HomeMy Public PortalAbout1902_01_24ser, LO 'or 129 At a Rc;;ular Meeting of the Vayor and Common Council of the town of Leesburg held on January 10th 1002. Present The Recorder,and Councilmen Garrett, Shroff,RolIins, Johnston, Bit zer, Fouchc,Norris. Casey and Jivine. The ilayor being absent on account of sickness the Recorder called the meeting to order and thereupon appointed Mr -Garrett Recorder pro -tem - The minutes of the last 7c etti.g were read and approved. Mr Johnstoh represented that lights were needed between King ani wirt Streets on Loudoun Strcet,On motion the matter was referred to the Light Committee. I.'r Beverly Chichester was tntroduccd and made a statement with reference to establishing an electric light plant,wtth power to supply watcr,aw on motion the matter was referred to L'essrs Bitzer,Jivine and Johnston, Members of the vlater Co^mtttee,to confer with Mr Chichester and report at some future meeting. 4 On motton,Resolved, that the Committee on Town Hall be authorized and Instruct- ed to allow the L`rtted Daughters of Confederacy the use of Opera house and Rooms on the 21st January 1002,on payment of the actual expenses occasioned by the use of same. There being no further business Council aa14ournca. Recorder pro tem. Recorder & Acting Mayor. At a Regular meeting of, the L`.ayor and Common Courictl of the Town of Lcesburg,9a. held January 2.4th,1002. councilmen Swart s, Shroff,Garrett, Jivtne,Fouche Present,The Recorder and, Bttzer,Rolllrs,Casey • The minutes of the lasL meeting were read and signed. The Recorder called the meeting to order and thereupon appointed Vr Casey i Recorder pro -tem. Mr.Bitzer as Chairman of the vlater Committee stated that they were not ready to make a report,thcreupon on motto" the committee was continued. d that a Light was needed on Loudoun St.betwcen The Light Commtttee reporte Ktng & v11rt Staeets,whereupon they were directed to have said 1tgDt placed on said street. no further business Counc±l adiourned. �- Act T►�erc being ing Mayos Recorler pro -torn.