhåt join¡ng forces ând suppo4- Embåssy in carâcås after rhe legal backingfor CDa! ¡ngCuåidó in â struggle Maduro ùiliallygave its dó's presidency is "null" âgåinst gene.als who are staff T2 hou s to abandon and thât it isdes¡ined to involvedindrugtraffick¡ng the coutry' Washington fail. orsupport Maduro because immediately responded Such statements tiom ofthetsocialist beliefs. lhatthe diplomâts would the militâry h¡gh command Anry Lt. Jhoan Zepa, not leâve b€cause it does do not suarise MaÍín who also liv€s inexile in not re€ognize Mâduro's Rodil, president ofthe the United States, âgreed powerto g¡ve such orders ven€zuelanAmer¡cÂn that a miìilâry revotcould on Thursday, Maduro Leâdersh¡p Council and an come from th€ middle and sâid U.s personnel had exped on the country's lowerrânksofthe arm€d until Sundây¡o leàve. LaÈ armed forces, fo¡ces. er, the Slåte Depanment "The main posts with "The botrom rungs of the order€d ûon'cssendal staff commandorpowerwithh armed forces are the on€s tog€t outlhoughit aPpears theVenezuelanarmed thatnìightmânagetomove somewillremåinincara- forces arein the hands of everythiog," zerpa said. cas. people who ov€r the past l8 And ¡hat would not be "What is Mâdto going years have been system- because ofpolitics, he to do about ¡he embåssyì âticallycoilupted bythe added. willhe orderlhe National CÍavirra lruling partyl "Thedemandsofthe Guärd lo occupy the U S sÍuclures ând the Cubån Nâdonâl Cuard scrgeant Embassyin caracas?The who r€belled lås week ¡n Cotiza were,'Mydaughter died.There's no medicine. I am hungry. Mysalâry is notenough."'sa¡dzerpâ. "Another compla¡ned, ViLlage ol Key Biscayne O.ffice oftlrc Vilhge Clerk N0TICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND THE LAND DEVBLOPN4ENT CODB TO CHANGE THE LIST O[- PERMITTED, CONDITION¡\L,{'ND PROHIBITBD USES Notìuo ir hdrüby givùn lh¡t lhc lì)llotying ordiûiltrcù wiìÌ llc ùtnrsìdcrt(l u0 Socortrì Re¡diilg by thc Villagc Cuurcil,'l rhe Villîgc dl Kuy Biscåync rt n Locrl Phûnrilg Ågcncy (l-PAt ivlccti¡g () b¿ huld on lìrosd¡y, ¡ìeh¡ililry 5, l0l9 r{ 6:00 p.ol.. ilDd Ltr lhe Vill¡g€ Coilncrl NIc¿ti!ìg ¡ùlnìd(li¡lcly lt)lk)wing tl¿ Ll'A Mecl¡Dg iil lhc Couneil Chilirìbcr. l()cr(e(ì rl 560 Crând(nì lJoùlovilrd, Kcy lìisc¡yne. Ijknidil: ÅN 0IìDTNÅNCI' O¡''fII¡ì VII,I,A(;Iì ()I'KI'Y ßISCTYNII, FI,ORIDA, .\iVÍENDINC CIÌAPTER ]0, AÍ'TICI,E II, 'DtìtilNfLtONS" LO PROVII)U DlrltNI'Il()NS {ìOL,\]'ttl) 'l'O ùllilJIC-.\L ùl?\l{l.l[J¿\NA; ¿\rllliNDlN(l CII?\P l 8l{ 30, ,\lìflCLl, v, -sctttDtJLIi Ol" Dlsftltc'f, Usli, ,tND SEI'llACK Rri(;ur.,\'floN,'ro,\ùrriND 1'Hll l.lsr oÈ PoRilfl'l"rltt) CONI)fllON,\1,,\NI) PfloHlBrfltD USItS lN CONIùllìl{Cll\1, Dts't'RIc ls r'o .rDDRItss ÌtuDlcÀl, ùl¡\tu.lUANA j PROVIDING FOIì SEVItRl\llIl,ftY; PROVII)lNG IrOll COI)ll.'fC,\'l'tON; PROVII)lN(ì IrOR CONI¡l,fC]S;,\Nl) PR()vlDlN(; I,'olì AN Iiþ'ltllC'llVli l.)rvl D. -l'hc pÍ)tn)scd Oil¡Däûeu rìray bt iDsfectcd hy lhc Public rt thc Ollrce 1)l rhc Vilhgc Clerk. fnrcrcrLcrl pil tics oìry ilppcilr x{ tlìc lìbliu I lcilrrtrg {nd bc hca¡d s,ith ruspcct !r l¡)c fropo5c(l Oftlirrilt¡uo\. Any Porso,l wish¡il-! k) ¡d(l¡ess lhc Villilgc Coucil on ilÌy itùnÌ ¡t thir Prllio flcilrirrg i! arked t) regisler wi¡h ih€ Vilhgc (llcú pru (, thrt itcnr bciDg hcnld. br ilceor{ilrrc wilh ilìc A0ìericrtrs Wilh DisilbiliLio\ i\cl ol l9t/(1. rll f)c$oûr who ilrr rlisilblod rnú who nccd Jpesial ilcconnnxlillio¡\ lo ìxflicrP¡lc iû lh¡s pr)cecdiilg bccillse ùl-(hrt dis¡bil¡ty 'lr)rkl eoilt¡ct tlìc Ollìce ol lhè Vilhgc Clcrk, xs WosL \4clnLyrc Steet, Su(c 120. Key tliscryrc. Fl{nxl¡ lll49. rùlcphorìc ntrnlbcr (.ìl)5) 165-55lll). nol laler th¡ù lwo busitcss clays ')r¡o k) Shiuld any DcrsoD (lcsi'c k) rpfcrì nny dccisii¡n (t lhc Villagù Council wi{h rcrpccr k, rily rn¿ttcr k) be c(,rsrdcrud:il (his nìcelin8, tlìilt Pcrson sh¡ll ìrsuro llì¡t il verbrri¡rr rceoÍl ol rhc pr{¡ccc(la0gs is nrr(lc ìtrcluding ¡ll renirnony ilûd ùvi(lcilcc ufon !vh¡ch nny ilplìùîl iÌìay bc brscd (F S 2116.{llr)5). Coilùrcnl\ Ðl ¿Dy interesrerl party rrlxli\.e lo lhis nrîltcr nln' bc ${boìiLled in wriLing ilùd or prescrlc(l in prrsorr trl thc pul)lic hcilriìrg- JcDnil¡r !lcrlitrû. CillC Vilhgc Cle tlt intelligence agents who ilrfi Xrat€d the organizâ- tion," Rodil sâid. "Th€se âre people in- volved in differenttyp€sof crime-human trafñck¡ng, drug traffickiilg, illegàl weâpons sales," h€ added, "To expect that struc- ture, so corrupted by diffetr ertcriiles, will come out in support of re-in$itution- dizing¡he countryor res- cuing constilutionâl rule iust becÂuse the people âsk for it is illusoryal the very That's because lhe peo- 'My motherhas cancer, and I don't havened- Although lurning their backs on Maduro would hâve a lughercos forthe ge¡erals than for the lower ranks, tha¡ possibility should ùotb€ totdlydis- ilissed. Aside from the possibil ¡ty ofan exitäom lhe cri generals will prefer to stây in their bårrâcks, because rightnow theydon't trust that the men theycom- mandwill obey theiroF ders," said Ellis. "Th€ generalsalso know whal it means to act aga¡n* U.S. citizens," he ådded. "Ther€fore Mådùo could isue anorder and runrhe riskthât the m¡l' tåryw¡ll not obey them, which wor¡ld spark grave probl€ms of perception amongthe rcst ofthe mil- itårybecâuse it wou¡d show rhathe had lostcontrol."